LEASE AGREEMENT

         THIS LEASE  AGREEMENT  ("Lease") is made as of the 16th day of October,
1996  ("Effective  Date")  by and  between  ELECTRONIC  ARTS  INC.,  a  Delaware
corporation ("Landlord"), and DONALD MATTRICK ("Tenant").

                               ARTICLE 1: PREMISES

         1.1 Premises.  The "Premises"  consist of an approximately  that single
family  residence  located at 45 Robles  Drive in Woodside,  California  and the
associated real property shown more particularly on Exhibit A attached hereto.

                                 ARTICLE 2: TERM

         2.1 Term.  The term  ("Term") of this Lease shall  commence on the date
that legal title to the Premises has been transferred to Landlord,  the Premises
have been vacated by the previous  owner  thereof and the Premises are available
for occupancy by Tenant,  which date is currently  anticipated to be October 16,
1996 (the  "Commencement  Date") and shall terminate on the third anniversary of
the  Commencement  Date ("The  Expiration  Date"),  unless sooner  terminated as
provided for elsewhere herein.

                                 ARTICLE 3: RENT

         3.1 Rent.  Tenant shall pay to Landlord  rent ("Rent") in the amount of
Seven  Thousand  Five Hundred and No/100  Dollars  ($7,500)  per month,  without
notice, demand, offset or deduction, on the first day of each calendar month.

         3.2 Late Charge and  Interest.  The late  payment by Tenant of the Rent
will cause Landlord to incur additional costs,  including,  without  limitation,
administration  and collection costs and processing and accounting  expenses and
additional  increased debt service. If Landlord has not received any installment
of the Rent on the  date  such  amount  is due,  Tenant  shall  immediately  pay
Landlord a late charge of five percent (5%) of the delinquent  amount,  which is
agreed to represent a reasonable estimate of the costs incurred by Landlord.  In
addition,  all such  delinquent  amounts  shall bear interest from the date such
amount was due until paid in full at a rate per annum equal to ten percent (10%)
("Interest  Rate") per  annum;  provided,  in no event  shall the  interest  due
hereunder exceed the maximum interest rate permitted by law which may be charged
under such circumstances.

                         ARTICLE 4: REAL PROPERTY TAXES

         4.1 Real Property Taxes. Landlord shall pay as and when due any and all
real property taxes, levies and charges assessed against the Premises and coming
due during the Term of this Lease.  Tenant agrees to promptly  provide  Landlord
with copies of any real  property tax bills for the Premises  received by Tenant
during the Term hereof.

                           ARTICLE 5: SECURITY DEPOSIT

         5.1 Security Deposit.  Upon execution hereof, Tenant shall deposit with
Landlord the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($7,500) as a
security  deposit  ("Security   Deposit")  to  secure  performance  of  Tenant's
obligations  hereunder.  If  Tenant  fails to pay Rent or  fails to  perform  an
obligation  under this Lease,  Landlord  may apply the  Security  Deposit to the
payment of Rent or any other sum which  Landlord may become  obligated to pay by
reason of Tenant's  failure to perform any  obligation  under this Lease,  or to
compensate  Landlord for any  reasonable  loss or damage or costs for repair and
clean up which  Landlord  may suffer by reason of such  failure.  If Landlord so
applies the Security Deposit,  Tenant shall,  within five (5) days after written
demand,  deposit  with  Landlord an amount  sufficient  to restore the  Security
Deposit to its full, original amount. Landlord shall not be required to keep the
Security  Deposit  separate from its general accounts or to pay interest thereon
to Tenant.  Upon  expiration of the Term or if later vacation of the Premises by
Tenant  Landlord  shall pay to Tenant the amount of the  Security  Deposit  then


                        ARTICLE 6: MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR

         6.1 Tenant's Representations. Tenant represents to Landlord that he has
had the  opportunity  to and has inspected the  Premises,  excepting  only those
obligations of Landlord for certain  Capital  Improvements  described in section
8.3 below, Tenant accepts the Premises "as is".

