Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment no. 1)

Filed by the Registrant    [X]                       
Filed by a party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:                 
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement           [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the   
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                 Commission Only (as permitted by
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials            Rule 14a-6(e)(2))               
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to       
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12       

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required.

[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)   Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed pursuant
      to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
      calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(5)   Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)   Amount previously paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)  Filing party:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4)  Date filed:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                  March 31, 1999

Dear Shareholder:

         This year's annual meeting of  shareholders  will be held on Wednesday,
May 12, 1999 at 2:00 P.M.  local  time,  at the  Mandarin  Oriental  Hotel,  222
Sansome Street, San Francisco,  California,  94104. You are cordially invited to

        The Notice of Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  and a Proxy  Statement,
which describe the formal  business to be conducted at the meeting,  follow this

         After reading the Proxy  Statement,  please  promptly  mark,  sign, and
return the  enclosed  proxy in the  prepaid  envelope to assure that your shares
will be  represented.  Your shares  cannot be voted unless you date,  sign,  and
return the enclosed proxy or attend the annual meeting in person.  Regardless of
the number of shares you own,  your careful  consideration  of, and vote on, the
matters before our shareholders are important.

         A copy of the Company's 1998 Annual Report also is enclosed.

         The Board of Directors and Management look forward to seeing you at the
annual meeting.

                                Very truly yours,

                                /s/ David N. Ruckert
                                David N. Ruckert
                                Chief Executive Officer

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
                               2883 Bayview Drive
                            Fremont, California 94538

                    Notice Of Annual Meeting Of Shareholders
                       To Be Held Wednesday, May 12, 1999


         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of
Fiberstars,  Inc. (the  "Company")  will be held on Wednesday,  May 12, 1999, at
2:00 P.M., local time, at the Mandarin  Oriental Hotel, 222 Sansome Street,  San
Francisco, California, 94104, for the following purposes:

         1.       To elect seven (7) directors to serve for the ensuing year and
                  until their successors are elected and qualified;

         2.       To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
                  Company's  independent  auditors  for the fiscal  year  ending
                  December 31, 1999; and

         3.       To consider and vote upon a proposal to increase the number of
                  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  reserved for issuance
                  under its 1994 Employee Stock Purchase Plan;

         4.       To consider and vote upon a proposal to increase the number of
                  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  reserved for issuance
                  under its 1994 Directors Stock Option Plan;

         5.       To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         The foregoing  items of business are more fully  described in the Proxy
Statement accompanying this Notice.

         Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on April 2, 1999
are  entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting  and any  adjournments  or
postponements thereof.

                                 FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                 /s/ David N. Ruckert
                                 Chief Executive Officer

Fremont, California
March 31, 1999

IMPORTANT:  Please fill in, date, sign and promptly mail the enclosed proxy card
in  the  accompanying   post-paid  envelope  to  assure  that  your  shares  are
represented at the meeting. If you attend the meeting, you may choose to vote in
person even if you have previously sent in your proxy card.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
                               2883 Bayview Drive
                            Fremont, California 94538



         The enclosed  Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Fiberstars,  Inc., a California Corporation  ("Fiberstars" or the "Company") for
use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Annual  Meeting") to be held on
May 12, 1999 at 2:00 P.M local time,  or at any  adjournments  or  postponements
thereof,  for the  purposes set forth  herein and in an  accompanying  Notice of
Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  The Annual Meeting will be held at the Mandarin
Oriental Hotel, 222 Sansome Street, San Francisco, California, 94104.

         The date of this Proxy  Statement  is March 31, 1999,  the  approximate
date on which this Proxy  Statement  and  accompanying  form of proxy were first
sent or given to  Shareholders.  The cost of  soliciting  these  proxies will be
borne by the Company. Regular employees and directors of the Company may solicit
proxies in person, by telephone,  or by mail. No additional compensation will be
given to employees or directors for such solicitation.  The Company will request
brokers and nominees who hold stock in their names to furnish proxy  material to
beneficial owners of the shares and will reimburse such brokers and nominees for
their reasonable expenses incurred in forwarding  solicitation  material to such
beneficial owners.

Revocability of Proxies

         Any proxy  given  pursuant to this  solicitation  may be revoked by the
person  giving it at any time before its use either by delivering to the Company
(2883 Bayview Drive, Fremont,  California 94538, Attention:  David N. Ruckert) a
written  notice of revocation or a duly executed  proxy bearing a later date, or
by  attending  the Annual  Meeting and voting in person.  If a proxy is properly
signed and not revoked,  the shares it  represents  will be voted in  accordance
with the instructions of the shareholder.


         Generally,  each share of Common Stock (as defined below)  entitles its
holder to one vote on matters to be acted upon at the Annual Meeting,  including
the election of directors.  However, if, prior to the voting to elect directors,
any  shareholder  gives notice at the Annual  Meeting of his or her intention to
cumulate his or her votes,  and if the names of the candidate or candidates  for
whom that  shareholder  intends to vote have been placed in nomination  prior to
the voting,  then all  shareholders  may cumulate  their votes for candidates in
nomination.  This means that each shareholder may give one candidate a number of
votes equal to the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of
shares he or she holds, or such  shareholder may distribute that total number of
votes among as many candidates as he or she thinks fit. The person authorized to
vote shares  represented by executed  proxies in the enclosed form (if authority
to vote for the election of directors is not withheld) will have full discretion
and authority to vote cumulatively and to allocate votes among any or all of the
nominees as he may determine or, if authority to vote for a specified  candidate
or candidates  has been withheld,  among those  candidates for whom authority to
vote has not been  withheld.  On all matters  except the election of  directors,
each share carries one vote.

         Votes  cast  by  proxy  or in  person  at the  Annual  Meeting  will be
tabulated  by the  Company's  transfer  agent,  which will act as  Inspector  of
Elections.  The  Inspector of  Elections  will also  determine  whether or not a
quorum is present.  Except with respect to the election of directors  and except
in certain other specific  circumstances,  the affirmative vote of a majority of
shares  represented  and  voting  at a duly  held  meeting  at which a quorum is
present (which shares voting  affirmatively  also constitute at least a majority
of the  required  quorum) is  required  under  California


law for approval of proposals presented to shareholders.  In general, California
law also provides that a quorum consists of a majority of the shares entitled to
vote,  represented either in person or by proxy. The Inspector of Elections will
treat  abstentions  as shares that are present and entitled to vote for purposes
of  determining  the  presence  of a quorum but as not voting  for  purposes  of
determining the approval of any matter submitted to the shareholders for a vote.

