[FORM OF FACE OF SECURITY]
                          FIXED RATE SUBORDINATED NOTE

REGISTERED                                               REGISTERED
No. FXR                                                  [PRINCIPAL AMOUNT]

     Unless this certificate is presented by an authorized representative of
The Depository Trust Company (55 Water Street, New York, New York) to the
issuer or its agent for registration of transfer, exchange or payment, and any
certificate issued is registered in the name of Cede & Co. or such other name
as requested by an authorized representative of The Depository Trust Company
and any payment is made to Cede & Co., ANY TRANSFER, PLEDGE OR OTHER USE HEREOF
owner hereof, Cede & Co., has an interest herein.(1)


- ---------
     (1) Applies only if this Note is a Registered Global Security.

                                           MORGAN STANLEY
                                            (Fixed Rate)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                PERCENTAGE:             DATE(S):                DATE(S):
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                PERCENTAGE              PERIOD:                 MODIFIED PAYMENT
                                REDUCTION:                                      UPON ACCELERATION OR
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    OTHER THAN U.S.             PERIOD:(3)              ANNUAL INTEREST         Price:
    DOLLARS, OPTION TO                                  PAYMENTS:
    DOLLARS: [YES](2)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                PAYMENT OF              OPTIONAL                MATURITY:
                                ADDITIONAL              REPAYMENT:(5)
                                AMOUNTS: NO(4)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            IF YES, STATE INITIAL                           OTHER PROVISIONS:
                                OFFERING DATE: N/A

     Morgan Stanley, a Delaware corporation (together with its successors and
assigns, the "Issuer"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to
_______________________, or registered assignees, the principal sum of

- ---------
     (2) Applies if this is a Registered Global Security, unless new
arrangements are made with DTC outside of existing Letters of Representations.

     (3) Applicable if other than 30-60 calendar days. If this is a Registered
Global Security, minimum notice period is [10] calendar days [current DTC

     (4) Default provision is NO. Indicate YES only for certain notes issued on
a global basis if specified in pricing supplement.

     (5) Applies if this Note has optional repayment and is issued with
original issue discount.


________________ on the Maturity Date specified above (except to the extent
redeemed or repaid prior to maturity) and to pay interest thereon at the
Interest Rate per annum specified above, from and including the Interest
Accrual Date specified above until the principal hereof is paid or duly made
available for payment weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually in
arrears as specified above as the Interest Payment Period on each Interest
Payment Date (as specified above), commencing on the Interest Payment Date next
succeeding the Interest Accrual Date specified above, and at maturity (or on
any redemption or repayment date); provided, however, that if the Interest
Accrual Date occurs between a Record Date, as defined below, and the next
succeeding Interest Payment Date, interest payments will commence on the second
Interest Payment Date succeeding the Interest Accrual Date to the registered
holder of this Note on the Record Date with respect to such second Interest
Payment Date; and provided, further, that if this Note is subject to "Annual
Interest Payments," interest payments shall be made annually in arrears and the
term "Interest Payment Date" shall be deemed to mean the first day of March in
each year.

     Interest on this Note will accrue from and including the most recent date
to which interest has been paid or duly provided for, or, if no interest has
been paid or duly provided for, from and including the Interest Accrual Date,
until, but excluding the date the principal hereof has been paid or duly made
available for payment. The interest so payable, and punctually paid or duly
provided for, on any Interest Payment Date will, subject to certain exceptions
described herein, be paid to the person in whose name this Note (or one or more
predecessor Notes) is registered at the close of business on the date 15
calendar days prior to such Interest Payment Date (whether or not a Business
Day (as defined below)) (each such date, a "Record Date"); provided, however,
that interest payable at maturity (or any redemption or repayment date) will be
payable to the person to whom the principal hereof shall be payable. As used
herein, "Business Day" means any day, other than a Saturday or Sunday, (a) that
is neither a legal holiday nor a day on which banking institutions are
authorized or required by law or regulation to close (x) in The City of New
York or (y) if this Note is denominated in a Specified Currency other than U.S.
dollars, euro or Australian dollars, in the principal financial center of the
country of the Specified Currency, or (z) if this Note is denominated in
Australian dollars, in Sydney and (b) if this Note is denominated in euro, that
is also a day on which the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement
Express Transfer System ("TARGET") is operating (a "TARGET Settlement Day").

