SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:
[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[x]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]  Definitive Additional Materials
[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                             NEW ENGLAND ZENITH FUND

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):
[x]  No fee required
[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
     1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5)  Total fee paid:
[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1)  Amount  previously paid:
     2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3)  Filing Party:
     4)  Date Filed:  ______________

                            New England Zenith Fund
               501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116

Dear Life Insurance Policy and Annuity Contract Owners:

   The New England Zenith Fund (the "Zenith Fund") will hold a special meeting
of shareholders of each of its Series on April 25, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Time at the offices of MetLife Advisers, LLC, 501 Boylston Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02116. At the meeting, shareholders of each Series will be asked
to vote on the reorganization of each Series into corresponding newly created
Portfolios of the Metropolitan Series Fund, Inc. (the "Met Fund"). A formal
Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders appears on the next page, followed by
the Proxy Statement, which explains in more detail the proposal to be

   The reorganization of the Zenith Fund has been proposed as part of an
overall plan of the insurance companies in the MetLife enterprise (the
"Insurance Companies") to streamline and rationalize the investment offerings
underlying variable life insurance and variable annuity contracts offered by
the Insurance Companies. Like each Series of the Zenith Fund, each portfolio of
the Met Fund is currently offered only to separate accounts of the Insurance
Companies and is advised by the same adviser, MetLife Advisers, LLC. Each
subadviser of the Zenith Fund is expected to continue to act as subadviser of
the corresponding new Portfolio of the Met Fund upon completion of the
reorganization. Please review the enclosed Proxy Statement for a more detailed
description of the proposed reorganization and the specific reasons it is being

   Although you are not a shareholder of the Zenith Fund, as an owner of a
variable life insurance or variable annuity contract issued by separate
accounts of the Insurance Companies, you have the right to instruct your
Insurance Company how to vote at the meeting. You may give voting instructions
for the number of shares of each Series attributable to your life insurance
policy or annuity contract as of the record time of 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on
January 31, 2003.



   Please take a few moments to review the details of the proposal. If you have
any questions regarding the acquisition of the Series, please feel free to call
the contact number listed in the enclosed Proxy Statement. We urge you to vote
at your earliest convenience.

   We appreciate your participation and prompt response in these matters and
thank you for your continued support.

Very truly yours,
/s/ Anne M. Goggin
Anne Goggin, President
March 24, 2003

                            NEW ENGLAND ZENITH FUND

                   State Street Research Money Market Series
             Salomon Brothers Strategic Bond Opportunities Series
                    Salomon Brothers U.S. Government Series
                   State Street Research Bond Income Series
                                Balanced Series
                            MFS Total Return Series
                          Alger Equity Growth Series
                      Capital Guardian U.S. Equity Series
                          Davis Venture Value Series
                        FI Mid Cap Opportunities Series
                          FI Structured Equity Series
                      Harris Oakmark Focused Value Series
                            Jennison Growth Series
                        Loomis Sayles Small Cap Series
                          MFS Investors Trust Series
                         MFS Research Managers Series
                             Zenith Equity Series

                              501 Boylston Street
                               Boston, MA 02116


                                April 25, 2003

To the beneficial owners of shares of the series of New England Zenith Fund
  referred to on the preceding page (each a "Fund" and, collectively, the

   Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Shareholders (the
"Meeting") of each of the Funds, each a series of New England Zenith Fund, a
Massachusetts business trust, will be held at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on April
25, 2003 at the offices of MetLife Advisers, LLC, 501 Boylston Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02116, for the following purposes:

    1. To be voted on separately by shareholders of each Fund: To vote upon the
       approval of an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, in the form set
       forth in Appendix A to the attached Proxy Statement, for adoption by
       each Fund, pursuant to which such Fund would reorganize as a series of
       Metropolitan Series Fund, Inc., a Maryland corporation, as described in
       Part 1 of the attached Proxy Statement.

    2. To consider and act upon any other matters which may properly come
       before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

   Shareholders of record at the close of business on January 31, 2003 (the
"Record Date") are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting.

   Although you are not a shareholder of a Fund, as an owner of a variable life
insurance or variable annuity contract issued by separate accounts of New
England Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company,
MetLifeInvestors USA Insurance Company, General American Life Insurance Company
or other insurance companies affiliated with any of these insurance companies
(the "Insurance Companies"), you have the right to instruct your Insurance
Company how to vote at the Meeting. You may give voting instructions for the
number of shares of the Fund attributable to your life insurance policy or
annuity contract as of the Record Date.

                          By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                          Thomas M. Lenz, Secretary

Boston, Massachusetts
March 24, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                PROXY STATEMENT

                            NEW ENGLAND ZENITH FUND

                   State Street Research Money Market Series
             Salomon Brothers Strategic Bond Opportunities Series
                    Salomon Brothers U.S. Government Series
                   State Street Research Bond Income Series
                                Balanced Series
                            MFS Total Return Series
                          Alger Equity Growth Series
                      Capital Guardian U.S. Equity Series
                          Davis Venture Value Series
                        FI Mid Cap Opportunities Series
                          FI Structured Equity Series
                      Harris Oakmark Focused Value Series
                            Jennison Growth Series
                        Loomis Sayles Small Cap Series
                          MFS Investors Trust Series
                         MFS Research Managers Series
                             Zenith Equity Series

                              501 Boylston Street
                               Boston, MA 02116

                        Special Meeting of Shareholders
                                April 25, 2003


   The enclosed voting instruction form is solicited on behalf of the Board of
Trustees of New England Zenith Fund, a Massachusetts business trust (the
"Zenith Fund"), for use at a Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of
each of the series referred to above (each a "Fund" and, collectively, the
"Funds"), to be held at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on April 25, 2003, at the
offices of MetLife Advisers, LLC, 501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts
02116, and at any adjournment or postponement


thereof, for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Special
Meeting of Shareholders (the "Notice"). Shareholders of record at the close of
business on January 31, 2003 (the "Record Date") are entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the Meeting. The Notice, this Proxy Statement and the enclosed form
of voting instructions were first mailed on or about March 24, 2003.

   This Proxy Statement is being furnished to owners of variable annuity
contracts and variable life insurance policies ("Contract Owners") who have
allocated value under their variable annuity contracts and variable life
insurance policies ("Variable Contracts") to separate accounts of their
insurance companies (the "Separate Accounts") that invest in the Funds. The
Separate Accounts invest in the Funds in accordance with instructions received
from Contract Owners. Contract Owners have indirectly invested in the Funds
through the Separate Accounts and have the right to instruct their insurance
companies how to vote shares of the Funds attributable to their Variable

   If you execute and return your voting instruction form, but do not provide
voting instructions, your insurance company will vote the shares attributable
to you in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Trustees. Your
insurance company will vote any shares for which it does not receive voting
instructions, and any shares which it holds for its own account, in
proportionately the same manner as shares for which it has received voting

   The Zenith Fund currently offers 17 series of shares of beneficial interest,
each of which represents a separate investment portfolio. Most of the Funds
offer three separate classes of shares, designated as Class A, Class B and
Class E shares. For purposes of voting on each proposal at the Meeting, Class
A, Class B and Class E shares of each Fund will be treated as one class of

   Shareholders of record of each Fund on the Record Date are entitled to one
vote for each dollar of the value of the shares of beneficial interest of the
Fund held as of that date.

   Financial statements for each Fund are included in the Annual Report of the
Zenith Fund for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002, which has been mailed
to shareholders. Shareholders may obtain copies of the Annual Report free of
charge by writing to New England Zenith Fund, 501 Boylston Street Boston, MA
02116, or by telephoning 1-800-356-5015.


Summary of Proposal.

   This Proxy Statement relates to and describes in detail a proposal to
approve reorganizations of each Fund into a corresponding fund of Metropolitan
Series Fund, Inc., a Maryland corporation (the "Met Fund"), on which the vote
of shareholders of each Fund is solicited.

                          AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION.


   It is proposed that each Fund be reorganized into a newly organized series
of the Met Fund. The Zenith Fund and the Met Fund are diversified registered
open-end management investment companies. This restructuring of the Funds is
part of an overall plan of the insurance companies in the Metropolitan Life
enterprise -- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ("MetLife"), New England Life
Insurance Company, MetLife Investors USA Company and General American Life
Insurance Company (together, the "Insurance Companies") -- to streamline and
rationalize the investment offerings underlying variable life insurance and
variable annuity contracts offered by the Insurance Companies. The Zenith Fund
and the Met Fund already employ a common investment adviser (MetLife Advisers,
LLC) and have many of the same executive officers. Additionally, each Fund and
its corresponding series of the Met Fund have the same subadviser. However, the
Zenith Fund and the Met Fund are separate legal entities, organized under the
laws of different jurisdictions (Massachusetts and Maryland, respectively) and
have separate governing boards. The proposed reorganization would result in a
single surviving legal entity (the Met Fund) under the oversight of a single
board of directors. The Met Fund currently consists of twenty portfolios.
Management of the Zenith Fund believes that this more rational and less
complicated structure for the common governance and oversight of investment
portfolios that underlie a common set of variable annuity and life insurance
product offerings is appropriate and in the interests of Contract Owners.

   The Trustees of the Zenith Fund (the "Trustees") have unanimously approved
the reorganization of each Fund into a newly created corresponding series (each
a "New Fund" and, collectively, the "New Funds")/1/ of the Met Fund (each a
"Reorganization" and, collectively, the
- --------
/1/ The Funds would retain their current names as series of the Met Fund with
    the identifier "Portfolio" added in place of "Series" (for example, the
    "Balanced Series" will reorganize into the "Balanced Portfolio").


"Reorganizations"). Each of the Funds and the New Funds, other than the Harris
Oakmark Focused Value Series and its corresponding New Fund, is a diversified,
open-end mutual fund. The Harris Oakmark Focused Value Series and its
corresponding New Fund are non-diversified, open-end mutual funds that may hold
fewer securities than the other Funds. Shares of each Fund are currently
offered only to separate accounts established by the Insurance Companies. Each
Insurance Company is the legal owner of shares of the Funds and has the right
to vote those shares at the Meeting. Although you are not a shareholder of the
Funds, as an owner of a variable life insurance or variable annuity contract
issued by separate accounts of the Insurance Companies, you have the right to
instruct your Insurance Company how to vote at the Meeting. Each Reorganization
is proposed to be accomplished pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization providing for the transfer of all of the assets of the Fund to
the corresponding New Fund in exchange for shares of the New Fund and for the
assumption by the corresponding New Fund of all of the liabilities of the Fund
as described below. The completion of these transactions will result in the
liquidation of each Fund. A Reorganization will not be consummated unless at
least a majority of the outstanding shares of the applicable Fund entitled to
vote has approved the Reorganization.

Terms of the Plan.

   Shareholders of each Fund are being asked to vote upon the approval of an
Agreement and Plan of Reorganization for their Fund (the "Plan," collectively
the "Plans") pursuant to which the Reorganizations would be consummated. The
following descriptions of the Plan and the features of the proposed
Reorganizations are qualified in their entirety by reference to the text of the
Plan, a form of which is set forth in Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.

   The Plan provides, among other things, for the transfer of all the assets
attributable to each class of shares of each Fund to the corresponding New Fund
in exchange for (i) the assumption by the New Fund of all liabilities of the
Fund and (ii) shares of the same class of the New Fund ("New Shares"). The
Reorganizations will occur on the next business day after the time when the
assets of each Fund are valued for purposes of the Reorganizations (currently
scheduled to be the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange on
April 25, 2003). The exchange, which will be effected on the basis of the net
asset value of each Fund, will be followed immediately by the distribution of
each class of the New Shares to the shareholders of such Fund in complete
liquidation of


the Fund. After the Reorganizations, the Zenith Fund will be terminated, and
its affairs will be wound up in an orderly fashion.

   Each Reorganization requires approval by the Fund's shareholders and
satisfaction of a number of other conditions, any of which may be waived
jointly by the Trustees and the Directors of the Met Fund (the "Directors") if,
in their judgment, the waiver will not have a material adverse effect on the
interests of the shareholders of the Funds and the New Funds. The closing of
the Reorganization of each Fund is subject to the conditions set forth in the
Plan, including the approval of the Reorganization by at least a majority of
the shares of the Fund entitled to vote.

   The Plan may be terminated by the mutual agreement of the Zenith Fund and
the Met Fund. In addition, either the Met Fund or the Zenith Fund may at its
option terminate the Plan at or prior to the Closing Date (as defined in the
Plan): (a) because of a material breach by the other party of any
representation, warranty, covenant or agreement contained in the Plan to be
performed by the other party at or prior to the Closing Date; (b) if a
condition expressed in the Plan to be precedent to the obligations of the
terminating party has not been met and it reasonably appears that it will not
or cannot be met; or (c) if the Directors or the Trustees, as the case may be,
determine that the termination of the Plan is in the best interests of the
shareholders of the Met Fund or Zenith Fund, respectively. If the transactions
contemplated by the Plan have not been substantially completed by July 31,
2003, the Plan shall automatically terminate on that date unless a later date
is agreed to by both the Zenith Fund and the Met Fund.

