Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant    [X]                       
Filed by a party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:                 
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement           
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
     Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                 
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials                           
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to       
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12       

                           WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed pursuant
      to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
      calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(5)   Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)   Amount previously paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)  Filing party:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4)  Date filed:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               1108 Fifth Avenue
                         San Rafael, California 94901
                                 March 19, 1998

To Our Shareholders:

     The Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Westamerica  Bancorporation  will be
held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday,  April 21, 1998,  at the Showcase  Theatre,  Marin
Center, San Rafael, California, as stated in the formal notice accompanying this
letter. We hope you will plan to attend.

     At the Annual Meeting,  the  shareholders  will be asked to elect directors
and to approve the selection of independent auditors.

     Please sign and return the  enclosed  proxy as promptly as possible so that
your shares may be represented  at the Annual  Meeting.  If you attend,  you may
vote in person even though you previously returned your proxy.

     We look forward to seeing you at the Annual  Meeting on Tuesday,  April 21,


                                        /s/ David L. Payne

                                        DAVID L. PAYNE
                                        Chairman of the Board,
                                        President and Chief Executive Officer

                          WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION
                               1108 Fifth Avenue
                         San Rafael, California 94901


           Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders--April 21, 1998


     The Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  will be held at the Showcase  Theatre,
Marin Center, San Rafael, California, on Tuesday, April 21, 1998, at 2:00 p.m.
for the purpose of:

       1. Electing 13 directors;

       2. Approving the selection of independent auditors for 1998; and

       3. Transacting such other business as may properly come before the Annual

     Shareholders  of record at the close of business on February 27, 1998,  are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any  postponement  or
adjournment  thereof. You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting. If
you do not expect to be present, please complete, sign and date the accompanying
proxy and mail it at once in the enclosed  envelope.  No postage is necessary if
mailed within the United States.

     Westamerica  Bancorporation's  Annual  Report  for the  fiscal  year  ended
December 31, 1997 is enclosed.  The Annual Report  contains  financial and other
information about the activities of Westamerica Bancorporation, but it is not to
be deemed a part of the proxy soliciting materials.

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ Kris Irvine

                                        Kris Irvine
                                        Assistant Corporate Secretary

Dated: March 19, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL .................................................................   1
ELECTION OF DIRECTORS ...................................................   2
 COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD ................................................   3
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ......................................................   5
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION ..................................................   8
OTHER ARRANGEMENTS ......................................................  10
BOARD COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT .....................................  12
STOCK PERFORMANCE CHART .................................................  14
APPROVAL OF AUDITORS ....................................................  14
OTHER MATTERS ...........................................................  15

                           WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION
                                1108 Fifth Avenue
                          San Rafael, California 94901


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                 March 19, 1998



     This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Westamerica Bancorporation (the "Corporation") Board of Directors
(the "Board") for use at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 2:00
p.m.,  Tuesday,  April 21, 1998,  at the Showcase  Theatre,  Marin  Center,  San
Rafael,  California,  for the purposes set forth in the  accompanying  Notice of
Annual Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Meeting").  This proxy statement and proxy
are being mailed to shareholders on or about March 19, 1998.

     Voting   Rights  and  Vote   Required.   Shareholders   of  record  of  the
Corporation's  common stock at the close of business on February  27, 1998,  the
record date,  are entitled to vote at the Meeting.  On that date,  approximately
42,687,270  shares of the  Corporation's  common  stock  were  outstanding.  The
determination of shareholders  entitled to vote at the Meeting and the number of
votes to which  they are  entitled  was made on the  basis of the  Corporation's
records as of the record date.

     Each  share is  entitled  to one  vote,  except  that with  respect  to the
election  of  directors,  a  shareholder  may  cumulate  votes as to  candidates
nominated prior to voting if any shareholder  gives notice of intent to cumulate
votes at the Meeting prior to the voting.  If any shareholder gives such notice,
all shareholders may cumulate their votes for nominees. Under cumulative voting,
each share  carries as many votes as the number of directors to be elected,  and
the  shareholder  may cast all of such votes for a single  nominee or distribute
them in any manner among as many nominees as desired.

     In the election of directors,  the 13 nominees receiving the highest number
of votes will be elected.  Approval of the selection of the independent auditors
will require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares  represented and
voting  at the  Meeting.  Abstentions  will  not  count as votes in favor of the
election of directors or any of the other proposals.

     Quorum.  A majority of the shares entitled to vote,  represented  either in
person or by a properly executed proxy, will constitute a quorum at the Meeting.
Shares  which  abstain  from voting and "broker  non-votes"  (shares as to which
brokerage  firms have not received  voting  instructions  from their clients and
therefore do not have the  authority to vote the shares at the Meeting)  will be
counted for purposes of determining a quorum only.

     Voting of Proxies.  The shares represented by all properly executed proxies
received  in  time  for the  Meeting  will  be  voted  in  accordance  with  the
shareholders'  choices  specified  therein;  provided,  however,  that  where no
choices have been  specified,  the shares will be voted to approve the selection
of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as  independent  auditors.  When  exercising the powers
granted to proxy holders under the caption  "ELECTION OF DIRECTORS,"  the shares
will be voted for the election of directors in the manner described therein.

     The Board knows of no matters to be brought  before the Meeting  other than
the election of directors  and the selection of  independent  auditors for 1998.
If, however,  any other matters of which the Board is not now aware are properly
presented  for action,  it is the  intention of the proxy  holders  named in the
enclosed  form of proxy to vote such proxy on such  matters in  accordance  with
their best business judgment.


     Revocability of Proxy. The delivery of the enclosed proxy does not preclude
the shareholder delivering the proxy from voting in person or changing the proxy
should  the  shareholder  so  desire.  The  proxy  may be  revoked  by a written
directive  to the  Corporation,  by  another  proxy  subsequently  executed  and
presented at the Meeting at any time prior to the actual voting or by attendance
and voting at the Meeting.

     Shareholder Proposals.  To be considered for inclusion in the Corporation's
proxy  statement for next year's annual meeting,  shareholder  proposals must be
received  at the  Corporation's  executive  offices  at 1108 Fifth  Avenue,  San
Rafael, California 94901, no later than November 19, 1998.

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Charles I.  Daniels,  Jr. has  announced  his  intention to retire from the
Board  effective  March 26,  1998.  As a result,  the number of directors of the
Board to be elected at the meeting to hold office for the ensuing year and until
their  successors  are elected and  qualified is 13. It is the  intention of the
proxy  holders  named in the enclosed  proxy to vote such proxies  (except those
containing contrary instructions) for the 13 nominees named below.

     The Board does not  anticipate  that any of the nominees  will be unable to
serve as a director,  but if that should  occur  before the  Meeting,  the proxy
holders  reserve the right to substitute as nominee and vote for another  person
of their  choice in the place and stead of any nominee  unable so to serve.  The
proxy holders  reserve the right to cumulate votes for the election of directors
and cast all of such votes for any one or more of the nominees, to the exclusion
of the  others,  and in such  order  of  preference  as the  proxy  holders  may
determine in their discretion.

