ADOPTED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                               NOVEMBER 28, 1983

                         AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 25, 1985

                         AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 23, 1987

                         AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 30, 1987

                         AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 28, 1988

                         AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 25, 1991

                         AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 25, 1991

                         AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 30, 1992

                         AS AMENDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1993

                         AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 24, 1993

                         AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 22, 1994

                         AS AMENDED NOVEMBER 21, 1994

                       ARMSTRONG WORLD INDUSTRIES, INC.


                                  (PLAN TEXT)

1. Purpose
   The Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (the "Company") Management Achievement
   Plan (the "Plan") is designed to promote the financial success of the Company
   by recognizing the significant contributions individual employees can make to
   the achievement of Company goals. Its objectives are to motivate key Company
   and subsidiary employees to produce outstanding results by providing the
   opportunity to earn financial rewards in relation to the attainment of the
   corporate, business unit and individual goals.

   The Plan is based on the concept that the Company establishes for each
   participant at the beginning of the year a target incentive award based on
   the achievement of specific corporate, business unit and individual goals.
   When the year is over, the results actually achieved will be evaluated
   against these goals to determine the amount, if any, of additional
   compensation earned by individuals participating in the Plan.

2. Administration

   The Plan shall be administered by the Management Development and Compensation
   Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of Directors with the advice and
   counsel of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Designated subsidiary
   companies may adopt this Plan.

3. Eligibility

   The intent of the Plan is to extend participation only to those key employees
   whose duties and responsibilities give them the opportunity to make a
   continuing material and substantial impact on the achievement of organization
   goals. The Chief Executive Officer will annually determine the non-officer
   participants and recommend officer participants to the Committee.

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4. Incentive Awards

   A) At the beginning of each year, the Chief Executive Officer shall present
      to the Committee criteria for evaluating performance against corporate,
      business unit and individual goals for the purposes of determining the
      incentive awards which shall be paid for the year.
   B) At the same time, the Chief Executive Officer shall recommend to the
      Committee a target award expressed as a percentage of salary for each

   C) As soon as practical following the close of each year, the Chief Executive
      Officer shall evaluate the levels of corporate, business unit and
      individual achievement and recommend to the Committee the incentive amount
      earned by the participants.
   D) Absent specific Board authorization to the contrary, no awards under the
      corporate achievement segment of the Plan shall be authorized as to any
      year in which the consolidated Company results fail to achieve a minimum
      return on stockholders' equity of 8.5%.
5. Time of Payment
   Awards under this Plan shall be paid as soon as practicable after the yearly
   financial results have been determined.

6. Miscellaneous Provisions

   A) Condition of Award - Plan participants who terminate employment for 
      reasons other than retirement, disability, death or involuntary
      termination not for cause prior to the completion of the Plan year are not
      entitled to receive any awards under this Plan. Plan participants who
      retire, become disabled, die, are involuntarily terminated for reasons
      other than cause or are reassigned to a noneligible position on or after
      the last workday of March may be eligible for awards on a prorated basis.

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   B) No Assignment or Transfer - Awards are payable only to the participant, 
      except in the case of death or legal incapacity at the time of payment,
      award may be paid to his heirs, estate or legal guardian. No awards under
      the Plan or any rights or interests therein shall be assignable or
      transferable by a participant.
   C) No Rights to Awards - No employee or other person shall have any claim 
      or right to be granted an award under the Plan. Neither the Plan nor any
      action taken hereunder shall be construed as giving any employee any right
      to be retained in the employ of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.
   D) Withholding Taxes - The Company shall have the right to deduct from all 
      awards hereunder paid all taxes required by law to be withheld with
      respect to such awards.
   E) Funding of Plan - The Company shall not be required to establish any
      special or separate fund or to make any other segregation of assets to
      assure the payment of any award under the Plan.
7. Effective Date of the Plan
   The effective date of the Plan shall be November 28, 1983.

