Exhibit 10.12
                          SHARE ACQUISITION AGREEMENT

Date: 5th September 1995


1        `The Vendors': the persons whose names and addresses are set out in
         column 1 of Schedule 1.

2        `The Purchaser': PGI Acquisition Company E (a Virginia Corporation)
         whose principal place of business is at 2200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite
         200, Arlington, Virginia 22201, USA.


         (A)      This is an agreement providing for the sale and purchase of
                  the entire issued share capital of Spearhead Communications
                  Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales and
                  registered under Company No. 3056668 ("the Company").

         (B)      Brief particulars of the Company are set out in Part I of
                  Schedule 2 and particulars of each of the subsidiaries of the
                  Company are set out in Part II of Schedule 2 ("the

         (C)      The Company is the holding company for the Subsidiaries, which
                  carry on the business of, inter alia, arranging conferences
                  and exhibitions. The Subsidiaries are the only subsidiaries
                  and they are all wholly-owned, save for Aberdeen Exhibition
                  and Conference Centre Limited, in which the Company holds
                  28.8% in nominal value of the entire issued share capital of
                  that company.

         (D)      Prior to the Date hereof the Vendors undertook a
                  reorganization of the Group of Companies then including the
                  Subsidiaries, as part of which the Company received a
                  distribution on liquidation from Interprize Limited (formerly
                  known as Spearhead Communications Limited) ("SCL") of the
                  entire issued share capital of Spearhead Exhibitions Limited
                  following the liquidation of SCL (pursuant to Section 110 of
                  the Insolvency Act 1986).

         (E)      Following the reorganization the Vendors have retained an
                  interest through Stowemar Investments Limited (formerly known
                  as Stowemar Publications Limited and as Gladecharm Limited) in
                  the former subsidiaries of SCL, Spearhead Publications Inc.
                  and its subsidiary International Exhibitions Incorporated,
                  which carry on the business of publishers and exhibition
                  organizers and which do not form part of the sale and purchase
                  pursuant to this Agreement.


         (F)      The parties are and, throughout the negotiations leading to
                  this Agreement, have been aware that in determining to proceed
                  with the purchase of the Shares for the consideration and upon
                  the payment/settlement terms provided herein, the Purchaser
                  will have regard to a number of factors, but in particular
                  would rely on, inter alia, the Warranties (as qualified by the
                  Disclosure Letter); the indemnities in the Deed of Indemnity,
                  the covenants in Clause 7 and, inter alia, David Stott and
                  Christopher Marke continuing to manage the business of the
                  Group on a full-time basis and Bryan Weavers continuing to
                  provide consultancy services to the Group after completion,
                  each in accordance with the terms of their respective service
                  or consultancy agreements.

Operative provisions:

1.       Interpretation

1.1      In this agreement, including the Recitals and Schedules (which form
         part of this agreement ("this Agreement"):

         1.1.1    the following words and expressions have the following
                  meanings, unless they are inconsistent with the context:

                  `AGREED FORM' the form agreed between the parties on or prior
                  to the date of this agreement and initialled for the purposes
                  of identification by their respective solicitors;

                  `CA' Companies Act 1985;

                  `COMPANIES ACTS' CA, the former Companies Acts (within the
                  meaning of CA s 735(1)) and the Companies Act 1989;

                  `COMPANY' Spearhead Communications Limited;

                  `COMPANY'S AUDITORS' Kingston Smith, 146 Bishopsgate, London,
                  EC2M 4JX;

                  `COMPLETION' completion of the purchase of the Shares in
                  accordance with clause 4;

                  `COMPLETION DATE' the date of Completion;

                  `COMPUTER KNOW-HOW' all computer software
                  and all information not at present in the public domain
                  (including, without limitation, that comprised in or derived
                  from data, disks, tapes, manuals, source codes, flow-charts
                  and specifications) relating to the use, manufacture,
                  maintenance or programming of any computer in whatever form

                  `DEED OF INDEMNITY' a deed in the form set out in Schedule 4;


                  `DISCLOSURE LETTER' the disclosure letter of the same date as
                  this agreement from the Vendors' Solicitors to the Purchaser's

                  `GUARANTEE and MORTGAGE OF SHARES' the guarantee and mortgage
                  over shares in the agreed form to be granted by the Company in
                  favour of the Vendors on Completion.

                  `GROUP'/`GROUP COMPANIES' the Company and the Subsidiaries;

                  `FRS' a financial reporting standard issued by The Accounting
                  Standards Board Limited or an SSAP;

                  `INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS' all patents, trade marks and
                  service marks, rights in designs, trade names, copyrights and
                  topography rights (whether or not any of them is registered
                  and including applications for registration of any of them)
                  and rights under licenses and consents in relation to any such
                  thing and all rights or forms of protection of a similar
                  nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of them
                  which may subsist in any part of the world;

                  `KNOW HOW' all information not at present in the public domain
                  (including, without limitation, that comprised in or derived
                  from formulae, designs, specifications, drawings, component
                  lists, manuals, instructions and catalogues) in whatever form
                  held relating to the business or affairs of any member of the
                  Group including, without limitation, the production of goods
                  or the provision of services;

                  `LAST ACCOUNTS DATE' 31 March, 1994 (being the date to which
                  the Principal Accounts have been prepared);

                  `LOAN NOTES' the (pound)1,360,018.47, 1st April 1997 PGI
                  Acquisition Company E Guaranteed Loan Notes in the agreed
                  form, to be issued to each of the Vendors, other than R R
                  Williams, J L Williams, the Espagnol Trust and the Espagna

                  `MARKETING INFORMATION' all information not at present in the
                  public domain relating to the marketing of any products or
                  services (including customer names and lists, sales targets,
                  sales statistics, market share statistics, market surveys and
                  reports, market research and any advertising or other
                  promotional material);

                  `MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS' the draft audited Group Financial
                  Statements of Spearhead Exhibitions Limited for the year ended
                  31st March 1995, of Spearhead Exhibitions Limited in the form
                  of the copy annexed to the Disclosure Letter;


                  `PGI, Inc. GUARANTEE' the guarantee in the agreed form to be
                  granted by Production Group International, Inc. (the
                  Purchaser's parent company) in favour of the Vendors on

                  `PLANNING ACTS' as defined in the Town and Country Planning
                  Act 1990, s 336;

                  `PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS' the audited balance sheet as at the Last
                  Accounts Date and audited profit and loss account for the year
                  ended on the Last Accounts Date of each Subsidiary and the
                  directors' report and notes thereon;

                  `PROPERTIES' the property of the Group Companies shortly
                  described in Schedule 5;

                  `PURCHASER'S SOLICITORS' Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, of 4,
                  Carlton Gardens, Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5AA;

                  `RETAINED SUM' the sum of (pound)1,139,981.52 to be retained
                  from the consideration payable for the Shares to certain of
                  the Vendors in accordance with clause 3;

                  `SHARES' the 19,474 Ordinary shares of (pound)1 each in the
                  capital of the Company comprising the whole of its issued and
                  allotted share capital;

                  `STOCK EXCHANGE' The International Stock Exchange of the
                  United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland Limited;

                  `SUBSIDIARY' a subsidiary as defined in CA, s 736;

                  `SUBSIDIARIES' the companies named in Part 2 of Schedule 2 and
                  any other Subsidiary of the Company from time to time;

                  `TAXATION' all forms of taxation including:


                  (a)      any charge, tax, duty or levy upon income, profits,
                           chargeable gains or development value, land, any
                           interest in land or in any other property, or
                           documents or supplies or other transactions;

                  (b)      income tax, corporation tax, advance corporation tax,
                           capital gains tax, inheritance tax, value added tax,
                           stamp duty, stamp duty reserve tax, capital duty,
                           customs and other import duties, national insurance
                           contributions, local authority rates and charges or
                           water rates;

                  (c)      any liability for sums equivalent to any such charge,
                           tax, duty, levy or rates or for any related penalty,
                           charge or interest;

                  `TAXES ACT' Income & Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

                  `TCGA' Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992;

                  `TMA' Taxes Management Act 1970;

                  `TRUSTEE VENDORS' Jorvik Limited and D Moorhouse, for and on
                  behalf of each of the Espagnol Trust and the Espagna Trust;

                  `VENDORS' SOLICITORS' Gregory, Rowcliffe & Milners, of 1
                  Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4BZ;

                  `WARRANTIES' the warranties and undertakings of the Vendors
                  contained in clause 5 and Schedule 3;

                  `WARRANTORS/COVENANTORS' each of Mr David Stott, Mr Bryan
                  Weavers, Mr Christopher Marke, Mr Robert Munton and Mrs Susan

                  `WARRANTY CLAIM' any claim made by the Purchaser for breach of
                  any of the Warranties or any claim made by the Purchaser under
                  the Deed of Indemnity.

         1.2      General Construction

         1.2.1         All references to a statutory provision shall be
                       construed as including references to:

         (a)           any statutory modification, consolidation or re-enactment
                       (whether before or after the date of this agreement) for
                       the time being in force;

         (b)           all statutory instruments or orders made pursuant to a
                       statutory provision;


         (c)            any statutory provisions of which a statutory provision
                        is a consolidation, re-enactment or modification;

         1.2.2          Any reference to the Vendors includes, where
                        appropriate, their personal representatives;

         1.2.3          A reference to an SSAP is a reference to a statement of
                        standard accounting practice adopted by The Accounting
                        Standards Board Limited;

         1.2.4          Except where the context otherwise requires words
                        denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa;
                        words denoting any one gender include all genders; words
                        denoting persons include firms and corporations and vice

         1.2.5          Unless otherwise stated, a reference to a clause or sub-
                        clause or a Schedule is a reference to a clause or a 
                        sub-clause of or a Schedule to this agreement;

         1.2.6          Clause headings in this agreement and in the Schedules
                        are for ease of reference only and do not affect the
                        construction of any provision;

         1.2.7          A document referred to as being in "the agreed terms"
                        will be in the form of the draft thereof for
                        identification initialled by the Vendors' Solicitors and
                        the Purchaser's Solicitors;

         1.2.8          Each of the Warranties and each of the guarantees,
                        indemnities and obligations which is expressed to be an
                        obligation of the Vendors or the Warrantors or the
                        Covenantors or of more than one of the Vendors or the
                        Warrantors or the Covenantors (as the case may be) shall
                        be a joint and several obligation unless it is expressed
                        to be an obligation of each of the Vendors or the
                        Warrantors or the Covenantors (as the case may be) or of
                        each of one or more of the Vendors or the Warrantors or
                        the Covenantors (as the case may be), in which case it
                        shall be a several obligation;

         1.2.9          Any of the Warranties which is qualified by the
                        expression "to the best of the Warrantors' knowledge and
                        belief" or "so far as the Warrantors' are aware" or any
                        similar expression shall be deemed to include an
                        additional statement that the Warrantors have first made
                        due and careful enquiry;

         1.2.10         A person shall be deemed to be connected with another if
                        that person is connected with another within the meaning
                        of section 839 of the Taxes Act.

2.       Agreement for sale

2.1      Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Vendors
         (other than the Trustee Vendors) shall sell as beneficial owners and
         the Trustee Vendors shall sell as legal owners and registered holders
         and the Purchaser shall purchase the Shares free from all liens,
         charges and encumbrances and with all rights now or hereafter attaching
         accrued or accruing thereto or arising therefrom, with effect from the
         date of this Agreement.

2.2      The Purchaser shall be entitled to all dividends and distributions
         declared, paid or made by the Company on or after the date hereof.

2.3      Each of the Vendors hereby waives any pre-emption rights he or she may
         have in relation to any of the Shares under the articles of association
         of the Company or otherwise.

2.4      The Purchaser need not complete the purchase of any of the Shares
         unless the purchase of all the Shares is completed simultaneously.


3.       The Consideration and Set-Off

3.1      Subject to adjustment pursuant to this clause 3, the consideration for
         the Shares will be the sum of (pound)5,400,000, which will be
         apportioned between the Vendors in the manner set out in columns 2, 3
         and 4 of Schedule 1 and payable to them as follows:-

         3.1.1    (pound)2,900,000 will be paid in cash on the Completion Date
                  by telegraphic transfer to Vendors' Solicitor's Client

         3.1.2    the Retained Sum will be paid in cash on 1st April 1997 (or on
                  such later date as may be specified by the Vendors (other than
                  the Warrantors) giving not less than 14 days prior notice in
                  writing) by telegraphic transfer to the Vendors (other than
                  the Warrantors) (in the amounts indicated against each such
                  Vendor's name in column 3 of Schedule 1) by payment to the
                  Vendors' Solicitor's Client Account, or such other accounts of
                  the relevant Vendors as shall be notified to the Purchaser in
                  writing from time to time.

         3.1.3    the Loan Notes will be issued to the Warrantors/Covenantors on
                  the Completion Date by the Purchaser (in the amounts indicated
                  against each such person's name in column 4 of Schedule l).

3.3      Without prejudice to any other remedy available to the Purchaser, the
         Purchaser shall be entitled to a right of set-off in accordance with
         this Clause 3 against any amount payable to the Warrantors pursuant to
         the Loan Notes in respect of any Warranty Claims arising on or before
         the date for payment under the Loan Notes. The Loan Notes shall include
         a right of set-off by the Purchaser in respect of any such Warranty
         Claims. Any amount set-off against any payments under the Loan Notes
         shall be made pro rata against the amount of the Loan Notes then

3.4      If any claim arises or circumstances come to the notice of the
         Purchaser which could give rise to a Warranty Claim, the Purchaser
         shall forthwith give notice thereof to the Warrantors or Covenantors
         (as the case may be) (specifying in reasonable detail the basis of the
         claim and the amount claimed) ("a Loss Notice"). Without prejudice to
         the Purchaser's right to issue proceedings or seek injunctive relief in
         respect of any Warranty Claim, the Purchaser and the Warrantors shall
         use their respective reasonable endeavors to reach an amicable
         settlement of each such claim as soon as reasonably practicable
         following the issue of any Loss Notice.

3.5      The Purchaser shall be entitled to deduct from any payment under the
         Loan Notes an amount equal to the aggregate of:

         3.5.1    the amount of any liability relating to any Warranty Claim in
                  respect of which quantum has been agreed between the parties
                  or determined in accordance
                  with clause 3.4 or judgment has been issued in any proceedings
                  instituted in respect of any Warranty Claim, but in either
                  case payment has not been made prior to the date scheduled for
                  payment under the Loan Notes ("an Agreed 


                  Loss"); and

         3.5.2    an amount equal to the Purchaser's reasonable estimate of the
                  quantum of liability (including reasonable costs and expenses)
                  for any Warranty Claim in respect of which a Loss Notice has
                  been served on the Warrantors or Covenantors (as the case may
                  be) but liability and/or quantum has not been determined prior
                  to the date scheduled for payment under the Loan Notes ("a
                  Loss"). Subject always to clause 3.6, the Purchaser shall be
                  entitled to retain the aggregate amount of any Loss(es) and
                  shall not be required to make payment to the extent of the
                  same unless and until such Warranty Claim has been agreed or
                  determined by judicial process.

3.6      In the event that the Warrantors/Covenantors dispute any Warranty Claim
         and/or Loss, subject to the Warrantors/Covenantors producing an opinion
         of counsel of not less than five years call (with appropriate
         experience in the subject matters of the claim) that the
         Warrantors/Covenantors have a valid defence to such Warranty Claim(s)
         and/or that the Loss(es) estimated by the Purchaser is/are in excess of
         the amount which such counsel reasonably considers would be recoverable
         by the Purchaser, the amount of Loss(es) shall be paid into an escrow
         account to be held by the Purchaser's Solicitors pending agreement or
         determination by judicial process of such Warranty Claim.

3.7      Upon a Warranty Claim being agreed or determined by judicial process
         the purchase price for the Shares shall be deemed to have been reduced
         by the amount thereof and whichever of the following adjustments as
         shall be appropriate will be made:-

         3.7.1    if on or after the date for payment under the Loan Notes it is
                  determined that the amount of a Loss exceeds the Agreed Loss
                  in respect thereof, the Purchaser will forthwith pay to the
                  Warrantors/Covenantors the amount of the excess together with
                  the interest thereon pursuant to clause 3.8, such interest to
                  be payable in respect of the period from the dated scheduled
                  for payment under the Loan Notes to the date of actual payment
                  and to be shared between the Warrantors/Covenantors in
                  proportion to their respective shares of such excess; or

         3.7.2    if the amount of an Agreed Loss (when aggregated with other
                  Agreed Losses or otherwise) exceeds the amount payable under
                  the Loan Notes the Warrantors/Covenantors will immediately
                  repay to the Purchaser the amount of excess together with
                  interest thereon pursuant to clause 3.7, such interest to be
                  payable in respect of the period from the Completion Date to
                  and including the date of actual receipt of such payment
                  (including such interest) by the Purchaser.

