(Translated from German to English)



dated  February 8, 1996

effective starting April 1, 1996 (effective date)


UNITED INTERNATIONAL PICTURES GmbH, P.O. Box 71 08 48, 60498 Frankfurt/Main
(hereinafter referred to as "LICENSOR")


PRODAC GmbH, Max-Planck-Strasse 38, 50858 Cologne
(hereinafter referred to as "LICENSEE")

1.   the LICENSOR hereby grants the LICENSEE a time-limited non-exclusive
     license within the scope of the prevailing copyright provisions and other
     applicable provisions to distribute FILMS for the purpose of hotel guest
     display in the HOTELS within the contract territory for the relevant
     presentation period.

2.   (a)   As consideration for the LICENSE granted hereinafter, the LICENSEE
           shall pay the LICENSOR a monthly license fee of DM [***] (in words:
           [***]) plus VAT; beginning on the above-captioned date (effective
           date of this agreement), the LICENSEE shall present films of the
           LICENSOR for at least 6 months of the contract term of 12 months.

           The LICENSEE may select a maximum of 30 titles from the respective
           program of the LICENSOR--dependent, however, on the latter's
           availability. This number shall increase by the number of titles
           which are selected by the LICENSEE which the LICENSOR is not able to

           Within one month, calculated from the effective date of this
           agreement, the LICENSOR shall also provide the LICENSEE with 20 films
           for the LICENSEE's "Videoquest" system for a period of 12 months. In
           consideration thereof, the LICENSEE shall pay the LICENSOR a license
           fee in the amount of [***] % of the net revenues--which are to be
           documented by the LICENSEE--for the months in which it presents no
           films by way of hotel guest presentation (as defined in this
           contract). The LICENSEE shall settle with regard to the relevant net
           revenues by the 15th of the month for the preceding calendar month.

[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                     - 2 -

           The license fee shall be paid by the LICENSEE on a monthly basis
           immediately following receipt of the relevant invoices from the
           LICENSOR. Payment for the aforementioned films made available for use
           in the LICENSEE's Videoquest system shall be made together with

     (b)   The LICENSEE shall pay the LICENSOR a license fee in accordance with
           appendix C on the basis of the total number of rooms communicated to
           the LICENSOR by the LICENSEE pursuant to sec. 3 (b) of the Standard
           Contract Terms; increases shall apply starting from the point in time
           at which additional rooms are added.

     (c)   Immediately after the time of the addition of rooms, or upon the
           LICENSOR's consent to the possible expansion to include additional
           rooms in a new HOTEL pursuant to sec. 5 (a) of this agreement, the
           LICENSEE shall pay the LICENSOR the portion of the additional license
           fee allocable to the current month. For the following months, the
           LICENSEE shall pay the additional license fee in advance, together
           with the minimum license fee pursuant to sec. 2 (a), above.

     (d)   All payments shall be made by wire transfer to the bank account
           communicated by the LICENSOR. The license fees allocable to the
           LICENSOR shall be understood to exclude value-added tax and other
           taxes. Customs duties or other charges or fees which are imposed on
           the delivery and presentation of films pursuant to this contract. The
           value-added tax payable by the LICENSEE pursuant hereto shall be
           listed in addition in the invoice by the LICENSOR for the relevant
           license fee payment. Invoices of the LICENSOR shall be payable
           immediately without deduction upon receipt by the LICENSEE.

3.   (a)   Subject to sec. 3 (b), below, the LICENSOR hereby promises to deliver
           30 titles per year. It is hereby clarified in this connection that,
           to the extent that use rights to a title are granted in more than one
           language, this shall be deemed to constitute one title for purposes
           of this provision.

     (b)   Subject to availability, the LICENSOR shall make available to the
           LICENSEE a number of video cassettes of films coordinated by the
           parties in advance; however, the LICENSOR hereby reserves the right
           to make the final decision based on its discretion.

                                     - 3 -

     (c)   At the end of each contract year, the LICENSEE shall have the
           elective right to return--all or part of--the video cassettes
           delivered during the expired contract year or destroy them in
           accordance with sec. 5 (e) of the Standard Contract Terms. Moreover,
           the LICENSEE may retain the video cassettes for one or more titles,
           but subject to the proviso that said titles shall be counted toward
           the titles to be delivered during the following year (maximum of 30
           in the absence of agreement to the contrary) and the number of video
           cassettes which are to be provided therefor.

