Form 20-F

               ------     OR (g) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

OR               X      ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF
               ------     THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the fiscal year ended                    31 December 2002
               ------     THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from
                                 ---------------  --------------------
Commission file number                            1 - 9266

                         NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK Plc
                   135 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3UR, England
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12 (b) of the

                                                      Name of each exchange
Title of each class                                    on which registered
- -------------------                                   --------------------

- -  Non-Cumulative Dollar Preference Shares of
    $25 each, Series B                               New York Stock Exchange
- -  American Depositary Shares, each representing
     one Non-Cumulative Dollar Preference Share
     of $25 each, Series B                           New York Stock Exchange
- -  Non-Cumulative Dollar Preference Shares of $25
     each, Series C                                  New York Stock Exchange
- -  American Depositary Shares, each representing
    one Non-Cumulative Dollar Preference Shares
    of $25 each, Series C                            New York Stock Exchange
- -  Exchangeable Capital Securities, Series A         New York Stock Exchange
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d)
of the Act.

     Guarantees relating to 9 3/8% Guaranteed Capital Notes due 15 November
     2003 of National Westminster Finance BV, payment of principal and interest
     guaranteed by National Westminster Bank Plc on a subordinated basis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer's classes of
capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual
  -  (pound)1 Ordinary shares                                 1,678,176,558
  -  Non-Cumulative Dollar Preference Shares of
       $25 each, Series B                                        10,000,000
  -  Non-Cumulative Dollar Preference Shares of
       $25 each, Series C                                        12,000,000
  -  9% Non-Cumulative Preference Shares of
       (pound)1 each, Series A                                  140,000,000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.          [X] YES      [_] NO

Indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected
to follow.                                         [_] Item 17  [X] Item 18

                         NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK Plc

                           ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 20-F
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002

Item       Item Caption                                                     Page
- ----       ------------                                                     ----

           Presentation of Information....................................   4


1          Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisers..........   *

2          Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable........................   *

3          Key Information................................................   6

                Selected financial data ..................................   6

                Capitalisation and indebtedness...........................   *

                Reasons for the offer and use of proceeds.................   *

                Risk factors..............................................   11

4          Information on the Bank........................................   12

                History and development of the Bank.......................   12

                Business overview.........................................   12

                Organisational structure..................................   18

                Property, plant and equipment.............................   18

5          Operating and Financial Review and Prospects...................   19

                Operating results.........................................   19

                Liquidity and capital resources...........................   52

                Research and development, patents, licences etc...........   *

                Trend information.........................................   52

6          Directors, Senior Management and Employees.....................   53

                Directors and senior management...........................   53

                Compensation..............................................   55

                Board practices...........................................   55

                Employees.................................................   57

                Share ownership...........................................   59

7          Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions..............   60

                Major shareholders........................................   60

                Related party transactions................................   62

                Interests of experts and counsel..........................   *

8          Financial Information..........................................   61

                Consolidated statements and other financial information...   61

                Significant changes.......................................   61

* Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an Annual Report, not
applicable to National Westminster Bank Plc or otherwise not included herein.


9          The Offer and Listing..........................................   62

                Offer and listing details.................................   62

                Plan of distribution......................................   *

                Markets...................................................   63

                Selling shareholders......................................   *

                Dilution..................................................   *

                Expenses of the issue.....................................   *

10         Additional Information.........................................   64

                Share capital.............................................   *

                Memorandum and articles of association....................   64

                Material contracts........................................   69

                Exchange controls.........................................   69

                Taxation..................................................   69

                Dividends and paying agents...............................   *

                Statement of experts......................................   *

                Documents on display......................................   73

                Subsidiary information....................................   *

11         Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure about Market Risk......   74

12         Description of Securities other than Equity Securities.........   *


13         Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies................   *

14         Material Modifications to the Rights of  Security Holders and
           Use of Proceeds................................................   *

15         Controls and Procedures........................................   85

16         Reserved.......................................................   *


17         Financial Statements...........................................   *

18         Financial Statements...........................................   86

19         Exhibits.......................................................  138

           Signature......................................................  139

           Certifications.................................................  140

* Not required because this Form 20-F is filed as an Annual Report, not
applicable to National Westminster Bank Plc or otherwise not included herein.



In this report, the term 'Bank' means National Westminster Bank Plc and
'NatWest Group' means the Bank and its subsidiary and associated undertakings.

National Westminster Bank Plc was a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of The Royal
Bank of Scotland Group plc until January 2003, when ownership of the entire
issued ordinary share capital was transferred to The Royal Bank of Scotland
plc. For the purpose of this report, the term 'RBS Group' means The Royal Bank
of Scotland Group plc and its subsidiary and associated undertakings and the
term the 'Royal Bank' refers to The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.

The Bank publishes its financial statements in pounds sterling ("(pound)" or
"sterling"). The abbreviations '(pound)m' and '(pound)bn' represent millions
and thousands of millions of pounds sterling, respectively, and references to
'pence' represent pence in the United Kingdom ("UK"). Reference to 'dollars' or
'$' are to United States of America ("US") dollars. The abbreviations '$m' and
'$bn' represent millions and thousands of millions of dollars, respectively,
and references to 'cents' represent cents in the US. The abbreviation '(euro)'
represents the 'euro', the European single currency and the abbreviations
'(euro)m' and '(euro)bn' represent millions and thousands of millions of euros,

Certain information in this report is presented separately for domestic and
foreign activities. Domestic activities primarily consist of UK domestic
transactions of NatWest Group. Foreign activities comprise NatWest Group's
transactions conducted through those offices in the UK specifically organised
to service international banking transactions and transactions conducted
through offices outside the UK.

The geographic analysis in the average balance sheet and interest rates,
changes in net interest income and average interest rates, yields, spreads and
margins in this report have been compiled on the basis of location of office -
UK and Overseas. Management believe that presentation on this basis provides
more useful information on the yields, spreads and margins of NatWest Group's
activities than would be provided by presentation on the basis of the domestic
and foreign activities analysis used elsewhere in this report as it more
closely reflects the basis on which NatWest Group is managed. 'UK' in this
context includes domestic transactions and transactions conducted through the
offices in the UK which service international banking transactions.

NatWest Group distinguishes its trading from non-trading activities by
determining whether a business unit's principal activity is trading or
non-trading and then attributing all of that unit's activities to one portfolio
or the other. Although this method may result in some non-trading activity
being classified as trading, and vice versa, NatWest Group believes that any
resulting misclassification is not material.

In this report, the terms 'UK GAAP' and 'US GAAP' refer to generally accepted
accounting principles ("GAAP") in the UK and the US respectively.


Forward-looking statements

Certain sections in this document contain 'forward-looking statements' as that
term is defined in the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995, such as statements that include the words 'expect', 'estimate',
'project', 'anticipate', 'should', 'intend', 'plan', 'probability', 'risk',
'Value-at-Risk ("VaR")', 'target', 'goal', 'objective', 'will', 'endeavour',
'outlook' and similar expressions or variations on such expressions.

In particular, this document includes forward-looking statements relating, but
not limited, to NatWest Group's potential exposures to various types of market
risks, such as interest rate risk, foreign exchange rate risk and commodity and
equity price risk. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. For
example, certain of the market risk disclosures are dependent on choices about
key model characteristics and assumptions and are subject to various
limitations. By their nature, certain of the market risk disclosures are only
estimates and, as a result, actual future gains and losses could differ
materially from those that have been estimated.

Other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those
estimated by the forward-looking statements contained in this document include,
but are not limited to: general economic conditions in the UK and in other
countries in which NatWest Group has significant business activities or
investments, including the United States; the monetary and interest rate
policies of the Bank of England, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System and other G-7 central banks; inflation; deflation; unanticipated
turbulence in interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates, commodity prices
and equity prices; changes in UK and foreign laws, regulations and taxes;
changes in competition and pricing environments; natural and other disasters;
the inability to hedge certain risks economically; the adequacy of loss
reserves; acquisitions or restructurings; technological changes; changes in
consumer spending and saving habits; and the success of NatWest Group in
managing the risks involved in the foregoing.

The forward-looking statements contained in this report speak only as of the
date of this report, and NatWest Group does not undertake to update any
forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date
hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

For a further discussion on certain risks faced by the NatWest Group, see Risk
Factors on page 11.


                            ITEM 3. KEY INFORMATION


The financial information set out below for the year ended 31 December 2002 and
each of the four years ended 31 December 2001, has been selected from the
audited Consolidated Financial Statements of NatWest Group for those years or,
where certain items are not shown in those audited Consolidated Financial
Statements, has been prepared for the purpose of this report. The information
should be read in conjunction with, and is qualified by reference to, the
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes thereto for the three years ended
31 December 2002 audited by independent chartered accountants, Deloitte &
Touche and for the two years ended 31 December 1999 audited by independent
chartered accountants, KPMG Audit Plc. The dollar financial information has
been translated for convenience at the rate of (pound)1.00 to $1.6095, the Noon
Buying Rate on 31 December 2002.

NatWest Group's Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared in accordance
with UK GAAP, which differs in certain material respects from US GAAP. For a
discussion of such differences and a reconciliation of net income and
consolidated shareholders' funds between UK GAAP and US GAAP, see Note 52 to
the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Summary consolidated profit and loss account                          2002       2002       2001        2000        1999       1998
                                                                      ----       ----       ----        ----        ----       ----
                                                                        $m   (pound)m   (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m   (pound)m
Amounts in accordance with UK GAAP (1):
Continuing operations
Net interest income                                                  6,653      4,134      3,921       3,675       3,620      3,686
Non-interest income                                                  5,730      3,560      3,703       3,818       3,895      4,118
Total income                                                        12,383      7,694      7,624       7,493       7,515      7,804
Operating expenses                                                  (7,394)    (4,594)    (4,525)     (5,259)     (5,074)    (5,429)
Profit before provisions                                             4,989      3,100      3,099       2,234       2,441      2,375
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                 (817)      (508)      (510)       (359)       (237)      (499)
Amounts written off fixed asset investments                            (13)        (8)        (6)        (14)        (23)       (28)
Write-down of finance leases                                             -          -          -           -           -        (55)
Operating profit                                                     4,159      2,584      2,583       1,861       2,181      1,793
Losses on termination of Equities operations                             -          -          -           -         (14)         -
Profit/(loss) on disposal of businesses                                  -          -          -         967         (14)       265
Profit before tax - continuing operations                            4,159      2,584      2,583       2,828       2,153      2,058
Discontinued operations
Profit on the disposal of interests in discontinued
  operations                                                             -          -          -          74         110         84
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                             4,159      2,584      2,583       2,902       2,263      2,142
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                (1,148)      (713)      (733)       (692)       (583)      (475)
Minority interests - equity                                             (8)        (5)        (5)         (9)        (11)       (24)
Profit for the financial year                                        3,003      1,866      1,845       2,201       1,669      1,643
Preference dividends - non-equity                                      (66)       (41)       (43)        (41)        (39)       (51)
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                         2,937      1,825      1,802       2,160       1,630      1,592

Amounts in accordance with US GAAP:
Net income available for ordinary shareholders                       3,626      2,253      2,142       2,743       1,637      1,627

(1)  All prior years have been restated following the implementation of FRS 19
     'Deferred Tax' in 2002.


Preference dividends
                                                                2002       2002        2001        2000        1999        1998
                                                                ----       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
                                                                  $m   (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m
Non-cumulative preference shares of(pound)1, Series A             21         13          13          13          13          12
Non-cumulative preference shares of US$25, Series A                -          -           -           -           -          10
Non-cumulative preference shares of US$25, Series B               22         13          14          13          12          11
Non-cumulative preference shares of US$25, Series C               26         15          16          15          14          13
Premium on redemption                                              -          -           -           -           -           5
                                                                  69         41          43          41          39          51

Ordinary dividends
                                                               2002        2002        2001        2000        1999        1998
                                                                ----       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
                                                                 $m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m
Interim                                                         314         195         399       3,973         219         201
Second interim                                                  805         500           -           -           -           -
Final                                                             -           -         400         600           -         412
Total                                                         1,119         695         799       4,573         219         613


Summary consolidated balance sheet
                                                             2002        2002        2001        2000        1999          1998
                                                             ----        ----        ----        ----        ----          ----
Amounts in accordance with UK GAAP (1):                        $m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m
Loans and advances to banks (net of provisions)            38,087      23,664      31,269      34,995       28,793       32,369
Loans and advances to customers (net of provisions)       180,460     112,122     100,618      98,824       88,998       78,962
Debt securities and equity shares                          28,831      17,913      21,208      34,239       39,844       37,896
Intangible fixed assets                                       533         331         284         186          540          639
Other assets                                               28,741      17,857      19,348      18,020       27,585       36,170
Total assets                                              276,652     171,887     172,727     186,264      185,760      186,036

Called up share capital                                     3,475       2,159       2,197       2,187        2,150        2,177
Share premium account                                       2,070       1,286       1,286       1,286        1,237        1,181
Other reserves                                                643         400         420         347          331          282
Profit and loss account                                     8,624       5,358       4,203       3,236        5,640        4,874
Shareholders' funds                                        14,812       9,203       8,106       7,056        9,358        8,514

Minority interests                                             76          47         110         103           96          147
Subordinated liabilities                                    9,549       5,933       6,396       6,904        7,541        5,162
Total capital resources                                    24,437      15,183      14,612      14,063       16,995       13,823

Deposits by banks                                          28,517      17,718      25,246      30,143       27,451       26,562
Customer accounts                                         179,422     111,477      99,951     109,722       98,117       96,294
Debt securities in issue                                      335         208       5,222       9,172       11,556       15,555
Other liabilities                                          43,941      27,301      27,696      23,164       31,641       33,802
Total liabilities                                         276,652     171,887     172,727     186,264      185,760      186,036

Amounts in accordance with US GAAP:

Shareholders' equity                                       14,751       9,165       8,042       6,487        8,063        7,767
Total assets                                              292,174     181,531     181,536     186,044      184,870      185,858

(1)  All prior years have been restated following the implementation of FRS 19
     in 2002.


Other financial data
Other financial data in accordance with                                  2002        2001         2000         1999         1998
UK GAAP (1):                                                             ----        ----         ----         ----         ----
Return on average total assets (2)                                      1.02%       0.95%        1.10%        0.86%        0.81%
Return on average ordinary shareholders' equity (3)                     21.9%       24.3%        26.6%        19.4%        20.4%
Average shareholders' equity as a percentage of average
  total assets                                                           4.9%        4.2%         4.3%         4.7%         4.3%
Risk asset ratio
     Tier 1                                                              8.9%        7.9%         7.1%         9.2%         8.3%
     Total                                                              13.0%       12.3%        12.2%        16.2%        13.2%
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and
  preference share dividends (4)
     Including interest on deposits                                      2.04        1.58         1.52         1.45         1.28
     Excluding interest on deposits                                      3.82        4.30         4.88         3.82         2.16
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges only (4)
     Including interest on deposits                                      2.07        1.60         1.53         1.47         1.29
     Excluding interest on deposits                                      4.00        4.56         5.16         4.05         2.24

Other financial data in accordance with US GAAP:

Return on average total assets (2)                                      1.18%       1.11%        1.40%        0.86%        0.83%
Return on average ordinary shareholders' equity (3)                     27.5%       30.5%        39.5%        22.6%        24.7%
Average shareholders' equity as a percentage of average
  total assets                                                           4.6%        3.9%         3.8%         4.1%         3.7%
Ratio of earnings to combined fixed charges and preference
  share dividends (4)
     Including interest on deposits                                      2.28        1.73         1.67         1.46         1.29
     Excluding interest on deposits                                      4.48        5.12         5.97         3.86         2.18
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges only (4)
     Including interest on deposits                                      2.32        1.75         1.68         1.46         1.29
     Excluding interest on deposits                                      4.69        5.42         6.32         4.03         2.24

(1)  All prior years have been restated following the implementation of FRS 19
     in 2002.
(2)  Return on average total assets represents profit attributable to ordinary
     shareholders as a percentage of average total assets.
(3)  Return on average ordinary shareholders' equity represents profit
     attributable to ordinary shareholders expressed as a percentage of average
     ordinary shareholders' equity.
(4)  For this purpose, earnings consist of income before taxes and minority
     interests, plus fixed charges less the unremitted income of associated
     undertakings (share of profits less dividends received). Fixed charges
     consist of total interest expense, including or excluding interest on
     deposits and debt securities in issue, as appropriate, and the proportion
     of rental expense deemed representative of the interest factor (one third
     of total rental expenses).


Exchange rates

Except as stated, the following table show, for the dates or periods indicated,
the Noon Buying Rate in New York for cable transfers in sterling as certified
for customs' purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (the 'Noon Buying

US dollars per(pound)1                       May         April          March       February        January       December
- ----------------------                      2003          2003           2003           2003           2003           2002
                                            ----          ----           ----           ----           ----           ----
Noon buying rate

High                                      1.6484        1.5971         1.6129         1.6480         1.6482         1.6095
Low                                       1.5930        1.5500         1.5624         1.5727         1.5975         1.5555

US dollars per(pound)1                                                             31 December
- ----------------------                              ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          2002           2001           2000           1999           1998
Noon buying rate
- ----------------
Year end rate                                           1.6095         1.4543         1.4955         1.6150         1.6628
Average rate for the year (1)                           1.5043         1.4396         1.5204         1.6144         1.6602

Consolidation rate (2)
- ----------------------
Year end rate                                           1.6128         1.4498         1.4925         1.6165         1.6585
Average rate for the year                               1.5032         1.4401         1.5160         1.6178         1.6576

(1)  The average of the Noon Buying Rates on the last business day of each
     month during the year.
(2)  The rates used by NatWest Group for translating dollars into sterling in
     the preparation of its consolidated financial statements.
(3)  On 11 June 2003, the Noon Buying Rate was(pound)1.00 = $1.6675.



Set out below are certain risk factors, which could affect NatWest Group's
future results and cause them to be materially different from expected results.
NatWest Group's results could also be affected by competition and other
factors. The factors discussed in this report should not be regarded as a
complete and comprehensive statement of all potential risks and uncertainties.

The financial performance of NatWest Group is affected by borrower credit
quality and general economic conditions, in particular in the UK. Risks arising
from changes in credit quality and the recoverability of loans and amounts due
from counterparties are inherent in a wide range of NatWest Group's businesses.
Adverse changes in the credit quality of the NatWest Group's borrowers and
counterparties or a general deterioration in UK or global economic conditions,
or arising from systemic risks in the financial systems, could affect the
recoverability and value of NatWest Group's assets and require an increase in
the provision for bad and doubtful debts and other provisions.

Changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices and other
market factors affect NatWest Group's business. The most significant market
risks NatWest Group faces are interest rate, foreign exchange and bond and
equity price risks. Changes in interest rate levels, yield curves and spreads
may affect the interest rate margin realised between lending and borrowing
costs. Changes in currency rates, particularly in the sterling-dollar and
sterling-euro exchange rates, affect the value of assets and liabilities
denominated in foreign currencies and affect earnings reported by NatWest
Group's non-UK subsidiaries and may affect income from foreign exchange
dealing. The performance of financial markets may cause changes in the value of
NatWest Group's investment and trading portfolios. NatWest Group has
implemented risk management methods to mitigate and control these and other
market risks to which NatWest Group is exposed. However, it is difficult to
predict with accuracy changes in economic or market conditions and to
anticipate the effects that such changes could have on NatWest Group's
financial performance and business operations.

Operational risks are inherent in the Group's business. NatWest Group's
businesses are dependent on the ability to process a very large number of
transactions efficiently and accurately. Operational risk and losses can result
from fraud, errors by employees, failure to document transactions properly or
to obtain proper internal authorisation, failure to comply with regulatory
requirements and Conduct of Business rules, equipment failures, natural
disasters or the failure of external systems, for example, NatWest Group's
suppliers or counterparties. Although NatWest Group has implemented risk
controls and loss mitigation actions, and substantial resources are devoted to
developing efficient procedures and to staff training, it is only possible to
be reasonably, but not absolutely, certain that such procedures will be
effective in controlling each of the operational risks faced by NatWest Group.

Each of NatWest Group's businesses is subject to substantial regulation and
regulatory oversight. Any significant regulatory developments could have an
effect on how NatWest Group conducts its business and on NatWest Group's
results of operations. NatWest Group is subject to financial services laws,
regulations, administrative actions and policies in each location in which
NatWest Group operates. This supervision and regulation, in particular in the
UK, if changed could materially affect NatWest Group's business, the products
and services offered or the value of assets.

NatWest Group's future growth in earnings and shareholder value depends on
strategic decisions regarding organic growth and potential acquisitions.
NatWest Group devotes substantial management and planning resources to the
development of strategic plans for organic growth and identification of
possible acquisitions, supported by substantial expenditure to generate growth
in customer business. If these strategic plans do not meet with success,
NatWest Group's earnings could grow more slowly or decline.


                        ITEM 4. INFORMATION ON THE BANK


National Westminster Bank Plc is a public limited company registered in England
and Wales No. 929027. The registered office and principal office of the Bank is
135 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3UR (telephone 020-7375-5000). The Bank's website
address is

NatWest Group is a diversified financial services group engaged in a wide range
of banking, financial and finance-related activities in the UK and
internationally. NatWest Group's operations are principally centred in the UK.

The Bank is a major UK clearing bank. The Bank was incorporated in England in
1968 and was formed from the merger of National Provincial Bank Limited and
Westminster Bank Limited, which had themselves been formed through a series of
mergers involving banks with origins dating back to the 17th century.

National Westminster Bank Plc was a wholly owned direct subsidiary of The Royal
Bank of Scotland Group plc until 31 January 2003 when ownership of the entire
issued ordinary share capital was transferred to the Royal Bank. At the same
date the Bank transferred ownership of its wholly owned subsidiary, Lombard
North Central PLC to the Royal Bank.


National Westminster Bank Plc was acquired by The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
plc on 6 March 2000 and since then it has operated and been managed as a member
of the overall RBS Group. As part of the integration of NatWest Group in the
RBS Group a number of businesses and assets have been transferred between
NatWest Group and the Royal Bank to bring together similar operations and
functions. In the RBS Group, all new large corporate relationships are
domiciled in the Royal Bank. In retail banking in the UK, RBS Group has
retained and promotes both the NatWest and the Royal Bank brands, which compete
with each other.

A central Manufacturing function provides services to entities in the RBS
Group. Allocations of manufacturing costs are made on appropriate basis to
individual legal entities, including NatWest.

At 31 December 2002, NatWest Group had total assets of (pound)171.9 billion and
shareholders' funds of (pound)9.2 billion.

The RBS Group operates on an integrated basis through a divisional structure.
The divisions relevant to the NatWest Group are Corporate Banking and Financial
Markets, Retail Banking, Retail Direct, Manufacturing, Wealth Management,
Ulster Bank and the Centre. A description of each of these business activities
is given below.

Corporate Banking and Financial Markets

Corporate Banking and Financial Markets ("CBFM") provides an integrated range
of products and services to mid-sized and large corporate and institutional
customers in the UK and overseas, including corporate and commercial banking,
treasury and capital markets products, structured and leveraged finance, trade
finance and leasing.

Financial Markets provides corporate and institutional customers with treasury
services, including global interest rate derivatives trading, bond origination
and trading, sovereign debt trading, futures brokerage, foreign exchange, money
market, currency derivative and rate risk management services. It also engages
in similar activities for its own account, and provides treasury services
support to NatWest Group. RBS Greenwich Capital, with headquarters in
Connecticut, delivers debt market solutions tailored to meet the needs of
companies and institutions around the world.

On 1 January 2002, Ulster Bank's leasing business was transferred to CBFM and
in May 2002, Lombard, the leasing arm of CBFM, completed the acquisition of
Dixon Motors PLC, one of the UK's largest car dealerships.

Retail Banking

Retail Banking provides a wide range of banking, insurance and related
financial services to individuals and small businesses. These services are
delivered from branches throughout Great Britain and through the telephone,
ATMs and the internet.

In the personal banking market, Retail Banking offers money transmission,
savings and loan facilities. In the small business banking market, Retail
Banking provides a range of services which includes money transmission and cash
management, short, medium and long-term finance and retail and wholesale
deposit-taking products.

As at 31 December 2002, the Bank had 1,642 branches in the UK.


Retail Direct

Retail Direct issues a comprehensive range of credit, charge and debit cards to
personal and corporate customers and engages in merchant acquisition and
processing facilities for retail businesses. It also includes Lombard Direct
and the Comfort Card businesses in Europe, both of which offer products to
customers through direct channels.


Manufacturing supports the customer facing businesses of both the Bank and the
Royal Bank, mainly CBFM, Retail Banking and Retail Direct, and provides
operational technology, customer support in telephony, account management and
money transmission, global purchasing, property and other services. Appropriate
charges are made to both the Bank and the Royal Bank.

Wealth Management

Wealth Management comprises the Coutts Group, which focuses on private banking.
In September 2002, Wealth Management sold a 50% interest in NatWest
Stockbrokers Limited to TD Waterhouse, part of Toronto Dominion Bank of Canada.

Ulster Bank

Ulster Bank provides a comprehensive range of retail and wholesale financial
services in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Retail Banking has a
network of branches throughout Ireland and operates in the personal, commercial
and wealth management sectors. Corporate Banking and Financial Markets provides
a wide range of services in the corporate and institutional markets. On 1
January 2002, Ulster Bank's leasing business was transferred to CBFM.

The Centre

The Centre comprises group and corporate functions, which provide services to
the operating divisions.


The Bank and its subsidiaries are subject to intense competition in all aspects
of their business. In the UK, the Bank's principal competitors are other
clearing banks, building societies (which are similar to savings and loans
associations in the US) and the other major international banks.

Competition to serve corporate and institutional customers in the UK remains
strong. In addition to the UK clearing bank groups, large US and European
financial institutions are also active and offer combined investment and
commercial banking capabilities. The capital markets continue to innovate and
provide a broad range of financing and risk management solutions for corporate
customers. In asset finance, Lombard competes with both banks and specialised
asset finance providers.

In the small business banking market, NatWest Group competes with other UK
clearing bank groups, with specialised finance providers and building
societies. During 2002, competition within small business banking remained
strong as former building societies continued to develop their offerings.

In the personal banking market, competition remains intense. In addition to UK
banks and building societies, major retailers, life assurance companies and
internet-only players are active in the market.

The UK credit card market is highly competitive. Major retailers, utilities and
specialist card issuers, including the major US operators, are active in the
market in addition to UK banks and building societies. Competition is across a
range of dimensions, including aggressive pricing, loyalty and reward schemes
and packaged benefits. In addition to physical distribution channels, providers
compete through direct marketing activity and increasingly, the internet.

Coutts Group competes as a private bank with UK clearing and private banks and
with international private bankers. Difficult market conditions have seen some
retrenchment of competitive activity, particularly in the 'mass-affluent'

In Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Ulster Bank competes in retail
and commercial banking with the major Irish banks and building societies, and
with other UK and international banks and building societies active in the
market. Competition is intensifying as both UK and Irish institutions seek to
expand their businesses.

In the United States, NatWest Group competes through RBS Greenwich Capital and
NatWest branches, in large corporate lending and specialised finance markets,
and in fixed-income trading and sales. Competition is principally with the
large US commercial and investment banks and international banks active in the


Monetary policy

NatWest Group's earnings are affected by domestic and global economic
conditions. The policies of the UK government, and of governments in other
countries in which NatWest Group operates, also have an impact.

The UK government sets an inflation target, which the Chancellor of the
Exchequer confirmed in his April 2003 Budget would remain at 2.5%, measured by
retail price inflation excluding mortgage interest payments (RPIX). From
November 2003, however, the UK inflation target will be measured against the
harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP), in line with other European
countries, as announced in the Chancellor's euro statement on 9 June 2003. The
level of the new HICP inflation target has not yet been set, but for the
members of European Monetary Union is currently set at 2%.

The Bank of England has operational independence in setting the repo rate to
achieve the inflation target. The Bank was given independence by the Chancellor
in 1997, with the aim of making monetary policy free from political influence,
and therefore more stable and credible. The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee
("MPC") meets each month to agree any change to interest rates, and the minutes
of these meetings are published two weeks later. One-off meetings can also be
held in exceptional circumstances - for example, when UK interest rates were
cut by a quarter point following the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. In
response to the downturn in the global economy and the terrorist attacks, the
Bank of England, along with other major central banks around the world, cut
rates sharply in 2001. Rates remained at exceptionally low levels throughout
2002, and were reduced again in February 2003, reflecting the uncertain nature
of the global and domestic economic circumstances.

The value of sterling is also important for UK monetary conditions. The
monetary authorities do not have an exchange rate target, but concerns over the
strength of sterling have played a role in the MPC's monthly debates in the
past. A feature of recent months has been the sharp depreciation of the US
dollar against the euro. In this context, sterling has also weakened against
the euro, falling to its lowest level since the single currency was first
introduced in 1999.

European Economic and Monetary Union ("EMU")

The new European single currency, the euro, came into being on 1 January 1999.
The third stage of EMU started on schedule on 1 January 1999. During the course
of 1998, it was determined that eleven countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland,
France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and
Spain) would participate. The UK, along with Denmark, exercised its right to
opt out at that stage, and Sweden also determined not to be part of this first

On 31 December 1998, the European Currency Unit (the "ECU") was replaced by the
euro on the international currency markets, on a one-for-one basis. The rates
for the euro against other international currencies were based upon the
official closing rates for the ECU. The bilateral rates for the legacy
currencies of the participating states were derived from their rates within the
Exchange Rate Mechanism and the closing value of the ECU. These rates, between
the legacy currencies and between these currencies and the euro, were fixed as
of 1 January 1999. The euro became the formal currency for all eleven
then-participating states.

Euro notes and coins were introduced into circulation on 1 January 2002 in
accordance with the Maastricht Treaty, which required that legacy currency
notes and coins be withdrawn by 30 June 2002. Also on 1 January 1999, the
European Central Bank ("ECB") assumed responsibility for the operation of
monetary policy throughout the euro zone. The ECB sets one short-term interest
rate to cover all twelve countries.

The UK government continues to support EMU entry in principle, but has decided
the UK will not adopt the single currency until it is in the UK's economic
interests, with a positive referendum vote. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has
laid down five key economic conditions for UK participation. An assessment of
these five tests took place in June 2003, resulting in the publication of the
Treasury's assessment, the 18 supporting EMU studies, and a 3rd outline
National Changeover Plan. While indicating that these five economic tests have
yet to be fully met, the government has set out a programme of economic reforms
and structural assessments necessary to achieve readiness for entry. The
Chancellor will make a progress statement in Budget 2004, at which point he
will decide whether to undertake a further assessment of the entry tests.

RBS Group continues to co-operate with the UK government, and to work within
the financial sector, to develop thinking and plans regarding a range of
practical issues that would arise if the UK were to decide to enter EMU.

Uncertainty continues on the likelihood and timing of the euro being introduced
in the UK. It is not possible to estimate with any degree of certainty the
ultimate cost of making systems and operations fully compliant. Expenditure in
the year ended 31 December 2002 in preparation for the possible introduction of
the euro in the UK was minimal.


Supervision and regulation

1 United Kingdom

1.1 The regulatory regime applying to the UK financial services industry
The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA 2000"), containing a new
integrated legislative framework for the regulation of most of the UK financial
services industry, was implemented at the end of 2001 and the Financial
Services Authority (the "FSA") was established by the Government as the single
statutory regulator responsible for the regulation of deposit taking, insurance
and investment business in the UK.

Under the FSMA 2000, businesses require the FSA's permission to undertake
specified types of activities including carrying out contracts of insurance;
managing, dealing in or advising on, investments; accepting deposits; and
issuing electronic money. Detailed regulatory requirements are contained in a
Handbook published by the FSA.

The FSA's statutory objectives are to maintain confidence in, and to promote
public understanding of, the UK financial system; to secure an appropriate
degree of consumer protection; and to reduce the scope for financial crime. In
achieving these, the FSA must take account of certain "principles of good
regulation" which include recognising the responsibilities of regulated firms'
own management, facilitating innovation and competition and acting
proportionately in imposing burdens on the industry.

1.2 Authorised firms in the NatWest Group
A number of companies in NatWest Group undertake banking and investment
business, and are authorised and regulated to conduct business in the UK by the

As at 31 December 2002, the FSA supervised the banking business of eight banks
in NatWest Group, including National Westminster Bank Plc, Coutts & Co, Lombard
North Central PLC and Ulster Bank Limited.

Investment management business is principally undertaken by companies in the
Wealth Management Division, including Coutts & Co Investment Management

1.3 The FSA's regulatory approach and supervisory standards
The regulatory regime focuses on the risks to the FSA attaining its statutory
objectives and uses the full range of regulatory tools (including the
authorisation of firms, rule-making, supervision, investigation and
enforcement) available to the FSA. It is founded on a risk based, integrated
approach to regulation.

The FSA can request information from, and give directions to, authorised firms.
It may also require authorised firms to provide independent reports prepared by
professionals, relating to issues such as the accuracy of accounting records
and the adequacy of internal controls.

The FSA can exercise indirect control over the holding companies of authorised
firms via its statutory powers to object to persons who are, or who intend to
become, "controllers" of these firms.

Given the number of authorised firms in NatWest Group and the range and
complexity of business undertaken by these firms, they have been subject to a
comprehensive risk assessment by the FSA. Generally, authorised firms in
NatWest Group are subject to direct and on-going supervision by the FSA.

Setting standards for firms
The FSA carries out the prudential supervision and conduct of business
regulation of all authorised firms (although currently the application of its
conduct of business rules to banking business and general insurance business is

Prudential supervision includes monitoring the adequacy of a firm's management,
its financial resources and internal systems and controls. Firms are required
to submit regular returns to the FSA which provide material for supervisory
assessment. Currently, different prudential requirements apply to different
sectors of the financial services industry. These requirements are set out in
separate Prudential Sourcebooks issued by the FSA for each part of the
industry. These requirements are being reviewed by the FSA and an Integrated
Prudential Sourcebook (aimed at applying a more harmonised and consistent
approach to prudential regulation across the industry) is expected to be
implemented in stages, from mid 2004 until the end of 2006.


Many of the standards relating to the capital which firms must hold to absorb
losses arising from risks to its business are determined by EC legislation or
are negotiated internationally. The current capital adequacy regime requires
firms to maintain certain levels of capital, of certain specified types (or
tiers), against particular business risks. The 1988 Basel Capital Accord is
currently being reviewed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and a
new set of capital adequacy proposals have been issued by the Bank for
International Settlements which have become known as "Basel II". These are
currently scheduled for implementation in the UK in January 2006. These new
proposals are based around the three principles or "Pillars" of Minimum Capital
Requirements (Pillar 1), Supervisory Review (Pillar 2) and Market Discipline
(Pillar 3). The proposed new framework represents a fundamental change to the
current capital adequacy regime and will have wide ranging consequences for the
Group and the banking industry as a whole. These changes will affect all
"internationally active banks". In addition, the Conglomerates Directive, to be
implemented in the UK in 2004, will affect the way in which financial groups
falling within the description of "financial conglomerates" assess solvency and
capital adequacy on a consolidated basis.

In its supervisory role, the FSA sets requirements relating to matters such as
consolidated supervision, capital adequacy, liquidity, large exposures, and the
adequacy of accounting procedures and controls.

Banks are required to set out their policy on "large exposures" and to inform
the FSA of this. The policy must be reviewed annually and any significant
departures must be discussed with the FSA. Large exposures must be monitored
and controlled.

Firms must also meet standards relating to their senior management arrangements
and internal systems and controls and must comply with rules designed to reduce
the scope for firms to be used for money laundering. During 2002, the FSA
concentrated on its objective to reduce financial crime and, given the
international focus, this emphasis will continue for the foreseeable future.
Additionally, the UK Government has implemented further legislation relating to
the prevention of money laundering, over the course of the past 12 months.

In regulating the conduct of authorised firms, the FSA has set out 11
Principles for Businesses. These reflect the FSA's regulatory objectives and
are a general statement of the fundamental obligations of authorised firms
under the regulatory system. In addition, the FSA has prescribed detailed
Conduct of Business Rules essentially governing key aspects of firms'
relationships with customers, such as the provision of clear and adequate
information, managing conflicts of interest and recommending products suitable
to the needs of customers. The marketing of financial products (particularly
investment products) is subject to detailed requirements.

The FSA's Conduct of Business Rules currently require certain authorised
regulated firms in the Group to determine whether to market the "packaged
products" (i.e. personal pensions, life assurance, collective investment
schemes and investment trust savings schemes) of only one company or group, or
to become an independent intermediary, providing customers with advice across a
broader range of products (this is called the "polarisation regime" and was
introduced as a consumer protection mechanism). A group of persons allied
together for purposes of marketing packaged products is referred to as a
"marketing group".

For marketing purposes, currently, NatWest Group companies are members of the
NatWest and Gartmore Marketing Group. The Bank and its subsidiary, Ulster Bank
Limited market the packaged products of the NatWest and Gartmore Marketing
Group through their branches and, under the Rules, neither the Bank nor its
subsidiary Ulster Bank Limited are permitted to advise on packaged products
more generally. Independent advice is available to customers through the Royal
Bank of Scotland Group Independent Financial Services Limited.

Recognising both the substantial anti-competitive effects of the polarisation
regime and the fact that it actually generates little consumer benefits, the
FSA has conducted a review and expects to introduce substantial changes to the
regime in 2003/2004.


Focus on customers
An important element of securing an appropriate degree of consumer protection
is ensuring that suitable arrangements are made for dealing with customer
complaints. Firms are required to establish appropriate internal complaint
handling procedures and to report complaints statistics to the FSA. Where
agreement cannot be reached between the firm and the customer, the issue can be
referred for independent assessment to a complaints scheme run by the Financial
Ombudsman Service.

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (financed by levies on regulated
firms) is available to provide compensation up to certain limits if a firm
collapses owing money to investors, depositors or policyholders.

1.4 Enforcement
Where appropriate, the FSA may discipline and/or prosecute for breaches of the
legislative or regulatory requirements. It works closely with the criminal
authorities and uses both civil and criminal powers. It can withdraw a firm's
authorisation, discipline firms and individuals, prosecute for various offences
and require funds to be returned to customers.

The FSA also has powers under certain consumer legislation to take action
against regulated firms to address unfair terms in financial services consumer

1.5 Extension of the FSA's responsibilities
From the end of October 2004, the scope of the FSA's responsibilities will be
widened to cover the regulation and supervision of mortgage lending and
administration, the selling of mortgages and the provision of mortgage advice
and from January 2005, the regulation of insurance mediation services (i.e.
selling and administration of insurance products). The regulatory regimes for
these are being devised and are to be finalised in 2003. All of these types of
activities are undertaken by companies in NatWest Group and this extension of
the scope of statutory regulation will significantly impact on how the relevant
businesses operate in the future.

1.6 Other relevant UK agencies and Government departments
Consumer credit issues are covered by the Department of Trade and Industry
("DTI") and the Office of Fair Trading ("OFT") and competition issues are dealt
with by the OFT. The business of granting consumer credit is heavily regulated.
The DTI also has responsibility for company law matters. The consumer credit
legislation and aspects of company law are currently being reviewed, both at
national and at EU levels and changes are expected.

2. United States
The Bank maintains a branch in the United States and consequently its
operations are subject to regulation under the US Bank Holding Company Act of
1956, as amended (the "BHCA"), by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (the "Board"). The BHCA generally prohibits the Bank from acquiring,
directly or indirectly, the ownership or control of more than 5% of the voting
shares of any company engaged in non-banking activities in the United States
unless the Board has determined, by order or regulation, that such activities
are so closely related to banking or managing or controlling banks as to be a
proper incident thereto. In addition, the BHCA requires the Bank to obtain the
prior approval of the Board before acquiring, directly or indirectly, the
ownership or control of more than 5% of the voting shares of any US bank or
bank holding company. Although the US Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 permits
bank holding companies that have met certain eligibility criteria and elected
to become 'financial holding companies' to engage in a significantly broader
range of non-banking activities than those described above, the Bank has not
elected to become a financial holding company.

The Bank's US subsidiaries, and the Bank's US offices, are subject to direct
supervision and regulation by various other federal and state authorities. The
Bank's New York branch is supervised by the New York Banking Department. The
Bank's US securities affiliates are subject to regulation and supervision by
the Securities and Exchange Commission.



Until January 2003, the Bank was a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of The Royal
Bank of Scotland Group plc ("the holding company"), which is incorporated in
Great Britain and has its registered office at 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh
EH2 2YB. The principal subsidiary undertakings of NatWest Group and their
activities are detailed in note 19.

On 31 January 2003, ownership of the Bank's entire issued ordinary share
capital was transferred to the Royal Bank, which is also a wholly owned
subsidiary of the holding company.

The NatWest Group's properties include its principal office in London at 135

Freehold and long leasehold properties are revalued on a rolling basis, each
property being valued at least once every five years. Interim valuations
outwith the five year cycle are carried out on properties where there is an
indication that its value has changed significantly, given market conditions.
Any increase or deficit on revaluation is reflected in the carrying value of
premises at that time. Any impairment in the value of premises where there is a
clear consumption of economic benefits is charged in full to the profit and
loss account. Other impairments of premises are charged to the profit and loss
account after eliminating any previous revaluation surplus on the premises. Any
profit from the sale of revalued premises is calculated by deducting the
revalued amount from the net proceeds. The revaluation of premises at 31
December 2002 resulted in a (pound)22 million decrease in property revaluation

Total capital expenditure on premises, computers and other equipment for the
year ended 31 December 2002 was (pound)123 million (2001 - (pound)135 million;
2000 - (pound)234 million).


The UK Government has accepted the recommendations of the Competition
Commission ("CC") in respect of its inquiry into the UK market for small
business banking.

The CC published its report on the supply of banking services by clearing banks
to small and medium sized enterprises ("SMEs") in March 2002. The report
recommended a number of pricing and behavioural remedies. RBS Group has
implemented the pricing remedies with effect from 1 January 2003. In line with
undertakings given by RBS Group and three other major clearing banks to the
OFT, NatWest Group's SME customers have been offered the choice of either
receiving interest on current accounts at a prescribed rate or free core money
transmission services. RBS Group, along with seven other clearing banks, has
also given undertakings to implement the behavioural remedies. These
behavioural remedies include measures to achieve speedy and error free
switching of accounts between banks, unbundling of services and improving
market information and transparency.



Critical accounting policies
The reported results of NatWest Group are sensitive to the accounting policies,
assumptions and estimates that underlie the preparation of its financial
statements. NatWest Group's principal accounting policies are set out on pages
93 to 95. UK company law and accounting standards require the directors, in
preparing the NatWest Group's financial statements, to select suitable
accounting policies, apply them consistently and make judgements and estimates
that are reasonable and prudent. Where UK GAAP allows a choice of policy,
Financial Reporting Standard ("FRS") 18 'Accounting Policies' requires an
entity to adopt those policies judged to be most appropriate to its particular
circumstances for the purpose of giving a true and fair view.

