1029 Corporation Way
                          Palo Alto, California 94303

                                 April 30, 1999

Dear Stockholder:

     You  are  cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
Southwall  Technologies  Inc. a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), which will
be  held  on  Monday,  May  24,  1999  at  3:00 p.m., at the Company's principal
executive offices at 1029 Corporation Way, Palo Alto, California.

     The  following Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement
describe  the  items  to  be  considered by the stockholders and contain certain
information about the Company and its officers and directors.

     Please  sign  and return the enclosed proxy card as soon as possible in the
envelope  provided so that your shares can be voted at the meeting in accordance
with  your  instructions. Even if you plan to attend the meeting, we urge you to
sign  and  return  promptly the proxy card. You may revoke it at any time before
it  is exercised at the meeting or vote your shares personally if you attend the

   We look forward to seeing you.


                                        /s/ THOMAS G. HOOD

                                        THOMAS G. HOOD
                                        President and Chief Executive Officer


                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.

                             1029 Corporation Way
                          Palo Alto, California 94303

     NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that  the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of
Southwall  Technologies  Inc.,  a  Delaware corporation (the "Company"), will be
held  on Monday, May 24, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. at the Company's principal executive
offices  at  1029  Corporation  Way,  Palo  Alto,  California, for the following

       1. To elect directors to serve for the ensuing year;

       2. To   ratify   the   appointment   of   PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  as
          independent  accountants  of  the  Company  for the fiscal year ending
          December 31, 1999; and

       3. To  transact  such  other  business  as  may  properly come before the
          meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The  foregoing  items  of  business  are  more fully described in the Proxy
Statement accompanying this Notice.

     The  Board  of  Directors has fixed the close of business on April 26, 1999
as  the  record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of
and  to  vote  at  the  Annual  Meeting  and  at any continuation or adjournment

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ BILL R. FINLEY

                                        BILL R. FINLEY

Palo Alto, California
April 30, 1999


                              PROXY STATEMENT FOR
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES INC.

                             1029 Corporation Way
                          Palo Alto, California 94303


     The  enclosed  proxy  is  solicited  on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Southwall  Technologies  Inc.  (the  "Company") for use at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  to  be  held  on  May  24,  1999 (the "Annual Meeting") and at any
adjournments  of that meeting, at which stockholders of record on April 26, 1999
(the  "record  date")  will  be  entitled  to vote. The specific proposals to be
considered  and  acted  upon  at  the  Annual  Meeting  are  summarized  in  the
accompanying Notice and are described in more detail in this Proxy Statement.

     Each   properly   signed  proxy  will  be  voted  in  accordance  with  the
instructions  contained  therein, and, if no choice is specified, the proxy will
be  voted  in  favor of the proposals set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting.
Only  holders  of  the  Company's  common  stock,  $.001  par value (the "Common
Stock"),  of  record  on the stock transfer books of the Company at the close of
business  on the record date will be entitled to vote at the meeting. There were
7,382,373  shares  of  Common  Stock issued, outstanding and entitled to vote on
the  record date. No shares of the Company's preferred stock were outstanding on
the record date.

     Each  stockholder  is  entitled  to one vote for each share of Common Stock
held  by  said  stockholder.  For purposes of matters before the Annual Meeting,
under  the  Company's By-Laws, a quorum consists of a majority of the issued and
outstanding  shares  entitled to vote on such matters as of the record date. The
affirmative  vote of the holders of a plurality of the shares represented at the
meeting,  if  a quorum is present, is required for the election of directors. If
a  quorum  is present, approval of each other matter which is before the meeting
will  require  the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of votes cast
with  respect  to  such  matter. With regard to the election of directors, votes
may  be  cast in favor of or withheld from each nominee. Votes that are withheld
will  be  excluded  entirely  from the vote and will have no effect. Abstentions
may  be  specified  on all proposals, except the election of directors, and will
be  counted  as  present  for  purposes of determining the existence of a quorum
regarding  the item on which the abstention is noted. If shares are not voted by
the  broker  who  is the record holder of the shares, or if shares are not voted
in  other  circumstances  in  which  proxy  authority  is  defective or has been
withheld  with  respect  to any matter, these non-voted shares are not deemed to
be  present  or  represented  for  purposes  of  determining whether stockholder
approval of that matter has been obtained.

     The  Company  intends  to  mail  this  Proxy Statement and the accompanying
proxy  card  on  or about April 30, 1999 to all stockholders entitled to vote at
the  Annual  Meeting.  The  Company's Annual Report to Stockholders for the year
ended December 31, 1998 is being mailed together with this Proxy Statement.

Revocability of Proxies

     Any  person  giving  a proxy pursuant to this solicitation has the power to
revoke  it  at  any  time before it is voted. It may be revoked by the holder of
record  by  filing  with the Secretary of the Company at the Company's principal
executive  office, 1029 Corporation Way, Palo Alto, California, 94303, a written
notice  of  revocation  or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date, or it may
be  revoked  by  the holder of record attending the Annual Meeting and voting in
person. Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not, by itself, revoke a proxy.


                            PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS

     The  following  table  sets  forth certain information known to the Company
regarding  the  ownership  of the Company's Common Stock as of February 15, 1999
by  (i)  each  stockholder known to the Company to be a beneficial owner of more
than  5%  of  the  Company's  Common  Stock,  (ii) each director and nominee for
director  of  the  Company,  (iii)  each  of the executive officers named in the
Summary  Compensation  Table  below, and (iv) all current executive officers and
directors  as  a  group.  Except  as  otherwise  indicated, each person has sole
investment  and  voting  power  with  respect  to  the  shares  shown  as  being
beneficially  owned  by  such  person,  based  on  information  provided by such
owners.  Beneficial  ownership has been determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act").

