(Rule 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                              (Amendment No. ___)

Filed by the Registrant [_]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [X]

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[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement         [_]  CONFIDENTIAL, FOR USE OF THE
                                              COMMISSION ONLY (AS PERMITTED BY
                                              RULE 14A-6(E)(2))
[_]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[X]  Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                            RANGER GOVERNANCE, LTD.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5) Total fee paid:


[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:


     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3) Filing Party:


     (4) Date Filed:


                               EXPLANATORY NOTE

     Ranger Governance, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership ("Ranger"), is filing
the materials contained in this Schedule 14A with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in connection with a solicitation of proxies (the "Solicitation") in
support of electing Ranger nominees to the board of directors of Computer
Associates International, Inc. ("Computer Associates") at the 2001 annual
meeting of stockholders of Computer Associates.

Table of Contents
- -----------------

     Ranger press release, dated as of August 1, 2001..........   Item 1

     Ranger press release, # 2, dated as of August 1, 2001.....   Item 2

     Ranger press release, # 3, dated as of August 1, 2001.....   Item 3

     Ranger white paper, dated as of August 1, 2001............   Item 4

Content of Item 1 - 4
- ---------------------

For Immediate Release
- ---------------------

                         STATEMENT OF RANGER GOVERNANCE

Dallas, Texas, August 1, 2001 - Ranger Governance, Ltd. today issued the
following statement in response to Computer Associates' response to Ranger's

"Ranger Governance holds CA's shareholders' interests in the highest regard. In
fact, the very reason Ranger Governance began this proxy solicitation was to
improve shareholder value at Computer Associates.

"We believe that what works against shareholders' interests is CA's not
acknowledging the Company's customer dissatisfaction problems that are well
documented in the marketplace and confirmed by their own study.

"We believe CA is playing games with their survey and trying to have it both
ways. Despite their protestations that this survey is `not secret research,' we
believe they want to continue to hide the survey and are afraid to stand before
their shareholders and admit that they have significant levels of
dissatisfaction among their largest customers. So instead of admitting this
significant customer relations issue to their shareholders, they are falsely
claiming that revealing the study would have a substantial adverse effect on the

The bottom line is that if Mr. Wang and Mr. Kumar really believe that the
disclosure of this survey would damage the Company, they would have already had
their lawyers in court seeking to prevent its disclosure as they are obligated
to do as the current stewards of CA. We believe that any such marketing survey
is only a diagnosis - and not a cure - for what ails the Company.

"We believe this is a case of top managers trying to cover up material facts
that owners need to know to make an informed choice between these two Boards on
August 29.

"We believe the real issue is which slate of nominees has a plan that will fix
CA's customer dissatisfaction problems and get the Company growing. We contend
the Ranger Plan is about creating value for owners by changing CA's structure
and culture so that both employees and customers are treated with dignity and
respect. We are confident that once shareholders take a look at our
comprehensive plan for growth they will realize that the election of the Ranger
nominees on August 29th is the right choice for CA."

About Ranger Governance, Ltd.

Ranger Governance is a Dallas-based investment company created by entrepreneurs
Sam Wyly and Charles Wyly, and an affiliate of Ranger Capital Group, a
multi-manager investment fund also based in Dallas. On July 27, 2001, Ranger
Governance filed a definitive proxy statement

with the Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with Ranger's
solicitation of proxies to elect its director nominees at the 2001 annual
stockholders meeting of Computer Associates and has mailed copies to
stockholders. Ranger is proposing a comprehensive restructuring plan which it
believes will maximize shareholder value, position Computer Associates for
future growth, and dramatically improve its relations with customers, employees
and investors. Ranger urges stockholders to read its proxy statement because it
contains important information. More information about Ranger Governance and
copies of its definitive proxy statement are available at
Copies of Ranger's definitive proxy statement and other Ranger soliciting
materials are also available at the Securities and Exchange Commission's website


     Media:                                               Investors:
     Dan Katcher/Joele Frank
     Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher               Morrow & Co., Inc.
     (212) 355-4449                                       (212) 754-8000


For Immediate Release
- ---------------------


                        Ranger Calls for Good Governance,
          Good Management and Enhanced Shareholder Value Through Growth

Dallas, Texas, August 1, 2001 - Ranger Governance, Ltd. today announced that it
has published "The Ranger Governance Plan for Computer Associates." This plan,
Ranger believes, will enhance value and install accountability at Computer
Associates (NYSE: CA). Ranger has nominated a slate of ten directors for
election at the Computer Associates annual meeting on Wednesday, August 29th.

Sam Wyly, manager of Ranger Governance, said, "The Ranger Plan is about creating
value for owners by changing CA's structure and culture so that both employees
and customers are treated with dignity and respect. We believe this will
radically change the world's fourth largest software company from an enterprise
which is not growing to one enjoying healthy growth. Computer Associates'
shareholders have, for too long, been given no alternative to the current board
of directors. Ranger is now offering shareholders a clear choice on how their
company will be managed."

