dated the 27th day of May, 1998, as amended

          (Together referred to herein as this "amendment and action")

         On December 29, 1998, the  undersigned  voting  trustees and directors,
after  telephone  discussions,  agreed among  themselves  as to an action.  They
hereby consent and agree to this amendment and action in writing as follows:

         1. AGREED FACTS AND UNDERSTANDINGS.  This amendment and action is based
upon the following facts and  understandings  which the signatories hereto agree
are true and correct:

                  a.  This  amendment  and  action  is  made to  accomplish  two
purposes:  (1) the  amendment  of the voting  trust  referred to above;  and (2)
action by directors of Ravenswood Winery, Inc. (the  "corporation")  which shall
be included in the minutes of the corporation.

                  b. In April of 1998, the corporation retained planning counsel
to assist the corporation in planning for its future and its financial stability
with  respect to the  ownership  and  succession  to  ownership of shares of the
corporation, with respect to conversion of debentures and other financing of the
corporation and with respect to likely dispositions of shares by shareholders of
the corporation.

                  c. Planning counsel having made  recommendations  with respect
to the matters set forth in  subparagraph  (b) above,  the voting  trustees  and
directors hereby act and agree as follows:

         2.  AMENDMENT  OF  VOTING  TRUST.  In  order  to  comply  with  certain
provisions  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  and  to  meet  requirements  of the
corporation  and the  beneficiaries  of the voting  trust,  the voting  trustees
hereby act and hereby amend the voting trust as follows:

                  a.  Attached  to this  amendment  and action and  incorporated
herein by this reference is Exhibit A. Effective December 29, 1998, this Exhibit
sets forth  3,350  Foster  shares and 22,400  Peterson  shares  which are hereby
released  from the voting  trust.  The  secretary of the  corporation  is hereby
directed to prepare and to have executed by the voting  trustees such  documents
as release  the shares  from the voting  trust and the  ownership  of the voting
trustees and which place the shares into the respective names and the ownerships
as set forth on Exhibit A.

                  b. The voting trust is hereby amended by the addition of a new
paragraph 17,  immediately  preceding  the present  paragraph 17, which shall be
redesignated as paragraph 18, which new paragraph 17 shall read as follows:

                           "17. Release of Shares.  Notwithstanding  anything to
the contrary stated in the Agreement,  the trust beneficiaries shall be entitled
to the release of shares from the trust for the following  purposes:  (i) making
gifts and other estate planning  transfers,  (ii) making sales of shares to meet
liquidity  needs,  and (iii) any other purpose that the trustees,  acting in the
manner set forth in paragraph ____, may approve in their discretion. The purpose
of this  paragraph is to provide for the orderly  withdrawal  of shares from the
trust when  requested by  beneficiaries.  The trustee may  establish  withdrawal
procedures consistent with this paragraph 17.

         3. ACTION OF DIRECTORS.  The directors of the  corporation  acknowledge
and do not object to the  amendment  of the  voting  trust and the action of the
voting trustees set forth in this amendment and action.

Dated: December 29, 1998

Trustees                                      Directors

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
W. Reed Foster                                W. Reed Foster

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
Joel E. Peterson                              Joel E. Peterson

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
Justin M. Faggioli                            Justin M. Faggioli

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
James F. Wisner                               James F. Wisner

                                          Exhibit A to Amendment to Voting Trust

                             VOTING TRUST AGREEMENT

         THIS VOTING TRUST AGREEMENT  (this  "Agreement") is made as of the 27th
day of May, 1998 by and between certain  shareholders of Ravenswood Winery Inc.,
a corporation  organized under the laws of California,  and having its principal
executive  office at 18701  Gehricke  Lane,  Sonoma,  California,  95476 (herein
called "Ravenswood").  These shareholders shall become parties to this Agreement
by signing their names at the end of this  Agreement (the  "Shareholders").  The
shareholders are Joel E. Peterson, W. Reed Foster, Justin M. Faggioli,  Julie C.
Morin-Wisner and James F. Wisner. The shareholders,  with the exception of Julie
C. Morin-Wisner, shall become the trustees under this Agreement by signing their
acceptance at the end of this Agreement (the "Trustees").

