

A.  Retirement Restoration Benefit feature:  The purpose of this 
    feature of the Plan is to provide each member of the Title 
    Two of the Pension and Retirement Plan  ("Retirement Plan") 
    all benefits otherwise payable in accordance with the terms 
    thereof, but for the limitation on maximum benefits set 
    forth in Section 4(8) of the Retirement Plan.

B.  Retirement Restoration Compensation feature:  The purpose of 
    this feature of the Plan is to provide each member of the 
    Retirement Plan who is a participant in the Incentive 
    Compensation Plan of Conoco Inc. under which awards were 
    granted on and after January 1, 1981, and the Incentive 
    Compensation Plan of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 
    and such other Incentive Compensation Plan ("ICP Plan") as 
    may from time to time be in effect in substitution therefor 
    and in which members of the Retirement Plan shall 
    participate, all benefits to which the participant would be 
    entitled if compensation, as defined in the Retirement Plan, 
    included the annual awards (or in the case of Members who 
    did not have an Hour of Service under the Retirement Plan on 
    or after August 1, 1994, one-half the annual awards) granted 
    to the member under the ICP Plan then in effect.

C.  Retirement Restoration Enhancement feature:  The purpose of 
    this feature of the Plan is to provide each member of the 
    Retirement Plan who was not eligible for benefits under the 
    Temporary Retirement/Termination Incentive Program due to 
    salary grade and who is approved for retirement enhancement 
    by the President of Conoco Inc. or his delegee, retirement 
    benefits provided for in the Retirement Plan under the terms 
    of the Temporary Retirement/Termination Incentive Program, 
    but without the limitations on salary grade and election 


A.  The Plan shall be administered by the Employee Benefit Plans 
    Board ("Board") as defined in Section 1(6) of the Retirement 

B.  The Board shall have the power to interpret the Plan, 
    establish rules for the administration of the Plan, and make 
    all other determinations necessary or desirable for the 
    Plan's administration.

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C.  The decision of the Board on any question concerning or 
    involving the interpretation or administration of the Plan 
    shall be final and conclusive.


A.  Retirement Restoration Benefit feature:  All members of the 
    Retirement Plan who would otherwise be entitled to benefits 
    from the Retirement Plan in accordance with the terms 
    thereof, but for the limitation on maximum benefits set 
    forth in Section 4(8) of the Retirement Plan, shall be paid 
    such benefits under this feature to the extent such benefits 
    exceed the limitation.

B.  Retirement Restoration Compensation feature:

    (1) All members of the Retirement Plan, who are entitled to 
        benefits from the Retirement Plan in accordance with the 
        terms thereof, shall be paid benefits under this feature 
        as follows:

        (a) In an amount equal to the amount of benefits which 
            would have been paid to the members pursuant to 
            Section 4 of the Retirement Plan if compensation, 
            as defined in section 1(9)(a), included the annual 
            awards (or in the case of Members who do not have 
            an Hour of Service under the Retirement Plan on or 
            after August 1, 1994, one-half of the annual 
            awards) granted to members on or after January 1, 
            1981, under the ICP Plan(s).  Anything to the 
            contrary notwithstanding, all members of the 
            Retirement Plan who would otherwise be entitled to 
            benefits from this Plan pursuant to the preceding 
            sentence, shall be paid such benefits only to the 
            extent that compensation, as defined in Section 
            1(9)(a) of the Retirement Plan, does not include 
            the annual awards (or in the case of Members who 
            do not have an Hour of Service under the 
            Retirement Plan on or after August 1, 1994, one-
            half of the annual awards) granted to members on 
            or after January 1, 1981, under the ICP Plan(s).

        (b) In an amount equal to the amount of benefits which 
            would have been paid to the member pursuant to:

             (i) Section 16 of the Retirement Plan if annual 
                 compensation, as defined in Section 16(1)(l) of 
                 the Retirement Plan, included the annual awards 

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            (or in the case of Members who do not have an Hour 
            of Service under the Retirement Plan on or after 
            August 1, 1994, one-half of the annual awards) 
            granted to members on or after January 1, 1981, 
            under the ICP Plan; or

            (ii) Section 20 of the Retirement Plan if basic 
                 earnings, as defined in Section 20(1)(b) of the 
                 Retirement Plan, included the annual awards (or 
                 in the case of Members who do not have an Hour 
                 of Service under the Retirement Plan on or 
                 after August 1, 1994, one-half of the annual 
                 awards) granted to members on or after January 1, 
                 1981, under the ICP Plan.