         6.2  Landlord's  Obligations.  Landlord  shall  have no  obligation  to
maintain or repair the Premises.

         6.3 Tenant's Obligations.  Tenant, at Tenant's expense,  shall maintain
the  Premises  and every part thereof in good order,  condition  and repair.  In
connection therewith, Tenant shall, throughout the Term of this Lease, maintain,
at Tenant's expense,  maintenance contracts reasonably  satisfactory to Landlord
for the pool, lawn and  landscaping on the Premises.  If Tenant fails to perform
Tenant's  obligations  under this  Paragraph  6.2,  Landlord  may enter upon the
Premises  after thirty (30) days' prior written  notice to Tenant (except in the
case of  emergency,  in which case no notice shall be required) and perform such
obligations on Tenant's behalf; the cost thereof, together with interest thereon
at the  Interest  Rate,  shall  be due and  payable  to  Landlord  with the Rent
installment next due.

                          ARTICLE 7: SECURITY MEASURES

         7.1 Security Measures.  Landlord shall have no obligation whatsoever to
provide  security  measures for the benefit of the Premises.  Tenant assumes all
responsibility for the protection of Tenant and its invitees and the property of
Tenant and its invitees against acts of third parties.

                             ARTICLE 8: ALTERATIONS

         8.1   Alterations.    The   term   "Alterations"   means   alterations,
improvements,   additions,   removals  of  such  alterations,   improvements  or
additions,  including  but not limited to temporary  structures,  but  excluding
personal property of Tenant.

         8.2 Alterations by Tenant. Tenant shall not make any Alterations to the
Premises  that are  structural  in  nature,  change  the  cosmetic  image of the
exterior of the Premises or that cost more than Five Thousand  Dollars  ($5,000)
each without  Landlord's prior written consent.  Such  Alternations  approved by
Landlord are hereinafter referred to as "Approved Alterations". Alterations made
by  Tenant  that have not been  approved  as  provided  herein  are  hereinafter
referred  to as  "Unapproved  Alterations."  All  Alterations  shall  become the
property  of  Landlord  when  installed.  Landlord  may,  at the  expiration  or
termination of the term and unless Tenant has exercised the Option  described in
Section 16 below, require Tenant, at Tenant's expense, to remove immediately any
and all Unapproved  Alterations made by Tenant without Landlord's prior approval
and to  restore  the  premises  to their  condition  prior to the making of such
Unapproved  Alterations.  Unapproved Alterations shall, upon termination of this
Lease,  be subject to  Paragraph  13. In the event that Tenant does not exercise
the  Option  described  in  Article  16 below or in the event  that such  Option
terminates,  Landlord  shall  reimburse  Tenant  for the  lesser of the  amounts
actually approved by Landlord for such Approved  Alterations or the actual costs
to Tenant of such Approved Alterations.

         8.3  Alterations  by Landlord.  Landlord shall make, or arrange to have
made,  within ninety (90) days of the commencement of the Term,  certain capital
improvements  (the "Capital  Improvements")  to the Premises  which are mutually
agreed upon by Landlord and Tenant, each acting reasonably,  provided that in no
event  shall  Landlord  be  required  to spend more than  Seventy-Five  Thousand
Dollars ($75,000) in connection  therewith.  Any such Capital Improvements shall
remain a part of the  Premises,  shall be the  property of Landlord and shall be
surrendered by Tenant to Landlord upon the expiration or earlier  termination of
this Lease.

                       ARTICLE 9: LIABILITY AND INSURANCE

         9.1  Liability.  Tenant  shall  indemnify,  defend  and  hold  Landlord
harmless from and against all losses,  claims,  suits,  judgments,  liabilities,
damages, costs and expenses,  including without limitation reasonable attorneys'
and experts'  fees and expenses and court costs  (collectively,  "Liabilities"),
which arise  directly and  indirectly  out of Tenant's use of the Premises,  any
breach of or any default in the performance of Tenant's  obligations  under this
Lease  or the  breach  of any  representation  or  warranty  made by  Tenant  in
connection  with this  Lease,  any  discharge,  leakage,  spillage,  emission or


pollution of any type  (including  gasoline) upon or from the Premises or on any
other  property  arising out of or in any way  connected  with  Tenant's  use or
occupancy of the  Premises,  or any act or omission of Tenant or any of Tenant's
invitees;  provided,  however,  that Tenant shall not be liable for  Liabilities
caused by the sole,  active negligence or willful  misconduct of Landlord.  Upon
notice from  Landlord,  Tenant  shall defend  Landlord  against  Liabilities  at
Tenant's  expense by counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to Landlord and Landlord
shall cooperate with Tenant in such defense.

         Tenant hereby assumes all risk,  waives any claims against and releases
Landlord from liability,  and agrees that Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant
for  consequential  damages or for damage to the  property  of Tenant,  Tenant's
invitees  or of third  parties or for  injury to or the death of Tenant,  any of
Tenant's  invitees or any other person in or about the Premises unless caused by
the sole, active negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord.

