Exhibit 10.23

                             EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     This Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") dated February 15, 2001 between
Meridian Bioscience, Inc., an Ohio corporation ("Meridian") and John A.
Kraeutler, who resides at 7445 Meadowland Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244

                             W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, Meridian and Kraeutler desire to enter into an employment
arrangement; and

     WHEREAS, Meridian wishes to assure itself of the services of Kraeutler for
the period hereinafter provided, and Kraeutler is willing to be employed by
Meridian for such period, upon the terms and conditions provided in this

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of
which is mutually acknowledged, Meridian and  Kraeutler agree as follows:

     1.    Employment.  Meridian hereby employs Kraeutler, and Kraeutler shall
serve Meridian, on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

     2.    Term.  Subject to the provisions for earlier termination as
hereinafter provided, Kraeutler shall be employed for thirty-six months
commencing on the date hereof (the "Initial Term"). The Agreement shall have a
three year evergreen term. Accordingly, the Agreement shall automatically be
extended daily for an additional one day period until a date thirty-six months
after either party gives the other written notice of its intent to stop the
automatic daily extension. The Initial Term together with any extensions shall
hereinafter be referred to as the "Term."

     3.    Position and Duties; Place of Performance.

           3.1   Kraeutler shall serve as President of Meridian and shall
     perform all duties customarily attendant to that position and shall include
     those duties reasonably assigned to Kraeutler from time-to-time by the
     Board of Directors of Meridian.

           3.2   Kraeutler shall devote substantially all of his working time
     and effort to Meridian and shall not, without Meridian's prior written
     consent, furnish like or similar services to anyone else or engage directly
     or indirectly in any activity adverse to Meridian's interests. Kraeutler
     will promote and develop business opportunities relating to Meridian's
     current and anticipated future business that come to his attention in a
     manner consistent with Kraeutler's duties and Meridian's best interests.

           3.3   In connection with Kraeutler's employment by Meridian,
     Kraeutler will be based at the principal place of business of Meridian in
     Cincinnati, Ohio.

     4.    Compensation.


          4.1   Base Salary.  During the Term of Kraeutler's employment with
     Meridian, as compensation for Kraeutler's services under this Agreement,
     Meridian agrees to pay to Kraeutler an annual base salary (the "Base
     Salary") of Two Hundred Eighty Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars. Meridian's
     Board of Directors shall in good faith review the Base Salary annually,
     taking into account changes in Kraeutler's responsibilities, increases in
     the cost of living, performance of Kraeutler, increases in salaries to
     other executives of Meridian and other pertinent factors, and may, in its
     reasonable discretion, increase the Base Salary. Any increase in the Base
     Salary shall not serve to limit or reduce any other obligation to Kraeutler
     under this Agreement. The Base Salary shall not be reduced without the
     express written consent of Kraeutler. The term Base Salary as used in this
     Agreement shall refer to the Base Salary as so increased.

          4.2   Annual Bonus.  Kraeutler shall be eligible to receive an annual
     bonus as established by the Board of Directors in addition to Base Salary.

          4.3   Other Compensation.  In addition to compensation specified in
     this Agreement, Kraeutler shall be eligible to receive stock options and
     other compensation under Meridian's compensation plans and arrangements
     available from time to time to Meridian's officers. Meridian stock options
     granted to Kraeutler shall vest according to the option agreement entered
     into with Kraeutler at the time of the grant of such options; provided,
     however, that the options shall fully vest upon the happening of any of the
     following events: Change of Control Event (as defined in Section 8.7) or
     termination of Kraeutler's employment without Cause (as defined in Section
     7.3), due to death or Disability (as defined in Section 7.2) or Kraeutler's
     termination of employment for Good Reason (as defined in Section 7.4).

     5.   Expense Reimbursement. Kraeutler shall be entitled to prompt
reimbursement by Meridian for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by
him in performing services under this Agreement, upon submission of such
accounts and records as may be required under Meridian policy.

     6.   Other Benefits.

          6.1   Benefit Plans and Programs.  Kraeutler shall be entitled, at
     Meridian's expense, to such medical, dental, hospitalization, life
     insurance, pension plan, profit-sharing, employee benefits and such other
     similar employment privileges and benefits or perquisites as are afforded
     generally from time to time to other senior officers of Meridian.

          6.2   Vacation.  During the Term of Kraeutler's employment with
     Meridian, Kraeutler shall be entitled to paid vacation time in accordance
     with the plans, practices, policies, and programs applicable to other
     senior officers of Meridian, but in no event shall such vacation time be
     less than four weeks per year.

