DATED 19 July 2005

                    (1)  INVESTEC BANK (UK) LIMITED

                    (2)  ENOVA SYSTEMS, INC.

                    (3)  THE DIRECTORS OF ENOVA SYSTEMS, INC.

                                PLACING AGREEMENT

                    in connection with an application to join


                               Lawrence Graham LLP
                                   190 Strand
                                 London WC2R 1JN
                               Tel: 020 7379 0000
                               Fax: 020 7379 6854


Clause                                                                                         Page

1.            Definitions                                                                       1

2.            Conditions                                                                        6

3.            Placing and Underwriting obligations                                              7

4.            Authorisations and capacity of Investec                                           7

5.            Obligations prior to Admission                                                    8

6.            Undertakings prior to Admission                                                   9

7.            Completion of the Placing                                                         10

8.            Undertakings following Admission                                                  11

9.            Commissions, fees and expenses                                                    14

10.           Warranties                                                                        14

11.           Disclaimer and indemnities                                                        15

12.           Termination                                                                       17

13.           General and interpretation                                                        18

14.           Status of the Company                                                             19

15.           Notices                                                                           19

16.           Counterparts                                                                      20

17.           Governing Law                                                                     20

Schedule 1 - The Directors                                                                      22

Schedule 2                                                                                      23

       Part A -  Warranties                                                                     23

       Part B -  Warranty confirmation letter                                                   31

       Part C -  Deed of Adherence                                                              32

Schedule 3                                                                                      33

       Part A -  Documents to be delivered to Investec                                          33

       Part B -  Documents to be filed with the London Stock Exchange                           35

       Part C -  Documents in the agreed form                                                   35

                                                                          PAGE 1

THIS AGREEMENT is made the 19th day of July 2005


(1)  INVESTEC  BANK  (UK)  LIMITED  (incorporated  in  England  and  Wales  with
     registered  no.  489604) whose  registered  office is at 2 Gresham  Street,
     London EC2V 7QP, acting through its divisions  Investec  Investment Banking
     and Investec Securities ("Investec");

(2)  ENOVA SYSTEMS,  INC. (a corporation  incorporated  in California,  USA with
     corporation  no.  C0775424)  whose  principal  offices  are at 19850  South
     Magellan Drive, Torrance, California 90502, USA (the "Company"); and

(3)  THE SEVERAL  PERSONS  whose names and  addresses  are set out in Schedule 1
     (the "Directors").


(A)  The  Company  has an  authorised  and  issued  share  capital as set out in
     paragraph 2 of Part 6 of the Admission Document.

(B)  The existing  issued  shares of Common Stock are traded on the OTC Bulletin
     Board in the US under the symbol `ENVA'.

(C)  The Company  wishes to obtain the  Admission of its issued and to be issued
     shares  of  common  stock,  no par  value,  to AIM,  and  wishes  to  raise
     (pound)11.5 million pursuant to the Placing.

(D)  The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  has  approved  a 1 for 45 stock
     consolidation  of the Common Shares of the Company due to become  effective
     prior to such Admission to AIM.

(E)  Investec  has agreed,  on the terms and subject to the  conditions  of this
     Agreement,  to act as agent  for the  Company  in  respect  of the  Placing
     Shares,  to  use  its  reasonable  endeavours  to  procure  Placees  for an
     aggregate  of  5,350,000  Common  Shares at the Placing  Price,  and to the
     extent that it is in default thereof,  itself to subscribe as principal for
     such Placing Shares.



1.1  In this Agreement,  the following words and expressions  have the following
     meanings, unless the context requires otherwise:-

     "'A' Preferred Stock"         shares  of  series  A  convertible  preferred
                                   stock,  no par value,  in the  capital of the

     "Accounts"                    the  audited  balance  sheet and the  audited
                                   profit and loss  account of the  Company  for
                                   the financial year ended on the Balance Sheet

     "Accountants Report"          the short form  report on the  results of the
                                   Company  for the three (3) years ended on the
                                   Balance  Sheet Date prepared by the Reporting
                                   Accountants  and addressed to the Company and
                                   to  Investec in the form set out in Section A
                                   of Part 3 of the Admission Document;

     "Admission"                   the admission to AIM of all the issued and to
                                   be  issued  Common  Shares   (including   the
                                   Placing   Shares)   becoming   effective   as
                                   provided for in Rule 6 of the AIM Rules;

     "Admission Document"          the   document  in  the  agreed  form  to  be
                                   published by the Company  pursuant to the AIM

                                                                          PAGE 2

                                   Rules  in  connection  with the  Placing  and
                                   Admission  and which  comprises an `admission
                                   document' under the AIM Rules;

     "Admission Application"       the  application by the Company to the London
                                   Stock  Exchange  for  Admission  in the  form
                                   required by the AIM Rules;

     "Affiliate"                   any  holding   company  of  Investec  or  any
                                   subsidiary  of any such  holding  company and
                                   the  current and former  directors,  officers
                                   and  employees of each of such persons and of
                                   Investec as the case may be;

     "AIM"                         the  market  of  that  name  operated  by the
                                   London Stock Exchange;

     "AIM company"                 a company  whose  securities  are admitted to
                                   trading on AIM;

     "AIM Rules"                   the `AIM Rules for Companies'  (including the
                                   guidance  notes  thereto)  published  by  the
                                   London Stock Exchange governing,  inter alia,
                                   admission   to   AIM   and   the   continuing
                                   obligations  of AIM  companies (in force with
                                   effect  from 1 July  2005,  as may be amended
                                   from time to time);

     "'B' Preferred Stock"         shares  of  series  B  convertible  preferred
                                   stock,  no par value,  in the  capital of the

     "Balance Sheet Date"           31 December 2004;

     "Board"                       the Board of  Directors  of the Company  from
                                   time to time or a duly  authorised  committee
                                   of the Board;

     "Board Resolutions"           the  resolutions  of the Board in the  agreed
                                   form  approving,  inter  alia,  the  Placing,
                                   authorising  the  Admission  Application  and
                                   approving the Issue Documents;

     "Business Day"                any day on which  banks in the City of London
                                   are open for business (excluding Saturdays);

     "California Corporations      the California Corporations Code;

     "Combined Code"               the principles of good governance and code of
                                   best  practice  appended  to, but not forming
                                   part of, the Listing Rules;

     "Common Shares"               shares of common stock,  no par value, in the
                                   capital of the Company;

     "Company's UK Solicitors"     Field  Fisher  Waterhouse  of 35 Vine Street,
                                   London EC3N 2AA;

     "Company's US Lawyers"        Reed  Smith  LLP of Two  Embarcadero  Center,
                                   Suite 2000, San Francisco CA 94111, USA;

     "Conditions"                  the conditions set out in clause 2.1;

     "Executive Directors"         Edwin Riddell and Larry Lombard;

     "FSMA"                        the Financial  Services and Markets Act 2000,
                                   as amended (including  pursuant to the Market
                                   Abuse    Regulations)   and   including   any
                                   regulations made pursuant thereto;

     "Indemnified Person"          Investec and/or any of its Affiliates;

                                                                          PAGE 3

     "IRS"                         the   Internal   Revenue   Service   of   the
                                   Department of the Treasury in the US;

     "Issue Documents"             the   Press   Announcement,   the   Admission
                                   Document,  the  Presentation  and the Placing

     "Lapse Date"                  9 August 2005, if any of the  Conditions  has
                                   not been fulfilled  (or,  where  appropriate,
                                   waived by Investec) by 5.00 pm on that date;

     "Legal Due Diligence Report"  the report in the agreed  form on the Company
                                   and  its  business,  assets  and  liabilities
                                   prepared  by the  Company's  US  Lawyers  and
                                   addressed  to the  Company  and to  Investec;
                                   "Listing  Rules" the Listing  Rules from time
                                   to time of the UK Listing  Authority  made by
                                   it under Part VI of FSMA;

     "Lock-In Deed"                the deeds in the  agreed  form to be  entered
                                   into by Jagen  Pty  Limited  in favour of the
                                   Company  and   Investec  in  respect  of  its
                                   holding of Common Shares;

     "London Stock Exchange"       London Stock Exchange plc;

     "Long Form Report"            the  long  form  accountants  report  on  the
                                   Company prepared by the Reporting Accountants
                                   in connection  with the Placing and addressed
                                   to Investec and to the Directors;

     "Market Abuse Regulations"    the  Financial  Services and Markets Act 2000
                                   (Market Abuse) Regulations 2005;

     "NASD"                        National Association of Securities Dealers in
                                   the US;

     "NASDAQ"                      the  National   Association   of   Securities
                                   Dealers   Automated   Quotation   System,   a
                                   national  securities exchange in the US which
                                   is  owned  and  operated  by  National  Stock
                                   Markets, Inc.;

     "Nominated Adviser and        the   agreement   dated   the  date  of  this
        Broker Agreement"          Agreement   between   the   Company  (1)  the
                                   Directors  (2) and  Investec  (3) relating to
                                   the  appointment of Investec as the Company's
                                   Nominated Adviser and Broker;

     "Non-Executive Directors"     Anthony Rawlinson, Bjorn Ahlstrom, Dr Malcolm
                                   Currie, Donald Dreyer and John Wallace;

     "OTC Bulletin Board"          the Over The Counter Bulletin Board quotation
                                   medium  that  securities  dealers  may use to
                                   enter,    update   and   retrieve   quotation
                                   information  for securities  trading over the
                                   counter that are neither  listed on NASDAQ or
                                   on a primary national securities exchange;

     "OTC Bulletin Board Rules"    the rules and  regulations  (including of the
                                   NASD and the  SEC)  applicable  to a  company
                                   whose  shares are traded on the OTC  Bulletin
                                   Board in the US;

     "'P' Proof"                   the  placing  proof dated 19 July 2005 of the
                                   Admission Document in the agreed form sent by
                                   Investec  to  prospective  Placees  with  the
                                   Placing   Letter  in   connection   with  the

                                                                          PAGE 4

     "Pathfinder Admission         the  pathfinder  admission  document  in  the
        Document"                  agreed form used to market the Placing Shares
                                   to Placees;  "Placees"  persons who subscribe
                                   for   Placing   Shares   pursuant   to   this

     "Placing"                     the placing of the Placing Shares pursuant to
                                   this Agreement;

     "Placing Letter"              the  letter  in  the  agreed   form  sent  by
                                   Investec to prospective Placees in connection
                                   with the Placing;

     "Placing List"                has the meaning in clause 7.2.1;

     "Placing Price"               215p per Placing Share;

     "Placing Shares"              5,350,000  new Common  Shares  proposed to be
                                   issued by the Company to Placees  pursuant to
                                   the Placing;

     "Presentation"                the Company's marketing presentation given to
                                   certain potential  institutional investors in
                                   the Company;

     "Press Announcement"          the press  announcement  in the  agreed  form
                                   containing details of the Placing;

     "Registrars"                  Computershare  Investor  Services  plc  of 66
                                   Upper Thames Street, London EC4V 3BJ;

     "Regulation S"                Regulation S of the US Securities Act;

     "Regulatory Information       any channel  recognised  as a channel for the
        Service" or "RIS"          dissemination  of  information  as defined in
                                   the glossary of terms in the AIM Rules;

     "Reporting Accountants"       Baker Tilly of 2  Bloomsbury  Street,  London
                                   WC1 3ST;

     "RestrictedShares"            Common  Shares or any  interest in any Common
                                   Shares  which are (a)  beneficially  owned by
                                   each Director at the date of this  Agreement;
                                   (b) derived from such shares;  (c)  purchased
                                   by  each  Director;  and (d)  issued  to each
                                   Director on the exercise of share  options or
                                   other rights to subscribe;

     "SEC"                         US Securities and Exchange Commission;

     "SEC Regulations"             the  rules and  regulations  of the SEC in so
                                   far as they apply to the Company;