     Nominees.  The nominees for election to the office of director of the Board
are named and  certain  information  with  respect to them is given  below.  The
information  has been furnished to the  Corporation by the respective  nominees.
All of the nominees have engaged in their  indicated  principal  occupation  for
more than five years, unless otherwise indicated.

Name of Nominee                                          Principal Occupation                          Since
- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------   ---------
Etta Allen ....................... Mrs. Allen, born in 1929, is president and owner of Allen           1988
                                   Heating and Sheet Metal of Greenbrae.
Louis E. Bartolini ............... Mr. Bartolini, born in 1932, retired in 1988 as a vice presi-       1991
                                   dent and financial consultant with Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
                                   Fenner & Smith, Inc.
Don Emerson ...................... Mr. Emerson, born in 1928, was president of Calso                   1979
                                   Company. He presently devotes his time to personal
Louis H. Herwaldt ................ Mr. Herwaldt, born in 1932, is President of Herwaldt Au-            1997
                                   tomotive Group, Inc. Prior to 1996, Mr. Herwaldt had been
                                   President of Herwaldt Oldsmobile-GMC Truck since 1969,
                                   President of Saturn of Fresno since 1991, and President of
                                   Herwaldt Motors since 1993. Mr. Herwaldt served as a di-
                                   rector of ValliCorp Holdings, Inc. ("ValliCorp"), which
                                   merged with and into the Corporation in 1997.
Arthur C. Latno, Jr. ............. Mr. Latno, born in 1929, was an Executive Vice President            1985
                                   for Pacific Telesis Group (formerly Pacific Telephone Co.).
                                   Mr. Latno retired from that company in November of 1992.
Patrick D. Lynch ................. Mr. Lynch, born in 1933, is a consultant and director for           1986
                                   several high technology firms.
Catherine Cope MacMillan ......... Ms. MacMillan, born in 1947, is president and owner of The          1985
                                   Firehouse Restaurant in Sacramento.


Name of Nominee                                     Principal Occupation                          Since
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------   ---------
Patrick J. Mon Pere .......... Mr. Mon Pere, born in 1931, is the owner and                       1997
                               President/CEO of Patrick James, Inc., a men's retail cloth-
                               ing firm. Mr. Mon Pere served as a director of ValliCorp,
                               which merged with and into the Corporation in 1997.
Ronald A. Nelson ............. Mr. Nelson, born in 1942, was vice president of Charles M.         1988
                               Schulz Creative Associates, a general partner in various
                               Schulz partnerships and trustee for various Schulz trusts
                               and the Schulz foundation. He now devotes his time to
                               personal investments.
Carl R. Otto ................. Mr. Otto, born in 1946, is the President and Chief                 1992
                               Executive Officer of John F. Otto, Inc., a general contract-
                               ing firm in Sacramento.
David L. Payne ............... Mr. Payne, born in 1955, is the Chairman of the Board,             1984
                               President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.
                               Mr. Payne is President and Chief Executive Officer of
                               Gibson Printing and Publishing Company and Gibson Ra-
                               dio and Publishing Company, which are newspaper, com-
                               mercial printing and real estate investment companies
                               headquartered in Vallejo.
Michael J. Ryan, Jr. ......... Mr. Ryan, born in 1930, has been involved in Ryan Farms,           1997
                               a diversified farming venture, as well as investments and
                               real estate since 1957. Mr. Ryan served as a director of
                               ValliCorp, which merged with and into the Corporation
                               in 1997.
Edward B. Sylvester .......... Mr. Sylvester, born in 1936, is the owner of Sylvester Engi-       1979
                               neering, Inc., a civil engineering and planning firm.


     The Board held a total of 13 meetings during 1997. Every director  attended
at least 75%, with the  exception of Michael J. Ryan,  Jr., who attended 71%, of
the  aggregate  of: (i) the 13 Board  meetings or that number of Board  meetings
held during the period in which they served; and (ii) all of the meetings of any
Committee of the Board on which such director served.

     Committees  of the Board. The Board has an Executive Committee, the members
of  which  are  D. L. Payne, Chairman, D. Emerson, A. C. Latno, Jr., P. D. Lynch
and  E. B. Sylvester. The Board delegates to the Executive Committee, subject to
the  limitations  of  the  California  General  Corporation  Law, any powers and
authority  of  the  Board  in  the management of the business and affairs of the
Corporation. The Executive Committee held 12 meetings in 1997.

     The  Board  has  an Audit Committee, the members of which are R. A. Nelson,
Chairman,  E.  Allen,  L.  E.  Bartolini, C. I. Daniels, Jr. and C. R. Otto. The
Audit   Committee  reviews  with  the  Corporation's  independent  auditors  and
management  the  Corporation's accounting principles, policies and practices and
its  reporting  policies  and  practices.  The  Audit Committee reviews with the
independent  auditors  the  plan  and  results  of  the  auditing engagement and
reviews  the  scope  and results of the procedures of the Corporation's internal
Audit  Department.  The  Audit Committee conducts investigations of the adequacy
of  the  Corporation's internal accounting procedures and reviews the results of
such  investigations  with  the  Corporation's internal audit staff and with the
Board.  The  Audit  Committee  reviews  the reports of examinations conducted by
bank regulatory authorities. The Audit Committee held six meetings in 1997.


     The  Board has an Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee, the members
of  which  are P. D. Lynch, Chairman, E. Allen, D. Emerson, A. C. Latno, Jr., C.
C.  MacMillan and R. A. Nelson. The Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee
administers  and  carries  out  the  terms  of  the Corporation's employee stock
option   plans   as  well  as  the  tax  deferred  savings  and  retirement  and
profit-sharing   plans.   The   Employee  Benefits  and  Compensation  Committee
administers  the  Corporation's compensation programs and reviews and recommends
to  the  Board  the  compensation  level  for  the  executive  officers  of  the
Corporation  and  its  subsidiaries.  The  Employee  Benefits  and  Compensation
Committee  also  reviews  the  performance  of and recommends promotions for the
executive  officers  of  the Corporation. The Employee Benefits and Compensation
Committee held five meetings in 1997.

     The  Board  has  a  Nominating Committee for the election of directors, the
members  of  which  are  A.  C.  Latno,  Jr.,  Chairman,  L. E. Bartolini, C. I.
Daniels,  Jr., D. Emerson, C. C. MacMillan, D. L. Payne and E. B. Sylvester. The
Nominating  Committee  is  responsible  for reviewing the fees paid to directors
for  attendance  at Board and Committee meetings and making recommendations with
respect  thereto. The Nominating Committee will consider shareholder nominations
for  election  to  the  Board  submitted  in accordance with section 2.14 of the
Bylaws   of  the  Corporation  ("Section  2.14").  Section  2.14  requires  that
nominations  be  submitted  in writing to the Secretary (or Assistant Secretary)
of  the  Corporation within not less than 14 days nor more than 50 days prior to
the  annual  meeting  at  which  directors  will be elected and that nominations
contain  certain  specified information regarding the nominee and the nominating
shareholder. The Nominating Committee held one meeting in 1997.

