SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on the 6 day of June, 1995 by and

I.   PACIFIC PAY VIDEO  LIMITED, a corporation organized and existing under the
     laws of the State of California, United States of America, having its
     principal place of business at 405 Tasman Drive, Sunnyvale, California
     94043, United States of America (hereinafter referred to as "PPV") on one
     part; and

II.  MR. ARUN CHURDBOONCHART, a Thai citizen with his address at 176 Soi Pipat
     2, Silom Road, Silom Sub-District, Bangrak District, Bangkok, Thailand
     (hereinafter referred to as "ARC"); and

     AC TELECOM LIMITED, a limited company organized and existing under the laws
     of Thailand, having its principal place of business at 425 Silom Road,
     Bangkok 10520, Thailand (hereinafter referred to as "ACT") on the other

     (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Thai Parties").

WHEREAS, PPV is engaged in the development, manufacture and distribution of on-
demand pay per view entertainment, shopping, and information systems
(hereinafter referred to as the "Products") and has acquired and possesses
valuable technical information, and experience in the installation and operation
of such Product; and

WHEREAS, the parties wish to co-operate and use their skills and expertise to
promote, market, distribute and service such Products in the premier hotel
industry of Thailand; and

WHEREAS, the parties wish to run the aforesaid business through PPV (Thailand)
Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") a limited company already
organized and existing under the laws of Thailand; and

WHEREAS, the parties wish to restructure the shareholding in the company to meet
the requirements of Thai laws and principles agreed upon by the parties.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants contained
herein, the parties, hereto agreed as follows:

1.   PPV (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

PPV (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is a limited company organized and existing under the
laws of Thailand.  The registered capital of the Company is Baht 10,000,000.00
(ten million) which is divided into 1,000,000 ordinary shares having the par
value of Baht 10 each, 25% paid-up.  The shareholding in the Company at present
is illustrated in the Schedule I attached hereto.

2.   Acquisitions of Shares in the Company

2.1  PPV agrees to buy under its own name and/or any persons designated by PPV
     which are agreed to by Thai Parties 28.5% of the shares in the Company so
     that PPV and its designees will hold a total of 77.5% of the shares in the
     Company after the purchase and Thai Parties agree to sell 28.5% of the
     shares in the Company (18.5% from ARC and 10% from ACT) to PPV and/or its
     designees.  ARC further agrees to sell 5% of shares in the Company to Her
     Royal Highness Princess Uboltratanarajakanya ("HRH") so that after the
     sales Thai Parties will hold under their own names and/or any persons
     designated by them which are agreed to by PPV a total of 17.5% of the
     shares in the Company. After such sales and purchases, shareholding in the
     Company shall be as illustrated in Schedule II.

2.2  For the purpose of the preceding Clause 2.1 Thai Parties agree to sell to
     PPV and PPV agrees to buy an aggregate of 285,000 shares, representing
     28.5% of shares in the Company, at the price of Baht 2.5 (two point five)
     per share.

2.3  No later than Friday, 17 February 1995:

     2.3.1   ARC shall deliver to HRH a completed share transfer document duly
             executed by him before a witness from B&M to transfer the 5% shares
             to HRH;

     2.3.2   ARC shall deliver to Baker & McKenzie, Bangkok ("B&M") for B&M to
             pass on to PPV completed share transfer documents duly executed by
             him before a witness from B&M to transfer the 18.5% shares to PPV;

     2.3.3   ACT shall deliver to B&M for B&M to pass on to PPV a completed
             share transfer document duly executed by them before a witness from
             B&M to transfer the 10% shares to PPV.

2.4  No later than Friday, 10 March 1995, PPV shall deliver the share transfer
     documents duly counter-signed by them before a witness back to B&M.

2.5  No later than Wednesday, 14 March 1995, Thai Parties shall cause the
     Company to enter the share transfers into the share register book of the
     Company and to file a new list of shareholders with the Ministry of
     Commerce to evidence the new shareholding structure illustrated in Schedule

2.6  With respect to the price of the 28.5% shares sold to PPV and half of the
     5% shares sold to HRH, all parties hereto acknowledge that it has already
     been paid in full by PPV on 27 February 1995 in the amount of Baht 712,500
     (seven hundred twelve thousand and five hundred) (the "Purchase Price") by
     way of paying to ARC and ACT through the Company.


2.7  All parties agree that the Purchase Price paid to ARC and ACT via the
     Company shall be treated as loans by ARC and ACT to the Company in the
     amounts of Baht 462,500 (four hundred sixty two thousand and five hundred)
     and Baht 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) respectively. The parties
     shall cause the Company to enter into loan agreements with ARC and ACT no
     later than 14 March 1995 with terms and conditions acceptable to all
     parties to this Agreement.

2.8  No later than 17 March 1995, Thai Parties shall cause the Company to issue
     new share certificates to PPV and HRH.

2.9  Stamp duty of 0.1% of the Purchase Price in connection with the transfer of
     shares shall be for the account of PPV.

3.   Alien Business Law

The parties hereto are aware of the fact that if 50% or more of the shares of
the Company are held by foreigner(s), the Company will be classified by the NEC
No. 281 (the "Alien Business Law") as a foreign company and permission from the
Ministry of Commerce is required for doing service business in Thailand.
However, the Alien Business Law does not apply to a company incorporated in
Thailand, 50% or more shares in which are owned by U.S. nationals.  This is due
to protection granted to U.S. nationals and to companies incorporated in
Thailand and owned and controlled by U.S. nationals under the Treaty of Amity
and Economic Relations between the U.S. and Thailand 1968 (the "U.S. Treaty").
In this connection, in parallel with the share transfers to achieve the new
shareholding structure in Schedule II, under which U.S. nationals shall own
77.5% of all shares in the Company, the parties agree to cooperate on the
applications at the U.S. Consulate in Bangkok and at the Ministry of Commerce
for the acknowledgment of protection under the U.S. Treaty.  If any amendment of
the Memorandum of Association of the Company is necessary or appropriate, the
parties agree to cause the Company to make such amendment.