The Ranger plan focuses on improving CA in three major areas:

     Ranger is committed to providing CA with a strong, independent Board and
     exemplary governance practices. Ranger's candidates have, in combination,
     deep information industry knowledge, governance experience, and
     entrepreneurial success. If its nominees are elected, the Ranger Board will
     eliminate Computer Associates' poison pill, and will match manager pay with
     manager performance.

     Ranger intends to establish four business units, each headed by a world
     class CEO. The four independent business units are: Storage Management,
     Security Management, Network Management and Knowledge Management. Each unit
     will be benchmarked against comparable companies and each group's financial
     results will be reported on a quarterly basis.



     Shareholder Value
     Of the top ten companies included in the Standard & Poor's Computer
     Software and Services Index, Computer Associates ranks last on price/cash
     flow and price/book ratios and next to last on price/revenue ratios as of
     June 30, 2001. Ranger believes this is a market judgment on CA's lack of
     ability to achieve healthy growth with its present structure, culture and
     method of operation. Ranger believes that market segment focus - when
     combined with its plan to achieve incremental growth and an improved
     balance sheet - could significantly improve these ratios and shareholder

Ranger believes that significant enhancement of shareholder value cannot and
will not be achieved without fundamentally changing the Company's existing
management and its policies. This plan demonstrates the nature of the changes
Ranger proposes and provides insight into its plan so shareholders can more
appropriately evaluate the Ranger approach.

Sam Wyly added, "We believe Ranger is uniquely able to hit the ground running on
behalf of the owners of CA and to implement our comprehensive plan for growth.
That's why we have outlined the action steps Ranger would take to rapidly
improve the management of CA during the first 100 days following the certified
election of the Ranger nominees."


Ranger will present its plan to investors via teleconference on Wednesday,
August 1, 2001 at 10:30 a.m. EDT. Domestic callers may participate by dialing
(888) 489-9487. International callers may dial (212) 346-6599. Callers should
dial in at least 15 minutes before the call is scheduled to begin and ask to be
connected to the Ranger Governance conference call. A live listen-only audiocast
of the teleconference along with the slide presentation will be available on the
Ranger website at Real Network's Real Player or Microsoft
Media Player is required to access the audiocast and can be downloaded from or


About Ranger Governance, Ltd.

Ranger Governance is a Dallas-based investment company created by entrepreneurs
Sam Wyly and Charles Wyly, and an affiliate of Ranger Capital Group, a
multi-manager investment fund also based in Dallas. On July 27, 2001, Ranger
Governance filed a definitive proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in connection with Ranger's solicitation of proxies to elect its
director nominees at the 2001 annual stockholders meeting of Computer Associates
and has mailed copies to stockholders. Ranger is proposing a comprehensive
restructuring plan which it believes will maximize shareholder value, position
Computer Associates for future growth, and dramatically improve its relations
with customers, employees and investors. Ranger urges stockholders to read its
proxy statement because it contains important information. More information
about Ranger Governance and copies of its definitive proxy statement are
available at Copies of Ranger's definitive proxy statement
and other Ranger soliciting materials are also available at the Securities and
Exchange Commission's website at


     Media:                                              Investors:
     Dan Katcher/Joele Frank
     Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher              Morrow & Co., Inc.
     (212) 355-4449                                      (212) 754-8000

The full text of the "The Ranger Governance Plan for Computer Associates"

For Immediate Release
- ---------------------


          Presentation to be Webcast on the Ranger Governance Website:

Dallas, Texas, August 1, 2001 - Ranger Governance, Ltd. will hold an investor
conference call at 10:30 a.m. EDT today to discuss "The Ranger Governance Plan
for Computer Associates," a plan that it believes will enhance value and install
accountability to Computer Associates (NYSE: CA).

Callers may participate in the investor conference call by dialing the following

Domestic callers: (888) 489-9487
International callers: (212) 346-6599

Callers should dial in at least 15 minutes before the call is scheduled to begin
and ask to be connected to the Ranger Governance conference call.

A live listen-only audiocast of the teleconference along with the slide
presentation will be available on the Ranger website at Real
Network's Real Player or Microsoft Media Player is required to access the
audiocast and can be downloaded from or

About Ranger Governance, Ltd.

