Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                   Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
    Section 240.14a-12

                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                 STEPHEN PEARY
              Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2).
[ ] $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

    1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
    2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
    3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
       pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11.
    4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
    Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
    paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration number, or
    the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    1) Amount Previously Paid:
    2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
    3) Filing Party:
    4) Date Filed:


PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                       (415) 974-1399
One Market                                                    (800) 227-0830
Steuart Street Tower, Suite 900                               (415) 882-0860 FAX
San Francisco, CA 94105-1301

                                                               November 22, 1994
Dear Stockholder:

   It is with great  pleasure  that the  Directors  and I invite you to attend a
Special Meeting of Stockholders of PLM International, Inc. which will be held at
11:00 a.m. on December 20, 1994 at the World Trade Club,  located in Room 300 in
the Ferry Building, The Embarcadero, San Francisco, California.

   At  the  meeting,   the  stockholders  will  consider  an  amendment  to  the
Certificate  of  Designations  of  Series A  Preferred  Stock to be  adopted  in
connection  with  the  proposed  termination  of the  Company's  Employee  Stock
Ownership  Plan.  The Notice of the Special  Meeting of  Stockholders  and Proxy
Statement accompanying this letter describe the business to be transacted at the

every  stockholder is important and your cooperation in promptly  returning your
executed proxy will be appreciated.  Each proxy is revocable and will not affect
your right to vote in person in the event that you attend the meeting. Thank you
for your continued  support.  

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          /s/ J. Alec Merriam

                                          J. ALEC MERRIAM
                                          Chairman of the Board


                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                   One Market
                        Steuart Street Tower, Suite 900
                        San Francisco, California 94105

                               November 22, 1994

   A Special Meeting of Stockholders of PLM International,  Inc. will be held on
Tuesday,  December 20, 1994 at 11:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) in the World Trade Club
located  in Room 300 in the Ferry  Building,  The  Embarcadero,  San  Francisco,
California  for the purpose of  considering  and voting  upon:  

         1. A proposal  to amend the  Certificate  of  Designations  of Series A
      Preferred  Stock to permit the Company to convert  issued and  outstanding
      shares of Series A Preferred  Stock into Common Stock upon  termination of
      the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

         2. Such other  business as may properly  come before the meeting or any
      adjournment thereof.

Stockholders  of record on November 21, 1994 shall be entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the Special Meeting.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /S/ Stephen Peary

                                        STEPHEN PEARY
                                        Senior Vice President,
                                        Secretary and General Counsel

November 22, 1994
San Francisco, California


                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                PROXY STATEMENT
                               November 22, 1994

   This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the  solicitation by the
Board of Directors (the "Board") of PLM International, Inc. ("PLM International"
or the "Company") of proxies to be voted at the Special  Meeting of Stockholders
to be held at 11:00 a.m.  on  December  20, 1994 at the World Trade Club in Room
300 in the Ferry Building, The Embarcadero,  San Francisco,  California,  or any
adjournment thereof (the "Special Meeting").

   The Notice of the Special Meeting,  this Proxy Statement and the accompanying
proxy card are being mailed to  stockholders  on or about November 22, 1994. The
costs of this proxy  solicitation  will be borne by the Company.  Proxies may be
solicited by mail, personal interview,  telephone, telegraph and advertisements.
Proxies  are  expected  to be  solicited  by  directors,  officers  and  regular
employees of the Company.  The  directors,  officers and employees who assist in
the solicitation will not receive any additional  compensation for such services
and will perform such  services in addition to their usual  duties.  The Company
has retained MacKenzie  Partners,  Inc. to assist in the solicitation of proxies
from brokers, nominees and individuals. MacKenzie Partners, Inc.'s estimated fee
for this  service is $5,000.  Brokers and other  nominees  who hold stock of the
Company will be asked to contact the beneficial  owners of the shares which they


   The outstanding voting stock of the Company on November 21, 1994 consisted of
9,988,841 shares of Common Stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common Stock"), and
4,492,047 shares of Series A Cumulative  Convertible  Preferred Stock, par value
$.01 per  share  ("Preferred  Stock").  Each  such  share of  Common  Stock  and
Preferred  Stock  (collectively,  the "Voting Stock") is entitled to one vote at
the Special Meeting.  Only stockholders whose names appeared on the books of the
Company at the close of business on November 21, 1994 will be entitled to notice
of and to vote at the Special Meeting or at any adjournment thereof.

