SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant    /X/
Filed by a party other than the Registrant   / /

Check the appropriate box:
/ /  Preliminary proxy statement
/ /  Confidential, for use of the Commission only (as permitted by
     Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/X/  Definitive proxy statement
/ /  Definitive additional materials
/ /  Soliciting material pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or Sec. 240.14a-12

                        SILIC0N STORAGE TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(5)  Total fee paid:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)  Filing party:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4)  Date filed:

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                        SILICON STORAGE TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                                1171 Sonora Court
                           Sunnyvale, California 94086

                           TO BE HELD ON JULY 23, 1997


     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of Silicon
Storage Technology, Inc., a California corporation ("the Company"), will be held
on  Wednesday,  July 23, 1997 at 2:00 p.m.,  local  time,  at the offices of the
Company at 1156 Sonora  Court,  Sunnyvale,  California  94086 for the  following

     1. To elect  directors  to serve  for the  ensuing  year  and  until  their
        successors are elected.

     2. To ratify the  selection  of  Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  as  independent
        auditors of the Company for its fiscal year ending December 31, 1997.

     3. To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting
        or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     The  foregoing  items of  business  are more fully  described  in the Proxy
Statement accompanying this Notice.

     The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on May 27, 1997, as
the record date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and
to vote at this Annual Meeting and at any adjournment or postponement thereof.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Michael J. Praisner

                                          MICHAEL J. PRAISNER

Sunnyvale, California
June 6, 1997

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                        SILICON STORAGE TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                                1171 Sonora Court
                           Sunnyvale, California 94086

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                                  July 23, 1997



     The  enclosed  proxy is  solicited  on behalf of the Board of  Directors of
Silicon Storage Technology,  Inc., a California corporation (the "Company"), for
use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Wednesday, July 23, 1997
at 2:00 p.m.,  local time,  (the "Annual  Meeting"),  or at any  adjournment  or
postponement  thereof, for the purposes set forth herein and in the accompanying
Notice of Annual  Meeting.  The  Annual  Meeting  will be held at the  Company's
offices at 1156 Sonora Court,  Sunnyvale,  California 94086. The Company intends
to mail this proxy  statement,  accompanying  proxy card, 1996 Annual Review and
Annual  Report  on Form  10-K on or  about  June 6,  1997,  to all  shareholders
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.


     The Company will bear the entire cost of solicitation of proxies, including
preparation,  assembly,  printing and mailing of this proxy statement, the proxy
and any additional information furnished to shareholders. Copies of solicitation
materials  will  be  furnished  to  banks,  brokerage  houses,  fiduciaries  and
custodians  holding in their names shares of Common Stock  beneficially owned by
others to forward to such beneficial  owners.  The Company may reimburse persons
representing  beneficial  owners of Common  Stock for their costs of  forwarding
solicitation  materials to such  beneficial  owners.  Original  solicitation  of
proxies  by  mail  may be  supplemented  by  telephone,  telegram,  or  personal
solicitation by directors,  officers, or other regular employees of the Company.
No additional compensation will be paid to directors, officers, or other regular
employees for such services.

Voting Rights and Outstanding Shares

     Only  holders of record of Common Stock at the close of business on May 27,
1997 will be  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  At the
close of business on May 27, 1997 the Company had  outstanding  and  entitled to
vote 23,023,650 shares of Common Stock.

     Each holder of record of Common  Stock on such date will be entitled to one
vote for each share held on all matters to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting.

     All votes will be tabulated by the inspector of election  appointed for the
meeting,   who  will  separately   tabulate   affirmative  and  negative  votes,
abstentions, and broker non-votes.  Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted
towards a quorum but are not counted for any purposes in  determining  whether a
matter is approved.

Revocability of Proxies

     Any person giving a proxy  pursuant to this  solicitation  has the power to
revoke it at any time  before it is voted.  It may be revoked by filing with the
Secretary of the Company at the  Company's  principal  executive  offices,  1171
Sonora Court,  Sunnyvale,  California 94086, a written notice of revocation or a
duly executed  proxy bearing a later date, or it may be revoked by attending the
meeting and voting in person.  Attendance  at the  meeting  will not, by itself,
revoke a proxy.

Shareholder Proposals

     Proposals  of  shareholders  that  are  intended  to be  presented  at  the
Company's  1998 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  must be received by the Company
not later than Friday, February 6, 1998 in order to be


included  in the proxy  statement  and proxy  relating  to the  Annual  Meeting.
Shareholders  are also advised to review the  company's  bylaws,  which  contain
additional requirements with respect to advance notice shareholder proposals and
director nominations.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     There are five nominees for the five Board positions  presently  authorized
in the Company's Bylaws.  Each director to be elected will hold office until the
next annual meeting of  shareholders  and until his successor is elected and has
qualified, or until such director's earlier death,  resignation or removal. Each
nominee  listed below is  currently a director of the Company,  four having been
elected by the  shareholders,  and one nominee,  Dr. Ronald Chwang,  having been
elected to the Board by the Board of Directors effective June 1, 1997.

     Shares  represented by the executed  proxies will be voted, if authority to
do so is not withheld, for the election of the five nominees named below. In the
event that any  nominee  should be  unavailable  for  election as a result of an
unexpected  occurrence,  such  shares  will be voted  for the  election  of such
substitute nominee as management may propose. Each person nominated for election
has agreed to serve if elected and  management has no reason to believe that any
nominee will be unable to serve.