Ranger Governance is a Dallas-based investment company created by entrepreneurs
Sam Wyly and Charles Wyly, and an affiliate of Ranger Capital Group, a
multi-manager investment fund also based in Dallas. On July 27, 2001, Ranger
Governance filed a definitive proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in connection with Ranger's solicitation of proxies to elect its
director nominees at the 2001 annual stockholders meeting of Computer Associates
and has mailed copies to stockholders. Ranger is proposing a comprehensive
restructuring plan which it believes will maximize shareholder value, position
Computer Associates for future growth, and dramatically improve its relations
with customers, employees and investors. Ranger urges stockholders to read its
proxy statement because it contains important information. More information
about Ranger Governance and copies of its definitive proxy statement are
available at Copies of Ranger's definitive proxy statement
and other Ranger soliciting materials are also available at the Securities and
Exchange Commission's website at


        Media:                                       Investors:
        Dan Katcher/Joele Frank
        Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher       Morrow & Co., Inc.
        (212) 355-4449                               (212) 754-8000

                                     # # #

                          THE RANGER GOVERNANCE PLAN

                            FOR COMPUTER ASSOCIATES

                                                         Prepared by:
                                                         Ranger Governance, Ltd.
                                                         August 2001


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.     Executive Overview .........................................................   2
II.    Governance .................................................................   2
III.   Organization ...............................................................   3
       a.  Management .............................................................   3
       b.  Special Services .......................................................   4
       c.  Product Focus ..........................................................   4
       d.  Sales ..................................................................   5
       e.  Customer Support .......................................................   6
       f.  Professional Services ..................................................   6
       g.  Finance and Administration .............................................   7
       h.  Employee Relations .....................................................   7
IV.    Enhanced Value for Shareholders ............................................   8
       a.  Investor Relations .....................................................   8
       b.  Balance Sheet ..........................................................   8
       c.  Sum of the Parts .......................................................   9
V.     Conclusion .................................................................   9

       Appendix A:  Corporate Governance Charter .................................   10
       Appendix B:  Plan for the First 100 Days ..................................   12


I.    Executive Overview

    The Ranger plan for Computer Associates has three major themes:

    .    Governance: Independent and Informed - Ranger is committed to providing
         Computer Associates with a strong, independent Board of Directors and
         exemplary corporate governance practices. Ranger's candidates have, in
         combination, deep information industry knowledge, governance
         experience, and financial expertise.

    .    Management: Innovative vs. Centralized - Ranger intends to establish
         four business units, each headed by a world class CEO. The four
         independent business units are: Storage Management, Security
         Management, Network Management and Knowledge Management. Each unit will
         be benchmarked against the appropriate comparable companies.

    .    Shareholder Value: Performance vs. pro forma - Of the top ten companies
         included in the Standard and Poor's Computer Software and Services
         Index, Computer Associates ranks last on price/cash flow and price/book
         ratios and next to last on price/revenue ratios as of June 30, 2001.
         Ranger believes that market segment focus when combined with its plan
         to achieve incremental growth and an improved balance sheet could
         significantly improve these ratios and shareholder value.

    Ranger believes that significant enhancement of shareholder value cannot and
    will not be achieved without fundamentally changing Computer Associates'
    existing management and its policies. This plan demonstrates the nature of
    the changes Ranger proposes and provides insight into Ranger's plan so
    shareholders can more appropriately evaluate Ranger's approach for

II.   Governance: Independent and Informed
- --

    Ranger Governance is committed to basic principles of good corporate
    governance, which have been reviewed and are supported by the Ranger
    nominees (see Appendix A: The Ranger Corporate Governance Charter).
    Specifically, Ranger believes that in order to best serve the Company and
    its shareholders in the discharge of its fiduciary duty, the Board of
    Directors must be composed of highly competent individuals of diverse
    capabilities and qualifications who are committed to the active oversight of
    management. The directors must act as diligent agents of the shareholders
    and must be dedicated to the optimization of shareholder value.


     If its nominees are elected, the Ranger Board intends to undertake a review
     of Computer Associates' corporate affairs and consider governance issues of
     a more specific nature. If its nominees are elected, the Ranger Board will
     eliminate Computer Associates' poison pill and repricing of options.

     Ranger believes that governance of Computer Associates under the leadership
     of its Directors and under these principles will embody the best corporate
     practices for the Company going forward.

III.  Organization

        a.   Management: Innovative vs. Centralized
     Ranger believes the best way to drive profitability and growth with
     Computer Associates' diverse group of 1200 products is to focus sales,
     marketing, development and service resources around focused business units
     for each major segment of Computer Associates' broad range of product
     offerings. To that end, Ranger advocates establishing four business units,
     each headed by a world-class Chief Executive Officer with the authority and
     resources necessary to achieve success. Each of these business units will
     be directly responsible and accountable, through that CEO, to the Computer
     Associates Board of Directors. Ranger believes that this decentralized
     management structure will be better able to cope with the demands for quick
     action, nimble decision-making and creative development than Computer
     Associates' existing structure.