     "Specified Event"             an event  occurring  or matter  arising on or
                                   after the date of this  Agreement  and before
                                   Admission which if it had occurred before the
                                   date of this  Agreement  would have  rendered
                                   any of the Warranties  untrue or incorrect in
                                   any material respect;

     "Stock Consolidation"         the 1  for  45  stock  consolidation  of  the
                                   Common Shares of the Company  approved by the
                                   Directors  on 2 June  2005 and due to  become
                                   effective on or before 26 July 2005;

     "tax" or" taxation"           any  form of  taxation  whenever  created  or
                                   imposed   and  whether  of  the  US  (or  any
                                   individual  State  of  the  US),  the  United
                                   Kingdom or elsewhere and,  without  prejudice

                                                                          PAGE 5

                                   to the generality of the foregoing,  includes
                                   income tax,  corporation  tax,  capital gains
                                   tax, value added tax,  inheritance tax, stamp
                                   duty,  stamp duty  reserve  tax,  withholding
                                   tax,   rates,   customs  and  excise  duties,
                                   national   insurance  and  any  other  taxes,
                                   levies,   duties  or  imposts   similar   to,
                                   replaced by or replacing  any of them and all
                                   penalties,  fines and interest included in or
                                   relating  to  any  tax  assessment  therefor,
                                   regardless of whether such taxes,  penalties,
                                   charges   and   interest   are   directly  or
                                   primarily  chargeable against or attributable
                                   to the Company or any other  person,  firm or

     "Termination Date"            the  date   (if   any)  on   which   Investec
                                   terminates   its   obligations   under   this
                                   Agreement pursuant to clause 12;

     "VAT"                         United Kingdom value added tax;

     "US"                          the United States of America;

     "US Person"                   has the meaning  given to it in Part 5 of the
                                   Admission Document;

     "US Securities Act"           the US Securities Act of 1933 (as amended);

     "Verification Notes"          the  verification  notes in the  agreed  form
                                   prepared  by  the   Company's  UK  Solicitors
                                   comprising  questions and the answers to such
                                   questions for the purpose of  confirming  the
                                   accuracy of the information  contained in the
                                   Presentation,    the   Pathfinder   Admission
                                   Document and the Admission Document;

     "Warranties"                  the  warranties  contained  or referred to in
                                   clauses 10.1 and 10.2, and Part A of Schedule

     "Working Capital Report"      the  report,  in  the  agreed  form,  by  the
                                   Reporting   Accountants   addressed   to  the
                                   Company  and  Investec  on the cash  flow and
                                   working  capital  projections  of the Company
                                   for the period ending 31 December 2006.

1.2  Any reference to a document being "in the agreed form" means in the form of
     the draft or proof  thereof  signed for the  purpose of  identification  by
     Lawrence Graham LLP (on behalf of Investec) and the Company's UK Solicitors
     (on behalf of the Company and the Directors) with such alterations (if any)
     as may be agreed by or on behalf of  Investec  and the  Company.  A list of
     documents in the agreed form is set out in Part C of Schedule 3.

1.3  The  Interpretation  Act 1978 shall apply to this Agreement in the same way
     as it applies to an enactment.

1.4  In this Agreement, the expressions "subsidiary  undertaking",  "subsidiary"
     and "holding company" shall in relation to Investec have the meanings given
     thereto in section 736 of the Companies Act 1985.

1.5  References  in this  Agreement to Recitals,  clauses and  Schedules  are to
     Recitals and clauses of and Schedules to this Agreement.

1.6  Headings are included in this Agreement for  convenience  only and shall be
     disregarded in its interpretation.

1.7  A reference to a statute or statutory provision includes a reference:-

     1.7.1     to that  statute or  provision  as from time to time  modified or
               re-enacted  (but in the case of a  modification  or  re-enactment
               effected  after the date of Admission,  only so far as it applies
               in relation to a period before Admission);

                                                                          PAGE 6

     1.7.2     to any repealed statute or statutory provision which it re-enacts
               (with or without modification); and

     1.7.3     to any subordinate legislation made under the relevant statute.

1.8  All commissions,  fees and other expenses payable under or pursuant to this
     Agreement are stated exclusive of VAT, if any, payable thereon.


2.1  The obligations of Investec under this Agreement are conditional upon:-

     2.1.1     the  execution  and  delivery  by  the  parties  thereto  of  the
               Nominated Adviser and Broker Agreement;

     2.1.2     the execution and delivery by the parties  thereto of the Lock-In

     2.1.3     the Admission  Document  having been published in accordance with
               Rule 3 of the AIM Rules on the date of this Agreement;

     2.1.4     the Stock Consolidation having become effective;

     2.1.5     the  fulfilment  by  the  Company  and  the  Directors  of  their
               obligations under clauses 5.1 and 6;

     2.1.6     the passing without any amendment not approved by Investec of the
               Board Resolutions;

     2.1.7     the  authorities  given in clause 4  remaining  in full force and

     2.1.8     any  supplementary  admission  document  which  may  be  required
               pursuant to the AIM Rules  having been  approved by Investec  and
               published before Admission;

     2.1.9     none of the Warranties or undertakings provided by this Agreement
               being or having  become  untrue,  inaccurate or misleading in any
               material  respect at any time  before  Admission,  and no fact or
               circumstance  having  arisen  which would  constitute  a material
               breach of any of the Warranties or undertakings  provided by this
               Agreement or constitute a Specified Event;

     2.1.10    this  Agreement not having been  terminated by Investec  prior to
               Admission pursuant to clause 12;

     2.1.11    the delivery to Investec by no later than 5.00 pm on the Business
               Day  immediately  preceding  the date upon which  Admission is to
               occur of the duly signed warranty  confirmation letter set out in
               Part B of Schedule 2; and

     2.1.12    Admission occurring by not later than 8.30 am on 26 July 2005;

     provided  that each of the  parties to this  Agreement  shall  perform  its
     obligations  hereunder  until such time (if any) as any of such  conditions
     shall have become incapable of being satisfied (or waived by Investec).

2.2  The Company and (so far as it is within their  powers) the  Directors  will
     use all  reasonable  endeavours to procure the fulfilment of the Conditions
     by the times and dates stated therein and in particular,  will provide such
     information and documents, pay such fees, give such undertakings and do all
     such acts and things as may be reasonably  required to enable  Admission to
     take place.

2.3  If any of the Conditions is not fulfilled (or, where appropriate, waived by
     Investec)  by 5.00 pm on the Lapse  Date,  this  Agreement  shall cease and
     determine and:-

                                                                          PAGE 7

     2.3.1     Investec shall return to prospective  Placees in accordance  with
               the Issue Documents any monies received from them;

     2.3.2     no party to this  Agreement will have any claim against any other
               party for costs, damages, compensation or otherwise except that:-

               (a)  such termination  shall be without  prejudice to any accrued
                    rights or obligations under this Agreement; and

               (b)  the provisions of clauses 2.3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 and
                    shall remain in full force and effect;

     2.3.3     the  Company  shall  pay to  Investec  the fee for its  corporate
               finance advice in connection with the Placing as stated in clause

     2.3.4     the  Company  shall  reimburse  to  Investec  all the  costs  and
               expenses referred to in clause 9.2 below.


3.1  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Investec shall:-

     3.1.1     on behalf of and as agent for the Company (which  appointment the
               Company hereby confirms) use its reasonable endeavours to procure
               Placees to subscribe for the Placing  Shares at the Placing Price
               and subject to the terms and  conditions  of, and on the basis of
               the information contained in, the Issue Documents; and

     3.1.2     subscribe  as principal  at the Placing  Price,  on the terms and
               conditions and on the basis of the information  contained in, the
               Issue  Documents for any Placing  Shares which are not subscribed
               for by Placees.

3.2  Investec shall effect the Placing by sending Placing Letters to all Placees
     for completion and counter-signature by such Placees by way of confirmation
     of the  commitments  of such Placees to subscribe for Placing Shares on the
     basis set out therein.

3.3  The parties to this Agreement agree and acknowledge that the Placing Shares
     have not been and will not be registered  under the US Securities  Act, and
     may not be  offered  or sold  within  the US or to, or for the  account  or
     benefit of, US Persons except in accordance  with  Regulation S or pursuant
     to an exemption  from the  registration  requirements  of the US Securities
     Act. Investec  confirms that (except pursuant to an effective  registration
     statement  or  pursuant to an  available  exemption  from the  registration
     requirement of the US Securities  Act) it has not offered and sold and will
     not  offer and sell the  Placing  Shares,  within  the US or to, or for the
     account or benefit of, US  Persons.(i) as part of its  distribution  at any
     time and (ii)  otherwise  until one (1) year after the later of the date of
     commencement  of the  Placing and the closing  date of the  Placing.  It is
     acknowledged  that the Placing  Letters  will contain a  confirmation  from
     Placees (and share  certificates  for the Placing Shares will bear a legend
     to the similar effect) to the following effect:

               "The securities covered hereby have not been registered under the
               U.S.  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities  Act"),
               and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or
               for the account or benefit of, U.S.  persons (i) as part of their
               distribution  at any time and (ii)  otherwise  until one (1) year
               after the later of the commencement of the Placing or the closing
               date of the  Placing,  in either case except in  accordance  with
               Regulation S under the Securities  Act. Terms used above have the
               meanings given to them by Regulation S under the Securities Act."


4.1  The  Company  hereby  irrevocably  appoints  Investec  on the terms of this
     Agreement as its agent in connection  with the Placing and the  application
     for  Admission,  and to do all things on behalf of the Company which may be
     reasonably  necessary  or  desirable  in  connection  with the  Placing and

                                                                          PAGE 8

     Admission,  including  the power to appoint  agents to act on its behalf in
     connection  with its  obligations  under with this  Agreement,  and:- 4.1.1
     confirms  that the  foregoing  appointment  confers on Investec all powers,
     authorities  and  discretions  on behalf of the Company which are necessary
     for or reasonably  incidental to the making of the Placing on the basis set
     out in this Agreement and in the Issue Documents;

     4.1.2     as security for its obligations under this Agreement, the Company
               hereby  irrevocably  appoints  any  director  of  Investec as its
               attorney to sign,  seal,  execute and  deliver,  acknowledge  and
               register  any  document  and do any  act or  thing  which  may be
               necessary for or reasonably  incidental to the Placing,  provided
               that  such   appointment  as  attorney  shall  terminate  on  the
               termination  of this  Agreement  or on such  later date as may be
               agreed in writing between the Company and Investec; and

     4.1.3     hereby  agrees to ratify and  confirm  everything  that  Investec
               shall  lawfully  and  properly  do in  the  exercise  of,  and in
               accordance  with,  such  appointment  as  agent,  appointment  as
               attorney, powers, authorities and discretions.

4.2  The Company and the Directors  acknowledge that neither Investec nor any of
     its  Affiliates  or  advisers  is  responsible  to  the  Company  or to any
     Directors  for verifying the accuracy  and/or  fairness of any  information
     published in the Issue  Documents  or  otherwise  published by the Company,
     unless it or any of its advisers has accepted  specific  responsibility  in
     writing for such verification.

4.3  Any transaction  carried out by Investec pursuant to this Agreement will be
     carried  out at the  request of the Company and as agent of the Company and
     not in respect of Investec's  own account (save  pursuant to clause 3.1.2).
     Investec shall be entitled to receive and/or retain and/or allow its agents
     to  retain  any  commission  or  brokerages  paid  to it or its  agents  in
     connection with the  implementation  of any such transactions and shall not
     be under any liability to account for any benefit or advantage derived from
     such  transaction by it or any company  connected with it. Neither Investec
     nor any of its Affiliates  shall be  responsible  for any loss or damage to
     any person arising from any such  transaction or for any  insufficiency  or
     alleged  insufficiency  of the terms on which any of the Placing Shares may
     be  procured  to be  subscribed  by  Investec or for the timing of any such
     subscription  unless such loss or damage was attributable to (i) the fraud,
     bad faith,  negligence  or wilful  default of  Investec,  (ii) the material
     breach by Investec of its obligations  under this Agreement or (iii) breach
     by  Investec  of the  FSMA,  the  AIM  Rules  or the  conduct  of  business
     provisions of the FSMA.