         The  shares  represented  by the  proxies  received,  properly  marked,
signed,  dated and not revoked will be voted at the Annual  Meeting.  Where such
proxies specify a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon, the shares
will be voted in  accordance  with the  specifications  made.  Any  proxy in the
enclosed form which is returned but is not marked will be voted FOR the election
of  directors,  FOR  approval of the proposal to amend the 1994  Employee  Stock
Purchase  Plan to increase  the number of shares of the  company's  Common Stock
reserved for issuance  under the 1994 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, FOR approval
of the proposal to amend the 1994  Directors'  Stock Option Plan to increase the
number of shares of the Company's  Common Stock  reserved for issuance under the
1994  Directors'  Stock Option Plan, FOR the  ratification of the appointment of
the designated  independent auditors, and as the proxy holders deem advisable on
other  matters  that may come before the meeting.  If a broker  indicates on the
enclosed proxy or its substitute that it does not have  discretionary  authority
as to certain shares to vote on a particular matter ("broker non-votes"),  those
shares will not be considered as voting with respect to that matter. While there
is no definitive  statutory or case law authority in California  concerning  the
proper treatment of abstentions and broker non-votes,  the Company believes that
the  tabulation  procedures  to be followed by the  Inspector of  Elections  are
consistent  with the general  statutory  requirements  in California  concerning
voting of shares and determination of a quorum.

Record Date and Share Ownership

         Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on April 2, 1999
will  be  entitled  to  notice  of and to  vote at the  Annual  Meeting  and any
adjournment  thereof.  As of the record date,  there will be 3,982,601 shares of
Common Stock of the Company, par value $.0001 per share ("Common Stock"), issued
and outstanding.

                      PROPOSAL NO. 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


         Unless  otherwise  instructed,  the proxy holders will vote the proxies
received by them for the nominees  named below,  regardless of whether any other
names are placed in nomination by anyone other than one of the proxy holders. If
the  candidacy of anyone or more of such  nominees  should,  for any reason,  be
withdrawn,  the  proxy  holders  will  vote in favor of the  remainder  of those
nominated and for such substituted  nominees,  if any, as shall be designated by
the proxy holders,  or the number of directors to be elected at this time may be
reduced  by the  Board of  Directors.  The Board of  Directors  has no reason to
believe that any of the persons  named will be unable or unwilling to serve as a
nominee or as a director if elected.

         If a quorum is present and voting,  the nominees  receiving the highest
number of votes  will be  elected as  directors  at the Annual  Meeting to serve
until the next Annual Meeting and until their respective  successors are elected
or appointed.  Abstentions and shares held by brokers that are present,  but not
voted  because  the  brokers  were  prohibited  from  exercising   discretionary
authority,  i.e., "broker non-votes," will be counted as present for purposes of
determining if a quorum is present.


         As of the date of the Annual Meeting, the Company's Bylaws will provide
for the election of seven (7) directors.  The names of the nominees,  their ages
as of March 31, 1999, and their backgrounds are set forth below.

Name                                         Age                 Director Since
- ----                                         ---                 --------------

John B. Stuppin                               65                      1993

David N. Ruckert                              61                      1987

Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.                        71                      1994

Michael Feuer, Ph.D.                          56                      1991

B.J. Garet                                    71                      1995

Wayne R. Hellman                              53                      1997

Philip Wolfson                                55                      1987

         Mr.  Stuppin  joined the Company as a director in February 1993 and was
elected Chairman of the Board in May 1995. Since September 1987, Mr. Stuppin has
served in various  executive  capacities with  Neurological  Technologies,  Inc.
("NTI"), a biomedical development company he co-founded, and he currently serves
as a director  of NTI.  Mr.  Stuppin  also has been an  investment  banker and a
venture  capitalist,  with  over 25  years of  experience  in the  founding  and
management of companies active in emerging technologies.

         Mr.  Ruckert  joined the Company in November 1987 as  President,  Chief
Operating  Officer and a director.  He has served as Chief Executive  Officer of
the Company  since  October  1988 and served as  Secretary  of the Company  from
February 1990 to February 1994. From June 1985 to October 1987, he was Executive
Vice  President of  Greybridge,  a toy company which he co-founded  and that was
acquired by Worlds of Wonder in 1987.  Prior to that time, he was Executive Vice
President  of  Atari  from  October  1982 to June  1984  and was a  Manager/Vice
President  of  Bristol-Myers  Company in New York from  October  1966 to October
1982. Mr. Ruckert is also a director of Fiberstars Australasia Pty Ltd., a joint
venture of the Company.

         Mr. Eliot has served as a director of the Company  since May 1994.  Mr.
Eliot retired from the United  States  Department of State in 1978 with the rank
of Ambassador. He served as the Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
from  1979  to 1985  and as  Secretary  General  for the  United  States  of the
Bilderberg  Meetings from 1981 to October 1993.  Mr. Eliot also is a director of
Raytheon Company and NTI, a biomedical development company.

         Dr. Feuer has served as a director of the Company  since  October 1991.
Since March 1992, Dr. Feuer has been president of Santa Clara Associates,  Inc.,
and a general  partner of Pacific  Technology  Fund,  a venture  capital firm in
Santa Clara,  California.  Prior to that time, Dr. Feuer was a technical partner
of Santa Clara  Associates,  Inc.,  from September  1987 to February 1992.  From
April 1986 to  September  1987,  Dr. Feuer was  President  of Micro  Integration
Corp., an integrated circuit company. From January 1984 to April 1986, he served
as  Vice  President,  Engineering  at  Mentor  Graphics,  an  electronic  design
automation company.

         Mr. Garet has served as a director of the Company since  December 1995.
From 1984 until his  retirement in 1993,  Mr. Garet served as Chairman of Hanson
Lighting Group and Chief Executive  Officer of USI Lighting.  From 1973 to 1984,
he  served  in  several  executive  capacities  with U.S.  Industries,  Inc.,  a
diversified   manufacturer   of   lighting   and  other   products,   where  his
responsibilities included eight operating divisions.

         Mr.  Hellman has served as a director of the  Company  since  September
1997.  Since May 1995,  Mr.  Hellman  has been  chairman  of the board and chief
executive officer of Advanced Lighting  Technologies,  Inc. ("ADLT").  From 1983
until May 1995, Mr. Hellman  founded a total of seventeen  affiliated  companies
that  specialize in the production  and  distribution  of metal halide  lighting
systems,  all of which were  eventually  acquired by ADLT. From 1968 until 1983,
Mr. Hellman served in various capacities at General Electric,  including Manager
of Strategy Analysis for the GE Lighting Business Group,  Manager of Engineering
for the  Photographic  Lamp  Department,  and  Manager of Metal


Halide  Product  Engineering.  While he was GE's Manager of Metal Halide Product
Engineering,  Mr.  Hellman  developed  what remains the standard in metal halide

         Dr. Wolfson has served as a director of the Company since January 1986.
Dr.  Wolfson has also served as a director and a consultant to NTI, a biomedical
development  company. He has been Assistant Clinical Professor at the University
of California  School of Medicine in San Francisco  since 1986.  Dr. Wolfson has
maintained a private practice in psychiatric medicine since 1982.

