For use by Domestic Profit Corporations

         Pursuant to the provisions  of Act 284, Public Acts
of 1972, the undersigned  corporation executes the following

1.       The present  name  of  the  Company  is:  Douglas &
Lomason Company

2.       The Company identification  number  assigned by the
Bureau is:   060-765

3.       All former names of the Company are:  None

4.       The  date  of  filing   the  original  Articles  of
Incorporation was:  October 9, 1902

         The following  Restated  Articles  of Incorporation
supersede the Articles of Incorporation as amended and shall
be the Articles of Incorporation for the Company:

                         ARTICLE I

The name of the Company is:

         Douglas & Lomason Company

                        ARTICLE II

The purpose or purposes for which the Company is formed are:

To buy, sell,  manufacture  all  kinds  of automobile parts,
machinery,  automotive  body  ornamentation  of  every kind,
nature or description; to manufacture, buy, sell and deal in
pressure  vessels,  metal  containers,  packaging machinery,
truck bodies, and any and all products of metal or any other
type of material;  to  acquire  or  use, convey, sell, rent,
lease, mortgage, pledge and deal in property, real, personal
or mixed, or any interest therein.   In general, to carry on
any business in  connection  therewith  and incident thereto
not forbidden by the laws of  the State of Michigan and with
all the powers conferred  upon  corporations  by the laws of
the State of Michigan.

                        ARTICLE III

         The total number of shares  of all classes of stock
which the  Company  shall  have  authority  to  issue  is as

         (A)  500,000 shares  of Preferred Stock without par
value (Preferred Stock); and

         (B)  10,000,000 shares  of  Common Stock of the par
value of $2.00 per share (Common Stock).

         The designations,  voting  powers,  preferences and
relative, participating, optional  or  other special rights,
and qualifications, limitations or restrictions of the above
classes  of  stock  and  other  general  provisions relating
thereto shall be as follows:

                          PART I
                      PREFERRED STOCK

         1.   The Board of Directors is expressly authorized
at any time,  and  from  time  to  time,  to provide for the
issuance of shares of Preferred Stock in one or more series,
and for such consideration or considerations as the Board of
Directors may determine,  with  such  voting powers, full or
limited,  or   without   voting   powers,   and   with  such
designations,  preferences   and   relative,  participating,
optional  or  other   special  rights,  and  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof,  as shall be stated and
expressed in the resolution or resolutions providing for the
issue thereof adopted by the  Board of Directors, all except
as  otherwise  required   by   law   or  these  Articles  of
Incorporation,  and  including   but  without  limiting  the
generality of the foregoing, the following:


              (a)  The distinctive designation and number of
shares comprising  such  series,  which  number  may (except
where  otherwise  provided  by  the  Board  of  Directors in
creating such series)  be  increased  or  decreased (but not
below the number of  shares  then  outstanding) from time to
time by action of the Board of Directors.

              (b)  The dividend rate or  rates on the shares
of such series and  the  relation which such dividends shall
bear to the dividends payable  on any other class of capital
stock or on any other  series  of Preferred Stock, the terms
and conditions upon  which  and  the  periods  in respect of
which dividends  shall  be  payable,  whether  and upon what
conditions  such  dividends  shall  be  cumulative  and,  if
cumulative, the date  or  dates  from  which dividends shall

              (c)  Whether the shares  of  such series shall
be redeemable, and,  if  redeemable,  whether redeemable for
cash, property or rights,  including securities of any other
corporation, at  the  option  of  either  the  holder or the
Company or upon  the  happening  of  a  specified event, the
limitations   and   restrictions   with   respect   to  such
redemption, the time or times  when,  the price or prices or
rate or rates at which,  the  adjustments with which and the
manner in which such  shares  shall be redeemable, including
the manner of selecting shares of such series for redemption
if less than all shares are to be redeemed.

              (d)  The rights to which the holders of shares
of such series shall  be  entitled,  and the preferences, if
any, over any other series (or of any other series over such
series),  upon  the  voluntary  or  involuntary liquidation,
dissolution, distribution  or  winding  up  of  the Company,
which rights may vary depending on whether such liquidation,
dissolution, distribution  or  winding  up  is  voluntary or
involuntary, and, if voluntary, may vary at different dates.

