                                                  DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
IN RE                               :

  INVESTORS,                             UNDER CHAPTER 11
                            DEBTOR.      CASE NO. 93 B 45262 (BRL)
NO. 75-1328153                      :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X

                                   FIRST AMENDED
                              PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                  DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL
                                  450 LEXINGTON AVENUE
                                  NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017

DECEMBER 14, 1993                            COUNSEL FOR THE DEBTOR

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS(1)

                                     ARTICLE I


Section 1.01.  Defined Terms..............................     A-1
        1.02.  Other Terms.................................    A-10
        1.03.  Exhibits...................................     A-10

                                    ARTICLE II

                           CLASSIFICATION AND TREATMENT
                          OF CLAIMS AND EQUITY INTERESTS

Section 2.01.  Administrative Expenses....................     A-10
        2.02.  Priority Tax Claims........................     A-11
        2.03.  Classification of Other Claims and
                 Equity Interests.........................     A-11
        2.04.  Treatment of Other Claims and
                 Equity Interests.........................     A-12

                                    ARTICLE III


Section 3.01.   Nonconsensual Confirmation of
                 the Plan.................................     A-14

                                    ARTICLE IV


Section 4.01.  Incorporation of New Entities; Certificates
                of Incorporation; Amendment of Declaration
                of Trust ..................................    A-14
        4.02.  Cash Reserves...............................    A-14
        4.03.  Transfers of Assets; Distribution of
                 Liquidating Corp. Preferred Stock.........    A-15
        4.04.  New Investment in Debtor....................    A-16
        4.05.  Execution of New Senior Bank Agreements.....    A-16
        4.06.  Asset Exchange..............................    A-16
        4.07.  Consulting Agreement........................    A-16
        4.08.  Indemnification Agreement...................    A-16
        4.09.  Liquidating Corp. Management
                 Agreement.................................    A-16
        4.10.  Newco Management Agreement..................    A-16

                                     ARTICLE V

                           IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN

Section 5.01.  Revesting of Assets........................      A-16
        5.02.  Distributions Pursuant to the Plan.........      A-17
        5.03.  Cancellation of Subordinated Notes
                 and Promissory Notes; Termination
                 of Subordinated Note Indenture...........      A-17
        5.04.  Effectuation of Subordination..............      A-17
        5.05.  Surrender of Subordinated Notes............      A-17
        5.06.  Method of Distribution
                 Under the Plan...........................      A-18
        5.07.  Listing and Trading of Common Stock........      A-19
        5.08.  Management of the Reorganized Debtor,
                 Liquidating Corp. and Newco..............      A-19
        5.09.  Corporate Action...........................      A-19
        5.10.  Disputed Claims and Interests..............      A-20

                                    ARTICLE VI

                                EXECUTORY CONTRACTS

Section 6.01.  Executory Contracts........................      A-20
        6.02.  Indemnification Obligations................      A-21

                                    ARTICLE VII

                             EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PLAN

Section 7.01.  Conditions Precedent.......................      A-21
        7.02.  Waiver of Conditions.......................      A-22

                                   ARTICLE VIII

                              EFFECTS OF CONFIRMATION

Section 8.01.  Discharge of Debtor........................      A-23
        8.02.  Exculpation................................      A-23
        8.03.  Releases...................................      A-23
        8.04.  Binding Effect.............................      A-24

                                    ARTICLE IX

                             MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

Section 9.01.  Court to Retain Jurisdiction
                 for Certain Purposes.....................      A-24
        9.02.  Payment of Statutory Fees..................      A-25
        9.03.  Rights of Action...........................      A-25
        9.04.  Headings...................................      A-25
        9.05.  Revocation or Withdrawal...................      A-25
        9.06.  Notices....................................      A-26
        9.07.  Withholding and Reporting Requirements.....      A-26
        9.08.  Governing Law..............................      A-26
        9.09.  Filing of Additional Documents.............      A-26
        9.10.  Dissolution of Official Committees.........      A-26
        9.11.  Modification of the Plan...................      A-26
        9.12.  Severability...............................      A-27


   A     Designated Recipients of Assets
   A-1   Assets To be Transferred to Lomas In Asset Exchange
   A-2   Assets To Be Transferred to Newco in Asset Exchange
   A-3   Summary of Terms of Asset Exchange
   B     Indemnification Agreement
   C     Certain Liquidating Corp. Assets
   D-1   Restricted Cash Liabilities
   D-2   Restricted Cash Accounts
   E     Liquidating Corp. Bylaws*
   F     Liquidating Corp. Certificate of Incorporation*
   G     [Intentionally omitted.]
   H     Liquidating Corp. Note
   I     New Senior Bank Agreement Terms*
   J     Newco Bylaws*
   K     Newco Certificate of Incorporation*
   L     Certain Original Newco Assets
   M     Libert Investors Assets
   N     Libert Investors Liabilities
   O     Liquidating Corp. Guarantees
   P     Newco Guarantees
   Q     Declaration of Trust Amendment


   1.01A  Operating Budget
   1.01B  Restructuring Budget
   6.01A  Liberte Investors Executory Contracts
   6.01B  Liquidating Corp. Executory Contracts
   6.01C  Newco Executory Contracts

                                   FIRST AMENDED
                              PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

       PLAN OF REORGANIZATION under chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United
States Code of LIBERTE INVESTORS, formerly known as Lomas & Nettleton
Mortgage Investors, as debtor and debtor in possession.

                                     ARTICLE I


       1.01.  DEFINED TERMS.

       As used herein, the following terms have the respective meanings
specified below unless the context otherwise requires (such meanings to be
equally applicable to both the singular and plural, and masculine and
feminine, forms of the terms defined).

       "Administrative Expense" means (i) any cost or expense of
administration of the Chapter 11 Case Allowed under Sections 503(b) and
507(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, including, without limitation, any
actual and necessary expenses of preserving the estate of the Debtor, any
actual and necessary expenses of operating the business of the Debtor
(including without limitation all amounts due and owing under all executory
contracts of the Debtor not rejected during the Chapter 11 Case), all
obligations of the Debtor under the Asset Exchange Agreement and all
compensation or reimbursement of expenses to the extent Allowed by the
Bankruptcy Court under Section 330 or 503 of the Bankruptcy Code, (ii) all
fees payable pursuant to Section 1930 of the Bankruptcy Code and (iii) any
other cost, expense or Claim which, pursuant to an order of the Bankruptcy
Court or under otherwise applicable law, is entitled or authorized to be
treated in a manner equivalent to such a cost or expense of administration.

       "Agents" means, collectively, The First National Bank of Chicago,
The Bank of New York and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., in their capacity
as agent or representative banks, as the case may be, for the Senior
Lenders under the Senior Bank Agreements and the New Senior Bank
Agreements, and their successors in such capacity.

       "Allocated Amount" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.02(a)

       "Allocated Reserve" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.02(a)

       "Allowed Claim" means:

       (a) with respect to a Claim other than an Administrative Expense or
a Non-Barred Claim, any Claim against the Debtor, or portion thereof
(including any claim for contract rejection damages), proof of which was
filed on or before the date designated by Final Order of the Bankruptcy
Court as the last date for filing proof of such Claim against the Debtor
or, if no proof of claim is filed, which is listed by the Debtor in the
Schedules as liquidated in amount and not disputed or contingent and, in
either case, as to which either (i) no objection to the allowance thereof
has been interposed within the applicable period of limitation fixed
herein, in the Code, the Bankruptcy Rules or a Final Order of the
Bankruptcy Court or (ii) an objection has been interposed and such Claim
has been allowed by a Final Order of the Court;

       (b) with respect to Non-Barred Claims, to the extent such claim is
valid and enforceable under applicable non-bankruptcy law (whether or not
listed in the Schedules or a proof of claim has been filed), a Claim
determined, resolved or adjudicated, as the case may be, in the manner in
which such claim would have been determined, resolved or adjudicated if the
Chapter 11 Case had not been filed, except as otherwise provided in the
Plan, subject to the right of the Debtor or any other party in interest to
assert that such Claim must be determined, resolved or adjudicated before
the Bankruptcy Court; and

       (c) with respect to an Administrative Expense, an Administrative
Expense as to which no objection to the allowance thereof has been
interposed within forty-five (45) days after the Confirmation Date, or such
later date as may be fixed by Final Order of the Bankruptcy Court, or as to
which any objection thereto has been determined by a Final Order to the
extent such objection is determined in favor of the holder thereof or to
the extent a Final Order has been entered allowing such Claim.

Unless otherwise specified herein or by order of the Bankruptcy Court,
"Allowed Claim" and "Allowed Administrative Expense" shall, for purposes of
computation of distributions under the Plan, not include interest on the
amount of such Claim or Administrative Expense from and after the Petition
Date. "Allowed", when used as an adjective modifying "Claims" or
"Administrative Expenses," has a corresponding meaning.

       "Allowed Equity Interest" means any Equity Interest, or portion
thereof, which is recorded by the Debtor in its share register as of the
Petition Date and as to which either (i) no objection to the allowance
thereof has been interposed within the applicable period of limitation
fixed herein, in the Code, the Bankruptcy Rules or a Final Order of the
Bankruptcy Court, or (ii) an objection has been interposed and such
Interest or portion thereof has been allowed by a Final Order of the
Bankruptcy Court. "Allowed," when used as an adjective modifying "Equity
Interest," has a corresponding meaning.

       "Asset Exchange" means transfer by the Debtor to Lomas of the assets
identified on Exhibit A-1 hereto in exchange for the transfer by Lomas to
Newco of the assets identified on Exhibit A-2 hereto on terms substantially
as set forth in Exhibit A-3 hereto.

       "Asset Exchange Agreement" means an agreement to be entered into by
the Debtor, Newco and Lomas providing for implementation of the Asset

       "Available Cash" means a portion of Pre-consummation Cash in an
amount equal to the amount by which Pre-consummation Cash exceeds the
aggregate value of:  (i) all cash used to pay Allowed Administrative
Expenses and Allowed Claims on the Effective Date pursuant to Section 2.04
hereof (including, without limitation, cash used to prepay $3,000,000 of
the principal amount of the debt obligations to be issued to the holders of
Allowed Class 1 Claims pursuant to Section 2.04 hereof) and (ii) all cash
and cash equivalents transferred to the Cash Reserves on the Effective Date
pursuant to Section 4.02 hereof.

       "Ballot" means the ballot, including a master ballot, on which each
holder of an Allowed Claim (other than those whose votes are not solicited)
or an Allowed Equity Interest votes to accept or reject the Plan.

       "Bankruptcy Code" means Title 11 of the United States Code, 11
U.S.C. section 101 et. seq., as amended from time to time.

       "Bankruptcy Court" means the United States Bankruptcy Court for the
Southern District of New York (or such other court as may be administering
the Chapter 11 Case).

       "Bankruptcy Rules" means the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure,
as amended from time to time, as applicable to the Chapter 11 Case,
including the Local Rules of the Bankruptcy Court.

       "Bar Order" means an order of the Bankruptcy court setting a date by
which proofs of claim in respect of certain Claims must be filed against
the Debtor.

       "Beneficial Shares" means the issued and outstanding shares
of beneficial interest in the Debtor, no par value, of which 12,423,208
were issued and outstanding on the Petition Date.

       "Business Day" means any day on which commercial banks are open for
business in New York, New York.

       "Cash Collateral Stipulation" means the Stipulation and Order
Authorizing Use of Operating Cash so ordered by the Bankruptcy Court on
November 12, 1993 as supplemented and modified by the Second Stipulation
and Order Authorizing Use of Operating Cash so ordered by the Bankruptcy
Court on December 2, 1993 and by any other order of the Bankruptcy Court
entered in the Chapter 11 Case.

       "Cash Reserve" means the Allocated Reserve or the Unallocated
Reserve, as the context requires.

       "Certificates of Deposit" means the certificates of deposit in the
name of the Debtor with Bank One, N.A.  Texas, numbers 108520776,
108521014, 108521006 and 108520784, which have been pledged to Bank One,
N.A.  Texas to secure the Debtor's reimbursement obligations with respect
to letters of credit numbers 4951813245-34, 4951813245-42, and 4951813245-
26 issued by Bank One, N.A.  Texas for the account of the Debtor.

       "Chapter 11 Case" means the case under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy
Code, commenced by the Debtor, and styled "In re LIBERTE
INVESTORS, formerly known as Lomas & Nettleton Mortgage
Investors," and in respect of which this Plan has been filed.

       "Claim" has the meaning set forth in Section 101(5) of the
Bankruptcy Code.

       "Committee" means any official committee appointed in the Chapter 11
Case pursuant to Section 1102 of the Bankruptcy Code.

       "Confirmation Date" means the date on which the Clerk of the
Bankruptcy Court enters the Confirmation Order.

       "Confirmation Hearing" means the hearing, to be scheduled by the
Bankruptcy Court, at which the Bankruptcy Court shall consider whether the
Plan satisfies the requirements of Section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code.

       "Confirmation Order" means the order of the Bankruptcy Court
confirming the Plan in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code.

       "Consulting Agreement" means a Consulting Agreement to be entered
into by the Debtor and Newco, effective on the Effective Date.

       "Consultants" means L&N Consultants, Inc., a Nevada corporation.

       "Continuing Collateral" means substantially all of the assets of
Newco immediately after the Effective Date.

       "Creditor" means a "creditor" of the Debtor within the meaning of
Section 101(10) of the Bankruptcy Code.

       "Creditors Committee" means the Official Committee of Unsecured
Creditors appointed in the Chapter 11 Case pursuant to Section 1102 of the
Bankruptcy Code.

       "Debtor" means Liberte Investors, formerly known as Lomas & Nettleton
Mortgage Investors, a Massachusetts business trust, and any successor

       "Declaration of Trust" means the Declaration of Trust of Liberte
Investors, formerly known as Lomas & Nettleton Mortgage Investors, dated
June 26, 1969, as amended, as in effect on and as of the Petition Date.

       "Declaration of Trust Amendment" means the Fifth Amendment to
Declaration of Trust, substantially in the form of Exhibit Q hereto.

       "Designated Recipient" with respect to any asset means (i)
whichever of the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp. or Newco, as the
case may be, is designated in Exhibit A hereto as the "Designated
Recipient" of such asset, or (ii) in the case of assets transferred to
Newco in connection with the Asset Exchange, Newco.

       "Disclosure Statement" means the written statement, dated December
14, 1993, as amended, supplemented or modified from time to time,
describing, among other things, the Plan, prepared and distributed in
accordance with Sections 1125 and 1145 of the Bankruptcy Code.

       "Disputed Administrative Expense," "Disputed Claim" and "Disputed
Equity Interest" mean any Administrative Expense, Claim or Equity Interest,
as the case may be, which is not Allowed and which has not been disallowed
by a Final Order.

       "Distribution Agent" or "Distribution Agents" means the agent or
agents (which may include the Subordinated Note Indenture Trustee) that may
be retained by the Debtor to receive, hold and distribute the consideration
to be distributed to holders of Allowed Administrative Expenses, Allowed
Claims and Allowed Equity Interests pursuant to the Plan, the Confirmation
Order or such other applicable order as may be entered by the Bankruptcy

       "Distribution Record Date" means the date that is five Business Days
after the Confirmation Date, which shall be the record date for determining
the holders of Allowed Claims and Allowed Equity Interests entitled to
participate in distributions pursuant to the Plan.

       "Effective Date" means the Business Day on which the conditions
specified in Section 7.01 have been satisfied or waived.

       "Equity Committee" means the Official Committee of Equity Security
Holders appointed in the Chapter 11 Case pursuant to Section 1102 of the
Bankruptcy Code.

       "Equity Interest" means an equity interest in the Debtor evidenced
by the Beneficial Shares and any rights and entitlements represented

       "Final Order" means an order or judgment of the Bankruptcy Court as
entered on the docket that has not been reversed, stayed, modified or
amended and as to which the time to appeal or to seek reargument,
certiorari, review or rehearing has expired and as to which no appeal or
petition for reargument, certiorari, review or rehearing is pending or as
to which any right to appeal or seek reargument, certiorari, review or
rehearing has been waived in writing in a manner satisfactory to the Debtor
or, if an appeal, reargument, petition for certiorari, review or rehearing
thereof has been sought, the order or judgment of the Bankruptcy Court has
been affirmed by the highest court to which the order was appealed or from
which the reargument, review or rehearing was sought, or certiorari has
been denied, and the time to take any further appeal or to seek certiorari
or further reargument, review or rehearing has expired.

