AMENDMENT NO. 2
                           SUPERMAC TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                        AND ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED

                      Effective Date:  February 28, 1994

     This Amendment No. 2 to the Configurable PostScript Interpreter OEM License
Agreement, effective September 18,1992 (the "Agreement") is by and between Adobe
Systems Incorporated, having its place of business at 1585 Charleston Road, P.O.
Box 7900, Mountain View, California, 94039-7900 ("Adobe") and SuperMac
Technology, Inc. having its place of business at 215 Moffett Park Drive,
Sunnyvale, CA 94089. ("OEM").

     WHEREAS, it is the mutual goal of OEM and Adobe to work together in
promoting the PostScript language as an industry standard and in defining and
offering services and products to the market which promote and facilitate the
use of Adobe's CPSI Software; and

     WHEREAS, Adobe and OEM agree to undertake certain activities in a
cooperative manner, as specified in this Amendment, with the intended purpose of
achieving the above stated mutual goal of the parties; and

     WHEREAS, in furtherance of such agreed upon goal, Adobe has offered
specified volume discounts which may be applied to mutually agreed upon products
and types of distribution, as described in this Amendment; and

     WHEREAS, OEM agrees to make certain commitments and to assume additional
responsibilities described in this Amendment as a condition to OEM being
entitled to receive such specified volume discounts.

A.   Adobe and OEM hereby agree to modify the Agreement as follows:

     1.  Paragraph 2 ("License Grants").  Paragraph 2.1.12 [*]
         -----------                      ----------------    



     2.  Paragraph 2 ("License Grant").  The term [*] is hereby deleted from
Paragraph 2.2 ("No Right to Source Software"), as amended.
- -------------                                             

     3.  Paragraph 2 ("License Grant").  The first sentence of Paragraph 2.5
         -----------                                           -------------
("Reverse Engineering"), as amended, is hereby deleted in its entirety and
replaced by the following:

         "2.5  Reverse Engineering.  OEM agrees that it will not reverse
engineer, reverse compile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to create source
code which is derived from the Adobe Software, Other Adobe-Supplied Software,
Coded Font Programs or Demonstration Program(s) provided in object code form."

     4.  Paragraph 10.5 ("OEM's Use of Trademarks") of the Agreement is amended
in its entirety to read as follows:

         "10.5  OEM's Use of Trademarks.  OEM agrees that it will include the
Adobe Trademarks on all copies of the CPSI Application and in any advertising
concerning the CPSI Application and that it will use the applicable Trademarks
and Adobe Trademarks on all copies, advertisements, brochures, manuals and other
appropriate uses made in the promotion, distribution or use of the CPSI
Application, Bitmap Fonts and Coded Font Programs.  Any use by OEM of the Adobe
Trademarks shall conform to the standards set forth by Adobe in its then
available Trademark Reference Manual.  OEM shall make specific reference to
PostScript software from Adobe in any advertisement which refers to the CPSI
Application.  In addition, OEM agrees to include (i) in the system software
visible to the End User and on any Designated Output Devices distributed by OEM
part of the Licensed System, and (ii) a copy of the brochure entitled
"PostScript is...", if provided free of charge by Adobe, with each Licensed
System distributed in the U.S. Further, OEM agrees to promote the Licensed
System at trade shows at which other OEM products are displayed and to allow
Adobe to review all announcements and press releases pertaining to Licensed
Systems prior to their release to the public or the press.  Further, with
respect to such announcements and press releases, OEM agrees to incorporate all
changes that Adobe may reasonably request to ensure correct Adobe Trademark
usage and accuracy of content related to the Adobe Software."



     5.  A new Paragraph 16 ("Clone Product Development") is added to the
Agreement to read as follows:

         "16.   Clone Product Development.

     If at any time during the term of the Agreement OEM commits resources to
development of or acquires rights to a product or software having page
description capabilities that are substantially compatible with the PostScript
language (hereinafter "Clone Product"), it may do so; provided however, that OEM
is obligated to inform Adobe of such decision immediately thereafter, and upon
such event, the discounts, if any, which OEM may be receiving under the
provisions in Paragraph 17 ("Qualifying for Royalty Discounts") below shall
continue, but only on a conditional basis, until such time as OEM begins
marketing a Clone Product or abandons its effort to market a Clone Product.  In
the event that OEM begins marketing a Clone Product, OEM shall resume paying the
full Licensed System and Coded Font Program royalties and, further, shall
reimburse Adobe the full amount of the discounts on Licensed Systems shipped
after OEM has committed resources to such development of, or after having
acquired rights to, a Clone Product, whether or not OEM complies with its
obligations to inform Adobe as required in this Paragraph."

