OPTION AGREEMENT
                                  (Parcel A)

     THIS OPTION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into effective
this 21st day of November, 1994, by and between Pangolin Corporation, a
California corporation ("Buyer"), and U.S. Energy Corp./Crested Corp.


WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of certain real property located in the City of
Gunnison, Gunnison County, Colorado (the "Property") more particularly described
on Exhibit A attached hereto, subject to verification by survey and title

WHEREAS, Buyer desires to obtain an option to purchase the Property from Seller;

WHEREAS, upon the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement,
Seller is willing to grant such option to Buyer.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein and for
other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, sufficiency and legal
adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, Buyer and Seller agree as follows:

     1.  Grant.  Seller hereby grants to Buyer an option to purchase fee title
to the Property and all rights appurtenant thereto (including without
limitation, water rights or shares, mineral rights, governmental approvals,
utility hook-ups, licenses, leases, easements and rights of way) upon the terms,
covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement (the "Option").

     2.  Term.  The Option hereby granted is for a term commencing on the date
of this Agreement and expiring at midnight (Mountain) 60 days from the date
hereof (the "Option Period").

     3.  Purchase Price.  Buyer tenders herewith the nonrefundable, full option
purchase price of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). Upon exercise of this Option,
the total purchase price for the Property shall be One Million Dollars
($1,000,000), or $17,337 per acre subject to adjustment to reflect the exact
acreage which shall be determined in accordance with the survey described in
paragraph 4(i) below (the "Purchase Price"). Any funds paid for this Option
shall be applied to the Purchase Price paid at Closing. The Purchase Price shall
be paid as follows:

           (i)       $10,000 as the option purchase price delivered upon the
     execution of this Agreement by Seller; plus

           (ii)      $490,000 payable in cash at the "Closing" (as hereafter
     defined). Upon such payment, Seller shall deed the first 19.25 acres of the
     Property to Buyer, free and clear of

     any liens or encumbrances, these acres to be valued at the rate of 150% of
     the $17,337 per acre (subject to adjustment in accordance with the survey
     of the Property) purchase price (or $26,000 per acre). The Buyer shall
     designate the specific property to be deeded on a 90/10 non-commercial to
     commercial acreage ratio. "Commercial acreage" for purposes of this
     Agreement shall mean that 10.44 acres fronting on Highway 135 presently
     zoned commercial. The remainder of the Property shall be considered for
     purposes of this Agreement non-commercial; plus

           (iii)     $500,000 evidenced by a purchase money promissory note and
     trust deed encumbering that portion of the Property not conveyed to Buyer
     free and clear pursuant to subparagraph 3 (ii) above, in favor of Seller to
     be delivered at the Closing containing the following specific terms in
     addition to other standard or statutory terms (including Seller's rights as
     a secured party to foreclose thereon under applicable law in the event of

               (a)  Interest only payments at the rate of seven and one-half
          percent (7.5%) per annum payable annually on the anniversary of the
          Closing, with any accrued but unpaid interest due and payable in full
          upon final payment of the principal balance of the Note.

               (b)  Partial Lien Release provision requiring Seller to release
          or make request to the public trustee for reconveyance of whole or
          fractional acreage upon payment of principal under the Note at the
          rate of $50,000 per acre for commercial acreage and $19,200 per acre
          for non-commercial acreage. Buyer shall designate the property to be
          released at the time of payment of the principal.

               (c)  Payment of the entire principal balance and all accrued but
          unpaid interest on the third (3rd) anniversary of the date of Closing,
          without prepayment penalty.

               (d)  Seller shall promptly consent in writing to any plat maps,
          subdivisions or other instruments necessary for rezoning, subdivision,
          annexation, recordation, or other development requirements, and to
          release without prepayment any acreage that is needed for public
          improvements; i.e. roads, sidewalks, utility easements, parks or
          trails. Such consent may not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

               (e)  Nonrecourse provision.

The trust deed and promissory note to be executed, delivered and recorded in
connection with the foregoing purchase money financing shall be on State of
Colorado approved forms, as modified for the provisions contained herein.