C.  Retirement Restoration Enhancement feature:  Each member of 
    the Retirement Plan, who was not eligible for benefits under 
    the Temporary Retirement/Termination Incentive Program due 
    to salary grade and who is approved for Retirement 
    Enhancement by the President of Conoco Inc. or his delegee, 
    shall be paid benefits under this feature that would have 
    been paid pursuant to the Retirement Plan, the Retirement 
    Restoration Benefit feature of this Plan, and the Retirement 
    Restoration Compensation feature of this Plan, enhanced 
    under the terms of the Temporary Retirement/Termination 
    Incentive Program, but without the limitations on salary 
    grade and election date, less any benefit payable under the 
    Retirement Plan, the Retirement Restoration Benefit feature 
    of this Plan, and the Retirement Restoration Compensation 
    feature of this Plan.


A.  This Plan shall be an unfunded plan, and payments of 
    benefits pursuant to this Plan shall be made from the 
    general assets of Conoco Inc.

B.  Benefits paid under this Plan to a participant or designated 
    beneficiary shall be paid in the form of a single life 
    annuity, or in any of the forms detailed in Section 4(3)(a) 
    or 4(3)(b) of the Retirement Plan in an amount actuarially 
    equivalent to such single life annuity.  The receipt of 
    benefits may be deferred in accordance with procedures 
    established by the Employee Benefit Plans Board.  Elections 
    regarding the form and payment of benefits shall be made 
    independent of any election under the Retirement Plan and in 
    such manner and at such time as the Employee Benefit Plans 
    Board prescribes.

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C.  Benefits payable under this Plan shall begin to be paid 
    within a reasonable time after the amount of a participant's 
    benefits pursuant to this Plan has been established.  
    Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, participants who 
    retire pursuant to Section 4(2)(d) of the Retirement Plan 
    cannot begin to receive the benefits payable under this Plan 
    until the end of the first full calendar month following age 


A.  Beneficiaries under this Plan shall be named in accordance 
    with procedures established by the Employee Benefit Plans 

B.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or 
    in the Retirement Plan, a participant or beneficiary who is 
    awaiting payment pursuant to a lump sum election may, until 
    death, change the beneficiary designated to receive benefits 
    under this Plan.

C.  In no event shall any change in beneficiary pursuant to 
    Section 5(b) affect the amount of benefits payable under 
    this Plan.


The Board of Directors of Conoco Inc. may, at any time, amend, 
suspend, or terminate this Plan.

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1.  An election of the type of payment the employee wants to 
    receive from the Retirement Restoration Benefit Plan of 
    Conoco Inc., the Retirement Restoration Compensation Plan of 
    Conoco Inc., and/or the Retirement Restoration Enhancement 
    Plan of Conoco Inc. (the Plans) may be made at any time up 
    to 30 days prior to the date of retirement and becomes 
    irrevocable 30 days prior to the date of retirement.  
    Employees who have not made an election 30 days prior to the 
    date of retirement may make an election only with the 
    approval of the Employee Benefit Plans Board.  Such election 
    shall be irrevocable.

2.  In the event an employee fails to make an election 30 days 
    prior to retirement, such employee shall be deemed to have 
    elected one lump sum payment (without deferral) unless 
    authorized by the Employee Benefit Plans Board to do 
    otherwise in accordance with Rule No. 1 above.

3.  If any employee elects lump sum payment, the employee may, 
    up to 30 days before the date of retirement, elect to defer 
    such lump sum and receive it in annual installments (1 to 
    15) beginning in the month after the effective retirement 
    date or beginning the first day of any January within five 
    years after the effective retirement date.  If an employee 
    has elected to defer receipt of a lump sum in accordance 
    with the first sentence of this paragraph, he may, by 
    November 30 preceding delivery of any remaining install- 
    ments, make one final irrevocable election to further defer 
    any undelivered amounts, provided that the total number of 
    annual installments after retirement from all elections does 
    not exceed 15, and all payments are made by the end of the 
    20th year after retirement.

4.  Deferred lump sum amounts paid after the month following 
    retirement will earn interest at a rate corresponding to the 
    average of Moody's AAA ten-year Municipal Bond Rate for the 
    13 weeks preceding the beginning of each new quarter.  The 
    interest will be compounded quarterly and will be deferred.  
    If the rate changes, the new rate will apply to all amounts 
    beginning with the following quarter.