Board Meetings and Committees

         The Board of  Directors  held a total of six (6)  meetings  during  the
fiscal year ended  December  31, 1998.  The Board of Directors  has an Audit and
Finance  Committee and a Compensation  Committee.  It does not have a nominating
committee or a committee performing the functions of a nominating committee.

         The Audit  and  Finance  Committee  of the  Board of  Directors,  which
currently consists of directors Eliot, Feuer,  Garet, and Stuppin,  held one (1)
meeting  during fiscal year 1998.  The Audit and Finance  Committee  reviews the
results  and scope of the audit and other  services  provided  by the  Company's
independent auditors, and reviews the management of the Company's investments.

         The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors currently consists
of directors Eliot, Feuer, Garet,  Stuppin and Wolfson, and held one (1) meeting
during  fiscal  year 1998.  The  Compensation  Committee  makes  recommendations
concerning salaries and incentive  compensation for employees of the Company and
administers the Company's stock plans and determines the terms and conditions of
stock option grants.

         No incumbent director, except for director Hellman, attended fewer than
eighty percent of the aggregate number of meetings of the Board of Directors and
meetings of the committees of the Board of Directors on which he serves.

Director Compensation

         Each  non-employee  director  receives  $1000  per  Board or  Committee
meeting  attended to cover  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred in connection with
such attendance.  During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998, Messrs. Eliot,
Feuer,  Garet,  Hellman,  Stuppin,  and Wolfson received  aggregate  payments of
$1,250, $1,500, $1,500, $750, $1,500, $1,500 respectively, for their services as

         Following  his  appointment  as a director in June 1994,  Mr. Eliot was
granted an option to purchase 10,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price
of $4.50 per share,  which  option  has a ten-year  term and vests in four equal
installments on the first four  anniversaries  of the date of his appointment to
the Board.  Upon the effective  date of the 1994  Directors'  Stock Option Plan,
each of Messrs.  Feuer,  Eliot,  Stuppin,  Wang and  Wolfson  was  automatically
granted an option to purchase  5,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price
of $4.50 per share,  which options have ten-year  terms and vest in twelve equal
monthly  installments  following the date of grant of the option.  Dr.  Wolfson,
under a consulting agreement with the Company dated August 25, 1994, received an
option to purchase  10,000 shares of the  Company's  Common Stock at an exercise
price of $5.875 per share  (which  was the fair  market  value of the  Company's
Common  Stock  on  the  date  of  grant),  which  option  vests  in  four  equal
installments  on the  first  four  anniversaries  of the date of the  consulting
agreement.  Dr.  Wolfson  does not  receive  any  other  compensation  under the
consulting  agreement.  Subsequently,  options have been  granted  automatically
under the Company's 1994 Directors'  Stock Option Plan as follows,  all of which
options have ten-year terms, vest in twelve equal monthly installments following
the date of grant of the  option  and  have  exercise  prices  equal to the fair
market  value of the  Company's  Common  Stock on the date of grant:  Options to
purchase 5,000 shares each to Messrs.  Stuppin,  Eliot,  Feuer, Wang and Wolfson
upon their  election to the Board of Directors in May 1995 at an exercise  price
per share of $5.625;  options to purchase 5,000 shares each to Messrs.  Stuppin,
Eliot,  Feuer,  Garet, and Wolfson upon their election to the Board of Directors
in May 1996 at an  exercise  price per share of  $5.125;  an option to  purchase
10,000 shares to Mr. Garet upon his  appointment  as a director in December 1995
at an exercise  price of $4.00 per share;  options to purchase  5,000  shares to
Messrs.  Stuppin,  Eliot,  Feuer,  Garet, and Wolfson upon


their  election to the Board of Directors  in May 1997 at an exercise  price per
share of $4.625;  an option to purchase  10,000  shares to Mr.  Hellman upon his
becoming a  non-employee  director in  September  1997 at an  exercise  price of
$6.250 per share;  and,  options to purchase  5,000  shares to Messrs.  Stuppin,
Eliot,  Feuer, Garet,  Hellman,  and Wolfson upon their election to the Board of
Directors in June 1998.

Required Vote

         Seven (7) persons have been  nominated  by the Board of  Directors  for
election  as  directors  at the Annual  Meeting to serve  until the next  Annual
Meeting and until their  respective  successors  are elected or  appointed.  The
seven (7) nominees  receiving the highest  number of votes at the Annual Meeting
will be elected as directors of the Company.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors



         The    Board    of    Directors    has    appointed    the    firm   of
PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP,  independent  public  accountants,  to  audit  the
financial  statements  of the Company for the fiscal  year ending  December  31,
1999,  and  recommends  that   shareholders   vote  for   ratification  of  this
appointment.  In the event the shareholders do not ratify such appointment,  the
Board  of  Directors  will   reconsider  its   selection.   Representatives   of
PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP are  expected to be present at the Annual  Meeting.
They will have an  opportunity  to make a statement  if they desire to do so and
will be able to respond to appropriate questions from the shareholders.

         The ratification of the appointment of  PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP as
the Company's  independent auditors requires the affirmative vote of the holders
of a majority  of the shares of Common  Stock  present at the Annual  Meeting in
person or by proxy and entitled to vote.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors




         The  Company's  1994  Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan was adopted by the
Board in April 1994 and approved by the Company's  shareholders in May 1994 (the
"Purchase  Plan").  The Purchase  Plan  provides a means by which  employees may
purchase Common Stock of the Company through payroll deductions.  As of April 2,
1999  approximately  10,618 shares remained  available for future issuance under
the Purchase Plan. On February 19, 1999,  subject to shareholder  approval,  the
Board increased the number of shares  authorized for issuance under the Purchase
Plan by 50,000, to a total of 100,000 shares.

Description of Plan

         The following summary of the Purchase Plan is qualified in its entirety
by the specific  language of the Purchase  Plan, a copy of which is available to
any shareholder upon request.


         General. The Purchase Plan is intended to qualify as an "employee stock
purchase plan" under section 423 of the Code.  Each  participant in the Purchase
Plan is granted at the beginning of each offering under the plan (an "Offering")
the right to purchase through  accumulated  payroll deductions up to a number of
shares of the Common Stock of the Company (a "Purchase Right") determined on the
last day of the Offering.  The Purchase Right is automatically  exercised on the
last day of the Offering unless the participant has withdrawn from participation
in the Offering or in the Purchase Plan prior to such date.