   MetLife or its affiliates will bear the costs of each Reorganization, except
for portfolio transaction costs incurred by the Funds in connection with the
purchase or sale of portfolio securities that are permitted investments of the
Funds and governmental fees required in connection with the registration or
qualification under applicable state and federal laws of the shares of the Met
Fund to be issued. The costs to be borne by MetLife or its affiliates will
include, among other costs, the costs of this Proxy Statement. In the event
that a Reorganization is not consummated, MetLife will bear all of the costs
and expenses incurred by both the Zenith Fund and the Met Fund in connection
with the proposed Reorganizations.

Investment Policies and Investment Restrictions.

   The investment objectives and policies of the New Funds as reorganized
series of the Met Fund will be substantially the same as those in existence for
the Funds as series of the Zenith Fund.


Description of New Shares.

   Class A, Class B and Class E shares of the New Funds will have
characteristics substantially the same as the corresponding classes of shares
of the Funds. Full and fractional New Shares will be issued to each Fund's
shareholders in accordance with the provisions of the Plan as described above.
The classes of shares are identical, except that Class E and Class B shares pay
fees under a distribution and services plan (Rule 12b-1 fees) of 0.15% and
0.25%, respectively, of average daily net assets of the respective class.

The Distributor; Certain Payments by the Distributor.

   New England Securities Corporation ("NESC") serves as principal underwriter
for shares of the Funds. MetLife serves as principal underwriter for each
series of the Met Fund.

   Under the Met Fund 12b-1 Plan, MetLife will be paid, at the same rate that
NESC is currently paid by the Funds, a distribution and services fee pursuant
to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940
Act"), out of the assets attributable to the shares of certain classes of the
New Funds. Accordingly, the Class B shareholders of the New Funds will pay
12b-1 fees pursuant to the Met Fund 12b-1 Plan at the annual rate of 0.25% of
the assets attributable to the Class B shares, while the Class E shareholders
will pay 12b-1 fees at the annual rate of 0.15% of the assets attributable to
Class E Shares. Note that while the Met Fund 12b-1 fees are currently limited
to payments of 0.25% for Class B shares and 0.15% for Class E shares, the Met
Fund 12b-1 Plan, like the Zenith Fund Distribution and Services Plan, allows
for a fee of up to 0.50% of average daily assets at the discretion of the
relevant fund's board.

Fee Structure/Expenses.

   The fees and expenses to which each New Fund will be subject after its
Reorganization will be substantially the same as those to which the
corresponding Fund is subject immediately before the Reorganization.

Federal Income Tax Consequences.

   Provided that the contracts funded through the separate accounts of the
Insurance Companies qualify as annuity contracts under Section 72 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") or as life insurance
contracts under Section 7702 of the Code, each Reorganization will not create
any tax liability for owners of the contracts.


   The closing of each Reorganization will be conditioned on receipt of an
opinion from Ropes & Gray to the effect that, on the basis of existing law
under specified sections of the Code, for federal income tax purposes:

  .  the Reorganization will constitute a reorganization within the meaning of
     Section 368(a) of the Code, and the Fund and the corresponding New Fund
     will each be a "party to the reorganization" within the meaning of Section
     368(b) of the Code;

  .  under Section 361 of the Code, no gain or loss will be recognized by the
     Fund upon the transfer of its assets to the New Fund in exchange for the
     New Shares and the assumption by the New Fund of the Fund's liabilities,
     or upon the distribution of such New Shares to the shareholders of the

  .  under Section 1032 of the Code, no gain or loss will be recognized by the
     New Fund upon the receipt of the assets of the Fund in exchange for the
     assumption of the obligations of the Fund and issuance of the New Shares;

  .  under Section 362(b) of the Code, the tax basis of the assets of the Fund
     acquired by the New Fund will be the same as the basis of those assets in
     the hands of the Fund immediately prior to the transfer;

  .  under Section 1223(2) of the Code, the holding period of the assets of the
     Fund in the hands of the New Fund will include the period during which
     those assets were held by the Fund;

  .  under Section 354 of the Code, the Fund shareholders will recognize no
     gain or loss upon exchange of their shares of the Fund for the New Shares;

  .  under Section 358 of the Code, the aggregate tax basis of the New Shares
     to be received by each shareholder of the Fund will be the same as the
     aggregate tax basis of the shares of the Fund exchanged therefor;

  .  under Section 1223(l) of the Code, the holding period of the New Shares
     received by each shareholder of the Fund will include the holding period
     for the Fund shares exchanged for the New Shares; provided such shares of
     the Fund were held as a capital asset on the date of the exchange; and

  .  the New Fund will succeed to and take into account the items of the Fund
     described in Section 381(c) of the Code, subject to the conditions and
     limitations specified in Sections 381, 382, 383 and 384 of the Code and
     the regulations thereunder.


   The opinion will be based on certain factual certifications made by officers
of the Zenith Fund and will also be based on customary assumptions. The opinion
is not a guarantee that the tax consequences of the Reorganizations will be as
described above.

   Prior to the closing of the Reorganizations, the Funds will declare a
distribution, which, together with all previous distributions, will have the
effect of distributing to their shareholders all of their (i) excess investment
income excludable from gross income under Section 103 of the Code over
deductions disallowed under Sections 265 and 171 of the Code, (ii) investment
company taxable income (in each case computed without regard to the deduction
for dividends paid) and (iii) net realized capital gains, if any, through the
closing date.

Basis for the Trustees' Recommendation.

   The Trustees, including all of the Trustees who are not "interested
persons," as defined in the 1940 Act (the "Independent Trustees"), voted
unanimously to approve the Reorganizations at a meeting held on December 12,
2002. The Directors of the Met Fund, including a majority of the Directors who
are not "interested persons," as defined in the 1940 Act (the "Independent
Directors"), voted unanimously to approve the Reorganizations at a meeting held
on February 4, 2003.

   The Trustees considered each proposed Reorganization at meetings held on
November 14 and December 12, 2002, at which they met with representatives of
the Met Fund, MetLife and MetLife Advisers, LLC ("MetLife Advisers"). In
addition, the Independent Trustees met separately to consider the proposals on
November 14 and December 12, 2002, and were represented throughout their
deliberations by counsel independent of the Zenith Fund, MetLife and MetLife

   In approving the Reorganizations, the Trustees determined that each proposed
Reorganization would be in the best interests of the relevant Fund and its
shareholders and that the interests of that Fund's shareholders would not be
diluted as a result of effecting the Reorganization. The principal factors
considered by the Trustees in recommending that shareholders approve the
Reorganizations were as follows:

  .  The Trustees believe that the Reorganizations will result in operational
     benefits to shareholders. In particular, the Trustees considered the
     redundancies and inefficiencies inherent in the


     current fund structure and believe that a single legal entity rather than
     multiple legal entities will enhance the ability of Fund officers, MetLife
     management and MetLife Advisers to provide effective, efficient service to
     the Funds, the board and the shareholders.

  .  The Trustees were informed that the Reorganizations would eliminate the
     risk of multiple fund boards reaching inconsistent outcomes on a single
     type of business proposal within the MetLife enterprise.

  .  The Trustees were informed that the Reorganizations would, if effected,
     result in a mutual fund complex consisting of thirty-six portfolios and
     total anticipated assets in excess of $16.6 billion. Elimination of
     certain duplicative expenses, and the ability to spread certain fixed
     costs over a larger asset base, may result in certain cost savings to the
     Funds, although these savings are not expected to be material in relation
     to the total assets of the complex.

  .  The Trustees were informed that the proposed Reorganizations would occur
     only if they could be accomplished without resulting in the imposition of
     federal income taxes on any Fund or its shareholders.

  .  In addition, the Trustees received representations from MetLife to the
     effect that MetLife Advisers or its affiliates would pay the costs
     associated with the proposed Reorganizations (except for (i) portfolio
     transaction costs incurred by the Funds in connection with the purchase or
     sale of portfolio securities that are permitted investments of the Funds
     and governmental fees required in connection with the registration or
     qualification under applicable state and federal laws of the shares of the
     Met Fund to be issued and (ii) certain payments that would result in the
     disqualification of a Fund as a regulated investment company under the
     Code). In connection with their determination that the interests of each
     Fund's shareholders would not be diluted as a result of its proposed
     Reorganization, the Trustees noted that the shareholders of each Fund
     would receive shares of the corresponding New Fund equal in value to the
     value of the Fund's net assets as of the business day preceding the
     closing of its Reorganization.

  .  The Trustees considered the experience and background of the Directors and
     officers of the Met Fund, including the independence of the Independent
     Directors. For more information on these Directors and certain senior
     officers, see below under "2. Other Information--The Met Fund."


  .  The Trustees considered that the investment objective, policies and
     restrictions of each Fund are substantially the same as those of the
     corresponding New Fund and that the Reorganizations will not cause any
     change in the personnel managing the portfolio or to the investment
     strategies and techniques utilized in the management of the corresponding
     Fund's portfolio prior to its Reorganization. The Trustees noted that the
     investment advisory and subadvisory agreements of each New Fund were
     identical to the investment advisory and subadvisory agreements of its
     corresponding Fund except for changes necessary to reflect the change in
     parties. For these reasons, the Trustees believe that an investment in
     shares of the New Fund will provide shareholders with an investment
     opportunity substantially the same as that afforded by the corresponding
     Fund immediately prior to its Reorganization.

Required Shareholder Vote.

   The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of a Fund is
necessary for the approval of the proposed Reorganization for such Fund.

   A shareholder of a Fund objecting to its proposed Reorganization is not
entitled under either Massachusetts law or the Agreement and Declaration of
Trust of the Zenith Fund (the "Zenith Declaration of Trust") to demand payment
for and an appraisal of his or her Fund shares if the Reorganization is
consummated over his or her objection. However, shareholders should be aware
that shares may be redeemed at any time prior to the consummation of the
Reorganizations. Contract Owners may exchange their investment in a Fund for an
investment in other investment options, as provided in their contracts, before
or after the Reorganizations.

   If a proposed Reorganization is not approved by the shareholders of a Fund
or is not completed for any other reason, the Fund will continue to be managed
as a separate series of the Zenith Fund in accordance with its current
investment objective and policies, and the Trustees will consider such
alternatives as may be in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.

   The Trustees of the Zenith Fund unanimously recommend that shareholders of
each Fund vote FOR approval of the proposed Reorganization of such Fund.


Principal Differences Between the Legal Structures of the Met Fund and the
Zenith Fund


   The Met Fund is organized as a Maryland corporation and the Zenith Fund is
organized as a Massachusetts business trust. Except as otherwise noted below,
the provisions of Massachusetts law and the Zenith Declaration of Trust and
Bylaws (the "Zenith Bylaws") are substantially similar in material respects to
those of Maryland law and the Articles of Incorporation (the "Met Articles")
and Bylaws (the "Met Bylaws") of the Met Fund. Both the Zenith Fund and the Met
Fund are registered investment companies under the 1940 Act.

  Shareholder Voting--Generally

   Under Maryland law, the Met Articles and the Met Bylaws, shareholder voting
power is generally limited to electing directors, approving investment
management or sub-investment management agreements, ratifying the selection of
independent public accountants, approving distribution agreements, approving
amendments to the Met Articles, authorizing extraordinary corporate actions and
approving matters required to be submitted to a shareholder vote under the 1940
Act. The Met Articles provide that capital stock of the Met Fund that is
issued, outstanding and entitled to vote shall be voted in the aggregate, and
not by series or class, except when otherwise required by law or if the
Directors, in their sole discretion, determine that only one or more particular
series or classes is affected by the matter under consideration, in which case
only the affected series or classes vote. Maryland law provides that a
corporation's charter may require a lesser proportion of votes of shareholders
on matters than otherwise required by Maryland law, but not less than a
majority. Under the Met Articles and the Met Bylaws, any corporate action to be
taken by a shareholder vote may be authorized by a majority of shareholders
entitled to vote on the matter, subject to applicable laws, regulations, or
rules or orders of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

   Under the Zenith Declaration of Trust, shareholders have the power to vote
(i) for the election of Trustees, (ii) with respect to amendment of the Zenith
Declaration of Trust, (iii) to the same extent as the shareholders of a
Massachusetts business corporation as to whether or not a court action,
proceeding or claim should or should not be brought or maintained derivatively
or as a class action on behalf of the Zenith Fund or its shareholders, (iv)
with respect to the termination of the Zenith


Fund or any series or class, (v) to remove Trustees from office in certain
circumstances and (vi) with respect to such additional matters relating to the
Zenith Fund as may be required by the Zenith Declaration of Trust, the Zenith
Bylaws or any registration with the SEC or any state, or as the Trustees may
consider necessary or desirable. The Zenith Declaration of Trust states that on
all matters submitted to a shareholder vote, all shares of the Zenith Fund
entitled to vote, except as provided by the Zenith Bylaws, are voted in the
aggregate as a single class except when (i) otherwise required by the 1940 Act
or when the Trustees determine that the matter affects one or more series or
classes materially differently, and (ii) when the matter affects only the
interests of one or more series or classes. Shareholders of any particular
series or class of the Zenith Fund are not entitled to vote on matters that do
not affect that series or class. Each whole share (or fractional share) of the
Zenith Fund outstanding on the record date is entitled to a number of votes on
any matter on which it is entitled to vote equal to the net asset value of the
share (or fractional share) in U.S. dollars determined at the Record Date. For
example, a share having a net asset value of $10.50 would be entitled to 10.5
votes. Under the Zenith Declaration of Trust, as described below, the required
vote of shareholders depends on the action to be taken.