     6.  A new Paragraph 17 ("Qualifying for Royalty Discounts") is added to
this Agreement to read as follows:

         "17.   Qualifying for Royalty Discounts.

                17.1 Royalty Discounts.  [*]



                17.2 General Discount Terms.  [*]

                17.3 Qualifying for Royalty Discounts.  [*] 




     7.  Paragraph 16 ("General") and all subparagraphs thereto are renumbered
as Paragraph 18 ("General") and all subparagraphs thereto are renumbered

     8.  Exhibit I ("Authorized Printer Engine Manufacturer Distributor") has
been deleted in its entirety and replaced with the updated and amended Exhibit I
attached hereto.

     9.  A new Exhibit J ("Volume Discount Schedule") is hereby added to the
Agreement and is attached hereto.



B.   All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force
and effect.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment No. 2 to the
Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representatives.

Adobe:                                   OEM:


By:  /s/ S.A. MacDonald                  By: [illegible]
     --------------------------------        --------------------------------

Name: S.A. MacDonald                     Name:
      -------------------------------          ------------------------------

Title: Sr. V.P., General Manager, SPD    Title:
       ------------------------------           -----------------------------

Date:  2-28-94                           Date:
      -------------------------------          ------------------------------


                                   EXHIBIT I

              Authorized Printer Engine Manufacturer Distributors

     Authorized Printer Engine Manufacturer Distributors must be specified in
this Exhibit L Licensed Systems must be specified in this Exhibit I. AU request
for changes to this Exhibit must be submitted to Adobe in writing and such
changes shall apply only ff subsequently approved by Adobe by the issuance of an
updated Exhibit I.
                              Licensed Systems

Third Party                  CPSI Platform    Designated Output Device/Model
- -----------                  -------------    ------------------------------

Fuji Xerox                  Base SM-ICS       A Color
                            Splash.MX         Majestik
                            Splash.MX         A Color

Fuji Xerox                  High-end SM-ICS   A Color
                            Splash.MX         Majestik
                            Splash.TX         A Color

Xerox                       Splash.MX         Majestik

Xerox                       Splash.TX         Majestik

Rank Xerox                  Splash.MX         Majestik

Rank Xerox                  Splash.TX         Majestik

Hoechst-Celanese Corp.      Macintosh CPSI    ProofPositive

Shinko Electric Corp.       Macintosh CPSI    ProofPositive

                                   EXHIBIT I

                            Volume Discount Schedule


                                  APPENDIX NO. 2

                         EFFECTIVE AS OF JULY 28, 1993

                                     TO THE
                             OEM LICENSE AGREEMENT
                           ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED

Name of CPSI Application: SuperMaster Image Creation System (SM-ICS) Server

     This Appendix sets forth additional and different terms and conditions
particular to the Licensed System described below and shall be incorporated by
reference into the Configurable PostScript Interpreter OEM License Agreement
("Agreement") between SuperMac Technology Incorporated ("OEM") and Adobe Systems
Incorporated ("Adobe") effective as of September 18, 1992.  Such different or
additional terms are applicable only to the Licensed System described below and
in no way alter the terms and conditions applicable to other Licensed Systems
incorporated into the Agreement by addition of an appendix.

     All the terms used in this Appendix shall retain the same meaning as
defined in the Agreement and such definitions are incorporated herein by

A.   Description of CPSI Application:

Adobe Software integrated with the SuperMaster Image Creation System (SM-ICS)
software running on a MIPS-based accelerator card to create a PostScript Level 2
rasterization server.

B.   Description of Computer System:



OEM may upgrade the Computer System to the latest version of both the hardware
platform and the software platform supplied by a manufacturer or a supplier that
provides a compatible computer system after completion of Milestone #(11) in
Paragraph F of this Appendix, provided that the upgraded Computer System is
- -----------                                                                
object-code compatible with the original Computer System described in this
Paragraph B.  In the event that incompatibilities are introduced by hardware or
- -----------                                                                    
software vendor(s), OEM may notify Adobe of such incompatibilities.  Adobe will
assess these incompatibilities and, if necessary, OEM will upgrade the OEM-
Loaned Equipment to the upgraded Computer System.  Adobe will communicate the
results of this assessment to the OEM.  If agreed to by Adobe, upgrades to the
Adobe Software made by Adobe at OEM's request, for incompatibilities introduced
outside of the Computer System described in Paragraph B will be provided under
the terms of a Continuing Support Agreement or at Adobe's current consulting
rates and under applicable terms.  [*]

C.  Licensed System:




D.   Adobe Development Environment:

     The Adobe Development Environment is the specific computer environment in
     which Adobe has developed and tested the Adobe Software and which is
     defined below:

     (1)  Hardware platform: Silicon Graphics, Inc.  Indigo workstation with 16
      megabytes of memory and 200 megabytes of disk;

     (2)  Software platform: Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIX 4.0.5 operating system.