                                                  Common Stock      Percent of
                                                  Beneficially     Outstanding
Name and Address                                    Owned(1)        Shares(1)
- ------------------------------------------------- --------------   -------------
Teijin Limited(2)    ........................        825,000           10.9%
 6-7, Minami-honmachi, 1-chome                   
 Chuo-ku, Osaka 541, Japan                       
Ashley K. Carrithers(3)    ..................        479,001            6.5
 Crystal Island Ranch, Box 278                   
 Carbondale, CO 81623                            
Solutia, Inc.(4)  ...........................        396,614            5.2
 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard                   
 St. Louis, MO 63167                             
Advisory Clients of                              
 Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc.    .........        421,400            5.7
 1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor                   
 Santa Monica, CA 90401                          
Bruce J. Alexander(5)   .....................        149,397            2.0
Thomas G. Hood(6)    ........................         55,475             *
Joseph B. Reagan(7)  ........................         57,990             *
Yoshimichi Hase(8)   ........................         25,000             *
Hideo Nakamori    ...........................            --              --
Walter C. Sedgwick(9)   .....................        207,262            2.8
J. Larry Smart(10)   ........................        208,749            2.8
Martin Schwartz(11)  ........................        130,012            1.8
Robert L. Hier(12)   ........................         13,262             *
Catherine B. Poliak(13)    ..................         54,063             *
Leonard H. Garigliano(14)  ..................          2,000             *
L. Ray Christie   ...........................         10,200             *
All current officers and directors as a Group    
 (14 persons)(15)    ........................        897,832           11.6
- ------------                                 
  * Less than one percent.
 (1) The  table  is  based  upon information supplied by officers, directors and
     principal   stockholders.   Unless   otherwise   indicated,   each  of  the
     stockholders  named  in the table has sole voting and investment power with
     respect   to  all  securities  shown  as  beneficially  owned,  subject  to
     community  property  laws where applicable and the information contained in
     the footnotes to the table.
 (2) Includes  158,000  shares that Teijin Limited had the right to acquire upon
     the exercise of warrants within 60 days of February 15, 1999.
 (3) Includes 3,000 shares held by Mr.  Carrithers' mother and 2,310 shares held
     by Mr. Carrithers' son.
 (4) Includes  266,332  shares that Solutia,  Inc. had the right to receive upon
     conversion of a convertible debenture within 60 days of February 15, 1999.
 (5) Includes  options to purchase 19,500 shares which are exercisable within 60
     days  of  February  15, 1999, 654 shares held by Mr. Alexander's spouse and
     9,421 shares held by Mr. Alexander's daughter.


 (6) Includes  options to purchase 41,775 shares which are exercisable within 60
     days  of  February 15, 1999, 100 shares held by Mr. Hood's daughter and 100
     shares held by Mr. Hood's son.
 (7) Includes  options to purchase 42,619 shares which are exercisable within 60
     days of February 15, 1999.
 (8) Includes  options  to purchase 5,000 shares which are exercisable within 60
     days of February 15, 1999.
 (9) Includes  options to purchase 29,493 shares which are exercisable within 60
     days  of  February  15,  1999,  and  17,272  shares  held  in trust for Mr.
     Sedgwick's son.
(10) Includes  options to purchase 46,250 shares which are exercisable within 60
     days  of  February 15, 1999, 3,000 shares held by Mr. Smart's son and 6,000
     shares held by Mr. Smart's daughter.
(11) Includes  101,362  shares  held in a living  trust  owned  by Mr.  and Mrs.
(12) Includes options to purchase 11,562 shares which are exercisable  within 60
     days of February 15, 1999.
(13) Includes  options to purchase 44,050 shares which are exercisable within 60
     days of February 15, 1999.
(14) Includes  options  to  purchase 36,300 shares which were exercisable within
     60 days of February 15, 1999.
(15) Includes  options  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of 370,726 shares which are
     exercisable  within 60 days of February 15, 1999 held by executive officers
     and directors of the Company.

                                  PROPOSAL 1

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Each  director to be elected will hold office until the next Annual Meeting
of  Stockholders  and until his successor is elected and has qualified, or until
such director's earlier death, resignation or removal.

     The  Company's Board of Directors has fixed the number of directors for the
ensuing  year at six and has nominated for such positions the six persons listed
below.  Currently,  except  for  Mr.  Nakamori, each of the listed nominees is a
director  of  the Company and was elected by the stockholders at the last annual
meeting.  Mr.  Nakamori  has  agreed  to  seek  nomination  for Dr. Hase's Board
position.  Dr.  Hase  is  resigning  from the Board effective May 24, 1999. Each
person  nominated  for  election  has agreed to serve if elected, and management
has  no  reason to believe that any nominee will be unavailable to serve. Unless
otherwise  instructed,  the proxy holders will vote the proxies received by them
for  the  six  nominees  named  below.  In  the event that any nominee should be
unavailable  for  election  as a result of an unexpected occurrence, such shares
will  be  voted  for  the  election  of such substitute nominee as the Board may

     Set   forth   below   is  information  regarding  the  nominees,  including
information  furnished  by  them  as to their principal occupations for at least
the  last  five  years, certain other directorships held by them, and their ages
as of March 31, 1999.

                      Name                              Age
                      ----                              ---
                      Bruce J. Alexander(1)   .........  54
                      Thomas G. Hood    ...............  43
                      Hideo Nakamori    ...............  61
                      Joseph B. Reagan(1)  ............  64
                      Walter C. Sedgwick(1)(2)   ......  52
                      J. Larry Smart(2)    ............  51
- ------------
(1) Member of the Human Resources Committee.
(2) Member of the Audit Committee.