   The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the  holders of a majority  of the
outstanding shares of Voting Stock of the Company, and the holders of a majority
of the  outstanding  shares of  Preferred  Stock of the  Company as a class,  is
necessary to constitute a quorum at the Special Meeting. The affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of Voting Stock and of the
holders of two-thirds (66 2/3%) of the outstanding  shares of Preferred Stock is
required to approve the proposed amendment to the Certificate of Designations of
Series A Preferred Stock.

   Voting at the Special  Meeting will be tabulated by one or more inspectors of
election appointed by the Company.  Abstentions and votes withheld by brokers in
the absence of instructions from street name holders as to Common Stock ("broker
non-votes")  will be  included  in the  determination  of shares  present at the
Special  Meeting for  purposes of  determining  a quorum but will not be counted
towards the tabulation of votes cast on proposals submitted to stockholders.  As
a result,  an  abstention  or broker  non-votes as to Common Stock will have the
effect of a "no vote" with regard to the proposed  amendment to the  Certificate
of Designations of Series A Preferred Stock.


                        VOTING AND REVOCATION OF PROXIES


   All shares of Common Stock  represented by proxies  received,  properly dated
and executed, and not revoked will be voted at the Special Meeting in accordance
with the instructions given on the card. If no instructions are given, the proxy
will be voted FOR the amendment to the  Certificate of  Designations of Series A
Preferred  Stock.  Any stockholder  submitting a proxy may revoke it at any time
before it is voted at the Special  Meeting by  notifying  the  Secretary  of the
Company in writing of such revocation,  by properly  executing and delivering to
the Secretary of the Company a later-dated  proxy, or by voting in person at the
Special  Meeting.  The Board of  Directors  of the Company  does not know of any
other business to be brought at the Special Meeting, but it is intended that, as
to any  such  other  business,  a vote  will be cast  pursuant  to the  proxy in
accordance with the judgment of the persons named as proxies.


   Separate proxy cards are being  transmitted to all persons who have shares of
Preferred  Stock  allocated to their accounts as  participants  in the Company's
Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan (the  "ESOP").  These proxy cards appoint State
Street Bank and Trust  Company,  which acts as Trustee for the ESOP, to vote the
shares held for the accounts of the  participants in the ESOP in accordance with
the  instructions  noted thereon.  In the event no proxy card is received from a
participant or a proxy card is received  without  instructions,  or in the event
shares of Preferred  Stock are not yet allocated to any  participant's  account,
the Trustee will exercise its  independent  judgment in  determining  whether to
vote these shares in the same proportion as the shares for which the Trustee has
received instructions. Any ESOP participant who executes and delivers a proxy to
the Trustee may revoke it at any time before it is voted at the Special  Meeting
by notifying the Trustee in writing of such revocation or by properly  executing
and delivering to the Trustee a later-dated  proxy. Under the terms of the ESOP,
only the Trustee can vote the shares  allocated to the accounts of participants,
even if such participants attend the Special Meeting in person.

                            SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK


   On September 30, 1994, the Board of Directors unanimously approved, and voted
to recommend that the Company's  common and preferred  stockholders  approve,  a
proposed  amendment to Section 5 of the  Certificate of Designations of Series A
Preferred  Stock (the  "Certificate  of  Designations")  which would entitle the
Company,  at its  option  exercised  concurrent  with or at any  time  following
termination  of the ESOP,  to cause  any or all of the  issued  and  outstanding
shares of Preferred  Stock to be converted into Common Stock on the terms and at
the conversion rate otherwise provided in the Certificate of Designations.  This
right to  convert  shares of  Preferred  Stock  into  Common  Stock  would be in
addition to, and not in lieu of, the existing  provisions of the  Certificate of
Designations which provide for the automatic  conversion of Preferred Stock into
Common Stock upon transfers or distributions of shares to persons other than the
ESOP Trustee or to the trustee of another  qualified  plan of the  Company.  See
"Background  of the  Proposed  Amendment"  and  "Purpose  and Effect of Proposed

