(Translated from German to English)



            PRODAC Prozessdatentechnik GmbH
            Max-Planck-Strabe 38

            50858 Koln

                    (hereinafter referred to as the "Company")


            Heinrich R. Wirt
            Schumannstrabe 10

            53332 Bornheim

                    (hereinafter referred to as "Managing Director")

the following contract is concluded:

                                     (S) 1
                           DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITY


1.   After the transfer of the Shares in the Company to MagiNet GmbH will have
     become effective, Mr. Heinrich R. Wirt shall be employed as Managing
     Director of the Company on the basis of this Managing Director's Service
     Agreement. The managing director's service agreements so far in force and
     all related side agreements thereto - also to the extent that they are
     based on a shareholder's resolution - shall be terminated. This does not
     apply to the pension agreement between the company and the Managing
     Director in the version existing at the signing of this contract.

2.   The Managing Director shall represent the Company both in and out of court
     always alone. He is released from the restrictions set forth in Sec. 181
     German Civil Code.

3.   Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, the rights and duties of
     the Managing Director shall be subject to the Articles of Association of
     the Company, as amended from time to time, the rules of procedure as
     amended from time to time, and the laws, particularly the Limited Liability
     Companies' Act.

4.   The Company reserves the right at any time to appoint further managing
     directors and establish different rules of representation. Prior to
     December 31, 1999 the Managing Director shall only be removed and
     additional managing directors shall only be appointed, after the minimum
     targets - under exception of the category "average monthly net revenue per
     room" - of the Earnout-Plan stipulated between MagiNet GmbH, MagiNet Corp.,
     the Company, Mr. Heinrich R. Wirt and the Managing Director in the Share
     Purchase Agreement dated November 05, 1996 (Attachment 3 to the Share
     Purchase Agreement) for the preceding fiscal year were not achieved. The
     right to remove the managing director for important cause in respect of the
     person (in der Person) or the behaviour (im Verhalten) of the Managing
     Director and the right to newly appoint a managing director in this
     connection remain unaffected.


                                     (S) 2

1.   For his activities the Managing Director shall receive a gross annual
     salary in the amount of DM 26,000.-- (in words: twentysixthousand
     deutschmarks), to be paid in twelve equal monthly installments in arrears
     at the end of each calendar month to a bank account designated by the
     Managing Director. The Managing Director shall receive a thirteenth
     monthly salary which shall be paid out with the November salary. The
     Managing Director shall participate in the same proportion as employess
     of the Company in general increases of the salary.

2.   The Managing Director shall obtain a yearly bonus of up to 30% of the
     yearly base salary payable under para. 1, to the extent that the targets of
     the yearly business plan agreed between MagiNet Corporation, Sunnyvale,
     California, USA and the Company were met. The bonus is payable upon
     establishment of the annual accounts for the respective fiscal year.
     [The managing director's bonus claim for 1996 shall remain unaffected.]

3.   The above remuneration covers all services rendered by the Managing
     Director, including any overtime. The Managing Director is obliged to work
     even beyond the usual business working hours if this is required by the
     commercial interests of the Company.

4.   Additionally the Company shall pay to the Managing Director the legally
     prescribed employers' contributions to the health insurance, statutory
     pension insurance and unemployment insurance, which are to be borne by law
     in equal parts by the Managing Director and the Company. Should the
     Managing Director be exempted from his obligation to join the statutory
     health insurance, the Company shall pay to him 50% of his contributions to
     a private health insurance, at a maximum 50% of the contribution to the
     statutory health insurance, if respective proof is furnished.


5.   The assignment and pledge of claims to remuneration require the prior
     written approval of the shareholders.

                                     (S) 3

     Upon submission of corresponding receipts, the Company will reimburse all
     reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the Managing Director in the
     exercise of his duties for the Company. As a rule, expenses can be allowed
     to the same extent in which they are tax deductible as operating expenses.

                                     (S) 4
                                  COMPANY CAR

1.   The Company will furnish the Managing Director with a company car which
     corresponds to the category of a BMW 7-model. The Managing Director is
     entitled to private usage of the company car. The Company shall bear all
     costs arising in connection with the use of the company car such as taxes,
     insurance, repairs, maintenance, gasoline and oil, except such gasoline
     costs which occur during the Managing Director's vacation outside the
     Federal Republic of Germany.

2.   The Managing Director herewith explicitely waives all claims to which he or
     his family could be entitled in connection with the private use of the
     company car. He shall release the Company from any and all claims of his
     family or third parties, insofar as such claims are not included in the
     Company's insurance coverage.


3.   Income tax which accrues from the monetary value of the benefit of having
     the company car for private use shall be borne by the Managing Director.