4.   Business Purposes

The parties agree that the major business purposes of the Company shall be as
follows, subject to approval of the Companies Registrar for inclusion of these
purposes as Objects of the Company attached to the Memorandum of Association:

(a)    To market, distribute, and service on-demand pay per view entertainment
       and information systems for use in the hotel industry (the "Products") in

(b)    To carry on such activities as are incidental to or necessary for the
       business activities referred to in (a) or such other activities as may be
       agreed to by the parties.

The parties agree to cause the Objects of the Company, as part of the Memorandum
of Association, to be amended to be in accordance with the U.S. Treaty.  The new
Objects of the Company shall substantially be in the form of Schedule III.


5.   Articles of Association

The parties agree to cause the Company to amend its Articles of Association and
the new Articles of Association shall be substantially in the form attached
hereto as Schedule IV.

6.   Agreements with PPV and Thai Parties

The parties shall cause the Company to enter into the following agreements:

6.1  a license agreement. a supply agreement or other agreements with PPV or
     persons designated by PPV, with terms and conditions to be agreed to
     between the Company and PPV and acceptable to Thai Parties; and

6.2  a service agreement or other agreements with either of the Thai Parties or
     persons designated by them, with terms and conditions to be agreed to
     between the Company and Thai Parties and acceptable to PPV.

7.   Shares of the Company

7.1  All shares of the Company shall be ordinary shares.  The par value for each
     share shall be Baht 10.

7.2  Neither party shall pledge or encumber in any way whatsoever the shares it
     holds in the Company without prior written consent of the Board of

7.3  Transfer of the shares in the Company shall require prior approval from the
     Board of Directors of the Company.  Such approval, however, shall not be
     applicable, if transfer of the shares is made in accordance with the

     (i)    If at any time either party wishes to sell, transfer or otherwise
            dispose of all or any part of its shares, such party must first
            offer to sell such shares (the "Offer") to the other party by giving
            written notice specifying the terms of the Offer, which shall
            include the sale price per shares and the number of shares to be

     (ii)   If the Offer is not accepted within 45 days from the date of the
            receipt of the notice of the Offer, then such party shall be free to
            sell the shares to any third party, provided that the price and
            terms of such purchase and sale shall in no event be more favorable
            to the third party than those offered to the other party.

     (iii)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither party shall have the right to
            transfer its shares to any entity or individual which competes with
            the business of the Company.

8.   Board of Directors

8.1  The Company shall be administered by a Board of Directors consisting of 5


8.2  The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected and appointed by the
     General Shareholders' Meeting.  The parties hereto agree to exercise their
     voting right to ensure that 3 directors will be appointed from the
     nomination of PPV ("Class A Directors") and 2 directors will be appointed
     from the nomination of Thai Parties ("Class B Directors").

8.3  The Board of Directors shall appoint one of its members who is nominated by
     PPV to be the Chairman of the Board.

8.4  [The Board of Directors shall elect 2 Class A Directors and 2 Class B
     Directors as the Company's authorized directors.  Any contract and/or
     juristic act entered into on behalf of the Company and which will bind the
     Company shall require a joint signature of at least 2 authorized directors
     one of whom shall be from Class A Directors and another shall be from Class
     B Directors.]

8.5  If any directorship is vacant, the party who has nominated such director,
     shall be entitled to nominate a nominees to fill the vacancy and the
     parties hereto shall exercise their votes to ensure the appointment of such
     nominee for filling the vacancy.

8.6  Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened in accordance with the
     provisions of the Company's Articles of Association at least once per year.

8.7  At all meetings of the Board of Directors a quorum shall consist of 3
     directors.  All resolutions of the Board of Directors require an
     affirmative vote of at least 3 directors.

9.   General Meeting

9.1  Meetings of the Shareholders shall be convened in accordance with the
     provisions of the Company's Articles of Association.

9.2  A quorum for a general meeting of Shareholders shall consist of holders of
     a majority of the total number of shares of the Company.  Shareholders
     represented by proxy shall be counted in determining a quorum.

9.3  Subject to the special resolutions required by the laws, all ordinary
     resolutions shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
     shares present, in person or by proxy, at the general meeting.

10.  Books and Accounts

10.1 The fiscal year of the Company shall commence on the 1st of January and
     end on the 31st of December of each year provided that the first fiscal
     year shall commence on the date of incorporation and end on the next
     subsequent 31st of December.

10.2 The Company shall keep at its head office up to date books of accounts
     and records prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles
     and Thai laws.  Upon the request of any 


     party, the Company shall furnish the said books of account and records for
     inspection by that party or his representative at any time during the
     normal business hours of the Company.

11.  Additional Financing

From time to time the Company will require additional capital or financing
either by way of equity or loans and the parties shall make their contribution
proportionately to their then respective shareholdings.

12.  Financial Information

The parties shall cause the Company to mail the following reports to PPV and
Thai Parties throughout the term of this Agreement:

(a)   Within ten (10) days after the end of each month and after the end of each
      quarterly accounting period, a balance sheet, the statements of profit and
      loss and the statement of retained earnings, all stated in Baht and
      dollars, prepared in accordance with generally acceptable accounting
      principles. Such financial reports shall be prepared and delivered to PPV
      in the English language.