The judgements and assumptions involved in NatWest Group's accounting policies
that are most important to the portrayal of its financial condition are
discussed below. The use of estimates, assumptions or models that differ from
those adopted by the NatWest Group would affect its reported results.

Loans and advances - provisions for bad and doubtful debts
NatWest Group provides for losses existing in its lending book so as to state
its loan portfolio at its expected ultimate net realisable value. Specific
provisions are established against individual exposures and the general
provision covers advances impaired at the balance sheet date but which have not
been identified as such. For exposures that are individually assessed, the
specific provision is determined from a review of the financial condition of
the counterparty and any guarantor and takes into account the value of any
security. For certain portfolios of homogeneous loans, specific provisions are
established on a portfolio basis, based on historical loss experience and the
level of arrears. The general provision is assessed in the light of general
economic conditions, the size and diversity of NatWest Group's portfolio, a
review of internal credit risk classifications and the scope of specific
provisioning procedures.

The determination of NatWest Group's specific and general bad debt provisions
involves numerous estimates and judgements. These include the identification of
deteriorating loans, the amounts and timing of loan cash flows and the
realisable value of collateral.

Loans and advances - recognition of interest income
Interest is accrued on loans and advances unless its receipt is in significant
doubt. Doubtful interest is not credited to the profit and loss account but to
an interest in suspense account. Interest is not accrued on loans that have
been written off.

Fair value
Securities and derivatives held for trading purposes are carried at fair value
with changes in this value reflected in the profit and loss account. Fair
values are based on quoted market prices where available. If quoted prices are
not available for an instrument, fair value is determined from market prices
for its components using appropriate pricing models. Where NatWest Group's
position is of such a size that the price obtainable would be materially
different from the quoted price, the quoted price is adjusted based on
management's estimate of the price that NatWest Group would realise from the
holding in current market conditions. Where instruments such as
over-the-counter derivatives are valued using pricing models, the value of the
instrument and changes in that value are affected by the model and its
underlying assumptions.

NatWest Group capitalises acquired goodwill and amortises it over its useful
economic life. Under UK GAAP, there is a rebuttable presumption that the useful
economic life of purchased goodwill is limited and does not exceed 20 years
from the date of acquisition.

Accounting developments
The Group has implemented FRS 19 'Deferred Tax' which requires recognition of
deferred tax assets and liabilities on all timing differences, with specified
exceptions. Previously, provision was made for deferred tax only to the extent
that timing differences were expected to reverse and the deferred tax liability
crystallise in the foreseeable future. The effect of adopting the new policy
for the year ended 31 December 2002 is to increase goodwill amortisation by
(pound)6 million, reduce profit before tax by (pound)6 million, increase the
tax charge by (pound)58 million and, at 31 December 2002, reduce profit and
loss account reserves by (pound)34 million and increase intangible fixed assets
by (pound)110 million. Prior periods have been restated resulting, at 31
December 2001, in an increase goodwill amortisation of (pound)6 million (2000 -
nil), a decrease in profit before tax of (pound)6 million (2000 - nil), a
decrease in the tax charge of (pound)20 million (2000 - decrease (pound)2
million) and, at 31 December 2001, an increase in profit and loss account
reserves of (pound)30 million (2000 - increase (pound)16 million) and an
increase in intangible fixed assets of (pound)116 million (2000 - nil).


International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")
In June 2002, the European Parliament and Council of the European Union issued
a Regulation that will require all EU listed companies to prepare their
consolidated accounts in accordance with IFRS rather than existing national
GAAP. The Regulation takes effect from 2005, consequently the accounting
framework under which the RBS Group reports will change. The RBS Group will
produce its consolidated accounts in accordance with IFRS for the year ended 31
December 2005.

The following developments in US GAAP have no material affect on the NatWest
Group's US GAAP reporting.

In April 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") 145 'Rescission of FASB
Statements No. 4, 44, and 64, Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical
Corrections'. SFAS 145 rescinds existing requirements for accounting for
extinguishments of debt, removes an inconsistency in the existing requirements
for accounting by lessees for certain lease amendments, and makes other
technical corrections to existing statements.

In October 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 147 'Acquisitions of Certain Financial
Institutions'. SFAS 147 requires certain acquisitions that fell within the
scope of SFAS 72 'Accounting for Certain Acquisitions of Banking or Thrift
Institutions' to be accounted for in accordance with SFAS 141 'Business
Combinations', and includes transitional provisions to deal with unidentified
intangible assets recognised under SFAS 72. SFAS 147 is effective from 1
October 2002.

NatWest Group is currently considering the effect, if any, of the following
developments on its US GAAP reporting.

In July 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 146 'Accounting for Costs Associated with
Exit or Disposal Activities'. SFAS 146 addresses the recognition and
measurement of employee termination costs, contract termination costs and other
costs associated with exit or disposal activities, and related disclosures.
SFAS 146 is applicable to exit and disposal activities initiated after 31
December 2002.

In November 2002, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. ("FIN") 45
'Guarantor's Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including
Indirect Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others, an interpretation of FASB
Statements No. 5, 57, and 107 and rescission of FASB Interpretation No. 34'.
FIN 45 requires guarantees entered into or modified after 31 December 2002 to
be recognised and measured initially at their fair value. NatWest Group is
reviewing the initial recognition and measurement requirements of this
Statement to assess their effect on its US GAAP reporting.

In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 148 'Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation - Transition and Disclosure - an Amendment of FASB Statement No.
123'. SFAS 148 addresses the treatment of a voluntary change in accounting for
stock-based employee compensation from the intrinsic value method under APB
Opinion No. 25, 'Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees', to the fair value
based method under SFAS 123. NatWest Group is currently not contemplating
moving to accounting for stock-based compensation using the fair value based
method of SFAS.

In January 2003, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. 46 'Consolidation of
Variable Interest Entities, an interpretation of ARB No. 51'. FIN 46 addresses
accounting for variable interest entities, which are entities where the equity
investment at risk is not sufficient to permit the entity to finance its
activities without subordinated support from other parties to absorb losses, or
where the equity investors lack certain essential characteristics of a
controlling financial interest. FIN 46 requires the primary beneficiary of a
variable interest entity to consolidate that entity. An enterprise is the
primary beneficiary of a variable interest entity if it holds an interest that
will absorb the majority of its expected losses or receive a majority of its
expected residual returns. FIN 46 requires the holder of a significant variable
interest in a variable interest entity to make certain disclosures. The
requirements of FIN 46 apply to new variable interest entities created after 31
January 2003, or where the reporting entity acquires an interest after that
date, and to other variable interest entities in the first fiscal year or
interim period beginning after 15 June 2003.

However, FIN 46 requires disclosures in financial statements issued after 31
January 2003 about variable interest entities that, when FIN 46 becomes
effective, it is reasonably possible that the reporting enterprise will
consolidate or about which the enterprise will disclose information in
accordance with FIN 46. NatWest Group has undertaken a review to identify
variable interest entities in which it is the primary beneficiary or in which
it has a significant variable interest. NatWest Group has concluded that it is
reasonably possible that it is the primary beneficiary of, or has a significant
interest in a number of commercial paper conduits and other asset
securitisation vehicles that meet FIN 46's definition of a variable interest
entity. These entities acquire financial assets from third parties or from
NatWest Group funded by the issue of commercial paper or other debt
instruments. NatWest Group supplies certain administrative services and
provides credit enhancement, liquidity facilities and derivative transactions
to some or all of the entities on an arm's length basis. In the case of the
commercial paper conduits, NatWest Group provides programme wide credit
enhancement by letters of credit or loan facilities across all tranches of
assets funded by conduits. NatWest Group provides funding in the form of
reverse repurchase agreements on bonds owned by one variable interest entity.


At 31 December 2002, NatWest Group held loan notes issued by these entities
with a principal amount of (pound)3.0 million, had outstanding undrawn
liquidity lines amounting to (pound)1.6 billion, and total rate of return swaps
with a notional amount of (pound)0.7 billion. NatWest Group's maximum exposure
to loss, in the event of non-performance of the entire portfolio of assets in
these entities and if all counterclaims proved valueless, is represented by the
contractual amount of these instruments.

As experience with FIN 46 develops, NatWest Group is continuing to review its
existing interests to identify other variable interest entities in which
NatWest Group may have a significant variable interest or of which NatWest
Group may be the primary beneficiary.

The following developments in US GAAP have occurred since the consolidated
financial statements of the NatWest Group were approved.

On 30 April 2003, the FASB issued SFAS 149 'Amendment of Statement 133 on
Derivative Instruments as Hedging Activities.' SFAS 149 amends and clarifies
accounting for derivative instruments, including certain derivative instruments
embedded in contracts, and for hedging activities under SFAS 133. SFAS 149 is
effective for contracts entered into or modified after 30 June 2003 and for
hedging relationships designated after 30 June 2003. The NatWest Group is
reviewing this statement to determine the effect on its US GAAP reporting.

On 15 May 2003, the FASB issued SFAS 150 'Accounting For Certain Financial
Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities And Equity'. SFAS 150
addresses classification and measurement of certain financial instruments with
characteristics of both liabilities and equity. It requires financial
instruments falling within its scope to be classified as a liability; many of
those instruments were previously classified as equity. NatWest Group is
reviewing this statement to determine the effect on its US GAAP reporting.


Overview of results

The following table summarises NatWest Group's results for the three years
ended 31 December 2002:

Consolidated profit and loss account                                  2002               2001*               2000*
                                                                      ----               ----                ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m            (pound)m
Net interest income                                                  4,134              3,921               3,675
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------

Dividend income                                                         13                 17                  14
Fees and commissions receivable                                      2,908              3,036               2,957
Fees and commissions payable                                          (715)              (711)               (637)
Dealing profits                                                        735                719                 684
Other operating income                                                 619                642                 800
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------
Non-interest income                                                  3,560              3,703               3,818
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------

Total income                                                         7,694              7,624               7,493
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------

Administrative expenses
   staff costs**                                                    (1,755)            (2,097)             (2,572)
   premises and equipment**                                           (285)              (368)               (609)
   other**                                                          (2,084)            (1,495)             (1,492)
Depreciation and amortisation
   tangible fixed assets**                                            (444)              (541)               (559)
   goodwill**                                                          (26)               (24)                (27)
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------
Operating expenses                                                  (4,594)            (4,525)             (5,259)
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------

Profit before provisions for bad and doubtful debts                  3,100              3,099               2,234
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                 (508)              (510)               (359)
Amounts written off fixed asset investments                             (8)                (6)                (14)
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------
Operating profit                                                     2,584              2,583               1,861
Profit on disposal of businesses                                         -                  -                 967
Additional consideration on sale of Bancorp                              -                  -                  74
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                             2,584              2,583               2,902
Tax                                                                   (713)              (733)               (692)
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------
Profit after tax                                                     1,871              1,850               2,210
                                                              -----------------  ------------------  -----------------

*    restated (see page 19)
**   includes restructuring costs (see page 28)

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Profit before tax at (pound)2,584 million was similar to the prior year at
(pound)2,583 million despite the transfer and disposal of businesses during

Net interest income increased by 5%, (pound)213 million to (pound)4,134
million. Average interest-earning assets of the banking business decreased by
5%, (pound)5.3 billion to (pound)112.7. Average loans and advances to customers
increased by (pound)4.9 billion, average loans and advances to banks decreased
by (pound)5.9 billion and debt securities decreased by (pound)4.2 billion.
Interest spread rose by 0.4% with growth in higher-yielding customer lending
offsetting the effect of the lower interest rate environment. Net interest
margin of the banking business improved to 3.6% from 3.3%.

Non-interest income decreased 4%, (pound)143 million to (pound)3,560 million
mainly due to the disposal of businesses in the previous year. Fees and
commissions receivable decreased by 4%, (pound)128 million to (pound)2,908
million. Dealing profits increased by (pound)16 million, 2% to (pound)735
million. Other operating income fell by 4%, (pound)23 million to (pound)619

Operating expenses were up 2%, (pound)69 million to (pound)4,594 million.
Including in operating expenses are restructuring costs, up 4%, (pound)25
million to (pound)663 million. The conversion of NatWest IT systems onto the
Royal Bank technology platform was completed in October 2002. Staff costs were
16%, (pound)342 million lower at (pound)1,755 million reflecting lower staff
numbers, which fell by 10,400 to 22,600 predominately as a result of staff
transferring to the Royal Bank. Other operating expenses increased (pound)589
million, 39% to (pound)2,084 million due to an increased management charge
reflecting the services provided by the Royal Bank.

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts decreased by (pound)2 million to
(pound)508 million. Total provisions at 31 December 2002 were 82% of risk
elements in lending, compared with 74% at 31 December 2001.


The tax charge for the year was (pound)713 million (2001 - (pound)733 million)
equivalent to 28% (2001 - 28%) of profit before tax.

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders increased by 1% from (pound)1,802
million to (pound)1,825 million.

Group total assets were (pound)171.9 billion at 31 December 2002. Loans and
advances to customers were (pound)112.1 billion.

Capital ratios at 31 December 2002 were 8.9% (tier 1) and 13.0% (total).

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

During 2001, Financial Markets continued to migrate substantial parts of its
business to the Royal Bank.

Profit before tax at (pound)2,583 million was 11%, (pound)319 million lower
than the previous year which included (pound)967 million profit on disposal of
businesses and the final consideration relating to the disposal of Bancorp,
(pound)74 million. Operating profit was up 39%, (pound)722 million to
(pound)2,583 million.

Net interest income increased by 7%, (pound)246 million to (pound)3,921
million. Average interest-earning assets of the banking business rose by 2%,
(pound)1.8 billion to (pound)118.0 billion including 11% growth in average
loans and advances to customers. Net interest margin of the banking business
improved to 3.3% from 3.2%.

Non-interest income decreased 3%, (pound)118 million to (pound)3,703 million.
Fees and commissions receivable rose by 3%, (pound)79 million to (pound)3,036
million. Other operating income fell by 20%, (pound)161 million to (pound)642

Operating expenses were down 14%, (pound)734 million to (pound)4,525 million.
Including in operating expenses are restructuring costs, up 21%, (pound)111
million to (pound)638 million. Staff costs were 18%, (pound)475 million lower
at (pound)2,097 million. Staff numbers fell by 22,800 to 33,000. Other
operating expense were (pound)1,495 million (2000: (pound)1,492 million).

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts were up 42%, (pound)151 million to
(pound)510 million. Total provisions at 31 December 2001 were 74% of risk
elements in lending, compared with 81% at 31 December 2000.

The tax charge for the year was (pound)733 million (2000 - (pound)692 million)
equivalent to 28% (2000 - 24%) of profit before tax.

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders decreased by 17% from (pound)2,160
million to (pound)1,802 million.

Group total assets were (pound)172.7 billion at 31 December 2001. Loans and
advances to customers were (pound)100.6 billion.

Capital ratios at 31 December 2001 were 7.9% (tier 1) and 12.3% (total).


Net interest income

                                                                                         2002            2001           2000
                                                                                         ----            ----           ----
                                                                                     (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m
Interest receivable                                                                     6,505           7,854          8,515
Interest payable                                                                       (2,371)         (3,933)        (4,840)
Net interest income                                                                     4,134           3,921          3,675

                                                                                            %               %              %
Gross yield on interest-earning assets of banking business                                5.8             6.7            7.3
Cost of interest-bearing liabilities of banking business                                 (2.7)           (4.0)          (5.0)
Interest spread of banking business                                                       3.1             2.7            2.3
Benefit from interest-free funds                                                          0.5             0.6            0.9
Net interest margin of banking business                                                   3.6             3.3            3.2

The following table gives average interest rates, yields and margins for the
three years ended 31 December 2002.

                                                                                        2002            2001           2000
                                                                                        ----            ----           ----
                                                                                           %               %              %
Yields, spreads and margins of the banking business:
Gross yield (1)
  Group                                                                                  5.8             6.7            7.3
  UK                                                                                     6.0             6.8            7.5
  Overseas                                                                               4.6             5.9            6.8

Interest spread (2)
  Group                                                                                  3.1             2.7            2.3
  UK                                                                                     3.2             3.0            2.6
  Overseas                                                                               1.8             1.1            0.8

Net interest margin (3)
  Group                                                                                  3.6             3.3            3.2
  UK                                                                                     3.8             3.6            3.5
  Overseas                                                                               2.8             2.3            1.7

The Bank's base rate                                                                     4.0             5.1            6.0
London inter-bank three month offered rate:
  Sterling                                                                               4.1             5.0            6.2
  Eurodollar                                                                             1.8             3.8            6.5
  Euro                                                                                   3.3             4.3            4.4

(1)  Gross yield is the interest rate earned on average interest-earning assets
     of the banking business.
(2)  Interest spread is the difference between the gross yield and the interest
     rate paid on average interest-bearing liabilities of the banking business.
(3)  Net interest margin is net interest income of the banking business as a
     percentage of average interest-earning assets of the banking business.


2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Net interest income increased by 5%, (pound)213 million to (pound)4,134
million. Average interest-earning assets of the banking business decreased by
5%, (pound)5.3 billion to (pound)112.7. Average loans and advances to customers
increased by (pound)4.9 billion, average loans and advances to banks decreased
by (pound)5.9 billion and debt securities decreased by (pound)4.2 billion.

Interest spread rose by 0.4% with growth in higher-yielding customer lending
offsetting the effect of the lower interest rate environment. Net interest
margin of the banking business improved to 3.6% from 3.3%.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Net interest income increased by 7%, (pound)246 million to (pound)3,921
million. Growth in corporate and personal lending was partially offset by a
reduction in debt securities held. Average interest-earning assets of the
banking business were up 2%.

Interest spread increased 0.4% to 2.7%. Lower interest rates and a slight
decline in interest-free funds led to a reduction in the benefit from
interest-free funds. This partially offset the increase in spread resulting in
an increase of 0.1% in the net interest margin.


Average balance sheets and interest rates

The following table shows average balances and interest rates for each of the
past three years.

                                                        2002                           2001                           2000
                                          -----------------------------    --------------------------   ----------------------------
                                             Average            Average    Average            Average     Average            Average
                                             balance  Interest     rate    balance  Interest     rate     balance  Interest     rate
                                          -----------------------------------------------------------   ----------------------------
ASSETS                                      (pound)m  (pound)m        %   (pound)m  (pound)m        %    (pound)m  (pound)m        %
Treasury bills and other eligible bills
     UK                                            -         -        -         53         3      5.7         180         8      4.4
     Overseas                                     29         1      3.5         93         3      3.2         126         6      4.8
Loans and advances to banks
     UK                                        9,147       355      3.9     12,301       615      5.0      10,544       584      5.5
     Overseas                                  4,543       121      2.7      7,264       383      5.3       7,571       506      6.7
Loans and advances to customers (1)
     UK                                       86,274     5,353      6.2     80,858     5,759      7.1      72,391     5,795      8.0
     Overseas                                 10,745       574      5.3     11,285       751      6.7      10,730       780      7.3
Debt securities
     UK                                        1,253        62      5.0      2,530       152      6.0      10,114       577      5.7
     Overseas                                    713        39      5.5      3,652       188      5.1       4,540       259      5.7
                                          ---------------------          --------------------           ---------------------
Total interest-earning assets                                                                             116,196     8,515      7.3
     - Banking business                      112,704     6,505      5.8    118,036     7,854      6.7              ----------
                                                      ---------                     ---------              52,844
     - Trading business (2)                   47,384                        48,418                      -----------
                                          ------------                   -----------                      169,040
Total interest-earning assets                160,088                       166,454                         27,174
Non-interest-earning assets                   19,326                        21,322                      -----------
                                          ------------                   -----------                      196,214
Total assets                                 179,414                       187,776                      -----------
                                          ------------                   -----------

Percentage of assets applicable to
  overseas operations                           35.6%                         35.6%                         29.8%

 Deposits by banks
     UK                                       12,054       424      3.5     10,227       495      4.8      10,197       542      5.3
     Overseas                                  1,847        59      3.2      4,472       230      5.1       6,212       354      5.7
Customer accounts
     - demand deposits
     UK                                       32,744       494      1.5     31,869       820      2.6      29,098       995      3.4
     Overseas                                  2,321        38      1.6      2,422        86      3.6       2,533       135      5.3
     - savings deposits
     UK                                        8,659       225      2.6     10,027       355      3.5      10,662       457      4.3
     Overseas                                     65         1      1.5         69         2      2.9          61         2      3.3
     - other time deposits
     UK                                       21,559       791      3.7     25,497     1,193      4.7      25,701     1,495      5.8
     Overseas                                  4,402       126      2.9      5,046       224      4.4       5,249       289      5.5
Debt securities in issue
     UK                                          602        27      4.4      3,098       160      5.2       4,122       226      5.5
     Overseas                                  1,345        54      4.0      5,997       311      5.2       5,921       376      6.4
Loan capital
     UK                                        6,173       260      4.2      6,395       381      6.0       6,400       447      7.0
     Overseas                                      -         -      -          171        14      8.2         495        55     11.1
Internal funding of trading business
     UK                                       (5,183)     (128)     2.5     (6,118)     (287)     4.7      (9,951)     (481)     4.8
     Overseas                                   (129)        -      -       (1,220)      (51)     4.2      (1,025)      (52)     5.1
                                          ---------------------          --------------------           ---------------------
Total interest-bearing liabilities                                                                         95,675     4,840      5.0
     - Banking business                       86,459     2,371      2.7     97,952     3,933      4.0              ----------
                                                      ---------                     ---------
     - Trading business (2)                   46,162                        45,660                         49,628
                                          ------------                   -----------                    -----------
Total interest-bearing liabilities           132,621                       143,612                        145,303
Non-interest bearing liabilities
  Demand deposits
     UK                                       17,745                        17,341                         15,929
     Overseas                                  1,874                         1,595                          1,320
  Other liabilities                           18,314                        17,274                         25,211
Shareholders' funds                            8,860                         7,954                          8,451
                                          ------------                   -----------                    -----------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity   179,414                       187,776                        196,214
                                          ------------                   -----------                    -----------

Percentage of liabilities applicable to
  overseas operations                           31.8%                        32.7%                          28.6%

The analysis into UK and Overseas has been compiled on the basis of location of

(1)  Loans and advances to customers include non-accrual loans. Interest income
     includes interest on non-accruing loans only to the extent that cash
     payments have been received.
(2)  Interest receivable and interest payable on trading assets and trading
     liabilities are included in dealing profits.


Changes in net interest income - volume and rate analysis

Volume and rate variances have been calculated based on movements in average
balances over the year and changes in interest rates on average
interest-earning assets and average interest-bearing liabilities. Changes due
to a combination of volume and rate are allocated pro rata to volume and rate

                                                             2002 compared with 2001                   2001 compared with 2000
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                                       Increase/(decrease) due to changes in:
                                                       Average       Average          Net        Average     Average          Net
                                                        volume          rate       change         volume        rate       change
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                      (pound)m      (pound)m     (pound)m       (pound)m    (pound)m     (pound)m
Treasury bills and other eligible bills
     UK                                                     (2)           (1)          (3)            (7)          2           (5)
     Overseas                                               (2)            -           (2)            (1)         (2)          (3)
Loans and advances to banks
     UK                                                   (139)         (121)        (260)            91         (60)          31
     Overseas                                             (113)         (149)        (262)           (20)       (103)        (123)
Loans and advances to customers
     UK                                                    368          (774)        (406)           672        (708)         (36)
     Overseas                                              (35)         (142)        (177)            40         (69)         (29)
Debt securities
     UK                                                    (67)          (23)         (90)          (455)         30         (425)
     Overseas                                             (160)           11         (149)           (48)        (23)         (71)
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
Total interest receivable of banking business
     UK                                                    160          (919)        (759)           301        (736)        (435)
     Overseas                                             (310)         (280)        (590)           (29)       (197)        (226)
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                          (150)       (1,199)      (1,349)           272        (933)        (661)
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------

Deposits by banks
     UK                                                    (79)          150           71             (2)         49           47
     Overseas                                              104            67          171             92          32          124
Customer accounts
     - demand deposits
     UK                                                    (22)          348          326            (89)        264          175
     Overseas                                                3            45           48              6          43           49
     - savings deposits
     UK                                                     44            86          130             26          76          102
     Overseas                                                -             1            1              -           -            -
     - other time deposits
     UK                                                    168           234          402             12         290          302
     Overseas                                               26            72           98             11          54           65
Debt securities in issue
     UK                                                    115            18          133             53          13           66
     Overseas                                              199            58          257             (5)         70           65
Loan capital
     UK                                                     13           108          121              -          66           66
     Overseas                                                7             7           14             29          12           41
Internal funding of trading business*
     UK                                                    (39)         (120)        (159)          (180)        (14)        (194)
     Overseas                                              (24)          (27)         (51)             9         (10)          (1)
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
Total interest payable of banking business
     UK                                                    200           824        1,024           (180)        744          564
     Overseas                                              315           223          538            142         201          343
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                           515         1,047        1,562            (38)        945          907
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------

Movement in net interest income
     UK                                                    360           (95)         265            121           8          129
     Overseas                                                5           (57)         (52)           113           4          117
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                           365          (152)         213            234          12          246
                                                    ---------------------------------------   -------------------------------------

* Interest receivable and interest payable on trading assets and liabilities
are included in dealing profits.


Non-interest income

                                                                           2002             2001              2000
                                                                           ----             ----              ----
                                                                       (pound)m         (pound)m          (pound)m
Dividend income                                                              13               17                14
Fees and commissions receivable                                           2,908            3,036             2,957
Fees and commissions payable                                               (715)            (711)             (637)
Dealing profits                                                             735              719               684
Other operating income                                                      619              642               800
                                                                          3,560            3,703             3,818

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Non-interest income fell by 4%, (pound)143 million, to (pound)3,560 million.
Fees and commissions receivable decreased by 4%, (pound)128 million, to
(pound)2,908 million. Dealing profits increased by (pound)16 million, 2% to
(pound)735 million. Other operating income fell by 4%, (pound)23 million, to
(pound)619 million.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Non-interest income fell by 3%, (pound)115 million, to (pound)3,703 million.
Fees and commissions receivable increased by 3%, (pound)79 million, to
(pound)3,036 million. Fees and commissions payable rose by 12%, (pound)74
million, to (pound)711 million. Dealing profits increased by (pound)35 million,
5% to (pound)719 million. Other operating income fell by 20%, (pound)158
million, to (pound)642 million.

Operating expenses

                                                                           2002             2001              2000
                                                                           ----             ----              ----
                                                                       (pound)m         (pound)m          (pound)m
Administrative expenses
   staff costs*                                                           1,755            2,097             2,572
   premises and equipment *                                                 285              368               609
   other *                                                                2,084            1,495             1,492
                                                                     ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
Total administrative expenses                                             4,124            3,960             4,673

Depreciation and amortisation
   tangible fixed assets*                                                   444              541               559
   goodwill*                                                                 26               24                27
                                                                     ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
Operating expenses                                                        4,594            4,525             5,259
                                                                     ---------------  ---------------   ---------------

*Includes restructuring costs, comprised as follows:
Other operating income                                                        -                -                 3
Staff costs                                                                 447              413               297
Premises and equipment                                                       92               57               158
Other administrative expenses                                               123              138                58
Depreciation                                                                  1               30                11
                                                                     ---------------  ---------------   ---------------
                                                                            663              638               527
                                                                     ---------------  ---------------   ---------------

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Operating expenses were up 2%, (pound)69 million to (pound)4,594 million.
Including in operating expenses are restructuring costs, up 4%, (pound)25
million to (pound)663 million. The conversion of NatWest IT systems onto the
Royal Bank technology platform was completed in October 2002. Staff costs were
16%, (pound)342 million lower at (pound)1,755 million reflecting lower staff
numbers, which fell by 10,400 to 22,600. Other operating expenses increased
(pound)589 million, 39% to (pound)2,084 million.


2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Operating expenses were down 14%, (pound)734 million to (pound)4,525 million.
Including in operating expenses are restructuring costs, up 21%, (pound)111
million to (pound)638 million. Staff costs were 18%, (pound)475 million lower
at (pound)2,097 million. Staff numbers fell by 22,800 to 33,000. Other
operating expense were (pound)1,495 million (2000: (pound)1,492 million).


                                                                     2002             2001             2000
                                                                     ----             ----             ----
                                                                 (pound)m         (pound)m         (pound)m
Gross new provisions                                                  533              535              525
Less: recoveries                                                      (17)             (19)            (152)
                                                              ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Charge to profit and loss account                                     516              516              373
                                                              ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                 508              510              359
Amounts written-off fixed asset investments                             8                6               14
                                                              ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Charge to profit and loss account                                     516              516              373
                                                              ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts of (pound)508 million were down (pound)2
million. Total provisions for bad and doubtful debts at 31 December 2002 were
82% of risk elements in lending. Amounts written off fixed asset investments
increased from (pound)6 million to (pound)8 million.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts were up 42%, (pound)151 million
reflecting the growth in lending and the deterioration in the short-term
economic outlook combined with the impact of a small number of specific
customer situations. Total provisions at 31 December 2001 were 74% of risk
elements in lending.

Amounts written off fixed asset investments declined from (pound)14 million to
(pound)6 million due to the disposal, during 2000, of the venture capital
portfolio of NatWest Equity Partners.

Profit on disposal of businesses

                                                                                          2002           2001           2000
                                                                                          ----           ----           ----
                                                                                      (pound)m        (pound)m      (pound)m
Profit on disposals in the year                                                              -               -            967

In 2000, gains of (pound)967 million (tax charge (pound)103 million) were made
in respect of the disposals of Gartmore Investment Management plc, National
Westminster Life Assurance Limited and the investment management and services
businesses of Ulster Bank Group.

Additional consideration on sale of Bancorp

                                                                                          2002           2001           2000
                                                                                          ----           ----           ----
                                                                                      (pound)m        (pound)m      (pound)m
Additional consideration received in 2000 relating to the disposal in 1996 of
  Bancorp, a subsidiary undertaking (tax charge - (pound)8 million)                          -               -             74


Applicable income taxes

The following table shows applicable income taxes split between continuing and
discontinued operations and tax rates for each of the past three years:

                                                                         2002            2001*          2000*
                                                                         ----            -----          -----
                                                                     (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m
Continuing operations                                                     713             733            716
Discontinued operations                                                     -               -            (24)
Tax charge for the year                                                   713             733            692

UK corporate tax rate                                                    30.0%           30.0%          30.0%
Effective tax rate                                                       27.6%           28.4%          23.8%

The actual tax charge for continuing operations differs from the expected tax
charge for continuing operations computed by applying the UK corporate tax rate
as follows:

                                                                         2002            2001*          2000*
                                                                         ----            -----          -----
                                                                     (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m
Expected tax charge - continuing operations                               775             775            848
Goodwill amortisation                                                       8               7              8
Disposal of businesses taxed at non-standard rates                          -               -           (187)
Non-deductible items                                                       57              58            127
Non-taxable items                                                         (60)            (27)           (22)
Capital allowances in excess of depreciation                             (276)           (184)           (22)
Taxable foreign exchange movements                                         (9)              5              9
Foreign profits taxed at other rates                                       (4)            (18)           (17)
Unutilised losses brought forward and carried forward                     (11)            (13)           (15)
Current taxation adjustments relating to prior periods                    (22)            (79)           (71)
Current tax charge for the year - continuing operations                   458             524            658

* Restated for the implementation of FRS 19 in 2002.


Divisional performance

The contribution of each division before goodwill amortisation and
restructuring costs and, where appropriate, manufacturing costs, is detailed

                                                                                  2002           2001          2000
                                                                                  ----           ----          ----
                                                                              (pound)m       (pound)m      (pound)m
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets *                                        1,723          1,443         1,497
Retail Banking                                                                   2,119          2,073         1,874
Retail Direct                                                                      472            403           243
Manufacturing                                                                   (1,252)        (1,128)       (1,185)
Wealth Management                                                                  167            313           280
Ulster Bank *                                                                      244            229           189
Central items                                                                     (200)           (88)         (749)
Operating profit before goodwill amortisation, restructuring costs and
  exited businesses                                                              3,273          3,245         2,149

Goodwill amortisation                                                              (26)           (24)          (27)
Restructuring costs                                                               (663)          (638)         (527)
Exited businesses                                                                    -              -           266
Operating profit                                                                 2,584          2,583         1,861

*    Restated to reflect the transfer of Ulster Bank's leasing business to
     Corporate Banking and Financial Markets with effect from 1 January 2002


(1)  Exited businesses comprises the results of Gartmore Investment Management
     plc, National Westminster Life Assurance Limited and the venture capital
     investment portfolios of NatWest Equity Partners all of which were
     disposed of in 2000.

The management and control of costs in NatWest and the Royal Bank is
centralised and costs are apportioned on an appropriate basis to NatWest by way
of a management charge.


Corporate Banking and Financial Markets

                                                                          2002           2001*         2000*
                                                                          ----           -----         -----
                                                                      (pound)m       (pound)m      (pound)m
Net interest income                                                      1,282          1,251         1,200
Non-interest income                                                      1,809          1,653         1,689
Total income                                                             3,091          2,904         2,889
Direct expenses
- -  staff costs                                                            (430)          (510)         (763)
- -  other                                                                  (361)          (330)         (249)
- -  operating lease depreciation                                           (306)          (276)         (242)
Contribution before provisions                                           1,994          1,788         1,635
Provisions                                                                (271)          (345)         (138)
Contribution                                                             1,723          1,443         1,497

Direct cost:income ratio (%)                                              35.5           38.4          43.4
Total assets **      -   Corporate Banking ((pound)bn)                    47.8           50.9          44.5
                     -   Financial Markets ((pound)bn)                    32.0           38.6          64.6
Loans and advances to customers - gross ((pound)bn) **                    60.3           44.0          43.9
Customer deposits ((pound)bn) **                                          26.8           26.5          28.7
Weighted risk assets ((pound)bn)                                          56.0           59.2          59.2

*    restated (see page 31)
**   excluding repos and reverse repos

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Contribution was up 19%, (pound)280 million to (pound)1,723 million.

Total income was up (pound)187 million, 6% to (pound)3,091 million. Net
interest income rose by 2%, (pound)31 million to (pound)1,282 million due to
growth in customer lending.

Non-interest income increased by 9%, (pound)156 million to (pound)1,809
million mainly through increased fees, reflecting growth in lending.

Direct expenses were down 2%, (pound)19 million to (pound)1,097 million. Staff
costs were down (pound)80 million, 16% to (pound)430 million. Other expenses,
excluding operating lease depreciation were 9%, (pound)31 million higher. The
direct cost:income ratio improved from 38.4% to 35.5%.

Provisions were down (pound)74 million, 21% to (pound)271 million.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Contribution was down 4%, (pound)54 million to (pound)1,443 million.

Total income was up (pound)15 million to (pound)2,904 million. Net interest
income rose by 4%, (pound)51 million to (pound)1,251 million.

Non-interest income declined by 2%, to (pound)1,653 million due to the novation
to the Royal Bank of business within Financial Markets.

Direct expenses were down 11%, (pound)138 million to (pound)1,116 million
primarily due to lower staff costs. Other expenses, excluding operating lease
depreciation were 33%, (pound)81 million higher reflecting management fees paid
to the Royal Bank for business support. The direct cost:income ratio improved
from 43.4% to 38.4%.

Provisions were up (pound)207 million to (pound)345 million. The increase
reflects growth in lending, the global economic slowdown, a small number of
specific customer situations and lower recoveries.


Retail Banking

                                                                        2002           2001           2000
                                                                        ----           ----           ----
                                                                    (pound)m       (pound)m       (pound)m
Net interest income                                                    2,083          1,941          1,793
Non-interest income                                                      747            875            752
Total income                                                           2,830          2,816          2,545
Direct expenses
- -   staff costs                                                         (436)          (459)          (521)
- -   other                                                               (162)          (213)          (108)
Contribution before provisions                                         2,232          2,144          1,916
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                   (113)           (71)           (42)
Contribution                                                           2,119          2,073          1,874

Direct cost:income ratio (%)                                            21.1           23.9           24.7
Total assets ((pound)bn)                                                36.7           33.1           30.1
Loans and advances to customers - gross ((pound)bn)                     36.0           31.6           28.5
Customer deposits ((pound)bn)                                           44.6           41.0           39.2
Weighted risk assets ((pound)bn)                                        25.4           23.0           20.7

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Contribution increased by (pound)46 million, 2% to (pound)2,119 million.

Total income rose by (pound)14 million, 1% to (pound)2,830 million. Net
interest income was 7%, (pound)142 million higher at (pound)2,083 million,
reflecting growth in advances and deposits.

Non-interest income was down (pound)128 million, 15% at (pound)747 million
mainly as a result of the transfer of business to the Royal Bank.

Direct expenses were down (pound)74 million, 11% to (pound)598 million. Staff
costs fell by (pound)23 million, 5% to (pound)436 million reflecting lower
average staff numbers and other expenses decreased by (pound)51 million to
(pound)162 million. The direct cost:income ratio improved from 23.9% to 21.1%.

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts were up by (pound)42 million, 59% to
(pound)113 million primarily due to growth in lending.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Contribution increased by (pound)199 million, 11% to (pound)2,073 million.

Total income rose by (pound)271 million, 11% to (pound)2,816 million. Net
interest income was 8%, (pound)148 million higher at (pound)1,941 million,
reflecting strong growth in advances and deposits.

Non-interest income was up (pound)123 million, 16% at (pound)875 million
resulting from growth in packaged accounts and increased lending.

Direct expenses were (pound)43 million, 7% higher at (pound)672 million. Staff
costs fell by (pound)62 million, 12% to (pound)459 million reflecting lower
average staff numbers and other expenses rose by (pound)105 million to
(pound)213 million. The direct cost:income ratio improved from 24.7% to 23.9%.

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts were up by (pound)29 million, 69% to
(pound)71 million primarily due to growth in lending.


Retail Direct

                                                                       2002            2001            2000
                                                                       ----            ----            ----
                                                                   (pound)m        (pound)m        (pound)m
Net interest income                                                     317             288             230
Non-interest income                                                     533             455             401
Total income                                                            850             743             631
Direct expenses
- -   staff costs                                                         (32)            (62)            (84)
- -   other                                                              (227)           (182)           (186)
Contribution before provisions                                          591             499             361
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                  (119)            (96)           (118)
Contribution                                                            472             403             243

Direct cost:income ratio (%)                                           30.5            32.8            42.8
Total assets ((pound)bn)                                                5.9             5.7             5.0
Loans and advances to customers - gross ((pound)bn)                     6.0             5.4             4.8
Customer accounts ((pound)bn)                                           1.6             1.8             0.9
Weighted risk assets ((pound)bn)                                        5.9             5.4             5.1

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Contribution rose by (pound)69 million, 17% to (pound)472 million.

Total income increased by (pound)107 million, 14% to (pound)850 million. Net
interest income at (pound)317 million was (pound)29 million, 10% higher.
Non-interest income was up (pound)78 million, 17% to (pound)533 million.

Direct expenses at (pound)259 million were up 6%, (pound)15 million. The direct
cost:income ratio improved from 32.8% to 30.5%.

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts were up (pound)23 million, 24% to
(pound)119 million.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Contribution rose by (pound)160 million, 66% to (pound)403 million.

Total income increased by (pound)112 million, 18% to (pound)743 million. Net
interest income at (pound)288 million was (pound)58 million, 25% higher.
Non-interest income was up (pound)54 million, 13% to (pound)455 million.

Direct expenses at (pound)244 million were down 10%, (pound)26 million due
principally to lower staff costs. The direct cost:income ratio improved from
42.8% to 32.8%.

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts were down (pound)22 million, 19% to
(pound)96 million.



                                                                      2002            2001           2000
                                                                      ----            ----           ----
                                                                  (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m
Staff costs                                                             53             231            355
Other costs                                                          1,199             897            830
Total manufacturing costs                                            1,252           1,128          1,185

Group Technology                                                       476             456            516
Group Purchasing and Property Operations                               368             332            349
Customer Support and other operations                                  408             340            320
Total manufacturing costs                                            1,252           1,128          1,185

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Total manufacturing costs increased by (pound)124 million, 11% to (pound)1,252

Group Technology costs increased by 4%, (pound)20 million to (pound)476
million. Expenditure in Customer Support and other operations rose (pound)68
million, 20% to (pound)408 million.

The increase in costs reflects growth in business volumes arising from customer
accounts, mortgage applications, personal loans and ATM transactions, and
initiatives to enhance customer service, particularly in telephony. Extending
the scope of Manufacturing with transfers from other parts of the NatWest Group
also contributed to this increase.

2001 compared with 2000

Total manufacturing costs fell by (pound)57 million, 5% to (pound)1,128

Group Technology costs reduced by 12%, (pound)60 million to (pound)456 million
reflecting lower staff costs and the benefits of de-duplication initiatives.

Expenditure in Customer support and other operations rose (pound)20 million, 6%
to (pound)340 million due to volume growth in lending and account management
and costs incurred on customer service improvement initiatives, in particular
telephony, supporting the new "another way" marketing campaign.


Wealth Management

                                                                              2002            2001           2000
                                                                              ----            ----           ----
                                                                          (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m
Net interest income                                                            170             308            303
Non-interest income                                                            293             376            392
Total income                                                                   463             684            695
- - staff costs                                                                 (203)           (235)          (269)
- - other                                                                       (105)           (141)          (151)
Contribution before provisions                                                 155             308            275
Net release of provisions for bad and doubtful debts                            12               5              5
Contribution                                                                   167             313            280

Cost:income ratio (%)                                                         66.5            55.0           60.4
Total assets ((pound)bn)                                                      13.0            10.8            7.1
Investment management assets - excluding deposits ((pound)bn)                 18.4            19.8           21.3
Customer deposits ((pound)bn)                                                 11.8            10.9           17.7
Weighted risk assets ((pound)bn)                                               3.4             3.3            4.2

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Contribution decreased by 47%, (pound)146 million to (pound)167 million.

Total income was down 32%, (pound)221 million to (pound)463 million primarily
due to the disposal of NatWest Offshore in 2001 and the effect of the fall in
equity markets on the level of activity.

Net interest income decreased by (pound)138 million, 45%, to (pound)170
million, due to the disposal of NatWest Offshore in 2001 and a contraction in
deposit margins due to lower interest rates.

Non-interest income was (pound)83 million, 22% lower at (pound)293 million.
This reflected the disposal of NatWest Offshore in 2001 and the lower equity
markets, which continued to adversely affect fees and commissions. Investment
management assets at (pound)18.4 billion were (pound)1.4 billion, 7% lower as
new business inflow was more than offset by the significant decline in equity

Expenses at (pound)308 million were down by (pound)68 million, 18% principally
reflecting lower staff costs and transfer of operations to Manufacturing.

There was a net release of provisions for bad and doubtful debts of(pound)12
million (2001: release of(pound)5 million).

