Exhibit 12

                                      E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                                             (Dollars in millions)
                                                                          Years Ended December 31              
                                                             1994       1993        1992       1991      1990  

Net Income ............................................     $2,727    $  566(a)   $  975(a)   $1,403    $2,310
Provision for Income Taxes ............................      1,655       392         836       1,415     1,844
Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated
  Subsidiaries ........................................         18         5          10           6         3
Adjustment for Companies Accounted for
  by the Equity Method ................................         18        41           6          35        29
Capitalized Interest ..................................       (143)     (194)       (194)       (197)     (161)
Amortization of Capitalized Interest ..................        154       144         101          94        84
                                                            ------    ------      ------      ------    ------
                                                             4,429       954       1,734       2,756     4,109
                                                            ------    ------      ------      ------    ------

Fixed Charges:
  Interest and Debt Expense - Borrowings(b)............        559       594         643         752       773
  Adjustment for Companies Accounted for by
    the Equity Method - Interest and Debt Expense .....         55        42          62          11         9
  Capitalized Interest ................................        143       194         194         197       161
  Rental Expense Representative of Interest Factor ....        118       143         151         162       163
                                                            ------    ------      ------      ------    ------
                                                               875       973       1,050       1,122     1,106
                                                            ------    ------      ------      ------    ------

Total Adjusted Earnings Available for Payment of
  Fixed Charges .......................................     $5,304    $1,927      $2,784      $3,878    $5,215
                                                            ======    ======      ======      ======    ======

Number of Times Fixed Charges Are Earned ..............        6.1       2.0         2.7         3.5       4.7
                                                            ======    ======      ======      ======    ======
(a) Income Before Extraordinary Item and Transition Effect of Accounting

(b) The weighted average interest rate on short term borrowings outstanding at
      December 31, 1994 and 1993 was 5.85% and 4.91%, respectively. Average
      dollar amount of borrowings outstanding for the years ending December 31,
      1994, 1993, and 1992, was $9,140, $11,390, and $10,770 respectively, based
      on month-end balance during this period, and the average interest rate for
      such borrowings was 7.24%, 6.56%, and 7.37%, respectively.