4.   This agreement shall have a term of one year, calculated from the effective
     date thereof. It shall be extended by consecutive one-year terms, unless
     one of the parties terminates it in writing upon compliance with a notice
     period of 90 days effective at the end of a contract year.

5.   A hotel guest presentation may only take place in one of the HOTELS
     communicated to the LICENSOR pursuant to sec. 3 (b) of the attached
     Standard Contract Terms upon written clearance of the HOTEL by the
     LICENSOR. The LICENSOR may only refuse to grant said clearance for good
     cause. To the extent possible, the LICENSOR shall submit its declaration in
     this regard within two weeks of receipt of the relevant information from
     the LICENSEE pursuant to sec. 3 (b) of the Standard Contract Terms. Upon
     clearance, appendix A shall be deemed amended mutatis mutandis.

6.   Notwithstanding sec. 5 (b) of the Standard Contract Terms, the LICENSEE
     shall be entitled to pulse transmission with regard to the video cassette,
     provided that the final version of the films on the video cassettes is not
     impaired thereby.

7.   The use rights granted pursuant hereto shall apply to the countries of
     Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, France,
     Poland, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Hungary and
     Russia (hereinafter referred to as the "contract territory"). Use rights
     for additional countries in connection with this agreement shall require
     the prior written consent of the LICENSOR. If the LICENSEE applies for the
     grant of use rights for additional countries, the LICENSOR shall, if at all
     possible, communicate its decision to the LICENSEE within two weeks of
     receipt of the application.

8.   This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of

9.   The attached General Contract Terms and appendices shall constitute
     substantial components if this agreement. To the extent that the provisions
     of this agreement are in conflict with those of the Standard Contract
     Terms, the provisions of the agreement text shall take precedence.

                                     - 4 -

10.  The definition of terms in the Standard Contract Terms shall also apply to
     this agreement. Conversely, definitions of terms contained herein shall
     also apply to the Standard Contract Terms.

In witness thereof, the parties executed this agreement on the date stated at
the outset.


/s/ Paul Steinschulte
Paul Steinschulte


/s/ Heinz Wirt
Heinz Wirt


                            STANDARD CONTRACT TERMS

The following Standard Contract Terms shall supplement the special terms and
conditions in the attached agreement (hereinafter referred to as the
"agreement") between the LICENSOR and the LICENSEE named therein.

- --------------------

The following definitions shall apply to the agreement and these Standard
Contract Terms:

"Availability date":          The time at which the LICENSOR is able to make the
                              video cassettes of the FILM in the stipulated
                              format available to the LICENSEE for contractual
                              use within the contract territory. The
                              availability dates of the individual FILMS shall
                              be set by the LICENSOR's end supplier, taking into
                              account his interests and rights, as well as the
                              relevant technical requirements for manufacture in
                              the appropriate format, and shall not be subject
                              to the influence of the LICENSOR.

"Beginning of presentation":  For each hotel, the point in time at which the
                              hotel guest presentations pursuant to appendix A
                              are scheduled to begin in the version modified
                              according to sec. 3 (b); in the absence of an
                              indication of a time, the date on which the
                              agreement takes affect.

"Presentation period":        With regard to each individual FILM, the period
                              during which presentation is permitted in
                              accordance with the agreement--beginning on the
                              date of actual delivery of the video cassettes to
                              the LICENSEE (no earlier, however, than the date
                              on which the agreement takes effect)--and ending
                              either (i) at the end time, (ii) the point in time
                              at which the rights of the LICENSOR to grant use
                              rights lapse or (iii) the point in time at which
                              the LICENSOR's suppliers--for whatever reason--
                              adopt a provision to the effect that distribution
                              of the FILM in connection with the agreement shall
                              end; the earliest point in time shall govern.

                                     - 2 -

"Hotels":                     The hotel(s) within the contract territory as
                              described (name and location) in appendix A in the
                              version amended in accordance with Sec. 3 (b),
                              provided that the hotels are hotel facilities in
                              the true sense of the word (i) whose rooms are let
                              to guests exclusively for the primary purpose of
                              short-term temporary lodging and (ii) in which the
                              presentation of FILMS represents a merely
                              ancillary service for guests in relation to

"Hotel guest presentation":   Presentations exclusively in the respective hotel
                              rooms or suites, to which only lodging guests of
                              the hotel have access; presentation shall take
                              place using video cassettes over a hotel
                              distribution facilities.