A.       Agreed Facts

    1.            This  Agreement  is made  and  entered  into  based  upon  the
                  following  facts and  understandings  which  the  Shareholders
                  agree are true and correct.

                  a.       The  Shareholders  believe it is  essential  to their
                           interests to protect  themselves  as much as possible
                           against  dilution of control in future  stock  sales.
                           They also believe it is essential  for the success of
                           the corporation and for the best interests of all the
                           Shareholders  that the  corporation  shall be managed
                           and  directed  during  the  next  (10)  years  of its
                           existence  under a definite and stable  management in
                           order to  maintain a union of  interests,  to develop
                           properly   the   business    opportunities   of   the
                           corporation  and to  continue  consistent  winemaking
                           practices.   The  Shareholders  also  wish  to  avoid
                           deadlocks  and  they  have  accordingly  included  an
                           arbitration clause in this Agreement.

                  b.       The Shareholders believe that their objectives can be
                           accomplished  by acting together in the manner herein
                           set  forth.  The  agreement  of each  shareholder  is
                           consideration  for the  agreements of the others.  In
                           particular  they  believe  their  objectives  can  be
                           accomplished  by  giving  to the  Trustees,  as their
                           agents and attorneys-in-fact, an irrevocable power to
                           vote the shares  subject to this  Agreement  upon the
                           terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

                  c.       For the purpose of the  protections and objectives of
                           this Agreement,  the undersigned  Shareholders hereby
                           request  the  Trustees  to take  and to hold  for the
                           period herein stated,  the legal title to the shares,
                           the shares to be held by them on an active trust, and
                           to act  under the  terms of this  Agreement,  and the
                           Trustees hereby agree to do so.

                  d.       Since   August   25,   1992,   the   shares   of  the
                           Shareholders,   with  the   exception  of  Justin  M.
                           Faggioli,   have  been  held  under  a  voting  trust
                           agreement (the "1992 Agreement"), which is similar to
                           this  Agreement.  The  Shareholders  agree  the  1992
                           Agreement has been a success; that the 1992 Agreement

                           achieved its stated  objectives  and that  Ravenswood
                           has prospered during the term of the 1992 Agreement.

                  e.       Ravenswood  has issued  convertible  debentures  to a
                           group  of  investors  and it is  anticipated  it will
                           issue  additional  securities  from time to time, and
                           the Shareholders wish to assure holders of debentures
                           of  the   benefits  of  the  voting   trust  and  its
                           continuing  existence,  so they can  consider  it and
                           rely on it when making their decision  whether or not
                           to convert  their  debentures  into  common  stock of

                  f.       Since  1992,  as a part  of its  growth  and  change,
                           Ravenswood's   business   has   increased,   and  the
                           executive  staff and the  company  shareholders  have
                           changed,  making it  necessary  to adapt  the  voting
                           trust to these  changes.  In addition  Ravenswood  is
                           planning for expansion, including the construction of
                           a new winery  building  which will require  financing
                           from  outside  sources and the  Shareholders  wish to
                           assure prospective  lenders,  lessees,  grape sources
                           and business  associates of the continuing  existence
                           of the  voting  trust  for the next 10 years  and the
                           stability and other  beneficial  effects it brings to

                  g.       For the reasons  recited  above,  the parties to this
                           Agreement  hereby  terminate the 1992  Agreement upon
                           the effective date of this Agreement.  This Agreement
                           shall be in effect when all parties have executed it.
                           The effective date shall be the date when it has been
                           executed   by  the  last   party  or   parties.   The
                           Shareholders,   in   consideration  of  their  mutual
                           promises  agree to and with  each  other and with the
                           Trustees,   and   the   Trustees   agree   with   the
                           Shareholders as follows.