     Payment of the principal and premium, if any, and interest on this Note
due at maturity (or any redemption or repayment date), unless this Note is
denominated in a Specified Currency other than U.S. dollars and is to be paid
in whole or in part in such Specified Currency, will be made in immediately
available funds upon surrender of this Note at the office or agency of the
Paying Agent, as defined on the reverse hereof, maintained for that purpose in


Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, or at such other paying agency
as the Issuer may determine, in U.S. dollars. U.S. dollar payments of interest,
other than interest due at maturity or on any date of redemption or repayment,
will be made by U.S. dollar check mailed to the address of the person entitled
thereto as such address shall appear in the Note register. A holder of U.S.
$10,000,000 (or the equivalent in a Specified Currency) or more in aggregate
principal amount of Notes having the same Interest Payment Date, the interest
on which is payable in U.S. dollars, shall be entitled to receive payments of
interest, other than interest due at maturity or on any date of redemption or
repayment, by wire transfer of immediately available funds if appropriate wire
transfer instructions have been received by the Paying Agent in writing not
less than 15 calendar days prior to the applicable Interest Payment Date.

     If this Note is denominated in a Specified Currency other than U.S.
dollars, and the holder does not elect (in whole or in part) to receive payment
in U.S. dollars pursuant to the next succeeding paragraph, payments of
principal, premium, if any, and interest with regard to this Note will be made
by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account maintained by the
holder hereof with a bank located outside the United States if appropriate wire
transfer instructions have been received by the Paying Agent in writing [not
less than 15 calendar days prior to the applicable payment date](6) [, with
respect to payments of interest, on or prior to the fifth Business Day after
the applicable Record Date and, with respect to payments of principal or any
premium, at least ten Business Days prior to the Maturity Date or any
redemption or repayment date, as the case may be](7); provided that, if payment
of interest, principal or any premium with regard to this Note is payable in
euro, the account must be a euro account in a country for which the euro is the
lawful currency, provided further, that if such wire transfer instructions are
not received, such payments will be made by check payable in such Specified
Currency mailed to the address of the person entitled thereto as such address
shall appear in the Note register; and provided, further, that payment of the
principal of this Note, any premium and the interest due at maturity (or on any
redemption or repayment date) will be made upon surrender of this Note at the
office or agency referred to in the preceding paragraph.

     If so indicated on the face hereof, the holder of this Note, if
denominated in a Specified Currency other than U.S. dollars, may elect to
receive all or a portion of payments on this Note in U.S. dollars by
transmitting a written request to the Paying Agent, on or prior to the fifth
Business Day after such Record Date or at least ten Business Days prior to the
Maturity Date or any redemption or repayment date, as the case may be. Such
election shall remain in effect unless

- ---------
     (6) Applies for a Registered Note that is not in global form.

     (7) Applies only for a Registered Global Security.


such request is revoked by written notice to the Paying Agent as to all or a
portion of payments on this Note at least five Business Days prior to such
Record Date, for payments of interest, or at least ten calendar days prior to
the Maturity Date or any redemption or repayment date, for payments of
principal, as the case may be.

     If the holder elects to receive all or a portion of payments of principal
of, premium, if any, and interest on this Note, if denominated in a Specified
Currency other than U.S. dollars, in U.S. dollars, the Exchange Rate Agent (as
defined on the reverse hereof) will convert such payments into U.S. dollars. In
the event of such an election, payment in respect of this Note will be based
upon the exchange rate as determined by the Exchange Rate Agent based on the
highest bid quotation in The City of New York received by such Exchange Rate
Agent at approximately 11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the second Business
Day preceding the applicable payment date from three recognized foreign
exchange dealers (one of which may be the Exchange Rate Agent unless such
Exchange Rate Agent is an affiliate of the Issuer) for the purchase by the
quoting dealer of the Specified Currency for U.S. dollars for settlement on
such payment date in the amount of the Specified Currency payable in the
absence of such an election to such holder and at which the applicable dealer
commits to execute a contract. If such bid quotations are not available, such
payment will be made in the Specified Currency. All currency exchange costs
will be borne by the holder of this Note by deductions from such payments.

     Reference is hereby made to the further provisions of this Note set forth
on the reverse hereof, which further provisions shall for all purposes have the
same effect as if set forth at this place.

     Unless the certificate of authentication hereon has been executed by the
Trustee, as defined on the reverse hereof by manual signature, this Note shall
not be entitled to any benefit under the Subordinated Indenture, as defined on
the reverse hereof, or be valid or obligatory for any purpose.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer has caused this Note to be duly executed.