     The four business units - Storage Management, Security Management, Network
     Management and Knowledge Management - reflect logical groupings of product
     capability and customer demands. This proposed realignment under the
     Computer Associates umbrella is intended to preserve those synergies
     between the business units that contribute value to the Company. In fact,
     Computer Associates' recent announcement to brand four product groups is a
     tentative, but insufficient, step in the very direction advocated by

     Ranger expects that full implementation of the Ranger strategy for four
     separately organized profit centers will result in renewed growth and
     profitability at Computer Associates. Ranger envisions that each of these
     business units will produce separate income statements, balance sheet and
     cash flow information, and that summaries of such information will be made
     available to the investing public following the conclusion of each quarter.

     Ranger envisions that the teams managing each of these four business units
     will be composed primarily of existing Computer Associates employees who
     are very talented and well qualified for these tasks but who simply have
     yet to be given the authority and responsibility to build these businesses.
     In addition, some managers are expected to be hired from outside of
     Computer Associates to accelerate change. Ranger believes, if its nominees
     are elected, it can have a world-class management team in place within 100


     days of a certified favorable vote by the shareholders of Computer

     Appendix B outlines the steps Ranger would take immediately following the
     certified election of the Ranger nominees.

        b.   Special Services: Company-Wide Functions

     Ranger intends that the Knowledge Management business unit will serve dual
     functions. In addition to focusing on existing database, application
     development, information retrieval and other products, it is intended to
     house those Company-wide operations that will continue to be centralized.
     These common corporate functions will be shared across all business units
     to maximize efficiency. Examples of these shared resources include
     corporate finance, external reporting, legal and an elite national account
     sales organization. Initially it is also expected to host the international
     sales and support organization until those functions can be transferred to
     the appropriate business units. We envision this will require twelve to
     eighteen months.

        c.   Product Focus: Best of Breed vs. Ubiquity
     Ranger expects that autonomy will allow renewed focus on marketing,
     development and support resources for each of the units. We believe that
     the conceptualization and initial architecture of innovative software
     products happens best with small, flexible teams that are structured to be
     rapidly responsive to changing customer needs. Ranger also believes that
     the construction of innovative new products will also be more effectively
     handled through programming resources dedicated to specific product areas -
     and that this has been proven by countless entrepreneurs and internal
     "skunk works" teams housed within many large, sophisticated companies such
     as Hewlett-Packard, General Electric and Texas Instruments.

     Our plan contemplates that development organizations that allow and
     encourage advantageous product interfaces to exist among the breadth of the
     Computer Associates offerings will be used. In addition, we expect to use
     open programming standards such as XML and J2EE and open our own
     proprietary systems through interfaces where appropriate. It should also
     continue to promote the concept of Unicenter at a higher level of
     abstraction - enabling components to be utilized within an overarching
     control structure - in all business units. For example, storage management
     products can interface with Unicenter, thus extending the Unicenter focus
     on enterprise management. This inter-operation will allow, but not require,
     the sales organization to cross sell products as well as offer more new
     products to new clients.

     Ranger intends to implement a program of internal royalties payable to the
     development team members, rewarding their commitment and incentivising the
     development of world-class software. We believe that such a program would
     allow the marketplace to reward superior development activity, will involve
     the developer in the sales cycle and will improve employee loyalty and

     Finally, Ranger believes there are numerous niche market acquisitions of
     specific products and key technologies that could be rapidly and
     effectively executed with smaller


     units focusing on product specialties, particularly given the lack of a
     viable exit strategy for many venture-backed software companies in the
     current market. Ranger expects accelerated revenue growth and product
     development through strategic acquisitions to be a significant benefit of
     its business unit focus. We see a significant opportunity for growth made
     available with the recent stock market crash, an opportunity which cannot
     be accessed by Computer Associates with its present structure and present

        d.   Sales: Customer Focused vs. Contract Focused

     As in the case of product development, Ranger believes that focused teams
     of sales people and sales engineers dedicated to specific products can more
     effectively assess customer needs and respond to those needs through
     delivery of software. Simply put: we think that Ranger's team-based
     approach will enable the Company to better solve a customer's problems and
     do so at an accelerated pace.

     Within this team structure, the sales organization will be able to pursue
     new product sales to both existing and new customers. Ranger expects
     significant sales acceleration due to this approach. One of Kumar's
     objections to the Ranger plan is that separate business units require
     customers to deal with more than one point of contact. Ranger believes that
     buyers of software want to deal with sales people specifically trained to
     help solve their product needs and that anecdotal evidence based on years
     of experience in the software business make that clear.