     4.    Survey, Property and Title Inspection.

           (i)       Within 20 calendar days of the execution of this Agreement
     by both parties, Seller, at its expense, shall obtain and deliver to Buyer
     a certified survey which shall identify any encroachments or property
     boundary discrepancies and shall determine the actual legal description of
     the Property which legal description shall be consistent with the
     description attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "A" and the understanding
     of the parties (the "Survey"). By the Closing, Seller shall provide Buyer
     with a certified survey of all lots platted on the Property. Buyer shall
     prior to the termination of the Option Period give Seller written
     objections and proposed modifications to the Survey. If Buyer has not given
     Seller written notice of its objections within the Option Period, the
     Survey shall be deemed to have been accepted by Buyer as the legal
     description for the Property. If the Survey and the resulting legal
     description of the Property do not vary materially from the description of
     the Property represented in Exhibit "A", Buyer may not object to the Survey
     except for reasonable objections based upon reasonable development
     requirements for the remainder of the Property or upon requirements of
     Buyer's lender or applicable regulatory or governmental authorities.

           (ii)      Seller hereby grants to Buyer and persons designated by
     Buyer the right and permission at any time to enter upon the Property to
     inspect, appraise and verify surveys thereof. Seller shall also make
     available to Buyer for inspection all records of operations on the
     Property, including all records and documents concerning water and mineral
     rights, governmental permits, surveys, engineering studies, water surveys
     or data, seismic studies, environmental studies, designs, plats, maps,
     licenses and allotments. Buyer agrees that it will not interfere, in any
     material respect, with Seller's use of the Property in conducting such

           (iii)     Within 20 calendar days of the execution of this Agreement
     by both parties, Seller, at its expense, shall obtain and deliver to Buyer
     a commitment for the issuance of a policy of title insurance with extended
     coverage on the Property, with copies of all documents identified as
     exceptions therein. Buyer shall prior to the termination of the Option
     Period give Seller written objections to the status of title. If Buyer has
     not given Seller written notice of its objections within the Option Period,
     the commitment for title insurance shall be deemed to have been accepted by
     Buyer and Buyer shall accept such a title policy in compliance therewith as
     satisfaction of Seller's commitment in that respect hereunder. If Buyer
     reasonably objects to any item or exception in the commitment, Seller shall
     remove or cure such objection or exception prior to Closing. To the extent
     that such objectionable items can be removed by the payment of the amount
     of any such lien or encumbrance, Seller agrees to have 


     the proceeds paid by Buyer at Closing applied to such liens in order to
     obtain their removal. In the event Seller fails to cure any such objections
     or exceptions, Buyer may refuse to Close and the Closing date shall be
     extended until such objection or exception is cured or Buyer terminates
     this Agreement, at its discretion, whereupon Seller shall reimburse the
     Option purchase price to Buyer. In the event that this Option is not
     exercised by Buyer, all such evidences of title shall be immediately
     returned to Seller.

     5.   Exercise of Option.  Buyer may exercise the Option at any time from
and after the date hereof and prior to the expiration of the Option Period by
giving to Seller notice of exercise in writing by certified mail, postage
prepaid thereon at the address indicated in paragraph 14(ix) of this Agreement,
which notice must be postmarked on or before the expiration of the Option
Period, or by hand-delivery or courier service. Within 10 calendar days of the
date of this Agreement, Buyer shall designate a Gunnison County, Colorado escrow
agent (the "Escrow Agent") and identify a closing date to be not later than 60
calendar days after the date Seller executes this Agreement.

     6.   Title.  At Closing, Seller shall execute and deliver to Buyer a good
and sufficient warranty deed conveying fee simple title to the Property to
Buyer, subject only to those easements, rights of way, reservations,
restrictions, encumbrances and other matters accepted or not objected to or
waived by Buyer. The parties shall agree upon mutually acceptable escrow
instructions for the Escrow Agent to protect the Buyer and Seller.