3.8      Subject to clause 3.9, interest payable under clause 3.7 will be paid
         by the Purchaser or the Warrantors/Covenantors, as the case may be, in
         respect of the relevant period referred to in clause 3.7.1 or clause
         3.7.2 at the rate of 1 percentum (1%) over the base rate of Midland
         Bank Plc ruling from time to time, the certificate of a duly authorized
         officer of such bank as to such base rate to be final and binding on
         the parties.


3.9      If any amount in respect of Loss(es) has been paid into an escrow
         account in accordance with clause 3.6, the interest rates referred to
         in clause 3.8 shall not apply to such sums. Interest accruing on any
         amount held in such escrow account (if any) shall be at the rate
         actually earned or such sums whilst in the escrow account will, subject
         to deduction of any bank charges and interest follow the principal pro

4.       Completion

4.1      Completion shall take place at the offices of the Purchaser's
         Solicitors on the date hereof, as soon as practicable after executing
         this Agreement when all the transactions mentioned in the following
         sub-clauses shall take place.

4.2      The Vendors shall deliver to the Purchaser:

         4.2.1             duly completed and signed stock transfer forms in
                           favour of the Purchaser or as it may direct in
                           respect of the Shares together with the relative
                           share certificates;

         4.2.2             duly completed and signed stock transfer forms in
                           favour of the Purchaser, or as the Purchaser may
                           direct in respect of any nominee shareholdings in the
                           subsidiary together with the relative share

         4.2.3             the Deed of Indemnity duly executed by the

         4.2.4             the statutory books of each Group Company complete
                           and up-to-date and their certificates of
                           incorporation and confirmation of the location of the
                           common seals;

         4.2.5             the title deeds relating to the Property;

         4.2.6             the appropriate forms to amend the mandates given by
                           each Group Company to its bankers;

         4.2.7             written confirmation from the Vendors (as evidenced
                           by their execution of this Agreement) that there are
                           no subsisting guarantees given by any Group Company
                           in their favour and that after compliance with clause
                           4.3 none of the Vendors will be indebted to any group


                           Company or vice versa;

         4.2.8             written confirmation from the Vendors (as evidenced
                           by their execution of this Agreement) and from
                           Spearhead Publications Inc, International Exhibitions
                           Incorporated and Aberdeen Exhibitions and Conference
                           Centre Limited that all inter-company loan accounts
                           have been settled and there are no amounts
                           outstanding due by the Company or any of the
                           Subsidiaries to such companies; and

         4.2.9             written confirmation from Midland Bank Plc of the
                           balances on each of the Company's and the
                           Subsidiaries bank accounts made up to a date not more
                           than seven days prior to Completion together with
                           reconciliation statements in respect of the same from
                           the date of such bank statements to the close of
                           business on the last business day prior to the
                           Completion Date.

4.3      The Vendors shall repay all monies then owing by them to any Group
         Company whether due for payment or not.

4.4      A Board Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company shall
         be held approving the Company entering into the Guarantee and Mortgage
         of Shares and authorizing the giving of financial assistance by the
         Company by reason of granting the Company such Guarantee and Mortgage
         of Shares in accordance with Sections 151-155CA.

4.5      Board meetings of each Group Company shall be held at which:

         4.5.1        such persons as the Purchaser may nominate shall be
                  appointed additional directors; and

         4.5.2        the transfers referred to in clauses 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 (as
                  the case may be) shall be approved (subject to stamping).

4.6      Upon completion of the matters referred to in clauses 4.2 to 4.4 the
         Purchaser will:

         4.6.1    transmit the sum of (pound)2,900,000 by telegraphic transfer
                  to the Vendors' Solicitors client account in satisfaction of
                  the initial purchase consideration for the Shares, whose
                  receipt shall constitute valid receipt by each of the Vendors;

         4.6.2    issue the Loan Notes to the Warrantors/Covenantors (in the
                  amounts indicated against each such person's name in column 4
                  of Schedule 1);

         4.6.3    procure that the Company delivers the Guarantee and Mortgage
                  of Shares to the Vendors, duly executed; and


         4.6.4    procure that Production Group International, Inc. delivers the
                  PGI, Inc. Guarantee to the Vendors, duly executed.

4.7      The Purchaser may in its absolute discretion waive any requirement
         contained in clauses 4.2 to 4.4, and shall not be obliged to complete
         the purchase of any of the Shares unless the purchase of all the Shares
         is completed in accordance with this Agreement, but may instead rescind
         this Agreement without prejudice to any other remedy it may have.

4.8      Following Completion, the Purchaser shall use its reasonable endeavors
         to procure the release of the Vendors from all liability arising after
         Completion under the guarantees given by them on behalf of the Group
         Companies and listed in the Disclosure Letter.

4.9      The Vendors hereby undertake to procure that, within 30 days of the
         Completion Date, Spearhead Publications, Inc. effects a change of name
         to a name not including the word "Spearhead" or any colorable
         alternative and to provide the Purchaser with a copy of the resolution
         effecting such change of name together with the Company's restated
         Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws evidencing such change of name
         within such 30 day period.

5.       Warranties and undertakings by the Vendors/Warrantors

5.1      The Vendors jointly and severally warrant to the Purchaser that:

         5.1.1    each of the Vendors have full power and authority to enter
                  into and perform this Agreement, which will constitute or when
                  executed will constitute binding obligations on him/her/them
                  in accordance with its terms;

         5.1.2    the Shares constitute the whole of the issued and allotted
                  share capital of the Company;

         5.1.3    there is no pledge, lien or other encumbrance on, over or
                  affecting the Shares and there is no agreement or arrangement
                  to give or create any such encumbrance and no claim has been
                  or will be made by any person to be entitled to any of the
                  foregoing; and

         5.1.4    the Vendors are entitled to transfer the full legal and (with
                  the exception of the Trustee Vendors) beneficial ownership of
                  the Shares to the Purchaser on the terms of this Agreement
                  without the consent of any third party.

5.2      The Warrantors/Covenantors jointly and severally warrant to the
         Purchaser that:-


         5.2.1    the information in Schedule 2 relating to the Group Companies
                  is true and accurate in all respects;

         5.2.2    save as set out in the Disclosure Letter, the Warranties in
                  Schedule 3 and 6 are true and accurate in all respects;

         5.2.3    the contents of the Disclosure Letter are true and accurate in
                  all respects and fully, clearly together with the accompanying
                  documents and accurately disclose every matter to which they
                  relate; and

         5.2.4    each of the Covenantors have full power and authority to enter
                  into the Deed of Indemnity, which will constitute or when
                  executed will constitute a binding obligation on him/her/them
                  in accordance with its terms.

5.3      Each of the Warrantors undertakes in relation to any Warranty which
         refers to the knowledge, information or belief of the Warrantors, that
         he has made full enquiry into the subject matter of that Warranty.

5.4      Each of the Warranties is without prejudice to any other Warranty and,
         except where expressly stated otherwise, no clause of this Agreement
         shall govern or limit the extent or application of any other clause.

5.5      The rights and remedies of the Purchaser in respect of any breach of
         the Warranties shall not be affected by Completion, by any
         investigation made by it or on its behalf into the affairs of any Group
         Company, by its inability to rescind this agreement by reason of clause
         9.6, or failing to exercise or delaying the exercise of any right or
         remedy, or by any other event or matter, except a specific and duly
         authorized written waiver or release, and no single or partial exercise
         of any right or remedy shall preclude any further or other exercise.

5.6      None of the information supplied by any Group Company or its
         professional advisers to any of the Vendors or their agents,
         representatives or advisers in connection with the Warranties and the
         contents of the Disclosure Letter, or otherwise in relation to the
         business or affairs of any Group Company, shall be deemed a
         representation, warranty or guarantee of its accuracy by the Group
         Company to the Vendors, and the Vendors waive any claims against the
         Group Company which they might otherwise have in respect of it.

5.7      In circumstances where a Warranty Claim is capable of being made either
         under the Warranties or the Deed of Indemnity the Purchaser shall be
         entitled to bring each such claim, but shall not be entitled to recover
         twice in respect of such Warranty Claims in respect of the same loss.

6.       Pensions


6.1      The provisions of Schedule 6 shall apply.

7.       Restrictive agreement

7.1      For the purpose of assuring to the Purchaser the full benefit of the
         businesses and goodwill of the Group Companies, each of the Vendors
         (other than the Trustee Vendors) undertakes by way of further
         consideration for the obligations of the Purchaser under this Agreement
         as separate and independent agreements that he or she will not alone or
         in conjunction with or on behalf of any other person, directly or

         7.1.1    for a period of four (4) years after the Completion Date in
                  relation to goods dealt in or services provided by any member
                  of the Group in the course of business during the two (2)
                  years immediately preceding the date hereof, by letter,
                  circulars, advertisements or other means canvass, solicit or
                  encourage the custom of any customer of any member of the
                  Group in respect of similar goods or services; nor

         7.1.2    for a period of two (2) years after the Completion Date,
                  solicit, endeavour to entice away offer employment to, employ
                  or offer or conclude any contract for services with, any
                  person firm or company who to such Vendor's knowledge is or,
                  during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date
                  hereof, has been an employee (in skilled or managerial work)
                  of or consultant to any member of the Group; nor

         7.1.3    for a period of four (4) years after the Completion Date,
                  (save as the holder for investment of less than three
                  percentum (3%) in nominal value of the voting share capital of
                  a company whose shares are listed on a recognized Stock
                  Exchange or dealt in on the Unlisted Securities Market
                  regulated by The Stock Exchange or as an employee or officer
                  or agent of the Purchaser or any member of the Group) carry on
                  or be engaged concerned or interested within the United
                  Kingdom in any business which competes with the business of
                  any member of the Group; nor

         7.1.4    in connection with any business which competes or is likely to
                  compete with any business carried on by any member of the
                  Group at the date hereof and/or at the Completion Date, use,
                  or procure the use of, any business or trade name or
                  distinctive mark, style, or logo used by any member of the
                  Group at any time during the two (2) years immediately
                  preceding the date hereof or anything intended or likely to be
                  confused with any of them including, without limitation, the
                  word "Spearhead" or any colorable alternative; nor

         7.1.5    at any time after the date hereof use any Intellectual
                  Property, or for four (4) years after the date hereof use any
                  Computer Know-How or for two (2) years after the date hereof
                  use any Marketing Information which, in any such case,


                  is owned by or which any member of the Group is, or, during
                  the two (2) years immediately preceding the date hereof has
                  been expressly licensed to use in connection with its
                  business; nor

         7.1.6    unless requested to do so by the Purchaser or any member of
                  the Group, disclose to any person any confidential information
                  (including, without limitation any Marketing Information used
                  by any member of the Group in connection with its business at
                  any time during the two (2) years before the date hereof and
                  any Computer Know-How or Know-How) which is either owned or
                  used by any or all of them or owned by any other person to
                  whom any such member owes any duty of secrecy; nor

         7.1.7    knowingly do or say anything which may be harmful to the
                  reputation of any member of the Group or which may lead any
                  person not to engage in business or to cease to do or to
                  reduce its business with any member of the Group.

7.2      If any of the covenants in clause 7.1 is found to be against the public
         interest or unlawful or in any way an unreasonable restraint of trade
         despite the agreement of the parties (all of whom have been
         professionally advised in respect thereof) that such covenants
         (considered separately or together) are no greater in duration, extent
         and application than is necessary to protect the goodwill of the Group
         and the value of the Purchaser's investment in the Company resulting
         from the purchase of the Shares pursuant to this Agreement; then:

         7.2.1    such covenant shall be modified (and shall be deemed to have
                  been modified ab initio) as necessary to render it valid and
                  effective; and

         7.2.2    the remaining covenants in clause 7.1 shall continue to bind
                  each of the Vendors as each such covenant is to be construed
                  as a separate and independent covenant.

8.       Warrantors'/Covenantors' protection

8.1      The provisions of Schedule 7 shall apply.

9.       General

9.1      No announcement shall be made in respect of the subject matter of this
         Agreement unless specifically agreed between the parties or it is an
         announcement required by law or the Stock Exchange issued after prior
         consultation with the Vendors.

9.2      If this Agreement ceases to have effect the Purchaser will release and
         return to each Group Company all documents concerning it provided to
         the Purchaser or its advisers in connection with this agreement and
         will not use or make available to any other


         person any information which it or its advisers have been given in
         respect of any Group Company and which is not in the public domain.

9.3      If any of the Shares shall at any time be sold or transferred, the
         benefit of each of the Warranties may be assigned to the purchaser or
         transferee who shall accordingly be entitled to enforce each of the
         Warranties against the Warrantors as if he, she, or it were named in
         this Agreement as the Purchaser provided always that any such assignee
         acknowledges acceptance of the limitations on the Warrantors' liability
         in respect of the Warranties.

9.4      This Agreement shall be binding upon each party's successors and
         assigns and personal representatives (as the case may be) but, except
         as expressly provided, none of the rights of the parties under this
         Agreement or the Warranties may be assigned or transferred.

9.5      Subject to clause 9.6, all expenses incurred by or on behalf of the
         parties, including all fees of agents, representatives, solicitors,
         accountants and actuaries employed by any of them in connection with
         the negotiation, preparation or execution of this Agreement or
         transactions contemplated by or referred to in this Agreement, shall be
         borne solely by the party who incurred the liability and no Group
         Company shall have any liability in respect of them.

9.6      The Purchaser's rights to rescind this Agreement are hereby excluded.

9.7      Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, both as regards the
         dates and periods specifically mentioned and as to any dates and
         periods which may be substituted by agreement in writing between or on
         behalf of the Vendors and the Purchaser.

9.8      No purported variation of this Agreement will be effective unless made
         in writing and signed by or on behalf of the Purchaser and on behalf of
         the Vendors.

9.9      Any liability to the Purchaser under this Agreement may be released,
         compounded or compromised in whole or in part by the Purchaser without
         in any way prejudicing or affecting its rights against any other
         Vendors or any other liability or obligation of the Vendor in question.

9.10     This Agreement and the other documents referred to herein or in any
         such other document together comprise the entire agreement and
         understanding between the Parties in connection with the sale and
         purchase of the Shares and each of the Parties hereby confirm that it
         has not relied on any representation or warranty which is not expressly
         stated in this Agreement or in any such other document.

9.11     If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes, illegal, invalid or
         unenforceable under the law of jurisdiction, neither the legality,
         validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement
         under such law nor the legality, validity or


         enforceability of such provision under the law of any other
         jurisdiction will in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

9.12     If this Agreement or any documents forming part of the arrangements
         contemplated by this Agreement is subject to registration under the
         Restrictive Trade Practices Acts

         1976 and 1977 the provisions which render it registrable will not come
         into effect until such time as a copy and particulars of this Agreement
         and such other documents forming part of the arrangements are furnished
         to the Director General of Fair Trading for registration under and
         pursuant to such Acts, but all other rights and obligations of the
         Parties hereunder will become effective on the date hereof.

9.13     This Agreement may be entered into in any number of counterparts and by
         the Parties on separate counterparts each of which when so executed and
         delivered shall be an original, but all the counterparts shall together
         constitute one and the same instrument.

9.14     Save for an obligation fully performed before or at Completion, this
         Agreement will continue in full force and effect after the Completion
         Date notwithstanding Completion. Completion shall not constitute a
         waiver of any of the Purchaser's rights.

9.15     The Schedules form part of this Agreement and will be as effective as
         if they had been set out in the body of this Agreement.

10.      Notices

10.1     To be effective all notices, consents, approvals, waivers and requests,
         relating to this Agreement must be in writing but may be delivered
         personally or sent by first class recorded delivery post, facsimile
         transmission or telex to the party to be served at its registered
         office for the time being in the case of a company or at his address as
         herein stated or as notified from time to time in the case of an
         individual PROVIDED THAT any such notice, consent, approval, waiver or
         request may instead be delivered to the Solicitors representing the
         person to be served. Copies of any notice given by or on behalf of the
         Purchaser will be contemporaneously copied to each of the Warrantors.

10.2     A notice, consent, approval or request will be deemed to have been
         served as follows:

         10.2.1     if delivered personally, at the time of delivery or, if not
                    delivered during normal business hours on a business day, at
                    9.30 am on the business day next following the day of

         10.2.2     if posted, on the second business day after the envelope
                    containing the same was delivered into the custody of The
                    Royal Mail or, if such period


                           expires other than on a business day, at 9.30 am on
                           the next business day thereafter; and

         10.2.3            if sent by facsimile transmission or telex, at the
                           time of despatch or, if outside normal business
                           hours, at 9.30 am on the business day next following
                           the day upon which the same was dispatched.

10.3     In proving such service, it will be sufficient to prove that the
         personal delivery was made, or that the envelop containing such notice
         was properly addressed as a pre-paid first class recorded delivery
         letter, or that the facsimile transmission or telex was properly
         addressed and dispatched.