5.1  The Company shall prior to publication of the Issue Documents:-

     5.1.1     hold a meeting of the Board at which the Board  Resolutions shall
               be passed; and

     5.1.2     deliver or cause to be  delivered to Investec (to the extent that
               Investec has not already received the same) or as it shall direct
               the documents  listed in Part A of Schedule 3, save that Investec
               may, in its absolute discretion and subject to such conditions as
               it may  determine,  extend  the time for  delivery  or waive  the
               requirement for delivery of any of the documents listed in Part A
               of Schedule 3.

5.2  The Company  agrees to offer the Placing Shares on and subject to the terms
     and conditions and on the basis of the information set out in the Admission
     Document  (or the 'P'  Proof of the  Admission  Document)  and the  Placing

5.3  The Company will procure that:-

     5.3.1     the Admission Document is published as required by the AIM Rules;

                                                                          PAGE 9

     5.3.2     sufficient copies of the Admission Document are made available at
               the registered  office of the Company and at the other  locations
               and for the period(s) required by the London Stock Exchange; and

     5.3.3     the Press Announcement is published via an RIS.

5.4  Subject to Investec receiving confirmation of fulfilment of the obligations
     of the  Company  pursuant to clauses  5.1 and 5.3,  Investec  shall use its
     reasonable  endeavours  to effect the Placing by  procuring  and seeking to
     procure subscribers for the Placing Shares.

5.5  The Company hereby confirms its instructions to Investec to apply on behalf
     of  the  Company  to  the  London  Stock  Exchange  for  Admission,  and in
     connection with the Admission Application:-

     5.5.1     the  Company  and  each  of the  Directors  will  use  its or his
               reasonable  endeavours  to obtain  Admission on or before 26 July
               2005 (and in any event not later  than the Lapse  Date) and will,
               at the  Company's  expense,  supply or procure  the supply of all
               such  information,  give  or  procure  the  giving  of  all  such
               undertakings by the Company, and execute or procure the supply of
               all such documents by the Company and do or procure to be done by
               the  Company,  all such things as may be  reasonably  required to
               obtain Admission,  and comply with the requirements of the London
               Stock Exchange, the AIM Rules and any requirements of law; and

     5.5.2     Investec will use its reasonable endeavours to assist the Company
               in  connection  with the Admission  Application  and in obtaining

5.6  The Directors  and the Company  hereby  authorise  Investec to instruct the
     Registrars in connection with the Placing.


6.1  The Company and the Directors hereby undertake that any publicity issued by
     or on  behalf  of  the  Company  in  connection  with  the  Placing  and/or
     Admission, including any statement to or interview with the media, shall be
     consistent  with the Issue  Documents  and shall be agreed with Investec in
     advance (to the maximum  practicable  extent and subject to such conditions
     as Investec may reasonably  impose in the case of interviews or conferences
     with journalists or other representatives of the media).

6.2  Save  as  expressly  required  hereunder  by  law or by  the  London  Stock
     Exchange,  no public announcement or communication  concerning the Company,
     the  Placing or this  Agreement  which is or may be material in relation to
     the  Placing or the issue of the Placing  Shares may be made or  despatched
     between the date of this Agreement and Admission  (both days  inclusive) or
     at any time in relation to the  termination of this  Agreement  without the
     consent  of  Investec  as to the  content,  timing  and manner of making or
     despatch thereof.

6.3  The Company and the Directors  hereby undertake that they will not prior to

     6.3.1     enter into or terminate any commitment or agreement; or

     6.3.2     put the  Company  in a position  where it is obliged to  announce
               that  any   commitment  or  agreement  may  be  entered  into  or

     which,  in either  case,  is  material in the context of the Company or the
     Placing  or the issue of the  Placing  Shares,  without  the prior  written
     consent of Investec.

6.4  The  Company  hereby  undertakes  that,  if  following  publication  of the
     Admission  Document and prior to Admission  any  significant  change occurs
     affecting any matter  contained in the Admission  Document whose  inclusion
     was required by the AIM Rules,  or a  significant  new matter  arises which
     would have been required to have been included,  in the Admission  Document
     or there is a significant  inaccuracy  in the  Admission  Document (in each
     case as referred to or, in the case of `significant' as defined in, section

                                                                         PAGE 10

     87G(4) FSMA as if the  Admission  Document  was a  'prospectus'  within the
     meaning of the FSMA and the Placing Shares were being offered to the public
     in the United  Kingdom,  whether  or not there is a breach of a  Warranty),
     then without prejudice to clauses 10 and 12:-

     6.4.1     the  Company   shall  notify   Investec  as  soon  as  reasonably
               practicable  and shall, in conjunction  with Investec,  deal with
               such  change,  new  matter  or  inaccuracy  as if  the  Admission
               Document  was a  'prospectus'  within the meaning of the FSMA and
               the Placing Shares were being offered to the public in the United
               Kingdom; and

     6.4.2     the Company shall,  in conjunction  with Investec,  take all such
               steps  and make  all  such  announcements  and  publish  all such
               documents  (including,  if required,  a  supplementary  admission
               document)  as may be  required by law, by the AIM Rules or by the
               London  Stock  Exchange in the  circumstances  (any such steps or
               documents to be in a manner or form approved by Investec).

6.5  The Company and each of the  Directors  severally  undertakes  in so far as
     it/he is able  not to cause  and to use all  reasonable  endeavours  not to
     permit any  Specified  Event to occur  before the earlier of  Admission  or
     termination of this Agreement.

6.6  The Company and each of the Directors agrees that it or he (as the case may
     be) shall notify  Investec  forthwith  if it comes to its or his  knowledge
     that,  at any time  prior to  Admission,  any of the  Warranties  is or has
     become untrue or inaccurate or misleading in any material respect, or would
     have been untrue or inaccurate  or  misleading  in any material  respect by
     reference to the facts and circumstances  then existing,  and/or that there
     has been any material breach of any of the Warranties.


7.1  Investec  shall  (following  consultation  with the Company)  determine all
     matters in respect of the Placing, including without limitation:-

     7.1.1     the identity of Placees;

     7.1.2     the validity of acceptances received for Placing Shares; and

     7.1.3     the allocation of Placing Shares amongst Placees.

7.2  Subject  to  this  Agreement  having  become   unconditional  (save  as  to
     Admission)  and not  having  been  terminated  pursuant  to clause  12, the
     Company  shall not later than 5.00 p.m. on the day before  Admission is due
     to occur hold a meeting of the Board at which:-

     7.2.1     Investec shall deliver a list of Placees for Placing Shares, with
               the   relevant   registration   details  and  numbers  of  shares
               subscribed by each Placee ("Placing List");

     7.2.2     the Company  shall allot and issue the Placing  Shares to Placees
               in  accordance  with the Placing List subject to the bye-laws and
               restated  articles of  incorporation  of the  Company,  free from
               liens,  charges  and  encumbrances  and  ranking  in full for all
               dividends or other  distributions  declared,  made or paid on the
               ordinary  share  capital  of the  Company  after the date of this
               Agreement,  and ranking pari passu in all other respects with the
               existing  issued  Common  Shares   (immediately  upon  the  Stock
               Consolidation); and

     7.2.3     the Company shall approve the registration  (without registration
               fee)  of the  Placees  in the  register  of  stockholders  of the
               Company,  and the issue of definitive share certificates (in each
               case  bearing  the  legend  set  out in  Part 5 of the  Admission
               Document) to the Placees,  in  accordance  with the timetable for
               such matters set out in the Admission Document.

                                                                         PAGE 11

7.3  The Company shall:-

     7.3.1     by no later than 25 July 2005,  deliver to  Investec a  certified
               copy of the  resolutions  of the Board referred to in clause 7.2;

     7.3.2     provide all necessary  instructions  to the  Registrars to enable
               them to perform  their duties as registrars  as  contemplated  by
               this Agreement and the Admission Document.

7.4  By no later than 3.00 pm on the second  Business Day  following the date of
     Admission,  Investec  shall (to the extent that it has  received  the same)
     transfer   from  the  sums  received  from  Placees  in  respect  of  their
     subscription  of  Placing  Shares to the  Company  an  amount  equal to the
     aggregate  value of the Placing  Shares at the Placing Price less an amount
     equal to the sums  payable to Investec  and any other fees  relating to the
     Placing  payable by the Company  pursuant to clause 9 together with any VAT
     thereon (insofar as known at that date) by telegraphic  transfer to account
     no  6804-592442  routing no.  1210-0024-8  at Wells Fargo Bank, Los Angeles
     Main Office, 333 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Payment in full of
     such sums shall  fully  discharge  Investec's  payment  obligations  to the

7.5  The Company  undertakes  that following  Admission it will not register any
     transfer of Placing Shares in the register of  stockholders  of the Company
     not made in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Regulation S, pursuant to
     registration  under  the US  Securities  Act or  pursuant  to an  available
     exemption from the registration requirements under the US Securities Act.


8.1  The  Company  hereby  undertakes  that it will,  and each of the  Directors
     hereby  severally  undertakes  that he will use  reasonable  endeavours  to
     ensure  that the  Company  will,  apply  the net  proceeds  of the  Placing
     received by the Company  only for the purposes  described in the  Admission
     Document and the Working Capital Report.

8.2  The Company will comply with all relevant  obligations of the AIM Rules and
     in  particular  (but  without  limitation)  will  ensure  that  each of its
     Directors  (including any future appointee) accepts  responsibility for the
     Company's  compliance with the AIM Rules, seeks advice from Investec (while
     it remains the  Company's  nominated  adviser)  regarding  such  compliance
     whenever appropriate and takes that advice into account.

8.3  The  Company  hereby  undertakes  that,  for a period of three  (3)  months
     following  Admission,  it will not,  without the prior  written  consent of
     Investec (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed):-

     8.3.1     enter into any agreement, commitment or arrangement or put itself
               into a  position  where it is  obliged  to make any  announcement
               concerning any agreement,  commitment or arrangement  which might
               be material in the context of the Placing or Admission; or

     8.3.2     issue any shares or options to  subscribe  for any shares  (other
               than options  granted  pursuant to the stock option plan referred
               to in  the  Admission  Document)  or  securities  convertible  or
               exchangeable   into  shares  or  enter  into  any   agreement  or
               undertaking to do so.

8.4  The Company hereby  undertakes that, for the period expiring on the date of
     the  preliminary  announcement  of the  results  of  the  Company  for  the
     financial year ending 31 December 2005, it will notify  Investec in advance
     of and discuss with Investec:-

     8.4.1     any proposed public  statement or announcement in relation to the
               financial position or affairs of the Company;

     8.4.2     any  proposed  agreement or  arrangement  relating to a corporate
               transaction  requiring  disclosure  under the AIM Rules,  the SEC
               Regulations or the OTC Bulletin Board Rules;

     8.4.3     any  documents  proposed  to be sent to all  shareholders  of the
               Company; and

                                                                         PAGE 12

     8.4.4     any information  which is likely to affect the character or value
               of the  business of the Company or which may be  necessary  to be
               made known to the public to enable  the  public to  appraise  the
               position of the Company and to avoid the establishment of a false
               market in the Common Shares.

                                                                         PAGE 13

8.5  Each of the Directors hereby undertakes to each of the Company and Investec
     that without the prior written approval of Investec:-

     8.5.1     he  will  not at any  time  prior  to the  first  anniversary  of
               Admission  (the  "Restricted  Period"),  transfer  or dispose (or
               permit the transfer or disposal) of, directly or indirectly,  any
               of his Restricted Shares;

     8.5.2     he will use his reasonable  endeavours to procure that any person
               who is a connected  person of his shall adhere to the  provisions
               of clause 8.5.1.