     To allow customers who wish to have a single point of contact for
     contracting purposes, Ranger intends to create an elite national account
     organization with the ability to tap into the expertise of each of the four
     business units. This special group of sales people will work with the
     customer to efficiently navigate through the buying process while the
     business units will focus on the customer's technology requirements. These
     sales people will be specially trained and selected for their ability to
     deal at the CEO, CFO, CIO and other senior executive levels, solving what
     Ranger believes is a significant issue for customers today. As discussed
     above, we expect this organization to be included in the Knowledge
     Management Group business unit. To repeat, we believe strongly that this
     will facilitate cross selling, where cross selling is appropriate.

     Ranger believes that the product focus in the international sales channel
     is as important as it is in the USA. Accordingly, Ranger supports
     reorganizing over time the existing international sales organization to
     become a part of the four independent business units. To assure that
     appropriate development resources are applied to international needs,
     Ranger envisions that the international organizations will pay royalties to
     the development organizations as discussed above. The international sales
     and support organization will initially be managed by the Knowledge
     Management business unit. This will leave the existing structure in place
     until the business units can effectively absorb their international


        e.   Customer Support

     Ranger believes that autonomous business units provide an excellent
     opportunity to improve customer support by moving the Company closer to its
     customers and their specific, and rapidly evolving, needs. Customers who
     require assistance with product installation, implementation, education and
     problem resolution must be able to interact with experienced
     representatives who understand both the customers' business problems as
     well as the correct use of products to address those problems. Ranger
     believes that in-depth product knowledge is critical to assure that
     customers have excellent experience with customer support. Ranger expects
     that that Computer Associates would compensate its support staff based on a
     formula that includes customer satisfaction - a subjective measure - and
     customer retention - an objective measure.

     Automation of key shared business processes is particularly important to
     the customer support function. A customer support system that is common to
     the operating business units will allow customer support staff to provide
     seamless interaction and will efficiently capture and maintain critical
     customer information. Ranger anticipates that such a system will be built
     utilizing existing Computer Associates technology and be accessible by the
     customer work groups -- thus enhancing efficiencies.

     Customer support must work closely with the development organizations in
     order to be up-to-date with respect to the products being delivered to the
     field. In critical situations the support staff must have access to
     development personnel in order to react properly. The establishment of
     distinct business units will, we believe, allow the Company's support team
     to be more responsive and effective by aligning all business unit

         f.   Professional Services

     For customers to realize the full value of acquired software, Ranger
     believes that successful implementation, not simply installation, is
     necessary in all the appropriate areas of an enterprise. This effort
     consists of planning, installation, application and process integration,
     product training and follow up. The general approach is to do this in a
     phased manner with required resources selected from outside service
     providers, from the supplying vendor or from within the enterprise. This
     task is often one that is carried out, in the case of Computer Associates
     products, by business partners.

     Ranger believes that Computer Associates business partners are valuable to
     this part of the operation and will initiate enhanced efforts to promote
     programs that offer these services to Computer Associates customers.
     Additionally, we believe it is appropriate to serve the customers with
     Computer Associates resources that carry expertise in the Computer
     Associates products, including all of the implementation steps outlined

     Ranger expects to promote the development of appropriate professional
     services within each business unit. These services will be limited to only
     those that relate directly to Computer Associates products, not those
     focused on providing strategic planning or other general business
     consulting. We expect that this will avoid channel conflict with the
     Company's systems integration partners, thus encouraging these partners to
     recommend and refer Computer Associates' products to their customers.


        g.   Finance and Administration

     Ranger believes that each administrative department must be significantly
     involved in pursuit of business unit goals. Ranger further believes that
     its plan for Computer Associates will enhance identification of
     administrative personnel with their respective operating units. Ranger's
     plan contemplates that only high quality professionals, dedicated to
     support the business, will be employed, and that other departments will
     rate the performance of the administrative organization, at least once per
     year. Close coordination will be maintained among the finance and
     administration departments of each business unit.

     Ranger believes that smaller is better in the case of the administrative
     organizations in each business unit. This approach should allow for tighter
     supervision of administrative functions by the related operating executives
     and minimization of bureaucratic delays. Computer Associates' management
     has charged that Ranger's plan would increase overhead costs. Ranger
     expects no immediate increase and that finance and administration expenses
     will decline as a percentage of sales, over time, as revenue growth

     Finally, Ranger recognizes that certain common administration and finance
     functions - such as benefits administration, facilities management,
     external reporting, tax compliance, and banking relationships - are best
     accomplished on a centralized basis. Ranger intends that these functions
     would be most efficiently handled by the special services organization of
     the Knowledge Management Group.

        h.   Employee Relations: Nurtured vs. Neglected

     Ranger believes that the key to any good Company, and especially a Company
     competing with leading edge technology, is the establishment of a Company
     environment which states clear objectives for its employees, provides
     constructive feed-back with respect to both the Company's and the
     employees' attainment of those objectives, and encourages employee input
     across all levels.

