Exhibit 10.8

                          QUARRY WINERY LEASE AGREEMENT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   Premises..................................................................2

2.   Winery Use Permit and Other Permits.......................................3

3.   Term......................................................................4

4.   Uses Allowed By the Lease.................................................4

5.   Rent......................................................................5

6.   Other Uses of Lessor's Land...............................................9

7.   Schedule..................................................................9

8.   Possession................................................................9

9.   Improvements..............................................................9

10.   Lessor's Nominee........................................................11

11.   Role of Justin M. Faggioli..............................................12

12.   Repairs.................................................................12

13.   Taxes...................................................................13

14.   Utilities...............................................................15

15.   Insurance and Casualty Events...........................................15

16.   Liens and Encumbrances..................................................17

17.   Access..................................................................18


18.   Water Licenses..........................................................20

19.   Condemnation............................................................21

20.   Disposal of Crush Residue and Pomace....................................22

21.   Assignment or Subletting................................................22

22.   Lessor's and JMF's Investment in Ravenswood Winery, Inc.................23

23.   Termination in the Event Building Permit is Not Obtained................24

24.   Default; Remedies.......................................................24

25.   Surrender...............................................................30

26.   Dispute Resolution and Arbitration......................................30

27.   Right of the First Option to Purchase...................................31

28.   Right of the First Option to Rent.......................................33

29.   Renewal of the Lease and Buyout of Lessee Improvements..................35

30.   Memorandum of Lease.....................................................36

31.   Attorney's Fees.........................................................36

32.   Notices.................................................................36

33.   Toxic and Hazardous Substances..........................................37

34.   Compliance with Laws, etc...............................................39

35.   Liability and Indemnity.................................................40

36.   Miscellaneous...........................................................41


                          QUARRY WINERY LEASE AGREEMENT

This lease (the "Lease") is entered into as of January 1, 1999 among and between
Bruce B. Donnell and Sandra D.  Donnell,  jointly and  severally,  as tenants in
common, collectively dba as Donnell-El Novillero Ranch ("Lessor") and Ravenswood
Winery, Inc. ("Lessee").


         The parties agree the following recitals are true and correct:

         WHEREAS,  Bruce B. Donnell and Sandra D. Donnell own certain parcels of
land and a use permit, as specified in a resolution adopted by the Sonoma County
Board of Supervisors  (Resolution Number 97-0124), to construct and to operate a
250,000 case winery on portions of these parcels, and;

         WHEREAS, Lessor has neither the interest nor the expertise to build and
to operate a winery on the Premises (as defined below), and;

         WHEREAS,  Lessee desires to lease the portions of the parcels which are
included  in the use permit and are zoned for  agricultural  use and  intends to
design,  to secure  financing  for,  and to build and to operate a winery on the
leased  portions  under the terms of this  agricultural  lease as more fully set
forth below, and;

         WHEREAS, no rights,  interests,  licenses or ownership will be created,
however  inadvertently,  that will extend  beyond the term of this Lease  unless
specifically  agreed to by the  parties in this  Lease or in a separate  writing
signed by the parties, and;

         WHEREAS,  recognizing  the  long-term  nature  of  this  Lease  and the
complexity  of the issues  involved,  both parties have  attempted to anticipate
potential  problems  and  issues  that may  arise  in the  future.  The  parties
anticipate that they will be able to resolve


any future  problems  and  issues  that may arise in the future and that are not
resolved or not covered in this Lease in an open and amicable manner, and;

         WHEREAS,  the Premises as (defined below) are portions of parcels owned
by Lessor,  and Lessee shall have no rights of use, or access to, other portions
of the  parcels or to other  property  of Lessor,  except as  permitted  in this
Lease. The remaining  portions of Lessor's parcels which are not included in the
leased premises shall remain free for whatever uses Lessor desires, provided any
such uses do not negatively impact Lessee, and;

         WHEREAS,  Lessor  does  not have any  specific  long-term  plan for the
unleased  portions of the parcels;  however,  the  expectation of the parties is
that such use will not be inconsistent with a winery use.


         Now,  therefore,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing  and the  mutual
promises of the parties and the  conditions  of this Lease,  the parties  hereby
agree as follows:

1. Premises

The premises to be leased to Lessee (the "Premises") shall consist of:

         (a) a winery site of  approximately  11 acres upon which the winery and
         the septic  system shall be located.  Exhibit 1 describes  the proposed
         location of the winery site and a portion of the  Premises  referred to
         below in Section 1(b) and Section 1(c). Each of the Exhibits referenced
         in this Lease is attached to and is hereby incorporated into and made a
         part of this Lease. A legal description of the


         winery and septic  system site is attached as Exhibit 2. The winery and
         septic  system sites are located on Sonoma  County  Assessors  Parcel #

         (b) a wastewater  pond and  discharge  area  identified on Exhibit 1. A
         legal  description  of  this  wastewater  pond  and  discharge  area is
         attached  as  Exhibit  3. The  wastewater  ponds are  located on Sonoma
         County Assessors Parcel # 121-158-077.

         (c) access to the winery site and wastewater  ponds and discharge area.
         These accessroutes are described on Exhibit 4.

         (d) access for  constructing,  using and maintaining  utilities,  water
         systems, wastewater piping and other purposes described on Exhibit 4.

Lessor and Lessee  shall use their best  efforts to ensure that the Premises are
confined to the areas  identified on Exhibits 1 through 4.  However,  due to the
lack of  certainty  of the exact  location of the areas of the  Premises and the
potential  need to modify  the areas in  response  to  construction  conditions,
Lessee and Lessor agree that the actual legal  descriptions of the Premises will
be  modified,  in the event  that they  differ  from  Exhibits 2 and 3, when the
winery,  including its septic and  wastewater  systems,  is  operational  and an
occupancy  permit  has  been  received  from  the  County  of  Sonoma.  Upon the
commencement  of this Lease,  Lessor agrees that Lessee shall have access to the
Premises in order to design, build and operate a winery.

2. Winery Use Permit and Other Permits

The use permit from the County of Sonoma  pursuant to County  Resolution  Number
97-0124 is  attached as Exhibit 5 (the "Use  Permit").  The Use Permit and other
permits or rights  obtained by Lessor for the benefit of the winery  project are
incorporated into this


Lease for the benefit of the Lessee  until the  termination  of this  Lease,  at
which time they shall become the property of Lessor.

3. Term

The term of this Lease shall  commence  upon the date of execution of this Lease
and shall end on December 31, 2032.

4. Uses Allowed By the Lease

The Premises  are leased to Lessee for the purpose of building  and  operating a
winery facility and for all such other uses as are reasonably  incident  thereto
and as allowed by and in  conformance  with the Use Permit and other  applicable
laws. Lessee shall not convert the Premises to any other use without the written
consent of the Lessor.  Allowed  uses shall  include,  without  limitation,  all
winery and winemaking related activities, including but not limited to crushing,
fermenting,  bulk wine storage,  bottling,  case goods storage,  and maintaining
administrative  offices.  Both  parties  understand  that it is very likely that
Lessee will take the steps  necessary to obtain permits to allow Lessee to build
and to operate a tasting room on the site upon  cessation of quarry  activities.
If Lessee  desires to obtain a use permit to operate a tasting room,  Lessor and
Lessee  shall  attempt to  negotiate  and to reach  agreement  on rent and other
business  terms  based upon this  additional  use of the  Premises.  Lessor also
agrees to  cooperate  in  obtaining  a new use permit  from the County of Sonoma
which  will  allow  such  uses on the  Premises.  If the  parties  cannot  reach
agreement on rental  terms for the  additional  use, the parties  agree to enter
into arbitration  pursuant to the arbitration  procedure described in Section 26
of this Lease. The above notwithstanding,  the results of said arbitration shall
not  result in an  extension  of the Lease  term.  In the event a use  permit to
operate a tasting room is


obtained for the Premises from the County of Sonoma,  and Lessee and Lessor have
reached  agreement on rent and other business terms,  the parties agree that any
such uses by Lessee shall be limited to the following  activities:  public tours
and tasting, retail sales of wine, food and merchandise, food demonstrations and
teaching, public food service within tasting room hours, promotional dinners and
business  related events.  Any  promotional  dinners shall be limited to no more
than 200 people. Other uses may be allowed provided that they are in conformance
with the use permit and Lessee has obtained prior written  approval from Lessor,
which approval may or may not be granted at Lessor's sole discretion.

5. Rent

         (a)      Schedule of Payments

         The schedule for rental payments shall be as follows:

                  (i) For the period of January 1, 1998  through  July 31, 1998,
                  rent of $1,500 per month shall be paid by Lessee to Lessor.

                  (ii) For the period of August 1, 1998 through  April 30, 1999,
                  base rent of  $1,722.66  per month,  which is  one-half of the
                  Initial Base Rent established in Section 5(b) below,  shall be
                  paid by Lessee to Lessor.