DATED:                                     MORGAN STANLEY



This is one of the Notes referred to in
    the within-mentioned Subordinated

    as Trustee

    Authorized Officer


                         [FORM OF REVERSE OF SECURITY]

     This Note is one of a duly authorized issue of Subordinated Global
Medium-Term Notes, Series F, having maturities more than nine months from the
date of issue (the "Notes") of the Issuer. The Notes are issuable under a
Subordinated Indenture, dated as of October 1, 2004, between the Issuer and
J.P. Morgan Trust Company, National Association, as Trustee (the "Trustee,"
which term includes any successor trustee under the Subordinated Indenture) (as
may be amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Subordinated
Indenture"), to which Subordinated Indenture and all indentures supplemental
thereto reference is hereby made for a statement of the respective rights,
limitations of rights, duties and immunities of the Issuer, the Trustee and
holders of the Notes and the terms upon which the Notes are, and are to be,
authenticated and delivered. The Issuer has appointed J.P. Morgan Trust
Company, National Association, at its corporate trust office in The City of New
York as the paying agent (the "Paying Agent," which term includes any
additional or successor Paying Agent appointed by the Issuer) with respect to
the Notes. The terms of individual Notes may vary with respect to interest
rates, interest rate formulas, issue dates, maturity dates, or otherwise, all
as provided in the Subordinated Indenture. To the extent not inconsistent
herewith, the terms of the Subordinated Indenture are hereby incorporated by
reference herein.

     Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, this Note will not be
subject to any sinking fund and, unless otherwise provided on the face hereof
in accordance with the provisions of the following two paragraphs, will not be
redeemable or subject to repayment at the option of the holder prior to

     If so indicated on the face hereof, this Note may be redeemed in whole or
in part at the option of the Issuer on or after the Initial Redemption Date
specified on the face hereof on the terms set forth on the face hereof,
together with interest accrued and unpaid hereon to the date of redemption. If
this Note is subject to "Annual Redemption Percentage Reduction," the Initial
Redemption Percentage indicated on the face hereof will be reduced on each
anniversary of the Initial Redemption Date by the Annual Redemption Percentage
Reduction specified on the face hereof until the redemption price of this Note
is 100% of the principal amount hereof, together with interest accrued and
unpaid hereon to the date of redemption. Notice of redemption shall be mailed
to the registered holders of the Notes designated for redemption at their
addresses as the same shall appear on the Note register not less than 30 nor
more than 60 calendar days prior to the date fixed for redemption or within the
Redemption Notice Period specified on the face hereof, subject to all the
conditions and provisions of the Subordinated Indenture. In the event of
redemption of this Note in part only, a new Note or Notes for the amount of the
unredeemed portion hereof shall be issued in the name of the holder hereof upon
the cancellation hereof.


     If so indicated on the face of this Note, this Note will be subject to
repayment at the option of the holder on the Optional Repayment Date or Dates
specified on the face hereof on the terms set forth herein. On any Optional
Repayment Date, this Note will be repayable in whole or in part in increments
of $1,000 or, if this Note is denominated in a Specified Currency other than
U.S. dollars, in increments of 1,000 units of such Specified Currency (provided
that any remaining principal amount hereof shall not be less than the minimum
authorized denomination hereof) at the option of the holder hereof at a price
equal to 100% of the principal amount to be repaid, together with interest
accrued and unpaid hereon to the date of repayment, provided that if this Note
is issued with original issue discount, this Note will be repayable on the
applicable Optional Repayment Date or Dates at the price(s) specified on the
face hereof. For this Note to be repaid at the option of the holder hereof, the
Paying Agent must receive at its corporate trust office in the Borough of
Manhattan, The City of New York, at least 15 but not more than 30 calendar days
prior to the date of repayment, (i) this Note with the form entitled "Option to
Elect Repayment" below duly completed or (ii) a telegram, telex, facsimile
transmission or a letter from a member of a national securities exchange or the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or a commercial bank or a
trust company in the United States setting forth the name of the holder of this
Note, the principal amount hereof, the certificate number of this Note or a
description of this Note's tenor and terms, the principal amount hereof to be
repaid, a statement that the option to elect repayment is being exercised
thereby and a guarantee that this Note, together with the form entitled "Option
to Elect Repayment" duly completed, will be received by the Paying Agent not
later than the fifth Business Day after the date of such telegram, telex,
facsimile transmission or letter; provided, that such telegram, telex,
facsimile transmission or letter shall only be effective if this Note and form
duly completed are received by the Paying Agent by such fifth Business Day.
Exercise of such repayment option by the holder hereof shall be irrevocable. In
the event of repayment of this Note in part only, a new Note or Notes for the
amount of the unpaid portion hereof shall be issued in the name of the holder
hereof upon the cancellation hereof.