         Shares  Subject to Plan.  Currently,  a maximum of 50,000 shares of the
Company's  Common  Stock  may be issued  under the  Purchase  Plan,  subject  to
appropriate  adjustment in the event of a stock dividend,  stock split,  reverse
stock split,  combination,  reclassification  or similar change in the Company's
capital  structure  or in the  event  of any  merger,  sale of  assets  or other
reorganization  of the  Company.  On February 19,  1999,  the Board,  subject to
shareholder approval, amended the Purchase Plan to increase its share reserve by
50,000 shares to an aggregate of 100,000 shares.  The shareholders are now being
requested  to approve the  increase in the  Purchase  Plan reserve at the Annual

         Administration.  The Purchase  Plan is  administered  by the Board or a
duly appointed committee of the Board. Subject to the provisions of the Purchase
Plan, the Board  determines the terms and conditions of Purchase  Rights granted
under the plan. The Board will  interpret the Purchase Plan and Purchase  Rights
granted  thereunder,  and all  determinations  of the  Board  will be final  and
binding on all persons  having an interest in the Purchase  Plan or any Purchase

         Eligibility.  Any  employee  of the Company or of any present or future
subsidiary  corporation of the Company  designated by the Board for inclusion in
the Purchase Plan as of the first day of the Offering is eligible to participate
in an Offering under the plan, so long as the employee is employed for more than
20 hours per week and more than five (5) months in a calendar year.  However, no
employee shall be granted an option who owns or holds options to purchase, or as
a result of  participation  in the  Purchase  Plan would own or hold  options to
purchase,  five percent or more of the total  combined  voting power or value of
all classes of stock of the Company or of any parent or  subsidiary  corporation
of the Company is entitled to  participate in the Purchase Plan. As of March 25,
1999,  the Company had 87 employees that would be eligible to participate in the
Purchase Plan.

         Offerings.  Generally, each Offering of Common Stock under the Purchase
Plan is for a period of six months (an "Offering Period") commencing on or about
January 1 and July 1 of each year (an "Offering Date").  The Board may establish
a different term for one or more Offerings or different  commencement  or ending
dates for any  Offering  Period,  so long as such change is  announced  at least
fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled  beginning of the first  Offering to be
affected. Generally, shares are purchased on the last day of the Offering Period
(a  "Purchase  Date").  The Board may  establish  Offering  Periods of different
lengths and commencement dates.

         Participation  and  Purchase  of Shares.  Participation  in an Offering
under the Purchase Plan is limited to eligible  employees who authorize  payroll
deductions prior to the Offering Date.  Payroll deductions may not exceed 5% (or
such other rate as the Board  determines) of an employee's  compensation  on any
payday during the Offering Period. Once an employee becomes a participant in the
Purchase Plan, that employee will  automatically  participate in each successive
Offering  Period  until such time as the  employee  withdraws  from the Purchase
Plan, becomes ineligible to participate,  or terminates  employment.  Subject to
certain limitations,  each participant in an Offering has a Purchase Right equal
to the number of whole shares  determined by dividing $12,500 by the fair market
value of a share of Common Stock on the Offering Date.  However,  no participant
may purchase under the Purchase Plan shares of Common Stock having a fair market
value exceeding  $25,000 in any calendar year (measured by the fair market value
of the Company's  Common Stock on the first day of the Offering  Period in which
the shares are purchased).

         On each Purchase Date,  the Company  issues to each  participant in the
Offering  the  number of shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  determined  by
dividing the amount of payroll deductions accumulated for the participant during
the Offering Period by the purchase price,  limited in any case by the number of
shares subject to the participant's  Purchase Right for that Offering. The price
at which shares are sold under the  Purchase  Plan is equal to 85% of the lesser
of the fair market value per share of the Company's Common Stock on the Offering


or on the  Purchase  Date.  The fair  market  value of the  Common  Stock on any
relevant date is  established  by the Board based on the closing price per share
on such date as reported on the Nasdaq National Market.  Any payroll  deductions
under the  Purchase  Plan not applied to the purchase of shares will be returned
to the  participant,  unless  the  amount  remaining  is less  than  the  amount
necessary to purchase a whole share of Common Stock, in which case the remaining
amount may be applied to the next Offering Period.

         A  participant  may  withdraw  from an  Offering  at any  time  without
affecting his or her  eligibility to participate in future  Offerings.  However,
once a participant  withdraws from an Offering,  that  participant may not again
participate in the same Offering.

         Transfer of Control.  The Purchase Plan provides  that, in the event of
(i) a proposed sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or
(ii) a merger of the Company  with or into another  corporation  (a "Transfer of
Control"),  the  acquiring or successor  corporation  will assume the  Company's
rights and obligations under the Purchase Plan or substitute equivalent Purchase
Rights for such  corporation's  stock,  unless the Board in its sole  discretion
adjusts the next  Purchase  Date to a date on or before the date of the Transfer
of  Control.  In the  event of a  proposed  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the
Company,  the Offering Period will terminate  unless  otherwise  provided by the

         Termination or Amendment. The Purchase Plan will continue in effect for
a term of 20 years unless it is terminated by the Board prior to such date.  The
Board may at any time amend or  terminate  the  Purchase  Plan,  except that the
approval of the Company's  shareholders  is required within twelve months of the
adoption  of any  amendment  increasing  the  number  of shares  authorized  for
issuance under the Purchase Plan, or changing the definition of the corporations
which may be designated by the Board as corporations  the employees of which may
participate in the Purchase Plan.

Summary of United States Federal Income Tax Consequences

         The  following  summary is intended  only as a general  guide as to the
United States federal income tax consequences under current law of participation
in the Purchase  Plan and does not attempt to describe  all possible  federal or
other  tax  consequences  of such  participation  or tax  consequences  based on
particular circumstances.

         Generally,  there  are no tax  consequences  to an  employee  of either
becoming a  participant  in the  Purchase  Plan or  purchasing  shares under the
Purchase Plan. The tax consequences of a disposition of shares vary depending on
the period such stock is held before its disposition.  If a participant disposes
of shares  within two years after the Offering Date or within one year after the
Purchase Date on which the shares are acquired (a "disqualifying  disposition"),
the  participant  recognizes  ordinary  income in the year of  disposition in an
amount  equal to the  difference  between the fair market value of the shares on
the  Purchase  Date and the  purchase  price.  Such  income  may be  subject  to
withholding  of tax. Any  additional  gain or resulting  loss  recognized by the
participant from the disposition of the shares is a capital gain or loss. If the
participant disposes of shares at least two years after the Offering Date and at
least one year after the  Purchase  Date on which the shares are  acquired,  the
participant  recognizes  ordinary income in the year of disposition in an amount
equal to the lesser of (i) the  difference  between the fair market value of the
shares on the date of disposition and the purchase price or (ii) 15% of the fair
market value of the shares on the Offering Date. Any additional  gain recognized
by the  participant  on the  disposition of the shares is a capital gain. If the
fair  market  value of the  shares on the date of  disposition  is less than the
purchase  price,  there is no  ordinary  income,  and the loss  recognized  is a
capital  loss.  If  the  participant   owns  the  shares  at  the  time  of  the
participant's  death,  the lesser of (i) the difference  between the fair market
value of the shares on the date of death and the  purchase  price or (ii) 15% of
the fair  market  value of the  shares on the  Offering  Date is  recognized  as
ordinary income in the year of the participant's death.