  Shareholder Meetings

   The Met Bylaws require an annual meeting of shareholders only in years in
which shareholder action is needed on any one or more of the following: (1) the
election of directors; (2) approval of an investment advisory agreement; (3)
ratification of the selection of independent auditors; and (4) approval of a
distribution agreement. The Zenith Fund is not required to hold an annual
meeting of shareholders. The Met Bylaws permit a special meeting of the
shareholders to be called for any purpose by a majority of the Directors, the
Chairman of the Board or the President. In addition, the Met Bylaws allow for
shareholders to act by written consent in lieu of a meeting upon the written
consent signed by the holders of all outstanding stock having voting power. The
Zenith Declaration of Trust allows for shareholder meetings to be called by the
Trustees. The Zenith Declaration of Trust also allows shareholders to act
without a meeting upon the written consent of shareholders holding a majority
of the shares entitled to vote on the matter.


   The Met Bylaws provide that a majority of the shares entitled to vote
constitutes a quorum at shareholder meetings. The Zenith Declaration of Trust
provides that 40% of shares entitled to vote constitutes a quorum at


a shareholder meetings. Unlike the Met Bylaws, which provide that one-third of
the Directors (but no fewer than two) constitutes a quorum for a meeting of
Directors, the Zenith Bylaws provide that a majority of Trustees constitutes a
quorum for a meeting of Trustees.

  Removal of Trustees, Directors and Officers

   Pursuant to Maryland law and the Met Bylaws, any Director may be removed
with or without cause at any meeting of shareholders at which a quorum is
present by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast.
The Zenith Declaration of Trust provides that a Trustee may be removed by a
vote of holders of two-thirds of the outstanding shares, either by a written
declaration filed with the Zenith Fund's custodian or at a meeting called for
such purpose. The Trustees must call such a meeting upon the written request of
holders of at least 10% of the outstanding shares.

  Indemnification of Trustees, Directors and Officers

   Pursuant to the Met Bylaws, the Met Fund shall indemnify current and former
directors and officers of the Met Fund to the extent permitted by Maryland law.
Under Maryland law, a corporation may indemnify any director against
liabilities for acts incurred by reason of service as a director unless it is
established that (i) the act or omission was material to the matter giving rise
to the proceeding and (a) was committed in bad faith or (b) was the result of
active and deliberate dishonesty, (ii) the director actually received an
improper personal benefit or (iii) in the case of a criminal proceeding, the
director had reasonable cause to believe the act or omission was unlawful. In
addition, indemnification may not be made (i) in a proceeding by or in the
right of the corporation where the director is found liable to the corporation
(a "Corporate Liability") or (ii) in a proceeding charging improper personal
benefit where the director is found to be liable because such benefit was
improperly received, whether or not involving action in the director's official
capacity (a "Personal Liability").

   Maryland law also provides that indemnification is not payable by a
corporation unless a determination has been made that the director has met the
standard of conduct noted in the foregoing paragraph. Such determination may be
made by (i) a vote of a majority of a quorum of directors consisting of
directors not, at the time, parties to the proceedings, or, if such a quorum
cannot be obtained, then by a majority vote of a committee of the board
(designated by a majority of the board,


in which designation directors who are parties may participate) consisting
solely of two or more directors not, at the time, parties to such proceedings,
(ii) special legal counsel selected by the board or a committee as set forth in
(i) above, or if the quorum of the full board cannot be obtained and the
committee cannot be established, by a majority vote of the full board in which
directors who are parties may participate, or (iii) the stockholders. Upon the
application of a director, a court may order indemnification if it determines
that (i) a director is entitled to reimbursement because such director has been
successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the defense of a proceeding in which
such director has been determined to have met the applicable standards of
conduct or (ii) whether or not the director has met the applicable standards of
conduct, the director is entitled to indemnification in view of all the
relevant circumstances, provided that the indemnification payment shall be
limited to the director's expenses in cases involving Corporate Liability or
Personal Liability.

   Other than for directors, the Met Fund is required to indemnify or advance
expenses only to the extent specifically approved by resolution of the Board of
Directors. In addition, no indemnification or advance payment is provided to
directors or officers who engage in willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross
negligence or reckless disregard of duty. The Met Fund Bylaws also provide that
no advance payment is provided unless the director or officer undertakes to
repay the advance unless (A) it is determined that such director or officer is
entitled to the indemnification, and (B)(i) the director or officer provides a
security for the undertaking, (ii) the Met Fund is insured against losses
arising from any unlawful advance, or (iii) a majority of a quorum of the
disinterested non-party directors, or an independent legal counsel by written
opinion, determines that there is no reason to believe that the person will be
found to be entitled to the indemnification.

   Similarly, under the Zenith Bylaws, the Zenith Fund shall indemnify current
and former Trustees and officers against all liabilities and expenses incurred
by reason of their service as a Trustee or officer of the Zenith Fund. The
Zenith Fund will not provide indemnification to any person: (i) adjudicated by
a court not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that his or
her actions were in the best interests of the Zenith Fund, (ii) held to be
liable because of willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless
disregard of duty, or (iii) in the event of a settlement, unless such
settlement is found to be in the best interests of the Zenith Fund by (a) a
disinterested majority of Trustees, (b) a majority of the disinterested
Trustees (along with a written opinion of independent


legal counsel), (c) a disinterested person selected by the Trustees (along with
a written opinion of independent legal counsel) or (d) a vote of a majority of
the shareholders (not including the person seeking indemnification). The Zenith
Bylaws also provide that expenses may be paid in advance so long as such
amounts are repaid to the Zenith Fund if it is determined that such payments
are not authorized under such Bylaws. Also, the Zenith Bylaws provide that the
indemnification rights are not exclusive, and do not affect any other rights to
which persons seeking indemnification may be entitled.

  Personal Liability

   Under Maryland law, shareholders have no personal liability for acts or
obligations of the corporation. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of a
Massachusetts business trust, such as the Zenith Fund, could, under certain
circumstances, be held personally liable for the obligations of the trust.
However, the Zenith Declaration of Trust disclaims shareholder liability for
acts or obligations of the Zenith Fund, and requires that notice of such
disclaimer be given in each agreement, undertaking or obligation entered into
or executed by the Zenith Fund or the Trustees. The Zenith Declaration of Trust
provides that any shareholder held personally liable solely by reason of his or
her being or having been a shareholder of the Zenith Fund shall be indemnified
out of the property of the series (or attributable class) of which he or she is
or was a shareholder for all such loss and expense. Thus, the risk of a
shareholder's incurring financial loss from shareholder liability is limited to
circumstances in which the Zenith Fund would be unable to meet its obligations.
The likelihood of such a circumstance is considered remote.


   Under Maryland law, a corporation with stock outstanding may be voluntarily
dissolved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the votes entitled to be
cast on the matter. However, the Met Articles provide that notwithstanding
Maryland law, any action by shareholders may be taken upon the vote of the
holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote, so that the Met Fund may
be terminated upon a majority vote of its shareholders. A corporation with no
outstanding stock may be terminated upon the vote of the majority of its

   Under the Met Articles, if, in the sole determination of the Board of
Directors, the continuation of the offering of a series or a class of the Met
Fund is no longer in the best interests of the Met Fund, the Met Fund may


cease offering such series or class and may, by a majority vote of the Board of
Directors, require the redemption of all outstanding shares of such series or
class upon thirty days' prior written notice to shareholders, subject to
applicable laws.

   By contrast, the Zenith Declaration of Trust provides that the Zenith Fund
may be terminated at any time by a vote of at least 66 2/3% of the shares
entitled to vote, or by the Trustees by written notice to the shareholders. Any
series or class of the Zenith Fund may be terminated at any time by vote of at
least 66 2/3% of the shares of that series or class, or by the Trustees by
written notice to shareholders of that series or class. In addition, the Zenith
Declaration of Trust provides that at any time that there are no shares
outstanding of a particular series or class, the Trustees may amend the
Declaration of Trust to abolish the series or class.


   Maryland law generally provides that an amendment to the charter must be
ratified by a vote of at least two-thirds of all shareholders. However, the Met
Articles provide that notwithstanding Maryland law, any action by shareholders
may be taken by majority vote of the shares entitled to vote, so that the Met
Articles may be amended by a majority of the shareholders of the Met Fund.
Also, Maryland law provides that a majority of the board of directors may,
without a shareholder vote, (1) change the name of the corporation or (2)
change the name or par value of any class or series of the corporation's stock
and the aggregate par value of the corporation's stock. The Met Bylaws may be
amended by a majority shareholder vote, although certain provisions of the Met
Bylaws may also be amended by action of a majority of the Board of Directors
without a shareholder vote.

   The Zenith Declaration of Trust may be amended by a vote of a majority of
the shares entitled to vote, although the Trustees may amend the Zenith
Declaration of Trust without a shareholder vote for the purpose of (i)
responding to or complying with any regulation, order, ruling or interpretation
of any governmental agency or law, or (ii) designating and establishing series
and classes. The Zenith Bylaws may be amended by action of a majority of the

  Rights of Inspection

   Under Maryland law, any shareholder of the Met Fund may inspect and copy
during usual business hours the Met Articles and the Met Bylaws


and the minutes, annual reports and voting trust agreements on file at the Met
Fund's principal office. Under Maryland law, shareholders owning at least 5% of
the Met Fund's shares who have been shareholders of record for at least six
months also have the right to inspect the books of account and stock ledger of
the Met Fund and request a statement of the Met Fund's affairs. Massachusetts
law, the Zenith Declaration of Trust and the Zenith Bylaws do not provide for
any inspection rights.


   Maryland law provides that a distribution may not be made by the Met Fund
if, after giving effect to it, (i) the Met Fund would not be able to pay its
indebtedness as such indebtedness becomes due in the usual course of business;
or (ii) the Met Fund's total assets would be less than the sum of the Met
Fund's total liabilities plus the amount that would be needed if the Met Fund
were to be dissolved at the time of the distribution to satisfy any
preferential rights upon dissolution of stockholders whose preferential rights
on dissolution are superior to those receiving the distribution. Massachusetts
law, the Zenith Declaration of Trust and the Zenith Bylaws contain no
comparable restrictions.


   The Met Fund and the Zenith Fund each rely upon an exemptive order from the
SEC that permits MetLife Advisers to enter into new subadvisory agreements with
either a current or a new subadviser that is not an affiliate of MetLife
Advisers or the Met Fund or the Zenith Fund, as the case may be, without
obtaining shareholder approval. The Directors or the Trustees, as applicable,
must approve any new subadvisory agreements under the exemptive order, and the
Met Fund or the Zenith Fund must also comply with certain other conditions.

   The exemptive order also permits the Met Fund and the Zenith Fund to
continue to employ an existing subadviser, or to amend an existing subadvisory
agreement, without shareholder approval after certain events that would
otherwise require a shareholder vote. Any new or amended subadvisory agreement
must be approved by the Directors or Trustees, as applicable. The Met Fund or
the Zenith Fund will notify shareholders of any subadviser changes and any
other event of which notification is required under the order.


                             2.  OTHER INFORMATION

The Met Fund.

   The Met Fund is a Maryland corporation registered as an investment company
under the 1940 Act. The Met Fund was organized on November 23, 1982. The
principal executive offices of the Met Fund are located at 501 Boylston Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02116.

   Directors and Officers.  The business of the Met Fund is managed under the
direction of a Board of Directors. The Met Fund's Directors review actions of
the Met Fund's investment adviser and subadvisers, and decide upon matters of
general policy. The Met Fund's officers supervise the daily business operations
of the Met Fund. Each Director is responsible for overseeing all Portfolios of
the Fund. There is no limit to the term a Director may serve. The Directors and
senior officers of the Met Fund, their ages and a description of their
principal occupations during the past five years are listed below. Except as
shown, each Director's and officer's principal occupation and business
experience for the last five years have been with the employer(s) indicated,
although in some cases the Director may have held different positions with such
employer(s). Unless otherwise indicated, the business address of the persons
listed below is 501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116.


Interested Directors

   Each Director below is an "interested person" (as defined by the 1940 Act)
in that Ms. Goggin is an employee, and Mr. Typermass, a former employee of, and
currently consulting to, MetLife, which is an affiliate of MetLife Advisers,
the investment adviser of the Met Fund.

                                                          Principal occupations over
                          Current position(s) Position(s) past five years, including
  Name and address    Age    with Met Fund    held since    other directorships(1)
  ----------------    --- ------------------- ----------- --------------------------
Anne M. Goggin....... 54  Director, Chairman     2002     Chief Counsel-Individual
Metropolitan Life         of the Board,                   Business, MetLife; Trustee
1 Madison Avenue          President and Chief             and Chairman of the
New York, NY 10010        Executive Officer               Board, Zenith Fund*;
                                                          Senior Vice President and
                                                          General Counsel, New
                                                          England Financial
                                                          ("NEF"); Chair of the
                                                          Board of Managers,
                                                          President and Chief
                                                          Executive Officer,
                                                          MetLife Advisers;
                                                          Director, NESC; formerly,
                                                          General Counsel,
                                                          Secretary and Clerk,
                                                          NESC, 1993-1999.

