(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. __)

Filed by the Registrant                       [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant    [ ]

Check the appropriate box:                 
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement           [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the   
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                 Commission Only (as permitted by
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials            Rule 14a-6(e)(2))               
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to       
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12       

                              NORTH VALLEY BANCORP
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)     Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

(2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

(3)     Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)     Total fee paid:

        [ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

        [ ]      Check  box if any  part of the fee is  offset  as  provided  by
                 Exchange Act Rule  0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
                 the offsetting fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous
                 filing  by  registration  statement  number,  or  the  Form  or
                 Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)     Amount previously paid:

(2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)     Filing party:

(4)     Date filed:

                              NORTH VALLEY BANCORP
                             880 East Cypress Avenue
                            Redding, California 96002

Dear Shareholders:

     The 1999 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of North Valley  Bancorp will be
held at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, May 17, 1999, in Administration, North Valley Bank,
880 East Cypress  Avenue,  Redding,  California.  In connection  with the Annual
Meeting, we are enclosing the following:

     1. Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

     2. Proxy Statement.

     3. Proxy.

     4. Annual Report to Shareholders.

     We encourage you to read all of the enclosed materials carefully and invite
you to attend the Annual  Meeting.  Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual
Meeting in person,  please return the Proxy, properly completed and executed, as
promptly  as  possible  so that your  shares  may be  represented  at the Annual

     This year, as an added  convenience,  a  shareholder  can choose to vote by
telephone by calling the toll-free number indicated on the Proxy. If you vote by
telephone,  you do not need to  return  the  Proxy.  Please  refer to the  Proxy
Statement for a more complete description of the voting by telephone procedures.

     We  appreciate  your  support and look  forward to seeing you at the Annual
Meeting on Monday, May 17, 1999.


                                        /s/ Rudy V. Balma

                                        Rudy V. Balma
                                        Chairman of the Board

                                        /s/ Michael J. Cushman

                                        Michael J. Cushman

                             NORTH VALLEY BANCORP

                   Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                             Monday, May 17, 1999
                                   4:30 P.M.


     The Annual Meeting of Shareholders  of North Valley  Bancorp,  a California
corporation (the  "Corporation"),  will be held in Administration,  North Valley
Bank, 880 East Cypress Avenue, Redding,  California, on Monday, May 17, 1999, at
4:30 P.M., for the following purposes:

       1. To  elect  the  following  eight  (8)  Directors of the Corporation to
          serve  until  the  2000  Annual Meeting and until their successors are
          elected and qualified:

              Rudy V. Balma               Dan W. Ghidinelli
              William W. Cox              Thomas J. Ludden
              Michael J. Cushman          Douglas M. Treadway
              Royce L. Friesen            J. M. ("Mike") Wells, Jr.

       2. To  approve  adoption  of the North Valley Bancorp 1999 Director Stock
          Option Plan.

       3. To  approve  an  amendment  of  the North Valley Bancorp 1998 Employee
          Stock Incentive Plan.

       4. To  ratify  the  appointment  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent
          public accountants for the Corporation for 1999.

       5. To  consider  such  other  business  as  may  properly come before the
          Annual Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     Section 15 of the By-laws of the Corporation provides for the nomination of
Directors, as follows:

     Nomination for election of members of the Board of Directors may be made by
the Board of Directors or by any shareholder of any outstanding class of capital
stock of the corporation entitled to vote for the election of directors.  Notice
of  intention  to make any  nominations  shall be made in  writing  and shall be
delivered or mailed to the  President of the  corporation  not less than 21 days
nor more than 60 days prior to any meeting of  shareholders  called for election
of directors;  provided however, that if less than 21 days notice of the meeting
is given to  shareholders,  such notice of intention to nominate shall be mailed
or delivered to the  President  of the  corporation  not later than the close of
business on the tenth day  following  the day on which the notice of meeting was
mailed;  provided further, that if notice of such meeting is sent by third-class
mail as permitted by Section 6 of these By-laws,  no notice of intention to make
nominations  shall be required.  Such  notification  shall contain the following
information to the extent known to the notifying  shareholder:  (a) the name and
address of each proposed nominee;  (b) the principal occupation of each proposed
nominee;  (c) the number of shares of capital stock of the corporation  owned by
each  proposed  nominee;  (d) the name and  residence  address of the  notifying
shareholder;  and (e) the number of shares of capital  stock of the  corporation
owned by the notifying shareholder.  Nominations not made in accordance herewith
may, in the discretion of the Chairman of the meeting,  be disregarded  and upon
the Chairman's instructions,  the inspectors of election can disregard all votes
cast for each such nominee.

     Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on April 1, 1999 are
entitled  to  notice  of  and  to  vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                        /s/ J.M. Wells, Jr.

                                        J. M. ("Mike") Wells, Jr.
Redding, California
April 23, 1999


                                                First mailed to Shareholders on
                                                        or about April 23, 1999

                              NORTH VALLEY BANCORP
                             880 East Cypress Avenue
                            Redding, California 96002
                                 (530) 221-8400

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     The  enclosed  proxy (the  "Proxy") is  solicited on behalf of the Board of
Directors of North Valley Bancorp, a California corporation (the "Corporation"),
for use at the Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  to be held in  Administration,
North Valley Bank, 880 East Cypress Avenue, Redding,  California,  at 4:30 P.M.,
on  Monday,  May 17,  1999 and any  adjournment  or  postponement  thereof  (the
"Meeting").  Only  shareholders  of record at the close of  business on April 1,
1999  (the  "Record  Date"),  will be  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the
Meeting.  At the close of  business  on the Record  Date,  the  Corporation  had
outstanding  3,699,556  shares of its common  stock,  no par value (the  "Common

     On each matter submitted to a shareholder vote, each holder of Common Stock
will be  entitled to one vote,  in person or by proxy,  for each share of Common
Stock outstanding in the holder's name on the books of the Corporation as of the
Record  Date.  At the 1998 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders,  the  Corporation's
Articles of Incorporation were amended to provide that no holder of any class of
stock of the Corporation  shall be entitled to cumulate votes in connection with
any  election of  Directors of the  Corporation.  Therefore,  in the election of
Directors,  each outstanding  share of Common Stock is entitled to cast one vote
for as many separate nominees as there are Directors to be elected. The nominees
who receive the most votes for the number of  positions to be filled are elected
Directors. With regard to Proposals 2, 3 and 4 herein, the affirmative vote of a
majority of the votes cast is required for approval of each proposal.

     Shareholders  of record may vote  their  proxies by  telephone  or mail.  A
toll-free  telephone  number is included on the Proxy.  Any person  submitting a
Proxy in the form  accompanying  this Proxy Statement has the power to revoke or
suspend  such Proxy prior to its  exercise.  A Proxy is  revocable  prior to the
Meeting by a written  directive to the Corporation,  or by a duly executed Proxy
bearing a later date, delivered to the Secretary of the Corporation. A Proxy may
also be revoked if the  shareholder  is present  and elects to vote in person at
the Meeting.

     Any shareholder may choose to vote shares of Common Stock by telephone,  by
calling the toll-free  number (at no cost to the  shareholder)  indicated on the
Proxy.  Telephone  voting is  available  24 hours per day.  Easy to follow voice
prompts allow a shareholder to vote shares and to confirm that instructions have
been properly  recorded.  The  Corporation's  telephone  voting  procedures  are
designed to authenticate  the identity of  shareholders by utilizing  individual
control numbers. If a shareholder votes by telephone, there is no need to return
the Proxy.

     The  Corporation  will  bear  the  entire  cost of  preparing,  assembling,
printing  and mailing  proxy  materials  furnished  by the Board of Directors to
shareholders.  Copies of proxy materials will be furnished to brokerage  houses,
fiduciaries  and  custodians  to be  forwarded to the  beneficial  owners of the
Common Stock.  The Corporation  will reimburse  brokerage  houses,  fiduciaries,
custodians  and others  holding  stock in their  names or names of  nominees  or
otherwise for reasonable  out-of-pocket expenses incurred in sending proxies and
proxy  materials  to the  beneficial  owners of such  stock.  In addition to the
solicitation of Proxies by use of the mail, some of the officers,  directors and
employees of the  Corporation  may  (without  additional  compensation)  solicit
Proxies by telephone or personal  interview,  the costs of which the Corporation
will bear.  The  Corporation  may, at its  discretion,  engage the services of a
proxy  solicitation  firm to assist in the  solicitation  of proxies.  The total
expense of this solicitation will be borne by the


Corporation  and  will  include reimbursement paid to brokerage firms and others
for  their  expenses  in forwarding soliciting material and such expenses as may
be paid to any proxy solicitation firm engaged by the Corporation.

     Each Proxy will be voted as  directed  by the  shareholder  submitting  the
Proxy,  and, if no  instructions  are given on the Proxy, it will be voted "FOR"
the  election of the eight  nominees for  Director  recommended  by the Board of
Directors,  "FOR" approval of adoption of the North Valley Bancorp 1999 Director
Stock Option Plan,  "FOR"  approval of an amendment of the North Valley  Bancorp
1998 Employee Stock Incentive Plan, and "FOR" ratification of the appointment of
Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent  public accountants for the Corporation for
the 1999 fiscal year, all as described in the Proxy Statement; and, at the proxy
holders'  discretion,  on such other  matters,  if any,  which may properly come
before the Meeting  (including any proposal to adjourn the Meeting).  A majority
of the shares  entitled to vote,  represented  either in person or by a properly
executed Proxy, will constitute a quorum at the Meeting.  Abstentions and broker
non-votes are each included in the determination of the number of shares present
and voting for purposes of  determining  the  presence of a quorum.  Abstentions
will be included in tabulations of the votes cast on proposals  presented to the
shareholders  and  therefore  will have the  effect of a negative  vote.  Broker
non-votes  will not be counted for purposes of  determining  the number of votes
cast for a proposal.

     A copy of the Annual  Report of the  Corporation  for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1998, including audited financial statements (the "Annual Report"),
is enclosed.  Additional  copies of the Annual Report are available upon request
to J. M.  ("Mike")  Wells,  Jr.,  Secretary  of the  Corporation.  A COPY OF THE

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The By-laws of the  Corporation  provide a  procedure  for  nomination  for
election of members of the Board of  Directors,  which  procedure  is printed in
full on the Notice of Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  accompanying  this Proxy
Statement.  Nominations not made in accordance  therewith may, in the discretion
of the Chairman of the Meeting, be disregarded,  and, upon his instruction,  the
inspectors of election shall disregard all votes cast for such nominee(s).

     The authorized  number of Directors shall be not less than six (6) nor more
than eleven (11).  The number of members of the Board of Directors to be elected
at the Meeting to hold office for the  ensuing  year and until their  successors
are elected and qualified is eight (8).

     All  Proxies  will be voted for the  election  of the  following  eight (8)
nominees recommended by the Board of Directors, unless authority to vote for the
election of any or all Directors is withheld.  All of the nominees are incumbent
Directors  except  for  Royce L.  Friesen,  who is being  nominated  to fill the
vacancy created by the retirement of Kelly V. Pierce.

              Rudy V. Balma               Dan W. Ghidinelli
              William W. Cox              Thomas J. Ludden
              Michael J. Cushman          Douglas M. Treadway
              Royce L. Friesen            J. M. ("Mike") Wells, Jr.

If  any  of  the  nominees  should unexpectedly decline or be unable to act as a
Director,  the Proxies may be voted for a substitute nominee to be designated by
the  Board  of  Directors.  The Board of Directors has no reason to believe that
any  nominee  will  become  unavailable and has no present intention to nominate
persons  in  addition  to  or in lieu of those named above. The eight candidates
receiving the highest number of votes will be elected.

     The Board of Directors  recommends a vote "FOR" each of the nominees listed


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

     To  the  knowledge  of the Corporation, as of the Record Date, no person or
entity  was  the  beneficial  owner  of  more  than  five  percent  (5%)  of the
outstanding  shares of the Corporation's Common Stock, except as described below
and  in  the  following  tables.  For  the  purpose  of  this disclosure and the
disclosure  of  ownership  of  shares by management, shares are considered to be
"beneficially"  owned  if  the  person has or shares the power to vote or direct
the  voting  of the shares, the power to dispose of or direct the disposition of
the  shares, or the right to acquire beneficial ownership (as so defined) within
60 days of the Record Date.

