DISPOSAL SERVICES AGREEMENT

              This Disposal Services Agreement (the "Agreement") is made
         and entered into as of this 31st day of October, 1995, by and
         between Chemical Waste Management, Inc., a Delaware corporation,
         and its subsidiary and affiliated companies ("Chemical Waste
         Management") and Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., a
         Massachusetts corporation, and its affiliated companies ("Clean

              WHEREAS, the parties hereto are also among the parties to an
         Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of January 30, 1995 pursuant to
         which Clean Harbors of Chicago, Inc. is acquiring certain assets,
         formerly owned by CWM Chemical Services, Inc. and Chemical Waste
         Management, which are located at 11700 South Stony Island Avenue,
         Chicago, Illinois ("Asset Acquisition"); and

              WHEREAS, in connection therewith, Clean Harbors and Chemical
         Waste Management are entering into this Disposal Services
         Agreement in order to provide Clean Harbors with incentives to
         deliver certain Waste Products for disposal at Permitted
         Facilities owned and operated by Chemical Waste Management and to
         establish waste approval, disposal decision, pricing and delivery
         schedule obligations between the parties with respect to such
         deliveries of Waste Products.

              NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of
         the parties contained herein and for other good and valuable
         consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
         acknowledged, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do
         hereby agree as follows:

                                     ARTICLE I


              Chemical Waste Management hereby represents and warrants to
         Clean Harbors as follows:

              Section 1.1 Participating Facilities
              Directly or through its subsidiaries or affiliates, Chemical
         Waste Management owns and operates the Participating Facilities.
         The Participating Facilities are intended to include all
         facilities owned or operated by Chemical Waste Management, now or
         in the future, including but not limited to those listed in
         Article VI.

              Section 1.2 Operation of Participating Facilities
              (a) Chemical Waste Management understands the currently known
         hazards and risks which are presented to human beings, property
         and the environment in the handling, transportation, storage,
         treatment, processing and disposal of Permitted Waste Products.

              (b) Chemical Waste Management is engaged in the business of
         transportation, storage and disposal of industrial and other
         wastes, and has developed the requisite expertise for the
         handling, transportation, storage, treatment, processing and
         disposal of Permitted Waste Products.
              (c) Chemical Waste Management will handle, load, stow,
         transport, store, treat, process and dispose of Permitted Waste
         Products in a safe and workmanlike manner and in full compliance
         with all valid and applicable statutes, ordinances, orders, rules
         and regulations of the federal, state and local governments in
         whose jurisdictions such activities are performed under this
              (d) Chemical Waste Management has been issued, as of the date
         of execution of this Agreement, all permits, licenses,
         certificates or approvals, required by valid and applicable
         statutes, ordinances, orders, rules and regulations of the
         federal, state and local governments having jurisdiction over each
         of the Participating Facilities, necessary to accept and store,
         treat, process and dispose of Permitted Waste Products.
              (e) During the term of this Agreement, Chemical Waste
         Management shall provide Clean Harbors with reasonable advance
         notice if any permit, license, certificate or approval for any of
         the Participating Facilities is to expire and not be renewed
         during the term of this Agreement.  Such notice shall also be
         provided if Chemical Waste Management determines not to seek any
         necessary permit, license, certificate of approval for any of the
         Participating Facilities which becomes required after execution of
         this Agreement.
              (f) Chemical Waste Management shall at all times during the
         term of this Agreement cause the Participating Facilities to be in
         compliance with all financial responsibility requirements
         pertaining to sudden and non-sudden occurrences and closure or
         post-closure costs as may be required by applicable federal, state
         or local statute, bylaw, ordinance or regulation.  Chemical Waste
         Management shall also at all times during the term of this
         Agreement cause the Participating Facilities to be in compliance
         with all applicable liability, worker's compensation and other
         insurance requirements.  Chemical Waste Management shall, upon
         request, furnish Clean Harbors with a copy of certificates of
         insurance or other documents evidencing such insurance or
         financial assurances.
              (g) During the term of this Agreement, Chemical Waste
         Management shall promptly advise Clean Harbors of the institution
         of judicial or administrative proceedings by federal, state or
         local authorities to suspend, modify or revoke any permit,
         license, certificate or like approval for any of the Participating

              Section 1.3 Effect on Other Warranties
              The warranties and representations contained in this Article
         are in addition to and not in derogation of the warranties and
         representations contained in any other written agreements executed
         by the parties.