     Mr.  Alexander  has  served  as  a  member of the Board of Directors of the
Company  since  May  1981.  In June 1997 he joined Black & Company and serves as
President  and  Chief Executive Officer. From May 1994 to June 1997, he was with
Needham  &  Co.,  Inc.,  an investment bank, most recently serving as a Managing
Director.  From  January 1992 to May 1994, he was a General Partner with Materia


L.P.,  a  venture  capital  firm investing in advanced materials companies. From
March  1987  to  July  1991, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Company.  From  February  1982  to  March 1987, he held various offices with the
Company,  including  Executive  Vice  President,  Vice  Chairman  of  the Board,
Chairman and acting Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Financial Officer.

     Mr.  Hood has served as the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer
since  July  1998 and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company since
March  1998.  From March 1998 until July 1998 he served as Interim President and
Chief  Executive Officer. From July 1996 to March 1998, he served as Senior Vice
President,  General Manager, Energy Products Division. From January 1995 to July
1996,  he  was  Vice  President,  General Manager, International Operations, and
from  October  1991 to January 1995, he was Vice President, Marketing and Sales.
From   September   1990  to  October  1991,  he  was  Vice  President,  Business
Development.  From  June  1989  to  September  1990,  Mr.  Hood  served  as Vice
President,  Glazing  Laminates.  Previously,  from  July  1981  to June 1989, he
served  in  various positions with the Company including Director of New Product
Development and Director of Engineering Development.

     Mr.  Nakamori  has  served  as President and CEO of Metton America, Inc. of
Atlanta,  Georgia,  a  subsidiary of Teijin Limited of Osaka, Japan, since April
1998.  From 1997 to 1998 he served as President and CEO of Teijin Metton Company
of  Tokyo,  Japan.  From 1963 to 1997 he served in various positions with Teijin
or  their  subsidiaries  including serving as Managing Director, Films Marketing
Division,  Films  Group  from  1996  to 1997, Managing Director, Fibers Strategy
Planning  Division  from  1995  to 1996 and Managing Director, Industrial Fibers
Division from 1993 to 1995.

     Dr.  Reagan has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company
since  June  1993, and previously served as a director from October 1987 through
May  1992.  Dr.  Reagan  is  a  technology  and  senior management consultant to
industry  and to the United States Government. He retired in 1996 after 37 years
with  the  Lockheed  Martin  Corporation  where  he  was a corporate officer and
Corporate  Vice  President  and  General Manager of the Research and Development
Division of the Missiles and Space Company.

     Mr.  Sedgwick  has  served  as  a  member  of the Board of Directors of the
Company  since  January  1979. Mr. Sedgwick has worked as a private investor for
the past seven years.

     Mr.  Smart  has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company
since  March  1994 and as a director of the Company since July 1991. Since April
1997,  Mr.  Smart  has  served  as  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer of
Visioneer,  Inc.  From  July  1995  to  February  1997,  he  served as Chairman,
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer for Stream Logic Corporation. From May
1994  to  February  1995, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Maxtor
Corporation.  From  July  1991 to May 1994, he was President and Chief Executive
Officer  of  the  Company.  From  November 1987 to July 1991, he was Senior Vice
President  of  SCI Systems, Inc. Mr. Smart also serves on the board of directors
of  Western  Micro  Technologies,  Inc.,  Midisoft Corporation and International
Manufacturing Services, Inc.

     The  Board  of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the election of all of the
above nominees for election as directors.

                         BOARD MEETINGS AND COMMITTEES

     The  Board of Directors of the Company, which held 10 meetings during 1998,
currently  has  two  standing  committees,  the  Audit  Committee  and the Human
Resources  Committee.  During 1998, each nominee for director who is currently a
director  attended  more  than 75% of the aggregate of the meetings of the Board
and of the committees on which he served.

     The  Audit  Committee  recommends  engagement  of the Company's independent
accountants,  approves  the  services performed by such accountants, reviews the
results  of the annual audit, and evaluates the Company's accounting systems and
internal financial controls. The Audit Committee held one meeting during 1998.

     The   Human   Resources   Committee   is  authorized  to  make  and  review
periodically  recommendations  regarding  employee  compensation  and to perform
other duties regarding compensation for employees as


the  Board may delegate to such Committee from time to time. The Human Resources
Committee  is  also  authorized  to administer the Company's stock option plans.
The Human Resources Committee held three meetings during 1998.

                             DIRECTOR COMPENSATION

     The  Company  paid  during 1998 and currently pays each of its non-employee
directors  (other  than  the  Chairman of the Board) an annual fee of $6,000 for
their  services  as  a  director  of the Company. In addition, each non-employee
member  of  the Board, except the Chairman, receives $800 plus expenses for each
Board  meeting  attended.  Non-employee directors who serve on committees of the
Board  also receive $500 for each committee meeting attended. Committee chairmen
receive  $750  for  each  committee meeting attended. The Company pays an annual
fee of $24,000 to the Chairman of the Board.

     Board  members  are  also eligible to receive options to purchase shares of
Common  Stock  under  the  Company's 1997 Stock Incentive Plan. During 1998, the
non-employee  Board members received options to purchase the following number of
shares:  Mr.  Alexander--5,000  shares at an exercise price of $4.875 per share;
Dr.  Hase--5,000  shares at an exercise price of $4.875 per share; Dr. Reagan --
5,000  shares  at  an  exercise  price  of $4.875 per share; Mr. Sedgwick--5,000
shares  at an exercise price of $4.875 per share; and Mr. Smart--5,000 shares at
an  exercise  price  of  $4.875  per  share. For option grants made to Mr. Hood,
please see "Executive Compensation--Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year" below.