     Ranger believes that its proposal to reorganize the Company into separate
     business units provides the starting point for enhanced team building among
     employees. The construction of the annual strategic plans will be a "bottom
     up" process coupled with a "top down " review that will involve all levels
     of employees. The annual plan for each of these units will be reviewed
     appropriately with all employees prior to its adoption. We believe that
     each employee will understand the role he or she plays in attaining plan

     Ranger expects that an "open door" management policy will serve to further
     ensure that fair treatment of employees and that employee suggestions are
     given due consideration. We believe that empowering employees will enable
     Computer Associates to move all aspects of the business closer to the
     customer and promote rapid growth of the Company. We intend that
     performance versus plan will be reviewed with all employees no less
     frequently than once each quarter.


     We expect that employees will be rewarded in at least four ways. First,
     they will see clearly where their efforts impact the Company. Second, they
     will participate in active discussions with all levels of management to
     assure their ideas are heard. Third, they will be compensated with a profit
     sharing plan directly related to performance of their business unit versus
     plan. Finally, employees will be compensated through stock options and a
     stock purchase plan to further align their interests with other

     In addition, Ranger intends for Computer Associates to offer consistent
     employee benefits across the four business units and intends for Computer
     Associates to maintain existing benefit programs except where these
     programs can be improved.

IV.  Enhanced Value For Shareholders
- --

        a.   Investor Relations: Performance vs. pro forma

     Ranger believes candid and open communication consistent with appropriate
     regulations is the cornerstone of good investor relations.

     Within 100 days of certification of its proposed slate of directors, Ranger
     expects that Computer Associates will establish clear metrics for each of
     the four business units. These metrics - including revenue, operating
     profit and customer statistics for each unit - will be made available to
     the Company's investors and included in segment information in each of the
     Company's quarterly financial reports.

     Additionally, Ranger intends that senior managers will be available to
     answer investors' concerns to the maximum extent permitted under the
     applicable securities laws. The Board's Audit Committee is intended to have
     independent resources available, as appropriate, to help it understand
     investor concerns without management filters. The Audit Committee will
     ensure that the full Board has a candid assessment of our investors' view
     of the Company and that significant issues are addressed quickly, openly
     and clearly.

        b.   Balance Sheet: Stable vs. Leveraged

     Ranger believes that a strong balance sheet is necessary to enhance
     investor confidence and to provide the foundation for the growth of
     Computer Associates. With a working capital ratio of only .85, and debt as
     a percentage of equity of more than 76 percent based upon Company
     information provided as of June 30, 2001, Computer Associates is one of the
     more highly leveraged of the major software companies. Under new
     management, Ranger expects that Computer Associates will aggressively
     pursue debt reduction and improved balance sheet strength while continuing
     to enhance shareholder value through the following steps:

        1.   Establish specific cash flow and day sales in receivables
             objectives for each of the four major business units. Computer
             Associates' current practice of recording


             long term receivables outside of an annual cycle will be curtailed
             significantly - if not stopped completely. Ranger believes that
             revenue growth in conjunction with improved days sales in
             receivables can provide for significant near term debt reduction.

        2.   Execute its year old strategy of realizing value from selected
             business units. Computer Associates has established strategic
             business units for several of its application software businesses
             as well as a separate business unit dedicated to Applications
             Services Providers and hosting providers. To the extent these units
             consume cash (a fact Ranger cannot verify as existing management
             does not report results for these business units separately),
             Computer Associates should end this practice as soon as possible.

        3.   Consider whether, in three years or less, one or more of the newly
             established business units could be partly sold to the public with
             residual spin off to Computer Associates shareholders. This might
             be undertaken if it would generate cash for debt reduction or
             acquisition, and more importantly, let Computer Associates owners
             directly own and enjoy higher valuations from the fastest growing
             businesses. Ranger does not intend to establish tracking stocks for
             these business units.

        c.   Sum of the Parts

     Ranger believes that the investment community, once it understands the
     individual strengths and significant growth potential of each of these
     business units, may seek to value the sum of each of the pieces of Computer
     Associates when valuing the whole Company. To the extent each segment
     performs well versus its peers, then Computer Associates shareholders may
     expect their Company to be valued more highly.

V.   Conclusion

     The Ranger Plan is all about creating value for Computer Associates owners,
     as well as treating employees and customers with dignity and respect.
     Ranger believes that its program of corporate governance by an independent
     Board of Directors coupled with its plan to establish business units
     focused around significant systems software markets can substantially
     increase shareholder value.


                                  APPENDIX A

                            RANGER GOVERNANCE, LTD.