5.  Each installment will equal the amount of the remaining lump 
    sum and accumulated interest divided by the number of annual 
    installments remaining (including the payment being 

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 6.  As in the Retirement Plan of Conoco Inc., if an employee 
     elects a joint and survivor annuity, the amount of such 
     annuity shall be actuarially determined based on the ages of 
     the employee and survivor designated under the Plans and the 
     actuarial assumptions included in such Retirement Plan.

 7.  All benefit payments shall be made, or begin to be made, no 
     later than the month following the employee's date of 
     retirement (or the month following the employee's fiftieth 
     birthday, if later) unless the employee has elected 
     otherwise in accordance with Rule No. 3 above.

 8.  If benefits under the Plan (lump sum, retiree annuity, or 
     survivor annuity) are increased as a result of incentive 
     compensation award(s) granted after retirement, the increase 
     shall be effective the first day of the month following the 
     date of the grant.  The payment option elected at retirement 
     shall apply to such additional benefit.  In determining the 
     actuarial factor for payment options other than straight 
     life annuity for the additional benefit, the ages of the 
     retiree and designated survivor and the applicable interest 
     rates shall be determined as of the date the increase is 
     effective.  If a retiree dies after having retired with a 
     joint and survivor annuity, but prior to the granting of the 
     award, the increased benefit to the survivor shall be 
     determined assuming that the retiree died just after the 
     award was granted.

 9.  The primary retirement plan is defined as the qualified 
     retirement plan of which the employee/retiree is/was a 
     member.  If the employee/retiree is/was a member of more 
     than one qualified retirement plan of the corporate 
     employer, it shall mean the plan which provides the largest 
     benefit to the retiree or beneficiary(ies).

10.  A retiree who has elected a lump sum (or who has made no 
     election) may make or change a beneficiary designation in 
     writing on the current Restoration Plans retirement 
     application form at any time prior to the earlier of death 
     or receipt of the full lump sum distribution.  If a retiree 
     who has designated a beneficiary(ies) under this Rule 
     No. 10 dies after his date of retirement but prior to full 
     distribution of the lump sum, the balance of the 
     distribution shall be paid in one lump sum to the 
     designated beneficiary(ies) named under the Plans.  If the 
     deceased retiree made no beneficiary designation under the 
     Plans, such lump sum shall be paid to the retiree's 
     beneficiary(ies) as named under the primary retirement 
     plan, or, if there is no beneficiary so named under the 
     primary retirement plan, to the retiree's estate.  

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11.  A beneficiary designated pursuant to Rule No. 10 who is 
     entitled to receive a lump sum because a retiree who had 
     elected a lump sum (or made no election) died subsequent to 
     the retiree's date of retirement may make or change a 
     beneficiary designation on the current Restoration Plan 
     retirement application form at any time prior to the 
     earlier of death or receipt of the full lump sum 
     distribution.  If a beneficiary who has designated a 
     beneficiary(ies) dies prior to full distribution of the 
     lump sum, the balance of the distribution shall be paid in 
     one lump sum to the beneficiary so designated under this 
     Rule No. 11.  If the deceased beneficiary made no 
     beneficiary designation under the Plans, but designated a 
     beneficiary under the primary retirement plan, such lump 
     sum shall be paid to the beneficiary so designated.  If the 
     beneficiary designated no beneficiaries under either the 
     Plans or the primary retirement plan, such lump sum shall 
     be paid to the beneficiary's estate.

12.  If a married employee who is eligible for preretirement 
     surviving spouse coverage under Title Two of the Pension 
     and Retirement Plan dies, the surviving spouse benefits 
     shall be restored under the Plans in the same manner as the 
     primary retirement benefits, except that the payments shall 
     be converted to a lump sum based on the spouse's age and 
     the actuarial assumptions included in the qualified 
     retirement plan.  Such lump sums may not be deferred.

13.  For benefit determination purposes under the Plans, it 
     shall be assumed that all employees elect to receive (or 
     begin to receive) payment under the qualified retirement 
     plan at the earliest possible date.

14.  In the event of changes in the relevant laws or 
     circumstances, the Employee Benefit Plans Board may, in its 
     sole discretion, accelerate or change the manner of payment 
     of any deferred lump sum benefit from the Restoration 

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