                              The term "hotel guest presentation" shall not
                              include presentations in rooms or areas to which
                              the general public (i.e., persons, including
                              conference participants who are not lodging guests
                              of the hotel) have access; the term shall also be
                              understood to exclude presentation by means of
                              devices or media other than those expressly stated
                              in the preceding sentence.

"Films":                      The feature films listed in appendix B 
                              (including--to the extent that the terms and
                              conditions of the agreement and these Standard
                              Contract Terms can be applied mutatis mutandis--
                              the FILMS provided in sec. 2 (a) of the agreement
                              for the LICENSEE's Videoquest system.)

"Rooms":                      The individual hotel rooms or suites of a hotel
                              which (i) are available for use by hotel guests
                              (regardless of actual occupancy) and (ii) equipped
                              with devices for hotel guest presentations. The
                              number of rooms in each hotel is stated in
                              appendix A.

"End time":                   The point in time at which the contract ends in
                              accordance with sec. 4 of the agreement or
                              according to sec. 13 below, depending on which is

"Video cassettes":            Video cassettes (in the stipulated format and
                              standard) of the FILMS with (at the discretion of
                              the LICENSOR) subtitles and/or

                                     - 3 -

                              synchronized in a contract territory language and
                              otherwise in a final version which are delivered
                              to the LICENSEE by the LICENSOR either directly or
                              through a contract laboratory pursuant to sec. 5
                              (a) for hotel guest presentations in connection
                              with the agreement.The quality of the video
                              cassettes shall conform to the purposes of the

- -------

1.   (a)   The LICENSOR shall grant the LICENSEE a time-limited non-exclusive
           license within the scope of prevailing copyright provisions and other
           applicable positions to distribute FILMS for hotel guest
           presentations in hotels within the contract territory for the
           respective presentation period.

     (b)   The LICENSOR shall arrange for the delivery of video cassettes to the
           LICENSEE or its agent, subject to the availability dates of the
           relevant FILMS and subject to the timely payment of license fees and
           other sums owed pursuant to this agreement. The LICENSEE shall not be
           permitted to permit a presentation of the FILMS prior to the relevant
           availability date or deliver video cassettes of the relevant FILMS to
           the hotels.

     (c)   The LICENSEE shall be obligated to ensure that the FILMS are
           presented exclusively in the manner intended pursuant hereto, at the
           location defined herein and exclusively during the presentation
           periods. Moreover, the LICENSEE shall be obligated not to permit any
           presentation of the LICENSOR's FILMS concerning which the LICENSEE
           has not been granted express presentation rights hereby.

     (d)   The LICENSOR hereby reserves all rights with respect to all FILMS,
           except where license rights have been expressly granted to the
           LICENSEE herein; the LICENSOR shall be free to exercise the rights
           which he reserves pursuant hereto without regard to whether, or the
           extent to which, such exercise of right establishes a competitive
           relationship vis a vis the LICENSEE or the use licensed hereby.

                                     - 4 -

     (e)   The agreement shall end at the end time. All rights to the FILMS
           shall revert to the LICENSOR upon expiration of the presentation
           period or at the end time--whichever comes first.

- ---------------------

2.   (a)   The LICENSEE shall be obligated to maintain complete and accurate
           books and records concerning the payments and revenues which it
           receives in connection with the agreement. Such books and records
           shall be retained for a period of two years starting from the end of
           the contract, but for not longer than a period of five years from the
           end of the accounting year in which the books and records were

           The foregoing shall always be subject to the proviso that the
           LICENSEE shall only be entitled to destroy such books and records if
           he has notified the LICENSOR in writing of such intention upon
           compliance with a notice period of at least 30 days.

     (b)   Upon prior agreement with the LICENSEE, the LICENSOR shall have the
           right--which shall be exercisable by its (outside or internal)
           auditors, agents, representatives and/or employees--to audit, make
           copies or prepare excerpts of the books and records identified in
           letter (a), above, relating to the agreement and may do so at any
           time during normal business hours within the term of the agreement
           (including any extension thereto) and for a period of two years
           starting from the end of the contract. The LICENSEE's auditors shall
           be obligated to make their own audit documents relating to the
           agreement available to the LICENSOR's auditors. The LICENSEE shall
           ensure for the LICENSOR and its auditors that complete audits (i.e.,
           to the extent defined for the LICENSEE under this sec. 2 with regard
           to books, accounts and records of third parties, completely
           regardless of whether they are affiliated with or independent of the
           LICENSEE) can be conducted with regard to the services provided for
           the LICENSEE by third parties for purposes of this agreement.