     7.   Title Insurance.  At Closing, Seller shall furnish to Buyer, at
Seller's expense, an owner's policy of title insurance, in extended coverage
form, in the amount of the Purchase Price, insuring title in Buyer subject to
standard printed exceptions and those easements, rights of way, reservations,
restrictions, encumbrances and other matters accepted or not objected to or
waived by Seller.

     8.   Closing.  In the event of exercise of this Option, the closing
contemplated herein (the "Closing") shall occur at the offices of the Escrow
Agent or at such other location agreed upon by Buyer and Seller on the date
designated by the Buyer under paragraph 5 above. Buyer and Seller agree to each
pay one half of the standard reasonable recording, documentation and closing
fees of the Escrow Agent, other than the cost of the title insurance policy
which shall be paid by Seller. Real property taxes, utility and other charges or
assessments for the current year, rents and profits shall be prorated as of the
date of Closing. Any greenbelt rollback taxes for periods prior to Closing shall
be allocated to and paid by Seller at Closing. All other taxes, including
documentary taxes, if any, and all assessments, mortgage liens, encumbrances or
charges against the Property of any nature, shall be paid by Seller at Closing,
unless waived or assumed by Buyer.


     9.    Risk of Loss.   All risk of loss and destruction of the Property and
expenses and insurance shall be born by Seller until the date of Closing.

     10.   Possession. Seller shall deliver possession of the Property to Buyer
on the date of Closing, unless otherwise agreed to by Buyer and Seller.

     11.   Representations.  Warranties Covenants and Conditions.

           (i)       As of the date hereof and as of the date of Closing, Seller
     hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that (a) Seller has all requisite
     power and authority to enter into this Agreement and all documents
     contemplated hereby (collectively, the "Purchase and Sale Documents"); (b)
     there are no claims, actions, suits or other proceedings pending with
     respect to the Property or against Seller which would affect the Property
     or Seller's ability to convey the same as required hereunder, (c) the
     Property complies with all applicable laws and regulations and will pass
     all applicable governmental inspections; (d) Seller owns marketable fee
     simple title to the Property not encumbered by any interest in a third
     party which is not of record; (e) Seller is not in default of any
     obligations secured by the Property or under any leases with respect to the
     Property; (f) Seller has received no demands from any governmental agency
     that the Property contains any hazardous or toxic substance or that any
     such substance has been discharge from or onto the Property, and the
     Property has not been used as a processing, storage or handling facility
     for any "hazardous substance", as defined in any government statute, code
     or regulation, and there are no hazardous substances existing anywhere on
     or running onto or off of the Property, except as disclosed by Seller to
     Buyer in writing within 20 days of the date of this Agreement (Seller
     agrees to fully indemnify, defend and save Buyer harmless from any loss or
     injury suffered by Buyer in the event such hazardous substances are
     discovered to have existed on the Property as of Closing which have not
     been disclosed by Seller in accordance herewith, which obligation of Seller
     shall survive Closing), (g) the Property is in full compliance with, and
     Seller has received no notice from any federal, state, county, municipal or
     other governmental body or agency of any violation of any law, ordinance,
     rule or regulation applicable to the Property, or of any proposed, pending
     or outstanding changes or violations of existing zoning or use regulations,
     and (h) the Property and all improvements and fixtures thereon are in good
     working order, without material defects.

           (ii)      Buyer hereby represents and warrants to Seller that Buyer
     has all requisite power and authority to enter into the Purchase and Sale

           (iii)     All covenants, warranties and representations contained in
     this Agreement shall survive Closing and the delivery of the consideration
     and deed and shall not be merged 


     therein; provided, however that as to representations made herein, said
     survival shall be applicable only as to the truth thereof at the time of
     Closing, but not as to any time subsequent to Closing. (iv) At Closing,
     Seller shall provide to Buyer an Affidavit to satisfy Internal Revenue
     requirements, stating that the Seller is not a foreign person (as that term
     is defined in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code) and providing
     Seller's employer identification number. In the event that Seller does not
     provide such an Affidavit, Buyer shall withhold from the Purchase Price
     such amount as may be required by the Internal Revenue Service and pay such
     amount to the Internal Revenue Service as required by applicable law.