     Interest payments on this Note will include interest accrued to but
excluding the Interest Payment Dates or the Maturity Date (or any earlier
redemption or repayment date), as the case may be. Unless otherwise provided on
the face hereof, interest payments for this Note will be computed and paid on
the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.

     In the case where the Interest Payment Date or the Maturity Date (or any
redemption or repayment date) does not fall on a Business Day, payment of
interest, premium, if any, or principal otherwise payable on such date need not
be made on such date, but may be made on the next succeeding Business Day with
the same force and effect as if made on the Interest Payment Date or on the
Maturity Date (or any redemption or repayment date), and no interest on such


payment shall accrue for the period from and after the Interest Payment Date or
the Maturity Date (or any redemption or repayment date) to such next succeeding
Business Day.

     This Note and all other obligations of the Issuer hereunder will
constitute part of the subordinated debt of the Issuer, will be issued under
the Subordinated Indenture and will be subordinate and junior in right of
payment, to the extent and in the manner set forth in the Subordinated
Indenture, to all "Senior Indebtedness" of the Issuer. The Subordinated
Indenture defines "Senior Indebtedness" as (i) obligations (other than
non-recourse obligations, the debt securities, including this Note, issued
under the Subordinated Indenture or any other obligations specifically
designated as being subordinate in right of payment to Senior Indebtedness) of,
or guaranteed or assumed by, the Issuer for borrowed money or evidenced by
bonds, debentures, notes or other similar instruments, and amendments,
renewals, extensions, modifications and refundings of any such indebtedness or
obligation and (ii) if provided in the supplemental indenture under which a
series of Securities is issued or in the form of Security for such series, any
additional obligations that the Issuer determines to include within the
definition of Senior Indebtedness in order to assure that the Securities of
such series will be accorded the regulatory capital recognition desired by the
Issuer in accordance with Rule 15c3-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, or any other rule or regulation governing the definition of
capital that is applicable to the Issuer or its affiliates.

     This Note, and any Note or Notes issued upon transfer or exchange hereof,
is issuable only in fully registered form, without coupons, and, if denominated
in U.S. dollars, is issuable only in denominations of U.S. $1,000 and any
integral multiple of U.S. $1,000 in excess thereof. If this Note is denominated
in a Specified Currency other than U.S. dollars, then, unless a higher minimum
denomination is required by applicable law, it is issuable only in
denominations of the equivalent of U.S. $1,000 (rounded to an integral multiple
of 1,000 units of such Specified Currency), or any amount in excess thereof
which is an integral multiple of 1,000 units of such Specified Currency, as
determined by reference to the noon dollar buying rate in The City of New York
for cable transfers of such Specified Currency published by the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York (the "Market Exchange Rate") on the Business Day immediately
preceding the date of issuance.

     The Trustee has been appointed registrar for the Notes (the "Registrar,"
which term includes any successor registrar appointed by the Issuer), and the
Registrar will maintain at its office in The City of New York a register for
the registration and transfer of Notes. This Note may be transferred at the
aforesaid office of the Registrar by surrendering this Note for cancellation,
accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the
Issuer and the Registrar and duly executed by the registered holder hereof in
person or by the holder's


attorney duly authorized in writing, and thereupon the Registrar shall issue in
the name of the transferee or transferees, in exchange herefor, a new Note or
Notes having identical terms and provisions and having a like aggregate
principal amount in authorized denominations, subject to the terms and
conditions set forth herein; provided, however, that the Registrar will not be
required (i) to register the transfer of or exchange any Note that has been
called for redemption in whole or in part, except the unredeemed portion of
Notes being redeemed in part, (ii) to register the transfer of or exchange any
Note if the holder thereof has exercised his right, if any, to require the
Issuer to repurchase such Note in whole or in part, except the portion of such
Note not required to be repurchased, or (iii) to register the transfer of or
exchange Notes to the extent and during the period so provided in the
Subordinated Indenture with respect to the redemption of Notes. Notes are
exchangeable at said office for other Notes of other authorized denominations
of equal aggregate principal amount having identical terms and provisions. All
such exchanges and transfers of Notes will be free of charge, but the Issuer
may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental
charge in connection therewith. All Notes surrendered for exchange shall be
accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the
Issuer and the Registrar and executed by the registered holder in person or by
the holder's attorney duly authorized in writing. The date of registration of
any Note delivered upon any exchange or transfer of Notes shall be such that no
gain or loss of interest results from such exchange or transfer.