     7.   Termination of Employment.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section
2, Kraeutler's employment may be terminated under the following circumstances:

               7.1   Death.  Kraeutler's employment is terminated upon his


               7.2   Disability.  Kraeutler's employment may be terminated by
     Meridian due to illness or other physical or mental disability of
     Kraeutler, resulting in his inability to perform substantially his duties
     under this Agreement for a period of Ninety or more consecutive days or for
     One Hundred Eighty days in the aggregate during any consecutive Twelve
     month period ("Disability").

               7.3   Cause.  Kraeutler's employment may be terminated by
     Meridian upon Notice of Termination to Kraeutler of action taken by the
     Board of Directors of Meridian to discharge Kraeutler for Cause, which
     Notice of Termination shall be delivered to Kraeutler within Ninety days
     after the Board of Directors has both (x) knowledge of the conduct or event
     allegedly constituting Cause and (y) reason to believe that such conduct or
     event constitutes grounds to terminate Kraeutler for Cause. As used herein,
     "Notice of Termination" means a resolution duly adopted by the affirmative
     vote of not less than a simple majority of the members of the Board of
     Directors of Meridian, excluding Kraeutler, at a meeting called for the
     purpose of determining that Kraeutler engaged in conduct that constitutes
     Cause (and at which Kraeutler had a reasonable opportunity, together with
     his counsel, to be heard before the Board of Directors prior to such vote).
     For purposes of this Agreement, Meridian shall have "Cause" to terminate
     Kraeutler's employment upon:

               (i)   an intentional act of fraud, embezzlement or theft in the
          course of Kraeutler's employment with Meridian resulting in material
          harm to Meridian; or

               (ii)  intentional wrongful damage to material assets of Meridian.

     Any act or omission by Kraeutler shall be deemed "intentional" only if
done, or omitted to be done, by Kraeutler not in good faith and without the
reasonable belief that his action or omission was in or not opposed to the best
interests of Meridian. Failure to meet performance standards or objectives set
by Meridian shall not constitute "Cause" for purposes of this Agreement.

               7.4   Good Reason.  Kraeutler's employment may be terminated by
     Kraeutler for Good Reason. For purposes of this Agreement, "Good Reason"
     shall mean (i) the assignment to Kraeutler of any duties materially
     inconsistent with Kraeutler's position (including, without limitation,
     status, offices, titles and reporting requirements), authority, duties or
     responsibilities as contemplated by this Agreement, or any other action by
     Meridian that results in a material diminution in such position, authority,
     duties or responsibilities, excluding for this purpose an action not taken
     in bad faith and that is remedied by Meridian within Ten days after receipt
     of written notice thereof given by Kraeutler, provided that repeated
     instances of such action shall constitute the bad faith of Meridian; (ii) a
     reduction in Kraeutler's Base Salary or other benefits under this
     Agreement; (iii) the relocation of Meridian's principal offices to a
     location more than Fifty miles from the current location of such offices;
     (iv) any material failure by Meridian to comply with any of the provisions
     of this Agreement, other than a failure not occurring in bad faith and
     which is remedied by Meridian within Ten days after receipt of written
     notice thereof given by Kraeutler, provided


     that repeated failures shall constitute the bad faith of Meridian; or (v)
     removal of Kraeutler as President, other than for Cause.

     8.   Compensation Upon Termination.

               8.1   If Kraeutler's employment is terminated voluntarily without
     Good Reason, terminated as a result of Kraeutler's death, or is terminated
     by Meridian for Cause, Kraeutler, or his estate, shall be entitled to:

               (i)   any Base Salary earned but not yet paid;

               (ii)  any bonus awarded pursuant to Section 4.2 of this Agreement
          but not yet paid;

               (iii) upon Kraeutler's death, all or a portion of the Performance
          Bonus that he would have received pursuant to Section 4.2 (assuming
          that Kraeutler and/or Meridian achieves the goals necessary to receive
          any level of bonus potential for that year) for the year in which the
          termination occurred (pro rata, according to the number of days
          Kraeutler was employed by Meridian during such year) payable in a lump

               (iv)  reimbursement in accordance with this Agreement of any
          reasonable business expense incurred by Kraeutler but not yet paid;

               (v)   other benefits accrued and earned by Kraeutler through the
          date of his death or termination in accordance with applicable plans
          and programs of Meridian.