         9.2  Insurance to be Maintained  by Tenant.  Tenant shall,  at Tenant's
expense, obtain and keep in force the following:

                  (i) A policy of  comprehensive  general  liability  insurance,
having a combined single limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)
per occurrence, from an insurance company acceptable to Landlord; and
                  (ii) A policy or  policies,  including  the basic form,  broad
form and special form of coverage,  including  vandalism and malicious mischief,
theft,  sprinkler  leakage and water  damage  coverage in an amount equal to the
full  replacement  value,  new  without  deduction  for  depreciation,   of  all
Landlord's  fixtures,   furniture  and  equipment  in  the  Premises,   and  all
Alterations to the Premises installed on the Premises.  Such coverage shall name
the Landlord as an additional insured as its interest may appear.

The policies shall name landlord as an additional insured.  Tenant shall deliver
to Landlord for Landlord's approval certificates of such insurance no later than
seven (7) days  prior to the  Commencement  Date (or date of  possession  of the
Premises if earlier). The limits of such insurance shall not limit the liability
of Tenant hereunder.

         9.3  Insurance  to  be  Maintained  by  Landlord.  Landlord  shall,  at
Landlord's expense, obtain and keep in force a policy or policies, including the
basic form,  broad form and special  form of coverage  including  vandalism  and
malicious  mischief,  theft,  sprinkler  leakage and water damage coverage in an
amount  equal  to  the  full  replacement   value,  new  without  deduction  for
depreciation, of the residence located on the Premises.


         10.1  Personal  Nature of Lease.  This Lease is personal to Tenant.  As
such,  Tenant has no right to assign or permit any other person or entity to use
this Lease in whole or in part.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of
the death of Tenant  during  the Term  hereof,  Tenant's  spouse  may occupy the
Premises subject to the terms of this Lease Agreement for the period referred to
in section  11.3(a)(ii)  and may exercise the option to purchase the Premises on
the basis of the terms of and applicable to section 16.1(iii).

                        ARTICLE 11: DEFAULT AND REMEDIES

         11.1 Default. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events
shall constitute a material default of this Lease by Tenant.

                  (a) The  failure by Tenant to make any  payment of Rent or any
other payment required to be made by Tenant hereunder within (5) days of receipt
of written notice from Landlord therefor; or

                  (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, the failure by
Tenant to observe or perform any of Tenant's obligations under this Lease, other
than  described in paragraph (a) above,  where such failure shall continue for a
period of ten (10) days after delivery of written notice of demand therefor from
Landlord  to  Tenant;  provided,   however,  that  if  the  nature  of  Tenant's
noncompliance  is such that more than ten (10) days are reasonably  required for
its cure, then Tenant shall not be deemed to be in default hereof if Tenant,  in
good  faith,  has  commenced  such  cure  within  said ten (10) day  period  and
thereafter diligently prosecutes such cure to completion.

         11.2  Remedies.  In the event of a default by Tenant,  Landlord may, at
any time  thereafter,  exercise any right or remedy  Landlord may have at law or


         11.3     Termination of Employment.

         (a)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein, this Lease shall
terminate,  and Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Landlord in the condition
required hereunder;

                  (i) within four (4) months of the  effective  date of a notice
sent (A) to  Landlord by Tenant  stating  that Tenant  elects to  terminate  his
employment  with  Landlord,  or (B) to Tenant by Landlord  stating that Tenant's
employment  by Landlord is  terminated  for cause as defined in  Subsection  (b)

                  (ii)  within  six (6) months of the death of the Tenant or the
effective  date of a notice sent to Tenant by  Landlord  stating  that  Landlord
elects to terminate  Tenant's  employment  by Landlord for any reason other than
for cause as defined in Subsection (b) below,

In the event that any period  described in this Section 11.3 shall extend beyond
the  Termination  Date,  then the Term shall be deemed extended for such period,
and of the rights and  obligations  of the parties set forth  herein,  including
Tenant's obligations to pay Rent, shall continue for such period.

         (b) For the purposes of this  Section 11, the term  "cause"  shall mean
(i) Tenant  conducts  himself  in a  willfully  dishonest,  or an  unethical  or
fraudulent manner, (ii) Tenant attempts deliberate injury to Landlord;  or (iii)
Tenant conducts any unlawful or criminal activity, which activity reflects badly
on Landlord in Landlord's reasonable judgment,.