     (c)   The LICENSOR shall bear the costs incurred in connection with the
           inspection, creation of copies and/or audit pursuant to letter (b).
           If, on the other hand, it is determined that the LICENSEE has set the
           payments to be made to the LICENSOR pursuant hereto excessively low
           or, conversely, set the amounts payable by the LICENSOR excessively
           high, the LICENSOR may, without prejudice to other rights to which he
           is entitled, demand that the LICENSEE pay the sums set forth below in
           addition to making payment of the full difference amount (provided
           that the sum of all deviations affecting the payable amount which are
           detected exceeds 5% of

                                     - 5 -

the amounts allocable to the LICENSOR at the time of the audit or at least the
equivalent of US$ 1,000 in local currency):

           (i)   all costs incurred by the LICENSOR or in its name for the
                 purpose of ascertaining the deviation (particularly all
                 directly allocable travel and maintenance costs, as well as the
                 assignable salary expense on the part of the LICENSOR) and

           (ii)  interest on the entire difference amount on a cumulative basis
                 in the amount of 4% above FIBOR starting from the first due
                 date for the payment relating to the relevant owed sum.

     (d)   Examinations pursuant to the foregoing shall be conducted (following
           announcement) at reasonable times during ordinary business hours
           within the term of the agreement (including any extension thereto) or
           within two years of the end of the agreement.

- -------

3.   (a)   On the closing date of June 30 of each year or other point in time
           set by mutual agreement of the parties, the LICENSEE shall give the
           LICENSOR an inventory list in a form acceptable to the latter which
           lists the title of the FILMS, as well as the format and place of use
           of all video cassettes in the possession of the LICENSEE. The
           foregoing shall be sent to the LICENSEE by no later than July 30. The
           LICENSOR reserves the right to check the inventory lists on a random
           basis at any time during normal business hours during the term of
           this agreement.

     (b)   Within 30 days from the end of the month, the LICENSEE shall give the
           LICENSOR a monthly list of:

           (i)   changes in the number of rooms of the hotels;

           (ii)  new hotels in which the installation of technical facilities
                 for hotel guest presentations is impending during the upcoming
                 months, as well as the planned start of hotel guest
                 presentations and the planned number of rooms for each new
                 hotel--without prejudice to the requirement of prior consent of
                 the LICENSOR pursuant to sec. 5 (a) of the agreement;

                                     - 6 -

           (iii) existing hotels in which an end to hotel guest presentations is
                 pending during the following months;

           (iv)  the titles played pursuant to this agreement during the
                 relevant month.

           As a request of the LICENSOR, the LICENSEE shall be obligated to
           submit to the LICENSOR a written confirmation of the hotels
           concerning the number of rooms in the relevant hotel and/or the
           actual beginning or actual ending of hotel guest presentations in
           the hotel.

- -----

4.   The LICENSEE shall assume all present and future taxes (particularly
     including transfer, source and value-added tax), import duties, other taxes
     and inspection office fees (including interest and penalty surcharges
     allocable thereto) in connection with the licensing, leasing, delivery,
     import, presentation, possession or use of the FILMS or video cassettes or
     the payments made and received in accordance with the agreement.

- -------------------

5.   (a)   The LICENSOR shall provide the LICENSEE or its agent with video
           cassettes in the quantity stipulated in the agreement. Delivery shall
           be made either by the LICENSOR directly or--at its election and with
           its prior written consent--by a laboratory cleared by the LICENSOR
           and the Motion Picture Expert Association of America (MPEAA). In the
           latter case, the LICENSEE shall submit its purchase orders for video
           cassettes directly to the LICENSOR, who shall forward them to the
           laboratory in question. The LICENSEE shall not be permitted to order
           directly from the laboratory.

     (b)   The LICENSEE may only use video cassettes in accordance with the
           agreement. The LICENSEE shall be prohibited from duplicating video
           cassettes--in their entirety or in part. All cutting, editing and
           title changes or other modifications of the video cassettes shall
           require the written consent of the LICENSOR and shall be carried out
           solely at the expense of the LICENSEE.