(b)   As soon as practicable after the end of the first, second and third
      quarterly accounting periods, in each fiscal year of the Company ending
      December 31 of each year and in any event within thirty (30) days
      thereafter, a balance sheet, the statements of profit and loss and the
      statement of retained earnings, all stated in Baht and Dollars, prepared
      in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (other than
      for accompanying notes) consistently applied, subject to changes resulting
      from year-end adjustments, all in reasonable detail and signed by the
      Company's principal financial officer. The annual financial statements
      shall be audited by an independent auditing firm designated by PPV.

13.  Services and Assistance

13.1 The parties shall use their most diligent efforts to cooperate and assist
     the Company in order to promote the profitability and successful conducts
     of the Company's business.

13.2 The cost of services or assistance to be provided by any party to and for
     the Company shall be agreed upon by the parties prior to the provision of
     such services or assistance.

14.  Non-Competition Undertaking by Thai Parties

14.1 Thai Parties hereto agrees that during the term of this Agreement and,
     for a period of five (5) years after termination of this Agreement (except
     for termination arising from a breach of this Agreement by PPV), neither
     Thai Parties nor any affiliate of Thai Parties shall enter into any
     business in competition with the Company or any relationship to provide
     video programming to be used in any type of hardware other than the


14.2 Thai Parties hereby agree that neither they nor any affiliate of Thai
     Parties will participate in the design, manufacturing, marketing and
     selling of the Products or equipment functionally similar to the Products
     except through the Company.

15.  Term and Termination

15.1 This Agreement may only be terminated by the occurrence of any of the
     following:  a) the breach of any material provision of this Agreement which
     is not cured by the breaching party within ninety days after receipt of
     written notice of such breach; (b) the bankruptcy, insolvency, or
     assignment for the benefit of creditors of Thai Parties; (c) the sale by
     the Company of all or substantially all of its assets; (d) the consent of
     the parties.  In the event of breach or bankruptcy, the nondefaulting party
     shall have the right to purchase from the defaulting party its shares in
     the Company, at fair market value as determined by an independent appraisal
     company selected by mutual agreement or, if unable to agree, by the
     International Chamber of Commerce in accordance with its rule. In the event
     of a termination by sale of all or substantially all of its assets, the
     Company shall be liquidated and the proceeds distributed prorate to

15.2 Clauses 14 ("Non-Competition"), 17 and 18 ("Representations and
     Warranties"), 19.1   (governing law) and 14.2 ("Attorney's Fees") shall
     survive any termination of this Agreement.

16.  Government Approvals

PPV and Thai Parties shall cooperate and use their most diligent efforts to
obtain and/or cause the Company to obtain all applicable clearances from the
Thai Government or its applicable regulatory authorities including, without
limitation the Ministry of Commerce and the Department of Commercial
Registration with respect to this Agreement and the licenses and supply and
other agreements in accordance with their terms as set forth herein and the
transactions contemplated hereunder and thereunder.

17.  Representations and Warranties of PPV

PPV represents and warrants to Thai Parties as follows:

17.1 Corporate Power

PPV has all requisite legal and corporate power to execute and deliver this
Agreement and to carry out and perform its obligations under the terms of this

17.2 Authorization

(a)  The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by PPV have
     been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action.


(b)  This Agreement will constitute valid and binding obligations of PPV
     enforceable in accordance with their terms subject to laws of general
     application relating to bankruptcy, insolvency and the relief of debtors,
     and rules of laws governing specific performance, injunctive relief or
     other equitable remedies.
(c)  The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and
     compliance with the provisions hereof and thereof by PPV does not and will
     not conflict with, or result in a breach or violation of the terms,
     conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under, the terms of
     the Amended Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of PPV, or any material
     statute, laws, rule or regulations, or any material order, judgment,
     decree, indenture, mortgage, lease or other material agreement or
     instrument to which PPV is a party, or by which PPV or any of its material
     properties is bound, or give rise to a claim or right of termination,
     acceleration or cancellation in or with respect to any of PPV's material
     properties, assets, contracts or agreements.

17.3 Litigation

There is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation pending or, currently
threatened against PPV which questions the validity of this Agreement, or the
right of PPV to enter into any such agreements, or to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby.

18.  Representations and Warranties of Thai Parties

Thai Parties (referring to ARC as individual and/or ACT as legal entity, as
applicable) represents and warrants to PPV as follows:

18.1 Corporate Power

Thai Parties has all requisite legal and corporate power to execute and deliver
this Agreement and to carry out and perform their obligations under the terms of
this Agreement.

18.2 Authorization

(a)  The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement to which
     Thai Parties are parties by Thai Parties have been duly authorized by all
     requisite corporate action.

(b)  This Agreement will constitute valid and binding obligations of Thai
     Parties enforceable in accordance with their terms, subject to laws of
     general application relating to bankruptcy, insolvency and the relief of
     debtors, and rules of law governing specific performance, injunctive relief
     or other equitable remedies.

(c)  The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and
     compliance with the provisions hereof and thereof by Thai Parties does not
     and will not conflict with, or result in a breach or violation of the
     terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under, the
     terms of the Articles of Association or Bylaws of Thai Parties, or any
     material statute, laws, rule or regulation, 


     or any material order, judgment, decree, indenture, mortgage, lease or
     other material agreement or instrument to which Thai Parties is a party, or
     by which Thai Parties or any of its material properties is bound, or give
     rise to a claim or right of termination, acceleration or cancellation in or
     with respect to any of Thai Parties's material properties, assets,
     contracts or agreements.

18.3 Litigation

There is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation pending or currently
threatened against Thai Parties which questions the validity of this Agreement,
or the right of Thai Parties to enter into any such agreements, or to consummate
the transactions contemplated hereby.