   The  Company  has  announced  its  intention  to  terminate  the  ESOP.   See
"Background of the Proposed  Amendment--Termination  of the ESOP." As more fully
discussed  below,  if the  stockholders  approve the  proposed  amendment to the
Certificate of  Designations,  it is the Company's intent to cause all allocated
shares of Preferred Stock to be converted into Common Stock upon  termination of
the Company's ESOP. The full text of the proposed  amendment to Section 5 of the
Certificate of  Designations is set forth in Exhibit A hereto and the summary of
the  proposed  amendment  contained  herein  is  qualified  in its  entirety  by
reference to Exhibit A.



 The Preferred Stock

   On August 21, 1989, the Company issued 4,923,077 shares of Preferred Stock to
the ESOP for $13.00 per share.  As of the record date for the  Special  Meeting,
4,492,047  of these  shares  remained  issued  and  outstanding.  Each  share of
Preferred  Stock is entitled to receive a fixed annual  dividend of $1.43 and is
convertible  at  the  option  of the  holder  into  and  carries  voting  rights
equivalent to one share of Common Stock (subject to  adjustment).  The Preferred
Stock is  redeemable  at the option of the Company at anytime  after  August 21,
1992,  at $14.43  per share,  decreasing  ratably to $13.00 per share at anytime
after August 21, 1999.  In addition,  the  Preferred  Stock is redeemable by the
Company at $13.00 per share, plus accrued but unpaid dividends,  should the ESOP
cease to be a "qualified  plan" as defined in the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986
(the "Code") or in the event of certain tax law changes.

     The voting rights,  preferences  and relative  participating,  optional and
special  rights  of the  Preferred  Stock are set  forth in the  Certificate  of
Designations.  Among other things, the Certificate of Designations provides that
in the event of a transfer of any shares of Preferred  Stock to any person other
than a successor Trustee of the ESOP or to the trustee of another qualified plan
sponsored by the Company,  such  transferred  shares of Preferred Stock shall be
automatically  converted into Common Stock at a conversion rate (the "Conversion
Rate") of one  share of Common  Stock for each  share of  Preferred  Stock.  The
Conversion  Rate is subject to  adjustment in certain  circumstances,  including
redemption of the Preferred  Stock by the Company and merger,  consolidation  or
recapitalization of the Company. There were distributions to participants of the
ESOP of 509 shares of Preferred Stock in 1992; 5,381 shares in 1993; and 424,294
shares  to date in 1994.  In  accordance  with the terms of the  Certificate  of
Designations,  these shares were  automatically  converted into shares of Common
Stock upon distribution.

 Termination of the ESOP

   The ESOP is a  defined  contribution  plan  which was  established  to invest
primarily in qualified employer  securities issued by the Company. On August 21,
1989,  the  Company  borrowed  $63,654,994  from a group of banks to finance the
ESOP.  The  Company  immediately  reloaned  that  amount to the ESOP and made an
initial  contribution  to the ESOP of  $345,007.  The  ESOP  then  utilized  the
foregoing  amount of $64,000,001 to purchase  4,923,077  shares of the Company's
newly  issued  Preferred  Stock.  All of those shares were  initially  held in a
pledge  account (the "Loan  Suspense  Account")  and a pro rata portion has been
released  from the Loan  Suspense  Account for  allocation  to  participants  as
payments were made on the ESOP's  indebtedness to the Company. As a condition to
their loans to the Company,  the banks required the Company to provide  security
for the loans, which security,  except for a short period in 1990, took the form
of cash (or cash equivalents)  deposited in a collateral  account  maintained by
one of the  banks.  This  collateral  is  referred  to as the  "restricted  cash
collateral." Except for the form of the collateral,  the terms of the loans from
the banks to the  Company  and from the  Company to the ESOP have  substantially
identical terms and substantially identical principal balances.