    2.   Transfer of Stock to Trustees

                  Each  undersigned  shareholder  holding  shares of the capital
    stock of Ravenswood,  Winery,  Inc. for the number set opposite his, her, or
    its name, at the end of this Agreement, as owned, respectively,  agrees that
    simultaneously  upon the  execution of this  Agreement  he, she, or it shall
    deposit with the Trustees  their  respective  shares  evidenced by the share
    certificates,  with sufficient  transfers,  in favor of the persons named as
    Trustees,  and shall receive in exchange voting trust certificates  referred
    to herein. On the making of the deposit, all shares represented by the stock
    certificates  deposited  shall be  transferred  on the  books of  Ravenswood
    Winery,  Inc., to the names of the Trustees,  who are fully  authorized  and
    empowered to cause such  transfers to be made, and also to cause any further
    transfers  of the shares to be made which may become  necessary by reason of
    any change of the persons holding the office of Trustee has herein provided.

    3.   Term

                  The term of this  Agreement  shall be for a period of ten (10)
    years from the effective date of this agreement. The term may be extended as
    permitted by law.

    4.   Trustees' Control Over Stock

                  a.       During the period  this  Agreement  is in force,  the
                           Trustees  shall possess the legal title to the shares
                           deposited,  and shall be  entitled  to  exercise  all
                           rights of every name, kind and nature,  including but
                           not  limited  to,  the  right to vote in person or by
                           proxy in respect to any and all of the shares.  It is
                           understood,  however,  that the  holders of the trust
                           certificates  to be  issued by the  Trustees,  as the
                           beneficial owners of the shares, shall be entitled to
                           receive  payments  equal  to the  dividends  or other
                           distributions,  if any,  collected by the Trustees on
                           the shares of stock standing in their names.

                  b.       The Trustees understand that at present the policy of
                           Ravenswood Winery, Inc. is not to pay dividends.

    5.   Voting Trust Certificate

                  The  Trustees   shall  cause  to  be  issued  to  the  several
    Shareholders,  in respect of all stock deposited by them, certificates in an
    aggregate  amount  equal to the  amount  of all  stock so  deposited,  which
    certificates shall be in substantially the following form:

                            VOTING TRUST CERTIFICATE

         No. of Shares______________________________________________

         This certifies that ____________________________________  has deposited
__________________  shares of the capital stock of Ravenswood Winery,  Inc. with
the Trustees under an agreement between the Trustees,  and certain  Shareholders
of the  corporation,  which  agreement  was  entered  into  on the  ____  day of
_____________,  1998.  This  certificate  and  the  interest  it  represents  is
transferable only on the books of the Trustees on the presentation and surrender
thereof.  The  holder  of this  certificate  takes it  subject  to all terms and
conditions of the agreement between the Trustees and certain Shareholders of the
corporation,  and the holder is a party to the  agreement,  and is  entitled  to
benefits thereof.

         The Trustees have caused this certificate to be signed on the _____ day
of ______________________, 1998.

    6.   Additional Stock

                  The Trustees may receive any  additional  fully paid shares of
    the capital stock of Ravenswood Winery,  Inc. on the terms and conditions of
    this Agreement,  and in respect of all such shares so received, the Trustees
    shall  issue and  deliver  certificates  similar  to those  above-mentioned,
    entitling the holder to all the rights specified in this Agreement.

    7.   Sale of Stock and Certificates by Shareholders

                  During  the ten year  period  of time  from  the  date  hereof
    through  the last day of the  tenth  year  following  the  date  hereof  the
    Shareholders shall not sell their respective shares

    although they shall be at liberty to deal with Trustees' certificates in the
    way of sale or by any other means they so desire.