19.  Miscellaneous

19.1 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and all disputes
     hereunder shall be governed by the laws of Thailand.

19.2 In any action to interpret or enforce this Agreement, the prevailing
     party shall be awarded all court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees

19.3 Neither party hereto shall assign this Agreement or the rights under this
     Agreement to any third party without prior written consent of PPV or Thai
     Parties as the case may be.

19.4 This Agreement is in the English language only, which language shall be
     controlling in all respects, and all versions hereof in any other language
     shall be for accommodation only and shall not be binding upon the parties
     hereto.  All communications and notices to be made or given pursuant to
     this Agreement shall be in the English language.

19.5 Neither party shall be held in breach of this Agreement for any
     performance required of it hereunder to the extent the same is prevented in
     whole or in party by reason of strike, fire, flood, acts of God,
     governmental acts, failure of suppliers, lack of transportation or any
     other force majeure beyond the reasonable control of such party, provided
     that the party affected shall give prompt written notice to the other party
     of the nature and date of commencement of the force majeure and expected
     duration, and the party so affected shall use reasonable efforts to avoid
     or remove the force majeure to the extent it is so able to do.

19.6 Any notice or other communications required or permitted hereunder shall
     be in writing and shall be mailed by registered air mail, postage prepaid,
     or otherwise delivered by hand, or by commercial express courier service,
     or facsimile addressed as follows:


     To PPV:

          Pacific Pay Video Limited
          405 Tasman Avenue
          Sunnyvale, California 94089, U.S.A.
          Attention: Chief Financial Officer
          Fax No.: (1-408) 734-1687

     with a copy to

          Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati
          650 Page Mill Road
          Palo Alto, California 94304-1050, U.S.A.
          Attn: Thomas C. DeFilipps
          Fax No.: (1-415) 858-4486

     To Thai Parties:

          Khun Arun Churdboonchart
          176 Soi Pipat 2, Silom Road
          Silom Sub-District, Bangrak District
          Bangkok 10500, Thailand
          Fax No.: 231-5374

          AC Telecom, Ltd.
          425 Silom Road
          Bangkok 10500, Thailand
          Attn: Khun Arun Churdboonchart
          Fax No.: 236-6493

     Such notices shall be deemed to have been served when delivered or (if by
     facsimile) when dispatched or, if delivery is not accomplished by reason of
     some fault of the addressee, when tendered.

19.7 If any paragraph, provision, or clause thereof in this Agreement shall be
     found or be held to be invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction in
     which this Agreement is being performed, the remainder of this Agreement
     shall be valid and enforceable and the parties shall use their respective
     best efforts to negotiate a substitute, valid and enforceable provision
     which most nearly effects the parties' intent in entering into this

19.8 This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterparts, all of
     which, taken together, shall be regarded as one and the same instrument.


19.9   The failure of either party to enforce at any time the provisions of this
       Agreement shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver
       of such provisions, not in any way affect the validity of either party to
       enforce each and every such provision thereafter.

19.10  The terms and conditions herein contained, constitute the entire
       agreement between the parties and supersede all previous agreements and
       understandings, whether oral or written, between the parties hereto and
       no agreement or understanding varying or extending the same shall be
       binding upon either party hereto unless in a written document signed by
       the party to be bound thereby.

19.11  At any time or from time to time on and after the date of this Agreement,
       each party shall at the request of the other party, at such requesting
       party's expense, (i) deliver such records, data or other documents
       consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, (ii) execute, and
       deliver or cause to be delivered, all such assignments, consents,
       documents or further instruments of transfer or license, and (iii) take
       or cause to be taken all such other actions, as the requesting party may
       reasonably deem necessary or desirable in order for the requesting party
       to obtain the full benefits of this Agreement and the transactions
       contemplated hereby.

19.12  The section headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
       purposes only and shall not affect in anyway the meaning or
       interpretation of this Agreement.

19.13  The effective date of this Agreement, shall be the first date that this
       Agreement has been executed and delivered by both Thai Parties and PPV.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed
by duly authorized officers or representatives as of the date first above


/s/  Arun Churdboonchart
- ------------------------


Schedule I:    Illustration of Present Shareholding (Clause 1)

Schedule II:   Illustration of New Shareholding (Clause 2.1)

Schedule III:  English Translation of New Objects as Part of Memorandum of
               Association (Clause 4)

Schedule IV:   English Translation of New Articles of Association (Clause 5)


                                                                      Schedule I

                     Illustration of Present Shareholding
                           PPV (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Shareholders:                       Number of Shares  Percentage

1.  Pacific Pay Video Ltd.                   330,000          33%
2.  Mr. Robert Creager                       159,999     15.9999%
3.  Mr. Eric Sternberg                       000,001     00.0001%
4.  AC Telecom Ltd.                          110,000          11%
5.  Mr. Arun Churdboonchart                  369,999     36.9999%
6.  Mrs. Vina Churdboonchart                 010,000          01%
7.  Miss Sirisub Namnath                     010,000          01%
8.  Mr. Inthanom Churdboonchart              010,000          01%
9.  Miss Bussayamas Charuchandra             000,001     00,0001%
                                           ---------     -------
       Total:                              1,000,000         100%
                                           =========     =======


                                                                     Schedule II

                       Illustration of New Shareholding
                           PPV (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Shareholders:                        Number of Shares  Percentage

1.  Princess Ubolratanarajakanya              050,000          05%
2.  Pacific Pay Video Ltd.                    615,000        61.5%
3.  Mr. Robert Creager                        159,999     15.9999%
4.  Mr. Eric Sternberg                        000,001     00.0001%
5.  AC Telecom Ltd.                           010,000          01%
6.  Mr. Arun Churdboonchart                   134,999     13.4999%
7.  Mrs. Vina Churdboonchart                  010,000          01%
8.  Miss Sirisub Nanmath                      010,000          01%
9.  Mr. Inthanom Churdboonchart               010,000          01%
10. Miss Bussayamas Charuchandra              000,001     00.0001%
                                            ---------     -------
    Total:                                  1,000,000         100%
                                            =========     =======


                                                                    Schedule III

                      English Translation of New Objects
                        PPV (Thailand) Company Limited

The objects of this Company are 38 in number, as follows:

Objects in details:

(1)  To buy, obtain, receive, rent, buy on hire-purchase, own, possess, improve,
     use or otherwise manage any property whatsoever as well as the fruits
     thereof, except from exploiting benefits from land.