                          ARTICLE 12: LANDLORD'S ENTRY

         12.1  Landlord's  Access.  Upon  twenty-four  (24) hours  notice to the
Tenant,  Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises at reasonable times
for the  purpose  of  inspecting  the  same,  showing  the  same to  prospective
purchasers,  lenders or others (during the last sixty (60) days of the Lease, if
Tenant has not  exercised  the Option  only),  or  exercising  any of Landlord's
rights hereunder. In the event of an emergency, Landlord shall have the right to
perform all such actions as Landlord shall deem necessary on the Premises at any
time. All activities of the Landlord undertaken pursuant to this paragraph shall
not grant to Tenant,  and Tenant  hereby  waives,  any right of abatement of the
Rent or other claim for liability against Landlord.

                              ARTICLE 13: SURRENDER

         13.1 Return of Premises.  Landlord,  may, by delivery of written notice
to Tenant no later than ten (10) days prior to the date of expiration or earlier
termination of this Lease,  require Tenant to remove, at Tenant's expense and on
or before  the  expiration  or earlier  termination  of this  Lease,  any or all
Unapproved Alterations made to the Premises by Tenant.

                        ARTICLE 14: TRANSFER OF PREMISES

         14.1  Transfer of  Premises.  In the event of a transfer of  Landlord's
title or interest in the Premises,  then,  provided the transferee  agrees to be
bound by the terms of this Lease  Agreement,  including  the option to purchase,
from and after the date of such transfer,  Landlord herein named (or, in case of
any subsequent  transfers,  the then grantor) shall be relieved of all liability
as respects Landlord's obligations thereafter to be performed, provided that any
funds held by Landlord  (or the then  grantor)  in which  Tenant has an interest
shall be delivered to the grantee.  Subject to the foregoing, the obligations to
be  performed  herein by Landlord  shall be binding on Landlord  and  Landlord's
successors and assigns only during their respective  periods of ownership of the

                            ARTICLE 15: MISCELLANEOUS

         15.1  Attorney's  Fees.  If  either  party  shall  bring an  action  or
proceeding  against  the other  party to  enforce  the terms of this Lease or to
declare  their  respective  right  hereunder,  the  losing  party  shall pay the
reasonable  attorneys'  and  experts'  fees and  expenses and court costs of the
party prevailing in the such action, proceeding, or trial or appeal thereof.


         15.2  Notices.  All notices  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have been given when  delivered  personally  or deposited  in the United  States
mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows:

         To Landlord:                             To Tenant:

         Electronic Arts Inc.                     45 Robles Drive
         1450 Fashion Island Boulevard            Woodside, California  94062
         San Mateo, California  94404
         Attention: Vice President, Finance

Either  party may change the  address  for  notices or  Landlord  may change the
address for payments by giving the other party notice to that effect.

         15.3 No Waiver. No waiver by Landlord or Tenant of any provision hereof
shall be  deemed a waiver  of any other  provision  hereof or of any  subsequent
breach  by  Tenant  or  Landlord,  as the case may be,  of the same or any other
provision,  nor shall any custom or practice which may grow up between  Landlord
and  Tenant in the  administration  of this  Lease be  construed  to waive or to
lessen  the  right of  Landlord  or Tenant to  insist  upon the  performance  by
Landlord or Tenant in strict accordance with this Lease.  Landlord's consent to,
or approval of, any act shall not be deemed to render  unnecessary the obtaining
of  Landlord's  consent to, or approval of, any  subsequent  act by Tenant.  The
acceptance of the Rent hereunder by Landlord shall not be deemed a waiver of any
preceding  breach by Tenant of any provision  hereof,  other than the failure of
Tenant to pay the  particular  payment of the Rent so  accepted,  regardless  of
Landlord's  knowledge of such preceding breach at the time of acceptance of such

         15.4 Severability. The invalidity of the Lease as determined by a court
of  competent  jurisdiction,  shall in no way affect the  validity  of any other
provision hereof.