           (v)       Seller shall provide such information and shall be
     responsible for filing such reports as shall be required under the
     reporting requirements of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, and shall indemnify
     and hold harmless Buyer should it fail to comply.

           (vi)      Buyer's obligation to close under this Agreement shall be
     subject to its receipt of a general warranty deed in recordable form, and
     the full performance by Seller of all covenants imposed on it hereunder,
     and full satisfaction of all other conditions to closing set forth herein.

           (vii)     Seller's obligation to close under this Agreement shall be
     subject to its receipt of the Purchase Price as required hereunder, and the
     full performance by Seller of all covenants imposed on it hereunder, and
     full satisfaction of all other conditions to closing set forth herein.

     12.   Brokerage.   Seller and Buyer represent and warrant to each other
that they have not agreed to pay any brokerage or finder's fee or commissions
with respect to the sale of the Property, except as disclosed herein, and agree
to hold each other harmless from any claim by a third person to any brokerage
commission or finder's fee. Seller has agreed to pay V. L. Olsen & Company a
finder's fee of three percent (3%) of the principal portion of the Purchase
Price, and hereby directs and authorizes Buyer to deduct 3 % of each payment of
the Purchase Price from the payments to be made to Seller and pay such deducted
amount to or for the benefit of V. L. Olsen & Company.

     13.   Termination of Option.  If this Option has not been exercised on or
before the expiration of the Option Period, the Option shall expire. In such
event, or if Buyer has exercised the Option but chooses to terminate under the
provisions of paragraph 4 or otherwise fails to close, this Agreement shall
terminate in which event Seller, if not in default hereunder, shall retain the
Option purchase price previously received from Buyer as full consideration for
the granting of this Option. Further, since the ascertainment of damages from a
failure to close would be difficult 


and burdensome for the parties, the Seller shall retain the Option purchase
price as full and complete liquidated damages for failure to close if this
Option is exercised. Seller shall not be entitled to make any further claim
against Buyer.

     14.   General Provisions.

           (i)   Binding Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and
     shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, successors
     and assigns, as applicable, of the respective parties hereto, and any
     entities resulting from the reorganization, consolidation or merger of any
     party hereto.

           (ii)  Headings. The headings used in this Agreement are inserted for
     reference purposes only and shall not be deemed to limit or affect in any
     way the meaning or interpretation of any of the terms or provisions of this

           (iii) Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement.
     Any deadline hereunder which falls on a weekend day or holiday shall
     instead fall on the next following business day.

           (iv)  Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable,
     and should any provision hereof be found to be void, voidable or
     unenforceable, such void, voidable or unenforceable provision shall not
     affect any other portion or provision of this Agreement.

           (v)   Waiver. Any waiver by any party hereto of any breach of any
     kind or character whatsoever by any other party, whether such waiver be
     direct or implied, shall not be construed as a continuing waiver or consent
     to any subsequent breach of this Agreement on the part of the other party.

           (vi)  Modification. This Agreement may not be modified except by an
     instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.

           (vii) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed
     and enforced according to the laws of the State of Colorado.

           (viii)  Attorney's Fees. In the event any action or proceeding is
     brought by either party against the other under this Agreement, the
     prevailing party shall be entitled to recover attorney's fees and costs in
     such amount as the court may adjudge reasonable, whether incurred before,
     during or after such proceeding is commenced and conducted.

           (ix) Notice. Any notice, consent, request, objection or communication
     to be given by either party to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall
     be either delivered personally, by certified mail or by Airborne, Federal
     Express or other commercial overnight delivery service addressed as


     If to Buyer, to:       Pangolin Corporation
                            Suite 218
                            Deer Valley Plaza
                            1351 Deer Valley Road South
                            Park City, Utah 84060

     With a copy to:        Steven W. Dougherty, Esq.
                            Anderson & Karrenberg
                            700 Bank One Tower
                            50 West Broadway
                            Salt Lake City, Utah 84101-2006

     If to Seller, to:      U.S. Energy Corp./Crested Corp.
                            877 N. 8th West
                            Riverton, Wyoming 82501

           (x) Recording. This Agreement shall not be recorded in the county
     land records. However, the Buyer may record notice of this Agreement in
     such records.