    8.   Sales of all Stock by Trustees

                  During the period of the Trust  Agreement,  the Trustees shall
    have the  exclusive  power to sell or  otherwise  to  transfer  the  shares,
    provided that no sale of the shares  deposited shall be made by the Trustees
    unless it is a sale of all the  deposited  shares in the  aggregate and each
    Shareholder  consents  with respect to the shares for which the  Shareholder
    owns the beneficial interest. This does not restrict a sale of shares by the

    9.   Distribution of Proceeds of Sale of Stock

                  In case of a sale or other transfer of deposited  stock at any
    time during the period of the trust,  the proceeds  shall be  distributed by
    the  Trustees  to and among the  holders of  Trustees'  certificates  on the
    surrender thereof.  The distribution shall be pro rata among the shares, and
    there shall be no discrimination among the holders in the distribution.

    10.  Sale or Purchase of Stock or Certificate by Trustees

                  Nothing  herein  contained  shall  deprive  the  Trustees,  as
    individuals,  of the  privilege  to be  enjoyed by all other  depositors  of
    selling or otherwise depositing of the certificates at their pleasure, or of
    purchasing  additional stock and selling it, or of joining in a syndicate to

    11.  Trustees' Resignation and Replacement

                  Any Trustee may at any time resign by  delivering to the other
    Trustees in writing his or her resignation specifying the date it is to take
    effect, and in every case of vacancy whether by death, resignation, or other
    cause,  the vacancy so  occurring  shall be filled by the  appointment  of a
    successor  or  successors  to be  made  by  the  other  Trustees.  The  term
    "Trustees"  as herein used shall apply to the  original  Trustees as well as
    their successors.

    12.  Trustees' Voting Rights

                  a.       All  questions  arising  between the Trustees and all
                           actions  of the  Trustees  from time to time shall be
                           determined  and  resolved  by vote  of the  Trustees,
                           either at a meeting or in  writing  with or without a
                           meeting,  and in like manner they may establish their
                           rules  of  action.  Except  for  votes  to  amend  or
                           terminate  as provided in  Paragraph  16,  during the
                           time  that  Joel  E.  Peterson  is  a  Trustee,   all
                           decisions of approval or  disapproval  shall  require
                           the vote of Joel E.  Peterson  plus one other Trustee
                           (the  required  vote).  During  any time that Joel E.
                           Peterson is not a Trustee,  then all decisions  shall
                           require the vote of three (3) Trustees  (the required

                  b.       In order to avoid a deadlock  it is agreed  that if a
                           decision or an action is proposed by a Trustee but it
                           is not approved or disapproved, as applicable, by the
                           required  vote,  then either Joel E.  Peterson on the
                           one hand or any three (3) of the  other  Trustees  on
                           the other hand can at any time demand  arbitration of
                           the issue  pursuant to the  arbitration  paragraph of
                           this  Agreement.  Thus  there can be  arbitration  to
                           avoid  deadlock  only in the absence of the  required
                           vote  either for or against an issue.  The  decisions
                           and acts of the Trustees  when made and done pursuant
                           to the  required  vote  as set  forth  above  in this
                           paragraph  shall, for all purposes of this Agreement,
                           be deemed the  decision or act of the Trust and shall
                           be binding upon all of the Trustees.  Meetings of the
                           Trustees  shall be held  pursuant to notice under the
                           rules to be adopted  by the  Trustees.  The  Trustees
                           sufficient to cast the votes to make a decision shall
                           constitute a quorum.

    13.  Trustees' Liability for Negligence

                  In voting on matters  that may come before them at any meeting
    of the Trustees or of the  Shareholders,  the Trustees  shall  express their
    best  judgment  to the end  that the  affairs  of the  corporation  shall be
    properly managed. No Trustee shall incur any responsibility by reason of any
    error  of law or of  any  matter  or  thing  done  or  admitted  under  this
    Agreement,  except for his or her own individual  intentional  wrongdoing or
    gross negligence.

    14.  Indemnification of Trustees

                  In connection with any lost costs, suits or claims against the
    Trustees  arising out of or in any way connected  with this  Agreement,  the
    Trustees  under this Trust,  whether or not officers or directors,  shall be
    entitled to indemnity from the  corporation to the fullest extent  permitted
    for  employees,  shareholders,  officers and directors  under the California
    Corporations Code. In addition,  and not by way of limitation,  the Trustees
    shall be entitled to indemnity  from the  corporation  to the fullest extent
    permitted by law.