         If the  exercise of a Purchase  Right does not  constitute  an exercise
pursuant to an "employee stock purchase plan" under section 423 of the Code, the
exercise of the Purchase Right will be treated as the exercise of a nonstatutory
stock option.  The participant would therefore  recognize ordinary income on the
Purchase  Date  equal to the  excess  of the  fair  market  value of the  shares
acquired  over the  purchase  price.  Such income is subject to  withholding  of
income and employment taxes. Any gain or loss recognized on a subsequent sale of
the shares, as


measured  by the  difference  between the sale  proceeds  and the sum of (i) the
purchase price for such shares and (ii) the amount of ordinary income recognized
on the  exercise of the  Purchase  Right,  will be treated as a capital  gain or
loss, as the case may be.

         A capital gain or loss will be long-term if the  participant  holds the
shares  for more than 12 months  and  short-term  if the  participant  holds the
shares for 12 months or less. Long-term capital gains are currently subject to a
maximum tax rate of 20%.  Short-term  capital gains are generally subject to the
same tax rates as ordinary income.

         If  the   participant   disposes  of  the  shares  in  a  disqualifying
disposition the Company should be entitled to a deduction equal to the amount of
ordinary income  recognized by the  participant as a result of the  disposition,
except to the extent such  deduction is limited by applicable  provisions of the
Code or the regulations thereunder.  In all other cases, no deduction is allowed
the Company.

Changed Plan Benefits

         Because  benefits  under the  Purchase  Plan will depend on  employees'
elections to participate and the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock
at various future dates,  it is not possible to determine the benefits that will
be received by executive  officers and other  employees if the Purchase  Plan is
approved  by  the  stockholders.  Nonemployee  directors  are  not  eligible  to
participate in the Purchase Plan. As a point of reference, the numbers of shares
of Common Stock purchased under the Purchase Plan by certain persons in the last
fiscal year are as follows:  Mr.  Greenwald,  Mr. Hatley,  Mr. Keplinger and Mr.
Martin  purchased  694  shares,  116 shares,  1,854  shares,  and 1,040  shares,
respectively;  all current executive officers as a group purchased 3,704 shares;
and all current employees, including officers who are not executive officers, as
a group purchased 6,397 shares. No shares were purchased under the 1998 Purchase
Plan by any  directors who are not executive  officers,  any other  nominees for
election as directors or any  associates of such directors or nominees or of any
executive  officers,  and no person has  purchased  five  percent or more of the
total number of shares issued under the Purchase Plan.

Vote Required and Board's Recommendation

         The affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes present or represented
by  proxy  and  entitled  to a vote at the  Annual  Meeting,  at  which a quorum
representing a majority of all outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company
is present and voting,  is required for approval of this  proposal.  Abstentions
and broker nonvotes will each be counted present for purposes of determining the
presence of a quorum, but will have no effect on the outcome of the vote.

         The Board believes that the  availability of an opportunity to purchase
shares under the Purchase  Plan at a discount  from market price is important to
attracting  and  retaining  qualified  officers and  employees  essential to the
success of the Company,  and that stock ownership is important to providing such
persons  with  incentive  to  perform  in the  best  interest  of  the  Company.



         The  Company's  1994  Directors'  Stock  Option Plan was adopted by the
Board of Directors  and approved by the  shareholders  in 1994 (the  "Directors'
Plan").  The Directors'  Plan provides for the automatic  grant of  nonstatutory
stock  options to members of the Board of Directors who are not employees of the
Company.  Currently,  the Company has six (6) nonemployee directors. As of March
31, 1999, an aggregate of 42,084  shares were  available for future grants under
the Directors' Plan.

         The  shareholders  are being asked to approve the amendment to increase
the number of shares of Common Stock  reserved for issuance under the Directors'
Plan by 100,000 shares from 200,000 to 300,000.  The Board of


Directors  believes that the approval of the amendment of the Directors' Plan is
in  the  best  interests  of  the  Company  and  its  shareholders  because  the
availability of stock options is an important factor in attracting and retaining
qualified nonemployee directors essential to the success of the Company.

Summary of the Provisions of the Directors' Plan

         The  following  summary  of the  Directors'  Plan is  qualified  in its
entirety by the  specific  language of the  Directors'  Plan, a copy of which is
available to any shareholder upon request.

         General.  The  Directors'  Plan  provides  for the  automatic  grant of
nonstatutory stock options to nonemployee  directors of the Company. As of March
31,  1999,  none of the  options to  purchase  Common  Stock  granted  under the
Directors'  Plan had  been  exercised,  options  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of
approximately  140,000 shares  remained  outstanding  and  approximately  42,084
shares remained available for future grant under the Directors' Plan.

         Shares Subject to Plan. Currently, a maximum of 7,200,000 shares of the
authorized but unissued or reacquired  shares of the Common Stock of the Company
may be issued upon the exercise of options  granted  pursuant to the  Directors'
Plan.  In the event of any stock  dividend,  stock split,  reverse  stock split,
recapitalization,  combination,  reclassification,  or  similar  change  in  the
capital  structure of the Company,  appropriate  adjustments will be made to the
shares subject to the Directors'  Plan, to the terms of automatic  option grants
under the plan, and to outstanding  options.  To the extent that any outstanding
option under the Directors' Plan expires or terminates prior to exercise in full
or if shares  issued  upon the  exercise  of an option  are  repurchased  by the
Company,  the shares of Common  Stock for which such option is not  exercised or
the repurchased  shares are returned to the plan and become available for future

         Administration.  The Directors'  Plan is  administered  by the Board of
Directors or a duly appointed committee of the Board (hereinafter referred to as
the "Board").  Although the  Directors'  Plan is designed to work  automatically
without administration,  to the extent administration is necessary, the Board is
authorized to interpret the Directors' Plan and options granted thereunder,  and
all  determinations of the Board will be final and binding on all persons having
an interest in the Directors' Plan or any option.

         Eligibility.  Only  directors of the Company who are not at the time of
option grant employees of the Company or of any parent or subsidiary corporation
of the Company (the  "Outside  Directors")  are eligible to  participate  in the
Directors' Plan. Currently, the Company has six (6) Outside Directors.

         Automatic  Grant of Options.  The  Directors'  Plan  provides that each
Outside  Director  who first  serves on the Board  after  August  18,  1994 (the
"Effective  Date")  automatically  will be granted an option to purchase  10,000
shares  of  Common  Stock  on  the  date  of  his or  her  initial  election  or
appointment. The Directors' Plan also provides for the annual automatic grant of
an  additional  option to purchase  5,000  shares of Common Stock on the date of
each Annual  Meeting of the  Company's  shareholders  at which each  nonemployee
director is elected to the Board,  provided  that on such date,  he or she shall
have  served on the Board for at least  three  months  prior to the date of such
Annual Meeting.