     The  Board of Westamerica Bank ("WAB") has a Loan and Investment Committee,
the  members  of  which  are  E. B. Sylvester, Chairman, A. C. Latno, Jr., P. D.
Lynch  and C. C. MacMillan. The Loan and Investment Committee is responsible for
reviewing  major loans and investment policies and for monitoring the activities
related  to  the  Community  Reinvestment Act. The Loan and Investment Committee
held 12 meetings in 1997.

     Directors'  Fees.  During  1997,  directors  of the Corporation received an
annual  retainer  of  $14,000. Each director received $1,000 for each meeting of
the Board that he or she attended.

     During 1997, nonemployee directors received $500 for each Committee meeting
of the Board  attended.  The Chairman of each  Committee  received an additional
$250, for a total of $750, for each Committee meeting attended.  The Chairman of
the Board,  D. L. Payne,  is  compensated  as an employee and did not receive an
annual retainer or director's fees.

     Indebtedness  of  Directors  and  Management.  Certain  of  the  directors,
executive  officers  and their  associates  have had banking  transactions  with
subsidiaries  of the  Corporation  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business.  All
outstanding  loans and commitments  included in such  transactions  were made on
substantially the same terms, including interest rates and collateral,  as those
prevailing at the time for comparable  transactions with other persons,  did not
involve  more than a normal risk of  collectibility  and did not  present  other
unfavorable features.


                              EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     The executive  officers of the Corporation and WAB serve at the pleasure of
the  Board  and are  subject  to  annual  appointment  by the Board at its first
meeting  following the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  It is anticipated  that
each of the executive officers listed below will be reappointed to serve in such
capacities  at the  first  meeting  of the  Board  following  the  Meeting.  The
executive  officers  include  David L.  Payne,  President  and  Chief  Executive
Officer, about whom information is provided above, and the following persons:

Name of Executive                                       Position                               Since
- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------   ------
E. Joseph Bowler ........... Mr. Bowler, born in 1936, is Senior Vice President and Trea-      1980
                             surer for the Corporation.
Robert W. Entwisle ......... Mr. Entwisle, born in 1947, is Senior Vice President in           1986
                             charge of the Banking Division of WAB.
Jennifer J. Finger ......... Ms. Finger, born in 1954, is Senior Vice President and Chief      1997
                             Financial Officer for the Corporation. From 1993 to 1997,
                             Ms. Finger was Senior Vice President of Corporate Devel-
                             opment with Star Banc Corporation in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Evan N. Fricker ............ Mr. Fricker, born in 1938, is Vice President and General          1983
                             Auditor for the Corporation.
Charles L. Fritz ........... Mr. Fritz, born in 1936, is Executive Vice President and          1988
                             Chief Credit Officer of the Corporation.
Dennis R. Hansen ........... Mr. Hansen, born in 1950, is Senior Vice President and            1978
                             Controller for the Corporation.
Thomas S. Lenz ............. Mr. Lenz, born in 1937, is Senior Vice President and Chief        1989
                             Credit Administrator of WAB.
Hans T. Y. Tjian ........... Mr. Tjian, born in 1939, is Senior Vice President and Man-        1989
                             ager of the Operations and Systems Administration Divi-
                             sion of WAB.

                         SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

     Security  Ownership of Certain  Beneficial Owners. To the best knowledge of
the Corporation, as of the date of this proxy statement, no person or entity was
the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the  Corporation's  outstanding  shares.
For the purpose of this  disclosure and the disclosure of ownership of shares by
management below, shares are considered to be "beneficially" owned if the person
has or shares the power to vote or direct the voting of the shares, the power to
dispose  of or direct the  disposition  of the  shares,  or the right to acquire
beneficial ownership (as so defined) within 60 days of February 27, 1998.


     Security  Ownership of Directors and Management.  The following table shows
the number of common shares and the percentage of the common shares beneficially
owned  (as  defined  above)  by each of the  current  directors,  by each of the
nominees for election to the office of director,  by the Chief Executive Officer
and the  four  other  most  highly  compensated  executive  officers  and by all
directors and executive  officers of the  Corporation  as a group as of February
27, 1998.

                                                  Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership(1)
                                           Sole             Shared             Right to
                                        Voting and        Voting and        Acquire Within                       Percent of
                                        Investment        Investment          60 Days of                         Shares of
               Name                       Power              Power       February 27, 1998(2)      Total(3)       Class(4)
- ---------------------------------- -------------------   ------------   ----------------------   ------------   -----------
Etta Allen .......................        10,671 (5)                                                 10,671        *
Louis E. Bartolini ...............         1,800                                                      1,800        *
Charles I. Daniels, Jr. ..........         2,133                                                      2,133        *
Don Emerson ......................        67,650                                                     67,650        *
Louis H. Herwaldt ................        30,000                                                     30,000        *
Arthur C. Latno, Jr. .............         3,156 (6)                                                  3,156        *
Patrick D. Lynch .................         1,200                                                      1,200        *
Catherine Cope MacMillan .........         1,800                                                      1,800        *
Patrick J. Mon Pere ..............       218,529                                  9,909             228,438        *
Ronald A. Nelson .................        33,000                                                     33,000        *
Carl R. Otto .....................         6,000                                                      6,000        *
David L. Payne ...................       607,095 (7)         11,075             298,494             916,664     2.13%
Michael J. Ryan, Jr. .............        71,985 (8)                              9,387              81,372        *
Edward B. Sylvester ..............        81,690                                                     81,690        *
Robert W. Entwisle ...............         7,335 (9)          8,910             111,696             127,941        *
Hans T. Y. Tjian .................        74,853 (10)        16,221             112,749             203,823        *
Charles L. Fritz .................        35,850 (11)        12,800              89,349             137,999        *
E. Joseph Bowler .................        86,420             23,205              58,398             168,023        *
All 22 Directors and Officers
 as a Group ......................     1,353,869            102,538             779,526           2,235,933     5.14%

- --------
  *   Indicates that the percentage of the outstanding shares beneficially owned
      is less than one percent (1%).
  (1) All  numbers  reflect  the 3-for-1  stock  split  which was  effective  on
      February  25,  1998.  Includes  shares  beneficially  owned,  directly and
      indirectly,  together with  associates.  Subject to  applicable  community
      property  laws and shared voting or  investment  power with a spouse,  the
      persons listed have sole voting and investment  power with respect to such
      shares unless otherwise noted.
  (2) During  1996,  the  Corporation  adopted  the  Westamerica  Bancorporation
      Deferral Plan which allows recipients of restricted  performance shares to
      defer income into succeeding years. Includes restricted performance shares
      vesting on March 31, 1998,  whether or not deferred by the executive  into
      the Westamerica Bancorporation Deferral Plan.
  (3) Includes directors' qualifying shares.
  (4) In  calculating  the  percentage  of  ownership,   all  shares  which  the
      identified  person or persons  have the right to acquire  by  exercise  of
      options  are deemed to be  outstanding  for the purpose of  computing  the
      percentage  of the class  owned by such  person,  but are not deemed to be
      outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of the class owned
      by any other person.
  (5) Includes 10,350 shares held in a trust, as to which Mrs. Allen is trustee.
  (6) Includes  1,200 shares owned by Mr.  Latno's  wife,  as to which Mr. Latno
      disclaims beneficial ownership.
  (7) Includes 528,837 shares owned by Gibson Radio and Publishing  Company,  of
      which Mr. Payne is President and Chief Executive Officer,  as to which Mr.
      Payne disclaims beneficial ownership.
  (8) Held in a trust,  as to which Mr. Ryan is co-trustee  with sole voting and
      investment power.
  (9) Includes  5,805  shares  held in a trust,  as to  which  Mr.  Entwisle  is
      co-trustee with sole voting and investment power.
  (10)Held in a trust,  as to which Mr. Tjian is co-trustee with sole voting and
      investment power.
  (11)Includes  4,050 shares owned by Mr.  Fritz's  wife,  as to which Mr. Fritz
      disclaims beneficial ownership.



            Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange Act"), requires the Corporation's directors and executive officers and
persons who own 10% or more of a registered  class of the  Corporation's  equity
securities to file with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") and
the National  Association of Securities Dealers initial reports of ownership and
reports of changes in ownership of common stock and other equity  securities  of
the  Corporation.  Such  persons are required by SEC  regulation  to furnish the
Corporation with copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file.

     To  the  Corporation's knowledge, based solely on a review of the copies of
such  reports  furnished  to the Corporation and written representations that no
other  reports  were  required,  during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997,
all  Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its officers, directors and
10%  shareholders  were complied with, except with respect to Jennifer J. Finger
and Hans T. Y. Tjian.

     During 1997,  Ms.  Finger  inadvertently  failed to file a Form 3 report of
initial  ownership,  which filing  obligation  arose upon her  employment by the
Corporation as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. The Form 3 was
filed with the SEC in February 1998.

     During 1996 and 1997, Mr. Tjian made two gifts of Corporation  common stock
which he inadvertently failed to timely report. These transactions were reported
on Forms 4 filed in April 1997 and March 1998,  respectively.  During 1997,  Mr.
Tjian inadvertently failed to timely report on a Form 4 the conversion of shares
of  ValliCorp  common  stock into  Corporation  common  stock as a result of the
merger of the two  companies  effective  April 12, 1997.  This  transaction  was
reported on a Form 4 filed in October 1997.


                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth the compensation of the
Corporation's Chief Executive Officer and the four other most highly compensated
executive  officers for services in all capacities to the  Corporation,  WAB and
other subsidiaries  during 1997, 1996 and 1995. Share numbers have been adjusted
for the 3-for-1 stock split effective February 25, 1998.

                          SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                                            All Other
                                    Annual Compensation                    Long-Term Compensation           tion (5)
                      -----------------------------------------------   ----------------------------   ------------------
       Name and                                                           Restricted      Securities
      Principal                                                              Stock        Underlying
       Position        Year       Salary       Bonus(1)     Other(2)     Awards(3)(4)     Options(3)
- --------------------- ------   ------------   ----------   ----------   --------------   -----------
David L. Payne,       1997      $ 272,016      $150,000     $ 1,200        $       0       96,000          $  32,743 (6)
President & CEO       1996        272,016       260,000           0                0       94,650             32,880 (6)
                      1995        272,016       232,800       3,291                0       73,800             42,785 (6)
Robert W. Entwisle,   1997      $ 134,280      $ 72,300     $13,096        $ 120,698       25,800          $  18,354
SVP                   1996        134,280        66,200      12,000          127,531       25,500             17,385
                      1995        134,280        70,000      12,280           90,713       15,900             16,755
Hans T. Y. Tjian,     1997      $ 130,008      $ 75,600     $12,000        $ 108,570       23,250          $  19,850
SVP                   1996        130,008        68,200      12,000          113,619       22,950             18,237
                      1995        130,008        66,800      12,690           81,488       14,400             18,090
Charles L. Fritz,     1997      $ 120,960      $ 66,700     $12,000        $ 108,570       23,250          $  20,522
EVP & CCO             1996        120,960        60,200      12,000          113,619       22,950             18,905
                      1995        120,960        59,800      12,000           81,488       14,400             18,635
E. Joseph Bowler      1997      $  98,160      $ 55,500     $12,000        $  60,060       12,600          $  18,754
SVP & Treasurer       1996         98,160        49,600      12,000           62,606       12,450             17,429
                      1995         98,160        48,500      12,280           56,888        8,700             16,692

- --------
(1) Includes bonuses in the year in which they were earned.
(2) Includes  monthly auto  allowance for each  individual and the amount of any
    taxable perquisites.
(3) The Corporation grants restricted  performance shares and nonqualified stock
    options in the first quarter of each year based on corporate  performance in
    the prior  calendar  year. As with all  outstanding  shares of common stock,
    dividends are paid on vested restricted  performance shares. At December 31,
    1997, these individuals held the following unvested  restricted  performance
    shares with the following fair market values,  based on a price on such date
    of $34.08 per share:  Entwisle  (23,370  shares valued at  $796,450);  Tjian
    (20,940  shares  valued  at  $713,635);   Fritz  (20,940  shares  valued  at
    $713,635);  and Bowler  (12,720  shares valued at  $433,498).  The following
    table sets forth the restricted  performance share grants which were made on
    the following dates to the named individuals:

                                       Jan. 25, 1995                  Jan. 24, 1996                 Jan. 22, 1997
                                Market Price: $10.25/Share     Market Price: $15.46/Share     Market Price: $19.25/Share
                               ----------------------------   ----------------------------   ---------------------------
  David L. Payne .............                 0                              0                             0
  Robert W. Entwisle .........             8,850                          8,250                         6,270
  Hans T. Y. Tjian ...........             7,950                          7,350                         5,640
  Charles L. Fritz ...........             7,950                          7,350                         5,640
  E. Joseph Bowler ...........             5,550                          4,050                         3,120


   Mr.  Payne's  1995, 1996 and 1997 restricted performance shares were canceled
   by  the  Employee  Benefits  and  Compensation Committee on October 22, 1997,
   with  Mr.  Payne's  consent, in exchange for Mr. Payne receiving the right to
   receive   a   nonqualified   pension   from   the   Corporation.  See  "Other
   Arrangements--Pension Agreement."
(4) Restricted  performance share grants based on corporate  performance in 1997
    were made on January 21, 1998 (on which date the market price was $32.79 per
    share) to the  named  individuals  as  follows:  Payne--0;  Entwisle--3,990;
    Tjian--3,570; Fritz--3,570; and Bowler--2,040.
(5) Includes 1997 matching  contributions made by the Corporation under the WABC
    Tax Deferred
                                              (Footnotes continued on next page)