(2)  To sell, transfer, mortgage, pledge, exchange or otherwise dispose of any
     property, except from exploiting benefits from land and other natural
     resources and internal trade relating to native agricultural produce.

(3)  To be a broker, agent or commission agent in transactions and businesses of
     all types except insurance, membership recruitment for associations, and
     trading in securities.

(4)  To borrow money, overdraw from accounts with banks, juristic persons or
     other finance institutions; and to lend money or otherwise give credit,
     with or without security; as well as to accept, issue, transfer or endorse
     bills of exchange or other negotiable instruments.

(5)  To establish branch offices or to appoint agents, within or without the

(6)  To become a partner with limited liability and a partner with unlimited
     liability in a partnership and a shareholder in a limited company and a
     limited public company.


(7)  To carry on the business of trading in machinery, engines, mechanical
     tools, labour-saving devices, vehicles, electricity generators and
     electrical goods, refrigerators, air-conditioners, fans, electric rice-
     cookers, electric irons, water-pumps, heaters, coolers, kitchen utensils,
     hardware, copperware, brassware, sanitary fittings, home fittings,
     furniture, electrical equipment, and plumbing, including spare parts and
     accessories for the aforesaid goods.

(8)  To carry on the business of trading in pre-cooked food, tinned food, food
     seasoning, liquid refreshment, liquor, beer, cigarettes.

(9)  To carry on the business of trading in textiles, yarn, garments, ready-made
     clothes, wearing apparel and accessories, cosmetics, beauty aids and
     accessories, and other consumer goods, except for internal trade in
     indigenous agricultural produce.

(10) To carry on the business of trading in medicines for the curing and
     prevention of disease in humans and animals, pharmaceutical products,
     chemical substances, medical and pharmaceutical equipment, fertilizers,
     herbicides and pesticides, all kinds of growth agents for plants and
     animals, and scientific instruments and equipment.

(11) To carry on the business of trading in worked or manufactured gold,
     precious metal alloys, silver, diamonds, precious gems and semi-precious
     stones, including imitations thereof.

(12) To carry on the business of trading in paper, stationery, school books,
     printed forms, printed books, educational materials, calculators, printers,
     printing equipment and accessories, printed matter, newspapers, filing
     cabinets, and all kinds of office equipment.

(13) To carry on the business of trading in construction materials, construction
     equipment and tools and implements used in construction, all types of
     workman's tools, pigment and paint, painter's equipment, and all kinds of
     building ornament and decoration.


(14) To carry on the business of trading in plastics, or other similar
     materials, either in raw form or processed into articles.

(15) To carry on the business of automobile body builders, ceramic and glazed
     ware factory, pottery factory, vegetable-oil extraction factory, paper
     factory, gunny-bag factory, textile factory, spinning factory, textile
     dying and printing factory, rubber-tire manufacture and retreading factory,
     iron works, metal casting and machine lathing, and galvanized, iron sheet
     manufacture, pre-cooked food factory, liquor distillery, gas factory,
     cigarette factory, sugar-mill, plastic goods factory, metal-pressing and
     smelting factory, door and window leaves manufacture, glass factory, soft
     drink manufacture, rubber casting factory, automobile assembly works.

(16) To carry on the business of printing, of printing and publishing books, and
     of newspaper publishing.

(17) To carry on the business of ice factory.

(18) To carry on the contracting business of constructing buildings, commercial
     buildings, residential buildings, offices, roads, bridges, tunnels, dams,
     and all other kinds of constructions as well as all categories of civil
     engineering work.

(19) To carry on the business of hotels, restaurants, bars, night-clubs, bowling
     alleys, massage parlours, cinema theatres and other kinds of theatres of
     entertainment, vacation resorts, sport fields, and swimming pools.

(20) To carry on the business of guided tours including all kinds of business
     involved with guided tours, (except for domestic transport).

(21) To carry on the business of foreign currency exchange (when permitted by
     the Ministry of Finance).


(22) To carry on the business of import and export of the goods stipulated in
     the objects, and of their distribution at home and abroad.

(23) To carry on the business of hair-cutting, hair-dressing, beauty-salon,
     dress-making, and laundry.

(24) To carry on the business of commercial photograph, the development,
     printing and enlargement of photographs, including the same for documents.

(25) To carry on the business of production and distribution of movie films.

(26) To carry on the business of a service station selling petrol and providing
     repair, maintenance and inspection services, lubrication, spraying, and
     anti-rust treatment for all kinds of vehicles, including the services of
     installation, inspection and fixing of all kinds of anti-theft and accident
     prevention accessories.

(27) To carry on service businesses in legal, accountancy, engineering and
     architectural fields, including advertising.

(28) To undertake a service business providing guarantees for debt, liability or
     performance of the contractual obligations of other persons, including the
     guarantee for a person who has entered or departed the country in
     accordance with the laws of immigration, taxation and other laws.

