Exhibit 10.1


     This Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Assets ("Agreement") is made and
entered into as of this 19th day of February, 1995 by and between WYCO PIPE
LINE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation having its principal office at One Mid
America Plaza, Suite 300, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181-7423 (referred to
herein as "Seller") and KANEB PIPE LINE OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, L.P., a Delaware
limited partnership having its principal office at 2435 North Central
Expressway, Suite 700, Richardson, Texas 75080 (referred to herein as "Buyer").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of a petroleum liquids pipeline running from
Casper, Wyoming to near Fountain, Colorado and from Douglas, Wyoming to Rapid
City, South Dakota, as shown on the map attached hereto and made a part hereof
as Schedule 1.1(a), together with the Related Property (as such term is defined
in Section 1.1(c) hereof), certain associated valves, pump stations, tanks,
metering facilities, and equipment located on the Related Property or used in
connection with the pipeline, and certain other assets related to or used in
connection with the pipeline;

     WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell to Buyer and Buyer desires to purchase from
Seller, the pipeline and certain other assets related to the pipeline, upon the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and of the
mutual covenants, conditions and agreements set forth herein, the parties hereby
agree as follows:


     1.1  Assets To Be Transferred.  Subject to, and upon the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, Seller shall sell, transfer, convey, assign, set
over, and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer shall purchase, acquire and receive from
Seller, at the Closing (as such term is defined in Section 11.1 hereof), the
assets listed and described in subsections (a) through (g) below (collectively
referred to herein as the "Assets"):

     (a)  Pipeline.  The pipeline as shown on Schedule 1.1(a) hereof (the

     (b)  Pipeline Equipment.  Subject to Section 1.2 hereof and subject to
     rights or interests of third parties reflected in the Contracts (as such
     term is defined in Section 1.1(e) hereof), all facilities, equipment and
     other personal property listed in Schedule 1.1(b) attached hereto and made
     a part hereof (the "Pipeline Equipment"), except for items that


     are listed in Schedule 1.1(b) as "Excluded Items".  The Pipeline Equipment
     together with the Pipeline is collectively referred to herein as the
     "Pipeline System".

     (c)  Related Property.  Subject to Sections 1.3 and 1.5 hereof, the real
     property and buildings and improvements located thereon, and the
     leaseholds, easements, rights-of-way, permits, licenses, grants and other
     real property rights, related to or used in the operation of the Pipeline
     System in the six (6) months preceding the date hereof, all as more fully
     described in Schedule 1.1(c) attached hereto and made a part hereof (the
     "Related Property").

     (d)  Licenses and Permits.  Subject to Sections 1.2 and 1.6 hereof, all of
     Seller's rights under all governmental permits, licenses and approvals
     (other than such which are Related Property, which are covered in Section
     1.1(c)) listed in Schedule 1.1(d) attached hereto and made a part hereof
     (the "Permits"), except for items that are listed in Schedule 1.1(d) as
     "Excluded Items".

     (e)  Contracts.  Subject to Sections 1.2 and 1.6 hereof, and to the
     contract assignment and assumption agreement to be executed by the parties
     pursuant to Section 1.4(d) and Article XI hereof, all of Seller's rights in
     all of the executory contracts, agreements, leases and commitments listed
     in Schedule 1.1(e) attached hereto and made a part hereof (the
     "Contracts"), except for items that are listed in Schedule 1.1(e) as
     "Excluded Items".


     (f)  Records.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 1.2 hereof, all
     records, documents, contracts, correspondence, legal documents, lease, land
     and title records, health, safety and environmental records, drawings,
     specifications, designs, plans, technical data, and maintenance and repair
     records relating to the assets described in the foregoing subsections
     1.1(a) through (e) and necessary to or useable in the operation of the
     Pipeline System after the Closing (the "Records"), except for items that
     are identified on Schedule 1.1(f) as "Excluded Items"; it being understood
     that Seller has the right to retain copies of any such Records.

     (g)  Trade Name.  All of the right and interest in the name "Wyco" that
     Seller possesses and has the right to transfer (the "Trade Name").

     1.2  Excluded Assets.  The following rights, properties and assets (the
"Excluded Assets") are not included in the Assets and their exclusion from sale
hereunder shall not affect the Purchase Price (as defined in Section 2.1 hereof)
and shall not prevent or delay the Closing:

     (a)  Unassignable Assets.  Subject to the provisions of Section 1.6 hereof,
     those leases, contracts, licenses, permits, approvals, consents, agreements
     and commitments included as an Asset but which by their express or implied
     terms or by operation of law are not freely assignable by Seller to Buyer,
     and any other assets, properties, rights or information that Seller and
     Buyer may prior to the Closing agree in writing to exclude from the sale,
     provided, however, that no Related Property shall be an Excluded Asset.


     (b)  Records. All (i) records prepared specifically for use in connection
          with the sale of the Assets, including bids received from third
          parties and information related to such bids, (ii) records identified
          on Schedule 1.1(f) attached hereto as Excluded Items, and (iii)
          records which relate solely to any liabilities which Buyer does not
          assume pursuant to Article III of this Agreement.

     (c)  Third Party Product.  Except as provided in Section 8.1(c) hereof, all
     line fill, tank and other inventories of petroleum liquids related to the
     Pipeline System.

     (d)  Mandan Line.  The 8" pipeline extending from Lignite, North Dakota to
     Black Slough, North Dakota and the 6" pipeline extending from Battleview,
     North Dakota to Ramberg Junction, North Dakota, together with associated
     licenses, permits, valves, fittings, meters, pumps, engines, electrical
     equipment, other equipment, pump stations, tanks, metering facilities,
     easements, rights-of-way, leases, other real property interests, contracts,
     accounts receivables and records (the "Mandan Line").

     (e)  Accounts Receivable.  All accounts receivable and notes receivable
     related to the Pipeline System, the Related Property, the Permits or the
     Contracts ("Accounts Receivable") insofar as the event, matter or
     performance giving rise to the receivable occurred prior to the Closing.

     (f)  Cash.  All of Seller's cash on hand or on deposit.


     (g)  Other.  The items identified on Schedules 1.1(b), 1.1(d) and 1.1(e) as
     Excluded Items.

     1.3  Unassignable and Missing Related Property.  To the extent that Buyer
identifies in writing (i) any Related Property which by its express or implied
terms or by operation of law is not capable of being validly assigned or
transferred by Seller to Buyer without the consent or waiver of the owner or
issuer thereof or the other party thereto, or any third person (including a
government or governmental unit), or (ii) any portion of the Pipeline System for
which Seller does not own valid rights-of-way, easements, permits, licenses,
grants, leaseholds or other real property rights necessary for the operation
thereof as conducted during the six (6) months preceding the date hereof, Seller
at its sole cost shall (1) with respect to those matters identified by Buyer
pursuant to clause (i) above, use its best efforts to obtain prior to the
Closing such consents and waivers in principle subject to verification of the
Closing having occurred, by means of letters substantially in the form of
Schedule 1.3 attached hereto and made a part hereof (with no material changes
thereto), and (2) with respect to those matters identified by Buyer pursuant to
clause (ii) above, use its best efforts to obtain such rights-of-way, easements,
permits, licenses, grants, leaseholds or other real property rights, prior to
the Closing.  Seller shall not be obligated to pay any presently existing
periodic costs or fees associated with such Related Property which accrue for
periods after the Closing in order to obtain such consents and waivers in
principle; Seller shall, however, pay all other administrative and processing
costs required, whether before or after the Closing, in order for Buyer to
obtain after the Closing the formal consents and waivers described in the
consents and waivers in principle.


     1.4  Instruments of Conveyance, Transfer and Assignment.  In order to
accomplish the sale, assignment, transfer and conveyance contemplated herein,
Seller shall execute and deliver at the Closing deeds, bills of sale and other
documents or instruments of assignment, transfer and conveyance (the "Transfer
Documents") appropriate to transfer to Buyer the Assets, subject to Section 1.2,
as follows:

     (a)  Fee owned Related Property, by special warranty deed, in the form of
     Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof;

     (b)  Leasehold, easement, right-of-way and other interests in Related
     Property (that are not customarily transferred by deed) by an assignment
     and conveyance in the form of Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part

     (c)  Pipeline, Pipeline Equipment, Records and Trade Name, by a bill of
     sale in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof;

     (d)  Contracts, by a contract assignment and assumption agreement in the
     form of Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof; and

     (e)  Permits, by an assignment in the form of Exhibit E attached hereto and
     made a part hereof and such documents of transfer or assignment as the
     appropriate authorities or parties may require.


     1.5  Title to Related Property.

     (a)  Subject to the provisions of this Section 1.5, Seller shall convey to
     Buyer, and Buyer shall accept from Seller, the Related Property subject to,
     and only subject to:  (i) all easements, covenants, conditions,
     restrictions, exceptions, reservations and encumbrances (other than liens,
     except for liens for real estate taxes not yet due and payable) of record;
     (ii) all building, zoning, and other applicable ordinances and regulations
     of any municipal, county, state or federal authority having jurisdiction
     over the Related Property; (iii) ad valorem real and personal property
     taxes and general and special assessments for the then current period as
     are not due and payable prior to the Closing; (iv) all encroachments,
     overlaps, and other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate current
     survey; (v) title defects consisting of survey exceptions and other
     recorded easements, licenses, rights-of-way or other restrictions as to the
     use of the Related Property; (vi) rights or interests of third parties in
     or to the Related Property which are reflected in the Contracts (not
     including items listed in Schedule 1.1(e) as Excluded Items); and (vii)
     such facts as would be revealed by an inspection of the Related Property
     (the items described in clauses (i) through (vii) above collectively
     referred to herein as "Title Exceptions").

     (b)  Buyer shall be entitled to obtain prior to the Closing, at Buyer's
     option and sole cost, metes and bounds surveys made by a registered
     surveyor setting forth the location of all


     buildings and permanent structures and the location of all recorded and
     ascertainable easements and rights-of-way.  Seller agrees to cooperate with
     Buyer's efforts to obtain the surveys, including furnishing Buyer promptly
     upon request copies of all surveys which Seller may have in its possession.

     (c)  Buyer shall be entitled to obtain prior to the date of the Closing, at
     its option, a title insurance commitment agreeing to issue to Buyer, upon
     recording of the deed and assignment to Buyer, owner's policies of title
     insurance in an amount to be determined by Buyer, insuring the title of
     Buyer to the Related Property subject only to the ALTA standard printed
     exceptions in a policy issued by a title insurance company reasonably
     acceptable to Buyer and to Title Exceptions which do not prevent the
     current use of the Related Property.  To the extent that such title
     insurance commitment covers fee owned Related Property, the costs of same
     shall be shared equally by Buyer and Seller; all other costs of any such
     title insurance, including endorsements and title insurance policies, shall
     be borne by Buyer.  After the date hereof and until the Closing, Seller
     shall not permit to be filed of record any instrument affecting title to
     the Related Property without the consent of Buyer, such consent not to be
     unreasonably withheld.

     (d)  After the Closing, Buyer shall be responsible for recording, at its
     sole cost, the conveyance of the Related Property hereunder.


     (e)  Nothing in this Section 1.5 shall limit the representations of Seller
     set forth in Article VII below.

     1.6  Restrictions on Transfer of Permits, Licenses, Leases and Contracts.

     (a)  To the extent that any lease, contract, license, permit, approval,
     consent, or other agreement or commitment (but not including such which are
     Related Property) included as an Asset to be transferred to Buyer is by its
     express or implied terms or by operation of law not capable of being
     validly assigned or transferred without the consent or waiver of the issuer
     thereof or the other party thereto, or any third person (including a
     government or governmental unit), or if such assignment, transfer or
     attempted assignment or transfer would constitute a termination or breach
     thereof or a violation of any law, decree, order, regulation or other
     governmental edict or is otherwise not practicable, this Agreement shall
     not constitute an assignment or transfer thereof, or an attempted
     assignment or transfer thereof.  Any such lease, contract, license, permit,
     approval, consent, agreement or commitment (but not including such which
     are Related Property) identified by Buyer in writing prior to the Closing
     is referred to herein as a "Restricted Asset".

     (b)  Seller shall be under no obligation to transfer, or attempt to obtain
     necessary consents and waivers, with respect to any Restricted Asset which
     is a Permit that is not capable of being assigned.  Seller is not obligated
     to transfer to Buyer any other


     Restricted Asset (an "Other Restricted Asset") without Seller and Buyer
     first having obtained all necessary consents and waivers.  Seller shall use
     reasonable efforts for a twelve (12) month period, commencing on the date
     hereof, and Buyer shall cooperate with Seller, to obtain the consents and
     waivers necessary for Seller to convey to Buyer any such Other Restricted
     Asset as soon as practicable; provided, however, that neither party shall
     be obligated to pay any consideration therefor to the party from whom the
     consent or waiver is requested.

     (c)  To the extent that the consents and waivers for Other Restricted
     Assets referred to in Section 1.6(b) hereof are not obtained by Seller, or
     until the impracticalities of transfer referred to therein are resolved,
     Seller shall, during the twelve (12) month period commencing on the date
     hereof or such longer period as Seller may desire (but, as to any
     particular Other Restricted Asset, not longer than the term thereof,
     including renewal options), use its reasonable efforts to (i) provide to
     Buyer at Buyer's request the benefits of any Other Restricted Asset, but
     only to the extent necessary to permit Buyer's ownership or use of the
     Assets to the same or similar extent as owned or used by Seller in the six
     (6) months immediately prior to the Closing, and (ii) cooperate in any
     reasonable and lawful arrangement designed to provide such benefits to
     Buyer.  After Seller has fulfilled Seller's obligations set forth in
     Section 1.6(b) hereof, Seller shall have no further obligations hereunder
     with respect to assignment of such Other Restricted Asset, and the failure
     to obtain any necessary consent or waiver with respect thereto shall not be
     a breach of this Agreement.  In no event shall Seller's obligations under


     Section 1.6 include any obligation to commence or prosecute litigation
     against any third party.  Buyer agrees to reimburse promptly Seller for its
     reasonable costs incurred in connection with this Section 1.6(c).