    Savings/Retirement   Plan  ("ESOP")  for  the  accounts  of  Messrs.  Payne,
    Entwisle,   Tjian,   Fritz  and  Bowler  of:   Payne--0;   Entwisle--$9,500;
    Tjian--$9,410;  Fritz--$9,500;  and  Bowler--$9,500;  and 
    1997   contributions   made  by  the  Corporation   under  the  WABC  Profit
    Sharing/Retirement Plan for the accounts of Messrs. Payne, Entwisle,  Tjian,
    Fritz  and  Bowler  of:  Payne--$7,200;   Entwisle--$7,200;   Tjian--$7,200;
    Fritz--$7,200; and Bowler--$7,200; and
    1997 insurance  premiums paid by the Corporation for the accounts of Messrs.
    Payne,  Entwisle,  Tjian, Fritz and Bowler in the amounts of: Payne--$1,008;
    Entwisle--$1,654; Tjian--$3,240; Fritz--$3,822; and Bowler--$2,054.
(6) Includes the dollar  value of the benefit to Mr.  Payne of the  remainder of
    the premium payable by the  Corporation  with respect to a split dollar life
    insurance  policy for Mr. Payne  (projected  on an  actuarial  basis) in the
    amounts  of  $24,236,   $23,140  and  $21,987  for  1995,   1996  and  1997,
    respectively; and bonuses paid to Mr. Payne which he used to pay his portion
    of split dollar life insurance premiums in the amounts of $2,166, $2,357 and
    $2,548 in 1995, 1996 and 1997, respectively.

     The following table  describes stock options that were granted  pursuant to
the  Westamerica  Bancorporation  1995 Stock Option Plan (the "1995 Stock Option
Plan") to the  Corporation's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and the four other most
highly  compensated  executive  officers in the fiscal year ended  December  31,
1997. All of these grants were made on January 22, 1997, based on achievement of
1996 corporate  performance  objectives,  and have been adjusted for the 3-for-1
stock split effective February 25, 1998.

                       OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                  Number             Percent
                              of Securities         of Total
                                Underlying       Options Granted                                   Grant
                                 Options        to All Employees     Exercise     Expiration       Date
            Name               Granted (1)       in Fiscal Year        Price         Date        Value (2)
- ---------------------------- ---------------   ------------------   ----------   ------------   ----------
David L. Payne .............     96,000                18%           $  19.25    01/22/2007     $445,344
Robert W. Entwisle .........     25,800                 5               19.25    01/22/2007      119,686
Hans T. Y. Tjian ...........     23,250                 4               19.25    01/22/2007      107,857
Charles L. Fritz ...........     23,250                 4               19.25    01/22/2007      107,857
E. Joseph Bowler ...........     12,600                 2               19.25    01/22/2007       58,451

- --------
(1) All options are  nonqualified  stock  options  which vest over a  three-year
    period: 1/3 one year after grant date,  additional 1/3 two years after grant
    date,  and fully three years from grant date.  All options  have an exercise
    price  equal to the market  value on the date of grant.  The terms of all of
    the  Corporation's  stock  option  plans  provide  that  options  may become
    exercisable  in full in the event of a change of  control as defined in each
    stock option plan.
(2) A Roll-Geske  option  pricing model using  standard  assumptions,  including
    20.81% annual dividend  growth,  a risk-free rate equal to the six-year U.S.
    Treasury  yield of 6.35%,  volatility of 21.43% and a six-year  maturity was
    used to derive the per share option value of $4.639.


     The following table sets forth the stock options  exercised in 1997 and the
December 31, 1997  unexercised  value of both vested and unvested  stock options
for the  Corporation's  Chief  Executive  Officer and the four other most highly
compensated executive officers. Share numbers have been adjusted for the 3-for-1
stock split effective February 25, 1998.

                        DECEMBER 31, 1997 OPTION VALUES

                                                               Number of Securities
                                                              Underlying Unexercised             Value of Unexercised
                                                                    Options at                   In-The-Money Options
                                                                 December 31, 1997             at December 31, 1997(1)
                                 Shares                   -------------------------------   ------------------------------
                                Acquired        Value
            Name              on Exercise     Realized     Exercisable     Unexercisable     Exercisable     Unexercisable
- ---------------------------- -------------   ----------   -------------   ---------------   -------------   --------------
David L. Payne .............    31,200        $750,900       228,348          183,702        $5,536,077       $3,185,575
Robert W. Entwisle .........     2,400          56,152        80,448           48,102         2,044,838          825,684
Hans T. Y. Tjian ...........       --              --         84,600           43,350         2,185,704          744,238
Charles L. Fritz ...........       --              --         61,200           43,350         1,528,554          744,238
E. Joseph Bowler ...........       --              --         41,598           23,802         1,051,736          410,647

- --------
(1) Fair market value of the Corporation's  common stock was $34.08 per share on
    December  31,  1997,  adjusted  for the  3-for-1  stock split  effective  on
    February 25, 1998.

                              OTHER ARRANGEMENTS

Certain Employment Contracts

     WAB  entered  into  employment agreements with Mr. Entwisle and Mr. Bowler,
each  dated January 7, 1987. The agreements of these individuals are essentially
identical  except  for salary. Mr. Entwisle's annual base salary is $134,280 and
Mr.  Bowler's  is  $98,160. The agreements are "evergreen" in the sense that the
term  of  the  agreement is automatically extended for one additional month upon
completion  of each additional month of employment unless WAB gives Mr. Entwisle
or Mr. Bowler one year's notice of intent to terminate.

     WAB may terminate each of these  executive's  employment  without cause and
each of these  executives  may terminate his  employment  for "good  reason," as
defined in the agreements.  Under such circumstances,  however, Messrs. Entwisle
and Bowler each would be entitled to severance  pay equal to the sum of: (i) one
times his base salary;  (ii) his maximum  bonus(es) had he remained employed one
additional year past the date of  termination;  and (iii) an amount equal to his
automobile allowance for the one year preceding the date of termination.

     The  agreements  with  Messrs.  Entwisle  and Bowler  also  provide for the
payment to each executive of liquidated  damages upon  termination of employment
by WAB without cause or  termination  by the executive for "good  reason." Under
the terms of the agreements,  the amount of liquidated damages is reduced by any
severance  pay received by the  executive  and the  executive is under a duty to
mitigate his damages.

     Hans T. Y. Tjian  accepted a position with WAB as Senior Vice President and
Manager of Operations and Systems  Administration under the terms set forth in a
letter  agreement dated April 14, 1989.  Under the terms of this agreement,  Mr.
Tjian is entitled to: (i) receive an annual  salary of $130,008;  (ii) receive a
car allowance of $1,000 per month;  (iii)  participate in WAB's  executive bonus
plan; (iv) participate in the Corporation's  Stock Option Plan; and (v) vacation
leave. In addition,  Mr. Tjian is entitled to receive severance pay equal to his
annual base salary for one year if his position is  eliminated  as a result of a
change of control.