     In case this Note shall at any time become mutilated, defaced or be
destroyed, lost or stolen and this Note or evidence of the loss, theft or
destruction thereof (together with the indemnity hereinafter referred to and
such other documents or proof as may be required in the premises) shall be
delivered to the Trustee, the Issuer in its discretion may execute a new Note
of like tenor in exchange for this Note, but, if this Note is destroyed, lost
or stolen, only upon receipt of evidence satisfactory to the Trustee and the
Issuer that this Note was destroyed or lost or stolen and, if required, upon
receipt also of indemnity satisfactory to each of them. All expenses and
reasonable charges associated with procuring such indemnity and with the
preparation, authentication and delivery of a new Note shall be borne by the
owner of the Note mutilated, defaced, destroyed, lost or stolen.

     The Subordinated Indenture provides that, (a) if an Event of Default (as
defined in the Subordinated Indenture) pursuant to Section 5.01(c) of the
Subordinated Indenture is provided in the supplemental indenture relating to
the series of Subordinated Medium-Term Notes of which this Note forms a part or
in the form of debt security for such series (if such Event of Default is with
respect to less than all outstanding debt securities issued under the
Subordinated Indenture) and such Event of Default shall have occurred and be
continuing, either the Trustee or the holders of not less than 25% in aggregate
principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of each affected series,
voting as one


class, by notice in writing to the Issuer and to the Trustee, if given by the
securityholders, may then declare the principal of all debt securities of all
such series and interest accrued thereon to be due and payable immediately and
(b) if an Event of Default due to certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or
reorganization of the Issuer shall have occurred and be continuing or if an
Event of Default pursuant to Section 5.01(c) of the Subordinated Indenture is
provided in the supplemental indenture relating to the series of Subordinated
Medium-Term Notes of which this Note forms a part or in the form of debt
security for such series (if such Event of Default is with respect to all
outstanding debt securities issued under the Subordinated Indenture) and such
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, either the Trustee or
the holders of not less than 25% in aggregate principal amount of all
outstanding debt securities issued under the Subordinated Indenture, voting as
one class, by notice in writing to the Issuer and to the Trustee, if given by
the securityholders, may declare the principal of all such debt securities and
interest accrued thereon to be due and payable immediately, but upon certain
conditions such declarations may be annulled and past defaults may be waived
(except a continuing default in payment of principal or premium, if any, or
interest on such debt securities) by the holders of a majority in aggregate
principal amount of all the debt securities of all affected series then

     If the face hereof indicates that this Note is subject to "Modified
Payment upon Acceleration or Redemption," then (i) if the principal hereof is
declared to be due and payable as described in the preceding paragraph, the
amount of principal due and payable with respect to this Note shall be limited
to the aggregate principal amount hereof multiplied by the sum of the Issue
Price specified on the face hereof (expressed as a percentage of the aggregate
principal amount) plus the original issue discount amortized from the Interest
Accrual Date to the date of declaration, which amortization shall be calculated
using the "interest method" (computed in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles in effect on the date of declaration), (ii) for the
purpose of any vote of securityholders taken pursuant to the Subordinated
Indenture prior to the acceleration of payment of this Note, the principal
amount hereof shall equal the amount that would be due and payable hereon,
calculated as set forth in clause (i) above, if this Note were declared to be
due and payable on the date of any such vote and (iii) for the purpose of any
vote of securityholders taken pursuant to the Subordinated Indenture following
the acceleration of payment of this Note, the principal amount hereof shall
equal the amount of principal due and payable with respect to this Note,
calculated as set forth in clause (i) above.

     If the face hereof indicates that this Note is subject to "Tax Redemption
and Payment of Additional Amounts," this Note may be redeemed, as a whole, at
the option of the Issuer at any time prior to maturity, upon the giving of a
notice of redemption as described below, at a redemption price equal to 100% of
the principal amount hereof, together with accrued interest to the date fixed