     Directors  are  elected by a  plurality  of the votes  present in person or
represented by proxy and entitled to vote. The names of the nominees and certain
information about them are set forth below:

Name                                Age      Principal Occupation/Position Held with the Company
- - ---------------------------------- ------   -----------------------------------------------------
Bing Yeh(1)(4)  ..................  46       President and Chief Executive Officer
Yaw Wen Hu   .....................  46       Vice President, Technology Development and
                                               Wafer Manufacturing
Tsuyoshi Taira(1)(2)(3)  .........  58       President, Tazan International, Inc.
Yasushi Chikagami(1)(2)(3)  ......  58       Director, GVC Corporation
Ronald Chwang   ..................  47       President and Chief Executive Officer,
                                               Acer America Corporation
- - ------------
(1) Member of Compensation Committee
(2) Member of Audit Committee
(3) Member of Stock Option Committee
(4) Sole Member of Non-Officers Stock Option Committee

     Bing Yeh,  co-founder  of the Company,  has served as  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer of the Company since its inception in 1989. Prior to founding
the  Company,  Mr. Yeh served as a senior  Research and  Development  manager at
Xicor, Inc., a nonvolatile memory semiconductor  company. From 1981 to 1984, Mr.
Yeh held program  manager and other  positions at  Honeywell  Inc.  From 1979 to
1981, Mr. Yeh was a senior  development  engineer of EEPROM  technology at Intel
Corporation.  He was a Ph.D. candidate in applied physics at Stanford University
and earned an Engineer degree in electrical  engineering.  Mr. Yeh holds an M.S.
and a B.S. in physics from National Taiwan University.

     Yaw  Wen  Hu,  has  served  the  Company  as  Vice  President,   Technology
Development and Wafer  Manufacturing  since July 1993 and has been a director of
the Company since  September  1995.  From 1990 to 1993,  Dr. Hu served as deputy
general manager of Technology  Development at Vitelic Taiwan  Corporation.  From
1988 to  1990,  he  served  as FAB  engineering  manager  at  Integrated  Device
Technology, Inc. From 1985 to 1988 he was the director of Technology Development
at  Vitelic  Corporation.  From 1978 to 1985 he  worked as a senior  development
engineer in Intel  Corporation's  Technology  Development  group. Dr. Hu holds a
B.S.  in  physics  from  National  Taiwan  University  and an M.S.  in  computer
engineering and a Ph.D. in applied physics from Stanford University.


     Tsuyoshi  Taira,  has been a director of the Company  since July 1993.  Mr.
Taira  served as a member of the board of directors  of Atmel  Corporation  from
1987 to 1992. Mr. Taira served as president of Sanyo  Semiconductor  Corporation
from 1986 to 1993. Mr. Taira was Chairman of the Sanyo Semiconductor Corporation
from 1993 to 1996. Mr. Taira left the Sanyo Semiconductor Corporation in August,
1996. Mr. Taira  currently  owns and runs a marketing and management  consulting
company,   Tazan  International,   Inc.  Mr.  Taira  holds  a  B.S.  from  Tokyo
Metropolitan University.

     Yasushi Chikagami, has been a director of the Company since September 1995.
Mr. Chikagami has been Chairman of Keian Corporation, a personal computer and PC
peripheral distributor, since 1993. Mr. Chikagami has also served as director of
GVC  Corporation (a company  incorporated  in the Republic of China) and Trident
Microsystems,  Inc.  since 1993.  Mr.  Chikagami  holds a B.S.  in  agricultural
engineering from Taiwan  University and a M.S. in engineering from University of

     Ronald  Chwang,  has been a director  of the Company  since June 1997.  Dr.
Chwang  has  been  President  and  Chief  Executive   Officer  of  Acer  America
Corporation,  a subsidiary of The Acer Group, a worldwide computer manufacturer,
since 1992 and has served The Acer Group in various  capacities  since 1986. Dr.
Chwang  has  previously  held  development  and  management  positions  at Intel
Corporation and Bell Northern  Research.  Dr. Chwang holds a B.S. in engineering
from McGill University and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University
of Southern California.


Board Committees and Meetings

     During the year ended  December 31, 1996,  the Board of Directors  held six
meetings. The Board has an Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Stock Option
Committee, and a Non-Officers Stock Option Committee.

     The Audit Committee meets with the Company's  independent auditors at least
annually  to review the results of the annual  audit and  discuss the  financial
statements; recommends to the Board the independent auditors to be retained; and
receives and considers  the  accountants'  comments as to controls,  adequacy of
staff and management  performance  and  procedures in connection  with audit and
financial  controls.  The  Audit  Committee  is  composed  of  two  non-employee
directors: Mssrs. Taira and Chikagami. Mr. Michael Hsu was a member of the Audit
Committee and the Board of Directors until his resignation in October, 1996. The
Audit Committee met once during fiscal 1996.

     The Compensation  Committee makes  recommendations  concerning the salaries
and benefits of all officers of the Company and reviews  general policy relating
to  compensation  and  benefits  of  employees  of the  Company,  except for the
issuance of stock options and other awards under the Company's  equity incentive
plans.  The Compensation  Committee is composed of two  non-employee  directors:
Mssrs. Taira and Chikagami and one employee  director:  Mr. Yeh. Mr. Michael Hsu
was a member of the Compensation  Committee and the Board of Directors until his
resignation in October,  1996. The Compensation Committee met once during fiscal

     The Stock Option  Committee  administers  the issuance of stock options and
other  awards  under the  Company's  equity  incentive  plans.  The Stock Option
Committee is composed of two non-employee directors: Mssrs. Taira and Chikagami.
Mr.  Michael  Hsu was a member of the Stock  Option  Committee  and the Board of
Directors until his resignation in October, 1996. The Stock Option Committee met
twice during year 1996.

     The  Non-Officers  Stock Option  Committee was established in April 9, 1996
and  administers  the  issuance  of stock  options  and other  awards  under the
Company's  equity  incentive plans to non-officer  employees.  The  Non-Officers
Stock  Option  Committee  is composed of one  employee  director:  Mr. Yeh.  The
Non-Officers Stock Option Committee acted by unanimous written consent ten times
during fiscal 1996.  During the year ended December 31, 1996,  each Board member
attended, in person or by telephonic communication, 75% or more of the aggregate
of the  meetings  of the Board and of the  committees  on which he served,  held
during the period for which he was a director or committee member, respectively.