                                     - 7 -

     (c)   The LICENSOR shall bear the costs of manufacturing the master copy of
           the video cassettes and (if delivery is made by a cleared laboratory)
           the shipping and handling costs in connection with the delivery of
           the video cassettes to the laboratory. All other costs and outlays,
           including the costs of manufacture and duplication of video cassettes
           and the costs of transportation and insurance in connection with the
           delivery of video cassettes in the final format to the LICENSEE
           within the contract territory, shall be charged to the LICENSEE. The
           LICENSEE shall be free to dictate to the LICENSOR the manner of
           transportation desired by the LICENSEE. If the LICENSEE fails to do
           so, the LICENSOR shall select the manner transport at its reasonable
           discretion. The LICENSEE shall be obligated to promptly settle the
           invoices concerning the costs and outlays which he must bear pursuant
           to the foregoing, particularly transport and related costs. If the
           LICENSOR is guilty of delay in delivery and increased transport costs
           arise in--wholly or partially--making up for the delay, the
           additional costs in question shall be charged to the LICENSOR. if the
           LICENSOR delivers the video cassettes directly to the LICENSEE, the
           latter shall be charged with all costs and outlays which he must bear
           pursuant to the foregoing. the LICENSEE shall be obligated to settle
           the relevant invoices promptly.

     (d)   Upon expiration of the presentation period, but not later than the
           end time, the LICENSEE shall return the relevant video cassettes to
           the LICENSOR or another person or office designated by the LICENSOR.

     (e)   If, during the term of the agreement, the LICENSEE is of the opinion
           that video cassettes should be erased or destroyed, he shall be
           obligated to obtain the prior written consent of the LICENSOR, which
           shall also extend to the proposed procedure and location of erasure
           or destruction. In the case of erasure of the video cassettes, the
           LICENSEE shall ensure complete erasure of the contents of the
           cassettes. For each erased or destroyed cassette, he shall be
           obligated to submit a destruction record to the LICENSOR in the form
           jointly defined with the LICENSOR. Notwithstanding sec. 6 (a), the
           LICENSEE shall be entitled to retain all blank video cassettes
           following erasure.

     (f)   A violation by the LICENSEE of the provisions of this sec. 5--
           including, in particular, the use of video cassettes of FILMS which
           are not video cassettes under the contract--this shall establish the
           elements of a violation of substantial obligations of the agreement.

                                     - 8 -

- ----------------

6.   (a)   All video cassettes delivered pursuant to the agreement shall remain
           the property of the LICENSOR or its suppliers who shall hold all of
           the following rights arising from ownership.

     (b)   The LICENSEE shall not be permitted to remove copyright notices or
           trademarks from the video cassettes or promotional material for the
           FILMS or permit removal by third parties. The LICENSEE shall be
           prohibited from presenting video cassettes or permitting a
           presentation without a copyright notice in the form of appendix D or
           other form permitted in advance by the LICENSOR in advance.

     (c)   The LICENSEE shall acquire no personal rights in the trademark of the
           LICENSOR and the LICENSOR's suppliers. The LICENSEE shall be
           permitted to use said trademarks solely in connection with the FILMS.

     (d)   The LICENSEE shall be obligated to use the video cassettes in
           accordance with the agreement and shall be obligated not use other
           video cassettes of the FILM products of the LICENSOR or its suppliers
           for purposes (including program preview) which are not expressly
           named in the agreement.

     (e)   The LICENSEE shall take all available measures to ensure that the
           video cassettes delivered to the hotels are not used by third parties
           for non-contractual purposes. The LICENSEE shall be further obligated
           to obtain a declaration of obligation from its customers to the
           effect that they will use their best efforts to endeavor to protect
           the video cassettes from unauthorized use and unauthorized
           exploitation and/or commercial use. The LICENSEE shall confirm that
           it shall reject a delivery from customers which violate this
           obligation. Moreover, the LICENSEE shall use its best efforts to
           ensure that no video cassette recorder or other AV equipment can be
           connected to television sets in the rooms of the hotels in which the
           presentation of FILMS is received by in-house TV sets and shall use
           its best efforts to ensure that all video cassettes are stored and
           transported in such a manner that they are protected against theft,
           loss and/or damage in the best manner possible.

                                     - 9 -

     (f)   The LICENSEE shall notify the LICENSOR promptly if it becomes aware
           of the violation of a copyright or trademark in conjunction with the
           FILMS or a trademark used in connection with the FILMS.

     (g)   A violation of the provisions of this sec. 6 on the part of the
           LICENSEE shall establish the elements of the violation of substantial
           duties of the agreement.