     (d)  To the extent that Buyer is provided the benefits pursuant to Section
     1.6(c) hereof of any Other Restricted Asset, Buyer shall perform, for the
     benefit of the issuer thereof or the other party or parties thereto, the
     obligations of Seller thereunder or in connection therewith, but only to
     the extent that (i) such action by Buyer would not result in any default
     thereunder or in connection therewith, and (ii) such obligation would have
     been assumed by Buyer pursuant to Article III hereof or pursuant to the
     contract assignment and assumption agreement to be executed by the parties
     pursuant to Section 1.4(d) and Article XI hereof, but for the
     nonassignability or nontransferability thereof.  If Buyer shall fail to
     perform to the extent required herein, Seller shall cease to be obligated
     under this Section 1.6 in respect of the instrument which is the subject of
     such failure to perform unless and until such situation is remedied, and
     Buyer shall indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from the
     consequences of Buyer's failure to perform in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 12.2 of this Agreement.

     1.7  Destruction of the Assets.

     (a)  In the event any of the Assets material to the operation of the
     Pipeline System are damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, or are
     condemned or threatened to be


     condemned, after the date hereof and prior to the Closing, Seller shall
     promptly notify Buyer in writing of such, including reasonable detail
     regarding the facts related thereto known to Seller.

     (b)  If in Seller's good faith judgment repair or replacement of such
     Assets can be made at a cost not to exceed $1,355,000, then Seller, at
     Seller's sole cost, shall promptly commence and diligently pursue the
     repair or replacement of such Assets to Buyer's reasonable satisfaction and
     return of the Pipeline System to its normal operating condition as operated
     in the six (6) months preceding the date hereof.  If in Seller's good faith
     judgment the cost of such replacement or repair of such Assets may exceed
     $1,355,000, then Seller shall elect to:  (i) terminate this Agreement, or
     (ii) subject to any rights of Buyer in Section 1.7(c), become obligated to
     Buyer, at Seller's sole cost, promptly to commence and diligently pursue
     the repair or replacement of such Assets to Buyer's reasonable satisfaction
     and return of the Pipeline System to its normal operating condition as
     operated in the six (6) months preceding the date hereof.  Seller shall
     notify Buyer of Seller's repair and replacement cost estimate and, if
     applicable, its election under the preceding sentence within ten (10) days
     of such loss, destruction, condemnation or threat of condemnation, which
     notice shall include reasonable detail supporting such cost estimate.

     (c)  In the event any of the Assets material to the operation of the
     Pipeline System are damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, or are
     condemned or threatened to be


     condemned, after the date hereof and prior to the Closing and in Buyer's
     good faith judgment the repair or replacement of such Assets and return of
     the Pipeline System to its normal operating condition as operated in the
     six (6) months preceding the date hereof may (i) exceed $4,065,000 in cost,
     or (ii) take longer than ninety (90) days, then Buyer may elect to
     terminate this Agreement by sending written notice of such election to
     Seller within ten (10) days of Seller's notice under Section 1.7(b).

     (d)  If such loss, destruction, condemnation or threat of condemnation
     occurs within the ten (10) day period prior to the Closing, the Closing
     shall be delayed to the date ten (10) days after the giving of Seller's
     notice under Section 1.7(b), to enable the applicable elections to be made,
     or if such tenth (10th) day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday in which
     banks in Chicago, Illinois are not open for business, the Closing shall be
     delayed to the first business day after such tenth (10th) day.  If (i) any
     damage, destruction, condemnation or threat of condemnation of any of the
     Assets occurs after the date hereof and prior to the Closing, (ii) Seller
     is obligated or elects to repair or replace such Assets pursuant to this
     Section 1.7, (iii) Buyer does not exercise any right of termination of this
     Agreement pursuant to this Section 1.7, and (iv) the repair or replacement
     has not been completed prior to the scheduled time and date for the
     Closing, then Buyer may, at its option, elect to either (1) delay the
     Closing until the fifth (5th) business day after all the repairs and
     replacements have been completed to Buyer's reasonable satisfaction and the
     Pipeline System has been returned to its normal operating condition as
     operated in the six (6) months preceding the date hereof, or (2) close the


     transactions contemplated by this Agreement on the scheduled date for the
     Closing and require Seller to complete the repairs and replacements
     contemplated by this Section 1.7 after the Closing.


                          ARTICLE II - PURCHASE PRICE

     2.1  Purchase Price.  In consideration of the transfer of the Assets at the
Closing and the other undertakings of Seller hereunder, Buyer shall pay to
Seller at the Closing twenty seven million, one hundred thousand dollars
($27,100,000.00) (the "Purchase Price").
     2.2  Payment.  At the Closing, Buyer shall deposit the Purchase Price in
immediately available funds by bank wire transfer in an account or accounts (but
not more than two (2) accounts) at a national bank or banks located in the
United States designated by Seller.  Seller shall give notice to Buyer of the
account or accounts and any other wire transfer instructions at least three (3)
days before the day of the Closing.

     2.3  Prorations.

     (a)  The following items relating to the Assets shall be prorated at the
     Closing between Buyer and Seller and final payment made to the party to
     whom it is due based on the respective period in which the parties own the
     Assets during the calendar year which includes the Closing (the


     (i)   all real estate, personal property and other ad valorem taxes and
assessments (excluding penalties and interest) assessed or levied against the
Related Property;

     (ii)  charges, if any, for utilities servicing the Pipeline System and
the Related Property;

     (iii) payments, if any, under service and similar Contracts that are
assumed by Buyer;

     (iv)  prepaid rent, prepaid property taxes, prepaid supplies, advances
and other prepaid costs and deposits related to the Pipeline System, the Related
Property, the Permits or the Contracts; and

     (v)   all other charges and fees related to the Assets customarily
prorated and adjusted in similar transactions.

For purposes of making such prorations, Seller shall be deemed to have conveyed
the Assets as of 11:59 p.m. the day before the Closing. In the event that
accurate prorations and other adjustments cannot be made because current bills
are not obtainable at the Closing, the parties shall prorate on the best
available information, subject to the Post-Closing Adjustment set forth in
Section 2.4 below.


     (b)  At the Closing, Seller shall pay Buyer four hundred eighty thousand,
     six hundred eighty five dollars and twenty cents ($480,685.20) as a good
     faith estimate by the parties of the amount to be reimbursed to Buyer for
     the Prorations, subject to the Post-Closing Adjustment set forth in Section
     2.4 below.  At the Closing, Seller shall deposit the aforementioned amount
     in immediately available funds by bank wire transfer in an account at a
     national bank located in the United States designated by Buyer.  Buyer
     shall give notice to Seller of the account and any other wire transfer
     instructions at least three (3) days before the day of the Closing.

     2.4  Post-Closing Adjustment.

     (a)  Buyer will provide to Seller copies of any invoices paid by Buyer
     after the Closing that relate to Prorations.  Within one hundred and twenty
     (120) days after the Closing, Seller shall provide Buyer with a statement
     of prorations based on final invoices or other final amounts setting forth
     the prorations required by Section 2.3, certified by an officer of Seller
     ("Statement of Prorations").  Seller shall also provide any supporting
     documentation reasonably requested by Buyer.  If the Statement of
     Prorations indicates that Buyer paid an excess amount at the Closing with
     respect to the Prorations required by Section 2.3, the Statement of
     Prorations shall be accompanied by a check in payment of the excess to
     Buyer, plus interest from the later of (i) the date of the Closing or (ii)
     the date of payment of the expense that is subject to proration, through
     the date of payment of such excess to Buyer, calculated at an interest rate
     equal to the most recently


     quoted (at the time of payment of such excess to Buyer) one month LIBOR
     rate, compounded annually until paid.

     (b)  Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Statement of Prorations and
     any supporting documentation reasonably requested by Buyer, final payment
     shall be made to the party to whom it is due for the difference between (i)
     the good faith estimate of the Prorations paid at the Closing pursuant to
     Section 2.1 herein, and (ii) the corresponding amounts reflected in the
     Statement of Prorations, plus interest from the later of (i) the date of
     the Closing or (ii) the date of payment of the expense that is subject to
     proration, through the date of payment of such difference, calculated at an
     interest rate equal to the most recently quoted (at the time of payment of
     such difference) one month LIBOR rate, compounded annually until paid.

     (c)  Buyer shall have the right to conduct an audit of the relevant books
     and records of Seller for the purpose of determining the accuracy of the
     Statement of Prorations, provided that any audit must be completed and
     written notice of contest of the Statement of Prorations must be given
     within three (3) months after receipt of the Statement of Prorations by
     Buyer or the Statement of Prorations as delivered by Seller shall be deemed
     to be conclusive and binding on the parties.  If as the result of any such
     audit Buyer contests any portion of the Statement of Prorations within such
     three (3) month period, Buyer and Seller shall cooperate in good faith to
     reach agreement on a final Statement of Prorations.  If Buyer and Seller
     cannot agree within thirty (30) days of the date of the


     written notice of contest, the parties will submit the issue to binding
     arbitration by a single arbitrator under the then-existing commercial
     arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association.

     2.5  Like-Kind Exchange.

     (a)  It is Seller's intention to exchange the Assets that are the subject
     of this Agreement for other property of like-kind in a non-simultaneous
     exchange ("Non-Simultaneous Exchange") under such terms and conditions as
     qualify for nonrecognition of gain pursuant to Section 1031 of the Internal
     Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  At Seller's election, made to Buyer
     prior to the transfer of the Assets to Buyer at the Closing and pursuant to
     an assignment in the form of Exhibit F attached hereto and made a part
     hereof (the "Assignment"), Buyer's obligation to pay to Seller at the
     Closing the Purchase Price shall be fulfilled by Buyer's deposit of such
     amount at the Closing in immediately available funds by bank wire transfer
     in a trust established with Chicago Title and Trust Company as trustee,
     pursuant to an exchange trust agreement between Seller and Chicago Deferred
     Exchange Corporation.

     (b)  Buyer agrees to execute a copy of the Assignment and return such copy
     to Seller solely for the purpose of acknowledging receipt of the notice
     from Seller that Seller intends to effectuate the Non-Simultaneous


     2.6  Payments Between Parties.  In the event either party ("Recipient")
receives payments or refunds to which the other party ("Beneficiary") is
entitled in whole or in part under this Agreement, the Recipient shall within
fifteen (15) days from the date of such receipt pay such amount to the
Beneficiary.  All payments to be made under this Section 2.6 or under other
provisions of this Agreement (including Exhibits to be executed and delivered
pursuant to the Agreement) requiring a payment to be made at a time other than
the Closing, shall be made by check or wire transfer in immediately available


     3.1  Known Pre-Closing Liabilities.  Seller has knowledge of certain
liabilities and obligations relating to or arising from the ownership,
operation, maintenance or use of the Assets by Seller prior to the Closing.
Such known liabilities and obligations shall be allocated as follows:

     (a)  Seller shall retain, without limit as to time or amount, all liability
     and obligation relating to or arising from Kramer et al. v. Wyco Pipe Line
     Company, Civil Action No. 91CV2019, District Court, County of Adams, State
     of Colorado (the "Kramer Case").

     (b)  Seller shall retain, without limit as to time or amount, all liability
     and obligation relating to or arising from the "Off-Site Dupont Plume", as
     such term is defined in Schedule 3.1(b) attached hereto and made a part
     hereof, and all liability and obligation


     relating to or arising from the "Rocky Mountain Arsenal Leak Site", as such
     term is defined in Schedule 3.1(b) attached hereto and made a part hereof,
     provided, however, that Seller shall not be liable or obligated for any
     incremental liability or obligation relating to the Off-Site Dupont Plume
     or the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Leak Site to the extent attributable to (i)
     any failure by Buyer to implement the Agreed Remediation Plan (as such term
     is defined in Section 3.1(c) hereof) in accordance with the time schedules
     set forth in such plan, or negligence in the performance of the Agreed
     Remediation Plan, or (ii) any release, spill, leak, discharge or other
     emission affecting the soil or groundwater attributable to Buyer's
     operations after the Closing.  Such incremental liability or obligation
     shall be Buyer's sole liability.

     (c)  The matters set forth on Schedule 3.1(c)1 attached hereto and made a
     part hereof (the matters so set forth referred to herein as the "Known Pre-
     Closing Contamination") are instances of contamination on the surface or in
     the subsurface or groundwater of the Related Property, in existence on or
     prior to the Closing and attributable to the ownership, operation,
     maintenance or use of the Assets by Seller prior to the Closing, of which
     Seller has sufficient knowledge to develop a plan of remediation.  Seller
     has shared such knowledge with Buyer, and Seller and Buyer have agreed to a
     plan of remediation to be followed for the Known Pre-Closing Contamination,
     which is set forth in Schedule 3.1(c)2 attached hereto and made a part
     hereof (the "Agreed Remediation Plan"), and to the estimated costs
     associated with such Agreed Remediation Plan, which are set forth in
     Schedule 3.1(c)3 attached hereto and made a part hereof.  At the Closing,


     Seller and Buyer shall each execute and deliver to the other a remediation
     agreement covering remediation of the Known Pre-Closing Contamination,
     substantially in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit
     G (the "Remediation Agreement").