           (xi) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
     counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered, shall be deemed
     an original, but all of which shall together constitute one and the same

     15.   Assignment. Buyer may, at its option and with written notice to
Seller, assign its rights hereunder to any person or entity who shall assume all
obligations hereunder. Upon such assignment, Buyer shall no longer be obligated
hereunder, whereupon all references herein to Buyer shall be deemed to refer to
said assignee only. Seller shall thereafter attorn to such assignee as buyer
under this Agreement.

     16.   No Partnership or Agency. Seller and Buyer acknowledge that, by
virtue of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, Seller and
Buyer are not the agents or partners of each other, and that the transactions
contemplated hereby do not constitute any joint venture or partnership between
Seller and Buyer.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Buyer and Seller have executed this Option Agreement on
the date first above written.

                                             Pangolin Corporation
                                             By ___s/Kitty Bennion__________
                                             Its __Vice President___________
                                             U.S. Energy Corp./Crested Corp.
                                             By ___s/Michael E. Sweeney_____
                                             Its __Vice President___________


                                  EXHIBIT "A"

                        MOUNTAIN MEADOWS BUSINESS PARK

                                  (PARCEL A)

The East one half of the Northwest one quarter (E1/2 NW1/4), Section 36,
Township 50 North, Range 1 West, of the New Mexico Principal Meridian, Gunnison
County, Colorado, shown on the attached Zoning and Land Use Plat--Mountain
Meadows Business Park as the commercial, industrial, business and
office/medical/multi-family tracts containing in total 57.68 acres, more or
less, together with that area embraced within the proposed right-of-way for
Colorado Street and the undedicated portion of Spencer Avenue, which alignments
are also shown ont he attached plat.


1.   That portion of the subject property conveyed to the County of Gunnison in
     right of way deed recorded May 29, 1948 in Book 278 at Page 196 more
     particularly described as follows:

     Beginning at a point on the south boundary of the NW1/4 of said Section 36,
     from which point the east quarter corner of said Section 36 bears North 89
     degrees 58' East a distance of 3961.7 feet, more or less; thence South 89
     degrees 56' West a distance of 0.8 feet to the Southwest corner E1/2 NW1/4
     of said Section 36; thence North 0 degrees 10' West a distance of 2646.0
     feet along the west boundary of said W1/2 NW1/4; thence south 89 degrees
     46' East along the north boundary of the NW1/4 of Section 36 a distance of
     5.2 feet; thence south 0 degrees 04' East a distance of 2646.0 feet, more
     or less to the point of beginning.

2.   That portion of the subject property conveyed to the State Department of
     Highways in deed recorded May 14, 1974 in Book 469 at Page 190 more
     particularly described as follows:

     Beginning at a point on the south line of the SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 36,
     from which the W1/4 corner of Section 36 bears S 89 degrees 53'30" West a
     distance of 1,322.1 feet; thence North 0 degrees 04' West a distance of
     309.2 feet; thence North 1 degrees 22' East a distance of 200.1 feet;
     thence North 0 degrees 04' West a distance of 800.4 feet; thence North 0
     degrees 54' West a distance of 687.6 feet to the east right of way line of
     SH 135 (May 1973); thence South 0 degrees 04' East along said right of way
     line, a distance of 1,997.2 feet to the south line of the SE1/4 NW1/4 of
     Section 36; thence North 89 degrees 59'30" East along said line, a distance
     of 5.0 feet, more or less to the point of beginning.