                       ARMSTRONG WORLD INDUSTRIES, INC.
                           ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES
                           AMENDED NOVEMBER 21, 1994

1. Purpose
   The Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (the "Company") Management Achievement
   Plan (the "Plan") is designed to promote the financial success of the Company
   by recognizing the significant contributions individual employees can make to
   the achievement of Company goals. Its objectives are to motivate key Company
   and subsidiary employees to produce outstanding results by providing the
   opportunity to earn financial rewards in relation to the attainment of
   corporate, business unit and individual goals.

   The Plan is based on the concept that the Company establishes for each
   participant at the beginning of the year a target incentive award based on
   the achievement of specific corporate, business unit and individual goals.
   When the year is over, the results actually achieved will be evaluated
   against these goals to determine the amount, if any, of additional
   compensation earned by individuals participating in the Plan.

2. Administration

   The Plan shall be administered by the Management Development and Compensation
   Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of Directors with the advice and
   counsel of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Designated subsidiary
   companies may adopt and implement the Plan consistent with the above stated

3. Eligibility

   The intent of the Plan is to extend participation only to those key employees
   whose duties and responsibilities give them the opportunity to make a
   continuing material and substantial impact on the achievement of organization
   goals. The Executive Office will annually determine the non-officer
   participants and recommend officer participants to the Committee.

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   As a general rule, only positions graded 800 points and above under the
   corporate job evaluation program will be considered for participation. To be
   eligible for an award, an employee must be in an eligible position for at
   least three full months of the Plan year. However, Plan participants who
   retire, become disabled, die, are involuntarily terminated for reasons other
   than cause or are assigned to a noneligible position on or after the
   last workday of March may be eligible for awards on a prorated basis.

4. Performance Targets
   A) Target Award

      A target award, expressed as a percentage of the individual's base salary,
      will be established for each participant. Target awards will vary with the
      participant's level of responsibility and will be set with an awareness of
      competitive practice for comparable positions in similar companies. Target
      award levels are shown in Schedule A.
      Target awards for employees eligible to participate in the Plan may be
      allocated to corporate, unit, and individual goals as illustrated in
      Schedule D.
   B) Corporate and Business Unit Performance Segments

      Annually, the Executive Office in consultation with the Committee, shall
      establish financial objectives such as economic value added (EVA) or other
      appropriate measures for the overall Company and for each business unit.
      In addition, they shall set a threshold level below which no award under
      the corporate achievement segment of the Plan is earned. The amount of
      incentive earned at each level of achievement shall be determined by an
      award earnings schedule established for the overall Company and for each
      business unit.
   C) Individual Performance Segment

      Concurrent with the setting of corporate and business unit objectives, the
      participant and manager shall establish specific goals for the individual
      for the Plan year.

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      At year-end, the participant's manager will evaluate the performance
      against the predetermined goals, according to the scale shown in Schedule
5. Award Determination

   A) Threshold Corporate Performance

      A threshold of a minimum Company performance as determined by the Board of
      Directors has been established at 8.5% return on stockholders' equity.
      Further, a threshold will be established by the Committee. If actual
      corporate results are less than either specified minimum: (i) There will
      be no awards under the corporate achievement segment of the Plan. (ii)
      Executive officer participants will be ineligible for payment under the
      business unit segment if the business unit fails to reach or exceed 100%
      of target. (iii) Payments under the individual segment of the Plan will be
      made only to non-executive officer participants who achieve a rating of
      100% or higher against individual objectives. Executive officer
      participants will be ineligible for payment under the individual segment
      unless the Committee decides otherwise.
   B) Individual Performance Requirement

      An employee whose individual evaluation indicates "unacceptable results"
      will not be eligible to participate in the corporate and business unit
      achievement segments of the Plan and thus will not receive a payment under
      the Plan for that Plan year.
   C) Calculation of Award

      Unless the minimum corporate or individual performance thresholds
      established above disqualify awards under the Plan, the actual award
      payable shall be determined by multiplying each segment of the target
      award by the appropriate percentage of award earned. The sum of these
      calculations shall determine an eligible employee's recommended award.
      This calculation is illustrated in Schedule C.