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Contribution increased by 12%, (pound)33 million to (pound)313 million.

Total income fell by (pound)11 million, 2% to (pound)684 million due to the
disposal of businesses. Net interest income, which was affected by the disposal
of NatWest Offshore in November 2001, grew by (pound)5 million, 2%, to
(pound)308 million. Non-interest income was (pound)16 million, 4% lower at
(pound)376 million.

Expenses at (pound)376 million were down by (pound)44 million, 10% principally
reflecting lower staff costs.

There was a net release of provisions for bad and doubtful debts of(pound)5
million (2000: release of(pound)5 million).


Ulster Bank

                                                                     2002            2001*          2000*
                                                                     ----            -----          -----
                                                                 (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m
Net interest income                                                   339             313            259
Non-interest income                                                   181             170            164
Total income                                                          520             483            423
- -  staff costs                                                       (145)           (135)          (134)
- -  other                                                             (109)           (104)           (88)
Contribution before provisions                                        266             244            201
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                 (22)            (15)           (12)
Contribution                                                          244             229            189

Cost:income ratio (%)                                                48.8            49.5           52.5
Total assets ((pound)bn)                                             12.9            10.9           10.1
Loans and advances to customers - gross ((pound)bn)                   9.1             7.6            6.7
Customer deposits ((pound)bn)                                         8.8             7.7            7.1
Weighted risk assets ((pound)bn)                                      9.0             7.7            6.7

Average exchange rate -(euro)/(pound)                               1.591           1.609          1.642
Spot exchange rate -(euro)/(pound)                                  1.536           1.637          1.606

*    Restated (see page 31)

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Contribution increased by 7%, or (pound)15 million to (pound)244 million.

Total income increased by 8%, (pound)37 million to (pound)520 million.

Net interest income rose by 8% or (pound)26 million to (pound)339 million,
reflecting growth in loans and deposits despite a less buoyant economic
environment in the Republic of Ireland. Average customer lending and deposits
of the banking business increased by 10%, (pound)0.7 billion, to (pound)8.0
billion, and by 7%, (pound)0.5 billion, to (pound)7.9 billion respectively.
Average mortgage lending grew by 23% to (pound)1.5 billion and the number of
current accounts increased by 5%.

Non-interest income rose by 6% or (pound)11 million to (pound)181 million.
Increases of (pound)7 million in net fees and commissions and (pound)6 million
in other operating income were partially offset by a (pound)2 million reduction
in dealing profits.

Expenses increased by 6% or (pound)15 million to (pound)254 million to support
higher business volumes and pay awards.

The cost:income ratio improved from 49.5% to 48.8%.

Provisions were up by (pound)7 million, 47% to (pound)22 million reflecting a
small number of specific situations.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Contribution increased by 21%, or (pound)40 million to (pound)229 million.

Total income increased by 14%, (pound)60 million to (pound)483 million. Net
interest income rose by 21% or (pound)54 million to (pound)313 million due to
strong growth in customer loans and deposits. Non-interest income rose by 4% or
(pound)6 million to (pound)170 million. The increase was mainly due to higher
card, lending and transmission fees.

Expenses increased by 8% or (pound)17 million to (pound)239 million to support
business expansion and expenditure related to the preparation for the issue of
euro notes and coins in the Republic of Ireland.

The cost:income ratio improved from 52.5% to 49.5%.

Provisions were up by (pound)3 million, 25% to (pound)15 million. The increase
was largely due to growth in lending.


Central items

                                                                2002            2001           2000
                                                                ----            ----           ----
                                                            (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m
Funding costs                                                     37             129             84
Central department costs
- - staff costs                                                     60              60             76
- - other                                                           53              45            175
Other corporate items - net                                       50            (146)           414
Total central items                                              200              88            749

2002 compared with 2001
- -----------------------

Total central items increased by (pound)112 million to (pound)200 million.

Funding costs at (pound)37 million were down 71%, (pound)92 million.

Central department costs increased by 8%, (pound)8 million to (pound)113

Other corporate items increased by (pound)196 million to (pound)50 million
compared with 2001, which benefited from certain one-off items.

2001 compared with 2000
- -----------------------

Total central items reduced by (pound)661 million to (pound)88 million.

Funding costs at (pound)129 million were up 54%, (pound)45 million.

Central department costs at (pound)105 million declined (pound)146 million,
58%, due mainly to the benefit of integration initiatives.

Other corporate items - improved by (pound)560 million. This reduction reflects
the benefit of integration and a number of one-off items in 2000 - provisions
for pension mis-selling and litigation - arising from the reassessment of
provisions following the acquisition of the NatWest Group by the RBS Group.


Overview of balance sheet
Summary consolidated balance sheet

                                                                        2002             2001*
                                                                        ----             -----
                                                                    (pound)m          (pound)m
Cash and balances at central banks and items in the
   course of collection from other banks                               3,336            3,572
Treasury bills and other eligible bills                                1,724            1,475
Loans and advances to banks                                           23,664           31,269
Loans and advances to customers                                      112,122          100,618
Debt securities and equity shares                                     17,913           21,208
Other assets                                                          13,128           14,585
                                                                ----------------  ---------------
Total assets                                                         171,887          172,727
                                                                ----------------  ---------------

Deposits by banks and items in the course of
   transmission to other banks                                        18,932           26,654
Customer accounts                                                    111,477           99,951
Debt securities in issue                                                 208            5,222
Other liabilities                                                     26,087           26,288
Subordinated liabilities                                               5,933            6,396
Minority interests                                                        47              110
Shareholders' funds including non-equity interests                     9,203            8,106
                                                                ----------------  ---------------
Total liabilities                                                    171,887          172,727
                                                                ----------------  ---------------

Contingent liabilities and commitments                                66,465           73,474
                                                                ----------------  ---------------

*   Restated (see page 19)

Analysis of repurchase agreements

                                                                        2002              2001
                                                                        ----              ----
                                                                    (pound)m          (pound)m
Reverse repurchase agreements and stock borrowing

Loans and advances to banks                                           10,188            13,085
Loans and advances to customers                                       15,611             7,694
                                                                ----------------  ---------------
                                                                      25,799            20,779
                                                                ----------------  ---------------

Repurchase agreements and stock lending

Deposits by banks                                                      7,529             7,662
Customer accounts                                                     18,566            12,015
                                                                ----------------  ---------------
                                                                      26,095            19,677
                                                                ----------------  ---------------


Overview - summary consolidated balance sheet

Total assets of (pound)171.9 billion at 31 December 2002 were down (pound)0.8
billion, from (pound)172.7 billion at 31 December 2001.

Cash and balances at central banks and items in the course of collection were
down (pound)0.2 billion, 7% at (pound)3.3 billion.

Treasury bills and other eligible bills increased (pound)0.2 billion, 17% to
(pound)1.7 billion.

Loans and advances to banks were down (pound)7.6 billion, 24% to (pound)23.7
billion, due to a decrease in both bank placings, down (pound)4.7 billion, and
reverse repos, down (pound)2.9 billion.

Loans and advances to customers rose (pound)11.5 billion, 11% to (pound)112.1
billion. Reverse repos increased (pound)7.9 billion, 103% to (pound)15.6
billion and lending was up (pound)3.6 billion at (pound)96.5 billion, primarily
in CBFM, Retail Banking and Ulster Bank.

Debt securities and equity shares declined (pound)3.3 billion, 16% to
(pound)17.9 billion, primarily due to transfer of business to the Royal Bank.

Other assets decreased (pound)1.5 billion, 10% to (pound)13.1 billion, partly
due to lower settlement balances, down (pound)2.7 billion to (pound)2.5
billion, primarily due to lower inter-bank deposits.

Deposits by banks and items in the course of transmission to other banks
decreased (pound)7.8 billion, 29% to (pound)18.9 billion.

Customer accounts were up (pound)11.5 billion, 12% to (pound)111.5 billion.
Excluding repos, deposits increased by (pound)4.9 billion to (pound)92.9
billion., with increases in CBFM and Retail Banking.

Debt securities in issue declined (pound)5.0 billion, 96% to (pound)0.2 billion
primarily due to the transfer of business to the Royal Bank.

Other liabilities were (pound)26.1 billion compared with (pound)26.3 billion.

Subordinated liabilities decreased (pound)0.5 billion, 7% to (pound)5.9 billion
primarily due to maturing US dollar denominated loan capital and the effect of
exchange rate movements.

Shareholders' funds increased (pound)1.1 billion, 14% to (pound)9.2 billion
primarily due to retentions.


Description of assets and liabilities


Loan portfolio

NatWest Group's loan portfolio consists of loans (including overdraft
facilities), instalment credit and finance lease receivables.

Overdraft facilities provide the customer with a demand deposit account and
demand credit facility combined in a single checking (current) account. An
overdraft is effected whenever a customer's drawings on a demand deposit
account exceed the credit balance of the account, the balance of which may
alternate between debit and credit. While overdrafts are contractually
repayable on demand, unless a fixed term has been agreed, in practice customers
will from time to time make deposits into the account thereby reducing
indebtedness or increasing a credit balance in accordance with their
requirements. Borrowing limits on the overdraft facility are established and
full repayment is normally only required if the customer fails to honour the
conditions on which the limit was granted or their financial position has so
deteriorated such that it is necessary to take protective action. Overdraft
facilities are usually reviewed at least annually. Interest is generally
calculated on the daily outstanding balance by reference to NatWest Group's
base rate and is typically charged monthly. Overdrafts accounted for
approximately 11.6% of NatWest Group's total domestic loan portfolio at 31
December 2002 (2001 - 14.0%).

Analysis of loans to customers by geographical area and type of customer

The following table analyses loans and advances to customers before provisions
by remaining maturity, geographical area and type of customer. Overdrafts are
included within the 'within 1 year' category.

                                                           1 but
                                               Within     within      After       2002
                                               1 year    5 years    5 years      Total       2001        2000       1999       1998
                                               ------    -------    -------      -----       ----        ----       ----       ----
                                             (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m    (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m
Central and local government                      213          1          1        215         95       1,822      1,853      1,765
Manufacturing                                   2,779        566        406      3,751      3,421       3,581      3,495      3,917
Construction                                    1,197        581        310      2,088      1,857       1,778      1,602      1,653
Finance                                           754        205        132      1,091      1,159       3,257      5,518        896
Service industries and business activities      5,696      3,043      2,792     11,531     12,263      11,500     11,352     12,073
Agriculture, forestry and fishing                 801        375        513      1,689      1,647       1,660      1,619      1,549
Property                                        1,936      1,831      1,719      5,486      4,694       4,888      4,728      3,928
Individuals      -  home mortgages              1,323      2,631     18,332     22,286     20,425      19,265     18,613     17,794
                 -  other                       5,010      3,335      3,345     11,690     10,287       9,759      8,174      7,513
Finance leases and instalment credit            2,592      4,493      4,371     11,456     11,092       8,123      7,198      7,638
Total domestic                                 22,301     17,061     31,921     71,283     66,940      65,633     64,152     58,726
Overseas residents                             13,119        621      1,708     15,448     17,694      14,788     10,519      9,514
Total UK offices                               35,420     17,682     33,629     86,731     84,634      80,421     74,671     68,240

United States                                  14,841        514      1,513     16,868      8,157       9,836      6,779      5,636
Rest of the World                               6,330      2,281      2,007     10,618      9,950      10,651      9,727      7,654
Total overseas offices                         21,171      2,795      3,520     27,486     18,107      20,487     16,506     13,290

Loans and advances to customers - gross        56,591     20,477     37,149    114,217    102,741     100,908     91,177     81,530
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                           (2,095)    (2,123)     (2,084)    (2,179)    (2,568)
Loans and advances to customers - net                                          112,122    100,618      98,824     88,998     78,962

Fixed rate                                     18,552      8,005     10,586     37,143     25,224      32,433     62,784     60,001
Variable rate                                  38,039     12,472     26,563     77,074     77,517      68,475     28,393     21,529
Gross loans and advances to customers -
  by maturity                                  56,591     20,477     37,149    114,217    102,741     100,908     91,177     81,530

For further information regarding NatWest Group's operations by geographical
area, see Note 47 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.


Provisions for bad and doubtful debts

Provisioning policy

NatWest Group's approach to managing credit risk is discussed under Item 11 on
page 74 of this Annual Report and its accounting policy for loans and advances
is set out on pages 93 and 94. NatWest Group provides for losses existing in
its lending book to record loans and advances at their expected ultimate net
realisable value.

Specific provisions are made against loans when, as a result of review, it is
considered that recovery is in serious doubt. Each loan portfolio is considered
and monitored separately using a variety of systems, reports and models.

o    Homogeneous portfolios, including credit card receivables and mortgages,
     comprise a significant proportion of NatWest Group's loans. Provisions on
     these portfolios are calculated using a formulaic approach based on number
     of days in arrears and the predicted risk of loss on the loan.

o    For other portfolios, customers are assigned a credit grading which is
     mapped on to NatWest Group scale. Credit grades are reviewed at least
     annually. Where deterioration is detected, the credit is downgraded as
     appropriate. If it is determined that more intensive management is
     required, the credit is passed to a specialist unit. Specific provision is
     made where a review of the advance reveals that the credit-worthiness of
     the borrower has undergone a significant deterioration and that recovery
     of the advance is in significant doubt taking account of available
     security. This review will also consider the cancellation or reduction of
     unutilised limits, the appointment of an investigating accountant and
     other actions that are designed to mitigate the credit risk faced by
     NatWest Group. The amount of the specific provision will reflect the
     financial condition of the borrower, the realisable value of any security
     and the costs of recovery or realisation of that security as at the
     balance sheet date.

NatWest Group establishes a general provision through charges to the profit and
loss account in order to cover losses that have not been specifically
identified but are known from experience to be present in any portfolio of
loans. The level of general provision reflects the size and diversity of
NatWest Group's loan portfolio, past experience, the current state of the
economies in which the NatWest Group operates and the scope of specific
provisioning procedures.

NatWest Group monitors its credit loss experience in each of its loan
portfolios. The assumptions used to determine the level of provisions, in
homogeneous portfolios and in other portfolios, are adjusted to reflect the
actual experience.

Bad and doubtful debt provisions made during the year (less amounts released
and recoveries of amounts written-off in previous years) are charged to the
profit and loss account. Where the collectability of interest is in doubt it is
not credited to the profit and loss account but to a suspense account. Loans
classified as bad debts and any related suspended interest are written-down to
their estimated net realisable value when it is identified that there is no
realistic prospect of recovery of all or part of the loan. There are
differences in accounting practices between UK and US banks. In the UK, loans
and the related accrued interest are written-off only when, as a matter of
banking judgement, there is no realistic prospect of recovery. When management
determines that a write-off is appropriate, the principal amount and accrued
interest on the obligation are written down their to estimated net realisable
value. Banks in the US may write-off impaired lending more quickly. In the UK,
interest receivable on loans is recognised as income as it accrues provided
that its collectability is not subject to significant doubt. In contrast, banks
in the US typically cease accruing interest when loans become overdue by 90
days. The effect of these differences is that NatWest Group's gross lending,
its provisions for bad and doubtful debts and provision cover ratios may be
greater than would be the case using US practice.

An analysis of NatWest Group's loans and advances to customers before
provisions is contained on page 41. An analysis of provisions for bad and
doubtful debts, write-offs and recoveries is also included on pages 43 to 45.
NatWest Group's loan control and review procedures do not include the
classification of loans as non-accrual, accruing past due, restructured and
potential problem loans, as defined by the SEC in the US. The table on page 46
shows the estimated amount of loans, which would be reported using the SEC's


Provision for bad and doubtful debts

For a discussion of the factors considered in determining the amount of the
provisions, see 'Provisioning policy' on page 42. The following table shows the
elements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts:

                                                           2002             2001             2000             1999             1998
                                                           ----             ----             ----             ----             ----
                                                       (pound)m         (pound)m         (pound)m         (pound)m         (pound)m
Provisions at beginning of year
     Domestic                                             1,656            1,723            1,756            1,897            2,198
     Foreign                                                475              375              436              712              639
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------
                                                          2,131            2,098            2,192            2,609            2,837
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------

Currency translation and other adjustments
     Domestic                                                 5              (15)              (3)              12               (1)
     Foreign                                                (15)              13               17              (17)               1
Acquisition/(disposal) of subsidiaries
     Domestic                                                 -              (28)               7               (3)            (100)
     Foreign                                                  -              (10)               -                -               (9)
Amounts written-off
     Domestic                                              (418)            (372)            (497)            (546)            (726)
     Foreign                                               (126)             (84)            (129)            (283)             (98)
Recoveries of amounts written-off in previous years
     Domestic                                                13               10              144              172              198
     Foreign                                                  4                9                8               11                8
Charged to profit and loss account
     Domestic                                               303              338              316              224              328
     Foreign                                                205              172               43               13              171
Provisions at end of year
     Domestic                                             1,559            1,656            1,723            1,756            1,897
     Foreign                                                543              475              375              436              712
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------
                                                          2,102            2,131            2,098            2,192            2,609
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------

Gross loans and advances to customers
Domestic                                                 71,283           66,940           65,633           64,152           58,726
Foreign                                                  42,934           35,801           35,275           27,025           22,804
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------
                                                        114,217          102,741          100,908           91,177           81,530
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------

Closing customer provisions as a % of gross loans
     and advances to customers
Domestic                                                   2.19%            2.47%            2.63%            2.74%            3.23%
Foreign                                                    1.25%            1.30%            1.02%            1.57%            2.94%
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------
                                                           1.83%            2.07%            2.07%            2.39%            3.15%
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------

Customer charge against profit as a % of gross
     loans and advances to customers
Domestic                                                   0.43%            0.50%            0.48%            0.35%            0.56%
Foreign                                                    0.48%            0.48%            0.10%            0.06%            0.58%
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------
                                                           0.44%            0.50%            0.35%            0.27%            0.57%
                                                     ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------


Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (continued)

The following table presents additional information with respect to provisions
for bad and doubtful debts:

                                                                          2002         2001         2000         1999         1998
                                                                          ----         ----         ----         ----         ----
                                                                      (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m
Loans and advances to customers (gross)                                114,217      102,741      100,908       91,177       81,530

Provisions at end of year:
     Specific provisions - customers                                     1,727        1,725        1,682        1,786        2,161
     Specific provisions - banks                                             7            8           14           13           41
     General provision                                                     368          398          402          393          407
                                                                         2,102        2,131        2,098        2,192        2,609
Customer provision at end of year as a % of loans and advances
   to customers at end of year:
     Specific provisions                                                  1.51%        1.68%        1.67%        1.96%        2.65%
     General provision                                                    0.32%        0.39%        0.40%        0.43%        0.50%
                                                                          1.83%        2.07%        2.07%        2.39%        3.15%

Average loans and advances to customers (gross)                        110,874      103,585       95,756       86,707       87,658

As a % of average loans and advances to customers during the year:
   Total customer provisions charged to profit and loss                   0.46%        0.49%        0.37%        0.28%        0.53%

   Amounts written-off (net of recoveries) - customers                    0.47%        0.42%        0.49%        0.72%        0.70%

Analysis of closing provisions for bad and doubtful debts

The following table analyses customer provisions for bad and doubtful debts by
geographical area and type of domestic customer.

                                 2002                 2001                   2000                  1999                  1998
                                 ----                 ----                   ----                  ----                  ----
                                       % of                  % of                   % of                  % of                  % of
                                   loans to              loans to               loans to              loans to              loans to
                          Closing     total     Closing     total      Closing     total     Closing     total     Closing     total
                        Provision     loans   provision     loans    provision     loans   provision     loans   provision     loans
                        ---------     -----   ---------     -----    ---------     -----   ---------     -----   ---------     -----
                         (pound)m         %    (pound)m         %     (pound)m         %    (pound)m         %    (pound)m         %
Central and local
  government                    -       0.2           -       0.2            -       1.8           -       2.1           -       2.2
Manufacturing                 112       3.3         129       3.3           96       3.5         122       3.8         101       4.8
Construction                   52       1.8          59       1.8           69       1.8          81       1.8          89       2.0
Finance                        43       1.0          54       1.1           45       3.2          36       6.1          23       1.1
Service industries and
  business activities         389      10.1         430      11.9          507      11.4         496      12.4         674      14.8
Agriculture, forestry
  and fishing                  24       1.5          21       1.6           24       1.6          26       1.8          28       1.9
Property                       32       4.8          30       4.6           43       4.8          50       5.2          50       4.8
   - home mortgages            15      19.5          17      19.9            7      19.1           9      20.4          13      21.8
   - other                    444      10.2         487      10.0          523       9.7         516       9.0         501       9.2
Finance leases and
   instalment credit          208      10.0         164      10.8          142       8.1         144       7.8         143       9.4
Total domestic              1,319      62.4       1,391      65.2        1,456      65.0       1,480      70.4       1,622      72.0
Foreign                       408      37.6         334      34.8          226      35.0         306      29.6         539      28.0
Specific provisions         1,727     100.0       1,725     100.0        1,682     100.0       1,786     100.0       2,161     100.0
                                  ----------            -----------            ----------            ----------            ---------
General provision             368                   398                    402                   393                   407
                       -----------          ------------           ------------           -----------          ------------
Total provisions            2,095                 2,123                  2,084                 2,179                 2,568
                       -----------          ------------           ------------           -----------          ------------



The following table analyses amounts written-off by geographical area and type
of domestic customer:

                                                             2002          2001           2000          1999          1998
                                                             ----          ----           ----          ----          ----
                                                         (pound)m      (pound)m       (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m
Manufacturing                                                  76            37             60            15            36
Construction                                                   15            11             29            10            29
Finance                                                        28             2              4             6             3
Service industries and business activities                    123           109            133           271           272
Agriculture, forestry and fishing                               3             4              5             5             6
Property                                                        5             9             14             4            24
Individuals          - home mortgages                           1             1              2             4             7
                     - others                                 122           136            180           141           170
Finance leases and instalment credit                           45            63             70            90           179
Total domestic                                                418           372            497           546           726
Foreign                                                       126            84            129           283            98
Total write-offs*                                             544           456            626           829           824

*    Includes(pound)1 million relating to loans and advances to banks (2001
     -(pound)6 million; 2000 -(pound)5 million; 1999 -(pound)20 million; 1998
     -(pound)4 million).


The following table analyses recoveries of amounts written-off by geographical
area and type of domestic customer:

                                                             2002          2001           2000          1999          1998
                                                             ----          ----           ----          ----          ----
                                                         (pound)m      (pound)m       (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m
Manufacturing                                                   -             -             16            15            13
Construction                                                    -             1             14            11            13
Finance                                                         -             -              1             1             2
Service industries and business activities                      1             1             55            64            58
Agriculture, forestry and fishing                               -             -              3             2             3
Property                                                        1             -              5             9            15
Individuals          - home mortgages                           -             -              1             3             -
                     - others                                   4             5             45            56            63
Finance leases and instalment credit                            7             3              4            11            31
Total domestic                                                 13            10            144           172           198*
Foreign                                                         4             9              8            11             8
Total recoveries                                               17            19            152           183           206

*    Includes (pound)1 million relating to loans and advances to banks.


Risk elements in lending and potential problem loans

The Group's loan control and review procedures do not include the
classification of loans as non-accrual, accruing past due, restructured and
potential problem loans, as defined by the SEC. The following table shows the
estimated amount of loans which would be reported using the SEC's
classifications. The figures incorporate estimates and are stated before
deducting the value of security held or related provisions.

                                                                           2002         2001         2000         1999        1998
                                                                           ----         ----         ----         ----        ----
                                                                       (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m    (pound)m
Loans accounted for on a non-accrual basis (3):
     Domestic                                                             1,781        2,238        2,164        2,111       2,425
     Foreign                                                                531          360          143          460         686
     Total                                                                2,312        2,598        2,307        2,571       3,111
Accruing loans which are contractually past due
  90 days or more as to principal or interest: (4)
     Domestic                                                               195          237          223          230         263
     Foreign                                                                 34           19           21           17          15
     Total                                                                  229          256          244          247         278
Loans not included above which are classified as 'troubled debt
  restructurings' by the SEC:
     Domestic                                                                 7           24           24           17          24
     Foreign                                                                  1            7           10           20         253
     Total                                                                    8           31           34           37         277

Total risk elements in lending                                            2,549        2,885        2,585        2,855       3,666

Potential problem loans (5)
     Domestic                                                               523          765          516          511         671
     Foreign                                                                 70          218           55           99         112
     Total                                                                  593          983          571          610         783

Closing provisions for bad and doubtful debts as a % of total risk
elements in lending:                                                         82%          74%          81%          77%         71%

(1)  For the analysis above, 'Domestic' consists of the UK domestic
     transactions of the Group. 'Foreign' comprises the Group's transactions
     conducted through offices outside the UK and through those offices in the
     UK specifically organised to service international banking transactions.
(2)  The classification of a loan as non-accrual, past due 90 days or troubled
     debt restructuring does not necessarily indicate that the principal of the
     loan is uncollectable in whole or in part. Collection depends in each case
     on the individual circumstances of the loan, including the adequacy of any
     collateral securing the loan and therefore classification of a loan as
     non-accrual, past due 90 days or troubled debt restructuring does not
     always require that a provision be made against such a loan. In accordance
     with NatWest Group's provisioning policy for bad and doubtful debts, it is
     considered that adequate provisions for the above risk elements in lending
     have been made.
(3)  NatWest Group's UK banking subsidiary undertakings account for loans on a
     non-accrual basis from the point in time at which the collectability of
     interest is in significant doubt.
(4)  Overdrafts generally have no fixed repayment schedule and consequently are
     not included in this category.
(5)  Loans that are current as to the payment of principal and interest but in
     respect of which management has serious doubts about the ability of the
     borrower to comply with contractual repayment terms. Substantial security
     is held in respect of these loans and appropriate provisions have already
     been made in accordance with the Group's provisioning policy for bad and
     doubtful debts.


                                                                                                    2002         2001         2000
                                                                                                    ----         ----         ----
                                                                                                (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m
Gross income not recognised but which would have been recognised under the
   original terms of non-accrual and restructured loans
     Domestic                                                                                        171          101          118
     Foreign                                                                                          32           24           24
                                                                                                     203          125          142

Interest on non-accrual and restructured loans included in net interest income
     Domestic                                                                                         36           36           39
     Foreign                                                                                           5            7            1
                                                                                                      41           43           40

Cross-border outstandings in excess of 0.75% of total assets

Cross-border outstandings consist of loans to banks and customers (including
instalment credit and finance lease receivables), acceptances and other
monetary assets, including non-local currency claims of overseas offices on
local residents. NatWest Group monitors the geographical breakdown of
outstandings based on the country of domicile of the borrower or guarantor of
ultimate risk. The table below sets out NatWest Group's cross-border
outstandings in excess of 0.75% of total assets (including acceptances) of
(pound)172.3 billion (2001 - (pound)172.9 billion; 2000 - (pound)186.6
billion). None of these countries has experienced repayment difficulties, which
have required refinancing of outstanding debt.

                                                                          Banks                         Commercial,
                                       As % of                        and other      Governments     industrial and
                                         total                        financial     and official      other private
                                        assets           Total     institutions     institutions             sector
                                        ------           -----     ------------     ------------             ------
                                             %        (pound)m         (pound)m         (pound)m           (pound)m
Netherlands                               1.44           2,477              471               44              1,962
United States                             0.98           1,684            1,009                -                675
Cayman Islands                            0.80           1,375                2                -              1,373

Netherlands                               1.05           1,808            1,011                -                797
United States                             1.03           1,789              516               59              1,214
Cayman Islands                            0.92           1,585            1,518                -                 67

Germany                                   2.12           3,950            3,693               42                215
United States                             1.97           3,682            2,130               13              1,539
Japan                                     1.83           3,420            3,025                1                394
Netherlands                               1.15           2,150            1,101                -              1,049
Switzerland                               1.03           1,915            1,578                -                337
France                                    0.96           1,787            1,593                -                194
Canada                                    0.95           1,782            1,030              125                627
Cayman Islands                            0.81           1,504              197                -              1,307


Off balance sheet arrangements
NatWest Group is involved with several types of off-balance sheet arrangements,
including special purpose vehicles, lending commitments and financial

Special purpose vehicles ("SPVs") -- SPVs are vehicles set up for a specific,
limited purpose that do not carry out a business or trade and typically have no
employees. They take a variety of legal forms - trusts, partnerships and
companies - and fulfil many different functions. They constitute a key element
of securitisation transactions in which an SPV acquires financial assets funded
by the issue of securities.

In the normal course of business, NatWest Group arranges securitisations to
facilitate client transactions and undertakes securitisations to sell financial
assets or to obtain funding. It has established a number of SPVs to act as
commercial paper conduits for customers. SPVs are also utilised in its fund
management activities to structure investment funds to which the Group provides
investment management services.

Lending commitments and other commitments -- Under a loan commitment, NatWest
Group agrees to make funds available to a customer in the future. Loan
commitments, which are usually for a specified term, may be unconditionally
cancellable or may persist, provided all conditions in the loan facility are
satisfied or waived. Commitments to lend include commercial standby facilities
and credit lines, liquidity facilities to commercial paper conduits and
unutilised overdraft facilities. Other commitments include documentary credits,
which are commercial letters of credit providing for payment by NatWest Group
to a named beneficiary against presentation of specified documents, forward
asset purchases, forward deposits placed and undrawn note issuance and
revolving underwriting facilities.

Guarantees and other contingent liabilities -- NatWest Group gives guarantees on
behalf of customers. A financial guarantee represents an irrevocable
undertaking that NatWest Group will meet a customer's obligations to third
parties if the customer fails to do so. The maximum amount that the Group could
be required to pay under a guarantee is its principal amount. NatWest Group
expects most guarantees it provides to expire unused. Other contingent
liabilities include contingent liabilities arising out of acceptances,
endorsements, standby letters of credit, performance and customs bonds,
warranties and indemnities. In accepting a bill of exchange drawn on it by a
customer a bank undertakes to pay the holder of the bill at maturity. Most
acceptances are presented for payment and reimbursement by the customer is
usually immediate. In the UK, bills accepted by certain banks designated by the
Bank of England are eligible for rediscount at the Bank of England. Under US
GAAP, acceptances and the corresponding customer obligation are recognised on
the balance sheet. In endorsing a bill of exchange, a bank accepts liability
for payment of any shortfall on the bill at maturity. Unlike acceptances, the
endorsing bank receives value for the bill, which is then rediscounted.

NatWest Group's contingent liabilities and commitments are set out in Note 39
on the accounts.

Contractual obligations The table below summarises NatWest Group's contractual
obligations by remaining maturity as at 31 December 2002.

                                                                                More than     More than
                                                                               1 year but   3 years but
                                                                  Less than     less than     less than         Over
                                                                     1 year       3 years       5 years      5 years        Total
                                                                     ------       -------       -------      -------        -----
                                                                   (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m
Contractual cash obligations
Dated loan capital                                                      310           815           299        1,917        3,341
Operating leases                                                        110           201           206        1,079        1,596
Finance leases                                                           30            10             5          125          170
Unconditional obligations to purchase goods or services                  55             1             1            1           58
                                                                        505         1,027           511        3,122        5,165

The table above does not include undated loan capital. The maturity of deposits
by banks is given in Note 23, of customer accounts in Note 24, and of debt
securities in issue in Note 25.




A substantial portion of NatWest Group's assets are funded by deposits,
principally current accounts and various types of interest bearing deposit
accounts, collected through the Bank's UK branch network and Wealth Management.
The remainder of the assets of NatWest Group are funded by wholesale deposits,
debt securities in issue, loan capital and shareholders' equity.

Interest bearing demand deposits are current accounts with credit balances and
retail deposits repayable on demand, obtained primarily through the Bank's UK
branch network, and wholesale deposits repayable on demand, booked mainly
within the Bank's treasury operations. Interest rates applicable to such
deposits are generally calculated on the basis of a margin under base rate.
Deposits in currencies other than sterling are collected principally by
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets and Wealth Management. The former
raises most of its deposits through the wholesale markets whereas Wealth
Management's deposits are principally demand and savings deposits.

Savings deposits are specific products which are designed to attract larger
savings from personal customers who do not require withdrawals on demand and
therefore in general offer better rates of return than interest bearing demand

Other time deposits are collected centrally from the money market to bridge the
gap between retail resources and sterling assets. Chief sources of wholesale
deposits are the inter-bank market, corporations and non-bank financial
institutions which place funds on the inter-bank market, and issuance of
certificates of deposit and medium term notes. All are priced in relation to
money market rates. Rate considerations and the ability to provide funds in the
maturity periods required by the Bank to fulfil its liquidity management
objectives affect the choice of instrument. Customers are offered rates related
to inter-bank market rates for the term of the deposit depending on the amounts
and term. Larger deposits (typically (pound)1 million and over) earn the money
market rates paid in the inter-bank market, and smaller amounts earn
progressively wider spreads under the money market rate. Rates are centrally
communicated throughout NatWest Group by the central treasury operation. While
competitive rates influence the quantity of deposits obtained through the
branch network, the branch network enables a wide variety of local depositor
sources to be accessed.

Analysis of deposits

The following table shows the distribution of deposits by banks and customer
accounts by sterling and other currencies at 31 December in each of the past
three years:

                                                        2002            2001            2000
                                                        ----            ----            ----
                                                    (pound)m        (pound)m        (pound)m
Deposits by banks
  Sterling                                             5,048          11,016           7,701
  Other currencies                                    12,670          14,230          22,442
Total deposits by banks                               17,718          25,246          30,143

Customer accounts
  Sterling                                            79,355          75,854          78,434
  Other currencies                                    32,122          24,097          31,288
Total customer accounts                              111,477          99,951         109,722

Total deposits                                       129,195         125,197         139,865


Certificates of deposit and other time deposits

The following table shows details of NatWest Group's certificates of deposit
issued and other time deposits over (pound)50,000 (or the equivalent of
$100,000 for currencies other than sterling) at 31 December 2002, by time
remaining until maturity:

                                                                      Over 3          Over 6
                                                        Within     but within      but within            Over          2002
                                                      3 months       6 months       12 months       12 months         Total
                                                      --------       --------       ---------       ---------         -----
                                                      (pound)m       (pound)m        (pound)m        (pound)m      (pound)m
UK based companies and branches
     Certificates of deposit                               130              -               -               -           130
     Other time deposits                                25,471            559             379           1,909        28,318

Overseas based companies and branches
     Other time deposits                                27,661            421             684             151        28,917
Total                                                   53,262            980           1,063           2,060        57,365

Analysis of deposits by product type and geographical area

The following table shows the distribution of NatWest Group's deposits by
product type and geographical area at 31 December for each of the past three

                                                               2002             2001             2000
                                                               ----             ----             ----
                                                           (pound)m         (pound)m         (pound)m
Demand deposits        - interest-free                       17,856           16,768           15,003
                       - interest-bearing                    36,387           32,319           32,598
Time deposits      - savings                                  4,436           13,748           10,754
                   - other                                   24,547           20,738           23,858
Overseas residents:
Demand deposits        - interest-free                          775            1,307            1,968
                       - interest-bearing                     2,311            1,975            6,117
Time deposits      - savings                                  1,283            4,739            5,890
                   - other                                    2,292            3,685            7,818
Total UK offices                                             89,887           95,279          104,006

Demand deposits        - interest-free                        1,993            1,762            1,333
                       - interest-bearing                     2,449            2,239            3,947
Time deposits      - savings                                    169            1,639            5,076
                   - other                                   34,697           24,278           25,503
Total overseas offices (see below)                           39,308           29,918           35,859
Total deposits                                              129,195          125,197          139,865

Banking business                                             99,731          104,477          115,054
Trading business                                             29,464           20,720           24,811
Total deposits                                              129,195          125,197          139,865

United States                                                28,476           20,285           22,137
Rest of the World                                            10,832            9,633           13,722
Total overseas                                               39,308           29,918           35,859


Short-term borrowings

The following table shows details of NatWest Group's short-term borrowings as
at 31 December for each of the past three years:

                                                                                      2002           2001         2000
                                                                                      ----           ----         ----
                                                                                  (pound)m       (pound)m     (pound)m
Commercial paper:
     Outstanding at 31 December                                                          -            273          681
     Maximum amount outstanding at any month-end during the year                        95            614        1,084
     Approximate average amount outstanding during the year                             41            566          873
     Approximate weighted average interest rate during the year                       2.1%           4.3%         6.1%
     Approximate weighted average interest rate at 31 December                         n/a           4.2%         4.7%

Other short-term borrowings:
     Outstanding at 31 December                                                     26,543         23,428       25,566
     Maximum amount outstanding at any month-end during the year                    26,930         29,865       30,911
     Approximate average amount outstanding during the year                         23,431         27,283       25,673
     Approximate weighted average interest rate during the year                       2.7%           5.4%         5.9%
     Approximate weighted average interest rate at 31 December                        1.5%           4.3%         6.1%

Average interest rates during the year are computed by dividing total interest
expense by the average amount borrowed. Average interest rates at year end are
average rates for a single day and as such may reflect one-day market
distortions which may not be indicative of generally prevailing rates. Original
maturities of commercial paper are not in excess of one year. 'Other short-term
borrowings' consist principally of borrowings in the money markets included
within 'Deposits by banks' and 'Customer accounts' in the Consolidated
Financial Statements, and generally have original maturities of one year or


Liquidity and capital resources

The following table analyses NatWest Group's regulatory capital resources.

                                                                                    2002           2001          2000
                                                                                    ----           ----          ----
                                                                                (pound)m       (pound)m      (pound)m
Capital base
Tier 1 capital                                                                     8,896          7,968         6,977
Tier 2 capital                                                                     5,929          6,369         6,484
Tier 3 capital                                                                         -            172           167
Total                                                                             14,825         14,509        13,628
Less investments in insurance subsidiaries, associated undertakings and
   other supervisory deductions                                                   (1,804)        (2,173)       (1,676)
Total capital                                                                     13,021         12,336        11,952

Weighted risk assets Banking book:
  On-balance sheet                                                                84,400         83,600        80,500
  Off-balance sheet                                                               10,100         10,500        10,500
Trading book                                                                       6,000          6,400         7,300
                                                                                 100,500        100,500        98,300

Risk asset ratios                                                                      %              %             %
Tier 1                                                                               8.9            7.9           7.1
Total                                                                               13.0           12.3          12.2

In the management of Capital Resources NatWest Group is governed by RBS Group's
policy which is to maintain a strong capital base, to expand it as appropriate
and to utilise it efficiently throughout its activities to optimise the return
to shareholders while maintaining a prudent relationship between the capital
base and the underlying risks of the business. In carrying out this policy,
NatWest Group has regard to the supervisory requirements of the Financial
Services Authority ("FSA"). The FSA uses Risk Asset Ratio ("RAR") as a measure
of capital adequacy in the UK banking sector, comparing a bank's capital
resources with its weighted risk assets (the assets and off-balance sheet
exposures are 'weighted' to reflect the inherent credit and other risks); by
international agreement, the RAR should be not less than 8% with a tier 1
component of not less than 4%. At 31 December 2002, NatWest Group's total RAR
ratio was 13.0% (2001 - 12.3%) and the tier 1 RAR was 8.9% (2001 - 7.9%).


In line with undertakings given by the RBS Group and three other major clearing
banks to the Office of Fair Trading ("OFT"), the NatWest Group's SME customers
have been offered, with effect from 1 January 2003, the choice of either
receiving interest on current accounts at a prescribed rate or free core money
transmission services. This, together with competitive pressures and the low
interest rate environment, is likely to adversely affect the Group's net
interest margin.

The RBS Group, along with seven other clearing banks, has also given
undertakings to the OFT to implement behavioural remedies, including measures
to achieve speedy and error free switching of accounts between banks,
unbundling of services and improving market information and transparency.




The Board of directors comprised at 26 February 2003 of the Chairman, six
executive directors and eleven non-executive directors. The directors of the
Bank are also directors of RBS Group and the Royal Bank. Brief biographical
details of each member of the Board of directors is given below.

Sir George Mathewson 0 #
(age 62), has a wide background in finance, technology and management and has
spent some of his career in the United States. He was appointed a director in
September 1987 and became Group Chief Executive in January 1992. In March 2000,
he was appointed Executive Deputy Chairman and, in April 2001, he was appointed
to his present position as Chairman. He is president of the British Bankers
Association. He is a director of Santander Central Hispano, S.A., The Scottish
Investment Trust PLC and The International Monetary Conference. He was chief
executive of the Scottish Development Agency from 1981 to 1987. (Chairman of
the Nominations Committee and the Chairman's Advisory Group)

Sir Iain Vallance 0 #
(age 59), is an experienced businessman. He has held a range of positions,
including president, CBI, chairman, British Telecommunications p.l.c.,
chairman, European Advisory Committee to NYSE, deputy chairman, Financial
Reporting Council and a member of the board of directors of the Mobil
Corporation. He was appointed a director in January 1993 and became a
vice-chairman in March 1994. He is currently chairman, European Services Forum
and a member of the supervisory board of Siemens AG.

Sir Angus Grossart 0 #
(age 65), an advocate and chartered accountant, he has a background in merchant
banking and is chairman of Noble Grossart Limited. He was appointed a director
in September 1985 and became a vice-chairman in April 1996. He is also chairman
of The Scottish Investment Trust PLC. He is a director of other public
companies including Scottish and Newcastle PLC, Trinity Mirror PLC and
Edinburgh US Tracker Trust plc. He is a Trustee of the National Heritage
Memorial Fund and a former chairman of the Trustees of the National Galleries
of Scotland. He has served on the boards of a wide range of public companies in
the UK, the USA and Canada.

Executive directors
Fred Goodwin #
Group Chief Executive
(age 44), a chartered accountant, was appointed as Deputy Group Chief Executive
in August 1998 and to his present position in March 2000. He was formerly chief
executive and director, Clydesdale Bank PLC and Yorkshire Bank PLC. He is
chairman of The Prince's Trust: Scotland and a member of The Prince's Trust
Council. He is a former president of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in

Lawrence Fish
(age 58), was appointed a director in January 1993. He is Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Financial Group, Inc. He is also a
director of Textron, Inc., a trustee of The Brookings Institution, a director
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and a director of numerous community
organisations in the USA.

Norman McLuskie
(age 58), a chartered accountant, was appointed a director in June 1992 and is
Chief Executive, Retail Direct.

Gordon Pell
(age 53), was appointed as a director and Chief Executive, Retail Banking on 6
March 2000. On 1 October 2001, he was appointed to his current position as
Chairman, Retail Banking and Wealth Management. He was formerly group director,
Lloyds TSB UK Retail Banking before joining National Westminster Bank Plc as a
director in February 2000.


Iain Robertson #
(age 57), a chartered accountant, was appointed a director in January 1993 and
became Chief Executive, Corporate Banking and Financial Markets on 6 March
2000. He was appointed to his present position as Chairman, Corporate Banking
and Financial Markets on 1 October 2001. He is also a chairman of British
Empire Securities and General Trust plc.