8.6  The provisions of clause 8.5 shall not apply:-

     8.6.1     in the case of  Anthony  Rawlinson  only,  to the  disposal  (not
               earlier  than the  date of the  preliminary  announcement  of the
               results of the Company for the financial  year ending 31 December
               2005) of such  number of  Restricted  Shares as is  necessary  to
               produce net sale proceeds of US$500,000;

     8.6.2     in the case of Larry  Lombard  only, to a disposal of such number
               of  Restricted  Shares  which are issued to such  Director on the
               exercise  of  share  options  granted  to him  (and  which  would
               otherwise lapse during the Restricted  Period) as is necessary to
               produce net sale proceeds  sufficient  to pay the exercise  price
               payable by such  Director  in respect  of such  exercise  and any
               taxation liability of such Director in respect of such sale; or

     8.6.3     to a disposal by the personal  representatives of the Director if
               he shall die (provided that the sale of any shares in the Company
               by such  personal  representatives  pursuant  to this  sub-clause
               shall be effected in accordance with the reasonable  requirements
               of the  Company so as to ensure an orderly  market for the issued
               share capital of the Company); or

     8.6.4     to  transfers  or  disposals  of  Restricted  Shares  pursuant to
               acceptance  of an offer to  acquire  all the  shares,  or all the
               shares of any class or classes, in the Company (other than shares
               which at the date of the offer are already held by the  offeror),
               being an offer on terms which are the same in relation to all the
               shares to which the offer relates or, where those shares  include
               shares of  different  classes,  in  relation to all the shares of
               each class and execution of an  irrevocable  commitment to accept
               such an offer shall be deemed to be an acceptance of an offer for
               the purposes of this clause 8.6.4; or

     8.6.5     to transfers or disposals of  Restricted  Shares  pursuant to any
               sale or  transfer  required  by an  order  made  by a court  with
               competent jurisdiction;

     8.6.6     to transfers or disposals of Restricted Shares by any Director to
               any  trust  created  for the  benefit  of that  Director  and his
               immediate   family,   provided  that  such   transferee,   before
               registration  of any transfer of such shares to such  transferee,
               executes an undertaking in relation to such shares in the form of
               the  deed  of  adherence  set  out in  Part C of  Schedule  2 and
               provided  further  that  Investec  has first  given  its  written
               consent to such a transfer  or disposal  (such  consent not to be
               unreasonably withheld or delayed).

8.7  Each of the  Executive  Directors  severally  undertakes to Investec in the
     terms set out in the  provisions  of their  respective  service  agreements
     dealing with post  termination  obligations as if such  provisions were set
     out herein and repeated mutatis mutandis.

8.8  Each of the Executive Directors  acknowledges and agrees with Investec that
     the  duration,  extent and  application  of the  restrictions  contained in
     clause 8.7 are no  greater  than is  necessary  for the  protection  of the
     goodwill and trade  connections of the business of the Company and value of
     the Placing Shares.

                                                                         PAGE 14


9.1  In consideration of Investec's  services under this Agreement,  the Company
     shall pay (together with VAT where applicable) to Investec:-

     9.1.1     a fee of  (pound)210,000  for its  corporate  finance  advice  in
               connection with the Placing; and

     9.1.2     conditional  on Admission,  a commission  equal to five per cent.
               (5%) of the  aggregate  value  at the  Placing  Price  of all the
               Placing Shares.

9.2  The Company will bear all  expenses of or  incidental  to the Placing,  the
     issue of the Placing Shares and Admission  including,  without  limitation,
     the fees of its accountancy,  legal and other  professional  advisers,  the
     cost of printing and distribution of all the Issue  Documents,  Registrars'
     fees,  London  Stock  Exchange  fees,  the fees of the  legal  advisers  of
     Investec (not  exceeding  (pound)65,000  plus VAT and  disbursements),  the
     amount  of any  expenses  which  Investec  may have  paid on  behalf of the
     Company and (where applicable) VAT.

9.3  The amounts payable pursuant to clauses 9.1 and 9.2 together with any other
     amounts outstanding from the Company to Investec may, subject to receipt by
     the Company of appropriate invoices therefor,  be withheld by Investec from
     any payment to be made by  Investec to the Company  pursuant to clause 7.4.
     Any  amounts  payable  pursuant  to clauses  9.1 and 9.2 not so withheld by
     Investec  shall be paid within three (3) Business Days after receipt by the
     Company of the relevant invoices for such amounts.


10.1 The Company and each of the  Directors  jointly  and  severally  warrant to
     Investec  (in each case for itself  and, on the basis that  Investec  shall
     enjoy an absolute  discretion as to the enforcement of any claim for breach
     of  Warranty,  for  the  benefit  of  each  Placee)  in  the  terms  of the
     Warranties,  but so that in the case of the  Non-Executive  Directors,  the
     Warranties are given to the best of their knowledge and belief.

10.2 Each of the  Directors  hereby  severally  (and not  jointly)  warrants  to
     Investec  that  he has  taken  all  reasonable  care  to  ensure  that  the
     information in the Issue Documents is in accordance with the facts and does
     not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information, and that
     he is not  aware of any  matters  which  are  inconsistent  with the  Issue

10.3 Each of the  Directors  hereby  severally  (and not  jointly)  warrants and
     undertakes  to  Investec  that  all   information  in  respect  of  himself
     (including,   where  applicable  any  information   relating  to  his  past
     employment  and past or present  activities or business  interests) and any
     person connected with him with which Investec has been furnished in writing
     and the contents of any directors' questionnaire,  are true and accurate in
     all material respects and not misleading in any material respect and do not
     omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.

10.4 Where any  Warranty  is  expressed  to be  qualified  by  reference  to the
     awareness  and/or  knowledge and belief of the Company or of the Directors,
     that Warranty  shall be deemed to include an additional  statement  that it
     has been made after all reasonable enquiry and, for the avoidance of doubt,
     the awareness,  knowledge  and/or belief of the Directors in the context of
     any Warranty shall mean their  collective  awareness (so that the Directors
     shall be deemed to have the relevant awareness,  knowledge and/or belief if
     any of the  Directors  has/have the relevant  awareness,  knowledge  and/or

10.5 The  Warranties  shall be  deemed to be  repeated,  on the basis set out in
     clause 10.1, at the time of the publication of the Admission Document.

10.6 The  Warranties  given in this  clause 10 shall  remain  in full  force and
     effect  notwithstanding  the  completion  of all matters  and  arrangements
     referred to in or contemplated by this Agreement.

                                                                         PAGE 15

10.7 Investec shall, to the extent that it suffers any loss in respect  thereof,
     be entitled to the same  remedies and rights of action  against the Company
     and the Directors as any person  acquiring any Placing  Shares on the basis
     of the Admission Document (or the `P' Proof of the Admission  Document) and
     the  Warranties  shall be in  addition  to and  shall not be  construed  as
     limiting or prejudicing those or any other rights or remedies  available to

10.8 The Company agrees,  for the benefit of each Placee,  that the Company will
     be liable to pay  compensation  to any Placee for any loss which the Placee
     suffers in respect of any Placing  Shares  acquired by it under the Placing
     as a result of (or as a result  of any  circumstances  which  cause or give
     rise to or are the reason for or represent or constitute):-

     10.8.1    any untrue or  misleading  statement  included  in the  Admission
               Document (or included in the Pathfinder Admission Document or any
               placing  proof of the  Admission  Document  and, in either  case,
               reproduced  in the  Admission  Document) or in any  supplementary
               admission document; or

     10.8.2    any omission  from the  Admission  Document (or any omission from
               the  Pathfinder  Admission  Document or from any placing proof of
               the Admission  Document that is, in either case, also an omission
               from the Admission Document) or from any supplementary  admission
               document  of any  matter  that  would  have been  required  to be
               included in it had it been a  `prospectus'  within the meaning of
               the FSMA and the Placing  Shares were being offered to the public
               in the United Kingdom; and

     (provided that the exemptions  from liability set out in Schedule 10 to the
     FSMA shall  apply in relation to the  liability  of the Company  under this
     Clause 10.8).

10.9 The maximum liability of each of the Directors for breach of the Warranties
     contained  in clauses 10.1 and 10.2 shall be that sum set opposite his name
     in column (3) of Schedule 1, save where any such breach is the  consequence
     of fraud or wilful concealment by the Director concerned. No Director shall
     be liable for breach of the Warranties unless notice of a claim is given by
     Investec to the  Company  (giving  reasonable  details of the basis of such
     claim) by no later than three (3) months of the date of  publication of the
     audited  accounts of the Company for the financial  year ending 31 December

10.10 Each of the Directors  hereby waives any right of  contribution or payment
     they may have,  whether by statute,  common law or  otherwise,  against the
     Company in respect of any claim made against them under the  warranties  or
     undertakings set out herein.


11.1 Neither the Company nor any of the  Directors  shall make any claim against
     any Indemnified Person to recover any damage, cost, charge,  expense,  loss
     or liability  which the Company or any of the Directors may suffer or incur
     by reason of or arising out of the carrying out by any  Indemnified  Person
     on their behalf of their obligations and services hereunder or otherwise in
     connection with or incidental to the Placing, the distribution of the Issue
     Documents  or the issue or  transfer  of the  Placing  Shares  unless  such
     damage, cost, charge, expense, loss or liability arises from (i) the fraud,
     bad faith,  negligence or wilful default of an Indemnified  Person; or (ii)
     from a material breach of the terms of this Agreement by Investec; or (iii)
     from a contravention by an Indemnified  Person of the regulatory system (as
     defined in the handbook and rules of the Financial  Services  Authority) or
     breach or  contravention of the provisions of the FSMA or the AIM Rules; or
     (iv) is of such a nature that liability may not be excluded pursuant to the

11.2 The  Company  undertakes  to  Investec  (for itself and as trustee for each
     Indemnified Person) that it will indemnify and hold harmless against and at
     all times keep each  Indemnified  Person fully and effectively  indemnified
     against  all  losses,  claims,  expenses,  liabilities,  actions,  demands,
     proceedings and judgements whatsoever and all reasonable costs, charges and
     expenses which any  Indemnified  Person may suffer or incur or which may be
     made against or incurred by any Indemnified  Person in any  jurisdiction by
     any  subscriber or Placee in respect of the Placing  Shares  (including but
     without  limitation  all  such  reasonable  costs,   charges  and  expenses

                                                                         PAGE 16

     including any value added tax thereon) as any Indemnified Person may pay or
     properly  incur in  responding  to,  disputing any such actual or potential
     actions,  claims or demands or in enforcing  the rights of any  Indemnified
     Person  hereunder) and which in any such case arises directly or indirectly
     out of or in connection with or results from or is attributable to:-

     11.2.1    the   preparation,   approval,   issue  and  circulation  of  the
               Pathfinder  Admission  Document or the `P' Proof of the Admission
               Document and the approval,  publication  and/or posting of any of
               the Issue Documents;

     11.2.2    the  Pathfinder  Admission  Document  or  the  `P'  Proof  of the
               Admission  Document  or  any  of  the  Issue  Documents  (i)  not
               containing,  or being  alleged  not to contain,  all  information
               required to be stated therein or any statement  therein  (whether
               of  fact,  opinion,  expectation  or  intention),  being or being
               alleged  to be  untrue,  inaccurate,  incomplete,  defamatory  or
               misleading or having been made  negligently or otherwise  without
               the required standard of skill and care or reasonableness or (ii)
               containing or being alleged to contain any misrepresentation; or

     11.2.3    the proper  performance  by Investec or any of its  Affiliates of
               its or their  obligations  and services  hereunder in  accordance
               with this  Agreement or otherwise in connection  with the subject
               matter  hereof  including  the issue of any material by, or after
               having  been  approved  by,  Investec,  whether  as a  'financial
               promotion' (as defined in section 21(1) of FSMA and the Financial
               Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial  Promotion)  Order 2005)
               or otherwise; or

     11.2.4    the release of the Press Announcement,  the making of the Placing
               and the preparation and distribution of the Issue Documents; or

     11.2.5    any breach or alleged  breach by the Company or the  Directors of
               any of the Warranties,  or by the Company or any of the Directors
               of any of the  undertakings  or obligations of the Company or any
               such Directors; or

     11.2.6    the  creation,  allotment  and  issue and  placing  of any of the
               Placing Shares; or

     11.2.7    any breach or alleged breach of or failure or alleged  failure to
               comply with, the laws or  regulations of any country  (including,
               in particular,  the United Kingdom and the US) or the regulations
               of the London Stock Exchange or NASD, the SEC  Regulations or the
               OTC Bulletin Board Rules,  resulting from either the Placing, the
               release  of the Press  Announcement  or the  distribution  of the
               Issue Documents;

     and which does not, in any such case,  arise from (i) the fraud, bad faith,
     negligence or wilful default of an Indemnified  Person;  or (ii) a material
     breach of the terms of this Agreement by Investec; or (iii) a contravention
     by an  Indemnified  Person of the  regulatory  system  (as  defined  in the
     handbook  and  rules of the  Financial  Services  Authority)  or  breach or
     contravention  of  the  provisions  of  the  FSMA,  the  AIM  Rules  or any
     applicable  law.  This  indemnity  shall be without  prejudice to any other
     rights of any Indemnified Person.