     (d)  The matters set forth on Schedule 3.1(d)1 attached hereto and made a
     part hereof are instances of contamination on the surface or in the
     subsurface or groundwater of the Related Property, in existence on or prior
     to the Closing and attributable to the ownership, operation, maintenance or
     use of the Assets by Seller prior to the Closing, of which Seller has some
     knowledge, but insufficient knowledge to fully develop a plan of
     remediation (the "Schedule 3.1(d) Contamination").  Seller has shared such
     knowledge with Buyer, and Seller and Buyer have preliminarily devised a
     provisional plan of remediation for the Schedule 3.1(d) Contamination,
     which is set forth in Schedule 3.1(d)2 attached hereto and made a part
     hereof, and have preliminarily estimated the costs associated with such
     provisional remediation plan as set forth in Schedule 3.1(d)3 attached
     hereto and made a part hereof.  The present value of such estimated costs
     (using a discount rate of 10%) is seven hundred sixty six thousand and two
     hundred dollars ($766,200).  At such time as, in the case of the Cheyenne
     Terminal contamination reflected on Schedule 3.1(d)1, the relevant State of
     Wyoming Environmental Agency approves a plan of remediation, but in no
     event later than eighteen (18) months after the date of the Closing, and in
     the case of the Rapid City contamination reflected on Schedule 3.1(d)1, the
     relevant State of South Dakota Environmental Agency approves a plan of
     remediation, but in no event later than eighteen (18) months after the date
     of the


     Closing, Seller and Buyer shall agree as to the plan of remediation to be
     followed for the Schedule 3.1(d) Contamination and as to the estimated
     costs associated with such plan of remediation (including amounts spent
     since the Closing).  If Seller and Buyer are unable to so agree within
     eighteen (18) months of the date of the Closing, the parties will submit
     the unresolved issues to binding arbitration by a single arbitrator under
     the then-existing commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration
     Association.  The plan of remediation with respect to the Schedule 3.1(d)
     Contamination and the estimated costs associated with such plan (including
     amounts spent since the Closing), as agreed or determined by arbitration,
     shall be reduced to writing and signed by representatives of Seller and
     Buyer (the "3.1(d) Remediation Plan"), and such writing when so signed
     shall be deemed a part of this Agreement.  At the Closing, Seller and Buyer
     shall each execute and deliver to the other a remediation agreement
     covering remediation of the Schedule 3.1(d) Contamination, substantially in
     the form attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit G (the
     "Remediation Agreement").

     3.2  Unknown Pre-Closing and Other Liabilities.  For purposes of this
Agreement, the term "Unknown Liability" shall refer collectively to the items
described in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) below, specifically, (i) liability or
obligation relating to or arising from or as a result of a violation of or a
remedial or regulatory obligation imposed under Environmental Law (as such term
is defined in the Remediation Agreement) relating to or arising from or as a
result of an act, event or contamination that occurred or existed at or prior to
the Closing and was attributable or related to the ownership or use of the
Assets prior to the Closing ("Unknown


Environmental Liability"); (ii) liability or obligation relating to or arising
from the breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or other obligation of
Seller contained in this Agreement, including but not limited to the Remediation
Agreement; and (iii) all other liabilities or obligations of Seller relating to
or arising from the Assets, including, but not limited to, liability or
obligation for third party claims for personal injury or property damage, which
personal injury or property damage was caused by the ownership or use of the
Assets by Seller prior to the Closing, but excluding liabilities and obligations
assumed under the Contracts assigned to Buyer pursuant to the contract
assignment and assumption agreement to be executed by the parties pursuant to
Section 1.4(d) and Article XI hereof, and excluding obligations to be performed
by Buyer pursuant to Section 1.6(d) hereof (the liabilities and obligations
included in this clause (iii) being referred to herein as "Other Liability");
provided that Unknown Liability, Unknown Environmental Liability and Other
Liability shall not include any of the liabilities or obligations retained by
Seller pursuant to Sections 3.1(a) or (b) hereof or any of the costs for
remediation or fines or penalties assumed by or allocated to Buyer under the
Remediation Agreement that are not designated as an Unknown Environmental
Liability under the Remediation Agreement.  This Section 3.2 sets forth the
extent to which and the conditions under which Seller shall retain liability for
Unknown Liability.

     (a)  With respect to Unknown Environmental Liability, if within four and
     one-half (4 1/2) years after the Closing, (i) an Environmental Order (as
     such term is defined in the Remediation Agreement) is issued, the effect of
     which, if not contested, would be to impose a legal obligation to perform
     remediation or to impose other legal liability or


     obligation pursuant to Environmental Law with respect to any Unknown
     Environmental Liability (or with respect to Known Pre-Closing Contamination
     as set forth in Section 1 of the Remediation Agreement or with respect to
     Schedule 3.1(d) Contamination as set forth in Section 2 of the Remediation
     Agreement) (collectively, an "Order"), or (ii) a third party delivers a
     written statement of claim, the clear purport of which is to assert
     liability or damages against Seller or Buyer relating to any Unknown
     Environmental Liability (a "Claim"), Seller shall retain liability under
     Environmental Law in effect as of the date of the Closing, directly
     relating to or arising from any such Order or to the third party making
     such Claim (except in the case of an Order under the Remediation Agreement,
     Seller shall retain liability only for the incremental cost necessary to
     comply fully with such Order), subject to the following and also to
     subsections (e), (f) and (g) of Section 3.2 hereof and to Section 3.3

          (i)  Promptly upon becoming aware of any facts which have not yet but
     may give rise to such an Order or Claim, Buyer shall provide Seller with
     written notice thereof and the opportunity to participate in discussions
     with the relevant Environmental Agencies (as such term is defined in the
     Remediation Agreement) or third parties relating to such facts, and in
     Seller's sole discretion and at its sole cost to appeal any preliminary
     determination or finding of such Environmental Agencies, provided that,
     subject to clause (ii) below, any delay or failure to provide such notice
     promptly will not limit Seller's liability hereunder except to the extent
     Seller is damaged or prejudiced by such delay or failure; and


          (ii)  For Seller to have any liability or obligation for any such
     Unknown Environmental Liability, Buyer must give written notice of any such
     Order or Claim, including copies thereof, in no event later than four and
     one-half (4 1/2) years after the Closing (unless Seller otherwise has
     received written notice of such Order or Claim, including a copy thereof,
     prior to the end of such four and one-half (4 1/2) year period, in which
     event Seller shall retain liability and obligation directly relating to or
     arising from such Order or to the third party making such Claim as set
     forth above, subject to subsections (e), (f) and (g) of Section 3.2 and to
     Section 3.3 hereof, and shall promptly give notice of such Order or Claim
     to Buyer). If such written notice is given after the expiration of such
     four and one-half (4 1/2) year period, Seller shall have no liability or
     obligation for such Unknown Environmental Liability, regardless of whether
     Buyer could reasonably have known of such Unknown Environmental Liability
     within such four and one-half (4 1/2) year period (unless Seller otherwise
     has received written notice of such Order or Claim, including a copy
     thereof, prior to the end of such four and one-half (4 1/2) year period, in
     which event Seller shall retain liability and obligation directly relating
     to or arising from such Order or to the third party making such Claim as
     set forth above, subject to subsections (e), (f) and (g) of Section 3.2 and
     to Section 3.3 hereof, and shall promptly give notice of such Order or
     Claim to Buyer); and

          (iii)  If Buyer, subsequent to the Closing, sells, transfers, conveys,
     assigns, sets over, leases or otherwise disposes of any of the Assets or
     any part thereof to any person other than an Affiliate of Buyer (as such
     term is defined in Section 15.14(ii) hereof)


     ("Resold Assets"), notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have no
     liability or obligation relating to or arising from Unknown Environmental
     Liability associated with such Resold Assets, even if such sale, transfer,
     or other disposition occurs within four and one-half (4 1/2) years after
     the Closing; and

          (iv)  With respect to any particular such Unknown Environmental
     Liability of which (1) Buyer has given written notice to Seller or Seller
     has otherwise received written notice in accordance with clauses (i) and
     (ii) above, and (2) Seller has agreed in writing that such Unknown
     Environmental Liability is an Unknown Environmental Liability for which
     Seller has retained liability in accordance with and subject to the
     provisions of this Agreement, to the extent Seller is fully liable for such
     Unknown Environmental Liability under this Section 3.2, Seller shall have
     the right to perform or have performed at its cost (subject to Section
     3.2(f) below) any required remediation, including dealing with any
     Environmental Agency or Agencies with regard to the corrective action
     required, clean-up standards and appropriate work plans.  With respect to
     any required remediation that Seller elects to perform, Seller may select,
     subject to approval by Buyer (such approval not to be unreasonably
     withheld), one or more environmental consultants to investigate and
     characterize all environmental contamination potentially subject to
     remediation, and to design and perform any required remediation.  Buyer
     shall have the right, at its cost, to participate in the planning and
     design of any required remediation, and Buyer shall be provided, for review
     and comment, a draft of any study, workplan, report or similar document to
     be submitted to an Environmental


     Agency at least ten (10) working days before Seller intends to submit it.
     Seller will consider in good faith any comments made by Buyer with respect
     to any such study, workplan, report or similar document and, to the extent
     practicable, will incorporate such comments into the document submitted to
     the Environmental Agency. Any required remediation will be designed and
     performed by Seller in a manner that complies with all Environmental Laws,
     minimizes any potential future liability of the site owner/operator, is
     commercially reasonable and cost effective and does not unreasonably
     interfere with Buyer's operations. Seller shall provide Buyer a copy of all
     reports, plans and correspondence submitted to an Environmental Agency with
     respect to an Unknown Environmental Liability or any required remediation
     thereof. In addition, Buyer shall have the right, at its cost, to attend
     and participate in any meetings, conferences or other sessions with the
     Environmental Agency concerning the required remediation and will be
     provided at least ten (10) days' notice of any such meetings (or the
     maximum number of days as is practicable if the meeting date is not set at
     least ten (10) days prior to the meeting). With respect to any remediation
     performed by or on behalf of Seller pursuant to this clause (iv), Seller
     shall be the generator of any wastes generated in connection with such
     remediation and shall prepare all documents associated with such
     remediation in a manner that clearly identifies Seller as the generator of
     the waste, including, but not limited to, the use of identification numbers
     issued to Seller. Upon completion of the required remediation, Seller shall
     provide Buyer written confirmation that the remediation plan designed as
     set forth above has been completed. To the extent that, pursuant to this
     clause (iv), Seller or its representatives or consultants are provided
     access to Buyer's

     properties or the Pipeline System, Seller shall reimburse Buyer for, and
     defend, indemnify and hold harmless Buyer from and against, any and all
     loss, damage, costs (including reimbursement of all reasonable attorney
     fees and other costs of defense), liability, claim or suit, whether for
     bodily injury or death of any person (including Seller's employees, agents
     and representatives), damage to or destruction or loss of property
     (including damage to Buyer's property), or otherwise, arising in any manner
     whatsoever out of Seller or its representatives or consultants being given
     access to Buyer's properties or the Pipeline System, whether or not based
     upon strict liability or caused by the sole or concurrent negligence
     (ordinary or gross) of Buyer or any other person or entity, unless such
     loss, damage, cost, liability, claim or suit was occasioned solely by the
     negligence or intentional tort of Buyer or any officer, director or agent

          With respect to remediation that Seller has a right to perform
     pursuant to this clause (iv), within ninety (90) days of notice to Seller
     under clause (ii) above, Seller shall notify Buyer whether Seller will
     perform the remediation itself.  If Seller decides to perform the
     remediation itself, Buyer shall cooperate with Seller to effectuate such
     remediation in accordance with this clause (iv), including granting
     reasonable access to the area requiring remediation.  If Seller decides not
     to perform the remediation itself, Buyer shall perform or have performed
     the remediation and invoice Seller for reasonable and necessary costs
     incurred for such remediation (such invoices to include supporting
     documentation).  With respect to any remediation performed by or on behalf
     of Buyer


     in respect of any Unknown Environmental Liability. Buyer shall be the
     generator of any wastes generated in connection with such remediation and
     shall prepare all documents associated with such remediation in a manner
     that clearly identifies Buyer as the generator of the waste, including, but
     not limited to, the use of identification numbers issued to Buyer.  Subject
     to Section 3.2(f) below, Seller shall pay properly submitted invoices
     within thirty (30) days of receipt, and any such invoice not paid within
     thirty (30) days shall bear interest calculated at a rate equal to the most
     recently quoted (at the time such thirty (30) days expires) one month LIBOR
     rate, compounded annually from the thirtieth (30th) day after receipt of
     the invoice until paid; and

          (v)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any incremental liability or
     obligation relating to Unknown Environmental Liability to the extent
     attributable to any release, spill, leak, discharge or other emission into
     the environment attributable to Buyer's operations after the Closing, shall
     not be an Unknown Environmental Liability but shall be Buyer's sole

     (b)  With respect to liability or obligation relating to or arising from
     the breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or other obligation of
     Seller contained in this Agreement, including but not limited to the
     Remediation Agreement, Seller shall retain such liability and obligation,
     subject to the following and also to subsections (e), (f) and (g) of
     Section 3.2 hereof and to Section 3.3 hereof, except that any breach of any


     covenant or other obligation of Seller contained in this Agreement and to
     be performed by Seller after the Closing shall not be subject to subsection
     (f) of this Section 3.2:

          For Seller to have any liability or obligation for any such breach of
     any representation, warranty, covenant or other obligation of Seller
     contained in this Agreement, (i) there must be a Buyer Loss (as such term
     is defined in Section 12.1 hereof) attributable to the breach, (ii) Buyer
     must give written notice of any such breach, setting forth the basis of
     such breach known to Buyer at such time in reasonable detail, promptly
     after Buyer has knowledge of such breach, provided that, subject to clause
     (iii) below, any delay or failure to provide such notice promptly will not
     limit Seller's liability hereunder except to the extent Seller is damaged
     or prejudiced by such delay or failure, and (iii) Buyer must give written
     notice of any such breach (other than a breach of any covenant or other
     obligation of Seller contained in this Agreement and to be performed by
     Seller after the Closing) in no event later than four and one-half (4 1/2)
     years after the Closing; if such written notice is given after the
     expiration of such four and one-half (4 1/2) year period, Seller shall have
     no liability or obligation for such breach (other than a breach of any
     covenant or other obligation of Seller contained in this Agreement and to
     be performed by Seller after the Closing), regardless of whether Buyer
     could reasonably have known of such breach within such four and one-half (4
     1/2) year period.