Fred Watt #
(age 42), a chartered accountant, was appointed to his current position as
Group Finance Director in September 2000. He was formerly finance director,
Wassall plc.

Non-executive directors
Emilio Botin
(age 68), of Spanish nationality, is chairman of Santander Central Hispano,
S.A. He is also chairman of several Santander Central Hispano Group
subsidiaries and a director of a number of Spanish companies including
Bankinter SA. He is chairman of, an internet venture between
Santander Central Hispano and 650 universities in Spain, Portugal and the main
countries in Latin America.

Colin Buchan *
(age 49), was appointed on 1 June 2002. He was educated in South Africa and
spent the early part of his career in South Africa and the Far East. He retired
as a member of the group management board of UBS AG and head of equities of UBS
Warburg in March 2001. He has considerable international investment banking
experience, as well as experience with very large risk management in the
equities business. He was appointed a director of SG Warburg Group plc in 1995.
His public directorships include Merrill Lynch World Mining Trust Plc. His
other directorships include Merrill Lynch Gold Limited, Royal Scottish National
Orchestra Society Limited, Standard Life Investments Limited, UBS Bunting
Warburg Limited and World Mining Investment Company Limited.

Jim Currie +
(age 61), was appointed in November 2001. A highly experienced international
civil servant, he spent many years working in Brussels and Washington. He was
formerly Director General at the European Commission with responsibility for
the EU's Environmental Policy and previously Director General for Customs and
Indirect Taxation. He is also a director of British Nuclear Fuels Limited and
International Adviser to Eversheds.

Juan Inciarte
(age 50), of Spanish nationality, is a general manager of Santander Central
Hispano in charge of Europe and financial companies of the group. He is a
former director of First Union Corporation, now Wachovia, and Interbank On-line
System Limited. He is also a director of several Santander Central Hispano
Group subsidiaries and a number of Spanish and European companies including
CC-Bank AG and Sanpaolo IMI S.P.A.

Eileen Mackay + *
(age 59), is a former UK civil servant who held posts in Scotland, HM Treasury
and the Cabinet Office and was principal finance officer at The Scottish
Office. She is a director of Edinburgh Investment Trust plc and Scottish
Financial Enterprise. She is chairman of Trustees of the David Hume Institute
and is a member of the Economic and Social Research Council and the Review
Board of the UK Accountancy profession and the Court of the University of

Sir Steve Robson *
(age 59), was appointed in July 2001. He was formerly a senior civil servant,
with responsibility for a wide variety of Treasury interests. His early career
included the post of Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and
secondment to ICFC, (now 3i). He retired in January 2001 as Second Permanent
Secretary of HM Treasury, where he was managing director of the Finance and
Regulation Directorate. He is a non-executive director of Cazenove Group Plc,
Xstrata Plc and Partnerships UK plc.

Bob Scott + 0 #
(age 61), of Australian nationality, was appointed in January 2001. He has many
years experience in the international insurance business and played a leading
role in the consolidation of the UK insurance industry. He is a former group
chief executive of CGNU plc and chairman of the Board of the Association of
British Insurers. He is also a non-executive director of Jardine Lloyd Thompson
Group plc, Swiss Reinsurance Company Zurich, Focus Wickes Group Limited, Yell
Group Limited and a Trustee of the Crimestoppers Trust. (Chairman of the
Remuneration Committee)


Peter Sutherland
(age 56), born in Ireland, was appointed in January 2001. He is a former
attorney general of Ireland and was, from 1985 to 1989, European Commissioner
responsible for competition policy. From 1989 to 1995, he was the chairman of
Allied Irish Bank. From 1993 to 1995 he was director general of GATT and,
subsequently, the World Trade Organisation. He is chairman of BP plc and
chairman of Goldman Sachs International. He is also a director of Investor AB
and Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.

Bill Wilson + * 0 #
(age 65), a chartered accountant, has a background in accounting and insurance
and spent a number of years based in North America. He was formerly deputy
chairman of Alexander & Alexander Services Inc., now part of the Aon Group. His
other public directorships are Edinburgh US Tracker Trust plc, First Title plc,
First American Title Insurance (U.K.) Co plc and Scottish Rugby Union Plc.
(Chairman of the Audit Committee)

Miller McLean #
(age 53), was appointed Group Secretary in August 1994 and Group Director,
Legal and Regulatory Affairs and Group Secretary in March 2000. He is
vice-chairman of Banco Santander, Portugal S.A., a Trustee of the Industry and
Parliament Trust, non-executive chairman of The Whitehall and Industry Group
and a non-executive director of The Scottish Parliament and Business Exchange.

+   member of the Remuneration Committee
*   member of the Audit Committee
0   member of the Nominations Committee
#   member of the Chairman's Advisory Group

Mr Cameron McLatchie and Mr Murray Stuart retired from the Board on 25 April

Mr Colin Buchan was appointed to the Board as a non-executive director on 1
June 2002 and was re-elected at the annual general meeting on 28 April 2003.

The directors who retired by rotation and were re-elected at the annual general
meeting on 28 April 2003 were Mr Goodwin, Sir Angus Grossart, Mr Inciarte, Miss
Mackay, Sir George Mathewson and Mr Pell.


The current directors of the Bank are also directors of the ultimate holding
company and are remunerated for their services to the RBS Group as a whole.
Their emoluments are disclosed in the Report and Accounts of the ultimate
holding company. Pensions paid to former directors of the Bank and their
dependants amounted to (pound)281,000 (2001 - (pound)280,000). No director
(2001 - none) is accruing retirement benefits under defined benefit schemes.


The Board has overall responsibility for leading and controlling the Bank and
is accountable for financial and operational performance.

The Board has adopted a formal schedule of matters detailing key aspects of the
Bank's affairs presented to it for decision. In particular, the Board is
responsible for approving policy and strategy. Responsibility for the
development of policy and strategy and operational management is delegated to
the Group Chief Executive and other executive directors.

The roles of Chairman and Group Chief Executive are distinct and separate, with
a clear division of responsibilities. Mr Bob Scott has been nominated as the
senior independent director. The non-executive directors combine broad business
and commercial experience with independent and objective judgement. The balance
enables the Board to provide clear and effective leadership and maintain the
highest standards of integrity across the company's business activities. The
Board has reviewed the independence of the non-executive directors and has
reaffirmed that, with the exception of Mr Botin and Mr Inciarte, who are
representatives of Santander Central Hispano S.A., all non-executive directors
are considered by the Board to be independent.

The Board is supplied with comprehensive Board papers in advance of each Board
meeting including financial and business reports covering each of the company's
principal business activities. All directors have access to the advice and
services of the secretary who is responsible to the Board for ensuring that
Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and regulations are
complied with. In addition, all directors are able, if necessary, to obtain
independent professional advice at the company's expense.


Board Committees - In order to provide effective oversight and leadership the
RBS Group Board has established a number of RBS Group committees with
particular responsibilities. The principal committees are as follows:

The Audit Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in discharging its
responsibilities for accounting policies, financial reporting, internal
control, compliance and risk management. The Committee also reviews the
independence of the external auditors and the relationship between audit and
non-audit work performed by the external auditors. During 2002, it was agreed
that all non-audit work performed by the auditors would be approved in advance
by the Committee.

The Remuneration Committee assists the Board in discharging its
responsibilities for executive remuneration policy and the remuneration
arrangements for directors.

The Nominations Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in the formal
selection and appointment of directors. The Committee considers potential
candidates and recommends appointments of new directors to the Board. This
process was followed in respect of the appointment of Mr Colin Buchan to the
Board during 2002.

Terms of office of directors

At each annual general meeting of the Bank, the terms of office of directors
appointed since the previous annual general meeting, together with the terms of
one-third by rotation of the remaining directors, expire.

Service agreements

Information regarding executive directors' service contracts is summarised in
the table and notes below.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                            Date of Current contract /   Normal retirement age   Notice period - from   Notice period - from
                                         Employing Company                                        company             executives
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fred Goodwin                                  25 June 1998                      60              12 months               6 months
                            The Royal Bank of Scotland plc

Norman McLuskie                             9 October 1997                      60               3 months               3 months
                            The Royal Bank of Scotland plc

Gordon Pell                                    22 May 2002                      60              13 months               6 months
                             National Westminster Bank Plc

Iain Robertson                               27 March 2002                      60              12 months               6 months
                            The Royal Bank of Scotland plc

Fred Watt                                28 September 2000                      60              12 months               6 months
                            The Royal Bank of Scotland plc

Lawrence Fish                                  1 July 1996                       -              24 months              12 months
                              Citizens Financial group Inc
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The total number of full time equivalent employees in NatWest Group at 31
December 2002 was 22,600 (2001 - 33,000; 2000 - 55,800) analysed as follows:

                                                  2002        2001       2000

Corporate Banking and Financial Markets*         5,800       2,500      9,100
Retail Banking                                   6,700      19,400     18,800
Retail Direct                                      500         600      3,100
Manufacturing                                    1,000       1,500     14,000
Wealth Management                                4,000       4,200      5,600
Ulster Bank*                                     4,400       4,500      4,300
Centre                                             200         300        900
                                                22,600      33,000     55,800

* Prior periods have been restated to reflect the transfer of Ulster Bank's
leasing business to Corporate Banking and Financial Markets.

The reduction in employee numbers in 2002 reflects the continued migration of
operations and employees from NatWest Group to the Royal Bank.

Policies and practices in respect of employee issues are managed on a
consistent basis across the RBS Group, and these are detailed below.

Employee proposition - The Bank encourages employees to contribute to the RBS
Group's performance through Total Reward, one of the most comprehensive
remuneration packages in the financial services industry. Employee choice,
rewarding performance and sharing in the RBS Group's success are key features
of Total Reward.

Some 34,000 RBS Group employees participated in RBSelect, a benefits choice
programme, in 2002. Employees can choose from a range of options including
discounted childcare and shopping vouchers, private medical insurance and
telephone legal advice.

Employees can also participate in business-specific bonus or incentive plans,
RBS Group profit sharing and sharesave schemes. In each of the last five years,
eligible RBS Group employees have received a further ten percent of their basic
salary per annum through RBS Group profit sharing. Both RBS Group profit
sharing and sharesave allow employees to acquire shares, and therefore a stake,
in the future success of the RBS Group. A bonus of five per cent of basic
salary was paid to all UK employees in recognition of their contribution to the
successful integration of NatWest.

The RBS Group provides pension scheme membership for the majority of its
employees in the UK and overseas. The largest scheme is The Royal Bank of
Scotland Group Pension Fund, which has some 73,000 RBS Group employees as
members. This is a non-contributory, final salary pension fund and is open to
full-time and part-time staff, including fixed-term contractors.

Employee communication - The RBS Group also encourages employee involvement
through a process of employee communication. This includes internal
communication activities through a corporate intranet, an in-house magazine,
team meetings led by line managers, briefings held by senior managers and
regular dialogue with employees and employee representatives.

The RBS Group Chief Executive and other senior RBS Group executives regularly
communicate directly with employees via 'Question Time' style programmes
broadcast on the internal television network RBTV, and visits to Group offices.
Short films explaining the RBS Group's annual and interim financial results are
also broadcast on RBTV.

Employee consultation - The RBS Group places great importance on consulting
with employees. Every year the RBS Group undertakes an employee opinion survey,
which seeks views and feedback on a variety of key topics including leadership,
communication, employee involvement, training and development. The latest
survey took place in January 2003 when over 110,000 RBS Group employees were
invited to complete surveys either on paper or online, which have been
translated into seven different languages. A response rate of 83% was achieved,
which is significantly higher than the average for comparable organisations.


As a result of the growth in the RBS Group's business interests in mainland
Europe a process has been initiated to establish a European employee
information and consultation body to facilitate dialogue amongst employee
representatives on employment matters. In addition, an agreement covering the
RBS Group is being negotiated with employee representatives from across the RBS
Group's European operations.

Diversity - The RBS Group is committed to diversity in all areas of
recruitment, employment, training and promotion. The RBS Group supports a
business model that is based on meritocracy and inclusiveness, where all
members of staff can develop their full potential, irrespective of their race,
gender, marital status, age, disability, religious belief, political opinion,
or sexual orientation. To help it achieve its long term business objectives the
RBS Group draws on a wide ranging and diverse pool of talent. The RBS Group
also embraces and promotes individual, organisational and cultural differences.

Each year the RBS Group participates in a number of diversity-related
benchmarking exercises, including the Opportunity Now and Race for Opportunity
annual benchmarking exercises, on gender and ethnicity. This enables the RBS
Group to evaluate its current position in respect of diversity issues and to
identify actions required to further enhance diversity across its businesses.

In May 2002, the RBS Group received the Opportunity Now Silver Award. This
means that out of 20 financial sector organisations that participate in the
survey, the RBS Group was equal to or above the 'norm' for the sector in all
categories. In June 2002, the RBS Group received the Race for Opportunity
Bronze Award, coming 9th in the ranking of private sector organisations. The
RBS Group is also a Core Member of the Employer's Forum on Age and a Gold Card
Member of the Employer's Forum on Disability, as well as participating in a
number of other diversity networks.

The RBS Group has established a diversity team, which works across its
businesses to ensure that diversity remains a key driver in everything it does.

Health and safety - The health, safety and security of employees is of
paramount importance to the RBS Group. Where feasible, single, harmonised
policies are in force across the RBS Group. These are now subject to regular
review to ensure that they continue to meet current legislation, best practice
and the operational needs of the business.

Disabled staff - The RBS Group recognises its responsibility towards staff with
disabilities and seeks to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of
disability. The RBS Group recognises the wealth of experience, talent and skill
that people with disabilities can bring to the workforce and strives to achieve
equality of opportunity in the recruitment, employment and retention of all
staff, including those with disabilities.

Corporate social responsibility - The RBS Group recognises that environmental
and social imperatives continue to shape the future and the diversity and
flexibility of the RBS Group's businesses enables it to anticipate and respond
to these changes. Business excellence requires that the RBS Group meets
changing customer, shareholder, investor, employee and supplier expectations
and the RBS Group believes that meeting high standards of environmental, social
and ethical responsibility is key to the way it does business.

To assist in creating value for all stakeholders, the RBS Group has adopted
policies, which progressively integrate environmental and social issues into
all aspects of its business activities. The objective of these policies is to
ensure that its business is conducted in a sustainable and socially responsible
way, and to safeguard and enhance the RBS Group's business and reputation.

The RBS Group Board regularly considers corporate social responsibility issues
and receives a formal report on the relevant matters twice each year.



The Bank was a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of The Royal Bank of Scotland
Group plc until January 2003, when ownership of the entire issued ordinary
share capital was transferred to The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc's Register of Directors' Interests, which
is open to inspection, contains full details of directors' shareholdings and
options to subscribe.

No director had an interest in NatWest Group's preference shares during the

No director had an interest in NatWest Group's loan notes during the year.




The Bank's ultimate holding company and controlling party is The Royal Bank of
Scotland Group plc which is incorporated in Great Britain and registered in
Scotland. As at 31 December 2002, this company heads the only group in which
NatWest Group is consolidated. Copies of the consolidated accounts of The Royal
Bank of Scotland Group plc may be obtained from The Secretary, The Royal Bank
of Scotland Group plc, 42 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YE.

Related party transactions

Santander Central Hispano, S.A. ("SCH")

Under the terms of an alliance agreement, the RBS Group and SCH co-operate in
certain banking and financial activities in Europe. The RBS Group holds 2.83%
of SCH's capital stock and SCH holds 5.04% of the holding company's ordinary

For additional details of related party transactions see Note 50 to the
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Transactions with directors, officers and others


At 31 December 2002, the amounts outstanding in relation to transactions,
arrangements and agreements entered into by authorised institutions in the
NatWest Group were (pound)36,276,342 in respect of loans to seven persons who
were directors of the Bank (or persons connected with them) at any time during
the financial year and (pound)7,615,388 to 41 people who were officers of the
Bank at any time during the financial year.


At 31 December 2001, the amounts outstanding in relation to transactions,
arrangements and agreements entered into by authorised institutions in NatWest
Group were (pound)37,064,987 in respect of loans to 7 persons who were
directors of the Bank (or persons connected with them) at any time during the
financial year and (pound)2,969,046 to 32 people who were officers of the Bank
at any time during the financial year.


At 31 December 2000, (pound)369,538 was outstanding in respect of loans by
NatWest Group companies to 27 persons who were directors of the Bank (or
persons connected with them) at any time during the financial year and
(pound)3,171,978 to 37 people who were officers of the Bank at any time during
the financial year.

Except as stated above, there were no contracts material to the business of
NatWest Group companies which subsisted at 31 December 2002, 31 December 2001
or 31 December 2000 or during the years then ended, in which any director of
NatWest Group had a material interest.

Each of the transactions described above were made in the ordinary course of
business and on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and
collateral, as for comparable transactions with persons of a similar standing
or, where applicable, with other employees. The transactions did not involve
more than the normal risk of collectability or present other unfavourable


                         ITEM 8. FINANCIAL INFORMATION


The Consolidated Financial Statements are included in Item 18 of this Annual

Legal proceedings

Members of NatWest Group are engaged in litigation in the UK and a number of
overseas jurisdictions, including the US, involving claims by and against them,
which arise in the ordinary course of business. The directors of the Bank,
after reviewing the actual, threatened and known potential claims against
NatWest Group undertakings and taking into account the advice of the relevant
legal advisers, are satisfied that the outcome of these claims will not have a
material adverse effect on the net assets of NatWest Group.


Post balance sheet events

In January 2003, the ownership of the Bank's entire issued ordinary share
capital was transferred from the holding company to The Royal Bank of Scotland
plc. Also in January 2003, the entire issued share capital of Lombard North
Central PLC was transferred by the Bank to The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.

No other significant changes have occurred between the date of the financial
statements and the date at which this report was approved.


                         ITEM 9. THE OFFER AND LISTING


Nature of trading market

On 10 April 2000, following the acquisition by The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
plc, the Bank's ordinary shares were delisted from the London Stock Exchange
and the ordinary shares represented by American Depository Shares were delisted
from the New York Stock Exchange. All of the Bank's ordinary share capital is
ultimately held by The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc.

On 9 June 1993 and 8 April 1997, the Bank issued respectively the following
American Depository Shares ("ADSs"), each in connection with a public offering
in the United States:

10,000,000 Series B ("Series B ADSs") representing 10,000,000 non-cumulative
dollar preference shares, Series B; 12,000,000 Series C ("Series C ADSs")
representing 12,000,000 non-cumulative dollar preference shares, Series C;

Each of the respective ADSs represents the right to receive one corresponding
preference share, is evidenced by an American Depository Receipt ("ADR") and is
listed on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE").

The ADRs evidencing the ADSs above were issued pursuant to a Deposit Agreement
dated as of 25 September 1991, covering both the Series B ADSs and the Series C
ADSs, among the Bank, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York as the
depository, and all holders from time to time of ADRs issued thereunder.
Currently, there is no non-United States trading market for any of the
non-cumulative dollar preference shares although Series B dollar preference
shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. All of the non-cumulative
dollar preference shares are held by the depository, as custodian, in bearer

At 31 December 2002, there were 428 holders of record of the Series B ADSs and
109 holders of record of the Series C ADSs. Since certain of such Series B ADSs
and Series C ADSs are held by nominees, the number of holders of record may not
be representative of the number of beneficial holders.

On 4 November 1993, the Bank issued $500 million 7.875% Exchangeable Capital
Securities, $25 each, Series A ("Capital Securities") in connection with a
public offering in the United States. The Capital Securities are listed on the
New York Stock Exchange and commenced trading under the symbol 'NWXPRA' on 29
November 1993. Currently, there is no non-US market for the Capital Securities,
although they are listed on the London Stock Exchange.


The following table shows the high and low sales prices for each of the ADSs
and the capital securities for the period indicated, as reported on the NYSE
composite tape:

                                                                  Series B        Series C           Capital
                                                                      ADSs            ADSs        Securities
                                                                         $               $                 $
By month

May 2003                                             High            25.85           26.74             25.78
                                                     Low             25.55           26.30             25.44
April 2003                                           High            25.75           26.85             26.10
                                                     Low             25.35           26.35             25.45
March 2003                                           High            25.75           26.85             26.20
                                                     Low             25.15           26.35             25.72
February 2003                                        High            25.80           26.81             26.00
                                                     Low             25.52           26.53             25.60
January 2003                                         High            25.85           26.81             26.28
                                                     Low             25.40           26.25             25.52
December 2002                                        High            25.90           26.66             26.20
                                                     Low             25.25           26.03             25.70

By quarter

2003: First quarter                                  High            25.85           26.81             26.28
                                                     Low             25.15           26.25             25.52
2002: Fourth quarter                                 High            26.20           26.66             26.25
                                                     Low             25.20           25.70             25.48
2002: Third quarter                                  High            25.54           26.35             25.90
                                                     Low             25.13           25.45             25.30
2002: Second quarter                                 High            25.61           26.09             25.63
                                                     Low             24.96           25.46             25.00
2002: First quarter                                  High            25.90           26.50             26.18
                                                     Low             25.00           25.41             25.34
2001: Fourth quarter                                 High            26.15           26.95             26.59
                                                     Low             25.11           25.50             25.27
2001: Third quarter                                  High            25.95           27.10             25.80
                                                     Low             24.88           25.25             24.91
2001: Second quarter                                 High            25.50           26.25             25.75
                                                     Low             24.77           25.36             24.35
2001: First quarter                                  High            25.50           25.96             26.20
                                                     Low             24.25           24.00             24.31

By year

2002                                                 High            26.20           26.66             26.25
                                                     Low             24.88           25.41             25.00
2001                                                 High            26.15           27.10             26.59
                                                     Low             24.25           24.00             24.31
2000                                                 High            24.44           24.56             25.13
                                                     Low             20.94           21.44             20.88
1999                                                 High            26.75           26.94             26.63
                                                     Low             20.63           21.00             22.23
1998                                                 High            27.00           27.75             26.50
                                                     Low             24.88           25.25             25.33


The Series B non-cumulative dollar preference shares, Series C non-cumulative
dollar preference shares, ADSs and Capital Securities are listed on the New
York Stock Exchange. The Series B non-cumulative dollar preference shares and
the Capital Securities are also listed on the London Stock Exchange.


                        ITEM 10. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


The following information is a summary of certain terms of the Bank's
Memorandum of Association (the "Memorandum") and Articles of Association (the
"Articles") as in effect at the date of this Annual Report and certain relevant
provisions of the Companies Act 1985, as amended (the "Act") as relevant to the
holders of any class of share. The following summary description is qualified
in its entirety by reference to the terms and provisions of the Memorandum and
Articles. The Memorandum and Articles are registered with the Registrar of
Companies of England and Wales. Holders of any class of share are encouraged to
read the full Memorandum and Articles, which have been filed with the SEC.

Incorporation and registration

The Bank was incorporated and registered in England and Wales under the
Companies Act 1948 to 1967 as a limited company on 18 March 1968 under the name
National Westminster Bank Limited. On 1 February 1982, it changed its name to
its present name and was reregistered under the Companies Act 1948 to 1980 as a
public company with limited liability. The Bank is registered under Company No.

Purpose and objects

The Memorandum provides that the Bank's principal objects are to carry on the
business of banking in all its forms. The objects of the Bank are set out in
full in paragraph 4 of the Memorandum.


At each annual general meeting of the Bank, one third of the directors (or the
number nearest to one third) subject to retirement will retire by rotation and
be eligible for re-election. The directors to retire will be those who are due
to retire by reason of age or who do not wish to stand for re-election and
those who have been longest in office since their last appointment or
reappointment or, in the case of those who were appointed or reappointed on the
same day, will (unless they otherwise agree) be determined by lot.

Directors may be appointed by the Bank by ordinary resolution or by the board.
A director appointed by the board holds office only until the next annual
general meeting, whereupon he will be eligible for re-election, and is not
taken into account in determining the directors who are to retire by rotation
at that meeting.

Unless and until otherwise determined by ordinary resolution, the directors
(other than alternative directors) shall be not more than twenty five. There is
no stipulation in the Articles regarding a minimum number of directors, but if
the number falls below twelve, the directors must appoint further directors to
make up the shortfall or convene a general meeting for the sole purpose of
appointing extra directors.

Directors' interests

A director shall not vote at a meeting of the board or a committee of the board
on any resolution of the board concerning a matter in which he has an interest
(otherwise than by virtue of his interest in shares, debentures or other
securities of, or otherwise in or through, the Bank) which (together with any
interest of any person connected with him) is, to his knowledge, material
unless his interest arises only because the resolution relates to one or more
of the following matters:

(i)   the giving of any security or indemnity in respect of money lent, or
      obligations incurred by him or any other person at the request of, or for
      the benefit of, the Bank or any of its subsidiary undertakings;

(ii)  the giving of any security or indemnity to a third party in respect of a
      debt or obligation of the Bank or any of its subsidiary undertakings for
      which he has assumed responsibility (in whole or in part) under a
      guarantee or indemnity or by the giving of security;

(iii) a proposal concerning an offer of shares, debentures or other securities
      of the Bank, or any of its subsidiary undertakings, for subscription or
      purchase, in which offer he is, or may be, entitled to participate as a
      holder of securities or in the underwriting or sub-underwriting of which
      he is to participate;


(iv)  any proposal about any other company if the director, and any person
      connected with the director under section 346 of the Act, has a direct or
      indirect interest of any kind, including holding any position in that
      company, or being a shareholder of that company. But this does not apply
      if he knows that he, and any persons connected with him, hold an interest
      in shares representing 1% or more of any class of equity share capital of
      the company or the voting rights in the company.

(v)   an arrangement for the benefit of the employees of the Bank or any of its
      subsidiary undertakings which does not award him any privilege or benefit
      not generally accorded to the employees to whom the arrangement relates;

(vi)  a proposal concerning any insurance which the Bank proposes to purchase
      and/or maintain for, or for the benefit of, any directors or for persons
      who include directors of the Bank.

A director may (or any firm of which he is a partner, employee or member may)
act in a professional capacity for the Bank (other than as auditor) and be
remunerated for so doing. A director may also be or become a director or other
officer of, or be otherwise interested in, any company promoted by the Bank or
in which the Bank may be interested and will not be liable to account to the
Bank or the members for any benefit received by him.

Borrowing powers

Subject to the Act, the directors may exercise all the powers of the Bank to
borrow money and to mortgage or charge its undertaking, property and uncalled
capital and to issue debentures and other securities, whether outright or as
collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Bank, or of
any third party.


In accordance with section 293 of the Act and the Articles, no person who has
attained the age of 70 may be appointed to the board and any serving director
reaching that age must vacate his office at the conclusion of the annual
general meeting commencing next after he or she attains the age of 70.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, directors of any age may be appointed to or
remain on the board if that appointment is or was made or approved by the Bank
in a general meeting provided that special notice containing the age of the
relevant director is given. On reappointment, the director will not be treated,
for the purpose of determining the time at which he or she is to retire by
rotation, as becoming a director on the day on which he or she was last
appointed before retirement.

Classes of shares

The Bank has two general classes of shares, ordinary shares and preference
shares, to which the provisions set forth below apply.


Ordinary shares
Subject to the provisions of the Act and any special rights attached to any
shares, the holders of the ordinary shares are entitled pari passu amongst
themselves, but in proportion to the amounts paid up on the ordinary shares
held by them, to share in the profits of the Bank paid out as dividends.

Preference shares
Each preference share confers the right to a non-cumulative preferential
dividend payable half-yearly for the sterling preference shares and quarterly
for the dollar preference shares. Each preference share confers the right to a
preferential dividend (not exceeding a specified amount) payable in the
currency of the relevant share. The rate of such dividend and the date of
payment thereof, together with the terms and conditions of the dividend are as
may be determined by the directors prior to allotment.

The preference shares rank pari passu with each other and any shares expressed
to rank, in terms of participation in the profits of the Bank, in some or all
respects pari passu therewith and otherwise in priority to dividends payable on
the ordinary shares.

Dividends will be declared and paid in full on the preference shares if, in the
opinion of the directors of the Bank, the Bank has sufficient distributable
profits to cover full payment of dividends on the preference shares (including
all dividends accrued on any cumulative preference shares) and all dividends
payable at that time on any other shares which rank equally in sharing in


If, in the opinion of the directors, insufficient profits of the Bank are
available to cover the payment in full of dividends, dividends will be declared
by the directors pro rata on the preference shares to the extent of the
available distributable profits.

If any dividend is not payable for the reasons described above, or if payment
of any dividend would cause a breach of the UK Financial Services Authority's
capital adequacy requirements applicable to the Bank or its subsidiaries, none
of that dividend will be declared or paid.

If the whole or part of any dividend on any non-cumulative preference share is
not paid for any of the reasons, the directors will, as far as the law allows,
allot and issue extra non-cumulative preference shares to the holders of those
shares. The condition is that there must be an amount in the Bank's profit and
loss account, or in any of the Bank's reserves (including any share premium
account and capital redemption reserve), which can be used for paying up the
full nominal value of extra non-cumulative preference share.

The extra shares will be credited as fully paid and in the same currency, have
the same rights and restrictions, and rank pari passu with the shares on which
the dividend could not be paid in cash. The total nominal value of the extra
shares to be allotted will be decided by the directors on allotment. The extra
shares will be allotted and issued when the unpaid dividend was due to be paid.

If the Bank does not have sufficient authorised share capital, or the directors
do not have the requisite authority to allot the extra shares under section 80
of the Act, the directors must call a general meeting. The directors will
propose resolutions to increase the authorised share capital, or to grant the
necessary authority to allot the extra shares.

If the dividend payable on any series of preference shares on the most recent
payment date is not paid in full, or if a sum is not set aside to provide for
such payment in full, (or, if applicable, extra shares have not been allotted),
no dividends may be declared on any other share capital of the Bank that ranks
equally with, or behind the preference shares and no sum may be set aside for
the payment of a dividend on any other share capital, unless, on the date of
declaration, an amount equal to the dividend payable in respect of the then
current dividend period for such series of preference shares is set aside for
payment in full on the next dividend payment date.

If any dividend payable on the preference shares is not paid in full or if a
sum is not set aside to provide for such payment in full, the Bank may not
redeem or purchase or otherwise acquire any other share capital of the Bank
that ranks equally with, or behind the preference shares and may not set aside
any sum nor establish any sinking fund for its redemption, purchase or other
such acquisition, until such time as dividends have been declared and paid in
full in respect of successive dividend periods together aggregating not less
than twelve months.

Voting rights

Subject to any rights or restrictions as to voting attaching to any shares or
class of shares, on a show of hands every member who is present in person at a
general meeting shall have one vote and on a poll every member present in
person or by proxy shall have one vote for each share held by him. No member
shall be entitled to vote at a general meeting or at a separate meeting of the
holders of shares in the capital of the Bank, either in person or by proxy, in
respect of any share held by him unless all moneys presently payable by him in
respect of that share have been paid.

The quorum required for a meeting of members is not less than two members
present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote. If a meeting was called by
shareholders and adjourned because of the lack of a quorum, it will be
dissolved. Any other meeting will be adjourned for one week, reconvening at the
same time and in the same place. If there is still no quorum at the adjourned
meeting, the shareholders personally present and entitled to vote will be

Preference shares
The holders of preference shares are not entitled to receive notice of, attend,
or vote at any general meeting unless the dividend for that series of
preference share has not been paid in full for the dividend period immediately
prior to the notice convening the relevant general meeting or the business of
the meeting includes the consideration of a resolution for the winding up of
the Bank or the sale of the whole of the business of the Bank or any resolution
directly affecting any of the special rights or privileges attached to any of
the classes of preference shares or other circumstances have arisen which the
directors had set out before a series of preference shares was first allotted.


Distribution of assets on liquidation

Ordinary shares
On a winding-up of the Bank, the liquidator may, with the authority of an
extraordinary resolution and any other sanction required by the Insolvency Act
1986 and subject to the rights attaching to any class of shares after payment
of all liabilities, including the payment to holders of preference shares,
divide amongst the members according to the number of ordinary shares held by
them in specie the whole or any part of the assets of the Bank or vest the
whole or any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of
the members and may determine the scope and terms of those trusts. No member
shall be compelled to accept any assets on which there is a liability.

Preference shares
In the event of a return of capital on a winding-up or otherwise, the holders
of cumulative preference shares are entitled to receive out of the surplus
assets of the Bank available for distribution amongst the members in priority
to the holders of the ordinary shares, the amount paid up or credited as paid
up on such shares together with any premium paid on issue and the arrears of
any dividends including the amount of any dividend due for payment after the
date of commencement of any winding-up or liquidation.


Unless the directors determine, prior to allotment of any particular series of
preference shares, that some or all of such series shall be non-redeemable, the
preference shares will be redeemable at the option of the Bank on any date (a
'Redemption Date') which (subject to certain exceptions described in the terms
of such shares) falls no earlier than such date (if any) as may be fixed by the
directors, prior to allotment of such shares. On redemption, there shall be
paid on each preference share the aggregate of its nominal amount together with
any premium paid on issue, where applicable a redemption premium and accruals
of dividend.

If the Bank is only going to redeem some of a series of preference shares, it
will arrange for a draw to decide which shares to redeem. This will be drawn at
the registered office of the Bank, or at any other place which the directors
decide on. The auditors of the Bank must be present at the draw.


Subject to the Act, the Bank may, by special resolution, reduce its share
capital, any capital redemption reserve and any share premium account and may
also, subject to the Act, the requirements of the London Stock Exchange and the
rights attached to any class of shares, purchase its own shares (including
redeemable shares). The shares can be purchased upon such terms and conditions
as the directors shall determine and can be bought back through the market, by
tender or by private arrangement.

Conversion rights

If any preference shares are issued which can be converted into ordinary
shares, or into any other class of shares which rank equally with, or behind,
existing preference shares these are called 'convertible preference shares'.

The directors can decide to redeem any convertible preference shares at their
nominal value. The redemption must be made out of the proceeds of a fresh issue
of ordinary shares or any other shares which they can be converted into. When
the convertible preference shares become due to be converted they will give
their holders the right and obligation to subscribe for the number of ordinary
shares, or other shares, set by the terms of the convertible preference shares.
The new shares will be subscribed for at the premium (if any) which is equal to
the redemption money, less the nominal amount of the new shares. Each holder of
convertible preference shares will be treated as authorising and instructing
the company secretary, or anybody else the directors decide on, to subscribe
for the shares in this way.

Changes in share capital and variation of rights

Subject to the provisions of the Act and without prejudice to any rights
attached to any existing shares or class of shares, any share may be issued
with such rights or restrictions as the Bank may by ordinary resolution
determine or, subject to and in default of such determination, as the board
shall determine. Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Bank may issue
shares which are, or at the option of the Bank or the holder are liable, to be
redeemed. Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Articles, unissued
shares are at the disposal of the board.

The Bank may by ordinary resolution: increase its share capital; consolidate
and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger amount than
its existing shares; subject to the provisions of the Act, subdivide its
shares, or any of them, into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the
Memorandum; or cancel any shares which have not been taken or agreed to be
taken by any person and diminish the amount of its share capital by the amount
of the shares so cancelled.


Subject to the Act, the Bank may by special resolution reduce its share
capital, capital redemption reserve or share premium account in any way. The
capital paid up on the preference shares cannot be reduced unless the holders
of such preference shares have approved this by passing an extraordinary
resolution at a separate meeting.

Subject to the provisions of the Act, if at any time the capital of the Bank is
divided into different classes of shares, the special rights attached to any
class of shares may (unless further conditions are provided by the terms of
issue of the shares of that class) be varied or abrogated, whether or not the
Bank is being wound up, either with the consent in writing of the holders of
three-quarters in nominal value of the issued shares of the class or with the
sanction of an extraordinary resolution passed at a separate general meeting of
holders of the shares of the class (but not otherwise).

To any such separate general meeting the provision of the Articles relating to
general meetings will apply, save that:

(i)  at least two people who hold, or who act as proxies for, at least one
     third of the total nominal value of the existing shares of the class will
     form a quorum. However, if at any adjourned meeting of such holders, a
     quorum as defined above is not present, one person who holds shares of the
     class, or his proxy, will be a quorum; and

(ii) any such holder present in person or by proxy may demand a poll.

The rights attaching to any class of shares having preferential rights are not,
unless otherwise expressly provided by the terms of issue thereof, deemed to be
varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking, as regards
participation in the profits or assets of the Bank, pari passu therewith, but
in no respect in priority thereto.

Disclosure of interests in shares

The Act gives the Bank the power to require persons who it believes to be, or
have been within the previous three years, interested in its shares, to
disclose prescribed particulars of those interests. Failure to supply the
information or supplying a statement which is materially false may lead to the
board imposing restrictions upon the relevant shares.

The restrictions available are the suspension of voting or other rights
conferred by membership in relation to meetings of the Bank in respect of the
relevant shares and, additionally, in the case of a shareholding representing
at least 0.25 per cent. of the class of shares concerned, the withholding of
payment of dividends on, and the restriction of transfers of, the relevant

Limitations on rights to own shares

There are no limitations imposed by English Law or the Memorandum and Articles
on the right of non-residents or foreign persons to hold or vote the Bank's
shares other than the limitations that would generally apply to all of the
Bank's shareholders.

Members resident abroad

Members with registered addresses outside the United Kingdom are not entitled
to receive notices from the Bank unless they have given the Bank an address
within the United Kingdom at which such notices may be served.

Certain other UK law provisions

Pre-emptive rights

As the Bank is a public company incorporated in Great Britain and registered in
England and Wales, in general, holders of ordinary shares have automatic
pre-emptive rights pursuant to section 89 of the Act.

Lien and forfeiture

The Bank will have a first and paramount lien (enforceable by sale) on every
partly paid share (including dividends payable on such a share) for all moneys
payable to the Bank in respect of that share. The board may call any moneys
unpaid on shares and may forfeit shares on which calls payable are not duly
paid. The forfeiture shall include all dividends payable in respect of the
forfeited shares, which have not been paid before the forfeiture.


Untraced shareholders

The Bank shall be entitled to sell, at the best price reasonably obtainable,
the shares of a member or the shares to which a person is entitled by
transmission if:

(i)   during a period of 12 years prior to the date of advertising its
      intention to sell such shares at least three cash dividends in respect of
      such shares have become payable but all dividends or other moneys payable
      remain unclaimed;

(ii)  as soon as practicable after the expiry of the period referred to in
      sub-paragraph (i) above, the Bank inserts advertisements in a leading
      London daily newspaper and one newspaper circulating in the area of the
      last known address of the member or other person giving notice of its
      intention to sell the shares;

(iii) during the period referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above and the period
      of three months following the publication of the advertisements referred
      to in sub-paragraph (ii) above, the Bank receives no indication of the
      whereabouts or existence of the member or other person; and

(iv)  if the shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange, the Bank gives
      notice to the London Stock Exchange of its intention to sell the shares
      prior to publication of the advertisements.

The net proceeds of such sale shall belong to the Bank, which shall be obliged
to account to the former member or other person previously entitled to the
shares for an amount equal to the proceeds as a creditor of the Bank.


The Bank and its subsidiaries are party to various contracts in the ordinary
course of business. For the year ended 31 December 2002, there have been no
material contracts entered into outside the ordinary course of business.


The Bank has been advised that there are currently no UK laws, decrees or
regulations which would prevent the remittance of dividends or other payments
to non-UK resident holders of the Bank's non-cumulative dollar preference

There are no restrictions under the Articles of Association of the Bank or
under UK law, as currently in effect, which limit the right of non-UK resident
owners to hold or, when entitled to vote, freely to vote the Bank's
non-cumulative dollar preference shares.


The following discussion summarises certain US federal and UK tax consequences
of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of non-cumulative dollar
preference shares, ADSs or Capital Securities by a beneficial owner of
non-cumulative dollar preference shares, ADSs evidenced by ADRs or Capital
Securities that is (i) a citizen or resident of the United States for US
federal income tax purposes, (ii) a corporation, or other entity treated as a
corporation, created or organised under the laws of the United States or any
State thereof, (iii) an estate the income of which is subject to US federal
income tax without regard to its source or (iv) a trust if a court within the
United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration
of the trust and one or more US persons have the authority to control all
substantial decisions of the trust or (v) that otherwise will be subject to US
federal income tax on a net income basis in respect of the non-cumulative
dollar preference shares, Capital Securities or ADSs and that holds such
non-cumulative dollar preference shares, ADSs evidenced by ADRs or Capital
Securities as capital assets (a "US Holder").

This summary does not address the tax consequences to a US Holder (i) that is
resident (or, in the case of an individual, ordinarily resident) in the UK for
UK tax purposes or, generally, (ii) that is a corporation which alone or
together with one or more associated companies, controls, directly or
indirectly, 10% or more of the voting stock of the company.

The statements and practices set forth below regarding US and UK tax laws
(including the US/UK double taxation convention relating to income and capital
gains which entered into force on 31 March 2003 (the "New Treaty"), the prior
US/UK double taxation convention relating to income and capital gains (the
"Prior "Treaty") and the US/UK double taxation convention relating to estate
and gift taxes (the "Estate Tax Treaty")) are based on those laws and practices
as in force and as applied in practice on the date of this Report. This summary
is not exhaustive of all possible tax considerations and holders are advised to
satisfy themselves as to the overall tax consequences, including specifically
the consequences under, state, local and other laws and possible changes in
taxation law, of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of non-cumulative
dollar preference shares, ADSs evidenced by ADRs or Capital Securities by
consulting their own tax advisers.

References below to "the Treaty" are references to either the Prior Treaty or
the New Treaty as applicable.


For the purposes of the Treaty and the Estate Tax Treaty and for purposes of
the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), US Holders of
ADRs will be treated as owners of the non-cumulative dollar preference shares
underlying such ADRs.

Preference shares or ADSs evidenced by ADRs

Taxation of dividends

The Bank is not required to withhold tax at source from dividend payments it
makes or from any amount (including any amounts in respect of accrued
dividends) distributed by the company.

The New Treaty applies to dividend payments after 1 May 2003. If US Holders
would have been entitled to greater benefits under the Prior Treaty, US Holders
may elect to continue to apply the Prior Treaty until 1 May 2004.

New Treaty

Because payments of dividends by the Bank to non-UK investors are not subject
to a UK withholding tax, it is not necessary to apply the New Treaty in order
to receive a reduced rate of withholding. Since there is no UK withholding tax
on payments of dividends to US Holders, US Holders will not be entitled to a
foreign tax credit for foreign taxes paid as a result of the payment of
dividends by the Bank.

Prior Treaty - Effect of UK Tax Credit

An individual shareholder who is resident in the UK for UK tax purposes and who
receives a dividend from the Bank is entitled to claim a tax credit in the UK
against its income tax liability attributable to the dividend. Although a US
holder that receives a dividend from the Bank will not be entitled to this UK
tax credit, under the Prior Treaty certain US holders may treat an amount equal
to this credit (the "Tax Credit Amount") as a tax paid to the UK taxing
authorities, for which such US holder may claim a US foreign tax credit. A US
Holder that makes that election described above must include the Tax Credit
Amount in its income and will generally be entitled, subject to certain
limitations, to a credit against its US federal income tax liability equal to
the Tax Credit Amount.