       "General Unsecured Claims" means all Claims other than
Administrative Expenses, Priority Claims, Priority Tax Claims, Senior Bank
Claims, and Subordinated Note Claims.

       "Indemnification Agreement" means the Indemnification Agreement
among Liberte Corp., Liquidating Corp. and Newco, substantially in the form
of Exhibit B hereto.

       "Interim Period" means the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and
ending on the Effective Date.

       "Liquidating Corp." means LBI Liquidating Corp., a Delaware
corporation to be organized by the Debtor on or before the Effective Date.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Assets" means (i) the assets listed on Exhibit C
hereto to the extent such assets have not been disposed of, or the
principal amount thereof has not been collected, on or prior to the
Effective Date, (ii) all non-cash proceeds of such assets, (iii)  Available
Cash, in addition to the Restricted Cash referred to in clause (iv) below,
in an amount equal to the Liquidating Corp.  Cash Proceeds, (iv)
Restricted Cash that has been deposited or escrowed with respect to the
assets described in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above or the liabilities
listed on Exhibit D hereto and (v) the Debtor's books and
records with respect to the assets described in clauses (i) through (iv)
above; provided that the Board of Trustees of the Debtor, with the consent
of the Creditors Committee and the Equity Committee, may exclude from
Liquidating Corp.  Assets assets that would otherwise constitute
Liquidating Corp.  Assets or may include in Liquidating Corp.  Assets
assets that would not otherwise constitute Liquidating Corp.  Assets so
long as the net increase or decrease in the book value (determined as of
the Effective Date) of the Liquidating Corp.  Assets resulting from all
such exclusions and inclusions does not exceed 5% of the book value
(determined as of the Effective Date) of those assets that would constitute
Liquidating Corp.  Assets if such exclusions and inclusions were not taken
into account.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Bylaws" means the bylaws of Liquidating Corp.,
substantially in the Form of Exhibit E hereto.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Cash Proceeds" means Available Cash in an amount
equal to the excess of (i) the aggregate amount of net cash proceeds, if
any, generated during the period beginning on the Petition Date and ending
on the Effective Date from the sale or other disposition of, and
collections of principal on, any assets listed on Exhibit C hereto and all
non-cash proceeds of such assets over (ii) $2,007,000.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Certificate of Incorporation" means the amended
and restated certificate of incorporation of Liquidating Corp.,
substantially in the form of Exhibit F hereto.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock" means the common stock, no par
value, of Liquidating Corp.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Management Agreement" means a Management
Agreement dated as of the Effective Date between Liquidating Corp. and
Lomas Management, Inc., in a form, and having terms and conditions,
satisfactory to the Debtor, the Equity Committee and Lomas.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Note" means a promissory note to be issued by
Liquidating Corp. to Newco on the Effective Date, substantially in the form
of Exhibit H hereto.

       "Liquidating Corp.  Preferred Stock" means 25,000 shares of the
preferred stock, no par value, of Liquidating Corp. having the terms and
conditions set forth in the Liquidating Corp.  Certificate of

       "Lomas" means Lomas Management, Inc., or any other member of the
consolidated group of Lomas Financial Corporation currently holding title
to assets subject to the Asset Exchange.

       "Naples" means Naples Canta Mar, Ltd., a Florida limited

       "New Investor Purchase Agreement" means any agreement in form and
substance satisfactory to the Debtor and the Equity Committee that is
entered into on or prior to the Effective Date pursuant to which an
investor will make an investment in equity securities of the Debtor.

       "New Senior Bank Agreements" means debt obligations of Newco to the
holders of Allowed Class 1 Claims substantially in the form of Exhibit I
hereto, with such modifications as may be agreed to on or before the
Effective Date by the Debtor and the Creditors Committee and do not have a
materially adverse effect on the Senior Lenders.

       "Newco" means a Delaware corporation to be organized by the Debtor
on or before the Effective Date.

       "Newco Asset Sale Parameters" means the parameters with respect to
the sale of certain assets of the Debtor during the Interim Period agreed
between the Debtor and certain holders of Subordinated Notes.

       "Newco Bylaws" means the bylaws of Newco, substantially in the form
of Exhibit J hereto.

       "Newco Certificate of Incorporation" means the certificate of
incorporation of Newco, substantially in the form of Exhibit K hereto.

       "Newco Common Stock" means the shares of common stock, par
value $.01 per share, of Newco authorized in the Newco Certificate of
Incorporation and to be distributed to holders of Class 4 Claims pursuant
to Section 2.04 hereof.

       "Newco Preferred Stock" means the preferred stock of Newco having
the preferences, rights and other designations set forth in the Newco
Certificate of Incorporation.

       "Newco Management Agreement" means a Management Agreement dated as
of the Effective Date between Newco and Lomas Management, Inc., in a form,
and having terms and conditions, satisfactory to the Debtor, the Creditors
Committee and Lomas.

       "Non-Barred Claims" means Claims the holders of which are not,
pursuant to clause (e), (f) or (g) of the second decretal paragraph of the
Bar Order or any other Final Order of the Bankruptcy Court, required to
submit proofs of claim in respect thereof, including without limitation,
Claims of governmental entities under environmental laws and regulations
and Claims in respect of taxes.

       "Non-Newco Property Operating Budget Overrun" means any portion of
an amount paid to satisfy Property-Related liabilities and expenses
relating to any assets the Designated Recipient of which is either the
Reorganized Debtor or Liquidating Corp. that exceeds the Unused Budgeted
Amount at the time of such payment.  For purposes of this definition,
"Unused Budgeted Amount" at the time of any such payment means the amount
by which, prior to giving effect to such payment, the aggregate of the
budgeted liabilities and expenses paid or incurred through the Effective
Date, determined based upon the operating expense projection attached
hereto as Schedule 1.01A, in respect of the assets referred to in this
definition exceeds the aggregate payment actually made in respect of such
expenses and liabilities on or after April 1, 1993.

       "Non-Newco Property Reserve" has the meaning set forth in Section
4.02(a) hereof.

       "Non-Property Operating Budget Overrun" means any portion of an
amount paid to satisfy liabilities and expenses other than Property-Related
liabilities and expenses and other than liabilities and expenses set forth
on Schedule 1.01B hereto that exceeds the Unused Budgeted Amount at the
time of such payment.  For purposes of this definition, "Unused Budgeted
Amount" at the time of any such payment means the amount by which, prior to
giving effect to such payment, the aggregate of the budgeted liabilities
and expenses paid or incurred through the Effective Date, determined based
upon the operating expense projection attached hereto as Schedule 1.01A, in
respect of liabilities and expenses other than Property-Related liabilities
exceeds the aggregate payment actually made in respect of such expenses and
liabilities on or after April 1, 1993.

       "Operating Budget" means the aggregate amount of payments and
liabilities (including, without limitation, operating liabilities and
expenses and capital expenditures) of the Debtor for the period beginning
on April 1, 1993 and included in the operating expense projection attached
hereto as Schedule 1.01A (as such projection may be supplemented for any
period prior to the Effective Date and subsequent to the last date covered
by such Schedule).

       "Original Newco Assets" means (a) all Available Cash on the
Effective Date not included in Retained Assets or Liquidating Corp.  Assets
and (b) all of the Debtor's other assets immediately prior to the Effective
Date that do not constitute Pre-consummation Cash, Retained Assets or
Liquidating Corp.  Assets, including, without limitation, (i) the assets
listed on Exhibit L hereto, (ii) the Debtor's books and records with
respect to the assets described in clause (i) above and (iii)  Restricted
Cash not constituting Retained Assets or Liquidating Corp.  Assets;
provided that the Board of Trustees of the Debtor, with the consent of the
Creditors Committee and the Equity Committee, may exclude from Original
Newco Assets assets that would otherwise constitute Original Newco Assets
or may include in Original Newco Assets assets that would not otherwise
constitute Original Newco Assets so long as the net increase or decrease in
the book value (determined as of the Effective Date) of the Original Newco
Assets resulting from all such exclusions and inclusions does not exceed 2%
of the book value (determined as of the Effective Date) of those assets
that would constitute Original Newco Assets if such exclusions and
inclusions were not taken into account.

       "Petition Date" means October 25, 1993, the date on which the
Debtor filed its petition for relief commencing the Chapter 11 Case.

       "Plan" means this Chapter 11 plan of reorganization, either in its
present form or as it may be altered, amended, modified, or supplemented
from time to time.

       "Pre-consummation Cash" means all cash and cash equivalents of the
Debtor, including, without limitation, the Prepaid Amount, immediately
prior to the Effective Date and before giving effect to any transfer
required to be made hereunder on the Effective Date.

       "Prepaid Amount" means an amount equal to the sum of (i) the balance
on the Effective Date in account number 9102684058 at The Chase Manhattan
Bank, N.A., held in respect of prepaid interest under the Secured Restated
Credit Agreement, and (ii) the balance on the Effective Date in account
number 1918435 at The First National Bank of Chicago, held in respect of
prepaid interest under the Secured Revolving Credit Agreement.

       "Priority Claim" means any Claim (other than an Administrative
Expense or a Priority Tax Claim) accorded priority in right of payment
under Section 507(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.

       "Priority Tax Claim" means a Claim of a governmental unit of the
kind specified in Section 507(a)(7) of the Bankruptcy Code.

       "Property-Related" with respect to any liability, expense, Claim or
Administrative Expense means a liability, expense, Claim or Administrative
Expense that (a) does not relate to or arise out of the general overhead or
headquarters operation of the Debtor and (b) arises, directly or
indirectly, out of the ownership or operation of, or is attributable to, a
specific mortgage loan or real estate asset in which the Debtor has an
interest (including without limitation any participation interest therein).

       "Reorganized Debtor" means the Debtor on and after the Effective

       "Restricted Cash" means (i) cash on deposit on the Effective Date in
the accounts listed on Exhibit D-2 hereto and (ii) the Certificates of

       "Restructuring Budget" means the aggregate amount of payments and
liabilities (including, without limitation, expenses arising out of the
restructuring of the Debtor's indebtedness and implementation of the Plan)
for the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and included in the restructuring
expense projection attached hereto as Schedule 1.01B (as such projection
may be supplemented for any period prior to the Effective Date and
subsequent to the last date covered by such Schedule).

       "Restructuring Budget Overrun" means any portion of an amount paid
to satisfy liabilities and expenses set forth in Schedule 1.01B hereto that
exceeds the Unused Budgeted Amount at the time of such payment.  For
purposes of this definition, "Unused Budgeted Amount" at the time of any
such payment means the amount by which, prior to giving effect to such
payment, the aggregate of the budgeted liabilities and expenses paid or
incurred through the Effective Date, determined based upon the
restructuring expense projection attached hereto as Schedule 1.01B, in
respect of liabilities and expenses set forth therein exceeds the aggregate
payment actually made in respect of such expenses and liabilities on or
after April 1, 1993.

       "Retained Assets" means (i) the assets listed on Exhibit M hereto to
the extent such assets have not been disposed of, or the principal amount
thereof has not been collected, on or prior to the Effective Date, (ii) all
non-cash proceeds of such assets, (iii)  Restricted Cash, including without
limitation the Certificates of Deposit, that has been deposited or escrowed
with respect to the assets described in clauses (i) and (ii) above or the
liabilities listed on Exhibit N hereto, (iv) the Retained Cash, (v) all of
the Debtor's right, title and interest with respect to the premises leased
by the Debtor at 1420 Viceroy Drive, Dallas, Texas 75235, (vi) furnishings,
fixtures, equipment and other tangible assets owned by the Debtor on the
Effective Date and located at the premises leased by the Debtor at 1420
Viceroy Drive, Dallas, Texas 75235, (vii) the life insurance policy in
respect of the Debtor's chief executive officer, (viii) the proceeds, if
any, received by the Debtor upon consummation of the transactions
contemplated by any New Investor Purchase Agreement, (ix) the Newco
Preferred Stock and (x) the Debtor's books and records with
respect to the assets described in clauses (i) through (ix) above;
provided that the Board of Trustees of the Debtor, with the consent of the
Creditors Committee and the Equity Committee, may exclude from Retained
Assets assets that would otherwise constitute Retained Assets or may
include in Retained Assets assets that would not otherwise constitute
Retained Assets so long as the net increase or decrease in the book value
(determined as of the Effective Date) of the Retained Assets resulting from
all such exclusions and inclusions does not exceed 5% of the book value
(determined as of the Effective Date) of those assets that would constitute
Retained Assets if such exclusions and inclusions were not taken into

       "Retained Cash" means Available Cash in an amount equal to the sum
of (a) the aggregate amount of net cash proceeds, if any, generated during
the Interim Period from the sale or other disposition of, and collections
of principal on, any assets listed on Exhibit M hereto and all non-cash
proceeds of such assets and (b) the Retained Working Capital.

       "Retained Working Capital" means Available Cash in an amount, which
may be positive or negative, equal to $1,000,000 minus the sum of (i) 27%
of any payment on or prior to the Effective Date determined as of the
Effective Date to be a Restructuring Budget Overrun, plus (ii) 27% of any
payment on or prior to the Effective Date determined as of the Effective
Date to be a Non-Property Operating Budget Overrun, plus (iii) 100% of any
payment on or prior to the Effective Date determined as of the Effective
Date to be a Non-Newco Property Operating Budget Overrun, plus (iv) 27% of
the amount of Pre-consummation Cash initially deposited in the Allocated
Reserve pursuant to Section 4.02(a) hereof.

       "Schedules" means the schedules of assets and liabilities and the
statement of financial affairs filed by the Debtor as required by Section
521 of the Bankruptcy Code and the Official Bankruptcy Forms of the
Bankruptcy Rules.

       "Secured Restated Credit Agreement" means the $220,000,000 Amended
and Restated Secured Credit Agreement dated as of April 30, 1990 among the
Debtor, Consultants, Naples, the lenders listed on the signature pages
thereof and The Bank of New York and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as
representatives for such lenders, as amended from time to time, under which
$46,436,723 principal amount of loans was outstanding on the Petition Date.

       "Secured Revolving Credit Agreement" means the $150,000,000
Revolving Credit Agreement dated as of October 26, 1988 among the Debtor,
Consultants, Naples, the lenders listed on the signature pages thereof and
The First National Bank of Chicago, as agent for such lenders, as amended
from time to time, under which $36,691,116 principal amount of loans was
outstanding on the Petition Date.

       "Security Agreement" means the Pledge, Security and Custodial
Agreement dated as of May 22, 1990 among the Debtor, Consultants, the
lenders listed on Schedules I and II thereto, The Chase Manhattan Bank,
N.A., as disbursement agent for such lenders, The Bank of New York and The
Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., as representative banks for the lenders party
to the Secured Restated Credit Agreement, The First National Bank of
Chicago, as agent for the lenders party to the Secured Revolving Credit
Agreement, and Bank One, Texas, N.A., as collateral agent, as amended from
time to time.

       "Senior Bank Agreements" means, collectively, the Secured Revolving
Credit Agreement (and any promissory note of the Debtor issued thereunder),
the Secured Restated Credit Agreement (and any promissory note of the
Debtor issued thereunder), the Security Agreement and any other instrument
or document executed and delivered pursuant to any such agreement for the
benefit of the secured parties under the Security Agreement.

       "Senior Bank Claims" means all Claims arising under or in respect of
any Senior Bank Agreement.

       "Senior Lenders" means the lenders party to the Senior Bank

       "Subordinated Note Claims" means all Claims evidenced by the
Subordinated Notes or arising under the Subordinated Note Indenture.

       "Subordinated Note Indenture" means that certain Indenture dated as
of June 1, 1988, as modified by a First Supplemental Indenture dated as of
December 15, 1989 and an Instrument of Resignation, Appointment and
Acceptance dated as of December 15, 1989.

       "Subordinated Note Indenture Trustee" means Shawmut Bank
Connecticut, N.A., in its capacity as trustee under the Subordinated Note
Indenture, and any successor Trustee appointed thereunder.

       "Subordinated Notes" means $100,000,000 principal amount of 10-1/2%
Subordinated Notes due June 1, 1993 issued by the Debtor pursuant to the
Subordinated Note Indenture.