                                   PROPOSAL 2


     The  Board of  Directors  has  selected  Coopers &  Lybrand  L.L.P.  as the
Company's  independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1997 and
has  further  directed  that  management  submit the  selection  of  independent
auditors for ratification by the  shareholders at the Annual Meeting.  Coopers &
Lybrand  L.L.P.  has  audited the  Company's  financial  statements  since 1991.
Representatives  of Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  are expected to be present at the
Annual  Meeting  and will have an  opportunity  to make a  statement  if they so
desire and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

     Shareholder  ratification  of the selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.  as
the Company's  independent  auditors is not required by the Company's  Bylaws or
otherwise.  However,  the Board is submitting the selection of Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P.  to the  shareholders  for  ratification  as a matter  of good  corporate
practice. If the shareholders fail to ratify the selection,  the Audit Committee
and the Board will  reconsider  whether or not to retain that firm.  Even if the
selection is ratified, the Audit Committee and the Board in their discretion may
direct the appointment of different  independent auditors at any time during the
year if they  determine that such a change would be in the best interests of the
Company and its shareholders.

     The affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present in
person or represented by proxy and voting at the Annual Meeting will be required
to ratify the selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

                         A VOTE IN FAVOR OF PROPOSAL 2.


                              SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF

     The following table sets forth certain information  regarding the ownership
of the  Company's  Common  Stock as of April 30, 1997 by: (i) each  director and
each nominee for  director;  (ii) each of the  executive  officers  named in the
Summary Compensation Table employed by the Company in that capacity on April 30,
1997; (iii) all executive  officers and directors of the Company as a group; and
(iv) all those  known by the Company to be  beneficial  owners of more than five
percent of its Common Stock.

                                                  Beneficial Ownership(1)
 Beneficial Owner                            Number of Shares   Percent of Total
 ----------------                            ----------------   ----------------
 Bing Yeh(2)   ..........................      3,640,000              15.7%
  c/o Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
  1171 Sonora Court
  Sunnyvale, CA 94086
 Ching S. Jenq   ........................      1,980,000               8.5
  13030 Cumbra Vista Court
  Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
 Tseng Family Trust  ....................      1,570,000               6.8
  Dtd 12/26/96, Carter and Su
  Hwa Tseng, trustees
  22, R&D Road 2
  Hsin-Chu Science Park
  Taiwan, R.O.C. 30077
 Thomas A. Freeze  ......................             -                  -
 Michael J. Praisner(3)  ................         75,064                 *
 Isao Nojima(4)    ......................        310,464               1.3
 Yaw Wen Hu(5)   ........................        271,198               1.2
 David Sweetman(6)   ....................        110,000                 *
 Amy Yuen(7)   ..........................         99,822                 *
 Tsuyoshi Taira(8)   ....................          9,000                 *
 Yasushi Chikagami(8)  ..................          9,000                 *
 Ronald Chwang   ........................             -                  -
 All executive officers and directors as
  a group (ten persons)(9)   ............      4,524,548              19.5%

- - ------------
*    Represents  beneficial  ownership of less than 1% of the outstanding shares
     of the Company's Common Stock.

(1)  This table is based upon  information  supplied by officers,  directors and
     principal  shareholders and Schedules 13D and 13G filed with the Securities
     & Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC").  Unless  otherwise  indicated  in the
     footnotes  to this table,  and  subject to  community  property  laws where
     applicable,  the Company  believes that each of the  shareholders  named in
     this table above has sole voting and  investment  power with respect to the
     shares  of  Common  Stock  shown  as  beneficially  owned.   Percentage  of
     beneficial  ownership is based on 23,196,709 shares of the Company's Common
     Stock  outstanding  as of April 30,  1997  adjusted  as  required  by rules
     promulgated by the SEC.

(2)  Includes  (i)  1,160,000  shares  held by the Yeh Family  Trust U/D/T dated
     August  14,  1995,  of which  Mr.  Yeh and his wife are  trustees  and (ii)
     2,480,000 shares held by the Yeh 1995 Children's Trust U/T/A dated July 31,
     1995 (the "Children's Trust") of which Su-Wen Y. Liu and Yeon-Hong Chan are
     trustees.  Mr. Yeh disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held by the
     Children's Trust.

(3)  Includes 73,333 shares issuable subject to options exercisable on or before
     June 30, 1997.

(4)  Includes  281,000  shares  issuable  subject to options  exercisable  on or
     before June 30, 1997. 

                                             (Footnotes continued on next page.)


(Footnotes continued from previous page.)

(5)  Includes (i) 5,000  shares held by each of Dr. Hu's two minor  children and
     (ii) 217,467 shares  issuable  subject to options  exercisable on or before
     June 30, 1997.

(6)  Includes 70,000 shares issuable subject to options exercisable on or before
     June 30, 1997.

(7)  Includes 35,334 shares issuable subject to options exercisable on or before
     June 30, 1997.

(8)  Includes 9,000 shares issuable subject to options  exercisable on or before
     June 30, 1997.

(9)  Includes  695,134  shares  subject to stock  options held by directors  and
     executive  officers as a group  exercisable on or before June 30, 1997. See
     footnotes (4) through (9).