For foreign tax credit proposes, dividends paid by the Bank (and any Tax Credit
Amount included in income) will generally constitute "passive income", or , in
the case of certain holders, "financial services income".

Taxation of capital gains

Subject to the provisions set out in the next paragraph in relation to
temporary non-residents, a US Holder that is not resident (or, in the case of
an individual, ordinarily resident) in the UK will not normally be liable for
UK tax on gains realized on the disposal of such holder's non-cumulative dollar
preference share or ADR unless at the time of the disposal such US Holder
carries on a trade, profession or vocation in the UK through a branch or agency
and such non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADR is or has been used,
held or acquired by or for the purposes of such trade (or profession or
vocation), branch or agency in which case such US Holder might, depending on
the circumstances, be liable to UK tax on a gain realized on disposal of such
holder's non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADS. Proposed legislation,
intended to enter into force in June 2003, would amend the above so that
corporate US Holders would be liable to UK tax a gain realized on disposal of
such holder's non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADS if they carried on
a trade, profession or vocation through a UK permanent establishment. The
proposed legislation is not final and is subject to change.

A US Holder who is an individual and who has, on or after March 17, 1998,
ceased to be resident or ordinarily resident for tax purposes in the UK for a
period of less than five years of assessment and who disposes of a
non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADR during that period may be liable
to UK taxation on chargeable gains arising during the period of absence,
subject to any available exemption or relief.

An exchange by a US Holder of non-cumulative dollar preference shares or ADRs
for other shares in the Bank will not give rise to a charge to UK tax on
capital gains even if such US Holder would be subject to tax on a disposal of
such holder's non-cumulative dollar preference shares or ADRs in accordance
with the tax paragraph referred to in the previous paragraphs.

A US Holder will, upon the sale, exchange or redemption of a non-cumulative
dollar preference share or ADS representing preference shares, generally
recognise capital gains or losses for US federal income tax purposes (assuming
in the case of a redemption, that such US Holder does not own, and is not
deemed to own, any ordinary shares of the Bank) in an amount equal to the
difference between the amount realised (excluding any declared but unpaid
dividends, which will be treated as a dividend for US federal income tax
purposes) and the US Holder's tax basis in the non-cumulative dollar preference
share or ADS. Gain or loss will generally be US source.


A US Holder who is liable for both UK and US tax on a gain recognised on the
disposal of the non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADS will generally be
entitled, subject to certain limitations, to credit the UK tax against its US
federal income tax liability in respect of such gain.

Holders should consult their tax advisors regarding the US federal income tax
treatment of capital gains (which may be taxed at lower rates than ordinary
income for certain taxpayers who are individuals) and losses (the deductibility
of which is subject to limitations).

Estate and gift tax

A non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADR held by an individual, whose
domicile is determined to be the United States for purposes of the Estate Tax
Treaty and who is not a national of the UK, will not be subject to UK
inheritance tax on the individual's death or on a lifetime transfer of the
non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADR, except in certain cases where
the non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADR (i) is comprised in a
settlement (unless, at the time of the settlement, the settlor was domiciled in
the United States and was not a national of the UK); (ii) is part of the
business property of a UK permanent establishment of an enterprise; or (iii)
pertains to a UK fixed base of an individual used for the performance of
independent personal services. The Estate Tax Treaty generally provides a
credit against US federal tax liability for the amount of any tax paid in the
UK in a case where the non-cumulative dollar preference share or ADR is subject
both to UK inheritance tax and to US federal estate or gift tax.

UK stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax

The following is a summary of the UK stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax
consequences of transferring an ADR in registered form (otherwise than to the
custodian on cancellation of the ADR). It does not set out the UK stamp duty or
stamp duty reserve tax consequences of transferring, or agreeing to transfer,
non-cumulative dollar preference shares or any interest therein or right
thereto (other than interests in ADRs) on which investors should consult their
own tax advisers.

A transfer of a registered ADR executed and retained in the US will not give
rise to stamp duty and an agreement to transfer a registered ADR will not give
rise to stamp duty reserve tax.

Capital Securities

United States

Because the Capital Securities have no stated maturity, can be exchanged for
preference shares or ADSs at the option of the Bank and would be treated as if
they were preference shares in a winding-up of the Bank, and because the Bank
may elect not to make payments on the Capital Securities, the Capital
Securities will be treated as equity for US federal income tax purposes.

Payments (including any UK tax withheld therefrom as to which see below) will
constitute foreign source dividend income for US federal income tax purposes to
the extent paid out of our current or accumulated earnings and profits, as
determined for US federal income tax purposes. Payments will not be eligible
for the dividends received deduction allowed to corporations. For foreign tax
credit limitation purposes, payments will generally constitute 'passive
income,' or in the case of certain US Holders, 'financial services income.' A
US holder who is entitled under the Treaty to a refund of UK tax, if any,
withheld on a payment will not be entitled to claim a foreign tax credit with
respect to such tax.

A US Holder will, upon the sale, exchange or redemption of Capital Securities,
generally recognise capital gain or loss for US federal income tax purposes in
an amount equal to the difference between the amount realised and the US
Holder's tax basis in the Capital Securities (assuming, in the case of a
redemption, that such US Holder does not own, and is not deemed to own, any
ordinary shares of the Bank).

Gain or loss will not be recognised by a US Holder upon the exchange of Capital
Securities for preference shares or ADSs pursuant to the Bank's exercise of its
exchange right. A US Holder's basis in the preference shares or ADSs received
in exchange for its Capital Securities will be the same as the US Holder's
basis in the Capital Securities at the time of the exchange and the US Holder's
holding period for the preference shares or ADSs received in the exchange will
include the holding period of the Capital Securities exchanged.


United Kingdom

Taxation of payments of interest

Payments on the Capital Securities will constitute interest rather than
dividends for UK withholding tax purposes. However, the Capital Securities will
constitute "quoted eurobonds" within the meaning of section 349 of the Income
and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 and therefore payments of interest will not be
subject to withholding or deduction for or on account of UK taxation as long as
Capital Securities are and remain at all times listed on the New York Stock
Exchange or some other 'recognised stock exchange' within the meaning of
section 841 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. In all other cases an
amount must be withheld on account of UK income tax at the lower rate
(currently 20%) subject to any direction to the contrary by the Inland Revenue
under the Treaty and subject to any entitlement to pay gross to US Holders
within the charge to corporation tax.

If interest were paid under deduction of United Kingdom income tax (eg if the
Capital Securities lost their listing), US Holders may be able to claim a
refund of the tax deducted under the Treaty.

Any paying agent or other person through whom interest is paid to, or by whom
interest is received on behalf of, an individual, may be required to provide
information in relation to the payment and the individual concerned to the UK
Inland Revenue. The Inland Revenue may communicate this information to the tax
authorities of other jurisdictions.

The interest has a United Kingdom source and accordingly may be chargeable to
United Kingdom tax by direct assessment. Where the interest is paid without
withholding or deduction, the interest will not be assessed to United Kingdom
tax in the hands of holders of the Capital Securities who are not resident in
the United Kingdom, except where such persons carry on a trade, profession or
vocation in the United Kingdom through a United Kingdom branch or agency in
connection with which the interest is received or to which the Capital
Securities are attributable, in which case (subject to exemptions for interest
received by certain categories of agent) tax may be levied on the United
Kingdom branch or agency.

The UK Inland Revenue has confirmed that interest payments should not be
treated as distributions for UK tax purposes (i) by reason of the fact that
interest may be deferred under the terms of issue or (ii) by reason of the
undated nature of the Capital Securities, provided that at the time an interest
payment is made, the Capital Securities are not held by a Company which is
'associated' with the Bank or by a 'funded company'. A company will be
associated with the Bank if, broadly speaking, it is in the same group as the
Bank. A company will be a 'funded company' for these purposes if there are
arrangements involving that company being put in funds (directly or indirectly)
by the Bank, or an entity associated with the Bank. In this respect, the Inland
Revenue has confirmed that a bank holding an interest in Capital Securities
which incidentally has banking facilities with the Bank will not be a 'funded
company' by virtue of such facilities.

Proposed EU Directive on the Taxation of Savings Income

The Council of the European Union has published a revised draft directive
regarding the taxation of savings income. It is proposed that, subject to a
number of important conditions being met, Member States will be required to
provide to the tax authorities of another Member State details of payments of
interest (or other similar income) paid by a person within its jurisdiction to
an individual resident in that other Member State, except that Belgium,
Luxembourg and Austria will instead operate a withholding system for a
transitional period in relation to such payments. The proposed directive is not
yet final, and may be subject to further amendment.

Disposal (including Redemption)

Subject to the provisions set out in the next paragraph in relation to
temporary non-residents, a US Holder who is an individual or other non
corporation tax payer will not normally be liable for UK tax on gains realized
on the disposal of such holder's Capital Securities unless at the time of the
disposal such US Holder carries on a trade, profession or vocation in the UK
through a branch or agency and such Capital Securities are or have been used,
held or acquired by or for the purposes of such trade (or profession or
vocation), branch or agency in which case such US Holder might, depending on
the circumstances, be liable to UK tax on a gain realized on a disposal of
Capital Securities. Proposed legislation, intended to enter into force in June
2003, would amend the above so that corporate US Holders would be liable to UK
tax gains realized on any disposal of such holder's Capital Securities if they
carried on a trade, profession or vocation through a UK permanent
establishment. The proposed legislation is not final and is subject to change.

A US Holder who is an individual and who has, on or after March 17, 1998,
ceased to be resident or ordinarily resident for tax purposes in the UK for a
period of less than five years of assessment and who disposes of Capital
Securities during that period may be liable to UK taxation on capital gains
arising during the period of absence, subject to any available exemption or


The exchange by a US Holder of Capital Securities for non-cumulative dollar
preference shares or ADRs pursuant to the Bank's exercise of its exchange right
will not give rise to a charge to UK tax on capital gains even if such US
Holder would be subject to tax on a disposal of such Holder's Capital
Securities in accordance with the tax treatment referred to in the preceding

A transfer of Capital Securities by a US Holder will not give rise to a charge
to UK tax on accrued but unpaid interest payments, unless the US Holder is an
individual or other non corporation tax payer and at any time in the relevant
year of assessment or accounting period carries on a trade in the UK through a
branch or agency to which the Capital Securities are attributable.

Corporate holders - Annual tax charges

Corporate holders of Capital Securities may be subject to annual UK tax charges
(or relief) by reference to fluctuations in exchange rates and in respect of
profits, gains and losses arising from the Capital Securities, in place of the
tax treatment referred to in the two preceding paragraphs but only if such
corporate US Holders carry on a trade, profession or vocation in the UK through
a branch or agency in the UK to which the Capital Securities are attributable.

Inheritance tax

Capital Securities in bearer form physically held outside the UK should not be
subject to UK inheritance tax in respect of a lifetime transfer by, or the
death of, a US Holder who is neither domiciled nor deemed to be domiciled in
the UK for inheritance tax purposes. However, in relation to Capital Securities
held through DTC (or any other clearing system), the position is not free from
doubt and the Inland Revenue are known to consider that the situs of securities
held in this manner is not necessarily determined by the place in which the
securities are physically held. If Capital Securities in bearer form are or
become situated in the UK, or if Capital Securities are held in registered
form, there may be a charge to UK inheritance tax as a result of a lifetime
transfer at less than fair market value by, or on the death of, such a US
Holder. However, exemption from, or a reduction of, any such UK tax liability
may be available under the Estate Tax Treaty in the same manner as for
non-cumulative dollar preference shares. US Holders should consult their
professional advisers in relation to such potential liability.

Stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax

No UK stamp duty or SDRT is payable on the transfer or redemption of Capital
Securities, whether in definitive bearer form or in the form of one or more
bearer global Capital Securities or in registered form.

No UK stamp duty or SDRT will be payable on issue of ADRs in exchange for
Capital Securities pursuant to the Bank's exercise of its exchange rights. As a
result of a change in law since the Capital Securities were issued, the SDRT
consequences of the issue of the non-cumulative dollar preference shares
represented by the ADRs into the depository receipt system are not entirely
clear and it is possible that a charge to SDRT at the rate of 1.5% could arise.


Documents concerning the Bank may be inspected at 135 Bishopsgate, London EC2M
3UR (020-7375-5000).

In addition, we file reports and other information with the SEC. You can read
and copy these reports and other information at the SEC's Public Reference Room
at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549. You can call the SEC at
1-800-SEC-0330 for further information on the Public Reference Room or at the
offices of The New York Stock Exchange, on which certain of our securities are
listed, at 20 Broad Street, New York, New York 10005. The SEC also maintains a
website at, which contains in electronic form each of the reports
and other information that we have filed electronically with the SEC.



Risk management is conducted on an overall basis within the RBS Group.
Therefore in the following discussion on risk management references to "the
Group" or "Group" are to the RBS Group and its board and committees.

Risk management

The management of risk is a fundamental management activity performed
throughout the Group. As such it underpins the Group's reputation, performance
and future success. It is therefore critically important that the adequacy and
effectiveness of our risk management processes are of appropriate standard.

To achieve this the Group has put in place a risk management framework

o    Leadership, strategy and culture set by the Board and put into effect
     through Executive Management.

o    Policies, procedures, processes and systems to execute effective risk
     management throughout the Group.

o    A comprehensive committee structure operating at Group level to direct,
     approve and review actions taken to manage risk. Where appropriate this is
     replicated at a divisional level.

o    Risk management functions that are independent of the business management
     to enforce agreed policy.

Supporting the Board, the following executive committees operate that have risk
management as partly or wholly their mandate:

o    Group Executive Management Committee ("GEMC"), a sub-committee of the
     Board determines the Group's risk management framework.

o    Group Risk Management Committee ("GRMC"), a sub-committee of the GEMC,
     provides leadership and oversight of the Group's risk management and
     control process, including policies and risk appetite.

o    Group Credit Committee ("GCC"), a sub-committee of the Board, approves
     facility limits in excess of the authorities delegated to business Credit
     Committees and makes recommendations to the Board for facilities in excess
     of its own authority.

o    The Group Asset and Liability Management Committee ("GALCO"), a
     sub-committee of the GEMC, sets policy for the management of the overall
     Group balance sheet in respect of capital ratios, structural hedging and

The Group Risk Management function plays a key role in the Group's Risk
Management framework. The Group Risk Management function is independent from
the businesses and reports through the Group Finance Director to the Group
Chief Executive.

Within each Division independent risk management units operate, reporting to
both divisional executive management and the Director, Group Risk Management.
An assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of each divisional risk
management unit is undertaken by Group Risk Management on a continuous basis to
ensure effective control.

Supporting GALCO, Group Treasury is responsible for capital raising, liquidity
and structural hedging policies and the management of the Group's balance
sheet. Operational responsibility for asset and liability management is in turn
delegated to appropriate management in each major business grouping.

The most significant risks managed by the Group are:

o    Credit risk: the risk arising from the possibility that the Group will
     incur losses from the failure of a customer to meet its obligations.

o    Liquidity risk: the risk that the Group will be unable to meet its funding
     requirements at acceptable rates and appropriate maturities.

o    Market risk: the risk arising from the possibility that the Group will
     incur losses from changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates or the
     prices of equity shares and indices, commodities, debt securities and
     other financial contracts, including derivatives.


o    Regulatory risk: the risk of material loss, reputational damage or
     liability arising from the Group's failure to comply with the requirements
     of the Group's regulators and relevant Codes of Best Practice that oversee
     the conduct of regulated business in all geographic regions where the
     Group has operations.

o    Enterprise risk: the risk of loss from inadequate or failed internal
     processes, people and systems or from external events.

Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk arising from the possibility that the Group will incur
losses from the failure of a customer to meet its obligations.

This risk is managed within the Group's Credit Risk Management framework

o    Executive involvement through the GRMC.

o    The Group's principles for managing credit risk.

o    The Group's credit approval processes and credit assessments.

o    Credit portfolio management.

o    The review and oversight of delegated authorities.

o    Problem exposure management.

Executive involvement through the GRMC - This sub-committee of the GEMC is
chaired by the Group Finance Director and includes other executive directors.
It defines the credit risk strategy of the Group and approves both policy
changes and other enhancements to the credit risk management framework. On a
day-to-day basis, executive directors and other GEMC members participate in the
Group, divisional and subsidiary company Credit Committees. These committees
hold the highest levels of credit authority (below Board level) in the Group.

The Group's principles for managing credit risk set out minimum standards for
managing credit risk. These include principles for maintaining the credit
culture of the Group, approving credit risk taken by the Group, credit
stewardship and reviewing the effectiveness of the credit culture. As a

o    All credit risk exposures require approval before assumption by the Group.
     Existing credit risk exposures are monitored and reviewed periodically
     against approved risk limits. Review occurs at least annually with the
     lower quality exposures being subject to greater frequency of analysis and
     assessment. Approvals in respect of credit exposure can only be given by
     duly authorised individuals or bodies (Credit Committees) or if below
     certain specified thresholds through authorised automated processes.

o    Credit authority is delegated only to competent individuals who are
     independent of business revenue generation or to established credit
     committees. Other than in specialist areas which operate under strict
     parameters, credit authority is not extended to branch or account
     relationship managers.

o    Credit risk exposures originated anywhere in the Group that create
     obligations from the same customer group are aggregated (subject to de
     minimis thresholds) in order to determine the appropriate level of credit
     approval required and to facilitate consolidated credit risk management.

o    Customers are assigned a credit rating, which is mapped to a Group scale
     that reflects the probability of default.

Credit approval processes exist for each of the significant customer types in
order to ensure appropriate skills and resources are employed in credit
assessment and approval:

o    Retail and personal businesses use industry standard credit scoring
     techniques, adapted for the Group, to process small scale, large volume
     credit decisions. These are combined with traditional analysis and
     judgement to support more significant credit risks in this area.

o    Credit approvals for the professional counterparties of Financial Markets
     are supported by a dedicated credit function, which provides expertise in
     traded markets product risk and which specialises in the analysis and
     assessment of financial institutions.


o    For the Group's corporate businesses, the relationship management team,
     the Analysis Rating and Research Unit and the Credit Risk Department,
     support the judgement exercised over credit approvals.

The balance between risk and reward is managed by the credit approval process
and appropriate risk adjusted return measurement tools.

Credit portfolio management - The business units and the GEMC review monthly
reports on the Group's portfolio of credit risks. Portfolio information is
examined principally by the quality of credit ratings but is also further
sub-divided by: major division/subsidiary, by geography and by industrial
sector. Expected loss and other statistical tools are used in trend analysis.

The review and oversight of delegated authorities - Both Group Risk Management
and divisional credit risk functions undertake reviews in order to provide
independent oversight of delegated authorities and to ensure compliance with
Group practice.

Problem exposure management is facilitated through specialised units, which
provide intensive management to minimise the incidence of credit risk losses.
Credit management within each business unit is the responsibility of business
unit Credit Committees and specialist units within the Group provide
appropriate management and control over the Group's impaired and potential
problem loans.

o    In the Group's corporate businesses, problem loans and exposures are
     managed by Specialised Lending Services, which provides dedicated resource
     experienced in corporate restructuring. The Problem Exposure Review Forum
     reviews all such significant cases at least annually. This group is
     chaired by the Group Chief Executive and includes the appropriate
     divisional executive, account managers and credit managers.

o    The Group's retail businesses operate automated triggers and filters as
     part of the monthly monitoring of all accounts. Identified problems are
     then managed through prescribed processes by centralised credit management

Residual value risk - The NatWest Group's asset finance activities also expose
the NatWest Group to risk of loss if the value of the physical asset at the end
of the financing term is less than that required to achieve the planned return.
The NatWest Group mitigates this risk through portfolio diversification and
active management of asset exposures throughout their life, from pricing
through to re-marketing at the end of the transaction term.

Liquidity risk
The management of liquidity risk within the NatWest Group is fully integrated
on a consolidated basis with that for The Royal Bank of Scotland Group ("the
Group") as a whole. Day to day management of the Group's liquidity needs is
effected through the treasury activities of the Group's Financial Markets
division which accesses external wholesale markets as required primarily in the
name of The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (RBS). The day to day net liquidity
needs of NatWest Group are met primarily through the execution with RBS of
intra-group transactions of appropriate maturity, currency and principal

Liquidity management within the Group focuses on the management of both overall
balance sheet structure and the control within prudent limits of risk arising
from the mismatch of maturities across the balance sheet and from contingent

The structure of the Group's balance sheet is managed to maintain substantial
diversification, to minimise concentration across its various deposit sources,
and to contain the level of reliance on total and net short-term wholesale
sources of funds within prudent levels.

The short-term maturity structure of the Group's liabilities and assets is also
managed on a daily basis to ensure that contractual cashflow obligations, and
potential cashflows arising from undrawn commitments and other contingent
obligations, may be met as they arise from day to day, either from cash inflows
from maturing assets, new borrowing or from the sale or repo of various debt
securities held.

That short-term liquidity risk is managed on a consolidated basis for the whole
Group excluding the activities of Citizens Financial Group (a US subsidiary of
RBS) and the insurance businesses in the UK which are subject to regulatory
regimes which necessitate the separate management of liquidity. Internal
liquidity mismatch limits are set for all other subsidiaries and non-UK
branches which have material local treasury activities in external markets, to
ensure those activities do not compromise daily maintenance of the Group's
overall liquidity risk position within the Group's policy parameters.

The level of large deposits taken from banks, corporate customers, non-bank
financial institutions and other customers, and significant cash outflows
therefrom, are also reviewed to monitor concentration and identify any adverse


The degree of maturity mismatch within the overall long-term structure of the
Group's assets and liabilities is also managed within internal policy limits,
to ensure that term asset commitments may be funded on an economic basis over
their life. In managing its overall term structure, the Group analyses and
takes into account the effect of retail and corporate customer behaviour on
actual asset and liability maturities where that differs materially from the
underlying contractual maturities.

Policy parameters for the control of overall balance sheet structure and
liquidity risk are set by GALCO. Compliance is monitored and co-ordinated by
the Group Treasury function both in respect of internal policy and the
regulatory requirements of the UK Financial Services Authority.

In addition to their consolidation within the Group's daily liquidity
management processes, it is also the responsibility of all Group subsidiaries
and branches outside of the UK to ensure compliance with all separate local
regulatory liquidity requirements applicable.

The Group also periodically evaluates various scenarios and undertakes stress
tests to analyse the potential impact on liquidity risk. Contingency plans are
maintained to anticipate and respond to any approaching or actual material
deterioration in market conditions.

Sources of funding

Excluding capital and other liabilities, customer accounts continue to provide
a substantial majority of the NatWest Group's funding and represent a well
diversified and stable source of funds from a wide range of retail, corporate
and non-bank institutional customers.

                                                                     31 December 2002             31 December 2001
                                                                ------------------------     -------------------------
                                                                  (pound)m            %         (pound)m            %
Customer accounts:
    Repayable on demand                                             58,666           41           57,189           40
    Time deposits (excluding repos)                                 34,245           24           30,747           22
                                                                -----------   ----------     ------------   ----------
Total                                                               92,911           65           87,936           62
Repos with customers                                                18,566           13           12,015            8
Deposits by banks (including repos) *                               17,718           13           25,246           18
Debt securities in issue                                               208            -            5,222            4
Short positions                                                     13,292            9           11,435            8
                                                                -----------   ----------     ------------   ----------
Total deposits including repos, debt securities in issue and       142,695          100          141,854          100
short positions
                                                                -----------   ----------     ------------   ----------

* Deposits by banks include from other RBS Group entities:           5,907            4           13,030            9

Customer accounts (excluding repos) in NatWest Group increased by (pound)4,975
million reflecting continuing growth in NatWest Group's retail and corporate
deposit base, and now represent 65% of NatWest Group's funding excluding
capital and other liabilities.

Repos with corporate and institutional customers are undertaken primarily by
Greenwich Capital Markets in the USA. Customer repo activity increased to
represent 13% of NatWest Group's funding excluding capital and other
liabilities at 31 December 2002 (compared with 9% at 31 December 2001). Growth
in Greenwich Capital Markets trading activities is managed within agreed risk
limit parameters.

Deposits by banks decreased to represent 12% of NatWest Group's funding
excluding capital and other liabilities, mainly due to reduced intra-group
borrowing needs from RBS. The largest single bank depositor other than RBS
continues to represent less than 1% of NatWest Group's total funding.

NatWest Group's debt securities in issue fell to a nominal level and now
represents a negligible proportion of NatWest Group's funding excluding capital
and other liabilities at 31 December 2002 (compared with 3.7% at 31 December
2001). This reflects the RBS Group policy to concentrate debt issuance in RBS

The NatWest Group remains well placed to access various wholesale funding
sources from a wide range of counterparties and markets to meet its funding and
liquidity needs.


Net customer activity

Customer accounts (excluding repos) increased to 94.2% of total loans and
advances to customers (excluding reverse repos) in 2002 in the NatWest Group.

                                                                                31 December        31 December
                                                                                       2002               2001
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------
                                                                                   (pound)m           (pound)m
Loans and advances to customers (excluding reverse repos)                            98,606             95,047
Customer accounts (excluding repos)                                                  92,911             87,936
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------

Net customer lending                                                                  5,695              7,111
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------

Customer accounts (excluding repos) as % of loans
  and advances to customers (excluding reverse repos)                                 94.2%              92.5%
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------

Structural liquidity risk continues to be contained well within the Group's
policy parameters.

Net wholesale market activity

                                                                                31 December        31 December
                                                                                       2002               2001
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------
                                                                                   (pound)m           (pound)m
Deposits by banks (including repos):
o   repayable on demand                                                               2,025              2,533
o   less than 3 months maturity                                                      13,998             18,030
o   over 3 months maturity                                                            1,695              4,683
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------
o   Total *                                                                          17,718             25,246
Repos with customers                                                                 18,566             12,015
Debt securities in issue                                                                208              5,222
Short positions                                                                      13,292             11,435
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------

Wholesale liabilities                                                                49,784             53,918
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------

* Deposits by banks include amounts from other RBS Group entities:                    5,907             13,030

Loans and advances to banks (including reverse repos):
o   repayable on demand                                                               1,534              6,395
o   less than 3 months maturity                                                      20,640             21,852
o   over 3 months maturity                                                            1,497              3,030
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------
o   Total **                                                                         23,671             31,277
Reverse repos with customers                                                         15,611              7,694
Debt securities, treasury bills and other eligible bills                             18,570             21,610
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------
Wholesale assets                                                                     57,852             60,581
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------

** Loans and advances to banks include amounts to RBS units:                          9,446             16,409

Net surplus of wholesale assets                                                       8,068              6,663
                                                                              ----------------    ---------------

Loans and advances to banks net of deposits by banks fell from (pound)6,031
million to (pound)5,953 million. The changes to the NatWest Group positions
mainly reflect the switch of Money Market activity from the Bank to the Royal


Sterling liquidity
53% of the Group's total assets are denominated in sterling. The FSA requires
the Group on a consolidated basis to maintain daily a minimum ratio of 100%

a.   a stock of qualifying high quality liquid assets (primarily UK government
     securities, treasury bills, eligible bank bills, and cash held in
     branches) and

b.   the sum of:
o    sterling wholesale net outflows contractually due within 5 working days
     (offset up to a limit of 50%, by 85% of sterling certificates of deposit
     held which mature beyond 5 working days), and
o    5% of retail deposits with a residual contractual maturity of 5 working
     days or less.

The Group exceeded that minimum ratio requirement during 2002.

The FSA also sets an absolute minimum level for the stock of qualifying liquid
assets that the Group is required to maintain each day. The Group exceeded that
minimum stock requirement at all times during 2002.

The Group's operational processes are actively managed to ensure that both the
minimum sterling liquidity ratio and the minimum stock requirement are achieved
or exceeded at all times.

Liquidity in non-sterling currencies

For non-sterling currencies, no specific regulatory liquidity requirement is
set for the Group by the FSA. However, the importance of managing prudently the
liquidity risk in its non-sterling activities is recognised and the Group
manages its non-sterling liquidity risk daily within net mismatch limits set
for the 0-8 calendar day and 0-1 month periods as a percentage of the Group's
total deposit liabilities.

In measuring its non-sterling liquidity risk, due account is taken of the
marketability within a short period of the wide range of debt securities held.
Haircuts are applied in each case, dependent on various parameters, to
determine the Group's ability to realise cash at short notice if required to
meet unexpected outflows via the sale or repo of such marketable assets.

The level of contingent risk from the potential drawing of undrawn or partially
drawn commitments, back-up lines, standby lines and other similar facilities is
also actively monitored and reflected in the measures of the Group's
non-sterling liquidity risk. Particular attention is given to the US$
commercial paper market and the propensity of the Group's corporate
counterparties who are active in raising funds from that market to switch to
take up facilities offered by the Group in the event of either counterparty
specific difficulties or a significant widening of interest spreads generally
in the commercial paper market.

The Group also provides liquidity back-up facilities to both its own conduits
and certain other conduits which take funding from the US$ commercial paper
market. Limits sanctioned for such facilities from the NatWest Group totalled
less than (pound)1,600 million at 31 December 2002. The short-term contingent
liquidity risk in providing such back-up facilities is also mitigated by the
spread of maturity dates typically over a 3-month period of the commercial
paper taken by the conduits.

The Group has operated within its non-sterling liquidity policy mismatch limits
at all times during 2002 and operational processes are actively managed to
ensure that is the case going forward. Contingency plans are also maintained to
enable the Group to respond effectively to unforeseen market liquidity or major
payment systems problems which may emerge from time to time.


Market risk
The Group is exposed to market risk because of positions held in its treasury
and trading portfolios, as well as its non-trading activity.

Market risk in the treasury portfolios arises as a consequence of the
management of the Group's liquidity requirements. The instruments that give
rise to this type of risk are mainly money-market instruments and interest rate
derivatives and the main risk factor is therefore interest rates.

Market risk in the trading portfolios is mainly associated with customer-facing
trading businesses through the market-making operations and through taking
positions in tradeable securities. The associated instruments are held on the
trading (mark-to-market) books, and the main risk factors are interest rates,
credit spreads, and foreign exchange.

Non-trading market risk is associated with the mismatches between the
re-pricing of the Group's non-trading financial assets and liabilities; with
the Group's investment in overseas subsidiaries, associates and branches; and
with its strategic equity investments.

Option risk in the non-trading businesses principally occurs in certain fixed
rate assets and liabilities.

Mismatch risk mainly gives rise to interest-rate exposure that is then
transferred to the Group's trading or treasury units for management within
their approved limits.

The Group does not maintain material non-trading open currency positions other
than the structural foreign currency translation exposures arising from its
investments in overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings and their
related currency funding.

Non-trading equity risk arises principally from the Group's strategic

The Group manages the market risk in its trading and treasury portfolios
through its Market Risk Management framework, which is based on value-at-risk
("VaR") limits, together with, but not limited to, stress testing, scenario
analysis, and position and sensitivity limits. Stress testing measures the
impact of abnormal changes in market rates and prices on the fair value of the
Group's trading portfolios. GEMC approves the high-level VaR and stress limits
for the Group. The Group Market Risk function, independent from the Group's
trading businesses, is responsible for setting and monitoring the adequacy and
effectiveness of the Group's market risk management processes.

Value-at-risk - VaR is a technique that produces estimates of the potential
negative change in the market value of a portfolio over a specified time
horizon at given confidence levels. For internal risk management purposes, the
Group's VaR assumes a time horizon of one day and a confidence level of 95%. In
other words, a one-day loss greater than VaR is likely to occur on average on
only one in every 20-business days. The Group uses historical simulation models
in computing VaR. This approach, in common with many other VaR models, assumes
that risk factor changes observed in the past are a good estimate of those
likely to occur in the future and is, therefore, limited by the relevance of
the historical data used. The Group's method, however, does not make any
assumption about the nature or type of underlying loss distribution. The Group
typically uses the previous two years of market data. The Group's VaR should be
interpreted in light of the limitations of the methodology used. These
limitations include:

o    Historical data may not provide the best estimate of the joint
     distribution of risk factor changes in the future and may fail to capture
     the risk of possible extreme adverse market movements which have not
     occurred in the historical window used in the calculations.

o    VaR using a one-day time horizon does not fully capture the market risk of
     positions that cannot be liquidated or hedged within one day.

o    VaR using a 95% confidence level does not reflect the extent of potential
     losses beyond that percentile.

o    The Group largely computes the VaR of trading portfolios at the close of
     business and positions may change substantially during the course of the
     trading day. Controls are in place to limit the Group's intra-day
     exposure; such as the calculation of the VaR for selected portfolios.

These limitations and the nature of the VaR measure mean that the Group cannot
guarantee that losses will not exceed the VaR amounts indicated nor that losses
in excess of the VaR amounts will not occur more frequently than once in 20
business days. For a discussion of the Group's accounting policies for, and
information with respect to, its exposures to derivative financial instruments,
see accounting policy 13 and Note 38 on the accounts.


Trading - The NatWest Group's trading activities comprise: market making -
quoting firm bid (buy) and offer (sell) prices with the intention of profiting
from the spread between the quotes; customer facilitation - providing products
to the Group's client base at competitive prices; arbitrage - entering into
offsetting positions in different but closely related markets in order to
profit from market imperfections; and proprietary activity - taking positions
in financial instruments as principal in order to take advantage of anticipated
market conditions.

Financial instruments held in the NatWest Group's trading portfolios include,
but are not limited to, debt securities, loans, deposits, securities sale and
repurchase agreements and derivative financial instruments (futures, forwards,
swaps and options).

The VaR for NatWest Group's trading portfolios, segregated by type of market
risk exposure, is presented in the tables below.

                                            At       Year ended 31 December 2002             At       Year ended 31 December 2001
                                   31 December       ---------------------------    31 December       ---------------------------
                                          2002     Maximum     Minimum   Average(1)        2001      Maximum     Minimum     Average
                                          ----     -------     -------   ----------        ----      -------     -------     -------
                                      (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m     (pound)m    (pound)m     (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m
Interest rate (2)                          7.3        11.7         4.7          7.6         6.4         12.2         5.0         8.2
Currency                                   0.3         1.7         0.1          0.4         0.2          2.4         0.1         0.6
Equity                                     0.1         0.6         -            0.2         0.3          1.8         0.2         0.5
Diversification effects                   (0.4)                                            (0.8)
                                    -------------                                     ------------
Total                                      7.3        11.6         4.7          7.6         6.1         12.3         5.3         8.4

(1)  Calculated as the arithmetic average of daily VaR figures.
(2)  Includes credit spreads.

Non-trading - The NatWest Group's portfolios of non-trading financial
instruments, arising from its treasury activities and, its retail and corporate
banking operations, mainly comprise loans (including finance leases), debt
securities, equity shares, deposits, certificates of deposit and other debt
securities issued, loan capital and derivatives (mainly interest rate swaps).
The VaR for these portfolios is presented below.

                                                           2002           2002           2002           2002           2001
                                                     Period end        Maximum        Minimum        Average     Period end
                                                       (pound)m       (pound)m       (pound)m       (pound)m       (pound)m
     Interest rate                                          2.3            3.5            1.4            2.3            2.0
     Currency (1)                                           0.1            0.1            0.1            0.1            0.1
     Equity                                                   -            0.1              -              -              -
     Diversification effects                               (0.1)                                           -           (0.2)
                                                   ---------------                                             --------------
                                                            2.3            3.5            1.3            2.3            1.9

(1)  Excludes NatWest Group's structural foreign currency exposures

Treasury - The Group's treasury activities include its money-market business
and the management of internal funds flows with the Group's businesses.
Money-market portfolios include cash instruments (principally debt securities,
loans and deposits) and related hedging derivatives. VaR for NatWest Group's
treasury portfolios, which relates mainly to interest rate risk, is presented

                                                       Year end      Maximum      Minimum      Average
                                                       (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m
Year ended 31 December 2002                                 1.2          1.3          0.8          1.0

Year ended 31 December 2001                                 1.1          3.1          0.9          1.9

Retail and corporate banking - Structural interest rate risk arises in the
Group's commercial banking activities where assets and liabilities have
different repricing dates. Group policy seeks to minimise the sensitivity of
net interest income to changes in interest rates. The policy requires that all
material interest rate risk arising from retail and corporate banking
activities be transferred to a trading or treasury unit for management within
its approved limits.

Structural interest rate risk is calculated in each business unit on the basis
of establishing the repricing behaviour of each asset and liability product.
For many products, the actual interest rate repricing characteristics differ
from the contractual repricing.


In most cases, the repricing maturity is then determined by the market interest
rate that most closely fits the historical behaviour of the product interest
rate. For non-interest bearing current accounts, the repricing maturity is
determined by the stability of the portfolio. The repricing maturities used are
approved by Group Treasury and business unit asset and liability committees
annually, or more often if appropriate. The key conventions are reviewed
annually by GALCO.

A static maturity gap report is produced as at the month-end for each material
business unit, in each functional currency based on the behaviouralised
repricing for each product. It is Group policy to include non-financial assets
and liabilities, mainly tangible fixed assets and the Group's capital and
reserves, spread over medium and longer term maturities, in the gap report.
This report also includes hedge transactions, principally derivatives.

Residual non-trading interest rate exposures are controlled by limiting
repricing mismatches in the individual balance sheets. Potential exposures to
interest rate movements in the medium to long term are measured and controlled
using a version of the same VaR methodology, but without discount factors, that
is used for the Group's trading portfolios. Short-term exposures are measured
and controlled in terms of net interest income sensitivity over 12 months to a
1% parallel movement in interest rates. These exposures are monitored against
limits approved by GALCO and reported to GALCO monthly.

A VaR calculation aggregating all non-trading assets and liabilities in the
NatWest Group's balance sheet is undertaken quarterly. At 31 December 2002, the
total VaR exposure relating to structural interest rate risk was estimated to
be (pound)3.3 million (2001 - (pound)2.5 million). During the year, the maximum
VaR was (pound)3.3 million (2001 - (pound)2.5 million), the minimum (pound)1.0
million (2001 - (pound)1.1 million) and the average (pound)2.4 million (2001 -
(pound)1.6 million).

Option risk in the non-trading businesses principally occurs in certain fixed
rate assets and liabilities. An example is where customers can repay fixed rate
loans or withdraw fixed rate deposits before their maturity. Extensive
modelling is undertaken to identify potential levels of early repayment in
differing interest rate environments. The Group also seeks to protect itself
from early repayment risk through the imposition of early repayment interest
charges, where applicable. Option risk also arises where businesses undertake
to provide funding to, or to accept deposits from, customers at a future date
at a pre-determined fixed interest rate and where deposit pricing reaches
effective floors.

Currency risk
The Group does not maintain material non-trading open currency positions other
than the structural foreign currency translation exposures arising from its
investments in overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings and their
related currency funding. The Group's policy in relation to structural
positions is to match fund the structural foreign currency exposure arising
from net asset value, including goodwill, in overseas subsidiaries, equity
accounted investments and branches, except where doing so would materially
increase the sensitivity of either the Group's or the subsidiary's regulatory
capital ratios to currency movements. The policy requires structural foreign
exchange positions to be reviewed regularly by GALCO. Gains or losses on
foreign currency investments net of any gains or losses on related foreign
currency funding or hedges are recognised in the statement of total recognised
gains and losses.

The table below sets out the NatWest Group's structural foreign currency

                                                          31 December 2002                            31 December 2001
                                             -----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------
                                                                Foreign                                      Foreign
                                                      Net      currency    Structural             Net       currency    Structural
                                              investments    borrowings       Foreign     investments     borrowings       foreign
                                              in overseas   hedging net      Currency     in overseas    hedging net      currency
                                               operations   investments     Exposures      operations    investments     exposures
                                             -----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------
                                                 (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m      (pound)m
   Functional currency of net investment
   US dollar                                        1,591         1,563            28           1,523          1,508            15
   Euro                                               850           388           462             731            202           529
   Swiss franc                                        305           295            10             250            243             7
   Other non-sterling                                   7             6             1              12             10             2
                                             -----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------
   Total                                            2,753         2,252           501           2,516          1,963           553
                                             -----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------

Equity risk Non-trading equity risk arises principally from the NatWest Group's
strategic investments. VaR is not an appropriate risk measure for this
portfolio. At 31 December 2002, equity shares held as investment securities had
a book value of (pound)1,040 million (2001 - (pound)1,069 million) and a
valuation of (pound)909 million (2001 - (pound)1,031 million).


Regulatory risk
Regulatory risk is defined as the risk of material loss, reputational damage or
liability arising from failure to comply with the requirement of the Group's
lead regulator, the FSA and other regulators or related codes of best practice
that oversee regulated businesses in any locations in which the Group operates.

The Group analyses regulatory risk into:
Upstream risk: the risk to which the Group may be exposed by its failure to
identify and engage with regulators on developments, which are in course of
consideration or preparation by Government, regulators and other bodies,
including the European Union. This has become an increasingly important area
given the rapid and growing rate at which such developments have been tabled by
regulators and other relevant bodies round the world.

Downstream risk: the risk to the Group from failing to comply with extant rules
(analogous to traditional "compliance" risk). This is an increasing challenge
given the growing intricacy of the rules in place and the scale and complexity
of the Group's businesses.

Regulator risk: the risk to the Group of a failure to manage effectively its
relationships with its regulators. Given that the Group includes businesses
operating under the supervision of many regulatory bodies in many
jurisdictions, the management of this risk is a complex and continuous process.

During the year, a Group Regulatory Risk Team was created within Group Risk
Management, as a successor to the previous Group Compliance function. Its
objective has been to enhance management of regulatory risk by incorporating
the identification and management process into the Group's wider risk
management structure and methodologies.

Enterprise risk
Enterprise risk management is the term used within the Group to describe the
risk of an actual or potential loss to the Group that is not managed directly
by existing liquidity, regulatory, market or credit risk management processes.
Such risks can arise internally from inadequate or failed internal processes
and systems, staff error and management failure or externally from changes to
the legal, physical, political or business environment within any of the
territories where the Group conducts business. Enterprise risk management also
includes the potential or actual impact on our corporate reputation arising
from any of the Group's activities.

Operational risk management
Operational risk is defined as the risk arising from within the organisation.
It has four major components: .People - risks arising from an inappropriate
level of staff, inadequately skilled or managed.

o    Process - risk caused by inadequate or failed internal processes.
o    Systems - risks of inadequately designed or maintained systems.
o    Assets - risk of damage, misappropriation or theft of the Group's
     physical, logical and intangible assets.

Within each Division there are independent operational risk management units,
reporting to both divisional executive management, who have the final
responsibility for managing divisional operational risk, and Group Risk.