         Terms  and  Conditions  of  Options.  Each  option  granted  under  the
Directors' Plan will be evidenced by a written agreement between the Company and
the Outside  Director  specifying the number of shares subject to the option and
the other terms and conditions of the option,  consistent with the  requirements
of the Directors' Plan. The per share exercise price of any option granted under
the Directors' Plan must equal the fair market value of a share of the Company's
Common  Stock on the date of  grant.  Generally,  the fair  market  value of the
Common Stock will be the closing price of the Company's Common Stock on the date
of grant as reported on the Nasdaq  National  Market.  As of March 1, 1999,  the
closing price of the Company's  Common Stock, as reported on the Nasdaq National
Market,  was $3.625 per share.  No option granted under the  Directors'  Plan is
exercisable  after the  expiration  of 10 years  after  the date such  option is
granted, subject to earlier termination in the event the optionee's service as a
director of the Company ceases or in the event of an acquisition, dissolution or
liquidation  of the


Company,  as discussed  below (see  "Transfer of  Control").  Shares  subject to
options  granted under the Directors'  Plan will vest and become  exercisable in
twelve (12) equal monthly installments following the date of grant.

         Generally, the exercise price may be paid in cash, by check, or in cash
equivalent.  During the  lifetime of the  optionee,  the option may be exercised
only by the optionee.  An option may not be transferred  or assigned,  except by
will or the laws of descent and distribution.

         Transfer of Control.  The Directors' Plan provides that in the event of
the proposed dissolution or liquidation of the Company, options granted pursuant
to the Directors' Plan will terminate  immediately  prior to the consummation of
the proposed action,  unless otherwise  provided by the Board. The Board may, in
its sole  discretion,  declare that any such options will terminate as of a date
fixed by the Board, and give each optionee the right to exercise their option as
to all or any part of the shares subject to such options, including shares as to
which the options  would not  otherwise  be  exercisable.  The  Directors'  Plan
further  provides  that  in  the  event  of  a  proposed  (i)  sale  of  all  or
substantially  all of the assets of the  Company,  or (ii) merger of the Company
with or into another  corporation  which results in the transfer of ownership of
more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting power of the Company,  the Company's
outstanding  options will be assumed or an equivalent option substituted by such
acquiring  or  successor  corporation  or its parent or  subsidiary,  unless the
Board, in its sole  discretion,  and in lieu of such assumption or substitution,
gives  optionees  the right to exercise  their  options as to some or all of the
shares subject to such options,  including  shares as to which the options would
not otherwise be exercisable.

         Termination  or Amendment.  The  Directors'  Plan will  continue  until
February 2004,  unless earlier  terminated by the Board. The Board may terminate
or amend  the  Directors'  Plan at any  time,  but,  the  Board may not adopt an
amendment to the Directors' Plan which would require shareholder  approval under
any law or  regulation,  including an amendment  increasing  the total number of
shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance  thereunder without the approval of
the  shareholders.  No  termination  or  amendment  of the  Directors'  Plan may
adversely affect an outstanding option without the consent of the optionee.

Summary of Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Directors' Plan

         The  following  summary is intended  only as a general  guide as to the
United States federal income tax consequences under current law of participation
in the Directors' Plan and does not attempt to describe all possible  federal or
other  tax  consequences  of such  participation  or tax  consequences  based on
particular circumstances.

         Options  granted  under  the  Directors'  Plan are  nonstatutory  stock
options,  which have no special tax status. An optionee generally  recognizes no
taxable income as the result of the grant of such an option.  Upon exercise of a
nonstatutory stock option, the optionee normally  recognizes  ordinary income in
the amount of the  difference  between  the option  exercise  price and the fair
market value of the shares on the exercise date. Upon the sale of stock acquired
by the exercise of a nonstatutory  stock option,  any gain or loss, based on the
difference  between  the sale price and the fair  market  value on the  exercise
date,  will be taxed as  capital  gain or loss.  A capital  gain or loss will be
long-term if the optionee's  holding period of the shares is more 12 months.  No
tax  deduction  is  available  to the  Company  with  respect  to the grant of a
nonstatutory  stock  option or the sale of the stock  acquired  pursuant to such
grant.  The Company  generally  should be  entitled to a deduction  equal to the
amount of ordinary income recognized by the optionee as a result of the exercise
of a nonstatutory  stock option,  except to the extent such deduction is limited
by applicable provisions of the Code or the regulations thereunder.

         Changed Plan Benefits

         From the inception of the  Directors'  Plan through March 25, 1999, the
current  directors who are not executive  officers of the Company have received,
in the aggregate, options under the Directors' Plan for the following numbers of
shares: Mr. Eliot,  35,000 shares, Mr. Feuer,  25,000 shares, Mr. Garet,  25,000
shares, Mr. Hellman, 15,000 shares, Mr. Stuppin, 25,000 shares, and Mr. Wolfson,
25,000 shares. Benefits under the Directors' Plan depend on a number of factors,
including  the fair market value of the  Company's  Common Stock on future dates
and  the  exercise  decisions  made  by the  optionees.  Consequently  it is not
possible to  determine  the dollar  value of benefits  that might be received by
persons granted options under the Directors' Plan.


         Vote Required and Board of Directors' Recommendation

         The  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the votes  cast at the Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders,  at which a quorum  representing  a  majority  of all
outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company is present and voting,  either
in person or by proxy,  is required for approval of this  proposal.  Abstentions
and broker non-votes will each be counted as present for purposes of determining
the  presence of a quorum.  Abstentions  will have the same effect as a negative
vote. Broker non-votes, on the other hand, will have no effect on the outcome of
the vote.

         The Board of Directors  believes that the increase in the share reserve
of the  Directors'  Plan is in the best  interests of the  shareholders  and the
Company  for the  reasons  stated  above.  THEREFORE,  THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS



         The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with respect to
beneficial  ownership of the  Company's  Common Stock as of March 31, 1999 as to
(i) each person known by the Company to own beneficially  more than five percent
of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock, (ii) each director of the Company or
director  nominee who  beneficially  owns  shares,  (iii) each of the  executive
officers of the Company named in the Summary  Compensation  Table,  and (iv) all
executive  officers and  directors of the Company as a group.  Unless  otherwise
specified,  the address for each  officer and  director is 2883  Bayview  Drive,
Fremont, California 94538.

                                                       Shares Beneficially Owned

         Name and Address (1)                              Number       of Total
         --------------------                              ------       --------

         Advanced Lighting Technologies, Inc. (2)
         Wayne Hellman
         2307 E. Aurora Rd., Suite 1
         Twinsburg, OH 44087...........................  1,037,177         26.3

         David N. Ruckert (3)..........................    271,573          6.9

         Philip Wolfson  (4)...........................    151,508          3.8

         Michael Feuer (5).............................    110,567          2.8

         John B. Stuppin (6)...........................     98,332          2.5

         Barry R. Greenwald (7)........................     79,211          2.0

         J. Steven Keplinger (8).......................     70,746          1.8

         Theodore L. Eliot, Jr. (9)....................     35,166            *

         B. J. Garet (10)..............................     24,166            *

         Frederick Martin (11).........................     34,771            *

         J. Arthur Hatley (12).........................     15,227            *

         All officers and directors as a group
         (14 persons)(13)..............................  1,928,444         42.8

- ---------------------------

*    Less than one percent.