     No  other  compensation  is  paid to directors of the Company in respect of
their services as directors.


     In  1989,  the Company sold to Monsanto Company ("Monsanto") 300,000 shares
of  Common  Stock  for $2,100,000 and a $2,650,000 convertible debenture due May
31,  1999,  which  bears interest at 2% below prime but not less than 7% or more
than  11%.  On September 1, 1997, Monsanto completed a spin-off of the Company's
chemical  business,  creating a new company, Solutia, Inc. ("Solutia"), to which
it  transferred ownership of the convertible debenture. During 1998, the Company
issued  34,853  shares of Common Stock to Solutia for payment of interest on the
convertible debenture.

     On  April  9, 1997, the Company signed a comprehensive set of collaborative
agreements  with  a  major  supplier  of  raw  materials  to the Company, Teijin
Limited  of  Osaka,  Japan  ("Teijin"). The agreements provided for, among other
things,  the  purchase by Teijin of 667,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock
at  a  price of $7.50 per share; a guarantee by Teijin of a $10 million loan for
the  Company;  and  an  agreement to collaborate to achieve closer marketing and
product  development ties between the two companies. The Company agreed to pay a
loan  guarantee  fee to Teijin at the rate of .5625% per year on the outstanding
balance  of the loan guaranteed by Teijin. The Company paid a loan guarantee fee
of  $57,031  to Teijin during 1998. Teijin also received warrants to purchase an
additional  158,000  shares  of  the  Company's Common Stock at $9.00 per share,
exercisable  within  three  years  from  the  date of grant. Subsequent to these
agreements,  Dr.  Yoshimichi  Hase,  President of Teijin America, Inc., a wholly
owned  subsidiary  of Teijin Limited, was appointed to the Board of Directors of
the  Company  by  resolution  of  the  Board  in  May  1997. Mr. Hideo Nakamori,
President  and  CEO of Metton America, Inc., a subsidiary of Teijin Limited, has
agreed  to  seek  nomination  for Dr. Hase's Board position following Dr. Hase's
resignation  from  the  Board  in  May 1999. Also, subsequent to the agreements,
Teijin  has  become  a  customer of the Company for certain of its products, and
the  Company  has  acquired  a license from Teijin for rights to manufacture and
sell  under  certain  patents  owned by Teijin in Japan. During 1998 the Company
paid  Teijin  $90,000 for license fees approximately $5,762,000 for purchases of
raw material substrates.

     During  1998  the  Company  lent  certain  amounts  to  Bruce  J. Alexander
($322,906),  Thomas  G.  Hood  ($43,875), Walter C. Sedgwick ($30,500), J. Larry
Smart  ($142,748)  and Martin M. Schwartz ($306,630), to permit them to exercise
Company  stock  options  held  by each of them. In each case the indebtedness is
represented  by  a  note  payable  to  the  Company  due one year after the loan
bearing  interest at the rate of 7.0% per annum. Interest is payable at the time
the  loan  is  due.  Loans may be extended for one year terms if approved by the
Board of Directors. The largest amount of indebtedness outstanding under each


such  note  at  any  time during 1998 was $327,489 in the case of Mr. Alexander,
$44,127  in  the case of Mr. Hood, $41,435 in the case of Mr. Sedgwick, $147,196
in  the  case  of  Mr.  Smart,  and  $319,168 in the case of Mr. Schwartz. As of
February  15, 1999, the amount of indebtedness under each such note was $330,213
in  the  case  of Mr. Alexander, $44,498 in the case of Mr. Hood, $41,772 in the
case  of  Mr.  Sedgwick,  $148,422 in the case of Mr. Smart, and $321,755 in the
case of Mr. Schwartz.


     The  following  Summary  Compensation  Table sets forth certain information
concerning  compensation  earned for services rendered in 1998, 1997 and 1996 by
the  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  each of the other executive officers of the
Company  who  earned  salary  and  bonus  for  the 1998 fiscal year in excess of
$100,000 (collectively, the "Named Executive Officers").

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                           Annual                 --------------------
                                        Compensation                    Awards
                              ---------------------------------   --------------------
                                                                      Securities            All Other
 Name and Principal Position  Year     Salary(1)     Bonus(1)     Underlying Options     Compensation(2)
- ----------------------------- ------   -----------   ----------   --------------------   -----------------
Thomas G. Hood(3)             1998      $198,365      $32,924           125,000              $  1,000
 President & Chief            1997       167,379       33,548            30,000                 1,000
 Executive Officer            1996       132,899       75,815            40,800                 1,310
Martin M. Schwartz(4)         1998        84,736        1,028               --                165,105
 President & Chief            1997       232,427        1,948            20,000                 1,000
 Executive Officer            1996       198,846       70,000            96,500                 1,000
Robert L. Hier(5)             1998       162,672        1,324            12,000                   --
 Senior Vice President,       1997       122,897       36,953            35,000                   --
 Marketing & Sales            1996        88,369       44,480               --                    --
Catherine B. Poliak           1998       119,418        9,324            10,000                 1,000
 Vice President,              1997       113,739       31,223            10,000                 1,000
 Human Resources              1996       109,038       10,000             9,000                 1,000
Leonard H. Garigliano(6)      1998       143,508        6,324            12,000                 1,000
 Vice President,              1997       132,957       24,338            10,000                 1,000
 Operations                   1996       123,846       87,804            12,600                 1,000
L. Ray Christie(7)            1998        85,178       10,028               --                 49,056
 Vice President & Chief       1997       141,073       11,348            20,000                 1,000
 Financial Officer            1996        89,606       17,728            50,000                 1,000
- ------------
(1) The  amounts listed under Salary and Bonus include amounts deferred pursuant
    to the Company's 401(k) Plan.
(2) The  amounts  listed  under "All Other Compensation" for 1998 consist of the
    Company's  matching  contributions  under  the  Company's  401(k)  Plan  and
    severance compensation.
(3) Mr.  Hood  was  promoted  to  the  position  of  Interim President and Chief
    Executive  Officer  in  March  1998,  and  to  the position of President and
    Chief Executive Officer in July 1998.
(4) Mr.  Schwartz  ceased employment as President and Chief Executive Officer in
    March  1998.  All  Other Compensation for1998 includes $164,105 of severance
(5) Mr.  Hier  joined  the  Company  in  1992  and  was  promoted to Senior Vice
    President, Marketing & Sales in August 1998.
(6) Mr.  Garigliano  ceased  employment as Vice President, Operations in January
(7) Mr.  Christie  ceased  employment  as  Vice  President  and  Chief Financial
    Officer  in  August  1998.  All Other Compensation for 1998 includes $48,056
    of severance compensation.



Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

     The  following  table  contains  information  concerning the grant of stock
options  made  under  the Company's 1997 Stock Incentive Plan during 1998 to the
Named  Executive  Officers.  No  stock appreciation rights ("SARs") were granted
during the fiscal year to such individuals.

                                                                                                  Potential Realizable
                                                                                                    Value at Assumed
                                                                                                  Annual Rates of Stock
                               Number of      Percent of                                                 Price
                              Securities     Total Options                                          Appreciation for
                              Underlying      Granted to                                             Option Term(3)
                               Options        Employees in     Exercise Price     Expiration     -----------------------
            Name              Granted(1)      Fiscal Year        ($/Sh)(2)           Date           5%          10%
- ----------------------------- ------------   ---------------   ----------------   ------------   ----------   ----------
Thomas G. Hood   ............   125,000           28.3%             $ 5.00          8/06/05       $254,438     $592,948
Martin M. Schwartz  .........       --             --                  --               --             --           --
Robert L. Hier   ............    12,000            2.7                5.00          8/06/05         24,426       56,923
Catherine B. Poliak .........    10,000            2.3                5.00          8/06/05         20,355       47,436
Leonard H. Garigliano  ......    12,000            2.7                5.00          8/06/05         24,426       56,923
L. Ray Christie  ............       --             --                  --               --             --           --
- ------------
(1) Option  grants were made under the Company's 1997 Stock Incentive Plan which
    is  administered  by the Human Resources Committee of the Board. The options
    vest   in   four   equal  annual  installments,  with  the  first  such  25%
    installment  vesting  one year after the grant date. In the event of certain
    corporate  transactions  such  as  an  acquisition  or sale of assets of the
    Company,  the  outstanding options of the Company's Named Executive Officers
    will  become  immediately  exercisable  for  fully  vested  shares of common
    stock,  unless  the  options  are  assumed  or substituted with a comparable
    option  by  the  acquiring  company  or  its parent. In any event, the Human
    Resources  Committee  has  the  discretion  to  accelerate  the  vesting  of
    outstanding  options  upon  certain  corporate  transactions  or involuntary
    terminations   following   a  corporate  transaction.  See  also  "Severance
(2) All  options  were  granted  at  an  exercise price equal to the fair market
    value  of  the  Common Stock on the date of grant. The exercise price may be
    paid  in  cash  or cash equivalents, in shares of the Common Stock valued at
    fair  market  value  on the exercise date or in a same-day sale program with
    the assistance of a designated brokerage firm.
(3) As  required  by  the  rules  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange Commission,
    potential  realizable  values  stated are based on the prescribed assumption
    that  the  Common  Stock  will appreciate in value from the date of grant to
    the  end  of  the  option term at rates (compounded annually) of 5% and 10%,
    respectively,  and  therefore  are  not intended to forecast possible future
    appreciation, if any, in the price of the Common Stock.

Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in  Last  Fiscal  Year And Fiscal Year-end Option

     The  following  table  provides  information  with  respect  to  the  Named
Executive   Officers   concerning  the  exercise  of  options  during  1998  and
unexercised options held as of the end of 1998.

                                                                   Number of Securities          Value of Unexercised In-the-
                                                                   Underlying Unexercised            Money Options at Fiscal
                               Shares                           Options at Fiscal Year-End                Year-End(2)
                              Acquired on        Value        -------------------------------   -------------------------------
            Name               Exercise       Realized(1)     Exercisable     Unexercisable     Exercisable     Unexercisable
- ----------------------------- -------------   -------------   -------------   ---------------   -------------   ---------------
Thomas G. Hood   ............    13,500        $ 16,875          41,775          176,650          $41,100           $1,250
Martin M. Schwartz  .........   118,999         272,564             --               --               --               --
Robert L. Hier   ............    12,000          69,750          11,562           39,000            1,968              281
Catherine B. Poliak .........     5,950          13,063          44,050           27,750           56,299            1,406
Leonard H. Garigliano  ......       --              --           36,300           29,550           11,700            5,850
L. Ray Christie  ............       --              --              --               --               --
- ------------
(1) Based on the  fair market  value of the shares on the exercise date less the
    exercise price paid for the shares.
(2) Based  on  the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock at the end of
    1998 ($4.50 per share) less the exercise price payable for such shares.


Severance Agreements

     The Company  has entered  into a series of  severance  agreements  with its
Named Executive Officers,  pursuant to which they may become entitled to special
benefits in connection with certain  changes in control of the Company  effected
by merger, liquidation or tender offer.