External risk management
External risk is defined as the risk arising from outside of the organisation
in three main areas;
o    Business - risks arising from competitor activity, supplier unreliability
     or customer activity.
o    Political - risks caused by non-compliance with, or changes to, current
     legislation, political unrest or uncertainty, lobbying activity or
     targeted sabotage.
o    Environment - risk caused by demographic, macro economic or environmental

External risk management is primarily performed at a Group level and requires
close co-operation across Group functions. As these risks can arise from
changes to the legal, physical, political or business environment in any of the
territories where the Group conducts business, close liaison with the relevant
divisional risk management teams is also critical to the assessment and
management of the Group's risk exposure in these areas.

A key component of the risk management processes is the fight against financial
crime. This includes the anti-money laundering processes in place across the
Group. There are divisional and business unit anti-money laundering teams
acting under the licence of, and monitored by, a Group anti-money laundering
function. This monitoring ranges from monthly reporting of key indicators
through to a full annual report by the money laundering Reporting Officer to
the Board.

The monitoring and reporting covers the full spectrum of anti-money laundering
responsibilities as follows:

o    Ensuring the required Know Your Customer procedures are in operation.
o    Transaction monitoring in order to identify suspicious or untoward
     incidents that may indicate money laundering activity.
o    Documentation requirements are met to support information requests from
     the regulators and law enforcement agencies.
o    Training and competence assessments of the Group's staff.

The Group also manages insurance risk arising from insurance as a source of
risk and as a tool to reduce other risk exposures. Insurance is a source of
risk where the Group sells and underwrites general insurance and life
assurance. The essence of an insurance contract is the transfer of risk from
the policyholder to the insurer. The Group controls its insurance exposures
through product design and policy wordings, and through pricing and
underwriting procedures. Investment strategy reflects the maturity of
underwriting liabilities. Underwriting concentrations and catastrophe exposure
are reviewed and, where necessary, mitigated by reinsurance. Group Risk
Management provides the framework within which the consolidated insurance
exposure is managed and provides guidance and challenge as appropriate.

The Group's underwriting experience, the level of retained risk and solvency
are monitored at business and Group level.

The Insurance Risk Department is responsible for the Group-wide purchase of
insurance as a means of reducing other risk exposures. As such, it is a key
component of the Group Insurance Risk Management process and reports its
activities to the GEMC.


                        ITEM 15. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES

Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Under the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, new and enhanced standards of
corporate governance, and business and financial disclosure, will apply to US
public companies and non-US companies, including the company, with securities
registered in the US. Some of the new standards and rules affecting the company
are already in force and others will come into force during 2003. New standards
directly applicable to the company include certifications of the Annual Report
on Form 20-F by the Group Chief Executive and Group Finance Director, changes
to the role of the Audit Committee and new rules relating to internal controls.
The NatWest Group is following these developments closely and intends to
implement all necessary changes as the new rules come into force.

Controls and procedures
Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures - The Group Chief Executive
and Group Finance Director, after evaluating the effectiveness of the Bank's
disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in rules under the US Securities
Exchange Act) as of a date (the "evaluation date") within 90 days of the filing
date of this annual report, have concluded that as of the evaluation date, the
company's disclosure controls and procedures were adequate and effective and
designed to ensure that material information relating to the company and its
consolidated subsidiaries would be made known to them by others within those

Changes in internal controls - There were no significant changes in the
company's internal controls or, to the knowledge of the Group Chief Executive
and Group Finance Director, in other factors that could significantly affect
those internal controls subsequent to the evaluation date.




Statement of directors' responsibilities..................................87

Report of independent accountants.........................................88

National Westminster Bank Plc

     Consolidated profit and loss account for the years ended
     31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000......................................89

     Consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2002 and 2001..............90

     Statement of consolidated total recognised gains and losses
     for the years ended 31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000..................91

     Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds
     for the years ended 31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000..................91

     Consolidated cash flow statement for the years ended
     31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000......................................92

     Accounting policies..................................................92

     Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.......................96



UK company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each
financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Bank and the NatWest Group as at the end of the financial year and of the
profit or loss of the NatWest Group for that year. In preparing those financial
statements, the directors are required to:

o    select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
o    make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
o    state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject
     to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial
     statements; and
o    prepare the accounts on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate
     to presume that the Bank will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the
NatWest Group and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply
with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the
assets of the Bank and NatWest Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for
the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

By order of the Board.

Miller McLean
26 February 2003




We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of National
Westminster Bank Plc (the "Bank") and its subsidiaries (together the "NatWest
Group") as of 31 December 2002 and 2001, and the related consolidated profit
and loss accounts, statements of consolidated total recognised gains and
losses, reconciliations of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds and
consolidated cash flow statements for each of the three years in the period
ended 31 December 2002. These financial statements are the responsibility of
the NatWest Group directors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of NatWest
Group as of 31 December 2002 and 2001, and the results of its operations and
its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended 31 December
2002, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United

Accounting principles generally accepted in the United Kingdom vary in
significant respects from accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America. The application of the latter would have affected the
determination of net income for each of the three years in the period ended 31
December 2002 and the determination of the consolidated shareholders' equity as
at 31 December 2002 and 2001, to the extent summarised in Note 52 to the
consolidated financial statements.

Deloitte & Touche
Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors

26 February 2003



                                                                               2002                 2001*                 2000*
                                                                               ----                 ----                  ----
                                                                Note       (pound)m             (pound)m              (pound)m
Interest receivable                                                           6,505                7,854                 8,515
Interest payable                                                             (2,371)              (3,933)               (4,840)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Net interest income                                                           4,134                3,921                 3,675
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Dividend income                                                                  13                   17                    14
Fees and commissions receivable                                               2,908                3,036                 2,957
Fees and commissions payable                                                   (715)                (711)                 (637)
Dealing profits                                                    1            735                  719                   684
Other operating income**                                                        619                  642                   800
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Non-interest income                                                           3,560                3,703                 3,818
                                                                           --------             --------              --------

Total income                                                                  7,694                7,624                 7,493
                                                                           --------             --------              --------

Administrative expenses
- - staff costs**                                                    2         (1,755)              (2,097)               (2,572)
- - premises and equipment**                                                     (285)                (368)                 (609)
- - other**                                                                    (2,084)              (1,495)               (1,492)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
                                                                             (4,124)              (3,960)               (4,673)
Depreciation and amortisation
- - tangible fixed assets**                                         21           (444)                (541)                 (559)
- - goodwill                                                        20            (26)                 (24)                  (27)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
                                                                               (470)                (565)                 (586)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Operating expenses                                                           (4,594)              (4,525)               (5,259)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------

Profit before provisions for bad and doubtful debts                           3,100                3,099                 2,234
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                             14           (508)                (510)                 (359)
Amounts written off fixed asset investments                                      (8)                  (6)                  (14)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Operating profit                                                              2,584                2,583                 1,861
Profit on disposal of businesses                                   4              -                    -                   967
Additional consideration on sale of Bancorp                        5              -                    -                    74
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                           6          2,584                2,583                 2,902
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                               7           (713)                (733)                 (692)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Profit on ordinary activities after tax                                       1,871                1,850                 2,210
Minority interests - equity                                                      (5)                  (5)                   (9)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Profit for the financial year                                                 1,866                1,845                 2,201
Preference dividends - non-equity                                  8            (41)                 (43)                  (41)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                                  1,825                1,802                 2,160
Ordinary dividends                                                 9           (695)                (799)               (4,573)
                                                                           --------             --------              --------
Retained profit/(loss)                                            32          1,130                1,003                (2,413)
                                                                           ========             ========              ========

All items dealt with in arriving at operating profit relate to continuing

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation and the retained profit for the
year on a historical cost basis were not materially different from reported

*  Restated (see page 95)
** Includes restructuring costs (see Note 6)



                                                            Note               2002                  2001*
                                                            ----               ----                  ----
                                                                           (pound)m              (pound)m
Cash and balances at central banks                                            1,251                 1,162
Items in the course of collection from other banks                            2,085                 2,410
Treasury bills and other eligible bills                      11               1,724                 1,475
Loans and advances to banks                                  12              23,664                31,269
Loans and advances to customers                              13             112,122               100,618
Debt securities                                              16              16,846                20,135
Equity shares                                                17               1,067                 1,073
Interests in associated undertakings                         18                  33                    47
Intangible fixed assets                                      20                 331                   284
Tangible fixed assets                                        21               3,795                 3,368
Other assets                                                 22               7,774                 9,737
Prepayments and accrued income                                                1,195                 1,149
                                                                            -------               -------
Total assets                                                                171,887               172,727
                                                                            -------               -------

Deposits by banks                                            23              17,718                25,246
Items in the course of transmission to other banks                            1,214                 1,408
Customer accounts                                            24             111,477                99,951
Debt securities in issue                                     25                 208                 5,222
Other liabilities                                            26              21,503                22,906
Accruals and deferred income                                                  3,147                 2,096
Provisions for liabilities and charges
   - deferred taxation                                       27               1,213                 1,069
   - other provisions                                        28                 224                   217
Subordinated liabilities
   - dated loan capital                                      29               3,341                 3,651
   - undated loan capital including convertible debt         30               2,592                 2,745
Minority interests
   - equity                                                                      44                   106
   - non-equity                                                                   3                     4
Called up share capital                                      31               2,159                 2,197
Share premium account                                        32               1,286                 1,286
Other reserves                                               32                 301                   301
Revaluation reserve                                          32                  99                   119
Profit and loss account                                      32               5,358                 4,203
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholders' funds
   - equity                                                                   8,722                 7,587
   - non-equity                                                                 481                   519
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total liabilities                                                           171,887               172,727
                                                                            -------               -------

Memorandum items
Contingent liabilities                                       39               6,500                 7,204
                                                                            -------               -------

Commitments (standby facilities, credit lines and other)     39              59,965                66,270
                                                                            -------               -------

*    Restated (see page 95)



                                                                                2002                2001*              2000*
                                                                                ----                ----               ----
                                                                            (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                                   1,825               1,802              2,160
Currency translation adjustments and other movements                              27                  (4)                 5
Revaluation of premises                                                          (22)                 41                 20
Total recognised gains and losses in the year                                  1,830               1,839              2,185
Prior year adjustment arising from the implementation of FRS 19                   30
Total recognised gains and losses since 31 December 2001                       1,860

*    Restated (see page 95)


                                                                                2002                2001*              2000*
                                                                                ----                ----               ----
                                                                            (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                                   1,825               1,802              2,160
Ordinary dividends                                                              (695)               (799)            (4,573)
Retained profit/(loss) for the year                                            1,130               1,003             (2,413)
Other recognised gains and losses                                                  5                  37                 25
Issue of ordinary shares in relation to share option schemes for staff             -                   -                 57
Currency translation adjustment on preferences shares                            (38)                 10                 29
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds                                 1,097               1,050             (2,302)

Opening shareholders' funds as previously reported                             8,076               7,040              9,344
Prior year adjustment arising from the implementation of FRS 19                   30                  16                 14
Opening shareholders' funds as restated                                        8,106               7,056              9,358
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds                                 1,097               1,050             (2,302)
Closing shareholders' funds                                                    9,203               8,106              7,056

*    Restated (see page 95)


Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                         2002               2001               2000
                                                                                         ----               ----               ----
                                                                        Note         (pound)m           (pound)m           (pound)m
Net cash outflow from operating activities                               41            (3,506)            (2,534)            (5,001)
Dividends received from associated undertakings                                             1                  1                  3
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Preference dividends paid                                                                 (42)               (43)               (40)
Dividends paid to minority shareholders in subsidiary undertakings                        (67)                 -                 (3)
Interest paid on subordinated liabilities                                                (269)              (423)              (470)
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and
   servicing of finance                                                                  (378)              (466)              (513)
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
UK tax paid                                                                              (264)              (542)              (361)
Overseas tax paid                                                                         (68)              (197)              (119)
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Net cash outflow from taxation                                                           (332)              (739)              (480)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Purchase of investment securities                                                        (733)            (1,772)            (7,792)
Sale and maturity of investment securities                                              2,347              9,397             18,132
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                      (1,441)            (1,448)              (977)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                                             607              1,088                737
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment
                                                                                          780              7,265             10,100
Acquisitions and disposals
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (net of cash acquired)               42              (109)              (220)               (86)
Investment in associated undertakings                                                       -                 (5)                (5)
Sale of subsidiary and associated undertakings (net of cash sold)        43                29                (20)             1,966
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from acquisitions and disposals                                 (80)              (245)             1,875
Ordinary equity dividends paid                                                         (1,095)              (999)            (3,973)
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                                             (4,610)             2,283              2,011
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Proceeds from issue of ordinary share capital                                               -                  -                 57
Issue of subordinated liabilities                                                           -                 73                  -
Repayments of subordinated liabilities                                                   (162)              (690)              (959)
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
Net cash outflow from financing                                                          (162)              (617)              (902)
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------
(Decrease)/increase in cash                                              46            (4,772)             1,666              1,109
                                                                                      -------            -------            -------


Accounting policies

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable Accounting
Standards and the Statements of Recommended Accounting Practice issued by the
British Bankers' Association and by the Finance and Leasing Association. A
summary of the more important accounting policies is set out below. The
consolidated accounts and the accounts of the Bank are prepared in accordance
with the special provisions of Part VII of the Companies Act 1985 ("the Act")
relating to banking groups. As permitted by section 230(3) of the Act, no
profit and loss account is presented for the Bank.

1    Accounting convention and bases of consolidation -- The accounts are
     prepared under the historical cost convention modified by the periodic
     revaluation of premises and certain investments. To avoid undue delay in
     the presentation of the Group's accounts, the accounts of certain
     subsidiary undertakings have been made up to 30 November. There have been
     no changes in respect of these subsidiary undertakings, in the period from
     their balance sheet dates to 31 December, that materially affect the view
     given by the NatWest Group's accounts.

2    Revenue recognition -- Interest receivable is credited to the profit and
     loss account as it accrues unless there is significant doubt that it can
     be collected (as described in the accounting policy on loans and

     Fees receivable that represent a return for services provided are
     recognised in the profit and loss account so as to match the cost of
     providing the service. Certain front-end lending fees are recognised over
     the life of the loan.

     Securities and derivatives held for trading are recorded at fair value.
     Changes in fair value are recognised in dealing profits together with
     dividends from, and interest receivable and payable on, trading business
     assets and liabilities.

3    Goodwill -- Goodwill is the excess of the cost of acquisition of
     subsidiary and associated undertakings over the fair value of the Group's
     share of net tangible assets acquired. Goodwill is capitalised on the
     balance sheet and amortised on a straight-line basis over its estimated
     useful economic life, currently over periods of up to 20 years.
     Capitalised goodwill is reviewed for impairment at the end of the first
     full year following an acquisition and subsequently if events or changes
     in circumstances indicate that its carrying value may not be recoverable
     in full.

4    Foreign currencies -- Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
     foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange
     ruling at the balance sheet date. Profit and loss accounts of overseas
     branches and subsidiary undertakings are translated at the average rates
     of exchange for the period. Exchange differences arising from the
     application of closing rates of exchange to the opening net assets of
     overseas branches and subsidiary undertakings and from restating their
     results from average to period-end rates are taken to profit and loss
     account reserves, together with exchange differences arising on related
     foreign currency borrowings. All other exchange differences are included
     in operating profit.

5    Pensions and other post-retirement benefits -- The NatWest Group provides
     post-retirement benefits in the form of pensions and healthcare plans to
     eligible employees. The cost of defined benefit pension schemes and
     healthcare plans is assessed by independent professionally qualified
     actuaries and recognised on a systematic basis over employees' service
     lives. Contributions to defined contribution pension schemes are
     recognised in the profit and loss account when payable.

6    Leases -- Contracts to lease assets are classified as finance leases if
     they transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the
     asset to the customer. Other contracts to lease assets are classified as
     operating leases. Total gross earnings under finance leases are allocated
     to accounting periods using the actuarial after tax method to give a
     constant periodic rate of return on the net cash investment. Finance lease
     receivables are stated in the balance sheet at the amount of the net
     investment in the lease. Rental income from operating leases is credited
     to the profit and loss account on a receivable basis over the term of the
     lease. Balance sheet carrying values of finance lease receivables and
     operating lease assets include amounts in respect of the residual values
     of the leased assets. Unguaranteed residual values are subject to regular
     review to identify potential impairments. Provisions are made for
     impairment arising on specific asset categories.

7    Loans and advances -- The NatWest Group makes provisions for bad and
     doubtful debts, through charges to the profit and loss account, so as to
     record loans and advances at their expected ultimate net realisable value.

     Specific provisions are made against individual loans and advances that
     NatWest Group no longer expects to recover in full. For the Group's
     portfolios of smaller balance homogeneous advances, such as credit card
     receivables, specific provisions are established on a portfolio basis
     taking into account the level of arrears, security and past loss
     experience. For loans and advances that are individually assessed, the
     specific provision is determined from a review of the financial condition
     of the counterparty and any guarantor and takes into account the nature
     and value of any security held.


Accounting policies (continued)

     The general provision is made to cover bad and doubtful debts that have
     not been separately identified at the balance sheet date but are known to
     be present in any portfolio of advances. The level of general provision is
     determined in the light of past experience, current economic and other
     factors affecting the business environment and NatWest Group's monitoring
     and control procedures, including the scope of specific provisioning

     Specific and general provisions are deducted from loans and advances. When
     there is significant doubt that interest receivable can be collected, it
     is excluded from the profit and loss account and credited to an interest
     suspense account. Loans and advances and suspended interest are written
     off in part or in whole when there is no realistic prospect of recovery.

8    Taxation -- Provision is made for taxation at current enacted rates on
     taxable profits taking into account relief for overseas taxation where
     appropriate. Timing differences arise where gains and losses are accounted
     for in different periods for financial reporting purposes and for taxation
     purposes. Deferred taxation is accounted for in full for all such timing
     differences, except in relation to revaluations of fixed assets where
     there is no commitment to dispose of the asset, taxable gains on sales of
     fixed assets that are rolled over into the tax cost of replacement assets,
     and unremitted overseas earnings. Deferred tax assets are only recognised
     to the extent that it is considered more likely than not that they will be
     recovered. Deferred tax amounts are not discounted.

9    Debt securities and equity shares -- Debt securities and equity shares
     intended for use on a continuing basis in NatWest Group's activities are
     classified as investment securities and are stated at cost less provision
     for any permanent diminution in value. The cost of dated investment
     securities is adjusted for the amortisation of premiums or discounts over
     periods to redemption and the amortisation is included in interest
     receivable. Debt securities held for the purpose of hedging are carried at
     a value that reflects the accounting treatment of the items hedged. Other
     debt securities and equity shares are carried at fair value, with changes
     in fair value recognised in the profit and loss account.

10   Shares in Group undertakings -- The Bank's shares in Group undertakings
     are stated in the balance sheet of the Bank at directors' valuation that
     takes account of the Group undertakings' net asset values.

11   Interests in associated undertakings -- Interests in associated
     undertakings are accounted for by the equity method and are stated in the
     consolidated balance sheet at the Group's share of their net tangible
     assets. NatWest Group's share of the results of associated undertakings is
     included in the consolidated profit and loss account. For this purpose,
     the latest available audited accounts are used together with available
     unaudited interim accounts.

12   Tangible fixed assets -- Freehold and long leasehold properties are
     revalued on a rolling basis, each property being revalued at least every
     five years. Other tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less
     depreciation and provisions for impairment. Costs of adapting premises for
     the use of NatWest Group are separately identified and depreciated.

     Tangible fixed assets are depreciated over their estimated useful economic
     lives on a straight-line basis, as follows:

     Freehold and long leasehold buildings         50 years
     Short leaseholds                              unexpired period of the lease
     Property adaptation costs                     10 to 15 years
     Computer equipment                            up to 5 years
     Other equipment                               4 to 15 years

     Assets on operating leases are depreciated over their estimated useful
     lives on a straight-line or reverse-annuity basis. Land has an unlimited
     life and is not depreciated.

     Investment properties are revalued annually to open market value. No
     depreciation is charged on freehold investment properties, in accordance
     with the requirements of Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 19
     `Accounting for investment properties'. This is a departure from the
     requirements of the Companies Act 1985 which requires all tangible fixed
     assets to be depreciated. Investment properties are held not for
     consumption but for investment and the directors consider that to
     depreciate them would not give a true and fair view. It is not practicable
     to assess estimated useful lives for investment properties, and
     accordingly the effect of not depreciating them cannot be reasonably

13   Derivatives -- NatWest Group enters into derivative transactions including
     futures, forwards, swaps and options principally in the interest rate,
     foreign exchange and equity markets. The accounting treatment for these
     instruments is dependent upon whether they are entered into for trading or
     non-trading (hedging) purposes.


Accounting policies (continued)

     Trading -- Derivatives held for trading purposes are recognised in the
     accounts at fair value. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value
     are included in dealing profits in the consolidated profit and loss
     account. Fair value is based on quoted market prices. Where representative
     market prices are not available, the fair value is determined from current
     market information using appropriate pricing or valuation models.
     Adjustments are made to quoted market prices where appropriate to cover
     credit risk, liquidity risk and future operational costs. In the
     consolidated balance sheet, positive fair values (assets) of trading
     derivatives are included in Other assets and negative fair values
     (liabilities) in Other liabilities. Positive and negative fair values of
     trading derivatives are offset where the contracts have been entered into
     under master netting agreements or other arrangements that give a legally
     enforceable right of set-off.

     Non-trading -- Non-trading derivatives are entered into by NatWest Group
     to hedge exposures arising from transactions entered into in the normal
     course of banking activities. They are recognised in the accounts in
     accordance with the accounting treatment of the underlying transaction or
     transactions being hedged. To be classified as non-trading, a derivative
     must match or eliminate the risk inherent in the hedged item from
     potential movements in interest rates, exchange rates or market values. In
     addition, there must be a demonstrable link to an underlying transaction,
     pool of transactions or specified future transaction or transactions.
     Specified future transactions must be reasonably certain to arise for the
     derivative to be accounted for as a hedge. In the event that a non-trading
     derivative transaction is terminated or ceases to be an effective hedge,
     the derivative is re-measured at fair value and any resulting profit or
     loss amortised over the remaining life of the underlying transaction or
     transactions being hedged. If a hedged item is derecognised, or a
     specified future transaction is no longer likely to occur, the related
     non-trading derivative is remeasured at fair value and the resulting
     profit or loss taken to the profit and loss account.

14   Sale and repurchase transactions -- Securities which have been sold with
     an agreement to repurchase continue to be shown on the balance sheet and
     the sale proceeds recorded as a deposit. Securities acquired in reverse
     sale and repurchase transactions are not recognised in the balance sheet
     and the purchase price is treated as a loan. The difference between the
     sale price and repurchase price is accrued evenly over the life of the
     transaction and charged or credited to the profit and loss account as
     interest payable or receivable.


NatWest Group has implemented FRS 19 `Deferred Tax' which requires recognition
of deferred tax assets and liabilities on all timing differences, with
specified exceptions. Previously, provision was made for deferred tax only to
the extent that timing differences were expected to reverse and the deferred
tax liability crystallise in the foreseeable future. The effect of adopting the
new policy for the year ended 31 December 2002 is to increase goodwill
amortisation by (pound)6 million, reduce profit before tax by (pound)6 million,
increase the tax charge by (pound)58 million and, at 31 December 2002, reduce
profit and loss account reserves by (pound)34 million and increase intangible
fixed assets by (pound)110 million. Prior periods have been restated resulting,
at 31 December 2001, in an increase goodwill amortisation of (pound)6 million
(2000 - nil), a decrease in profit before tax of (pound)6 million (2000 - nil),
a decrease in the tax charge of (pound)20 million (2000 - decrease (pound)2
million) and, at 31 December 2001, an increase in profit and loss account
reserves of (pound)30 million (2000 - increase (pound)16 million) and an
increase in intangible fixed assets of (pound)116 million (2000 - nil).



1.   Dealing profits

                                              2002                2001               2000
                                              ----                ----               ----
                                          (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Foreign exchange (1)                            74                 107                282
   Equities (2)                                  4                  (3)                 8
   Debt (3)                                    595                 636                355
Interest rate derivatives (4)                   62                 (21)                39
                                               735                 719                684

Dealing profits include interest income and expense recognised on
trading-related interest-earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities.


(1)  Includes spot and forward foreign exchange contracts and currency swaps,
     futures and options and related hedges and funding.

(2)  Includes equities and equity derivatives and related hedges and funding.

(3)  Includes debt securities and related hedges and funding.

(4)  Includes interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements, interest rate
     options, interest rate futures and credit derivatives and related hedges
     and funding.

2.   Administrative expenses - staff costs

                                               2002                2001               2000
                                               ----                ----               ----
                                           (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Wages and salaries                            1,192               1,462              2,018
Social security costs                            78                  91                148
Pension costs (see Note 3)                       43                  58                 49
Other staff costs                               442                 486                357
                                              1,755               2,097              2,572

The average number of persons employed by the NatWest Group during the year,
excluding temporary staff, was 31,200 (2001 - 48,300; 2000 - 62,000).

During the year, staff employed in the retail branch network of the Bank moved
to contracts of employment with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.

3.   Pension costs

The Bank participates in The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Pension Fund (the
main scheme), which is a funded defined benefit scheme whose assets are
independent of the Bank's finances. This scheme was formed from the merger of
the National Westminster Bank Pension Fund and The Royal Bank of Scotland Staff
Pension Scheme on 1 April 2002. Scheme valuations are carried out by
independent professionally qualified actuaries to determine pension costs,
using the projected unit method; any imbalance between assets and liabilities
is adjusted over the average future service life of members of the scheme. The
latest full valuation was carried out as at 31 March 2001 on a basis that
assumed the merger would occur and showed scheme assets representing 108% of
scheme liabilities. The pension costs of this scheme are assessed across its
membership as a whole, and it is not possible to determine the share of the
scheme's assets and liabilities that relates to the Bank. Accordingly, the
requirements of FRS 17 `Pension Costs' relating to multi-employer schemes
apply. Other pension schemes operated by NatWest Group are not material. The
pension costs included in the profit and loss account are (pound)43 million
(2001 - (pound)58 million; 2000 - (pound)49 million) of which the main scheme
was (pound)34 million (2001 - (pound)46 million; 2000 - (pound)27 million). At
31 December 2002, there was a pension cost accrual of (pound)36 million (2001 -
(pound)33 million). In accordance with FRS 17, a valuation of the whole scheme
was prepared as at 31 December 2002 using actuarial bases and assumptions
consistent with the requirements of that standard, and showed scheme assets
representing 86% of scheme liabilities. Further information on the scheme and
the actuarial valuations is given in the Report and Accounts of the RBS Group.


4.   Profit on disposal of businesses

                                                      2002                2001               2000
                                                      ----                ----               ----
                                                  (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Profit on disposals in the year                          -                   -                967

In 2000, gains of (pound)967 million (tax charge (pound)103 million) were made
in respect of the disposals of Gartmore Investment Management plc, National
Westminster Life Assurance Limited and the investment management and services
businesses of Ulster Bank Group. These businesses contributed (pound)105
million to NatWest Group profit before tax in 2000 up to the dates of their
respective disposals.

5.    Additional consideration on sale of Bancorp

                                                      2002                2001               2000
                                                      ----                ----               ----
                                                  (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Additional consideration received relating to
  the disposal in 1996 of Bancorp, a subsidiary
  undertaking (tax charge -(pound)8 million)             -                   -                 74

6.   Profit on ordinary activities before tax

Profit on ordinary activities before tax is stated after taking account of the

                                                      2002                2001               2000
                                                      ----                ----               ----
Income                                            (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Aggregate amounts receivable under finance
  leases, hire purchase and conditional sale
  contracts                                          1,288               1,474              1,027
Aggregate amounts receivable under operating
  leases                                               464                 396                355
Profit on disposals of investment securities
  and associated undertakings                           17                   6                234
Share of associated undertakings' net
  profit/(loss)                                          1                  (3)                (3)

Management charge from fellow subsidiary             1,033                 451                  -
Operating lease rentals of premises                    113                  97                143
Operating lease rentals of computers and
  other equipment                                        3                   2                  7
Finance charges on leased assets                        11                  33                 24
Interest on subordinated liabilities                   262                 398                502
Restructuring costs*                                   663                 638                527

*Restructuring costs comprise:
   Other operating income                                -                   -                  3
   Staff costs                                         447                 413                297
   Premises and equipment                               92                  57                158
   Other administrative costs                          123                 138                 58
   Depreciation                                          1                  30                 11
                                                       663                 638                527

Auditors' remuneration

The auditors' remuneration for statutory audit work was (pound)0.5 million for
the Bank (2001 - (pound)0.5 million) and (pound)2.1 million for the NatWest
Group (2001 - (pound)2.0 million). Fees paid to the auditors and their
associates for non-audit work for the NatWest Group were (pound)0.8 million
(2001 - (pound)1.1 million) and comprised regulatory, tax, attestation and
other advisory services.


7.   Tax on profit on ordinary activities

                                                                  2002                2001               2000
                                                                  ----                ----               ----
                                                              (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Current taxation:
UK corporation tax charge for the year at 30%                      338                 451                631
Over provision in respect of prior periods                         (22)                (77)               (71)
Relief for overseas taxation                                        (1)                (31)               (18)
                                                                   315                 343                542
Overseas taxation:
Current year charge                                                142                 182                122
Over provision in respect of prior periods                           -                  (2)               (32)
                                                                   457                 523                632
Share of associated undertakings                                     1                   1                  2
Current tax charge for the year                                    458                 524                634
Deferred taxation:
Origination and reversal of timing differences                     303                 179                (17)
(Over)/under provision in respect of prior periods                 (48)                 30                 75
                                                                   713                 733                692

The actual tax charge for continuing operations differs from the expected tax
charge for continuing operations computed by applying the standard rate of UK
corporation tax of 30% as follows:

                                                                  2002                2001               2000
                                                                  ----                ----               ----
                                                              (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Expected tax charge - continuing operations                        775                 775                848
Goodwill amortisation                                                8                   7                  8
Disposal of businesses taxed at non-standard rates                   -                   -               (187)
Non-deductible items                                                57                  58                127
Non-taxable items                                                  (60)                (27)               (22)
Capital allowances in excess of depreciation                      (276)               (184)               (22)
Taxable foreign exchange movements                                  (9)                  5                  9
Foreign profits taxed at other rates                                (4)                (18)               (17)
Unutilised losses brought forward and carried forward              (11)                (13)               (15)
Current taxation adjustments relating to prior periods             (22)                (79)               (71)
Current tax charge for the year - continuing operations            458                 524                658

Deferred taxation:
Origination  and reversal of timing differences                    303                 179                (17)
Adjustments in respect of prior periods                            (48)                 30                 75
Actual tax charge - continuing operations                          713                 733                716

The following factors may affect future tax charges:

(1)  No deferred tax is recognised on the unremitted reserves of overseas
     subsidiary and associated undertakings. A substantial proportion of such
     reserves are required to be retained by the overseas undertakings to meet
     local regulatory requirements.
(2)  Deferred tax assets of (pound)46 million (2001 - (pound)52 million)
     resulting from tax losses carried forward have not been recognised as
     there is insufficient evidence that the asset will be recoverable. These
     assets may be recoverable if the losses can be offset against suitable
     future taxable profits arising in the same tax jurisdiction.
(3)  The fair values of certain financial assets are disclosed in Note 38. The
     tax that could be payable if these assets were disposed of at the values
     shown is estimated at (pound)169 million (2001 - (pound)84 million).
     Because of the nature of these financial assets which are held as part of
     the banking business, it is not possible to determine the amount that may
     become payable in the foreseeable future.


7.   Tax on profit on ordinary activities (continued)

(4)  Freehold and long leasehold properties are revalued as discussed in Note
     21. No provision has been made for deferred tax on gains recognised on
     revaluing NatWest Group properties except where there is a commitment to
     sell the asset and the taxable gain will not be subject to rollover
     relief. The tax that could be payable if these assets were disposed of at
     their revalued amount is estimated at (pound)152 million (2001 -
     (pound)165 million). This amount includes tax on rolled over gains (see
     note (5) below). No such tax is expected to be payable in the foreseeable
(5)  No provision has been made for deferred tax on certain gains realised on
     disposals of property and other assets as there is an expectation of
     rolling over such gains into replacement assets. Expenditure to date on
     valid replacement assets together with forecasts of future such
     expenditure indicate that these gains will be available for rollover
     relief. The tax that could be payable if the conditions for rollover
     relief were not met is estimated at (pound)82 million (2001 - (pound)80

8.   Preference dividends - non-equity

                                                                  2002                2001               2000
                                                                  ----                ----               ----
                                                              (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

9% non-cumulative sterling preference shares, Series A              13                  13                 13
Non-cumulative dollar preference shares, Series B                   13                  14                 13
Non-cumulative dollar preference shares, Series C                   15                  16                 15
Total non-equity dividends                                          41                  43                 41

9.   Ordinary dividends

                                                                  2002                2001               2000
                                                                  ----                ----               ----
                                                              (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Interim                                                            195                 399              3,973
Second interim                                                     500                   -                  -
Proposed final                                                       -                 400                600
Total dividends on equity shares                                   695                 799              4,573

10.  Profit dealt with in the accounts of the Bank

Of the profit attributable to shareholders, (pound)1,397 million (2001 -
(pound)1,229 million; 2000 - (pound)1,800 million) has been dealt with in the
accounts of the Bank.

11.  Treasury bills and other eligible bills

                                                                  2002               2001
                                                                  ----               ----
                                                              (pound)m           (pound)m

Treasury bills and similar securities                            1,581              1,453
Other eligible bills                                               143                 22
                                                                 1,724              1,475

Banking business                                                    31                122
Trading business                                                 1,693              1,353

Treasury bills and other eligible bills are principally of short term maturity
and their market value is not materially different from carrying value.


12.  Loans and advances to banks

                                                                  2002               2001
                                                                  ----               ----
                                                              (pound)m           (pound)m

Repayable on demand                                              1,534              6,395
Remaining maturity
- - three months or less                                          20,640             21,852
- - one year or less but over three months                           717              2,329
- - five years or less but over one year                             208                175
- - over five years                                                  572                526
                                                                23,671             31,277
Specific bad and doubtful debt provisions                           (7)                (8)
                                                                23,664             31,269

Banking business                                                11,635             18,213
Trading business                                                12,029             13,056

Amounts above include:
Due from fellow subsidiary undertakings - unsubordinated         8,946             15,909
                                        - subordinated             500                500

13.   Loans and advances to customers

                                                                  2002               2001
                                                                  ----               ----
                                                              (pound)m           (pound)m

On demand or short notice                                       14,022             12,233
Remaining maturity
    - three months or less                                      31,183             15,126
    - one year or less but over three months                    11,386             12,280
    - five years or less but over one year                      20,477             27,638
    - over five years                                           37,149             35,464
                                                               114,217            102,741
General and specific bad and doubtful debt provisions           (2,095)            (2,123)
                                                               112,122            100,618

Banking business                                                94,544             91,921
Trading business                                                17,578              8,697

Amounts above include:
Due from holding company - unsubordinated                            -                401
Due from fellow subsidiary undertakings - unsubordinated           187                 84
Due from associated undertakings - unsubordinated                  180                145
Amounts receivable under finance leases                          6,875              6,622
Amounts receivable under hire purchase and conditional
  sale agreements                                                4,222              3,098

The cost of assets acquired during the year for the purpose of letting under
finance leases and hire purchase agreements was (pound)4,078 million (2001 -
(pound)3,544 million).

The NatWest Group's exposure to risk from its lending activities is widely
diversified both geographically and industrially. House mortgage lending, loans
to financial institutions and the services sector, other personal loans,
finance leasing and instalment credit and lending to property companies
exceeded 10% of total loans and advances to customers (before provisions).


13.  Loans and advances to customers (continued)

Residual value exposures

The table below gives details of the unguaranteed residual values included in
the carrying value of finance lease receivables (see above) and operating lease
assets (see Note 21).

                                                                 Year in which the residual value will be recovered
                                                                       After               After
                                                                  1 year but         2 years but
                                                     Within           within              within            After
                                                     1 year          2 years             5 years          5 years            Total
                                                   (pound)m         (pound)m            (pound)m         (pound)m         (pound)m
Operating leases
   Transportation                                         6                8                  28              696              738
   Cars and light commercial vehicles                   328              134                 110                -              572
   Other                                                 16               11                  41              113              181
Finance leases                                           36               62                  65              142              305
At 31 December 2002                                     386              215                 244              951            1,796

At 31 December 2001                                     262              137                 363              555            1,317

14.   Provisions for bad and doubtful debts

                                                                     2002                                 2001
                                                       --------------------------------     --------------------------------
                                                       Specific     General       Total     Specific     General       Total
                                                       --------     -------       -----     --------     -------       -----
                                                       (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m     (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m

At 1 January                                              1,733         398       2,131        1,696         402       2,098
Currency translation and other adjustments                   (9)         (4)        (13)          (3)          1          (2)
Acquisitions of subsidiaries                                  -           -           -            7           -           7
Disposals                                                     -           -           -          (41)         (4)        (45)
Amounts written off                                        (544)          -        (544)        (456)          -        (456)
Recoveries of amounts written off in previous years
                                                             17           -          17           19           -          19
Transfers between provisions                                 17         (17)          -            -           -           -
Transfers from/(to) fellow subsidiaries                       4          (1)          3            -           -           -
Charge to profit and loss account                           516          (8)        508          511          (1)        510
                                                       --------------------------------     --------------------------------
At 31 December                                            1,734         368       2,102        1,733         398       2,131
                                                       --------------------------------     --------------------------------

15.  Interest in suspense

In certain cases, interest may be charged to a customer's account but, because
its recoverability is in doubt, not recognised in NatWest Group's consolidated
profit and loss account and held in a suspense account and netted off against
loans and advances in the consolidated balance sheet.

                                                                             2002               2001
                                                                             ----               ----
                                                                         (pound)m           (pound)m
Loans and advances on which interest is being placed in suspense:
- - before specific provisions                                                1,049              1,167
- - after specific provisions                                                   502                633
Loans and advances on which interest is not being applied:
- - before specific provisions                                                1,264              1,431
- - after specific provisions                                                   469                577


16.  Debt securities

                                                       2002                                              2001
                                   -----------------------------------------------   -----------------------------------------------
                                                    Gross         Gross                               Gross         Gross
                                       Book  unrecognised  unrecognised                  Book  unrecognised  unrecognised
                                      Value         gains        losses  Valuation      value         gains        losses  Valuation
                                      -----         -----        ------  ---------      -----         -----        ------  ---------
                                   (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m   (pound)m
Investment securities:
   British government                   138             3             -        141        204             2             -        206
   Other government                     229             9             -        238        401             2            (2)       401
   Other public sector bodies             -             -             -          -        501            16             -        517
   Bank and building society             19             -             -         19        210             -             -        210
   Other issuers                        957            17            (1)       973      1,645            12           (21)     1,636
                                   -----------------------------------------------   -----------------------------------------------
                                      1,343            29            (1)     1,371      2,961            32           (23)     2,970
                                   -----------------------------------------------   -----------------------------------------------
Other debt securities:
   British government                   161                                    161        260                                    260
   Other government                   4,118                                  4,118     11,392                                 11,392
   Other public sector bodies            38                                     38          -                                      -
   Bank and building society            294                                    294        339                                    339
   Other issuers                     10,892                                 10,892      5,183                                  5,183
                                   --------                               --------   --------                               --------
                                     15,503                                 15,503     17,174                                 17,174
                                   --------                               --------   --------                               --------

Total debt securities                16,846                                 16,874     20,135                                 20,144
                                   --------                               --------   --------                               --------

Due within one year                   1,083                                             1,654
Due one year and over                15,763                                            18,481
                                   --------                                          --------
                                     16,846                                            20,135
                                   --------                                          --------
Investment securities:
Listed                                  740                                    795      1,050                                  1,077
Unlisted                                603                                    576      1,911                                  1,893
                                   --------                               --------   --------                               --------
                                      1,343                                  1,371      2,961                                  2,970
                                   --------                               --------   --------                               --------
Other debt securities:
Listed                                1,161                                  1,161      1,533                                  1,533
Unlisted                             14,342                                 14,342     15,641                                 15,641
                                   --------                               --------   --------                               --------
                                     16,846                                 16,874     20,135                                 20,144
                                   --------                               --------   --------                               --------

Banking business                      1,639                                             3,295
Trading business                     15,207                                            16,840
                                   --------                                          --------

Amounts above include:
Subordinated debt securities            155                                                59
Unamortised discounts less premiums
  on investment securities
                                         (2)                                               (3)

The cost of securities carried at market value is not disclosed as it cannot be
determined without unreasonable expense.


16.  Debt securities (continued)

Movements in debt securities which are held as investment securities were as

                                                        Cost         and premiums          Provisions         Book value
                                                        ----         ------------          ----------         ----------
                                                    (pound)m             (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

At 1 January 2002                                      2,974                  (13)                  -              2,961
Currency translation and other adjustments               (47)                   -                   -                (47)
Additions                                                718                    -                   -                718
Maturities and disposals including transfers to
  fellow subsidiary                                   (2,306)                  17                   1             (2,288)
Provisions made net of write backs                         -                    -                  (1)                (1)
At 31 December 2002                                    1,339                    4                   -              1,343

17.  Equity shares

                                                     2002                                               2001
                              -------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------
                                                 Gross         Gross                                 Gross         Gross
                                          unrecognised  unrecognised                          unrecognised  unrecognised
                              Book value         gains        losses  Valuation   Book value         gains        losses  Valuation
                              ----------         -----        ------  ---------   ----------         -----        ------  ---------
                                (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m   (pound)m     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m   (pound)m
Investment securities:
   Listed                            322             -          (131)       191          376             -           (45)       331
   Unlisted                          718             -             -        718          693             7             -        700
                              -------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------
                                   1,040             -          (131)       909        1,069             7           (45)     1,031

Other securities (all listed)         27             -             -         27            4             -             -          4
                              -------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------
                                   1,067             -          (131)       936        1,073             7           (45)     1,035
                              -------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------

Banking business                   1,039                                               1,065
Trading business                      28                                                   8
                              ----------                                          ----------

The cost of securities carried at market value is not disclosed as it cannot be
determined without unreasonable expense.

Movements in equity shares which are held as investment securities were as

                                                       Cost          Provisions         Book value
                                                       ----          ----------         ----------
                                                   (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

At 1 January 2002                                     1,072                  (3)             1,069
Currency translation and other adjustments               13                   -                 13
Additions                                                15                   -                 15
Disposals                                               (47)                  5                (42)
Provisions made net of write backs                        -                  (7)                (7)
Transfers                                                (8)                  -                 (8)
At 31 December 2002                                   1,045                  (5)             1,040


18.  Interests in associated undertakings

Movements in interests in associated undertakings were as follows:


At 1 January 2002                                                    47
Additions                                                             6
Change of status                                                    (18)
Disposal                                                             (1)
Share of losses                                                      (1)
At 31 December 2002 - unlisted                                       33

On the historical cost basis, interests in associated undertakings would have
been included as follows:


Cost                                                                 25
Provisions                                                          (16)

None of the associated undertakings is a bank.