       "Unallocated Amount" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.02(a)

       "Unallocated Reserve" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.02(a)

       "Unclaimed Prepetition Dividends" means the total amount of cash
dividends declared on Beneficial Shares prior to the Petition Date minus
that portion of such dividends actually paid in cash by the Debtor on or
prior to the Petition Date.

       1.02.  OTHER TERMS.  (a)  The words "herein," "hereof," "hereto,"
"hereunder" and others of similar import refer to the Plan as a whole and
not to any particular section, subsection or clause contained in the Plan.

       (b)  The phrase "substantially in the form," as used herein, shall
with respect to any document or instrument to which it applies, include any
subsequent version of any such document or instrument as to which only non-
material changes have been made.

       (c)  A term used herein that is not defined herein shall have the
meaning, if any, ascribed to that term in the Bankruptcy Code.

       1.03.  EXHIBITS.  All Exhibits hereto are incorporated into and made
a part hereof as if set forth in full herein.

                                    ARTICLE II


       2.01.  ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.  (a)  Treatment.  Each Allowed
Administrative Expense shall be paid in full in cash as promptly as
practicable after the date such Administrative Expense becomes payable by
its terms, except to the extent that the holder of such Allowed
Administrative Expense agrees to different treatment.

       (b)  Method of Payment.  Allowed Administrative Expenses that are
due and payable under applicable non-bankruptcy law on or before the
Effective Date shall be paid from Pre-consummation Cash.  Allowed
Administrative Expenses that are not due and payable under applicable non-
bankruptcy law on or before the Effective Date shall be paid by Newco,
except as follows:

       (i) to the extent that the payment of any such Allowed
 Administrative Expense would constitute a Restructuring Budget Overrun or
 a Non-Property Operating Budget Overrun, 27% of such Administrative
 Expense shall be paid by the Debtor and the remainder thereof shall be
 paid by Newco; and

      (ii) each Allowed Property-Related Administrative Expense shall be
 paid by whichever of the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp. and Newco
 was the Designated Recipient of the asset to which such Administrative
 Expenses relates.

       (c)  The Debtor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, pending
resolution of any appeal of an order allowing any Administrative Expense,
to pay such Administrative Expense subject to receipt of such assurance or
security as it may deem appropriate for the return of any distribution in
respect thereof should such Administration Expense be disallowed, in whole
or in part, by Final Order.

       2.02.  PRIORITY TAX CLAIMS.  (a)  Treatment.  Each Allowed Priority
Tax Claim shall be paid in full in cash on or as promptly as practicable
after the latest of the Effective Date, the date such Priority Tax Claim
becomes Allowed and the date such Priority Tax Claim becomes payable by its
terms, except to the extent that the holder thereof agrees to different

       (b)  Method of Payment.  Allowed Priority Tax Claims that are due
and payable under applicable non-bankruptcy law on or before the Effective
Date shall be paid from Pre-consummation Cash.  To the extent not paid on
the Effective Date, (i) payments in respect of Allowed Priority Tax Claims
which are Unallocated Amounts shall be obligations of Newco payable from
the Unallocated Reserve, (ii) payments in respect of Allowed Priority Tax
Claims which are Allocated Amounts shall be made from the Allocated
Reserve, and (iii) payments in respect of Allowed Priority Tax Claims which
are Property-Related shall be made by whichever of the Reorganized Debtor,
Liquidating Corp. and Newco owns, after consummation of the transfers
contemplated by Section 4.03 hereof, the respective assets to which such
Priority Tax Claims relate.

purposes of the Plan, including voting, confirmation and distribution,
Claims (other than Administrative Expenses and Priority Tax Claims) and
Equity Interests are classified as follows:


       Class 1 consists of the Senior Bank Claims, including (i) the
principal amount of the loans outstanding under the Senior Bank Agreements,
(ii) accrued and unpaid interest to the Effective Date on such outstanding
principal amount to the extent Allowed under Section 506(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code, as adjusted pursuant to the Cash Collateral Stipulation,
as in effect from time to time, and (iii) unreimbursed expenses provided
for under the Senior Bank Agreements and Allowed under Section 506(b) of
the Bankruptcy Code.  Class 1 Claims are secured.


       Class 2 consists of all Priority Claims.


       Class 3 consists of all General Unsecured Claims.


       Class 4 consists of the Subordinated Note Claims.


       Class 5 consists of all Equity Interests.



       On the Effective Date or as soon thereafter as is practicable,
holders of Allowed Class 1 Claims shall receive distributions consisting of
(i) the Prepaid Amount, (ii)  Pre-consummation Cash in an amount equal to
the amount, if any, by which accrued and unpaid interest Allowed pursuant
to Section 506(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, as adjusted pursuant to the Cash
Collateral Stipulation, as in effect from time to time, exceeds the Prepaid
Amount and (iii) debt obligations of Newco having a principal amount equal
to the sum of (A) the unpaid principal amount of the Senior Bank Claims on
the Petition Date and (B) unreimbursed expenses provided for under the
Senior Bank Agreements and Allowed under Section 5.06(b) of the Bankruptcy
Code minus (C) an amount equal to that portion, if any, of the distribution
under clause (i) above which exceeds the interest referred to in clause
(ii) above.  The debt obligations of Newco referred to in clause (iii)
above will have terms substantially as set forth in Exhibit I hereto, with
such modifications as may be agreed to by the Debtor and the Creditors
Committee which do not have a material adverse effect on the Senior
Lenders, and will be secured by the Continuing Collateral.  Immediately
following the Effective Date, $3,000,000 in principal amount of such debt
obligations shall be repaid from Pre-consummation Cash dedicated to such
purpose.  Such repayment shall constitute a prepayment of such debt
obligations for purposes of the New Senior Bank Agreements.

       Class 1 Claims are impaired.


       (a)  Treatment.  Each Allowed Class 2 Claim shall be paid in full in
cash on or as promptly as practicable after the latest of the Effective
Date, the date such Priority Claim becomes Allowed and the date such
Priority Claim becomes payable by its terms, except to the extent that the
holder of such Priority Claim agrees to different treatment.

       Class 2 Claims are not impaired.

       (b)  Method of Payment.  Allowed Priority Claims that are due and
payable under applicable non-bankruptcy law on or before the Effective Date
shall be paid from Pre-consummation Cash.  To the extent not paid on the
Effective Date, (i) payments in respect of Allowed Priority Claims which
are Unallocated Amounts shall be obligations of Newco payable from the
Unallocated Reserve, (ii) payments in respect of Allowed Priority Claims
which are Allocated Amounts shall be made from the Allocated Reserve, and
(iii) payments in respect of Allowed Priority Claims which are Property-
Related shall be made by whichever of the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating
Corp. or Newco owns, after consummation of the transactions contemplated by
Section 4.03 hereof, the respective assets to which such Property-Related
Priority Claims relate.


       (a)  Treatment.  Each Allowed Class 3 Claim shall be paid in full in
cash on or as promptly as practicable after the latest of the Effective
Date, the date such Claim becomes Allowed and the date such Claim becomes
payable by its terms, except to the extent the holder of such Claim agrees
to different treatment.

       Class 3 Claims are not impaired.

       (b)  Method of Payment.  Allowed General Unsecured Claims that are
due and payable under applicable non-bankruptcy law on or before the
Effective Date shall be paid from Pre-consummation Cash.  To the extent not
paid on the Effective Date, (i) payments in respect of Allowed General
Unsecured Claims which are Unallocated Amounts shall be obligations of
Newco payable from the Unallocated Reserve, (ii) payments in respect of
Allowed General Unsecured Claims which are Allocated Amounts shall be made
from the Allocated Reserve, and (iii) payments in respect of Allowed
General Unsecured Claims which are Property-Related shall be treated as

      (i) the Reorganized Debtor shall pay in full in cash at the
 respective times, if any, that they become due and payable all such
 General Unsecured Claims that arise out of the ownership or operation of
 Retained Assets, including without limitation the guarantees listed on
 Exhibit N hereto;

     (ii)  Liquidating Corp. shall assume and pay in full in cash at the
 respective times that they become due and payable all such General
 Unsecured Claims that arise out of the ownership or operation of
 Liquidating Corp.  Assets, including without limitation the guarantees
 listed on Exhibit O hereto; and

    (iii)  Newco shall assume and pay in full in cash at the respective
 times, if any, that they become due and payable all other of such General
 Unsecured Claims, including without limitation the guarantees listed on
 Exhibit P hereto.


       On the Effective Date or as soon thereafter as is practicable, the
following consideration shall be delivered to the Subordinated Note
Indenture Trustee in respect of Allowed Class 4 Claims:  (i) an amount of
Pre-consummation Cash equal to accrued and unpaid trustee's fees and
expenses provided for under the Subordinated Note Indenture, and (ii) 100
shares of Newco Common Stock for each $1,000 principal amount of
Subordinated Notes held by such holder on the Distribution Record Date.
The cash so distributed shall be applied to satisfy such trustee's fees and
expenses, and the Newco Common Stock shall be distributed pro rata to
holders of Subordinated Notes.

       Class 4 Claims are impaired.


       The holders of Beneficial Shares shall retain such shares.  In
addition, if the transactions contemplated by a New Investor Purchase
Agreement are consummated on the Effective Date, the Debtor shall, to the
extent contemplated by such New Investor Purchase Agreement, on the
Effective Date or as soon thereafter as is practicable, distribute to each
holder of an Allowed Class 5 Equity Interest, for each Beneficial Share
held by such holder on the Distribution Record Date, one share of
Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock.

       Class 5 Equity Interests are impaired.

                                    ARTICLE III


       3.01.  NONCONSENSUAL CONFIRMATION OF THE PLAN.  In the event that
holders of Class 1 Claims, Class 4 Claims or Class 5 Equity Interests shall
fail to accept the Plan in accordance with Section 1129(a)(8) of the
Bankruptcy Code, or in the event it is determined that any Class treated as
unimpaired hereunder shall be deemed to be impaired, the Debtor reserves
the right to (i) request that the Bankruptcy Court confirm the Plan
pursuant to Section 1129(b) of the Bankruptcy Code or (ii) modify the Plan
in accordance with Section 9.11 hereof.

                                    ARTICLE IV

                          INCORPORATION OF NEW ENTITIES;
                          CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION;
                        AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF TRUST;
                       CASH RESERVES;  TRANSFERS OF ASSETS;
                             NEW INVESTMENT IN DEBTOR


       (a)  On or prior to the Effective Date, (i) the Debtor shall cause
Liquidating Corp. and Newco to be organized as corporations under the laws
of the State of Delaware.  The certificate of incorporation for Liquidating
Corp. shall conform to the Liquidating Corp.  Certificate of Incorporation,
and the certificate of incorporation for Newco shall conform to the Newco
Certificate of Incorporation.  On or prior to the Effective Date, the
Debtor shall cause Liquidating Corp. to adopt the Liquidating Corp.  Bylaws
as its bylaws and shall cause Newco to adopt the Newco Bylaws as its the

       (b)  On or prior to the Effective Date, the Debtor shall cause the
Declaration of Trust Amendment to be filed with the appropriate office or
offices in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

       (c)  On or prior to the Effective Date, the Debtor shall file or
cause to be filed in the appropriate public offices all documentation, and
shall take or cause to be taken all action, as may be required to effect
the transactions contemplated by this Section 4.01.  Pursuant to Section
5.09 hereof, all such filings and actions shall be authorized and approved
in all respects without further action by any party.

       4.02.  CASH RESERVES.

provide for certain cash distributions to be made after the Effective Date
in respect of Allowed Claims as contemplated in Section 2.04 hereof, the
Debtor, on or prior to the Effective Date, shall establish two reserves:

       (1) a reserve (the "Unallocated Reserve") for cash distributions
 ("Unallocated Amounts") which are not in respect of Property-Related
 expenses or liabilities, Non-Newco Property Operating Budget Overruns,
Non-Property Operating Budget Overruns or Restructuring Budget
Overruns; and

       (2) a reserve (the "Allocated Reserve") for cash distributions
 ("Allocated Amounts") which are in respect of Non-Property Operating
 Budget Overruns or Restructuring Budget Overruns.

Not later than the Effective Date, the Debtor shall contribute to each such
reserve cash or cash investments from Pre-consummation Cash in an amount
equal to the aggregate amount of Allowed Claims and Disputed Claims not
paid on the Effective Date arising out of the category of expenses or
liabilities to which such reserve relates.  For purposes of determining the
amounts of cash to be contributed to each Cash Reserve, the "Unused
Budgeted Amount", as such term is used in the definitions of Non-Newco
Property Operating Budget Overrun, Non-Property Operating Budget Overrun
and Restructuring Budget Overrun, shall in each such case be determined as
of the Effective Date as though all such expenses and liabilities were
being paid on such date with the amounts being contributed to the Cash
Reserves.  For purposes of determining the amount in which any Cash Reserve
will be funded in respect of any Disputed Claim, the amount of such Claim
shall be deemed to be (i) the higher of the amount, if any, in which such
Claim is set forth in the Schedules and the amount, if any, claimed in any
proof of claim filed in respect of such Claim or (ii) if no amount can be
determined pursuant to clause (i), an amount estimated in good faith by the

       (b)  ADDITIONS TO CASH RESERVES.  If any Claim becomes payable from
the Unallocated Reserve pursuant to Section 2.04 hereof and such Cash
Reserve does not contain sufficient resources to pay such Claim, Newco will
make a payment to such Cash Reserve in such amount as is necessary to cause
such Cash Reserve to have sufficient resources to pay such Claim.  If any
Claim becomes payable from the Allocated Reserve pursuant to Section 2.04
hereof and such Cash Reserve does not contain sufficient resources to pay
such Claim, Newco will make a payment to such Cash Reserve of 73%, and the
Reorganized Debtor will make a payment to such Cash Reserve of 27%, of such
amount as is necessary to cause such Cash Reserve to have sufficient
resources to pay such Claim.

       (c)  DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUAL.  At such time as all of the
distributions required by the Plan to be made from the Unallocated Reserve
have been made, any cash or cash equivalents remaining in such Cash Reserve
shall be distributed to Newco.  At such time as all of the distributions
required by the Plan to be made from the Allocated Reserve have been made,
27% of any cash or cash equivalents remaining in such Cash Reserve shall be
distributed to the Reorganized Debtor and 73% thereof shall be distributed
to Newco.

PREFERRED STOCK.  (a)  On the Effective Date, after taking into account (i)
the payment of all Allowed Administrative Expenses and Allowed Claims
required to be paid in cash on the Effective Date under the Plan and (ii)
the transfer of funds to the Cash Reserves pursuant to Section 4.02 hereof:

       (A) the Debtor shall cause the Liquidating Corp.  Assets to be
 transferred to Liquidating Corp. in consideration for the issuance to the
 Debtor of 12,423,208 shares of Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock, the
 Liquidating Corp.  Preferred Stock and the Liquidating Corp.  Note;

       (B) the Debtor shall cause the Original Newco Assets and the
 Liquidating Corp.  Note to be transferred to Newco in consideration for
 the issuance to the Debtor of 10,000,000 shares of Newco Common Stock and
 the Newco Preferred Stock; and

       (C) the Debtor shall retain the Retained Assets.

       (b)  On the Effective Date, following completion of the asset
transfers contemplated by Section 4.03(a) hereof, if the transactions
contemplated by any New Investor Purchase Agreement are consummated on the
Effective Date, the Debtor shall, to the extent contemplated by such New
Investor Purchase Agreement, distribute the Liquidating Corp.  Preferred
Stock to a charitable organization identified by the Debtor.

       4.04.  NEW INVESTMENT IN DEBTOR.  (a)  If (i) the Board of Trustees
of the Debtor approves a New Investor Purchase Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby and (ii) the conditions to the closing of
such transactions are satisfied, the parties to such New Investor Purchase
Agreement shall perform their obligations under such Agreement as
contemplated thereby.

       (b)  The performance by the parties thereto of any New Investor
Purchase Agreement is not a condition to the consummation of the Plan, and
the failure of the closing of any New Investor Purchase Agreement to occur
or the failure of any party to perform its obligations thereunder shall not
preclude the implementation of or invalidate any other provision of the

       4.05.  EXECUTION OF NEW SENIOR BANK AGREEMENTS.  On or prior to the
Effective Date, the parties to the New Senior Bank Agreements shall execute
and deliver such Agreements.