                  (iii)  The  first   inflation   adjustment,   which  shall  be
                  calculated   pursuant  to  Subsection  (c)  below,   shall  be
                  effective  and  commence  on  May  1,  1999.   This  inflation
                  adjustment  shall be  applied to the  $1722.66  per month rent


                  (iv)  August  1,  1999  through  April  30,  2000:  Base  Rent
                  increases to 100% of the Initial  Base Rent to  $3,445.31  per
                  month plus inflation adjustments to date.

                  (v) May 1, 2000:  Inflation  adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (vi) May 1, 2001: Inflation adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (vii) May 1, 2002: Inflation adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (viii) May 1, 2003: Inflation adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (ix) May 1, 2004:  Market  adjustment  to establish a new Base
                  Rent, if warranted.

                  (x) May 1, 2005: Inflation adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (xi) May 1, 2006: Inflation adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (xii) May 1, 2007: Inflation adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (xiii) May 1, 2008: Inflation adjustment to Base Rent.

                  (xiv) May 1, 2009:  Market  adjustment to establish a new Base
                  Rent, if warranted.

                  (xv) May 1, 2010 through December 31, 2032:  Continue the five
                  year  cycle of Market  Rate  adjustment  on each fifth year to
                  establish  a new  Base  Rent,  if  warranted,  with  inflation
                  adjustment each of the four intervening years.

         (b) Initial Base Rent

         The  Initial  Base  Rent of  $3,445.31  per month  was  established  by
         utilizing the methodology  calculated by North Coast Appraisal Services
         (the  "Appraiser")  in its April 27, 1997 report (the  "Appraisal")  to
         establish the Base Rent and to revise


         it to  reflect  their  consultation  report  dated  July 16,  1998 (the
         "Consultation  Report").  The Appraisal and the Consultation Report are
         attached as Exhibits 6 and 7, respectively.

         (c) Inflation Adjustment

         The Base  Rent  shall be  adjusted  for  inflation  annually,  with the
         exception of those years in which Market Rate adjustments are made. The
         Inflation  Adjustment  shall be  effective  on May 1 of each year.  The
         Inflation  Adjustment shall be the increase or decrease in the Consumer
         Price Index (the "Index") for all urban consumers and all items for the
         San  Francisco-Oakland-San  Jose region  that  occurs in the  preceding
         calendar year. The initial value of the Index was 162.6 on December 31,
         1997  and the  base  period  was  1982-84  (value=100).  The  Inflation
         Adjustment  to  the  Base  Rent  on May 1 of  each  year  shall  be the
         percentage  increase  or  decrease  in the Index for  January 1 through
         December  31 of the  preceding  calendar  year.  In the event the Index
         ceases to exist,  Lessee and  Lessor  shall use any  successor  to such
         Index.  Any inflation  adjustment shall be limited to a maximum of five
         percent (5%) increase or decrease in any one year.  Inflation in excess
         of this amount shall not cumulate and shall not be taken into account.

         (d) Market Adjustment 

         The Base Rent shall be adjusted,  if warranted,  by a Market Adjustment
         as of May 1 of the following  years:  2004,  2009, 2014, 2019, 2024 and
         2029. No annual  Inflation  Adjustment shall take place in these years.
         Any qualified  appraiser  experienced in the valuation of real property
         in Sonoma  County  selected  by Lessor  shall be  engaged  by Lessee to
         determine a new Base Rent based upon the


         methodology  used to  determine  the initial  base rent as described in
         Exhibits 6 and 7. Lessee and Appraiser shall provide the revised Market
         Rate in a manner  such that the base rate shall be adjusted by May 1 of
         each year in which a Market Rate  Adjustment is to take place.  The new
         Base Rent may  increase or  decrease.  In the event the revised  market
         rate has not been  determined by May 1 in the years  specified,  Lessor
         may,  at  Lessee's  expense,  engage  the  services  of an  independent
         appraiser to determine the revised Market Rate. The revised Market Rate
         determined  by this  appraiser  shall be binding upon Lessor and Lessee
         and shall be  effective  as of May 1 of the  appropriate  year.  In the
         event the selected  appraiser is not able to provide the revised market
         rent rate,  Lessor and Lessee  shall use their best efforts to select a
         replacement  appraiser that is acceptable to both parties. In the event
         that such an acceptable  replacement  appraiser  cannot be found,  each
         party,  at its own  expense,  shall engage the services of an appraiser
         with an Accredited  Rural  Appraiser  (ARA)  Certificate to determine a
         market rent rate.  The revised Market Rent Rate shall be the average of
         the respective market rent rates determined by the two appraisers.  The
         above notwithstanding,  in no event shall any rent adjustment under the
         terms of this  Agreement  be used to  reduce  the rent to less than the
         Initial Base Rent of $3,445.31 per month. Rent shall be paid in advance
         on the first day of each month.  Rental payments shall be paid one-half
         each to Bruce B. Donnell and Sandra D.  Donnell.  For  example,  if the
         monthly Base Rent is $3,445.30  per month,  Bruce B. Donnell and Sandra
         D. Donnell will each receive $1,722.65. Uneven amounts shall be rounded
         up with


         numbers  five (5) and above to the next highest  number.  Rent shall be
         sent to the following address:

                  Bruce B. Donnell; Sandra D. Donnell
                  El Novillero-Donnell Ranch
                  P.O. Box 1003
                  Tiburon, CA  94920

6. Other Uses of Lessor's Land

The Premises  are portions of larger  parcels of land which are subject to other
existing and future uses by Lessor and other  tenants of Lessor.  Such  existing
uses  currently  include  but  are  not  limited  to  aggregate  extraction  and
processing (quarry), cattle grazing, hunting, recreation and hay farming. Lessee
shall not restrict the present or future  activities of or access by these other
tenants  and/or  uses  on  other  portions  of the  parcel.  Lessor  shall  take
commercially  reasonable efforts to cause other tenants and/or activities to not
unreasonably interfere with Lessee's use of the Premises.

7. Schedule

Lessee shall use its best efforts to design, to build and to begin operating the
winery  facility by December 31, 2000.  Lessor shall assist  Lessee in obtaining
all necessary permits. The cost of the permits shall be borne by Lessee.

8. Possession

Lessor shall deliver possession of the Premises to Lessee upon execution of this

9. Improvements

Lessee shall have the right to make any improvements or other alterations to the
Premises as Lessee may deem necessary or desirable in order to design, build and
operate a winery in  accordance  with  Section 4 (Uses) of this Lease.  Lessor's
nominee may assist Lessee in coordinating  improvements with Lessor and Lessor's
other tenants, agents or


representatives.  All of Lessee's non-removable improvements permanently affixed
to the real property,  including but not necessarily limited to, buildings,  all
or  part  of the  plumbing,  electrical  wiring,  hot and  cold  water  systems,
utilities,  fire  suppression  systems,  septic  systems,  outdoor  work  areas,
wastewater systems, and all subsequent additions thereto and alterations therein
and  replacements  thereof,  shall  become  and  remain a part of the  Premises,
subject to normal wear and tear and the use and occupancy of Lessee,  and Lessee
shall not remove,  destroy,  or materially  alter the same,  except as otherwise
provided in this Lease.

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  upon the expiration or termination of the Lease
term, all such  non-removable  improvements  shall become the property of Lessor
and  Lessee  shall have the right to remove all other  property  of a  removable
nature  then  located  on  the  Premises.   Lessee  shall  provide  Lessor  with
information  concerning  the  improvements  to be made and the schedule of their
installation.  Lessee  shall make and notify  Lessor of such  improvements  in a
timely manner so as to minimize the impact upon Lessor's other tenants including
the quarry,  cattle and retail  operations.  Any improvements shall be made in a
manner that does not unreasonably restrict Lessor's, their heirs',  successors',
assigns',  agents' or employees' access to other portions of Lessor's  property.
Lessee,  upon the  expiration or  termination  of the Lease term, at its option,
shall  be  able  to  remove  all  fixtures  and  equipment,   including  without
limitation,  winemaking and office  equipment,  fermenters,  crushers,  barrels,
tanks, desks, computers,  stoves,  refrigerators,  chillers, pumps, compressors,
bottling equipment and similar property and equipment not permanently affixed to
the real  property.  The  foregoing  notwithstanding,  it is  agreed  to by both
parties that upon termination or expiration of this Lease,  Lessor shall receive


building in broom clean condition,  complete with  non-removable  equipment,  in
good,  serviceable  condition  subject  to normal  wear and tear.  It is not the
intention  of  either  party  that  Lessor  receive  a  functional  winery  upon
termination  or  expiration of this Lease.  Rather,  it is the intention of both
parties that Lessor receive structures, non-removable equipment, septic systems,
wastewater  systems,  water sources and utilities in such condition,  subject to
normal wear and tear,  that the Premises can be used by Lessor or another  party
for  other  purposes.   When  the  building  is  completed  and  the  winery  is
operational,  Lessee shall, within thirty (30) days of such date, provide Lessor
with a listing of all property that it considers not permanently  affixed to the
real property and thus removable.  Thereafter,  Lessee shall provide Lessor with
notice of and details concerning any additional purchases/additions of removable
property.  The  items  identified  by  Lessee  in  this  process  shall  be then
considered  removable  property  unless  contested  by Lessor  within 30 days of
receipt of any such notice.  In the event Lessor  contests the  inclusion of any
item in any notice, Lessor and Lessee shall use reasonable commercial efforts to
resolve  the  situation.  In the event that an  agreement  is not reached by the
parties,   the  matter  shall  be  submitted  to  arbitration  pursuant  to  the
arbitration  procedure in Section 26 of this Lease. In the event that any lender
of  Lessee  requests,  as part  of a  construction  loan  or a loan  to  finance
improvements  for  the  Premises,   rights  to  certain  improvements  that  are
removable,  the parties  agree to cooperate in good faith to permit the granting
of such rights.