11.      Remedies

11.1     Any remedy available to the Purchaser for breach of this Agreement
         (including, but without limitation, a breach of any of the Warranties)
         shall be in addition and without prejudice to all other rights and
         remedies available to the Purchaser and the exercise of or failure to
         exercise any remedy shall not constitute a waiver by the Purchaser of
         any of its rights and remedies.

11.2     If as a result of an act, event, circumstance, transaction or omission
         occurring on or before Completion which gives rise, directly or
         indirectly, to a breach of any of the Warranties any member of the
         Group or any asset of any member of the Group is worth less than it
         would otherwise have been or any member of the Group is or will be
         under a liability or an increased or substituted liability which would
         not have subsisted (to the extend thereof) but for such act, event,
         circumstance, transaction or omission the Purchaser may by notice to
         any of the Warrantors require any or all of them to make good the same
         to any member of the Group or, at the Purchaser's option, to pay the
         Purchaser an amount equal to the diminution in the value of the Shares
         caused thereby.


12.      Governing Law

12.1     This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with
         English law. The Parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the
         English Courts and the Vendors hereby irrevocably appoint the Vendors'
         Solicitors as their agent to accept service of process.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year
first before written:

EXECUTED by MARK                       )
SIRANGELO (President) for and          )
on behalf of                           )     /s/ Mark Sirangelo 
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean

EXECUTED by DAVID           )
CHARLES CHAPMAN STOTT       )    /s/ David Charles Chapman Scott
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean

EXECUTED by BRYAN           )
MERVYN WEAVERS              )    /s/ Bryan Mervyn Weavers
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean

PHILIP LEVELIS MARKE        )    /s/ Christopher Philip Levelis Marke
in the presence of:


Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean

EXECUTED by ROBERT          )
DAVID MUNTON                )    /s/ Robert David Munton
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean

EXECUTED by SUSAN           )
PATRICIA CROUCH             )    /s/ Susan Patricia Crouch
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean

EXECUTED by                                 )
(duly authorized signatory for              )
and on behalf of Jorvic Limited)            )
and by D. Moorhouse for and on              )   /s/ [SIGNATURE APPEARS HERE] 
behalf of ESPAGNOL TRUST                    )
in the presence of:

EXECUTED by                                 )
(duly authorized signatory for              )
and on behalf of Jorvic Limited)            )
and by D. Moorhouse for and on              )   /s/ [SIGNATURE APPEARS HERE] 
behalf of ESPAGNA TRUST                     )
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean


EXECUTED by                                 )
(duly authorized attorney)                  )
for and on behalf of JANE                   )   /s/ [SIGNATURE APPEARS HERE] 
LAURA WILLIAMS                              )
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean

EXECUTED by                                 )
(duly authorized attorney)                  )
for and on behalf of RICHARD                )   /s/ [SIGNATURE APPEARS HERE] 
RADWAY WILLIAMS                             )
in the presence of:

Witness Signature   : /s/ David Alexander Sheach
Witness Name        : 1 East Craibstone Street
Witness Address     : Aberdean




               Vendors' Name                    Number of         Consideration
                and Address                     Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  On Completion                 Retained Sum          Loan Notes
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

David Charles Chapman Stott,                     6,845              954,483.00                                        878,735.75   
29 Ranelagh Avenue,
London SW13 0BN
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jorvik Limited and D Moorhouse                   2,220              341,994.40                   284,995.19
(Espagnol Trust)
11 Myrtle Street, Douglas,
Isle of Man
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jorvik Limited and D Moorhouse                   2,220              341,994.40                   284,995.19
(Espagna Trust)
11 Myrtle Street, Douglas,
Isle of Man
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bryan Mervyn Weavers, Dragons,                   1,388              213,823.60                                        178,186.25
St. Georges Lane, Hurstpierpoint,
West Sussex
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jane Laura Williams,                             3,700              569,990.80                   474,992.20 
56 Fairview Mansions,
84 Robinson Road,
Hong Kong                                                                                                              
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





               Vendors' Name                    Number of         Consideration
                and Address                     Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  On Completion               Retained Sum          Loan Notes
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Richard Radway Williams                            740              113,998.00                   94,998.17
56 Fairview Mansions
84 Robinson Road
Hong Kong
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Christopher Philip Levelis Marke,                1,387              213,669.40                                        178,057.75
7, Elm Tree Avenue, Esher,
Surrey  KT10 8JG

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Robert David Munton                                487               72,023.20                                         62,519.25
Cherry Tree Cottage, Horsham Road
Holmbury, St. Mary,
Dorking, Surrey

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Susan Patricia Crouch                                                72,023.20                                         62,519.25
14 Farmview, Tilt Road,
Cobham, Surrey                                     487
KT11 3HZ
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total number of Shares                          19,474               2,900,000                1,139,981.75          1,360,018.25
                                                ======               =========                ============          ============




                                  SCHEDULE 2

                          Details of group companies

Part 1: The Company

Company number:                          3056668
Date of incorporation:                   15 May 1995
Share capital                            20,000 Ordinary Shares of(pound)1 each
Authorized:                              (pound)20,000
Issued                                   (pound)19,474
Registered office:                       Ocean House, 50 Kingston Road,
                                         New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3LZ

Directors:                               Noel Anthony Michael Eastwood
                                         Christopher Philip Levelis Marke
                                         David Charles Chapman Stott

Secretary:                               Christopher Philip Levelis Marke


Part 2: The Subsidiaries of the Company



Name of Subsidiary              Registered          Share Capital/           Registered Office                 Shareholders
                                Number              Authorized
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Spearhead Exhibitions           1062758             Ordinary/                Ocean House, 50                   10,549 the Company
Limited                                             10,5740                  Kingston Road, New
                                                    Ordinary                 Malden, Surrey KT3                25 DCC Stott
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Spearhead Offshore              2330299             100 Ordinary/            Ocean House, 50                   1 Spearhead
Europe Limited                                      20 Ordinary              Kingston Road, New                Exhibitions Limited
                                                                             Malden, Surrey KT3
                                                                             3LU                               1 DCC Stott
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Offshore Management             2308214             100 Ordinary/            Ocean House, 50                   1 Spearhead
Limited                                             2 Ordinary               Kingston Road, New                Exhibitions Limited
                                                                             Malden, Surrey KT3
                                                                             3LU                               1 DCC Stott
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Intelec Exhibitions             2766693             100 Ordinary             Ocean House, 50                   60 Spearhead
Limited                                                                      Kingston Road, New                Exhibitions Limited
                                                                             Malden, Surrey KT3
                                                                             3LU                               40 Strategic Events
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IMDEX Asia Limited              3073340             100 Ordinary             7 Bedford Row,                    50 Spearhead
                                                                             London  WC1R 4BZ                  Exhibitions Limited

                                                                                                               50 Roger Marriott



                                  SCHEDULE 3


1.               Accounts

1.1              The principal accounts

                 1.1.1           The Principal Accounts were prepared in
                                 accordance with the historical cost convention;
                                 and the bases and policies of accounting
                                 adopted in preparing the Principal Accounts are
                                 the same as those adopted in preparing the
                                 audited accounts of each Group Company in
                                 respect of the three last preceding accounting

                 1.1.2           The Principal Accounts:

                 (a)             gave a true and fair view of the assets and
                                 liabilities of each Group Company at the Last
                                 Accounts Date and its profits and/or losses for
                                 the accounting period ended on that date;

                 (b)             comply with the requirements of the Companies
                                 Acts and other relevant statutes;

                 (c)             comply with all FRSs applicable to a United
                                 Kingdom company current for the period in
                                 respect of which the Principal Accounts were

                 (d)             are not affected by any extraordinary,
                                 exceptional or non-recurring item;

                 (e)             properly reflect the financial position of each
                                 Group Company as at that date; and

                 (f)             fully disclose as far as material all the
                                 assets of each Group Company as at that date.

                 1.1.3           As far as the Warrantors are aware no amount
                                 included in the Principal Accounts in respect
                                 of any asset, whether fixed or current,
                                 materially exceeds its purchase price or
                                 production cost (within the meaning of CA Sched
                                 4) or (in the case of current assets) its net
                                 realizable value on the Last Accounts Date.

1.2              Valuation of stock-in-trade and work in progress


                 1.2.1           In the Principal Accounts the stock-in-trade
                                 and work in progress of each Group Company have
                                 been treated in accordance with SSAP 9.

                 1.2.2           In the Principal Accounts all redundant,
                                 obsolete and slow-moving stock-in-trade has
                                 been written off or written down, as

1.3              Depreciation of fixed assets

                 1.3.1           In the Principal Accounts for the three
                                 preceding financial years, the fixed assets of
                                 each Group Company have been depreciated in
                                 accordance with SSAP 12.

1.4              Deferred taxation

                 1.4.1           Where provision for deferred taxation is not
                                 made in the Principal Accounts, full details so
                                 far as material of the amounts of deferred
                                 taxation have been disclosed in the Disclosure

1.5              Accounting reference date

                 1.5.1           The accounting reference date of each Group
                                 Company for the purposes of CA s 224 is 31
                                 March and there has not at any time been any
                                 other date.

1.6              Book debts

                 1.6.1           Save as disclosed in the Disclosure Letter, no
                                 part of the amounts included in the Principal
                                 Accounts, or subsequently recorded in the
                                 Management Accounts books of any Group Company,
                                 as owing by any debtors:

                 (i)             remains outstanding from any exhibitor in
                                 respect of any exhibition which has been held

                 (ii)            in respect of any other debtors, is overdue by
                                 more than twenty six weeks, or has been
                                 released on terms that any debtor pays less
                                 than the full book value of his debt or has
                                 been written off or has proved to any extent to
                                 be irrecoverable or is now regarded by the
                                 relevant Group Company as irrecoverable in
                                 whole or in part.

                 1.6.2           As far as the Warrantors are aware, the amounts
                                 due from debtors as at Completion (less the
                                 amount of any relevant provision or


                                 reserve, determined on the same basis as that
                                 applied in the Principal Accounts and disclosed
                                 in the Disclosure Letter) will be recoverable
                                 in full in the ordinary course of business and
                                 in any event not later than twenty six weeks
                                 after Completion; none of those debts is
                                 subject to any counter-claim or set off, except
                                 to the extent of any such provision or reserve;
                                 and save as disclosed in the Disclosure Letter,
                                 no Group Company has received any notice of
                                 cancellation from the exhibitor in respect of
                                 future exhibitions from exhibitors representing
                                 more than 5% in aggregate of the projected
                                 turnover from such exhibition.

1.7              Books and records

                 1.7.1           All the accounts, books, ledgers, financial and
                                 other records, of whatsoever kind as required
                                 by CA 221, of each Group Company:

                 (a)             are in its possession;

                 (b)             have been fully properly and accurately kept
                                 and completed; and

                 (c)             do not contain any material inaccuracies or

                 1.7.2           The Management Accounts show a true and fair
                                 view of Spearhead Exhibitions Limited's trading
                                 transactions, and its financial, contractual
                                 and trading position for the period for which
                                 they are made up.

2.               Corporate matters

2.1              Directors and shadow directors

                 2.1.1           The only directors of the Group Companies are
                                 the persons whose names are listed in relation
                                 to each Group Company in Schedule 2.

                 2.1.2           No person is a shadow director (within the
                                 meaning of CA s 741) of a Group Company but is
                                 not treated as one of its directors for all the
                                 purposes of that Act.

2.2              Subsidiaries, associations and branches

                 2.2.1           No Group Company:


                 (a)             is the holder or beneficial owner of or has
                                 agreed to acquire any share or loan capital of
                                 any company (whether incorporated in the United
                                 Kingdom or elsewhere) other than the
                                 Subsidiaries listed in Schedule 2;

                 (b)             has outside the United Kingdom any branch,
                                 agency or place of business, or any permanent
                                 establishment (as that expression is defined in
                                 the relevant double taxation relief order
                                 current at the date of this agreement).


2.3              Options over group companies' capital

                 2.3.1           Except as required by this Agreement, there are
                                 no agreements or arrangements in force which
                                 provide for the present or future issue,
                                 allotment or transfer of or grant to any person
                                 the right (whether conditional or otherwise) to
                                 call for the issue, allotment or transfer of
                                 any share or loan capital of any Group Company
                                 (including any option or right of pre-emption
                                 or conversion).

2.4              New issues of capital

                 2.4.1           No share or loan capital has been issued or
                                 allotted, or agreed to be issued or allotted,
                                 by any Group Company since the Last Accounts

2.5              Commissions

                 2.5.1           No one is entitled to receive from any Group
                                 Company any finder's fee, brokerage or other
                                 commission in connection with the sale and
                                 purchase of the Shares under this agreement.

2.6              Memoranda and articles of association, statutory books and

                 2.6.1           The copy of the memorandum and articles of
                                 association of each Group Company attached to
                                 the Disclosure Letter is accurate and complete
                                 in all respects and has embodied in it or
                                 annexed to it a copy of every such resolution
                                 as is referred to in CA s 380.

                 2.6.2           The register of members and other statutory
                                 books of each Group Company have been properly
                                 kept and contain an accurate and complete
                                 record of the matters with which they should

                 2.6.3           No notice or allegation that any of the
                                 foregoing is incorrect or should be rectified
                                 has been received.

                 2.6.4           Since the Last Accounts Date no alteration has
                                 been made to the memorandum or articles of
                                 association of any Group Company and no
                                 resolution of any kind of the shareholders of
                                 any Group Company has been passed (other than
                                 resolutions relating to routine business at
                                 annual general meetings).

2.7              Documents filed

                 2.7.1           As far as the Warrantors are aware, all
                                 returns, particulars, resolutions and documents
                                 required by the Companies Acts or any


                                 other legislation to be filed with the
                                 Registrar of Companies, or any other authority,
                                 in respect of each Group Company have been duly
                                 filed and were correct; and due compliance has
                                 been made with all the provisions of the
                                 Companies Acts and other legal requirements in
                                 connection with the formation of each Group
                                 Company, the allotment or issue of shares,
                                 debentures and other securities, the payment of
                                 dividends and the conduct of its business.

                 2.7.2           All charges in favour of any Group Company have
                                 (if appropriate) been registered in accordance
                                 with the provisions of CA ss 395, 409, 410 and

2.8              Possession of documents

                 2.8.1           All title deeds relating to the assets of each
                                 Group Company, and an executed copy of all
                                 agreements in force to which any Group Company
                                 is a party, and the original copies of all
                                 other documents which are owned by or which
                                 ought to be in the possession of any Group
                                 Company are in its possession.

2.9              Investigations

                 2.9.1           No investigations or enquiries by, or on behalf
                                 of, any governmental or other body in respect
                                 of the affairs of any Group Company are pending
                                 or taking place.

2.10             Information disclosed to purchaser correct

                 2.10.1          All written information given by any of the
                                 Vendors, Vendors' Solicitors or Vendors'
                                 Accountants to the Purchaser, the Purchaser's
                                 Solicitors or the Purchaser's Accountants
                                 relating to the business, activities, affairs,
                                 or assets or liabilities of any Group Company
                                 was, when given, and is now accurate and
                                 comprehensive in all material respects and not

                 2.10.2          There are no material facts or circumstances,
                                 in relation to the assets, business or
                                 financial condition of any Group Company, which
                                 have not been fully and fairly disclosed in
                                 writing to the Purchaser or the Purchaser's
                                 Solicitors, and which, if disclosed, might
                                 reasonably have been expected to affect the
                                 decision of a purchaser to enter into an
                                 agreement substantially on the same terms as
                                 are contained in this Agreement.

3.               Taxation


3.1              Last Accounts

                 All liabilities, whether actual, deferred, contingent or
                 disputed, of each Group Company for tax measured by reference
                 to income, profits or gains earned, accrued or received on or
                 before the Last Accounts Date or arising in respect of an event
                 occurring or deemed to occur on or before the Last Accounts
                 Date are properly provided for or (as appropriate) disclosed in
                 the Principal Accounts. All other warranties relating to
                 specific tax matters set out in this Schedule are made without
                 prejudice to the generality of this paragraph.

3.2              Position since Last Accounts Date

                 Since the Last Accounts Date:

                 3.2.1           no Group Company has been involved in any
                                 transaction which has given or may so far as
                                 the Warrantors are aware give rise to a
                                 liability to tax on any Group Company (or would
                                 have given or might give rise to such a
                                 liability but for the availability of any
                                 relief) other than tax in respect of normal
                                 trading income or receipts of the Group Company
                                 concerned arising from transactions entered
                                 into by it in the ordinary course of business;

                 3.2.2           no disposal has taken place or other event
                                 occurred which has or may have the effect of
                                 crystallizing a liability to tax which, if such
                                 disposal or event had been planned at the Last
                                 Accounts Date, should have been reflected in
                                 the provision for deferred tax contained in the
                                 Last Accounts; and

                 3.2.3           no accounting period (as defined in section 12
                                 of the Taxes Act 1988) of any Group Company has
                                 ended as referred to in section 12(3) of that

3.3              Continuing Commitments

                 All sums payable under any obligation incurred by any Group
                 Company prior to Completion and which will continue to bind any
                 Group Company after Completion have been and will continue
                 (otherwise than pursuant to a change of law which occurs after
                 Completion with retrospective effect) to be deductible for the
                 purposes of corporation tax (or any corresponding tax on
                 profits in any relevant foreign jurisdiction), either in
                 computing the profits of any Group Company or in computing the
                 corporation tax or corresponding tax chargeable on it.