       4.06.  ASSET EXCHANGE.  On or prior to the Effective Date, the Asset
Exchange shall be consummated.

       4.07.  CONSULTING AGREEMENT.  On or prior to the Effective Date, the
parties to the Consulting Agreement shall execute and deliver such

       4.08.  INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT.  On or prior to the Effective
Date, the parties to the Indemnification Agreement shall execute and
deliver such Agreement.

       4.09.  LIQUIDATING CORP.  MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT.  On or prior to the
Effective Date, the parties to the Liquidating Corp.  Management Agreement
shall execute and deliver such Agreement.

       4.10.  NEWCO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT.  On or prior to the Effective
Date, the parties to the Newco Management Agreement shall execute and
deliver such Agreement.

                                     ARTICLE V

                            IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN

       5.01.  REVESTING OF ASSETS.  Except to the extent it is transferred to
Liquidating Corp. or Newco pursuant to the provisions of this Plan, the
property of the estate of the Debtor shall revest in the Reorganized Debtor
on the Effective Date.  The Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp. and Newco
may operate their respective business, and may use, acquire and dispose of
property, free of any restrictions of the Bankruptcy Code.  As of the
Effective Date, all property of the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp.
and Newco shall be free and clear of all Claims, liens and interests of
Creditors and holders of Equity Interests, except as expressly provided
herein.  Following the Effective Date, no asset that has vested in the
Reorganized Debtor or Liquidating Corp. shall secure the obligations of or
claims against Newco under the New Senior Bank Agreements; such obligations
and claims shall be secured only by the Continuing Collateral, to the
extent contemplated by the New Senior Bank Agreements.

       5.02.  DISTRIBUTIONS PURSUANT TO THE PLAN.  At the times and in the
manner contemplated in Section 2.04, the Debtor (i) shall distribute cash
and Newco Common Stock to holders of Claims entitled to distributions
thereof pursuant to the Plan and (ii) if the transactions contemplated by
any New Investor Purchase Agreement are consummated on the Effective Date,
shall, to the extent contemplated by such New Investor Purchaser Agreement,
distribute the Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock to the holders of Equity
Interests as described in Section 2.04 hereof and distribute the
Liquidating Corp.  Preferred Stock to a charitable organization identified
by the Debtor.

(i) the Subordinated Notes shall be canceled and the obligations of the
Debtor under the Subordinated Note Indenture shall be discharged, and (ii)
the promissory notes issued by the Debtor to the Senior Lenders pursuant to
the terms of the Senior Bank Agreements shall be canceled.

       (b)  Upon the earlier to occur of one year after the Confirmation
Date and the completion by the Subordinated Note Indenture Trustee of the
distributions to be made by the Subordinated Note Indenture Trustee to the
holders of Allowed Class 4 Claims pursuant to the Plan, the Subordinated
Note Indenture shall terminate.

       5.04.  EFFECTUATION OF SUBORDINATION.  The classification of Claims
under the Plan and the distributions to be made pursuant to the Plan take
into account the relative priorities of the Claims in each class in
connection with any contractual subordination provisions relating thereto.
Accordingly, the distributions to be made pursuant to the Plan on account
of Class 4 Claims shall not be subject to levy, garnishment, attachment or
other legal process by any holder of Senior Indebtedness (as such term is
defined in the Subordinated Note Indenture) by reason of claimed
contractual subordination rights.  On the Effective Date, all Creditors
shall be deemed, pursuant to Sections 510 and 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code,
to have realized the benefit of any and all contractual subordination
rights they may have, and, effective as of the Effective Date, all holders
of Senior Indebtedness shall be permanently enjoined from enforcing or
attempting to enforce any such rights with respect to the distributions
under the Plan to the holders of Class 4 Claims or otherwise.


       (a)  Each holder of an instrument evidencing a Class 4 Claim shall
surrender such instrument (in proper form for transfer) to the Subordinated
Note Indenture Trustee.  No distribution of property hereunder shall be
made to or on behalf of any such holder unless and until such instrument is
received by the Subordinated Note Indenture Trustee or, in the event such
instrument has been lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed, such holder has
delivered to the Reorganized Debtor (or its designated agent)  (i) evidence
satisfactory to the Reorganized Debtor of the loss, theft, mutilation or
destruction of such instrument and (ii) such security or indemnity as may
be reasonably required by the Reorganized Debtor to hold it harmless with
respect thereto.  Any such holder that fails to surrender or cause to be
surrendered such instrument or to provide such security or indemnity within
five (5) years after the Confirmation Date shall be deemed to have
forfeited all rights, claims and interests with respect thereto and shall
not participate in any distribution hereunder in respect thereof.

       (b)  As of the close of business on the Distribution Record Date,
the transfer ledger for the Subordinated Notes shall be closed, there shall
be no registration of or other changes in the holders of any Subordinated
Notes on the books of the Debtor (or any trustees, transfer agents or
registrars it may have employed in connection therewith), and neither the
Debtor nor any such trustee, transfer agent or registrar shall have any
obligation to recognize any transfer of Subordinated Notes occurring
thereafter (but shall be entitled instead to recognize and deal with, for
all purposes under the Plan, except as otherwise provided herein, only
those holders reflected on its books as of the close of business on the
Distribution Record Date).

       (c)  Until the holders of record of the Subordinated Notes on the
Distribution Record Date or their lawful successors or assigns surrender
pursuant to subparagraph (a) above the instruments which had previously
evidenced the Subordinated Notes, they shall have no rights (and the
instruments shall evidence no rights) except the right, upon surrender of
such instruments pursuant to such subparagraph, to receive in exchange
therefor the distributions to which such holders are entitled pursuant to
the Plan.

       (d)  Upon satisfaction of any conditions precedent set forth in the
New Senior Bank Agreements (including without limitation surrender of any
promissory note issued under a Senior Bank Agreement), each holder,
immediately prior to such surrender, of a promissory note issued under a
Senior Bank Agreement shall receive the cash distribution provided for
under Section 2.04 and the promissory notes issued by Newco evidencing its
obligations under the New Senior Bank Agreements.  As of the Effective
Date, the New Senior Bank Agreements shall replace and supersede the Senior
Bank Agreements.

       (e)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Plan,
all distributions to be made in respect of Allowed Class 4 Claims may, at
the option of the Reorganized Debtor, be made directly to the Subordinated
Note Indenture Trustee, which shall as soon thereafter as practicable
distribute any property so received to the respective holders of Allowed
Class 4 Claims except to the extent that the Subordinated Note Indenture
Trustee is entitled to retain such property for its own account.  Any proof
of claim filed by the direct, indirect or beneficial holder of a Class 4
Claim shall be considered duplicative of the Claims of the Subordinated
Note Indenture Trustee.


       (a)  DISTRIBUTION AGENTS.  The Debtor may retain one or more
Distribution Agents to assist in the making of distributions under the Plan
and will compensate such Distribution Agents under the respective terms of
their retention agreements.  Pending distributions by a Distribution Agent
of any cash distributed to such Distribution Agent pursuant to the Plan,
such Distribution Agent shall invest such cash in such manner as the Debtor
and such Distribution Agent shall agree.

       (b)  MANNER OF PAYMENT UNDER THE PLAN.  Any payment of cash made by
a Distribution Agent pursuant to the Plan may be made either by check drawn
on a domestic bank or by wire transfer from a domestic bank, at the option
of such Distribution Agent.

       (c)  SETOFFS.  The Debtor may, but shall not be required to, set off
against any Claim, and the payments to be made pursuant to the Plan in
respect of any Claim, any claims of any nature whatsoever the Debtor may
have against the claimant, but neither the failure to do so nor the
allowance of any Claim hereunder shall constitute a waiver or release by
the Debtor of any such claim the Debtor may have against such claimant.

       (d)  DISTRIBUTION OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY.  Any distribution of cash
(and all interest, if any, earned thereon) or other property under the Plan
that is unclaimed after five (5) years following the Confirmation Date
shall be distributed to whichever of the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating
Corp. and Newco would have been required hereunder to make such
distribution, for its own account, and the holder of the Claim shall be
deemed to have forfeited all rights thereto; provided, however, that
nothing contained in this Plan shall require the Reorganized Debtor,
Liquidating Corp., Newco or the Distribution Agent to locate the holder of
a Claim or Equity Interest that fails to claim its distribution hereunder.

       (e)  SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR LEGAL HOLIDAY.  If any payment or act under
the Plan is required to be made or performed on a date that is not a
Business Day, then the making of such payment or the performance of such
act may be completed on the next succeeding Business Day, but shall be
deemed to have been completed as of the required date.

       (f)  FRACTIONAL SHARES.  The distribution of shares of Newco Common
Stock as provided in the Plan may mathematically entitle the holder of an
Allowed Class 4 Claim to a fractional share of Newco Common Stock.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, fractional shares will not be issued.  A
holder of an Allowed Class 4 Claim that would otherwise receive a
fractional share of Newco Common Stock will receive one share on account of
such fractional share.

       5.07.  LISTING AND TRADING OF COMMON STOCK.  On or before the
Effective Date, Liquidating Corp.  (if it is to distribute shares of
Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock to holders of Allowed Equity Interests
pursuant to Section 2.04 hereof) and Newco shall each prepare and file with
the Securities and Exchange Commission a registration statement on Form 10
registering the Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock or the Newco Common Stock,
as the case may be, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and shall use
all reasonable efforts to cause such registration statement to be declared
effective and to cause such Common Stock to be listed for trading on a
national securities exchange or an over-the-counter market.  If the
Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock is distributed to holders of Allowed Equity
Interests pursuant to Section 2.04 hereof, shares of Liquidating Corp.
Common Stock will not trade separately from Beneficial Shares and no
transfer of a Beneficial Share shall be registered without an accompanying
registration of transfer of a share of Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock.

NEWCO.  Immediately following the Effective Date, the Board of Trustees of
the Reorganized debtor and the Boards of Directors of Liquidating Corp. and
Newco shall consist, respectively, of those individuals whose names are set
forth in the Disclosure Statement.  Immediately following the Effective
Date, the officers of the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp. and Newco
shall consist, respectively, of the individuals whose names are set forth
in the Disclosure Statement.  All such directors and officers shall be
deemed elected pursuant to the Plan.

       5.09.  CORPORATE ACTION.  Upon entry of the Confirmation Order by
the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, all actions, agreements and transactions
contemplated by the Plan, including, without limitation, the amendment of
the Declaration of Trust, the filing of Newco's certificate of
incorporation and Liquidating Corp.'s certificate of incorporation and the
execution, delivery and performance by the parties thereto of the New
Senior Bank Agreements, the Indemnification Agreement, the Consulting
Agreement and, if applicable, the New Investor Purchase Agreement, shall be
authorized and approved in all respects, without further action by any
party.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, on the Effective
Date, the issuance of Liquidating Corp.  Common Stock and Newco Common
Stock pursuant to Section 5.02 hereof, the election of directors and
officers pursuant to Section 5.08 hereof and the other matters and actions
provided for under or contemplated by the Plan, and any corporate or trust
action in furtherance thereof by or on behalf of the Debtor, the
Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp., Newco or their respective
shareholders, partners, trustees or directors, shall be duly authorized,
shall occur and shall be in effect from and after the Effective Date
without any requirement of further action by the holders of Beneficial
Shares or the trustees of the Debtor or by the stockholders, partners or
directors of Liquidating Corp. or Newco.  On the Effective Date, all
agreements entered into pursuant to the Plan, including, without
limitation, the New Senior Bank Agreements, the Indemnification Agreement,
the Consulting Agreement and, if applicable, the New Investor Purchase
Agreement, and any agreements entered into in connection with the
foregoing, shall be valid, binding and in full force and effect.  The
President or any Vice President of the Debtor, the Treasurer of the Debtor
and the Secretary of the Debtor shall, upon entry of the Bankruptcy Court,
be authorized in all respects, without further action by any party, to take
all actions necessary to effectuate the transactions contemplated by the

       5.10.  DISPUTED CLAIMS AND INTERESTS.  Except as set forth below,
the Debtor or the Reorganized Debtor, as the case may be, will have the
exclusive right to object to the allowance of Administrative Expenses,
Claims (other than Non-Barred Claims) and Equity Interests filed with the
Bankruptcy Court with respect to which the Debtor or the Reorganized Debtor
disputes liability in whole or in part; provided that the Equity Committee
shall have the non-exclusive right to object, prior to the Effective Date,
to the allowance of Claims and Administrative Expenses filed with the
Bankruptcy Court by insiders, as such term is defined in the Bankruptcy
Code.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Newco will have the exclusive right
after the Effective Date to object to the allowance of Priority Claims and
General Unsecured Claims for which Newco will assume liability on the
Effective Date pursuant to Section 2.04 and with respect to which Newco
disputes liability in whole or in part.  All objections will be litigated
to Final Order; provided, however, that the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor
or Newco, as the case may be, may compromise and settle, withdraw or
resolve by any other method approved by the Bankruptcy Court, any
objections to Administrative Expenses, Claims or Equity Interests.

                                    ARTICLE VI

                                EXECUTORY CONTRACTS


       (a)  Effective upon the Effective Date, all executory contracts that
exist between the Debtor and any other person are hereby expressly
rejected, provided, however, that all executory contracts listed on
Schedule 6.01A, 6.01B or 6.01C hereto (as such schedules may be modified,
by inclusion of additional contracts, on or before the Confirmation Date)
and any other executory contract that is specifically assumed by the
Debtor, with the approval of the Bankruptcy Court and the Creditors
Committee, prior to the Effective Date shall be assumed.  Entry of the
Confirmation Order by the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court shall constitute
approval of the assumptions and rejections provided for in this Section, in
each case pursuant to Section 365(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.

       (b)  The executory contracts listed on Schedule 6.01B shall be
assigned to Liquidating Corp. on the Effective Date, Liquidating Corp.
shall make any cash payments necessary to cure defaults, if any, under such
contracts, and the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor and Newco will have no
liability or obligation under such contracts after the Effective Date.  The
executory contracts listed on Schedule 6.01C shall be assigned to Newco on
the Effective Date, Newco shall make any cash payments necessary to cure
defaults, if any, under such contracts, and the Debtor, the Reorganized
Debtor and Liquidating Corp. will have no liability or obligation under
such contracts after the Effective Date.  Payments, if any, necessary to
cure any defaults under contracts listed on Schedule 6.01A will be made by
the Debtor from Retained Assets.

       (c)  Claims, if any, created by the rejection of executory
contracts must be filed with the Bankruptcy Court and served on the Debtor
no later than the date set forth in the Bar Order as the last date to file
such Claims or such other date as may be fixed by an order of the
Bankruptcy Court for such purpose.  Any such Claims not filed within such
time will be forever barred from assertion against the Debtor (or its
successors, including without limitation Liquidating Corp. and Newco), its
estate and its property.  Unless otherwise ordered by the Bankruptcy Court
or otherwise required by applicable law, all Allowed Claims, if any,
arising by reason of the rejection of any executory contract by the Debtor
shall constitute Class 3 Claims for the purposes of the Plan.