10. Lessor's Nominee

Lessor  wishes  to  appoint  a  nominee  (the  "Nominee")  for  the  purpose  of
communications  between the  parties  with regard to the terms of this Lease and
operations under it.


Lessor's  Nominee  shall be Justin M.  Faggioli  ("JMF")  who shall  serve until
replaced by an alternate  nominee in a writing signed by both Lessors,  or until
at  least  one of the  Lessors,  in a signed  writing,  objects  to his  further
service.  Lessor's  alternate  Nominee  shall be Sandra D.  Donnell.  Nominee is
hereby  authorized  to conduct  communications  with Lessee on behalf of Lessor.
Nominee shall act in conformance with the terms and conditions of this Lease. In
communicating with Lessor,  Lessee may, but is not required to, communicate with
anyone in addition to the Nominee.

11. Role of Justin M. Faggioli

Lessor and Lessee  acknowledge and agree that JMF has shared interests with both
Lessor and Lessee. JMF is the spouse of Sandra D. Donnell and the brother-in-law
of Bruce B. Donnell.  He is Lessor's  Nominee and is active in the management of
Lessor's property,  including the parcels containing the Premises. He is also an
officer, shareholder and director of the Lessee. JMF has been, and will continue
to be,  active  in  these  roles  and in all  aspects  of  this  Lease  and  its
implementation.  The parties  understand that there is a conflict of interest in
his roles as a representative  of, a potential  beneficiary of, and an affiliate
of both  parties.  All  parties  agree  that JMF has,  to date,  kept them fully
informed of all  relevant  details and  decisions  with respect to the terms and
conditions of this Lease, and that both parties have had the opportunity to, and
have  employed  the services  of,  other  professionals  to review the terms and
conditions of this Lease on their behalf. In executing this Lease, neither party
is relying upon the  representations,  warranties,  assertions or claims made by
JMF. Both  parties,  as to JMF as a third party  beneficiary,  agree to hold JMF
harmless  and  release  him from any and all  claims  against  him that may have
occurred in the past or may occur in the future arising from this Lease,  unless


such claim arises from his gross  negligence  or willful  misconduct.  The above
notwithstanding,  the  terms of this  Section  shall  only  apply to any  claims
arising  between  the  parties  and JMF with  respect to this  Lease  and/or the
landlord (Lessor) - tenant (Lessee) relationship.

12. Repairs

At all times during the term hereof,  Lessee shall, at its cost and expense, use
reasonable  commercial  efforts  to keep and  maintain  the  Premises  and other
facilities in good condition and repair,  normal wear and tear excepted.  Lessee
shall keep and maintain the  Premises,  at its expense,  in good  condition  and
repair,  subject to normal  wear and tear,  including  but not  limited  to, the
foundations,  exterior walls, structural portions of the interior bearing walls,
the  roof  of  the  building,   wastewater  systems  and  perimeter  appurtenant
structures,  slabs and fences,  the  interior and exterior  wall  surfaces,  the
windows,  doors, fire suppression  systems,  electrical and plumbing systems and
other  permanent  improvements.  In the event of any  damage,  Lessee  shall use
reasonable  commercial efforts to repair such damage. In the event major repairs
or  maintenance  on  non-removable  improvements  are required that Lessee would
normally  undertake  but which  may not be  commercially  reasonable  due to the
remaining term of the Lease,  Lessee shall notify Lessor of its intention not to
make such a repair.  In such an event,  Lessee and Lessor shall make  reasonable
efforts to  determine if a repair is  warranted  and to share costs  between the
parties.  In the event an  arrangement  is not made  between  the  parties,  the
parties may submit the dispute to  arbitration  pursuant to the terms of Section
26 of this Lease. Alternatively,  Lessor may elect, at its sole expense, to make
such  repairs.  An  example of such a  situation  would be the need to replace a
major portion of


the roof with only 5 years  remaining  on the  Lease.  In such an  example,  the
parties may elect to prorate the  expected  life of the roof with Lessee  paying
for the prorated  portion  represented  by the  remaining  term of the Lease and
Lessor paying the balance.

13. Taxes

Lessor shall pay and discharge  all taxes on the assessed  value of the land and
improvements  included  in the  Premises,  existing at the  commencement  of the
Lease, and on other improvements, if any, made by Lessor during the term of this
Lease,  and Lessor shall be responsible for any increase in taxes caused by acts
of Lessor, including but not limited to a transfer of ownership of the Premises.
Lessee shall pay and discharge all other real property and excise taxes, general
and special assessments, and other charges of every description which during the
term of this Lease may be levied  upon or assessed  against the  Premises or any
interests therein attributable to improvements made thereon by Lessee and any of
Lessee's personal property thereon. In this regard,  Lessee shall promptly apply
for and use its best  reasonable  efforts to obtain a subrogation  of taxes from
the County  Assessor's  office for the purposes of receiving a separate  billing
for taxes for which Lessee is responsible as described above. The subrogation of
taxes will allow Lessee separately to pay and discharge those taxes that are its
responsibility.  In the event a subrogation of the type  described  above is not
obtained by Lessee,  Lessee shall obtain a subrogation  for the entire parcel on
which the Premises is located and Lessor shall  reimburse  Lessee for the amount
of  property  taxes,  any general and  special  assessments  levied  against the
Premises for improvements  existing on the Premises prior to the commencement of
the Lease, and other  improvements made by Lessor on the assessed parcels during
the term of this Lease, and any other taxes for which Lessor is


responsible.  In such event,  Lessor shall reimburse Lessee within ten (10) days
after written request by Lessee, which request shall be accompanied by a copy of
the current tax bill.  If Lessor shall fail to reimburse  Lessee for such taxes,
Lessee  may,  in addition to any other  rights and  remedies  arising  from such
default,  offset the unpaid  reimbursement  against the next rental  payment due
under  this  Lease,  together  with  interest  thereon  accruing  from  the date
reimbursement  was due,  at an annual  rate equal to the  lesser of ten  percent
(10%) per annum or the maximum rate permitted by law.

14. Utilities

Lessee shall, at Lessee's expense,  connect to the electric utilities that exist
on the  Premises.  Lessee  shall  have its own  electric  meters and pay for all
electricity and any other utilities  consumed by Lessee on the Premises.  In the
event that an  easement  is  required  by a utility  to  provide  service to the
Premises,  Lessor  agrees  to grant  and to  otherwise  help to  create  such an
easement,  provided that any easement  created  coincides  with the term of this
Lease and does not conflict with other uses of Lessor's  property.  Lessee shall
pay for any and all costs  associated  with  installing  and  operating  utility
services  required,  including  but not  limited to  electrical  service for the
winery and wastewater system.

15. Insurance and Casualty Events

         (a) Lessee shall, at all times during the term of this Lease,  maintain
         policies  of  Worker's  Compensation  insurance  as required by law and
         commercial  general  liability  policy of insurance with a limit of not
         less than two million dollars ($2,000,000)  aggregate and not less than
         two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence.  Lessee shall maintain
         all risk property insurance for the buildings


         and related  improvements on a replacement cost basis. Lessee agrees to
         name Lessor as an additional  insured on Lessee's  liability  insurance
         policy, and written proof of said coverage shall be furnished to Lessor
         annually.  The  insurance  policies  required  to be  carried by Lessee
         hereunder may be carried as part of a blanket  policy of insurance.  No
         policy shall be cancelable  or subject to reduction of coverage  except
         after thirty (30) days written notice to Lessor.