redemption (except that if this Note is subject to "Modified Payment upon
Acceleration or Redemption," such redemption price would be limited to the
aggregate principal amount hereof multiplied by the sum of the Issue Price
specified on the face hereof (expressed as a percentage of the aggregate
principal amount) plus the original issue discount amortized from the Interest
Accrual Date to the date of redemption, which amortization shall be calculated
using the "interest method" (computed in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles in effect on the date of redemption) (the "Amortized
Amount")), if the Issuer determines that, as a result of any change in or
amendment to the laws (including a holding, judgment or as ordered by a court
of competent jurisdiction), or any regulations or rulings promulgated
thereunder, of the United States or of any political subdivision or taxing
authority thereof or therein affecting taxation, or any change in official
position regarding the application or interpretation of such laws, regulations
or rulings, which change or amendment occurs, becomes effective or, in the case
of a change in official position, is announced on or after the Initial Offering
Date hereof, the Issuer has or will become obligated to pay Additional Amounts,
as defined below, with respect to this Note as described below. Prior to the
giving of any notice of redemption pursuant to this paragraph, the Issuer shall
deliver to the Trustee (i) a certificate stating that the Issuer is entitled to
effect such redemption and setting forth a statement of facts showing that the
conditions precedent to the right of the Issuer to so redeem have occurred, and
(ii) an opinion of independent legal counsel satisfactory to the Trustee to
such effect based on such statement of facts; provided that no such notice of
redemption shall be given earlier than 60 calendar days prior to the earliest
date on which the Issuer would be obligated to pay such Additional Amounts if a
payment in respect of this Note were then due.

     Notice of redemption will be given not less than 30 nor more than 60
calendar days prior to the date fixed for redemption or within the Redemption
Notice Period specified on the face hereof, which date and the applicable
redemption price will be specified in the notice.

     If the face hereof indicates that this Note is subject to "Tax Redemption
and Payment of Additional Amounts," the Issuer will, subject to certain
exceptions and limitations set forth below, pay such additional amounts (the
"Additional Amounts") to the holder of this Note who is a U.S. Alien as may be
necessary in order that every net payment of the principal of and interest on
this Note and any other amounts payable on this Note, after withholding or
deduction for or on account of any present or future tax, assessment or
governmental charge imposed upon or as a result of such payment by the United
States, or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein,
will not be less than the amount provided for in this Note to be then due and
payable. The Issuer will not, however, make any payment of Additional Amounts
to any such holder who is a U.S.Alien for or on account of:


     (a) any present or future tax, assessment or other governmental charge
that would not have been so imposed but for (i) the existence of any present or
former connection between such holder, or between a fiduciary, settlor,
beneficiary, member or shareholder of such holder, if such holder is an estate,
a trust, a partnership or a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes,
and the United States, including, without limitation, such holder, or such
fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member or shareholder, being or having been a
citizen or resident thereof or being or having been engaged in a trade or
business or present therein or having, or having had, a permanent establishment
therein or (ii) the presentation by or on behalf of the holder of this Note for
payment on a date more than 15 calendar days after the date on which such
payment became due and payable or the date on which payment thereof is duly
provided for, whichever occurs later;

     (b) any estate, inheritance, gift, sales, transfer, excise or personal
property tax or any similar tax, assessment or governmental charge;

     (c) any tax, assessment or other governmental charge imposed by reason of
such holder's past or present status as a controlled foreign corporation or
passive foreign investment company with respect to the United States or as a
corporation which accumulates earnings to avoid U.S. federal income tax or as a
private foundation or other tax-exempt organization or a bank receiving
interest under Section 881(c)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

     (d) any tax, assessment or other governmental charge that is payable
otherwise than by withholding or deduction from payments on or in respect of
this Note;

     (e) any tax, assessment or other governmental charge required to be
withheld by any Paying Agent from any payment of principal of, or interest on,
this Note, if such payment can be made without such withholding by any other
Paying Agent in a city in Western Europe;

     (f) any tax, assessment or other governmental charge that would not have
been imposed but for the failure to comply with certification, information or
other reporting requirements concerning the nationality, residence or identity
of the holder or beneficial owner of this Note, if such compliance is required
by statute or by regulation of the United States or of any political
subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein as a precondition to relief
or exemption from such tax, assessment or other governmental charge;

     (g) any tax, assessment or other governmental charge imposed by reason of
such holder's past or present status as the actual or constructive owner of 10%
or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to
vote of the Issuer or as a direct or indirect subsidiary of the Issuer; or

     (h) any combination of items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) or (g).


In addition, the Issuer shall not be required to make any payment of Additional
Amounts (i) to any such holder where such withholding or deduction is imposed
on a payment to an individual and is required to be made pursuant to any law
implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform to, any
European Union Directive on the taxation of savings; or (ii) by or on behalf of
a holder who would have been able to avoid such withholding or deduction by
presenting this Note or the relevant coupon to another Paying Agent in a member
state of the European Union. Nor shall the Issuer pay Additional Amounts with
respect to any payment on this Note to a U.S. Alien who is a fiduciary or
partnership or other than the sole beneficial owner of such payment to the
extent such payment would be required by the laws of the United States (or any
political subdivision thereof) to be included in the income, for tax purposes,
of a beneficiary or settlor with respect to such fiduciary or a member of such
partnership or a beneficial owner who would not have been entitled to the
Additional Amounts had such beneficiary, settlor, member or beneficial owner
been the holder of this Note.