     Under  each  of the agreements, a liquidation or acquisition of the Company
may  result  in  the  immediate  acceleration  of vesting of the Named Executive
Officers'   outstanding  options  granted  under  the  Company's  option  plans.
Accordingly,  should  there  occur  a sale of substantially all of the Company's
assets  or  an  acquisition  of the Company by merger or consolidation, then all
options  at  the  time  held  by  each  such  officer  will  become  immediately
exercisable  for  fully-vested  shares  of  Common  Stock. However, such vesting
acceleration  will  not occur to the extent the options are to be assumed by the
acquiring entity.

     In  the event that (i) the outstanding options are so assumed or the change
in  control  is effected through the acquisition of 50% or more of the Company's
outstanding  voting  stock  pursuant  to  a  hostile  tender  offer and (ii) the
officer's  employment  is involuntarily terminated (other than for cause) within
18  months  following  such  assumption  or acquisition, then the vesting of any
options  at  the  time  held  by each officer granted under the Company's option
plans will immediately accelerate.

     Involuntary  termination  is  defined  in  each  severance agreement as the
officer's  discharge or dismissal (other than for cause) or other termination of
employment,  whether voluntary or involuntary, following a material reduction in
the  officer's  compensation  or  level  of  responsibilities,  a  change in the
officer's  job  location  without  his or her consent or a material reduction in
the  officer's  benefits  and  perquisites.  Termination  for cause includes any
involuntary   termination   triggered   by   the   executive  officer's  willful
misconduct,  gross negligence or unauthorized use or disclosure of trade secrets
or other confidential information of the Company.

     In  addition  to  the  acceleration  of  vesting  of  each  Named Executive
Officer's  outstanding  options,  such  individual may become entitled to a lump
sum  severance  payment upon his or her involuntary termination within 18 months
after  a  change  in  control. Accordingly, to the extent that the spread on the
officer's  accelerated  options  (the excess of the market price, at the time of
acceleration,  of  the  shares  of  Common  Stock  for  which  the  options  are
accelerated  over the aggregate exercise price payable for such shares) does not
exceed  2.99 times the officer's average W-2 wages from the Company for the five
fiscal  years preceding the fiscal year in which the change in control occurs, a
cash  severance  payment  will  be  provided  to  the officer. However, the cash
payment  will  in  no  event  exceed  the lesser of (i) two times the sum of the
executive  officer's  annual rate of base salary in effect at the time of his or
her  involuntary  termination  plus  the  bonuses  earned  by him or her for the
immediately  preceding  fiscal  year  or  (ii) the amount necessary to bring the
total  benefit  package  (acceleration  plus  severance)  up  to the "2.99 times
average W-2 wages" limitation.

     In  the  event  benefits  had  become  due  as  of March 31, 1999 under the
severance  agreements  currently in effect for the Named Executive Officers, the
maximum  cash  amounts payable would be as follows: Mr. Hood, $591,910; Mr. Hier
$542,725; and Ms. Poliak, $424,498.


     All  members  of  the  Board  participated  in  deliberations  of the Board
concerning  executive  compensation  for  fiscal  year  1998. The members of the
Board  are  Messrs. Alexander and Smart, former officers of the Company, and Mr.
Hood, Dr. Hase, Dr. Reagan and Mr. Sedgwick.

     The  Company's  Human  Resources Committee is authorized to make and review
periodically  recommendations  regarding  employee  compensation  and to perform
other  duties  regarding compensation for employees as the Board may delegate to
such  Committee  from  time  to  time.  The  Human  Resources  Committee is also
authorized  to  administer  the Company's stock option plans. The members of the
Human Resources Committee are Mr. Alexander, Dr. Reagan and Mr. Sedgwick.



     It  is  the  duty  of  the  members  of the Company's Board to set the base
salary  of  certain  executive  officers and to administer the Company's benefit
plans.  In  addition,  the Board approves the individual bonus programs to be in
effect  for certain executive officers each fiscal year. The Board acts pursuant
to  recommendations  of  the Human Resources Committee. The Company's 1997 Stock
Incentive  Plan,  under  which  stock option grants may be made to such officers
and other key employees, is administered by the Human Resources Committee.

     For  1998,  the  Board  established  the  compensation payable to Mr. Hood,
President  and  Chief  Executive Officer; Mr. Schwartz, the former President and
Chief  Executive  Officer;  Mr. Christie, former Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer  and  Secretary; Mr. Garigliano, former Vice President of Operations and
all other executive officers of the Company.

     General  Compensation  Policy. The  Company's executive compensation policy
is  competitive  in  order  to  recruit,  retain  and  motivate people of needed
capabilities.  For executives, the Company strives to link total compensation to
performance.  Base  compensation,  benefits  and  perquisites are intended to be
competitive.  Incentive compensation is provided in the form of cash bonuses and
stock  options.  The  Company  anticipates  that  the compensation levels of its
executive  officers  will generally be reviewed in the early part of each fiscal

     Factors. Several  of  the  more  important factors which were considered in
establishing  the  components  of  each executive officer's compensation package
for 1998 are summarized below.

       Base  Salary. The  base  salary  for each executive officer is set on the
   basis  of  personal performance and salary levels for comparable positions at
   companies   with   revenue   levels   comparable  to  that  of  the  Company.
   Information  regarding  comparable  salary  levels is obtained from published
   surveys  of  companies  which  may  or may not be in industries comparable to
   that  of  the  Company.  Generally,  the Company targets base salaries at the
   mid-point of such market data.

       Annual  Incentive Compensation.  The annual pool of bonuses for executive
   officers  is  determined  solely on the basis of the Company's achievement of
   the  financial  performance  targets  established  at the start of the fiscal
   year.  Actual  bonuses  paid  reflect  an individual's accomplishment of both
   corporate  and  functional  objectives,  with  substantially  greater  weight
   being  given  to  achievement of corporate rather than functional objectives.
   In  particular,  approximately 70% of an executive's target bonus is based on
   achieving  corporate  objectives and the balance on achieving the executive's
   functional  objectives,  such as profitability improvement, asset management,
   market  position,  product  leadership  and  key  projects. These factors are
   evaluated on a subjective basis without specific weighting.