                                                     Amount and
                      Name and Address              Nature of          Percent
Title of Class       of Beneficial Owner       Beneficial Ownership   of Class
- --------------  ------------------------------ --------------------   ----------
Common Stock    North Valley Bancorp Employee      191,199 (1)          5.2%
                Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP")
                880 East Cypress Avenue
                Redding, CA 96002
Common Stock    Banc Fund                            211,576            5.7%
                c/o The Banc Funds Company LLC
                208 South LaSalle Street
                Chicago, IL 60604

- ------------
(1) Messrs.  Balma,  Cushman  and  Wells constitute the Administrative Committee
    (ESOP)  and  have  authority  to  instruct  the  ESOP Trustee with regard to
    voting  of  these  shares.  Messrs.  Balma, Cushman and Wells, as members of
    the  Administrative  Committee  (ESOP),  disclaim  beneficial ownership with
    respect to all such shares. Mr. Cushman is a participant in the ESOP.


     The following table sets forth certain  information  regarding ownership of
the  Corporation's  Common  Stock with  respect to each  Director,  each  person
nominated  for election as a Director and each  executive  officer  named in the
Summary  Compensation  Table  elsewhere  herein,  as  well  as for  all  current
Directors and executive  officers as a group.  All of the shares of Common Stock
of the  Corporation  shown in the  following  table are owned both of record and
beneficially,  except as  indicated  in the notes to the  table,  as of April 1,
1999. The table should be read with the understanding  that more than one person
may  be the  beneficial  owner  or  possess  certain  attributes  of  beneficial
ownership  with respect to the same  securities.  Therefore,  careful  attention
should be given to the footnote  references  set forth in the column "Amount and
Nature of Beneficial Ownership."

     There are no  arrangements or  understandings  pursuant to which any of the
Directors was or is to be selected as a Director or nominee.

                                                      Amount and Nature
              Name and Address of                       of Beneficial              Percent of
              Beneficial Owner(1)                        Ownership(2)              Class (9)
- -------------------------------------------------   ------------------------   --------------------
         Rudy V. Balma   ........................           262,375(3)(4)             7.1%
         James F. Cowee, Jr.   ..................                 0                   *
         William W. Cox  ........................             2,506                   *
         Michael J. Cushman    ..................           215,289(3)                5.8%
         Fred A. Drake II   .....................            25,578                   *
         Royce L. Friesen   .....................             2,210                   *
         Dan W. Ghidinelli  .....................            31,712(5)                *
         Thomas J. Ludden   .....................            20,908                   *
         Kelly V. Pierce    .....................            87,396(6)                2.4%
         Jack R. Richter    .....................            11,400                   *
         Martin R. Sorensen    ..................             9,524                   *
         Douglas M. Treadway   ..................             1,920                   *
         J. M. ("Mike") Wells, Jr.   ............           260,647(3)(7)             7.0%
         All Executive Officers and Directors                                      
          as a group (nine in number)(8)   ......           438,403(9)               11.6%(10)
- ------------
 * Indicates less than 1%

(1) The  address  for  all  persons listed is c/o North Valley Bancorp, 880 East
    Cypress  Avenue,  Redding,  California 96002. Mr. Cowee retired effective on
    January  30,  1998,  Mr.  Drake  retired effective on December 31, 1998, and
    Mr. Sorensen resigned effective on December 18, 1998.
(2) Includes  shares  beneficially owned, directly and indirectly, together with
    associates.  Subject  to  applicable  community  property  laws  and  shared
    voting  and  investment  power  with  a  spouse,  sole investment and voting
    power   is  held  by  the  beneficial  owner  of  all  shares  unless  noted
    otherwise.  Includes  stock  options  granted  pursuant  to the North Valley
    Bancorp  1989  Director  Stock Option Plan and the North Valley Bancorp 1998
    Employee  Stock  Incentive  Plan  with:  14,500 shares exercisable within 60
    days  by  Director  Cushman;  9,800  shares  exercisable  within  60 days by
    Director  Ghidinelli;  1,000  shares  each  exercisable  within  60  days by
    Directors  Cox  and  Treadway;  3,700  shares  exercisable within 60 days by
    Director  Ludden;  1,960  shares  exercisable  within  60  days  by Director
    Pierce;  10,000  shares  exercisable  within  60  days  by  Mr. Richter; and
    16,696 shares exercisable within 60 days by Director Wells.
(3) Includes  191,199  ESOP  shares. Messrs. Balma, Cushman and Wells constitute
    the  Administrative  Committee  (ESOP)  and  have  authority to instruct the
    ESOP  Trustee  with regard to voting of these shares. Messrs. Balma, Cushman
    and  Wells,  as  members  of  the  Administrative Committee (ESOP), disclaim
    beneficial  ownership  with  respect  to  all  such shares. Mr. Cushman is a
    participant in the ESOP.
(4) Includes  71,176  shares  held by The Balma Family Trust, of which Mr. Balma
    is trustee.
(5) Includes  18,312  shares held by the Balma Grandchildren Trust, of which Mr.
    Ghidinelli   is   a  trustee  and  as  to  which  Mr.  Ghidinelli  disclaims
    beneficial ownership.
(6) Includes  85,436 shares held by the Pierce Family Trust, of which Mr. Pierce
    is trustee.


 (7) Includes  52,752  shares held by the Wells Family Trust, of which Mr. Wells
     is trustee.
 (8) This  group  includes  all  current  executive  officers and Directors, and
     therefore excludes Messrs. Cowee, Drake, Pierce and Sorensen.
 (9) See  footnotes  3  through  7.  Includes  32,196  shares subject to options
     exercisable  within  60 days by the Directors under the 1989 Director Stock
     Option  Plan,  and  24,500  shares subject to options exercisable within 60
     days  by  Messrs.  Cushman  and  Richter  under  the  1998  Employee  Stock
     Incentive Plan.
(10) In   calculating   the  percentage  of  ownership,  all  shares  which  the
     identified  person  or  persons  have  the  right to acquire by exercise of
     options  are  deemed  to  be  outstanding  for the purpose of computing the
     percentage  of  the  class  owned  by such person, but are not deemed to be
     outstanding  for the purpose of computing the percentage of the class owned
     by any other person.

     Certain  information  with respect to the Directors,  nominees for Director
and  the  current  executive   officers  of  the  Corporation  and  its  banking
subsidiary, North Valley Bank (the "Bank"), is provided below:

         Rudy V. Balma (age 70), the  Chairman of the Board of  Directors  and a
     Director of the  Corporation  since  1982,  is a retired  licensed  funeral
     director and President of Redding  Memorial Park, doing business as Redding
     Cemetery and McDonald's Chapel.

         Sharon  L.  Benson  (age 46) has been  Senior  Vice  President  & Chief
     Financial Officer of the Corporation and its subsidiaries  since July 1997.
     Prior  to that,  she was  Vice  President,  Accounting,  of the Bank  since
     December 1990.

         William W. Cox, CRE, CCIM (age 51), a Director of the Corporation since
     February 1997, has been owner and President of Cox Real Estate Consultants,
     Inc.,  since April 1996. From October 1987 to August 1996, he was President
     and 50% owner of Haedrich & Cox, Inc., a real estate brokerage company.

         Michael J.  Cushman (age 44) was  promoted  and  appointed  President &
     Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and its subsidiaries on February
     10,  1999.  Prior to that and from the time he joined  North Valley Bank on
     March 23, 1998, he served as Senior Vice President & Chief Business Banking
     Officer.  From  March  1995  through  March  1998,  he was a  self-employed
     investor,  and from  November of 1994 through  March of 1995 served as Vice
     President of  Tri-Counties  Bank,  who acquired  Country  National  Bank in
     November of 1994 where Mr.  Cushman  served as President & Chief  Executive
     Officer since September of 1992.

         Errol K. DeRose  (age 55) has been  Senior Vice  President & Chief Real
     Estate/Construction  Officer and Manager of the Bank's Redding Office since
     April of 1998.  Prior to that he served as Senior  Vice  President  & Chief
     Credit  Officer from December  1997. Mr. DeRose joined the Bank in March of
     1991,  serving as Vice President & Manager of the Bank's Redding Branch and
     Real Estate Department.

         Royce L. Friesen (age 60) has been President,  Chief Executive  Officer
     and owner of Owens  Healthcare in Redding,  California,  since 1968.  Owens
     Healthcare,  a  management  company,  was  formed to  provide  support  and
     coordination  among ten retail and home care pharmacies  located throughout
     Northern California.

         Dan W. Ghidinelli  (age 51), a Director of the Corporation  since 1993,
     has been a Certified  Public  Accountant and partner with Nystrom & Company
     LLP since 1974.

         Thomas J. Ludden (age 66), a Director of the Corporation since 1991, is
     a retired  educator in the  Weaverville  School District in Trinity County,
     California,  owner of the Tri-L Ranch, a tree farm, since 1956, and retired
     owner and  President  of  Ludden & Co.,  Inc.,  a dry  goods  and  clothing
     business located in Weaverville,  California. He has also served as Trustee
     for the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity JCCD since 1967, and as Trustee for the Lions
     Eye Foundation CA/NEV since July 1988.

         Jack R. Richter (age 52) has served as the Bank's Senior Vice President
     & Chief  Credit  Officer  since  joining the Bank on April 14,  1998.  From
     February 1996 until April 1998 he was Relationship


     Manager for  Tri-Counties  Bank in Redding;  and from  February  1990 until
     February 1996, Mr. Richter served as Senior  Business  Banking  Officer for
     Bank of California in Redding, California.

         Douglas  M.  Treadway  (age 56), a Director  of the  Corporation  since
     February  1997,  is  President  of Shasta  College  and has  served in that
     capacity  since 1994.  From 1991 to 1994, he was  Chancellor  for the North
     Dakota University System.

         J. M. ("Mike")  Wells,  Jr. (age 58), the General Counsel and Secretary
     of the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  and a member of the Board of
     Directors since 1982, is an attorney with Wells,  Small,  Selke & Graham, a
     Law Corporation,  located in Redding,  California.  Mr. Wells has practiced
     law with that firm since 1972.

     None of the  Corporation's  Directors is a director of any other  reporting
company.  There are no family  relationships  between any of the  Directors  and
executive officers of the Corporation.

Committees of the Board of Directors

     The Board of Directors of the Corporation and of the Bank have  established
an Audit Committee.  As of April 1, 1999, the members of the Audit Committee are
Messrs. Balma, Cushman (ex-officio),  Ghidinelli (Chairman), Pierce, and Ludden.
The Audit  Committee  met two times  during  1998.  The  functions  of the Audit
Committee  are  to  recommend  the  appointment  of  and to  oversee  a firm  of
independent  public  accountants whose duty is to audit the books and records of
the  Corporation  for the fiscal year for which it is  appointed,  to review and
analyze the reports of the  Corporation's  independent  public  accountants,  to
analyze the  results of internal  and  regulatory  examinations,  to monitor the
effectiveness of the Corporation's accounting system and financial reporting and
to interface with the Corporation's  independent public  accountants  concerning
additional specific engagements requested by the Corporation.

     The  Corporation  has  a  Director  Replacement  Committee,  or  nominating
committee,  which recommends and nominates qualified individuals to serve on the
Corporation's Board of Directors.  Committee members are Balma, Cushman and Cox.
The  Committee  did not meet during  1998.  See the Notice of Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders for procedures for submitting nominations.

     The  Corporation has an Executive  Committee,  the current members of which
are Messrs. Balma, Cox, Cushman (Chairman), Ghidinelli, Ludden, Pierce, Treadway
and Wells.  The  functions  of the  Executive  Committee  are to review and make
decisions on actions that are  required  between  regular  Board  Meetings.  The
Executive Committee met eleven times during 1998.