Dividends receivable from associated undertakings (excluding related tax
credits) totalled (pound)1 million (2001 - (pound)1 million).

Associated undertakings are accounted for as such due to the NatWest Group's
interest being held on a long-term basis for the purpose of securing a
contribution to its activities by the exercise of influence.

19.  Shares in Group undertakings

Movements in shares in Group undertakings during the year were as follows:


As previously reported                                              9,092
Prior year adjustment*                                                (74)
At 1 January 2002 as restated                                       9,018
Currency translation and other adjustments                            (81)
Additions                                                              26
Disposals                                                             (59)
Increase in net assets of subsidiary undertakings                     274
At 31 December 2002                                                 9,178

*   Restated following the implementation of FRS 19 in 2002

                                                    2002             2001
                                                (pound)m         (pound)m

Banks                                              2,475            2,248
Other                                              6,703            6,770
                                                   9,178            9,018

On the historical cost basis, shares in Group undertakings at 31 December 2002
would have been included at a cost of (pound)6,325 million (31 December 2001 -
(pound)6,384 million).


19.  Shares in Group undertakings (continued)

The principal subsidiary undertakings of the Bank are shown below. Their
capital consists of ordinary and preference shares, which are unlisted. All of
the subsidiary undertakings are owned directly or indirectly through
intermediate holding companies and are all wholly-owned. All of these
subsidiary undertakings are included in the NatWest Group's consolidated
financial statements and have an accounting reference date of 31 December.

                                                                                                       Country of incorporation
                                                                                                          and principal area of
                                             Nature of business                                                      operations
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Coutts & Co (1)                              Private banking                                                      Great Britain
Coutts Bank (Switzerland) Limited (2)        Private banking                                                        Switzerland
Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc. (2)          Broker dealer                                                                   US
Lombard North Central PLC (4)                Banking, credit finance, leasing and hire purchase                   Great Britain
National Westminster Home Loans Limited      Home mortgage finance                                                Great Britain
Ulster Bank Limited (3)                      Banking                                                           Northern Ireland


(1)  Coutts & Co is incorporated with unlimited liability. Its registered
     office is 440 Strand, London WC2R 0QS.
(2)  Shares are not directly held by the Bank.
(3)  Ulster Bank Limited and its subsidiary undertakings also operate in the
     Republic of Ireland.
(4)  On 31 January 2003, the entire issued ordinary share capital of Lombard
     North Central PLC was transferred to The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.

The above information is provided in relation to the principal subsidiaries as
permitted by section 231(5) of the Companies Act 1985. Full information on all
subsidiaries will be included in the Annual Return filed with the UK Companies

20.  Intangible fixed assets

Goodwill                                                              (pound)m
As previously reported                                                     299
Prior year adjustment *                                                    122
At 1 January 2002 as restated                                              421
Currency translation and other adjustments                                  (1)
Arising on acquisitions during the year                                     77
Disposals                                                                   (5)
At 31 December 2002                                                        492

As previously reported                                                     131
Prior year adjustment *                                                      6
At 1 January 2002 as restated                                              137
Currency translation and other adjustments                                  (1)
Charge for the year                                                         26
Disposals                                                                   (1)
At 31 December 2002                                                        161

Net book value at 31 December 2002                                         331

Net book value at 31 December 2001 as restated                             284

* Restated following the implementation of FRS 19 in 2002.


21.  Tangible fixed assets

                                                                    Long      Short  Computers  Assets on
                                                     Freehold  leasehold  leasehold  and other  operating
                                                     premises   premises   premises  equipment     leases     Total
                                                     (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m   (pound)m  (pound)m
Cost or valuation:
At 1 January 2002                                       1,251        259        268     536         2,124     4,438
Currency translation and other adjustments                  4          1          -       4           (21)      (12)
Reclassifications                                          (5)         2         (9)     12             -         -
Acquisitions of subsidiaries                               32          -          8      20             -        60
Additions                                                  51         16         15      41         1,318     1,441
Disposals and write-off of fully depreciated assets       (27)        (8)        (6)    (88)         (724)     (853)
Transfer to fellow subsidiary                               -          -          -     (37)            -       (37)
Revaluation adjustments                                   (25)         3          -       -             -       (22)
At 31 December 2002                                     1,281        273        276     488         2,697     5,015
Consisting of:
At valuation            - 2002                            398        144          -       -             -       542
                        - 2001 and prior                  682         87          -       -             -       769
At cost                                                   201         42        276     488         2,697     3,704
                                                        1,281        273        276     488         2,697     5,015
Accumulated depreciation and amortisation:
At 1 January 2002                                         154         62        101     337           416     1,070
Currency translation and other adjustments                  1          1          -       2             -         4
Reclassifications                                           -          -         (9)      9             -         -
Acquisitions of subsidiaries                                1          -          -       6             -         7
Disposals and write-off of fully depreciated assets        (3)        (4)        (2)    (73)         (203)     (285)
Transfer to fellow subsidiary                               -          -          -     (20)            -       (20)
Charge for the year                                        29          8         18      83           306       444
At 31 December 2002                                       182         67        108     344           519     1,220

Net book value at 31 December 2002                      1,099        206        168     144         2,178     3,795

Net book value at 31 December 2001                      1,097        197        167     199         1,708     3,368

On the historical cost basis, the NatWest Group's freehold and long leasehold
premises would have been included at (pound)942 million (2001 - (pound)903

Freehold and long leasehold properties are revalued on a rolling basis, each
property being valued at least every five years. Interim valuations outwith the
five year cycle will be carried out on properties where there is an indication
that their value has changed significantly, given market conditions. The
directors are not aware of any material change in the valuation of NatWest
Group's properties and therefore no additional interim valuations were

Properties occupied by NatWest Group are valued on the basis of Existing Use
Value, except for certain specialised properties which are valued on a
Depreciated Replacement Cost basis. Investment and development properties and
properties to be disposed of are valued to reflect Open Market Value.
Valuations are carried out by internal and external qualified surveyors who are
members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or, in the case of some
overseas properties, locally qualified valuers.

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Land and buildings occupied for own use                              1,365              1,375
Investment properties                                                   53                 36
Properties under development                                            49                 35
Properties to be disposed of                                             6                 15
Net book value at 31 December                                        1,473              1,461

Net book value of assets held under finance leases                      20                 25

Depreciation for the year of assets held under finance leases            3                  2

Contracts for future capital expenditure not provided
  for in the accounts at the year end                                   54                 26


22.  Other assets

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Trading derivatives (Note 37)                                        4,099              2,649
Settlement balances                                                  2,500              4,661
Deferred taxation (Note 27)                                             23                 33
Long-term assurance assets attributable to policyholders                66                 87
Other                                                                1,086              2,307
                                                                   -------            -------
                                                                     7,774              9,737
                                                                   -------            -------

23.  Deposits by banks

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Repayable on demand                                                  2,025              2,533
With agreed maturity dates or periods of notice,
by remaining maturity
- -  three months or less                                             13,998             18,030
- -  one year or less but over three months                            1,207                742
- -  five years or less but over one year                                237                438
- -  over five years                                                     251              3,503
                                                                   -------            -------
                                                                    17,718             25,246
                                                                   -------            -------

Banking business                                                     7,060             16,806
Trading business                                                    10,658              8,440
                                                                   -------            -------

Amounts above include:
Due to fellow subsidiary undertakings - unsubordinated               5,907             13,030

24.  Customer accounts

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Repayable on demand                                                 58,666             57,189
With agreed maturity dates or periods of notice,
by remaining maturity
- -  three months or less                                             49,815             39,267
- -  one year or less but over three months                            1,552              2,059
- -  five years or less but over one year                              1,358              1,361
- -  over five years                                                      86                 75
                                                                   -------            -------
                                                                   111,477             99,951
                                                                   -------            -------

Banking business                                                    92,671             87,671
Trading business                                                    18,806             12,280
                                                                   -------            -------

Amounts above include:
Due to fellow subsidiary undertakings - unsubordinated                 366                 76
Due to associated undertakings - unsubordinated                         49                  3


25.  Debt securities in issue

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m
Bonds and medium-term notes, by remaining maturity
- -  one year or less                                                     20                 49
- -  two years or less but over one year                                   6                  3
- -  five years or less but over two years                                30                554
- -  over five years                                                      16                 76
                                                                        72                682

Other debt securities in issue, by remaining maturity
- -  three months or less                                                136              1,647
- -  one year or less but over three months                                -              2,893
                                                                       136              4,540
                                                                       208              5,222

Banking business                                                       207              5,222
Trading business                                                         1                  -

26.  Other liabilities

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Notes in circulation                                                   270                272
Trading derivatives (Note 37)                                        3,579              2,583
Settlement balances                                                  1,888              6,259
Short positions:
      Debt securities     -   Government                            11,884             10,188
                          -   Other issuers                            903              1,247
      Treasury bills and other eligible bills                          505                  -
Current taxation                                                       613                537
Dividends                                                                8                409
Obligations under finance leases (analysed below)                      170                197
Long-term assurance liabilities attributable to policyholders           66                 87
Other liabilities                                                    1,617              1,127
                                                                    21,503             22,906

Analysis of obligations under finance leases:
Amounts falling due within one year                                     30                 40
Amounts falling due between one and five years                          15                 37
Amounts falling due after more than five years                         125                120
                                                                       170                197


27.  Deferred taxation

Provision for deferred taxation has been made as follows:

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Deferred tax provision                                               1,213              1,069
Deferred tax asset (included in Note 22, Other assets)                 (23)               (33)
Net deferred tax                                                     1,190              1,036

Short-term timing differences                                         (122)              (155)
Capital allowances                                                   1,416              1,306
Bad and doubtful debt provisions                                      (104)              (115)
Net deferred tax                                                     1,190              1,036

Movements during the year:
As previously reported                                                 950
Prior year adjustment *                                                 86
At 1 January 2002 as restated                                        1,036
Currency translation and other adjustments                              13
Acquisition of subsidiaries                                              4
Disposal of lease receivables                                         (118)
Charge to profit and loss account                                      255
At 31 December 2002                                                  1,190

*    Restated following the implementation of FRS 19 in 2002

28.  Other provisions

`                                                                      Pensions and
                                                                      other similar
                                              Property (1)           obligations (2)          Other (3)             Total
                                              ------------           ---------------          ---------             -----
                                                 (pound)m                  (pound)m           (pound)m           (pound)m

At 1 January 2002                                     142                        13                 62                217
Currency translation and other adjustments             (2)                        1                  -                 (1)
Charge to profit and loss account                      59                         -                (20)                39
Provisions utilised                                   (20)                       (1)               (10)               (31)
At 31 December 2002                                   179                        13                 32                224


(1)  NatWest Group has a number of leasehold properties where rents payable and
     other unavoidable costs exceed the value to NatWest Group. Such costs
     arise over the period of the lease or to the expected termination date,
     and the provision has been discounted due to the long-term nature of
     certain of these obligations.
(2)  NatWest Group operates various unfunded post-retirement benefit plans and
     provision is made for the expected costs that will arise over the periods
     in which pensions are paid to the members of these plans. Included within
     this provision is (pound)2 million relating to former directors of the
(3)  Other provisions arise in the normal course of business.


29.  Dated loan capital

                                                                                               2002               2001
                                                                                               ----               ----
                                                                                           (pound)m           (pound)m
The Bank
US$250 million guaranteed floating rate subordinated notes 2002 (1)                               -                172
US$500 million 9.375% guaranteed capital notes 2003 (2)                                         310                345
(pound)100 million 12.5% subordinated unsecured loan stock 2004                                 100                100
US$400 million guaranteed floating rate capital notes 2005                                      248                276
US$1,000 million 7.375% fixed rate subordinated notes 2009                                      616                684
US$650 million floating rate subordinated step-up notes 2009 (callable October 2004)            402                448
(euro)600 million 6.0% subordinated notes 2010                                                  387                362
(pound)300 million 8.125% step-up subordinated notes 2011 (callable December 2006)              299                298
(euro)500 million 5.125% subordinated notes 2011                                                322                303
(pound)300 million 7.875% subordinated notes 2015                                               296                296
(pound)300 million 6.5% subordinated notes 2021                                                 296                295
                                                                                              3,276              3,579
Greenwich Capital Holdings, Inc.
US$105 million subordinated loan capital 2004 floating rate notes                                65                 72
                                                                                              3,341              3,651
Dated loan capital in issue, by remaining term, repayable
- -  in one year or less                                                                          310                172
- -  two years or less but over one year                                                          567                345
- -  five years or less but over two years                                                        547              1,194
- -  in more than five years                                                                    1,917              1,940
                                                                                              3,341              3,651

(1)  Redeemed on maturity in September 2002.
(2)  Loan due by a subsidiary undertaking and on-lent to National Westminster
     Bank Plc on a subordinated basis. It has been guaranteed as to the payment
     of principal and interest by National Westminster Bank Plc.
(3)  In the event of certain changes in the tax laws of the UK, all of the
     dated loan capital issues are redeemable in whole, but not in part, at the
     option of the issuer, at the principal amount thereof plus accrued
     interest, subject to prior approval of the UK Financial Services
(4)  Except as stated above, claims in respect of the NatWest Group's dated
     loan capital are subordinated to the claims of other creditors. None of
     NatWest Group's dated loan capital is secured.
(5)  Interest payable on the NatWest Group's floating rate dated issues is at a
     margin over London interbank rates. Interest on(pound)900 million,
     US$1,500 million and(euro)1,100 million of fixed rate dated issues is
     swapped into floating rates at a margin over London interbank rates.


30.  Undated loan capital including convertible debt

                                                                                                         2002           2001
                                                                                                         ----           ----
                                                                                                     (pound)m       (pound)m
NatWest Group and the Bank
US$500 million primary capital floating rate notes, Series A
    (callable on any interest payment date)                                                               310            345
US$500 million primary capital floating rate notes, Series B
   (callable on any interest payment date)                                                                310            345
US$500 million primary capital floating rate notes, Series C
   (callable on any interest payment date)                                                                310            345
US$500 million 7.875% exchangeable capital securities (callable November 2003) (1)                        310            345
US$500 million 7.75% reset subordinated notes (callable October 2007)                                     308            342
(euro)100 million floating rate undated subordinated step-up notes (callable October 2009)                 65             61
(euro)400 million 6.625% fixed/floating rate undated subordinated notes (callable October 2009)           259            242
(pound)325 million 7.625% undated subordinated step-up notes (callable January 2010)                      323            323
(pound)200 million 7.125% undated subordinated step-up notes (callable  October 2022)                     197            197
(pound)200 million 11.5% undated subordinated notes (callable December 2022) (2)                          200            200
                                                                                                        2,592          2,745

(1)  Exchangeable at the option of the issuer into 20 million 8.75% (gross)
     non-cumulative dollar preference shares of US$25 each of National
     Westminster Bank Plc at any time.
(2)  Exchangeable at the option of the issuer into 200 million 8.392% (gross)
     non-cumulative sterling preference shares of(pound)1 each of National
     Westminster Bank Plc at any time.
(3)  Except as stated above, claims in respect of the NatWest Group's undated
     loan capital are subordinated to the claims of other creditors. None of
     the NatWest Group's undated loan capital is secured.
(4)  Interest payable on the NatWest Group's floating rate undated issues is at
     a margin over London interbank rates. Interest on(pound)525 million,
     US$500 million and(euro)400 million of fixed rate undated issues is
     swapped into floating rates at a margin over London interbank rates.

31.   Share capital

                                                    Allotted, called up and fully paid         Authorised
                                                   -----------------------------------  ------------------------
                                                          At                        At           At           At
                                                   1 January     Currency  31 December  31 December  31 December
                                                        2002  translation         2002         2002         2001
                                                   -----------------------------------  ------------------------
                                                    (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m     (pound)m
Equity shares
Ordinary shares of(pound)1 each                        1,678            -        1,678        2,250        2,250
                                                   -----------------------------------  ------------------------
Total equity share capital                             1,678            -        1,678        2,250        2,250
                                                   -----------------------------------  ------------------------

Non-equity shares
Non-cumulative preference shares of US$25 each           379          (38)         341        1,240        1,379
Non-cumulative preference shares of(pound)1 each         140            -          140        1,000        1,000
                                                   -----------------------------------  ------------------------
Total non-equity share capital                           519          (38)         481        2,240        2,379
                                                   -----------------------------------  ------------------------

Total share capital                                    2,197          (38)       2,159        4,490        4,629
                                                   -----------------------------------  ------------------------


31.  Called up share capital (continued)

                                                                      Allotted, called up
                                                                        and fully paid                        Authorised
                                                                  ---------------------------        ---------------------------
                                                                  31 December     31 December        31 December     31 December
                                                                         2002            2001               2002            2001
                                                                  ---------------------------        ---------------------------
Number of shares - millions

Equity shares
Ordinary shares of(pound)1 each                                         1,678           1,678              2,250           2,250
                                                                  ---------------------------        ---------------------------
Non-equity shares
Non-cumulative Series B and C preference
     shares of US$25 each                                                  22              22                 80              80
Non-cumulative Series A preference shares of(pound)1 each                 140             140              1,000           1,000

Preference shares

The non-cumulative dollar preference shares, Series B, of US$25 each which
carry the right to a gross dividend of 8.75% inclusive of associated tax
credit, are redeemable at the option of the Bank exercisable to 9 June 2003, at
a premium per share of US$0.30. There is no redemption premium if the date of
redemption falls after 9 June 2003.

The non-cumulative dollar preference shares, Series C, of US$25 each carry the
right to a gross dividend of 8.625% inclusive of associated tax credit. They
are redeemable at the option of the Bank from 9 April 2002 to 8 April 2008
inclusive, at a premium per share of US$1.20 in 2003 reducing by US$0.30 in
each successive year. There is no redemption premium if the date of redemption
falls after 8 April 2007.

The 9% non-cumulative sterling preference shares, Series A, of (pound)1 each
are non-redeemable.

The holders of sterling and dollar preference shares are entitled, on the
winding-up of the Bank, to priority over the ordinary shareholders as regards
payment of capital. Otherwise the holders of preference shares are not entitled
to any further participation in the profits or assets of the Bank and
accordingly these shares are classified as non-equity shares.

The holders of sterling and dollar preference shares are not entitled to
receive notice of, attend, or vote at any general meeting unless the business
of the meeting includes the consideration of a resolution for the winding-up of
the Bank or the sale of the whole of the business of the Bank or any resolution
directly affecting any of the special rights or privileges attached to any of
the classes of preference shares.


32.  Reserves

                                                                      2002                2001               2000
                                                                      ----                ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Share premium account:
At 1 January                                                         1,286               1,286              1,237
Employee share option payments                                           -                   -                 49
At 31 December                                                       1,286               1,286              1,286

Other reserves:
At 1 January and 31 December                                           301                 301                301

Revaluation reserve:
At 1 January                                                           119                  46                 30
Currency translation and other adjustments                               2                   -                  -
Revaluation of premises                                                (22)                 41                 20
Transfer from/(to) profit and loss account                               -                  32                 (4)
At 31 December                                                          99                 119                 46

Profit and loss account:
As previously reported                                               4,173               3,220              5,626
Prior year adjustment *                                                 30                  16                 14
At 1 January as restated                                             4,203               3,236              5,640
Currency translation and other adjustments                              25                  (4)                 5
Retention for the year                                               1,130               1,003             (2,413)
Transfer (to)/from revaluation reserve                                   -                 (32)                 4
At 31 December                                                       5,358               4,203              3,236

* Resulting from the implementation of FRS 19 in 2002.

Exchange gains of (pound)124 million (2001 - (pound)2 million; 2000 losses -
(pound)52 million) arising on foreign currency borrowings have been offset in
NatWest Group's profit and loss account reserves against differences on
retranslating the net investment in overseas subsidiary and associated
undertakings financed by these borrowings.

The tax effect of gains and losses taken directly to reserves in 2002, 2001 and
2000 was nil.

33.  Lease commitments

The annual rental commitments under non-cancellable operating leases were as

                                                              2002                                  2001
                                                              ----                                  ----
                                                      Premises          Equipment            Premises          Equipment
                                                      --------          ---------            --------          ---------
                                                      (pound)m           (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Expiring within one year                                     3                  1                   8                  -
Expiring between one and five years                         11                  -                  27                  -
Expiring after five years                                   96                  -                  97                  -
                                                           110                  1                 132                  -


34.  Analysis of total assets and liabilities

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Assets:      denominated in sterling                                99,094            102,149
             denominated in currencies other than sterling          72,793             70,578
                                                                   171,887            172,727

Liabilities: denominated in sterling                                99,444            101,316
             denominated in currencies other than sterling          72,443             71,411
                                                                   171,887            172,727

35.  Assets subject to sale and repurchase transactions

The NatWest Group enters into securities repurchase agreements as securities
lending transactions under which it receives or transfers cash or securities as
collateral in accordance with normal market practice. Securities transferred
under repurchase transactions included within securities on the balance sheet
were as follows:

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Treasury and other eligible bills                                      420              1,353
Debt securities                                                     15,247             27,576
                                                                    15,667             28,929

36.  Assets charged as security for liabilities

                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                      ----               ----
                                                                  (pound)m           (pound)m

Loans and advances to customers                                          -                413
Debt securities                                                          7                  -
Other                                                                   74                115
                                                                        81                528

Included above are assets pledged with overseas government banks and margin
deposits placed with exchanges.


37.  Derivatives

In the normal course of business, NatWest Group enters into a variety of
derivative transactions principally in the foreign exchange and interest rate
markets. These are used to provide financial services to customers and to take,
hedge and modify positions as part of trading activities. Derivatives are also
used to hedge or modify risk exposures arising on the balance sheet from a
variety of activities including lending and securities investment.

The principal types of derivative contracts into which NatWest Group enters are
described below.

Swaps -- These are over-the-counter ("OTC") agreements between two parties to
exchange periodic payments of interest, or payments for the change in value of
a commodity, or related index, over a set period based on notional principal
amounts. NatWest Group enters into swap transactions in several markets.
Interest rate swaps exchange fixed rates for floating rates of interest based
on notional amounts. Basis swaps exchange floating or fixed interest calculated
using different bases. Cross currency swaps are the exchange of interest based
on notional values of different currencies. Equity and commodity swaps exchange
interest for the return on an equity or commodity, or equity or commodity

Options -- Currency and interest rate options confer the right, but not the
obligation, on the buyer to receive or pay a specific quantity of an asset or
financial instrument for a specified price at or before a specified date.
Options may be exchange traded or OTC agreements. NatWest Group principally
buys and sells currency and interest rate options.

Futures and forwards -- Short-term interest rate futures, bond futures and
forward foreign exchange contracts are all agreements to deliver, or take
delivery of, a specified amount of an asset or financial instrument based on
the specified rate, price or index applied against the underlying asset or
financial instrument, at a specified date. Futures are exchange traded at
standardised amounts of the underlying asset or financial instrument. Forward
contracts are OTC agreements and are principally dealt in by NatWest Group in
interest rates as forward rate agreements and in currency as forward foreign
exchange contracts.

Collateral -- NatWest Group may require collateral in respect of the credit
risk in derivative transactions. The amount of credit risk is principally the
positive fair value of contracts. Collateral may be in the form of cash or in
the form of a lien over a customer's assets entitling NatWest Group to make a
claim for current and future liabilities.

Maturity of replacement cost of OTC contracts (trading and non-trading) --
Replacement cost indicates NatWest Group's derivatives credit exposure. The
following table sets forth the gross positive fair values by maturity. It
includes the replacement cost of contracts entered into with fellow subsidiary
undertakings and NatWest Group's parent undertaking.

                                                    2002                                                 2001
                                  ------------------------------------------           -----------------------------------------
                                    Within      One to        Over                       Within      One to        Over
                                  one year  five years  five years     Total           one year  five years  five years     Total
                                  --------  ----------  ----------     -----           --------  ----------  ----------     -----
                                  (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m  (pound)m           (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m  (pound)m
Before netting:
Exchange rate contracts                745         144          20       909                972         252          42     1,266
Interest rate contracts              1,465       5,320       7,959    14,744              3,406       1,697         575     5,678
Equity and commodity contracts           2           -           -         2                 10           3           -        13
                                  ------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------
                                     2,212       5,464       7,979    15,655              4,388       1,952         617     6,957
                                  ------------------------------------------           ------------------------------------------

Banks and investment firms                                            14,724                                                5,927
Others                                                                   931                                                1,030
                                                                    --------                                              -------
                                                                      15,655                                                6,957
                                                                    --------                                              -------

At 31 December 2002, the potential credit risk exposure, which is after netting
and allowing for collateral received, of the NatWest Group's trading and
non-trading derivatives, was (pound)2,547 million (2001 - (pound)1,393 million)
to banks and investment firms and (pound)868 million (2001 - (pound)957
million) to other counterparties.

Exchange traded contracts are excluded from the above tables. Such contracts
generally involve lower credit risk than OTC contracts as they are cleared
through exchanges that require margin from participants and the daily
settlement of gains and losses.


37.  Derivatives (continued)

Trading derivatives

The following table shows the fair values of instruments in the derivatives
trading portfolio.

                                                    2002                                2001
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------
                                          End of period fair value            End of period fair value
                                           Assets      Liabilities             Assets      Liabilities
                                           ------      -----------             ------      -----------
                                         (pound)m         (pound)m           (pound)m         (pound)m
Exchange rate contracts:
Spot, forwards and futures                    568              578                664              568
Currency swaps                                109              133                133              255
Options purchased                             230                -                458                -
Options written                                 -              230                  -              458
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------
                                              907              941              1,255            1,281
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------
Interest rate contracts:
Interest rate swaps                        13,192           12,581              4,650            4,474
Options purchased                             741                -                609                -
Options written                                 -              806                  -              630
Futures and forwards                          656              653                 43              106
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------
                                           14,589           14,040              5,302            5,210
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------

Equity and commodity contracts                  7                2                 13               13
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------
                                           15,503           14,983              6,570            6,504
Netting                                   (11,404)         (11,404)            (3,921)          (3,921)
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------
                                            4,099            3,579              2,649            2,583
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------

Average fair values (before netting):
Exchange rate contracts                     1,038            1,114              1,569            1,663
Interest rate contracts                     8,815            8,495              4,166            4,653
Equity and commodity contracts                  3                2                  5                5
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------
                                            9,856            9,611              5,740            6,321
                                         -------------------------           -------------------------

Gains and losses on exchange traded contracts subject to daily margining
requirements are settled daily. The fair value of such contracts included above
reflects the last day's variation margin.

The following table analyses, by maturity and contract type, the notional
principal amounts of NatWest Group's trading derivatives:

                                                    2002                                                2001
                                --------------------------------------------        -------------------------------------------
                                   Within      One to        Over                      Within      One to        Over
                                 one year  five years  five years      Total         one year  five years  five years      Total
                                 --------  ----------  ----------      -----         --------  ----------  ----------      -----
                                (pound)bn   (pound)bn   (pound)bn  (pound)bn        (pound)bn   (pound)bn   (pound)bn  (pound)bn
Exchange rate contracts:
Spot, forwards and futures           20.1         2.0         -         22.1             32.1         4.0         0.1       36.2
Currency swaps                        0.5         1.7         0.9        3.1              0.3         2.1         1.5        3.9
Options purchased                     1.7         0.4         -          2.1              2.8         0.6         -          3.4
Options written                       1.7         0.4         -          2.1              2.8         0.5         -          3.3
                                --------------------------------------------        --------------------------------------------
                                     24.0         4.5         0.9       29.4             38.0         7.2         1.6       46.8
                                --------------------------------------------        --------------------------------------------
Interest rate contracts:
Interest rate swaps                  65.4       161.0       136.4      362.8             61.5       114.3        83.5      259.3
Options purchased                    52.3        17.2         1.6       71.1             51.6        24.1         2.4       78.1
Options written                      32.2        22.5         1.6       56.3             36.8        31.8         1.8       70.4
Futures and forwards                166.8        15.3         0.5      182.6            155.1        19.7         0.2      175.0
                                --------------------------------------------        --------------------------------------------
                                    316.7       216.0       140.1      672.8            305.0       189.9        87.9      582.8
                                --------------------------------------------        --------------------------------------------

Equity and commodity contracts        0.1         -           -          0.1              0.2         -           -          0.2
                                --------------------------------------------        --------------------------------------------


37.  Derivatives (continued)

Non-trading derivatives

NatWest Group establishes non-trading derivatives positions externally with
third parties and also internally. It should be noted that the following tables
include the components of the internal hedging programme that transfers risks
to the trading portfolios in NatWest Group or to other members of the RBS
Group, or to external third party participants in the derivatives markets.

The following table summarises the fair values and book values of derivatives
held for non-trading activities and includes internal trades:

                                                     2002                                                2001
                                  -------------------------------------------         --------------------------------------------
                                      Fair value               Book value                 Fair value               Book value
                                  Positive  Negative       Positive  Negative         Positive  Negative        Positive  Negative
                                  --------  --------       --------  --------         --------  --------        --------  --------
                                  (pound)m  (pound)m       (pound)m  (pound)m         (pound)m  (pound)m        (pound)m  (pound)m
Exchange rate contracts:
Spot, forwards and futures               1         2              -         -               10         5               2         -
Currency swaps and options              13        16              -         8               11        14               2         -
                                  -------------------------------------------         --------------------------------------------
                                        14        18              -         8               21        19               4         -
                                  -------------------------------------------         --------------------------------------------

Interest rate contracts:
Interest rate swaps                  1,449     1,268            236       144              982     1,068             331       232
Futures, forwards and options            2         6              -         -                4         4               -         -
                                  -------------------------------------------         --------------------------------------------
                                     1,451     1,274            236       144              986     1,072             331       232
                                  -------------------------------------------         --------------------------------------------

Total                                1,465     1,292            236       152            1,007     1,091             335       232
                                  -------------------------------------------         --------------------------------------------

The following table analyses by maturity and contract type, the notional
principal amounts of NatWest Group's non-trading derivatives (third party and

                                                  2002                                                 2001
                                 -------------------------------------------         -------------------------------------------
                                   Within      One to        Over                      Within      One to        Over
                                 one year  five years  five years      Total         one year  five years  five years      Total
                                 --------  ----------  ----------      -----         --------  ----------  ----------      -----
                                (pound)bn   (pound)bn   (pound)bn  (pound)bn        (pound)bn   (pound)bn   (pound)bn  (pound)bn
Exchange rate contracts:
Spot, forwards and futures            -           -           -          -                0.5         -           -          0.5
Currency swaps and options            0.2         0.3         0.2        0.7              0.1         0.2         0.4        0.7
                                 -------------------------------------------         -------------------------------------------
                                      0.2         0.3         0.2        0.7              0.6         0.2         0.4        1.2
                                 -------------------------------------------         -------------------------------------------
Interest rate contracts:
Interest rate swaps                  14.7        23.1        13.3       51.1             17.4        26.0        13.4       56.8
Futures, forwards and options         0.1         0.1         0.4        0.6              -           0.4         -          0.4
                                 -------------------------------------------         -------------------------------------------
                                     14.8        23.2        13.7       51.7             17.4        26.4        13.4       57.2
                                 -------------------------------------------         -------------------------------------------


38.  Financial instruments

NatWest Group's objectives and policies in managing the risk that arise in
connection with the use of financial instruments are set out under 'Risk
management' on pages 74 to 84, 'Financial instruments' on page 118 and
'Derivatives' on page 115.

Interest rate sensitivity gap

The tables below summarise NatWest Group's interest rate sensitivity gap for
its non-trading book at 31 December 2002 and 31 December 2001. The tables show
the contractual repricing for each category of asset, liability and for
off-balance sheet items. A liability (or negative) gap position exists when
liabilities reprice more quickly or in greater proportion than assets during a
given period and tends to benefit net interest income in a declining interest
rate environment. An asset or positive gap position exists when assets reprice
more quickly or in greater proportion than liabilities during a given period
and tends to benefit net interest income in a rising interest rate environment.
Contractual repricing terms do not reflect the potential impact of early
repayment or withdrawal. Positions may not be reflective of those in subsequent
periods. Major changes in positions can be made promptly as market outlooks
change. In addition, significant variations in interest rate sensitivity may
exist within the repricing periods presented and among the currencies in which
NatWest Group has interest rate positions.

                                                     After       After       After                Non-
                                                  3 months    6 months  1 year but            interest   Banking   Trading
2002                                    Within  but within  but within      within     After   bearing      book      book
                                      3 months    6 months      1 year     5 years   5 years     funds     total     total     Total
                                      (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m
Loans and advances to banks             10,637         359         143          13        26       457    11,635    12,029    23,664
Loans and advances to customers         66,160       3,662       4,387      13,131     6,415       789    94,544    17,578   112,122
Treasury bills and debt securities         967          96         193         359        55         -     1,670    16,900    18,570
Other assets                                 -           -           -           -         -    10,293    10,293     7,238    17,531
Total assets                            77,764       4,117       4,723      13,503     6,496    11,539   118,142    53,745   171,887

Deposits by banks                        5,873          85          14           -         -     1,088     7,060    10,658    17,718
Customer accounts                       71,801         742         396         468        98    19,166    92,671    18,806   111,477
Debt securities in issue                   139          12           5          41        10         -       207         1       208
Subordinated liabilities                 1,397         248         620         707     2,896         -     5,868        65     5,933
Other liabilities                            3          11          15          14       128     7,017     7,188    20,160    27,348
Shareholders' funds                          -           -           -           -         -     8,281     8,281       922     9,203
Internal funding of trading business    (2,513)          -        (620)          -         -         -    (3,133)    3,133         -
Total liabilities                       76,700       1,098         430       1,230     3,132    35,552   118,142    53,745   171,887
Off-balance sheet items                    599      (1,038)     (2,316)      3,285      (530)        -
Interest rate sensitivity gap            1,663       1,981       1,977      15,558     2,834   (24,013)
Cumulative interest rate
  sensitivity gap                        1,663       3,644       5,621      21,179    24,013

                                                     After       After       After                Non-
                                                  3 months    6 months  1 year but            interest   Banking   Trading
2001                                    Within  but within  but within      within     After   bearing      book      book
                                      3 months    6 months      1 year     5 years   5 years     funds     total     total     Total
                                      (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m
Loans and advances to banks             13,535       4,235         207          30        42       164    18,213    13,056    31,269
Loans and advances to customers         60,745       4,366       3,887      15,631     5,630     1,662    91,921     8,697   100,618
Treasury bills and debt securities         963         303         441       1,255       455         -     3,417    18,193    21,610
Other assets                                13           -           -           -         -    10,480    10,493     8,737    19,230
Total assets                            75,256       8,904       4,535      16,916     6,127    12,306   124,044    48,683   172,727

Deposits by banks                       14,932         528         323         188       148       687    16,806     8,440    25,246
Customer accounts                       66,749         772         345         607        74    19,124    87,671    12,280    99,951
Debt securities in issue                 2,298       2,566         144         138        76         -     5,222         -     5,222
Subordinated liabilities                 1,715         276           -       1,088     3,245         -     6,324        72     6,396
Other liabilities                           10          10          20          37       120     5,933     6,130    21,676    27,806
Shareholders' funds                          -           -           -           -         -     7,350     7,350       756     8,106
Internal funding of trading business    (4,448)       (903)        (95)          -         -       (13)   (5,459)    5,459         -
Total liabilities                       81,256        3,249         737      2,058     3,663    33,081   124,044    48,683   172,727
Off-balance sheet items                 (1,618)      (2,221)     (1,327)       401     4,765         -
Interest rate sensitivity gap           (7,618)       3,434       2,471     15,259     7,229   (20,775)
Cumulative interest rate
  sensitivity gap                       (7,618)      (4,184)     (1,713)    13,546    20,775


38.  Financial instruments (continued)

Currency risk

NatWest Group does not maintain material non-trading open currency positions
other than the structural foreign currency translation exposures arising from
its investments in overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings and their
related currency funding.

NatWest Group's structural foreign currency exposures were as follows:

                                                         2002                                  2001
                                         ------------------------------------   ------------------------------------
                                                 Net      Foreign                       Net      Foreign
                                         investments     currency  Structural   investments     currency  Structural
                                                  in   borrowings     foreign            in   borrowings     foreign
                                            overseas  hedging net    currency      overseas  hedging net    currency
                                          operations  investments   exposures    operations  investments   exposures
                                         ------------------------------------   ------------------------------------
                                            (pound)m     (pound)m  (pound)m        (pound)m     (pound)m    (pound)m
Functional currency of net investment
US dollar                                      1,591        1,563          28         1,523        1,508          15
Euro                                             850          388         462           731          202         529
Swiss franc                                      305          295          10           250          243           7
Other non-sterling                                 7            6           1            12           10           2
                                         ------------------------------------   ------------------------------------
Total                                          2,753        2,252         501         2,516        1,963         553
                                         ------------------------------------   ------------------------------------

Trading book market risk

An explanation of the Value-at-Risk ("VaR") methodology of estimating potential
losses arising from NatWest Group's exposure to market risk in its trading book
and the main assumptions and parameters underlying it is given on page 74.

The following table analyses the VaR for NatWest Group's trading portfolios by
type of market risk exposure at the year end and as an average for the year and
the maximum and minimum for the year:

                                    At               2002                          At               2001
                           31 December  ----------------------------        31 December ----------------------------
                                  2002   Maximum   Minimum   Average             2001    Maximum   Minimum   Average
                              (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m         (pound)m   (pound)m  (pound)m  (pound)m
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest rate                     7.3       11.7       4.7       7.6             6.4        12.2       5.0       8.2
Currency                          0.3        1.7       0.1       0.4             0.2         2.4       0.1       0.6
Equity                            0.1        0.6       -         0.2             0.3         1.8       0.2       0.5
Diversification effects          (0.4)                                          (0.8)
                              -------                                         ------
Total                             7.3       11.6       4.7       7.6             6.1        12.3       5.3       8.4


38.  Financial instruments (continued)

Fair values of financial instruments

The following tables set out the fair values of NatWest Group's financial
instruments. Fair value is the amount at which an instrument could be exchanged
in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or
liquidation sale. Quoted market values are used where available; otherwise,
fair values have been estimated based on discounted expected future cash flows
and other valuation techniques. These techniques involve uncertainties and
require assumptions and judgements covering prepayments, credit risk and
discount rates. Changes in these assumptions would significantly affect
estimated fair values. The fair values reported would not necessarily be
realised in an immediate sale; nor are there plans to settle liabilities prior
to contractual maturity. As there is a wide range of valuation techniques, it
may be inappropriate to compare NatWest Group's fair value information to
independent markets or other financial institutions' fair values.

                                                                            2002                                 2001
                                                                 -------------------------            ------------------------
Trading business                                                 Carrying             Fair            Carrying            Fair
                                                                   amount            value              amount           value
                                                                 -------------------------            ------------------------
                                                                 (pound)m         (pound)m            (pound)m        (pound)m
Treasury bills and other eligible bills                  (1)        1,693            1,693               1,353           1,353
Loans and advances to banks and customers                (1)       29,607           29,607              21,753          21,753
Debt securities                                          (1)       15,207           15,207              16,840          16,840
Equity shares                                            (1)           28               28                   8               8
Derivatives                                              (2)        4,099            4,099               2,649           2,649

Deposits by banks and customer accounts                  (3)       29,464           29,464              20,720          20,720
Debt securities in issue                                 (1)            1                1                   -               -
Short positions in securities                            (1)       13,292           13,292              11,435          11,435
Subordinated loan capital                                (1)           65               65                  72              72
Derivatives                                              (2)        3,579            3,579               2,583           2,583

                                                                            2002                                2001
                                                                 -------------------------            ------------------------
Banking business                                                 Carrying             Fair            Carrying           Fair
                                                                   amount            value              amount           value
                                                                 -------------------------            ------------------------
                                                                 (pound)m         (pound)m            (pound)m        (pound)m
Cash and balances at central banks                       (1)        1,251            1,251               1,162           1,162
Items in the course of collection from other banks       (1)        2,085            2,085               2,410           2,410
Treasury and other eligible bills                        (1)           31               31                 122             122
Loans and advances to banks and customers                (4)      106,179          106,824             110,134         110,633
Debt securities                                          (5)        1,639            1,667               3,295           3,304
Equity shares                                            (5)        1,039              908               1,065           1,027
Derivatives - net                                        (2)           84              173                 103             (84)

Items in the course of transmission to other banks       (1)        1,214            1,214               1,408           1,408
Deposits by banks and customer accounts                  (3)       99,731           99,747             104,477         104,480
Debt securities in issue                                 (6)          207              209               5,222           5,219
Subordinated loan capital                                (7)        5,868            6,350               6,324           6,656
Non equity minority interests                            (7)            3                3                   4               4
Non-equity shareholders' funds                           (7)          481              550                 519             573

(1)  Financial assets and financial liabilities carried at fair value or where
     carrying value approximates to fair value because they are of short
     maturity or repricing date.
(2)  Fair values of derivatives are determined by market prices where
     available. Otherwise fair value is based on current market information
     using appropriate valuation models.
(3)  The fair value of deposits repayable on demand is equal to their carrying
     value. The fair values of term deposits and time certificates of deposit
     are estimated by discounting expected future cash flows using rates
     currently offered for deposits of similar remaining maturities.
(4)  For loans which reprice frequently or are linked to the Group's base rate,
     and for which there has been no significant change in credit risk since
     inception, carrying value represents a reasonable estimate of fair value.
     For other loans, fair values are estimated by discounting expected future
     cash flows, using current interest rates appropriate to the type of loan,
     and making adjustments for credit risk.


38.  Financial instruments (continued)

Fair values of financial instruments (continued)
(5)  Fair values of marketable securities are based on quoted market prices.
     Where these are unavailable, fair value is estimated using other valuation
(6)  The fair value of short-term debt securities in issue is approximately
     equal to their carrying value. The fair value of other debt securities in
     issue is based on quoted market prices where available or, where these are
     unavailable, is estimated using other valuation techniques.
(7)  The fair value of loan capital, non-equity minority interests and
     preference shares is based on quoted market prices where available. For
     unquoted loan capital, fair value has been estimated using other valuation
(8)  Fair values are not given for financial commitments and contingent
     liabilities. The diversity of the fee structures, the lack of an
     established market and the difficulty of separating the value of the
     instruments from the value of the overall relationship involve such
     uncertainty that it is not meaningful to provide an estimate of their fair
     value (The principal amounts of these instruments are given in Note 39).


As described in the Accounting Policies on pages 93 to 95, derivatives and debt
securities held for hedging purposes are accounted for in accordance with the
treatment of the hedged transaction. As a result, any gains or losses on the
hedging instrument arising from changes in fair values are not recognised in
the profit and loss account immediately but are accounted for in the same
manner as the hedged item.