- ----------

7.   (a)   The LICENSOR hereby guarantees that the exercise of the rights
           granted herein shall require no additional permission and that the
           rights of third parties are not violated, excluding rights of public
           performance and mechanical duplication of copyright-protected
           material contained in the FILMS. However, the LICENSOR shall make no
           guarantee or promise concerning local statutes or regulations which
           apply in a certain country to the exercise of the rights granted
           herein; accordingly, it shall be deemed agreed that compliance with
           statutes and/or regulations shall be exclusively up to the LICENSEE
           and that the LICENSEE shall indemnify the LICENSOR on any claims
           relating to compliance with local statutes and/or regulations and/or
           shall be obligated to compensate the LICENSOR for any damages

     (b)   The LICENSOR hereby guarantees that it is or will be in possession of
           all permits and licenses which will be necessary for the importation,
           utilization and presentation of the FILMS in the hotels within the
           contract territory during the presentation period and for making
           payments in accordance with the agreement.

     (c)   Moreover, the LICENSEE hereby guarantees that it has concluded
           binding contracts with the hotels concerning the presentation of
           FILMS starting from the start of presentation according to appendix 
           A--in the amended version set forth in sec. 3 (b)--and that it is not
           and shall not be in default during the term of the agreement with
           regard to the performance of its obligations pursuant to the
           contracts which have been concluded.

- --------------------

8.   The LICENSEE shall be obligated to compensate or indemnify the LICENSOR for
     all costs, liability, outlays and/or damages, including lost profits, which
     the LICENSOR suffers due to a violation or asserted violation of the
     terms of the agreement by the LICENSEE, the hotel or other natural person
     or legal entities acting in the name of or by authority of the LICENSEE or
     the hotel or its employees, decision-making representatives.

                                     - 10 -

- ---------

9.   (a)   It shall be up to the LICENSEE to insure all video cassettes against
           theft, loss and/or damage.

     (b)   In the event of theft, damage, loss or destruction of a video
           cassette, the LICENSEE shall present the LICENSOR with a sworn
           declaration concerning the facts in a form which is acceptable to the

- ---------------------------------------

10.  (a)   The FILMS shall be presented in their original sequence in
           synchronized version with sound reproduction. Cuts or other changes,
           including changing the titles, shall be impermissible.

     (b)   Without prejudice to the provision of the foregoing letter (a),
           presentation of the FILMS in connection with advertising--excluding
           the advertising of services of the hotel--shall not be permitted
           without the prior written consent of the LICENSOR.

     (c)   The LICENSEE shall be obligated to pay, or cause the hotel to pay,
           all license fees and other fees and taxes which are incurred in
           connection with the distribution and presentation of the FILMS,
           including sound reproduction, in the hotels.

     (d)   The LICENSEE may use only the original material provided by the
           LICENSOR for advertising or announcement purposes.
     (e)   The LICENSEE shall be permitted to present FILMS for presentation
           purposes, particularly at technical trade shows and in promoting its
           deliveries/services, provided that it obtains the prior written
           consent of the LICENSOR therefor. Consent shall be denied only for
           good cause.

                                    - 11 -

- -------------------------------------------

11.  The LICENSEE is neither an agent nor a representative of the LICENSOR, and
     the agreement shall establish no corporate/partnership(1) relationship or
     joint venture. Declarations by the LICENSEE shall not bind the LICENSOR,
     nor shall the LICENSOR be liable for acts or omissions on the part of the

- ----------------

12.  The LICENSEE shall be fully responsible for all costs and shall bear all
     risks in connection with:

     (a)   the transport of video cassettes into and within the contract

     (b)   the reasonable and safe storage of the video cassettes within the
           contract territories;

     (c)   compliance with import provisions and tax restrictions within or in
           connection with the contract territory;

     (d)   acquisition of clearance certificates from inspection offices in the
           contract territory and acquisition of all other certificates of non-
           objection and permits which are necessary in or in connection with
           the contract territory.

- -------

13.  (a)   The following events shall establish default in connection with
           performance of this agreement:

           (i)   if the LICENSEE applies for the opening of an insolvency
                 proceeding or commits an act relevant with respect to
                 insolvency law, applies for a debt regulation or (if the
                 LICENSEE is a corporation/partnership(2)) a resolution is
                 adopted or an order is issued pursuant to which the
                 corporation/partnership is dissolved;

           (ii)  if the LICENSEE violates a substantial provision of the
                 agreement, particularly sections 5 or 6;


(2)  See previous note.

                                     - 12 -

           (iii)  if the LICENSEE violates another provision contained herein
                  and the violation is not remedied within 10 days following
                  receipt of a warning by the LICENSOR.