(29) To undertake a service business of counseling and making recommendations
     on problems related to work management, commerce and industry, including
     problems of manufacturing, marketing and distributing.

(30) To carry on a service business of collecting, compiling, preparing,
     publishing and distributing statistics, data and information concerning
     agriculture, industry, commerce, finance and the market, including
     analyzing and assessing the outcome of business transactions.


(31) To carry on the business of a private hospital and nursing home, of curing
     of the ill and people in pain, and technical instruction and training in
     medicine and health science.

(32) To carry on the business of bidding for sale of goods and hire of work in
     accordance with all of the objects, for any person, body of persons,
     juristic person, government agency and state enterprise, except, goods that
     are local agricultural products.

(33) The Company is entitled to issue shares at a price higher than par value.

(34) To conduct the business of trading operations of video equipment, video-
     television equipment, telephone equipment, personal radio paging equipment,
     telecommunications equipment, communications system, computer system and
     every kind of communications equipment including spare parts and
     accessories thereof.

(35) To conduct the service business of undertaking the installation of video
     equipment, video-television equipment, telephone equipment and computer

(36) To conduct the business of renting out video tapes, disks, video games or
     any item which have made the recordings of picture and sound, as well as to
     undertake the hire to make recordings of picture and sound on tapes, disk,
     video games or such item.

(37) To conduct the business of importing and exporting of products set forth in
     the Objects.

(38) To conduct the business on-demand video entertainment in hotels whereby
     viewers agree to pay service price before viewing the programs, direct sale
     by video shopping programs in hotels including development, manufacture and
     distribution of such video programs.


                                                                     Schedule IV

                            Articles of Association
                        PPV (Thailand) Company Limited

                                   CHAPTER I


1.   These regulations shall be called the Articles of Association of PPV
     (Thailand) Company Limited.

2.   Unless otherwise specified "Company" shall means PPV (Thailand) Company

3.   Unless otherwise stipulated in these Articles the provisions in the
     Civil and Commercial Code regarding limited companies shall apply.

4.   Any addition or amendment to these Articles or Memorandum of Association of
     the Company shall require the passing of a special resolution by two
     successive general meetings of the shareholders.

                                  CHAPTER II
                            Shares and Shareholders

5.   The Company's shares shall consist solely of ordinary shares entered in
     name certificates.

     The registered capital of the Company is Baht 10,000,000 (ten million)
     which is divided into 1,000,000 ordinary shares having the par value of
     Baht 10 per share.

6.   The shares of the Company shall be divided into three classes:


     (1)    Class A shares:  Share numbered 1 to 590000 and 600001 to 785000,
            inclusive (A number equaling 77.5% of the total shares issued).

     (2)    Class B shares:  Share numbered 590001 to 600000 and 835001 to
            1000000, inclusive (A number equaling 17.5% of the total shares

     (3)    Class C shares: Share numbered 785001 to 835000, inclusive (A number
            equaling 5% of the total shares issued).

     Unless otherwise provided by these Articles, all shares in the three
     classes shall have the same rights and status. The designation of class
     shall be incorporated on each share certificate issued by the Company.

7.   Each share certificate issued by the Company shall bear the following
     statement upon its face: "Transfer or sale of shares represented by this
     share certificate is subject to the restrictions contained in the Articles
     of Association of the Company."

8.   The Company shall not own its own shares nor take them in pledge.

9.   The Company shall provide a register of shareholders which shall be kept by
     the Company under the control of the Board of Directors, and in which shall
     be entered the particulars of transfer or alteration of every share.

10.  No shareholder may pledge or encumber in any way whatsoever the shares he
     holds in the Company without prior written consent of the board of

     No shareholder may transfer, his shares in the Company unless with the
     prior written approval from the Board of Directors. Such approval, however,
     shall not be applicable, if transfer of the shares is made in accordance
     with the following:


     (i)    If at any time either party wishes to sell, transfer or otherwise
            dispose of all or any part of its shares, such party must first
            offer to sell such shares (the "Offer") to the other party by giving
            written notice specifying the terms of the Offer, which shall
            include the sale price per shares and the number of shares to be
     (ii)   If the Offer is not accepted within 45 days from the date of the
            receipt of the notice of the Offer, then such party shall be free to
            sell the shares to any third party, provided that the price and
            terms of such purchase and sale shall in no event be more favorable
            to the third party than those offered to the other party.

     (iii)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither party shall have the right to
            transfer; its shares to any entity or individual which competes with
            the business of the Company.

11.  All transfers of shares must be in writing and executed both by the
     transferor and the transferee whose Signatures shall be certified by at
     least one witness.  The transferor shall be deemed to remain the holder of
     the shares until the particulars of transferee and the shares transferred
     are recorded in the register of shareholders.

12.  The Board of Directors may, in their, absolute discretion, and without
     assigning any reason, refuse to register a transfer of any share.  If the
     Board of Directors refuse to register a transfer of any shares, they shall,
     within one month after the date on which the transfer was lodged with the
     Company, send to the transferor and transferee notice of the refusal.

13.  A fee, as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine, in
     accordance with law, may be charged for issue of share certificates and
     registration of transfers.

14.  The Company may close the registration of share transfer during the
     fourteen days immediately preceding Ordinary General Meeting.


                                  CHAPTER III
                                General Meetings

15.  A general meeting of shareholders shall be held within six months of the
     date of registration of the Company and a general meeting shall
     subsequently be held once at least in every twelve months.  Such general
     meetings are called "Ordinary General Meetings", and all other general
     meetings are called "Extraordinary General Meetings".  Subject to the
     foregoing the Board of Directors may summon general meetings whenever they
     think fit.