                         CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CHARTER


Ranger is committed to providing Computer Associates with a strong, qualified,
independent Board of Directors and exemplary corporate governance practices.
Ranger's candidates have, in combination, deep information industry knowledge,
governance experience and management expertise. Ranger firmly believes that the
new Computer Associates Board will:

     .    Be accountable to shareholders and dedicated to shareholder value

     .    Support whatever actions are required to grow the Company, improve
          financial performance and build trust and credibility with investors,
          customers, and employees, and improve performance;

     .    Oversee and support decentralizing the Computer Associates
          organization and consolidating and streamlining operations, as
          required; and

     .    Be dedicated to creating an entrepreneurial culture throughout the
          Company so that Computer Associates can attract and retain the top
          industry talent necessary to achieve strong growth.

                            Statement of Principles

The members of the Computer Associates Board will be responsible for its
activities in directing the management of the Company. Specific future actions
will depend on the exercise by the members of their judgment in light of
prevailing circumstances and their fiduciary responsibilities to owners. Each
Ranger candidate has pledged to observe the highest standards in discharging his
or her fiduciary responsibilities for the benefit of all Computer Associates
shareholders. Ranger is committed to support the following corporate governance
principles, however, and believes that each of its candidates shares its
commitment to the values on which they are based.

     .    Ranger has nominated ten candidates, the current size of the Computer
          Associates Board. Subject to temporary vacancies and to review based
          on future operations, the size of the Computer Associates Board will
          be maintained at 10 to 12 directors, enough to ensure substantial
          expertise while encouraging full engagement by each director.

     .    Directors will be highly qualified, with shared competence and diverse
          capabilities, and will act as the agents of the shareholders in
          overseeing management.


     .    Initially, the Computer Associates Board will have four committees:

          -    Audit

          -    Human Resources and Compensation

          -    Product Development and Acquisition

          -    Governance and Nominating

     .    There will be no executive committee. The committees will be comprised
          solely of independent directors who have no business ties to Computer
          Associates other than through their services as board members. The
          Computer Associates Board will review the role and effectiveness of
          its committees annually and make any changes necessary. Each committee
          will have independent resources as appropriate to carry out its

     .    Director compensation will be equity-based, with no fringe benefits.
          Equity interests will be subject to a vesting schedule to insure
          continued dedication to the Company's affairs.

     .    There will be guidelines for stock ownership by directors and a
          timetable by which targeted levels of ownership are to be

     .    The Computer Associates Board will use equity-based compensation
          extensively to align Computer Associates managers' and employees'
          interests with those of shareholders; executive compensation will be
          tied closely to Computer Associates' financial performance and
          shareholder value.

     .    The Computer Associates Board will ensure that shareholders' ownership
          interests are not excessively diluted as a result of the use of
          equity-based compensation. No Board, CEO, or top manager options will
          be repriced. Any repricing of a Board list of employee options will be
          in the form of a lesser number of shares at a lower price.

     .    The Computer Associates Board will cancel the Company's poison pill.

     .    The Computer Associates Board will be actively engaged in the
          governance of the Company through the following practices:

          -    Development and ownership of the Board's meeting agendas;

          -    Participation in determining Computer Associates' strategy,
               structure, operating style, and corporate culture;

          -    Appointment, evaluation, and, when necessary, removal of top
               management; and

          -    Careful attention to the quality of financial reporting,
               accounting practices, and internal controls.

 .    The Governance Committee will establish policies and practices for the
     Board, covering such matters as meeting frequency, executive sessions,
     Board evaluation and director effectiveness, mandatory retirement age, and
     the director nomination and removal process.


                                  APPENDIX B

                            RANGER GOVERNANCE, LTD.

                          PLAN FOR THE FIRST 100 DAYS

     The Ranger plan for accomplishing the realignment of Computer Associates
     will be the focus of the first 100 days following the certified election of
     the Ranger Board. The basic elements of these efforts include:

     Introductory Announcements

     Ranger believes it is vital that the Company's important stakeholders be
     properly introduced to changes. Conversations with employees, customers,
     channel partners and other stakeholders will take place through a variety
     of communication vehicles. A particular focus of these efforts will be on
     current Computer Associates employees - especially Computer Associates
     managers and sales and technical professionals.


     First, an initial series of meetings will be held with employees both in
     groups and individually in all major offices throughout the world. This
     will take place as a part of the "Data Gathering" phase. These sessions
     will allow employees to understand the planning process, provide
     participation in planning teams and allow direct interaction with a broad
     group of employees. Second, as a part of the "Plan Launch" phase, another
     round of sessions in offices throughout the Company will take place. The
     purpose is to maintain closeness, to monitor initial implementation actions
     and to obtain feedback.

     Data Gathering

     As part of the data gathering effort, four parallel sessions will be guided
     by managers with the assistance of outside resources to review product
     sales statistics, product financial performance, market analysis and
     existing organization structure. Periodic sessions will be held to
     consolidate and review these findings.