E.   Adobe Deliverables:

     (1)  Adobe Software:  As described in Exhibit A ("Description of Adobe
          --------------                   ---------                       
     Software") to the Agreement and in the PostScript Language Reference
     Manual, Second Edition. See also Exhibit G ("Configurable PostScript
     Interpreter Functional Specification") of the Agreement. Adobe Software
     will be delivered on 1/4 inch tape media.

     (2)  Demonstration Program(s): The Demonstration Program(s) will be in "C"
     language source form and will provide OEM with an example of how to use the
     Adobe Software described in Exhibit A ("Description of Adobe Software") of
     the Agreement to interpret PostScript language programs and produce raster
     output See also Exhibit G ("Configurable PostScript Interpreter Functional
     Specification") of the Agreement.  The Demonstration Program(s) will be
     delivered with the Adobe Software.


     (3) Other Adobe-Supplied Software: The following Other Adobe-Supplied
Software will be provided:

     Macintosh-based Japanese font installer to be bundled with and solely for
     use with a Licensed System. This Japanese font installer is licensed for
     use to install aftermarket Japanese fonts that are supplied and
     manufactured by Adobe or Morisawa & Co., Ltd., on the Licensed System. The
     Japanese font installer shall be compatible with Apple's Mac OS 6.0.7J and
     Apple's KanjiTalk/TM/7.

     (4) Documentation: The Documentation as described below will be delivered
         in hard copy (1 copy).

         a.   CPSI Read Me First!
         b.   Configurable PostScript Interpreter Functional Specification
         c.   CPSI Demonstration Software Guide
         d.   CPSI Product Developer's Guide
         e.   Supplement to the PostScript Language Reference Manual
         f.   PostScript Language Addendum Template

     All of the above specified Documentation is to be used internally solely
     for the purposes of developing a Licensed System and is to be treated as
     confidential information of Adobe and subject to Paragraph 2.1.6
     ("Nondisclosure") of the Agreement. The PostScript Language Addendum
     Template supplied by Adobe hereunder is to be used by OEM solely as a guide
     for customizing and creating the PostScript Language Addendum for this
     Licensed System. The only Documentation which OEM is permitted to
     distribute to its End User customers is the PostScript Language Addendum
     with the content written by OEM and approved by Adobe.

     (5) Coded Font Programs:  The Coded Font Programs described in Paragraphs J
         -------------------                                        ------------
     and K below.

     (6)      [*]

F.   Development Schedule and Testing Expectations:
Milestone Description                                         Schedule*
- ----------------------                                        ---------




Milestone Description                                         Schedule*
- ----------------------                                        ---------




Milestone Description                                         Schedule*
- ----------------------                                        ---------


G. OEM-Loaned Equipment:




H.   Software License Fee:


I.   Applicable Royalties:

     (1) Royalties for Worldwide Distribution of Licensed Systems:

         a.   Basis for Payments Hereunder. All royalties due to Adobe by OEM
     shall be paid in U.S. Dollars regardless of the location of the transaction
     or the type of currency used to consummate the transaction.

         b.   When Royalties Are Earned. All royalties due hereunder shall be
     earned on the date OEM ships a complete Licensed System, or the components
     listed in Paragraphs C(2) through (5) to make a complete Licensed System,
               --------------          ---
     to its customers.

         c.   Licensed Use Royalty. The Licensed Use royalty for CPSI
     Application and for the Coded Font Programs described herein shall apply to
     all Licensed Systems and Coded Font Programs used internally by OEM or its
     Subsidiaries and to all Licensed Systems and Coded Font Programs sold,
     leased or otherwise disposed of by OEM or its Subsidiaries directly or
     indirectly to End Users. Royalties are calculated on a per Licensed Use
     basis and OEM shall ensure that it accounts for and pays royalties for each
     Licensed Use of the CPSI Application Object and Coded Font Programs.