Pension Agreement

     During 1997, the Corporation entered into a nonqualified  pension agreement
with  Mr.  Payne in  consideration  of Mr.  Payne's  agreement  that  restricted
performance shares granted in 1995, 1996 and 1997 would be canceled. The pension
is calculated as a percentage of Mr.  Payne's  three-year  average  compensation
(salary and bonus) preceding the earlier of retirement or age 55. The percentage
will be determined by the Employee  Benefits and Compensation  Committee in each
of 1998,  1999  and  2000  based on the  Corporation's  achievement  of  certain
performance goals as follows:

   * If the Committee  determines in 1998 that the  Corporation has achieved the
     performance goals  established for Mr. Payne's 1995 restricted  performance
     shares that were canceled, the annual pension will be no less than $190,572
     (in early 1998 the Committee did determine that the goals were met);

   * If the Committee  determines in 1999 that the  Corporation has achieved the
     performance goals  established for Mr. Payne's 1996 restricted  performance
     shares that were canceled,  the annual pension will be increased by no less
     than $163,503; and

   * If the Committee  determines in 2000 that the  Corporation has achieved the
     performance goals  established for Mr. Payne's 1997 restricted  performance
     shares that were canceled,  the annual pension will be increased by no less
     than $157,870.

     Mr. Payne's  pension will vest ratably based on his  continuous  employment
through  December  31,  2002,  with  accelerated  vesting in the event of death,
disability,  termination without cause or termination as a result of a Change of
Control (as defined in the 1995 Stock Option  Plan).  Mr. Payne will forfeit any
unvested  portion of his pension  upon  termination  of  employment.  The vested
portion of the pension  will be paid to Mr. Payne as a 20-year  certain  pension
commencing  at age 55. The minimum  amounts  set forth in the section  above for
1999 and 2000 are  indeterminate  at this time,  but the actual amounts could be
higher than the minimums set forth.

     As part of the pension agreement, if Mr. Payne becomes subject to an excise
tax as a result of the  accelerated  vesting of the pension in connection with a
Change of Control,  Mr. Payne will also receive a cash payment  equal to the sum
of (i) the portion of any excise tax due  attributable  to the vested pension in
excess  of the  portion  of any  excise  tax that  would  be due if Mr.  Payne's
restricted  performance  shares  had not been  canceled,  and  (ii)  the  amount
necessary  to restore  Mr.  Payne to the same  after-tax  position as if no such
excise tax had been imposed.



     The  Board,  operating  through  its  Employee  Benefits  and  Compensation
Committee,  has  established  an executive  compensation  program and determines
annual  compensation  for  executives  based  on  performance.   This  executive
compensation  program and annual  evaluation  process  establishes a competitive
base  salary for each  executive  and offers  incentive  compensation  which can
provide  additional   compensation  if  established   performance  measures  are
achieved.  This additional  compensation can be in the form of short-term annual
cash  bonuses,  long-term  stock options and  long-term  restricted  performance

     As described in the Summary  Compensation Table above, each named executive
officer  receives a monthly  base  salary,  and is eligible to receive an annual
cash bonus,  an annual grant of stock  options and an annual grant of restricted
performance  shares.  Corporate  performance  measures are established each year
based on the Corporation's objectives.  The extent to which these objectives are
achieved determines if the annual option grants and restricted performance share
grants will be made and the amount of such grants.  Achievement  of these annual
performance  measures  also  determines  between  55% and 80% of the annual cash
bonus  to be  paid  to each  named  executive,  with  the  remaining  20% to 45%
determined by individual and division performance.

     Corporate performance measures for 1997, which determined January 1998 cash
bonuses, option grants and restricted performance share grants, were to:

     * reach  target  levels of return on equity,  return on assets and earnings
       per share;

     * complete the  acquisition of ValliCorp and Valliwide Bank, and assimilate
       their employees and operations into WAB;

     * maintain credit quality measures at established levels;

     * hold   noninterest   expenses  below  a  specified   level  and  maintain
       satisfactory audit results; and

     * improve  assets per  employee  and  revenues  per  employee to  specified

     Corporate performance measures for 1996, which determined January 1997 cash
bonuses, option grants and restricted performance share grants, were to:

     * reach  target  levels of return on equity,  return on assets and earnings
       per share;

     * finish  construction  of a new  facility  in  Fairfield,  California  and
       relocate  the  administrative  and  operations  departments  to that  new

     * maintain credit quality measures at established levels;

     * hold   noninterest   expenses  below  a  specified   level  and  maintain
       satisfactory audit results; and

     * improve  assets per  employee  and  revenues  per  employee to  specified

     Additional  corporate  performance  objectives for a three-year  period are
established  by the Employee  Benefits and  Compensation  Committee to accompany
each grant of  restricted  performance  shares.  Whether  each grant vests three
years  following  the  date of  grant  is  determined  by  achievement  of these
preestablished, three-year performance objectives.

     The  Chief  Executive  Officer's  base  salary  in  1997  of  $272,016  was
established at a level judged to be  competitive  with  comparable  positions at
other financial institutions.  The Chief Executive Officer's $150,000 cash bonus
earned in 1997  (included in the Summary  Compensation  Table listed  above) and
paid in  January  of  1998,  was  related  80% to the  achievement  of the  1997
corporate  goals listed above and 20% to  achievement  of individual  management
goals. The Chief Executive Officer's receipt,  pursuant to the 1995 Stock Option
Plan,  of 192,090  nonqualified  stock  options in January  1998 was  related to
achievement of the 1997 corporate performance measures listed above.  Individual
management goals achieved in 1997 included  satisfactory results from regulatory
examinations,  satisfactory  internal  controls  and  satisfactory  progress  on
acquisitions.  Compared  to the 1997  corporate  objectives  listed  above,  the

     * met its targeted profitability objectives;

     * successfully  completed the  acquisition of ValliCorp and Valliwide Bank,
       and successfully assimilated their employees and operations;


     * improved credit quality measures to better than established levels;

     * outperformed noninterest expense and control goals; and

     * improved efficiency measures to better than targeted levels.

     The Chief Executive  Officer's  receipt,  pursuant to the 1995 Stock Option
Plan, of 96,000  nonqualified  stock options and 21,000  restricted  performance
shares  in  January  1997 was  related  to  achievement  of the  1996  corporate
performance  measures  listed above.  Compared to the 1996 corporate  objectives
listed above, the Corporation:

     * exceeded its targeted profitability objectives;

     * successfully  completed the  construction of a new facility in Fairfield,
       California and relocated the administrative and operations departments to
       that new facility;

     * improved credit quality measures to better than established levels;

     * outperformed noninterest expense and control goals; and

     * improved efficiency measures to better than targeted levels.

     The Corporation and Mr. Payne agreed to the grant of a nonqualified pension
in exchange for the  cancellation  of Mr. Payne's 1995, 1996 and 1997 restricted
performance  shares  because  the  pension,  with the longer  vesting  schedule,
provides  the  Corporation  with a better  retention  device and Mr.  Payne will
receive a level stream of income for 20 years.


     In 1993,  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  ("IRC")  was amended to add section
162(m).   Section  162(m)  places  a  limit  of  $1,000,000  on  the  amount  of
compensation that may be deducted by the Corporation in any year with respect to
certain of the Corporation's  highest paid executives.  The Corporation  intends
generally to qualify  compensation paid to executive  officers for deductibility
under  the  IRC,  including  section  162(m),  but  reserves  the  right  to pay
compensation that is not deductible under section 162(m).

     The  Employee  Benefits  and  Compensation   Committee  believes  that  the
foregoing  compensation  programs and  policies  provide  competitive  levels of
compensation,  encourage long-term  performance and promote management retention
while  further  aligning   shareholders'  and  management's   interests  in  the
performance of the Corporation and the Corporation's common stock.