3.4              Returns etc.

                 Each Group Company has duly, and within any appropriate time
                 limits, made all returns, given all notices and supplied all
                 other information required to be supplied to all relevant tax
                 authorities; all such information was and remains complete and
                 accurate in all material respects and were made on the proper
                 basis and do not, and so far as the Vendors are aware are not
                 likely to, reveal any transactions which may be the subject of
                 any dispute with any tax authority.


3.5              Disputes, investigations

                 No Group Company is involved in any current dispute with any
                 tax authority or is or has in the last six years been the
                 subject of any investigation, audit or non- routine visit by
                 any tax authority. So far as the Vendors are aware not having
                 made any specific enquiry of any taxation authority, in
                 relation to each Group Company there is no planned
                 investigation audit or non-routine visit by any tax authority
                 and there are no facts which might cause such an investigation,
                 audit or non-routine visit by an tax authority to be instituted
                 and no Group Company has been notified that any such
                 investigation audit or visit is planned.

3.6              Administration/Pay and File

                 In relation to each Group Company, the Disclosure Letter gives
                 full details of:

                 3.6.1           all determinations made under section 41A of
                                 the Taxes Management Act 1970;

                 3.6.2           all directions reducing any amounts so
                                 determined, pursuant to section 41B of that

                 3.6.3           all assessments to tax made by any tax
                                 authority, and any determinations and
                                 directions as aforesaid, which are subject to
                                 appeal or have otherwise not become final at
                                 the date hereof;

                 3.6.4           all payments of tax, and claims for repayment
                                 of tax, made in respect of any period for which
                                 no assessment to tax has been issued or become
                                 final (and whether made pursuant to section 10
                                 of the Taxes Act or otherwise);

                 3.6.5           all claims made to group relief which either
                                 relate to an accounting period ended not more
                                 than six years prior to the date hereof or
                                 which have not been agreed or otherwise
                                 determined, or where the losses or other
                                 amounts to which the claim relates have not
                                 been determined; and

                 3.6.6           all consents of the surrendering company to the
                                 surrender of group relief given or to be given
                                 in circumstances where the claim to group
                                 relief has not become final.

3.7              Outstanding Rights

                 The Disclosure Letter gives details so far as material of the
                 rights of each Group Company which have not, at the time of
                 Completion, been exercised, to


                 make any claim for relief or any election for a basis or method
                 of tax or type of relief and any rights to make an appeal
                 against an assessment or an application for postponement of any

3.8              Withholdings

                 Each Group Company has made all deductions and retentions of or
                 on account of tax as it was or is obliged to make and all such
                 payments of or on account of tax as should have been made to
                 any tax authority in respect of any such deductions or

3.9              Employees/Pensions

                 All National Insurance contributions and sums payable to the
                 Inland Revenue under the P.A.Y.E. system and any amounts of a
                 corresponding nature payable to any foreign tax authority due
                 and payable by any Group Company up to the date hereof have
                 been paid and each Group Company has made all such deductions
                 and retentions as should have been made under section 203 of
                 the Taxes Act and all regulations made thereunder or under any
                 comparable laws or regulations of any relevant foreign

3.10             Capital Gains

                 If each Group Company disposed of each of its assets (except
                 trading stock and work-in-progress) for a consideration equal
                 to the book value of that asset as shown in or adopted for the
                 purposes of the Last Accounts to a person not connected with it
                 and by way of bargain at arm's length, no liability to tax
                 would arise by reference to any actual or deemed gain and no
                 Group Company has acquired any such asset (otherwise than from
                 another Group Company) except by way of bargain at arm's length
                 and from an unconnected person.

3.11             No allowable loss which might accrue on the disposal by any
                 Group Company of any asset is liable to be reduced or
                 eliminated and no chargeable gain is liable to be created or
                 increased by virtue of any depreciatory transaction or
                 reduction in value of that or any related asset for the
                 purposes of corporation tax on chargeable gains or any
                 corresponding tax of any relevant foreign jurisdiction.

3.12             No Group Company has ceased or could (on or after Completion)
                 as a result of the acquisition contemplated by this Agreement
                 cease to be a member of a group of companies in circumstances
                 in which a charge under sections 178 or 179 of the TCGA (deemed
                 disposal of chargeable assets) has arisen or could arise
                 (otherwise than as part of a merger to which section 181 of
                 that Act applies) could apply.

3.13             No Group Company has made any such transfer as is referred to
                 in section 125 of the TCGA (close company transferring assets
                 at under value).


3.14             Capital Expenditure

                 If each Group Company disposed of each of its assets, or of any
                 pool of assets (that is to say all those assets expenditure
                 relating to which would be taken into account in computing
                 whether a balancing charge or corresponding tax would arise on
                 a disposal of any of those assets) for a consideration equal to
                 their book value as shown in or adopted for the purpose of the
                 Last Accounts, no balancing charge (or corresponding tax of any
                 relevant foreign jurisdiction) would arise in respect of any
                 such asset or pool of assets under any legislation relating to
                 capital allowances (or corresponding legislation of the
                 relevant foreign jurisdiction).

3.15             Losses - Major changes etc.

                 There has been no change in the ownership of any Group Company
                 nor any major change in the nature or conduct of any trade or
                 business carried on by any Group Company nor has any other
                 event or series of events occurred before Completion which
                 might cause the disallowance of the carry forward or back of
                 losses or excess charges or the disallowance of the carry
                 forward or back, set-off or surrender of advance corporation
                 tax under the provisions of section 768 or 768A of the Taxes
                 Act (change in ownership of company: disallowance of relief for
                 trading losses) or sections 245 to 245B (inclusive) of the
                 Taxes Act (ACT set off), or which might cause a trade to be
                 disregarded by virtue of paragraph 8 of Schedule 7A to the

3.16             Surrenders

                 The Disclosure Letter gives full details of any surrender or
                 claim or agreement to surrender or claim any advance
                 corporation tax under the provisions of section 240 of the
                 Taxes Act (surrender of advance corporation tax) or any amount
                 by way of group relief) by each Group Company, including any
                 receipt or payment (or any entitlement to receive or obligation
                 to make a payment) in respect thereof, where such surrender or
                 claim has not become final and determined for any reason.

3.17             Group Composition

                 All Group Companies resident in the United Kingdom for tax
                 purposes together comprise a group for the purposes of Chapter
                 IV of Part X of the Taxes Act and there are no circumstances or
                 arrangements as a result of which any Group Company might cease
                 to form part of such group.

3.18             Close Companies


                 3.18.1          No apportionment under sections 423 to 430
                                 (inclusive) and Schedule 19 to the Taxes Act
                                 has been made or threatened against any Group
                                 Company, and no action has been taken and no
                                 event has occurred which could lead to such an
                                 apportionment being made in relation to any
                                 accounting period of a Group Company beginning
                                 on or before 31 March 1989.

                 3.18.2          Each Group Company has obtained clearances
                                 under Schedule 19 to the Taxes Act for each
                                 accounting period of that Group Company
                                 beginning on or before 31 March 1989.

                 3.18.3          Each Group Company has throughout each
                                 accounting period beginning on or before 31
                                 March 1989 been a trading company or a member
                                 of a trading group as defined by paragraph 7 of
                                 Schedule 19 to the Taxes Act.

                 3.18.5          No Group Company has made any transfers of
                                 value within section 94 of the Inheritance Tax
                                 Act 1984.

                 3.18.6          No Group Company is or has at any time been a
                                 close investment holding company as defined in
                                 section 13A of the Taxes Act.

                 3.18.7          No Group Company has since 5 April 1965 done
                                 anything so as to give rise to an assessment or
                                 any charge to tax under section 419 (as
                                 extended by section 422) of the Taxes Act
                                 (loans to participators and associates).

3.19             Distributions - General

                 No Group Company has on or after 6 April 1965:

                 3.19.1          made any distribution or deemed distribution
                                 within the meanings of section 209, 210 or 418
                                 of the Taxes Act (distributions and deemed
                                 distributions) except as provided for in its
                                 audited accounts;

                 3.19.2          repaid, redeemed or purchased or agreed to
                                 repay, redeem or purchase any of its share
                                 capital; or

                 3.19.3          capitalized or agreed to capitalize in the form
                                 of shares or debentures any profits or reserves
                                 of any class or description, or otherwise
                                 issued or agreed to issue share capital
                                 otherwise than wholly for new consideration (as
                                 defined in section 254 of the Taxes Act).


3.20             Demergers

                 No Group Company has been concerned in any exempt distribution
                 within section 213 to the Taxes Act within the period of six
                 years preceding Completion (demergers: exempt distributions).

3.21             Residence

                 Each Group Company is and has at all times been resident in the
                 United Kingdom for tax purposes and is not and has not been
                 treated as resident in any other jurisdiction for any tax
                 purpose (including any double taxation arrangement).

3.22             Treasury Consents

                 No Group Company has carried out or caused or permitted to be
                 carried out any of the transactions specified at the relevant
                 time in section 765(1) of the Taxes Act otherwise than with the
                 prior consent of H.M. Treasury (and in the case of a special
                 consent, full particulars of any conditions subject to which
                 such consent was given are set out in the Disclosure Letter) or
                 specified at the relevant time in section 765A of the Taxes Act
                 without having duly provided the required information to the
                 Inland Revenue.

3.23             Value Added Tax

                 For the purposes of this section the expression VAT legislation
                 shall include the Value Added Tax Act 1994, the Finance Act
                 1985 and all other enactments in relation to value added tax
                 and all notices, provisions and conditions made or issued
                 thereunder including the terms of any agreement reached with
                 H.M. Commissioners of Customs and Excise or any concession
                 referred to in the Disclosure Letter.

3.24             In relation to each Group Company:

                 3.24.1          it is registered for the purposes of value
                                 added tax, has been so registered at all times
                                 that it has been required to be registered by
                                 VAT legislation, and such registration is not
                                 subject to any conditions imposed by or agreed
                                 with H.M. Customs and Excise;

                 3.24.2          it has complied fully with and observed in all
                                 material respects the terms of VAT legislation;

                 3.24.3          it has maintained and obtained at all times
                                 complete, correct and up-to-date records,
                                 invoices and other documents (as the case may

                                 be) appropriate or requisite for the purposes
                                 of VAT legislation and has preserved such
                                 records, invoices and other documents in such
                                 form and for such periods as are required by
                                 VAT legislation;

                 3.24.4          it obtains credit for all input tax (as defined
                                 by Section 24(1) of the Value Added Tax Act
                                 1994) paid or suffered by it;


                 3.24.5          it is not and has not been treated as a member
                                 of a group for the purposes of VAT legislation,
                                 and has not applied for such treatment;

                 3.24.6          it is not required to make payments on account
                                 of value added tax for which it may become
                                 liable in a prescribed accounting period
                                 (pursuant to The Value Added Tax (Payments on
                                 Account) No.2 Regulations 1992); and

                 3.24.7          it is not and has not been subject under VAT
                                 legislation to any penalty liability notice,
                                 written warning of failure to comply, surcharge
                                 liability notice or requirement to give
                                 security as a condition of making taxable

3.25             In respect of each of the assets of each Group Company (if any)
                 which is a capital item for the purpose of Part VA of the VAT
                 (General) Regulations 1985, the Disclosure Letter sets out

                 3.25.1          the capital item affected;

                 3.25.2          the amount of the total input tax (within the
                                 meaning of the said Regulations) which is
                                 subject to adjustment;

                 3.25.3          the percentage of that input tax which was
                                 reclaimable on the capital item in the first
                                 interval applicable to it and any adjustments
                                 made or to be made having regard to events
                                 which have occurred up to the date hereof;

                 3.25.4          the date of acquisition of the capital item and
                                 the number of intervals in the adjustment
                                 period remaining from the date of this

                 3.25.5          full particulars of all material matters to
                                 date relevant in determining any adjustments.

3.26             Anti-avoidance provisions

                 No Group Company has been a party to nor otherwise involved in
                 any transaction, scheme or arrangement to which:

                 3.26.1          any of the following provisions apply:

                 (a)             section 125 of the Taxes Act (annual payments
                                 for non-taxable consideration);


                 (b)             section 341 of the Taxes Act (payments of
                                 interest etc. between related companies);

                 (c)             section 729 to 746 (inclusive) of and Schedule
                                 23A to the Taxes Act (tax avoidance: transfers
                                 of securities, manufactured dividends and
                                 transfer of assets abroad);

                 (d)             sections 770 or 771 of the Taxes Act (sales,
                                 etc. at undervalue or overvalue);

                 (e)             section 786 of the Taxes Act (transactions
                                 associated with loans or credit: connected

                 (f)             sections 22, 42, 75 or 76 of the Capital
                                 Allowance Act 1990 (capital allowances: first
                                 year allowances, assets leased outside the UK,
                                 effect of sales between connected persons, sale
                                 and lease-back, etc);

                 (g)             sections 29 to 34 (inclusive) of the TCGA
                                 (value shifting);

                 (h)             section 106 of the TCGA (disposal of shares and
                                 securities within prescribed period of
                                 acquisition); or

                 (i)             sections 176 or 177 of the TCGA (depreciatory

                 3.26.2          any of the following provisions could apply,
                                 other than where clearances or consents, as
                                 appropriate, have been obtained:

                 (a)             sections 703 to 709 (inclusive) of the Taxes
                                 Act (cancellation of tax advantages from
                                 certain transactions in securities);

                 (b)             section 776 of the Taxes Act (transactions in
                                 land; taxation of capital gains);

                 (c)             section 135 to 139 (inclusive) of the TCGA
                                 (company reconstructions and amalgamations); or

                 (d)             sections 213 to 218 (inclusive) of the Taxes
                                 Act and section 192 of the TCGA (demergers).

4.               Finance

4.1              Capital commitments


                 4.1.1           There were no commitments in excess
                                 of(pound)10,000 on capital account outstanding
                                 at the Last Accounts Date and since the Last
                                 Accounts Date no Group Company has made or
                                 agreed to make any capital expenditure, or
                                 incurred or agreed to incur any capital
                                 commitments (in either case exceeding
                                 (pound)10,000) or disposed of or realized any
                                 capital assets or any interest in capital

4.2              Dividends and distributions

                 4.2.1           Since the Last Accounts Date no Group Company
                                 has, or is treated as having, declared or paid
                                 any dividend or other distribution (as defined
                                 in Taxes Act Part VI Ch II as extended by Taxes
                                 Act s418).

                 4.2.2           All dividends or distributions declared, made
                                 or paid by each Group Company have been
                                 declared, made or paid in accordance with its
                                 articles of association and the applicable
                                 provisions of the Companies Acts.

4.3              Bank and other borrowings

                 4.3.1           Full details of all limits on each Group
                                 Company's bank overdraft facilities are
                                 accurately set out in the Disclosure Letter.

                 4.3.2           The total amount borrowed by each Group Company
                                 from each of its bankers does not exceed its
                                 respective overdraft facilities.

                 4.3.3           The total amount borrowed by each Group Company
                                 (as determined under the relevant instrument)
                                 does not exceed any limitation on its borrowing
                                 powers contained in its articles of
                                 association, or in any debenture or other
                                 relevant document.

                 4.3.4           No Group Company has outstanding, or has agreed
                                 to create or issue, any loan capital; nor has
                                 it factored any of its debts, or engaged in
                                 financing of a type which would not require to

                                 shown or reflected in the Last Accounts, or
                                 borrowed any money which it has not repaid,
                                 save for borrowings not exceeding the amounts
                                 shown in the Last Accounts.

                 4.3.5           No Group Company has since the Last Accounts
                                 Date repaid or become liable to repay any loan
                                 or indebtedness in advance of its stated

                 4.3.6           No Group Company has received notice (whether
                                 formal or informal) from any lenders of money,
                                 requiring repayment or


                                 intimating the enforcement of any security; and
                                 there are no circumstances likely to give rise
                                 to any such notice.

4.4              Loans by and debts due to group companies

                 4.4.1           No Group Company has lent any money which has
                                 not been repaid to it, or owns the benefit of
                                 any debt (whether or not due for payment),
                                 other than debts which have arisen in the
                                 ordinary course of its business.

                 4.4.2           No Group Company has made any loan or quasi-
                                 loan contrary to the Companies Acts.