                                     ARTICLE II


              Section 2.1 Term of the Agreement
              The term of this Agreement shall be for five (5) years,
         commencing on October 31, 1995 and terminating on the fifth
         anniversary thereof.

              Section 2.2 Disposal Fees
              The fees payable by Clean Harbors for disposal of all
         Permitted Waste Products at any of the Participating Facilities
         shall, in each instance,  be that price mutually agreed upon by
         Chemical Waste Management and Clean Harbors.  The disposal fees
         paid by Clean Harbors to Chemical Waste Management shall, in every
         instance, be:  (1) no higher than the lowest disposal fees offered
         by Chemical Waste Management to its commercial, non-governmental
         customers; (2) no more than ten (10) percent higher than the
         disposal fees charged by Chemical Waste Management to its
         subsidiaries or affiliated companies, including but not limited to
         AETS ("Affiliates"), for field services work or project bids where
         Clean Harbors is bidding in competition against such Affiliates;
         and (3) no more than five (5) percent higher than the disposal
         fees offered to Clean Harbors by competitors of Chemical Waste
         Management.  The parties acknowledge that it is the intent of this
         Agreement that Clean Harbors shall pay lower disposal fees each
         year by utilizing the Participating Facilities pursuant to this
         Agreement than it would otherwise pay to utilize the disposal and
         treatment facilities of Chemical Waste Management without the
         benefit of this Agreement or Facilities of competitors of Chemical
         Waste Management.  Clean Harbors may request a fixed price for a
         specific time period for a contract that Clean Harbors is bidding
         or has been awarded.

              Section 2.3 Disposal Commitment; Acceptance of Permitted
              Waste Products
              Subject to the conditions below and the disposal fee criteria
         in Section 2.2, Clean Harbors shall use its best efforts to
         deliver Permitted Waste Products to Chemical Waste Management for
         disposal or treatment at Participating Facilities, and Chemical
         Waste Management shall accept, store, treat and dispose of all
         Permitted Waste Products so delivered in accordance with this
         Agreement; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not
         prohibit or restrict Clean Harbors from utilizing (a) its own
         disposal or treatment facilities (or those owned by any subsidiary
         or affiliated company of Clean Harbors) for disposal or treatment
         of any Permitted Waste Products, or (b) the disposal or treatment
         facilities of any competitor of Chemical Waste Management for
         disposal or treatment when (i) so requested by Clean Harbors'
         customers; (ii) the Participating Facility cannot meet the
         schedule for acceptance of the Waste Products required by Clean
         Harbors; (iii) CWM fails to meet (within 5%) a lower price offered

         to Clean Harbors by a competitor of Chemical Waste Management in
         accordance with Section 2.2 hereof after a reasonable opportunity
         to do so (which shall include making a Disposal Decision within
         the time limits specified in Section 4.3 hereof); (iv) the
         Chemical Waste Management Participating Facility has been unable
         to offload and return Clean Harbors' vehicles in a timely manner;
         or (v) Chemical Waste Management decides to cease accepting a
         Permitted Waste Product or Products at a Participating Facility or

         When Clean Harbors requests a lower price from Chemical Waste
         Management, Clean Harbors shall give Chemical Waste Management
         verbal notice of having been quoted (or of a customer or
         prospective customer of Clean Harbors having been quoted) a price
         for disposal or treatment services substantially similar in type
         and quality to those provided hereunder, which price is lower than
         the price determined pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof, when
         aggregated with any applicable transportation charges (priced
         according to Clean Harbors' published schedule of standard
         transportation charges), taxes, fees, special handling charges and
         other assessments.

              Section 2.4 Preferred Customers Status
              For the term of this Agreement, Clean Harbors shall be
         treated as a preferred customer by Chemical Waste Management with
         regard to Waste Products approval, scheduling of Waste Products
         delivery and the offloading and return of waste handling vehicles.
         No special charges, profile or analytical costs, levies or
         assessments of any type shall be charged to Clean Harbors by
         Chemical Waste Management or the Participating Facilities.
         Notwithstanding the foregoing, Chemical Waste Management may
         charge standard off-specification charges for Permitted Waste
         Products which are not in substantial conformance with the Waste
         Profile Sheet, PROVIDED, however, that Clean Harbors agrees to pay
         such off-specification charges prior to the acceptances of the
         Waste by the Participating Facility.