3.   That portion of the subject property conveyed to NDC Colorado, a Nebraska
     General Partnership, in the warranty deed recorded August 27, 1985 in Book
     621 at Page 19 more particularly described as follows:


     Commencing at the center of said Section 36, thence N89 degrees 38'33" W
     1315.71 feet along the south line of the E1/2 of the NW1/4 of said Section
     36 to a point on the east line of a parcel of land conveyed to the State
     Department of Highways in a deed recorded May 14, 1974 in Book 469 at Page
     190 in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Gunnison County, Colorado,
     said point also being the southwest corner of the Meadows Subdivision--
     Phase I and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the east line of said
     tract of land the following three (3) courses:

     1.   Thence N00 degrees 16'01"E 309.20 feet;

     2.   Thence N01 degrees 42'01"E 200.10 feet;

     3.   Thence N00 degrees 16'01"E 687.18 feet to a point of curve; thence
          78.62 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a Delta of 90
          degrees 05'26" and a radius of 50.00 feet to a point of tangency;
          thence S89 degrees 38'33"E 436.22 feet along the north boundary of the
          tract to the northeast corner of the tract;

          Thence S00 degrees 12'24"W 446.55 feet;

          Thence S89 degrees 38'33"E 35.00 feet;

          Thence S00 degrees 12'24"W 390.00 feet;

          Thence N89 degrees 38'33"W 163.00 feet;

          Thence S00 degrees 12'24"W 410.00 feet to the southeast corner of the
          tract, said tract corner being on the south line of the E1/2 NW1/4 of
          said Section 36; thence N89 degrees 38'33"W 364.62 feet to the POINT
          OF BEGINNING, containing 13.08 acres.

     4.   That portion of the subject property conveyed to the County of
          Gunnison in the deed recorded January 8, 1985 in Book 613 at Page 868
          more particularly described as follows:

          A tract of land within the City of Gunnison, State of Colorado and
          also within the SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 36, Township 50 North, Range 1
          West, New Mexico Principal Meridian, more particularly described as

          Beginning at a Point which is the intersection of the eastwest center
          line of said Section 36 and the westerly boundary of Block 51 of the
          FIRST ADDITION TO GUNNISON, thence the following courses around the
          herein described tract:


          1.   NORTH 410.00 feet;

          2.   Easterly on a line parallel to the east-west center line of said
               Section 36 a distance of 424.98 feet;

          3.   SOUTH 410.00 feet to the said east-west center line of Section

          4.   Westerly along said east-west center line 424.98 feet to the
               Point of Beginning.

          This tract contains 4.00 acres more or less.  Bearings used herein are
          relative to the center line of Iowa street as defined by city of
          Gunnison monuments on Main Street assumed to run NORTH.

     5.   That portion of the subject property conveyed to the City of Gunnison,
          a Colorado municipal corporation in the warranty deed and grant of
          easement recorded September 11, 1985 in Book 621 at Page 477 more
          particularly described as follows:

          A part of E1/2, NW1/4, Sec. 36, T50N, R1W, N.M.P.M., located in the
          City of Gunnison, County of Gunnison, State of Colorado, more
          particularly described as follows:

          Commencing at the Center of said Section 36; thence N89 degrees
          28'27"W 823.10 feet along the north line of said NW1/4 to the POINT OF
          BEGINNING; thence S00 degrees 12'24"W 403.89 feet parallel with the
          east line of said NW1/4; thence N89 degrees 28'27"W 495.26 feet
          parallel with the north line of said NW1/4 to a point on the east line
          of a parcel of land conveyed to the County of Gunnison in right of way
          deed recorded May 29, 1948, in Book 278 at Page 196; thence N00
          degrees 16'01"E 403.89 feet along said east line to a point on the
          north line of said NW1/4; thence S89 degrees 28'27"E 494.83 feet along
          the north line of said NW1/4; to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing
          4.59 acres, hereby dedicates the above described parcel of land to the
          City of Gunnison to satisfy the public land dedication requirement for
          the Meadows Subdivision--Phase I. The portion of this parcel in excess
          of the amount required to satisfy the land dedication requirement of
          the Meadows Subdivision--Phase I shall be a credit against any land
          dedication for public purposes required by the City of Gunnison for
          future subdivisions within the 75.96 acres.