         (b) Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  to the extent of
         insurance  proceeds received with respect to a loss, each party hereto,
         respectively,  hereby  waives any right of  recovery  against the other
         party for any loss or damage caused by such other party with respect to
         the  Premises,   any  improvements   thereon,  or  any  other  land  or
         improvements  used by  Lessee  pursuant  to the  terms  of this  Lease,
         whether  or not such loss is caused by the fault or  negligence  of the
         other party.  Lessor and Lessee shall each obtain from their respective
         insurers a waiver of rights of  subrogation,  which is consistent  with
         this  Subsection  15(b),  which the  insurer  of one party  might  have
         against the other.

         (c) In the event that the Premises  become  commercially  unfit for the
         purposes for which Lessee intended by entering this Lease and insurance
         proceeds are  inadequate  to restore the  Premises to a reasonably  fit
         condition,  due to events,  including but not limited to, fire,  flood,
         earthquake,  acts of God or nature,  explosion,  casualty of war, labor
         dispute,  permanent failure of supplies of electrical power,  violence,
         any governmental law, order,  regulation or ordinance, or any other act
         or condition beyond the reasonable control of Lessor or Lessee,  Lessee
         may elect, in its sole discretion, to terminate this Lease by providing


         written  notice to Lessor within ninety (90) days of the  occurrence of
         such condition or event.  The notice shall set a termination  date that
         shall give  Lessee a  reasonable  time to vacate the  Premises.  Lessee
         shall  pay  rent  until  it  vacates  the  Premises.  As of the date of
         termination of all or a portion of this Lease, the rent hereunder shall
         be  appropriately  prorated or adjusted.  If Lessee elects to terminate
         this  Lease,  Lessee  shall  forfeit  the  appraised  value of Lessee's
         non-removable improvements and the $1,700,000, in each case as referred
         to in  Section  29 below.  Lessor  shall have the option (a) to require
         Lessee to clear the site of debris and to restore the site to a graded,
         buildable surface,  similar to that existing prior to the construction,
         or (b) to receive the  estimated  cost of such  restoration  in lieu of
         Lessee's  completing the work required under this Section 15(c). Lessor
         shall  inform  Lessee of its  decision  within  ninety (90) days of the
         receipt of the notice of termination.  The work shall be completed,  or
         the cash for the estimated cost shall be paid to Lessee,  no later than
         365 days after Lessor's notification of Lessee regarding its decision.

16. Liens and Encumbrances

         (a) Lessee shall keep the Premises and its  improvements  free from any
         liens  arising  out of  any  work  performed,  material  furnished,  or
         obligations   incurred  by  or  for   Lessee.   If  any  such  lien  is
         involuntarily  placed upon the Premises,  Lessee  shall,  within thirty
         (30) days after the filing of such lien,  cause such lien to be removed
         of record.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the  contrary,  Lessee
         shall be entitled  without the consent of Lessor,  at any time, or from
         time to time, to finance its operations on the Premises by pledging the
         inventories, improvements


         and  equipment  on  the  Premises  as  collateral,  or by  encumbering,
         pledging or mortgaging the leasehold interest,  providing that any such
         pledging  shall not extend  beyond the term of this Lease and shall not
         place  any  encumbrance  or  obligation  on  the  Lessor,   its  heirs,
         successors  or  assigns.  Lessor  agrees  to  cooperate  as  reasonably
         requested by Lessee.

         (b) Lessor  hereby  represents  and  warrants  to Lessee to the best of
         their  knowledge  that they have good and lawful title to the Premises,
         free and  clear of all  claims,  liens,  and  encumbrances,  easements,
         conditions,  rights of way,  or  covenants  other  than as shown on the
         preliminary  title  insurance  report  issued by First  American  Title
         Company Report #172472BCF dated April 1, 1998. Lessor has not assigned,
         nor do they  have  knowledge  of any  assignment  of,  water  rights to

17. Access

         (a)  During  the  term  of  this  Lease,  Lessor  grants  to  Lessee  a
         non-exclusive  easement for all reasonable and necessary  access to the
         Premises  for all lawful  uses  associated  with the  purposes  of this
         Lease, including but not limited to, a non-exclusive  assignment of the
         easement from Highway 121 onto the Premises.  The access roads included
         in the easement are identified on Exhibit 1 and shall consist of access
         to the winery,  septic leach-field,  existing water source,  wastewater
         ponds and wastewater  disposal  area.  Such access shall include access
         for  the  installation,  maintenance  and  repair  of  utility,  water,
         wastewater  and septic  systems.  As shown on Exhibit 1, winery  access
         shall be limited to the north entrance from Highway 121 to the quarry.
         No access to the winery is permitted


         through  the  south  entrance  from  Highway  121 to the  quarry.  This
         restriction is necessary in order to maintain separation between winery
         and  quarry  activities.  Lessee  shall  have the  right,  at  Lessee's
         expense,  to make any improvements to the roadways used for such access
         that Lessee deems  necessary or desirable in  connection  with Lessee's
         use thereof.  Any changes made to the roadways shall be in keeping with
         Lessor's  other uses of the roadway.  Lessee shall  indemnify  and hold
         Lessor harmless from any liability,  loss, cost or expense arising from
         Lessee's  use of the  roadways,  except to the extent  arising from the
         negligence or misconduct of Lessor, its agents, employees, contractors,
         or invitees.

         (b) Throughout  the term of this Lease,  Lessor shall have the right to
         use the  roadways  located on the Premises if required for the purposes
         of access to the  property  owned by Lessor  adjacent to the  Premises.
         Lessor  shall  indemnify,  defend  and hold  Lessee  harmless  from any
         liability,  loss,  cost or expense  arising  from  Lessor's use of such
         roads,  except to the extent  arising from the negligence or misconduct
         of Lessee, its agents, employees, contractors, or invitees.

         (c) Lessor, its agents, employees,  contractors,  heirs, successors and
         assigns  shall have the right of access to and through the  Premises at
         all times so long as such access does not  interfere  with Lessee's use
         of the  Premises.  Lessor may lease the  wastewater  discharge  area to
         other tenants for  agriculturally  related uses (e.g.,  cattle grazing)
         provided that any such lessee's use does not materially  interfere with
         Lessee's use of this portion of the Premises.

         (d) The quarry operator, C.R. Fedrick Inc. or its successor, shall have
         the right to  reasonably  enter into and pass  through  roadways on the
         Premises if required in


         order to  obtain  access  to other  areas of the  parcel  for  purposes
         related  to the  quarry  operations,  including  but  not  limited  to,
         maintenance  of  buried  electrical   conduit,   access  to  areas  for
         maintenance,  access to roads for  maintenance,  access to  preexisting
         water systems and water use  requirements  and  maintenance  of pumping
         equipment and electrical  utilities used in conjunction  with quarrying
         operations.  Any such  access to the  Premises  by the quarry  operator
         shall  not  unreasonably  interfere  with  winery  operations  or  with
         Lessee's use of the Premises.

         (e) This Lease shall not create any rights of use, licenses,  access or
         easements on or to the  Premises  except as  explicitly  stated in this
         Lease.  No rights of use,  access or easements  shall be created,  even
         inadvertently, beyond the term of this Lease or the date of termination
         of this Lease, whichever is earlier.

18. Water Licenses

         (a) Lessor grants to Lessee a  non-exclusive  license and access to the
         well  identified on Exhibit 1, providing that such license and use does
         not  restrict or  interfere  with  preexisting  use of the well and its
         water by the  operator  of the  quarry for its  operations.  The quarry
         operation  shall  have  priority  access  to  water  supplies  from the
         existing  well.  Lessee  shall have the license to drill  wells  and/or
         create  reservoirs  on the Premises and to otherwise  develop the water
         supply  available  to the  Premises in such manner as Lessee shall deem
         appropriate or desirable for the operation of a winery.

         (b)  Lessee  shall  have the  non-exclusive  license to drill a well or
         wells on the Premises and to use exclusively the water from such wells.
         Lessee shall


         indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from any liability,  loss,  cost, or
         expense arising from Lessee's  development and use of the water sources
         described in Subsections 18(a) and 18(b),  except to the extent arising
         from the  negligence or misconduct  of Lessor,  its agents,  employees,
         contractors, or invitees.

         (c) Lessee agrees that any changes made by Lessee to the existing water
         system  shall be made in a manner so as not to cause  any  unreasonable
         disruption  to the  existing  water  service to the quarry.  So long as
         Lessee  utilizes the existing well presently  being used by the quarry,
         Lessee  shall  share  proportionately  in the  use  and  the  operating
         expenses of the existing well with the quarry  operator,  including the
         costs of electricity, maintenance and repair.

         (d) Lessor shall use reasonable  efforts to assist Lessee to obtain any
         permits  necessary  to  develop  water  sources  and/or  reservoirs  at
         Lessee's  expense.  This Lease shall not create any rights of Lessee to
         water on the Premises  except as  explicitly  stated in this Lease.  No
         rights to water use shall be created,  even  inadvertently,  beyond the
         term of this Lease.  No water  shall be  transferred  off the  Premises
         except with the written consent of Lessor.