Arthur G. Typermass.. 65  Director               1998     Formerly, Senior Vice-
43 Chestnut Street                                        President and Treasurer,
Garden City, NY 11530                                     MetLife, 1997-1998.

Non-Interested Directors

   Each Director below is not an "interested person" (as defined by the 1940

                              Current position(s) Position(s)   Principal occupations
    Name and address      Age    with Met Fund    held since   over past five years(1)
    ----------------      --- ------------------- ----------- -------------------------
Steve A. Garban+......... 65  Director               1993     Formerly, Chief Financial
The Pennsylvania State                                        Officer, Senior Vice
University                                                    President Finance and
208 Old Main                                                  Operations and
University Park, PA 16802                                     Treasurer, The
                                                              Pennsylvania State

Linda B. Strumpf......... 55  Director               2000     Vice President and Chief
Ford Foundation                                               Investment Officer, Ford
320 E. 43rd Street                                            Foundation.
New York, NY 10017


                               Current position(s) Position(s)   Principal occupations
     Name and address      Age    with Met Fund    held since   over past five years(1)
     ----------------      --- ------------------- ----------- -----------------------

Dean O. Morton+........... 71  Director               1993        Formerly, Executive Vice
3200 Hillview Avenue                                              President, Chief
Palo Alto, CA 94304                                               Operating Officer and
                                                                  Director, Hewlett-Packard

Michael S. Scott Morton+   65  Director               1993        Jay W. Forrester Professor
Massachusetts Institute of                                        of Management
Technology ("MIT")                                                (Emeritus) at Sloan
50 Memorial Drive                                                 School of Management,
Cambridge, MA 02138                                               MIT.

Toby Rosenblatt+.......... 64  Director               2001        President, since 1999, and
3409 Pacific Avenue                                               formerly, Vice President,
San Francisco, CA 94118                                           Founders Investments,

H. Jesse Arnelle.......... 69  Director               2001        Counsel, Womble Carlyle
400 Urbano Drive            `                                     Sandrie & Rice; formerly,
San Francisco, CA 94127                                           Senior Partner, Arnelle,
                                                                  Hastie, McGee, Willis and


                          Current position(s) Position(s)   Principal occupations
  Name and address    Age      with Fund      held since   over past five years(1)
  ----------------    --- ------------------- ----------- --------------------------
John F. Guthrie, Jr.. 59  Senior Vice            2002     Manager and Senior Vice
MetLife Advisers, LLC     President                       President, MetLife
501 Boylston Street                                       Advisers; Senior Vice
Boston, MA 02116                                          President, Zenith Fund,
                                                          Since 1995; Vice
                                                          President, NEF.

Peter Duffy.......... 47  Vice President and     2000     Senior Vice President,
MetLife Advisers, LLC     Treasurer                       MetLife Advisers, since
501 Boylston Street                                       December 1998; Vice
Boston, MA 02116                                          President, since 2002, and
                                                          Treasurer, since 1998,
                                                          Zenith Fund; Senior Vice
                                                          President; NEF; formerly
                                                          Senior Vice President,
                                                          New England Funds, L.P.


                          Current position(s) Position(s)   Principal occupations
  Name and address    Age      with Fund      held since   over past five years(1)
  ----------------    --- ------------------- ----------- --------------------------

Thomas M. Lenz....... 44  Vice President and     2002     General Counsel and
MetLife Advisers, LLC     Secretary                       Secretary, MetLife
501 Boylston Street                                       Advisers, since 1998;
Boston, MA 02116                                          Assistant General
                                                          Counsel, MetLife; Vice
                                                          President, since 2002, and
                                                          Secretary, since 1998,
                                                          Zenith Fund; formerly,
                                                          Vice President, State
                                                          Street Bank and Trust

David W. Allen....... 46  Senior Vice            2002     Head of Individual Life
Metropolitan Life         President                       Product Management,
Insurance Company                                         MetLife; Senior Vice
501 Boylston Street                                       President, Zenith Fund,
Boston, MA 02116                                          since 2002.

Hugh McHaffie........ 44  Senior Vice            2000     Senior Vice President,
Metropolitan Life         President                       MetLife, since 1999;
Insurance Company                                         Senior Vice President,
501 Boylston Street                                       Zenith Fund, since 2002;
Boston, MA 02116                                          formerly Vice President,
                                                          Manufacturers Life North

Thomas C. McDevitt... 47  Vice President         2002     Vice President, Zenith
MetLife Advisers, LLC                                     Fund, since 1995.
501 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116

Daphne Thomas-Jones.. 47  Vice President         2000     Assistant Vice President,
Metropolitan Life                                         since 1998, and formerly,
 Insurance Company                                        Director, MetLife.
One Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010

- --------
*  Indicates a directorship with a registered investment company or a company
   subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
   1934, as amended.


(1) Previous positions during the past five years with the Met Fund,
    MetLife,MetLife Advisers, the Zenith Fund, New England Financial, New
    England Funds, L.P., or NESC are omitted if not materially different.
(+) Serves as a trustee, director and/or officer of one or more of the
    following companies, each of which has a direct or indirect advisory
    relationship with MetLife Advisers or its affiliates: State Street Research
    Financial Trust, State Street Research Income Trust, State Street Research
    Money Market Trust, State Street Research Tax-Exempt Trust, State Street
    Research Capital Trust, State Street Research Master Investment Trust,
    State Street Research Equity Trust, State Street Research Securities Trust,
    State Street Research Growth Trust and State Street Research Exchange Trust
    (the "State Street Research Funds").

MetLife Advisers.

   MetLife Advisers is the investment adviser to the Funds and the New Funds.
The address of MetLife Advisers is 501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts


   NESC provides mutual fund distribution services to registered investment
companies, including the Funds, and is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of
NEF. NESC's address is 399 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116.


   MetLife provides mutual fund distribution services to registered investment
companies, including the Met Fund. MetLife's address is One Madison Avenue, New
York, NY 10010.

Independent Public Accountants.

   Deloitte & Touche LLP presently serves as independent public accountants for
the Zenith Fund and the Met Fund.

Expenses of Reorganizations/Proxy Solicitation.

   MetLife or its affiliates will bear the costs of each Reorganization, except
for portfolio transaction costs incurred by the Funds in connection


with the purchase or sale of portfolio securities that are permitted
investments of the Funds and governmental fees required in connection with the
registration or qualification under applicable state and federal laws of the
shares of the Met Fund to be issued. The costs to be borne by MetLife or its
affiliates will include, among other costs, the costs of this Proxy Statement.
In the event that a Reorganization is not consummated, MetLife will bear all of
the costs and expenses incurred by both the Zenith Fund and the Met Fund in
connection with the proposed Reorganizations.

   Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, expenses will in any event be paid by
the party directly incurring such expenses if and to the extent that the
payment by any other party of such expenses would result in the
disqualification of the first party as a "regulated investment company" within
the meaning of Section 851 of the Code.

Outstanding Shares and Certain Ownership of Shares.

   The Zenith Fund serves as the investment vehicle for variable insurance,
variable annuity and group annuity products of the Insurance Companies. Shares
of the Funds are available for purchase by separate accounts established by the
Insurance Companies and by Qualified Plans. Shares of the Funds are not offered
for direct purchase by the investing public. Shares of certain Funds are also
held by the Zenith Equity Series, one of the Funds. The Zenith Equity Series is
a fund of funds that currently invests approximately a third of its assets in
each of the Capital Guardian U.S. Equity Growth Series, Jennison Growth Series
and FI Structured Equity Series.


   The number of shares of beneficial interest of each of the Funds issued and
outstanding as of the Record Date was as follows:

                                                        Number of Issued and
               Name of Fund             Class of Shares  Outstanding Shares
               ------------             --------------- --------------------
    State Street Research Money Market
      Series...........................        A            3,274,558.005
                                               B              614,883.637

    Salomon Brothers Strategic Bond
      Opportunities Series.............        A           10,743,496.660
                                               B                  210.204
                                               E            2,483,987.033

    Salomon Brothers U.S. Government
      Series...........................        A           14,777,887.113
                                               B                  185.264
                                               E            6,082,221.300

    State Street Research Bond Income
      Series...........................        A            8,315.424.226
                                               B              456,099.747
                                               E              186,882.207

    Balanced Series....................        A            9,660,483.533
                                               E              970,293.821

    MFS Total Return Series............        A            1,102,895.081
                                               B               67,813.796

    Alger Equity Growth Series.........        A           32,141,005.270
                                               B                   68.306
                                               E            1,161,511.144

    Capital Guardian U.S. Equity Series        A           36,975,133.634
                                               B            1,259,908.709

    Davis Venture Value Series.........        A           34,673,952.447
                                               B                  118.064
                                               E           12,704,205.591

    FI Mid Cap Opportunities Series....        A              280,134.709
                                               B              125,032.512
                                               E              396,709.506

    FI Structured Equity Series........        A            3,896,601.633
                                               B                   49.468
                                               E               48,629.019


                                                        Number of Issued and
               Name of Fund             Class of Shares  Outstanding Shares
               ------------             --------------- --------------------

    Harris Oakmark Focused Value Series        A            2,594,149.714
                                               B              910,843.385
                                               E              469,490.448

    Jennison Growth Series.............        A           37,987,317.383
                                               B            8,908,259.627

    Loomis Sayles Small Cap Series.....        A            2,002,662.672
                                               B                    8.380
                                               E               79,468.154

    MFS Research Managers Series.......        A            3,948,367.823
                                               E              317,739.191

    MFS Investors Trust Series.........        A            3,040,871.302
                                               B            2,118,194.928
                                               E              706,420.842

    Zenith Equity Series...............        A            3,338,796.604

Record and Beneficial Ownership

   The Insurance Companies have informed the Zenith Fund that, as of the Record
Date, there were no persons owning contracts which would entitle them to
instruct the Insurance Companies with respect to 5% or more of the voting
securities of any Fund. The Officers and Trustees of the Zenith Fund owned less
than 1% of the outstanding shares of any Fund.

   Except as noted above with respect to the Zenith Equity Series, because the
Insurance Companies own 100% of the shares of the Zenith Fund, they may be
deemed to control (as that term is defined in the 1940 Act) the Zenith Fund.

Solicitation of Voting Instructions.

   Voting instructions will be solicited primarily by mailing this Proxy
Statement and its enclosures, but may also be solicited through further
mailings, telephone calls, personal interviews or e-mail by Trustees or
officers of the Zenith Fund or by employees or agents of MetLife or its
affiliates. The Funds do not currently anticipate retaining a proxy
solicitation firm to solicit voting instructions for the Meeting, but may do so
if deemed appropriate in their discretion as the date of the Meeting


approaches. Any such expense would be borne by MetLife or its affiliates, as
set forth in this Proxy Statement.

Voting Process

   The shares of the Funds are currently sold to Insurance Companies as the
record owners for allocation to the corresponding investment divisions or
sub-accounts of certain of their separate accounts. Most of the shares of the
Funds are attributable to variable insurance and annuity contracts. Other
outstanding Fund shares are not attributable to variable insurance contracts,
because such shares are (a) attributable to the Insurance Company's assets in
one of the registered separate accounts, (b) held in a separate account that is
not registered as an investment company, or (c) held in the Insurance Company's
general account rather than in a separate account.

   Record owners of shares of beneficial interest of each Fund as of the close
of business (4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) on January 31, 2003, will be entitled to
vote and may cast one vote for each dollar of the value of shares of the Fund
held as of that date.

   In accordance with their understanding of current applicable law, the
Insurance Companies will vote the shares of the Funds that are attributable to
variable insurance or annuity contracts based on instructions received from
owners of such contracts that participate in the corresponding investment
divisions or sub-accounts of the separate accounts.

   Shares of each Fund held in an investment division or sub-account of a
separate account attributable to variable insurance and annuity contracts for
which no timely instructions are received or that are not attributable to
variable insurance and annuity contracts will be represented at the Meeting by
the record owners and voted in the same proportion as the shares for which
voting instructions are received for all variable insurance and annuity
contracts participating in that investment division or sub-account. The Zenith
Fund has been advised that Fund shares held in the general account or
unregistered separate accounts of the Insurance Companies will be represented
at the Meeting by the record owners and voted in the same proportion as the
aggregate of (i) the shares for which voting instructions are received and (ii)
the other shares that are voted in proportion to such voting instructions.

   If an enclosed voting instruction form is completed, executed and returned,
it may nevertheless be revoked at any time before the Meeting by a written
revocation or later voting instruction form.


Date for Receipt of Shareholders' Proposals for Subsequent Meetings of

   The Zenith Declaration of Trust and Zenith Bylaws do not provide for annual
meetings of shareholders and the Zenith Fund does not currently intend to hold
such a meeting for holders of existing classes of shares in 2003. Shareholder
proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for any subsequent meeting of the
Zenith Fund shareholders must be received by the Zenith Fund a reasonable
period of time prior to any such meeting. If the Reorganizations are
accomplished in their entirety, it is expected that the existence of the Zenith
Fund will terminate in 2003, after which there would be no subsequent meetings
of the shareholders of the Zenith Fund.

Other Matters.

   The holders of 40% of the shares of each Fund outstanding on the Record
Date, present in person or represented by proxy, constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business at the Meeting. The total number of votes cast "for"
approval of the proposal will be counted for purposes of determining whether
sufficient affirmative votes have been cast on the proposal.