       Long-Term  Incentive Compensation. In 1998, the Human Resources Committee
   approved  stock  option  grants to each of the Named Executive Officers under
   the   Company's  1997  Stock  Incentive  Plan  except  Mr.  Schwartz,  former
   President  and  CEO  and  Mr.  Christie,  former  Vice  President  and  Chief
   Financial  Officer.  The  grants  are designed to align the interests of each
   of  the  Named  Executive Officers with those of the stockholders and provide
   each  such  individual  with  a  significant  incentive to manage the Company
   from  the  perspective  of  an owner with an equity stake in the Company. The
   decision  to  award  options  to  certain  officers  and the number of shares
   subject  to  each  such  option  grant  was based upon the officer's type and
   level  of  function,  criticality  of  function, contribution and performance
   against  objectives  as  described  above. The Committee considers the number
   of  options  already  held  by  executives  when  approving  new  options  to
   executives.  Each  option  grant  allows  the  officer  to  acquire shares of
   Common  Stock  at  a  fixed  price  per  share (the market price on the grant
   date)  over  a  specified  period  of  time (up to 7 years). Accordingly, the
   option  will  provide  a  return  to the executive officer only if the market
   price of the Common Stock appreciates over the option term.

     CEO  Compensation. The  annual  base  salary  for  1998  for  the Company's
President  and  Chief  Executive Officer, Mr. Hood, was established primarily on
the  basis  of  Mr.  Hood's  personal performance and the range of base salaries
paid to the chief executive officers of companies with comparable revenue


levels.  Mr.  Hood's  1998  salary was within the range of base salaries paid to
the  chief executive officers of comparable companies. The option grants made to
Mr.  Hood  which were based upon his position and a subjective evaluation of his
performance,  were  intended  to  place  a  significant  portion  of  his  total
compensation  at  risk,  since  the  options  will have no value unless there is
appreciation in the value of the Common Stock over the option term.

     The  annual  base  salary  for  1998 for the Company's former President and
Chief  Executive  Officer, Mr. Schwartz, was established using similar criteria.
Mr.  Schwartz  ceased  employment  as  President  and Chief Executive Officer in
March 1998.

     Deduction  Limit for Executive Compensation. Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended,  limits federal income tax deductions for
compensation  paid  after 1993 to the chief executive officer and the four other
most  highly  compensated  officers  of a public company to $1 million per year,
but  contains  an  exception  for  performance-based compensation that satisfies
certain  conditions.  The  Company  does  not believe that the components of the
Company's  compensation  will  be  likely  to exceed $1 million per year for any
executive  officer  in  the foreseeable future and, therefore, concluded that no
further  action  with respect to qualifying such compensation for federal income
tax  deductibility  was  necessary at this time. In the future, the Company will
continue  to  evaluate the advisability of qualifying its executive compensation
for  such  deductibility.  The  Company's  policy  is  to  qualify its executive
compensation for deductibility under applicable tax laws as practicable.

                                          The Human Resources Committee

                                          Joseph B. Reagan, Chairman
                                          Bruce J. Alexander
                                          Walter C. Sedgwick



     The  following  performance  graph assumes an investment of $100 on January
1,  1994  and  compares  the  changes  thereafter  in  the  market  price of the
Company's  common  stock  with  a  broad  market  index (Media General Financial
Services--Composite  Market  Value)  and an industry index (MGFS Group-- General
Building   Materials).   MGFS  no  longer  supports  the  industry  group  index
previously  used  for  comparison  (Other Building Materials) and the Company is
now  using  the  index  MGFS  Group--General  Building  Materials  for  industry
comparison.  The  Company  paid  no  dividends  during  the  periods  shown; the
performance  of  the  indexes is shown on a total return (dividend reinvestment)
basis.  The  graph lines merely connect fiscal year-end dates and do not reflect
fluctuations between those dates.

(The following  descriptive  data is supplied in accordance  with Rule 304(d) of
Regulation S-T)


                           1993       1994        1995       1996       1997       1998
                           ----       ----        ----       ----       ----       ----
 SOUTHWALL TECH.          100.00      78.57      121.43     178.57     200.00     128.57
MG INDUSTRY INDEX         100.00      95.27      120.42     144.68     158.80     181.31
 MG MARKET INDEX          100.00      99.17      128.58     155.28     201.64     246.49

                     ASSUMES $100 INVESTED ON JAN. 1, 1994
                          ASSUMES DIVIDEND REINVESTED
                        FISCAL YEAR ENDING DEC. 31, 1998

     The  Human  Resources  Committee  Report  on Executive Compensation and the
Comparison  of  Cumulative  Total Stockholder Return information above shall not
be  deemed  "soliciting  material"  or incorporated by reference into any of the
Company's  filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission by implication or
by any reference in any such filing to this Proxy Statement.


                                  PROPOSAL 2


     The   Board  has  selected  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  as  the  Company's
independent  accountant  for  the year ending December 31, 1999, and has further
directed that management submit the selec-tion  of  independent  accountants for
ratification  by  the stockholders at the Annual Meeting. PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP  has  audited the Company's financial statements since 1983. Representatives
of  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting,
will  have  an  opportunity  to  make  a statement if they so desire and will be
available to respond to appropriate questions.