          8.2  If Kraeutler's employment is terminated as a result of
     Kraeutler's Disability, Kraeutler shall be entitled to receive on an annual
     basis until Kraeutler reaches age sixty-five the full amount of Kraeutler's
     Base Salary plus Performance Bonus and group health and life insurance
     benefits until Kraeutler reaches age 65 at the same level that Kraeutler
     was receiving such benefits at the date of termination. Compensation paid
     shall be prorated during periods of less than one year. The amount of
     annual Base Salary plus Performance Bonus shall be computed by averaging
     the Base Salary plus Performance Bonus earned by Kraeutler during the
     preceding three fiscal years of Meridian.

          8.3  If (a) Kraeutler's employment is terminated by Meridian without
     Cause, (b) Kraeutler terminates his employment with Meridian for Good
     Reason or (c) Kraeutler's employment is terminated for any reason (with or
     without Cause or voluntary or involuntary) upon or within ninety days of a
     Change of Control Event (as defined below), Kraeutler shall be entitled to:

               (i)   (A) any Base Salary earned but not yet paid, plus (B) three
          times his Base Salary (computed as the average annual Base Salary of
          Kraeutler for the preceding thirty-six months).


          (ii)   any bonuses awarded pursuant to Section 4.2 of this Agreement
     but not yet paid and three times the average annual Performance Bonus
     received by Kraeutler for the preceding thirty-six months.

          (iii)  continued participation in all employee benefit plans and/or
     programs at Meridian's expense in which he was participating on the date of
     his termination of employment for a period equal to the lesser of three
     years and the date that Kraeutler is employed at another location.

          (iv)   reimbursement in accordance with this Agreement of any business
     expenses incurred by Kraeutler but not yet paid to him on the date of his
     termination of employment.

          (v)    engagement, for a three month period, by Meridian on
     Kraeutler's behalf of a recognized job recruitment agency for the purpose
     of locating subsequent employment for Kraeutler in a position of equal rank
     to Kraeutler's position with Meridian.

          (vi)   full vesting in Kraeutler's Supplemental Income Agreement as if
     Kraeutler had reached age sixty-two and all premiums paid and full vesting
     in Kraeutler's options to purchase Meridian stock.

     8.4  Any payments payable under this Section 8 shall be paid in a lump sum
payment as soon as practical after Kraeutler's termination of employment but in
any event no later than thirty days thereafter.

     8.5  If, under the terms of any employee benefit plan referred to in
subsection 8.3(iii) above, Kraeutler may not continue his participation, he
shall be provided with the after-tax economic equivalent of the benefits
provided under any plan in which he was previously eligible to participate for
the period specified in subsection 8.3(iii) above. The economic equivalent of
any benefit foregone shall be deemed to be the cost that would be incurred by
Kraeutler in obtaining such benefit.

     8.6  Any amounts due under this Section 8 are in the nature of severance
payments or liquidated damages, or both, and shall fully compensate Kraeutler
and his dependents or beneficiaries, as the case may be, for any and all direct
damages and consequential damages that any of them may suffer as a result of
termination of Kraeutler's employment in breach of this Agreement, and they are
not in the nature of a penalty.

     Upon termination of Kraeutler's employment for any reason other than by
Meridian for Cause or by Kraeutler for Good Reason, Kraeutler and Meridian will,
at the option of Kraeutler, execute and deliver to each other a general release
releasing the other and in the case of Meridian its officers, directors,
employees, agents, trustees, parents, subsidiaries, predecessors, and affiliates
(the "Releasees") from all causes of action, claims, or demands


     that either party may then have or have had against the Releasees based on
     any matter or thing, including but not limited to Kraeutler's employment
     with Meridian or the termination of his employment (but not the obligations
     under this Agreement that continue after the date on which Kraeutler's
     employment terminates). The execution of this release shall be a condition
     to the receipt by Kraeutler of the payments and benefits described in this
     Section 8 except that the execution of this release shall not be a
     condition for the receipt by Kraeutler of base salary earned but not yet
     paid, bonuses awarded pursuant to Section 4.2 of this Agreement but not yet
     paid and reimbursement of any business expenses incurred by Kraeutler but
     not yet paid.