4.5              Liabilities

                 4.5.1           There are no liabilities (including contingent
                                 liabilities) of any Group Company which are
                                 outstanding other than those liabilities
                                 disclosed in the Last Accounts or incurred in
                                 the ordinary and proper course of trading since
                                 the Last Accounts Date.

                 4.5.2           There has been no exercise, purported exercise
                                 or claim for any charge, lien, encumbrance or
                                 equity over any of the fixed assets of any
                                 Group Company which remains outstanding; and
                                 there is no dispute directly or indirectly
                                 relating to any of its fixed assets.

                 4.5.3           No Group Company has been the tenant of, or a
                                 guarantor in respect of, any leasehold property
                                 other than the Properties.

                 4.5.4           The Company has not traded since the date of
                                 its incorporation and has not incurred any
                                 liability (contingent or otherwise) other than
                                 the inter-company debt of (pound)169,160
                                 assumed by it from Interprize Limited.

4.6              Bank accounts

An accurate and complete statement of the bank accounts of each Group Company
made up to a date not more than seven days prior to Completion together with
reconciliation statements in respect of the same have been supplied to the

4.7              Working capital

Having regard to existing bank and other facilities, each Group Company has
sufficient working capital for the purposes of continuing to carry on its
business in its present form and at its present level of turnover for the period
of twelve months after Completion and for the


purposes of executing, carrying out and fulfilling, in accordance with their
terms, all orders, projects and contractual obligations which are binding upon
it and remain outstanding.

4.8              Continuation of facilities

In relation to all debentures, acceptance credits, overdrafts, loans or other
financial facilities outstanding or available to any Group Company (referred to
in this clause as `facilities'):

                 4.8.1           the Disclosure Letter sets out full details of,
                                 and there are attached to it, accurate copies
                                 of all documents relating to the facilities;

                 4.8.2           there has been no contravention of or non-
                                 compliance with any provision of any of those

                 4.8.3           no steps for the early repayment of any
                                 indebtedness have been taken or threatened;

                 4.8.4           there have not been nor are there any
                                 circumstances known to the Warrantors whereby
                                 the continuation of any of the facilities might
                                 be prejudiced, or which might give rise to any
                                 alteration in the terms and conditions of any
                                 of the facilities;

                 4.8.5           none of the facilities is dependent on the
                                 guarantee or indemnity of or any security
                                 provided by a third party other than a Group

                 4.8.6           no Warrantor has any knowledge, information or
                                 belief that, as a result of the acquisition of
                                 the Shares by the Purchaser or any other thing
                                 contemplated in this agreement, any of the
                                 facilities might be terminated or mature prior
                                 to its stated maturity.

4.9              Government grants

                 4.9.1           Full details of all grants, subsidies or
                                 financial assistance applied for or received by
                                 the Group Companies from any governmental
                                 department or agency or any local or other
                                 authority are set out in the Disclosure Letter.

                 4.9.2           No Group Company has done or omitted to do any
                                 act or thing which could result in all or any
                                 part of any investment grant, employment
                                 subsidy or other similar payment made, or due
                                 to be made, to it becoming repayable or being
                                 forfeited or withheld in whole or in part.

5.               Trading


5.1              Changes since last accounts date

                 5.1.1           Since the Last Accounts Date:

                 (a)             the business of each Group Company has been
                                 continued in the ordinary and normal course;

                 (b)             there has been no deterioration in the turnover
                                 or the financial or trading position or
                                 prospects of any Group Company;

                 (c)             no part of the business of any Group Company
                                 has been materially and adversely affected by
                                 any abnormal factor not affecting similar
                                 businesses to a like extent;

                 (d)             each Group Company has paid its creditors in
                                 accordance with its normal practice; and there
                                 are no amounts owing by any Group Company which
                                 have been due for more than three months.

                 5.1.2           The net realizable assets of each Group Company
                                 are not now less than at the Last Accounts

                 5.1.3           The trading prospects of each Group Company
                                 have not been adversely affected as a result of
                                 any event or circumstance arising since the
                                 Last Accounts Date.

5.2              Vendors' other interests and liabilities to group companies

                 5.2.1           The Vendors do not have any rights or
                                 interests, directly or indirectly, in any
                                 business other than those now carried on by the
                                 Group Companies which are or are likely to be
                                 or become competitive with the businesses of
                                 the Group Companies, save as registered holder
                                 or beneficial owner of any class of securities
                                 of any company which is normally listed on the
                                 Stock Exchange or dealt in on the unlisted
                                 securities market of the Stock Exchange, and in
                                 respect of which a Vendor holds and is
                                 beneficially interested in less than 5 per cent
                                 of any single class of the securities in that

                 5.2.2           There is no outstanding indebtedness of any
                                 Vendor to a Group Company.

5.3              Effect of sale of shares


                 5.3.1           The Warrantors have no knowledge, information
                                 or belief that after Completion (whether by
                                 reason of an existing agreement or arrangement
                                 or otherwise) or as a result of the proposed
                                 acquisition of the Company by the Purchaser:

                 (a)             any supplier of any Group Company will cease or
                                 be entitled to cease supplying it or may
                                 substantially reduce its supplies to it;

                 (b)             any customer of any Group Company will cease or
                                 be entitled to cease to deal with it or may
                                 substantially reduce its existing level of
                                 business with it;

                 (c)             any Group Company will lose the benefit of any
                                 right or privilege which it enjoys;

                 (d)             any officer or senior employee of a Group
                                 Company will leave and so far as the Warrantors
                                 are aware (not having made any specific
                                 enquiry), no such officer or senior employee
                                 has indicated any intention to do so.

                 5.3.2           Compliance with the terms of this Agreement
                                 does not and will not:

                 (a)             conflict with, or result in the breach of, or
                                 constitute a default under any agreement or
                                 document to which any Group Company is a party,
                                 or any provision of the memorandum or articles
                                 of association of any Group Company or any
                                 encumbrance, lease, contract, order, judgment,
                                 award, injunction, regulation or other
                                 restriction or obligation of any kind by which
                                 or to which any asset of any Group Company is
                                 bound or subject;

                 (b)             relieve any person from any obligation to any
                                 Group Company, or enable any person to
                                 determine any such obligation or any right or
                                 benefit enjoyed by any Group Company, or to
                                 exercise any right, whether under an agreement
                                 with or otherwise in respect of any Group

                 (c)             result in the creation, imposition,
                                 crystallization or enforcement of any
                                 encumbrance on any of the assets of any Group

                 (d)             result in any present or future indebtedness of
                                 any Group Company becoming due and payable or
                                 capable of being declared due and payable prior
                                 to its stated maturity.


5.4              Conduct of businesses in accordance with memoranda and articles
                 of association

                 5.4.1           Each Group Company has at all times carried on
                                 business and conducted its affairs in
                                 accordance with its memorandum and articles of
                                 association for the time being in force or any
                                 other documents or arrangements relating to the
                                 constitution of each Group Company.

                 5.4.2           Each Group Company is empowered and duly
                                 qualified to carry on business in all
                                 jurisdictions in which it carries on business.

5.5              Joint ventures and partnership

No Group Company is or has agreed to become a member of any joint venture,
consortium, partnership or other unincorporated association; and no Group
Company is or has agreed to become a party to any agreement or arrangement for
sharing commissions or other income.

5.6              Agreements relating to the management and business

There are no agreements, arrangements or understandings between a Group Company
and any person who is a shareholder or the beneficial owner of any interest in
it, or in any company in which any Group Company is interested, or any Associate
of any such person, relating to the management of any Group Company's business,
or the appointment or removal of directors of any Group Company, or the
ownership or transfer of ownership or the letting of any of the assets of any
Group Company, or the provision, supply or purchase of finance, goods, services
or other facilities to, by or from any Group Company, or in any other respect
relating to its affairs.

5.7              Agency agreements and agreements restricting business

                 5.7.1           No Group Company is a party to any agency,
                                 distributorship, marketing, purchasing,
                                 manufacturing or licensing agreement or
                                 arrangement, or any restrictive trading or
                                 other agreement or

                                 arrangement pursuant to which any part of its
                                 business is carried on, or which in any way
                                 restricts its freedom to carry on the whole or
                                 any part of its business in the United Kingdom
                                 or elsewhere in such manner as it thinks fit.

                 5.7.2           No Group Company is bound by any undertaking or
                                 assurances given to any court or governmental

5.8              Unfair trade and restrictive practices


                 5.8.1           As far as the Warrantors are aware, no Group
                                 Company has committed or omitted to do any act
                                 or thing which could give rise to any fine or
                                 penalty; nor is a Group Company a party to any
                                 agreement, practice or arrangement which:

                 (a)             contravenes the provisions of the Trade
                                 Descriptions Acts 1968 and 1972;

                 (b)             would or might result in a reference of a
                                 consumer trade practice, within the meaning of
                                 the Fair Trading Act 1973 s 13, or be liable to
                                 reference to the Consumer Protection Advisory
                                 Committee under Part II of the said Act;

                 (c)             contravenes the provisions of the Consumer
                                 Credit Act 1974;

                 (d)             contravenes or is invalidated (in whole or in
                                 part) by or is subject to registration under
                                 the Restrictive Trade Practices Acts 1976 and

                 (e)             contravenes any provisions of the Treaty of

                 (f)             contravenes any other anti-trust, anti-monopoly
                                 or anti-cartel legislation or regulations.

                 5.8.2           No Group Company has engaged in any anti-
                                 competitive practice as defined in the
                                 Competition Act 1980.


5.9              Litigation, disputes and winding up

                 5.9.1           No Group Company is engaged in any litigation
                                 or arbitration proceedings as plaintiff or
                                 defendant; there are no proceedings pending or
                                 threatened either by or against any Group
                                 Company; and there are no circumstances which
                                 are likely to give rise to any litigation or

                 5.9.2           There is no dispute with any revenue or other
                                 official department in the United Kingdom or
                                 elsewhere, in relation to the affairs of any
                                 Group Company, and there are no facts which may
                                 (in the reasonable opinion of the Warrantors,
                                 having taken all due professional advice) give
                                 rise to any dispute.

                 5.9.3           There are no claims pending or threatened or
                                 capable of arising against any Group Company by
                                 an employee or workman or third party, in
                                 respect of any accident or injury, which are
                                 not fully covered by insurance.

                 5.9.4           No order has been made or petition presented or
                                 resolution passed for the winding up of any
                                 Group Company; no distress, execution or other
                                 process has been levied in respect of any Group

                                 Company which remains undischarged; and there
                                 is no unfulfilled or unsatisfied judgment or
                                 court order outstanding against any Group

5.10             Compliance with statutes

                 5.10.1          As far as the Warrantors are aware, each Group
                                 Company has conducted and is conducting its
                                 business in accordance with all applicable laws
                                 and regulations whether of the United Kingdom
                                 or elsewhere.

                 5.10.2          No Group Company carries on (or has, at any
                                 time when not an authorized person under
                                 Chapter III, Financial Services Act l986,
                                 carried on) investment business in the United
                                 Kingdom within the meaning of Financial
                                 Services Act 1986, s 1.

5.11             Data protection

No Group Company has received any enforcement or deregistration notice or
transfer prohibition notice under the Data Protection Act 1984 and no individual
has claimed compensation or is entitled to claim from any Group Company under
the Data Protection Act 1984.


5.12             Documents stamped

All documents which affect the right, title or interest of any Group Company in
or to any of its property, undertaking or assets, or to which a Group Company is
a party, and which attract stamp duty have been duly stamped and no such
documents which are outside the United Kingdom would attract stamp duty if they
were brought into the United Kingdom.

5.13             Business names

No Group Company uses a name for any purpose other than its full corporate name.

5.14             Transactions involving directors

No Group Company has been a party to any transaction to which any of the
provisions of CA s 320 or s 330 may apply.

5.15             Powers of attorney and authority

                 5.15.1          No power of attorney given by any Group Company
                                 is in force.

                 5.15.2          No authorities (express or implied) by which
                                 any person may enter into any contract or
                                 commitment to do anything on behalf of a Group
                                 Company are outstanding.

5.16             Licenses and consents

                 5.16.1          Each Group Company has obtained all necessary
                                 licenses and consents for the proper carrying
                                 on of its business (short particulars of each
                                 license and consent being set out in the
                                 Disclosure Letter) and all the licenses and
                                 consents are valid and subsisting.

                 5.16.2          No Group Company is in breach of any of the
                                 terms or conditions of any of the licenses or
                                 consents; and there are no factors that might
                                 in any way prejudice the continuation or
                                 renewal of any of them.

5.17             Subsisting contracts

                 5.17.1          No Group Company is a party to any contract,
                                 transaction or liability which:

                 (a)             is of an unusual or abnormal nature or outside
                                 the ordinary and proper course of business;


                 (b)             is of a long-term nature (that is, unlikely to
                                 have been fully performed in accordance with
                                 its terms more than six months after the date
                                 on which it was entered into or undertaken);

                 (c)             is incapable of termination by it in accordance
                                 with its terms on sixty days' notice or less;

                 (d)             is of a loss-making nature (that is, known to
                                 be likely to result in a loss to it on
                                 completion of performance);

                 (e)             cannot readily be fulfilled or performed by it
                                 on time without undue or unusual expenditure or
                                 commitment of money, effort or personnel;

                 (f)             involves or is likely to involve the supply of
                                 goods the aggregate sales value of which will
                                 represent in excess of 10 per cent of its
                                 turnover for the preceding financial year;

                 (g)             is a contract for hire or rent, hire purchase
                                 or purchase by way of credit sale or periodical

                 (h)             involves or is likely to involve obligations or
                                 liabilities which by reason of their nature or
                                 magnitude ought reasonably to be made known to
                                 an intending purchaser of the Shares.

                 5.17.3          There is not now outstanding in respect of any
                                 Group Company any agreement for the supply of
                                 services or for agency.

5.18             Defaults by group company

                 5.18.1          No Group Company is or will by reason of any
                                 event or circumstance which has occurred on or
                                 before Completion with the lapse of time become

                 (a)             in default under any agreement, obligation or
                                 arrangement to which it is a party or in
                                 respect of any other obligations or
                                 restrictions binding upon it being a default
                                 which would be material in the context of its
                                 financial or trading position;

                 (b)             in default under any obligations existing by
                                 reason of membership of any association or


                 (c)             liable in respect of any representation or
                                 warranty (whether express or implied) or any
                                 matter giving rise to a duty of care on its

                 5.18.2          No threat or claim of default under any
                                 agreement, obligation or arrangement has been
                                 made and is outstanding against any Group
                                 Company; and there is nothing whereby any
                                 right, benefit or entitlement may be
                                 prematurely terminated by any other party or
                                 whereby the terms of any agreement, obligation
                                 or arrangement may be worsened.

5.19             Other party's defaults

As far as the Warrantors are aware no party to any agreement with or under an
obligation to any Group Company is in default under it, being a default which
would be material in the context of the Group Company's financial or trading
position; and there are no circumstances likely to give rise to a default.

5.20             Outstanding offers

No offer, tender or the like is outstanding which may be converted into an
obligation of any Group Company by acceptance or other act of some other person.

5.21             Purchases and sales from or to one party

Neither more than 25 per cent of the aggregate amount of all the purchases, nor
more than 25 per cent of the aggregate amount of all the sales, of any Group
Company are obtained or made from or to the same supplier or customer (including
any person in any way connected with such supplier or customer) nor is any
material source of supply to any Group Company, or any material outlet for the
sales of any Group Company, in jeopardy or likely to be in jeopardy.

5.22             Guarantees and indemnities

No guarantee, or agreement for indemnity or for suretyship, given by or for the
accommodation of, a Group Company is outstanding.

5.23             Insider contracts

                 5.23.1          No contract or arrangement to which any Group
                                 Company is a party and in which any Vendor or
                                 any director of any Group Company is or has
                                 been interested, whether directly or
                                 indirectly, is outstanding or was outstanding
                                 during the past three years.

                 5.23.2          No Group Company is a party to, and its profits
                                 or financial position during the past three
                                 years have not been affected by, any contract
                                 or arrangement which is not of an entirely
                                 arm's length nature.

5.24             Management reports

There have been no reports, concerning any Group Company, by financial or
management consultants during the past three years.


6.               Employment

6.1              Employees and terms of employment

                 6.1.1           Full particulars of the identities, dates of
                                 commencement of employment, or appointment to
                                 office, and terms and conditions of employment
                                 of all the employees and officers of each Group

                                 Company, including without limitation profit
                                 sharing, commission or discretionary bonus
                                 arrangements, are fully and accurately set out
                                 in the Disclosure Letter.

                 6.1.2           There are no agreements or arrangements
                                 (whether or not legally binding) between any
                                 Group Company and any trade union or other body
                                 representing employees.