     During 1998, the  Corporation  did not have a compensation  committee.  The
Board of Directors of the  Corporation  performed the function of a compensation
committee during 1998, which was to determine annual  compensation for executive
officers of the Corporation and its subsidiaries.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     During the fiscal year 1998, Mr. Sorensen (who resigned  effective December
18, 1998) participated in deliberations of the Corporation's  Board of Directors
concerning  executive officer  compensation for all executive officers excluding

Meetings of the Board of Directors

     During  1998,  the  Board of  Directors  held  twelve  regularly  scheduled
meetings and two special meetings.  In 1998, each Director attended at least 75%
of the aggregate of the total number of meetings of the Board of Directors (held
during the period for which he was a Director)  and the total number of meetings
of Committees of the Board of Directors on which such  Director  served  (during
the periods that he served).

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange Act"), requires the Corporation's Directors and executive officers and
persons who own more than 10% of a registered class


of  the Corporation's equity securities to file with the Securities and Exchange
Commission  (the  "SEC")  initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in
ownership  of  Common  Stock  and  other  equity  securities of the Corporation.
Officers,  Directors  and  greater than 10% shareholders are required by the SEC
to furnish the Corporation with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

     To the  Corporation's  knowledge,  based solely on a review of such reports
furnished to the Corporation and written  representations  that no other reports
were required, during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998, all Section 16(a)
filing requirements  applicable to its officers,  Directors and 10% shareholders
were complied with on a timely basis.


                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth the compensation of the
President and Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Corporation and the Bank and the
other most highly compensated  executive officers (whose total annual salary and
bonus exceeds  $100,000) for services in all capacities to the Corporation,  the
Bank and other subsidiaries during 1998, 1997 and 1996:

                          SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                     Annual Compensation                 Awards
                                         -------------------------------------------   -------------
           Name and                                                                     Securities      All Other
           Principal                                                Other Annual        Underlying     Compensation
          Position(1)           Year     Salary(2)      Bonus      Compensation(3)       Options          (4)(5)
- ------------------------------- ------   -----------   ---------   -----------------   -------------   --------------
Michael J. Cushman              1998       $ 96,000    $25,000          $   547           25,000           $  -0-
President & Chief               1997         N/A
Executive Officer               1996         N/A
Martin R. Sorensen              1998       $175,000    $40,000          $ 2,619           50,000           $2,000
(Former) President & Chief      1997         N/A
Executive Officer               1996         N/A
James F. Cowee, Jr.             1998       $168,808    $   -0-          $ 8,122            2,000           $5,194
(Former) President & Chief      1997        130,526     46,680            7,765              --             6,147
Executive Officer               1996         98,331     28,884            5,550              --             6,612
Fred A. Drake II                1998       $113,035    $30,000          $ 1,066              --            $3,868
(Former) Executive Vice         1997         94,788     30,360            2,720              --             4,655
President of the Bank           1996         85,728     24,444            1,540              --             4,347
Jack R. Richter                 1998       $ 85,008    $25,000          $   -0-           20,000           $  -0-
Senior Vice President & Chief   1997         N/A
Credit Officer of the Bank      1996         N/A
- ------------
(1) Upon  Donald  V. Carter's death on June 24, 1997, Mr. Cowee became President
    &  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Bank and the Corporation, retiring in
    January  1998.  In  accordance  with  his  employment  agreement,  Mr. Cowee
    continued  to  be  compensated during 1998. Mr. Sorensen served as President
    &  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the Bank and the Corporation from February
    1998  until  his  resignation  effective  on  December  18,  1998,  and will
    continue  to  be  compensated  in  1999  as  disclosed elsewhere herein. Mr.
    Drake  retired  effective  on December 31, 1998. Mr. Cushman, hired in March
    1998  as  Senior  Vice  President  &  Chief  Business Banking Officer of the
    Bank,  was  promoted by the Board of Directors in February 1999 to President
    &  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the Bank and the Corporation at a salary of
    $140,000  per  year.  Mr.  Richter  also joined the Bank and the Corporation
    during 1998.
(2) Base  salary  includes  401(k) Plan and Executive Deferred Compensation Plan
    ("EDCP") contributions.
(3) Represents  the  above-market  portion of interest earned under the EDCP for
    Messrs.  Sorensen,  Cowee, and Drake; and the cost of a company car for each
    of Messrs. Sorensen, Cowee, Drake and Cushman.
(4) Represents  matching  contributions  under the Corporation's 401(k) Plan and
(5) Includes  a  yearly  allocation  of  Common  Stock under the ESOP, excluding
    shares  allocated  as  a result of the three-for-two stock split effected as
    a  50%  stock  dividend  in  1995 and the two-for-one stock split in October


     The following table  describes stock options  (adjusted for the two-for-one
stock split in October 1998) granted  pursuant to the North Valley  Bancorp 1989
Director  Stock Option Plan, the North Valley Bancorp 1989 Employee Stock Option
Plan,  and the North Valley  Bancorp 1998 Employee  Stock  Incentive Plan to the
persons  named in the Summary  Compensation  Table  during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1998:

                       OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                   Individual Grants
                       -----------------------------------------------------------------------      Potential Realizable Value     
                          Number of      Percent of                                                  at Assumed Annual Rates       
                          Securities    Total Options                Market                       of Stock Price Appreciation     
                          Underlying     Granted to     Exercise or  Price on                          for Option Term(4)         
                           Options      Employees In    Base Price   Date of      Expiration    --------------------------------- 
           Name            Granted       Fiscal Year      ($/Sh)      Grant          Date          0%         5%         10%      
- ---------------------- --------------- --------------- ------------- -------- ----------------  --------- ---------- ------------ 
Michael J. Cushman  ..    25,000(1)        25.7%        $15.94       $15.94   August 19, 2008    $    -0-   $219,704   $  541,142  
Martin R. Sorensen  ..    50,000(2)        51.5%        $12.75       $15.00   February 5, 2008   $112,500   $525,996   $1,130,961  
James F. Cowee Jr.  ..     2,000(3)         2.1%        $12.75       $15.00   January 20, 2008   $  4,500   $ 21,040   $   45,238  
Jack R. Richter  .....    20,000(1)        20.6%        $15.94       $15.94   August 19, 2008    $    -0-   $175,763   $  432,914  
- ------------
(1) Options  were  granted to Messrs. Cushman and Richter under the North Valley
    Bancorp  1998  Employee  Stock  Incentive  Plan  at  100% of the fair market
    value  of  the  Corporation's  Common  Stock  on  the date of grant. See the
    discussion of the 1998 Employee Stock Incentive Plan below.
(2) Mr.  Sorensen's  options  were  granted under the 1989 Employee Stock Option
    Plan  at  85%  of the fair market value of the Corporation's Common Stock on
    the  date  of  grant.  See  the discussion of the 1989 Employee Stock Option
    Plan  below.  Mr.  Sorensen's  stock  options (50,000 shares) were cancelled
    upon  his  resignation  in  December  1998  under the terms of his severance
(3) Mr.  Cowee's  options were granted under the 1989 Director Stock Option Plan
    at  85%  of  the  fair market value of the Corporation's Common stock on the
    date  of  grant.  See  the discussion of the 1989 Director Stock Option Plan
    below.  Mr.  Cowee's unexercised stock options (1,600 shares) were cancelled
    upon  his  retirement  in  January 1998 under the terms of the 1989 Director
    Stock Option Plan.
(4) The  0%,  5% and 10% assumed rates of appreciation are mandated by the rules
    of  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and  are  not an estimate or
    projection of future prices for the Corporation's Common Stock.

     The following table sets forth the stock options  exercised in 1998 and the
December 31, 1998  unexercised  value of both vested and unvested  stock options
for each of the persons named in the Summary Compensation Table:

                         FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES

                                                                                                Value of Unexercised
                              Shares                     Number of Securities Underlying             In-The-Money
                                                          Unexercised Options at Fiscal
                                                                    Year End                Options at Fiscal Year End(1)
                             Acquired        Value       -------------------------------   -------------------------------
           Name             On Exercise     Realized     Exercisable     Unexercisable     Exercisable     Unexercisable
- --------------------------- -------------   ----------   -------------   ---------------   -------------   ---------------
Michael J. Cushman   ......      -0-         $  -0-          5,000           20,000            $ -0-            $-0-
Martin R. Sorensen   ......      -0-         $  -0-         10,000           40,000            $ -0-            $-0-
James F. Cowee Jr.   ......      400         $1,452            -0-              -0-            $ -0-            $-0-
Jack R. Richter   .........      -0-         $  -0-          4,000           16,000            $ -0-            $-0-
- ------------
(1) Based  on  the fair market value of the Corporation's Common Stock of $12.25
    per  share  at  December  31,  1998.  Mr.  Cowee's unexercised stock options
    (1,600  shares)  were  cancelled  upon  his retirement in January 1998 under
    the   terms   of  the  1989  Director  Stock  Option  Plan.  Mr.  Sorensen's
    unexercised   stock   options   (50,000  shares)  were  cancelled  upon  his
    resignation in December 1998, under the terms of his severance agreement.



Employment  Contracts  and  Termination  of  Employment  and  Change  in Control

     Mr. Cowee  entered into an employment  agreement  with the  Corporation  on
November 10, 1997, which contract was  retroactively  effective to June 1, 1997,
naming him as President & Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Corporation  and its
subsidiaries  at a salary of $155,823  per year.  Mr.  Cowee chose to enter into
retirement  effective  January 31, 1998, and under the terms of said  employment
agreement continued to receive compensation at the rate of $155,823 per year for
the remainder of the 1998 calendar year.

     Martin R.  Sorensen  was  appointed  by the Board of  Directors  as the new
President and Chief Executive  Officer of the Corporation and its  subsidiaries,
and  entered  into an  employment  agreement  effective  February  1, 1998.  Mr.
Sorensen resigned from all positions with the Corporation and the Bank effective
December 18, 1998,  and his employment  agreement was  terminated  pursuant to a
severance agreement with the Corporation. In accordance with such agreement, Mr.
Sorensen will continue to receive compensation during 1999 in an amount equal to
his salary for 1998.

     Supplemental   Executive   Retirement  Plan.  The  Supplemental   Executive
Retirement  Plan  (the  "Executive  Retirement  Plan")  was  established  by the
Corporation effective October 1, 1988, for the purpose of providing supplemental
retirement  benefits to key employees of the  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries
designated  by  the  Board  of  Directors.  The  Executive  Retirement  Plan  is
administered  by a committee of three  persons  appointed by the Chairman of the
Board, and is an unfunded and unsecured plan as defined in sections 201, 301 and
401 of ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974).

     The Executive Retirement Plan provides for two general classes of benefits:

         (1) Retirement benefits commencing at age 65 or upon termination within
     two years after a change in control of the Corporation, payable monthly for
     not less than ten years in an amount,  depending  upon  length of  service,
     equal to up to 45% of the executive's highest average monthly  compensation
     for any 36  consecutive  months  during  his  last 60  months  of  service.
     "Compensation"  includes  base  salary  and  bonuses.  An early  retirement
     benefit is also  available if the executive  retires early between the ages
     of 55 and 65 after not less than ten years of service.  If  commencement of
     payment of the early  retirement  benefit is deferred  until the  executive
     attains age 65, it is equal to the normal  retirement  benefit;  if payment
     commences  prior to age 65, the monthly  benefit is reduced  according to a
     formula set forth in the Executive Retirement Plan. Optional benefit forms,
     such as joint/survivor annuities, are also available.

         (2)  Survivor  benefits  payable  after death  occurring  either  while
     employed or after employment but before  commencement of normal  retirement
     benefits.  The survivor  benefit is  generally  equal to the greater of the
     normal retirement benefit which would have been payable to the executive or
     36 times his highest  average  monthly  compensation  and is payable in ten
     equal annual installments.

     Vesting  of  benefits  under  the  Executive  Retirement  Plan  is  100% if
termination  occurs within 24 months after change in control of the  Corporation
or as a result of disability, retirement on or after the age of 65 or death. For
any other  reason,  vesting  occurs at the rate of 25% for each year of credited
service.  Benefits  are  reduced by an amount  equal to 50% of the amount of any
monthly primary Social Security  benefit  (determined at age 65) or, in the case
of commencement of payment of early retirement  benefits prior to age 65, by 50%
of the monthly primary Social Security  benefit that would become payable at age
65,  determined under the terms of the Social Security Act in effect at the time
early retirement benefits commence.