     (c)  With respect to Other Liability, if within four and one-half (4 1/2)
     years after the Closing, a third party delivers a written statement of
     claim, the clear purport of which is to assert liability or damages against
     Seller or Buyer relating to any Other Liability (a "Demand"), Seller shall
     retain liability and obligation to the third party making such Demand,
     subject to the following and also to subsections (e), (f) and (g) of
     Section 3.2 hereof and to Section 3.3 hereof:

          For Seller to have any liability for any such Other Liability, (i)
     promptly upon becoming aware of any facts which have not yet but may give
     rise to such a Demand, Buyer shall provide Seller with written notice
     thereof and the opportunity to participate in discussions with the relevant
     third parties relating to such facts, provided that, subject to clause (ii)
     below, any delay or failure to provide such notice promptly will not limit
     Seller's liability hereunder except to the extent Seller is damaged or
     prejudiced by such delay or failure, and (ii) Buyer must give written
     notice of any such Demand, including a copy thereof, in no event later than
     four and one-half (4 1/2) years after the Closing (unless Seller otherwise
     has received written notice of such Demand, including a copy thereof, prior
     to the end of such four and one-half (4 1/2) year period, in which event
     Seller shall retain liability and obligation to the third party making such
     Demand as set forth above, subject to subsections (e), (f) and (g) of
     Section 3.2 and to Section 3.3 hereof, and shall promptly give notice of
     such Demand to Buyer); if such written notice is given after the expiration
     of such four and one-half (4 1/2) year period, Seller shall have no
     liability or obligation for such Other Liability, regardless of whether
     Buyer could


     reasonably have known of such Other Liability within such four and one-half
     (4 1/2) year period (unless Seller otherwise has received written notice of
     such Demand, including a copy thereof, prior to the end of such four and
     one-half (4 1/2) year period, in which event Seller shall retain liability
     and obligation to the third party making such Demand as set forth above,
     subject to subsections (e), (f) and (g) of Section 3.2 and to Section 3.3
     hereof, and shall promptly give notice of such Demand to Buyer).

     (d)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, except to the extent, if any, that any
     breach by Seller of its representations set forth in Sections 7.1(n) and
     (o) hereof relates to the physical condition or configuration of the
     Assets, Seller shall retain no liability or obligation (i) for the physical
     condition or configuration of the Pipeline System as of the Closing, or
     (ii) with respect to any liability or obligation that accrues after the
     Closing and that relates to the physical condition or configuration of the
     Pipeline System as of the date of the Closing, including but not limited to
     any liability or obligation to repair, replace, correct, upgrade,
     refurbish, add to, move, supplement or change any part of the Pipeline

     (e)  Any and all liabilities and obligations retained by Seller in
     accordance with Sections 3.2(a) through (d) above, before taking into
     account subsections (f) and (g) below, shall be referred to herein as
     "Assigned Liabilities".


     (f)  Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (d) above, Seller shall have
     no liability or obligation with respect to any Assigned Liabilities until
     the aggregate cost thereof exceeds one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
     ($150,000); the first one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) of
     cost of Assigned Liabilities shall be paid by Buyer.  After the aggregate
     cost of all Assigned Liabilities exceeds one hundred and fifty thousand
     dollars ($150,000), as supported with appropriate documentation provided to
     Seller by Buyer, Seller shall be liable and obligated for such Assigned
     Liabilities to the extent, but only to the extent, that the aggregate cost
     of such Assigned Liabilities exceeds $150,000, provided that Seller and
     Buyer shall share equally each dollar of the next nine hundred thousand
     dollars ($900,000.00) of cost of Assigned Liabilities that are Unknown
     Environmental Liability, and provided further that Seller shall not be
     liable or obligated for Assigned Liabilities (including without limitation
     Assigned Liabilities that are Unknown Environmental Liability) to the
     extent the aggregate cost therefor exceeds two million, nine hundred and
     fifty thousand dollars ($2,950,000) plus one-half of the first (after the
     above-mentioned $150,000 is exceeded) $900,000 of Assigned Liabilities that
     are Unknown Environmental Liability (the "Ceiling").  Seller shall not be
     liable or obligated, and Buyer shall be liable and obligated (except for
     those matters for which Seller has retained liability pursuant to Section
     3.3 (a)(i)-(vi) below), for the first $150,000 of Assigned Liabilities and
     for all Assigned Liabilities in excess of the Ceiling, except only if
     Buyer's aggregate cost for Assigned Liabilities, as supported with
     appropriate documentation provided to Seller by Buyer, reaches an amount
     equal to the Purchase Price.


     The maximum liability and obligation of Seller for Assigned Liabilities
     shall be the Ceiling, except only if Buyer's aggregate liability and
     obligation for Assigned Liabilities reaches an amount equal to the Purchase
     Price, as supported with appropriate documentation provided to Seller by
     Buyer, at which point liability and obligation for further Assigned
     Liabilities to the extent above an amount equal to the Purchase Price shall
     revert to and be retained by Seller.  The maximum liability and obligation
     of Buyer for Assigned Liabilities shall be an amount equal to the Purchase
     Price.  Liabilities and obligations assumed or incurred by Buyer related to
     the Assets that are not Assigned Liabilities shall not count towards either
     the $150,000 deductible provided for in this subsection (f) or towards the
     Purchase Price cap on Buyer's liability and obligation for Assigned
     Liabilities.  At such time, if any, as Buyer reasonably determines that its
     aggregate liability and obligation for Assigned Liabilities will reach an
     amount equal to the Purchase Price, it shall provide Seller with written
     notice thereof and shall make available to Seller supporting documentation
     reasonably satisfactory to Seller.

          Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Ceiling shall not apply to any
     Assigned Liabilities relating to or arising from the breach of Section
     7.1(d).  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Ceiling and the one hundred and
     fifty thousand dollar ($150,000) deductible provided for in this subsection
     (f) shall not apply to any Assigned Liabilities relating to or arising from
     any breach by Seller of any covenant or other obligation of Seller
     contained in this Agreement and to be performed by Seller after the
     Closing.  Notwithstanding any required notice provisions in Section 3.2(a),
     (b) or (c), any


     individual Assigned Liability that is paid by Buyer within four and one-
     half (4 1/2) years after the Closing, in an amount less than ten thousand
     dollars ($10,000), and for which notice was not given in accordance with
     Section 3.2(a), (b) or (c), whichever applies, but for which Buyer could
     have given the required notice to Seller within four and one-half (4 1/2)
     years after the Closing, will be counted toward the one hundred and fifty
     thousand dollar ($150,000) deductible provided for in this subsection (f)
     if proper notice thereof is given to Seller at the time Buyer requests
     payment by Seller hereunder of Assigned Liabilities.

          For purposes of this Agreement, time expended by personnel of Seller
     or Buyer, or affiliates of either, in connection with Assigned Liabilities
     shall not be considered a cost of Assigned Liabilities.  Reasonable
     attorneys' and consultants' fees incurred in connection with an Assigned
     Liability by the party that, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement,
     is responsible for dealing with the Assigned Liability, shall be considered
     a cost of Assigned Liabilities for purposes of this Agreement; otherwise
     attorneys' fees and consultants' fees shall not be considered a cost of
     Assigned Liabilities.

     (g)  Other than liability and obligation for Assigned Liabilities within
     the limitations set forth in subsections (a) through (f) above, and for
     liability and obligation retained by Seller under either Section 3.1,
     Section 3.3 or the Remediation Agreement, Seller shall have no liability or
     obligation relating to or arising from the Assets, or the ownership,


     operation or use thereof, including without limitation Unknown
     Environmental Liability and Unknown Liability.

     3.3  Liabilities Assumed by Buyer; Liabilities of Buyer.

     (a)  Buyer hereby assumes all liabilities and obligations of Seller
     relating to or arising from the Assets, whether such liabilities and
     obligations are to a governmental body or any other person, firm or entity,
     whether based in whole or in part on strict liability, willful or
     intentional misconduct, or ordinary or gross negligence, and whether known
     or unknown, current or future, absolute or contingent, liquidated or
     unliquidated, or due or to become due, and whether relating to the period
     prior to or after the Closing, except those liabilities and obligations
     expressly retained by Seller under this Agreement; provided that
     notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Buyer shall not
     assume or be deemed to have assumed, and Seller shall retain liability for
     and indemnify Buyer against, all liabilities, damages, costs (including
     reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from or related to the following,
     without limit as to time or amount:

          (i)   liabilities or obligations of Seller that are not Unknown
     Liability as hereinabove defined;
          (ii)  liabilities or obligations of Seller for taxes based on income
     or related penalties, interest, assessments or liabilities;


          (iii)  liabilities or obligations of Seller under contracts,
     agreements, leases, commitments, and governmental permits, licenses and
     approvals, or portions thereof, that have not been disclosed and delivered
     to Buyer as provided for in this Agreement;

          (iv)   liabilities or obligations of Seller or Amoco Pipeline Company
     under any employee welfare or benefit plans or under the Employee
     Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 or for other employee related
     liabilities except as set forth in Article V hereof;

          (v)    except as set forth in the Services Agreement (as such term is
     defined in Article VI hereof), liabilities or obligations of Seller
     relating to or arising from acts or omissions of Seller or its affiliates,
     employees, representatives or agents after the Closing, provided that the
     indemnity of Seller with respect to such acts or omissions that constitute
     a breach of any representation or warranty of Seller contained in this
     Agreement shall be limited as set forth in subsections (e), (f) and (g) of
     Section 3.2 hereof; and

          (vi)   liabilities or obligations of Seller relating to or arising
     from wilful or intentional violation of laws, rules, regulations or
     governmental directives or pronouncements by Seller or its affiliates,
     employees, representatives or agents.

     (b)  All liabilities and obligations directly or indirectly relating to or
     arising from Buyer's ownership, operation, maintenance or use of the Assets
     after the Closing, including without limitation all liabilities and
     obligations under Environmental Law relating to or


     arising from Buyer's acts, events or omissions, or contamination, occurring
     after the Closing, shall be liabilities and obligations of Buyer.

     3.4  Notice by Seller.  If Seller, or either of its shareholders, Amoco
Pipeline Holding Company and GATX Pipeline Company, receives a Claim or a Demand
from a third party, Seller shall promptly send a copy of such to Buyer and shall
provide to Buyer such reasonable detail of information relating to the matters
set forth in such Claim or Demand as is available to Seller.

                               ARTICLE IV - TAXES

     4.1  Cooperation.  Buyer and Seller agree to furnish or cause to be
furnished to each other, upon request, as promptly as practicable, such
information and assistance relating to the Assets as is reasonably necessary for
the filing of all tax returns, the preparation for any audit by any taxing
authority, and the prosection or defense of any claim, suit or proceeding
relating to any tax return.  Seller and Buyer shall cooperate with each other in
the conduct of any audit or other proceeding related to taxes involving the

     4.2  Transfer Taxes.  If and to the extent that any transfer, sales,
excise, use and other non-income taxes are or become due and payable upon
transfer of the Assets pursuant to this Agreement, such taxes shall be paid by
Buyer.  In no event, however, shall Buyer be liable for any income, franchise or
similar tax on the income of the Seller or its shareholders resulting


from the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.  Buyer shall also pay all
fees for any recording of instruments of conveyance relating to transfer of the
Assets pursuant to this Agreement.

     4.3  Other Taxes.  All ad valorem, real and personal property taxes and
general and special assessments (excluding penalties and interest) levied or
assessed against the Assets shall be prorated as of the Closing pursuant to
Section 2.3 hereof.

                             ARTICLE V - EMPLOYEES

    5.1  Offers of Employment.  Certain employees of Amoco Pipeline Company
("APL"), the operator of the Pipeline System, are currently engaged full-time or
part-time in the operation of the Pipeline System (herein referred to as the
"Employees").  Schedule 5.1 attached hereto and made a part hereof sets forth a
list of the Employees.  Buyer may make offers of full-time regular employment to
such Employees.  If any of the Employees are not offered employment by Buyer, or
are offered employment but do not accept, and such Employees are terminated by
APL, Buyer shall have no liability for any severance costs or other costs
relating to termination of such Employees, except that if, within one hundred
and twenty (120) days of the Closing, Buyer hires any Employee who received
severance payments from APL, Buyer shall reimburse APL for any severance
payments made by APL to any such hired Employees if the Employee does not return
such severance payments to APL as required by the APL severance plan (which is
set forth in Schedule 5.2 attached hereto and made a part hereof).


     5.2  Severance Benefits.  Buyer shall provide severance benefits at least
as generous as those provided in Schedule 5.2 attached hereto and made a part
hereof to any Employee hired by Buyer whose employment with Buyer is terminated
within twelve (12) months after the Closing as a result of the following
circumstances only:  (i) any reduction in force effected by Buyer; (ii) any
plant or office location closing effected by Buyer; (iii) any relocation of the
Employee outside the Pipeline System without such Employee's consent; or (iv)
any reduction of personnel; but excluding any termination for "cause".  For
purposes hereof, "cause" shall mean:  (A) the failure of the Employee to perform
his or her duties at a level reasonably acceptable to Buyer; or (B) the
commission by the Employee of an act of fraud, embezzlement, violence or other
misconduct against Buyer or any of its employees or the Employee having been
convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.  For purposes of determining
"Credited Service" in Schedule 5.2, a severed Employee shall be credited with
service with APL and its affiliates in addition to such Employee's service with
Buyer and its affiliates in the amounts set forth in Schedule 5.2 for such


     At the Closing, APL and Buyer shall each execute and deliver to the other
an agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit H (the
"Services Agreement"), pursuant to which APL will provide to Buyer at Buyer's
cost certain post-Closing services relating to the operation of the Pipeline
System for a period not to exceed nine (9) months.



     7.1  Seller's Representations and Warranties.  Seller represents and
warrants to Buyer as follows:

     (a)  Corporate Organization.  Seller is as of the date of this Agreement,
     and will be at the Closing, a corporation duly organized, validly existing
     and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and is
     qualified as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which the
     character of its business or the location of its assets makes such
     qualification necessary (except for those jurisdictions in which the
     failure to be so qualified would not, taken in the aggregate, have a
     material adverse effect on the Seller's ability to consummate the
     transactions herein or in the Transfer Documents, or perform its
     obligations hereunder or thereunder).