                 6.1.3           No contract of service exists between any Group
                                 Company and a director or employee in relation
                                 to which any relevant requirements of CA s 319
                                 have not been fulfilled.

6.2              Bonus schemes

                 6.2.1           There are no schemes in operation under which
                                 any employee of any Group Company is entitled
                                 to a commission or remuneration, calculated by
                                 reference to the whole or part of the turnover,
                                 profits or sales of any Group Company.

                 6.2.2           No Group Company has registered a
                                 profit-related pay scheme under Taxes Act Part
                                 V Chapter III.

6.3              Changes in remuneration

                 6.3.1           During the period to which the Principal
                                 Accounts relate and since the Last Accounts
                                 Date or (where employment or holding of office
                                 commenced after the beginning of such period)
                                 since the commencing date of the employment or
                                 holding of office:

                 (a)             no change has been made in the rate of
                                 remuneration, emoluments or pension benefits,
                                 of any officer, ex-officer or senior executive
                                 of any Group Company (a senior executive being
                                 a person in receipt of remuneration in excess
                                 of (pound)25,000 per annum);

                 (b)             no change has been made in any other terms of
                                 employment of any officer or senior executive.


                 6.3.2           No Group Company is bound or accustomed to pay
                                 any moneys other than in respect of
                                 remuneration or pension benefits to or for the
                                 benefit of any officer or employee of any Group

                 6.3.3           No negotiations for any increase in the
                                 remuneration or benefits of any officer or
                                 employee of any Group Company are current or
                                 likely to take place within six months after
                                 the date of Completion.

6.4              Termination of contracts of employment

                 6.4.1           All subsisting contracts of service to which
                                 any Group Company is a party are determinable
                                 at any time on three months' notice or less
                                 without compensation (other than compensation
                                 in accordance with the Employment Protection
                                 (Consolidation) Act 1978, as amended by the
                                 Employment Act 1982).

                 6.4.2           No executive of any Group Company, who is in
                                 receipt of remuneration in excess of
                                 (pound)25,000 per annum, and no officer of any
                                 Group Company has given or received notice
                                 terminating his employment, except as expressly
                                 contemplated in this agreement, and no such
                                 executive or officer will be entitled to give
                                 such notice as a result of this agreement.

6.5              Industrial disputes and negotiations

                 6.5.1           None of the Group Companies or their respective
                                 employees is involved in any industrial
                                 dispute, and there are no facts known or which
                                 would on reasonable enquiry be known to any
                                 Group Company or its directors or to the
                                 Vendors which might suggest that there may be
                                 any industrial dispute involving a Group
                                 Company or that this agreement may lead to any
                                 such industrial dispute.

6.6              Industrial relations agreements

No Group Company has entered into any recognition agreement with a trade union
nor has it done any act which might be construed as recognition.

6.7              Redundancies

No employee will become redundant and be entitled to a redundancy payment as a
result of this Agreement.

6.8              Pensions


                 6.8.1           Apart from the pension scheme referred to in
                                 Schedule 6 (`the Scheme') no Group Company is
                                 under any legal or moral liability or
                                 obligation or a party to any ex-gratia
                                 arrangement or promise to pay pensions,
                                 gratuities, super-annuation allowances or the
                                 like, or otherwise to provide `relevant
                                 benefits' within the meaning of Taxes Act s 612
                                 to or for any of its past or present officers
                                 or employees or their dependents; and there are
                                 no retirement benefit, or pension or death
                                 benefit, or similar schemes or arrangements in
                                 relation to or binding on any Group Company or
                                 to which any Group Company contributes.

                 6.8.2           Full particulars of the Scheme are contained in
                                 or annexed to the Disclosure Letter including
                                 without limitation true copies of the trust
                                 deeds and latest actuarial report and full and
                                 accurate details of the assets, funding
                                 arrangements and current membership.

                 6.8.3           The assets, investments or policies held by the
                                 trustees of the Scheme are sufficient to
                                 satisfy the liabilities and obligations (both
                                 current and contingent) which the Scheme has to
                                 its members.

                 6.8.4           The Scheme is an exempt approved scheme within
                                 the meaning of Taxes Act s 592 and there is no
                                 reason why approval may be withdrawn.

7.               Assets

7.1              Ownership of assets

                 7.1.1           The Group Companies owned at the Last Accounts
                                 Date and had good and marketable title to all
                                 the assets included in the Principal Accounts
                                 and (except for current assets subsequently
                                 sold or realized in the ordinary course of
                                 business) still own and have good and
                                 marketable title to all assets included in the
                                 Principal Accounts (excluding the Properties)
                                 and to all assets acquired since the Last
                                 Accounts Date.

                 7.1.2           No Group Company has created or granted or
                                 agreed to create or grant any security interest
                                 or other encumbrance in respect of any of the
                                 fixed assets included in the Principal Accounts
                                 (excluding the Properties) or acquired or
                                 agreed to be acquired since the Last Accounts
                                 Date, otherwise than in the ordinary course of
                                 its business.


                 7.1.3           Except as disclosed in the Principal Accounts,
                                 none of the property, assets, undertaking,
                                 goodwill or uncalled capital of any Group
                                 Company (excluding the Properties) is subject
                                 to, and no Group Company has agreed to grant,
                                 any option, charge, lien or encumbrance, or
                                 right of pre-emption.

7.2              Assets sufficient for the business

The assets owned by each Group Company together with assets held under the hire
purchase, leasing or rental agreements listed in the Disclosure Letter comprise
all assets necessary for the continuation of its business substantially in the
same manner as now carried on.

7.3              Insurance

                 7.3.1           All the stock-in-trade and the assets and
                                 undertakings of each Group Company of an
                                 insurable nature (excluding the Property) are,
                                 and have at all material times been, insured in
                                 amounts representing their full replacement or
                                 reinstatement value against fire and other
                                 risks normally insured against by persons
                                 carrying on the same business as that carried
                                 on by it.

                 7.3.2           Each Group Company is now and has at all
                                 material times been adequately covered against
                                 accident, damage, injury, third party loss
                                 (including product liability), loss of profits
                                 and other risks normally insured against by
                                 persons carrying on the same business.

                 7.3.3           All insurance is currently in full force and
                                 effect, and nothing has been done or omitted to
                                 be done which could make any policy of
                                 insurance void or voidable and the Warrantors
                                 have received no intimation from the insurers
                                 that an increase of premium will result from
                                 circumstances occurring prior to Completion.

                 7.3.4           None of the policies is subject to any special
                                 or unusual terms or restrictions or to the
                                 payment of any premium in excess of the normal

                 7.3.5           No claim is outstanding or may be made under
                                 any of the policies and no circumstances exist
                                 which are likely to give rise to such a claim.

7.4              Leased assets


No circumstance has arisen or is likely to arise in relation to any asset held
by a Group Company under a lease or similar agreement whereby the rental payable
has been or is likely to be increased.

7.5              Plant in working order

                 7.5.1           The plant, machinery, vehicles and other
                                 equipment used in connection with the business
                                 of each Group Company:

                 (a)             are in a good and safe state of repair and
                                 condition and satisfactory working order and
                                 have been regularly and properly maintained;

                 (b)             are in its possession and control, and are its
                                 absolute property, save for those items the
                                 subject of the hire purchase, leasing or rental
                                 agreements listed in the Disclosure Letter, or
                                 in respect of which the outstanding payments do
                                 not exceed (pound)2,500;

                 (c)             are not expected to require replacements or
                                 additions at a cost in excess of (pound)5,000
                                 within the next six months;

                 (d)             are all capable and (subject to normal wear and
                                 tear) will remain capable throughout the
                                 respective periods of time during which they
                                 are each written down to a nil value in the
                                 accounts of the Group Companies (in accordance
                                 with normal recognized accountancy principles)
                                 of doing the work for which they were designed
                                 or purchased.

                 7.5.2           Maintenance contracts are in full force and
                                 effect in respect of all assets of the Group
                                 Companies which it is normal or prudent to have
                                 maintained by independent or specialist
                                 contractors and in respect of all assets which
                                 any Group Company is obliged to maintain or
                                 repair under any leasing or similar agreement;
                                 and all those assets have been regularly
                                 maintained to a good technical standard and in
                                 accordance with safety regulations usually
                                 observed in relation to assets of that
                                 description and in accordance with the terms
                                 and conditions of any applicable leasing or
                                 similar agreement.

7.6              Industrial property rights and trade secrets

                 7.6.1           All Industrial Property Rights used or required
                                 by any Group Company in connection with its
                                 business are in full force and effect and are
                                 vested in and beneficially owned by it.


                 7.6.2           The Group Companies are the sole beneficial
                                 owners of the Industrial Property Rights listed
                                 in the Disclosure Letter and (where
                                 registration is possible) a Group Company has
                                 been and is registered as proprietor, and each
                                 of those Rights is valid and enforceable, and
                                 none of them is being used, claimed, opposed or
                                 attached by any other person.

                 7.6.3           No right or license has been granted to any
                                 person by any Group Company to use in any
                                 manner or to do anything which would or might
                                 otherwise infringe any of the Industrial
                                 Property Rights referred to above; and no act
                                 has been done or omission permitted by any
                                 Group Company whereby they or any of them have
                                 ceased or might cease to be valid and

                 7.6.4           The business of each Group Company (and of any
                                 licensee under a license granted by any Group
                                 Company) as now carried on does not and is not
                                 likely to infringe any Industrial Property
                                 Right of any other person (or would not do so
                                 if the same were valid) or give rise to a
                                 liability to pay compensation pursuant to the
                                 Patents Act 1977 ss 40 and 41 and all licenses
                                 to any Group Company in respect of any such
                                 right are in full force and effect.

                 7.6.5           No Group Company has (otherwise than in the
                                 ordinary and normal course of business)
                                 disclosed or permitted to be disclosed or
                                 undertaken or arranged to disclose to any
                                 person other than the Purchaser any of its
                                 know-how, trade secrets, confidential
                                 information, price lists or lists of customers
                                 or suppliers.

                 7.6.6           No Group Company is subject to any secrecy
                                 agreement or agreement which may restrict the
                                 use of disclosure of information.

                 7.6.7           Nothing has been done or omitted by any Group
                                 Company which would enable any licensee under a
                                 license granted by a Group Company to be
                                 terminated or which in any way constitutes a
                                 breach of the terms of any license.

8.               Property

8.1              Title

                 8.1.1           The Property comprises the only property owned,
                                 occupied or otherwise used in connection with
                                 their businesses by the Group Companies. None
                                 of the Group Companies has any liability
                                 (whether actual or contingent) in respect of
                                 any former property occupied by such Company.


                 8.1.2           The Property is occupied or otherwise used by
                                 the Group Companies in connection with their
                                 businesses is occupied or used by right of
                                 ownership or under lease or license, the terms
                                 of which permit the occupation or use.

                 8.1.3           The Group Companies are the legal and
                                 beneficial owners of the Property.

                 8.1.4           The information contained in Schedule 5 as to
                                 the tenure of the Property, the principal terms
                                 of the leases or licenses held by the Group
                                 Companies, and the principal terms of the
                                 tenancies and licenses subject to and with the
                                 benefit of which the Property are held is
                                 accurate in all respects.

                 8.1.5           The Group Companies have a good and marketable
                                 title to the Property.

                 8.1.6           Any lease of the Property granted for more than
                                 twenty-one years and less than forty years is
                                 either registered at HM Land Registry or not
                                 registered because the reversion to it was not
                                 registered at the time of grant.


8.2              Encumbrances

                 8.2.1           The Property is free from any mortgage,
                                 debenture, charge, rent-charge, lien or any
                                 other encumbrance securing the repayment of
                                 monies or other obligation or liability of any
                                 of the Group Companies or any other person.

                 8.2.2           The Property is not subject to any outgoings
                                 other than business rates, water rates and
                                 insurance premiums and in the case of leasehold
                                 properties rent and service charges.

                 8.2.3           The Property is not subject to any restrictive
                                 covenants, stipulations, easements, profits a
                                 prendre, wayleaves, licenses, grants,
                                 restrictions, overriding interests or other
                                 similar rights vested in third parties save as
                                 provided in the lease referred to in 
                                 Schedule 5.

                 8.2.4           Where any of the matters referred to in clauses
                                 8.2.1, 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 have been disclosed in
                                 the Disclosure Letter, the obligations and
                                 liabilities imposed and arising under them have
                                 been observed and performed in all material
                                 respects and any payments in respect of them
                                 due and payable have been duly paid and no
                                 notices have been received specifying any
                                 breach in respect thereof.

                 8.2.5           The Property is not subject to any option,
                                 right of pre-emption or right of first refusal.

8.3              Planning matters

                 8.3.1           The use of the Property is the permitted use
                                 for the purposes of the Planning Acts.

                 8.3.2           Planning permission has been obtained or is
                                 deemed to have been granted for the purposes of
                                 the Planning Acts with respect to the
                                 development of the Property, no permission has
                                 been suspended or called in and no application
                                 for planning permission is awaiting decision.

                 8.3.3           Building regulation consents have been obtained
                                 with respect to all development, alterations
                                 and improvements to the Property.

                 8.3.4           The Group Companies have complied and are
                                 complying in all material respects with:


                 (a)             planning permissions, orders, and regulations
                                 issued under the Planning Acts, the London
                                 Building Acts and building regulation consents
                                 and by-laws for the time being in force with
                                 respect to the Property;

                 (b)             all agreements under the Town and Country
                                 Planning Act 1971 s 52 made or planning
                                 obligations under the Town and Country Planning
                                 Act 1990 s 106 undertaken with respect to the
                                 properties; and

                 (c)             all agreements made under the Highways Act 1980
                                 s 38 with respect to the Property and no notice
                                 has been received by any Group Company that
                                 such Company has contravened any such
                                 regulation, permission, order or agreement or
                                 is required to take any steps in order to

                 8.3.5           The Property is not listed as being of special
                                 historic or architectural importance or located
                                 in a conservation area.

                 8.3.6           All claims and liabilities under the Planning
                                 Acts or any other legislation have been
                                 discharged and the Warrantors are not aware of
                                 any claim or liability, contingent or otherwise
                                 which is outstanding.

8.4              Statutory obligations

                 8.4.1           As far as the Warrantors are aware, the Group
                                 Companies have complied and are complying with
                                 all applicable statutory and by-law
                                 requirements with respect to the Property, and
                                 in particular (but without limitation) with the
                                 requirements as to fire precautions and under
                                 the Public Health Acts and the Offices, Shops
                                 and Railway Premises Act 1963.

                 8.4.2           There is no outstanding and unobserved or
                                 unperformed obligation with respect to the
                                 Property necessary to comply with the
                                 requirements (whether formal or informal) of
                                 any competent authority exercising statutory or
                                 delegated powers.

                 8.4.3           No licenses are required whether under the
                                 Licensing Act 1988 or otherwise in relation to
                                 the Property.

8.5              Adverse orders


                 8.5.1           There are no compulsory purchase notices,
                                 orders or resolutions affecting any of the
                                 Property and there are no circumstances likely
                                 to lead to any being made.

                 8.5.2           There are no closing, demolition or clearance
                                 orders, enforcement notices or stop notices
                                 affecting the Property and there are no
                                 circumstances likely to lead to any being made.

8.6              Condition of the property

                 8.6.1           The buildings and other structures on the
                                 Property are in good and substantial repair and
                                 fit for the purposes for which they are used.

                 8.6.2           There are no disputes with any neighboring
                                 owner with respect to boundary walls and fences
                                 or with respect to any easement or right over
                                 or means of access to the Property.

                 8.6.3           The principal means of access to the Property
                                 is over roads which have been taken over by the
                                 local or other highway authority and which are
                                 maintainable at the public expense and no means
                                 of access to the Property is shared with any
                                 other party nor subject to rights of
                                 determination by any other party.

                 8.6.4           The Property enjoys the main services of water,
                                 drainage, electricity and gas.

                 8.6.5           The Property is not located in an area or
                                 subject to circumstances particularly
                                 susceptible to flooding.

8.7              Insurance

                 8.7.1           The Property is insured for its full
                                 reinstatement values for not less than two
                                 years' loss of rent and against third party and
                                 public liabilities to an adequate extent.

                 8.7.2           All premiums payable in respect of insurance
                                 policies with respect to the Property which
                                 have become due have been duly paid and no
                                 circumstances have arisen which would vitiate
                                 or permit the insurers to avoid the policies.

                 8.7.3           The information in the Disclosure Letter with
                                 respect to the insurance policies is accurate
                                 in all respects.

8.8              Leasehold property


                 8.8.1           The relevant Group Company has paid the rent
                                 and observed and performed the covenants on the
                                 part of the tenant and the conditions contained
                                 in any lease (which expressions in this clause
                                 8.8 includes underleases) under which the
                                 Property is held, in all material respects (and
                                 no Group Company has received any notice of non
                                 performance, payment or compliance in respect
                                 of the same) and the last demand (or receipts
                                 for rent if issued) were unqualified, and all
                                 the leases are valid and in full force.