11.3 Investec shall, on becoming aware of any action or claim or other matter in
     respect  of  which  indemnity  may be  sought  by any  Indemnified  Persons
     pursuant to clause 11.2, give written notice and reasonable details thereof
     to the Company as soon as reasonably  practicable thereafter and thereafter
     keep the Company informed of all material matters relating thereto.

11.4 If any  Indemnified  Person is  separately  indemnified  and secured to its
     reasonable satisfaction by the Company against all claims, actions, losses,
     liabilities,  costs,  charges and expenses,  such Indemnified  Person shall
     take or procure  to be taken  such  action as the  Company  may  reasonably
     request to avoid, dispute,  resist, appeal,  compromise or defend any claim
     which any of the  Indemnified  Persons  have  notified  to the  Company  as
     arising  under this clause 11 (such  notice to be in the terms  required by
     this Agreement).  If the Company fails to secure any Indemnified  Person to
     such Indemnified  Person's  reasonable  satisfaction  within 30 days of the

                                                                         PAGE 17

     notification   of  the  claim  to  the  Company  or  to  give   appropriate
     instructions  in  relation  to any claim  within  thirty (30) days of being
     requested to do so, the  Indemnified  Person may pay or settle or resist or
     otherwise deal with the claim as it in its absolute  discretion thinks fit.
     No Indemnified Person shall be obliged to take any action under this clause
     if the action requested would adversely affect the reputation of Investec.

11.5 Subject to clause  11.7,  where any claim of the kind  envisaged  by clause
     11.2  is  brought  or  alleged  against  the  Company  and/or  one or  more
     Indemnified Persons:-

     11.5.1    the Company  will  provide to such  Indemnified  Persons all such
               information  in  its   possession   and   reasonable   assistance
               (including  access  to and the  right  to copy any  documents  or
               records of the Company)  for the purpose of avoiding,  disputing,
               resisting,  appealing,  compromising or contesting any such claim
               as it may reasonably request (subject to any reasonably  required
               undertaking as to  confidentiality).  The Company shall keep each
               such Indemnified  Person fully informed as to the progress of any
               such claim and the defence thereof;

     11.5.2    Investec  will provide the Company with all such  information  in
               its possession for the purpose of avoiding, disputing, resisting,
               appealing,  compromising  or contesting  any such claim as it may
               reasonably   request   (subject   to  any   reasonably   required
               undertaking as to confidentiality);

     11.5.3    in a case where an Indemnified Person wishes to dispute or appeal
               such a claim, it shall be entitled to require the Company also to
               dispute or appeal such a claim;

     11.5.4    the Company shall not settle or  compromise  any such claim where
               such action  would  affect  Investec  without  the prior  written
               approval of Investec;

11.6 If any  deduction  or  withholding  is  required by law to be made from any
     payment  under this clause 11 or if any sum payable under this clause 11 is
     subject to taxation in respect of such payment the amount so payable  shall
     be increased by such amount as will ensure that Investec and its affiliates
     are placed in the same net of tax position  they would have been in had the
     sum  payable  under this  clause 11 not been  subject to any  deduction  or
     withholding or taxation.

11.7 No  provision  of this clause 11 shall take effect in a manner  which would
     thereby  result in a breach by Investec or any its  Affiliates  of the FSMA
     including, for the avoidance of doubt, any purported exclusion of liability
     which would be prohibited thereunder.

11.8 The  indemnities set out in clause 11 shall remain in full force and effect
     notwithstanding the completion of all matters and arrangements  referred to
     in or contemplated by this Agreement.


12.1 If prior to Admission it shall come to the notice of Investec that:-

     12.1.1    any of the Warranties was not true or accurate, or was misleading
               (i) when  given or deemed  given or (ii) at any time if they were
               to be repeated (by  reference to the facts and  circumstances  in
               each case then existing) would no longer be true and accurate, or
               would be misleading,  in each case in a respect which is material
               in the context of the Placing; or

     12.1.2    the Company or the Directors have failed in any material  respect
               to comply with its or their obligations under this Agreement, the
               California Corporations Code, the FSMA or the AIM Rules; or

     12.1.3    any statement contained in the Issue Documents has become or been
               discovered to be untrue, inaccurate or misleading in any material
               respect  (where such  statement is not corrected  pursuant to any
               supplementary  admission document  published by the Company,  the
               form of which has been approved by Investec); or

                                                                         PAGE 18

     12.1.4    a Specified Event has occurred;

     then Investec  will consult (so far as such  consultation  is  practicable)
     with the Company and may forthwith  give notice to the Company  pursuant to
     clause 12.3.

12.2 If prior to Admission:-

     12.2.1    there shall have been, occurred, happened or come into effect any
               event or omission  which  materially  and  adversely  affects the
               financial  position and/or prospects of the Company,  or which in
               the  reasonable  opinion  of  Investec  is or  will  be or may be
               materially prejudicial to the Company or to the Placing or to the
               acquisition of the Placing Shares by Placees; or

     12.2.2    there shall have occurred any change in national or international
               financial,   monetary,   economic,   political  or  stock  market
               conditions which in the reasonable opinion of Investec is or will
               or is likely to be  materially  prejudicial  to the Company or to
               the  Placing  or to the  acquisition  of the  Placing  Shares  by

     then Investec will forthwith consult with the Company and may, during or as
     soon as practicable following such consultation, give notice to the Company
     pursuant to clause 12.3.

12.3 Where this clause applies, Investec may in its absolute discretion:-

     12.3.1    elect,  by giving notice to the other  parties to this  Agreement
               prior to Admission,  to terminate  this  Agreement  whereupon the
               provisions of clause 2.3 shall apply as if the Conditions had not
               been  fulfilled  (but so that the fee  payable by the  Company to
               Investec for its corporate finance in connection with the Placing
               as stated in clause 9.1.1 shall be reduced to  (pound)100,000  if
               Investec terminates this Agreement in the circumstances described
               in clause 12.2),  and the  provisions of clause 12.4 shall apply;

     12.3.2    allow the Placing to proceed on the basis of the Issue  Documents
               subject,  if Investec require or the Company so requests,  to the
               publication of any  supplementary  admission  document and to any
               relevant  requirements  of the FSMA,  the London  Stock  Exchange
               and/or the AIM Rules.

12.4 If any  notice  is given by  Investec  to the  Company  pursuant  to clause
     12.3.1,  Investec  shall on behalf of the Company  withdraw  the  Admission


13.1 The parties to this Agreement  will give all such  assistance to each other
     and provide all such  information  as shall  reasonably be required for the
     purposes of this Agreement and will execute and do all such documents, acts
     and things as may be  reasonably  required  in order to give  effect to the
     terms of this Agreement.

13.2 The  parties  shall  use all  reasonable  endeavours  to  procure  that any
     necessary third party shall do and shall themselves execute and perform all
     such further deeds, documents,  assurances,  acts and things as any of them
     may reasonably  require by notice in writing to give effect to the terms of
     this Agreement.

13.3 Any time,  date or period  mentioned in this  Agreement  may be extended by
     mutual agreement  between the parties hereto but, as regards any time, date
     or period  originally  fixed or any time, date or period so extended,  time
     shall be of the essence.

13.4 This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and enure for the  benefit  of the
     personal representatives and successors of the parties as the case may be.

                                                                         PAGE 19

13.5 No party shall be entitled to assign his or its rights under this Agreement
     without the prior written consent of each of the other parties.

13.6 Except as provided in clause 13.7,  this Agreement  constitutes  the entire
     and the only legally binding  agreement between the parties relating to the
     Placing and no variations of this Agreement shall be effective  unless made
     in writing signed by or on behalf of the parties and expressed to be such a

13.7 For the  avoidance  of doubt,  the  provisions  of the terms of  engagement
     between  Investec  and the Company  dated 16 May 2005 shall  remain in full
     force and effect  notwithstanding  the entering into of this Agreement.  If
     there is any  inconsistency  between the  provisions of this  Agreement and
     such terms of engagement, this Agreement shall prevail.

13.8 Each Indemnified  Person shall have the rights under the Contracts  (Rights
     of Third Parties) Act 1999 (which shall apply to this Agreement) to enforce
     the terms of clause 11 of this  Agreement  (subject  to  clauses  13.10 and
     13.14), as amended from time to time,  provided that an Indemnified  Person
     must obtain the written  consent of Investec  (which  Investec  may give or
     refuse in its  absolute  discretion)  before it may  bring  proceedings  to
     enforce the terms of clause 11 and, save to the extent  notified in writing
     by Investec to the Indemnified Person,  Investec (without obligation) shall
     have the sole  conduct  of any such  action on  behalf  of the  Indemnified

13.9 Save as  provided  in clause  13.8,  no one other than the  parties to this
     Agreement shall be entitled to directly enforce rights under this Agreement
     under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. Investec shall have
     no responsibility to any Indemnified  Person under or as a result of clause
     13.8.  The  parties to this  Agreement  do not  require  the consent of any
     person (other than the Company,  the Directors and Investec or as otherwise
     provided  for in  this  Agreement)  to  rescind,  vary  or  terminate  this
     Agreement  (including,  without  limitation,  any release or  compromise in
     whole or in part of any liability) at any time.

13.10   The invalidity,  illegality or unenforceability of any provision of this
        Agreement shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement.

13.11   No failure or delay by any party in exercising any remedy,  right, power
        or privilege  under or in relation to this Agreement  shall operate as a
        waiver  thereof nor shall any single or partial  exercise of any remedy,
        right,  power or privilege  preclude any further exercise thereof or the
        exercise of any other remedy, right, power or privilege.

13.12   No waiver by any party of any of the  requirements  of this Agreement or
        of any of their rights  under this  Agreement  shall have effect  unless
        given in writing.  No waiver of any particular  breach of the provisions
        of this  Agreement  shall operate as a waiver of any  repetition of such

13.13   Any release,  waiver or compromise or any other  arrangement of any kind
        whatsoever  which Investec may agree to or effect as regards one or more
        of the Directors in connection  with this Agreement shall not affect the
        rights and remedies of Investec as regards any other of the Directors or
        the liabilities of any of such Directors under this Agreement.

13.14   Any remedy or right conferred upon Investec for breach of this Agreement
        shall be in addition to and without  prejudice  to all other  rights and
        remedies available to it.