     (b)  Authorization.  Seller has requisite corporate power and authority to
     execute and deliver this Agreement and the Transfer Documents and to
     consummate the transactions and perform its obligations hereunder and under
     the Transfer Documents.  The execution and delivery by the Seller of this
     Agreement and the Transfer Documents and the consummation of the
     transactions and the performance by the Seller of the obligations
     contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by all requisite


     action on the part of Seller.  This Agreement has been, and the Transfer
     Documents will be, duly executed and delivered by Seller, and this
     Agreement constitutes, and each of the Transfer documents when fully
     executed and delivered will constitute, legal, valid and binding
     obligations of Seller, enforceable in accordance with their respective
     terms, except (i) as limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, rearrangement,
     reorganization, or similar debtor relief legislation affecting the rights
     of creditors generally from time to time in effect, and (ii) that the
     remedy of specific performance and injunctive and other forms of equitable
     relief are subject to certain equitable defenses and to the discretion of
     the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

     (c)  No Violation.  Subject to (i) compliance with the requirements of the
     Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, and the
     regulations promulgated thereunder (the "HSR Act"), (ii) the Wyoming PSC
     and Colorado PUC consents referred to in Section 8.1(d) hereof, and (iii)
     any approvals required for the transfer of any Restricted Asset, neither
     the execution and delivery by Seller of this Agreement or the Transfer
     Documents, nor the performance by Seller of its obligations under this
     Agreement or the Transfer Documents, nor the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Transfer Documents

          (A)  conflict with any provision of the Articles of Incorporation or
     By-Laws of Seller;


          (B)  result in a breach or default of, or result in the creation or
     imposition of any lien or encumbrance upon the Assets under, any agreement
     or commitment to which Seller is a party or by which Seller or any of the
     Assets is bound; or

          (C)  to the knowledge of Seller, violate any statute or law or any
     judgment, decree, order, regulation or rule of any court or governmental
     authority to which Seller or any of the Assets is subject;

     which violation, conflict, breach or default would (i) affect Seller's
     ability to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and
     the Transfer Documents or (ii) have an adverse effect on the Assets or the
     operation of the Pipeline System.

     (d)  Title to Certain Assets.  Seller has good and marketable title to the
     Pipeline, Pipeline Equipment and Records free and clear of any security
     interests, liens or encumbrances, except for materialmen's liens,
     mechanic's liens and other liens arising in the ordinary course of
     business, all of which liens are listed on Schedule 7.1(d) and all of which
     liens will be discharged and released at or prior to the Closing, and for
     any consents necessary to transfer Restricted Assets.

     (e)  Litigation/Condemnation.  Except as otherwise indicated in Section
     3.1(a) or set forth in Schedule 7.1(e) attached hereto and made a part
     hereof, (i) Seller is not a party to any pending suit or proceeding before
     any court, governmental agency or arbitrator,


     (ii) Seller has no knowledge of any threatened suit or proceeding before
     any court, governmental agency or arbitrator, (iii) there is no outstanding
     order, judgment or decree by any court, governmental authority or
     arbitrator against Seller, (iv) Seller has no knowledge of any acts,
     events, omissions or circumstances not otherwise disclosed in the Schedules
     attached hereto and made a part hereof that Seller, as of the date of this
     representation, reasonably anticipates will give rise to a suit or
     proceeding before any court, governmental agency or arbitrator, and (v)
     there is no pending, or to Seller's knowledge threatened, condemnation or
     similar proceedings with respect to any of the Assets.

     (f)  Inclusion of all Assets.  Except for Excluded Assets and Restricted
     Assets, the Assets include all assets and properties used in the operation
     of the Pipeline System in the six (6) months preceding the date hereof,
     except for items consumed or disposed of in the ordinary course of business
     of the Pipeline System.  Seller has made available to Buyer all material
     records that either (i) were created by Seller or the Employees, or (ii)
     are in Seller's possession, which would ordinarily be expected to bear
     directly on the physical condition of the Pipeline System and Related
     Property, including, but not limited to, hydrostatic test and corrosion
     records and environmental reports, and such records are true, accurate and


     (g)  Third Party Product.  None of the products being transported in the
     Pipeline System or stored in connection with the Assets are owned by
     Seller, and all of such items are owned by customers of the Pipeline

     (h)  Financial Statements. Seller has delivered to Buyer copies of the
     following financial statements for Seller, all of which financial
     statements are included in Schedule 7.1(h) attached hereto and made a part

          (i)  unaudited transportation revenue and volumes by origin to
     destination as of December 31, 1994, unaudited comparative income statement
     as of December 31, 1994, and detailed income statement for the twelve month
     period ending on December 31, 1994; and

          (ii)  audited balance sheets, income statements and statements of
     changes in financial position for each of Seller's three (3) fiscal years
     ending December 31, 1991, 1992 and 1993.

          The financial statements referred to in (i) above present fairly, in
     all material respects, the financial position of Seller at December 31,
     1994, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the time
     period indicated in conformity with generally accepted accounting
     principles, with the following qualifications:  (1) such financial
     statements assume a going concern principle; (2) such financial statements
     do not contain footnotes and related disclosures, and year-end adjustments,
     normally required under generally accepted accounting principles; (3) such
     financial statements do not reflect


     future remediation costs for identified environmental contamination, that
     are reasonably estimable; and (4) such financial statements include income
     related to the Mandan Line, which is an Excluded Asset (Section 1.2(d)).

          The financial statements referred to in (ii) above present fairly, in
     all material respects, the financial position of Seller at the dates
     indicated, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the
     years then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting
     principles, with the following qualifications:  (1) such financial
     statements assume a going concern principle; and (2) such financial
     statements are subject to certain notes and related disclosures contained

     (i)  Governmental Returns.  To Seller's knowledge, there is no pending or
     threatened suit, action, proceeding, investigation or claim with respect to
     any tax return or other return or filing, required to be filed by Seller by
     any governmental agency prior to the date of this Agreement.

     (j)  Employee Matters.  Except for personnel based in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
     Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois and Chicago, Illinois, the Employees (listed in
     Schedule 5.1) are all full-time and part-time personnel engaged as of the
     date hereof in the operation of the Pipeline System.  Buyer will have no
     liability with respect to any employee welfare or benefit plans of APL or
     Seller, as a result of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
     The Employees are not now nor have they ever been covered by, and Seller


     does not now nor has it ever contributed to, a "multiemployer plan" as
     defined in section 4001(a)(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security
     Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA") with regard to any Employee which would
     result in any liability to Buyer.  Neither Seller nor such employer nor any
     trustee, administrator, fiduciary, agent or employee thereof has at anytime
     been involved in a transaction that would constitute a "prohibited
     transaction" within the meaning of Section 406 of ERISA which would subject
     the Buyer or any of its affiliates or any of its or their officers,
     directors or employees to any taxes, penalties or other liabilities under
     section 4975 of ERISA or under Sections 409 or 502(i) of ERISA.  To the
     best knowledge of Seller, no union-initiated work stoppages are pending or
     threatened as of the date of this Agreement.

     (k)  Contracts and Agreements.  Except for items listed in Schedule 1.1(e)
     as Excluded Items, the Contracts include all of the binding written
     contracts and agreements (except for such which are Related Property) that
     have been used in or relate to the operation of the Pipeline System in the
     six (6) months preceding the date hereof, except for contracts and
     agreements that have expired or been terminated in the ordinary course of
     business of the Pipeline System.  Except as set forth on Schedule 7.1(k)
     attached hereto and made a part hereof, (i) all the Contracts are valid,
     binding and in full force and effect as against Seller in accordance with
     their terms, and to Seller's knowledge all the Contracts are valid, binding
     and in full force and effect as against the other parties to the Contracts
     ("Third Parties") in accordance with their terms; (ii) there is no existing
     default by Seller and Seller has no knowledge of any default by any Third
     Party with respect to any of the


     Contracts, which default would have an adverse effect on Seller's business
     or the Assets; and (iii) copies of all the Contracts have been delivered to
     Buyer, and such copies are true, complete and accurate.

     (l)  Intangible Property.  The operation of the Assets as conducted as of
     the date hereof by Seller does not violate or infringe upon any patents,
     inventions, trademarks, trade names, brand names, service marks or
     copyrights owned by third parties.

     (m)  Licenses and Permits.  Except for items listed on Schedule 1.1(d) as
     Excluded Items, the Permits are all of the governmental licenses and
     permits (other than such which are Related Property) that have been part of
     or relate to the operation of the Pipeline System in the six (6) months
     preceding the date hereof, except for licenses or permits that have expired
     or been terminated in the ordinary course of business of the Pipeline
     System.  All the Permits are validly issued to Seller, are in its name, and
     as of the date of this Agreement are in full force and effect.  True,
     correct and complete copies of all the Permits have been delivered to
     Buyer.  There is no present violation in respect of the Permits, to
     Seller's knowledge no proceeding is pending or threatened seeking the
     revocation or limitation of any of the Permits or alleging a violation of
     any of the Permits, and to Seller's knowledge no acts, events, omissions or
     circumstances exist or have occurred that Seller, as of the date of this
     representation, reasonably anticipates will constitute a violation of any
     of the Permits or will give rise to revocation or limitation of any of the


     (n)  Compliance with Governmental Requirements.  To Seller's knowledge, and
     except as set forth in Schedule 7.1(n) attached hereto and made a part
     hereof, as of the date of this representation Seller is not in violation of
     any applicable local, state or federal laws, rules or regulations
     ("Governmental Requirements") (except for matters related to Environmental
     Law, which are covered by Section 7.1(o)).

     (o)  Environmental Law.  Except for those matters set forth on Schedules
     3.1(b), 3.1(c)1, 3.1(d)1 and 7.1 (o) attached hereto and made a part
     hereof, to Seller's knowledge (i) there does not exist, as of the date of
     this representation, any violation of any Environmental Law with respect to
     the Assets, and (ii) no acts, events or contaminations have occurred on or
     prior to the date of this representation that Seller, as of the date of
     this representation, reasonably anticipates will give rise to any
     violations of or remedial obligations under Environmental Law with respect
     to the Assets.

     (p)  Easements.  Except as set forth in Schedule 7.1(p) attached hereto and
     made a part hereof, Seller is not in receipt of any written notice from any
     third party contesting the validity of any easement, right-of-way,
     leasehold or other permit, license, grant or other right constituting a
     right to use or operate a pipeline across any real property used in the
     operation of the Pipeline System during the six (6) months preceding the
     date hereof (collectively, the "Easements").  Except as set forth in
     Schedule 7.1(p) attached hereto and made a part hereof, Seller has no
     knowledge of any matter or circumstance that Seller, as of the date of this
     representation, reasonably anticipates will adversely affect,


     impair, limit or encumber any Easement.  Seller has made available to Buyer
     all material records relating to the Easements and such records are true,
     accurate and complete.

     7.2  Buyer's Representations and Warranties.  Buyer represents and warrants
to Seller as follows:

     (a)  Organization.  Buyer is as of the date of this Agreement, and will be
     at the Closing, a limited partnership duly organized, validly existing and
     in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and is qualified
     as a foreign entity in each jurisdiction in which the character of its
     business or the location of its assets makes such qualification necessary
     (except for those jurisdictions in which the failure to be so qualified
     would not, taken in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the
     Buyer's ability to consummate the transactions herein or in the Transfer
     Documents or perform its obligations hereunder or thereunder).

     (b)  Authorization.  Buyer has requisite power and authority to execute and
     deliver this Agreement and the Transfer Documents to which Buyer is a
     party, and to consummate the transactions and perform its obligations
     hereunder and under the Transfer Documents to which Buyer is a party.  The
     execution and delivery by the Buyer of this Agreement and the Transfer
     Documents to which Buyer is a party and the consummation of the
     transactions and the performance of the obligations contemplated hereby and
     by the Transfer Documents to which Buyer is a party have been authorized by
     all requisite


     action on the part of the Buyer.  This Agreement has been, and the Transfer
     Documents to which Buyer is a party will be, duly executed and delivered by
     Buyer, and this Agreement constitutes, and each of the Transfer Documents
     to which Buyer is a party when fully executed and delivered will
     constitute, legal, valid and binding obligations of Buyer, enforceable in
     accordance with their respective terms, except (i) as limited by
     bankruptcy, insolvency, rearrangement, reorganization, or similar debtor
     relief legislation affecting the rights of creditors generally from time to
     time in effect, and (ii) that the remedy of specific performance and
     injunctive and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable
     defenses and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding
     therefor may be brought.

     (c)  No Violation.  Subject to (i) compliance with the requirements of the
     HSR Act, (ii) the Wyoming PSC and Colorado PUC consents referred to in
     Section 8.1(d) hereof, and (iii) any approvals required for the transfer of
     any Restricted Asset, neither the execution and delivery by the Buyer of
     this Agreement or the Transfer Documents to which Buyer is a party, nor the
     performance by Buyer of its obligations under this Agreement or the
     Transfer Documents to which Buyer is a party, nor the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Transfer Documents to
     which Buyer is a party shall:  (A) conflict with any provision of the
     limited partnership agreement of Buyer; or (B) to the knowledge of Buyer,
     violate any statute or law or any judgment, decree, order, regulation or
     rule of any court of governmental authority to which Buyer is subject;


     which violation or conflict would affect Buyer's ability to consummate the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Transfer Documents.

     7.3  Disclaimer of Warranties.  Buyer acknowledges and affirms that prior
to the Closing, Buyer has had a full opportunity to conduct whatever due
diligence Buyer has deemed appropriate to apprise itself of the Assets,
including without limitation, inspection, investigation, analysis and evaluation
of Seller's operations, maintenance and other business records, the
environmental condition of the Pipeline System and the Related Property and the
other rights and properties and liabilities to be transferred to or assumed by


     7.4  Survival of Representations and Warranties.  The representations and
warranties contained in this Article VII shall survive the Closing only to the
extent indemnification for breach thereof is provided in Article XII (directly
or as a result of the allocation of liabilities set forth in Article III).

                            ARTICLE VIII - COVENANTS

     8.1  Seller's Covenants.  Seller covenants and agrees as follows:

     (a)  Operation of the Pipeline System -- Negative Covenants.  Except to the
     extent expressly permitted by this Agreement, or as otherwise consented to
     by an instrument in writing signed by Buyer (which consent shall not be
     unreasonably withheld), Seller shall not, from the date hereof until the

          (i)   operate the Pipeline System or use the Assets other than in the
     ordinary course of business;

          (ii)  subject the Assets, or any part thereof, to any lien, claim,
     encumbrance, right or other interest or suffer such to be imposed other
     than as may arise in the ordinary course of business;

          (iii) enter into any transaction other than in the ordinary course of


          (iv)  dispose of any of the Assets other than in the ordinary course
     of business;


          (v)  increase or decrease, or apply for approval for any increase or
     decrease, of any tariffs, fees or other charges to customers related to the
     Pipeline System.