       6.02.  INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS.  For purposes of the Plan, the
obligations of the Debtor to indemnify (i) its present and former trustees
and officers against any liabilities pursuant to the Declaration of Trust,
applicable state law or specific agreement, or any combination of the
foregoing, or (ii) any other person against any liability pursuant to the
terms of any agreement entered into by the Debtor prior to the Petition
Date (except for the Senior Bank Agreements, the Subordinated Notes, the
Subordinated Note Indenture, the Agreement dated January 13, 1993 between
the Debtor and the Senior Lenders and any agreement between the Debtor and
any non-statutory committee of creditors or equity security holders of the
Debtor or any member thereof or counsel or advisor thereto) that has not
been specifically rejected by the Debtor as contemplated herein, shall in
each case survive confirmation of the Plan, remain unaffected thereby, be
subject to the same conditions for indemnification and not be discharged,
regardless of whether indemnification is owed in connection with an event
occurring before, on or after the Petition Date.  On and after the
Effective Date, any claim arising under any such indemnification obligation
or agreement shall be satisfied 27% by the Reorganized Debtor and 73% by

                                    ARTICLE VII

                             EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PLAN

     7.01.  CONDITIONS PRECEDENT.  The Plan shall become effective at such
time as the following conditions shall have been satisfied:

       (a) the Confirmation Order shall have been entered, shall be in full
 force and effect and shall not be subject to any stay;

       (b) the New Senior Bank Agreements shall have been executed by

       (c) the amount of Class 3 Claims which, as of the Effective Date,
 are either Allowed Claims or Disputed Claims (other than Property-Related
 Claims, Claims for Unclaimed Prepetition Dividends, Non-Barred Claims and
 Claims contemplated by the Operating Budget or the Restructuring Budget to
 the extent payments in respect thereof will not constitute Allocated
 Amounts, including without limitation claims arising out of the guarantees
 and other items listed on Exhibits N, O and P hereto) that have not been
 disallowed by order of the Bankruptcy Court shall not exceed $100,000 and
 the amount of Claims for Unclaimed Prepetition Dividends that have not
 been disallowed by order of the Bankruptcy Court shall not exceed

       (d) the Debtor's accounts shall reflect at least $2,783,000 in
 prepaid interest on the principal amount of the Senior Bank Claims or such
 lesser amount as results solely from the payment of principal of or
 interest on such Claims after March 31, 1993;

       (e) the Debtor shall have operated its business in the ordinary
 course since March 31, 1993, provided that the disposition of assets, the
 prepayment of ordinary course liabilities as contemplated by the Budget,
 the payment of costs for capital expenditures related to the Debtor's
 assets as contemplated by the Budget, the payment of fees and expenses in
 connection with the restructuring of the Debtor's assets and liabilities
 (including without limitation the fees and expenses of professionals
 retained in the Chapter 11 Case), additions to reserves related to asset
 carrying values, and the addition to reserves in connection with a change
 in accounting principles, as described in the Debtor's report on Form 10-Q
 for the quarter ended March 31, 1993, shall not be considered outside the
 ordinary course of business;

        (f) the Debtor shall have complied in all material respects
 with the Newco Asset Sale Parameters;

        (g) the Debtor shall have certified to the Creditors Committee that
 its unaudited statements of income and financial condition as of March 31,
 1993 reflect, in all material respects, taken as a whole, the results of
 operations of the Debtor for the quarter then ended and the financial
 position of the Debtor as at such date in accordance with generally
 accepted accounting principles, subject to normal quarterly and year-end
 adjustments; provided that such certification may exclude from its
 coverage the taking of any reserves against, and the carrying value of,
 the Debtor's assets;

       (h) the Consulting Agreement, the Indemnification Agreement and the
 Liquidating Corp.  Note shall have been executed and delivered;

       (i) the Asset Exchange shall have been consummated; and

       (j) the Liquidating Corp.  Management Agreement and the Newco
 Management Agreement shall have been executed and delivered.

     The conditions set forth in subsections (e) and (f) above shall be deemed
satisfied at any time if the President of the Debtor certifies that such
conditions are satisfied at such time and such certification is not
disputed by the Creditors Committee in writing with one business day
following delivery of the form of such certification to the Creditors

     7.02.  WAIVER OF CONDITIONS.  The condition to effectiveness of the
Plan set forth in Section 7.01(e) may be waived in writing by the Debtor,
the Creditors Committee and the Equity Committee, the conditions set forth
in Section 7.01(c), (d) and (f) through (i) may each be waived in writing
by the Debtor and the Creditors Committee and the condition set forth in
Section 7.01(j) may be waived in writing by the Debtor.

                                   ARTICLE VIII

                              EFFECTS OF CONFIRMATION

     8.01.  DISCHARGE OF DEBTOR.  The rights afforded in the Plan and the
treatment of all Claims and Equity Interests therein shall be in exchange
for and in complete satisfaction, discharge and release of Claims and
Equity Interests of any nature whatsoever against the Debtor and its
successors (including, without limitation, the Reorganized Debtor,
Liquidating Corp. and Newco) or any of their respective assets or
properties.  Except as otherwise provided herein, (i) on the Effective
Date, all such Claims against, and Equity Interests in, the Debtor shall be
satisfied, discharged and released in full and (ii) all persons shall be
precluded from asserting against the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp.,
Newco, their successors or their respective assets or properties any other
or further Claims or Equity Interests based upon any act or omission,
transaction or other activity of any kind or nature that occurred prior to
the Confirmation Date.

       8.02.  EXCULPATION.  None of the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor,
Liquidating Corp., Newco, the members of any Committee, the members of any
unofficial committee or group of holders of Claims against or Interests in
the Debtor formed prior to the Petition Date, nor any of their respective
members, officers, directors, trustees, employees, agents or advisors,
attorneys or representatives, shall have or incur any liability to any
holder of a Claim or Equity Interest for any act or omission in connection
with, or arising out of, the pursuit of confirmation of the Plan, the
consummation of the Plan or the administration of the Plan or the property
to be distributed under the Plan except for willful misconduct or gross
negligence, and the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp.,
Newco, and the members of any Committee shall in all respects be entitled
to rely upon the advice of counsel with respect to their duties and
responsibilities under the Plan.

       8.03.  RELEASES.

       (a)  On the Effective Date, in consideration for the obligations of
the Debtor under the Plan, all Persons who have held, hold or may hold
Claims against or Equity Interests in the Debtor shall be deemed to have
released the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor, Liquidating Corp., Newco, the
members of any Committee, the members of any unofficial committee or group
of holders of Claims against or Interests in the Debtor formed prior to the
Petition Date and, in each case, their respective agents, advisors,
attorneys and representatives (including, without limitation, their
respective current and former officers, directors, trustees and employees),
of and from any and all claims, obligations, rights, causes of action and
liabilities (other than the right to enforce the Debtor's, the Reorganized
Debtor's, Liquidating Corp.'s and Newco's obligations under the Plan) that
such holder may be entitled to assert, whether known or unknown, foreseen
or unforseen, then existing or thereafter arising, based in whole or in
part upon any act, omission or other occurrence taking place on or prior to
the Effective Date in any way relating to the Debtor, the Chapter 11 Case
or the Plan.

       (b)  On the Effective Date, the Debtor, on behalf of itself and its
successors, (i) as consideration for services rendered by the Debtor's
officers, trustees and employees prior to and during the pendency of the
Chapter 11 Case, shall be deemed to have waived and released any and all
claims, obligations, rights, causes of action and liabilities, whether
known or unknown, foreseen or unforseen, then existing or thereafter
arising, that are based in whole or in part upon any act, omission or other
occurrence taking place on or prior to the Effective Date and which may be
asserted by or on behalf of the Debtor (or its successors) against such
officers, trustees and employees, and (ii) for good and valuable
consideration, the adequacy of which is hereby confirmed, shall be deemed
to have waived and released any and all claims, obligations, rights, causes
of action and liabilities (including, without limitation, causes of action
arising under Sections 541, 544, 547 and 548 of the Bankruptcy Code, but
excluding any rights of the Debtor to enforce the Plan), whether known or
unknown, foreseen or unforseen, then existing or thereafter arising, that
are based in whole or in part upon any act, omission or other occurrence
taking place on or prior to the Effective Date and which may be asserted by
or on behalf of the Debtor (or its successors) against any holder of a
Claim or Equity Interest that holds no Disputed Claim or Disputed Equity
Interest, and each of such holder's agents, advisors, attorneys and

       8.04.  BINDING EFFECT.  The Plan shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the Debtor, its Creditors, the holders of Equity Interests
and their respective successors and assigns.

                                    ARTICLE IX

                             MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of all matters arising out of, and
related to, the Chapter 11 Case and the Plan pursuant to, and for the
purposes of, Sections 105(a) and 1142 of the Bankruptcy Code and for, among
other things, the following purposes:

       (a) to hear and determine pending applications for the assumption or
 rejection of executory contracts or unexpired leases, if any are pending,
 and the allowance of Claims resulting therefrom or from the rejection of
 executory contracts or unexpired leases pursuant to the Plan;

       (b) to determine any and all pending adversary proceedings,
 applications and contested matters;

       (c) to ensure that distributions to holders of Allowed
 Administrative Expenses, Allowed Claims and Allowed Equity Interests are
 accomplished as provided herein;

       (d) to hear and determine any objections to Administrative Expenses
 or to proofs of Claims and Equity Interests filed either before or after
 the Confirmation Date, including any objections to the classification of
 any Claim or Equity Interest, and to allow or disallow any Disputed
 Administrative Expense, Disputed Claim or Disputed Equity Interest, in
 whole or in part;

       (e) to enter and implement such orders as may be appropriate in the
 event the Confirmation Order is for any reason stayed, revoked, modified
 or vacated;

       (f) to enter and implement such orders as may be necessary or
 appropriate in aid of confirmation of the Plan or to facilitate
 implementation of the Plan;

       (g) to consider any modifications of the Plan to cure any defect or
 omission, or reconcile any inconsistency in any order of the Bankruptcy
 Court, including, without limitation, the Confirmation Order;

       (h) to hear and determine all applications for compensation and
 reimbursement of expenses arising out of or relating to the Plan or the
 Chapter 11 Case;

       (i) to hear and determine disputes arising in connection with the
 interpretation, implementation or enforcement of the Plan (including,
 without limitation, those regarding the effect of any release or discharge
 provided for herein or effected hereby);

       (j) to recover all assets of the Debtor and property of the estate,
 wherever located;

       (k) to hear and determine matters concerning state, local and
 federal taxes in accordance with Sections 346, 505 and 1146 of the
 Bankruptcy Code;

       (l) to hear any other matter not inconsistent with the Bankruptcy
Code; and

       (m) to enter a final decree closing the Chapter 11 Case.

       9.02.  PAYMENT OF STATUTORY FEES.  All fees payable pursuant to
Section 1930 of Title 28 of the United States Code, as determined by the
Bankruptcy Court at the hearing pursuant to Section 1128 of the Bankruptcy
Code, shall be paid on or before the Effective Date.

       9.03.  RIGHTS OF ACTION.  Any rights or causes of action accruing to
the Debtor (to the extent not released pursuant to the Plan or transferred
pursuant to Section 4.03 hereof) shall remain assets of the Reorganized
Debtor except that all potential claims for the recovery of preferences
pursuant to Section 547 of the Bankruptcy Code shall be waived.  The
Reorganized Debtor may pursue those rights of action, as appropriate, in
accordance with what is in the best interests, and for the benefit, of the
Reorganized Debtor.

       9.04.  HEADINGS.  Headings are used in the Plan for convenience and
reference only, and shall not constitute a part of the Plan for any other


       (a)  The Debtor reserves the right to revoke or withdraw the Plan
prior to the Confirmation Date.

       (b)  If the Debtor revokes or withdraws the Plan prior to the
Confirmation Date, then the Plan shall be deemed null and void.  In such
event, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to constitute a waiver or
release of any claims by or against the Debtor or any other person or to
prejudice in any manner the rights of the Debtor or any person in any
further proceedings involving the Debtor.

       9.06.  NOTICES.  Any notice required or permitted to be provided
under the Plan shall be in writing and served by either (a) certified mail,
return receipt requested, postage prepaid, (b) hand delivery, or (c)
reputable overnight delivery service, freight prepaid, to be addressed as


           c/o Davis Polk & Wardwell
               450 Lexington Avenue
               New York, New York 10017
               Attention:  Donald S.  Bernstein, Esq.


           c/o Schulte Roth & Zabel
               900 Third Avenue
               New York, New York 10022
               Attention:  Mark A.  Neporent, Esq.


           c/o Stutman, Treister & Glatt, Professional Corporation
               3699 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 900
               Los Angeles, California 90010
               Attention:  Kenneth N.  Klee, Esq.

       9.07.  WITHHOLDING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.  In connection with
the Plan and all instruments issued in connection therewith and
distributions thereon, the Debtor shall comply with all withholding and
reporting requirements imposed by any federal, state, local or foreign
taxing authority, and all distributions hereunder shall be subject to any
such withholding and reporting requirements.

       9.08.  GOVERNING LAW.  Except to the extent that the Bankruptcy Code
or other federal law is applicable, the rights, duties and obligations
arising under the Plan shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in
accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.

       9.09.  FILING OF ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.  On or before substantial
consummation of the Plan, the Debtor shall file with the Bankruptcy Court
such agreements and other documents as may be necessary or appropriate to
effectuate and further evidence the terms and conditions of the Plan.

       9.10.  DISSOLUTION OF OFFICIAL COMMITTEES.  On the Effective Date,
each Committee shall be dissolved and the members of such Committee shall
thereupon be released and discharged of and from any further authority,
duties, responsibilities and obligations related to and arising from and in
connection with the Chapter 11 Case.

       9.11.  MODIFICATION OF THE PLAN.  The Debtor may alter, amend or
modify the Plan in accordance with Section 1127 of the Bankruptcy Code at
any time.

       9.12.  SEVERABILITY.  Should any provision in the Plan be determined
to be unenforceable following the Effective Date, such determination shall
in no way limit or affect the enforceability and operative effect of any
and all other provisions of the Plan.

Dated:  December 14, 1993

                               Respectfully submitted,

                               LIBERTE INVESTORS

                               By /s/ Robert Ted Enloe III
                                  Title: President


(1)  The Table of Contents is included for convenience and ease of
reference only, and shall not constitute a part of the Plan for any

*    The Exhibits marked with an asterisk are voluminous and, consequently,
are not being distributed with the Disclosure Statement.  The table of
contents for the Plan indicates which exhibits are attached to the Plan as
distributed with the Disclosure Statement and which are only available for
review in the Bankruptcy Court or by appointment during normal business
hours at the location set forth below.  Exhibits not attached to the Plan
may also be obtained by contacting Ms.  Kindall Dube at the telephone
number set forth below.

                            1420 Viceroy Drive
                            Dallas, Texas 75235
                              (214) 879-5800

                                EXHIBIT A
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                                EXHIBIT A


     The Designated Recipient of the following assets is either the Debtor
or Liquidating Corp., as indicated.  The Designated Recipient of all other
assets is Newco.
Asset                                          Designated
Number     Asset Name                          Recipient
______     __________                          __________