                 8.8.2           All licenses, consents and approvals required
                                 from the landlords and any superior landlords
                                 under any lease of the Property has been
                                 obtained and the covenants on the part of the
                                 tenant contained in the licenses, consents and
                                 approvals have been duly performed and observed
                                 in all material respects (and no Group Company
                                 has received any notice of non performance,
                                 payment or compliance in respect of the same).

                 8.8.3           There is no rent review under the lease of the
                                 Property in progress.

                 8.8.4           No obligation necessary to comply with any
                                 notice or other requirement given by the
                                 landlord under any lease of the Property is
                                 outstanding and unobserved or unperformed.

                 8.8.5           There is no obligation to reinstate the
                                 Property by removing or dismantling any
                                 alteration made to it by any Group Company or
                                 any predecessor in title to the Group

8.9              Tenancies

                 8.9.1           The Property is not held subject to and with
                                 the benefit of any tenancies (which expression
                                 in this clause 8.9 includes subtenancies) as
                                 set out in Schedule 5 and no others.

8.10             Pollution

                 8.10.1          None of the Group Companies have permitted or
                                 allowed any hazardous material (including but
                                 not limited to "controlled waste" within the
                                 meaning of Section 61 of the Environmental
                                 Protection Act 1990 ("EPA") ("Hazardous
                                 Material") to be kept on or at the Property,
                                 the presence of which may require work to be
                                 undertaken to restore the property or clean-up
                                 under any applicable law whether on or off the
                                 Premises or the presence of which causes or
                                 threatens to cause nuisance (whether public or


                                 private) or which in an uncontained form may
                                 cause pollution of the environment or harm to
                                 human health or detriment to the amenities of
                                 the locality or which is otherwise toxic,
                                 explosive, corrosive, radio-active,
                                 carcinogenic or mutagenic.

8.11             Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre Limited ("AECCL")

                 8.11.1          Spearhead Exhibitions Limited is the registered
                                 holder and beneficial owner of 28.8% of the
                                 issued share capital of AECCL, free from any
                                 charges, liens or encumbrances, and all of such
                                 shares have been fully paid up. The Company has
                                 not exercised any option to acquire any further
                                 shares in AECCL, nor is it obliged to do so or
                                 will it be obliged to do so with the passage of

                 8.11.2          In accordance with any Articles of Association
                                 or agreement existing between the shareholders
                                 of AECCL, all consents have been obtained in
                                 respect of the acquisition of the Shares
                                 contemplated by this Agreement.

                 8.11.3          The Company has not given any guarantee nor
                                 does it act as surety nor will it have any
                                 liability or obligation in respect of or
                                 relating to any liability or obligation
                                 (whether future, actual or contingent) of AECCL
                                 or as a shareholder or by virtue of being
                                 construed as shadow director of AECCL.


                                  SCHEDULE 4

                               Deed of Indemnity

Date:                            1995


                 1               `The Covenantors': the persons whose names and
                                 addresses are set out in the Schedule; and

                 2               `The Purchaser': PGI Acquisition Company E (a
                                 Virginian Corporation) whose principle place of
                                 business is at 2200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite
                                 200, Arlington, Virginia 22201.


This Deed is entered into pursuant to an agreement made between the Covenantors
(and others) and the Purchaser relating to the sale of all the ordinary share
capital of Spearhead Communications Limited (a company incorporated in England
and Wales under registered no. 3056668), whose registered office is at Ocean
House, 50 Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3LZ ("the Company") ("the

Operative provisions:

1                Definitions

In this deed:

1.1              Words and expressions defined in the Agreement shall, except
                 where otherwise provided or expressly defined below, have the
                 same meaning in this Deed.

1.2              `TAXATION' means all forms of taxation, duties, imposts and
                 levies whatsoever and whenever imposed and whether of the
                 United Kingdom or elsewhere, and without prejudice to the
                 generality of that expression includes:

                 1.2.1           income tax, corporation tax, advance
                                 corporation tax, capital gains tax, inheritance
                                 tax, stamp duty, stamp duty reserve tax, rates,
                                 value added tax, customs and other import
                                 duties and national insurance contributions,
                                 any payment whatsoever which the Company may be
                                 or become bound to make to any person as a
                                 result of any enactment relating to taxation
                                 and any other taxes, duties or levies
                                 supplementing or replacing any of the above;


                 1.2.2           all costs, charges, interest, fines, penalties
                                 and expenses incidental, or relating, to any

1.3              Where the context admits, `COMPANY' includes each Group
                 Company, so that this Deed shall apply to each Group Company as
                 if it were the Company, and the covenants given by the
                 Covenantors are expressly given to each Group Company and may
                 be enforced against the Covenantors by each and every Group
                 Company acting jointly or severally.

1.4              `RELIEF' includes any relief, allowance, exemption, set-off or
                 deduction in computing or against profits, income or gains of
                 any description or from any source, or credit against Taxation.

1.5              `LIABILITY TO TAXATION' means:

                 (a)             any liability to make a payment in respect of
                                 Taxation; and

                 (b)             the use or set-off of any Relief in
                                 circumstances where but for such use or set-
                                 off, the Company would have had an actual
                                 liability to tax in respect of which the
                                 Purchaser would have been able to make a claim
                                 against the Covenantors under this Deed (the
                                 amount of the tax liability for these purposes
                                 being deemed to be equal to the amount of that
                                 actual liability to tax);

1.6              `CLAIM FOR TAXATION' includes any notice, demand, assessment,
                 letter or other document issues, or action taken, by or on
                 behalf of the Inland Revenue or Customs and Excise authorities
                 or any other statutory or governmental authority or body
                 whatsoever in any part of the world, whereby it appears that
                 the Company is subject to a liability to Taxation (whether or
                 not it is primarily payable by the Company and whether or not
                 the Company has or may have any right of reimbursement).

2                Indemnity

2.1              The Covenantors jointly and severally covenant with the
                 Purchaser (for itself and as trustee for its successors in
                 title) to pay the Purchaser an amount equivalent to:

                 2.1.1           any Liability to Taxation arising in respect
                                 of, by reference to or in consequence of:

                 (a)             any income profits or gains earned accrued or
                                 received on or before Completion; and

                 (b)             any event which occurs or occurred on or before

                 2.1.2           any costs incurred by the Purchaser or the
                                 Company in relation to any demands, actions,
                                 proceedings and claims in respect of
                                 Liabilities to Taxation or Claims for Taxation.


2.2              In respect of any payment due from the Covenantors under clause
                 2.1 the Purchaser may if it is satisfied that it will be or has
                 been subject to a Liability to Taxation calculate and demand in
                 writing from the Covenantors from time to time such additional
                 amount as will ensure that the total amount paid by the
                 Covenants, less the tax chargeable on this amount, is equal to
                 the amount that would otherwise be payable under this Deed.

3                Exclusions

3.1              The indemnity in clause 2.1 shall not apply to any Liability to
                 Taxation or Claim for Taxation:

                 3.1.1           to the extent that an appropriate provision or
                                 reserve was made in the Principal Accounts (as
                                 such may have been modified or amended by the
                                 Management Accounts); or

                 3.1.2           for which the Company is or may become liable
                                 wholly or primarily as a result of transactions
                                 in the ordinary course of its business after
                                 the Last Accounts Date; or

                 3.1.3           to the extent that the Liability or Claim
                                 arises as a result only of the appropriate
                                 provision or reserve in the Principal Accounts
                                 (as such may have been modified or amended by
                                 the Management Accounts) being insufficient by
                                 reason of any increase in rates of Taxation
                                 made after the date of the Agreement with
                                 retrospective effect or of any change in law
                                 SSAPs, or FRSs which is announced and comes
                                 into force after the date of this Agreement
                                 with retrospective effect; or

                 3.1.4           to the extent that liability is excluded or
                                 limited under the provisions of Schedule 7 to
                                 the Agreement.

                 3.1.5           where the Liability to Taxation is suffered by
                                 the Company in respect of a Liability to
                                 Taxation of another Company and such latter
                                 Liability to Taxation would not be or have been
                                 subject to a claim under this Deed

                 3.1.6           to the extent that it has been made good or
                                 otherwise compensated at no expense to the
                                 Purchaser or the Company

                 3.1.7           which is attributable to the Company ceasing to
                                 be entitled to the Small Companies' rate of
                                 corporation tax


                 3.1.8           to the extent that it would not have arisen but
                                 for the fact that the treatment of any assets
                                 or liabilities, or Taxation attributable to
                                 timing differences in future accounts of the
                                 Company, is different from the treatment in the
                                 Principal Accounts, except where such
                                 difference arises because the Company is
                                 required by law or compliance with SSAPs to
                                 alter its accounting policy

                 3.1.9           which would not have arisen but for a voluntary
                                 act, omission or transaction of the Company or
                                 the Purchaser carried out or occurring after
                                 the date of this Deed otherwise than in the
                                 normal course of business (unless pursuant to
                                 an obligation incurred prior to the date of
                                 this Deed or taking place with the approval of
                                 all or any of the Covenantors) and which the
                                 Purchaser or the Company was, or ought
                                 reasonably to have been, aware could give rise
                                 to a Liability to Taxation]

                 3.1.10          to the extent that it corresponds to an
                                 increase in the value of the assets of any
                                 other Company, resulting from a reduction in
                                 its Liability to Taxation

                 3.1.11          where a Claim for Taxation would not have
                                 arisen but for any change in the accounting
                                 policy or practice of the Purchaser or the
                                 Company introduced or having effect after the
                                 Last Accounts Date except where such change in
                                 accounting policy or practice is required by
                                 law or compliance with SSAPs.

                 3.1.12          to the extent that the amount by which any
                                 Liability to Taxation for which the Company is
                                 or may be liable to be assessed or accountable
                                 is reduced or extinguished as a result of the
                                 matter giving rise to such claim

                 3.1.13          if the Purchaser or the Company fails after due
                                 warning to comply with its obligations
                                 contained in paragraph 5 hereof

4                Withholdings

4.1              All sums payable by the Covenantors under this Deed shall be
                 paid free and clear of all deductions or withholdings unless
                 the deduction or withholding is required by law, in which event
                 the Covenantors shall pay such additional amount as shall be
                 required to ensure that the net amount received by the
                 Purchaser under this Deed will equal the full amount which
                 would have been received, had no such deduction or withholding
                 been required to be made.

4.2              If the Covenantors are required to make any deduction or
                 withholding as contemplated in clause 4.1 above, they shall
                 deliver to the Purchaser within 30


                 days after it has made such payment evidence reasonably
                 satisfactory to the Purchaser that such payment or deduction
                 has been made and has been or will be accounted for to the
                 relevant authorities.

4.3              Following receipt of the payment evidence referred to in clause
                 4.2 above, the Purchaser shall as soon as practicable apply for
                 any credit or repayment to which it may be entitled. Following
                 the receipt of any such credit or repayment by the Purchaser,
                 the Purchaser shall pay such amount to the Covenantors as shall
                 ensure that the Purchaser is in the same position after making
                 such payment as if no such deduction or withholding had been

5                Conduct of claims

5.1              The Purchaser or the Company shall notify the Covenantors in
                 writing within not less than 5 working days of any Claim for
                 Taxation relevant for the purposes of this Deed, and shall
                 subject as herein provided take such action as the Covenantors
                 may reasonably request to dispute, resist appeal or defend the
                 Claim for Taxation. As soon as practicable after such request
                 the Purchaser and the Company shall be indemnified and secured
                 to its reasonable satisfaction by the Covenantors against all
                 losses, costs, damages, and expenses that are or may be thereby

5.2              If the Covenantors do not request the Purchaser or the Company
                 to take any appropriate action within one month of the notice
                 to the Covenantors, the Purchaser or the Company shall be free
                 to satisfy or settle the relevant Claim for Taxation on such
                 terms as it may in its absolute discretion think fit.

5.3              Subject to Clause 5.2 the Purchaser and the Company shall
                 ensure that the Covenantors are placed in a position to dispute
                 on behalf of the Company, any claim for Taxation and shall
                 render, or cause to be rendered, to the Covenantors, at the
                 expense of the Covenantors such assistance as the Covenantors,
                 or a majority of them, may reasonably require in disputing any
                 Claim for Taxation.

5.4              Subject as aforesaid, the Covenantors shall be entitled on
                 behalf of the Company, to instruct such solicitors or other
                 professional advisors as the Covenantors, or a majority of
                 them, may nominate, to act on behalf of the Covenantors of the
                 Company to the intent that the conduct and costs and expenses
                 of the dispute shall be delegated entirely to and be borne
                 solely by the Covenantors.

5.5              The Company shall permit the Covenantors and their advisors to
                 have reasonable access to its records and the reasonable
                 assistance of its employees to enable the Covenantors to carry
                 out the conduct of disputes in accordance with the foregoing
                 provisions of this Clause.


5.6              In connection with the conduct of any dispute relating to a
                 Claim for Taxation (to which Clause 5.1 applies):

                 5.6.1           each party shall keep the other parties hereto
                                 fully informed of all relevant matters and the
                                 Covenantors, the Purchaser or the Company as
                                 the case may be, shall promptly forward, or
                                 procure to be forwarded, to the Covenantors,
                                 the Purchaser and the Company as the case may
                                 be, copies of all correspondence and other
                                 written communications pertaining to it;

                 5.6.2           the appointment of solicitors and other
                                 professional advisors shall be subject to the
                                 approval of the Purchaser and the Company,
                                 which shall not be unreasonably withheld or

                 5.6.3           the Covenantors shall make no settlement or
                                 compromise of the dispute, nor agree any matter
                                 in its conduct which is likely to affect the
                                 amount of the resulting Liability to Taxation,
                                 without the prior written approval of both the
                                 Purchaser and the Company, which shall not be
                                 unreasonably withheld or delayed;

                 5.6.4           if any dispute arises between the Purchaser or
                                 the Company and the Covenantors as to whether
                                 any Claim for Taxation or Liability to Taxation
                                 should at any time be settled in full, or
                                 contested in whole or in part, the dispute
                                 shall be referred to the determination of a
                                 senior tax counsel, of at least ten years,
                                 standing, appointed by agreement between the
                                 Purchaser, the Company and the Covenantors, or
                                 (if they do not agree) upon the application by
                                 any party to the President for the time being
                                 of the Law Society, whose determination shall
                                 be final. The counsel shall be asked to advise
                                 whether, in his opinion, an appeal against the
                                 Claim or Liability would, on the balance of
                                 probabilities, be likely to succeed and as to
                                 how the costs of the dispute should be
                                 allocated between the Covenantors and the
                                 Company. Only if his opinion is in the
                                 affirmative shall an appeal be made and that
                                 Claim or Liability not then settled. Any
                                 further dispute arising between the
                                 Covenantors, the Company and the Purchaser as
                                 to whether any further appeal should be pursued
                                 following determination of an earlier appeal
                                 (whether or not in favour of the Company) shall
                                 be resolved in a similar manner.

6                Dates for and quantum of payments

6.1              The Covenantors shall pay to the Purchaser any amounts payable
                 under this Deed on or before the date which is the later of the
                 date which is ten business


                 days after demand is made therefore by or on behalf of the
                 claimant and the fifth business day before the first date on
                 which the tax becomes recoverable by the relevant tax

6.2              Where a claim under this Deed relates to the use or set-off of
                 any Relief, the Covenantors shall pay to the Purchaser the
                 amount due under this Deed in respect thereof on the later of
                 the date which is five business days before the first date on
                 which tax which would not have been payable but for such use or
                 set-off becomes recoverable by the relevant tax authority and
                 ten business days after demand is made therefor by or on behalf
                 of the claimant.

6.3              Any sum not paid by the Covenantors on the due date for payment
                 specified in this clause 5 shall bear interest (which shall
                 accrue from day to day after as well as before any judgement
                 for same) at the rate of 3 percent per annum over the base rate
                 of Midland Bank plc, from the due date to and including the day
                 of actual payment of such sum, compounded quarterly. Such
                 interest shall be paid on the demand of the Purchaser.

6.4              The Purchaser shall make a repayment to the Covenantors
                 (together with any interest paid by the relevant taxation
                 authority) to the extent that and on the date on which the
                 Company receives any repayment of any amount paid in respect of
                 any Liability to Taxation pursuant to clause 6.1. Any repayment
                 to the Covenantors pursuant to this clause 6.4 shall not
                 prejudice the right of the Purchaser to recover from the
                 Covenantors under this Deed in the event that a further
                 Liability to Taxation arises, whether in respect of matters to
                 which the repayment relates or otherwise.