         d. List Prices. All List Prices, as described below, shall mean OEM's
     published List Price, established in good faith, for quantity one (1) of
     the fully functioning Licensed System described hereunder as distributed to
     End Users in both Roman and Japanese Versions. Such calculations shall be
     exclusive of amounts received for taxes, interest, non-warranty maintenance
     and installation charges, insurance, shipping and handling costs. OEM shall



     distribute the components listed in Paragraphs C(2) through (5) herein
                                         ---------------         ---            
     solely for use with a computer supporting platform described in Paragraph
     C (1). Where OEM is not able to identify which specific model of computer
     supporting platform, as specified in Paragraph C(1) above, is to be
     included as part of the Licensed System, OEM shall determine the List Price
     of the Licensed System using the List Price of any computer supporting
     platform which has a Minimum Configuration equal to that specified in
     Paragraph C(1).

               (i)   U.S. List Price. The U.S. List Price shall mean OEM's
     published List Price in U.S. Dollars to End Users for quantity one (1) of a
     fully functioning Licensed System as described in Paragraph C above, for
     distribution in the United States. Should the U.S. List Price as described
     above not be available because OEM is not shipping Licensed Systems in the
     United States, the US. List Price shall mean OEM's published List Price in
     Australian Dollars to End Users for quantity one (1) of a fully functioning
     Licensed System as described in Paragraph C above, for distribution in
     Australia. Australian Dollars shall be converted into U.S. Dollars at a
     rate equal to the average of the exchange rates quoted in the Wall Street
     Journal at the end of the first and last days of the relevant quarterly
     accounting period defined in Paragraph 7.5 ("Payment of Royalties") of the
     Agreement. The U.S. List Price of the Licensed System shall apply for the
     purpose of royalty calculations hereunder for each Licensed Use of a Roman
     Version (as described in Paragraph I(2)a below) of the Licensed System
     distributed for use throughout the world excluding Japan where the
     distribution of Licensed Systems is limited to Japanese Versions.

               (ii) Japanese List Price. The Japanese List Price shall mean
     OEM's published List Price in Japanese yen to End Users for quantity one
     (1) of a fully functioning Japanese Version (with five (5) or seven (7)
     Japanese Typefaces as described in Paragraph I(2)b below) of a Licensed
     System as described in Paragraph C above, for distribution in Japan. The
     Japanese List Price shall apply for the purpose of royalty calculations
     hereunder for each Licensed Use of a Japanese Version of the Licensed
     System distributed for use throughout the world. The Japanese List Price
     shall be converted into U.S. Dollars at a rate equal to the average of the
     exchange rates quoted in the Wall Street journal at the end of the first
     and last days of the relevant quarterly accounting period defined in
     Paragraph 7.5 ("Payment of Royalties") of the Agreement. OEM shall use the
     converted Japanese List Price to calculate the royalty for CPSI Application

     (2)  Licensed Use Royalty for CPSI Application:

          a.   Roman Versions. OEM shall bundle the Roman Initial Installation
     Coded Font Programs identified in Paragraph J and the Roman Additional
     Coded Font Programs identified in Group I of Paragraph K(l) below with each
     Licensed System distributed hereunder (a "Roman Version"). OEM may also
     distribute a Roman Version bundled with an additional thirty (30) Roman
     Additional Coded Font Programs, as identified in Group 2 of Paragraph K(l)


     For each Roman Version of the Licensed System which is distributed or used
     internally (beyond the number of licensed Uses provided royalty-free for
     Internal Use under Paragraph I(6) below) by OEM or its Subsidiaries
     hereunder, OEM shall pay Adobe a per Licensed Use royalty based on the U.S.
     List Price of a Licensed System using the following method of royalty


     The same per Licensed Use royalty shall apply for each Roman Version of the
     Licensed System distributed unbundled from a computer system platform in
     accordance with Paragraph C above.

          b.    Japanese Versions.  OEM agrees that with each Licensed System
     distributed for use in Japan (a "Japanese Version"), it shall bundle the
     same Roman Coded Font Programs as specified in Paragraph I(2)a above for
     Roman Versions. Additionally, OEM shall bundle the first five (5) Coded
     Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces identified in Paragraph K(2)a. or an
     seven (7) Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces identified in
     Paragraph K(2)(ii) with every Licensed System distributed for use in Japan.