2269       Century Airport Hotel               Reorganized Debtor
3477       Rosewood Property Company           Reorganized Debtor
3825       WC of Texas                         Reorganized Debtor
4167       Club Income Properties              Reorganized Debtor
4178       Buckhead Inc.                       Reorganized Debtor
4241       VMI Properties                      Reorganized Debtor
4523       Greenbriar Associates               Reorganized Debtor
4524       Greenbriar Associates               Reorganized Debtor
538602     Pacifica Homes No. 6                Liquidating Corp.
3766       Sharfe Homes                        Liquidating Corp.
1184       McCoy                               Liquidating Corp.
528701     P&V Enterprises                     Liquidating Corp.
4553       Blume Eastlake Limit                Liquidating Corp.
3685       Lieberman Homes                     Liquidating Corp.
540101     Bel Tiara Ventures I                Liquidating Corp.
3437       Ike Harris                          Liquidating Corp.
3592       Marsh Lane Self Storage, Inc        Liquidating Corp.
4584       Texas Portfolio Join                Liquidating Corp.
3395       Pavlakos/McNair Dev Co              Liquidating Corp.
4373       McKinney Acquisitions, Inc.         Liquidating Corp.
4397       Michael R. Walker                   Liquidating Corp.
4398       Mark R. Wagner                      Liquidating Corp.
4307       Richard Tuley Homes, Inc.           Liquidating Corp.
4470       Highland Lakes Joint                Liquidating Corp.
518333     The Housing Group, Inc.             Liquidating Corp.
4620       Koch Enterprises, Inc.              Liquidating Corp.
518317     The Housing Group, Inc.             Liquidating Corp.
4614       Thomas and Farquhar                 Liquidating Corp.
4628       Lane & Altman, Escro                Liquidating Corp.
3128       Lieven J Van Riet, T                Liquidating Corp.
527900     Scharfe Homes                       Liquidating Corp.
4627       Sports Inc., No. 1                  Liquidating Corp.
4630       Lexington Square-Rec                Liquidating Corp.
4382       D R Horton Land Co                  Liquidating Corp.
4490       Yi-Jang Shu                         Liquidating Corp.
4502       Yi-Wen Shu                          Liquidating Corp.
4623       Sovereign Homes Inc.                Liquidating Corp.
4489       Chin Chen Wu                        Liquidating Corp.
4498       Benny Hu Ting Wu                    Liquidating Corp.
538715     Homeland Communities                Liquidating Corp.
538712     Homeland Communities                Liquidating Corp.
3822       Nash Phillips/Copus                 Liquidating Corp.
4401       Johnny L. Swaim                     Liquidating Corp.
4402       Victor R. Means, Jr.                Liquidating Corp.
4601       New Worthy JV                       Liquidating Corp.
4625       Roger Lawler                        Liquidating Corp.
4632       Lawler                              Liquidating Corp.
512610     Richard Tuley Homes - Res           Liquidating Corp.
1746       High Vista                          Liquidating Corp.
2010       Post St Properties L                Liquidating Corp.
2324       B Tillman Nowlin, Jr                Liquidating Corp.
2783       James P. Charnquiest                Liquidating Corp.
3320       John S. Stuhmer                     Liquidating Corp.
3647       Ronald Homes                        Liquidating Corp.
3780       Penterra Corporation                Liquidating Corp.
3848       Eskan Construction C                Liquidating Corp.
3891       Tamaron Corporation                 Liquidating Corp.
3957       Greystone Housing Co                Liquidating Corp.
4137       Kenwood Homes, Inc.                 Liquidating Corp.
4150       American Land & Expl                Liquidating Corp.
4169       Israel Fogiel                       Liquidating Corp.
4391       Timbercrest Companies               Liquidating Corp.
4531       Alan L & Harold G U                 Liquidating Corp.
4540       Dennis E. Murphree                  Liquidating Corp.
4541       Brendan P Smith                     Liquidating Corp.
4542       Hugh J Vaughan                      Liquidating Corp.
4543       David G Hunter                      Liquidating Corp.
4545       Michael A Howland A                 Liquidating Corp.
4546       Sherwood Blount Jr                  Liquidating Corp.
4547       Robert G. Broderick                 Liquidating Corp.
4561       Anthony F. Cutaia                   Liquidating Corp.
4571       Robert K. Utley, III                Liquidating Corp.
4572       Mark R. Wagner                      Liquidating Corp.
4573       Michael R. Walker                   Liquidating Corp.
4580       Meyer Turken                        Liquidating Corp.
4583       Gene Eidelman/Yuri E                Liquidating Corp.
4587       Ed H. Street, Jr.                   Liquidating Corp.
4598       Bruce Utterback                     Liquidating Corp.
4599       Jack Wilson                         Liquidating Corp.
4602       Richard E Leblanc                   Liquidating Corp.
4604       Hicks Road Associates               Liquidating Corp.
4609       Van Holm, Brian, EID                Liquidating Corp.
4624       Alden, Brian                        Liquidating Corp.
4631       James R. Stuhmer                    Liquidating Corp.
4565       Linpro Pierce Street                Liquidating Corp.
4566       Linpro Westgold Mead                Liquidating Corp.
4600       Walnut Grove Land PA                Liquidating Corp.
4439       Village Park Homes                  Liquidating Corp.
4463       Live Oak Ltd                        Liquidating Corp.
2745       Westland Oil                        Liquidating Corp.
3048       Talley Corporation                  Liquidating Corp.
3134       Talley Corporation                  Liquidating Corp.
3211       Greystone Housing                   Liquidating Corp.
3296       Greystone Parkway                   Liquidating Corp.
3382       SWLN                                Liquidating Corp.
3674       SWLN                                Liquidating Corp.
3701       Dunning Partnership                 Liquidating Corp.
3715       RD Gass/Brickyard                   Liquidating Corp.
3725       Pine Glen Partners                  Liquidating Corp.
3934       Porten Sullivan                     Liquidating Corp.
4189       Ventura Properties                  Liquidating Corp.
4403       Mark Dickinson                      Liquidating Corp.
4452       Potomac 4D                          Liquidating Corp.
4471       Cal-Oaks                            Liquidating Corp.

                               EXHIBIT A-1
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT A-1


                       (As of November 30, 1993)

          As described in more detail in Exhibit A-3 to the Plan of
Reorganization, the Debtor's 80% participation interests in the
following assets will be transferred to Lomas in consideration for
the transfer by Lomas to Newco of Lomas' 20% participation interests
in the assets set forth in Exhibit A-2 to the Plan of Reorganization.

NUMBER   ASSET NAME                     ASSET 
- ------   ----------                     ----------

2872     Lieven J Van Riet              Loan
3335     Bob Spies Homes, Inc.          Loan
3469     Trammell Crow Colorado         Reo
3469     Trammell Crow Texas            Reo
3514     Huron Partnership              Loan
3718     Joyal Enterprises, Inc.        Loan
3819     Essex-Royal 400 Assoc.         Loan
3947     Dividend Development           Loan
4055     Anozira Partnership            Reo
4220     Cabot Associates               Reo
4272     Michael Howland                Reo
4348     Bird of Paradise Ranch         Loan
4385     New Worth I, Ltd.              Reo
4450     Zellner - Lake Hills           Loan
4472     Sun City Springhaven           Loan
4481     Vallejo Corona Partn           Loan
4551     Eustis Ventures, Inc.          Reo
4593     Market In Kingwood             Loan
4607     Regional Builders Co.          Loan
4618     Sunlife Homes, Inc.            Loan
7035     GSW Two Limited Partners       Reo
517100   Hallcraft Villas               Reo
528703   P&V Enterprises                Loan
528704   P&V Enterprises                Loan
528705   P&V Enterprises                Loan
534300   Tablero Dunes                  Reo
538709   Homeland Communities           Loan
541101   Cal - Oaks Investors - 89 LP   Reo
543201   Friedman Homes, Inc.           Loan
999999   Conventional Loans             Loan

                               EXHIBIT A-2
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT A-2


                        (As of November 30, 1993)

          As described in more detail in Exhibit A-3 to the Plan of
Reorganization, Lomas' 20% participation interests in the following
assets will be transferred to Newco in consideration for the transfer
by the Debtor to Lomas of the Debtor's 80% participation interests in
the assets set forth in Exhibit A-1 to the Plan of Reorganization.

 NO.      ASSET NAME                   ASSET 
- -----     ----------                   ----------

1391      Village Walk                 Loan
2821      Lieven J Van Riet            Loan
3208      Lieven J Van Riet            Loan
3470      Robert K & Ann Utley         Loan
3681      LaSalle National Bank        Loan
4144      Friedman Homes, Inc.         Loan
4255      Centerpointe JV              Loan
4265      Ramser Development Corp.     Loan
4321      The Commons XXII, Ltd.       Loan
4326      University Service Corp.     Loan
4333      The Breighton-Copper         Loan
4357      Jersey Business Park         Loan
4371      Dr. Horton Land Co. 1        Loan
4381      KHB Investments Inc.         Loan
4396      Robert Kutley III            Loan
4400      James I Howe Land            Loan
4410      Honey Creek Ltd.             Loan
4412      Harbor Bay Isle Assoc.       Loan
4460      P&V Enterprises              Loan
4469      Story Business Park          Loan
4538      Texas Waggoner Corp.         Loan
4564      Linpro Ken - Caryl           Loan
4570      Lincoln The Place            Loan
4574      New Market                   Loan
4575      New Market                   Loan
4576      New Market                   Loan
4585      James C.P. Chen              Loan
4586      Pao Lo Chang                 Loan
4589      LaSalle National Bank        Loan
4596      TCK Mockingbird Inc.         Loan
4597      TCK Mockingbird Inc.         Loan
4603      The Fort Smith Quarry        Loan
4615      Rosecrest Properties         Loan
4617      Summerhill Del Rey           Loan
4621      Rayco Ltd.                   Loan
4622      Union Square                 Loan
538501    Richard A Tappan             Loan
2261      Fairview JV                  Reo
            (L&N Consultants Inc.)
2263      River Plantation
            (L&N Consultants Inc.)     Reo
2948      Spring Branch Lake           Reo
3186      Sharfe Homes                 Reo
3212      Dorado Corporation           Reo
3215      Dorado Corporation           Reo
3378      Myers - Chud Partnership     Reo
3392      MTP Associates               Reo
3394      Andrew & Ellen Pavlakos      Reo
3411      Talley Corporation           Reo
3421      Village Green                Reo
3431      Linpro-Brochet               Reo
3438      Crimson Ridge JV             Reo
3464      Linpro Westgold              Reo
3511      Venture Corp. Properties     Reo
3568      Northern Lights Inn          Reo
            (L&N Consultants Inc.)
3579      Blue Heron Industires        Reo
3598      Mid - Capital Investments    Reo
3640      N M Plaza Assoc.             Reo
3704      Pike Plaza, Ltd.             Reo
3752      Naples Canta Mar             Reo
3767      Brian Gagne/Oak Wood         Reo
3801      Village Center               Reo
3837      Ed. J. Street                Reo
3871      Cimarron Holding Trust       Reo
3915      Eastern Market               Reo
3919      J. Ferguson Partners         Reo
3929      Olympia Corners              Reo
3939      The Housing Group            Reo
3943      Robert P. Dupre              Reo
3969      Ray Ellison Industries       Reo
3971      155 Pfingsten                Reo
4001      Gilbert Lakes                Reo
4053      7th Street & Union           Reo
4059      Sharon Commerce              Reo
4072      Crow - Watson                Reo
4075      Greenway Village             Reo
4180      N. Richland Hills            Reo
4195      Riverwood Plaza              Reo
4196      Riverwood - Nova             Reo
4260      Four Star Assoc.             Reo
4315      Clt of Orlando, Inc.         Reo
4329      Caribbean Isle               Reo
4370      Clover Ventures              Reo
4420      Bel Tiara Venture Assoc.     Loan
4451      Hillside Residential         Reo
4454      Hillside Residential         Reo
4577      Turknell Inc.                Reo
4610      Southridge Plaza, Inc.       Reo
4635      Linpro Lonestar              Reo
7022      3MBS Inc.                    Reo
533906    Hillside Residential         Reo
541401    Hillside Residential         Reo
999997    L&N Consultants Inc.         Reo
91300179  Faergerberg                  Reo

                               EXHIBIT A-3
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT A-3


          1.  The Asset Exchange will be implemented by the following
steps, which will occur on or before the Effective Date:

          A.  Lomas will transfer to Newco title to the mortgage loans
and real property identified on Exhibit A-2 to the Plan and the
Debtor will transfer to Newco its participation interests therein.

          B.  In consideration for the transfer of title described in
paragraph A, the Debtor will transfer to Lomas its participation
interests in the mortgage loans and real estate identified on
Exhibit A-1 to the Plan.  Such participation interests constitute
STL's portion of the proceeds of the transfer of title of assets by
Lomas to Newco described in paragraph A.

          C.  Lomas will transfer to STL the participation interests it
receives under paragraph B in full satisfaction of STL's
entitlement to receive proceeds from the transfer of title to
assets pursuant to paragraph A.

          D.  As a result of the transfers described in paragraph C, STL
will own 100% of the participation interests in the assets
identified on Exhibit A-1 to the Plan.  At the option of STL, after
the Effective Date, title to any or all of such assets will be
transferred to STL or a nominee for STL.

          2.  Upon completion of the transfers described in paragraphs
1.A through 1.C, STL will execute documentation confirming that its
rights under its participation interests in the assets identified on
Exhibit A-2 have been satisfied in full.

          3.  Following the consummation of the Asset Exchange, STL will
remain liable for such portion of any liabilities accrued before the
Effective Date in respect of the assets identified on Exhibit A-2 to
the Plan as it would have been responsible for under the
Participation Agreement  dated as of July 28, 1970 (the
"Participation Agreement") between Lomas Financial Corporation and
the Debtor and will indemnify the Debtor and Newco against and hold
each of them harmless from any loss, liability, damage, claim or
expense incurred or suffered by either of them arising out of any
such liability.  On the Effective Date, Newco will become liable for
such portion of any liabilities accrued before the Effective Date in
respect of the assets identified in Exhibit A-1 to the Plan as the
Debtor would have been responsible for under the Participation
Agreement and will indemnify the Debtor and STL against and hold each
of them harmless from any loss, liability, damage, claim or expense
incurred or suffered by either of them arising out of any such

          4.  STL will be reimbursed from Pre-consummation Cash or the
Allocated Cash Reserve for all transaction expenses incurred by it in
consummating the Asset Exchange.

          5.  Consummation of the Asset Exchange is subject to
satisfaction or waiver by STL of the following conditions.

          A.  Approval by the Trustee under the Indenture dated as of
November 1, 1991 between STL and Team Bank, as Trustee, and by the
holders of a majority of the indebtedness outstanding thereunder,
of the transactions contemplated by the Asset Exchange to the
extent such approval is required thereunder.

          B.  The obtaining by STL of appraisals by an independent
appraiser of any asset identified on Exhibit A-1 to the Plan that
had a book value as of June 30, 1993 in excess of $1,000,000 and
the determination by STL, in good faith and on the basis of such
appraisals, that the fair value of the participation interests to
be received by STL pursuant to paragraph 1.C is not materially less
than the fair value of its participation interests in the assets to
be transferred to Newco pursuant to paragraph 1.A.

                               EXHIBIT B
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                               EXHIBIT B
                         INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT

          Agreement dated as of [Effective Date] among Liberte
Investors, a Massachusetts business trust ("Liberte"), LBI
Liquidating Corp., a Delaware corporation ("Liquidating Corp."), and
Abaris Properties Inc., a Delaware Corporation ("Newco").

          WHEREAS, on October 25, 1993, Liberte Investors filed a
voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11 at the United States
Bankruptcy Code;

          WHEREAS, on ___________, 1994, the United States Bankruptcy
Court for the Southern District of New York (the "Bankruptcy Court")
entered an order confirming a Plan of Reorganization dated
____________, 1993 for Liberte (the "Plan");

          WHEREAS, the Plan provides, among other things, for the
assumption by Liquidating Corp. and by Newco of certain obligations
of Liberte on and as of the Effective Date (as such term is defined
in the Plan) and obligates Liberte and Newco to make contributions
from time to time to certain Cash Reserves (as such term is defined
in the Plan; the liabilities of Liberte assumed by Liquidating Corp.
and the obligations of Liquidating Corp. under the Plan being
referred to herein as the "Liquidating Corp. Liabilities"; the
liabilities of Liberte assumed by Newco and the obligations of Newco
under the Plan being referred to herein as the "Newco Liabilities";
and the liabilities of Liberte not assumed by Liquidating Corp. or
Newco and the obligations of Liberte under the Plan being referred to
herein as the "Liberte Liabilities");

         WHEREAS, each party, hereto desires to indemnify each other
party hereto against any loss or liability that any such other party
may incur or suffer in respect of the liabilities assumed or
remaining with such party pursuant to, and the obligations of such
party under, the Plan;

         NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

         1.  Newco agrees to indemnify Liberte and Liquidating Corp.
against and to hold each of them harmless from any and all losses,
liabilities, damages, claims and expenses (including without
limitation reasonable expenses of investigation and reasonable
attorneys fees and expenses in connection with any action, suit,
claim or proceeding brought against Liberte or Liquidating Corp. or
any of their respective affiliates) incurred or suffered by Liberte
or Liquidating Corp. or any of their respective affiliates arising
after the Effective Date out of any Newco Liability.

         2.  Liquidating Corp. agrees to indemnify Liberte and Newco
against and to hold each of them harmless from any and all losses,
liabilities, damages, claims and expenses (including without
limitation reasonable expenses of investigation and reasonable
attorneys fees and expenses in connection with any action, suit,
claim or proceeding brought against Liberte or Newco or any of their
respective affiliates) incurred or suffered by Liberte or Newco or
any of their respective affiliates arising after the Effective Date
out of any Liquidating Corp. Liability.

         3.  Liberte agrees to indemnify Newco and Liquidating Corp.
against and to hold each of them harmless from any and all losses,
liabilities, damages, claims and expenses (including without
limitation reasonable expenses of investigation and reasonable
attorneys fees and expenses in connection with any action, suit,
claim or proceeding brought against Newco or Liquidating Corp. or any
of their respective affiliates) incurred or suffered by Newco or
Liquidating Corp. or any of their respective affiliates arising after
the Effective Date out of any Liberte Liability.