   All shares represented by voting instruction forms that reflect abstentions
will be counted as present for purposes of determining whether sufficient
affirmative votes have been cast. All shares represented by voting instruction
forms that reflect abstentions will be counted as present for purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum. Assuming the presence of a quorum,
abstentions have the effect of a negative vote on the proposal.

   In the event that a quorum is not present for purposes of acting on the
proposal, or if sufficient votes in favor of the proposal are not received by
the time of the Meeting, the Insurance Companies named in the voting
instructions may vote on those matters for which a quorum is present and as to
which sufficient affirmative votes have been received, and may propose one or
more adjournments of the Meeting with respect to any proposal not so approved
or adopted in order to permit further solicitation of voting instruction forms.
Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the
shares that (1) are entitled to vote on the proposal as to which adjournment is
proposed and (2) are present in person or represented by proxy at the session
of the Meeting to be adjourned. The Insurance Companies will vote in favor of


adjournment those voting instruction forms that they are entitled to vote in
favor of the proposal as to which adjournment is proposed. They will vote
against any such adjournment those proxies required to be voted against such
proposal as to which affirmative votes have been received and will not vote any
proxies that direct them to abstain from voting on such proposal.

   Although the Meeting is called to transact any other business that may
properly come before it, the only business that management intends to present
or knows that others will present is the Proposal referred to in the Notice of
Special Meeting and described in this Proxy Statement. Nevertheless,
shareholders are being asked on the enclosed voting instruction forms to
authorize the Insurance Companies to vote in accordance with their judgment
with respect to any additional matters that properly come before the Meeting
and on all matters incidental to the conduct of the Meeting.

March 24, 2003.


                                                                     Appendix A


   THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION (the "Agreement") dated as of
March 21, 2003 by and between (i) New England Zenith Fund (the "Acquired
Trust"), a Massachusetts business trust established under an Agreement and
Declaration of Trust dated December 16, 1986, as amended and restated and in
effect on the date hereof, on behalf of the [Fill In Name of Acquired Fund]
(the "Acquired Fund"), a series of the Acquired Trust, and (ii) Metropolitan
Series Fund, Inc. (the "Acquiring Company"), a Maryland corporation formed on
November 23, 1982, on behalf of the [Fill In Name of Acquiring Fund] (the
"Acquiring Fund"), a series of the Acquiring Company.

   This Agreement is intended to be and is adopted as a plan of reorganization
and liquidation within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the United States
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). The reorganization will
consist of the transfer of all of the assets of the Acquired Fund in exchange
solely for shares of common stock of the Acquiring Fund, the assumption by the
Acquiring Fund of the liabilities of the Acquired Fund and the distribution of
such shares of the Acquiring Fund to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund in
liquidation of the Acquired Fund, all upon the terms and conditions set forth
in this Agreement.

   In consideration of the premises and of the covenants and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:


   1.1 Subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth and on the basis of
       the representations and warranties contained herein,

      (a) The Acquired Trust, on behalf of the Acquired Fund, will transfer and
          deliver to the Acquiring Fund, and the Acquiring Fund will acquire,
          all the assets of the Acquired Fund as set forth in paragraph 1.2;

      (b) The Acquiring Fund will assume all of the Acquired Fund's liabilities
          and obligations of any kind whatsoever, whether


          absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise in existence on the
          Closing Date (as defined in paragraph 1.2 hereof), including without
          limitation any indemnification obligations of the Acquired Fund
          (collectively, the "Obligations"). For the avoidance of doubt, it is
          hereby expressly agreed that the Obligations include the obligation
          to indemnify any person who shall at any time have served as a
          trustee or officer of the Acquired Trust, to the full extent
          described in the Acquired Trust's By-laws as in effect on the date of
          this Agreement and permitted by applicable law, provided, however,
          that any findings, determinations or appointments relating to any
          such indemnification that are made after the Closing Date (as defined
          below) and that under the Acquired Trust's By-laws would be made by
          the trustees of the Acquired Trust (or a committee or sub-group
          thereof) shall instead be made by the directors of the Acquiring
          Company (or a similar committee or sub-group thereof). It is hereby
          further expressly agreed that such indemnification obligation shall
          extend to claims made and losses, damages and costs incurred after
          the Closing Date but arising from actions or omissions occurring
          before the Closing Date (including but not limited to actions or
          omissions relating to this Agreement, the transactions contemplated
          hereby and the approval thereof by the trustees and officers of the
          Acquired Fund).

      (c) The Acquiring Fund will issue and deliver to the Acquired Fund in
          exchange for such assets and the assumption of such liabilities the
          number of full and fractional [Class A shares, Class B shares and
          Class E shares] of the Acquiring Fund equal to the number of, and
          having an aggregate net asset value equal to that of, the full and
          fractional [Class A share, Class B share and Class E shares] of the
          Acquired Fund, computed in the manner and as of the time and date set
          forth in paragraph 2.1 (with the shares of the Acquiring Fund to be
          issued and delivered in accordance with this subparagraph (c) being
          referred to herein as the "Acquiring Shares"). Such transactions
          shall take place at the closing provided for in paragraph 3.1 (the

   1.2 The assets of the Acquired Fund to be acquired by the Acquiring Fund
       shall consist of all cash, securities, dividends and interest
       receivable, receivables for shares sold and all other assets which


       are owned by the Acquired Fund on the closing date provided in paragraph
       3.1 (the "Closing Date"), including any deferred expenses, other than
       unamortized organizational expenses, shown as an asset on the books of
       the Acquired Fund on the Closing Date.

   1.3 As provided in paragraph 3.4, as soon after the Closing Date as is
       conveniently practicable (the "Liquidation Date"), the Acquired Fund
       will liquidate and distribute to its shareholders of record (the
       "Acquired Fund Shareholders"), determined as of the close of business on
       the Valuation Date (as defined in paragraph 2.1), the Acquiring Shares
       received by the Acquired Fund pursuant to paragraph 1.1. Each Acquired
       Fund Shareholder shall be entitled to receive that proportion of
       Acquiring Shares of any class which the number of shares of such class
       of the Acquired Fund held by such Acquired Fund Shareholder bears to the
       total number of shares of that class of the Acquired Fund outstanding on
       the Valuation Date. Such liquidation and distribution will be
       accomplished by the transfer of the Acquiring Shares then credited to
       the account of the Acquired Fund on the books of the Acquiring Fund to
       open accounts on the share records of the Acquiring Fund in the names of
       the Acquired Fund Shareholders and representing the respective number of
       Acquiring Shares due such shareholders. The Acquiring Fund shall not be
       obligated to issue certificates representing Acquiring Shares in
       connection with such exchange.

   1.4 With respect to Acquiring Shares distributable pursuant to paragraph 1.3
       to an Acquired Fund Shareholder holding a certificate or certificates
       for shares of the Acquired Fund, if any, on the Valuation Date, the
       Acquiring Company will not permit such shareholder to receive Acquiring
       Share certificates therefor, exchange such Acquiring Shares for shares
       of other investment companies, effect an account transfer of such
       Acquiring Shares, or pledge or redeem such Acquiring Shares until the
       Acquiring Company has been notified by the Acquired Fund or its agent
       that such Shareholder has surrendered all his or her outstanding
       certificates for Acquired Fund shares or, in the event of lost
       certificates, posted adequate bond.

   1.5 Any obligation of the Acquired Fund to make filings with governmental
       authorities is and shall remain the responsibility of the Acquired Fund
       through the Closing Date and up to and


       including such later date on which the Acquired Fund is terminated.

   1.6 As promptly as practicable, but in any case within 60 days after the
       Closing Date, the Acquired Fund shall furnish to the Acquiring Fund, in
       such form as is reasonably satisfactory to the Acquiring Fund, a
       statement of the earnings and profits of the Acquired Fund for federal
       income tax purposes that will be carried over by the Acquiring Fund as a
       result of Section 381 of the Code, which shall have been reviewed by
       Deloitte & Touche LLP and certified by the Treasurer of the Acquired

   1.7 As promptly as possible after the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund shall
       be terminated pursuant to the provisions of the Acquired Trust's
       Declaration of Trust and the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
       and, after the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund shall not conduct any
       business except in connection with its liquidation.


   2.1 For the purpose of paragraph 1, the value of the shares of each class of
       the Acquired Fund shall be equal to the net asset value of such shares
       of the Acquired Fund computed as of the close of regular trading on the
       New York Stock Exchange on the business day next preceding the Closing
       (such time and date being herein called the "Valuation Date") using the
       valuation procedures as adopted by the Board of Directors of the
       Acquiring Company, and shall be certified by an authorized officer of
       the Acquired Trust.


   3.1 The Closing Date shall be on April 28, 2003 or on such other date as the
       parties may agree in writing. The Closing shall be held at 9:00 a.m. on
       the Closing Date at the offices of MetLife Advisers, LLC, located at 501
       Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts, or at such other time and/or
       place as the parties may agree.

   3.2 The portfolio securities of the Acquired Fund shall be made available by
       the Acquired Fund to State Street Bank and Trust Company, as custodian
       for the Acquiring Fund (the "Custodian"), for examination no later than
       five business days


       preceding the Valuation Date. On the Closing Date, such portfolio
       securities and all the Acquired Fund's cash shall be delivered by the
       Acquired Fund to the Custodian for the account of the Acquiring Fund,
       such portfolio securities to be duly endorsed in proper form for
       transfer in such manner and condition as to constitute good delivery
       thereof in accordance with the custom of brokers or, in the case of
       portfolio securities held in the U.S. Treasury Department's book-entry
       system or by the Depository Trust Company, Participants Trust Company or
       other third party depositories, by transfer to the account of the
       Custodian in accordance with Rule 17f-4 or Rule 17f-5, as the case may
       be, under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940
       Act") and accompanied by all necessary federal and state stock transfer
       stamps or a check for the appropriate purchase price of such transfer
       stamps. The cash delivered shall be in the form of currency or certified
       or official bank checks, payable to the order of "State Street Bank and
       Trust Company, custodian for [Fill In Name of Acquiring Fund], a series
       of the Metropolitan Series Fund, Inc."

   3.3 In the event that on the Valuation Date (a) the New York Stock Exchange
       shall be closed to trading or general trading thereon shall be
       restricted, or (b) trading or the reporting of trading on said Exchange
       or elsewhere shall be disrupted so that accurate appraisal of the value
       of the net assets of the Acquired Fund is impracticable, the Valuation
       Date shall be postponed until the first business day after the day when
       trading shall have been fully resumed and reporting shall have been
       restored; provided that if trading shall not be fully resumed and
       reporting restored within three business days after the original
       Valuation Date, this Agreement may be terminated by either of the
       Acquired Trust or the Acquiring Company upon the giving of written
       notice to the other party.

   3.4 At the Closing, the Acquired Fund or its transfer agent shall deliver to
       the Acquiring Fund or its designated agent a list of the names and
       addresses of the Acquired Fund Shareholders and the number of
       outstanding shares of beneficial interest of each class of the Acquired
       Fund owned by each Acquired Fund Shareholder, all as of the close of
       business on the Valuation Date, certified by the Secretary or Assistant
       Secretary of the Acquired Trust. The Acquiring Company shall provide to
       the Acquired Fund evidence satisfactory to the Acquired Fund that


       the Acquiring Shares issuable pursuant to paragraph 1.1 have been
       credited to the Acquired Fund's account on the books of the Acquiring
       Fund. On the Liquidation Date, the Acquiring Company shall provide to
       the Acquired Fund evidence satisfactory to the Acquired Fund that such
       Acquiring Shares have been credited pro rata to open accounts in the
       names of the Acquired Fund Shareholders as provided in paragraph 1.3.

   3.5 At the Closing each party shall deliver to the other such bills of sale,
       instruments of assumption of liabilities, checks, assignments, stock
       certificates, receipts or other documents as such other party or its
       counsel may reasonably request in connection with the transfer of
       assets, assumption of liabilities and liquidation contemplated by
       paragraph 1.