     OEM is not required to bundle the Coded Font Programs for Japanese
     Typefaces with Licensed System's distributed for use outside of Japan.
     However, if OEM decides to distribute Licensed Systems with Coded Font
     Programs for Japanese Typefaces for use outside of Japan, it shall bundle
     the Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces in accordance with the above

     For each Japanese Version of the Licensed System which is distributed or
     used internally (beyond the number of licensed Uses provided royalty-free
     for Internal Use under Paragraph im below) by OEM or its Subsidiaries
     hereunder, OEM shall pay Adobe a per licensed Use royalty based on the
     Japanese List Price of the applicable Licensed System (Japanese Version
     with five (5) or with seven (7) Japanese Typefaces) converted to U.S.
     Dollars using the table in Paragraph I(2)a above.

     The same per Licensed Use royalty shall apply for each Japanese Version of
     the Licensed System distributed unbundled from a computer system platform
     in accordance with Paragraph c above.

     (3)   Software Upgrade Royalties:

           "Software Upgrades" means the installation of both the CPSI
     Application Object and Coded Font Programs in a Licensed System already
     distributed under license in place of CPSI Application Object and Coded
     Font Programs previously installed in such Licensed System for the purpose
     of updating, enhancing or extending a Licensed System. To qualify for
     Software Upgrade pricing, OEM must either (i) promptly destroy the media



     the prior version of the CPSI Application Object and Coded Font Programs,
     or (ii) return the media containing the CPSI Application Object and Coded
     Font Programs to the factory where they were manufactured, and immediately
     accrue a new royalty when such CPSI Application Object and Coded Font
     Programs are shipped as part of a new Licensed System. OEM is obligated to
     account for any of the replaced CPSI Application Object and Coded Font
     Programs which are not destroyed.

     OEM shall keep accurate records of the number of Software Upgrades which it
     distributes to its customers and the disposition of the corresponding CPSI
     Application Object and Coded Font Programs replaced by the Software
     Upgrades. OEM shall submit reports containing such Software Upgrade
     information in accordance with its reporting requirements pursuant to
     Paragraph 7.5 ("Payment of Royalties") of the Agreement. In addition, upon
     request from Adobe, OEM shall certify to Adobe in writing, signed by its
     authorized representative, that it has fully complied with the requirement
     contained in this Paragraph I(3).

     Following joint execution of a PostScript Software Continuing Support
     Agreement, OEM shall pay Adobe a royalty on its Net Receipts from each
     Software Upgrade, if any, equal to [*] of OEMs net receipts, from such
     Software Upgrade, but in no event less than U.S. [*] plus the amounts due
     for any Coded Font Programs not already included in the unit being
     upgraded. Prior to the execution of a PostScript Software Continuing
     Support Agreement, OEM shall pay Adobe a royalty on its Net Receipts from
     each Software Upgrade, if any, equal to [*] of OEMs net receipts, from such
     Software Upgrade, but in no event less than U.S. [*] plus the amounts due
     for any Coded Font Programs not already included in the unit being
     upgraded. Net Receipts means OEM's gross receipts (exclusive of amounts
     received for taxes, interest, finance charges, insurance, shipping and
     handling costs) from all distributions of Software Upgrades.

     The per copy royalty for each Coded Font Program not previously included in
     the unit being upgraded shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph
     I(5) below for each Roman and Japanese Typeface which is part of the
     Software Upgrade.

     (4)  Hardware Upgrades for Distribution Worldwide:

     Unless agreed to in writing by Adobe and designated as a non-royalty
     bearing feature, all Hardware Upgrades installed as part of the Licensed
     System, which OEM may choose to offer and distribute to End Users of
     Licensed Systems, shall be royalty bearing. The parties will determine
     whether an optional feature improves the functional performance or improves
     the throughput performance of the CPSI Application Object and/or Coded Font
     Programs and thus is royalty bearing or is unrelated to the functional
     performance or throughput performance in which case the feature is non-
     royalty bearing.



     OEM shall pay a Hardware Upgrade royalty based on the applicable U.S. or
     Japanese List Price to End Users for the Hardware Upgrade equal to [*]
     of the applicable End User List Price.

     (5)  Licensed Use Royalty for Coded Font Programs:

          a.   Licensed Use Parties for Roman Initial Installation Coded Font
     Programs. The seventeen (17) Roman Initial Installation Coded Font Programs
     specified in Paragraph J of this Appendix No. 2 and bundled
     with a Licensed System shall be royalty-free.

          b.   Licensed Use Royalties for Roman Additional Coded Font Programs.
     OEM shall pay a per Licensed Use Royalty of $[*] per Typeface for the Roman
     Additional Coded Font Program specified in Group 1 of Paragraph K(1) of
     this Appendix No. 2 which is distributed or used internally by OEM or its
     Subsidiaries and bundled as part of a Licensed System.