              (e)  Whether the shares  of  such series shall
be subject to  the  operation  of  a purchase, retirement or
sinking fund, and, if  so,  whether and upon what conditions
such  purchase,  retirement   or   sinking   fund  shall  be
cumulative or noncumulative,  the  extent  to  which and the
manner in which such fund  shall  be applied to the purchase
or redemption of the shares of such series for retirement or
to other corporate  purposes  and  the  terms and provisions
relative to the operation thereof.

              (f)  Whether the shares  of  such series shall
be convertible into or exchangeable  for shares of any other


class or of any other  series  of any class of capital stock
or other securities of the Company, or the securities of any
other corporation  or  entity,  and,  if  so  convertible or
exchangeable, the price or  prices  or  the rate or rates of
conversion or exchange and the  method, if any, of adjusting
the  same,  and  any  other  terms  and  conditions  of such
conversion or exchange.

              (g)  The voting  powers,  full and/or limited,
if any, of the shares of  such series, and whether and under
what conditions the shares of such series (alone or together
with the  shares  of  one  or  more  other  series) shall be
entitled to vote  separately  as  a  single  class, upon any
merger or consolidation or other transaction of the Company,
or upon any other  matter,  including without limitation the
election of one or more  additional directors of the Company
in case of dividend arrearages or other specified events.

              (h)  Whether the  issuance  of  any additional
shares of such series, or of any shares of any other series,
shall be subject to  restrictions  as  to issuance, or as to
the powers, preferences or rights of any such other series.

              (i)  Any  other  preferences,  privileges  and
powers  and  relative,   participating,  optional  or  other
special   rights,   and   qualifications,   limitations   or
restrictions of such series,  as  the Board of Directors may
deem advisable and  as  shall  not  be inconsistent with the
provisions of these Articles of Incorporation.

         2.   All  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  of  any one
series shall be of equal rank and identical in all respects,
except that shares  of  any  one  series issued at different
times may  differ  as  to  the  dates  from  which dividends
thereon, if cumulative, shall be cumulative.

         3.   Shares of Preferred Stock redeemed, converted,
exchanged, purchased, retired or surrendered to the Company,
or which have been issued and reacquired in any manner, may,
upon  compliance  with  any  applicable  provisions  of  the
Michigan Business Corporation  Act,  be  given the status of
authorized and unissued shares of Preferred Stock and may be
reissued by the Board of Directors  as part of the series of
which they were  originally  a  part  or may be reclassified
into and reissued as part of  a  new  series or as a part of
any other series, all  subject  to the protective conditions
or  restrictions  of  any  outstanding  series  of Preferred


                          PART II
                       COMMON STOCK

         1.   Except as  otherwise  required  by  law  or by
these Articles of Incorporation, each holder of Common Stock
shall have one vote for  each  share of Common Stock held by
the holder on  all  matters  voted  upon  by  the holders of
Common Stock.

         2.   Subject to  the  preferential dividend rights,
if any, applicable to shares  of Preferred Stock and subject
to applicable  requirements,  if  any,  with  respect to the
setting aside of  sums  for  purchase, retirement or sinking
funds for Preferred Stock, the holders of Common Stock shall
be entitled to receive, to the extent permitted by law, such
dividends as may be declared from  time to time by the Board
of Directors.

         3.   In the event  of  any liquidation, dissolution
or winding up of  the  Company,  the holders of Common Stock
shall be entitled, after  payment  or provisions for payment
of the debts and  other  liabilities  of the Company and the
amounts to which the holders of any Preferred Stock shall be
entitled, to share ratably  in  the  remaining net assets of
the Company.

                        ARTICLE IV

1.  The address of the current registered office is:  

    24600 Hallwood Court, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018

2.  The name of the current resident agent is:  

         Harry A. Lomason II

                         ARTICLE V

         The term of the corporate existence is perpetual.

