Exhibit 10.3

                            Amendment No. 2 to the
                           1991 Stock Incentive Plan
                                 AMETEK, Inc.

     WHEREAS, AMETEK, Inc. (the "Corporation") has adopted the 1991 Stock
Incentive Plan of AMETEK, Inc. (the "Plan"); and

     WHEREAS, Section 19 of the Plan permits the Corporation to amend the Plan;

     WHEREAS; the Corporation now desires to amend the number of newly elected
non-employee directors receiving an automatic restricted stock award after
February 27, 1991 from four to two.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is hereby amended as follows:

     1.  The reference to "four Non-Employee Directors" in the first sentence in
section (e) of Section 10 of the Plan be amended to refer to "two Non-Employee
     2.  Except to the extent hereinabove, set forth, the Plan shall remain in
full force and effect.

     3.  The provisions of this Amendment No. 2 shall be effective December 31,

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this Amendment to be duly
executed, effective as of the 31st day of December 1994.

                                       AMETEK, Inc.

                                       By: /s/ Robert W. Yannarell


 /s/ Dorothy M. Misetic