         4.  Any party hereto (the "Indemnitee") that believes it or
any of its affiliates is entitled to indemnification by another party
hereto (the "Indemnitor") in respect of the assertion of any claim or
the commencement of any suit, action or proceeding by a third party
shall give prompt notice thereof to the Indemnitor.  If the
Indemnitor has reason to believe such claim, action, suit or
proceeding was barred or discharged pursuant to Liberte's chapter 11
case, it shall bring such matter to the attention of Liberte.  If
Liberte determines in good faith that there is a reasonable
likelihood that such claim, action, suit or proceeding was barred or
discharged, it will commence and prosecute appropriate proceedings in
the Bankruptcy Court seeking to enjoin the assertion of such claim or
the commencement of such action, suit or proceeding.  The costs,
including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees and
expenses, of any such proceedings (including, without limitation, any
appeals thereof) will be borne, on a current basis, 27% by Liberte
and 73% by Newco.  If Liberte determines in good faith that there is
not a reasonable likelihood that such claim, action, suit or
proceeding was barred or discharged or if it is determined by final,
nonappealable order of a court of competent jurisdiction that such
claim, action, suit or proceeding was not barred or discharged, then,
within 30 days after the date of such determination, the Indemnitor
may, at its option, elect to assume control of the defense of any
such claim, suit, action or proceeding at its own expense and with
counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnitee.  If the Indemnitor
does not, within such 30-day period, provide the Indemnitee with
notice of its election to assume such control, the Indemnitee may
assume control of such defense with counsel reasonably satisfactory
to the Indemnitor.  The party not controlling such defense may
participate therein at its own expense.  The party controlling such
defense shall keep the other party advised of the status of such
claim, suit, action or proceeding and the defense thereof and shall
consider in good faith recommendations made by the other party with
respect thereto.  The Indemnitee may not agree to any settlement of
such claim, suit, action or proceeding without the consent of the
Indemnitor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.  The Indemnitor
may not agree to any settlement of such claim, suit, action or
proceeding unless such settlement provides for the unconditional
release of the Indemnitee and its affiliates from all liability in
respect thereof.

         This agreement shall be binding upon Liberte Investors,
Liquidating Corp. and Newco and their respective successors and

         This agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of [New York].

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                  LIBERTE INVESTORS


                  LBI LIQUIDATING CORP.


                  ABARIS PROPERTIES INC.


                               EXHIBIT C
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT C


NUMBER   ASSET NAME                     ASSET 
- ------   ----------                     ----------

4439    Village Park Homes           Loan
4463    Live Oak Ltd                 Loan
2745    Westland Oil                 Reo
3048    Talley Corporation           Reo
3134    Talley Corporation           Reo
3211    Greystone Housing            Reo
3296    Greystone Parkway            Reo
3382    SWLN                         Reo
3674    SWLN                         Reo
3701    Dunning Partnership          Reo
3715    RD Gass/Brickyard            Reo
3725    Pine Glen Partners           Reo
3934    Porten Sullivan              Reo
4189    Ventura Properties           Reo
4403    Mark Dickinson               Reo
4452    Potomac 4D                   Reo
4471    Cal-Oaks                     Reo
538602  Pacifica Homes No. 6         Loan
3766    Sharfe Homes                 Reo
1184    McCoy                        Reo
528701  P&V Enterprises              Loan
4553    Blume Eastlake Limit         Loan
3685    Lieberman Homes              Reo
540101  Bel Tiara Ventures I         Loan
3437    Ike Harris                   Reo
3592    Marsh Lane Self              Reo
          Storage, Inc.
4584    Texas Portfolio JV           Loan
3395    Pavlakos/McNair Dev. Co.     Reo
4373    McKinney/Acquisitions,       Reo
4397    Michael R. Walker            Loan
4398    Mark R. Wagner               Loan
4307    Richard Tuley Homes, Inc.    Reo
4470    Highland Lakes JV            Loan
518333  The Housing Group, Inc.      Reo
4614    Thomas and Farquhar          Loan
4628    Lane & Altman, Escrow        Loan
3128    Lieven J Van Riet            Loan
527900  Scharfe Homes                Reo
4627    Sports Inc., No.1            Loan
4630    Lexington Square             Loan
4382    D R Horton Land Co.          Loan
4490    Yi-Jang Shu                  Reo
4502    Yi-Wen Shu                   Reo
4623    Sovereign Homes Inc.         Loan
4489    Chin Chen Wu                 Loan
4498    Benny Hu Ting Wu             Loan
538715  Homeland Communities         Loan
528712  Homeland Communities         Loan
3822    Nash Phillips/Copus          Reo
4401    Johnny L. Swaim              Loan
4402    Victor R. Means, Jr.         Loan
4601    New Worth JV                 Reo
4625    Roger Lawler                 Reo
4632    Lawler                       Reo
512610  Richard Tuley Homes          Reo
1746    High Vista                   Loan
2010    Post St Properties           Loan
2324    B. Tillman Nowlin, Jr.      Loan
2783    James P. Charnquiest        Loan
3320    John S. Stuhmer             Loan
3647    Ronald Homes                Loan
3780    Penterra Corporation        Loan
3848    Eskan Construction          Loan
3891    Tamaron Corporation         Loan
3957    Greystone Housing Co.       Loan
4137    Kenwood Homes, Inc.         Loan
4150    American Land &             Loan
          Exploration Co.
4169    Israel Fogiel               Loan
4391    Timbercrest Companies       Loan
4531    Lieberman                   Loan
4540    Dennis E. Murphree          Loan
4541    Brendan P Smith             Loan
4542    Hugh J. Vaughan             Loan
4543    David G. Hunter             Loan
4545    Michael A Howland           Loan
4546    Sherwood Blount Jr.         Loan
4547    Robert G. Broderick         Loan
4561    Anthony F. Cutaia           Loan
4571    Robert K. Utley, III        Loan
4572    Mark R Wagner               Loan
4573    Michael R. Walker           Loan
4580    Meyer Turken                Loan
4583    Gene Eidelman/Yuri          Loan
          Eidelman, Brian Van
4587    Ed H. Street, Jr.           Loan
4598    Bruce Utterback             Loan
4599    Jack Wilson                 Loan
4602    Richard E. Leblanc          Loan
4604    Hicks Road Associates       Loan
4609    Gene Eidelman/Yuri          Loan
          Eidelman, Brian Van
4624    Brian Alden                 Loan
4631    James R. Struhmer           Loan
4565    Linpro Pierce Street        Loan
4566    Linpro Westgold             Loan
4600    Walnut Grove Land           Loan

                               EXHIBIT D-1
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT D-1

                       AS OF THE PETITION DATE

Name                     Description                    Amount
- ----                     -----------                    ------

LOC #4951813245-18      Employment Agreement            $420,000.00

LOC #4951813245-26      Employment Agreement            $ 38,000.00

LOC #4951813245-42      Employment Agreement            $ 22,500.00

Various Borrower Escrows                              $2,359,642.34

                               EXHIBIT D-2
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT D-2

                         RESTRICTED CASH ACCOUNTS
                          AS OF THE PETITION DATE

                             Bank and Account
Name                         Number                 Balance on Petition Date
- ----                         ----------------       ------------------------

Collateral Proceeds Reserve  #910-1-355890           $3,612,652.71
Chase Manhattan Bank
Cash Collateral              #910-2-630267                   00.00
Chase Manhattan Bank
Collateral Proceeds          #910-2-571388           $4,898,910.06
Chase Manhattan Bank
ITF Liberte                  #910-2-684058                   00.00
Chase Manhattan Bank
As Trustee for Various       #0100074517                 $9,642.34
Third Parties                Bank One - Texas, N.A.
(Borrower Escrows)

As Trustee for Various       Money Market-Dreyfus    $2,350,000.00
Third Parties                Govt. Cash
(Borrower Escrows)           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108520776                $400,000.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108521014                 $38,000.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108520784                 $22,500.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108521006                 $20,000.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

                                      EXHIBIT E
                                        TO THE
                                PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                              EXHIBIT E

     This exhibit is not being distributed with the Disclosure Statement.
It is available for review in the Bankruptcy Court or by appointment during
normal business hours at the location set forth below. It may also be
obtained by contacting Ms. Kindall Dube at the Telephone number set forth

                                   1420 Viceroy Drive
                                  Dallas, Texas 75235
                                    (214) 879-5800

                                      EXHIBIT F
                                        TO THE
                                PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                              EXHIBIT F

     This exhibit is not being distributed with the Disclosure Statement.
It is available for review in the Bankruptcy Court or by appointment during
normal business hours at the location set forth below. It may also be
obtained by contacting Ms. Kindall Dube at the Telephone number set forth

                                   1420 Viceroy Drive
                                  Dallas, Texas 75235
                                    (214) 879-5800

                                      EXHIBIT G
                                        TO THE
                                PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                              EXHIBIT G

                [Intentionally Omitted from Plan of Reorganization]

                                       EXHIBIT H
                                         TO THE
                                 PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                  ON FILE WITH LIBERTE

                                     1420 Viceroy Drive
                                    Dallas, Texas 75235
                                      (214) 879-5800

                                      EXHIBIT I
                                        TO THE
                                PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                              EXHIBIT I

     This exhibit is not being distributed with the Disclosure Statement.
It is available for review in the Bankruptcy Court or by appointment during
normal business hours at the location set forth below. It may also be
obtained by contacting Ms. Kindall Dube at the Telephone number set forth

                                   1420 Viceroy Drive
                                  Dallas, Texas 75235
                                    (214) 879-5800

                                      EXHIBIT J
                                        TO THE
                                PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                              EXHIBIT J

     This exhibit is not being distributed with the Disclosure Statement.
It is available for review in the Bankruptcy Court or by appointment during
normal business hours at the location set forth below. It may also be
obtained by contacting Ms. Kindall Dube at the Telephone number set forth

                                   1420 Viceroy Drive
                                  Dallas, Texas 75235
                                    (214) 879-5800

                                      EXHIBIT K
                                        TO THE
                                PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                              EXHIBIT K

     This exhibit is not being distributed with the Disclosure Statement.
It is available for review in the Bankruptcy Court or by appointment during
normal business hours at the location set forth below. It may also be
obtained by contacting Ms. Kindall Dube at the Telephone number set forth

                                   1420 Viceroy Drive
                                  Dallas, Texas 75235
                                    (214) 879-5800

                               EXHIBIT L
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT L


 NO.     ASSET NAME                  ASSET 
- -----    ----------                  ----------

1391    Village Walk                 Loan
2821    Lieven J Van Riet            Loan
3208    Lieven J Van Riet            Loan
3470    Robert K & Ann Utley         Loan
3681    LaSalle National Bank        Loan
3718    Joyal Enterprises, Inc.      Loan
4144    Friedman Homes, Inc.         Loan
4255    Centerpointe JV              Loan
4265    Ramser Development Corp.     Loan
4321    The Commons XXII, Ltd.       Loan
4326    University Service           Loan
4333    The Breighton-Copper         Loan
4348    Bird of Paradise Ranch       Loan
4357    Jersey Business Park         Loan
4371    Dr. Horton Land Co. 1        Loan
4381    KHB Investments Inc.         Loan
4396    Robert Kutley III            Loan
4400    James I Howe Land            Loan
4410    Honey Creek Ltd.             Loan
4412    Harbor Bay Isle Assoc.       Loan
4460    P&V Enterprises              Loan
4469    Story Business Park          Loan
4538    Texas Waggoner Corp.         Loan
4564    Linpro Ken - Caryl           Loan
4570    Lincoln The Place            Loan
4574    New Market                   Loan
4575    New Market                   Loan
4576    New Market                   Loan
4585    James C.P. Chen              Loan
4586    Pao Lo Chang                 Loan
4589    LaSalle National Bank        Loan
4596    TCK Mockingbird Inc.         Loan
4597    TCK Mockingbird Inc.         Loan
4603    The Fort Smith Quarry        Loan
4607    Regional Builders Co.        Loan
4615    Bermuda Dunes                Loan
4617    Summerhill Del Rey           Loan
4621    Rayco Ltd.                   Loan
4622    Union Square                 Loan
538501  Richard A Tappan             Loan
2261    Fairview JV                  Reo
         (L&N Consultants Inc.)
2263    River Plantation             Reo
         (L&N Consultants Inc.)
2948    Spring Branch Lake           Reo
3186    Sharfe Homes                 Reo
3212    Dorado Corporation           Reo
3215    Dorado Corporation           Reo
3378    Myers - Chud Partnership     Reo
3392    MTP Associates               Reo
3394    Andrew & Ellen Pavlakos      Reo
3411    Talley Corporation           Reo
3421    Village Green                Reo
3431    Linpro-Brochet JV             Reo
3438    Crimson Ridge JV             Reo
3464    Linpro Westgold              Reo
3511    Venture Corp. Properties     Reo
3568    Northern Lights Inn          Reo
          (L&N Consultants Inc.)
3579    Blue Heron Industries        Reo
3598    Mid - Capital Investments    Reo
3640    N M Plaza Assoc.             Reo
3704    Pike Plaza, Ltd.             Reo
3752    Naples Canta Mar             Reo
3767    Brian Gagne/Oak Wood         Reo
3801    Village Center               Reo
3837    Ed. J. Street                Reo
3871    Cimarron Holding Trust       Reo
3915    Eastern Market               Reo
3919    J. Ferguson Partners         Reo
3929    Olympia Corners              Reo
3939    The Housing Group            Reo
3943    Robert P. Dupre              Reo
3969    Ray Ellison Industries       Reo
3971    155 Pfingsten                Reo
4001    Gilbert Lakes                Reo
4053    7th Street & Union           Reo
4059    Sharon Commerce              Reo
4072    Crow - Watson                Reo
4075    Greenway Village             Reo
4180    N. Richland Hills            Reo
4195    Riverwood Plaza              Reo
4196    Riverwood - Nova             Reo
4260    Four Star Assoc.             Reo
4315    Clt of Orlando, Inc.         Reo
4329    Caribbean Isle               Reo
4370    Clover Ventures              Reo
4420    Bel Tiara Venture            Loan
4451    Hillside Residential         Reo
4454    Hillside Residential         Reo
4577    Turknell Inc.                Reo
4610    Southridge Plaza, Inc.       Reo
4635    Linpro Lonestar              Reo
533906  Hillside Residential         Reo
541401  Hillside Residential         Reo
999997  L&N Consultants Inc.         Reo
91300179  Faegerberg                 Reo

                                  EXHIBIT M
                                    TO THE
                            PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                                 EXHIBIT M


            Number  Asset Name              Asset Type
            ______  __________              __________

            2269    Century Airport Hotel       Loan
            3477    Rosewood Property Co.       Loan
            3825    WC of Texas                 Loan
            4167    Club Income Properties      Loan
            4178    Buckhead Inc.               Loan
            4241    VMI Properties              Loan
            4523    Greenbriar Associates       Loan
            4524    Greenbriar Associates       Loan

                               EXHIBIT N
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT N


          Liberte Investors Liabilities consist of the Letter of Credit
issued and the proceeds in the Restricted Cash Accounts as listed

                           LETTER OF CREDIT

          Eighty percent (80%) of any disbursement under Letter of Credit
number 16329 dated July 30, 1987 in the amount of $20,000.00 issued
by Lomas Financial Corporation to the Broward County Board of County
Commissioners for the benefit of Buckhead, Inc.  Expires July 31,

                      RESTRICTED CASH ACCOUNTS
                      AS OF THE PETITION DATE

                              Bank and Account        Balance on
Name                          Number                  Petition Date
- ----                          ----------------        -------------

Collateral Proceeds Reserve  #910-1-355890           $3,612,652.71
Chase Manhattan Bank
Cash Collateral              #910-2-630267                   00.00
Chase Manhattan Bank
Collateral Proceeds          #910-2-571388           $4,898,910.06
Chase Manhattan Bank
ITF Liberte                  #910-2-684058                   00.00
Chase Manhattan Bank
As Trustee for Various       #0100074517                 $9,642.34
Third Parties                Bank One - Texas, N.A.
(Borrower Escrows)

As Trustee for Various       Money Market-Dreyfus    $2,350,000.00
Third Parties                Govt. Cash
(Borrower Escrows)           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108520776                $400,000.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108521014                 $38,000.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108520784                 $22,500.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

Certificate of Deposit       #108521006                 $20,000.00
Collateral for LOC           Bank One - Texas, N.A.

                               EXHIBIT O
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT O

                        LIQUIDATING CORP. GUARANTEES

                             LETTERS OF CREDIT

    1.  Eighty percent (80%) of any disbursement under Letter of Credit number
16294 dated January 21, 1987 in the amount of $50,000.00 issued by Lomas
Financial Corporation to Ticor Title Insurance Co. for the benefit of
Hebron/Denton Joint Venture.  Expires December 31, 1993.