     OEM shall pay a per Licensed Use Royalty of [*] for the set of thirty (30)
     Typefaces for the Roman Additional Coded Font Programs specified in Group 2
     of Paragraph K(1) of this Appendix No. 2 which is distributed or used
     internally by OEM or its Subsidiaries and bundled as part of a Licensed

          c.   Licensed Use Royalties for Coded Font Programs for Japanese
     Typefaces. For the Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces described in
     Paragraph K(2) which are distributed or used internally by OEM or its
     Subsidiaries and bundled as part of a Licensed System, OEM shall pay Adobe
     a per Typeface royalty for each Licensed Use of the Coded Font Programs for
     Japanese Typefaces as follows:


     * Based on 8.5 inch by 11 inch color page size.

     (6)  Licensed Use Parties for Internal Use:

     Except for Roman Additional Coded Font Programs and Coded Font Programs for
     Japanese Typefaces, OEM shall have no obligation to pay royalties to Adobe
     for Licensed Uses of up to a total (cumulating all uses) of [*]
     Licensed Systems if dedicated solely to the following uses:

          a.   Internal use by OEM (or by OEM's independent contractors) for the
               exclusive benefit of OEM) for the purpose of adding proposed new
               Designated Output Devices or new features to existing Designated



               Output Devices, testing Licensed Systems or performing training
               with respect to Licensed Systems; or

         b.    Internal use by OEM's Authorized Third Parties or Authorized
               Printer Engine Manufacturer Distributors for the purpose of
               testing Licensed Systems or performing training with respect to
               Licensed Systems.

     OEM shall pay Adobe the full Licensed Use royalties for the CPSI
     Application, except for such thirty (30) Licensed Systems, used internally
     by OEM (or OEM's Authorized Third Parties, Authorized Printer Engine
     Manufacturer Distributors or independent contractors). OEM shall pay Adobe
     the full Licensed Use royalties for Roman Additional Coded Font Programs
     and Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces, for each Licensed Use used
     internally by OEM.

J.   Roman Initial Installation Coded Font Programs:

     Adobe will provide the graphic characters specified in ISO 8859-1: 1987,
     Latin alphabet No. 1 and symbol characters as applicable, for the following
     Roman Initial Installation Coded Font Programs:

          Identifying Trademark      Typeface            Trademark Owner                     
          ---------------------      --------            ---------------                     
          Helvetica                                 Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Helvetica                  Bold           Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Helvetica                  Oblique        Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Helvetica                  Bold Oblique   Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Times                      Roman          Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Times                      Bold           Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Times                      Italic         Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Times                      Bold Italic    Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Symbol                                    (Public Domain)                          
          Courier                                   (Public Domain)                          
          Courier                    Bold           (Public Domain)                          
          Courier                    Oblique        (Public Domain)                          
          Courier                    Bold Oblique   (Public Domain)                          
          Helvetica Narrow                          Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Helvetica Narrow           Bold           Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Helvetica Narrow           Oblique        Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
          Helvetica Narrow           Bold Oblique   Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries  

K.    Additional Coded Font Programs:

      (1) Roman Additional Coded Font Programs:

      Adobe will provide the graphic characters specified in ISO 8859-1: 1987,
      Latin alphabet No. 1 and symbol characters as applicable, for the Roman
      Additional Coded Font Programs listed in Group 1 below. Upon written
      notification by OEM, Adobe will provide the graphic characters specified
      in ISO 8859-1: 1987, Latin alphabet No. 1 and symbol characters, as
      applicable, for the Roman Additional Coded Font Programs listed in Group 2
      below. OEM shall distribute the Roman Additional Coded Font Programs
      bundled with a Roman or


      Japanese Version of the Licensed System, only in one of either of the
      following two (2) configurations:

          (i)   Group 1, as listed below, or

          (ii)  Group 1 and Group 2, as listed below:

     Group 1:

          Identifying Trademark          Typeface                   Trademark Owner             
          -------------------------   ---------------   ----------------------------------------
          ITC Avant Garde Gothic      Book              International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Avant Garde Gothic      Book Oblique      International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Avant Garde Gothic      Demi              International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Avant Garde Gothic      Demi Oblique      International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Bookman                 Light             International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Bookman                 Light Italic      International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Bookman                 Demi              International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Bookman                 Demi Italic       International Typeface Corporation      
          New Century Schoolbook      Roman             Public Domain                           
          New Century Schoolbook      Bold              Public Domain                           
          New Century Schoolbook      Italic            Public Domain                           
          New Century Schoolbook      Bold Italic       Public Domain                           
          ITC Zapf Chancery           Medium Italic     International Typeface Corporation      
          ITC Zapf Dingbats                             International Typeface Corporation      
          Palatino                    Roman             Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
          Palatino                    Bold              Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
          Palatino                    Italic            Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
          Palatino                    Bold Italic       Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries 
      Group 2:
          Identifying Trademark       Typeface          Trademark Owner     
          ---------------------       ---------         ---------------------------------
          Adobe Calson/TM/            Regular           Adobe Systems Incorporated   
          Adobe Caslon                Italic            Adobe Systems Incorporated      
          Adobe Caslon                Semibold          Adobe Systems Incorporated      
          Adobe Caslon                Semibold Italic   Adobe Systems Incorporated      
          Adobe Garamond/TM/          Regular           Adobe Systems Incorporated   
          Adobe Garamond              Italic            Adobe Systems Incorporated      
          Adobe Garamond              Bold              Adobe Systems Incorporated      
          Adobe Garamond              Bold Italic       Adobe Systems Incorporated      
          Barmeno/TM/                 Regular           H. Berthold AG               
          Barmeno                     Medium            H. Berthold AG                  
          Barmeno                     Bold              H. Berthold AG                  
          Barmeno                     Extra Bold        H. Berthold AG                  
          Lithos/TM/                  Regular           Adobe Systems Incorporated   
          Lithos                      Black             Adobe Systems Incorporated      
          Trajan/TM/                  Bold              Adobe Systems Incorporated   
          Adobe Wood Type/TM/2        Ornaments         Adobe Systems Incorporated   
          Blackoak/TM/                Regular           Adobe Systems Incorporated   
          Carta/TM/ Map Symbols                         Adobe Systems Incorporated   
          Tekton/TM/                  Regular           Adobe Systems Incorporated    




         Identifying Trademark       Typeface          Trademark Owner     
         ---------------------       ---------         ---------------------------------
         Tekton                      Bold              Adobe Systems Incorporated    
         Park Avenue(R)              Regular           Kingsley/ATF Type Corporation 
         Poetica 2 Supplement        Ornaments         Adobe Systems Incorporated    
         Kaufmann(R)                 Regular           Kingsley/ATF Type Corporation 
         Americana(R)                Regular           Kingsley/ATF Type Corporation 
         Americana                   Extra Bold        Kingsley/ATF Type Corporation 
         Parisian                    Regular           Kingsley/ATF Type Corporation 
         Formata(R)                  Regular           H. Berthold AG                
         Formata                     Medium            H. Berthold AG                
         Formata                     Italic            H. Berthold AG                
         Formata                     Medium Italic     H. Berthold AG                 

          After receipt of written request from OEM, Adobe will provide the
          Macintosh compatible Bitmap Fonts for the Roman Additional Coded Font
          Programs listed in Group I and in Group 2 without additional charge.
          These Bitmap Fonts can only be used in conjunction with a Licensed

     (2)  Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces:

          Adobe will provide the Adobe Standard Japanese Character Set, which
          includes all of the characters in Adobe's Kanji Glyph Collection and
          Glyph Sets Technical Note #5031, dated November 12, 1990, with the
          exception of generic characters listed therein, for the following
          Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces. OEM shall distribute the
          Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces bundled with a Japanese
          Version of the Licensed System, only in one of either of the following
          two (2) configurations:

          (i)   The first five (5), as listed below, or

          (ii)  all seven (7), as listed below:

          Identifying Trademark      Trademark Owner     
          ---------------------      ---------------     
          Ryumin Light KL            Morisawa & Co., Ltd.
          Gothic Medium BBB          Morisawa & Co., Ltd.
          Futo Min A101              Morisawa & Co., Ltd.
          Futo Go B101               Morisawa & Co., Ltd.
          Jun 101                    Morisawa & Co., Ltd.
          Midashi Min MA31           Morisawa & Co., Ltd.
          Midashi Go MB31            Morisawa & Co., Ltd. 

         Such Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces will be distributed on
         mutually agreeable distribution media and will be encrypted and copy-
         protected against unauthorized duplication in a manner to be specified
         by Adobe. In particular, to prevent unauthorized use of the Coded Font
         Programs for Japanese Typefaces licensed with a seven font
         configuration by a five font configuration, OEM must employ a different
         set of code ROMs (with a different identification code) to distinguish
         the five font configuration from the seven font configuration. Special
         character set encodings are not provided.