   The ESOP received a  determination  letter from the Internal  Revenue Service
which  states  that the ESOP (and the  related  trust) are exempt  from  Federal
income  taxation  under  section  401(a) of the Code and  qualify as an employer
stock  ownership plan under section  4975(e)(7) of the Code.  Under the terms of
the ESOP, all employees of the Company and its  participating  subsidiaries  who
are United  States  citizens are eligible to  participate  in the ESOP after the
satisfaction  of certain  age and service  requirements.  Under the terms of the
ESOP, the Company retained the right to terminate the ESOP at any time.

   The Company's Board of Directors has announced its intention to terminate the
ESOP.  The Board's  decision was based on several  factors.  First,  the Company
anticipated  that the restricted cash collateral  initially  required as part of
the ESOP financing described above could ultimately be fully accessed for use in
the  Company's  business.  Instead,  however,  the banks  required that all such
amounts  be held in a  collateral  account  which  could  only  be  invested  in
certificates of deposit and similar low yielding investments. The ESOP financing
arrangement  has for that reason  continuously  reduced  corporate  earnings and
growth.  Second,  employees have generally been  dissatisfied with the ESOP as a
vehicle for retirement planning.  An employee stock ownership plan like the ESOP
generally provides an undiversified investment,  and the annual allocation of an
increased number of shares to participants has  unfortunately  been matched by a
decline in the value of the  Company's  outstanding  Common  Stock.  Further,  a
recent valuation of the Preferred Stock of $4.20 per


share means new participants in the ESOP will not receive  ordinary  allocations
of stock to their accounts since the dividend replacement  obligation will cause
all  ordinary  allocations  (other  than  forfeiture  allocations)  to go to the
accounts of existing and former  participants.  The Company's Board of Directors
determined to terminate the ESOP because it was satisfying neither the Company's
nor the  participants'  expectations  and could not be  expected to do so in the
foreseeable  future.  Termination  of the ESOP is  contingent  on,  among  other
things, the receipt of a favorable IRS determination  letter as to the qualified
status of  the ESOP  as of the date of  termination.  At November 21, 1994,  the
assets of the ESOP consisted of 4,492,047 shares of Preferred  Stock.  Upon ESOP
termination,  each  share of  Preferred  Stock  held by the ESOP  which has been
allocated to ESOP participants will become 100% vested. Under the Certificate of
Designations as presently in effect,  upon distribution of such allocated shares
to persons other than the trustee of the  Company's  profit  sharing plan,  each
allocated share will automatically  convert to one share of Common Stock. If the
proposed   amendment   to   the   Certificate   of   Designations  is  approved,
distributions  of Preferred Stock to the trustee of the Company's profit sharing
plan will also be  converted  into  Common  Stock.  See  "Purpose  and Effect of
Proposed Amendment."

     Assuming  termination  of the ESOP on or about  December  31,  1994,  it is
estimated that approximately  2,000,000 common shares will be distributed to (or
to the accounts of) a total of approximately 315 ESOP participants, including up
to  409,428  shares  distributed  immediately  prior to the  date of this  Proxy
Statement to participants who are no longer employees of the Company.  Shares of
Preferred Stock held by the ESOP which have not been allocated to  participants'
accounts  at the  date  of  termination  (i.e.  approximately  2,900,000  shares
assuming  termination  on or about  December  31, 1994) will be  surrendered  in
exchange for the  cancellation of all indebtedness of the ESOP then owing to the
Company  plus a  Company  contribution  to the  ESOP  of  $100,000.  The  unpaid
principal  balance of such indebtedness to the Company is currently in excess of
the price ($13.72 per share) at which those shares may be called for redemption.
In addition,  the corresponding  bank indebtedness of the Company related to the
ESOP will be repaid using restricted cash collateral.  As of September 30, 1994,
the  principal  amount of this  indebtedness  was  $47,300,000  and it was fully
secured by restricted cash collateral. Depending on prevailing interest rates at
the time of  termination,  gain or loss may be recognized on the  liquidation of
the collateral to be used to repay this indebtedness.