    15.  Arbitration

                  a.       It is agreed that the sole remedy of the Trustees for
                           any and all  disputes,  claims  and  causes  among or
                           between them  arising out of or in any way  connected
                           with this Agreement which have not been resolved by a
                           required   vote   shall  be   resolved   by   binding
                           arbitration  which  shall  be  the  sole  remedy  for
                           disputes under this agreement.  Upon approval of this
                           Trust  by  the  directors  and  Shareholders  of  the
                           corporation,  the corporation  shall be bound as well
                           to the terms of this arbitration clause.

                  b.       Unless otherwise  agreed by all parties,  arbitration
                           shall be  pursuant  to the then  existing  commercial
                           rules of the American  Arbitration  Association,  and
                           arbitration  shall be carried out by a single neutral
                           arbitrator  chosen from the panel of the Association.
                           The Arbitrator shall,  without  limitation,

                           have  the  right  to make  interim  orders,  to grant
                           affirmative  relief and to  discipline,  by requiring
                           payments  or  otherwise,  any  parties  who delay the
                           arbitration  or who  otherwise do not comply with the
                           orders of the Arbitrator.  Arbitration  shall be held
                           in Sonoma County,  California. The permitted Trustees
                           may demand  arbitration  at any time as  provided  in
                           paragraph 12 above.

                  c.       The  corporation  shall pay for all  costs,  fees and
                           expenses of all parties for arbitrating and resolving
                           disputes under this Agreement. An award when made may
                           be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction and
                           enforced  under the  arbitration  law of the State of
                           California as a binding  judgment.  The parties agree
                           and understand that  arbitration  will likely involve
                           disputes  over  business   policy   without  a  clear
                           standard,  but that the arbitrator  shall be entitled
                           to  make  a  decision  based  upon  the  Arbitrator's
                           determination of the best business decision.

    16.  Amendment and Termination

                  So long as Joel E. Peterson is a Trustee this agreement can be
    amended or  terminated by the  affirmative  vote of Joel E. Peterson and two
    other  Trustees  (the required  vote).  If Joel E. Peterson is not a Trustee
    then the vote of all four Trustees is required to amend or to terminate this
    Agreement (the required  vote).  Arbitration  shall not be available for any
    dispute over the amendment or  termination  of this Agreement as the purpose
    of avoiding  deadlocks  which do or could  affect  corporate  operations  is
    deemed  by the  parties  to this  Agreement  not to  apply to  amendment  or

    17.  Acceptance by Trustees

                  The Trustees accept this Trust subject to all of its terms and
    conditions, and agree that they shall exercise their power and perform their
    duties as herein set forth.  Nothing  contained herein shall be construed to
    prevent any of or all of the Trustees from resigning as a Trustee.

Executed at Ravenswood Winery, Sonoma CA, this 27th day of May, 1998.


/s/  Joel E. Peterson                              /s/  W. Reed Foster
- -----------------------------                      -----------------------------
Joel E. Peterson                                   W. Reed Foster

/s/  Justin M. Faggioli                            /s/  James F. Wisner
- -----------------------------                      -----------------------------
Justin M. Faggioli                                 James F. Wisner


Shareholder                                Number of Shares   Date Signed

/s/  Joel E. Peterson                            25,000         5/27/98
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------   ------------
Joel E. Peterson

/s/  Justin M. Faggioli                            1450         5/27/98
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------   ------------
Justin M. Faggioli

/s/  W. Reed Foster                                4500         5/27/98
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------   ------------
W. Reed Foster

/s/  James F. Wisner                               2000         4/28/98
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------   ------------
James F. Wisner

/s/  Julie C. Morin-Wisner                          500         4/28/98
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------   ------------
Julie C. Morin-Wisner