     (b)  Operation of the Pipeline System -- Affirmative Covenants.  Except as
     otherwise expressly provided by this Agreement, or as otherwise consented
     to by an instrument in writing signed by Buyer, Seller shall, from the date
     hereof until the Closing:
          (i)  afford to Buyer and Buyer's authorized representatives, subject
     to the Confidentiality Agreement (as defined in Section 15.7 hereof)
     previously executed and delivered by Buyer, reasonable access during normal
     business hours to the Pipeline System and the Related Property (including,
     but not limited to, access for environmental inspection and audits), and to
     the officers, management, properties, books and records related to the
     operation of the Pipeline System and will furnish and make available to
     Buyer such additional financial and operating data and other information
     related to the operation of the Pipeline System as Buyer may reasonably
     request; provided, however, Seller shall have no obligation to disclose any
     of the items identified on Schedule 1.1(f) as Excluded Items or any of the
     items covered under Section 1.2(b), and provided further that Buyer shall
     reimburse Seller for, and defend, indemnify and hold harmless Seller


     from and against, any and all loss, damage, costs (including reimbursement
     of all reasonable attorney fees and other costs of defense), liability,
     claim or suit, whether for bodily injury or death of any person (including
     Buyer's employees, agents and representatives), damage to or destruction or
     loss of property (including damage to Seller's property), or otherwise,
     arising in any manner whatsoever out of Buyer or its representatives being
     given access to the Pipeline System and the Related Property, whether or
     not based upon strict liability or caused by the sole or concurrent
     negligence (ordinary or gross) of Seller or any other person or entity,
     unless such loss, damage, cost, liability, claim or suit was occasioned
     solely by the negligence or intentional tort of Seller or any officer,
     director or agent thereof;

          (ii)  if any of the representations or warranties of Seller hereunder
     are determined by Seller to have been incorrect when made, or are
     determined by Seller to be incorrect as of any date subsequent to the date
     hereof until the Closing, or if any of the covenants of Seller contained in
     this Agreement have not been complied with timely, promptly notify Buyer to
     such effect (provided that such notice shall not limit Buyer's rights under
     this Agreement); and

          (iii) use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain and preserve
     the business of Seller conducted with the Assets and retain its present
     customers and suppliers.


     (c)  Third Party Product.  At the Closing, the custody of all line fill,
     tank and other petroleum liquids inventories will be transferred to Buyer
     and Buyer shall become responsible as of the Closing to applicable shippers
     for such inventories, in accordance with the procedures set forth on
     Schedule 8.1(c) attached hereto and made a part hereof.

     (d)  Wyoming Public Service Commission/Colorado Public Utilities
     Commission.  In connection with consummating the transactions contemplated
     by this Agreement, Seller shall file with the Public Service Commission of
     Wyoming (referred to herein as "Wyoming PSC") an application seeking the
     Wyoming PSC's authority for the sale of those facilities encompassed by
     this Agreement which are subject to the Wyoming PSC's jurisdiction, shall
     file with the Public Utilities Commission of Colorado (referred to herein
     as the "Colorado PUC") an application seeking the Colorado PUC's authority
     for the sale of those facilities encompassed by this Agreement which are
     subject to the Colorado PUC's jurisdiction, and will diligently pursue
     approval of such applications.  Seller shall comply with Colorado PUC
     Decision No. C95-44 adopted on January 11, 1995 in Docket No. 94A-610.

     (e)  Buyer's Access to Records Post-Closing.  For a period of five (5)
     years after the Closing, subject to the execution by Buyer of reasonable
     confidentiality undertakings, Seller will furnish to Buyer and its
     authorized representatives, upon the reasonable request of Buyer and at
     Buyer's sole cost, copies of written financial and operating information
     relating to the Assets, contained in Seller's books and records not


     to Buyer, to the extent that such information has not been destroyed and is
     required by Buyer or its authorized representatives for financial
     reporting, tax or similar purposes, or for purposes of investigating
     matters which may be the subject of litigation or administrative
     proceedings with third parties or governmental agencies, so long as such
     disclosure would not violate the terms of any agreement to which Seller is
     bound or any applicable law or regulation or result in the loss of any
     attorney-client or attorney work-product privilege.  Seller will use
     reasonable efforts in accordance with Seller's normal record maintenance
     procedures to keep and maintain such written financial and operating
     information relating to the Assets for a period of five (5) years from the
     Closing or longer as required by statute.  At the end of such five (5) year
     period or such longer period as may be required by statute, if Seller
     wishes to destroy any of such records, it shall first give sixty (60) days
     prior written notice to Buyer.  Buyer shall then have the right, at its
     option, prior to the expiration of such sixty (60) day period, to notify
     Seller in writing of Buyer's election to take possession, at Buyer's cost,
     of said records or portions thereof, except for records or portions thereof
     with respect to which disclosure would violate the terms of any agreement
     to which Seller is bound or any applicable law or regulation or result in
     the loss of any attorney-client or attorney work product privilege.  In the
     event Buyer does not notify Seller that Buyer is exercising its option to
     acquire documents hereunder, Seller may destroy such records without
     further obligation hereunder.


     (f)  Antitrust Notification.  As soon as practicable, Seller shall file or
     cause to be filed with the United States Federal Trade Commission and the
     United States Department of Justice the notification and report form
     required for the transactions contemplated hereby and any supplemental or
     additional information which may reasonably be requested in connection
     therewith pursuant to the HSR Act and shall comply in all material respects
     with the requirements of the HSR Act.

     (g)  Use of "Wyco" Name.  Within a reasonable time after the Closing,
     Seller shall amend its Articles of Incorporation to remove "Wyco" and all
     derivatives thereof from its name, and shall also file all necessary
     documents to amend its authorizations to do business in all jurisdictions
     where it is so authorized, to remove "Wyco" from its name, and shall also
     cease using the name "Wyco" and all derivatives thereof except as necessary
     to complete required governmental filings.

     (h)  Medical Review Officer Records.  Within a reasonable time after the
     Closing, and in cooperation with Buyer, Seller shall cause its Medical
     Review Officer to deliver to Buyer's Medical Review Officer possession of
     the Medical Review Officer records for Employees that have accepted offers
     of full-time or temporary employment from Buyer.

     (i)  Records.  Within a reasonable time after the Closing, Seller shall
     deliver to Buyer possession of those Records sold to Buyer hereunder that
     are not located on the Related Property.


     8.2  Buyer's Covenants.  Buyer covenants and agrees as follows:

     (a)  Consents.  Buyer shall take all appropriate steps in support of
     Seller's efforts pursuant to Sections 1.6(b) and 8.1(d) hereof.

     (b)  Third Party Product.  At the Closing, Buyer shall accept and shall
     become responsible as of the Closing to applicable shippers for inventories
     transferred to Buyer's custody by Seller pursuant to Section 8.1(c) hereof.

     (c)  Seller's Access to Properties and Records Post-Closing.  For a period
     of five (5) years after the Closing, subject to reasonable advance notice
     of time and purpose and to the execution by Seller of reasonable
     confidentiality undertakings, Buyer will afford to Seller and its
     authorized representatives, upon the reasonable request of Seller and at
     Seller's sole cost, reasonable access during normal business hours to the
     properties transferred to Buyer, and to books and records relating to the
     Assets transferred to Buyer (to the extent that such information has not
     been destroyed), and Buyer will furnish to Seller such additional
     information, and will cooperate with Seller in such other respects, as
     Seller may reasonably request, to the extent that such access and
     cooperation are required by Seller or its authorized representatives for
     financial reporting, tax or similar purposes, or for purposes of removing
     books and records not transferred to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement or
     for purposes of investigating matters which may be the


     subject of litigation or administrative proceedings with third parties or
     governmental agencies so long as such disclosure would not violate the
     terms of any agreement to which Buyer is bound or any applicable law or
     regulation or result in the loss of any attorney-client or attorney work
     product privilege.  Buyer will use reasonable efforts in accordance with
     Buyer's normal record maintenance procedures to keep and maintain all books
     and records transferred to Buyer hereunder for a period of five (5) years
     from the Closing or longer as may be required by statute.  At the end of
     such five (5) year period or such longer period as may be required by
     statute, if Buyer wishes to destroy any of such records, it shall first
     give sixty (60) days prior written notice to Seller.  Seller shall then
     have the right at its option, prior to the expiration of such sixty (60)
     day period, to notify Buyer in writing of Seller's election to take
     possession, at Seller's cost, of said records or portions thereof, except
     for records or portions thereof with respect to which disclosure would
     violate the terms of any agreement to which Buyer is bound or any
     applicable law or regulation or result in the loss of any attorney-client
     or attorney work product privilege.  In the event Seller does not notify
     Buyer that Seller is exercising its option to reacquire documents
     hereunder, Buyer may destroy such records without further obligation

     (d)  Antitrust Notification.  As soon as practicable, Buyer shall file or
     cause to be filed with the United States Federal Trade Commission and the
     United States Department of Justice the notification and report form
     required for the transactions contemplated hereby and any supplemental or
     additional information which may reasonably be requested in


     connection therewith pursuant to the HSR Act and shall comply in all
     material respects with the requirements of the HSR Act.

     (e)  Reporting.  If at any time within four and one-half (4 1/2) years
     after the Closing, Buyer becomes obligated to report, or in fact reports,
     to any federal, state or local governmental agency any release, outage,
     spill, leak, discharge, disposal, treatment, emission of or exposure to,
     hazardous waste, hazardous substances, pollutants, contaminants, materials,
     products or by-products relating to the Pipeline System or the Related
     Property, Buyer shall send a copy of such report to Seller at the same time
     it sends the report to the governmental agency.  Buyer shall, upon request
     by Seller, provide Seller with copies of all correspondence with any
     Environmental Agency relating to any such release, outage, spill, leak,
     discharge, disposal, treatment, emission or exposure.  In addition, for an
     additional two and one-half (2 1/2) years beyond the four and one-half (4
     1/2) years specified above, with respect to the Dupont Terminal, if Buyer
     becomes obligated to report any hydrocarbon release on the Dupont Terminal
     property to any State of Colorado or Adams County, Colorado governmental
     agency, and such report is available to the public under State of Colorado
     law, Buyer shall send a copy of such report to Seller at the same time it
     sends the report to the governmental agency.  Further, Seller shall be
     permitted to furnish copies of any reports it receives pursuant to the
     previous two sentences to the plaintiffs in the Kramer Case, if but only if
     such reports (i) were given to any State of Colorado or Adams County,


     governmental agency, (ii) relate to the Dupont Terminal, and (iii) are
     available to the public under State of Colorado law.

     (f)  Licenses and Permits.  Buyer shall use reasonable efforts to obtain by
     the Closing all governmental licenses and permits necessary for its
     operation of the Pipeline System after the Closing (as distinct from
     licenses and permits which are Related Property), and if Buyer is unable to
     obtain any such licenses or permits, it shall give notice to that effect to
     Seller within a reasonable period of time after Buyer has knowledge of such
     inability and prior to the Closing.

     (g)  Pipeline Bridge.  As of the date of this Agreement, a portion of the
     six inch (6") segment of the Pipeline System is located on a pipeline
     bridge over the North Platte River north of the Amoco Oil Company Casper
     Refinery site (the "Pipeline Bridge").  The Pipeline Bridge also supports a
     portion of the eight inch (8") pipeline segment of Sinclair Oil Corporation
     ("Sinclair"), previously sold by Seller to Sinclair, and a water pipeline
     owned by Amoco Oil Company.  In selling the 8" segment to Sinclair, Seller
     gave certain rights to Sinclair with respect to the Pipeline Bridge.  All
     of those rights are set forth in Section 7.04 of the Agreement for Sale and
     Purchase and Lease of Pipeline System by and between Seller and Wal-Mart
     Stores, Inc., entered into as of the 30th day of August, 1993 (all of Wal-
     Mart's rights, interests and obligations under such were assigned by Wal-
     Mart to Sinclair), which Section 7.04 is attached hereto and made a part
     hereof as Schedule 8.2(g) (it being understood that "Seller" in such
     Section 7.04 is


     "Seller" herein and "Buyer" in such Section 7.04 is Sinclair).  Buyer
     herein agrees that it purchases, acquires and receives the Pipeline Bridge
     subject to the rights of Sinclair contained in such Section 7.04, and
     subject to the rights of Amoco Oil Company contained in that Contract which
     is item no. 18 on Schedule 1.1(e) hereto (the "Amoco Oil Contract"), and
     further agrees that it assumes all rights, duties, liabilities and
     obligations of Seller in, under or pursuant to such Section 7.04 and in,
     under or pursuant to such Amoco Oil Contract, and agrees to perform,
     discharge and comply with all terms and conditions of or under such Section
     7.04 and of or under such Amoco Oil Contract, including without limitation
     performance of all obligations to be performed thereunder, and Seller shall
     have no further duty or obligation thereunder.

     (h)  Environmental Notification to Sinclair.  In recognition of the fact
     that the Pipeline and a pipeline segment previously sold by Seller to
     Sinclair to a certain extent both run in the same Related Property (as more
     particularly described in the Lease Agreement between Seller and Sinclair
     which is item no. 14 on Schedule 1.1(e)), Buyer agrees to cooperate with
     Sinclair in regard to environmental matters affecting said Related Property
     and to inform Sinclair within twenty-four (24) hours of any release, spill,
     leak, or discharge of any kind which might affect the environment.  In the
     event that Buyer decides to change the direction or type of material
     through the Pipeline, or alter in any material way the Pipeline or its
     operations, Buyer agrees that it will inform Sinclair in writing of any
     such plans as far in advance as is practicable.  The obligations of Buyer


     contained in this subsection (h) shall terminate at such time as Buyer
     enters into its own agreement with Sinclair covering the subject matter of
     this subsection.

     8.3  Mutual Covenants.  Seller and Buyer covenant and agree as follows:

     (a)  Testing and Gauging.  Seller and/or Buyer shall conduct sampling and
     testing of batches of liquids entering the Pipeline System, and gauging of
     tanks, in accordance with the procedures set forth on Schedule 8.3(a)
     attached hereto and made a part hereof.