     Members  of  the Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee as of January
21,  1998  are:  Patrick  D. Lynch, Chairman, Etta Allen, Don Emerson, Arthur C.
Latno, Jr., Catherine Cope MacMillan and Ronald A. Nelson.


                          STOCK PERFORMANCE CHART (1)

[the following  descriptive  data is supplied in accordance  with Rule 304(d) of
Regulation S-T]

                                            Period Ending
Index                12/31/92  12/31/93  12/31/94  12/31/95  12/31/96  12/31/97
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bancorporation        100.00    117.79    131.38    195.08    265.41     477.24
S&P 500               100.00    110.08    111.53    153.44    188.52     251.44
Western Bank Monitor  100.00    120.33    124.32    177.53    220.20     403.99

- --------
(1) Assumes  $100  invested on December  31,  1992 in the  Corporation's  Common
    Stock,  the S&P 500 composite stock index and SNL  Securities'  Western Bank
    Monitor index, with reinvestment of dividends.
(2) Source: SNL Securities.

                              APPROVAL OF AUDITORS

     The Board has selected KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as independent auditor for the
Corporation  for  the  1998  fiscal  year,   subject  to  the  approval  of  the
shareholders. KPMG Peat Marwick LLP has informed the Corporation that it has had
no  connection  during  the  past  three  years  with  the  Corporation  or  its
subsidiaries in the capacity of promoter, underwriter, voting trustee, director,
officer or employee.

     Representatives  of KPMG Peat  Marwick  LLP will be present at the  Meeting
with the  opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and to respond
to appropriate questions.


                                 OTHER MATTERS

     Management of the Corporation  does not know of any matters to be presented
at the Meeting other than those  specifically  referred to herein.  If any other
matters  should  properly  come  before  the  Meeting  or  any  postponement  or
adjournment  thereof,  the persons  named in the  enclosed  proxy intend to vote
thereon in accordance with their best business judgment.

     For a matter to be properly  brought  before the Meeting by a  shareholder,
section 2.02 of the  Corporation's  Bylaws  ("Section  2.02")  provides that the
shareholder must deliver or mail a written notice to the Secretary (or Assistant
Secretary) of the  Corporation not less than 14 days nor more than 50 days prior
to the Meeting.  Section 2.02 also provides that the notice must set forth as to
each matter that the  shareholder  proposes to bring  before the Meeting a brief
description  of the  business  desired to be brought  before the Meeting and the
reasons for  conducting  such  business at the Meeting,  the name and  residence
address of the  shareholder  proposing such business,  the number of shares that
are owned by the  shareholder  and any material  interest of the  shareholder in
such business.

     The  cost  of  the  solicitation  of  proxies  in  the  accompanying  form,
including,  but not limited to, the cost of a proxy  solicitation  firm, will be
borne by the Corporation. The Corporation has retained the services of Corporate
Investor Communications, Inc. to assist in the solicitation of proxies at a cost
not to exceed $4,000 plus  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses.  The Corporation
will reimburse  banks,  brokers and others holding stock in their names or names
of nominees or  otherwise  for  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred in
sending proxies and proxy materials to the beneficial owners of such stock.

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ Kris Irvine

                                        Kris Irvine
                                        Assistant Corporate Secretary

Dated: March 19, 1998


                                                                      APPENDIX A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROXY                        WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION                    PROXY

                               VOTING INSTRUCTIONS
                           WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION

            For the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on April 21, 1998

     The  undersigned  holder hereby authorizes and instructs the Trustee of the
Westamerica  Bancorporation  Tax  Deferred  Savings/Retirement Plan to represent
and  vote,  as  designated  below,  all  shares  of  Common Stock of Westamerica
Bancorporation  which  the  undersigned  would be entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting  of Shareholders of said corporation to be held at the Showcase Theatre,
Marin  Center,  San  Rafael,  California at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 1998
and any postponement or adjournment thereof.

     These  voting  instructions to the Trustee, when properly executed, will be
voted  as directed herein by the undersigned shareholder. If no instructions are
received,  the Trustee will vote all of the shares for which you are entitled to
provide  instruction in the same proportion as shares for which instructions are
received.  The  Trustee may vote according to its discretion on any other matter
which may properly come before the meeting.

      Please Mark, Sign, Date and Mail These Voting Instructions Promptly,
                          Using the Enclosed Envelope.

                (Continued, and to be signed on the other side)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           -- FOLD AND DETACH HERE --

                               [WESTAMERICA LOGO]

                                                                  March 19, 1998
Dear Participant:

     As   a   participant   in   the  Westamerica  Bancorporation  Tax  Deferred
Savings/Retirement  Plan  (the  "Plan"),  you  have  an  interest  in the Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders  of  Westamerica  Bancorporation which will be held on
Tuesday,  April 21, 1998 (the "Meeting"). You may direct the Trustee of the Plan
how  to  vote all full and fractional shares of Westamerica Bancorporation stock
standing  to  the  credit  of  your individual account(s) (from the Supplemental
Retirement   Plan   Account,   Employer   Matching  Contributions  and  Employee
Contributions) as of February 27, 1998.

     For  your  information,  we have enclosed a copy of the Proxy Statement and
the  Annual  Report  supplied to shareholders of Westamerica Bancorporation. The
enclosed  Proxy  Statement  describes  two  proposals  to  be  voted  on  by the
shareholders  of  Westamerica  Bancorporation  at  the  Meeting.  The  Board  of
Directors  of  Westamerica  Bancorporation recommends a vote FOR PROPOSALS 1 AND
2.  Please  instruct  the  Trustee  how to vote on these proposals by indicating
your selection on the above Proxy.

     If  the  Trustee  does not receive written instructions from you before the
close  of  business  on April 14, 1998, it will vote all of the shares for which
you  are  entitled  to  provide instruction in the same proportion as shares for
which  instructions  are  received. Under the terms of the Plan, with respect to
fractional  shares  in  plan  accounts  (from  the  Supplemental Retirement Plan
Account,  Employer  Matching  Contributions  and  Employee  Contributions),  the
Trustee  may  pool the results of instructions received from all participants to
whom fractional shares have been allocated and vote such shares accordingly.