     Termination of the ESOP and the related ESOP loan will eliminate payment by
the Company of the annual  dividend on the Preferred Stock now held by the ESOP.
For the year ended  December  31,  1993,  the  aggregate  pretax  amount of this
dividend  was   $7,030,000.   Approximately   $2,700,000  of  previously   paid,
unamortized ESOP loan fees and other costs have been charged to earnings for the
period  ended  September  30,  1994,  which will result in a like  reduction  in
shareholders' equity.

   Further,  as a  result  of  the  ESOP  termination,  the  cost  recorded  for
previously  allocated  ESOP  shares  will be  adjusted  as  required  by current
accounting  principles.  The impact of this change in  accounting  for allocated
shares will be  reflected  as a reduction  to income to common  shareholders  of
approximately  $5,500,000  and  will  result  in  a  corresponding  increase  to
additional paid in capital. The Company's total stockholders' equity will not be
impacted  by  this  accounting  charge  for  the  allocated   shares.

 Proposed Termination of the 401-K Plan

     In February  1988,  the Company  adopted  the PLM  International  Employers
Profit  Sharing and Tax Advantaged  Savings Plan (the "401-K  Plan").  The 401-K
Plan is a defined contribution plan which has received a favorable determination
letter from the Internal  Revenue Service.  Employer  contributions to the 401-K
Plan are discretionary  and no employer  contribution has been made to the 401-K
Plan since 1989.  Employees are permitted elective deferrals of up to 16 percent
of their compensation to the 401-K Plan, subject to various dollar  limitations.
All elective deferrals are 100 percent vested.

   Under applicable terms of the ESOP, upon its termination,  participants  will
have their vested  account  balances  distributed to their accounts in the 401-K
Plan or, if they so elect,  participants  may receive a direct  distribution  of
their  allocated  shares  or a direct  transfer  of their  allocated  shares  to
eligible  rollover  accounts.  Because the 401-K Plan is a qualified plan, under
the present terms of the Certificate of Designations,  shares of Preferred Stock
distributed  to the 401-K  Plan  would  not  convert  to Common  Stock but would
instead continue to be held as Preferred Stock by the trustee of the 401-K Plan.
Assuming  termination of the ESOP on or about December 31, 1994, and assuming an
estimated  1,600,000  allocated shares of Preferred Stock are transferred to the
401-K Plan, the Company would  continue to accrue as a Preferred  Stock dividend

approximate  $2,288,000  unreimbursed  cash  obligation  each year.  Among other
things,  this would  substantially  reduce the benefits sought to be achieved by
the Company from a termination of the ESOP.

   As a  result,  the Board of  Directors  has  proposed  the  amendment  to the
Certificate  of  Designations  in order to  permit  shares  of  Preferred  Stock
distributed to the 401-K Plan upon  termination of the ESOP to be converted into
Common  Stock.  If such  amendment is not approved at the Special  Meeting,  the
Board of Directors  intends to terminate  the 401-K Plan prior to or  concurrent
with the termination of the ESOP. Upon termination,  all vested account balances
would be  distributed  to  participants,  who may  generally  rollover  all or a
portion of the distribution to an IRA or a tax-qualified  plan within 60 days of
the participants' receipt of the distribution. Any amounts rolled over would not
be subject to federal income taxation until  subsequently  distributed  from the
recipient qualified plan or IRA.

   Termination  of the  401-K  Plan  would not have any  material  effect on the
financial  condition or results of operation of the Company.  Upon  termination,
employees who have  outstanding  loans from their 401-K Plan  accounts  would be
required  to repay  those  loans prior to  termination  (or  otherwise  rollover
sufficient funds to an eligible rollover account) or the unpaid balances will be
treated as taxable distributions from the 401-K Plan generally, subject to early
withdrawal  penalties.  In addition, in order to comply with "safe harbor" rules
promulgated by the Treasury Department, following termination of the 401-K Plan,
a period of 12 months must elapse before a replacement Section 401-K plan may be
established for employees.