                                    ARTICLE III

                                   FORCE MAJEURE

              Section 3.1 Suspension of Performance
              The performance of this Agreement, except for the payment of
         money for services already rendered, may be suspended (a) by Clean
         Harbors in the event that the delivery or transportation of
         Permitted Waste Products by Clean Harbors is prevented by a cause
         or causes beyond the reasonable control of Clean Harbors, or (b)
         by Chemical Waste Management in the event that the transportation,
         storage, treatment, processing or disposal of Permitted Waste
         Products by Chemical Waste Management is prevented by a cause or
         causes beyond the reasonable control of Chemical Waste Management.
         Such causes shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God,
         acts of war, riot, fire, explosion, accident, flood, or sabotage;

         lack of adequate fuel, power, raw materials, labor or
         transportation facilities; government laws, regulations,
         requirements, orders of actions; breakage or failure of machinery
         or apparatus; national defense requirements; injunctions or
         restraining orders; labor trouble, strike, lockout or injunction
         (provided that neither party shall be required to settle a labor
         dispute against its own best judgment).

              The party asserting a right to suspend performance under this
         Section 3.1 shall, within a reasonable time after it has knowledge
         of the effective cause, notify the other party of the cause for
         suspension, the performance suspended and the anticipated duration
         of suspension, and shall use its reasonable best efforts to
         rectify the effective cause of the suspension.

                                     ARTICLE IV

                            HAZARDOUS WASTE ANALYSIS AND

              Section 4.1 Waste Profiles
              For the term of this Agreement, Clean Harbors may utilize the
         waste profile sheets currently established and on file with
         Chemical Waste Management for Permitted Waste Products presently
         originating from any facility owned or operated by Clean Harbors,
         or directly from the customers of either of them; provided,
         however, that Chemical Waste Management reserves the right to
         require periodic recertification (including, but not limited to,
         submission of a new waste material profile sheet and a
         representative sample of waste) of any waste stream for which a
         waste profile sheet is currently maintained, and such other
         recertifications as my be required by Chemical Waste Management
         policies and procedures or government regulations.

              Section 4.2 Laboratory Analysis
              During the term of this Agreement, for all Permitted Waste
         Products delivered or caused to be delivered by Clean Harbors to
         Participating Facilities, Chemical Waste Management shall accept
         the analysis performed by the Clean Harbors laboratory located at
         Braintree, Massachusetts, or by a certified laboratory of similar
         capabilities operated by Clean Harbors at another location,
         provided such laboratory has been certified by Chemical Waste
         Management; provided further, that Chemical Waste Management
         reserves the right to require a yearly audit and recertification
         of any laboratory operated by Clean Harbors and qualifying under
         this Section.  Certification and recertification of laboratories
         by Chemical Waste Management shall be conducted in accordance with
         its policies and procedures and such certification or
         recertification shall not be unreasonably withheld by Chemical
         Waste Management.

              Section 4.3 Disposal Decision and Disposal Request Deadlines
              Chemical Waste Management and Participating Facilities shall
         render disposal decisions on Waste Products offered for disposal

         by Clean Harbors in accordance with the following schedule: (1)
         for disposal decisions that require Chemical Waste Management to
         perform laboratory analysis, a decision will be rendered and
         communicated within ten (10) business days from receiving a new
         waste material profile sheet and sample, and (2) for disposal
         decisions that Clean Harbors has provided the laboratory analysis
         in accordance with Section 4.2, or for which laboratory analysis
         is not required, a decision will be rendered and communicated
         within three (3) business days from receipt of paperwork.

              Chemical Waste Management and Participating Facilities shall
         communicate a schedule date within two (2) business days after a
         disposal request is received from Clean Harbors.  In no event
         shall the waste product delivery to the Participating Facilities
         be scheduled more than ten (10) business days after the receipt of
         the disposal request by Chemical Waste Management or the
         participating facilities.

