Savings Bank
TELEPHONE (707) 462-6613

                                  Exhibit 10.3

October 15, 1997

Mr. Michael Laybourn
Mendocino Brewing Company Inc.
Post Office Box 400
Hopland, CA 95449

Dear Michael:

Following up our earlier telephone  conversation,  the Savings Bank of Mendocino
County is prepared to convert our $2,700,000.00 construction loan to a permanent
financing loan package on substantially the same terms and conditions  specified
in the  now-lapsed  take-out  commitment  issued  September  13, 1996.  With the
exception of the  substitution of the expiration date specified  below, the only
loan terms which are modified are as follows:

     1)  Origination  Fee--in  lieu  of the  one-half  percent  origination  fee
         originally  negotiated,  you will be  required to pay to the Bank a one
         and one-half (1-1/2) percent origination fee. As previously  expressed,
         we have unexpectedly  expended  considerably more time and expense over
         the past year for which we would like to obtain reimbursement.

     2)  Interest  Rate--the original  commitment  provided for an interest rate
         floor of eight and one-half (8-1/2)  percent. In lieu of the foregoing,
         the interest  rate floor will be lowered to seven and one-half  (7-1/2)

Michael,  we  recognize  that  the  investment  agreement  reached  with  United
Breweries of America, Inc.  substantially  strengthens Mendocino Brewing Company
and  understand  that it is in  everyone's  best  interest  to work  together to
facilitate  consummation  of  the  contemplated  transaction.  In  spite  of the
foregoing,  we believe it is premature to lower the interest rate from the level
originally  committed until such time as we are satisfied that our risk has been
mitigated by demonstrations of sustained profitability,  stable sales growth and
confirmation of ongoing production efficiency. It is my additional understanding
that  Mendocino  Brewing  Company is or will in the near  future be  negotiating
alliances that could significantly  enhance the company's  profitability  and/or
capital structure.  The relationship with Mendocino Brewery is very important to

Bank and we want you to know that we are very  willing  to  consider  any future
requests to lower the interest rate pricing.

In addition to the conditions  specified  previously,  our commitment is further
conditioned upon:

     1)  Our being satisfied that there are no outstanding  payables owed to the
         prime contractor, BDM Construction,  or any subcontractor that provided
         goods and/or services in association with your construction project.

     2)  Receipt of a signed copy of the investment  agreement between Mendocino
         Brewing and United Breweries of America.  The agreement must be in form
         and substance satisfactory to Bank and its council.

     3)  Written confirmation that Westamerica Bank has agreed to renew its loan
         commitment  to  Mendocino  Brewing  and  our  determination   that  the
         negotiated terms are acceptable to us.

     4)  Confirmation  that your promissory note obligations to BDM Construction
         and Cordes Langley et al have been fully satisfied.

     5)  Confirmation  that in  addition  to the four  million  dollars  in cash
         contributions, United Breweries of America has contributed all of their
         Sarasota  Springs  Brewery Inc.  assets into Mendocino  Brewing Company
         Inc. It is my understanding  that the value of these assets approximate
         seven and one-half (7-1/2) million dollars.

It  goes  without  mention  that  the  requirement  stipulated  in our  original
commitment  letter  relating to your public  offering and the related deposit of
proceeds into a bank account are no longer relevant.

The  take-out  loan must be  completely  negotiated,  documented  and  closed by
December 1, 1997 or our  commitment  will  expire.  Should any of the  foregoing
require  any  clarification,  don't  hesitate  contacting  me at  your  earliest


/s/ Martin J. Lombardi
Martin J. Lombardi
Vice President