                        ARTICLE VI

         (A)  Except as set forth  in  paragraph (B) of this
Article, the affirmative vote  or  consent of the holders of
not less than 80  percent  of  all  shares  of stock of this
company (the "Company")  entitled  to  vote  in elections of
directors, voting for purposes of this Article as one class,
shall be required:

              (1)  To  adopt  any   agreement   for,  or  to


approve, the merger or  consolidation  of the Company or any
subsidiary (as hereinafter defined)  with  or into any other
person (as hereinafter defined), or

              (2)  To authorize  any  sale, lease, transfer,
exchange, mortgage, pledge or other disposition to any other
person of all  or  substantially  all  of  the assets of the
Company or any subsidiary, or

              (3)  To authorize the  issuance or transfer by
the Company or any  subsidiary  of  any voting securities of
the Company or any subsidiary in exchange or payment for the
securities or assets of any other person,

if, in  any  such  case,  as  of  the  record  date  for the
determination of shareholders entitled to notice thereof and
to vote thereon or consent thereto, such other person is, or
at any time within the preceding twelve months has been, the
beneficial owner (as  hereinafter  defined)  of 5 percent or
more of  the  outstanding  shares  of  stock  of the Company
entitled to vote in elections  of  directors.  If such other
person is not,  and  has  not  been,  a 5 percent beneficial
owner, the provisions of this paragraph (A) shall not apply,
and the provisions of Michigan law shall apply.

         (B)  The  provisions  of   paragraph  (A)  of  this
Article shall not apply, and  the provisions of Michigan law
shall apply, to any transaction referred to in paragraph (A)
of this Article if:

              (1)  Prior to the time that such person became
the beneficial owner of 5 percent or more of the outstanding
shares of stock of the Company entitled to vote in elections
of directors, a  majority  of  the  directors of the Company
shall have approved a  memorandum of understanding with such
other person  setting  forth  the  principal  terms  of such
transaction and such transaction is substantially consistent
therewith, or

              (2)  Subsequent to the time such person became
the beneficial owner of 5 percent or more of the outstanding
shares of stock of the Company entitled to vote in elections
of directors, a majority of  the continuing directors of the
Company (as hereinafter  defined)  shall  have approved such
transaction, or

              (3)  Such transaction is with a corporation of
which a majority of the outstanding shares of all classes of
stock entitled to vote in elections of directors is owned of
record or beneficially by the Company and/or any subsidiary.


         (C)  The affirmative vote or consent of the holders
of not less than  80  percent  of  the outstanding shares of
stock of  the  Company  entitled  to  vote  in  elections of
directors, voting for purposes of this Article as one class,
shall be required  for  the  adoption  of  any  plan for the
dissolution of the Company  if  the Board of Directors shall
not have, by resolution, recommended to the shareholders the
adoption of such plan  for  dissolution  of the Company.  If
the Board of  Directors  shall  have  so  recommended to the
shareholders such plan for  dissolution  of the Company, the
provisions of Michigan law shall apply.

         (D)  For purposes of this Article:

              (1)  Any specified person  shall  be deemed to
be the beneficial owner  of  shares  of stock of the Company
(a)  which  such  specified  person  or  any  affiliates  or
associates of such  person  (as  such  terms are hereinafter
defined) owns, in whole or  in part, directly or indirectly,
whether of record or not, (b) which such specified person or
any affiliates or associates of such person has the right to
acquire  pursuant  to  any  agreement,  or  upon exercise of
conversion rights, warrants or options, or otherwise, or (c)
which  are  beneficially   owned,   directly  or  indirectly
(including  shares  deemed   owned  through  application  of
clauses (a) and (b) above),  by  any other person with which
such specified person  or  any  affiliates  or associates of
such person has any  agreement, arrangement or understanding
for the purpose of  acquiring,  holding, voting or disposing
of stock of the Company.

              (2)  an "affiliate" or "associate" are defined
as  set  forth  in  Rule  12b-2  of  the  General  Rules and
Regulations under the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934 as in
effect at  the  date  of  adoption  of  this  Article by the
shareholders of the Company;

              (3) a  "continuing  director"  shall  mean and
include a person who was a  member of the Board of Directors
of the Company on the  date  of  adoption of this Article by
the  shareholders  of  the  Company,  or  a  person  who was
thereafter  elected  a  director   of  the  Company  by  the
shareholders prior to the time that such person acquired a 5
percent  stock  ownership,  or  a  person  recommended  by a
majority of  the  then  continuing  directors  in  office to
succeed a continuing director;

              (4)  a "person" is any individual, corporation
or other entity;

              (5)  a  "subsidiary"  is  any  corporation  at


least 50  percent  of  the  voting  securities  of which are
owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company;

         (E)  For purposes of  determining  whether a person
owns beneficially  5  percent  or  more  of  the outstanding
shares of stock of the Company entitled to vote in elections
of directors, the outstanding shares of stock of the Company
shall include  shares  deemed  owned  through application of
clauses (a), (b), or (c) of paragraph (D)(1) above but shall
not include any other shares  which may be issuable pursuant
to any  agreement  or  upon  exercise  of conversion rights,
warrants or options, or otherwise.