              Section 4.4 Analysis Charges
              For the term of this Agreement, Chemical Waste Management
         will not charge Clean Harbors for analysis of any Permitted Waste
         Product proposed for disposal at Participating Facilities,
         provided that an analysis necessary for disposal of said waste has
         been performed by a laboratory identified in Section 4.2 and
         provided to Chemical Waste Management.

              Section 4.5 Termination of Disposal
              In the event that Chemical Waste Management decides to cease
         accepting a Permitted Waste Product at a Participating Facility
         for which a waste profile sheet currently exists, Clean Harbors
         shall be given 30 days advance notice thereof, provided that in
         the event that Chemical Waste Management is obligated to cease
         accepting a Permitted Waste Product due to force majeure, this
         notice provision shall not apply.  In the event that Chemical
         Waste Management elects to cease accepting a Permitted Waste
         Product or Products pursuant to this Section 4.5, Clean Harbors
         shall thereby be authorized by Chemical Waste Management to
         contract with competitors of Chemical Waste Management on such
         terms as may be necessary to dispose of such Permitted Waste
         Product or Products.

                                     ARTICLE V


              Section 5.1 Indemnification by Chemical Waste Management
              Chemical Waste Management shall indemnify and save harmless
         Clean Harbors, and its subsidiary companies and its affiliates,
         and their present and future officers or directors (or officials),
         employees and agents, from and against any and all liabilities,
         penalties, fines, forfeitures, demands, claims, causes of action,
         suits, and costs and expenses incidental thereto (including cost
         of defense, settlement, and reasonable attorney's fee), which any

         or all of them may hereafter suffer, incur, be responsible for or
         pay out as a result of bodily injuries (including death) to any
         person, damage (including loss of use) to any property (public or
         private), contamination of or adverse effects on the environment,
         or any violation or alleged violation of statutes, ordinances,
         orders, rules or regulations of any governmental entity or agency,
         either (a) directly or indirectly caused by, or arising out of
         breach of any warranties by Chemical Waste Management or any
         negligent of willful act or omission of Chemical Waste Management,
         its employees or its subcontractors in the performance of this
         Agreement; or (b) associated with cleanup of any of the
         Participating Facilities, arising out of said Participating
         Facilities' becoming subject to removal or remedial actions under
         the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
         Liability Act of 1980, as amended, the Resource Conservation and
         Recovery Act, or any comparable state statutes or other applicable
         environmental authorities except to the extent of the
         indemnification by Clean Harbors provided for in Section 5.2

              Section 5.2 Indemnification by Clean Harbors
              Clean Harbors shall indemnify and save harmless Chemical
         Waste Management and its affiliates, and its present and future
         officers or directors (or officials), employees and agents, from
         and against any and all liabilities, penalties, fines,
         forfeitures, demands, claims, causes of action, suits, and costs
         and expenses incidental thereto (including cost of defense,
         settlement, and reasonable attorney's fees), which any or all of
         them any hereafter suffer, incur, be responsible for or pay out as
         a result of bodily injuries (including death) to any person,
         damage (including loss of use) to any property (public or
         private), contamination of or adverse effects on the environment,
         or any violation or alleged violation of statutes, ordinances,
         orders, rules or regulations of any governmental entity or agency,
         directly or indirectly caused by, or arising out of breach of any
         warranties by Clean Harbors, or any negligent or willful act or
         omission of Clean Harbors, its employees or its subcontractors in
         the performance of this Agreement except to the extent of the
         indemnification by Chemical Waste Management provided for in
         Section 5.1 hereof.

                                     ARTICLE VI

                                CERTAIN DEFINITIONS

              As used in this Agreement or Appendix A hereto, the following
         capitalized terms shall have the meanings stated below or, as
         indicated, elsewhere in this Agreement:

                   Business Day - Business Day shall mean Monday through
                   Friday excluding national holidays.