         15.5  Time of  Essence.  Time is of the  essence  with  respect  to the
obligations to be performed under this Lease.

         15.6 Incorporation of Prior Agreements;  Amendments; No Representations
and  Warranties.  This Lease  contains  all the  agreements  of the parties with
respect to any matter mentioned herein. No prior or contemporaneous agreement or
understanding  pertaining to any such matter shall be effective.  This Lease may
be  modified  only by  written  instrument  signed  by the  parties.  Except  as
otherwise stated in this Lease,  Tenant hereby  acknowledges that no real estate
broker nor  Landlord  nor any agent or  employee  of either has made any oral or
written  warranties  or  representations  to Tenant  about the  condition of the
Premises or the present or future suitability of the Premises for the conduct of
Tenant's business and Tenant's intended use.

         15.7 Binding Effect. Subject to Article 10, this Lease shall be binding
on and  insure to the  benefit of the  successors  and  assigns  of the  parties

         15.8 Choice of Law: Venture. The Lease shall be governed by the laws of
California.  Any  litigation  concerning  this Lease between the parties  hereto
shall be initiated in the county where the Premises are located.

         15.9 Captions.  The captions on this Lease are for convenience only and
in no way define, limit or otherwise describe the scope or intent of this Lease,
or any provision hereof, or in any way affect the interpretation of this Lease.

         15.10 Recording.  Tenant shall not record this Lease or a memorandum of
"Short Form" thereof.

         15.11 Authority: Joint and Several Liability. Each individual executing
this Lease on behalf of Tenant  represents  and warrants  that he or she is duly
authorized  to execute and deliver  this Lease on behalf of Tenant and that such
execution is binding upon Tenant.  Tenant shall deliver to Landlord  evidence of
such  authority  satisfactory  to Landlord  prior to Tenant's  occupancy  of the
Premises.  The individuals  executing this Lease on behalf of Landlord represent
and warrant to Tenant  that they are duly  authorized  to execute  this Lease on
behalf of Landlord and that such  execution is binding upon all parties  holding
an ownership interest in the Premises.

         Where a party consists of more than one person,  firm or  corporations,
each such person,  firm or corporation shall be jointly and severally liable for
performance of such party's obligations hereunder.


                         ARTICLE 16: OPTION TO PURCHASE

         16.1 Option. Provided that (i) Tenant is not then in default hereunder,
and (ii) Tenant is residing in and has not vacated the  Premises,  Tenant  shall
have an  exclusive  option  (the  "Option")  to  purchase  the  Premises  on the
following basis:

                  (i) during the time period commencing on the Commencement Date
and ending on the Expiration Date;

                  (ii) during the time period  commencing on the effective  date
of a notice sent pursuant to Section  11.3(1)  hereof and ending four (4) months
thereafter; and

                  (iii) during the time period  commencing on the effective date
of a notice sent pursuant to Section  11.3(ii)  hereof and ending six (6) months

by providing Landlord with written notice thereof at least thirty (30) days (and
no more than sixty (60) days) in advance.  Upon  Tenant's  giving  such  written
notice to  Landlord,  this Option  shall  become a contract for the purchase and
sale of the Premises, and Landlord shall thereupon sell the Property,  including
all Alterations and Capital Improvements, to Tenant at a purchase price equal to
the  price for  which  Landlord  purchased  the  Premises,  plus the cost of any
Capital Improvements made to the Premises by Landlord (together "Costs"),  or if
the option is exercised  pursuant to Section  16.1(ii) at a purchase price equal
to the greater of the average of three (3) appraisals  provided by  independent,
reputable and qualified  appraisers or the Costs. In either event,  Tenant shall
pay any and all expenses associated with such purchase and sale of the Premises,
including but not limited to escrow fees, title insurance costs,  transfer taxes
and recording fees. Upon completion of the purchase and sale, all obligations of
the Tenant for rent,  except for arrears for any period preceding the completion
date, shall terminate.


         17.1.  Termination  Upon Damage or  Destruction.  In the event that the
Premises or any  substantial  part  thereof  shall during the Term be damaged or
destroyed by fire,  earthquake or flood or otherwise damaged so as to render the
same unfit for the purposes of habitation  then, upon written notice from Tenant
to Landlord,  this Lease Agreement shall  immediately  terminate without further
liability of Tenant to pay future rent owing.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Lease in duplicate
as of the Effective Date.

Landlord                                      Tenant

a Delaware corporation                        /s/ Donald Mattrick
                                              DONALD MATTRICK
By:  /s/ Ruth Kennedy

Name: Ruth A. Kennedy

Title: VP


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                  THE PREMISES

SAN MATEO, TOWN OF WOODSIDE, described as follows:


JULY 13, 1960, IN BOOK 53 OF MAPS 40, 41 AND 42.