   4.1 The Acquired Trust, on behalf of the Acquired Fund, represents and
       warrants the following to the Acquiring Company and to the Acquiring
       Fund as of the date hereof and agrees to confirm the continuing accuracy
       and completeness in all material respects of the following on the
       Closing Date:

      (a) The Acquired Trust is a business trust duly organized, validly
          existing and in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of
          Massachusetts and has the power to own all of its property and assets
          and to conduct its business as currently conducted;

      (b) The Acquired Trust is a duly registered investment company classified
          as a management company of the open-end type and its registration
          with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") as an
          investment company under the 1940 Act is in full force and effect,
          and the Acquired Fund is a separate series thereof duly established,
          designated and existing in accordance with the applicable provisions
          of the Declaration of Trust of the Acquired Trust and the 940 Act;

      (c) The Acquired Trust is not in violation in any material respect of any
          provision of its Declaration of Trust or By-laws or of any agreement,
          indenture, instrument, contract, lease or other undertaking to which
          the Acquired Trust is a party or by which the Acquired Fund is bound,
          and the execution,


          delivery and performance of this Agreement will not result in any
          such violation;

      (d) The Acquired Trust has no material contracts or other commitments
          (other than this Agreement and such other contracts as may be entered
          into in the ordinary course of its business) which if terminated may
          result in material liability to the Acquired Fund or under which
          (whether or not terminated) any material payments for periods
          subsequent to the Closing Date will be due from the Acquired Fund;

      (e) No litigation or administrative proceeding or investigation of or
          before any court or governmental body is presently pending or
          threatened against the Acquired Fund, any of its properties or assets
          or any person whom the Acquired Fund may be obligated to indemnify in
          connection with such litigation, proceeding or investigation. The
          Acquired Fund knows of no facts which might form the basis for the
          institution of such proceedings, and is not a party to or subject to
          any order, decree or judgment of any court or governmental body which
          materially and adversely affects its business or its ability to
          consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;

      (f) The statement of assets and liabilities, the statement of operations,
          the statement of changes in net assets and the schedule of
          investments as at and for the two years ended December 31, 2002, of
          the Acquired Fund, audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, copies of which
          have been furnished to the Acquiring Fund, fairly reflect the
          financial condition and results of operations of the Acquired Fund as
          of such dates and the results of its operations for the periods then
          ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
          consistently applied, and the Acquired Fund has no known liabilities
          of a material amount, contingent or otherwise, other than those shown
          on the statement of assets referred to above or those incurred in the
          ordinary course of its business since December 31, 2002;

      (g) Since December 31, 2002, there has not been any material adverse
          change in the Acquired Fund's financial condition, assets,
          liabilities or business (other than changes occurring in the ordinary
          course of business), or any incurrence by the Acquired Fund of
          indebtedness, except as disclosed in


          writing to the Acquiring Fund. For the purposes of this subparagraph
          (g), distributions of net investment income and net realized capital
          gains, changes in portfolio securities, changes in the market value
          of portfolio securities or net redemptions shall be deemed to be in
          the ordinary course of business;

      (h) By the Closing Date, all federal and other tax returns and reports of
          the Acquired Fund required by law to have been filed by such date
          (giving effect to extensions) shall have been filed, all federal and
          other taxes shown to be due on said returns and reports or any
          assessments received by the Acquired Fund shall have been paid so far
          as due and adequate provision shall have been made for the payment
          thereof, and to the best of the Acquired Fund's knowledge no such
          return is currently under audit and no assessment has been asserted
          with respect to any such return;

      (i) For all taxable years and all applicable quarters of such years from
          the date of its inception, the Acquired Fund has met the requirements
          of Subchapter M of the Code for treatment as a "regulated investment
          company" within the meaning of Section 851 of the Code. Neither the
          Acquired Trust nor the Acquired Fund has at any time since its
          inception been liable for nor is now liable for any material excise
          tax pursuant to Sections 852 or 4982 of the Code, except as
          previously disclosed in writing to and accepted by the Acquiring
          Fund. The Acquired Fund has duly filed all federal, state, local and
          foreign tax returns which are required to have been filed, and all
          taxes of the Acquired Fund which are due and payable have been paid
          except for amounts that alone or in the aggregate would not
          reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect. The
          Acquired Fund is in compliance in all material respects with
          applicable regulations of the Internal Revenue Service pertaining to
          the reporting of dividends and other distributions on and redemptions
          of its capital stock and to withholding in respect of dividends and
          other distributions to shareholders, and is not liable for any
          material penalties which could be imposed thereunder. For all taxable
          years and all applicable quarters of the Acquired Fund from the date
          of its inception, the assets of the Acquired Fund have been
          sufficiently diversified that each segregated asset account investing
          all its assets in the Acquired Fund was


          adequately diversified within the meaning of Section 817(h) of the
          Code and applicable regulations thereunder;

      (j) The authorized capital of the Acquired Trust consists of an unlimited
          number of shares of beneficial interest, no par value, of such number
          of different series as the Board of Trustees of the Acquiring Trust
          may authorize from time to time. The outstanding shares of beneficial
          interest in the Acquired Fund are, and at the Closing Date will be,
          divided into [Class A shares, Class B shares and Class E shares],
          each having the characteristics described in the Acquired Fund's
          current prospectus or prospectuses and statement of additional
          information or statements of additional information (collectively, as
          amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Acquired Fund
          Prospectus"). All issued and outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund
          are, and at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly issued and
          outstanding, fully paid and (except as set forth in the Acquired Fund
          Prospectus), nonassessable by the Acquired Fund and will have been
          issued in compliance with all applicable registration or
          qualification requirements of federal and state securities laws. No
          options, warrants or other rights to subscribe for or purchase, or
          securities convertible into, any shares of beneficial interest of the
          Acquired Fund are outstanding and none will be outstanding on the
          Closing Date;

      (k) The Acquired Fund's investment operations from inception to the date
          hereof have been in compliance in all material respects with the
          investment policies and investment restrictions set forth in its
          prospectus and statement of additional information as in effect from
          time to time, except as previously disclosed in writing to and
          accepted by the Acquiring Fund;

      (l) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been
          duly authorized by the Trustees of the Acquired Trust, and, upon
          approval thereof by the required majority of the shareholders of the
          Acquired Fund, this Agreement will constitute the valid and binding
          obligation of the Acquired Fund, enforceable in accordance with its
          terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,
          reorganization or other similar laws affecting the enforcement of
          creditors' rights generally and other equitable principles;


      (m) The Acquiring Shares to be issued to the Acquired Fund pursuant to
          paragraph 1 will not be acquired for the purpose of making any
          distribution thereof other than to the Acquired Fund Shareholders as
          provided in paragraph 1.3;

      (n) The information provided by the Acquired Fund for use in the
          Registration Statement referred to in paragraph 5.7 and any
          information provided by the Acquired Fund for use in any governmental
          filings in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby,
          including without limitation applications for exemption orders or
          no-action letters, shall be accurate and complete in all material
          respects and shall comply with federal securities and other laws and
          regulations applicable thereto;

      (o) No consent, approval, authorization or order of any court or
          governmental authority is required for the consummation by the
          Acquired Fund of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
          except such as may be required under the Securities Act of 1933, as
          amended (the "1933 Act"), the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
          amended (the "1934 Act"), the 1940 Act and state insurance,
          securities or blue sky laws (which term as used in this Agreement
          shall include the laws of the District of Columbia and of Puerto

      (p) At the Closing Date, the Acquired Trust, on behalf of the Acquired
          Fund, will have good and marketable title to its assets to be
          transferred to the Acquiring Fund pursuant to paragraph 1.1 and will
          have full right, power and authority to sell, assign, transfer and
          deliver the Investments (as defined below) and any other assets and
          liabilities of the Acquired Fund to be transferred to the Acquiring
          Fund pursuant to this Agreement. At the Closing Date, subject only to
          the delivery of the Investments and any such other assets and
          liabilities and payment therefor as contemplated by this Agreement,
          the Acquiring Fund will acquire good and marketable title thereto and
          will acquire the Investments and any such other assets and
          liabilities subject to no encumbrances, liens or security interests
          whatsoever and without any restrictions upon the transfer thereof,
          except as previously disclosed to and accepted by the Acquiring Fund.
          As used in this Agreement, the term "Investments" shall mean the
          Acquired Fund's investments


          shown on the schedule of its investments as of December 31, 2002,
          referred to in Section 4.1(f) hereof, as supplemented with such
          changes in the portfolio as the Acquired Fund shall make, and changes
          resulting from stock dividends, stock splits, mergers and similar
          corporate actions through the Closing Date;

      (q) At the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund will have sold such of its
          assets, if any, as are necessary to assure that, after giving effect
          to the acquisition of the assets of the Acquired Fund pursuant to
          this Agreement, the Acquiring Fund will remain "diversified" within
          the meaning of Section 5(b)(1) of the 1940 Act and in compliance with
          such other mandatory investment restrictions as are set forth in the
          then current prospectus or prospectuses and the statement of
          additional information or statements of additional information of the
          Acquired Fund, as amended through the Closing Date;

      (r) No registration of any of the Investments under the Securities Act or
          under any state securities or blue sky laws would be required if they
          were, as of the time of such transfer, the subject of a public
          distribution by either of the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund,
          except as previously disclosed by the Acquired Fund to and accepted
          by the Acquiring Fund; and

      (s) The definitive Proxy Statement of the Acquired Fund referred to in
          Section 5.3 hereof, as filed with the SEC under the under the 1934
          Act, and relating to the meeting of the Acquired Fund's shareholders
          referred to in Section 5.2 hereof (together with the documents
          incorporated therein by reference, the "Proxy Statement"), on the
          date of such filing (i) complied in all material respects with the
          provisions of the 1934 Act and the 1940 Act and the rules and
          regulations thereunder and (ii) did not contain any untrue statement
          of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be
          stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
          misleading; and at the time of the shareholders meeting referred to
          in Section 5.2 hereof and on the Closing Date, the Proxy Statement
          will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
          state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to
          make the statements therein not misleading;


          provided, however, that none of the representations and warranties in
          this paragraph shall apply to statements in or omissions from the
          Proxy Statement made in reliance upon and in conformity with
          information furnished by the Acquiring Fund for use in the Proxy

   4.2 The Acquiring Company, on behalf of the Acquiring Fund, represents and
       warrants the following to the Acquired Trust and to the Acquired Fund as
       of the date hereof, as applicable, and agrees to confirm the continuing
       accuracy and completeness in all material respects of the following on
       the Closing Date:

      (a) The Acquiring Company is a corporation duly organized, validly
          existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Maryland
          and has the power to own all of its property and assets and to
          conduct its business as currently conducted;

      (b) The Acquiring Company is a duly registered investment company
          classified as a management company of the open-end type and its
          registration with the SEC as an investment company under the 1940 Act
          is in full force and effect, and the Acquiring Fund is a separate
          series thereof duly established, designated and existing in
          accordance with the applicable provisions of the Articles of
          Incorporation of the Acquiring Company and the 1940 Act;

      (c) The prospectus and statement of additional information of the
          Acquiring Fund (collectively, as amended or supplemented from time to
          time, the "Acquiring Fund Prospectus") when filed with the SEC will
          conform in all material respects with the applicable requirements of
          the 1933 Act and the rules and regulations of the SEC thereunder and
          will not include any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
          state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to
          make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
          which they were made, not misleading, and there are no material
          contracts to which the Acquiring Fund is a party that are not
          referred to in the Acquiring Fund Prospectus or in the registration
          statement of which it is a part;

      (d) The Acquiring Fund has no operations or assets other than in
          connection with its organization and the transactions contemplated by
          this Agreement;


      (e) The Acquiring Company is not in violation in any material respect of
          any provisions of its Articles of Incorporation or By-laws or of any
          agreement, indenture, instrument, contract, lease or other
          undertaking to which the Acquiring Company is a party or by which the
          Acquiring Fund is bound, if any, and the execution, delivery and
          performance of this Agreement will not result in any such violation;

      (f) No litigation or administrative proceeding or investigation of or
          before any court or governmental body is presently pending or
          threatened against the Acquiring Fund or any of its properties or
          assets. The Acquiring Fund knows of no facts which might form the
          basis for the institution of such proceedings, and is not a party to
          or subject to any order, decree or judgment of any court or
          governmental body which materially and adversely affects its business
          or its ability to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;

      (g) The Acquiring Fund was established by the Board of Directors of the
          Acquiring Company in order to effect the transaction described in
          this Agreement. The Acquiring Fund has not yet filed its first
          federal income tax return and, thus, has not yet elected to be
          treated as a "regulated investment company" for federal income tax
          purposes. However, upon filing its first income tax return at the end
          of its first taxable year, the Acquiring Fund intends to elect to be
          a "regulated investment company" and until such time intends to take
          all steps to ensure that it qualifies for taxation as a "regulated
          investment company" and that the assets of the Acquiring Fund will be
          sufficiently diversified so that each segregated asset account
          investing all its assets in the Acquiring Fund is adequately
          diversified within the meaning of Section 817(h) of the Code and
          applicable regulations thereunder;

      (h) The authorized capital of the Acquiring Company consists of 3 billion
          shares of common stock, par value of $0.01 per share, of which
          shares are authorized for the Acquiring Fund. The outstanding shares
          in the Acquiring Fund are, and at the Closing Date will be, divided
          into [Class A shares, Class B shares and Class E shares], each having
          the characteristics described in the Acquiring Fund Prospectus. All
          issued and outstanding shares of the Acquiring Fund are,


          and at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly issued and
          outstanding, fully paid and non-assessable by the Acquiring Company,
          and will have been issued in compliance with all applicable
          registration or qualification requirements of federal and state
          securities laws. No options, warrants or other rights to subscribe
          for or purchase, or securities convertible into, any shares of common
          stock in the Acquiring Fund of any class are outstanding and none
          will be outstanding on the Closing Date (except such rights as the
          Acquiring Fund may have pursuant to this Agreement);

      (i) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been
          duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Acquiring
          Company, and this Agreement constitutes the valid and binding
          obligation of the Acquiring Company and the Acquiring Fund
          enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be
          limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other similar
          laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally and
          other equitable principles;

      (j) The Acquiring Shares to be issued and delivered to the Acquired Fund
          pursuant to the terms of this Agreement will at the Closing Date have
          been duly authorized and, when so issued and delivered, will be duly
          and validly issued Class A shares, Class B shares or Class E shares,
          as the case may be, in the Acquiring Fund, and will be fully paid and
          non-assessable by the Acquiring Company, and no shareholder of the
          Acquiring Company will have any preemptive right of subscription or
          purchase in respect thereof;

      (k) The information to be furnished by the Acquiring Fund for use in the
          Proxy Statement referred to in paragraph 5.3 and any information
          furnished by the Acquiring Fund for use in any governmental filings
          in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, including
          without limitation applications for exemption orders or no-action
          letters, shall be accurate and complete in all material respects and
          shall comply with federal securities and other laws and regulations
          applicable thereto; and

      (l) No consent, approval, authorization or order of any court or
          governmental authority is required for the consummation by the
          Acquiring Fund of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
          except such as may be required under 1933


          Act, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act and state insurance, securities or
          blue sky laws.