         (e)  Any  such  licenses  created  under  this  Section  18,  shall  be
         terminated  at the  end of the  Lease  term  or  date  of  termination,
         whichever is earlier.

19. Condemnation

If all or any portion of the Premises shall be taken as a result of the exercise
of the power to eminent  domain,  this Lease shall  terminate  as to the part so
taken. In the case of a partial taking, Lessee shall have the right to terminate
this Lease as to the balance of the Premises by written  notice to Lessor within
ninety (90) days after such date, if Lessee


shall otherwise  reasonably  determine that the partial taking shall  materially
handicap,  impede,  impair, or render infeasible  Lessee's use of the balance of
the Premises.  Such  termination  by Lessee shall be effective as of the date of
Lessee's notice or such later date as may be specified in Lessee's notice. As of
the date of  termination  of all or a portion of this Lease,  the rent hereunder
shall be appropriately  prorated or adjusted.  All expenses necessary to restore
fences and to replace  access roads lost by the  condemnation  shall be borne by
Lessor.  Lessee  shall  be  entitled  to  all  of  that  portion  of  the  award
attributable  to the value of its  Leasehold,  the use of its  Leasehold and its
Leasehold  improvements taken by the condemning authority (other than the fences
and access roads which  Lessor  shall be  obligated to replace  pursuant to this
Section  19),  all as  pro-rated  over the length of the  remainder of the Lease

20. Disposal of Crush Residue and Pomace

Lessor shall allow Lessee to have access to other portions of Lessor's  property
not  included  in  the   Premises  for  the  disposal  of  organic,   non-toxic,
non-hazardous   wastes  consisting  of  the  by-products  of  the  crushing  and
fermenting activities of a winery. Lessee and Lessor shall develop a system, and
identify  sites,  for disposal  that are mutually  agreeable.  In the event such
winery  wastes  are judged by any  regulatory  agency to  constitute  a toxic or
hazardous  waste,  Lessee  shall  immediately  discontinue  disposal  of such by
products on Lessor's property or on the Premises.

21. Assignment or Subletting

Except as may be otherwise expressly  permitted herein,  Lessee shall not assign
or sublet  any of its  interests  under  this  Lease or  otherwise  transfer  or
encumber  all or any part of Lessee's  interest in this Lease  without  Lessor's
prior written consent, which consent shall


not  unreasonably be withheld or delayed for all or any of the uses described in
Section 4. Any subletting  without  Lessor's prior written consent shall be void
and shall, at the option of Lessor,  terminate this Lease. This Lease shall not,
nor shall any interest  therein,  be assignable as to the interest of Lessee, by
operation of law,  without the prior  written  consent of Lessor,  which consent
shall not be unreasonably  withheld or delayed.  Notwithstanding  the above, any
business combination,  merger, sale of all or substantially all of the assets of
Lessee,  whether  or not  Lessee is the  surviving  party,  shall be  permitted;
provided  that any  successor,  assignee,  or  sublessee of any interest in this
Lease agrees in writing to be bound by the terms of this Lease.

22. Lessor's and JMF's Investment in Ravenswood Winery, Inc.

Lessor and JMF have paid for many  expenditures  on behalf of the winery project
in advance of the execution of this Lease. The parties agree that it is to their
mutual advantage to make these  expenditures an investment in Ravenswood Winery,
Inc. In  addition,  Sandra D.  Donnell  and Justin M.  Faggioli,  separately  or
jointly,  may wish to make  additional  investments in Ravenswood  Winery,  Inc.
Exhibit 8 contains the following  information  with respect to the investment by
Lessor, Sandra D. Donnell and Justin M. Faggioli in Ravenswood Winery, Inc.:

o   Expenditures paid by Bruce B. Donnell and Sandra D. Donnell.
o   Expenditures paid jointly by Sandra D. Donnell and Justin M. Faggioli.
o   Additional separate capital investment by Justin M Faggioli and/or Sandra D.

Lessee  shall  deliver  to  Lessor  and/or  Justin  M.  Faggioli,   subordinated
convertible  debentures and common stock in Ravenswood Winery, Inc. in the names
and amounts


defined  in  Exhibit  8. The  terms  and  conditions  of the  common  stock  and
convertible debentures issued under the terms of this Lease are contained in the
Ravenswood Winery, Inc. Offering Memorandum dated August 3, 1998.

23. Termination in the Event Building Permit is Not Obtained

In the event a building permit has not been obtained by Lessee within five years
from the date of execution  of this Lease,  this Lease shall  terminate,  unless
both parties agree in writing to continue the Lease.

24. Default; Remedies

         (a)  Events of  Lessee's  Default.  Lessee  shall be in  default of its
         obligations under this Lease if any of the following events occur:

                  (i)  Lessee  fails to pay any rent  when due or any  other sum
                  within thirty (30) days following written demand by Lessor; or

                  (ii) Lessee fails to perform or breaches  any term,  covenant,
                  or condition of this Lease except those  requiring the payment
                  of rent,  and Lessee fails to cure such default  within thirty
                  (30)  days  after  delivery  of  written  notice  from  Lessor
                  specifying the nature of such default; or

                  (iii) Lessee makes an assignment,  sublease, or other transfer
                  in violation of this Lease; or

                  (iv) Lessee makes a general  assignment  of its assets for the
                  benefit of its creditors; or

                  (v) There  occurs an  appointment  of a custodian  or receiver
                  with   respect   to,  or  other   judicial   seizure  of:  (a)
                  substantially  all of  Lessee's  assets;  (b) any  property of
                  Lessee essential to the conduct of Lessee's


                  business  in the  Premises;  or  (c)  the  leasehold  interest
                  created by this Lease;  and Lessee fails to obtain a return or
                  release of such property within thirty (30) days thereafter or
                  prior to sale or other disposition, whichever is earlier; or

                  (vi) Lessee vacates or abandons the Premises; or

                  (vii) A court makes or enters any decree or order with respect
                  to Lessee or Lessee  submits to or seeks a decree or order (or
                  a  petition  or  pleading  is filed in  connection  therewith)
                  which:  (a)  grants  or  constitutes  (or  seeks) an order for
                  relief,  appointment  of  a  trustee,  or  confirmation  of  a
                  reorganization  plan under the  bankruptcy  laws of the United
                  States;  (b)  approves  as properly  filed a petition  seeking
                  liquidation or  reorganization  under said  bankruptcy laws or
                  any other debtor's  relief law or statute of the United States
                  or any state thereof;  or (c) otherwise directs (or seeks) the
                  winding up or liquidation of Lessee;  provided,  however, that
                  if any such  petition,  decree  or order,  is not  voluntarily
                  filed or made by Lessee,  that Lessee  shall not be in default
                  until such petition,  decree or order remains undischarged for
                  a period of thirty (30) days.

         (b) Lessor's  Remedies.  In the event of any default by Lessee,  Lessor
         shall have the following remedies,  in addition to all other rights and
         remedies  provided by any law or otherwise  provided in this Lease,  to
         which Lessor may resort cumulatively, or in the alternative:

                  (i) Lessor may keep this  Lease in effect and  enforce,  by an
                  action at law or in equity,  all of its  rights  and  remedies
                  under the Lease, including


                  (a) the  right to  recover  the rent  and  other  sums as they
                  become due by  appropriate  legal action,  (b) the remedies of
                  injunctive relief and special  performance to compel Lessee to
                  perform its obligations under this Lease, and (c) the right to
                  cause a receiver to be appointed to administer the Premises.

                  (ii) Lessor may make any payment or perform any  obligation of
                  Lessee.  All sums paid by Lessor  and all  necessary  costs of
                  such  performance  by Lessor,  together  with  interest at the
                  highest rate permitted by law from the date the sum is paid by
                  Lessor  until  Lessor  is  reimbursed  by  Lessee,   shall  be
                  reimbursed  to Lessor on demand by Lessor.  Lessor  shall have
                  the same  rights and  remedies in the event of  nonpayment  of
                  such  amounts by Lessee as in the case of failure by Lessee in
                  the payment of rent.