                                                                             2002                              2001
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------
                                                                   Unrecognised   Deferred            Unrecognised   Deferred
                                                                      gains and  gains and               gains and  gains and
                                                                         losses     losses                  losses     losses
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------
                                                                       (pound)m   (pound)m                (pound)m   (pound)m

At 1 January      - gains                                                   726         42                     609          4
                  - losses                                                 (913)       (36)                   (918)        (5)
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------
                                                                           (187)         6                    (309)        (1)

Recognised gains that arose in previous years                              (150)       (22)                   (171)        (4)
Recognised losses that arose in previous years                              241         20                     262          5
Unrecognised gains and losses arising in the year                           355          -                      37          -
Unrecognised gains and losses deferred in the year                         (170)       170                      (6)         6
Unrecognised gains and losses deferred and taken to
   profit and loss in the year                                                -        (34)                      -          -
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------
At 31 December                                                               89        140                    (187)         6
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------

Of which          - gains                                                 1,245        156                     726         42
                  - losses                                               (1,156)       (16)                   (913)       (36)
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------
                                                                             89        140                    (187)         6
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------

Gains expected to be recognised in the year to
    31 December 2003 (year to 31 December 2002)                             318         49                     150         22
Gains expected to be recognised in the year to
    31 December 2004 or later (year to 31 December 2003 or later)
                                                                            927        107                     576         20
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------
                                                                          1,245        156                     726         42
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------

Losses expected to be recognised in the year to
    31 December 2003 (year to 31 December 2002)                            (313)       (12)                   (237)       (20)
Losses expected to be recognised in the year to
    31 December 2004 or later (year to 31 December 2003 or later)
                                                                           (843)        (4)                   (676)       (16)
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------
                                                                         (1,156)       (16)                   (913)       (36)
                                                                   -----------------------            -----------------------


39.  Memorandum items

Contingent liabilities and commitments

The amounts shown in the table below are intended only to provide an indication
of the volume of business outstanding at 31 December. Although the NatWest
Group is exposed to credit risk in the event of non-performance of the
obligations undertaken by customers, the amounts shown do not, and are not
intended to, provide any indication of the NatWest Group's expectation of
future losses.

                                                                                    2002               2001
                                                                                    ----               ----
                                                                                (pound)m           (pound)m
Contingent liabilities:
Acceptances and endorsements                                                         379                380
Guarantees and assets pledged as collateral security                               1,917              1,920
Other contingent liabilities                                                       4,204              4,904
                                                                                 -------             -------
                                                                                   6,500              7,204
                                                                                 -------             -------
Documentary credits and other short-term trade related transactions                  162                169
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend
- -  less than one year                                                             45,897             51,075
- -  one year and over                                                              13,643             14,759
Other commitments                                                                    263                267
                                                                                 -------             -------
                                                                                  59,965             66,270
                                                                                 -------             -------

Acceptances are obligations to pay on maturity the face value of a bill of
exchange to a third party. Most acceptances are short-term and extend for one
year or less. By endorsing a document, NatWest Group accepts liability for
payment if it is dishonoured.

Documentary credits are commercial letters of credit providing for payment by
NatWest Group to a named beneficiary against presentation of specified

Commitments to lend include commitments which are unconditionally cancellable
and agreements to lend to a customer so long as all conditions established in
the loan agreement have been satisfied or waived. A substantial proportion of
NatWest Group's loans is by way of overdrafts. Unutilised overdraft facilities
constitute commitments to lend which, although unconditionally cancellable, are
normally granted for a specific period of time. Unutilised overdraft facilities
are included in commitments to lend.

Other commitments and contingent obligations have fixed expiry dates or other
termination clauses.

Banking commitments and contingent liabilities, which have been entered into on
behalf of customers and for which there are corresponding obligations by
customers are not included in assets and liabilities. NatWest Group's maximum
exposure to credit loss, in the event of non-performance by the other party
where all counterclaims, collateral or security prove valueless, is represented
by the contractual notional amount of those instruments. Many commitments are
expected to expire without being drawn and do not necessarily represent future
cash requirements.

Members of the NatWest Group are engaged in litigation in the United Kingdom
and a number of overseas jurisdictions, including the United States, involving
claims by and against them which arise in the ordinary course of business. The
directors of the Bank, after reviewing the actual, threatened and known
potential claims against NatWest Group undertakings and taking into account the
advice of the relevant legal advisers, are satisfied that the outcome of these
claims will not have a material averse effect on the net assets of the NatWest


40.  Acquisitions

Lombard North Central PLC acquired Dixon Motors PLC on 17 May 2002 and this has
been accounted for using acquisition accounting principles. The provisional fair
values of the assets and liabilities and the consideration paid are shown in the
table below:

                                              Book value of net
                                                assets acquired            Fair value     Fair value to NatWest
                                                       (pound)m           adjustments                     Group
                                                                             (pound)m                  (pound)m
                                              ------------------     ----------------     ---------------------
At date of acquisition:
- -----------------------
Intangible fixed assets                                      5                    (5)                        -
Tangible fixed assets                                       55                    (2)                       53
Other assets                                               126                    (2)                      124
Subsidiaries held for resale                                15                   (12)                        3
Deposits by banks                                          (58)                    -                       (58)
Other liabilities                                          (73)                   (8)                      (81)
                                              ------------------     ----------------     ---------------------
Net assets acquired                                         70                   (29)                       41
                                              ------------------     ----------------
Goodwill                                                                                                    77
Total consideration                                                                                        118
Satisfied by:
Payment of cash                                                                                            103
Loan notes                                                                                                   9
Fees and expenses relating to the acquisition                                                                6

Fair value adjustments reflect the restatement of balances to their estimated
fair values at the date of acquisition, and the related tax effect.


41. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash outflow from operating

                                                                                    2002                2001               2000
                                                                                --------            --------           --------
                                                                                (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Operating profit                                                                   2,584               2,583              1,861
(Increase)/decrease in prepayments and accrued income                                (46)              1,073               (420)
Interest on subordinated liabilities                                                 262                 398                502
Increase/(decrease) in accruals and deferred income                                1,049                (782)               501
Amortisation of and provisions against investment securities                           8                  19                 50
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts                                                508                 510                359
Loans and advances written off net of recoveries                                    (527)               (437)              (474)
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                                              (25)                (99)               (16)
(Profit)/loss from associated undertakings                                            (1)                  3                  3
Profit on sale of investment securities                                              (17)                 (6)              (235)
Profit on sale of subsidiary and associated undertakings                             (12)                  -                  -
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                                39                  28                 99
Provisions utilised                                                                  (31)                (10)               (27)
Depreciation and amortisation of tangible and intangible fixed assets                470                 565                586
Increase in value of long-term assurance business                                      -                   -                (66)
Net cash inflow from trading activities                                            4,261               3,845              2,723
Decrease/(increase) in items in the course of collection                             325                (324)               138
(Increase)/decrease in treasury and other eligible bills                            (249)              1,538               (433)
Decrease/(increase) in loans and advances to banks                                 2,745               4,453             (4,783)
Increase in loans and advances to customers                                      (11,469)             (4,074)            (8,654)
Decrease/(increase) in securities                                                  1,656               6,050             (4,173)
Decrease/(increase) in other assets                                                2,013              (3,778)               941
(Decrease)/increase in items in the course of transmission                          (194)                310               (101)
(Decrease)/increase in deposits by banks                                          (7,595)            (10,027)             2,037
Increase/(decrease) in customer accounts                                          11,497              (2,491)            11,271
Decrease in debt securities in issue                                              (5,014)             (3,950)            (2,384)
(Decrease)/increase in other liabilities                                          (1,067)              5,828             (1,556)
Effect of other accruals/deferrals and other non-cash movements                     (415)                 86                (27)
Net cash outflow from operating activities                                        (3,506)             (2,534)            (5,001)

42. Analysis of the net outflow of cash in respect of the purchase of interests
in subsidiary undertakings

                                                                                    2002                2001               2000
                                                                                --------            --------           --------
                                                                                (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Cash consideration paid                                                              109                 220                 86
Net outflow of cash                                                                  109                 220                 86

43. Sale of subsidiary and associated undertakings

                                                                                    2002                2001               2000
                                                                                --------            --------           --------
                                                                                (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Net assets disposed of                                                                17                 694                946
Profit on disposal                                                                    12                   -              1,041
Non-cash consideration                                                                 -                (634)                 -
Cash consideration                                                                    29                  60              1,987
Cash disposed of                                                                       -                 (80)               (21)
Net inflow/(outflow) of cash in
 respect of disposals (net of expenses)                                               29                 (20)             1,966


44. Analysis of changes in financing during the year

                                                        2002                2001               2000
                                                    --------            --------           --------
                                                    (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Share capital (including share premium account)
At 1 January                                           3,483               3,473              3,387
Currency translation adjustments                         (38)                 10                 29
Net cash inflow from financing                             -                   -                 57
At 31 December                                         3,445               3,483              3,473

Loan capital
At 1 January                                           6,396               6,904              7,541
Currency translation adjustments                        (301)                109                322
Net cash outflow from financing                         (162)               (617)              (959)
At 31 December                                         5,933               6,396              6,904

45.  Analysis of cash

                                                        2002                2001               2000
                                                    --------            --------           --------
                                                    (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
Cash and balances at central banks                     1,251               1,162              1,195
Loans and advances to banks repayable on demand        1,534               6,395              4,696
Cash                                                   2,785               7,557              5,891

The Bank and certain subsidiary undertakings are required to maintain balances
with the Bank of England which, at 31 December 2002, amounted to (pound)112
million (2001 - (pound)107 million; 2000 - (pound)133 million).

46. Analysis of changes in cash during the year

                                                        2002                2001               2000
                                                    --------            --------           --------
                                                    (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m
At  1 January                                          7,557               5,891              4,782
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                             (4,772)              1,666              1,109
At 31 December                                         2,785               7,557              5,891


47.  Segmental analysis

In the tables below, the analyses of net assets are included in compliance with
Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 25 'Segmental Reporting'. The fungible
nature of liabilities within the banking industry results in allocations of
liabilities which, in some cases, are necessarily subjective. The directors
believe that it is more meaningful to analyse total assets and the result of
this analysis is therefore also included in the tables.

The prior year data in the tables below have been restated following the
implementation of FRS 19 in 2002. In addition, the divisional data have been
restated following the transfer of Ulster Bank's leasing business to Corporate
Banking and Financial Markets with effect from 1 January 2002.

(a) Classes of business

                                                                                                                     (loss) on
                                              Net        Non-                                                         ordinary
                                          interest    interest      Total      Operating                            activities
2002                                       income      income      income       expenses        Provisions*         before tax
                                          (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m      (pound)m          (pound)m          (pound)m
Corporate Banking and Financial Markets     1,282       1,809       3,091         (1,097)            (271)             1,723
Retail Banking                              2,083         747       2,830           (598)            (113)             2,119
Retail Direct                                 317         533         850           (259)            (119)               472
Manufacturing                                   -           -           -         (1,252)               -             (1,252)
Wealth Management                             170         293         463           (308)              12                167
Ulster Bank                                   339         181         520           (254)             (22)               244
Central items                                 (57)         (3)        (60)          (137)              (3)              (200)

Profit before goodwill amortisation and
 restructuring costs
                                            4,134       3,560       7,694         (3,905)            (516)             3,273
Goodwill amortisation                           -           -           -            (26)               -                (26)
Restructuring costs                             -           -           -           (663)               -               (663)
Profit on ordinary activities before tax    4,134       3,560       7,694         (4,594)            (516)             2,584

                                                                                                                     (loss) on
                                               Net        Non-                                                        ordinary
                                          interest    interest       Total        Operating                         activities
2001                                        income      income      income         Expenses        Provisions*      before tax
                                          (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m         (pound)m           (pound)m        (pound)m

Corporate Banking and Financial Markets    1,251       1,653       2,904           (1,116)              (345)            1,443
Retail Banking                             1,941         875       2,816             (672)               (71)            2,073
Retail Direct                                288         455         743             (244)               (96)              403
Manufacturing                                  -           -           -           (1,128)                 -            (1,128)
Wealth Management                            308         376         684             (376)                 5               313
Ulster Bank                                  313         170         483             (239)               (15)              229
Central items                               (180)        174          (6)             (88)                 6               (88)

Profit before goodwill amortisation
 and restructuring costs
                                           3,921       3,703       7,624           (3,863)              (516)             3,245
Goodwill amortisation                          -           -           -              (24)                 -                (24)
Restructuring costs                            -           -           -             (638)                 -               (638)
Profit on ordinary activities before tax   3,921       3,703       7,624           (4,525)              (516)             2,583

*Comprises provisions for bad and doubtful debts and amounts written off fixed
asset investments.


47. Segmental analysis (continued)

                                                                                                                        (loss) on
                                               Net        Non-                                                           ordinary
                                          interest    interest       Total        Operating                            activities
2000                                        income      income      income         Expenses        Provisions*         before tax
                                          (pound)m    (pound)m    (pound)m         (pound)m           (pound)m           (pound)m

Corporate Banking and Financial Markets      1,200       1,689       2,889           (1,254)            (138)             1,497
Retail Banking                               1,793         752       2,545             (629)             (42)             1,874
Retail Direct                                  230         401         631             (270)            (118)               243
Manufacturing                                    -           -           -           (1,185)               -             (1,185)
Wealth Management                              303         392         695             (420)               5                280
Ulster Bank                                    259         164         423             (222)             (12)               189
Central items                                 (103)         57         (46)            (647)             (56)              (749)

Profit before goodwill amortisation
 and restructuring costs
                                             3,682       3,455       7,137           (4,627)            (361)             2,149
Goodwill amortisation                            -           -           -              (27)               -                (27)
Restructuring costs                              -          (3)         (3)            (524)               -               (527)
Exited business                                 (7)        366         359              (81)             (12)               266
Operating profit                             3,675       3,818       7,493           (5,259)            (373)             1,861
Profit on disposal of businesses                                                                                          1,041
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                                                                  2,902

*Comprises provisions for bad and doubtful debts and amounts written off fixed
asset investments.

                                                         Total assets                Net assets
                                                -----------------------    ---------------------------
                                                    2002           2001        2002               2001
                                                    ----           ----        ----               ----
                                                (pound)m       (pound)m    (pound)m          (pound)m

Corporate Banking and Financial Markets          104,797        109,761       4,956              4,700
Retail Banking                                    36,747         33,125       2,262              1,844
Retail Direct                                      5,851          5,733         520                432
Manufacturing                                      1,491          1,301         108                101
Wealth Management                                 12,974         10,795         298                261
Ulster Bank                                       12,880         10,936         976                927
Central items                                     (2,853)         1,076          83               (159)
                                                -----------------------    ----------------------------
                                                 171,887        172,727       9,203              8,106
                                                -----------------------    ----------------------------


47. Segmental analysis (continued)

(b) Geographical segments

The geographical analyses in the tables below have been compiled on the basis of
location of office where the transactions are recorded.

                                                                                        Rest of
2002                                                  UK                USA           the World              Total
                                                (pound)m           (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Interest receivable                                5,770                 79                 656              6,505
Dividend income                                        8                  5                   -                 13
Fees and commissions receivable                    2,583                107                 218              2,908
Dealing profits                                       87                607                  41                735
Other operating income                               610                 (3)                 12                619
Gross income                                       9,058                795                 927             10,780
Profit on ordinary activities before tax           2,053                239                 292              2,584
Total assets                                     106,612             48,416              16,859            171,887
Net assets                                         6,520              1,127               1,556              9,203

                                                                                         Rest of
2001                                                   UK                USA           the World              Total
                                                 (pound)m           (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Interest receivable                                 6,529                410                 915              7,854
Dividend income                                        13                  3                   1                 17
Fees and commissions receivable                     2,746                 74                 216              3,036
Dealing profits                                       141                518                  60                719
Other operating income                                630                  -                  12                642
Gross income                                       10,059              1,005               1,204             12,268
Profit on ordinary activities before tax            2,053                215                 315              2,583
Total assets                                      112,147             45,120              15,460            172,727
Net assets                                          6,692                552                 862              8,106

                                                                                         Rest of
2000                                                   UK                USA           the World              Total
                                                 (pound)m           (pound)m            (pound)m           (pound)m

Interest receivable                                 6,964                546               1,005              8,515
Dividend income                                         7                  7                   -                 14
Fees and commissions receivable                     2,684                 64                 209              2,957
Dealing profits                                       271                358                  55                684
Other operating income                                769                 35                  (4)               800
Gross income                                       10,695              1,010               1,265             12,970
Profit on ordinary activities before tax            2,421                227                 254              2,902
Total assets                                      128,868             38,120              19,245            186,233
Net assets                                          5,799                399                 842              7,040


48.  Directors' emoluments

The current directors of the Bank are also directors of the ultimate holding
company and are remunerated for their services to the RBS Group as a whole.
Their emoluments are disclosed in the Report and Accounts of the RBS Group.
Pensions paid to former directors of the Bank and their dependents amounted to
(pound)281,000 (2001 - (pound)280,000). Six directors (2001 - six) are members
of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Pension Fund, which is a defined benefit

49.   Transactions with directors, officers and others

(a)  At 31 December 2002, the amounts outstanding in relation to transactions,
     arrangements and agreements entered into by authorised institutions in the
     NatWest Group were (pound)36,276,342 in respect of loans to seven persons
     who were directors of the Bank (or persons connected with them) at any time
     during the financial year and (pound)7,615,388 to 41 people who were
     officers of the Bank at any time during the financial year.

(b)  There were no contracts of significance to the business of the Bank and its
     subsidiaries which subsisted at 31 December 2002, or during the year then
     ended, in which any director of the Bank had a material interest.

50.   Related party transactions

Subsidiary undertakings -- Details of the principal subsidiary undertakings are
shown in Note 19. In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 8 `Related
Party Disclosures' ("FRS 8"), transactions or balances between Group entities
that have been eliminated on consolidation and transactions with the holding
company and fellow subsidiaries are not reported.

Associated undertakings -- The amounts of loans and advances due from
associated undertakings at 31 December 2002 are shown in Note 13 and the
amounts of deposits received from associated undertakings as at 31 December
2002 are shown in Note 24. These transactions are conducted on similar terms to
third party transactions and are not material to the Group's results or
financial condition. Certain subsidiary undertakings in the Group provide
development and other types of capital support to businesses in their roles as
providers of finance. These investments are made in the normal course of
business and on arms-length terms depending on their nature. In some instances,
the investment may extend to ownership or control over 20% or more of the
voting rights of the investee company. However, these investments are not
considered to give rise to transactions of a materiality requiring disclosure
under FRS 8.

Santander Central Hispano, S.A. ("SCH") -- Under the terms of an alliance
agreement, the RBS Group and SCH co-operate in certain banking and financial
activities in Europe. The RBS Group holds 2.83% of SCH's capital stock and SCH
holds 5.04% of the holding company's ordinary shares.

Directors, officers and others -- Details of directors' emoluments are set out
in Note 48. Details of transactions with directors, officers and others
connected to them are shown in Note 49.

51. Ultimate holding company

Until January 2003, the NatWest Group's controlling party and immediate parent
company was The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, which is incorporated in Great
Britain and registered in Scotland. As at 31 December 2002, this company heads
the only group in which the NatWest Group is consolidated. Copies of the
consolidated accounts of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc may be obtained
from The Secretary, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, 42 St Andrew Square,
Edinburgh EH2 2YE.

In January 2003, the ownership of the Bank's entire issued ordinary share
capital was transferred from the holding company to The Royal Bank of Scotland
plc. The ultimate holding company of the NatWest Group remains The Royal Bank of
Scotland Group plc.


52.  Significant differences between UK and US generally accepted accounting

The Consolidated Financial Statements of NatWest Group are prepared in
accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") that
differ in certain material respects from US GAAP. The significant differences
are summarised as follows:

(a)  Goodwill -- Under NatWest Group's UK GAAP accounting policy, goodwill is
     capitalised on the balance sheet and amortised on a straight-line basis
     over its estimated useful economic life, currently over periods of up to 20
     years. Under US GAAP, goodwill is recognised as an asset, and is not
     amortised. Under the transition rules of SFAS 142 `Goodwill and Other
     Intangible Assets', no amortisation is charged on acquisitions made after
     30 June 2001; amortisation is charged up to 31 December 2001 for other
     goodwill. All goodwill is tested for impairment at least annually.

(b)  Property revaluation -- NatWest Group's freehold and leasehold properties
     are carried at original cost or subsequent valuation. The surplus or
     deficit on revaluation is included in the Group's reserves. Under US GAAP,
     revaluations of property are not permitted to be reflected in the
     financial statements.

(c)  Property depreciation -- Depreciation charged under UK GAAP is based on
     the revalued amount of freehold and long leasehold properties; no
     depreciation is charged on investment properties. Under US GAAP, the
     depreciation charge is based on the historical cost of all properties.

(d)  Dividends -- Under UK GAAP, dividends are recorded in the period to which
     they relate, whereas under US GAAP dividends are recorded in the period in
     which they are declared.

(e)  Loan origination fees -- Certain loan fees are recognised when received.
     Under US GAAP, all loan fees and certain direct costs are deferred and
     recognised as an adjustment to the yield on the related loan or facility.

(f)  Pension costs -- Pension costs, based on actuarial assumptions and
     methods, are charged in the consolidated accounts so as to allocate the
     cost of providing benefits over the service lives of employees in a
     consistent manner approved by the actuary. US GAAP prescribes the method
     of actuarial valuation and also requires assets to be assessed at fair
     value and the assessment of liabilities to be based on current interest

(g)  Long-term assurance business -- The shareholders' interest in the
     long-term assurance fund is valued as the discounted value of the cash
     flows expected to be generated from in-force policies together with net
     assets in excess of the statutory liabilities. Under US GAAP, for
     traditional business, premiums are recognised as revenue when due from the
     policyholders. Costs of claims are recognised when insured events occur. A
     liability for future policy benefits is established based upon the present
     value of future benefits less the present value of future net premiums.
     Acquisition costs for traditional business contracts are charged to the
     profit and loss account in proportion to premium revenue recognised. For
     unit-linked business, premiums and front-end load-type charges receivable
     from customers and acquisition costs relating to the acquisition of new
     contracts are capitalised and depreciated in proportion to the present
     value of estimated gross profits. Costs of claims are recognised when
     insured events occur.

(h)  Leasing -- In accordance with UK GAAP, NatWest Group's accounting policy
     for finance lease income receivable is to allocate total gross earnings to
     accounting periods so as to give a constant periodic rate of return on the
     net cash investment, and certain operating lease assets are depreciated on
     a reverse-annuity basis. Under US GAAP, finance lease income is recognised
     so as to give a level rate of return on the investment in the lease but
     without taking into account the associated tax flows, and all operating
     lease assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis.

(i)  Debt securities and equity shares -- Under UK GAAP, NatWest Group's
     investments in debt securities and equity shares are classified as being
     held as investment securities, held for the purpose of hedging or held for
     dealing purposes. Investment securities are stated at cost less provision
     for any permanent diminution in value. Premiums and discounts on dated
     securities are amortised to interest income over the period to maturity.
     Under US GAAP, NatWest Group's investment debt securities and marketable
     investment equity shares are classified as available-for-sale securities
     with unrealised gains and losses reported in a separate component of
     shareholders' equity.


52.  Significant differences between UK and US generally accepted accounting
     principles (continued)

(j)  Derivatives and hedging activities -- SFAS 133 `Accounting for Derivative
     Instruments and Hedging Activities' was effective for NatWest Group's US
     GAAP information from 1 January 2001. NatWest Group has not made changes
     in its use of non-trading derivatives to meet the hedge criteria of SFAS
     133. As a result, from 1 January 2001, for US GAAP purposes, NatWest
     Group's portfolio of non-trading derivatives has been remeasured to fair
     value and changes in fair value reflected in net income. Under UK GAAP,
     these derivatives continue to be classified as non-trading and accounted
     for in accordance with the underlying transaction or transactions. SFAS
     133 does not permit non-derivative financial instruments to be designated
     as the hedging instrument in a fair value hedge of the foreign exchange
     exposure of available-for-sale securities. The Group's UK and US GAAP
     reconciliations also reflect transition adjustments on initial application
     of SFAS 133. These adjustments were: a cumulative-effect-type adjustment
     increasing net income by(pound)15 million ((pound)21 million less tax
     of(pound)6 million); and a cumulative-effect-type adjustment decreasing
     other comprehensive income by(pound)174 million ((pound)249 million less
     tax of(pound)75 million). SFAS 133 also requires derivatives embedded in
     other financial instruments to be accounted for on a stand-alone basis if
     they have economic characteristics and risks that differ from those of the
     host instrument.

(k)  Software development costs -- Under UK GAAP, most software development
     costs are written off as incurred. Under US GAAP, certain costs relating
     to software developed for own use that are incurred after 1 January 1999
     are capitalised and depreciated over the estimated useful life of the

(l)  Acceptances -- Acceptances outstanding and the matching customers'
     liabilities are not reflected in the consolidated balance sheet, but are
     disclosed as memorandum items. Under US GAAP, acceptances outstanding and
     the matching customers' liabilities are reflected in the consolidated
     balance sheet.

(m)  Offset of repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements -- Under UK GAAP,
     debit and credit balances with the same counterparty are aggregated into a
     single item where there is a right to insist on net settlement and the
     debit balance matures no later than the credit balance. Under US GAAP,
     repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements with the same counterparty
     may be offset only where they have the same settlement date specified at

(n)  Deferred taxation -- Following the implementation by NatWest Group of FRS
     19 'Deferred Tax', accounting for deferred tax under UK GAAP is now
     consistent with US GAAP except that deferred tax is not recognised under
     UK GAAP on certain timing differences resulting from the roll-over of
     gains on disposal of properties, but is provided under US GAAP on such

Recent developments in US GAAP

In April 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS
145 `Rescission of FASB Statements No. 4, 44, and 64, Amendment of FASB
Statement No. 13, and Technical Corrections'. SFAS 145 rescinds existing
requirements for accounting for extinguishments of debt, removes an
inconsistency in the existing requirements for accounting by lessees for
certain lease amendments, and makes other technical corrections to existing
statements. The Group has determined that this Statement has no material effect
on its US GAAP reporting.

In July 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 146 `Accounting for Costs Associated with
Exit or Disposal Activities'. SFAS 146 addresses the recognition and
measurement of employee termination costs, contract termination costs and other
costs associated with exit or disposal activities, and related disclosures.
SFAS 146 is applicable to exit and disposal activities initiated after 31
December 2002. The Group is reviewing this statement to determine the effect on
its US GAAP reporting.

In October 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 147 `Acquisitions of Certain Financial
Institutions'. SFAS 147 requires certain acquisitions that fell within the
scope of SFAS 72 `Accounting for Certain Acquisitions of Banking or Thrift
Institutions' to be accounted for in accordance with SFAS 141 `Business
Combinations', and includes transitional provisions to deal with unidentified
intangible assets recognised under SFAS 72. SFAS 147 is effective from 1
October 2002. The Group has determined that this Statement has no material
effect on its US GAAP reporting.

In November 2002, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. 45 `Guarantor's
Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including Indirect
Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others, an interpretation of FASB Statements No.
5, 57, and 107 and rescission of FASB Interpretation No. 34'. FIN 45 requires
guarantees entered into or modified after 31 December 2002 to be recognised and
measured initially at their fair value. The Group is reviewing the initial
recognition and measurement requirements of this Statement to assess their
effect on the US GAAP reporting.


52.  Significant differences between UK and US generally accepted accounting
     principles (continued)

In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 148 `Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation - Transition and Disclosure - an Amendment of FASB Statement No.
123'. SFAS 148 addresses the treatment of a voluntary change in accounting for
stock-based employee compensation from the intrinsic value method under APB
Opinion No. 25 `Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees', to the fair-value
based method under SFAS 123. The Group is currently not contemplating moving to
accounting for stock-based compensation using the fair-value based method of
SFAS 123.

In January 2003, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. 46 `Consolidation of
Variable Interest Entities, an interpretation of ARB No. 51'. FIN 46 addresses
accounting for variable interest entities, which are entities where the equity
investment at risk is not sufficient to permit the entity to finance its
activities without subordinated support from other parties to absorb losses, or
where the equity investors lack certain essential characteristics of a
controlling financial interest. FIN 46 requires the primary beneficiary of a
variable interest entity to consolidate that entity. An enterprise is the
primary beneficiary of a variable interest entity if it holds an interest that
will absorb the majority of its expected losses or receive a majority of its
expected residual returns. FIN 46 requires the holder of a significant variable
interest in a variable interest entity to make certain disclosures. The
requirements of FIN 46 apply to new variable interest entities created after 31
January 2003, or where the reporting entity acquires an interest after that
date, and to other variable interest entities in the first fiscal year or
interim period beginning after 15 June 2003.

However, FIN 46 requires disclosures in financial statements issued after 31
January 2003 about variable interest entities that, when FIN 46 becomes
effective, it is reasonably possible that the reporting enterprise will
consolidate or about which the enterprise will disclose information in
accordance with FIN 46. The Group has undertaken a review to identify variable
interest entities in which it is the primary beneficiary or in which it has a
significant variable interest. The Group has concluded that it is reasonably
possible that it is the primary beneficiary of, or has a significant interest
in, a number of commercial paper conduits and other asset securitisation
vehicles that meet FIN 46's definition of a variable interest entity. These
entities acquire financial assets from third parties or from the Group funded
by the issue of commercial paper or other debt instruments. The Group supplies
certain administrative services and provides credit enhancement, liquidity
facilities and derivative transactions to some or all of the entities on an
arm's length basis. In the case of the commercial paper conduits, the Group
provides programme wide credit enhancement by letters of credit or loan
facilities across all tranches of assets funded by conduits. The Group provides
funding in the form of reverse repurchase agreements on bonds owned by one
variable interest entity. At 31 December 2002, the Group held loan notes issued
by these entities with a principal amount of (pound)3.0 billion, had
outstanding undrawn liquidity lines amounting to (pound)1.6 billion; and total
rate of return swaps with a notional amount of (pound)0.7 billion. The Group's
maximum exposure to loss, in the event of non-performance of the entire
portfolios of assets in these entities and if all counterclaims proved
valueless, is represented by the contractual amount of these instruments.

As experience with FIN 46 develops, the Group is continuing to review its
existing interests to identify other variable interest entities in which the
Group may have a significant variable interest or of which the Group may be the
primary beneficiary.


52.  Significant differences between UK and US generally accepted accounting
     principles (continued)

Selected figures in accordance with US GAAP

The following tables summarise the significant adjustments to consolidated net
income available for ordinary shareholders and shareholders' equity which would
result from the application of US GAAP instead of UK GAAP. Where applicable,
the adjustments are stated gross of tax with the tax effect shown separately in

Consolidated statement of income - net income                 2002            2001           2000
                                                              ----            ----           ----
                                                          (pound)m        (pound)m       (pound)m

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders - UK GAAP       1,825           1,802          2,160
Adjustments in respect of:
   Goodwill                                                     26               -              -
   Property depreciation                                         5               5              6
   Property disposals                                            4              51             73
   Loan fees and costs                                          22              (7)            (4)
   Pension costs                                               (15)            236            203
   Long-term assurance business                                  -               -             14
   Leasing                                                     (46)            (49)           (10)
   Derivatives and hedging                                     380              18            117
   Software development costs                                  220             371             (5)
   Profit on disposal of NatWest Life                            -               -            409
   Tax effect on the above adjustments                        (168)           (170)          (219)
   Deferred taxation                                             -            (115)            (1)
                                                             ------          ------         ------
Net income available for ordinary shareholders - US GAAP     2,253           2,142          2,743
                                                             ======          ======         ======

Consolidated shareholders' equity                                           2002               2001
                                                                            ----               ----
                                                                        (pound)m           (pound)m

Shareholders' funds - UK GAAP                                              9,203              8,106
Adjustments in respect of:
   Goodwill                                                                   26                  -
   Property revaluation and depreciation                                    (558)              (588)
   Proposed dividend                                                           -                400
   Loan fees and costs                                                      (141)              (163)
   Pension costs                                                             268                283
   Leasing                                                                  (239)              (193)
   Available-for-sale securities                                            (103)               (35)
   Derivatives and hedging                                                   257               (156)
   Software development costs                                                823                603
   Tax effect on cumulative UK/US GAAP income adjustments                   (334)              (166)
   Tax effect on other comprehensive income                                   75                 63
   Deferred taxation                                                        (112)              (112)
                                                                           ------             ------
  Shareholders' equity - US GAAP                                           9,165              8,042
                                                                           ======             ======

Total assets under US GAAP, adjusted to reflect the inclusion of acceptances
and the grossing-up of certain repurchase agreements offset under UK GAAP,
together with the effect of adjustments made to net income and shareholders'
funds, were (pound)182 billion (2001 - (pound)182 billion).


52.  Significant differences between UK and US generally accepted accounting
     principles (continued)

Loan impairment

With effect from 1 January 1995, NatWest Group adopted SFAS 114 'Accounting by
Creditors for Impairment of a Loan' and the subsequent amendment SFAS 118
'Accounting by Creditors for Impairment of a Loan - Income Recognition and
Disclosures' for US GAAP purposes. SFAS 114 applies to impaired loans only.
Under SFAS 114, a loan is considered impaired, based on current information and
events, if it is probable that a creditor will be unable to collect the
scheduled payments of principal or interest when due according to the
contractual terms of the loan agreement. The measurement of impaired loans is
primarily based on the present value of expected future cash flows discounted
at the loan's effective interest rate, except for collateral dependent loans
where impairment is based on the fair value of the collateral. Smaller balance
homogeneous consumer loans, (credit card advances, residential mortgages,
consumer instalment loans, overdrafts), that are collectively evaluated for
impairment, leases and debt securities are outside the scope of SFAS 114.

At 31 December 2002 and 31 December 2001, the NatWest Group estimated that the
difference between carrying value of its portfolio under SFAS 114 and its value
in NatWest Group's UK GAAP financial statements was such that no adjustment to
net income or consolidated shareholders' equity was required.

At 31 December 2002, the Group's non-accrual loans, loans past due 90 days and
troubled debt restructurings amounted to (pound)2,549 million (2001 -
(pound)2,885 million). Specific provisions of (pound)1,370 million (2001 -
(pound)1,449 million) were held against these loans. Average non-accrual loans,
loans past due 90 days and troubled debt restructurings for the year to 31
December 2002 were (pound)3,713 million (2001 - (pound)3,356 million).

Gross income not recognised, but which would have been recognised under the
original terms of non-accrual and restructured loans, amounted to (pound)171
million for the year ended 31 December 2002 (2001 - (pound)101 million; 2000 -
(pound)118 million) from domestic loans and (pound)32 million for the year
ended 31 December 2002 (2001 - (pound)24 million; 2000 - (pound)24 million)
from foreign loans. Interest on non-accruals and restructured loans included in
net income was (pound)36 million for the year ended 31 December 2002 (2001 -
(pound)36 million; 2000 - (pound)39 million) from domestic loans and (pound)5
million for the year ended 31 December 2002 (2001 - (pound)7 million; 2000 -
(pound)1 million) from foreign loans.


52.  Significant differences between UK and US generally accepted accounting
     principles (continued)

Cash flow statements - FRS 1/SFAS 95

There are many similarities between SFAS 95, 'Statement of Cash Flows' as
amended by SFAS 104 'Statement of Cash Flows - Net Reporting of Certain Cash
Receipts and Cash Payments and Classification of Cash Flows from Hedging
Transactions' and FRS 1 `Cash Flow Statements (Revised)'. The principal
differences are the classifications of certain transactions.

                                                 Classification under FRS 1                     Classification under SFAS 95
                                                 --------------------------                     ----------------------------
Dividends received                               Returns on investment and servicing            Operating activities
                                                 of finance

Equity dividends paid                            Equity dividends paid                          Financing activities

Dividends paid on non-equity shares              Returns on investment and servicing            Financing activities
                                                 of finance

Tax paid                                         Taxation                                       Operating activities

Purchase and sale of associated and              Acquisitions and disposals                     Investing activities
   subsidiary undertakings

Purchase and sale of investment                  Capital expenditure and                        Investing activities
   securities and fixed assets                   financial investment

Net change in loans and advances,                Operating activities                           Investing activities
   including finance lease receivables

Net change in deposits                           Operating activities                           Financing activities

Net change in debt securities in issue           Operating activities                           Financing activities

Short-term funding not                           Operating activities                           Financing activities
   included in cash

Under FRS 1, transactions designated as hedges are reported under the same
heading as the related assets or liabilities.

The composition of cash at 31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000, and the movements
in cash for the years then ended are shown in Note 45 and Note 46 respectively
to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Stock-based compensation costs

SFAS 123 'Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation' requires disclosure of the
effects of accounting for share compensation schemes based on the estimated
fair value of options at the date of grant if this is not charged to net
income. The disclosures only apply to options and other awards granted on or
after 1 January 1995. NatWest Group's Executive Share Option Scheme and
Savings-Related Share Option Scheme fall within the scope of SFAS 123.

The effect of charging fair value of options granted since 1 January 1995 would
be to reduce net income in 2000 by (pound)93 million.

Following the acquisition of NatWest on 6 March 2000, options under former
NatWest option schemes were exchanged for options over RBS Group shares.


52.  Significant differences between UK and US generally accepted accounting
     principles (continued)

Available-for-sale debt securities

The following table categorises NatWest Group's investment debt securities
(which are classified as available-for-sale under US GAAP) by maturity and
yield (based on weighted averages) at 31 December 2002:

                                                      After 1 but        After 5 but
                                  Within 1 year     within 5 years     within 10 years     After 10 years           Total
                                ------------------ ----------------- -----------------  -------------------- ------------------
                                  Amount     Yield   Amount    Yield   Amount    Yield    Amount      Yield    Amount    Yield
                                  ------     -----   ------    -----   ------    -----    ------      -----    ------    -----
                                (pound)m         % (pound)m        % (pound)m        %  (pound)m          %  (pound)m        %
British government securities         72       7.4       37      6.7       12      6.8        17         6.5      138      7.0
Other government securities           23       6.0      196      4.1       10      5.0         -           -      229      4.3
Corporate debt securities            106       8.1      358      3.6        -      -           -           -      464      4.7
Mortgage-backed securities             -       -          7      4.7        4      4.4        45         4.9       56      4.8
Bank and building society             19       4.6        -      -          -      -           -           -       19      4.6
Other securities                      77       2.5      351      6.7        1      4.5         8         3.4      437      5.9
                                ------------------ ----------------- -----------------  -------------------- ------------------
Total book value                     297       6.1      949      5.0       27      5.6        70         5.1    1,343      5.2
                                ------------------ ----------------- -----------------  -------------------- ------------------
Total fair value                     319                954                28                 70                1,371
                                ---------          ---------         ---------          ---------            ---------


53.      Balance sheet - the Bank

                                                             Note         2002               2001
                                                             ----     --------           --------
                                                                      (pound)m           (pound)m

Cash and balances at central banks                                       1,075              1,000
Items in the course of collection from other banks                       2,026              2,236
Treasury bills and other eligible bills                                  1,273                 11
Loans and advances to banks                                              7,702             20,544
Loans and advances to customers                                         72,533             72,035
Debt securities                                                          1,199              3,789
Equity shares                                                              329                349
Participating interests - associated undertakings                           12                  9
Shares in Group undertakings                                 19          9,178              9,018
Tangible fixed assets                                                    1,134              1,206
Other assets                                                             1,852              2,123
Prepayments and accrued income                                             887                767
                                                                      --------           --------
Total assets                                                            99,200            113,087
                                                                      --------           --------

Deposits by banks                                                        2,515             13,208
Items in the course of transmission to other banks                       1,278              1,376
Customer accounts                                                       77,076             74,567
Debt securities in issue                                                    53              4,728
Other liabilities                                                        2,189              3,620
Accruals and deferred income                                             1,162              1,167
Provisions for liabilities and charges
- - other provisions                                                         187                159
Subordinated liabilities
- - dated loan capital                                         29          3,276              3,579
- - undated loan capital including convertible debt            30          2,592              2,745
Called up share capital                                      31          2,159              2,197
Share premium account                                        32          1,286              1,286
Other reserves                                                             298                298
Revaluation reserve                                                      2,924              2,671
Profit and loss account                                                  2,205              1,486
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholders' funds
- - equity                                                                 8,391              7,419
- - non-equity                                                               481                519
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                                                       99,200            113,087
                                                                      --------           --------


                             ITEM 19. EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit number         Description                                Numbered Page
- --------------         -----------                                -------------

     1.1*              Memorandum and Articles of Association
                       of National Westminster Bank Plc

     4.1**             Service contract for Gordon Pell

     4.1.1             Variation agreement to service contract
                       for Gordon Pell

      7.1              Explanation of ratio calculations

      8.1              Principal subsidiaries of National
                       Westminster Bank Plc

* Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.1 to the National Westminster Bank Plc
Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2001 (File No.

** Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
plc Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2000 (File
No. 1-10306).



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing
on Form 20-F and has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.

                         National Westminster Bank Plc

/s/ Fred Watt

Fred Watt
Group Finance Director

16 June 2003


I, Frederick Anderson Goodwin, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of National Westminster Bank

2. Based on my knowledge, this annual report does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements
were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this annual

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial
information included in this annual report, fairly present in all material
respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated
subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly
during the period in which this annual report is being prepared;

b) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and
procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this annual
report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c) presented in this annual report our conclusions about the effectiveness of
the disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the
Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent

a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process,
summarize and report financial data and have identified for the registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls;

6. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have indicated in this
annual report whether or not there were significant changes in internal
controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls
subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective
actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date:  16 June 2003

/s/ Fred Goodwin
- ----------------------
Group Chief Executive


I, Frederick Inglis Watt, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of National Westminster Bank

2. Based on my knowledge, this annual report does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements
were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this annual

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial
information included in this annual report, fairly present in all material
respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated
subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly
during the period in which this annual report is being prepared;

b) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and
procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this annual
report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c) presented in this annual report our conclusions about the effectiveness of
the disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the
Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent

a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process,
summarize and report financial data and have identified for the registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls;

6. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have indicated in this
annual report whether or not there were significant changes in internal
controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls
subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective
actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: 16 June 2003

/s/ Fred Watt
- ----------------------
Group Finance Director


Exhibit number    Description                                      Numbered Page
- --------------    -----------                                      -------------

     1.1*         Memorandum and Articles of Association
                  of National Westminster Bank Plc

     4.1**        Service contract for Gordon Pell

     4.1.1        Variation agreement to service contract
                  for Gordon Pell

      7.1         Explanation of ratio calculations

      8.1         Principal subsidiaries of National
                  Westminster Bank Plc

* Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.1 to the National Westminster Bank Plc
Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2001 (File No.

** Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
plc Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2000 (File
No. 1-10306).