6.5              For the purposes of Clause 6.4:

                 6.5.1           the Company shall be deemed to receive a
                                 repayment on the date on which the Company
                                 receives a repayment of Taxation or if and when
                                 the Company would have received the repayment
                                 but for a Liability to Taxation in respect of
                                 which the Company is not entitled to be
                                 indemnified under this Deed of if and when the
                                 Company would have received the repayment had
                                 the Liability to Taxation been discharged by a
                                 payment of Taxation or if and when the Company
                                 is able to obtain the benefit of the reduction
                                 in its Liability to Taxation as a result of the
                                 right to repayment;

                 6.5.2           The interest shall be deemed to have been paid
                                 to the extent that any repayment is deemed to
                                 have been received by the Company and where a
                                 payment has been made by the Covenantors in
                                 circumstances that no corresponding payment has
                                 been made by the Company to the relevant
                                 taxation authority the amount of interest shall
                                 be deemed to be equal to the amount of interest


                                 which would have been earned on an equal amount
                                 to the repayment, had it been placed on a 7 day
                                 deposit with a clearing bank, for a period
                                 commencing on the date which is the day after
                                 which the payment was received by the Purchaser
                                 from the Covenantors and ending on the day
                                 which is 7 days before the Company receives the

6.6              Any dispute in relation to the provisions of clauses 6.2, 6.3,
                 6.4 or 6.5 may be referred, by the Purchaser, the Company or
                 the Covenantors, to the auditors for the time being of the
                 Company, acting as experts and not as arbitrators, whose
                 certificate shall be final and binding upon the parties in the
                 absence of manifest error.

7.               Illegality

                 If at any time any provision under the Deed is or becomes
                 illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law
                 of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or
                 enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof nor the
                 legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under
                 the law of any other jurisdiction shall in any way be affected
                 or impaired thereby.

8.               Assignment

                 The whole or any part of the benefit of this Deed may be
                 assigned by the Purchaser to the intent that the indemnity
                 given under this Deed shall ensure for the benefit of their
                 successors and assigns provided always that any such assignee
                 acknowledges acceptance of the limitations on the covenantor's
                 liability in respect of indemnity.

9.               Counterparts

                 This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts and by
                 the parties to and on separate counterparts, each of which,
                 when executed and delivered shall be an original but all the
                 counterparts together shall constitute one and the same

10.              General

10.1             The Company shall procure that each other Group Company
                 performs its obligations under this deed.

10.2             This deed shall be binding on the Covenantors and their
                 respective successors and personal representatives.

10.3             The provisions of the Agreement relating to notices shall apply
                 to any notice to be given under, or in connection with, this

10.4             The construction, validity and performance of this deed shall
                 be governed by the laws of England.

IN WITNESS whereof this Deed has been executed the day and year first before

EXECUTED as a DEED and                   )
delivered by                             )
David Charles Chapman Stott              )

in the presence of:-
witness signature:
witness name:
witness address:


EXECUTED as a DEED and                       )
delivered by                                 )
Bryan Mervyn Weavers                         )

in the presence of:-
witness signature:
witness name:
witness address:

EXECUTED as a                                )
DEED and                                     )
delivered by                                 )
Christopher Philip Levelis Marke             )

in the presence of:-
witness signature:
witness name:
witness address:

EXECUTED as a                                )
DEED and                                     )
delivered by                                 )
Robert David Munton                          )

in the presence of:-
witness signature:
witness name:
witness address:

EXECUTED as a                                )
DEED and                                     )
delivered by                                 )
Susan Patricia Crouch                        )

in the presence of:-
witness signature:
witness name:
witness address:


EXECUTED as a DEED                                            )
by PGI ACQUISITION                                            )
COMPANY E and DELIVERED                                       )
by                                          (Officer)         )
and                                         (Officer)         )


                                 THE SCHEDULE

                      Names and addresses of Covenantors

David Charles Chapman Stott, Ashleigh, 29 Ranelagh Avenue, London SW13 0BN;
Bryan Mervyn Weavers, Dragons, St Georges Lane, Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex;
Christopher Philip Levelis Marke, 7, Elm Tree Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 8JG;
Robert David Munton of Cherry Tree Cottage, Horsham Road, Holmbury, St. Mary,
Dorking, Surrey; Susan Patricia Crouch of 14 Farm View, Tilt Road, Cobham,
Surrey KT11 3HL.


                                  SCHEDULE 5

                       Short particulars of the Property

Leasehold property and details of the lease

1                Description: Office premises at Ocean House, 50 Kingston Road,
                 New Malden, Surrey.

                 Whether registered: No, held under a lease dated 27th September
                 1994 and made between

                 1. Sovereign Countries Limited,
                 2. Spearhead Exhibition Limited and
                 3. Spearhead Communication Limited

                 Rent: 53,950 p.a. subject to a review on 29th September 1999
                 and five yearly thereafter

                 To whom payable: Lessor

                 Term: 20 years from 29th September 1994
                 Covenants: normal commercial lease


                                  SCHEDULE 6

                             Pension arrangements

1.               Interpretation

In this Schedule, where the context admits:

1                `Company' means Spearhead Exhibitions Limited;

2                `Pension Scheme' means the retirement benefits scheme known as
                 The Spearhead Exhibitions Pension Funds which was established
                 by a Deed dated March 1, 1983 (or the trustees from time to
                 time of that scheme, as the context requires); and

3                `Relevant Employee' means any past or present employee or
                 officer of the Company or of any predecessor to all or part of
                 its business.

2.               Warranties and Representations

The Warrantors hereby warrants and represents to and for the benefit of the
Purchaser as follows:

2.1              No Other Pension Arrangements

Save for the Pension Scheme the Company is not a party to nor participates in
nor contributes to any scheme, arrangement or agreement (whether legally
enforceable or not) for the provision of any pension, retirement, death,
incapacity, sickness, disability, accident or other like benefits (including the
payment of medical expenses) for any Relevant Employee or for the widow,
widower, child or dependant of any Relevant Employee.

2.2              No Assurances etc

Neither the Company nor any member of the Group:

                 2.2.1           has given any undertaking or assurance (whether
                                 legally enforceable or not) to any Relevant
                                 Employee or to any widow, widower, child or
                                 dependant of any Relevant Employee as to the
                                 continuance, introduction,improvement or
                                 increase of any benefit of a kind described in
                                 2.1 above; or

                 2.2.2           is paying or has in the last three years paid
                                 any benefit of a kind described in 2.1 above to
                                 any Relevant Employee or to any widow, widower,
                                 child or dependant of any Relevant Employee.


2.3              All Details Disclosed

All material details relating to the Pension Scheme have been disclosed and
include (without limitation) the following:

                 2.3.1           a true and complete copy of the deed or other
                                 instrument by which the Pension Scheme was
                                 established and all deeds and other instruments
                                 supplemental thereto;

                 2.3.2           a true and complete copy of all announcements,
                                 explanatory literature and the like of current
                                 effect which have been issued to any Relevant
                                 Employee in connection with the Pension Scheme;

                 2.3.3           a true and complete copy of the report on the
                                 last actuarial valuation of the Pension Scheme
                                 to be completed prior to the date of this
                                 Agreement and of any subsequent written
                                 recommendations of an actuarial nature;

                 2.3.4           a true and complete copy of the last audited
                                 accounts of the Pension Scheme to be completed
                                 prior to the date of this Agreement and details
                                 of any material change in the investment policy
                                 of the Pension Scheme since the date as at
                                 which those accounts were made up;

                 2.3.5           a true and complete copy of all insurance
                                 policies (if any) and annuity contracts (if
                                 any) held for the purposes of the Pension
                                 Scheme and details of any such policies and
                                 contracts (if any) which the Pension Scheme has
                                 agreed to effect;

                 2.3.6           a true and complete copy of the memorandum and
                                 articles of association of any company which is
                                 a trustee of the Pension Scheme and the names
                                 and addresses of the directors and secretary of
                                 that company;

                 2.3.7           the names and addressee of the trustees of the
                                 Pension Scheme;

                 2.3.8           details of all amendments (if any) to the
                                 Pension Scheme which have been announced or are
                                 proposed but which have not yet been formally

                 2.3.9           details of all discretionary increases (if any)
                                 to pensions in payment or deferment under the
                                 Pension Scheme which have been granted in the
                                 ten years prior to the date of this Agreement
                                 or which are under consideration;


                 2.3.10          details of all discretionary practices (if any)
                                 which may have led any person to expect
                                 additional benefits in a given set of
                                 circumstances (by way of example, but without
                                 limitation, on retirement at the behest of the
                                 Company or in the event of redundancy); and

                 2.3.11          details of the rate at which and basis upon
                                 which the Company currently contributes to the
                                 Pension Scheme, any change to that rate and/or
                                 basis which is proposed or under consideration
                                 and all contributions paid to the Pension
                                 Scheme by the Company in the four years prior
                                 to the date of this Agreement.

2.4              Benefits

All benefits which are not money purchase benefits and which are payable under
the Pension Scheme on the death of any person while in employment to which the
Pension Scheme relates are insured fully under a policy with an insurance
company of good repute and there are no grounds on which that company might
avoid liability under that policy. All other benefits payable under the Pension
Scheme are money purchase benefits. In this sub-clause 'money purchase benefits'
has the same meaning as in the Social Security Act 1986, section 84(1).

2.5              Augmentation

No power under the Pension Scheme has been exercised in relation to any Relevant
Employee or, since the date as at which the last actuarial valuation of the
Pension Scheme to be completed prior to the date of this Agreement was
undertaken, in respect of any other person:

                 2.5.1           to provide terms of membership of the Pension
                                 Scheme (whether as to benefits or
                                 contributions) which differ from those
                                 generally applicable to the members of the
                                 Pension Scheme; or

                 2.5.2           to provide any benefits which would not but for
                                 the exercise of that power have been payable
                                 under the Pension Scheme; or

                 2.5.3           to augment any benefits under the Pension

2.6              Contributions and Expenses

Contributions to the Pension Scheme are not paid in arrear and all contributions
and other amounts which have fallen due for payment have been paid punctually.
No fee, charge or expense relating to or in connection with the Pension Scheme
has been incurred but not paid. If any such fee, charge or expense has been paid
by any person other than the Pension Scheme the Pension Scheme has reimbursed
that person if and to the extent that the Pension Scheme is or may become liable
so to do.


2.7              Company's Obligations

The Company:

                 2.7.1           has observed and performed those provisions of
                                 the Pension Scheme which apply to it; and

                 2.7.2           may (without the consent of any person or
                                 further payment) terminate its liability to
                                 contribute to the Pension Scheme at any time
                                 subject only to giving such notice (if any) as
                                 is expressly provided for in the documentation
                                 containing the current provisions governing the
                                 Pension Scheme.

2.8              No Other Employer

The Company is the only employer for the time being participating in the Pension
Scheme. No other employer which has previously participated in the Pension
Scheme has any claim under the Pension Scheme and in respect of any such
employer the period of participation has been terminated and benefits have been
provided in accordance with the provisions of the Pension Scheme.

2.9              Administration

All documents and records in respect of the Pension Scheme are up to date and so
far as the Warrantors are aware complete and accurate in all respects.

2.10             Investments

None of the assets of the Pension Scheme:

                 2.10.1          is invested in or in any description of
                                 employer-related investments (within the
                                 meaning of the Social Security Act 1975,
                                 section 57A); or

                 2.10.2          save for deposits with banks, building
                                 societies and other financial institutions and
                                 save for any instrument creating or
                                 acknowledging an indebtedness listed on any
                                 stock exchange of repute, is loaned to any
                                 person or company; or

                 2.10.3          is subject to any encumbrance or agreement or
                                 commitment to give or create any encumbrance.

2.11             No Payment to Employer


No payment to which the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988, section 601,
applies has been made out of funds which are or have been held for the purposes
of the Pension Scheme.

2.12             Compliance

The Pension Scheme:

                 2.12.1          is an exempt approved scheme (within the
                                 meaning of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act
                                 1988, section 592);

                 2.12.2          has properly and punctually accounted to the
                                 Inland Revenue for all and any tax for which
                                 the Pension Scheme is liable or accountable;

                 2.12.3          is not liable to taxation on any income from or
                                 capital gains on any of the funds which are or
                                 have been held for the purposes of the Pension
                                 Scheme; and

                 2.12.4          complies with and has at all times been
                                 administered in accordance with all applicable
                                 laws, regulations and requirements (including
                                 those of the Board of Inland Revenue and of
                                 trust laws.

2.13             Litigation

None of the Pension Scheme, the Company [or any member of the Vendor's group] is
engaged or involved in any proceedings which relate to or are in connection with
the Pension Scheme or the benefits thereunder and no such proceedings are
pending or threatened and so far as the Vendor is aware there are no facts
likely to give rise to any such proceedings. In this sub-clause 'proceedings'
includes any litigation or arbitration and also includes any investigation or
determination by the Pensions Ombudsman.

2.14             Indemnities

In relation to the Pension Scheme or the funds which are or have been held for
the purposes thereof neither the Company nor the trustees or administrator of
the Pension Scheme has given an indemnity or guarantee to any person (other than
in the case of the Company any general indemnity in favour of the trustees or
administrator under the documentation governing the Pension Scheme).


In determining the damages flowing from any breach of Warranties contained in
clause 2, the Company shall be deemed to be under a liability:


3.1              to provide and to continue to provide any benefit of a kind
                 referred to in that clause which is now provided or has been
                 announced or is proposed; and

3.2              to maintain and to continue to maintain (without benefits being
                 reduced) the Pension Scheme and any other arrangements of a
                 kind described in that clause which are now in existence or are
                 proposed and any discretionary practices of a kind referred to
                 in that clause which have hitherto been carried on.

4                POST COMPLETION

4.1              Following Completion the Purchaser will procure that the
                 Company (or any other subsidiary of the Purchaser which
                 replaces the Company as principal employer for the purposes of
                 the Scheme) will not cause any of the Scheme trustees to be
                 removed pursuant to the powers conferred on it by Clause 16(2)
                 of the definitive Trust Deed dated 1st March, 1983 and that no
                 part of the Fund (as defined by the Scheme rules) is used or
                 applied by way of a loan.

4.2              The Articles of Association of the Company shall be amended
                 following Completion to provide that the unanimous vote of all
                 the directors for the time being of the Company is required
                 prior to any contributions to the Pension Scheme being made by
                 the Company.


                                  SCHEDULE 7

                Warrantors'/Covenantors' protection provisions

(1)              The liability of the Warrantors in relation to the Warranties
                 shall cease on the second anniversary of the date of this
                 Agreement and the liability of the Covenantors in relation to
                 the Deed of Indemnity shall cease on the seventh anniversary of
                 the date of this Agreement, save as regards any alleged
                 specific breach of which notice in writing (containing details
                 of the event or circumstance giving rise to the breach, the
                 basis upon which the Purchaser is making a claim against the
                 Warrantors/Covenantors (as the case may be) and the total
                 amount of liability which results) has been given to the
                 Warrantors/Covenantors (as the case may be) prior to that

(2)              The Warrantors/Covenantors shall not be liable for any Warranty
                 Claim unless their aggregate liability in respect of all
                 Warranty Claims (or what would be their liability apart from
                 this paragraph) exceeds(pound)20,000, in which case the
                 Purchaser shall be entitled to claim the whole of any such
                 claims (and not just the excess).

(3)              The total liability of the Warrantors/Covenantors under
                 Warranty Claims shall not in any event exceed(pound)5,400,000.
                 To the extent that it is able to do so, the Purchaser shall
                 exercise its right of set-off against the Loan Notes in respect
                 of any Warranty Claim prior to demanding payment in respect of
                 such Warranty Claim against the Warrantors/Covenantors (as the
                 case may be).

(4)              The Purchaser warrants to the Warrantors/Covenantors that it is
                 acquiring the shares as capital assets and not as trading

(5)              The Purchaser shall indemnify the Warrantors/Covenantors
                 against any liability to taxation arising under any of Section
                 191 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992, Section 132
                 of the Finance Act 1988 and Section 767A of the Taxes Act and
                 all connected costs, damages or expenses incurred by them or
                 any of them.

(6)              The Purchaser shall indemnify the Vendors against any loss or
                 depreciation in the benefits derived or to be derived by any
                 one or more of the Vendors under the Pension Scheme by virtue
                 of such scheme ceasing to be an exempt approved scheme within
                 the meaning of Section 592(1) of the Taxes Act or by virtue of
                 Sub-sections 8(A) to 8(D) (both inclusive) of Section 592 of
                 the Taxes Act applying to the Pension Scheme where such loss or
                 depreciation occurs solely by reason of an act done by the
                 Company or the Purchaser.

(7)              The Purchaser will not so long as any of paragraphs (3) to (6)
                 (inclusive) of this Schedule are applicable or capable of
                 taking effect cease to control any Group Company without
                 procuring from the person acquiring control an undertaking in
                 favour of the Vendors, the Warrantors and the Covenantors (as
                 appropriate) to be bound by such provisions so far as they
                 affect that Group Company, to same extent as the Purchaser is