     As in the case of the Directors'  Retirement Plan (as defined  below),  the
Corporation (or the subsidiary responsible for payment of benefits) may purchase
insurance policies or annuity contracts to provide for payment of benefits under
the Executive Retirement Plan, but persons entitled to benefits have no right to
such  policies  or  contracts  or other  specific  assets or  properties  of the
Corporation or subsidiary unless express trusts of any such assets or properties
have been established for the purpose of payment of benefits.

     For the year ended December 31, 1998,  the Bank paid insurance  premiums of
$51,000 in order to fund obligations under the Executive Retirement Plan, with a
cash residual value of $1,033,000.


     The following table illustrates the approximate  retirement income that may
become  payable to a key employee  credited  with the number of years of service
shown,  assuming that benefits commence at age 65 and are payable in the form of
an annuity for the employee's life or for 10 years (whichever is greater):

                           ANNUAL RETIREMENT INCOME
                           Years of Credited Service

    Final Average                                                     10      
     Compensation         2         4          6          8        or more
    -------------      ------    ------     ------     ------      ------- 
      $ 60,000          5,400    10,800     16,200     21,600      27,000
        80,000          7,200    14,400     21,600     28,800      36,000
       100,000          9,000    18,000     27,000     36,000      45,000
       120,000         10,800    21,600     32,400     43,200      54,000
       140,000         12,600    25,200     37,800     50,400      63,000
       160,000         14,400    28,800     43,200     57,600      72,000
       180,000         16,200    32,400     48,600     64,800      81,000
       200,000         18,000    36,000     54,000     72,000      90,000
     Pursuant to the Executive  Retirement Plan, Mr. Carter's widow will receive
annual  payments  in the  amount of $74,285  for ten  years.  The first two such
payments were made in July of 1997 and 1998.

     Executive  Deferred  Compensation  Plan.  The EDCP was  established  by the
Corporation  effective January 1, 1989, in order to provide current tax planning
opportunities  and  supplemental  retirement or death  benefits to Directors and
selected key employees or their designated  beneficiaries or surviving  spouses,
children or estates.  It is  administered  by a committee of not less than three
persons  appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.  Although the EDCP
is intended to be an unfunded and unsecured plan as defined in sections 201, 301
and 401 of  ERISA,  the  employer  (the  Corporation  or a  subsidiary  thereof)
responsible  for  payment  of  benefits  may  establish  trusts,  which  may  be
irrevocable but which are subject to the claims of the Corporation's  creditors,
to provide for payment thereof.

     Participants  may elect to defer to their  account  under the EDCP not less
than $2,400 in amount, up to 100%, of their annual compensation. The employer is
required  to make  matching  contributions  in the  amount of 25% of the  amount
deferred up to a maximum of 5% of compensation  before  deferrals,  and may also
make discretionary contributions in any amount.

     EDCP  benefits  are payable from  participants'  individual  accounts  upon
termination within 24 months of a change of control of the Corporation or as the
result of normal  or early  retirement,  disability  or  death,  or under  other
limited circumstances.  Benefits are payable usually over a period of five years
in the  case of  directors  and 10 years  in the  case of  executives,  in equal
monthly  installments  commencing on a date chosen by the  participant not later
than 60 days after the end of the month in which  termination of service occurs.
Other  payment  alternatives  which  may be  elected  at the  discretion  of the
administrative  committee of the EDCP include  payment in a single sum or over a
period of 15 years,  and early  withdrawals  in  limited  amounts  and  hardship
distributions  are permitted.  All amounts  deferred are  immediately  vested at
100%; discretionary  contributions are vested as set forth by agreement with the
participant at the time of the related deferral,  and matching contributions are
vested according to the schedule set forth for matching  contributions under the
Corporation's Deferred Salary Profit-Sharing Thrift Plan. In 1998, amounts which
were  deferred by the  executive  officers  totaled  $30,400  for Mr.  Sorensen,
$30,000 for Mr. Cowee, and $12,000 for Mr. Drake,  which amounts are included in
the Summary  Compensation  Table.  For the period ending  December 31, 1998, the
Bank paid insurance  premiums of $866,000 in order to fund obligations under the
EDCP, with a cash residual value of $1,909,000.

     Pursuant to the EDCP,  Mr.  Carter's widow has been  receiving,  since July
1997, monthly payments of $2,305. The compensation represented by these payments
was previously reported in the year deferred.

     As of December 31, 1998, the Corporation's accrued pension obligation under
the Directors'  Retirement Plan, the Executive  Retirement Plan and the EDCP was


Compensation of Directors

     General. During 1998, each Director received fees of $850 per Board Meeting
attended  (except that if the Director was a member of the Board of Directors of
both the  Corporation  and the Bank,  and both  Boards met on the same day,  the
Director  only  received a single  $850 fee for  attending  both  meetings)  and
payments  per  Committee  meeting  attended of $200 (with the  exception of Loan
Committee,  which  effective  in May 1998 pays $100 per  meeting).  As executive
officers,  Messrs.  Cowee and Sorensen did not receive  Director's fees, and Mr.
Cushman will not receive Director's fees. During 1998, cash compensation paid to
all Directors totaled $30,600,  and payment of additional Director  compensation
of $74,856 was deferred under the EDCP.  Directors  electing  coverage under the
group health  insurance plan available to employees of the Corporation have been
required to pay 100% of their premiums since January 1989.

     At a meeting of the Board of  Directors  on December  4, 1997,  after which
Chairman Rudy Balma had excused himself from said meeting, the Board unanimously
passed a resolution to pay Chairman  Balma a sum equal to  seventy-five  percent
(75%) of the currently  established regular Board Meeting fee in addition to the
regular  monthly Board Meeting and  committee  fees,  due to the amount of extra
work  the  Chairman  must  necessarily  perform  on  behalf  of the Bank and the
Corporation, and such additional fee remained effective throughout 1998.

     Commencing in 1998, each outside  Director of the  Corporation  receives an
award of 300 shares of Common Stock as part of his annual retainer as a Director
pursuant to the 1998 Employee Stock  Incentive  Plan. Each award is fully vested
when granted to the outside Director.  For additional information regarding said
Plan, see Proposal No. 3 herein.

     Supplemental  Retirement Plan for Directors.  The  Supplemental  Retirement
Plan for Directors (the  "Directors'  Retirement  Plan") was  established by the
Corporation  as of October 1, 1988 as an unfunded and unsecured  plan to provide
deferred compensation to Directors of the Corporation who are not also employees
of the Corporation or any affiliate ("Outside  Directors").  Its general purpose
is to aid in retaining the services of such Outside Directors. Outside Directors
with 10 years of  service  to the  Corporation  or any of its  subsidiaries  are
eligible  to  receive  benefits  under the  Directors'  Retirement  Plan,  which
benefits  consist of the  payment  (commencing  upon the earlier of death or the
72nd  birthday of the Director) of $5,000 per year for 10 years to the Director,
his  designated  beneficiaries  or (in the  absence of such a  designation)  his
surviving spouse, children or estate (in that order).

     The obligation to pay benefits under the Directors'  Retirement Plan is the
responsibility  of the Bank.  The Bank is authorized to purchase life  insurance
policies  and/or  annuity  contracts  in order to  provide  for  payment  of its
obligations under the Directors' Retirement Plan, but such obligations have only
the legal status of unfunded, unsecured promises to pay money in the future, and
no one entitled to receive benefits under the Directors' Retirement Plan has, as
a result, any rights to such policies or contracts or other specific property or
assets of the Bank unless an express trust is established for such purpose.  For
the period ending December 31, 1998, the Bank paid insurance premiums of $61,000
in order to fund obligations  under the Directors'  Retirement Plan, with a cash
residual value of $908,000.

     North Valley  Bancorp  1989  Director  Stock  Option Plan.  Under the North
Valley  Bancorp 1989 Director  Stock Option Plan, as amended (the "1989 Director
Plan"),  which was adopted by the Board of Directors in December 1989 and by the
shareholders of the  Corporation at the 1990 Annual Meeting,  each member of the
Board  of  Directors,  including  employees  who  are  Directors,  automatically
receives every January a  nonstatutory  stock option to purchase 1,000 shares of
the Corporation's Common Stock.  Pursuant to the 1989 Director Plan, as of April
1, 1999, the Corporation  had  outstanding  options to purchase 54,156 shares of
Common Stock. As of April 1, 1999,  96,682 shares remained  available for grants
under the 1989 Director Plan.

     Options  granted under the 1989 Director Plan vest  immediately  as to 20%,
with an  additional  20%  vesting  on each of the first four  anniversary  dates
following  the date of grant.  Such options are  exercisable  for a period of 10
years from the date of grant at a price  which  shall be 85% of the fair  market
value of the Corporation's Common Stock on the date of grant. The exercise price
can be paid by cash,  certified  check,  official  bank check or the  equivalent
thereof  acceptable to the  Corporation.  Options  granted  pursuant to the 1989
Director Plan automatically  expire three months after termination of service as


Director  for  any  reason other than cause, death or disability. In the case of
termination  of  service  due to death or disability, such options terminate one
year  from the date of such termination of service. In the event that service as
a  Director  is  terminated  for  cause,  the  options  granted  pursuant to the
Director Plan expire 30 days after such termination.

     Each  Director  was granted an option to purchase  1,000  shares in January
1998 at an exercise price per share of $25.50 (before adjustment for the two-for
one stock  split in  October  1998),  and 1,000  shares  in  January  1999 at an
exercise  price of $10.20.  The 1989  Director  Plan is  scheduled  to expire in
December 1999, and it is anticipated that no additional  options will be granted
to  Directors,  subject to approval of the North Valley  Bancorp  1999  Director
Stock Option Plan (see Proposal No. 2 below).

     The 1989 Director Plan is presently administered by the Board of Directors,
which has the  authority to delegate some or all of its duties to a committee of
the Board of Directors  appointed  for this  purpose,  which  committee  must be
composed  of not  less  than  three  members  of the  Board of  Directors.  This
committee is generally  authorized to  administer  the 1989 Director Plan in all
respects, subject to the express terms of the 1989 Director Plan.

     The 1989 Director Plan provides for adjustment of and changes in the shares
of Common Stock  reserved for issuance in the event certain  changes occur or in
the event of the sale,  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the  Corporation or any
reorganization, merger or consolidation of the Corporation.

     The Board of Directors  may amend or terminate  the 1989  Director  Plan as
provided  therein  and the Board of  Directors  intends  to  terminate  the 1989
Director Plan upon approval by the shareholders of the North Valley Bancorp 1999
Director  Stock  Option  Plan (see  Proposal  No. 2,  below).  No  amendment  or
termination  may adversely  affect the rights of an optionee  under a previously
granted option without that optionee's consent.

North Valley Bancorp 1989 Employee Stock Option Plan

     Under the North Valley  Bancorp 1989 Employee Stock Option Plan, as amended
(the "1989  Employee  Plan"),  which was  adopted by the Board of  Directors  in
December  1989 and by the  shareholders  of the  Corporation  at the 1990 Annual
Meeting,  officers and key full-time  salaried  employees of the Corporation and
its affiliates may be granted  options to purchase  shares of the  Corporation's
Common Stock. As of April 1, 1999, there were no options  outstanding  under the
1989 Employee Plan and 341,550  shares  remained  available for awards under the
1989  Employee  Plan.  The 1989 Employee Plan is scheduled to expire on December
15, 1999,  unless sooner  terminated  by action of the Board of  Directors.  The
Board of  Directors  intends to  terminate  the 1989  Employee  Plan at its next
scheduled meeting.