16.  At least fifteen days' notice prior to every general meeting shall be given
     to all shareholders whose names appear in the register of shareholders.
     Notices to shareholders in Thailand shall be given by post and notices to
     shareholders abroad shall be immediately sent by registered airmail or
     cable or telex or facsimile in which three latter cases a letter confirming
     the notice in writing shall be sent to the shareholders.  The notice shall
     specify the place, the day and the hour of the meeting, and the nature of
     the business to be transacted thereat.

17.  Ordinary General meetings shall be summoned for the purpose of:

     (1)  Reviewing the report of the Board of Directors covering work done
          during the previous period and suggestions as to future courses of

     (2)  Considering the balance sheet and the profit and loss account of the
          preceding fiscal year and approving the same.

     (3)  Reviewing directors' remuneration, declaration of dividends, and the
          appropriation of amounts as reserve fund.

     (4)  Election of new Directors in place of those who must retire on the
          expiration of their terms.


     (5)  Appointment of the auditor and fixing his remuneration.

     (6)  Other business.

18.  A quorum for a general meeting of Shareholders shall consist of holders of
     a majority of the total number of shares of the Company. Shareholders
     represented by proxy shall be counted in determining a quorum.

19.  In casting votes at a general meeting, each shareholder shall have one vote
     for each share of which he is the holder. All ordinary resolutions shall
     require the vote by a majority of the share present. in person or by proxy,
     at the general meeting.

20.  Decisions on the following matters shall be made by special resolution
     only, which shall require affirmative votes at a general meeting of
     shareholders of not less than three-fourths of all of the shares issued by
     the Company, and at a subsequent general meeting affirmative votes of the
     shareholders holding not less than two-thirds of all of the shares issued
     by the Company. The Civil and Commercial Code shall apply to other

     (1)  To amend the Memorandum or Articles of Association.

     (2)  To increase or reduce the registered capital.

     (3)  To dissolve the company.

     (4)  To amalgamate with another company.

     (5)  To allot. new shares as fully or partly paid up otherwise than in


21.  Any shareholder may vote by proxy, provided the power given to such proxy
     is in writing. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be dated and signed
     by the shareholder and shall contain the following particulars:

     (1)  The number and class of shares held by the shareholder.

     (2) The full name and address of the proxy.

     (3)  The meeting or meetings or the period for which the proxy is

     If a proxy proposes to vote at a meeting, the instrument of appointment of
     the proxy must be deposited with the Chairman at or before the commencement
     of that meeting.

22.  Only shareholders duly registered and having paid all sums for the time
     being due and payable to the Company in respect of their shares, shall be
     entitled to vote on any question either personally or by proxy at any
     general meeting.

23.  The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside at every general
     meeting. If there is no such Chairman, or if he is not present within
     fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the
     shareholders present may elect one of the other directors to be Chairman.
     The Chairman shall have a casting vote.

24.  The Chairman may adjourn a general meeting with the consent of the meeting
     but in the succeeding meeting no other business may be discussed except
     that pending from the previous meeting.


                                  CHAPTER IV
                             Directors and Auditors

25.  A Board of Directors shall be elected by the general meeting to carry out
     the Company's business under the control of the general meeting of
     shareholders and subject to these Articles of Association.

     A director need not be a-shareholder in the Company.

     A director shall not be personally liable for any acts or omissions
     excepting those involving fraud or willful wrongdoing.

26.  At the first Ordinary General Meeting after the registration of the Company
     and at the first Ordinary General Meeting in every subsequent year, one-
     third of the directors, or, if their number is not a multiple of three,
     then the number nearest to one-third must retire from office. A retiring
     director is eligible for re-election.

27.  The number of directors shall be 5 directors. The shareholders shall be
     entitled to nominate directors in the following ratio:

     (a)  Class A shareholders shall be entitled to nominate three (3) persons
          to be directors of the Company and any person so nominated shall
          hereinafter be referred to as Class A Director.

     (b)  Class B shareholders shall be entitled to nominate two (2) persons to
          be directors of the Company and any person so nominated shall
          hereinafter be referred to as Class B Director.


28.  The Board of Directors will elect one of the directors as Chairman as
     nominated by Class A shareholders. The Chairman shall have a casting vote.

     The Board of Directors will appoint one of the directors nominated by the
     Class A shareholders as the Managing Director of the Company; and if he
     shall at any time vacate office the Board of Directors shall appoint in his
     place Managing Director from the directors nominated by the Class A

29.  A Managing Director shall, while holding that office, be subject to
     retirement by rotation of directors. He shall be subject to the same
     provisions as to disqualification, resignation and removal as the other
     directors of the Company. If he ceases from any cause to be a director or
     if the Company in general meeting resolves that his tenure of office of
     Managing Director be terminated, he shall, ipso facto, cease to hold such

30.  Any vacancy among the- members of the Board of Directors occurring
     otherwise than by rotation under Article 26 may be filled by the Board of
     Directors, upon nomination by that class of shareholders who nominated the
     director whose office is vacated. Any person so appointed shall retain
     office only during such time as the director whom he replaces would have
     been entitled to retain the same.

31.  Any director may be present at a meeting of directors and vote by proxy,
     provided the power given to such proxy is in writing. Instruments
     appointing proxies shall be in such form and be executed in such manner as
     the Board of Directors may from time to time determine or in particular
     cases accept.

32.  Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such times and places
     as may be determined by the Chairman or by the Managing Director. Not less
     than fifteen days' notice of a meeting shall be given to each director by
     letter, cable, telex or facsimile as appropriate. Such notice to any


     director may be waived by that director and shall be deemed waived by his
     presence at the meeting.