                  (iii) Lessor may, at Lessor's election, enter the Premises and
                  re-lease  them,  or any part of them,  to  third  parties  for
                  Lessee's account. Lessee shall be liable immediately to Lessor
                  for all  costs  Lessor  incurs  in  re-leasing  the  Premises,
                  including  broker's  commissions,  expenses  of  altering  and
                  preparing the Premises  required by the  re-leasing,  and like
                  costs.  Re-letting  can be for a period shorter or longer than
                  the remaining  term of this Lease.  Lessee shall pay to Lessor
                  the rent and other  sums due under  this Lease on the date the
                  rent is due, less the rent and other sums Lessor received from
                  any  re-leasing.  No act by Lessor allowed by this  Subsection
                  24(b) shall terminate this Lease unless Lessor notifies Lessee


                  in  writing  that  Lessor  elects  to  terminate  this  Lease.
                  Notwithstanding any re-leasing without termination, Lessor may
                  later elect to terminate  this Lease because of the default by

                  (iv) In the event  Lessee  breaches  this Lease and vacates or
                  abandons the Premises,  this Lease shall not terminate  unless
                  Lessor  chooses  to  terminate  the  Lease at the time of such
                  breach or abandonment.  Such action by Lessor shall cause this
                  Lease  to  terminate,   regardless   of  whether   Lessor  has
                  theretofore  exercised any other of its remedies. No act by or
                  on behalf of Lessor intended to mitigate the adverse effect of
                  such breach shall constitute  termination of Lessee's right to
                  possession  unless  Lessor  gives  Lessee  written  notice  of
                  termination.  Should Lessor not terminate this Lease by giving
                  Lessee written  notice,  Lessor may enforce all its rights and
                  remedies  under this Lease  including the right to recover the
                  rent  as it  becomes  due  under  the  Lease  as  provided  in
                  California  Civil  Code  Section  1951.4,  as in effect on the
                  effective date of this Lease.

                  (v) Lessor may, at Lessor's election,  terminate this Lease by
                  giving Lessee  written notice of  termination,  in which event
                  this  Lease  shall   terminate  on  the  date  set  forth  for
                  termination  in such notice.  No act by or on behalf of Lessor
                  intended to mitigate  the adverse  effect of Lessee's  default
                  shall  constitute a termination of the Lease or Lessee's right
                  to  possession  unless Lessor gives Lessee  written  notice of
                  termination.  Any such  termination  shall not relieve  Lessee
                  from payment of any sums then due Lessor or from any claim for
                  damages resulting from Lessee's default.


                  Following  termination of the Lease, and without  prejudice to
                  any other  remedies  Lessor  may have,  Lessor may then or any
                  time  thereafter  (a)  peaceably  reenter  the  Premises  upon
                  voluntary  surrender  by  Lessee  or  expel or  remove  Lessee
                  therefrom  together with any other persons occupying it, using
                  such legal  proceedings as are then  available,  (b) repossess
                  and use the  Premises or  re-lease it or any part  thereof for
                  such  term,  at such  rent,  and upon  such  other  terms  and
                  conditions as Lessor in its sole discretion may determine, and
                  (c)  remove  all  property  of Lessee  therefrom  at  Lessee's

                  (vi) In the event Lessor  terminates this Lease,  Lessor shall
                  be entitled,  at Lessor's election, to damages in an amount as
                  set forth in California Civil Code Section 1951.2 as in effect
                  on the effective date of this Lease. For purposes of computing
                  damages pursuant to said Section 1951.2,  the highest interest
                  rate  permitted  by laws  shall be used.  Such  damages  shall
                  include without limitation:

                           (1) The  amount  at the time of  award  by which  the
                           unpaid  rent for the  balance  of the term  after the
                           time of award  exceeds the amount of such rental loss
                           that  Lessee  proves  could  be  reasonably  avoided,
                           computed by  discounting  such amount at the discount
                           rate of the Federal  Reserve Bank of San Francisco at
                           the time of award plus one percent (1%); and

                           (2) Any other amount  necessary to compensate  Lessor
                           for all  detriment  proximately  caused  by  Lessee's
                           failure to perform


                           Lessee's  obligations  under this Lease,  or which in
                           the  ordinary  course  of  things  would be likely to
                           result therefrom,  including, without limitation, the
                           following:  (a) expenses  for  repairing or restoring
                           the Premises; (b) expenses for improving the Premises
                           for the purpose of  re-leasing;  (c)  broker's  fees,
                           advertising  costs and other  expenses of  re-leasing
                           the  Premises;  (d) costs of carrying  the  Premises,
                           such as taxes,  insurance  premiums,  utilities,  and
                           security   precautions;   (e)  expenses  in  retaking
                           possession of the Premises;  and (f) attorney's  fees
                           and  court  costs  incurred  by  Lessor  in  retaking
                           possession  of  the  Premises  and in  releasing  the
                           Premises  or  otherwise   incurred  as  a  result  of
                           Lessee's default.

                  (c)  Lessor's  Default  and  Lessee's  Remedies.  In the event
                  Lessor fails toperform any of its obligations under this Lease
                  and fails to cure such default  within  thirty (30) days after
                  written  notice  from  Lessee  specifying  the  nature of such
                  default  where such default  could  reasonably be cured within
                  said thirty (30) day period;  or where such default  could not
                  reasonably be cured within said thirty (30) day period, Lessor
                  fails to commence such cure within said thirty (30) day period
                  and thereafter  continuously with due diligence prosecute such
                  cure to  completion,  then  Lessee  shall  have the  following
                  remedies only:

                           (i) Lessee may  proceed in equity or at law to compel
                           Lessor to perform its  obligations  and/or to recover
                           damages proximately caused by such failure to perform
                           (except to the extent Lessee has waived its right to


                           damages  resulting from injury to person or damage to
                           property as provided herein).

                           (ii) Lessee may terminate this Lease following notice
                           and  expiration  of the cure periods set forth above.
                           Such termination shall be effective upon the date set
                           forth in the notice.

                  Lessee hereby waives the provisions of Section  1932(1),  1941
                  and 1942 of the  California  Civil Code  and/or any similar or
                  successor law regarding Lessee's right to terminate this Lease
                  or to make  repairs and deduct the  expenses  of such  repairs
                  from the rent due under the Lease.  Lessee  hereby  waives any
                  right of redemption or relief from  forfeiture  under the laws
                  of the State of  California,  or under any  other  present  or
                  future law, including the provisions of Sections 1174 and 1179
                  of the California Code of Civil Procedure.

25. Surrender

Except for  termination  under Section 15(c) or a taking by  condemnation  under
Section  19,  on the  last  day of  the  Lease  term,  or on  any  sooner  lease
termination, Lessee shall surrender to Lessor the Premises and the non-removable
improvements  described  above in Section 9 in good operating  condition,  broom
clean,  ordinary wear and tear  excepted.  Lessee shall repair any damage to the
permanent improvements and/or Premises occasioned by the installation or removal
of Lessee's property.

26. Dispute Resolution and Arbitration

To ensure rapid and  economical  resolution  of any and all  disputes  which may
arise  in  connection  with  this  Lease,  the  parties  agree  that any and all
disputes,  claims,  causes  of  action,  in law or in  equity,  arising  from or
relating to this Lease or its enforcement,


performance,  breach, or  interpretation  shall be resolved by final and binding
confidential    arbitration    through   Judicial    Arbitration   &   Mediation
Services/Endispute, Inc. ("JAMS") under the then existing JAMS Rules of Practice
and Procedure,  with such  arbitration to be held in San Francisco,  California.
Nothing in this  Section is  intended  to prevent  either  party from  obtaining
injunctive relief in court to prevent irreparable harm pending the conclusion of
such  arbitration.  The above  notwithstanding,  the results of said arbitration
shall not result in any extension of the Lease term.

27. Right of the First Option to Purchase

Lessee  shall have a right of first  option to purchase  ("Option to  Purchase")
that portion of the Premises  consisting of parcel # 142-122-04  (the  "Optioned
Premises"). The Optioned Premises shall not include the portions of the Premises
described in Exhibit 3, any wastewater  ponds, or any access to such portions of
the  Premises  or  wastewater  ponds.  This First  Option to  Purchase  shall be
personal to the Lessee,  and shall not, under any  circumstances  be assignable.
If,  during the term of this Lease,  Lessor  desires to make to any party a bona
fide offer to sell the  Optioned  Premises  or any  portion  thereof,  or Lessor
receives  an offer to purchase  the  Optioned  Premises or any portion  thereof,
which Lessor is willing to accept, Lessor shall notify Lessee in writing of such
offer to sell or such offer to  purchase,  as  applicable,  which  notice  shall
specify the terms and conditions of such offer and, as applicable,  the identity
of the proposed  offeree if known, or the prospective  purchaser for a purchase;
and if such offer shall  affect less than all of the Optioned  Premises,  Lessor
shall identify the portion of the Optioned  Premises affected by the offer. Such
notice shall be referred to herein as "Lessor's Option to Purchase  Notice." The
Lessor's Option to Purchase Notice shall constitute an offer by Lessor to


sell the property  specified in Lessor's  Option to Purchase Notice to Lessee on
the terms set forth in Lessor's  Option to Purchase  Notice.  Lessee  shall have
forty-five  (45) days from  receipt of  Lessor's  Option to  Purchase  Notice to
accept such offer, by written notice to Lessor. If the offer is so accepted, the
purchase  and sale of the  property  shall be closed  within one hundred  twenty
(120) days after such acceptance. If Lessee rejects the offer or fails timely to
accept the offer,  Lessor may, during the six-month period following  expiration
of the  forty-five  (45) day offer  period,  enter into an agreement to sell the
property at a price not lower, and on terms not more favorable to the purchaser,
than the price and terms contained in Lessor's Option to Purchase Notice.  If no
agreement is entered into within such  six-month  period,  or if an agreement is
entered  into with such  six-month  period but the  purchase has not been closed
within sixty (60) days after  expiration of such six-month  period,  neither the
Optioned  Premises,  nor any portion  thereof,  shall thereafter be sold without
first being re-offered to Lessee in accordance with the terms of this Section.