    2.  Eighty percent (80%) of any disbursement under Letter of Credit
number 16625/1 dated June 12, 1990 issued by Lomas Financial Corporation to
Developers Insurance Company for the benefit of Cal-Oaks Investors - 89.
L.P.  The expiration date and amount of this Letter of Credit are subject
to annual review and adjustment by Lomas Financial Corporation in
accordance with the terms thereof.


    1.  Eighty percent (80%) of any disbursement under Guaranty number
15071 dated October 3, 1977 issued by Lomas Financial Corporation to First
Federal S & L Association for the benefit of Twin Oaks Associates of any
outstanding principal of a $1,800,000.00 loan in excess of $900,000.00 if
Twin Oaks Associates defaults.  Expires December 31, 1993.

    2.  Eighty percent (80%) of any disbursement under Guaranty number
15056 dated June 28, 1977 issued by Lomas Financial Corporation and the
Debtor to American Bankers Life Insurance Co. for the benefit of L & N
Consultants Inc. of any outstanding principle of a $1,600,000.00 loan if L
& N Consultants Inc. defaults.  Expires July 1, 2002.

                               EXHIBIT P
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                             EXHIBIT P

                            NEWCO GUARANTEES

     1.  Letter of Credit number 16543 dated November 4, 1988 in the amount
of $128,000.00 issued by Lomas Financial Corporation to the Clerk of the
Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, California for the benefit of P
& V Enterprises.  Expires November 4, 1994.

     2.  Letter of Credit number 16577/1 dated June 7, 1989 issued by Lomas
Financial Corporation to American Motorists Insurance Co. for the benefit
of Hillside Residential, Inc.  The expiration date and amount of this
Letter of Credit are subject to annual review and adjustment in accordance
with the terms thereof.

                               EXHIBIT Q
                                 TO THE
                         PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                           EXHIBIT Q

                           LIBERTE INVESTORS

                         Book No._______       Page______

                          LIBERTE INVESTORS

     The undersigned, being duly qualified Trustees of LibertX Investors, a
business trust organized under the laws of Massachusetts pursuant to a
Declaration of Trust dated June 26, 1969, and recorded in the Registry of
Deeds of Suffolk County on June 27, 1969, in Book 8293 at Page 278, as
amended by instruments dated (i)  September 19, 1969, recorded in such
Registry on October 3, 1969, in Book 8316 at Page 217, (ii)  January 24,
1986, recorded in such Registry on February 19, 1986, in Book 12298 at Page
204, (iii)  January 19, 1989, recorded in such Registry on January 31,
1989, in Book 15338 at Page 46, and (iv)  December 11, 1992, recorded in
such Registry on , 1989, in Book at Page , and being at least two-thirds
(2/3rds) of the Trustees of LibertX, do hereby adopt the following
amendment to the Declaration of Trust of LibertX Investors, pursuant to the
authority granted in Sections 4.01(b) and 5.09 of the Plan of
Reorganization of LibertX Investors confirmed by the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York on , 1994.
     (1)  SECTION 2.1 is hereby replaced in its entirety by
the following:  

       SECTION 2.1.  Definition of Trustees, number of Trustees, definition
   of Majority of Trustees.  The signatories to this Declaration of Trust,
   so long as they shall continue in office in accordance with the terms
   hereof, and all other persons who at the time in question have been duly
   elected or appointed as trustees in accordance with the provisions
   hereof and are then in office, are herein referred to as the "Trustees."
   The number of trustees shall be fixed by, or in the manner provided in,
   the by-laws [do we need a by-law amendment?], but in no case less than
   three (3) nor more than seven (7).  At least a majority of the Trustees
   shall be persons who shall not be an officer, director or employee of
   the Manager or any parent or subsidiary thereof and who shall not
   individually be the holder of more than one-half per cent (1/2%) of any
   class of securities of the Manager or any parent or subsidiary thereof,
   directly or indirectly through the members of the immediate family
   thereof or corporations or other entities in which such Trustee shall
   own an equity interest of ten per cent (10%) or more, provided, that
   upon the death, resignation or removal of any Trustee who shall be a
   member of such majority, this requirement shall not be applicable for a
   period of sixty (60) days.  A Trustee shall be an individual at least
   twenty-one (21) years of age who is not under legal disability.  No
   increase or decrease in the number of trustees shall be effected, except
   in a manner which will not result in any class of trustees containing
   more than one more trustee than any other class.  Whenever a vacancy in
   the number of trustees shall occur, until such vacancy is filled as
   provided in Section 2.4, the Trustee or Trustees continuing in office,
   regardless of their number, shall have all the powers granted to the
   Trustees and shall discharge all the duties imposed upon the Trustees by
   this Declaration of Trust.  The term "Majority of the Trustees" whenever
   used herein shall mean more than one-half of the total number of
   Trustees then in office when three or more Trustees are then in office,
   and shall mean one Trustee if only one Trustee is at the time in office,
   and shall mean both Trustees if only two Trustees are then in office.
     (2)  New SECTION 5.20 shall be added to read in its entirety as follows:
     SECTION 5.20.No nonvoting equity securities of the Trust may be
   issued; this provision, included in this Declaration of Trust in
   compliance with Section 1123(a)(6) of the United States Bankruptcy Code,
   11 U.S.C.  X 1123(a)(6), shall have no force and effect except to the
   extent required by such Section so long as such Section is in effect and
   applicable to the Trust.

     (3)  Section 5.7 is amended by replacing such section in its entirety
with the following:

     SECTION 5.7  Restrictions on Transfer of Beneficial Shares

     (a)  In order to preserve the Trust's status as a real estate
investment trust ("REIT") under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, or any successor statute (collectively, the "Code"), the
following restrictions upon transfer of the Trust's Beneficial Shares
shall apply until the Board of Trustees determines otherwise:

             (i)  No person other than the Trust shall transfer any
   beneficial shares of the Trust to any person to the extent that such
   transfer, if effective, would cause the Ownership Interest Percentage
   of the transferee or any other person to increase to 5 percent or
   above, or from 5 percent or above to a greater Ownership Interest

            For purposes of this ARTICLE FIFTH, (x) "person" refers to any
      individual, corporation, estate, trust, association, company,
      partnership, joint venture, or similar organization;  (y) a person's
      Ownership Interest Percentage shall be the value of its beneficial
      shares of the Trust owned directly or indirectly (under the
      constructive ownership rules of Section 544 of the Code) as a
      percentage of the value of all issued and outstanding Beneficial
      Shares of the Trust and (z) "transfer" refers to any means of
      conveying legal or beneficial ownership of beneficial shares of the
      Trust, whether such means is direct or indirect, voluntary or
      involuntary, including, without limitation, the transfer of ownership
      of any entity that directly or indirectly owns beneficial shares of
      the Trust (a "Higher Tier Entity"), and "transferee" means any person
      to whom beneficial shares of the Trust are transferred.

          (ii)  Any transfer of beneficial shares of the Trust that would
otherwise be prohibited pursuant to the preceding subparagraph shall
nonetheless be permitted if information relating to a specific proposed
transaction is presented to the Board of Trustees and the Board determines
(x) that such transaction will not create an undue risk of disqualifying
the Trust as a REIT, or (y) that the benefits of such transaction to the
Trust outweigh the detriment, if any, of such transfer.  Nothing in this
subparagraph shall be construed to limit or restrict the Board of Trustees
in the exercise of its fiduciary duties under applicable law.

     (b)  Unless approval of the Board of Trustees is obtained as provided
in subparagraph (a)(ii) of this ARTICLE FIFTH, any attempted transfer of
beneficial shares of the Trust in excess of the shares that could be
transferred to the transferee without restriction under subparagraph (a)(i)
of this ARTICLE FIFTH shall not be effective to transfer ownership of such
excess shares (the "Prohibited Shares") to the purported acquiror thereof
(the "Purported Acquiror"), who shall not be entitled to any rights as a
shareholder of the Trust with respect to the Prohibited Shares (including,
without limitation, the right to vote or to receive dividends with respect
thereto).  Subject to the Trust's election to apply subparagraph (b)(1)
below, all rights with respect to the Prohibited Shares shall remain the
property of the person who initially purported to transfer the Prohibited
Shares to the Purported Acquiror (the "Initial Transferor").  The Purported
Acquiror, by acquiring ownership of beneficial shares of the Trust that are
not Prohibited Shares, shall be deemed to have consented to all the
provisions of this ARTICLE FIFTH and to have agreed to act as provided in
the following subparagraph (b)(i) if the Trust so demands.  For the
purposes of subparagraphs (b)(i) and (b)(ii) below, the term "Purported
Acquiror" includes an owner of Prohibited Shares with respect to which the
attempted transfer is an attempted transfer by means of the transfer of
ownership of a Higher Tier Entity (as that term is defined in Section
        (i)  Upon demand by the Trust, the Purported Acquiror shall
   transfer any certificate or other evidence of ownership of the
   Prohibited Shares within the Purported Acquiror's possession or control,
   along with any dividends or other distributions paid by the Trust with
   respect to the Prohibited Shares that were received by the Purported
   Acquiror (the "Prohibited Distributions"), to an agent designated by the
   Trust (the "Agent").  If the Purported Acquiror has sold the Prohibited
   Shares to an unrelated party in an arm's-length transaction after
   purportedly acquiring them, the Purported Acquiror shall be deemed to
   have sold the Prohibited Shares as agent for the Initial Transferor, and
   in lieu of transferring the Prohibited Shares and Prohibited
   Distributions to the Agent shall transfer to the Agent the Prohibited
   Distributions and the proceeds of such sale (the "Resale Proceeds")
   except to the extent that the Agent grants written permission to the
   Purported Acquiror to retain a portion of the Resale Proceeds not
   exceeding the amount that would have been payable by the Agent to the
   Purported Acquiror pursuant to the following subparagraph (b)(ii) if the
   Prohibited Shares had been sold by the Agent rather than by the
   Purported Acquiror.  Any purported transfer of the Prohibited Shares by
   the Purported Acquiror other than a transfer described in one of the two
   preceding sentences shall not be effective to transfer any ownership of
   the Prohibited Shares.

        (ii)  The Agent shall sell in an arm's-length transaction through
   the facilities of a national securities exchange or an over-the-counter
   market, if possible) any Prohibited Shares transferred to the Agent by
   the Purported Acquiror, and the proceeds of such sale (the "Sales
   Proceeds"), or the Resale Proceeds, if applicable, shall be allocated to
   the Purported Acquiror up to the following amount:  (x) where
   applicable, the purported purchase price paid or value of consideration
   surrendered by the Purported Acquiror for the Prohibited Shares, and (y)
   where the purported transfer of the Prohibited Shares to the Purported
   Acquiror was by gift, inheritance, or any similar purported transfer,
   the fair market value of the Prohibited Shares at the time of such
   purported transfer.  Subject to the succeeding provisions of this
   subparagraph, any Resale Proceeds or Sales Proceeds in excess of the
   amount allocable to the Purported Acquiror pursuant to the preceding
   sentence, together with any Prohibited Distributions, shall be the
   property of the Initial Transferor.  If the identity of the Initial
   Transferor cannot be determined by the Agent through inquiry made to the
   Purported Acquiror, the Agent shall public appropriate notice (in The
   Wall Street Journal, if possible) for seven consecutive business days in
   an attempt to identify the Initial Transferor in order to transmit any
   Resale Proceeds or Sales Proceeds or Prohibited Distributions due to the
   Initial Transferor pursuant to this subparagraph.  The Agent may also
   take, but is not required to take, other reasonable actions to attempt
   to identify the Initial Transferor.  If after 90 days following the
   final publication of such notice the Initial Transferor has not been
   identified, any amounts due to the Initial Transferor pursuant to this
   subparagraph may be paid over to a court or governmental agency, if
   applicable law permits, or otherwise shall be transferred to an entity
   designated by the Trust that is described in Section 501(c)(3) of the
   Code.  In no event shall any such amounts due to the Initial Transferor
   inure to the benefit of the Trust or the Agent, but such amounts may be
   used to cover expenses (including but not limited to the expenses of
   publication) incurred by the Agent in attempting to identify the Initial
     (c)  Upon a determination by the Board of Trustees that there has been
or is threatened a purported transfer of Prohibited Shares to a Purported
Acquiror, the Board of Trustees may take such action in addition to any
action permitted by this ARTICLE FIFTH as it deems advisable to give effect
to the provisions of this ARTICLE FIFTH, including, without limitation,
refusing to give effect on the books of this Trust to such purported
transfer or instituting proceedings to enjoin such purported transfer.
     (d)  The Trust may require as a condition to the registration of the
transfer of any beneficial shares that the proposed transferee furnish to
the Trust all information reasonably requested by the Trust with respect to
all the proposed transferee's direct or indirect ownership interests in
beneficial shares of the Trust.
     (e)  With such exceptions as the Board of Trustees shall, in its sold
discretion, permit, (i) each Beneficial Share of the Trust shall be
combined with a share of Common Stock of Liquidating Corp., a Delaware
corporation, organized under the laws of Delaware pursuant to a Certificate
of Incorporation dated __________, 1994, to form a unit, certificates
representing the Beneficial Shares of the Trust being printed on the
reverse side of certificates representing such Common Stock, and (ii) no
person may transfer or trade shares of the Corporation's Common Stock
except as a unit, as defined above, with the Reorganized Debtor's
Beneficial Shares.  For the purpose of this subsection, a "persona" refers
to any individual, corporation, estate trust, association, company,
partnership, joint venture, or similar organization.

     (f)  All certificates evidencing ownership of beneficial shares of
this Trust that are subject to the restrictions on transfer contained in
this ARTICLE FIFTH shall bear a conspicuous legend referencing the
restrictions set forth in this ARTICLE FIFTH.
     (g)  Nothing contained in this ARTICLE FIFTH shall limit the authority
of the Board of Trustees to take such other action to the extent permitted
by law as it deems necessary or advisable to protect the Trust and the
interests of the holders of its securities in preserving the Trust's REIT
status.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in the event of
a change in law marking one or more of the following actions necessary or
desirable, the Board of Trustees may modify the Ownership Interest
Percentage in the Trust specified in the first sentence of subparagraph
(a)(i), or (ii) modify the definitions of any terms set forth in this
     (h)  The Board of Trustees shall have the power to resolve (1) any
ambiguity in the terms of this ARTICLE FIFTH and (2) based on the facts
known to it and making a "worst-case" assumption about the facts not known
to it, any uncertainty as to the application of this ARTICLE FIFTH in a
particular factual situation.

     (i)  Nothing contained in this ARTICLE FIFTH shall require the Board
of Trustees to preserve the Trust's status as a REIT.
     In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have this day signed these

                                                           SCHEDULE 1.01.A
                                                               TO THE
                                                       PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                        ON FILE WITH LIBERTE

                                                          1420 Viceroy Drive
                                                         Dallas, Texas 75235
                                                            (214) 879-5800

                                                           SCHEDULE 1.01.B
                                                               TO THE
                                                       PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

                                                        ON FILE WITH LIBERTE

                                                          1420 Viceroy Drive
                                                         Dallas, Texas 75235
                                                            (214) 879-5800

                                                           SCHEDULE 6.01.A
                                                               TO THE
                                                       PLAN OF REORGANIZATION
                                                           SCHEDULE 6.01 A


   Employment Agreement dated January 31, 1993 between Liberte Investors and
Mr.  Ted Enloe.

   Employment Agreement dated July 17, 1992, and as revised on October 18,
1993, between Liberte Investors and Ms.  Kindall Dube.

   Management Agreement dated July 1, 1992, as amended, between Liberte
Investors, Lomas Management, Inc. and Lomas Financial Corporation, as
extended pursuant to an Extension of Management Agreement dated July 1,
1993, between Liberte Investors, Lomas Management, Inc. and Lomas Financial

   Proceeds Agreement dated May 1, 1990 between Liberte Investors, Lomas
Financial Corporation, L & N Consultants, Inc., Lomas Mortgage USA, Inc.,
Naples Canta Mar, Ltd. and Lomas Management, Inc.

                                                           SCHEDULE 6.01.B
                                                               TO THE
                                                       PLAN OF REORGANIZATION
                                                           SCHEDULE 6.01.B



                                                           SCHEDULE 6.01.C
                                                               TO THE
                                                       PLAN OF REORGANIZATION
                                                           SCHEDULE 6.01.C

                         NEWCO EXECUTORY CONTRACTS