33.  Whenever any notice whatsoever is required to be given to any director, or
     whenever a matter is submitted at any meeting of directors and such matter
     was omitted from the proposed agenda for such meeting in the notice
     therefor, a written waiver of such notice or of such omission, signed by
     the person or persons entitled to any such notice whether before or after
     the time of such meeting, shall be deemed the equivalent of the timely
     giving of such notice or the inclusion of such matter in the proposed
     agenda, as the case may be.

34.  At all meetings of the Board of Directors a quorum shall consist of at
     least three directors but at least two of whom must be the directors
     nominated by Class A shareholders. A proxy appointed under Article 31 shall
     be counted in determining the presence of a quorum in the absence of the
     director in whose place he acts.

     All resolutions of the Board of Directors shall require the affirmative
     vote of at least 3 directors but at least one vote must be adopted by a
     director nominated by Class A shareholders.

     The Board of Directors may adopt a resolution without holding a meeting if
     all directors approve the action by placing their signatures on the
     original copy of the resolution. Any such resolution shall be binding on
     the Company only after all of the directors have signed the resolution. The
     duly signed resolution shall be delivered to the Chairman and placed in the
     minute book of the Company.

35.  The Board of Directors may entrust to and confer upon a Managing Director
     or manager any of the powers exercisable by the Board of Directors upon
     such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as the Board of
     Directors think expedient, and may from time to time revoke, withdraw,
     alter or vary all or any of such powers.


36.  The Board of Directors may appoint other persons to carry out the Company's
     business under the Board of Directors' supervision or may by duly executed
     power of attorney entrust to and confer upon such other persons such powers
     as they think fit and for such time as they think expedient and they may
     confer such powers collaterally with or to the exclusion of or in
     substitution for all or any of the powers of the Board of Directors in that
     behalf and may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary any of
     such powers.

37.  The Board of directors shall elect 2 Class A directors and 2 Class B
     directors as the Company's authorized directors. Any contract and/or
     juristic act entered into on behalf of the Company and which will bind the
     Company shall require a joint signature of at least 2 authorized directors
     one of whom shall be from Class A director and another shall be from Class
     B directors with the Company's seal affixed.

     The names of authorized directors, whose signatures together with the
     Company's seal shall bind the Company may be fixed by the Board of
     Directors in accordance with the condition stipulated in the foregoing

38.  The Company's auditor shall be elected upon the nomination of the Board of
     Directors and his remuneration fixed every year at an Ordinary General
     Meeting. A retiring auditor is eligible for re-election.

                                   CHAPTER V
                               Books and Accounts

39.  The Company's books and accounts shall be kept in English with Thai
     caption, and shall be maintained according to international accounting
     practices and procedures generally acceptable in Thailand.


40.  The Board of Directors shall cause true and complete accounts to be kept:
     (1)  Of the sums received and expended by the Company and of the matters in
          respect of which each receipt or expenditure takes place.

     (2)  Of the assets and liabilities of the Company.

41.  The Board of Directors shall cause a balance sheet to be made at least once
     in every twelve months, as of the end of the fiscal year of the Company.
     The balance sheet must contain a summary of the assets and liabilities of
     the Company and a profit and loss account for the fiscal year of the

     The fiscal year of the Company shall commence on the 1st of January and end
     on the 31st of December of each year, provided that the first fiscal year
     shall commence on the date of incorporation and end on the next subsequent
     31st of December.

     The Board of Directors shall also cause an internal balance sheet, the
     profit and loss account and the statements of retained earnings to be made
     after the end of each month and after the end of each quarterly and copies
     of the internal balance sheet, the profit and loss.-account and the
     statements of retained earnings must be sent to every person entered in the
     register of shareholders within ten days after the end of each month and
     after the end of each quarterly.

42.  The Board of Directors shall have the balance sheet and profit and loss
     account examined by the Company's auditor and submitted to a general
     meeting for adoption within four months from the end of the fiscal year. A
     copy of the balance sheet and profit and loss account must be sent to every
     person entered in the register of shareholders at least seven days before
     the general meeting.

43.  The Board of Directors shall cause minutes of all proceedings and
     resolutions of all meetings of shareholders and directors to be recorded
     and duly entered in the minutes book which shall be


     kept at the registered office of the Company. Any such minutes signed by
     the Chairman of the meeting or of the succeeding meeting, are presumed
     correct evidence of the matters therein contained, and all resolutions and
     proceedings of which minutes have been so made are presumed to have been
     duly passed.

                                   CHAPTER VI
                             Dividends and Reserves

44.  The Company must appropriate to a reserve fund. at each distribution of
     dividends, at least one-twentieth of the profits, until the reserve fund
     reaches one-tenth of the capital of the Company.

45.  No dividend may be declared except by a resolution passed in a general

     Notice of any dividend that may have been declared shall be given by letter
     to each shareholder whose name appears on the register of shareholders.

     The Board of Directors may from time to time pay to the shareholders such
     interim dividends as appear to the Board of Directors to be justified by
     the profits of the Company.

     If the Company has incurred losses, no dividend may be paid unless such
     losses have been made good.

                                  CHAPTER VII
                              Increase in Capital

46.  The Company may, by special resolution, increase its registered capital by
     such sum as the resolution shall prescribe. Save as the shareholders may by
     special resolution direct, each new share shall be issued either as an "A"
     class share to a shareholder holding "A" class shares or as 


     a "B" class share to a shareholder holding "B" class shares: or a "C" class
     share to a shareholder holding "C" class shares.

47.  All new shares must be offered to the shareholders in proportion to the
     shares held by them.

48.  No new shares of the Company may be allotted as fully or partly paid up
     otherwise than in money, unless otherwise provided for by special
     resolution of the Shareholders.