   The Acquiring Company, on behalf of the Acquiring Fund, and the Acquired
Trust, on behalf of the Acquired Fund, each hereby covenants and agrees with
the other as follows:

   5.1 The Acquired Fund will operate its business in the ordinary course
       between the date hereof and the Closing Date, it being understood that
       such ordinary course of business may include regular and customary
       periodic dividends and distributions and any trading activities in
       anticipation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

   5.2 The Acquired Fund will call a meeting of its shareholders to be held
       prior to the Closing Date to consider and act upon this Agreement and
       take all other reasonable action necessary to obtain the required
       shareholder approval of the transactions contemplated hereby.

   5.3 In connection with the meeting of the Acquired Fund Shareholders
       referred to in paragraph 5.2, the Acquired Fund will prepare, file with
       the SEC and distribute to its shareholders entitled to vote at such
       meeting a Proxy Statement for such meeting in compliance with the
       applicable requirements of the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the 1940 Act.

   5.4 The Acquiring Fund will advise the Acquired Fund promptly if at any time
       prior to the Closing Date the Acquiring Fund becomes aware that the
       assets of the Acquired Fund include any securities which the Acquiring
       Fund is not permitted to acquire.

   5.5 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Acquired Fund and the
       Acquiring Fund will each take or cause to be taken all actions, and do
       or cause to be done all things reasonably necessary, proper or advisable
       to cause the conditions to the other party's obligations to consummate
       the transactions contemplated hereby to be met or fulfilled and
       otherwise to consummate and make effective such transactions.

   5.6 The Acquiring Fund will use all reasonable efforts to obtain the
       approvals and authorizations required by the 1933 Act, the 1940


       Act and such of the state securities or blue sky laws as it may deem
       appropriate in order to continue its operations after the Closing Date.

   5.7 The Acquiring Company will prepare and file a registration statement
       under the 1933 Act to register the Acquiring Shares and under the 1940
       Act (the "Registration Statement") in compliance with the applicable
       requirements of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act.

   5.8 The Acquiring Company, on behalf of the Acquiring Fund, will name each
       current Trustee and officer of the Acquired Trust, for a period of at
       least five (5) years, as an insured under the Acquiring Company's
       directors and officers insurance policy, the total coverage of which
       will be in an amount no less than the amount of coverage provided from
       time to time to the Directors and officers of the Acquiring Company for
       such period.


   The obligations of the Acquired Fund to consummate the transactions provided
for herein shall be subject, at its election, to the performance by the
Acquiring Company and the Acquiring Fund of all the obligations to be performed
by them hereunder on or before the Closing Date and, in addition thereto, to
the following further conditions:

   6.1 The Acquiring Company, on behalf of the Acquiring Fund, shall have
       delivered to the Acquired Trust a certificate executed in its name by
       its President or Vice President and its Treasurer or Assistant
       Treasurer, in form satisfactory to the Acquired Trust and dated as of
       the Closing Date, to the effect that the representations and warranties
       of the Acquiring Company on behalf of the Acquiring Fund made in this
       Agreement are true and correct at and as of the Closing Date, except as
       they may be affected by the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
       and that the Acquiring Company and the Acquiring Fund have complied with
       all the covenants and agreements and satisfied all of the conditions on
       their parts to be performed or satisfied under this Agreement at or
       prior to the Closing Date.

   6.2 The Acquired Trust shall have received a favorable opinion from Ropes &
       Gray, counsel to the Acquiring Company, dated the


       Closing Date and in a form satisfactory to the Acquired Trust, to the
       following effect:

      (a) The Acquiring Company is a corporation duly organized and validly
          existing under the laws of the State of Maryland and has corporate
          power and authority necessary to own all of its properties and assets
          and to carry on its business substantially as described in the Proxy
          Statement and the Acquiring Fund is a separate series of the
          Acquiring Company duly constituted in accordance with the applicable
          provisions of the 1940 Act and the Articles of Incorporation of the
          Acquiring Company; (b) this Agreement has been duly authorized,
          executed and delivered on behalf of the Acquiring Fund and, assuming
          the Proxy Statement referred to in paragraph 5.3 and the Registration
          Statement referred to in paragraph 5.7 comply with all applicable
          provisions of federal securities laws, this Agreement constitutes the
          valid and binding obligation of the Acquiring Fund enforceable
          against the Acquiring Fund in accordance with its terms, except as
          the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or
          other similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights and
          general principles of equity; (c) the Acquiring Fund has the power to
          assume the liabilities to be assumed by it hereunder and upon
          consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby the Acquiring
          Fund will have duly assumed such liabilities; (d) the Acquiring
          Shares to be issued for transfer to the shareholders of the Acquired
          Fund as provided by this Agreement are duly authorized and upon such
          transfer and delivery will be validly issued and outstanding and
          fully paid and nonassessable Class A shares, Class B shares and Class
          E shares of the Acquiring Fund, assuming that as consideration for
          such shares not less than the net asset value and the par value of
          such shares has been paid and that the conditions set forth in this
          Agreement have been satisfied; and no shareholder of the Acquiring
          Fund has any preemptive right of subscription or purchase in respect
          of such shares; (e) the execution and delivery by the Acquiring
          Company on behalf of the Acquiring Fund of this Agreement did not,
          and the performance by the Acquiring Company and the Acquiring Fund
          of their respective obligations hereunder will not, violate the
          Acquiring Company's Articles of Incorporation or By-laws, or any


          provision of any agreement known to such counsel to which the
          Acquiring Company or the Acquiring Fund is a party or by which either
          of them is bound, or, to the knowledge of such counsel, result in the
          acceleration of any obligation or the imposition of any penalty under
          any agreement, judgment or decree to which the Acquiring Company or
          the Acquiring Fund is a party or by which either of them is bound;
          (f) to the knowledge of such counsel, no consent, approval,
          authorization or order of any United States federal or Maryland state
          court or governmental authority is required for the consummation by
          the Acquiring Company or the Acquiring Fund of the transactions
          contemplated by this Agreement, except such as may be required under
          state securities or blue sky laws or such as have been obtained; (g)
          after inquiry of officers of the Acquiring Company by such counsel,
          but without having made any other investigation, there is no legal or
          governmental proceeding relating to the Acquiring Company or the
          Acquiring Fund on or before the date of mailing of the Proxy
          Statement or the date hereof which is required to be described in the
          Proxy Statement referred to in paragraph 5.3 which is not disclosed
          therein; (h) the Acquiring Company is duly registered with the SEC as
          an investment company under the 1940 Act; and (i) to the knowledge of
          such counsel, after having made inquiry of officers of the Acquiring
          Company but without having made any other investigation, there is no
          litigation or administrative proceeding or investigation of or before
          any court or governmental body presently pending or threatened as to
          the Acquiring Company or the Acquiring Fund or any of their
          respective properties or assets that places in question the validity
          or enforceability of, or seeks to enjoin the performance of, the
          Acquiring Company's obligations under this Agreement, and neither the
          Acquiring Company nor the Acquiring Fund is a party to or subject to
          the provisions of any order, decree or judgment of any court or
          governmental body, which materially and adversely affects either of
          their respective businesses.


   The obligations of the Acquiring Fund to complete the transactions provided
for herein shall be subject, at its election, to the performance by


the Acquired Fund of all the obligations to be performed by it hereunder on or
before the Closing Date and, in addition thereto, to the following further

   7.1 The Acquired Trust, on behalf of the Acquired Fund, shall have delivered
       to the Acquiring Company a certificate executed in its name by its
       President or Vice President and its Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, in
       form and substance satisfactory to the Acquiring Company and dated the
       Closing Date, to the effect that the representations and warranties of
       the Acquired Fund made in this Agreement are true and correct at and as
       of the Closing Date, except as they may be affected by the transactions
       contemplated by this Agreement, and that the Acquired Trust and the
       Acquired Fund have complied with all the covenants and agreements and
       satisfied all of the conditions on their part to be performed or
       satisfied under this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date;

   7.2 The Acquiring Company shall have received a favorable opinion from Ropes
       & Gray, dated the Closing Date and in a form satisfactory to the
       Acquiring Company, to the following effect:

      (a) The Acquired Trust is a business trust duly organized and validly
          existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has
          the power and authority necessary to own all of its properties and
          assets and to carry on its business substantially as described in the
          Acquired Fund Prospectus and the Proxy Statement and the Acquired
          Fund is a separate series of the Acquired Trust duly constituted in
          accordance with the applicable provisions of the 1940 Act and the
          Declaration of Trust and By-laws of the Acquired Trust; (b) this
          Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered on behalf
          of the Acquired Fund and, assuming the Proxy Statement referred to in
          paragraph 5.3 complies with all applicable provisions of federal
          securities laws, this Agreement constitutes the valid and binding
          obligation of the Acquired Fund enforceable against the Acquired Fund
          in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by
          bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other similar laws
          affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights and general principles
          of equity; (c) the Acquired Fund has the power to sell, assign,
          transfer and deliver the assets to be transferred by it under


          this Agreement, and, upon consummation of the transactions
          contemplated by this Agreement, the Acquired Fund will have duly
          transferred such assets to the Acquiring Fund; (d) the execution and
          delivery by the Acquired Trust on behalf of the Acquired Fund of this
          Agreement did not, and the performance by the Acquired Trust and the
          Acquired Fund of their respective obligations hereunder will not,
          violate the Acquired Trust's Declaration of Trust or By-laws, or any
          provision of any agreement known to such counsel to which the
          Acquired Trust or the Acquired Fund is a party or by which either of
          them is bound, or, to the knowledge of such counsel, result in the
          acceleration of any obligation or the imposition of any penalty under
          any agreement, judgment or decree to which the Acquired Trust or the
          Acquired Fund is a party or by which either of them is bound; (e) to
          the knowledge of such counsel, no consent, approval, authorization or
          order of any United States federal or Massachusetts state court or
          governmental authority is required for the consummation by the
          Acquired Trust or the Acquired Fund of the transactions contemplated
          by this Agreement, except such as may be required under state
          securities or blue sky laws or such as have been obtained; (f) after
          inquiry of officers of the Acquired Trust by such counsel, but
          without having made any other investigation, there is no legal or
          governmental proceeding relating to the Acquired Trust or the
          Acquired Fund on or before the date of mailing of the Proxy Statement
          or the date hereof which is required to be described in such Proxy
          Statement which is not disclosed therein; (g) the Acquired Trust is
          duly registered with the SEC as an investment company under the 1940
          Act; (h) to the knowledge of such counsel, after having made inquiry
          of officers of the Acquired Trust but without having made any other
          investigation, there is no litigation or administrative proceeding or
          investigation of or before any court or governmental body presently
          pending or threatened as to the Acquired Trust or the Acquired Fund
          or any of their respective properties or assets that places in
          question the validity or enforceability of, or seeks to enjoin the
          performance of, the Acquired Trust's obligations under this
          Agreement, and neither the Acquired Trust nor the Acquired Fund is a
          party to or subject to the provisions of any order, decree or
          judgment of any court or governmental body, which materially and
          adversely affects


          either of their respective businesses; and (i) all issued and
          outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund are validly issued, fully
          paid and non-assessable, assuming that as consideration for such
          shares not less than the net asset value of such shares has been
          paid, and assuming that such shares were issued in accordance with
          the Acquired Fund's registration statement, or any amendments
          thereto, in effect at the time of such issuance.

   7.3 The Acquired Fund shall have furnished to the Acquiring Fund tax
       returns, signed by a partner of Deloitte & Touche LLP, for the fiscal
       year ended December 31, 2002 and signed pro forma tax returns for the
       period from December 31, 2002 to the Closing Date (which pro forma tax
       returns shall be furnished promptly after the Closing Date).

   7.4 Prior to the Closing Date, the Acquired Fund shall have declared a
       dividend or dividends which, together with all previous dividends, shall
       have the effect of distributing all of the Acquired Fund's (i) excess
       investment income excludable from gross income under section 103 of the
       Code over deductions disallowed under Sections 265 and 171 of the Code,
       (ii) investment company taxable income for its taxable years ending on
       or after December 31, 2002 and on or prior to the Closing Date (in each
       case computed without regard to any deduction for dividends paid), and
       (iii) all of its net capital gains realized in each of its taxable years
       ending on or after December 31, 2002 and on or prior to the Closing Date.

   7.5 The Acquired Fund shall have furnished to the Acquiring Fund a
       certificate, signed by the President (or any Vice President) and the
       Treasurer of the Acquired Trust, as to the adjusted tax basis in the
       hands of the Acquired Fund of the securities delivered to the Acquiring
       Fund pursuant to this Agreement.