Compliance with the Reporting Requirements of Section 16(a)

     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 (the  "1934  Act")
requires the Company's  directors and  executive  officers,  and persons who own
more than ten percent of a registered class of the Company's equity  securities,
to file with the SEC  initial  reports of  ownership  and  reports of changes in
ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities of the Company.  Officers,
directors  and  greater  than  ten  percent  shareholders  are  required  by SEC
regulation  to furnish the Company  with copies of all Section  16(a) forms they

     To the Company's knowledge,  based solely on a review of the copies of such
reports  furnished  to the  Company and  written  representations  that no other
reports were  required,  during the year ended  December  31, 1996,  all Section
16(a) filing requirements applicable to its officers, directors and greater than
ten percent beneficial owners were complied with.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Compensation of Directors

     Directors do not currently  receive any cash  compensation from the Company
for their  service  as  members  of the Board of  Directors,  although  they are
reimbursed for certain travel-related  expenses in connection with attendance at
Board and committee meetings in accordance with Company policy.

     Each  non-employee  director of the Company  receives  stock option  grants
under the 1995 NonEmployee Directors' Stock Option Plan ("the Directors' Plan").
Only non-employee directors of the Company are eligible to receive options under
the Directors'  Plan.  Options granted under the Directors' Plan are intended by
the Company not to qualify as incentive stock options under the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

     Option grants under the Directors' Plan are non-discretionary.  Pursuant to
the terms of the Directors'  Plan,  each director who was serving on the date of
the  Company's  initial  public  offering  was granted on such date an option to
purchase  24,000  shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  In  addition,  each
non-employee  director  subsequently  elected to the Board will automatically be
granted an option to purchase  24,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock.  On
the date of each annual meeting of shareholders  commencing with the 1997 Annual
Meeting,  each member of the Company's Board of Directors who is not an employee
of the Company is  automatically  granted  under the  Directors'  Plan,  without
further action by the Company, the Board of Directors or the shareholders of the
Company,  an  option to  purchase  up to 6,000  shares  of  Common  Stock of the
Company.  No other options may be granted at any time under the Directors' Plan.
The exercise price of options  granted under the Directors'  Plan is 100% of the
fair market value of the Common  Stock  subject to the option on the date of the
option grant.  Options granted under the Directors' Plan become exercisable over
a period  of four  years  from the date of grant in  forty-eight  equal  monthly
installments  commencing  on the date one  month  after the date of grant of the
option,  provided that the optionee has,  during the entire period prior to such
vesting date,  continuously served as a non-employee  director or employee of or
consultant to the Company or any affiliate of the Company, whereupon such option
shall become fully exercisable in accordance with its terms with respect to that
portion  of the  shares  represented  by that  installment.  The term of options
granted under the Directors'  Plan is ten years. In the event of a merger of the
Company with or into


another  corporation  or  a  consolidation,   acquisition  of  assets  or  other
change-in-control  transaction involving the Company, the vesting of each option
will  accelerate  and the option will  terminate if not  exercised  prior to the
consummation of the transaction.  At April 30, 1997, options (net of canceled or
expired  options)  covering an aggregate of 48,000 shares had been granted under
the Directors'  Plan and 102,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock remained
available for grant under the Directors' Plan.

     During  the fiscal  year 1996,  no  options  were  granted to  non-employee
directors under the Directors' Plan.  Commencing with the 1997 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  each member of the  Company's  Board of Directors  will receive an
annual amount of 6,000 shares under the  Directors'  Plan. As of April 30, 1997,
no options had been exercised under the Directors' Plan.

Compensation of Executive Officers

                             Summary of Compensation

     The following  table shows for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1996 and
December 31, 1995  compensation  awarded or paid to, or earned by, the Company's
Chief  Executive  Officer and the Company's  other five most highly  compensated
executive officers at December 31, 1996 (the "Named Executive Officers"):

                                              Annual Compensation      Long-Term Compensation       All Other
                                             ----------------------   -------------------------   --------------
                                             Salary       Bonus       Securities Underlying       Compensation
Name and Principal Position         Year       ($)        ($)(1)        Stock Options (#)           ($)(2)
- - ---------------------------------- -------   ----------   ---------   -------------------------   --------------
Bing Yeh                            1996      195,000       78,682              -                    2,592
 President and Chief Executive      1995      128,690       40,824              -                      -
Michael J. Praisner                 1996      132,000       38,324              -                      712
 Vice President, Finance and        1995       37,919           -          200,000                     -
 Administration, Chief Financial
 Officer and Secretary
Yaw-Wen Hu                          1996      132,000       40,814              -                    1,792
 Vice President, Technology         1995      115,121       18,281           2,800                     -
 Development and Wafer
Isao Nojima                         1996      135,000       41,851              -                    1,072
 Vice President, Memory Design      1995      115,500       18,492           3,000                     -
 and Product Engineering
David Sweetman                      1996      130,000       39,325              -                    1,200
 Vice President, Quality and        1995      110,256       17,226              -                      -
 Customer Support
Amy Yuen                            1996      138,000       45,163              -                    4,032
 Vice President, Operations         1995      114,736       23,164         104,000                     -

- - ------------
(1) Bonuses  received  pursuant to the Company's profit sharing plan (see Report
    of the  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  on  Executive

(2) Includes other  compensation  for travel time, new hire  referrals,  amounts
    paid by the Company for supplemental term life insurance, etc.


                       Stock Option Grants and Exercises

     The Company grants options to its executive  officers under the 1995 Equity
Incentive Plan (the "Incentive Plan"). In October,  1995, the Board of Directors
amended and  restated  its 1990 Stock  Option Plan and  increased  the number of
shares reserved for issuance under the Incentive Plan to 6,000,000  shares.  The
Incentive  Plan  provides  for grants of  incentive  stock  options to employees
(including  executive  officers and employee  directors) and nonstatutory  stock
options, restricted stock purchase awards, stock bonuses, and stock appreciation
rights to employees  (including officers and employee directors) and consultants
of the Company. The Incentive Plan is presently administered by the Stock Option
Committee and the  Non-Officer  Stock Option  Committee,  which  determines  the
recipients  and types of awards to be granted,  including  the  exercise  price,
number of shares subject to the award, and the exercisability  thereof.  As used
herein with  respect to the  Incentive  Plan,  the  "Board"  refers to the Stock
Option  Committee and the Non-Officer  Stock Option  Committee as well as to the
Board of Directors itself. As of April 30, 1997,  options to purchase a total of
1,675,000  shares  were  outstanding  under the  Incentive  Plan and  options to
purchase 1,171,000 shares remained available for grant thereunder.