     The exercise  price,  term and vesting  period of each option granted under
the 1989 Employee Plan is determined by the committee which administers the 1989
Employee  Plan at the time the option is granted;  provided,  however,  that the
exercise  price may in no event be less than 85% of the fair market value of the
Corporation's  Common Stock on the date of grant,  nor may the term of an option
exceed  10 years or vest at a rate of less  than 20% per year  during  the first
five years of the option term.

     Each option  granted  under the 1989 Employee  Plan  automatically  expires
three months after  termination of employment other than for cause,  except that
in the case of termination  of employment due to death or disability,  an option
will expire one year from the date of such  termination  of  employment.  In the
event the optionee's  employment is terminated for cause, the option will expire
30 days after such termination of employment.

     The 1989  Employee  Plan is  administered  by a  committee  of the Board of
Directors  appointed for this purpose,  which  committee is composed of not less
than three members who are not also  employees of the  Corporation or any of its
affiliates (in the absence of such a separate committee,  the Board of Directors
acts as the committee).

     The 1989 Employee Plan provides for adjustment of and changes in the shares
reserved for issuance in the event certain  changes occur or in the event of the
sale,  dissolution  or liquidation  of the  Corporation  or any  reorganization,
merger or consolidation.  The Board of Directors may amend or terminate the 1989
Employee Plan. No amendment or termination may adversely affect the rights of an
optionee under a previously granted option without that optionee's consent.


North Valley Bancorp 1998 Employee Stock Incentive Plan

     Under the North Valley  Bancorp 1998  Employee  Stock  Incentive  Plan (the
"Stock Incentive Plan"), which was adopted by the Board of Directors in February
1998 and  approved by the  shareholders  of the  Corporation  at the 1998 Annual
Meeting,  options to purchase  shares of the  Corporation's  Common Stock may be
granted  to key  employees  of the  Corporation  and its  affiliates.  The Stock
Incentive  Plan also provides for the award of shares of Common Stock to outside
directors. During 1998, options for 25,000 shares and 20,000 shares were granted
to Messrs.  Cushman and Richter,  respectively.  On February 16, 1999, the Board
approved the grant of options totaling 149,000 shares to 57 key employees of the
Bank,  including options for 22,500 shares and 10,000 shares to Messrs.  Cushman
and  Richter,  all at an exercise  price of $12.875  (the  market  price on such
date).  Pursuant  to  the  Stock  Incentive  Plan,  as of  April  1,  1999,  the
Corporation  had outstanding  options to purchase  194,000 shares of Corporation
Common Stock, with 418,600 shares remaining available for grant.

     For more information regarding the Stock Incentive Plan, see Proposal No. 3


     The Board of Directors acts as the Corporation's compensation committee and
reviews  salaries  recommended  by the Chief  Executive  Officer  for  executive
officers other than the Chief  Executive  Officer,  and can, at its  discretion,
grant stock options to key officers of the  Corporation  and its  affiliates who
are primarily  responsible  for the management  and growth of the  Corporation's
business (such options,  as disclosed  elsewhere herein, were granted to Messrs.
Sorensen,  Cushman  and  Richter  during  1998).  In  conducting  its  review of
salaries,   the  Board  of  Directors  takes  into   consideration  the  overall
performance of the Corporation and the Chief Executive  Officer's  evaluation of
individual  executive officer  performance,  with final decisions on base salary
adjustments made in conjunction with the Chief Executive Officer.

     The Board of Directors  determines the base salary for the Chief  Executive
Officer  by: (1)  examining  the  Corporation's  performance  against its preset
goals, (2) examining the Corporation's  performance within the banking industry,
(3) evaluating the overall  performance of the Chief Executive Officer,  and (4)
comparing the base salary of the Chief Executive  Officer to that of other chief
executive  officers in the banking  industry in the  Corporation's  market area.
Upon Donald V. Carter's death in June 1997,  Mr. Cowee became  President & Chief
Executive  Officer  of the Bank and the  Corporation  until  his  retirement  in
January 1998. Mr. Sorensen  served in those  capacities from February 1998 until
his resignation  effective  December 18, 1998. Mr. Cushman was hired by the Bank
in March of 1998.  He was promoted by the Board of Directors in February 1999 to
President  & Chief  Executive  Officer  of the Bank and the  Corporation  with a
salary of $140,000  per annum.  Other terms and  conditions  are  expected to be
contained in an employment  agreement  currently  under  discussion  between the
Compensation Committee of the Corporation and Mr. Cushman.

     The  Corporation  does  not  have a  formal  bonus  plan.  However,  at its
discretion,  the  Board of  Directors  can,  and has  since  1990,  set  aside a
percentage of the  after-tax  profits of the Bank  (approximately  6% for 1998),
which is then divided by the Chief  Executive  Officer  among the top three most
highly compensated executive officers. This is not a formal bonus plan and there
is no guarantee that such bonuses will be granted in the future.

     During 1988, the Board of Directors acted as the Corporation's Compensation
Committee.  As of April 1, 1999, the members of the Compensation  Committee were
Messrs. Pierce, Ghidinelli and Ludden.


     [The following  descriptive data is supplied in accordance with Rule 304(d)
of Regulation S-T]

                                            Period Ending
Index                 12/31/93  12/31/94  12/31/95  12/31/96  12/31/97  12/31/98
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
North Valley Bancorp   100.00     79.39    112.26    131.12    199.88    157.09
S&P 500                100.00    101.32    139.39    171.26    228.42    293.69
Northern California 
 Proxy                 100.00     97.87    148.40    160.71    319.27    306.78

- ------------
(1) Assumes  $100  invested  on  December  31,  1993 in the Corporation's Common
    Stock,  the  S&P  500  composite  stock  index  and SNL Securities' Northern
    California Proxy index, with reinvestment of dividends.

(2) Source: SNL Securities


     Through its banking subsidiary,  the Corporation has had and expects in the
future to have banking  transactions,  including  loans and other  extensions of
credit,  in the ordinary  course of its business with many of the  Corporation's
Directors,   executive  officers,  holders  of  five  percent  or  more  of  the
Corporation's  Common  Stock and members of the  immediate  family of any of the
foregoing persons,  including transactions with corporations or organizations of
which such  persons are  directors,  officers or  controlling  shareholders,  on
substantially the same terms (including  interest rates and collateral) as those
prevailing at the time for comparable  transactions with others, except that all
employees (other than executive  officers or Directors of the Corporation or its
subsidiaries)  are granted rate  concessions  on  installment  loans and are not
charged  origination fees on residential real estate loans.  Management believes
that in 1998 such loan transactions did not involve more than the normal risk of
collectibility or present other unfavorable features.

     J. M. "Mike" Wells, Jr., the General Counsel of the Corporation,  Secretary
of the Board of Directors and Director, is an attorney in the law firm of Wells,
Small,  Selke  &  Graham,  a  Law  Corporation,   which  contracted  to  provide
professional  legal  services  to the  Corporation  and the Bank during 1998 and
expects to provide  professional  legal  services to them in the future.  Wells,
Small, Selke & Graham, a Law Corporation, received from the Bank in 1998 a total
of $42,850 in legal fees and costs reimbursed.


                                PROPOSAL NO. 2


     On April 1, 1999, the Board Directors adopted the North Valley Bancorp 1999
Director Stock Option Plan (the "1999 Director Stock Option Plan"),  pursuant to
which  all  members  of the Board of  Directors  are  eligible  for the grant of
nonstatutory stock options to purchase shares of the Corporation's Common Stock.
Nonstatutory  stock  options are options  not  intended to qualify as  incentive
stock options within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of
1986, as amended.

     The 1999  Director  Stock  Option Plan is intended to replace the  existing
North Valley  Bancorp  1989  Director  Stock Option Plan,  as amended (the "1989
Director  Plan").  Assuming a favorable  vote on the 1999 Director  Stock Option
Plan by the  shareholders,  the Board of Directors intends to terminate the 1989
Director Plan at its next scheduled meeting.

     The 1989 Director Plan was approved by the  shareholders of the Corporation
at the 1990  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and  provides  for the  grant of
nonstatutory  stock options to all members of the Board of Directors,  including
employees who are  Directors.  Under the 1989 Director Plan,  each  non-employee
member of the Board of Directors has  automatically  received  every January the
grant of a  nonstatutory  option to purchase  1,000 shares of the  Corporation's
Common Stock. As of April 1, 1999, the  Corporation  had outstanding  options to
purchase 54,156 shares of the Common Stock and 96,682 shares remained  available
for grants under the 1989 Director  Plan.  The  contemplated  termination of the
1989 Director Plan will not adversely  affect any option  previously  granted or
the rights of any holder of such option.

     At the Annual Meeting,  the  shareholders are being requested to ratify and
approve the  adoption of the 1999  Director  Stock  Option  Plan.  This  summary
description  of the 1999 Director Stock Option Plan is qualified in its entirety
by reference  to the 1999  Director  Stock  Option Plan itself,  a copy of which
attached to this Proxy Statement.


     The 1999  Director  Stock  Option  Plan is  intended to further the growth,
development and financial  success of the  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries by
providing additional incentives to members of the Board of Directors,  including
employees who are Directors,  and by assisting  them in acquiring  shares of the
Corporation's  Common Stock,  which will allow them to benefit directly from the
Corporation's growth, development and financial success.


     The 1999 Director  Stock Option Plan will be  administered  by the Board of
Directors.  All  grants of  options  will be at the  discretion  of the Board of
Directors.  The Board of Directors  will have the  authority to delegate some or
all of its duties in  administering  the 1999  Director  Stock  Option Plan to a
committee of the Board of Directors appointed for this purpose,  composed of not
less than two  members of the Board of  Directors  who  qualify as  non-employee
directors.  The  body  administering  the 1999  Director  Stock  Option  Plan is
generally  authorized  to administer  such Plan in all respects,  subject to the
express terms of such Plan,  including the full power to make all determinations
necessary or advisable for its administration.

Eligibility for Participation

     All  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  including  employees  of  the
Corporation who are Directors,  are eligible to participate in the 1999 Director
Stock Option Plan. As of April 1, 1999,  there were eight Directors  eligible to
participate in the 1999 Director Stock Option Plan.

Number of Shares Subject to the Plan

     Shares  covered by options  granted  pursuant  to the 1999  Director  Stock
Option Plan are  authorized  but  unissued  shares of the  Corporation's  Common
Stock.  The  maximum  aggregate  number of shares of Common  Stock  which may be
optioned and sold under the 1999 Director Stock Option Plan is equal to


10  percent  of  the  total  shares of the Corporation's Common Stock issued and
outstanding  from  time  to  time.  As  of  April 1, 1999, there were a total of
3,699,556  shares  of Common Stock issued and outstanding, so the maximum number
of shares available for the grant of options as of such date was 369,956.

     The 1999 Director  Stock Option Plan includes  provisions for adjustment of
and changes in the shares  reserved for issuance in the event that the shares of
Common Stock of the  Corporation  are changed into or exchanged  for a different
number or kind of  shares of stock or other  securities  of the  Corporation  or
other corporation,  whether by reason or reorganization,  merger, consolidation,
recapitalization,   reclassification,  stock  dividend,  stock  split  or  other

     The 1999 Director Stock Option Plan also includes provisions  regarding the
sale,  dissolution  or liquidation of the  Corporation  and any  reorganization,
merger  or  consolidation  in which  the  Corporation  is not the  surviving  or
resulting  corporation.  If the  Corporation  is not the  surviving or resulting
corporation,  the  Board of  Directors  shall  have the power to  terminate  all
options under the 1999 Director  Stock Option Plan,  provided that each optionee
shall have the right  prior to the  effective  date of such  sale,  dissolution,
liquidation, reorganization, merger or consolidation to exercise any outstanding
option in full, without regard to the option's vesting schedule.

Terms and Conditions of Options

     Options  granted  under the 1999  Director  Stock  Option  Plan may only be
nonstatutory  stock  options.  Each  option  will be 20 percent  exercisable  or
"vested"  immediately  upon the date of grant and will become  further vested at
the rate of 20 percent on each of the first four anniversary  dates  thereafter.
Options are exercisable  for a period of ten years after the date of grant.  The
exercise  price for the options  will be 85 percent of the fair market  value of
the shares on the date of grant,  as determined  by the Board of  Directors.  So
long as the  Corporation's  Common Stock is traded on the NASDAQ National Market
System,  such fair  market  value shall be equal to the last  transaction  price
quoted for such date by the NASDAQ National Market System.