1)   To the Company's knowledge, the persons named in the table have sole voting
     and  investment  power with  respect to all shares of Common Stock shown as
     beneficially  owned by them,  subject  to  community  property  laws  where
     applicable and the information contained in the footnotes to this table.

2)   Includes 1,023,011 shares held by Advanced Lighting Technologies,  Inc., of
     which  Mr.  Hellman  is  President  and as to which Mr.  Hellman  disclaims
     beneficial  ownership.  Also includes  14,166 shares subject to outstanding
     stock options held by Mr. Hellman that are  exercisable on or before May 1,

3)   Includes 137,500 shares subject to outstanding stock options exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

4)   Includes 46,666 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

5)   Includes 37,968 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

6)   Includes 36,666 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.


7)   Includes 75,330 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

8)   Includes 66,331 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

9)   Includes  1,000  owned  by  the  Eliot  Trust,  of  which  Mr.  Eliot  is a
     beneficiary.  Also,  includes  34,166 shares subject to  outstanding  stock
     options exercisable on or before May 1, 1999.

10)  Includes 24,166 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

11)  Includes 32,500 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

12)  Includes 15,000 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.

13)  Includes 529,459 shares subject to outstanding stock options exercisable on
     or before May 1, 1999.



Summary Compensation Table

         The following table sets forth all  compensation  paid to the Company's
Chief Executive Officer and certain other executive  officers whose total annual
salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 during the year ended December 31, 1998.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                    Annual Compensation                       Awards
                                                    -------------------                       ------
                                          Fiscal                                             Options/            All Other
Name and Principal Position                Year         Salary($)           Bonus($)          SARs(#)         Compensation(1)
- ---------------------------                ----         ---------           --------          -------         ---------------

David N. Ruckert                           1998         $190,800                 --                   0         $5,340.84
President and Chief                        1997         $171,000                 --              50,000            $4,741
Executive Officer                          1996         $156,000                 --              50,000            $4,188

Barry Greenwald                            1998          $80,000            $77,607                   0              $973
Senior Vice President, Pool                1997          $80,000            $99,920              30,000              $831
& Spa Division                             1996          $70,000            $76,620              15,000              $690

Fredrick Martin                            1998         $150,166                 --                   0            $1,138
Chief Operating Officer                    1997         $111,304                 --              80,000           $17,138
                                           1996               --                 --                  --                --

J. Arthur Hatley                           1998          $76,000            $66,458                   0            $1,087
Vice President and                         1997          $76,000            $49,879              25,000              $186
General Manager,                           1996          $69,000            $36,624              10,000                --
Commercial Lighting                                                                                       

J. Steven Keplinger                        1998         $128,081                 --                   0              $438
Senior Vice President,                     1997         $115,000                 --              30,000              $408
Operations & Retail Products               1996         $115,000                 --              33,000              $378

(1)  Represents  premiums  paid on life  insurance  policies  for the  officer's


         The following  table sets forth certain  information for the year ended
December 31, 1998 with respect to stock options granted to the individuals named
in the Summary Compensation Table above.

                                          Option/SAR Grants in Fiscal Year 1998

                                                        Individual Grants in Fiscal 1998
                          Number of Securities    % of Total Options/ SARs
                          Underlying Options/      Granted to Employees in
                           SARs Granted(#)(1)            Fiscal Year            Exercise or Base     Expiration Date(3)
         Name                                                                  Price ($/Share)(2)
- ------------------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
David N. Ruckert                   0                          0                        N/A                  N/A
Barry Greenwald                    0                          0                        N/A                  N/A
Steven Keplinger                   0                          0                        N/A                  N/A
J. Arthur Hatley                   0                          0                        N/A                  N/A
Fredrick Martin                    0                          0                        N/A                  N/A

(1)  Such stock options vest as to 25% of the shares covered by the respective  options on each anniversary of the grant
     date,  becoming fully vested on the fourth  anniversary of the date of grant. Under the terms of the Company's 1994
     Stock  Option  Plan,  the Board of Directors or a duly  appointed  committee of the Board  retains the  discretion,
     subject to certain  limitations  within the Option Plan, to modify,  extend,  or renew  outstanding  options and to
     reprice outstanding options, and to accelerate the vesting of options in the event of any merger, consolidation, or
     reorganization  in which the  Company is not the  surviving  corporation.  Options  may be  repriced  by  canceling
     outstanding  options and reissuing new options with an exercise price equal to the fair market value on the date of
     reissue which may be lower than the original exercise price of such canceled options.

(2)  The exercise price on the date of grant was equal to 100% of the fair market value on the date of grant.

(3)  Subject to earlier termination upon certain events related to termination of employment.

Option Exercises and Fiscal 1998 Year End Value

         The following table provides certain information  concerning  exercises
of options to  purchase  the  Company's  Common  Stock in the fiscal  year ended
December 31, 1998, and unexercised  options held as of December 31, 1998, by the
persons named in the Summary Compensation Table.

                                   Aggregate Options/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year
                                          and Fiscal Year-End Option/SAR Values

                                                                   Number of Securities               Value of Unexercised
                                                                  Underlying Unexercised                  In-the-Money 
                                                                  Options/SARs at Fiscal                 Options/SARs at
                                                                      Year End (#)                    Fiscal Year-End ($)(1)
                         Shares Acquired                              ------------                    ---------------------
         Name            on Exercise (#)   Value Realized ($)  Exercisable / Unexercisable          Exercisable / Unexercisable
         ----            ---------------   ------------------  ---------------------------          ---------------------------
David N. Ruckert                0                  0                  125,000/75,000                           0/0

Barry Greenwald                 0                  0                  75,330/30,000                          56,823/0

Steven Keplinger                0                  0                  63,331/42,000                          56,826/0

J. Arthur Hatley                0                  0                  15,000/25,000                            0/0

Fredrick Martin                 0                  0                  20,000/60,000                            0/0
(1)  Based upon the closing price of the Company's Common Stock on the Nasdaq National Market on the last trading day of
     fiscal 1998, which was $4.00.