     The term of a stock option  granted under the Incentive  Plan generally may
not exceed ten years.  The exercise price of options granted under the Incentive
Plan is determined  by the Board of Directors,  but, in the case of an incentive
stock  option,  cannot be less than 100% of the fair market  value of the Common
Stock on the date of grant  or, in the case of 10%  shareholders,  not less than
110% of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.  Options
granted to employees  under the Incentive Plan generally vest at the rate of 25%
of the shares  subject to option on the first annual  anniversary of the date of
hire and 1/48th of such  shares at the end of each  calendar  month  thereafter.
Certain  initial  option grants to officers under the Incentive Plan vest at the
rate of 20% of the shares  subject to option on the first annual  anniversary of
the date of hire and  1/60th of such  shares at the end of each  calendar  month

     No option may be transferred by the optionee other than by will or the laws
of descent or  distribution  or, in certain  limited  instances,  pursuant  to a
qualified  domestic  relations order. An optionee,  whose  relationship with the
Company or any related corporation ceases for any reason (other than by death or
permanent and total disability),  may exercise options in the three-month period
following  cessation  (unless such options  terminate or expire  sooner by their
terms) or in such longer period as may be determined by the Board.

     Shares  subject to options  which have  lapsed or  terminated  may again be
subject to options granted under the Incentive Plan. Furthermore,  the Board may
offer to exchange new options for existing  options,  with the shares subject to
the existing option again becoming available for grant under the Incentive Plan.
In the event of a decline in the value of the Company's  Common Stock, the Board
has the authority to offer  optionees  the  opportunity  to replace  outstanding
higher priced options with new lower priced options.

     On September 11, 1996 the Board of Directors approved an offer to employees
of the Company to reprice  outstanding  stock options granted prior to that date
with an exercise  price above $7.125 per share (the "1996  Repricing  Program").
Under the 1996  Repricing  Program,  approximately  276,500  option  grants were
converted  into  repriced  options  grants with an exercise  price of $7.125 per
share (based on the closing price as reported on the Nasdaq  National  Market on
such date). As consideration for the repriced options, the repriced options vest
on a date that is six months  after the date such  option  would have vested had
the option not been converted by the employee  exercising this conversion right.
The 1996 Repricing Program  terminated on September 11, 1996. No Named Executive
Officer received repriced option grants pursuant to the 1996 Repricing Program.

     On April 23, 1997 the Board of Directors  approved an offer to employees of
the Company to reprice  outstanding  options  granted prior to that date with an
exercise price above $3.125 per share (the "1997 Repricing Program").  Under the
1997  Repricing  Program,  as of April 28,  1997,  844,750  option  grants  were
converted into repriced option grants with an exercise price of $3.125 (based on
the closing price as reported on the Nasdaq  National  Market on such date).  As
consideration for the grant of repriced  options,  optionees are prohibited from
exercising the repriced options for a period of three months


following the initial vest date of such  repriced  options.  The 1997  Repricing
Program  terminated on April 28, 1997. The following  Named  Executive  Officers
received repriced option grants pursuant to the 1997 Repricing Program:

                                     Number of Securities      Market Price of                        Length of Original
                                     Underlying Options        Stock at Time                          Option Term Remaining
                                         Repriced or           of Repricing or      New Exercise      at Date of Repricing
         Name            Date            Amended (#)           Amendment ($)         Price ($)           or Amendment
- - ---------------------- ----------   -----------------------   ------------------   ---------------   -----------------------
Isao Nojima  .........  4/28/97            24,420                  4.875               3.125              117 months
David Sweetman  ......  4/28/97            25,640                  4.875               3.125              117 months
Yaw Wen Hu   .........  4/28/97            25,640                  4.875               3.125              117 months
Amy Yuen  ............  4/28/97            15,260                  4.875               3.125              117 months

     Stock options,  stock bonuses and stock appreciation  rights are awarded by
the Company in accordance with a vesting  schedule  determined by the Board. The
purchase of price of such  awards will be at least 85% of the fair market  value
of the  Common  Stock on the date of grant.  Stock  bonuses  may be  awarded  in
consideration for past services without a purchase payment.  Stock  appreciation
rights  authorized  for issuance  under the  Incentive  Plan may be tandem stock
appreciation  rights,  concurrent stock  appreciation right or independent stock
appreciation rights.

     Upon any merger or  consolidation in which the Company is not the surviving
corporation,  all  outstanding  awards under the Incentive  Plan shall either be
assumed  or  substituted  by  the  surviving  entity.  If the  surviving  entity
determines not to assume or substitute  such awards,  the time during which such
awards may be exercised  shall be accelerated  and the awards  terminated if not
exercised  prior  to the  merger  or  consolidation.  The  Incentive  Plan  will
terminate in June 2000, unless terminated sooner by the Board of Directors.

     The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1996 regarding  options held at year-end and exercised by the
Named  Executive  Officers.  For the fiscal year ended  December 31,  1996,  the
Company did not grant any stock options to the Named Executive Officers.

 Aggregated Option Exercises in Fiscal 1996, and Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                                  Number (#) of Securities        $ Value of Unexercised
                                                                   Underlying Unexercised         In-the-Money Options at
                              Shares Acquired      $ Value      Options at December 31, 1996         December 31, 1996
            Name              On Exercise (#)    Realized(1)     Exercisable/Unexercisable     Exercisable/Unexercisable(2)
- - ---------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------
Bing Yeh  ..................          -                 -                    -                                 -
Michael J. Praisner   ......          -                 -              53,334/146,666                $ 204,003/$560,997
Isao Nojima  ...............          -                 -              245,000/90,000                $1,145,225/$420,750
Yaw Wen Hu   ...............       2,000            $24,200            195,466/85,334                $ 913,664/$398,936
Amy Yuen  ..................      38,000           $366,650             17,834/64,166                $  82,107/$294,143
David Sweetman  ............      50,000           $369,375            46,000/104,000                $ 212,750/$481,000

- - ------------
(1) Based on the fair market value of the Company's  Common Stock on the date of
    exercise  minus  the  exercise  price,  multiplied  by the  number of shares
    underlying the option.

(2) Based on the  closing  price  of the  Company's  Common  Stock  ($4.825)  on
    December  31,  1996 as  reported  on the Nasdaq  National  Market  minus the
    exercise price, multiplied by the number of shares underlying the option.

Employee Stock Purchase Plan

     In  October,  1995,  the Board of  Directors  adopted  the  Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan (the "Purchase  Plan")  covering an aggregate of 850,000 shares of
Common  Stock.  The  Purchase  Plan is intended to qualify as an employee  stock
purchase  plan within the meaning of Section 423 of the Internal  Revenue  Code.
Under the Purchase Plan, the Board of Directors may authorize  participation  by
eligible  employees,  including  officers,  in periodic offerings  following the
adoption of the Purchase Plan.  The offering  period for any offering will be no
more than 27 months. The Company concluded two six month offering periods during
1996: on January 31, 1996 and on July 31, 1996.


     Employees are eligible to  participate if they are employed by the Company,
or an  affiliate of the Company  designated  by the Board of  Directors,  for at
least 20 hours per week and are employed by the Company or a  subsidiary  or the
Company  designated  by the Board for at least five  months per  calendar  year.
Employees who  participate  in an offering can have up to 10% of their  earnings
withheld pursuant to the Purchase Plan. The amount withheld will then be used to
purchase shares of the Common Stock on specified  dates  determined by the Board
of Directors.  The price of Common Stock  purchased under the Purchase Plan will
be equal to 85% of the lower of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the
commencement  date of each  offering  period  to the  specified  purchase  date.
Employees  may end their  participation  in the  offering at any time during the
offering period.  Participation  ends automatically on termination of employment
with the Company.

     In the event of a merger,  reorganization,  or consolidation or liquidation
to  involving  the Company in which the Company is not a surviving  corporation,
the board of  Directors  has  discretion  to provide that each right to purchase
Common Stock will be assumed or an equivalent right substituted by the successor
corporation,  or the Board may shorten the  offering  period and provide for all
sums collected by payroll deductions to be applied to purchase stock immediately
prior to such merger or other  transaction.  The Purchase Plan will terminate at
the Board's  direction.  The Board has the  authority to amend or terminate  the
Purchase  Plan,  subject to the  limitation  that no such  action may  adversely
affect any outstanding rights to purchase Common Stock.

                          ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION(1)

     The  Company's  executive  compensation  program  is  administered  by  the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors and is composed of Mssrs. Taira
and  Chikagami  neither  of whom are  currently  officers  or  employees  of the
Company,  and Bing Yeh,  President and Chief Executive  Officer;  and, the Stock
Option  Committee  which  consists  of  Mssrs.  Taira  and  Chikagami,   each  a
non-employee director of the Company.

     The  Company's  executive  compensation  program is  designed to retain and
reward  executives who are  responsible for leading the Company in achieving its
business objectives. All decisions by the Compensation Committee relating to the
salary compensation of the Company's  executive officers,  with the exception of
the Chief  Executive  Officer,  are  reviewed by the full Board;  and, all stock
option  awards by the Stock Option  Committee to the  executive  officers of the
Company are  reviewed by the full Board.  The salary  compensation  of the Chief
Executive Officer is established by the non-employee members of the Compensation
Committee,  Mssrs.  Taira  and  Chikagami.  This  report  is  submitted  by  the
Compensation  Committee  and  the  Stock  Option  Committee  and  addresses  the
Company's  compensation  policies for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996 as
they affect Bing Yeh, in his capacity as President and Chief  Executive  Officer
of the Company, and the other executive officers of the Company.

Compensation Philosophy

     The  objectives  of the  executive  compensation  program  are to (i) align
compensation with the Company's business objectives and individual  performance,
(ii) motivate and reward high levels of performance,  (iii) recognize and reward
the  achievement  of team and individual  goals,  and (iv) enable the Company to
attract,  retain and reward  executive  officers who contribute to the long-term
success of the Company.

     The  Company's  executive  compensation  philosophy is to tie a significant
portion  of  executive  compensation  to  the  performance  of the  Company  and
attainment of goals and objectives by individual executive officers and is based
on the following:

- - ------------

(1) Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth in any of the  Company's
    previous  filings  under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933
    Act"), or the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act"),  that might
    incorporate future filings,  including this Proxy Statement,  in whole or in
    part,  the following  report and  Performance  Graph on page 13 shall not be
    incorporated by reference into any such filings.


   -  The Committees  regularly  compares its executive  compensation  practices
      with those of other  companies in the  industry and sets its  compensation
      guidelines  based on this review.  The Company's base annual  salaries for
      its  executives are generally in the mid-range of those paid to executives
      of comparable  companies in the semiconductor  industry.  The Compensation
      Committee and the Stock Option  Committee  seek,  however,  to provide its
      executives  with  opportunities  for higher  compensation  through  profit
      sharing and stock options.

   -  The Committees  believe that an executive  compensation  program that ties
      profit  sharing  awards to  performance  and  achievement of the Company's
      stated goals serves both as an influential motivator to its executives and
      as an effective  instrument for aligning their interests with those of the
      shareholders of the Company.

   -  The  Committees  also  believes  that a very  substantial  portion  of the
      compensation of the Company's  executives  should be linked to the success
      of the Company's stock in the marketplace. The linkage is achieved through
      the Company's  stock option  program which also serves to more fully align
      the interests of management with those of the Company's shareholders.

Implementation of Compensation Program

     Annual  compensation  for  the  Company's   executives  consists  of  three
principal elements-salary, profit sharing and stock options.

     The  Compensation  Committee  sets the base  annual  salary  and  levels of
compensation for executives by reviewing  compensation for comparable  positions
in  the  market  and  the  historical   compensation  levels  of  the  Company's
executives.  Currently, the base annual salaries of the Company's executives are
at  levels  which the  Compensation  Committee  believes  are  generally  in the
midrange of those of  executives  of companies  with which the Company  compares
itself. The Compensation  Committee members  participate in the deliberations of
the annual salaries for all executive  officers other than for  compensation for
Mr. Yeh. The non-employee members of the Compensation  Committee deliberate upon
and set Mr. Yeh's  annual  salary.  Increases in annual  salaries are based on a
review  and  evaluation  of  executive   salary  levels  and  the   demonstrated
capabilities  of the  executives in managing the key aspects of a  semiconductor
company,  including (i) corporate  partnering,  patent  strategy and  technology
collaborations,  (ii) research and  development,  (iii) market  development  and
market  penetration,  (iv) financial matters,  including  attracting capital and
financial planning, and (v) human resources.

Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer in Fiscal 1996

     As  discussed  below,  Mr.  Yeh is  eligible  to  participate  in the  same
executive  compensation  plans available to the other executive  officers of the
Company.  The Compensation  Committee sets Mr. Yeh's total annual  compensation,
including  compensation  derived from the Company's profit sharing program, at a
level it believes is competitive with those of other Chief Executive Officers at
other  companies in the  semiconductor  industry,  although at the middle of the

     Mr. Yeh earned $195,000 in 1996 as base salary.  Effective January 1, 1997,
his salary was increased to $205,725 annually.  In determining Mr. Yeh's salary,
the  Compensation  Committee  reviewed  various  factors,  including  Mr.  Yeh's
contributions  with  respect  to  the  advancement  of  market  development  and
diversification of market penetration,  corporate partnership transactions,  and
the recruitment of the Company's new Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Tom Freeze, in
December,  1996. Mr. Yeh's profit sharing of $78,682 was calculated and based on
a  pre-determined  formula which is applied to every  employee of the Company as
described below.

Profit Sharing

     Bonuses are  calculated for all employees,  including  executive  officers,
twice each year using two  pre-determined  profit  sharing-based  formulas.  The
first  formula  allocates  10% of the  Company's  operating  profit  to a profit
sharing pool provided the Company has met its twin  profitability  goals of both
pre-tax  profits  and  operating  profits in excess of 10% of sales.  If pre-tax
profits or operating  profits are less than 10% of sales,  no allocation is made
to profit sharing. The second formula apportions some of the profit


sharing  pool,  if any,  to each  employee  based on the  employee's  length  of
employment,  level  of  performance  and  base  salary.  No  bonus is paid to an
employee  who has  worked for the  Company  for less than six  months.  Level of
performance is a numerical value assigned in performance  reviews  independently
of the profit sharing program. The Company currently calculates bonuses based on
the Company's financial performance in the periods January 1 through June 30 and
July 1 through December 31.

     The Company achieved its profitability goals for the period January 1, 1996
through June 30, 1996 and for the period July 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996.
All of the Named Executive Officers were eligible for and received bonuses based
on profit  sharing as described  above.  Executive  officers as a group received
aggregate profit-sharing bonuses of $284,159 for fiscal 1996 performance.

Stock Awards

     Total   compensation  at  the  executive  level  also  includes   long-term
incentives  offered by stock awards under the Incentive  Plan.  Stock awards are
designed to align the long-term  interests of the Company's employees with those
of its shareholders and to assist in the retention of employees.  The size of an
individual stock award is generally intended to reflect the employee's  position
with  the  Company  and  his or her  importance,  past  and  future  anticipated
contributions to the Company, and how many years of future service for which the
employee has nonvested  options.  It has been the Company's  practice to fix the
exercise price of stock option grants at 100% of the fair market value per share
on the date of grant.  Options are  generally  subject to vesting over a four or
five year period to  encourage  key  employees  to continue in the employ of the

     The Stock Option  Committee  administers  the Incentive  Plan for executive
officers of the  Company.  The Board has  delegated  to the  Non-Officers  Stock
Option  Committee  the  administration  of the  Incentive  Plan  for  all  other
employees  of the  Company.  During  fiscal  1996,  no Named  Executive  Officer
received  stock option grants  because all Named  Executive  Officers  possessed
unvested stock options  grants related to future service under previous  grants.
In January, 1997, an evergreen program (stock replenishment) was approved by the
Board of Directors whereby options may be granted on a smaller and more frequent
basis to both  executive  officers  and  employees  in order to ensure that each
eligible employee possesses  nonvested options for four years of future service.
The Company intends to grant options to executive officers on a routine basis as
part of this evergreen program.

Limitations  on  Deduction  of  Compensation  Paid to  Certain  Named  Executive

     Section  162(m) of the Code limits the  Company to a deduction  for federal
income tax purposes of no more than $1 million of  compensation  paid to certain
executive  officers  in a taxable  year.  Compensation  above $1 million  may be
deducted  if it is  "performance-based  compensation"  within the meaning of the

     The statute  containing  this law and the applicable  Treasury  regulations
offer  a  number  of  transitional   exceptions  to  this  deduction  limit  for
pre-existing  compensation  plans,  arrangements  and  binding  contracts.  As a
result, the Compensation Committee believes that at the present time it is quite
unlikely that the compensation  paid to any Named Executive Officer in a taxable
year which is subject to the deduction limit will exceed $1 million.  Therefore,
the  Compensation  Committee has not yet  established  a policy for  determining
which forms of incentive  compensation  awarded to its Named Executive  Officers
shall  be  designed  to  qualify  as   "performance-based   compensation."   The
Compensation  Committee  intends to  continue  to  evaluate  the  effects of the
statute and Treasury regulations.

                             Compensation Committee

                                    Bing Yeh
                                 Tsuyoshi Taira
                                Yasushi Chikagami

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation in Compensation

     The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of  Directors is composed of the
following  persons:  Bing Yeh,  Tsuyoshi Taira and Yasushi  Chikagami.  Of these
Directors,  Mr. Yeh is also an  officer of the  Company.  In  addition,  see Mr.
Taira's   biography   describing  his   relationship   to  Sanyo   Semiconductor
Corporation, a major supplier to the Company, during part of 1996.


Performance Measurement Comparison(1)

     The following chart shows the total shareholder  return of an investment of
$100 in cash on November 21, 1995 for (i) the Company's  Common Stock,  (ii) the
Nasdaq Stock  Market-U.S.  Index, and (iii) the Hambrecht & Quist  Semiconductor
Index.  All values assume  reinvestment  of the full amount of all dividends and
are calculated as of December 31 of each year.

[The following  descriptive  data is supplied in accordance  with Rule 304(d) of
Regulation S-T]

                                                     Total Return - Data Summary


                                                   Cumulative Total Return
                                                  11/21/95    12/95      12/96

Silicon Storage Techn Inc             SSTI           100       147        54

NASDAQ STOCK MARKET-US                INAS           100       103       127

HAMBRECHT & QUIST SEMICONDUCTOR       IHQS           100        91       118

- - ------------

(1) This Section is not  "soliciting  material," is not deemed  "filed" with the
    SEC, and is not to be incorporated by reference in any filing of the Company
    under  the 1933 Act or the 1934 Act  whether  made  before or after the date
    hereof and irrespective of any general incorporation of language in any such


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

     On January  31,  1996,  the Company  acquired a 14%  interest in a Japanese
company for approximately  $939,000.  The president of the Japanese company is a
shareholder of the Company.  In addition,  this Japanese  company  accounted for
12.7% of the Company's net product  revenues for the fiscal year ended  December
31, 1996.

     As a matter of policy, all transactions  between the Company and any of its
officers,  directors or principal shareholders will be approved by a majority of
the independent and disinterested members of the Board of Directors, and will be
on  terms  no  less  favorable  to the  Company  than  could  be  obtained  from
unaffiliated  third  parties and will be in  connection  with bona fide business
purposes of the Company.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors knows of no other matters that will be presented for
consideration  at the Annual Meeting.  If any other matters are properly brought
before the meeting, it is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying
proxy to vote on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ Michael J. Praisner
                                        MICHAEL J. PRAISNER

June 6, 1997

A copy of the Company's Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange  Commission
on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1996 is  available  without
charge upon written request to: Corporate Secretary, Silicon Storage Technology,
Inc., 1171 Sonora Court, Sunnyvale, California 94086.


                                                                      APPENDIX A

PROXY                   SILICON STORAGE TECHNOLOGY, INC.                   PROXY

                          TO BE HELD ON JULY 23, 1997

     The undersigned hereby appoints Bing Yeh and Michael J. Praisner,  and each
of them,  as  attorneys  and  proxies  of the  undersigned,  with full  power of
substitution,  to vote all of the shares of stock of Silicon Storage Technology,
Inc. (the "Company") which the undersigned may be entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders of Silicon  Storage  Technology,  Inc. to be held at the
offices of the  Company at 1156 Sonora  Court,  Sunnyvale,  California  94086 on
Wednesday,  July  23,  1997  at  2:00  p.m.,  local  time,  and at any  and  all
postponements,  continuations and adjournments thereof, with all powers that the
undersigned  would  possess if  personally  present,  upon and in respect of the
following  matters  and in  accordance  with the  following  instructions,  with
discretionary  authority as to any and all other  matters that may properly come
before the meeting.

                 (Continue, and to be signed on the other side)

                                                                                                                     Mark your
                                                                                                                      votes as   [X]
FOR DIRECTOR LISTED BELOW AND FOR PROPOSAL 2.                                                                 FOR  AGAINST   ABSTAIN
                                                                         2.  To ratify selection of Coopers &
1. To elect directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of        Lybrand,   LLP  as   independent [ ]    [ ]       [ ]
   Shareholders and until their successors are elected.                      auditors of  the Company for its
                                                                             fiscal  year ending December 31,
  Nominees                                 WITHHOLD                          1997.
     Bing Yeh, Yaw Wen Hu,       FOR       FOR ALL
     Tsuyoshi Taira,             [ ]         [ ]                             Unless a contrary direction is  indicated,
     Yashushi Chikagami,                                                     this Proxy will be voted for all  nominees
     and Ronald Chwang                                                       listed in Proposal 1  and  for Proposal  2
                                                                             as  more  specifically  described  in  the
  To withhold authority to vote for any nominee(s), write such               Proxy Statement. If specified instructions
   nominee(s)' name in the space below.                                      are indicated, this Proxy will be voted in
                                                                             accordance therewith.
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                             Please sign  exactly as your name  appears
                                                                             hereon.  If the stock is registered in the
                                                                             names of two or more persons,  each should
                                                                             sign. Executors, administrators, trustees,
                                                                             guardians and attorneys-in-fact should add
                                                                             their titles.  If signer is a corporation,
                                                                             please give full corporate name and have a
                                                                             duly  authorized   officer  sign,  stating
                                                                             title. If signer is a partnership,  please
                                                                             sign in  partnership  name  by  authorized

Signature(s)_____________________________________ Signature if held jointly_________________________________ Date___________________