14.1 The Company warrants to Investec that:-

     14.1.1    it is a company incorporated in the State of California,  USA and
               under  the  laws of the  State of  California  and it has been in
               continuous existence since its incorporation;

     14.1.2    it has full power and authority to enter into this  Agreement and
               to  perform  its  obligations   under  this  Agreement  and  such
               obligations will be binding on it in accordance with their terms;

                                                                         PAGE 20

     14.1.3    no order has been made or petition presented or resolution passed
               for  its  winding-up  or   administration   and  no  receiver  or
               administrator  or  administrative  receiver has been appointed by
               any  person in  relation  to its  business  or assets or any part


15.1 Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be deemed to be duly served

     15.1.1    delivered by hand at or sent by overnight courier delivery to the
               registered  office or principal address being that set out herein
               or such other address as shall have been notified by one party to
               the others in accordance  herewith of the party to be served. Any
               such  notice  shall  be  deemed  to be  served  when  left at the
               relevant office and, if served by overnight courier delivery,  on
               the  next  business  day in the UK or USA  (as the  case  may be)
               following the day of despatch. In proving the giving of a notice,
               it shall be  sufficient to prove that the notice was left or that
               the envelope containing such notice was properly addressed; or

     15.1.2    sent by fax as follows:-

               (a) to the Company and the Directors:-

                    Fax No: 001 310 527 7888

                    For the attention of: Ed Riddell

               (b) to Investec:-

                    Fax No: 020 7597 5120

                    For the attention of: Michael Ansell

14.2 The address or fax  numbers and the name of the person for whose  attention
     faxes are to be addressed  may be changed from time to time by the relative
     party by written notice hereunder addressed to the others.

14.3 Any  notice  or other  communication  by fax  shall be  deemed to have been
     received  immediately  upon  duly  obtaining  the  print  out of  advice of
     transmission  for  the  transmitting  fax  machine,   indicating  that  the
     transmission has been successfully  completed,  subject to a copy being put
     in the post,  or delivered or  couriered,  to the addressee on the same day
     (or if not a business day in the despatching location the next business day

15.4 Any notice  given by Investec  under clause 12 may be given by any director
     of  Investec  to  any  Director  of the  Company  either  personally  or by
     telephone and shall have effect immediately.


     This Agreement may be entered into in any number of counterparts and by the
     parties to it on separate  counterparts,  each of which when  executed  and
     delivered  shall be an original,  but all the  counterparts  shall together
     constitute  one  and the  same  document.  This  Agreement  may be  validly
     exchanged by fax.


17.1 This  Agreement  shall be governed  by English  law and the parties  hereby
     submit to the  non-exclusive  jurisdiction  of the  English  Courts for all
     purposes  relating to this  Agreement but this Agreement may be enforced in
     any court of competent jurisdiction.

17.2 The Company  and each of the  Directors  hereby  irrevocably  appoints  the
     Company's UK Solicitors as its or his agent to receive on its or his behalf
     service of  proceedings  issued out of the English  Courts in any action or
     proceedings  arising  out of or in  connection  with  this  Agreement.  The
     Company and each of the Directors warrants that the Company's UK Solicitors
     have agreed to act as its or his agent as aforesaid and agrees that failure

                                                                         PAGE 21

     by such  agent to  notify  the  Company  or any of such  Directors  of such
     service  shall not  adversely  affect the  validity of such  service or any
     judgement  based on it. Such service shall become  effective seven (7) days
     after despatch.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall affect the right
     to serve process in any other manner permitted by law.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF this  Agreement  has been signed by or on behalf of Investec
and the Company and executed as a deed by each of the Directors the day and year
first above written.

                                                                         PAGE 22

                                   SCHEDULE 1

                                  THE DIRECTORS

      (1)                            (2)                                    (3)
Name and address                   Position                       Maximum individual liability
ANTHONY NEIL RAWLINSON             Chairman                       US$50,000

EDWIN ORRIN RIDDELL                Chief Executive Officer,       US$416,000
                                   President & Director

BJORN  AHLSTROM                    Director                       US$50,000

DR. MALCOLM RODERICK CURRIE        Director                       US$50,000

DONALD H DREYER                    Director                       US$50,000

JOHN ROBERT WALLACE                Director                       US$50,000

LAWRENCE (LARRY) BRIAN LOMBARD     Chief Financial Officer &      US$290,000

all of 19850 South Magellan Drive, Torrance, California 90502, USA

                                                                         PAGE 23

                                   SCHEDULE 2

                                     PART A


All  references in this Schedule to the "Admission  Document"  shall include the
'P' Proof of the Admission Document.

The Warranties referred to in clause 10.1 of the foregoing Agreement are that:-


1.1  The Admission Document contains all the information  required to be set out
     therein under the AIM Rules

1.2  The Admission  Document  contains all such  information as investors  would
     reasonably  require and reasonably expect to find there, for the purpose of
     forming a full understanding of:-

     1.2.1     the assets  and  liabilities,  financial  position,  profits  and
               losses and prospects of the Company; and

     1.2.2     the Common Shares and the rights  attaching to the Common Shares;

     1.2.3     any other matter contained in the Admission Document;

     consideration  of the  Company and the  Directors  having been given to the
     relevance of any information  specified in paragraph (b) of Schedule Two of
     the AIM Rules.

1.3  The information  contained in the Admission  Document is in accordance with
     the facts and does not omit  anything  likely to affect  the import of such

1.4  All  statements of fact in the Admission  Document are true and accurate in
     all material  respects and are not misleading in any material  respect to a
     prospective   purchaser  or  subscriber  of  the  Placing  Shares  and  all
     forecasts, estimates,  expressions of opinion, intention and expectation in
     the Admission  Document are truly and honestly held and either fairly based
     upon facts  within the  knowledge of the  Directors  or made on  reasonable
     grounds after due and careful consideration and to the extent that they are
     based on  assumptions,  have  regard  to the  facts  which are known to the
     Company and to the Directors.

1.5  There are no facts known or which  would on  reasonable  enquiry  have been
     known to the  Directors  or to the Company  which are not  disclosed in the
     Admission  Document  and which  either  by their  omission  would  make any
     statement in the  Admission  Document  false or  misleading in any material
     respect or are material  for  disclosure  to a  prospective  subscriber  of
     shares in the Company or which  should be taken into account by Investec in
     deciding  whether or not to act as nominated  adviser to the Company and in
     considering the suitability of the Common Shares for listing on AIM.

1.6  Save for the  Presentation,  neither  the Company nor any of its agents has
     distributed  any  `financial  promotion' (as defined in section 21 FSMA) in
     connection with or in anticipation of the Placing.


2.1  The  replies to the  Verification  Notes have been  prepared or approved by
     persons reasonably believed by the Directors to have appropriate  knowledge
     and responsibility to enable them properly to provide such replies.

2.2  The statements of fact contained in the replies to the  Verification  Notes
     are true and  accurate  in all  material  respects  and the  statements  of
     opinion  contained  in the replies to the  Verification  Notes are fair and

                                                                         PAGE 24

2.3  All information requested from the Company by the Reporting Accountants for
     the purpose of the  preparation of the Long Form Report was, when provided,
     true and accurate,  no further information has been withheld the absence of
     which would make misleading the  information so provided,  and the opinions
     attributed  to the  Directors in the Long Form Report are honestly held and
     are fairly based upon facts within the knowledge of the Directors.

2.4  All statements of fact and financial information contained in the Long Form
     Report are true,  complete  and  accurate  and are not  misleading  and the
     Company  and  the  Directors  do not  disagree  with  any of the  Company's
     statements  of  intention  or  expectation  or  with  any of the  comments,
     conclusions and recommendations of the Reporting  Accountants  contained in
     the Long Form Report.

2.5  All  information  requested  from the Company for the purposes of the Legal
     Due Diligence Report was, when provided,  true and accurate in all material
     respects and no further  information has been withheld the absence of which
     would make misleading in any material  respect the information so provided.
     All statements of fact contained in the Legal Due Diligence Report are true
     and accurate and are not misleading, and the Directors do not disagree with
     any aspect of the Legal Due Diligence Report.


3.1  The   Directors   have  had   explained   to  them  the   nature  of  their
     responsibilities and obligations as directors of an AIM company.

3.2  None of the  Directors  has (save to the  extent  set out in the  Admission

     3.2.1     at any time been adjudged  bankrupt or entered into an individual
               voluntary arrangement in the United Kingdom or elsewhere;

     3.2.2     at any time been party to a deed of arrangement or made any other
               form  of   composition   with  his   creditors,   or  suffered  a
               receivership of any asset in which he had any interest;

     3.2.3     any unsatisfied judgement outstanding against him;

     3.2.4     been a director of any company or other body corporate which went
               into receivership,  compulsory liquidation,  creditors' voluntary
               liquidation, administration, company voluntary arrangement or any
               composition  or arrangement  with its creditors  generally or any
               class of its  creditors  while he was a  director  or  within  12
               months after he ceased to be one;

     3.2.5     been a partner  of any  partnership  which  went into  compulsory
               liquidation,  administration or partnership voluntary arrangement
               or suffered a receivership of any asset while he was a partner or
               within 12 months after he ceased to be one;

     3.2.6     ever been publicly censured or criticised by or refused admission
               by any professional, statutory or regulatory authority (including
               recognised professional bodies); or

     3.2.7     any unspent convictions for any indictable criminal offence.

3.3  The  information  provided to Investec by each  Director in response to the
     Directors' questionnaire and declaration of business activities is true and
     accurate in all respects and no  information  has been withheld which would
     make such answers misleading.

3.4  The Admission  Document contains true and accurate  information at the date
     of this Agreement and immediately following Admission concerning:-

     3.4.1     the interests of each  Director in any contracts  entered into by
               the Company;

     3.4.2     the  interests  of each  Director  in the  share  capital  of the
               Company; and

                                                                         PAGE 25

     3.4.3     the respective business interests,  qualifications and experience
               of each Director.

3.5  The Admission  Document  contains all information  concerning any actual or
     potential conflicts of interest between the Company and any Director or any
     company of which any  Director  is a director or in which he has a material
     interest and all statements  contained in the Admission Document concerning
     such conflict or concerning the future  relationship  between such Director
     or any of such companies are truly and honestly made and are not misleading
     and there are no other  facts  concerning  the same the  omission  of which
     makes any statement therein false or misleading in any respect.


4.1  The cash flow and working capital projections of the Company for the period
     ending  31  December  2006  and the  statement  as to the  adequacy  of the
     Company's working capital included in the Admission  Document have, in each
     case,  been  accurately  compiled  on the basis of the  assumptions  stated
     therein, after due and careful enquiry and on a reasonable basis, and there
     are no facts  known to the Company or any of the  Directors  which have not
     been taken into account in the preparation or making of such projections or
     statement and which would  reasonably be expected to have a material impact

4.2  The Working Capital Report has been approved by the Board and the Directors
     do not disagree with any aspect of such report.

4.3  The Company will,  after the issue of the Placing  Shares,  have sufficient
     working capital for its present requirements, namely for at least 12 months
     after Admission;  and each Director  confirms that the statement  regarding
     working capital set out in paragraph 11 of Part 6 of the Admission Document
     represents  the true and honest belief of the  Directors,  arrived at after
     due and careful consideration.


5.1  The audited balance sheet and profit and loss account and the statements of
     cash flow  (including  the notes  thereon) of the Company for the three (3)
     year period ended on the Balance Sheet Date as set out in the  Accountants'
     Report (the "2002,  2003 and 2004  Financial  Statements")  have (except as
     therein  disclosed)  been  prepared in  accordance  with the  Statements of
     Investment  Circular  Reporting  Standards issued by the Auditing Practices
     Board of the United Kingdom, and within the terms of such Statements,  give
     a true and fair view of the  financial  position at the end of, and profits
     and cash flow of the Company for such periods.