   7.6 The custodian of the Acquired Fund shall have delivered to the Acquiring
       Fund a certificate identifying all of the assets of the Acquired Fund
       held by such custodian as of the Valuation Date, and the Acquired Fund
       shall have delivered to the Acquiring Fund a statement of assets and
       liabilities of the Acquired Fund as of the Valuation Date, prepared in
       accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently
       applied from the prior audited period, certified by the Treasurer of the
       Acquired Fund.



   The respective obligations of the Acquired Trust and the Acquiring Company
hereunder are each subject to the further conditions that on or before the
Closing Date:

   8.1 This Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein shall have been
       approved by the vote of the required majority of the holders of the
       outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund of record on the record date for
       the meeting of its shareholders referred to in paragraph 5.2;

   8.2 On the Closing Date no action, suit or other preceding shall be pending
       before any court or governmental agency in which it is sought to
       restrain or prohibit, or obtain damages or other relief in connection
       with, this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby;

   8.3 All consents of other parties and all other consents, orders and permits
       of federal, state and local regulatory authorities (including those of
       the SEC and of state blue sky and securities authorities) deemed
       necessary by the Acquired Trust or the Acquiring Company to permit
       consummation, in all material respects, of the transactions contemplated
       hereby shall have been obtained, except where failure to obtain any such
       consent, order or permit would not involve a risk of a material adverse
       effect on the assets or properties of the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired

   8.4 The Registration Statement referred to in paragraph 5.7 shall have
       become effective under the 1933 Act and no stop order suspending the
       effectiveness thereof shall have been issued and, to the best knowledge
       of the parties hereto, no investigation or proceeding for that purpose
       shall have been instituted or be pending, threatened or contemplated
       under the 1933 Act;

   8.5 The Acquired Trust and the Acquiring Company shall have received a
       favorable opinion of Ropes & Gray satisfactory to the Acquired Trust and
       the Acquiring Company substantially to the effect that, for federal
       income tax purposes:

      (a) The acquisition by the Acquiring Fund of the assets of the Acquired
          Fund in exchange for the Acquiring Fund's


          assumption of the Obligations of the Acquired Fund and issuance of
          the Acquiring Shares, followed by the distribution by the Acquired
          Fund of such Acquiring Shares to the shareholders of the Acquired
          Fund in liquidation of the Acquired Fund, all as provided in
          paragraph 1 hereof, will constitute a reorganization within the
          meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code, and the Acquired Fund and the
          Acquiring Fund will each be "a party to a reorganization" within the
          meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code;

      (b) No gain or loss will be recognized by the Acquired Fund (i) upon the
          transfer of its assets to the Acquiring Fund in exchange for the
          Acquiring Shares or (ii) upon the distribution of the Acquiring
          Shares to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund as contemplated in
          paragraph 1 hereof;

      (c) No gain or loss will be recognized by the Acquiring Fund upon the
          receipt of the assets of the Acquired Fund in exchange for the
          assumption of the Obligations and issuance of the Acquiring Shares as
          contemplated in paragraph 1 hereof;

      (d) The tax basis of the assets of the Acquired Fund acquired by the
          Acquiring Fund will be the same as the basis of those assets in the
          hands of the Acquired Fund immediately prior to the transfer, and the
          holding period of the assets of the Acquired Fund in the hands of the
          Acquiring Fund will include the period during which those assets were
          held by the Acquired Fund;

      (e) The Acquired Fund Shareholders will recognize no gain or loss upon
          the exchange of their shares of the Acquired Fund for the Acquiring

      (f) The tax basis of the Acquiring Shares to be received by each Acquired
          Fund Shareholder will be the same in the aggregate as the aggregate
          tax basis of the shares of the Acquired Fund surrendered in exchange

      (g) The holding period of the Acquiring Shares to be received by each
          Acquired Fund Shareholder will include the period during which the
          shares of the Acquired Fund surrendered in exchange therefor were
          held by such shareholder, provided such shares of the Acquired Fund
          were held as a capital asset on the date of the exchange; and


      (h) The Acquiring Fund will succeed to and take into account the items of
          the Acquired Fund described in Section 381(c) of the Code, subject to
          the conditions and limitations specified in Sections 381, 382, 383
          and 384 of the Code and the regulations thereunder.

   8.6 At any time prior to the Closing, any of the foregoing conditions of
       this paragraph 8 may be waived jointly by the Board of Trustees of the
       Acquired Trust and the Board of Directors of the Acquiring Company if,
       in their judgment, such waiver will not have a material adverse effect
       on the interests of the shareholders of the Acquired Fund and the
       Acquiring Fund.


   9.1 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph 9, MetLife Advisers, LLC,
       by countersigning this Agreement, agrees that it will bear any and all
       costs and expenses of the transaction incurred by the Acquiring Fund and
       the Acquired Fund, including without limitation portfolio transaction
       costs incurred by the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund in connection
       with the sale of portfolio securities that are not permitted investments
       of the Acquiring Fund; provided, however, that MetLife Advisers, LLC
       will not bear portfolio transaction costs incurred by the Acquiring Fund
       or the Acquired Fund in connection with the purchase or sale of
       portfolio securities that are permitted investments of the Acquiring
       Fund or the Acquired Fund, as the case may be; provided, further, that
       the Acquiring Fund will pay all governmental fees required in connection
       with the registration or qualification of the Acquiring Shares under
       applicable state and federal laws.

   9.2 In the event the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are not
       consummated, then MetLife Advisers, LLC agrees that it shall bear all of
       the costs and expenses incurred by both the Acquiring Fund and the
       Acquired Fund in connection with such transactions.

   9.3 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, if for any
       reason the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are not
       consummated, neither the Acquiring Fund nor the Acquired Fund shall be
       liable to the other for any damages resulting therefrom, including,
       without limitation, consequential damages.


     9.4Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, costs and expenses will in any
        event be paid by the party directly incurring them if and to the extent
        that the payment by another party of such costs and expenses would
        result in the disqualification of such party as a "regulated investment
        company" within the meaning of Section 851 of the Code.


    10.1The Acquired Trust on behalf of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring
        Company on behalf of the Acquiring Fund agree that neither party has
        made any representation, warranty or covenant to the other not set
        forth herein and that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
        between the parties.

    10.2The representations, warranties and covenants contained in this
        Agreement or in any document delivered pursuant hereto or in connection
        herewith shall not survive the consummation of the transactions
        contemplated hereunder except paragraphs 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7,
        3.4, 4.2(g), 5.8, 7.3, 9, 10, 13 and 14.


    11.1This Agreement may be terminated by the mutual agreement of the
        Acquiring Company and the Acquired Trust. In addition, either the
        Acquiring Company or the Acquired Trust may at its option terminate
        this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date:

       (a) Because of a material breach by the other of any representation,
           warranty, covenant or agreement contained herein to be performed by
           the other party at or prior to the Closing Date;

       (b) If a condition herein expressed to be precedent to the obligations
           of the terminating party has not been met and it reasonably appears
           that it will not or cannot be met; or

       (c) If the Board of Directors of the Acquiring Fund or the Board of
           Trustees of the Acquired Fund, as the case may be, determines that
           the termination of this Agreement is in the best interests of its

    11.2If the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have not been
        substantially completed by July 31, 2003, this Agreement shall
        automatically terminate on that date unless a later date is


        agreed to by both the Acquired Trust and the Acquiring Company.


   This Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented in such manner as
may be mutually agreed upon in writing by the authorized officers of the
Acquired Trust on behalf of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Company on
behalf of the Acquiring Fund; provided, however, that following the
shareholders' meeting called by the Acquired Fund pursuant to paragraph 5.2, no
such amendment may have the effect of changing the provisions for determining
the number of the Acquiring Shares to be issued to the Acquired Fund
Shareholders under this Agreement to the detriment of such shareholders without
their further approval.


   Any notice, report, statement or demand required or permitted by any
provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by prepaid
courier, telecopy or certified mail addressed to: (i) New England Zenith Fund,
501 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116, attn: Secretary; or (ii) Metropolitan
Series Fund, Inc., 501 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116, attn: Secretary.


    14.1The article and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for
        reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
        interpretation of this Agreement.

    14.2This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
        which shall be deemed an original.

    14.3This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
        the domestic substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
        without giving effect to any choice or conflicts of law rule or
        provision that would result in the application of the domestic
        substantive laws of any other jurisdiction.

    14.4This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties
        hereto and their respective successors and assigns, but


        no assignment or transfer hereof or of any rights or obligations
        hereunder shall be made by any party without the written consent of the
        other party. Nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or shall
        be construed to confer upon or give any person, firm or corporation,
        other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and
        assigns, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

    14.5A copy of the Declaration of Trust of the Acquired Trust is on file
        with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and
        the Articles of Incorporation of the Acquiring Company are on file with
        the Secretary of State of the State of Maryland, and notice is hereby
        given that no trustee, director, officer, agent or employee of either
        the Acquired Trust or the Acquiring Company shall have any personal
        liability under this Agreement, and that this Agreement is binding only
        upon the assets and properties of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring
    14.6The Acquired Trust, on behalf of the Acquired Fund, and the Acquiring
        Company, on behalf of the Acquiring Fund, each represents and warrants
        to the other that there are no brokers or finders entitled to receive
        any payments in connection with the transactions provided for herein.


   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to
be executed as a sealed instrument by its President or Vice President and its
corporate seal to be affixed thereto and attested by its Secretary or Assistant

                          NEW ENGLAND ZENITH FUND,
                          on behalf of its


                          Name:  John F. Guthrie, Jr.

                          Title:  Senior Vice President



Name:  Thomas M. Lenz

Title:  Secretary

                          METROPOLITAN SERIES FUND, INC.
                          on behalf of its


                          Name:  John F. Guthrie, Jr.

                          Title:  Senior Vice President



Name:  Thomas M. Lenz

Title:  Secretary


                          Agreed and accepted as to paragraph 9 only:

                          METLIFE ADVISERS, LLC


                          Name: John F. Guthrie, Jr.

                          Title: Senior Vice President



Name: Thomas M. Lenz

Title: Secretary



The undersigned hereby instructs the [insurance company] (the "Company") to vote
the shares of each of the Fund(s) listed herein, each a series of New England
Zenith Fund, a Massachusetts business trust, as to which the undersigned is
entitled to give instructions at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the
Fund(s) to be held at the offices of MetLife Advisers, LLC, 501 Boylston Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02116, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on April 25, 2003 and at
any adjournments thereof.

The Company and the Board of Trustees of New England Zenith Fund solicit your
voting instructions and recommend that you instruct us to vote "FOR" the
Proposal. The Company will vote the appropriate number of Fund shares pursuant
to the instruction given. If no instruction is set forth on a returned form as
to the Proposal, the Company will vote FOR the Proposal.

                         VOTE VIA THE INTERNET:

                         VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE:  1-866-235-4258
                         CONTROL NUMBER:  999 9999 9999 999

                         Note: Please sign exactly as your name appears at left.
                         Joint owners each should sign. When signing as
                         attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or
                         guardian, please give full title as such. If a
                         corporation, please sign in full corporate name by
                         president or authorized officer. If a partnership,
                         please sign in partnership name by authorized person.


                         Signature of joint owner, if any

                         Date                                       NEZ_13039


FUND                                  FUND                               FUND
- ----                                  ----                               ----
Alger Equity Growth                   Balance                            Capital Guardian US Equity
Davis Venture Value                   FI Mid Cap Opportunities           FI Structured Equity
Harris Oakmark Focused Value          Jennison Growth                    Loomis Sayles Small Cap
MFS Investors Trust                   MFS Research Managers              MFS Total Return
SB Strategic Bond Opportunities       SB US Government                   SSR Bond Income
SSR Money Market                      Zenith Equity


1.   To approve an Agreement(s) and Plan(s) of Reorganization, with respect to
     the acquisition of the Fund(s) by the corresponding series of Metropolitan
     Series Fund, Inc.

     [ ] To vote all Funds FOR      [ ] to vote all Funds AGAINST

     [ ] to ABSTAIN votes for all Funds      or vote separately by Funds below

                                      FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN

     Alger Equity Growth              [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     Capital Guardian US Equity       [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     FI Mid Cap Opportunities         [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     Harris Oakmark Focused Value     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     Loomis Sayles Small Cap          [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     MFS Research Managers            [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     SB Strategic Bond Opportunities  [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     SSR Bond Income                  [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     Zenith Equity                    [ ]     [ ]     [ ]

                                      FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN

     Balance                          [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     Davis Venture Value              [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     FI Structured Equity             [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     Jennison Growth                  [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     MFS Investors Trust              [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     MFS Total Return                 [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     SB US Government                 [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
     SSR Money Market                 [ ]     [ ]     [ ]

To consider and act upon any other matters which may properly come before the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.



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Vote your proxy on the phone or Internet.

It saves money! Telephone and Internet voting saves postage costs, which can
help minimize fund expenses.

It saves time! Telephone and Internet voting is instantaneous--24 hours a day.

It's easy! Just follow these simple steps:

1.   Read your proxy statement and have it at hand.

2.   Call toll-free 1-866-235-4258 or go to the website:

3.   Enter your 14-digit control number from your voting instruction card.

4.   Follow the recorded or on-screen directions.

5.   If you vote by Telephone or Internet it is not necessary to send in the
     voting instruction card.

                                                                      PROXY 2003