     (b)  FERC Tariffs.  It is Buyer's intent to file an adoption of Seller's
     Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") tariffs governing the
     transportation of materials in the Pipeline System.  Seller and Buyer will
     cooperate to coordinate such filings or publishings with the FERC necessary
     to accomplish such, provided that in no event shall the Closing be

     (c)  State Tariffs.  It is Buyer's intent to file adoptions of Seller's
     state tariffs governing the transportation of materials in the Pipeline
     System.  Seller and Buyer will cooperate to coordinate such filings or
     publishings with appropriate state agencies necessary to accomplish such,
     provided that in no event shall the Closing be affected.



      The obligations of Buyer under this Agreement to close the transactions 
contemplated hereunder shall be subject to the satisfaction, on or prior to the
Closing, of each of the following conditions, any one or more of which may be
waived in writing, in whole or in part, by Buyer:

     9.1  Accuracy of Representations and Warranties.  The representations
and warranties of Seller contained in this Agreement shall be in all material
respects true and accurate as of the date hereof and at and as of the date of
the Closing as though such representations and warranties were made at and as of
such date, and Seller shall have delivered to Buyer a certificate to such effect
executed by a duly authorized officer of Seller.

     9.2  Performance.  Seller shall have performed and complied with, in
all material respects, all of its covenants, agreements and conditions contained
in this Agreement which Seller must perform or comply with at or prior to the
Closing, and Seller shall have delivered to Buyer a certificate to such effect
executed by a duly authorized officer of Seller.

     9.3  Litigation.  No injunction or any similar legal order prohibiting
or restraining consummation of the transactions herein contemplated shall be in

     9.4  Wyoming PSC/Colorado PUC.  The consent of the Wyoming PSC for
Seller to sell to Buyer those facilities encompassed by this Agreement which are
subject to the Wyoming


PSC's jurisdiction, and of the Colorado PUC for Seller to sell to Buyer those
facilities encompassed by this Agreement which are subject to the Colorado PUC's
jurisdiction, shall have been obtained.

     9.5  HSR Act.  All necessary filings and notifications under the HSR
Act shall have been made, and the waiting period referred to in such Act
applicable to the transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired or been

     9.6  Due Execution and Delivery of Closing Documents.  The documents
to be executed and delivered by Seller at the Closing shall have been properly
executed and delivered.

     9.7  Legal Matters.  All actions, proceedings, instruments and
documents required of Seller to carry out this Agreement and to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby  shall have been taken in a manner reasonably
satisfactory in form and substance to counsel for Buyer.

     9.8  Unassignable Related Property.  With respect to all Related
Property identified by Buyer in writing pursuant to Section 1.3(i), consents and
waivers in principle contemplated by Section 1.3 shall have been obtained.  With
respect to all portions of the Pipeline System identified by Buyer in writing
pursuant to Section 1.3(ii), all rights-of-way, easements, permits, licenses,
grants and leaseholds contemplated by Section 1.3 hereof shall have been


     9.9  No Material Adverse Change.  No material adverse change in the
Assets or the operations thereof or the business of the Pipeline System shall
have occurred since the date hereof until the Closing.

     9.10  Licenses and Permits.  Buyer shall have obtained all
governmental licenses and permits necessary for its operation of the Pipeline
System (as distinct from licenses and permits which are Related Property),
provided that Buyer shall have used reasonable efforts to obtain by the Closing
all such licenses and permits.

     9.11  Guarantee.  Both of the shareholders of Seller shall have
executed and delivered to Buyer a guarantee substantially in the form of Exhibit
I attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Guarantee").

     9.12  Mortgages.  Seller and Buyer shall have executed and delivered a
letter agreement relating to the two mortgages on the Mule Creek Station Related
Property, satisfactory to Buyer.


          The obligations of Seller under this Agreement to close the
transactions contemplated hereunder shall be subject to the satisfaction, on or
prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions, any one or more of
which may be waived in writing, in whole or in part, by the Seller:


     10.1  Accuracy of Representations and Warranties.  The representations
and warranties of Buyer contained in this Agreement shall be in all material
respects true and accurate as of the date hereof and at and as of the date of
the Closing as though such representations and warranties were made at and as of
such date, and Buyer shall have delivered to Seller a certificate to such effect
executed by a duly authorized officer of Buyer.

     10.2  Performance.  Buyer shall have performed and complied with, in
all material respects, all of its covenants, agreements, and conditions
contained in this Agreement which Buyer must perform or comply with at or prior
to the Closing, and Buyer shall have delivered to Seller a certificate to such
effect executed by a duly authorized officer of Buyer.

     10.3  Litigation.  No injunction or any similar legal order prohibiting or
restraining consummation of the transactions herein contemplated shall be in 

     10.4  Wyoming PSC/Colorado PUC. The consent of the Wyoming PSC for Seller 
to sell to Buyer those facilities encompassed by this Agreement which are
subject to the Wyoming PSC's jurisdiction, and of the Colorado PUC for Seller to
sell to Buyer those facilities encompassed by this Agreement which are subject
to the Colorado PUC's jurisdiction, shall have been obtained.


     10.5  HSR Act. All necessary filings and notifications under the HSR
Act shall have been made, and the waiting period referred to in such Act
applicable to the transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired or been

     10.6  Due Execution and Delivery of Closing Documents. The documents
to be executed and delivered by Buyer at the Closing shall have been properly
executed and delivered.

     10.7  Legal Matters. All actions, proceedings, instruments and
documents required of Buyer to carry out this Agreement and to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby shall have been taken in a manner reasonably
satisfactory in form and substance to counsel for Seller.

                              ARTICLE XI - CLOSING

     11.1  Closing. The closing of the transactions contemplated hereby
("Closing") shall take place on February 24, 1995, at the offices of Seller in
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois at 10:00 a.m. local time (or at such other place,
time or date as the parties may mutually agree in writing). Subject to Section
1.6 hereof, and unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, the
transfer of title to the Assets from Seller to Buyer shall be effective as of
the Closing.


     11.2  Seller's Obligations. At the Closing, Seller shall deliver to
Buyer the following:

     (a)  Conveyancing Documents.  Executed Transfer Documents with respect to
     the Assets.

     (b)  Services Agreement.  An executed Services Agreement.

     (c)  Remediation Agreement.  An executed Remediation Agreement and payment
     of the amounts specified in the Remediation Agreement for payment at the
     Closing in accordance with the Remediation Agreement.

     (d)  Opinion of Counsel.  An opinion of an attorney for Amoco Pipeline
     Company as counsel to Seller in connection with this transaction, dated as
     of the Closing, addressed to Buyer, substantially in the form of Exhibit J
     attached hereto and made a part hereof, an opinion of an attorney for Amoco
     Pipeline Holding Company related to the Guarantee, dated as of the Closing,
     addressed to Buyer, substantially in the form of Exhibit J1 attached hereto
     and made a part hereof, and an opinion of an attorney for GATX Pipeline
     Company related to the Guarantee, dated as of the Closing, addressed to
     Buyer, substantially in the form of Exhibit J2 attached hereto and made a
     part hereof.

     (e)  Board Resolutions.  A certified copy of the resolutions of Seller's
     Board of Directors authorizing the transactions contemplated hereunder and
     under the Transfer Documents.


     (f)  Receipts.  Appropriate receipts for the Purchase Price to be paid by
     Buyer at the Closing.

     (g)  Certificates.  The certificates referred to in Sections 9.1 and 9.2.

     (h)  Acceptance of Transfer.  An executed acceptance of transfer in the
     form required by the Colorado PUC, and an executed explanation of change in
     account and transfer of experience rate in the form required by the Wyoming
     Department of Employment.

     (i)  Drug Testing Records.  Possession of all DOT drug testing records for
     Employees that have accepted offers of full-time or temporary employment
     from Buyer.

     (j)  Guarantee.  The Guarantee executed by both of Seller's shareholders.

     (k)  Computer Contract Payment.  Payment in immediately available funds by
     bank wire transfer in an account at a national bank located in the United
     States designated by Buyer, of the actual balance due as of the Closing
     (supported by reasonable documentation) under that Contract which is item
     no. 23 on Schedule 1.1(e) hereto, which is presently estimated to be three
     hundred fifty six thousand, four hundred and seventy three dollars
     ($356,473) for Buyer's assumption of that Contract which is item no. 23 on
     Schedule 1.1(e) hereto pursuant to the contract assignment and assumption
     agreement to be executed by the parties pursuant to Section 1.4(d) and
     Article XI hereof.


     Buyer shall give notice to Seller of the account and any other wire
     transfer instructions at least three (3) days before the day of the

     (l)  Prorations.  Payment of the amount specified in Section 2.3(b) hereof
     in accordance with Section 2.3(b).

     11.3  Buyer's Obligations.  At the Closing, Buyer shall deliver to Seller:

     (a)  Purchase Price.  The Purchase Price in accordance with Article II.

     (b)  Services Agreement.  An executed Services Agreement.

     (c)  Remediation Agreement.  An executed Remediation Agreement.

     (d)  Instruments of Assumption.  Executed Transfer Documents to which Buyer
     is a party.

     (e)  Non-Simultaneous Exchange.  An executed assignment in the form of
     Exhibit F attached hereto and made a part hereof.


     (f)  Opinion of Counsel.  An opinion of Stephen M. Hoffner, counsel to
     Buyer, dated as of the Closing, addressed to Seller, substantially in the
     form of Exhibit K attached hereto and made a part hereof.

     (g)  Board Resolutions.  A certified copy of the resolutions of the Board
     of Directors of Buyer's general partner authorizing the transactions
     contemplated hereunder and under the Transfer Documents.

     (h)  Certificates.  The certificates referred to in Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

     (i)  Acceptance of Transfer.  An executed acceptance of transfer in the
     form required by the Colorado PUC, and an executed explanation of change in
     account and transfer of experience rate in the form required by the Wyoming
     Department of Employment.

                         ARTICLE XII - INDEMNIFICATION

     12.1  Indemnification by Seller.

     (a)  From and after the Closing, but subject to the conditions and
     limitations set forth in this Agreement, Seller shall indemnify Buyer,
     together with Buyer's parent companies, shareholders, partners,
     subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents, and
     defend and hold each of them harmless from and against, any and all costs,


     damages (including punitive damages), suits, losses, fines, penalties,
     causes of action, proceedings, judgments (including pre- and post-judgment
     interest), obligations and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys'
     fees and consultants' fees incurred in connection with any of the
     foregoing) asserted against, incurred or required to be paid by Buyer, its
     parent companies, shareholders, partners, subsidiaries, affiliates,
     officers, directors, employees or agents (all of the foregoing collectively
     referred to herein as a "Buyer Loss"), regardless of whether based in whole
     or in part on strict liability, willful or intentional misconduct, or
     ordinary or gross negligence of any indemnitee, which arise out of, relate
     to or are caused by any liability or obligation retained by Seller under
     this Agreement.

     Seller's obligation of indemnification in this Section 12(a) is subject to
     the allocation of liability set forth in Article III hereof.

     (b)  From and after the Closing, but subject to Section 12.3 hereof, Seller
     shall indemnify Buyer, together with Buyer's parent companies,
     shareholders, partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors,
     employees and agents, and defend and hold each of them harmless from and
     against, any and all costs, claims, damages (including punitive damages),
     suits, losses, fines, penalties, causes of action, proceedings, judgments
     (including pre- and post-judgment interest), obligations and liabilities
     (including reasonable attorneys' fees and consultants' fees incurred in
     connection with any of the foregoing) asserted against, incurred or
     required to be paid by Buyer, its


     parent companies, shareholders, partners, subsidiaries, affiliates,
     officers, directors, employees or agents, as a result of any claim of
     adverse possession landowner Richard Cross may make with respect to Related
     Property at Douglas Station, subject to the following:

          (i)  there must be a Buyer Loss attributable to such claim of adverse

          (ii)  Buyer must give written notice of such Buyer Loss promptly after
     Buyer has knowledge of such Buyer Loss, provided that any delay or failure
     to provide such notice promptly will not limit Seller's liability hereunder
     except to the extent Seller is damaged or prejudiced by such delay or
     failure; and

          (iii)  Seller's maximum liability under this Section 12(b) shall be
     twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000).

     12.2  Indemnification by Buyer.  From and after the Closing, but subject to
the conditions and limitations set forth in this Agreement, Buyer shall
indemnify Seller, together with Seller's parent companies, shareholders,
subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents, and defend
and hold each of them harmless from and against, any and all costs, claims,
damages (including punitive damages), suits, losses, fines, penalties, causes of
action, proceedings, judgments (including pre- and post-judgment interest),
obligations and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees and
consultants' fees incurred in connection with


any of the foregoing) asserted against, incurred or required to be paid by
Seller, its parent companies, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers,
directors, employees or agents, regardless of whether based in whole or in part
on strict liability, willful or intentional misconduct, or ordinary or gross
negligence of any indemnitee, which arise out of, relate to or are caused by:
(a) the breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or other obligation of
Buyer contained in this Agreement, including but not limited to the Remediation
Agreement and the contract assignment and assumption agreement to be executed by
the parties pursuant to Section 1.4(d) and Article XI hereof; (b) any duty,
liability or obligation assumed or had by Buyer pursuant to Section 3.1, Section
3.2, Section 3.3 or Section 8.2(g) hereof, or pursuant to the Remediation
Agreement or pursuant to the contract assignment and assumption agreement to be
executed by the parties pursuant to Section 1.4(d) and Article XI hereof; (c)
the ownership, use, maintenance, condition or operation of the Assets by Buyer
from and after the Closing (except to the extent relating to or arising from the
breach by Seller of any representation, warranty, covenant or other obligation
of Seller contained in this Agreement); or (d) liabilities or obligations to the
extent attributable to (i) actions of Buyer or its agents, consultants or
representatives in the implementation or performance of the Agreed Remediation
Plan or the 3.1(d) Remediation Plan, as they may be modified with the consent of
Buyer and Seller, or (ii) any failure by Buyer to implement the Agreed
Remediation Plan or the 3.1(d) Remediation Plan, as they may be modified with
the consent of Buyer and Seller, in accordance with the time schedules set forth
in such plans, or negligence in the performance of the Agreed Remediation Plan
or the 3.1(d) Remediation Plan, as they may be modified with the consent of
Buyer and Seller.