5.2  The  unaudited  results of the Company for the three  months ended 31 March
     2005 (the "2005 First Quarter  Results")  have been compiled by the Company
     with all due care and attention and on the accounting bases and assumptions
     consistent  with or not  materially  different  from  those  adopted in the
     preparation of the 2002, 2003 and 2004 Financial Statements.

5.3  The Company did not at the Balance  Sheet Date or at 31 March 2005 have any
     material  liability (whether actual,  deferred,  contingent or disputed) or
     commitment  which,  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted   accounting
     principles  and  practice  (on the basis on which  the 2002,  2003 and 2004
     Financial  Statements  have been  prepared),  should have been disclosed or
     provided for in the  Accountants  Report or the First  Quarter  Results and
     which has not been so treated therein or in the Admission Document.

5.4  Adequate  provision  or, as  appropriate,  disclosure  in  accordance  with
     generally  accepted  accounting  principles  and  practice (on the basis on
     which the 2002, 2003 and 2004 Financial  Statements have been prepared) has
     been made in the  Accountants  Report and in the 2005 First Quarter Results
     for taxation payable by the Company.

5.5  The Directors have  established  procedures that provide a reasonable basis
     for  them  to make  proper  judgements  as to the  financial  position  and
     prospects of the Company.

                                                                         PAGE 26

5.6  Gross  revenue of the Company for the six month  period  ended 30 June 2005
     was at least $1.8 million.


6.1  Since the Balance Sheet Date, the Company has not incurred any liability in
     respect of any  taxation  which is material in the context of the  Placing,
     other  than any such  liabilities  arising  in the  ordinary  course of the
     business of the Company  since that date and any such  liabilities  arising
     since  that  date  as a  result  of any  transactions  entered  into  by or
     affecting the Company which are disclosed in the Admission Document.

6.2  All  corporation  tax returns made by the Company  since the Balance  Sheet
     Date have been made  correctly  in all  material  respects  and,  except as
     provided for or, as the case may be, disclosed in the Accountants'  Report,
     there are no material questions of taxation which are or are, so far as the
     Directors  are aware,  likely to become the subject of dispute with the IRS
     or other taxing authorities.

6.3  All tax that has become due and  payable  from the Company or for which the
     Company  has become  obliged to account has been paid or  accounted  for in

6.4  No claim or dispute  involving  the Company has been made by or arisen with
     the IRS or any other tax  authority  (in the US or  elsewhere)  which could
     reasonably be considered material in the context of the Placing; and so far
     as the Company and each of the Directors is aware,  there is no significant
     risk that such a claim will be made or that such a dispute will arise.


7.1  No circumstances  have arisen or, so far as the Directors are aware (having
     made reasonable enquiries), are reasonably expected to arise, such that any
     person is, or would with the giving of notice  and/or  lapse of time become
     entitled  to  require  payment of any  material  indebtedness  (other  than
     indebtedness  which it is proposed  should be repaid out of the proceeds of
     the placing of the Placing  Shares)  (including for the avoidance of doubt,
     pursuant to finance  leases) of the Company before its stated  maturity and
     the  Company  has not  received  any  notice  from any  person  to whom any
     material indebtedness (other than indebtedness which is to be repaid out of
     the  proceeds  of the  placing of the  Placing  Shares)  of the  Company is
     payable on demand that such person now proposes to demand repayment.

7.2  No event has  occurred or is  subsisting  or, so far as the  Directors  are
     aware, is reasonably expected to occur, which constitutes or results in, or
     would with the giving of notice  and/or lapse of time,  would be reasonably
     expected  to  constitute  or result  in, a default or the  acceleration  or
     breach of any  material  obligation  under  any  agreement,  instrument  or
     arrangement  to which the  Company  is a party or by which it or any of its
     properties, revenues or assets are bound and which would, in any such case,
     have a material adverse effect on the business,  assets or prospects of the


8.1  Since the Balance  Sheet Date (and save as disclosed in 2005 First  Quarter
     Results and in the Admission Document):-

     8.1.1     the Company has carried on its business in the ordinary and usual

     8.1.2     there has been no significant  change in the financial or trading
               position of the Company;

     8.1.3     the  Company  has not  entered  into or assumed or  incurred  any
               contract, commitment,  borrowings,  indebtedness in the nature of
               borrowing,  guarantee, liability (including contingent liability)
               or  other  obligation  which,  in any  such  case,  has not  been
               discharged  at  the  date  of  this  Agreement  or  will  not  be
               discharged  prior to Admission  and the  disclosure of which to a
               potential  subscriber  of Placing  Shares is required in order to
               prevent the Admission  Document being inaccurate or misleading in
               any material respect;

                                                                         PAGE 27

     8.1.4     the Company has not declared,  made or paid any dividend or other

     8.1.5     no agreement or  commitment  has been entered into by the Company
               which is of a long term or unusual nature which involves or could
               involve an obligation of a material nature; and

     8.1.6     no agreement or  commitment  has been entered into by the Company
               for the acquisition or disposal of any business or material asset
               or any material liabilities  (including  contingent  liabilities)
               otherwise than in the ordinary course of business.


9.1  All  material  licences,  consents  and  other  permissions  and  approvals
     required  for  carrying on the  business now carried on by the Company have
     been obtained and are in full force and effect and, so far as the Directors
     are aware,  there is no circumstance which indicates that any such licence,
     consent,  permission  or approval is likely to be revoked or  incapable  of

9.2  The Company is not in breach of any laws, regulations,  orders, directives,
     guidelines and codes which relate to the Company,  the ownership and use of
     the assets of the Company and all  business  operations  undertaken  by the
     Company which is material in the context of the Placing.

9.3  The Company is not a party to, nor affected by, any contract or arrangement
     which is of material  importance  to the business of the Company  otherwise
     than on arm's length terms.

9.4  So far as the Directors are aware,  there is no agreement,  arrangement  or
     transaction  material to the  business  and/or  financial  position  and/or
     prospects  of the  Company  which is  invalid  or which  may be  rescinded,
     avoided or repudiated,  and the Company has not received  written notice of
     any  intention to  terminate,  repudiate  or disclaim  any such  agreement,
     arrangement or  transaction,  in each case which is material in the context
     of the Placing.


     The  Company  carries  insurance  cover  at the  levels  and for the  risks
     normally  insured  against  by  persons  carrying  on the  same or  similar
     business as that carried on by the Company and all such  insurances  are in
     full force and effect and not voidable  and there is no material  insurance
     claim made by or against the Company  pending or outstanding  or, so far as
     the  Directors  are aware,  threatened  and all premiums due and payable in
     respect of all  insurances  have been duly paid and the Company  reasonably
     considers such cover to be adequate.


11.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 11, "Intellectual Property Rights" means
     any and all  trade  marks,  service  marks,  patents,  registered  designs,
     unregistered design rights,  copyright,  rights in confidential information
     and  any  other  similar   intellectual   property  rights  of  any  nature
     whatsoever,  whether or not registered or capable of registration,  and all
     applications  and rights to apply for the same,  together with all goodwill
     relating or attached thereto.

11.2 No  activities  of the Company  infringe  or, so far as the  Directors  are
     aware, are likely to infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third
     party,  and no claim has been made  against  the  Company in respect of any
     such infringement in the three years prior to the date of this Agreement.

                                                                         PAGE 28

11.3 The Company has  disclosed to Investec  all  Intellectual  Property  Rights
     material to the business  activities of the Company,  all reasonable  steps
     have  been  taken  to  protect  such   Intellectual   Property   Rights  by
     registration, patent application or otherwise in all jurisdictions in which
     the  Company  operates  or intends to  operate;  and all such  Intellectual
     Property  Rights  as are  owned  by  the  Company  are  owned  free  of all
     encumbrances and there are no proceedings, actions or claims pending or, so
     far as the Directors are aware, threatened which impugn the title, validity
     or subsistence of any Intellectual Property Rights owned by the Company.

11.4 The  know  how  comprised  in the  Intellectual  Property  Rights  has been
     adequately documented and to the extent that it is of a confidential nature
     or the confidentiality of such information is of material importance to the
     Company, no part of such confidential information has been disclosed to any
     third party except subject to arrangements to protect such confidentiality.

11.5 As far as the Directors are aware:-

     11.5.1    nothing has been done or omitted to be done by the Company  which
               would  jeopardise the validity or subsistence of any Intellectual
               Property Rights owned by the Company; and

     11.5.2    there  has  been  no  unauthorised  use  by  any  person  of  any
               Intellectual  Property Rights or confidential  information of the

     in both instances which are material in the context of the Placing.


12.1 Neither  the  Company  nor any  person  for whom it or they may be  liable,
     vicariously  or  otherwise,  is  engaged  in any  litigation  or  legal  or
     arbitration proceedings which,  individually or collectively,  are material
     and may have or have had during the last twelve  (12) months a  significant
     adverse effect on the financial  position of the Company and, so far as the
     Directors are aware, no such litigation or legal or arbitration proceedings
     are  threatened  or  pending  and  (so  far  as  aforesaid)  there  are  no
     circumstances  which may  reasonably  be  expected to give rise to any such
     litigation or legal or arbitration proceedings.

12.2 The Company has not taken any action nor have any other steps been taken or
     legal proceedings started or, so far as the Directors are aware, threatened
     against the Company for the  winding-up or  dissolution  of it or for it to
     enter into any arrangement or composition for the benefit of creditors,  or
     for the  appointment  of a  receiver,  trustee  or  similar  officer of its
     properties, revenues, undertakings or assets.


13.1 Save  as  disclosed  in  the  Admission  Document  and/or  pursuant  to the
     Company's  stock option  plan,  there are not in force any options or other
     agreements  which  call for the issue of, or accord to any person the right
     to call for the issue of,  any  Common  Shares or shares in the  capital or
     other securities of the Company;  and the Company has no current  intention
     to grant options or rights to subscribe for shares in the Company.

13.2 The  creation,  issue and  allotment  of the  Placing  Shares in the manner

     13.2.1    will comply with the AIM Rules, the California Corporations Code,
               the FSMA, the SEC  Regulations,  the OTC Bulletin Board Rules and
               all other statutes and  governmental  and regulatory  authorities
               and regulations applicable to the Placing; and

     13.2.2    will not infringe any borrowing  limits,  powers or  restrictions
               of,  or the  terms  of any  agreement,  security,  commitment  or
               arrangement  binding  on  the  Company,  or  will  result  in the
               imposition  or  variation  of any  rights or  obligations  of the

                                                                         PAGE 29

13.3 The  Company  has  power  under  its  bye-laws  and  restated  articles  of
     incorporation  to create,  allot and issue the Placing Shares and to effect
     the  Placing in the manner  proposed  and to enter  into and  perform  this
     Agreement without any further sanction or consent by members of the Company
     or any  class of them  and,  subject  as  aforesaid,  there  is no  consent
     required by the  Company for the issue of the Placing  Shares and to effect
     the Placing which has not been unconditionally and irrevocably obtained.

13.4 The creation,  allotment and issue of the Placing  Shares and the Admission
     will not exceed or infringe any  restrictions or the terms of any contract,
     obligation  or  commitment  by or binding upon the Company or result in the
     imposition or variation of any rights or obligations of the Company.

13.5 There have been given to Investec (or its advisers)  details of all current
     agreements  (whether written or unwritten)  between the Company and any one
     or more of the  shareholders  in the  Company  relating  to any  rights  of
     pre-emption  over or rights to require a sale or  purchase of any shares in
     the capital of the Company and, so far as the  Directors  are aware,  there
     have been  given to  Investec  (or its  advisers)  details  of all  current
     agreements  (whether  written or unwritten)  between any one or more of the
     shareholders in the Company  relating to any rights of pre-emption  over or
     rights to require a sale or  purchase  of any shares in the  capital of the

13.6 The  Placing  Shares  will be  allotted  and issued  free from all  claims,
     charges, liens, encumbrances, equities and third party rights and will rank
     pari passu in all respects with the existing issued Common Shares including
     the right to receive all dividends declared, made or paid after the date of
     this Agreement.