   If the amendment to the Certificate of  Designations is passed,  the Company,
upon  termination  of the ESOP,  would  cause all of the issued and  outstanding
shares of Preferred  Stock to be converted into Common Stock on the terms and at
the Conversion Rate otherwise  provided in the Certificate of  Designations.  In
such  event,  it is  expected  that the 401-K  Plan would not be  terminated  as
discussed  above.  As a result,  all shares  allocated  to the  accounts of ESOP
participants  will be  transferred  to their  respective  401(k) plan  accounts,
unless the individual  participants  elect to receive a direct  distribution  of
Common Stock or a direct  distribution to an eligible rollover account.  

 Certain Effects of the Proposed Amendment

   As discussed  above, the Certificate of Designations  presently  provides for
the  automatic  conversion  of shares of Preferred  Stock into Common Stock upon
termination of the ESOP and  distribution of shares to participants  rather than
the 401-K Plan. The effect of the proposed  amendment,  upon  termination of the
ESOP,  is to permit the Company to cause  shares of  Preferred  Stock to also be
converted  into  Common  Stock  upon  distribution  to the  401-K  Plan.  If the
amendment is not adopted,  the Company would still be in a position to cause all
of the  allocated  shares of Preferred  Stock to be converted  into Common Stock
upon  termination  of the ESOP, but it would be necessary to terminate the 401-K
Plan in conjunction with the termination of the ESOP. The following is a general
description of certain differences in the rights,  preferences and privileges of
the Company's Preferred Stock and Common Stock:

 Common Stock

   Holders of Common  Stock are entitled to one vote per share on all matters to
be voted on by stockholders, including the election of directors. Subject to the
rights of holders of  Preferred  Stock,  holders of Common Stock are entitled to
receive  such  dividends,  if any, as may be  declared  from time to time by the
Board of Directors in its discretion from funds legally available therefor. Upon
liquidation or  dissolution of the Company,  the holders of the Common Stock are
entitled to receive pro rata all assets remaining  available for distribution to
stockholders  after payment of all creditors and liquidation  preferences of any
outstanding  Preferred  Stock.  The  Common  Stock  has no  preemptive  or other
subscription rights, and there are no conversion rights or redemption or sinking
fund provisions with respect thereto.

 Preferred Stock

   As discussed above, Preferred Stock is currently convertible into and carries
voting rights  equivalent to one share of Common Stock.  Each share of Preferred
Stock is entitled to receive a fixed  annual  dividend of $1.43 per share and is
redeemable at the option of the Company at $14.43 per share,  decreasing ratably
to $13.00


per share at any time after August 21, 1999.  Upon  liquidation  of the Company,
the holders of Preferred Stock are entitled to receive liquidating distributions
of $13.00 per  share,  plus all  accrued  but  unpaid  dividends  to the date of
distribution,  before any amounts are  distributed  to holders of Common  Stock.
Each share of Preferred  Stock  automatically  converts into one share of Common
Stock upon transfer to any person other than a successor  Trustee of the ESOP or
to the trustee of another qualified plan of the Company.



                                 OTHER BUSINESS

   The Board of  Directors  of the Company  does not intend to present any other
items of business at the Special  Meeting.  The Board of  Directors  knows of no
other items that are likely to be brought  before the meeting  except  those set
forth in the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders.

                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

   As described in the  Company's  proxy  statement  relating to its 1994 Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders,  stockholder  proposals for inclusion in the Company's
proxy  statement  and  form of proxy  relating  to its 1995  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders must be received by the Company no later than December 23, 1994 and
must  satisfy the  conditions  established  by the  Commission  for  stockholder
proposals to be included in the Company's proxy  statement for that meeting.