     Each option  granted under the 1999 Director  Stock Option Plan will have a
termination date of ten years after the date of grant. In addition,  each option
automatically  expires three months after  termination  of service as a Director
other than for cause,  except that in the case of  termination of service due to
mandatory  retirement,  death or  disability,  an option  will  remain in effect
unchanged.  If a Director is removed from the Board of Directors for cause,  the
option will expire 30 days after such termination of service.

     On April 12,  1999,  the Board of  Directors  granted  an option for 30,000
shares of Common  Stock to each of the  non-employee  Directors  of North Valley
Bancorp,  namely:  Rudy V. Balma,  William W. Cox, Dan W. Ghidinelli,  Thomas J.
Ludden,  Kelly V. Pierce,  Douglas M. Treadway and J.M.  ("Mike") Wells, Jr. The
exercise  price for each of such  options  was set at $10.31.  The  Company  has
entered into a stock option agreement with each such optionee, dated as of April
12, 1999,  subject to the terms and  conditions  set forth in the 1999  Director
Stock Option Plan. The exercise of such options is conditioned upon the approval
of the 1999 Director Stock Option Plan by the shareholders.

Amendment and Termination of the Plan

     The Board of Directors  may amend,  suspend or terminate  the 1999 Director
Stock  Option Plan at any time and for any reason.  Any  amendment is subject to
the approval of the  shareholders of the Corporation only to the extent required
by applicable  laws or  regulations.  No amendment or termination  may adversely
affect the rights of an optionee under a previously granted option,  without the
optionee's consent.

Tax Information

     No  taxable  income  is  recognized  by an  optionee  upon  the  grant of a
nonstatutory  stock  option  under the 1999  Director  Stock  Option  Plan.  The
exercise of a  nonstatutory  stock option  granted under the 1999 Director Stock
Option Plan results in the  realization of ordinary income to the optionee in an
amount equal to the  difference  between the exercise  price and the fair market
value of the shares on the date of


exercise.  For  federal income tax purposes, the Corporation will be entitled to
a  compensation  expense  deduction  in the same amount. The 1999 Director Stock
Option  Plan  allows  an  optionee to satisfy any withholding tax requirement in
connection  with the exercise of an option by the withholding of shares from the
total  number  of shares issuable upon exercise of the option or by the delivery
to  the Corporation of shares of Corporation Common Stock that have been held by
the  optionee  for  at least six months. Any such arrangement must be acceptable
to the Corporation.

Required Vote

     An affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of the Corporation's Common
Stock  represented  and voting at the Annual Meeting is required for approval of
the 1999 Director Stock Option Plan.

Recommendation of Management

     The Board of Directors believes that this proposal is in the best interests
of the Corporation and its shareholders and unanimously  recommends a vote "FOR"
its ratification and approval.

                                PROPOSAL NO. 3

                          APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO

     The North Valley  Bancorp 1998 Employee  Stock  Incentive  Plan (the "Stock
Incentive Plan") was adopted by the Corporation's Board of Directors on February
17, 1998,  subject to the approval of the Corporation's  shareholders  which was
obtained at the 1998 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  held on May 26, 1998. The
Stock Incentive Plan was effective February 17, 1998.

     Article  8 of  the  Stock  Incentive  Plan  provides  for  the  payment  of
director's fees in shares of Corporation Common Stock. The provisions of Article
8  became  effective  upon  a  determination  by  the  Board  of  Directors,  as
contemplated  by  Article  8,  that  such  provisions   should  be  implemented.
Accordingly, on September 21, 1998, each of the seven non-employee Directors was
awarded 300 shares of Common Stock. The market price of such shares on that date
was $27.50.

     The Board of Directors of the Corporation  proposes to amend Section 8.2 of
the Stock Incentive Plan in regard to the annual award of shares of Common Stock
to non-employee  Directors.  The purpose of the proposed  amendment is to ensure
that the economic  value of the shares to be awarded each year will be protected
against  dilution caused by the payment of stock  dividends,  reclassifications,
recapitalizations  or similar  occurrences.  This was the intent of the Board of
Directors  when  the  Stock  Incentive  Plan  was  originally  adopted,  but was
inadvertently  omitted from the wording of the Stock  Incentive  Plan as adopted
and then approved by the shareholders.

Summary of the Stock Incentive Plan

     The  following  is a  summary  of the  material  provisions  of  the  Stock
Incentive  Plan.  A copy of the Stock  Incentive  Plan may be  obtained  without
charge by writing to J. M. Wells,  Jr.,  Secretary of the  Corporation c/o North
Valley Bancorp, 880 East Cypress Avenue, Redding, California 96002. Shareholders
are urged to read the Stock  Incentive  Plan in its  entirety.  This  summary is
qualified  entirely by reference to the Stock  Incentive  Plan. Any  capitalized
terms which are used in this summary description but not defined herein have the
meanings assigned to them in the Stock Incentive Plan.

     The Stock  Incentive Plan provides for awards in the form of options (which
may constitute  incentive  stock options or  non-statutory  stock options to key
employees  and also  provides for the award of shares of Common Stock to outside
directors.  The shares of Common Stock authorized to be granted as options under
the Stock Incentive Plan consist of 300,000 shares, increased in an amount equal
to 2% of shares  outstanding  each year,  commencing  January 1, 1999. The Stock
Incentive  Plan  defines  "key  employee"  as  a  common-law   employee  of  the
Corporation,  its  parent or any  subsidiary  of the  Corporation,  an  "outside
director",  or a consultant or advisor who provides services to the Corporation,
its parent or any  subsidiary  of the  Corporation.  For  purposes  of the Stock
Incentive Plan, an "outside director" is defined as a


member  of  the  Board  who is not a common-law employee of the Corporation, its
parent  or  any  subsidiary  of  the  Corporation.  The  Stock Incentive Plan is
intended  to  aid  the  Corporation  in  its  efforts to attract and retain such

     Each outside director is eligible to receive a stock award of 300 shares of
Common Stock of the  Corporation as part of his or her annual  retainer  payment
from the Corporation. Such stock award shall be fully vested when granted to the
outside director.

     The Stock Incentive Plan is  administered  by a Committee  appointed by the
Board of  Directors.  As of April 1, 1999,  the  Committee  members  are Rudy V.
Balma, Michael J. Cushman, William W. Cox, Dan W. Ghidinelli,  Thomas J. Ludden,
Kelly V. Pierce,  Douglas M. Treadway and J. M. Wells,  Jr. The Committee  shall
have  membership  composition  which enables the Stock Incentive Plan to qualify
under SEC Rule 16b-3 with regard to the grant of Options or other  rights  under
the Stock  Incentive  Plan to  persons  who are  subject  to  Section  16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Subject to the
requirements of applicable  law, the Committee may designate  persons other than
members of the  Committee to carry out its  responsibilities  and may  prescribe
such  conditions  and  limitations as it may deem  appropriate,  except that the
Committee  may not  delegate  its  authority  with regard to the  selection  for
participation  of or the  granting  of  Options or  determining  awards or other
rights under the Stock  Incentive  Plan to persons  subject to Section 16 of the
Exchange Act.

     The award of Common Stock to outside directors is fully taxable at the time
of the grant.  The  Corporation  receives a deduction  for this  amount.  If the
outside director  disposes of the Common Stock prior to 12 months after the date
of grant,  any gain (or loss) will be a short-term  capital  gain. If the shares
are  held for  longer  than 12  months,  any  gain  (or  loss)  will be taxed at
long-term capital gain rates.

Proposed Amendment

     Section 8.2 of the Stock Incentive Plan presently reads as follows:

         "8.2 Receipt of Stock Awards. An Outside Director shall receive a Stock
     Award of 300 shares of Common  Stock as part of his or her annual  retainer
     payment from the Company. Such Stock Awards shall be issued under the Plan.
     Such an Award shall be fully vested when granted to the Outside Director."

     The  proposed amendment of Section 8.2, which is subject to approval by the
shareholders  of  the  Corporation,  would  add the following wording at the end

         "In the event  the  shares of Common  Stock  shall be  changed  into or
     exchanged  for a  different  number  or kind of  shares  of  stock or other
     securities of the Company or of another  corporation  (whether by reason of
     reorganization, merger, consolidation, recapitalization,  reclassification,
     split-up,  combination of shares, or otherwise), or if the number of shares
     of Common Stock shall be increased through the payment of a stock dividend,
     the  Board  shall  substitute  for or add to each  share  of  Common  Stock
     theretofore  appropriated or thereafter subject or which may become subject
     to a Stock Award under this  Section  8.2, the number and kind of shares of
     stock or other securities into which each outstanding share of Common Stock
     shall be so  changed,  or for which each share  shall be  exchanged,  or to
     which  each  such  share  shall  be  entitled,  as the  case  may be.  Such
     adjustments shall be made by the Board, whose determination in that respect
     shall be final,  binding and conclusive.  No right to fractional  shares of
     Common Stock shall result from any  adjustment in Stock Awards  pursuant to
     this  Section  8.2.  In case of any such  adjustment,  the shares  shall be
     rounded down to the nearest whole share."

Required Approval

     Approval of the proposed  amendment  of Section 8.2 of the Stock  Incentive
Plan  requires the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
present or represented by proxy and voting at the Meeting.

Recommendation of Management

     The Board of Directors believes that this proposal is in the best interests
of the Corporation and its shareholders, and unanimously recommends a vote "FOR"
its approval.


                                PROPOSAL NO. 4


     The  firm of  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP,  which  served  the  Corporation  as
independent  public  accountants  for the 1998 fiscal year, has been selected by
the  Audit  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Corporation  as the
Corporation's  independent public accountants for the 1999 fiscal year. Deloitte
& Touche LLP has no interest,  financial or otherwise,  in the Corporation.  All
Proxies  will be voted for the  ratification  of the  appointment  of Deloitte &
Touche LLP, unless  authority to vote for the  ratification of such selection is
withheld  or an  abstention  is noted.  If  Deloitte & Touche LLP should for any
reason  decline  or be  unable to act as  independent  public  accountants,  the
Proxies will be voted for a substitute  independent public accounting firm to be
designated by the Audit Committee.

Required Approval

     The approval of the  ratification  of the  appointment of Deloitte & Touche
LLP as the Corporation's independent public accountants for the 1999 fiscal year
requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present
or represented by Proxy and voting at the Meeting.

Recommendation of Management

     The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a  vote  "FOR"  ratification  of the
appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP.

     A representative of Deloitte & Touche LLP is expected to attend the Meeting
and will have the  opportunity to make a statement if he or she desires to do so
and respond to appropriate questions from shareholders present at the Meeting.

                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     The  Corporation's  2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held on May
15, 2000.  Shareholder  proposals  must be received by the  Corporation no later
than December 17, 1999, to be  considered  for inclusion in the Proxy  Statement
and  Proxy  for the 2000  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders.  Management  of the
Corporation will have discretionary  authority to vote proxies obtained by it in
connection with any shareholder proposal not submitted on or before the December
17, 1999, deadline.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  knows of no other  matters  which  will be brought
before the Meeting,  but if such matters are properly  presented to the Meeting,
Proxies  solicited  hereby will be voted in accordance  with the judgment of the
persons holding such Proxies.  All shares  represented by duly executed  Proxies
will be voted at the Meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          /s/ J.M. Wells, Jr.

                                          J. M. ("Mike") Wells, Jr.,

Redding, California
April 23, 1999


                                    ANNEX A

                             NORTH VALLEY BANCORP
                        1999 DIRECTOR STOCK OPTION PLAN

1.   Purpose

     The purpose of this North Valley  Bancorp 1999  Director  Stock Option Plan
(hereinafter the "Plan") is to provide a method whereby the members of the Board
of Directors  (hereinafter the "Board") of North Valley Bancorp (hereinafter the
"Company") may acquire or increase their proprietary interests in the success of
the  Company,   thereby   advancing   the  interests  of  the  Company  and  its
shareholders,  while providing an incentive for the recruitment and retention of
capable directors in the future.

