Exhibit 99.6

                              FTI CONSULTING, INC.
                         POLICY ON CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

I.     Summary.

Any direct or indirect conflict of interest between FTI and any Director,
Officer, employee or consultant is prohibited unless otherwise consented to by
FTI. FTI believes that it is in its best interest and is consistent with the
obligations of Directors, officers, employees and consultants of FTI, to
establish the Policy that all business decisions will reflect independent
judgment and discretion, uninfluenced by any considerations other than those
honestly believed to be in the best interest of FTI and its stockholders.

Any decision will be deemed to be in conflict with this Policy and the interests
of FTI if, in the course of employment, the Directors, officer's, employee's or
consultant's judgment and discretion is or may be influenced by considerations
of personal gain or benefit, or gain or benefit to a third party, whether or not
affiliated with the officer or employee. The divided loyalty that is present
when an officer, employee or consultant has a conflict of interest could
potentially lead to serious problems for FTI and could be grounds for
disciplinary action or termination by FTI.

II.    Situations That May Lead to Conflicts of Interest.

While it is not possible to describe every situation or occurrence that could
lead to a conflict of interest with FTI's clients, FTI Directors, officers,
employees and consultants should endeavor to avoid the appearance of conflict as
well as actual conflicts.

       A.    Relationships with Suppliers, Clients or Competitors. FTI does not
          prohibit the ownership of stock or other financial interest in its
          clients or suppliers or competitors, per se. If an FTI Director,
          officer, employee or consultant has such an interest that is material
          to the person or to such client or supplier, the relationship should
          be fully disclosed to the CFO of FTI or other appropriate FTI
          executive before engaging directly or indirectly in any FTI business
          with such client or supplier, and will be considered on a case-by-case


       B.    Indirect Interests and Relationships. A conflict of interest can
          arise because of the business activities of an affiliate of the
          director, officer, employee or consultant. The term affiliate includes
          close family members and family members who live in the same household
          as the officer, employee or consultant. A Director, officer, employee
          or consultant has a potential conflict of interest whenever an
          affiliate has a significant interest in a transaction or a significant
          relationship with any supplier, client or competitor of FTI. The
          Director, officer, employee or consultant should not make or influence
          any decision which could directly or indirectly benefit his or her
          affiliate and, in order to protect the Director, officer, employee and
          consultant and FTI from the appearance of a conflict of interest, all
          relationships of this nature will need to be reported to FTI.

       C.    Gifts, Loans and Entertainment. A Director, officer, employee or
          consultant to FTI will not accept gifts from competitors or from
          anyone having or seeking business with FTI, other than non-cash gifts
          of nominal value generally used for promotional purposes by the giver,
          or accept loans from any person having or seeking business with FTI
          (other than loans from banks or financial institutions at prevailing
          market rates and terms).

       D.    Business-Related Functions. Participation in business related
          functions is permitted, including the acceptance of lunches or other
          meals. However, each Director, officer, employee and consultant should
          exercise care to ensure that such functions are necessary and related
          to the conduct of business on behalf of FTI. If in doubt, the CFO of
          FTI should be consulted.

       E.    Outside Business Activities. As a general rule FTI does not allow
          its full-time employees and consultants to participate or engage in
          business activities outside of their employment with FTI. As a general
          rule, participation on a part-time or other basis in any outside
          business or employment will be a conflict of interest if the officer's
          or the employee's or consultant's participation in that business could
          interfere with his or her ability to devote proper time and attention
          to his or her employment with FTI.

       F.    Non-business Activities. Participation in the activities of a trade
          association, professional society, charitable institution or
          governmental institution on a non-compensated basis or holding a
          part-time office (with or without compensation) will not generally
          create a conflict of interest under this Policy. However, if any
          officer or employee is unsure of his or her particular situation, the
          CFO of FTI should be consulted.

       G.    Personal Use of Corporate Property and Corporate Information. It is
          against FTI Policy for any Director, officer, employee or consultant
          to use or divert any corporate property, including services of other
          employees, for his or her own advantage or benefit or use the
          corporate letterhead when writing personal correspondence.