                   Disposal Decision - Disposal Decision shall mean a
                   determination by Chemical Waste Management or a
                   Participating Facility to:  (1) accept or reject a given
                   "hazardous waste" for disposal, based on acceptance
                   criteria of the Participating Facility; and (2) the
                   schedule by which such waste shall be accepted by the
                   Participating Facility in accordance with Section 4.3

                   Disposal Fee - Disposal Fee shall be that price,
                   including transportation costs, taxes, special
                   assessments and all other fees, that Clean Harbors may
                   pay to Chemical Waste Management or to competitors of
                   Chemical Waste Management for the disposal of Waste

                   Disposal Request - Disposal Request shall mean
                   notification by Clean Harbors, either orally or in
                   writing, of a desire to deliver a Permitted Waste
                   Product to a Participating Facility for disposal.

                   Part A Permits - Part A Permits shall mean the
                   Participating Facilities' respective RCRA Part A
                   Permits, as from time to time amended or modified.

                   Participating Facility - A Participating Facility shall

                   mean all facilities owned or operated by Chemical Waste
                   Management or its subsidiaries or affiliates including,
                   but not limited to, the following facilities:

                   Participating Facility             Location

                   Controlled Waste                 Menomenee Falls, Wisconsin
                   Coatesville Facility             Coatesville, Pennsylvania
                   Arlington Facility               Arlington, Oregon
                   Kettleman Facility               Kettleman Hills, California
                   RML Facility                     Morrow, Georgia
                   LWMRR Facility                   West Carrolton, Ohio
                   Model City Treatment Center      Model City, New York
                   Adams Center Facility            Fort Wayne, Indiana
                   Emelle Treatment Center          Emelle, Alabama
                   Lake Charles Treatment Center    Lake Charles, Louisiana
                   Newark Treatment Center          Newark, New Jersey
                   Injection Well Facility          Vickery, Ohio
                   Port Arthur Facility             Port Arthur, Texas
                   Trade Waste Incineration         Sauget, Illinois
                   Memphis Facility                 Millington, Tennessee
                   OSCO Facility                    Azula, California
                   OSCO Facility                    Henderson, Colorado

                   In addition to the above-described Participating

                   Facilities, the term "Participating Facilities" shall
                   apply to any other treatment or disposal facility which
                   is permitted to accept any type of Waste Products and
                   which Chemical Waste Management directly or through
                   subsidiaries owns or operates, now or in the future.
                   Conversely, the term "Participating Facilities" shall
                   not apply, after 60 days prior written notice to Clean
                   Harbors, to any of such Participating Facilities which
                   are no longer permitted to accept Waste Products by
                   applicable government regulations and/or the policies
                   and procedures of Chemical Waste Management.

                   Permitted Waste Products - Permitted Waste Products
                   shall mean those Waste Products which are identified in
                   the Part A Permits and which applicable government
                   regulations and the policies and procedures of Chemical
                   Waste Management permit the Participating Facilities to
                   dispose or otherwise handle.
                   Waste Products - Waste Products shall mean any substance
                   or material identified as a "hazardous waste", either by
                   characteristics or listing, in regulations promulgated
                   or revised under Section 3001 of the Resource
                   Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended
                   ("RCRA"); any substance or material that is regulated as
                   a hazardous waste by the state in which Clean Harbors
                   took possession of said substance or material and by the

                   state in which the Participating Facility is located;
                   and any substance or material whose disposal is
                   regulated pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act
                   of 1976 ("TSCA").  Waste Products shall not include
                   waste oil or any substance or material that is not
                   required by applicable state or federal law to be
                   disposed of at a facility regulated under RCRA or TSCA.

                                    ARTICLE VII

                                  OTHER PROVISIONS

              Section 7.1 Extension of Time; Waiver of Performance
              The parties may extend the time for or waive the performance
         of any of the obligations or warranties of the other, or waive
         compliance by the other with any of the covenants or conditions
         contained in this Agreement.  Any such extension or waiver shall
         be in writing and shall be signed by the party extending or
         waiving the performance or decision deadline.

              Section 7.2 Notice
              Except for notice given pursuant to Section 4.3 hereof, any
         notice to a party pursuant to this Agreement shall be given by
         certified or registered mail, or by private carrier providing
         evidence of receipt as part of its services, addressed as follows:

              if to Chemical Waste          Chemical Waste Management, Inc.
              Management or SCA             3001 Butterfield Road
              Services:                     Oak Brook, IL 60521

                                            Attn:  President

              with a copy to:               Chemical Waste Management, Inc.
                                            3001 Butterfield Road
                                            Oak Brook, IL 60521

                                            Attn:  General Counsel

              if to Clean Harbors:          Clean Harbors
                                            325 Wood Road
                                            Braintree, MA 02184
                                            Attn:  President

              with a copy to:               Clean Harbors
                                            325 Wood Road

                                            Braintree, MA 02184
                                            Attn:  General Counsel

         or to such other address as may be designated in writing by either
         party from time to time in accordance herewith, and shall be
         deemed delivered when placed in the mail or given to private
         carrier so addressed, with postage prepaid.