     (b)   Upon occurrence of a case of default, the LICENSOR may--without
           prejudice to other rights to which it is entitled--terminate the
           agreement without notice at its election, with the consequence that
           the outstanding license fee and other sums payable to the LICENSOR
           pursuant hereto shall be due and payable immediately. In the event of
           such an ending, the LICENSEE shall be obligated to return all video
           cassettes to the LICENSOR immediately--which shall not establish a
           duty on the part of the LICENSOR to first refund payments received
           from the LICENSEE. The LICENSOR shall have the right to notify the
           hotels of such an end to the contract. He shall not be liable for
           damage or detriment suffered by the LICENSEE as a result of such end
           to the contract.

     (c)   At the election of the LICENSOR, the violation of provisions of other
           contracts between the LICENSEE and the LICENSOR shall be deemed to be
           an event establishing defaults for purposes of the agreement if said
           violation does not establish default under the other contracts.

     (d)   The foregoing rights shall apply in addition to all other rights and
           legal remedies to which the LICENSOR is entitled by statute or

- -----------

14.  Notwithstanding other provisions of the agreement, if the performance of
     obligations pursuant hereto is impossible, restricted, delayed or prevented
     for reasons which one party is, in good faith, wholly or partially not
     responsible--particularly as a result of impediment due to fire, storm,
     war, invasions, acts of enemies of state, hostile acts (regardless of
     whether a declaration of war is issued), civil war, revolt, strike or
     industrial acts, due to the provisions of a statute, regulation, decree,
     order or other governmental measure or due to transport delays--the
     affected party shall be excused from the obligation of contractual
     performance and released without sanction provided that the restriction,
     delay or prevention of contractual performance is attributable thereto;
     however, this shall apply subject to the proviso that neither all nor part
     of the license fee shall be refunded and that the LICENSEE shall be
     entitled to no other payment claims against the LICENSOR arising from the
     fact that--for a reason for which the LICENSOR is not, in good faith,
     responsible--it is impossible for the LICENSEE to present the FILMS in the
     hotels or otherwise fully satisfy the LICENSEE's expectations concerning
     presentation within the contract territory.

                                    - 13 -

- ----------------

15.  (a)   The LICENSEE hereby acknowledges that it is not permissible to offer,
           send or promise all or part of the counterperformance effected
           pursuant to this agreement--indirectly or directly--to public
           employees, a political party or office holder therein or a candidate
           for a political office for the purpose of

           (i)   exercising influence on an act or decision of the person or
                 party in question; or

           (ii)  causing a person or party to exercise his or its influence on
                 or affect acts or decisions of a federal, state or municipal
                 government or one of its agencies.

           For purposes of this section, the term "public employees" shall mean
           all officials and employees in a federal, state or municipal
           government or their ministries/departments or one of their agencies
           or offices and any and all persons who act in an official capacity
           for or in the name of the aforementioned.

     (b)  In performing the obligations to which it is subject pursuant hereto,
          the LICENSEE shall comply with all applicable statutes and regulations
          in the contract territory and shall be obligated to demand that its
          employees, representatives and other persons with whom it enters into
          contracts for the purpose of performance of its obligations pursuant
          hereto act likewise; this shall apply subject to the proviso that
          omissions on the part of the representatives and employees of the
          LICENSEE shall not release the LICENSEE from its obligations pursuant

- --------------------------------

16.  At the request of the LICENSOR, the LICENSEE shall be obligated to satisfy
     all orders or resolutions which affect the contract territory in whole or
     in part and are issued or adopted by the MPEAA or a successor organization
     which represents the interest of distributors of American FILM works,
     except to the extent that local law or pre-existing contractual obligations
     of the LICENSEE would be violated thereby.

                                     - 14 -

- -------

17.  (a)   Unless otherwise provided, all communications required pursuant
           hereto shall be made in writing by personal delivery, registered
           mail, fax or telex (the identification of the recipient must appear
           at the beginning and end of the sender's copy). Communications shall
           be deemed to have been received at the time of personal delivery,
           seven days following surrender to the post office in the case of
           shipment via registered mail or at the point in time at which a fax
           or telex is transmitted.

     (b)   The waiver of the exercise of rights in the case of a contractual
           breach shall not be deemed a waiver of rights in the case of other
           contractual breaches.

     (c)   Without the prior written consent of the LICENSOR, the LICENSEE shall
           not be entitled to assign this agreement--in whole or in part. The
           LICENSOR may assign the agreement in whole or in part to corporations
           affiliated with the LICENSOR or to third parties in connection with a
           corresponding transfer of the LICENSOR's business operation.