     It is understood and agreed that Buyer's obligation to indemnify Seller,
its parent companies, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers,
directors, employees and agents as set forth above in this Section 12.2 shall
survive the Closing without limit as to time or amount, except as limited by
Sections 3.2(f) and 3.3 hereof.  Buyer's obligation of indemnification in this
Article XII is subject to the allocation of liability set forth in Article III

     12.3  Procedure for Third Party Claims.

     (a)  If any third party shall notify Seller or Buyer (the "Indemnified
     Party") with respect to any matter which may give rise to a claim for
     indemnification against the other party under this Agreement (the
     "Indemnifying Party") then the Indemnified Party shall notify the
     Indemnifying Party thereof promptly in writing; provided, however, that,
                                                     --------  -------       
     subject to Article III, no delay in giving notice of such matter shall
     relieve the Indemnifying Party from any obligation hereunder unless (and
     then solely to the extent) the Indemnifying Party is thereby damaged or the
     defense of any matter for which indemnification is claimed is prejudiced.
     The Indemnifying Party shall notify the Indemnified Party in writing within
     fifteen (15) days of receiving such notice whether the Indemnifying Party
     accepts responsibility for such matter.  If (i) the Indemnified Party does
     not receive timely written notice that the Indemnifying Party accepts
     responsibility for such matter, or (ii) if the Indemnifying Party accepts
     responsibility but fails to diligently defend the Indemnified Party in such
     matter, or (iii) if in the reasonable opinion of the Indemnified Party the
     Indemnifying Party may lack the financial resources necessary to comply


     its indemnity obligations in connection with such matter, then the
     Indemnified Party may defend against or enter into any settlement with
     respect to, such matter as it deems appropriate without relieving the
     Indemnifying Party of any of its indemnification obligations with respect
     to such matter.  If the Indemnifying Party assumes responsibility for the
     matter, then (A) the Indemnifying Party will defend the Indemnified Party
     against the matter with counsel and consultants of its choice reasonably
     satisfactory to the Indemnified Party, (B) the Indemnifying Party shall
     have, subject to this Section 12.3, exclusive control of the defense and
     settlement of the matter, (C) the Indemnified Party may retain separate co-
     counsel and consultants at its sole cost, and (D) the Indemnifying Party
     will not consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement
     with respect to the matter which does not include a provision whereby the
     plaintiff or claimant in the matter releases the Indemnified Party from all
     liability with respect thereto at no cost to, and with no actions required
     by and no future obligations imposed on, the Indemnified Party except for
     such as may be agreed to in writing by the Indemnified Party.

     (b) The Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party shall use their
     reasonable efforts to cooperate, without prejudice to any rights they may
     have against each other, in the compromise or defense of any third party
     claim which is not entirely subject to indemnification by a single
     Indemnifying Party.


     12.4  Exclusive Remedy.  The provisions of this Article XII, the provisions
of Article III, and the corresponding provisions in the Transfer Documents, if
any, are intended to be the exclusive remedy between the parties for the matters
covered by such provisions, and no party shall seek recovery from the other
party with respect to such matters under theories of strict liability,
negligence or other theory of recovery, whether under contract (other than under
this Article XII, Article III or the corresponding provisions of any Transfer
Document) or tort or at law or in equity.

                         ARTICLE XIII - BULK SALES LAW

     Buyer hereby waives compliance by Seller with any bulk sales law which may
be applicable.

                           ARTICLE XIV - TERMINATION

     14.1  Grounds for Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated at any
time prior to the Closing:

     (a)  By the mutual written agreement of Seller and the Buyer;


     (b)  By Seller or by Buyer if the purchase and sale contemplated hereby
     shall not have closed by March 15, 1995, if the failure to close on or
     before such date is not caused by any fault of the party electing to
     terminate pursuant to this Section 14.1(b);

     (c)  By Seller or by Buyer if the purchase and sale of the Assets would
     violate any nonappealable final order, decree or judgment of any United
     States court or governmental body having competent jurisdiction;

     (d)  By notice from Seller to Buyer or Buyer to Seller pursuant to Section
     1.7 hereof, electing to terminate this Agreement; or

     (e) By notice from either party to the other if the conditions to such
     party's obligations to close as set forth in Article IX and X,
     respectively, are not satisfied or waived on or prior to the scheduled date
     for the Closing.

     14.2  Effect of Termination.  If this Agreement is terminated by Seller or
by Buyer as permitted under Section 14.1 hereof, such termination shall not
terminate (i) the rights or remedies of either party with respect to the breach
of any provision of this Agreement prior to termination, including breach of the
obligation to close, or (ii) the obligations of the parties under the
Confidentiality Agreement.


                                 ARTICLE XV - MISCELLANEOUS

     15.1  Further Assurance.

     (a)  After the Closing, Seller shall from time to time, at Buyer's request
     and without further cost to Buyer, prepare, execute and deliver to Buyer
     such other instruments of conveyance and transfer (including without
     limitation, additional assignments suitable for recording) and take such
     other action (including but not limited to delivery of possession of Assets
     for which title has passed hereunder) as Buyer may reasonably request so as
     more effectively to sell, transfer, assign, deliver and vest in Buyer title
     to and possession of the Assets as provided in this Agreement, and to
     implement the covenants hereunder that are to be performed by Seller after
     the Closing.

     (b)  After the Closing, Buyer shall from time to time, at Seller's request
     and without further cost to Seller, prepare, execute and deliver to Seller
     such other instruments of assumption and take such other action as Seller
     may reasonably request so as to more effectively assume the contracts,
     agreements, leases and commitments assumed by Buyer hereunder and to
     implement the covenants hereunder that are to be performed by Buyer after
     the Closing.

     15.2  Brokers.  Each of the parties hereto represents and warrants to the
other that no broker or finder has acted on its behalf in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this


Agreement.  Each of the parties agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other
party harmless, in accordance with the provisions of Article XII hereof, from
any claim or demand for any commission, compensation or other payment by any
broker, finder or similar agent claiming to have been or that was in fact
employed by or on behalf of the first party.

     15.3  Costs.  Whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are
consummated, each party shall pay its own respective costs (including, without
limitation, the fees, disbursements and costs of its attorneys, accountants and
consultants if any) in connection with the negotiation, preparation and
execution of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, except as
otherwise provided in this Agreement.

     15.4  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original instrument, but all such
counterparts together shall constitute but one agreement.

     15.5  Schedules.  All Schedules and Exhibits attached hereto, with the
exception of Exhibit H (the Services Agreement), are incorporated herein and
expressly made a part of this Agreement as fully as though completely set forth

     15.6  Waiver.  The failure of any party at any time or times to enforce or
require performance of any provision hereof shall in no way operate as a waiver
or affect the right of such party at a later time to enforce the same.  No
waiver by any party of any condition or the


breach of any term, covenant, representation or warranty contained in this
Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, in any one or more instances, shall
be deemed to be or construed as a further or continuing waiver of any such
condition or breach, or a waiver of any other condition or of any breach of any
other term, covenant, representation or warranty contained in this Agreement.
Any waiver of an obligation, agreement or condition contained herein shall be
valid and effective only if in writing and signed by the party to whom such
compliance is owed.

     15.7  Confidentiality Agreement.  The letter agreement entered into between
Seller and Buyer, dated April 6, 1992 relating to disclosure of Seller
information pertaining to the Assets (the "Confidentiality Agreement"), shall
terminate as of the Closing or according to its terms, whichever shall last
occur.  From and after the Closing, Seller shall, and shall cause its
shareholders and the employees, agents and representatives of Seller and its
shareholders to not disclose to any third party not affiliated with Seller any
information regarding the Assets or the operation thereof in such party's
possession, except to the extent required by applicable law or court order.

     15.8  Notices.  All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed effective and given only upon receipt, when
delivered personally, by facsimile transmission, by overnight courier, by telex
or by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested), postage prepaid,
to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other addresses


for a party as shall be specified by like notice; provided that notices of a
change of address shall be effective only upon receipt thereof):

          If to Seller to:  Wyco Pipe Line Company
                            Attn.:  Manager, Business Development
                            One Mid America Plaza, Suite 300
                            Oakbrook Terrace, IL  60181-4723
                            Facsimile No.:  (708) 990-4985

          with a copy to:   GATX Terminals Corporation
                            Attn.:  President    
                            500 West Monroe Street                 
                            Chicago, IL  60661-3676
                            Facsimile No.:  (312) 621-6647

          If to Buyer to:   Kaneb Pipe Line Operating Partnership, L.P.
                            Attn:  Edward D. Doherty
                            2435 North Central Expressway
                            Suite 700
                            Richardson, Texas 75080
                            Facsimile No.:  (214) 699-1894

          with copies to:   Kaneb Pipe Line Operating Partnership, L.P.
                            Attn: Leon B. Hutchens
                            100 N. Broadway, Suite 550
                            Wichita, Kansas 67202
                            Facsimile No.:  (316) 262-0726
                            Kenneth L. Stewart, Esq.
                            Fulbright & Jaworski
                            2200 Ross Avenue
                            28th Floor
                            Dallas, Texas 75201
                            Facsimile No.:  (214) 855-8200


     15.9  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, including the Schedules and
Exhibits hereto, the Transfer Documents, the Confidentiality Agreement and the
letter agreement relating to the two mortgages on the Mule Creek Station Related
Property constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto pertaining
to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, understandings,
negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, of the parties relating
to the subject matter hereof.  There are no warranties, representations or other
agreements between the parties in connection with the subject matter hereof
except as specifically set forth herein or in the Schedules and Exhibits hereto
or in the Transfer Documents or the Confidentiality Agreement.  No supplement,
modification, waiver or termination of this Agreement or any Schedule or Exhibit
shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party to be bound thereby.

     15.10  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall hereafter be
held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, that provision shall be
reformed to the maximum extent permitted to come as close as possible in its
effects to the invalid or unenforceable provision, failing which, it shall be
ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability only, with the
balance of the provision and of the Agreement continuing in full force and
effect.  Such occurrence shall not have the effect of rendering the provision in
question invalid in any other jurisdiction or in any other case or
circumstances, or of rendering invalid any other provisions contained herein to
the extent that such other provisions are not themselves actually in conflict
with any applicable law.


     15.11  Knowledge.  Except as otherwise specifically provided for herein,
whenever a matter is expressed "to the knowledge of" a party or to a party's
"knowledge", or whenever it is said that a party has or does not have
"knowledge" of a matter, such knowledge shall mean to the knowledge as of the
date of this Agreement (and as of the Closing with respect to the truth and
accuracy of the representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement to be
certified pursuant to Sections 9.1 and 10.1), of the directors, officers and
employees of the party serving in such capacities as of the date of this
Agreement (and as of the Closing with respect to the truth and accuracy of the
representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement to be certified
pursuant to Sections 9.1 and 10.1) and, with repect to Seller, those persons
listed on Schedule 5.1.

     15.12  Transfer.  Seller and Buyer shall cooperate and take such action as
may be reasonably requested by the other to effect an orderly transfer of the
Assets with a minimum of disruption to the operations of the parties and their

     15.13  Publicity.  Any public announcements with respect hereto or the
transactions contemplated hereby shall be made at such time and in such manner
as Seller and Buyer shall mutually agree; provided, however, that nothing herein
shall prevent any party from making such public announcements as such party may
consider necessary to satisfy such party's legal or contractual obligations but
in such event the party intending to make such disclosure shall advise the other
party in advance of such disclosure and provide such other party with a copy of
the text of the information to be disclosed; and further provided that nothing
in this Section


15.13 shall in any way limit or restrict Seller's or Buyer's communications with
its employees, customers, or suppliers.

     15.14  Assignment.  Except for
            (i) an assignment by Seller in connection with a Non-Simultaneous
     Exchange, as referred to in Section 2.5 hereof, which Seller may make at
     its election, and

            (ii) an assignment by Buyer of this Agreement in its entirety only
     (prior to the Closing) or in whole or in part (after the Closing), to any
     entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with
     Buyer (an "Affiliate"), which Buyer may make at its election, provided that
     Buyer shall not be relieved thereby of its obligations hereunder,

neither party to this Agreement shall assign this Agreement, directly or
indirectly, or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the other
party, and any attempt to do so will be of no force or effect.  This Agreement
shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and permitted assigns.  For purposes of the foregoing,
"control" shall mean ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the issued
voting rights or interests of the entity or entities in question.

     15.15  Captions.  The captions in this Agreement are for convenience only
and shall not be considered a part of or affect the construction or
interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.


     15.16  Gender.  Whenever appropriate herein, the singular number shall
include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any
gender shall include all genders.

     15.17  No Third Party Beneficiaries.  Nothing in this Agreement shall
entitle any person other than Seller or Buyer and their respective successors
and assigns permitted hereby to any claim, cause of action, remedy or right of
any kind.

     15.18  Governing Law.  This Agreement and the legal relations between the
parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the
State of Delaware, excluding any choice of law rules which may direct the
application of the laws of any other jurisdiction.

     15.19  Force Majeure.  Neither party shall be liable to the other for
failure to carry out the terms and provisions of this Agreement to the extent
such failure arises out of, relates to or is caused by strikes, fire, acts of
God, or other causes, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing, beyond the
reasonable control of such party.

     15.20  Telecopy Execution and Delivery.  A facsimile, telecopy or other
reproduction of this Agreement may be executed by one or more parties hereto,
and an executed copy of this Agreement may be delivered by one or more parties
hereto by facsimile or similar instantaneous electronic transmission device
pursuant to which the signature of or on behalf of such party can be seen, and
such execution and delivery shall be considered valid, binding and effective for


purposes.  At the request of either party hereto, all parties hereto agree to
execute an original of this Agreement as well as any facsimile, telecopy or
other reproduction hereof.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed.

                              WYCO PIPE LINE COMPANY

                              By:  /s/ TM Brogan
                              Title:        Director

                              KANEB PIPE LINE OPERATING
                              PARTNERSHIP, L.P.
                              By Kaneb Pipe Line Company, 
                              General Partner


                              By:  /s/ Edward D. Doherty
                              Title:         Chairman