2.   Administration
     The following provisions shall govern the administration of the Plan:

         (a) The Plan shall be  administered  by the Board of Directors of North
     Valley Bancorp (hereinafter the "Board"), which may delegate some or all of
     its duties in administering  the Plan to a committee of the Board appointed
     for this  purpose  composed  of two (2) or more  members  of the  Board who
     qualify as  "non-employee  directors" as defined in Securities and Exchange
     Commission  Rule 16b-3 ("Rule 16b-3") under the Securities  Exchange Act of
     1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Hereinafter,  the body administering
     the Plan,  whether it be the Board or any committee so appointed,  shall be
     referred to as the  "Committee".  The Board may, from time to time,  remove
     members from or add members to the  Committee.  Vacancies on the Committee,
     howsoever  caused,  shall be filled by the Board. The Board may designate a
     Chairman  and  Vice-Chairman  of the  Committee  from  among the  Committee
     members.  Acts of the Committee (i) at a meeting,  held at a time and place
     and in accordance with rules adopted by the Committee, at which a quorum of
     the  Committee  is present and acting,  or (ii)  reduced to and approved in
     writing by a majority of the members of the  Committee,  shall be the valid
     acts of the Committee.

         (b) The Company shall effect the grant of options under the Plan by the
     execution of stock  option  agreements  in a form or forms  approved by the
     Committee.  Subject to the express terms of the Plan,  the Committee  shall
     have full power to  construe  the Plan and the terms of any option  granted
     under the Plan,  to  prescribe,  amend and  rescind  rules and  regulations
     relating to the Plan or such options,  and to make all other determinations
     necessary or advisable for the Plan's  administration;  provided,  however,
     that the Committee  shall exercise no discretion  with respect to the grant
     of  options  under  the Plan or  otherwise  alter or amend the terms of any
     option so that an option or the terms of an option  fail to comply with the
     terms and conditions in Section 5 hereof.

3.   Eligibility
     All members of the Board (including  employee-directors)  shall be eligible
to receive  options under this Plan;  provided,  however,  that no option may be
granted to a member of the Board who,  at the time of such  grant,  owns  Common
Stock of the  Company  possessing  more  than  ten  percent  (10%) of the  total
combined  voting power or value of all classes of stock of the Company or any of
its  affiliates.  All  stock  options  granted  pursuant  to the  Plan  shall be
nonstatutory  stock  options.  A  nonstatutory  stock  option is an  option  not
intended to qualify as an incentive  stock option  within the meaning of Section
422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

4.   The Shares

     Shares  offered under the Plan shall be authorized  but unissued  shares of
the Company's  Common Stock.  The maximum  aggregate  number of shares of Common
Stock  which may be  optioned  and sold under the Plan shall  equal ten  percent
(10%) of the total shares of the  Company's no par value Common Stock issued and
outstanding from time to time (hereinafter the "Shares"), or the number and kind
of shares  of stock or other  securities  which  shall be  substituted  for such
Shares or to which  such  shares  shall be  adjusted  as  provided  in Section 6
hereof. Upon the expiration or termination for any reason of an


outstanding  option  under  the  Plan  which has not been exercised in full, all
unissued  Shares  thereunder  shall  again  become  available  for  the grant of
options  under  the Plan. The Company, during the term of the Plan, shall at all
times  reserve  and keep available sufficient Shares to satisfy the requirements
of the Plan.

5.   Grant, Terms and Conditions of Options

     Options  granted  pursuant  to the Plan shall be  subject to the  following
terms and conditions:

         (a) Grant of Options.  The Committee  shall,  from time to time, at its
     discretion,  (i) select the members of the Board who are to receive  grants
     of options under the Plan,  and (ii) determine the number of Shares subject
     to such  grants and any other  features  and terms and  conditions  of such
     grants not expressly  provided for in the Plan.  All stock options  granted
     pursuant to the Plan shall be nonstatutory stock options.  Each grant of an
     option  under  the Plan  shall be  evidenced  by a stock  option  agreement
     executed by the optionee  and the Company.  Each option shall be subject to
     all  applicable  terms and conditions of the Plan and may be subject to any
     other terms and  conditions  which are not  inconsistent  with the Plan and
     which the  Committee  deems  appropriate  for  inclusion  in a stock option
     agreement.  The provisions of the various stock option  agreements  entered
     into under this Plan need not be identical.

         (b) Option  Prices.  The  purchase  price  under each  option  shall be
     eighty-five  percent  (85%) of the fair market value of the Shares  subject
     thereto on the date the option is granted,  as such value is  determined by
     the Committee as follows:

                  (i) If the Company's Common Stock was traded  over-the-counter
         on the date in question  and was traded on the NASDAQ  National  Market
         System,  then  the  fair  market  value  shall  be  equal  to the  last
         transaction  price quoted for such date by the NASDAQ  National  Market

                  (ii) If the  Company's  Common  Stock  was  traded  on a stock
         exchange on the date in  question,  then the fair market value shall be
         equal  to  the  closing  price  reported  by the  applicable  composite
         transactions report for such date; and

                  (iii) If neither of the foregoing  provisions  is  applicable,
         then the fair market value shall be determined by the Committee in good
         faith on such basis as it deems appropriate.

In  all  cases, the determination of fair market value by the Committee shall be
conclusive and binding on all persons.

         (c) Duration  and  Exercise of Options.  Each option shall be for a ten
     (10) year term and shall vest twenty  percent  (20%)  immediately  upon the
     date of grant and shall vest an additional  twenty percent (20%) on each of
     the first four (4) anniversary  dates thereafter;  provided  however,  that
     each  option that is not fully  vested  shall  become one  hundred  percent
     (100%)  vested  and  exercisable  in the  event of a sale,  dissolution  or
     liquidation  of the  Company  or a merger  or  consolidation  in which  the
     Company is not the  surviving  or  resulting  corporation,  as described in
     Section 6 hereof.  The  termination of the Plan shall not alter the maximum
     duration,  the vesting  provisions,  or any other term or  condition of any
     option granted prior to the termination of the Plan.

         To the extent the right of an optionee  to  purchase  Shares has vested
     under a stock option agreement,  options may be exercised from time to time
     by delivering  payment  therefor in cash,  certified  check,  official bank
     check, or the equivalent thereof  acceptable to the Company,  together with
     written notice to the Secretary of the Company,  identifying  the option or
     part thereof being  exercised and specifying the number of Shares for which
     payment is being  tendered.  An  optionee  may also  exercise  an option by
     electing to deliver  shares of Company  Common Stock that have been held by
     the optionee for at least six (6) months or have the Company  withhold from
     those Shares that would  otherwise be received upon exercise of the option.
     Such an election is subject to approval or  disapproval  by the  Committee,
     and the timing of the election must satisfy the requirements of Rule 16b-3.
     The Company shall deliver to the optionee, which delivery shall be not less
     than  fifteen (15) days and not more than thirty (30) days after the giving
     of such notice, without transfer or issue tax


     to the optionee (or other person  entitled to exercise the option),  at the
     principal  office of the Company,  a certificate or  certificates  for such
     Shares  dated  the date  the  options  were  validly  exercised;  provided,
     however, that the time of such delivery may be postponed by the Company for
     such period as may be required for it with  reasonable  diligence to comply
     with any requirements of law.

         (d) Termination of Tenure on the Board. Unless the Committee determines
     otherwise,  upon the  termination  of an optionee's T status as a member of
     the Board,  his or her rights to exercise an option then held shall be only
     as follows:

                  Mandatory Retirement:  If an optionee's tenure on the Board is
         terminated by reason of compliance  with any mandatory  retirement  age
         requirement  of the  Board,  his or her  rights to  exercise  an option
         existing on the date of such termination  shall not change or otherwise
         be diminished solely by virtue of such retirement.

                  Disability: If an optionee's tenure on the Board is terminated
         by disability, the rights of such optionee or such optionee's qualified
         representative  (in the event of the optionee's  mental  disability) to
         exercise an option existing on the date of such  termination  shall not
         change or otherwise be diminished solely by virtue of such disability.

                  Death:  If an optionee's  tenure on the Board is terminated by
         death,  such  optionee's  estate  shall  have the right for a period of
         twelve (12)  months  following  the date of such death to exercise  the
         option without regard to the vesting provisions of Section 5(c) hereof,
         provided  the  actual  date  of  exercise  is in  no  event  after  the
         expiration of the term of the option. An optionee's "estate" shall mean
         the  optionee's  legal  representative  or any person who  acquires the
         right to exercise an option by reason of the optionee's death.

                  Cause:  If a member  of the  Board is  determined  by the full
         Board to have  committed  an act of  embezzlement,  fraud,  dishonesty,
         breach  of  fiduciary  duty to the  Company,  or to  have  deliberately
         disregarded the rules of the Company which resulted in loss,  damage or
         injury  to  the  Company,  or if an  optionee  makes  any  unauthorized
         disclosure  of any of the secrets or  confidential  information  of the
         Company,  induces  any client or  customer  of the Company to break any
         contract with the Company or induces any principal for whom the Company
         acts as agent to  terminate  such agency  relations,  or engages in any
         conduct which constitutes unfair competition with the Company, or if an
         optionee  is  removed  from  any  office  of the  Company  by any  bank
         regulatory  agency,  the optionee  shall have the right for a period of
         thirty (30) days following the date of such termination to exercise the
         option to the extent the optionee was entitled to exercise  such option
         on the date of the  optionee's  termination  of  tenure  on the  Board,
         provided  the  actual  date  of  exercise  is in  no  event  after  the
         expiration of the term of the option. In making such determination, the
         Board shall act fairly and shall give the  optionee an  opportunity  to
         appear  and be heard at a hearing  before  the full  Board and  present
         evidence on the optionee's behalf.

                  Other  Reasons:  If an  optionee's  tenure  on  the  Board  is
         terminated  for any  reason  other  than those  mentioned  above  under
         "Mandatory Retirement," "Disability," "Death" and "Cause," the optionee
         may, within three (3) months following such  termination,  exercise the
         option to the extent such option was exercisable by the optionee on the
         date of such termination;  provided the date of exercise is in no event
         after the expiration of the term of the option.

         (e) Use of  Proceeds  from  Stock.  Proceeds  from the  sale of  Shares
     pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the Plan shall constitute
     general funds of the Company.

         (f)  Rights as a  Shareholder.  An  optionee  shall have no rights as a
     shareholder  with  respect to any Shares  until the date of  issuance  of a
     stock  certificate  for  such  Shares.  No  adjustment  shall  be made  for
     dividends or other rights for which the record date is prior to the date of
     such issuance, except as provided in Section 6 hereof.

         (g)  Withholding.  The Company  shall have the right to  condition  the
     issuance of shares upon  exercise of an option upon payment by the optionee
     of any income taxes required to be withheld  under federal,  state or local
     tax laws or regulations in connection with such exercise. To the extent


     withholding is required,  such payment may be made by any method of payment
     acceptable  to the Company,  including the  withholding  of Shares from the
     total  number of Shares  issuable  upon  exercise  or the  delivery  to the
     Company  of  shares  of  Company  Common  Stock  that have been held by the
     optionee for at least six (6) months.  Any election to have Shares withheld
     or to deliver Shares must satisfy the requirements of Rule 16b-3.

         (h) Other Terms and  Conditions.  Options may also  contain  such other
     provisions,  which  shall  not be  inconsistent  with any of the  foregoing
     terms, as the Committee shall deem  appropriate.  No option,  however,  nor
     anything contained in the Plan, shall confer upon any optionee any right to
     continue to serve on the Board.