              Section 7.3 Contract Administrators
              As soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement,
         Chemical Waste Management and Clean Harbors shall each designate a
         representative who shall act as the initial contact for matters
         arising under this Agreement and who shall assist in the
         administration of this Agreement.

              Section 7.4 Access to Records; Confidential Information
              The parties shall afford their respective representatives
         such access during normal business hours and upon reasonable
         notice to each other's business records as may be necessary to
         ascertain their compliance with the terms of this Agreement,
         including, in the case of environmental audits from time to time
         conducted by Clean Harbors, access to such records of the
         Participating Facilities demonstrating compliance with applicable
         environmental laws or regulations.  Except as required by law or
         as is necessary to perform this Agreement, any information
         obtained by either party from the other shall not be disclosed or
         used by such party for any purpose other than for which it was
         intended pursuant to this Agreement, and except as required by
         law, neither party shall disclose to others the terms of this

              Section 7.5 Remedies
              The parties agree that any material breach of Article II of
         this Agreement by Chemical Waste Management could cause
         irreparable damage or harm to Clean Harbors and in the event of
         any such breach Clean Harbors shall have, in addition to any and
         all other remedies at law, the right to an injunction, specific
         performance or other equitable relief to prevent the violation of
         this Agreement, provided that in any such case Clean Harbors shall
         be in compliance with the terms of the Subsidiary Agreements.

              Section 7.6 Arbitration
              In the event that a dispute shall arise as to the meaning of
         any term or provision of this Agreement or as to the accuracy of
         any amount calculated or reported hereunder or as to whether
         either party shall have breached or caused a default hereunder,
         the parties agree to submit their dispute to final and binding
         arbitration before the American Arbitration Association, and
         pursuant to the rules and regulations thereof, with the site of
         such arbitration to be within ten (10) miles of the City of
         Boston.  Neither party shall have the right to terminate this
         Agreement unless and until it shall be determined by a decision of
         such arbitration that the other party has caused a breach and the

         other party shall not, within twenty (20) days after any such
         decision becomes final, paid all damages awarded by the
         arbitration decision and/or corrected any default or inaccuracy
         determined by the arbitration.

              Section 7.7 Quarterly Meeting
              Representatives of Chemical Waste Management and Clean
         Harbors shall meet at least once in each calendar quarter during
         the term of this Agreement to review the implementation of this

              Section 7.8 Assignment
              This Agreement shall not be transferred or assigned except to
         a parent, subsidiary or other affiliated company of either party
         and except as collateral security to an institutional lender which
         shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform
         Commercial Code; provided, however, that no such transfer or
         assignment shall operate to relieve either party of its
         responsibilities under this Agreement.

              Section 7.9 Confidentiality
              The provisions of this Agreement shall be kept confidential
         by the parties.  In the event that either party is requested to
         disclose any information concerning this Agreement by any third
         party, it shall promptly notify the other party.

              Section 7.10 Construction of Agreement
              This instrument is to take effect as a sealed instrument and
         is to be construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of
         Massachusetts.  This instrument sets forth the entire agreement
         between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
         is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties hereto
         and their respective legal successors and assigns.  It may be
         canceled, modified or amended only by a written instrument
         executed by the parties.  The captions are used only as a matter
         of convenience, and are not to be considered a part of this
         Agreement or to be used in determining the intent of the parties
         to it.

              Section 7.11 Execution in Counterparts
              This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
         each of which shall be deemed an original.

              IN WITNESS WHERE, the parties have executed this Agreement as
         of the date first above written.

                                            CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC.

         ____________________________       By:____________________________
         Witness                                 President

                                            CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL
                                            SERVICES, INC.

         __________________________         By:_________________________
         Witness                                 President