     The Subordinated Indenture permits the Issuer and the Trustee, with the
consent of the holders of not less than a majority in aggregate principal
amount of the debt securities of all series issued under the Subordinated
Indenture then outstanding and affected (voting as one class), to execute
supplemental indentures adding any provisions to or changing in any manner the
rights of the holders of each series so affected; provided that the Issuer and
the Trustee may not, without the consent of the holder of each outstanding debt
security affected thereby, (a) extend the final maturity of any such debt
security, or reduce the principal amount thereof, or reduce the rate or extend
the time of payment of interest thereon, or reduce any amount payable on
redemption thereof, or change the currency of payment thereof, or modify or
amend the provisions for conversion of any currency into any other currency, or
modify or amend the provisions for conversion or exchange of the debt security
for securities of the Issuer or other entities or for other property or the
cash value of the property (other than as provided in the antidilution
provisions or other similar adjustment provisions of the debt securities or
otherwise in accordance with the terms thereof), or impair or affect the rights
of any holder to institute suit for the payment thereof or (b) reduce the
aforesaid percentage in principal amount of debt securities the consent of the
holders of which is required for any such supplemental indenture; provided,
however, that neither this Note nor the Subordinated Indenture may be amended
to alter the subordination provisions hereof or thereof without the written
consent of each holder of Senior Indebtedness then outstanding that would
potentially be adversely affected thereby.


     Except as set forth below, if the principal of or premium, if any, or
interest on this Note is payable in a Specified Currency other than U.S. dollars
and such Specified Currency is not available to the Issuer for making payments
hereon due to the imposition of exchange controls or other circumstances beyond
the control of the Issuer or is no longer used by the government of the country
issuing such currency or for the settlement of transactions by public
institutions within the international banking community, then the Issuer will be
entitled to satisfy its obligations to the holder of this Note by making such
payments in U.S. dollars on the basis of the Market Exchange Rate on the date of
such payment or, if the Market Exchange Rate is not available on such date, as
of the most recent practicable date; provided, however, that if the euro has
been substituted for such Specified Currency, the Issuer may at its option (or
shall, if so required by applicable law) without the consent of the holder of
this Note effect the payment of principal of or premium, if any, or interest on
any Note denominated in such Specified Currency in euro in lieu of such
Specified Currency in conformity with legally applicable measures taken pursuant
to, or by virtue of, the Treaty establishing the European Community, as amended.
Any payment made under such circumstances in U.S. dollars or euro where the
required payment is in an unavailable Specified Currency will not constitute an
Event of Default. If such Market Exchange Rate is not then available to the
Issuer or is not published for a particular Specified Currency, the Market
Exchange Rate will be based on the highest bid quotation in The City of New York
received by the Exchange Rate Agent at approximately 11:00 a.m., New York City
time, on the second Business Day preceding the date of such payment from three
recognized foreign exchange dealers (the "Exchange Dealers") for the purchase by
the quoting Exchange Dealer of the Specified Currency for U.S. dollars for
settlement on the payment date, in the aggregate amount of the Specified
Currency payable to those holders or beneficial owners of Notes and at which the
applicable Exchange Dealer commits to execute a contract. One of the Exchange
Dealers providing quotations may be the Exchange Rate Agent (as defined below)
unless the Exchange Rate Agent is an affiliate of the Issuer. If those bid
quotations are not available, the Exchange Rate Agent shall determine the market
exchange rate at its sole discretion.

     The "Exchange Rate Agent" shall be Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated,
unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof.

     All determinations referred to above made by, or on behalf of, the Issuer
or by, or on behalf of, the Exchange Rate Agent shall be at such entity's sole
discretion and shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive for all
purposes and binding on holders of Notes and coupons.

     So long as this Note shall be outstanding, the Issuer will cause to be
maintained an office or agency for the payment of the principal of and premium,
if any, and interest on this Note as herein provided in the Borough of
Manhattan, The City of New York, and an office or agency in said Borough of
Manhattan for the registration, transfer and exchange as aforesaid of the
Notes. The Issuer may


designate other agencies for the payment of said principal, premium and
interest at such place or places (subject to applicable laws and regulations)
as the Issuer may decide. So long as there shall be such an agency, the Issuer
shall keep the Trustee advised of the names and locations of such agencies, if
any are so designated. If any European Union Directive on the taxation of
savings comes into force, the Issuer will, to the extent possible as a matter
of law, maintain a Paying Agent in a member state of the European Union that
will not be obligated to withhold or deduct tax pursuant to any such Directive
or any law implementing or complying with, or introduced in order to conform
to, such Directive.