6.   Adjustment Of, and Changes In, The Shares

     In the  event  the  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company,  as  presently
constituted,  shall be changed into or exchanged for a different  number or kind
of shares of stock or other securities of the Company or of another  corporation
(whether by reason of reorganization,  merger, consolidation,  recapitalization,
reclassification,  split-up,  combination of shares,  or  otherwise),  or if the
number of shares of Common Stock of the Company  shall be increased  through the
payment  of a stock  dividend,  the Board  shall  substitute  for or add to each
Shares of Common Stock of the Company  theretofore  appropriated  or  thereafter
subject or which may become  subject to an option under the Plan, the number and
kind of shares of stock or other securities into which each outstanding share of
Common Stock of the Company  shall be so changed,  or for which each share shall
be exchanged, or to which each such share shall be entitled, as the case may be.
In addition,  the Board shall make appropriate adjustment in the number and kind
of Shares as to which outstanding options, or portions thereof then unexercised,
shall be  exercisable,  so that any  optionee's  proportionate  interest  in the
Company  by reason  of his or her  rights  under  unexercised  portions  of such
options  shall be  maintained  as before  the  occurrence  of such  event.  Such
adjustment  in  outstanding  options  shall be made without  change in the total
price  to  the  unexercised  portion  of the  option  and  with a  corresponding
adjustment in the option price per share.

     In the event of a sale,  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the  Company or a
merger or  consolidation  in which the Company is not the surviving or resulting
corporation,  the Board shall have the power to cause the  termination  of every
option outstanding hereunder; except that the surviving or resulting corporation
may, in its absolute and uncontrolled discretion, assume all outstanding options
under the Plan;  provided,  however,  that in all events the optionee shall have
the right immediately prior to such sale, dissolution, liquidation, or merger or
consolidation in which the Company is not the surviving or resulting corporation
to notification thereof as soon as practicable and, thereafter,  to exercise the
option without  regard to the annual vesting  provisions of Section 5(c) hereof.
This  right  shall  be  conditioned  upon  the  execution  of a  final  plan  of
dissolution or liquidation or a definitive agreement of merger or consolidation.

     In the event of an offer by any person or entity to all shareholders of the
Company to purchase  any or all shares of Common Stock of the Company (or shares
of stock or other  securities  which shall be substituted  for such shares or to
which such  shares  shall be  adjusted  as  provided  in Section 6 hereof),  any
optionee  under this Plan shall  have the right  upon the  commencement  of such
offer to exercise the option and purchase  shares subject  thereto to the extent
of any unexercised or unvested portion of such option.

     No  right to purchase fractional shares shall result from any adjustment in
options  pursuant  to this Section 6. In case of any such adjustment, the shares
subject  to  the option shall be rounded down to the nearest whole share. Notice
of  any  adjustment  shall  be  given by the Company to each holder of an option
which  was  in  fact so adjusted and such adjustment (whether or not such notice
is given) shall be effective and binding for all purposes of the Plan.

     To the extent the  foregoing  adjustments  relate to stock or securities of
the  Company,   such  adjustments   shall  be  made  by  the  Committee,   whose
determination in that respect shall be final, binding and conclusive.

     Except as expressly  provided in this Section 6, an optionee  shall have no
rights  by  reason  of  any  of  the  following   events:   (i)  subdivision  or
consolidation  of  shares  of stock of any class  issued  by the  Company;  (ii)
payment  by the  Company  of any stock  dividend;  (iii) any other  increase  or
decrease in the


number  of  shares  of  stock  of  any class; (iv) any dissolution, liquidation,
merger,  consolidation,  spin-off  or  acquisition of assets or stock of another
corporation  by  the Company. Any issue by the Company of shares of stock of any
class,  or securities convertible into shares of any class, shall not affect the
number  of  price  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  subject  to the option, and no
adjustment by reason thereof shall be made.

     The grant of an option pursuant to the Plan shall not affect in any way the
right  or  power  of  the  Company  to  make   adjustments,   reclassifications,
reorganizations  or changes of its capital or business  structure or to merge or
to consolidate or to dissolve, liquidate or sell, or transfer all or any part of
its business or assets.

7.   Listing or Qualification of Shares

     All options granted under the Plan are subject to the  requirement  that if
at any time the Committee  shall determine in its discretion that the listing or
qualification of the Shares subject thereto on any securities  exchange or under
any applicable  law, or the consent or approval of any  governmental  regulatory
body,  is necessary or  desirable  as a condition of or in  connection  with the
issuance of the Shares  under the  option,  the option may not be  exercised  in
whole or in part unless such listing,  qualification,  consent or approval shall
have been  effected or obtained,  free of any  condition  not  acceptable to the

8.   Amendment and Termination of the Plan
     The Board shall have  complete  power and  authority  to amend,  suspend or
terminate  the Plan at any time and for any  reason.  An  amendment  of the Plan
shall be subject to the approval of the  shareholders of the Company only to the
extent required by applicable laws or regulations. No termination,  modification
or amendment of the Plan may,  without the consent of any member of the Board to
whom such option was  previously  granted under the Plan,  adversely  effect the
rights of such member of the Board under such option.

9.   Effectiveness and Term of the Plan
     The Plan,  as set forth herein,  shall become  effective as of the date the
Plan is  adopted  by the Board (the  "Effective  Date").  The Plan shall also be
submitted to the shareholders of the Company for approval in the manner required
by applicable  law or  regulation.  Such  shareholder  approval shall consist of
approval by the affirmative  votes of the holders of a majority of the shares of
Company Common Stock present, or represented,  and entitled to vote at a meeting
duly held in accordance  with  applicable  law, or by the written consent of the
holders of a majority of the outstanding  Company Common Stock entitled to vote.
The exercise of any options  granted  pursuant to the Plan shall be  conditioned
upon the approval of the Plan by the  shareholders of the Company and compliance
with any applicable  federal and state  securities laws. The Plan shall continue
in effect for a term of ten (10) years after the Effective  Date,  unless sooner
terminated under Section 8 of the Plan.

10.  Securities Law Compliance and Notice of Sale
     No Shares  shall be purchased  upon the  exercise of any option  unless and
until all of the then  applicable  requirements  of any (i) regulatory  agencies
having  jurisdiction  and (ii) any exchanges  upon which the Common Stock of the
Company may be listed shall have been fully  complied  with.  The Company  shall
diligently  endeavor to comply with all  applicable  securities  laws before any
options are granted under the Plan and before any Shares are issued  pursuant to
the exercise of such options.

11.  Indemnification
     To the extent  permitted by applicable  law in effect from time to time, no
member of the Board or the Committee  shall be liable for any action or omission
of any other member of the Board of Committee nor for any act or omission on the
member's own part,  excepting only the member's own willful  misconduct or gross
negligence.  The Company shall pay expenses  incurred by, and satisfy a judgment
or fine rendered or levied  against,  a present or former  director or member of
the Committee in any action  against such person  (whether or not the Company is
joined as a party defendant) to impose liability or a penalty


on  such person for an act alleged to have been committed by such person while a
director  or  member  of  the  Committee  arising  with  respect  to the Plan or
administration  thereof or out of membership on the Committee or by the Company,
or  all or any combination of the preceding; provided, the director or Committee
merger  was  acting in good faith, within what such director or Committee member
reasonably  believed  to  have been within the scope of his or her employment or
authority  and  for  a  purpose which he or she reasonable believed to be in the
best   interests  of  the  Company  or  its  shareholders.  Payments  authorized
hereunder  include  amounts  paid  and  expenses incurred in settlement any such
action  or  threatened  action.  This  section  does  not  apply  to  any action
instituted  or maintained in the right of the Company by a shareholder or holder
of   a  voting  trust  certificate  representing  shares  of  the  Company.  The
provisions  of  this section shall apply to the estate, executor, administrator,
heirs,  legatees  or  devisees  of  a director or Committee member, and the term
"person"   as   used  in  this  section  shall  include  the  estate,  executor,
administrator, heirs, legatees or devisees of such person.

12.  Information to Optionees

     The Company shall  provide to each optionee  during the period for which he
or she has one or more outstanding options, copies of all annual reports and all
other information which are provided to shareholders of the Company. The Company
shall not be required to provide such  information  to any optionee whose duties
in  connection  with  the  Company  assure  his  or  her  access  to  equivalent


                                                                         ANNEX B

PROXY                         NORTH VALLEY BANCORP                         PROXY

              Proxy Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors
                            of North Valley Bancorp
              for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, May 17, 1999

     The undersigned holder of Common Stock  acknowledges  receipt of the Notice
of Annual Meeting of Shareholders  of North Valley Bancorp and the  accompanying
Proxy Statement dated April 23, 1999, and revoking and heretofore given,  hereby
constitutes  and appoints  Michael J. Cushman and Sharon L. Benson,  and each of
them,  each with  full  power of  substitution,  as  attorneys  and  proxies  to
represent and vote,  as  designated  on the reverse  side,  all shares of Common
Stock of North Valley Bancorp (the  "Corporation"),  which the undersigned would
be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of the Corporation to
be held in Administration,  North Valley Bank, 880 East Cypress Avenue, Redding,
California,  on Monday,  May 17, 1999, at 4:30 P.M., or at any  postponement  or
adjournment thereof,  upon the matters set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting
and Proxy Statement and upon such other business as may properly come before the
meeting of any  postponement  or  adjournment  thereof.  All  properly  executed
proxies will be voted as indicated.



                (Continued, and to be signed on the other side)

                             -FOLD AND DETACH HERE-


                                                                                                                   Please mark
                                                                                                                    your votes   [X]
                                                                                                                     as this

                                           FOR   FOR ALL                                                  FOR    AGAINST   ABSTAIN
1. To elect as  Directors  the  nominees   [ ]     [ ]        2. To  approve  adoption  of  the  North    [ ]      [ ]       [ ]
   set forth below:                                              Valley  Bancorp 1999  Director  Stock  
                                                                 Option Plan.                          
INSTRUCTION:  To withhold  authority  to                                                               
vote for any individual nominee strike a                      3. To approve an  amendment of the North    [ ]      [ ]       [ ]
line through the  nominee's  name in the                         Valley  Bancorp 1998  Employee  Stock 
list below:                                                      Incentive Plan.                       
01 Rudy V. Balma,  02 William W. Cox, 03                      4. To ratify the appointment  Deloitte &    [ ]      [ ]       [ ]
Michael J. Cushman, 04 Royce L. Friesen,                         Touche  LLP  as  independent   public 
05  Dan  W.  Ghidinelli,  06  Thomas  J.                         accountants of 1999.                  
Ludden, 07 Douglas M. Treadway,  08 J.M.                                                               
("Mike") Wells, Jr.                                           5. In their discretion the proxy holders are  authorized  to  vote 
                                                                 upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

Signature(s) __________________________________________________________________________________________  Date _______________, 1999

Please mark, date and sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) above. When signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or
guardian,  please give full title. If one or more than one Trustee, all should sign. WHETHER OR NOT YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THIS MEETING,

                                          -FOLD AND DETACH HERE AND READ THE REVERSE SIDE-

                                                          VOTE BY TELEPHONE
                                                    QUICK *** EASY *** IMMEDIATE

                                     YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT! - YOU CAN VOTE IN ONE OF TWO WAYS:

1. TO VOTE BY PHONE: Call toll-free 1-800-840-1208 on a touch tone telephone 24 hours a day-7 days a week

                              There is NO CHARGE to you for this call. - Have your proxy card in hand.

       You will be asked to enter a Control Number, which is located in the box in the lower right hand corner of this form.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPTION 1: To vote as the Board of Directors recommends on ALL proposals, press 1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              When asked, please confirm by Pressing 1.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPTION 2: If you choose to vote on each Proposal separately, press 0, You will hear these instructions:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        Proposal 1 - To vote FOR ALL nominees, press 1; to WITHHOLD FOR ALL nominees, press 9

                        To WITHHOLD FOR AN INDIVIDUAL nominee, Press 0 and listen to the instructions

                        Proposal 2 - To vote FOR, press 1; AGAINST, press 9; ABSTAIN, press 0.

                                              When asked, please confirm by Pressing 1.

                        The instructions are the same for all remaining proposals.
2. TO VOTE BY PROXY:    Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return promptly in the enclosed envelope.

                           NOTE: If you vote by telephone, THERE IS NO NEED TO MAIL BACK your Proxy Card.

                                                        THANK YOU FOR VOTING.