Lessee's  Option  to  Purchase  shall  not  apply to  sales  or other  transfers
affecting the Optioned  Premises or any portion  thereof,  between and among the
members  of  Lessor's  families  or any entity  under the  control of any of the
Lessors or any  individual in Lessor's  family.  Lessor shall be able to conduct
transactions  between  their  families  without  notifying  Lessee.  Examples of
transactions  between Lessor's families may include,  but are not limited to the
following: sale, gift, trade and distribution from an estate; provided, however,
that said family  grantees shall then be bound by Lessee's Option to Purchase in
connection with any subsequent proposed transfers to non-family members.  Lessee
shall,  as promptly  as  reasonably  practical,  notify  Lessor of any  material
transactions affecting


ownership  of the  Optioned  Premises  or any  portion  thereof.  This Option to
Purchase  shall not be  transferable  or assignable to any party by Lessee or to
any  party  who  assumes  Lessee's  interests  hereunder  due  to a  default  or
foreclosure by any lender.

28. Right of the First Option to Rent

Subject to the termination of this option as set forth below,  Lessee shall have
a right of first option to rent the Premises  ("Option to Rent")  subject to all
of the following  conditions:  (a) this Option to Rent has not expired;  and (b)
the other  potential  future  tenant use is as a winery owned by an  independent
third  party,  i.e.,  an entity that is not owned by either the  Lessors,  their
heirs,  successors  or  assigns  or by  Lessee.  If all  of  the  aforementioned
conditions  are  present,  Lessee shall have a right of first option to rent the
Premises,  and such  option to rent  will  expire on and shall be of no force or
effect after  December  31,  2029.  This Option to Rent shall be personal to the
Lessee,  and  shall  not,  except  as  otherwise  provided  herein,   under  any
circumstances  be  assignable.  If, prior to the  termination  of this Option to
Rent,  Lessor  shall  desire to make to any  party a bona fide  offer to rent or
lease the Premises or any portion  thereof,  or Lessor shall receive an offer to
rent which Lessor is willing to accept, Lessor shall notify Lessee in writing of
such offer,  which notice shall  specify the terms and  conditions of such offer
and the identity of the  prospective  purchaser;  and if such offer shall affect
less than all of the Premises, Lessor shall identify the portion of the Premises
to be transferred.  Such notice shall be referred to herein as "Lessor's  Option
to Rent Notice." The Lessor's Option to Rent Notice shall constitute an offer by
Lessor to rent the Premises, or the portion thereof specified in Lessor's Option
to Rent  Notice,  to Lessee on the  terms set forth in  Lessor's  Option to Rent
Notice, and Lessee shall have forty five (45) days from receipt of Lessor's


Option to Rent Notice to accept such offer, by written notice to Lessor.  If the
offer is so accepted, the rent of the Premises (or the portion thereof specified
in  Lessor's  Option to Rent  Notice)  shall be  consummated  within one hundred
twenty (120) days after such  acceptance.  If Lessee  rejects the offer or fails
timely to accept the offer,  Lessor may, during the six-month  period  following
expiration of the 45 day offer,  enter into an agreement to rent the Premises at
a price not lower,  and on terms not more favorable to the  purchaser,  than the
price and terms contained in Lessor's Option to Rent Notice.  If no agreement is
entered into within such  six-month  period,  or if an agreement is entered into
within such six-month period but the rent has not been consummated  within sixty
(60) days after expiration of such six-month  period,  neither the Premises (nor
any portion  thereof) shall  thereafter be rented without first being re-offered
to Lessee in accordance with the terms of this Section.  Lessee's Option to Rent
shall not apply to rents, leases or similar  transactions  between or within the
individuals  within Lessor's  families or any entity under the control of any of
the  Lessors or any  individual  in  Lessor's  family.  Lessor  shall be able to
conduct transactions  between their families without notifying Lessee.  Examples
of transactions  between Lessor's  families may include,  but are not limited to
the following: sale, rental, lease, gift, trade and distribution from an estate;
provided,  however, that said family grantees shall then be bound by this Option
to Rent in connection with any subsequent  transfers to non-family  members.  In
the event  that the rights  under this Lease are  assumed by a Lender of Lessee,
then the  Option to Rent set forth in this  Section 28 shall be  exercisable  by
such lender.


29. Renewal of the Lease and Buyout of Lessee Improvements

         (a) If Lessee shall desire to remain on the Premises beyond the term of
         the Lease, Lessee shall so notify Lessor no later than July 1, 2025 and
         the parties shall promptly enter into good faith negotiations regarding
         the terms of such new tenancy and the parties  intentions  with respect
         to the  Premises.  If a new lease has not been  executed by the parties
         prior to  January  1, 2027,  Lessor  shall  have the right to  initiate
         negotiations with other interested parties.

         (b) In the event that the parties  are unable to  negotiate a new lease
         by  January  1,  2027,  Lessor  shall pay  Lessee  for the value of the
         non-removable leasehold improvements made by Lessee, in accordance with
         the  following  procedures.  The  demand  by  Lessee  shall  include  a
         contractually  binding  notice  from  Lessee  that it will  vacate  the
         Premises at the end of the term.  This notice shall not affect Lessor's
         Option to Rent under  Section 28 of this Lease.  The parties agree that
         an appraiser  selected in accordance with the  qualifications set forth
         in Section 5(d) shall be acceptable.  Such  appraiser  shall conduct an
         appraisal of the  non-removable  improvements  made by Lessee and begin
         such appraisal commencing during January 2030. A copy of the results of
         such  appraisal  shall be  delivered to Lessee and Lessor no later than
         January 1, 2031.  The cost of the  appraisal  shall be shared by Lessee
         and Lessor.  On or before December 31, 2032, Lessor shall pay to Lessee
         the lesser of (a) the dollar value of the  appraised  value of Lessee's
         non-removable improvements made to the Premises or (b) $1,700,000.


30. Memorandum of Lease

Lessor and Lessee shall cause a memorandum  of this Lease,  in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 9, to be  executed  and  recorded  in the office of the County
Clerk of Sonoma  County.  Upon  termination  of this Lease and upon a request by
Lessor,  Lessee  shall  execute a quit  claim  deed or  termination  of Lease in
recordable form and shall cooperate with Lessor in recording same.

31. Attorney's Fees

In the event that any dispute  arising out of or in any way connected  with this
Lease,  is arbitrated or otherwise  litigated,  the party not prevailing in such
dispute  shall pay any and all legal  costs and  expenses  incurred by the other
party in enforcing or  establishing  its rights  hereunder,  including,  without
limitation,  court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. The trier of fact shall
determine the party not  prevailing  on each issue.  This  determination  may be
proportional  and the trier of fact  shall  have the right to  determine  and to
allocate who shall pay what amounts of such legal costs.

32. Notices

Any notice  required or permitted  hereunder shall be given in writing and shall
be deemed  effectively  given upon  personal  delivery,  including  delivery  by
express courier, or two (2) days after deposit in the United States Post Office,
by  registered  or certified  mail with postage and fees  prepaid,  addressed as

         To Lessor:         El Novillero-Donnell Ranch
                            P. O. Box 1003
                            Tiburon, CA 94920
                            ATTN:  Justin M. Faggioli

         To Lessee:         Ravenswood Winery, Inc.
                            18701 Gehricke Road
                            Sonoma, CA  95476


                            ATTN:  W. Reed Foster

or at such other addresses as may be specified by either party hereto by written
notice given to the other.

33. Toxic and Hazardous Substances

Storage  of  toxic  substances,  fuels  or other  supplies  shall  be in  strict
accordance with local, state and federal  regulations.  For the purposes of this
Section 33, all uses of the words  "Lessee"  and  "Lessor"  shall be expanded to
include their respective employees, agents or contractors.