     The  Trustee  may  also  use its discretion in voting on any other business
which  may  properly  be  brought  before  the  Meeting  (or any postponement or
adjournment  thereof)  that was not specified in the Notice of Annual Meeting of
Shareholders.  Please  instruct  the  Trustee  how to vote your shares. A return
envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     /s/ Kris Irvine

                                     Kris Irvine
                                     Assistant Corporate Secretary


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Proposals 1 and 2.                                   Please mark
                                                                                                         your votes as   [X]
                                                                                                          indicated in
                                                                                                          this example
                                            WITHHOLD   WITHHOLD
                                              FOR        FOR                                        FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
                                      FOR     ALL    INDIVIDUAL(S)     2. Approval of Auditors      [  ]    [  ]      [  ]
1. Election of Directors--Nominees    [  ]    [  ]       [  ]

01 E. Allen         08 P. Mon Pere
02 L. Bartolini     09 R. Nelson                                       I PLAN TO ATTEND MEETING
03 D. Emerson       10 C. Otto                                         If you check this box to the right
04 L. Herwaldt      11 D. Payne                                       an admission card will be sent to you.          [  ]
05 A. Latno, Jr.    12 M. Ryan, Jr.
06 P. Lynch         13 E. Sylvester
07 C. MacMillan

- ------------------------------------
Except Nominee(s) written above


                                                                                                    DATE: ________/_____/1998


                                                                                  Signature, if Jointly Held

                                                                                  Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.
                                                                                  If acting as attorney, executor, trustee or 
                                                                                  in other representative capacity, please sign
                                                                                  name and title.
                                                                                  Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the Proxy 
                                                                                  Statement for the Meeting.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  -- FOLD AND DETACH HERE --

                                                      VOTE BY TELEPHONE

                                                QUICK *** EASY *** IMMEDIATE

Your telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned
your proxy card.

o You will be asked to enter a Control Number which is located in the box in the lower right hand corner of this form.

OPITON #1: To vote as the Board of Directors recommends on ALL proposals: Press 1.

                                     When asked, please confirm your vote by Pressing 1.

OPTION #2. If you choose to vote on each proposal separately, press 0. You will hear these instructions:

     Proposal 1: To vote FOR ALL nominees, press 1; to WITHHOLD FOR ALL nominees, press 9.
                 To WITHHOLD FOR INDIVIDUAL nominee(s), press 0 and listen to the instructions.
     Proposal 2: To vote FOR, press 1; AGAINST, press 9; ABSTAIN, press 0.
                                     When asked, please confirm your vote by Pressing 1.


o You will then be asked if you plan to attend the Meeting. If you plan to attend, press 1; you will be sent an admission card.
  If you do not plan to attend, press 0.

  Call ** Toll Free ** On a Touch Tone Telephone
             1-800-840-1208 - ANYTIME
     There is NO CHARGE to you for this call.

                                                                      APPENDIX B

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROXY                       WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION                     PROXY
                           WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION

           For the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on April 21, 1998

     The  undersigned  holder  hereby authorizes A. Latno, Jr., R. Nelson and E.
Sylvester,  each  with  full  power  of  substitution, to represent and vote, as
designated  on  the  reverse  side,  all  shares  of Common Stock of Westamerica
Bancorporation  which  the  undersigned  would be entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting  of Shareholders of said corporation to be held at the Showcase Theatre,
Marin  Center,  San  Rafael, California at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 1998,
upon  the  matters  set forth on the reverse side of this Proxy and described in
the  accompanying  Proxy  Statement and upon such other business as may properly
come before the meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof.

     This  Proxy,  when  properly  executed, will be voted as directed herein by
the  undersigned  shareholder.  If no direction is indicated, this Proxy will be
voted FOR all nominees and FOR Proposal 2.

Please  Mark,  Sign,  Date  and  Mail  This  Proxy  Promptly, Using the Enclosed

- -----------------------------

                (Continued, and to be signed on the other side)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           - FOLD AND DETACH HERE --


                           Westamerica Bancorporation
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders

                       2:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 21, 1998

                       The Showcase Theatre, Marin Center
                             San Rafael, California

You can avoid registration lines by obtaining tickets in advance. If you plan to
attend the Meeting, please mark the "I Plan to Attend Meeting" box on your Proxy
and return it in the  enclosed  pre-addressed  return  envelope  to  Westamerica
Bancorporation,  c/o ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, Proxy Processing,  Church
St. Station, P.O. Box 1520, New York, NY 10277-1520. You will be mailed a ticket
entitling admission for two people.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Because of seating limitations,  your ticket is valid for admission of up to two
people. If you desire additional tickets, please call Westamerica Bancorporation
at (707) 863-6809.

                    Do not return this card with your Proxy


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Proposals 1 and 2.                                   Please mark
                                                                                                         your votes as   [X]
                                                                                                          indicated in
                                                                                                          this example
                                            WITHHOLD   WITHHOLD
                                              FOR        FOR                                        FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
                                      FOR     ALL    INDIVIDUAL(S)     2. Approval of Auditors      [  ]    [  ]      [  ]
1. Election of Directors--Nominees    [  ]    [  ]       [  ]

01 E. Allen         08 P. Mon Pere
02 L. Bartolini     09 R. Nelson                                       I PLAN TO ATTEND MEETING
03 D. Emerson       10 C. Otto                                         If you check this box to the right
04 L. Herwaldt      11 D. Payne                                       an admission card will be sent to you.          [  ]
05 A. Latno, Jr.    12 M. Ryan, Jr.
06 P. Lynch         13 E. Sylvester
07 C. MacMillan

- ------------------------------------
Except Nominee(s) written above


                                                                                                    DATE: ________/_____/1998


                                                                                  Signature, if Jointly Held

                                                                                  Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.
                                                                                  If acting as attorney, executor, trustee or 
                                                                                  in other representative capacity, please sign
                                                                                  name and title.
                                                                                  Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the Proxy 
                                                                                  Statement for the Meeting.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  -- FOLD AND DETACH HERE --

                                                      VOTE BY TELEPHONE

                                                QUICK *** EASY *** IMMEDIATE

Your telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned
your proxy card.

o You will be asked to enter a Control Number which is located in the box in the lower right hand corner of this form.

OPITON #1: To vote as the Board of Directors recommends on ALL proposals: Press 1.

                                     When asked, please confirm your vote by Pressing 1.

OPTION #2. If you choose to vote on each proposal separately, press 0. You will hear these instructions:

     Proposal 1: To vote FOR ALL nominees, press 1; to WITHHOLD FOR ALL nominees, press 9.
                 To WITHHOLD FOR INDIVIDUAL nominee(s), press 0 and listen to the instructions.
     Proposal 2: To vote FOR, press 1; AGAINST, press 9; ABSTAIN, press 0.
                                     When asked, please confirm your vote by Pressing 1.


o You will then be asked if you plan to attend the Meeting. If you plan to attend, press 1; you will be sent an admission card.
  If you do not plan to attend, press 0.

  Call ** Toll Free ** On a Touch Tone Telephone
             1-800-840-1208 - ANYTIME
     There is NO CHARGE to you for this call.

E         Attn: Corporate Secretary, A-2M
E         P.O. Box 1200
T         Suisun City, CA 94585-1200


|S|      This  is your ticket for the  Westamerica Bancorporation Annual Meeting
|H|      of Shareholders,  2:00  P.M., Tuesday,  April 21, 1998, at the Showcase
|A|      Theatre, Marin Center, San Rafael, California. With your ticket you can
|R|      bypass the registration process and go directly into the meeting.
|H|      Only shareholders of record as of February 27,  1998, or their proxies,
|O|      may address the meeting.
|D|      Thank  you for  your interest  in Westamerica  Bancorporation.  We look
|E|      forward to seeing you on April 21st.
|G|                                ADMITS TWO
|E|      Please indicate number attending ______________