EXHIBIT 99 Nikki Richardson (508) 493-6369 Pat Spratt (508) 493-7182 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION TERMINATES NEGOTIATIONS WITH CIRRUS LOGIC, INC. FOR SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING RELATIONSHIP MAYNARD, Mass. -- February 15, 1996 -- Digital Equipment Corporation (NYSE:DEC) today announced that it has terminated negotiations with Cirrus Logic, Inc. (Nasdaq:CRUS) of Fremont, California to establish a semiconductor manufacturing relationship consistent with the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding, signed in December 1995. . Robert E. Caldwell, vice president, Digital Semiconductor, commented, "Business conditions have altered for Cirrus Logic in a way that makes it impossible for us to continue negotiations. Digital will resume discussions with other parties to optimize the investment in our state-of-the-art Fab 6 semiconductor facility in Hudson, Massachusetts in order to maximize the competitive advantage it represents." Digital Equipment Corporation is the world's leader in open client/server solutions from personal computing to integrated worldwide information systems. Digital's scalable Alpha platforms, storage, networking, software and services, together with industry-focused solutions from business partners, help organizations compete and win in today's global marketplace. ##### Note to Editors: Digital, the Digital logo and Alpha are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.