          8.7  As used herein, a "Change of Control Event" means (i) the sale of
     all, or substantially all of the assets of Meridian; (ii) a merger, or
     recapitalization, or similar transactions which results in the shareholders
     of Meridian immediately prior to such event owning less than 60% of the
     voting power of the surviving entity ; (iii) during any period of One year
     after January 1, 2001, individuals who at the beginning of such period
     constitute the Board of Directors and any new director whose nomination by
     the Board for election by Meridian's shareholders was approved by a vote of
     at least two-thirds of the Directors then still in office who either were
     Directors at the beginning of the period or whose election or nomination
     for election was previously so approved, cease for any reason to constitute
     a majority thereof; or (iv) the acquisition, directly or indirectly, of the
     beneficial ownership (within the meaning of that term as it is used in
     Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and
     regulations promulgated thereunder) of Fifty Percent or more of the
     outstanding voting securities of Meridian by any person, entity or group;
     provided, however, that a Change in Control of Meridian shall not include
     the purchase of additional securities of Meridian by any person in Control
     of Meridian as of December 31, 2000. This definition shall not apply to the
     purchase of Shares by underwriters in connection with a public offering of
     securities of Meridian, or the purchase of shares of up to Twenty-Five
     Percent of any class of securities of Meridian by a tax-qualified employee
     stock benefit plan. The term "Control" means (i) ownership, control or
     power to vote Fifty Percent or more of the outstanding shares of any class
     of voting securities of Meridian, directly or indirectly, or (ii) the
     ability, in any manner, to elect a majority of the directors of Meridian.
     The term "person" refers to an individual or a corporation, partnership,
     trust, association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship,
     unincorporated organization or any other form of entity not listed.

     9.   Covenants and Confidential Information.  Kraeutler and Meridian hereby
reaffirm the terms of that certain Non-Competition and Confidentiality Agreement
by and among Meridian and its affiliated companies and its subsidiaries and
Kraeutler dated October 8, 1992.  Such agreement is hereby incorporated herein
by reference.

     10.  Parachute Payment. If Kraeutler is liable for the payment of any
excise tax (the "Basic Excise Tax") because of Section 4999 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), or any successor or similar
provision, with respect to any payments or benefits received or to be received
from Meridian or any successor to Meridian, whether provided under this
Agreement or otherwise, Meridian shall pay Kraeutler an amount (the "Special
Reimbursement") which, after payment by Kraeutler (or on Kraeutler's behalf) of
any federal, state and local taxes applicable to the


payment, including, without limitation, any further excise tax under such
Section 4999 of the Code, on, with respect to or resulting from the Special
Reimbursement, equals the net amounts of the Basic Excise Tax.

     11.  Assignability; Binding Nature. This Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors, heirs
(in the case of Kraeutler) and assigns.

     12.  Entire Agreement. Except to the extent otherwise provided herein, this
Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties
concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreements,
whether written or oral, between the Parties concerning the subject matter

     13.  Amendment or Waiver.  No provision in this Agreement may be amended
unless such amendment is agreed to in writing and signed by both Kraeutler and
an authorized officer of Meridian.  No waiver by either Party of any breach by
the other Party of any condition or provision contained in this Agreement to be
performed by such other Party shall be deemed a waiver of a similar or
dissimilar condition or provision at the same or any prior or subsequent time.
Any waiver must be in writing and signed by Kraeutler or an authorized officer
of Meridian, as the case may be.

     14.  Severability.  If any provision or portion of this Agreement shall be
determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, in whole or in part,
the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby and shall
remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

     15.  Survivorship.  The respective rights and obligations of the Parties
hereunder shall survive any termination of Kraeutler's employment with Meridian
to the extent necessary to the intended preservation of such rights and
obligations as described in this Agreement.

     16.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and
interpreted in accordance with the internal substantive laws of Ohio, without
reference to principles of conflict of laws.

     17.  Notices.  Any notice given to either Party shall be in writing and
shall be deemed to have been given when delivered personally or One day after
having been sent by overnight courier service or Three days after having been
sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested,
duly addressed to the Party concerned at the address indicated below or to such
changed address as such Party may subsequently give such notice of:

     If to Meridian or the Board:    Meridian Bioscience, Inc.
                                     3471 River Hills Drive
                                     Cincinnati, Ohio 45244

     If to Kraeutler:                John A. Kraeutler


                                     7445 Meadowland Place
                                     Cincinnati, Ohio 45244

     18.  Headings.  The headings of the sections contained in this Agreement
are for convenience only and shall not be deemed to control or affect the
meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement.

     19.  Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which
together will constitute one and the same instrument.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Kraeutler and Meridian have executed this Agreement as
of the date and year first above written.

                                       MERIDIAN BIOSCIENCE, INC.


                                       JOHN A. KRAEUTLER


   The parties acknowledge that the reference to a Supplemental Income Agreement
in Section 8.3(vi) of the Employment Agreement dated February 15, 2001 between
Meridian Bioscience, Inc. and John A. Kraeutler should have and does in fact
refer to a Salary Continuation Agreement dated January 19, 1995, as the same may
have in the past and be in the future amended from time to time.

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum this 24th day of
April, 2001.

                                       MERIDIAN BIOSCIENCE, INC.

                                              William J. Motto
                                              Chief Executive Officer

                                             John A. Kraeutler