     The Company  has no  subsidiaries  or  subsidiary  undertakings  within the
     meaning of the UK Companies Act 1985 (as amended).


15.1 The Company is independent of its shareholders.

15.2 None of the  shareholders of the Company has any rights,  in their capacity
     as such,  in relation to the Company other than at law or as set out in the
     bye-laws and restated  articles of incorporation of the Company in force at
     the date of this  Agreement or contained in the  agreements  referred to in
     the Admission Document.

15.3 Save as  disclosed  in the  Admission  Document,  there are no  agreements,
     arrangements or understandings (whether legally binding or not) between the
     Company and any person who is a shareholder, or the beneficial owner of any
     interest,  in the  Company  or in any  company  in  which  the  Company  is
     interested,  or any person  connected with any such person  relating to the
     management of the business of the Company or the  appointment or removal of
     any  directors of the Company or the  ownership or transfer of ownership of
     any of their  respective  assets or which  concerns  the  provision  of any
     finance, goods, services or facilities to or by the Company.

15.4 The  Admission  Document  contains  the  name  of any  person  (other  than
     professional  advisers  disclosed  in  the  Admission  Document  and  trade
     suppliers)  who has  received,  directly  or  indirectly,  from the Company
     within the twelve  (12) months  preceding  the date of this  Agreement,  or
     entered  into  any  contractual   arrangements  to  receive,   directly  or
     indirectly,   from  the  Company  on  or  after  Admission  fees  totalling
     (pound)10,000  or  more,   securities  in  the  Company  with  a  value  of
     (pound)10,000  or more  calculated by reference to the Placing Price or any
     other  benefit  with a  value  of  (pound)10,000  or  more  at the  date of
     Admission  and the  Admission  Document  gives all material  details of the
     relationship of such person with the Company and of the fees, securities or
     other benefit received or to be received.

                                                                         PAGE 30


     The  Directors  have given due  consideration  to and intend to observe the
     requirements  of the Combined Code to the extent they consider  appropriate
     having regard to the Company's size, stage of development and resources.


17.1 None of the Company,  its  affiliates or any persons acting on its or their
     behalf have engaged or will engage in any 'directed  selling  efforts',  as
     defined in Regulation S, with respect to the Placing Shares.

17.2 None of the Company,  its  affiliates or any persons acting on its or their
     behalf,  directly or indirectly,  (a) has made or will make offers or sales
     of any of the Placing  Shares,  (b) has solicited or will solicit offers to
     buy any of the  Placing  Shares or (c)  otherwise  has  negotiated  or will
     negotiate  in  respect of any of the  Placing  Shares,  in any case,  under
     circumstances  that would require the  registration  of the Placing  Shares
     under the US Securities Act.

17.3 The Company,  its  affiliates and any persons acting on its or their behalf
     have  and  will  comply  with  the  offering  restrictions  requirement  of
     Regulation S.

17.4 The  offering of the Placing  Shares to Placees  pursuant to the Placing in
     the manner  contemplated  in this  Agreement and in the Admission  Document
     will not cause the Company or any of the  Directors  to be in  violation or
     breach of any provision of the US Securities Act or of the SEC  Regulations
     or the OTC Bulletin Board Rules.

                                                                         PAGE 31

                                   SCHEDULE 2

                                     PART B

                          WARRANTY CONFIRMATION LETTER

The Directors
Investec Bank (UK) Limited
2 Gresham Street

                                                                    19 July 2005
Dear Sirs

Enova Systems, Inc. (the "Company")
Placing of 5,350,000 Common Shares and application for Admission

     We refer to the Placing,  and to the Placing  Agreement  dated 19 July 2005
     between Investec Bank (UK) Limited (1) the Company (2) and the Directors of
     the Company (3) (the "Placing Agreement"). Words and expressions defined in
     the Placing Agreement have the same meanings in this letter.

We confirm that:-

1.   we have complied with all our obligations under the Placing Agreement which
     we have been required to perform to date;

2.   [save as  previously  notified  pursuant to clause  6.4.1 and/or 6.6 of the
     Placing  Agreement,] none of the warranties and  undertakings  contained in
     the Placing  Agreement has been breached or is unfulfilled or was untrue or
     inaccurate  or  misleading  when  made,  and  none  of such  warranties  or
     undertakings would be breached or unfulfilled or be untrue or inaccurate or
     misleading  in any respect were it to be repeated by reference to the facts
     subsisting at the date of this letter,  and no Specified  Event has come to
     the  knowledge of the Company or of any Director  which in any such case is
     material in the context of the Placing;

3.   neither the Company nor any of the Directors is aware of any  circumstances
     which could give rise to Investec having the right to terminate the Placing
     Agreement pursuant to clause 12 of the Placing Agreement.

Yours faithfully

for and on behalf of
Enova Systems, Inc.

                                                                         PAGE 32

                                   SCHEDULE 2

                                     PART C

                                DEED OF ADHERENCE

THIS DEED OF ADHERENCE is made on                                           2005

by o of o (the  "Covenantor")  in favour of Enova Systems,  Inc. whose principal
offices  are at  19850  South  Magellan  Drive,  Torrance,  CA  90502,  USA (the
"Company")  and  Investec  Bank (UK)  Limited  whose  registered  office is at 2
Gresham Street,  London EC2V 7QP ("Investec") and is supplemental to the Placing
Agreement  dated 19 July 2005 and made  between  Investec,  the  Company and the
Directors of the Company (the "Placing Agreement"),  a copy of which is attached
to this Deed.


The  Covenantor  hereby  covenants  with each of the  Company  and  Investec  to
observe,  perform  and be bound by the  provisions  of clauses 8.5 to 8.6 of the
Placing  Agreement  as if he were a party to the  Placing  Agreement  and  named
therein in place of a Director.

THIS DEED has been  executed as a Deed by the  Covenantor  and  delivered on the
date stated at the beginning of this Deed

                                                                         PAGE 33

                                   SCHEDULE 3

                                     Part A


1.   The  Admission  Application  duly signed on behalf of the Company  together
     with such other letters or documents as may be required by the AIM Rules to
     support  the  application  and a cheque  made  payable to the London  Stock
     Exchange in respect of the London Stock Exchange charges.

2.   Two copies of the Admission Document.

3.   One original of the responsibility letters signed by each of the Directors.

4.   A  certified  copy  of the  powers  of  attorney  executed  by  each of the

5.   The Verification Notes duly signed by or on behalf of each of the Directors
     together with a copy of the annexures referred to therein.

6.   A certified copy of the Board Resolutions.

7.   An  original  signed copy of the  Accountants'  Report,  together  with any
     related statement of adjustments and letters of consent.

8.   A letter from the  Reporting  Accountants  addressed to Investec and to the
     Company  confirming the accuracy of the financial  information  relating to
     the Company set out in the Admission Document.

9.   A letter from the  Reporting  Accountants  addressed to Investec and to the
     Company  confirming  the accuracy of the  taxation  sections set out in the
     Admission Document.

10.  An original signed copy of the Working Capital Report.

11.  One original signed copy of the Long Form Report.

12.  One original signed copy of the Legal Due Diligence Report.

13.  A letter,  in the agreed  form,  from the  Directors  addressed to Investec
     confirming   that   the   Directors   understand   the   nature   of  their
     responsibilities  and  obligations as directors of an AIM company and that,
     having  made  due and  careful  enquiry,  the  Directors  have  established
     procedures  which  provide a  reasonable  basis for the  Directors  to make
     proper judgements as to the financial position and prospects of the Company
     and that the  Directors  have been  advised  accordingly  by the  Reporting

14.  A letter, in the agreed form, from the Reporting  Accountants  addressed to
     Investec  reporting on the Working  Capital Report and confirming  that the
     Company has sufficient working capital for its present requirements.

15.  A certified copy of the Board memorandum on financial reporting procedures.

16.  A letter, in the agreed form, from the Reporting  Accountants  addressed to
     Investec  confirming  that in their opinion the Directors have  established
     procedures  which  provide  a  reasonable  basis  for  them to make  proper
     judgements  as to the  financial  position and prospects of the Company and
     that the confirmations given by the Company and referred to in paragraph 13
     above has been given after due and careful enquiry.

17.  A letter, in the agreed form, from the Reporting  Accountants  addressed to
     Investec  confirming  that  there  has been no  significant  change  in the
     financial or trading position of the Company since 31 March 2005.

                                                                         PAGE 34

18.  Letters,  in the agreed form,  addressed to Investec  from the Company's UK
     Solicitors,   the  Company's  US  Lawyers  and  the  Reporting  Accountants
     confirming, for the purposes of AIM Rule 39, that they have no knowledge of
     any  matter not  included  in the  Admission  Document  which  should be so

19.  A  certified  copy of the  written  consent  of the  Reporting  Accountants
     addressed to Investec and to the Company consenting to the inclusion in the
     Admission  Document of the  Accountants  Report and  respective  references
     thereto  in the form and  context  in which  they  appear  and  making  the
     declaration required by paragraph 1.2 of Annex I to the Prospectus Rules.

20.  Opinion Letter, in the agreed form, from the Company's US Lawyers.

                                                                         PAGE 35

                                   SCHEDULE 3

                                     PART B


1.   Admission Document, six copies.

2.   Application form.

                                     PART C

                          DOCUMENTS IN THE AGREED FORM

1.   Pathfinder Admission Document

2.   Board Resolutions

3.   Lock-In Deed

4.   Placing Letter

5.   Press Announcement

6.   Admission Document

7.   Verification Notes

8.   Working Capital Report

9.   Letter from the Directors to Investec pursuant to paragraph 13 of Part A of
     this Schedule 3

10.  Letters from the Reporting  Accountants to Investec  pursuant to paragraphs
     8, 14, 16, 17 and 19 of Part A of this Schedule 3

11.  Letters from the Company's UK Solicitors,  the Company's US Lawyers and the
     Reporting  Accountants  to Investec  pursuant to  paragraph 18 of Part A of
     this Schedule 3

                                                                         PAGE 36

duly authorised for and on behalf of

 /s/ Michael Ansell

duly authorised for and on behalf of

  /s/ Edwin Riddell

EXECUTED as a deed by
ANTHONY NEIL RAWLINSON                ...  /s/ Edwin Riddell, attorney in fact..
In the presence of:-

Witness signature                     ..........................................

Witness name                          ..........................................

Address                               ..........................................



EXECUTED as a deed by
EDWIN ORRELL RIDDELL                  ...  /s/ Edwin Riddell, attorney in fact..
In the presence of:-

Witness signature                     ..........................................

Witness name                          ..........................................

Address                               ..........................................



                                                                         PAGE 37

EXECUTED as a deed by
BJORN AHLSTROM                        ...  /s/ Edwin Riddell, attorney in fact..
In the presence of:-

Witness signature                     ..........................................

Witness name                          ..........................................

Address                               ..........................................



EXECUTED as a deed by
DR MALCOLM RODERICK CURRIE            ...  /s/ Edwin Riddell, attorney in fact..
in the presence of:-

Witness signature                     ..........................................

Witness name                          ..........................................

Address                               ..........................................



EXECUTED as a deed by
DONALD H DREYER                       ...  /s/ Edwin Riddell, attorney in fact..
in the presence of:-

Witness signature                     ..........................................

Witness name                          ..........................................

Address                               ..........................................



EXECUTED as a deed by
JOHN ROBERT WALLACE                   ...  /s/ Edwin Riddell, attorney in fact..
in the presence of:-

Witness signature                     ..........................................

Witness name                          ..........................................

Address                               ..........................................



                                                                         PAGE 38

EXECUTED as a deed by
LAWRENCE BRIAN LOMBARD                ...  /s/ Lawrence B. Lombard .............
in the presence of:-

Witness signature                     ..........................................

Witness name                          ..........................................

Address                               ..........................................