     With respect to moneys paid by the Issuer and held by the Trustee or any
Paying Agent for payment of the principal of or interest or premium, if any, on
any Notes that remain unclaimed at the end of two years after such principal,
interest or premium shall have become due and payable (whether at maturity or
upon call for redemption or otherwise), (i) the Trustee or such Paying Agent
shall notify the holders of such Notes that such moneys shall be repaid to the
Issuer and any person claiming such moneys shall thereafter look only to the
Issuer for payment thereof and (ii) such moneys shall be so repaid to the
Issuer. Upon such repayment all liability of the Trustee or such Paying Agent
with respect to such moneys shall thereupon cease, without, however, limiting
in any way any obligation that the Issuer may have to pay the principal of or
interest or premium, if any, on this Note as the same shall become due.

     No provision of this Note or of the Subordinated Indenture shall alter or
impair the obligation of the Issuer, which is absolute and unconditional, to
pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Note at the time,
place, and rate, and in the coin or currency, herein prescribed unless
otherwise agreed between the Issuer and the registered holder of this Note.

     Prior to due presentment of this Note for registration of transfer, the
Issuer, the Trustee and any agent of the Issuer or the Trustee may treat the
holder in whose name this Note is registered as the owner hereof for all
purposes, whether or not this Note be overdue, and none of the Issuer, the
Trustee or any such agent shall be affected by notice to the contrary.

     No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of, premium, if
any, or the interest on this Note, for any claim based hereon, or otherwise in
respect hereof, or based on or in respect of the Subordinated Indenture or any
indenture supplemental thereto, against any incorporator, shareholder, officer
or director, as such, past, present or future, of the Issuer or of any
successor corporation, either directly or through the Issuer or any successor
corporation, whether by virtue of any constitution, statute or rule of law or
by the enforcement of any assessment or penalty or otherwise, all such
liability being, by the acceptance hereof and as part of the consideration for
the issue hereof, expressly waived and released.


     This Note shall for all purposes be governed by, and construed in
accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.

     As used herein, the term "U.S. Alien" means any person who is, for U.S.
federal income tax purposes, (i) a nonresident alien individual, (ii) a foreign
corporation, (iii) a nonresident alien fiduciary of a foreign estate or trust
or (iv) a foreign partnership one or more of the members of which is, for U.S.
federal income tax purposes, a nonresident alien individual, a foreign
corporation or a nonresident alien fiduciary of a foreign estate or trust.

     All terms used in this Note which are defined in the Subordinated
Indenture and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to
them in the Subordinated Indenture.



     The following abbreviations, when used in the inscription on the face of
this instrument, shall be construed as though they were written out in full
according to applicable laws or regulations:

          TEN COM - as tenants in common
          TEN ENT - as tenants by the entireties
          JT TEN  - as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as
                    tenants in common

UNIF GIFT MIN ACT -  ___________________ Custodian ___________________
                           (Minor)                       (Cust)

Under Uniform Gifts to Minors Act _________________________

Additional abbreviations may also be used though not in the above list.


     FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sell(s), assign(s) and
transfer(s) unto

- ---------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

the within Note and all rights thereunder, hereby irrevocably constituting and
appointing such person attorney to transfer such note on the books of the
Issuer, with full power of substitution in the premises.

Dated: ____________________

NOTICE:  The signature to this assignment must correspond with the name
         as written upon the face of the within Note in every particular
         without alteration or enlargement or any change whatsoever.


                            OPTION TO ELECT REPAYMENT

     The undersigned hereby irrevocably requests and instructs the Issuer to
repay the within Note (or portion thereof specified below) pursuant to its
terms at a price equal to the principal amount thereof, together with interest
to the Optional Repayment Date, to the undersigned at

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (Please print or typewrite name and address of the undersigned)

     If less than the entire principal amount of the within Note is to be
repaid, specify the portion thereof which the holder elects to have repaid:
____________; and specify the denomination or denominations (which shall not be
less than the minimum authorized denomination) of the Notes to be issued to the
holder for the portion of the within Note not being repaid (in the absence of
any such specification, one such Note will be issued for the portion not being
repaid): _____________.

Dated: ____________________________  __________________________________________
                                     NOTICE: The signature on this Option to
                                             Elect Repayment must correspond
                                             with the name as written upon the
                                             face of the within instrument in
                                             every particular without alteration
                                             or enlargement.