                            CHANGES TO BENEFIT PLANS

         1994  Employees  Stock  Purchase  Plan.  The Board of  Directors of the
Company has adopted,  subject to shareholder  approval, an amendment to the 1994
Employees  Stock Purchase Plan to increase the maximum number of shares that may
be issued  thereunder  by 50,000  shares.  See  "PROPOSAL  NO.  3:  APPROVAL  OF
AMENDMENT TO 1994 EMPLOYEE STOCK  PURCHASE  PLAN." As of April 2, 1999, no grant
of options had been made to any person conditioned upon shareholder  approval of
the increase in the share reserve of the 1994 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

         1994  Directors'  Stock  Option  Plan.  The Board of  Directors  of the
Company has adopted,  subject to shareholder  approval, an amendment to the 1994
Directors'  Stock Option Plan to increase the maximum  number of shares that may
be issued  thereunder  by 100,000  shares.  See  "PROPOSAL  NO. 4:  APPROVAL  OF
AMENDMENT TO 1994 DIRECTORS STOCK OPTION PLAN." As of April 2, 1999, no grant of
options had been made to any person conditioned upon shareholder approval of the
increase in the share reserve of the 1994 Directors' Stock Option Plan.


         In 1987, the Company loaned David N. Ruckert,  an officer and director,
the  amount  of  $75,000,  and  bearing  interest  at the rate of 9% per year in
connection  with the purchase of shares of Common  Stock.  On June 8, 1994,  the
loan was amended by letter agreement. The loan was again amended and restated on
April 23, 1998 as a loan in the amount of $75,000,  bearing interest at the rate
of 9% per year and due on April  23,  2003.  The loan is  secured  by  shares of
Common Stock of the Company held by Mr. Ruckert.

         In 1996,  the Company  made  certain  loans to Barry R.  Greenwald,  an
officer,  in the aggregate amount of $125,000,  and bearing interest at the rate
of 8% per year in  connection  with his  purchase of a permanent  residence.  On
March  25,  1997,  the  loans  were  restructured  as one loan in the  amount of
$125,000,  which bore interest at 8% per year,  compounded monthly,  and was due
and payable in full on December  31,  1999.  Because of  principle  and interest
repayment by Mr.  Greenwald,  this loan was  restructured on March 15, 1998 as a
loan in the amount of  $106,600,  bearing  interest  at 8% per year,  compounded
monthly, repayable in monthly installments of principle and accrued interest and
due in full on  December  31,  1999,  or upon  any  earlier  termination  of Mr.
Greenwald's  employment  with the Company.  The loan is secured by all shares of
the Company's Common Stock owned by Mr. Greenwald acquired pursuant to the terms
of the Company's  1994 Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan, the Company's 1988 Stock
Option Plan and 1994 Stock Option Plan,  and any shares  issuable or potentially
issuable  pursuant to the 1988 Stock Option Plan and the 1994 Stock Option Plan.
The outstanding balance of the loan as of March 31, 1999 was $92,085.86.


         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange
Act") requires the Company's directors and executive  officers,  and persons who
own  more  than ten  percent  of a  registered  class  of the  Company's  equity
securities  to file with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC")
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of Common Stock
and other equity securities of the Company. Officers, directors and greater than
ten percent  shareholders  are required by SEC regulation to furnish the Company
with copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file.

         With the exception of the  inadvertent  failure to timely file a Form 4
by Philip Wolfson,  which failure was subsequently  corrected,  to the Company's
knowledge,  based solely upon review of the copies of such reports  furnished to
the Company and written  representations  that no other  reports were  required,
during the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1998,  all  Section  16(a)  filing
requirements applicable to its officers,  directors and greater than ten percent
beneficial owners were timely met.



         Pursuant to Rule  14a-4(c)(i) of the Exchange Act, the Company's  proxy
for the 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders may confer  discretionary  authority
to vote on any proposal  submitted by a  shareholder  if written  notice of such
proposal  submitted by a shareholder  if written  notice of such proposal is not
received  by the Company at its  officers at 2883  Bayview  Drive,  Fremont,  CA
94538,  on or before  February  15,  1999,  or, if the 2000  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  is held more than 30 days before or after May 12,  1999,  within a
reasonable time before the mailing of the Company's proxy materials for the 2000
Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

         Proposals  of  shareholders  of the  Company  that are  intended  to be
presented  by  such  shareholders  at  the  Company's  2000  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  must be received by the Company no later than  December 2, 1999 to
be considered for inclusion in the proxy statement and form of proxy relating to
such meeting.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Board of Directors knows of no other matters to be submitted to the
Annual  Meeting.  If any other matters  properly come before the Annual Meeting,
then the persons  named in the enclosed  form of proxy will vote the shares they
represent in such manner as the Board may recommend.

                                   BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                  /s/   DAVID N. RUCKERT

                                   DAVID N. RUCKERT
                                   President, Chief Executive Officer,
                                   Chief Operating Officer and Director

Dated:  March 31, 1999


                                   APPENDIX A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROXY                             FIBERSTARS, INC.                         PROXY

                    Proxy for Annual Meeting of Shareholders

         The undersigned  hereby appoints David N. Ruckert,  John B. Stuppin and
Robert A. Connors, or any of them, proxy and  attorney-in-fact,  with full power
to designate a substitute  representative,  to represent the  undersigned and to
vote all of the shares of stock in  Fiberstars,  Inc., a California  corporation
(the "Company"), which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting
of the  Shareholders  of the Company to be held at the Mandarin  Oriental Hotel,
222 Sansome St., San Francisco, CA 94104,  Wednesday,  May 12, 1999 at 2:00 P.M.
local time, and at any  adjournment  thereof as  hereinafter  specified upon the
proposals listed below and as more particularly described in the Proxy Statement
of the Company dated March 31, 1999 (the "Proxy Statement"), receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged.

                (Continued, and to be signed on the other side)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     Please mark
                                                                 [X]  your votes
                                                                       as this

     NOMINEES:                    [  ]        [  ]
     Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.,
     Michael Feuer, Ph.D., B.J. Garet, Wayne R. Hellman,
     David N. Ruckert, John B. Stuppin, Philip Wolfson

     INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority for any
     individual nominee, write that nominee's name in the
     space provided below.

                                                             FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN
2. A vote FOR the approval of the proposal to amend the 1994
   Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan to increase the number of [ ]   [ ]    [  ]
   shares  of  the  Company's   Common  Stock  reserved  for
   issuance  under the Plan is  recommended  by the Board of

3. A vote FOR the approval of the proposal to amend the 1994
   Directors  Stock  Option Plan (the  "Directors  Plan") to [ ]   [ ]    [  ]
   increase  the  number of shares of the  Company's  Common
   Stock  reserved for issuance  under the Directors Plan is
   recommended by the Board of Directors.

4. A  vote  FOR  the  ratification  of  the  appointment  of
   PricewaterhouseCoopers   as  the  Company's   independent [ ]   [ ]    [  ]
   auditors  for  the  year  ending  December  31,  1999  is
   recommended by the Board of Directors.

                    The shares represented hereby will be voted as specified. If
                    no  specification is made, such shares will be voted FOR the
                    above proposals 1, 2, 3 and 4.

                    STAMPED ENVELOPE.

                    (Be sure to date proxy.)

Signature(s) --------------------------------------- Dated ---------------, 1999

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -