                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

                  The following provisions are hereby incorporated into, and are
hereby made a part of, that certain Stock Option Agreement dated 2~ (the "Option
Agreement") by and between Atlantic  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. (the  "Corporation")
and 1~ ("Optionee") evidencing the stock option granted on such date to Optionee
under the terms of the Corporation's 1995 Stock Option Plan, and such provisions
shall be effective  immediately.  All capitalized terms in this Addendum, to the
extent not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meanings assigned to them in
the Option Agreement.


                  1.  Optionee is hereby  granted a limited  stock  appreciation
right in tandem with the option, exercisable upon the terms set forth below:

                         (i) Should a Hostile  Take-Over occur at any time after
         the option has been outstanding for a period of at least six (6) months
         measured from the Effective Date of this Addendum indicated below, then
         Optionee shall have the  unconditional  right  (exercisable  during the
         thirty (30)-day period  following such Hostile  Take-Over) to surrender
         the option to the Corporation,  to the extent the option is at the time
         exercisable  for  vested  shares of  Common  Stock.  In return  for the
         surrendered option, Optionee shall receive a cash distribution from the
         Corporation in an amount equal to the excess of (A) the Take-Over Price
         of the shares of Common  Stock which are at the time  vested  under the
         surrendered  option (or  surrendered  portion)  over (B) the  aggregate
         Exercise Price payable for such shares.

                        (ii) To exercise this limited stock appreciation  right,
         Optionee must,  during the applicable  thirty (30)-day exercise period,
         provide the Corporation  with written notice of the option surrender in
         which there is  specified  the number of Option  Shares as to which the
         option is being  surrendered.  Such notice must be  accompanied  by the
         return of Optionee's  copy of the Option  Agreement,  together with any
         written  amendments to such Agreement.  The cash distribution  shall be
         paid to Optionee within five (5) days following such delivery date, and
         neither the approval of the Plan  Administrator  nor the consent of the
         Board shall be required in  connection  with such option  surrender and
         cash distribution.  Upon receipt of such cash distribution,  the option
         shall be  cancelled  with  respect to the  Option  Shares for which the
         option  has been  surrendered,  and  Optionee  shall  cease to have any
         further   right  to  acquire  those  Option  Shares  under  the  Option
         Agreement.   The  option  shall,   however,   remain   outstanding  and
         exercisable for the balance of the Option Shares (if any) in accordance
         with the terms of the Option

         Agreement, and the Corporation shall issue a new stock option agreement
         (substantially  in the same form of the surrendered  Option  Agreement)
         for those remaining Option Shares.

                       (iii) In no event  may this  limited  stock  appreciation
         right be exercised when there is not a positive spread between the Fair
         Market  Value of the Option  Shares and the  aggregate  Exercise  Price
         payable for such shares. This limited stock appreciation right shall in
         all events  terminate upon the expiration or sooner  termination of the
         option term and may not be assigned or transferred by Optionee.

                  2. For purposes of this  Addendum,  the following  definitions
shall be in effect:

                         (i) A Hostile Take-Over shall be deemed to occur in the
         event (A) any  person  or  related  group of  persons  (other  than the
         Corporation  or a person  that  directly  or  indirectly  controls,  is
         controlled  by,  or is under  common  control  with,  the  Corporation)
         directly  or  indirectly  acquires  beneficial  ownership  (within  the
         meaning  of Rule  13d-3 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as
         amended) of securities  possessing more than fifty percent (50%) of the
         total combined voting power of the Corporation's outstanding securities
         pursuant  to  a  tender  or  exchange   offer  made   directly  to  the
         Corporation's  stockholders  which the Board  does not  recommend  such
         stockholders  to accept,  and (B) more than fifty  percent (50%) of the
         securities  so acquired in such tender or exchange  offer are  accepted
         from holders other than the officers and  directors of the  Corporation
         subject to the  short-swing  profit  restrictions  of Section 16 of the
         Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                        (ii) The Take-Over Price per share shall be deemed to be
         equal to the greater of (A) the Fair Market  Value per Option  Share on
         the option  surrender date or (B) the highest  reported price per share
         of Common  Stock paid by the tender  offeror in  effecting  the Hostile
         Take-Over.  However,  if the  surrendered  option is  designated  as an
         Incentive  Option in the Grant Notice,  then the Take-Over  Price shall
         not exceed the clause (A) price per share.


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Atlantic Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. has caused
this Addendum to be executed by its  duly-authorized  officer,  and Optionee has
executed this Addendum, all as of the Effective Date specified below.

                                       ATLANTIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                                       By:    __________________________________

                                       Title: __________________________________

                                       1~, OPTIONEE

EFFECTIVE DATE: _______________, 199___