         (F)  A majority of the  continuing directors of the
Board shall have the  power  and  duty  to determine for the
purposes of this Article, on  the basis of information known
to the Company, whether (a)  such person beneficially owns 5
percent or more of  the  outstanding  shares of stock of the
Company entitled to vote  in  elections  of directors, (b) a
person is an "affiliate"  or  "associate" (as defined above)
of the  person,  and  (c)  the  memorandum  of understanding
referred  to  above  is  substantially  consistent  with the
transaction covered thereby.    Any such determination shall
be conclusive and binding for all purposes of this Article.

         (G)  The  shareholders  of  the  Company  shall  be
entitled to statutory appraisal rights to the maximum extent
permissible   under   the   provisions   of   Michigan  law,
notwithstanding any  exception  otherwise  provided therein,
with respect to any  transaction  described in paragraph (A)
of this Article VI  which  requires  the affirmative vote of
the holders of not  less  than  80  percent of all shares of
stock of  the  Company  entitled  to  vote  in  elections of
directors pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph (A).

                        ARTICLE VII

         Notwithstanding  any  other   provisions  of  these
Articles of Incorporation:

         (A)  No   amendment    of    these    Articles   of
Incorporation shall alter,  amend,  modify  or repeal any or
all of the provisions of  Article  VI or this Article VII of
these Articles of  Incorporation  unless  so  adopted by the
affirmative vote or consent of  the holders of not less than
80 percent of the outstanding shares of stock of the Company
entitled to  vote  in  elections  of  directors,  voting for
purposes of this Article as one class; and

         (B)  The By-Laws of the  Company shall not be made,


altered,   amended,   supplemented   or   repealed   by  the
shareholders of the Company  except  by the affirmative vote
of  the  holders  of  not   less  than  80  percent  of  the
outstanding shares of stock of  the Company entitled to vote
in elections  of  directors,  voting  for  purposes  of this
Article  as  one  class.    Nothing  contained  herein shall
detract from the  authority  of  the  Board  of Directors to
make,  alter,  amend,  supplement   or  repeal  any  or  all
provisions of the By-Laws as provided therein.

                       ARTICLE VIII

         A director of the  Company  shall not be personally
liable to  the  Company  or  its  shareholders  for monetary
damages for breach of  fiduciary  duty as a director, except
for liability (i) for any  breach  of the director's duty of
loyalty to the Company or its shareholders, (ii) for acts or
omissions not  in  good  faith  or  that involve intentional
misconduct or a knowing violation  of law, (iii) a violation
of Section 551(1) of  the Michigan Business Corporation Act,
or (iv) for any transaction  from which the director derived
any improper personal  benefit.    If  the Michigan Business
Corporation  Act   is   amended   after   approval   by  the
shareholders of this provision to authorize corporate action
further eliminating or  limiting  the  personal liability of
directors, then the liability  of  a director of the Company
shall  be  eliminated  or  limited  to  the  fullest  extent
permitted by the  Michigan  Business  Corporation Act, as so

         Any  repeal  or   modification   of  the  foregoing
paragraph by  the  shareholders  of  the  Company  shall not
adversely affect any right  or  protection  of a director of
the  Company  existing  at  the   time  of  such  repeal  or


These Restated Articles  of  Incorporation were duly adopted
on the 17th day  of  February,  1994, in accordance with the
provisions of Section 642 of  the  Act and were duly adopted
by  the  Board   of   Directors   without   a  vote  of  the
shareholders.  These Restated Articles of Incorporation only
restate  and  integrate  and   do   not  further  amend  the
provisions of the  Articles  of  Incorporation as heretofore
amended and there is  no  material discrepency between those
provisions and the provisions of these Restated Articles.

              Signed this 17th day of February, 1994.
              Douglas & Lomason Company

              By /s/ Harry A. Lomason II
                 Harry A. Lomason II
                 Chairman of the Board and President

      Name of Person or Organization Remitting Fees:

        Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen & Freeman

      Preparer's  Name and Business Telephone Number:

                   Verne C. Hampton, II
                      (313) 223-3500