         OEM may not distribute additional Coded Font Programs for Japanese2
         Typefaces in an unbundled form for the purpose of upgrading an existing


         Licensed System from five (5) to seven (7) Coded Font Programs for
         Japanese Typefaces. If OEM desires to offer to customers additional
         Coded Font Programs for Japanese Typefaces, it may license the
         additional two (2) aftermarket fonts in retail product version directly
         from Adobe or Morisawa to provide to OEM's End Users.

         After receipt of written request from OEM, Adobe will provide the
         Macintosh compatible Bitmap Fonts for Futo Min A101, Futo Go B101, Jun
         101, Midashi Min MA31 and Midashi Go MB31 without additional charge.
         These Bitmap Fonts can only be used in conjunction with a licensed
         System. Bitmap Fonts for Ryumin Light KL and Gothic Medium BBB will not
         be provided, since they are available to the End User bundled with
         Apple's KanjiTalk/TM/ system software.

     L.  Protection Mechanisms:

         (1)   Adobe and OEM shall mutually agree on a License Management
         Mechanism which OEM shall utilize as a copy protection device in each
         Licensed System distributed under this Appendix and as a way of
         ensuring that use of the CPSI Application Object and Coded Font
         Programs is limited to Licensed Uses.

         (2)   OEM shall implement the os_serial number ( ) library procedure to
         guarantee that it returns a unique 32 bit identifier for the Licensed

         (3)   Adobe and OEM shall mutually agree upon a secure production
         method for the Japanese font copy-protection keys.

     M.  OEM Training:

         With respect to the requirements set forth under Paragraph 3.10 of the
         Agreement, training with respect to the development of Licensed Systems
         described within this Appendix No. 2 has been completed by OEM.

    N.   Designated Representatives:

         (1)   Technically qualified OEM representative to respond to
               information requested by Adobe:

               David Lynch                             Phone (408) 541-6100
               SuperMac Technology Incorporated        FAX (408) 541-6150
               215 Moffett Park Drive
               Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1374



(2)  Technically qualified Adobe representative to respond to information
     requested by OEM:
          Ivor Durham                      Phone (415) 962-2183
          Adobe Systems Incorporated       FAX (415) 9614022
          1585 Charleston Road
          Mountain View, CA 94039-7900

     (3)  Adobe Contract Representative:
          Jeffrey Eid                       Phone (415) 962-3962
          Adobe Systems Incorporated        FAX (415) 965-7430
          1585 Charleston Road
          Mountain View, CA 94039-7900
     (4)  OEM Contract Representative:
          Tim Kleffman                      Phone (408) 541-5109
          SuperMac Technology Incorporated  FAX (408) 541-5003
          215 Moffett Park Drive
          Sunnyvale, CA 94099-1374

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OEM and Adobe have caused this Appendix No. 2 to be
executed by their duly authorized officers.

ADOBE:                              OEM:

By: /s/ John E. Warnock             By:  /s/ Louis J. Doctor
    --------------------------           --------------------------
Print                                 Print
Name:  John E. Warnock                Name:  Louis J. Doctor
       -----------------------               ----------------------

Title: Chief Executive Officer        Title: EVP
       -----------------------               ----------------------
Date:  7/28/93                        Date:  7/16/93
       -----------------------               ----------------------


                                   Schedule 1

                         Project Deliverables Checklist
OEM provides technical information and specifications on each _____________
output device.                                                - 

OEM provides estimated development schedule for each output   _____________
device, with key milestones an deliverables.                  -

OEM provides business forecast for each output device (12, 24 _____________
and 36 months).                                               - 

License Management Mechanism proposal provided to Adobe.      _____________

Color calibration mechanism proposal provided to Adobe.       _____________

OEM certifies that the following deliverables have been       _____________
received from Adobe:                                          -   

     Adobe Software and Demonstration Programs                     ____

     Aftermarket font installation utilities                       ____

     CPSI Read Me First!                                           ____

     Configurable PostScript Interpreter Functional
     Specification                                                 ____

     CPSI Demonstration Software Guide                             ____

     CPSI Product Developer's Guide                                ____

     Supplement to the PostScript Language Reference Manual        ____

     PostScript Language Addendum Template                         ____

     Coded Font Programs                                           ____

                                                       [*]         ____