     Strategic Planning

     Strategic planning will begin immediately following data gathering. Initial
     planning sessions will establish overall Company direction and approach to
     be used by each of the four business units. Subsequently, parallel sessions
     will be held by each unit to map out its particular product, organization,
     sales strategies and financial and other objectives. This process will take
     place over six weeks. Additionally, the international strategy and
     administrative processes will be developed during this time period.

     Special sessions will be conducted to both sustain ongoing sales activities
     and to concentrate on the realignment of the selling process to one of
     specialization by unit. During this time the structure and operating rules
     for the account executive program will be determined with involvement by
     sales management.



     Ranger believes a critical element of the development of the organization
     is the selection of the leadership of the business units. As early in the
     process as is practical and possible top management for each business unit
     will be identified and the CEOs will begin directing the strategic planning

     Plan Launch/Initial Implementation

     During the last week of the initial 100-day period, focus will be given to
     the activities surrounding the launch of the new organization. Kick off
     meetings will be organized for each element of the Company including
     International. These meetings will serve to provide for employee
     orientation and training, launch the out-reach campaign to the customer
     base and answer employee questions.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION The Ranger Plan is a comprehensive plan which we believe
will realize the full potential of Computer Associates' winning products, people
and customers, and achieve substantial new growth and success. No assurance,
however, can be given that electing the Ranger nominees will enhance stockholder
value. Ranger's nominees, if elected, are committed to acting in the best
interest of Computer Associates' stockholders and, subject to their fiduciary
duties as directors of Computer Associates, will pursue the proposed plan
diligently and promptly. On July 27, 2001, Ranger Governance, Ltd. filed a
definitive proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission in
connection with Ranger's solicitation of proxies to elect its director nominees
at the 2001 annual stockholders meeting of Computer Associates International,
Inc. Ranger's proxy statement was mailed to Computer Associates stockholders on
July 30, 2001. Ranger urges stockholders to read its proxy statement because it
contains important information. You may obtain a free copy of Ranger's
definitive proxy statement, as well as other soliciting materials that have been
filed by Ranger, at the Securities and Exchange Commission's website at The definitive proxy statement and other documents filed by Ranger
may also be obtained for free by writing to Ranger at 300 Crescent Court, Suite
1000, Dallas, Texas 75201, by contacting Morrow & Co., Inc. at 800-634-4458 or
at Detailed information regarding the names, affiliations and
interests of individuals who may be deemed participants in Ranger's solicitation
is available in the definitive proxy statement filed by Ranger. In addition, the
Ranger Nominees' plans for Computer Associates could change after election based
on the exercise of their fiduciary duties to the stockholders of Computer
Associates in the light of their knowledge and the circumstances at the time.

                                     # # #


        In connection with the Solicitation, Ranger and its representatives are
distributing to certain investors the following documents, each of which has
been previously filed with the Commission via the EDGAR system:

Form Type: 10-K/A  SEC File #: 001-08465
Description: AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO FORM 10-K
SEC File Date: 1/28/00

Form Type: 10-K405/A  SEC File #: 001-08465
Description: FORM 10-K405 AMENDMENT NO. 1
SEC File Date: 1/27/99

Form Type: 10-K405  SEC File #: 001-08465
Description: FORM 10-K
SEC File Date: 11/12/99

Form Type: 10-K  SEC File #: 001-08465
SEC File Date: 11/19/98

Form Type: 10-K  SEC File #: 001-08465
Description: FORM 10-K
SEC File Date: 11/20/97

Form Type: 10-K  SEC File #: 001-08465
Description: FORM 10-K
SEC File Date: 11/26/96

                              IMPORTANT INFORMATION

         On July 27, 2001, Ranger Governance Ltd. filed a definitive proxy
statement with the Commission in connection with Ranger's solicitation of
proxies to elect its director nominees at the 2001 annual stockholders meeting
of Computer Associates International, Inc. Ranger's proxy statement was mailed
to Computer Associates' stockholders on July 30, 2001. Ranger urges stockholders
to read its proxy statement because it contains important information. You may
obtain a free copy of Ranger's definitive proxy statement, as well as other
soliciting materials that have been filed by Ranger, at the Commission's website
at The definitive proxy statement and other documents filed by
Ranger may also be obtained for free by writing to Ranger at 300 Crescent Court,
Suite 1000, Dallas, Texas 75201, by contacting Morrow & Co., Inc. at 800-634-
4458 or at

         Detailed information regarding the names, affiliations and interests of
individuals who may be deemed participants in the Ranger's solicitation is
available in the definitive proxy statement filed by Ranger. In addition, the
Ranger Nominees' plans for Computer Associates could change after election based
on the exercise of their fiduciary duties to the stockholders of Computer
Associates in the light of their knowledge and the circumstances at the time.