Item 1 ICICI Limited Interim audited results of ICICI Limited for the three months ended June 30, 2000 as per Indian GAAP QUARTER QUARTER YEAR ENDED ENDED ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 JUNE 30, 1999 MARCH 31, 2000 ------------- ------------- -------------- 1 Net sales/income from operations 21,294.3 19,809.7 84,049.1 2 Other income 159.7 36.1 544.8 3 Total Expenditure(excluding Staff Cost) 1,705.6 1,301.8 6,568.3 4 Staff Cost 257.0 204.1 708.6 5 Interest (including interest tax and Expenses on Borrowings) 15,366.5 14,505.5 60,055.6 6 Depreciation 990.2 945.7 3,983.9 7 Profit before tax 3,134.7 2,888.7 13,277.5 8 Provision for taxation 260.0 270.0 1,220.0 9 Net Profit after tax 2,874.7 2,618.7 12,057.5 10 SEBI adjustments relating to change in accounting policies for corresponding previous periods - - - 11 Adjusted Profit after taxation 2,874.7 2,618.7 12,057.5 12 Profit after tax reported earlier 2,874.7 2,618.7 12,057.5 13 Adjustments relating to earlier years/change In accounting policies - - 405.4 14 Taxation earlier years - - 36.7 15 Profit for the period 2,874.7 2,618.7 12,499.6 16 Paid up Equity Share Capital Including Equity Share Capital Suspense 7,843.5 4,800.9 7,830.6 17 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves 75,184.8 49,166.6 72,394.7 18 Earning Per Share (Rs) @ 3.63 2.98 14.00 @ EPS for all periods has been calculated based on 785 million shares outstanding During the quarter, ICICI ePayments Ltd., a 100% subsidiary has been incorporated on April 10, 2000. The above results were taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 28, 2000. July 28, 2000 END