         (a) Lessee agrees to assume and to be solely  responsible for all costs
         and  expenses  of  every  kind  relating  to  toxic  and/or   hazardous
         substances,  fuels, or other supplies,  stored and/or used by Lessee on
         the Premises  herein  leased,  including  but not limited to compliance
         with all permit  and  reporting  requirements  and  remediation  of all
         contamination    in   accordance   with   all   applicable   laws   and
         investigations,  claims, lawsuits,  proceedings,  citations,  cease and
         desist orders, abatement orders, or other actions or orders of any kind
         against the demised  Premises  and/or Lessor and/or Lessee,  whether by
         any private party or any  administrative,  judicial,  or quasi-judicial
         boards, court or agency, having jurisdiction over the property,  Lessor
         and/or Lessee. Lessee hereby further agrees to indemnify,  protect, and
         hold harmless Lessor, their employees, agents, heirs, and assigns, from
         and against any and all response costs, losses, claims, demands, causes
         of action, lawsuits, proceedings,  enforcement actions, obligations and
         liabilities  of any  kind  arising  out of the  presence  of  hazardous
         substances   stored   and/or   used  by  Lessee  on  the   Premises  or
         contamination by hazardous substances


         caused by Lessee,  including any amounts which Lessor is called upon to
         pay in  costs,  expenses  and  attorney's  fees  incurred  by Lessor in
         defending or protecting  their  interests.  Lessee further  agrees,  at
         Lessee's sole cost and expense, to defend Lessor,  either separately or
         jointly  with Lessee at  Lessor's  sole  election,  against any and all
         lawsuits,  proceedings, or other enforcement actions arising out of any
         contamination caused by Lessee, presence of hazardous substances stored
         and/or used by Lessee on the Premises and/or legal proceedings  arising
         from  Lessee's use or storage of hazardous  substances on the Premises.
         The indemnification and covenants to protect,  hold harmless and defend
         contained in this Section  shall survive the  termination  of the Lease
         and shall  inure to the benefit of and be binding  upon the  respective
         heirs, successors and assigns of Lessor and Lessee.

         (b)  Lessor  hereby   notifies  Lessee  that  no  toxic  and  hazardous
         substances exist on the Premises. Lessor agrees to assume and be solely
         responsible  for all costs and expenses of every kind relating to toxic
         and/or hazardous  substances,  fuels, or other supplies,  stored and/or
         used by Lessor on the Premises  herein  leased or which were present on
         the  Premises  at the  commencement  of this Lease,  including  but not
         limited to compliance  with all permit and reporting  requirements  and
         remediation of all contamination in accordance with all applicable laws
         and investigations, claims, lawsuits, proceedings, citations, cease and
         desist orders, abatement orders, or other actions or orders of any kind
         against the demised  Premises  and/or Lessor and/or Lessee,  whether by
         any private party or any  administrative,  judicial,  or quasi-judicial
         boards,  court or agency,  having jurisdiction of the property,  Lessor
         and/or Lessee. Lessor hereby further agrees to


         indemnify,  protect, and hold harmless Lessee, their employees, agents,
         heirs,  and  assigns,  from and  against  any and all  response  costs,
         losses,  claims  demands,  causes  of  action,  lawsuits,  proceedings,
         enforcement  actions,  obligations  and liabilities of any kind arising
         out of the  presence  of  hazardous  substances  stored  and/or used by
         Lessor on the Premises or contamination by hazardous  substances caused
         by Lessor or which existed on the Premises at the  commencement of this
         Lease,  including in any amounts  which Lessee is called upon to pay in
         costs,  expenses and attorneys' fees incurred by Lessee in defending or
         protecting  their  interests.  Lessor further agrees,  at Lessor's sole
         cost and expense,  to defend Lessee,  either separately or jointly with
         Lessor  at  Lessee's  sole  election,  against  any and  all  lawsuits,
         proceedings,   or  other   enforcement   actions  arising  out  of  any
         contamination caused by Lessor, presence of hazardous substances stored
         and/or used by Lessor on the Premises and/or legal proceedings  arising
         from  Lessor's use or storage of hazardous  substances on the Premises.
         The indemnification and covenants to protect,  hold harmless and defend
         contained in this Section shall survive the  termination  of this Lease
         and shall  inure to the benefit of and be binding  upon the  respective
         heirs, successors and assigns of Lessor and Lessee.

34. Compliance with Laws, etc.

Any County of Sonoma or other public  entity fees  occasioned by Lessee's use of
the Premises shall be the sole  responsibility of Lessee.  Lessee shall not use,
or permit  said  Premises,  or any part  thereof,  to be used for any purpose or
purposes  other  than for which the  Premises  are hereby  leased.  Any rules or
regulations  deemed  applicable  by  any  governmental   authority  to  Lessee's
operation shall be promptly complied with by Lessee,


and  Lessee  agrees  to  indemnify   and  to  hold  harmless   Lessor  from  any
responsibility therefor.  Notwithstanding any of the previous provisions of this
Section, Lessee shall not be required to maintain,  correct, restore or bear any
costs with respect to any of the following:

         (a) Building and safety code violations,  except for such  requirements
         as are imposed upon the Premises  solely because of the specific nature
         of Lessee's use of the Premises.

         (b) Clean-up or restoration of the  environment  due to hazardous waste
         or other environmental  pollutants  affecting the Premises,  except for
         those which result from Lessee's  operations on the Premises or actions
         taken by Lessee that result in contamination to the Premises.

         (c)  Any  latent  defects  in the  structure  of the  Premises  and any
         condition caused by such latent defects.

35. Liability and Indemnity

Lessee agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold the Lessor harmless from all claims
in negligence and torts (including costs and expenses of defending  against such
claims)  arising  or  alleged  to arise  from any act or  omission  of Lessee or
Lessee's  agents,  employees or  contractors  occurring  during the term of this
Lease in or about the  Premises,  except to the extent  arising  from the act or
omission of Lessor, its agents or employees.  Lessee agrees to use and to occupy
the  Premises at Lessee's  own risk and hereby  releases  Lessor,  and  Lessor's
agents  and  employees,  from all  claims  for any damage or injury to person or
property to the full extent  permitted  by law,  other than any damage or injury
caused by any act or omission of Lessor, its agents or employees.


Lessor in turn agrees to  indemnify,  defend and hold Lessee  harmless  from all
claims,  in  negligence  and torts  (including  costs and  expenses of defending
against  such  claims)  arising or alleged to arise from any act or  omission of
Lessor or Lessor's agents or employees,  of Lessor  occurring during the term of
this Lease, except to the extent arising from the act or omission of Lessee, its
agents or employees.

36. Miscellaneous

         (a) The  obligations  of each person signing this Lease as Lessor shall
         be joint and  several.  The words  "Lessor" and "Lessee" as used herein
         shall  include  the  plural,  as well  as the  singular.  The  captions
         preceding  the  articles of this Lease have been  inserted  solely as a
         matter of convenience,  and such captions in no way define or limit the
         scope or intent of any provision of this Lease.

         (b) The terms,  covenants and conditions  contained in this Lease shall
         bind and inure to the benefit of Lessor and Lessee and their respective
         successors and permitted assigns.

         (c) This Lease shall be construed and enforced in  accordance  with the
         laws  of the  State  of  California.  This  instrument,  including  the
         Exhibits  hereto  (which  are  expressly  made a part of  this  Lease),
         contains  the entire  agreement  between  the parties  (not  including,
         however,  any  agreement  as  to  partnership,   corporation  or  other
         relationship among the parties  constituting the Lessor or Lessee), and
         all prior negotiations and agreements are merged herein.

         (d) Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, the parties shall
         have  all  rights  and  remedies  provided  by law in the  event of any


         (e) This Lease may be amended only by a writing executed by the parties

         (f) The  waiving by Lessor or Lessee of any  agreement,  condition,  or
         provision  herein  contained  shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any
         subsequent  breach of the same or any other  agreement,  condition,  or
         provision herein contained,  nor shall any custom or practice which may
         develop between the parties in the  administration  of the terms hereof
         be  construed  to waive or to lessen  the rights of Lessee or Lessor to
         insist upon the performance by the other in strict accordance with said

         (g)  Time is of the  essence  of this  Lease  and  each  and all of its

         (h) Lessor represents to Lessee that to the best of Lessor's knowledge:

                  (i) There exist no substances identified as hazardous or toxic
                  by any federal,  state, or local law or regulation on or under
                  the Premises or in any water supply or groundwater  located on
                  the  Premises  or, in any land,  water  supply or  groundwater
                  adjacent to the Premises,  and there are no underground  tanks
                  on the Premises; and


                  (ii) There are no actions,  suits or  proceedings,  pending or
                  threatened,  against or affecting  Lessor or the Premises,  at
                  law or in equity, in or before any federal,  state, municipal,
                  or  other  governmental  court,  department  or  agency,  that
                  involve or may affect the  Premises,  this Lease,  or Lessee's
                  contemplated use of the Premises.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have  executed  this Lease on
January 1, 1999.

Lessor:                                     Lessee:

/s/ BRUCE B. DONNELL                        /s/ W. REED FOSTER
- ---------------------------                 ------------------------------------
Bruce B. Donnell                            W. Reed Foster, Chairman
                                            Ravenswood Winery, Inc.

/s/ SANDRA D. DONNELL                       /s/ JOEL E. PETERSON
- ---------------------------                 ------------------------------------
Sandra D. Donnell                           Joel E. Peterson, President
                                            Ravenswood Winery, Inc.