     (d)   The LICENSEE shall not be permitted to grant sub-licenses with regard
           to rights granted to it pursuant to this agreement or use a
           representative, unless the LICENSOR has consented thereto in writing;
           the LICENSOR shall be entitled to refuse consent for any reason
           without indicating the grounds therefor.

     (e)   The agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. Any
           earlier oral or written arrangements concerning the performance
           provided pursuant hereto are repeated in the agreement. To the extent
           that this has not occurred, they shall be canceled hereby. The
           LICENSOR has undertaken no assurances beyond those expressly
           contained in the agreement.

     (f)   Modifications to or the rescission of the agreement must be in
           writing and signed by both parties in order to be effective.

                                    - 15 -

     (g)   It shall be prohibited for the LICENSEE to offset rights and/or
           claims held by the LICENSOR pursuant to the agreement on the basis of
           other legal relationships, unless the LICENSEE's counterclaims are
           undisputed or established by final legal determination.

     (h)   The headings contained in the agreement text serve strictly reference
           purposes and shall not be taken into account in the application and
           construction of the relevant provision.

     (i)   To the extent that reference to specific sections is made herein,
           this shall refer to sections of these Standard Contract Terms, unless
           otherwise indicated.

     (j)   In the event that provisions of the agreement are or should be found
           to be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining
           provisions; instead, the latter shall remain fully in affect.


By: 3/2/96 /s/ Paul Steinschulte

Name:     Paul Steinschulte
Title:    General Manager

     United International Pictures GmbH
     Hahnstrasse 31/35
     60528 Frankfurt am Main


By:  /s/ Heinz Wirt

Name:     Heinz Wirt
Title:    General Manager

          Prozessdatentechnik GmbH
          - Electronicsysteme -
          Max-Planck-Str. 38   50858 Cologne

                                   APPENDIX A

- ---  ------------- --------   -------    ------------

     Immediately upon conclusion of the contract (signing of the contract) the
     LICENSEE shall give the LICENSOR a complete list of all its contract
     hotels, including the hotels of its sublicensees.

                                                         VERSION:  FEBRUARY 1996

                                  APPENDIX A
                                  HOTEL LIST

POS.  HOTEL NAME                              CITY                  COUNTRY    ROOM

                                  Page 1 of 6

[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                                         VERSION:  FEBRUARY 1996

                                  APPENDIX A
                                  HOTEL LIST


                                  Page 2 of 6
[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                                         VERSION:  FEBRUARY 1996

                                   ANHANG A
                                  HOTEL LIST


                                  Page 3 of 6

[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                                         VERSION:  FEBRUARY 1996

                                   APPENDIX A
                                   HOTEL LIST


                                  Page 4 of 6
[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                                         VERSION:  FEBRUARY 1996

                                  APPENDIX A
                                  HOTEL LIST


                                  Page 5 of 6

[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                  APPENDIX B

The maximum of 30 feature films, plus 20 feature films for "Videoquest" in
accordance with the more specific terms of the agreement, each based on the
LICENSOR's availability.

                                   APPENDIX C

- ------------------            ------------------------
                            Pursuant to AGREEMENT (S) 2a


                                Plus value-added tax

[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                  APPENDIX D

The license rights to the film recorded on this video cassette (including
language and music) shall apply only to utilization outside of film theaters.
Presentation in hotels shall be permitted only for guests in the hotel rooms via
the hotel in-house distribution facility.  Presentation in private rooms or
rooms to which the general public has access, such as hotel halls, salons, bars,
restaurants, discotheques or the like, shall not be permissible under any
circumstances.  All other rights shall remain reserved.  Title to the video
cassette shall be held by the LICENSOR in accordance with the rights granted to

The unauthorized duplication, editing, performance, leasing, exchange, loan,
public dissemination and/or broadcast of this video cassette--in whole or in
part--is strictly prohibited.  Violations shall be subject to civil and/or
criminal prosecution.

                                  APPENDIX E

- ----------

     The LICENSOR hereby permits the LICENSEE to grant the following firms and
     hotels (see appendix A) sublicenses to the video feature films provided to
     LICENSEE by the LICENSOR under this agreement, with its Standard Contract


[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                              APPENDIX E                 Version:  February '96


NO.      HOTEL NAME                             CITY      COUNTRY     ROOMS

[***] Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential 
      treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
      portions have been filed separately with the Commission.