                                  By Order of the Board of Directors

                                  /s/ Stephen Peary

                                  STEPHEN PEARY
                                  Senior Vice President,
                                  Secretary and General Counsel

San Francisco, California
November 22, 1994


                                   EXHIBIT A


   (1) Amend  paragraph (A) of Section 5 of the  Certificate of  Designations by
adding a new subparagraph (A) (3) to Section 5, which subparagraph shall read as

         (3) In the  event  that  the PLM  International,  Inc.  Employee  Stock
      Ownership  Plan, as the same may be amended,  or any  successor  plan (the
      "Plan") is terminated, the Company shall be entitled, at its option and in
      its sole discretion,  concurrent with or at any time following termination
      of the Plan, to cause any or all of the issued and  outstanding  shares of
      Series A Preferred  Stock to be converted into Common Stock,  on the terms
      otherwise  provided  herein for the  conversion of shares of Common Stock.
      Shares of Series A Preferred Stock that are converted at the option of the
      Company  pursuant to this subsection shall be converted into the number of
      shares of Common  Stock  that is equal to the number of shares of Series A
      Preferred Stock converted  multiplied by the Conversion Rate. In the event
      of conversion at the option of the Company,  the Conversion  Rate shall be
      the Conversion Rate existing on the date that notice of conversion is sent
      to the holders of Series A Preferred Stock.

   (2) Amend  paragraph (B) of Section 5 of the  Certificate of  Designations by
designating the present  paragraph (B) as  subparagraph  (B) (1) and by adding a
new subparagraph (B) (2), which subparagraph  shall read as follows:

         (2) In the event of conversion at the option of the Company,  the Board
      of  Directors  shall fix the date upon which the  conversion  of shares of
      Series A Preferred  Stock into shares of Common  Stock will be  effective,
      and unless  otherwise  required by law, notice of conversion shall be sent
      to the  holders of Series A Preferred  Stock at the  address  shown on the
      books of the Company by first-class mail, postage prepaid, mailed not less
      than ten (10),  nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the effective  date
      of conversion  as fixed by the Board of Directors.  Each such notice shall
      state:  (i) the  effective  date of  conversion;  (ii) the total number of
      shares of Series A Preferred  Stock to be converted and, if fewer than all
      shares held by such holder are to be converted,  the number of shares held
      by such holder to be converted;  (iii) the  Conversion  Rate and number of
      shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of Series A Preferred
      Stock on the date such notice is sent;  (iv) the place where  certificates
      for such shares of Series A Preferred Stock are to be surrendered; and (v)
      that  dividends on the shares to be converted  will cease to accrue on the
      effective  date  of  conversion.  On  or  before  the  effective  date  of
      conversion,  the holders of the shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock to be
      converted shall surrender the certificate or certificates representing the
      shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock  being  converted,  duly  assigned or
      endorsed  for  transfer to the Company (or  accompanied  by duly  executed
      stock powers relating  thereto),  at the place where certificates for such
      shares are to be  surrendered,  as set forth in the notice of  conversion,
      accompanied by a notice to the Company  setting forth the address to which
      such  holder  wishes  delivery to be made of such new  certificates  to be
      issued upon such conversion.

   (3) Amend  paragraph (D) of Section 5 of the  Certificate of  Designations by
adding as the second sentence of such paragraph (D) the following:  

         In the event of conversion at the option of the Company, the conversion
      of shares of Series A Preferred Stock into shares of Common Stock shall be
      effective as of the date fixed by the Board of Directors as the  effective
      date of conversion,  regardless of whether the certificate or certificates
      representing  any of such  shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock  have been
      surrendered to the Company for  cancellation on or prior to that date, and
      as of the effective  date of the  conversion,  the holders of the Series A
      Preferred  Stock so  converted  shall not have any of the  voting  powers,
      preferences, and relative, participating, optional, or special rights of a
      holder of shares of Series A Preferred Stock but, rather,  shall have only
      the powers and rights  pertaining to the shares of Common Stock into which
      such shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall be converted.