     Stockholder  ratification of the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
the  Company's  independent accountants is not required by the Company's By-Laws
or   otherwise.   Nonetheless,   the   Board  is  submitting  the  selection  of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  to the stockholders for ratification as a matter of
good  corporate  practice.  In  the  event  the  stockholders fail to ratify the
selection,  the  Board  will reconsider whether to retain PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP.  Even  if the selection is ratified, the Board in its discretion may direct
the  appointment  of  a different independent accounting firm at any time during
the  year  if  the  Board  determines  that  such  a change would be in the best
interests  of  the  Company  and  its  stockholders. The affirmative vote of the
holders  of  a majority of the shares represented and voting at the meeting will
be required to ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

     The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a vote "FOR" the ratification of the
selection  of  Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP to serve as the Company's independent
accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999.


     Section  16(a)  of  the  1934  Act,  requires  the  Company's  officers and
directors  and persons who own more than ten percent of its common stock to file
reports  with  the Securities and Exchange Commission disclosing their ownership
of  stock  in  the Company and changes in such ownership. Copies of such reports
are  also  required  to be furnished to the Company. Based solely on a review of
the  copies  of  such  reports  received  by  it and the written representations
received  from  one  or  more  such  persons  that no annual Form 5 reports were
required  to  be filed by them for 1998, the Company believes that, during 1998,
all such filing requirements were complied with.


     Proposals  of  stockholders  intended  to  be  presented at the 2000 Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  must  be presented on or before December 31, 1999 for
inclusion  in  the  proxy  materials  relating  to that meeting and on or before
March  16,  2000 for matters to be considered timely such that, pursuant to Rule
14a-4  under  the  1934  Act,  the  Company  may  not exercise its discretionary
authority  to vote on such matters at that meeting. Any such proposals should be
sent  to  the Company at its principal offices addressed to the Secretary of the
Company.  Other  requirements  for  inclusion  are  set forth in Rules 14a-4 and
14a-8 under the 1934 Act.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The  Company  knows  of  no  other  business  that  may  be  presented  for
consideration  at  the  Annual  Meeting.  If  any  other  matters  are  properly
presented  to  the  Annual  Meeting, however, it is the intention of the persons
named  in  the  accompanying  proxy  card  to  vote,  or  otherwise  to  act, in
accordance with their best judgment on such matters.

     The  Company  will  bear  the  entire cost of proxy solicitation, including
costs  of  preparing, assembling, printing and mailing this Proxy Statement, the
proxy  card,  and  any  additional material furnished to stockholders. Copies of
the  solicitation  materials  will be furnished to brokerage houses, fiduciaries
and  custodians holding in their names shares of Common Stock beneficially owned
by  others  to  forward  to  such  beneficial  owners. The Company may reimburse
persons   representing  beneficial  owners  of  shares  for  their  expenses  in
forwarding  solicitation  materials  to  such  beneficial  owners.  The original
solicitation  of  proxies  by  mail  may be supplemented by telephone, telegram,
telefax  or  personal  solicitation  by  directors,  officers  or  other regular
employees  of the Company. No additional compensation will be paid to directors,
officers or other regular employees for such services.

     The  Board  hopes that Stockholders will attend the Annual Meeting. WHETHER
ENCLOSED  PROXY  IN  THE  ACCOMPANYING  ENVELOPE. A prompt response will greatly
facilitate   arrangements   for  the  meeting,  and  your  cooperation  will  be
appreciated.  Stockholders  who  attend the Annual Meeting may vote their shares
personally even though they have sent in their proxies.

By Order of the Board of Directors



Palo Alto, California
April 30, 1999


                                                                      APPENDIX A


                          SOUTHWALL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                         Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                                  May 24, 1999

     The undersigned hereby appoints Thomas G. Hood and Bill R. Finley, and each
of  them,  as  attorneys  and  proxies  of  the   undersigned,   with  power  of
substitution,  to vote all of the shares of stock of Southwall Technologies Inc.
(the  "Commpany")  which the  undersigned  may be entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company to be held at the  Company's  principal
executive offices at 1029 Corporation Way, Palo Alto, California on May 24, 1999
at 3:00 p.m. PDT, and at all  continuations,  and  adjournments or postponements
thereof,  with all of the powers the  undersigned  would  possess if  personally
present,  upon and in respect of the following  matters  and in accordance  with
the following  instructions,  with the  discretionary  authority as to all other
matters that may properly come before the meeting.

     Receipt  is  hereby  acknowledged  of  the  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders and Proxy Statement dated April 30, 1999 (the "Proxy Statement").



- --------------                                                   ---------------
 SEE REVERSE                                                       SEE REVERSE
- --------------                                                   ---------------

[X] Please mark
    votes as in
   this example.


1.   Election of Directors to hold office until the 2000 Annual Meeting of 
     Stockholders and until their successors are elected.

     Nominees: Bruce J. Alexander, Hideo Nakamori, Thomas G. Hood,
     Joseph B. Reagan, Walter C. Sedgwick and J. Larry Smart

             FOR                                       WITHHELD
             ALL    [  ]                         [  ]  FROM ALL
           NOMINEES                                    NOMINEES

     [  ]  ____________________________________________
            For all nominees except as noted above

                                                  FOR       AGAINST      ABSTAIN
2.   Ratification of the selection of             [  ]        [  ]         [  ]
     PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
     independent public accountants of
     the Company for fiscal year ending
     December 31, 1999.

3.   In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such
     other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting
     and at any adjournment or postponement thereof.


     Please sign exactly as your name appears hereon. If the stock is registered
     in the name of two or more  persons,  each  should  sign.  If  signer  is a
     corporation,  please give full  corporate  name and have a duly  authorized
     officer  sign stating  title.  If signer is a  partnership,  please sign in
     partnership names by authorized person.

Signature:____________________________________________    Date:_________________

Signature:____________________________________________    Date:_________________

                                                                   SKU 644 PS-99