4.   The company car is to be returned including any and all accessories upon
     termination of the employment relationship. Any right of retention is
     excluded. In the event of a release pursuant to (S) 12.4, the company car
     is to be returned including any and all accessories, unless expressly
     agreed in writing or otherwise. In the event the company car is returned
     prior to the date of expiration of the employment relationship to the
     Company, the Managing Director cannot claim compensation for the lost
     financial benefit.

                                     (S) 5
                               SPECIAL ALLOWANCES

     The pension agreement dated January 1, 1983 and amended on January 2, 1990
     and October 6, 1993 shall be continued.

                                     (S) 6

     The Managing Director shall be entitled to a vacation of 30 working days
     per calendar year. The Managing Director shall coordinate his vacation with
     the other members of management in such way that it shall not affect the
     interests of the Company.

                                     (S) 7


1.   The Managing Director shall immediately inform the Company about any work
     incapacity and the expected duration thereof as well as the reasons of such
     incapacity. In the event of illness, the Managing Director shall submit
     upon request a medical certificate attesting to his incapacity to work and
     the expected duration thereof.

2.   In the event of illness the Company shall continue to pay the contractual
     remuneration for a period of 6 months, provided, however, that all benefits
     paid to the Managing Director by a statutory or private health insurance as
     compensation for the loss of salary shall be deducted.

                                     (S) 8
                               OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES

1.   The Managing Director shall devote all his skills and working capacity
     exclusively to the Company. Any outside activities of the Managing Director
     for compensation during the term of this Agreement require the prior
     written approval of the shareholders. Publications and speeches relating to
     the activities of the Managing Director for the Company and for MagiNet
     Corp. require the prior coordination with the shareholders.

2.   Furthermore any active, entrepreneurial participation in any other company
     or the running of his own business require the prior written approval of
     the shareholders. The foregoing shall not apply to the purchase of shares
     for investment purposes and to the participation in the Wirt & Kasbach
     civil law partnership.

                                     (S) 9


1.   The Managing Director shall maintain strict confidentiality with respect to
     third parties and unauthorized staff members of the Company as to all
     confidential events or business matters of the Company or any affiliated
     company coming to his attention within the scope of his activities for the
     Company, irrespective of how he obtained such knowledge. This does not
     apply to such information, for which a disclosure is essential for the due
     performance of the functions delegated to the Managing Director or which
     has been approved by the shareholders in advance. This duty of
     confidentiality shall continue to be valid even after the termination of
     this Service Agreement.

2.   Furthermore, the Managing Director shall require the prior written approval
     of the shareholders for assuming any positions on supervisory boards,
     advisory boards and similar institutions of non affiliated companies or
     professional organizations.

3.   During the term of this Agreement the Managing Director undertakes not to
     carry out any activities for any other company competing in any way with
     the Company or an affiliated company. Any direct or indirect activity as
     employee, self-employed person or consultant, as well as any direct or
     indirect participation in such enterprise, is prohibited. (S) 10 of the
     Share Purchase Agreement between the Managing Director, Mr. Wirt, MagiNet
     GmbH, Koln and MagiNet Corporation is not affected.


                                     (S) 10

1.   For a period of two years after the termination of this Agreement the
     Managing Director undertakes not to become active in any way, neither
     directly or indirectly, as a self-employed person or as an employee for any
     domestic or foreign enterprise competing with the Company or with any of
     its affiliates. During the term of this post-contractual competition
     prohibition, the Managing Director shall not operate any own enterprise or
     participate in an enterprise which competes with the Company or with any of
     its affiliates.

2.   The geographical restriction covers the territory of the European Economic
     Area (Europaischer Wirtschaftsraum).

3.   As compensation for the imposed restrictions the Company shall pay to the
     Managing Director for two years after the termination of the service
     relationship 50% of the remuneration last received by him.

4.   The Company shall be released from the obligation under 3. if it waives the
     compliance with the competition restrictions by giving a three months
     written notice prior to the termination of the Service Agreement.

5.   The Managing Director undertakes to pay to the Company for each instance of
     violation of the aforementioned competition restrictions a contractual
     penalty in the amount of DM 25,000.--. The assertion of further damages by
     the Company remains unaffected.

6.   Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, Sec. 74 et seq. of the
     German Commercial Code shall in other respects be applicable mutatis


                                     (S) 11
                          RIGHTS OF USE AND INVENTIONS

1.   All work results in connection with the activities of the Managing Director
     shall inure exclusively to the Company. Insofar as work results are
     protected by copyright, the Managing Director grants the Company the
     exclusive and unrestricted right of use for all present and future kinds of
     use. Such right of use shall remain valid even after the termination of the
     service relationship. There shall be no entitlement to special remuneration
     for the granted rights for use. These are rather fully compensated by the
     contractual remuneration.

2.   Any inventions of the Managing Director and technical suggestions for
     improvement as well as methods of engineering, patents, utility models,
     design patents and the like developed by the Managing Director in
     connection with his activities for the Company inure exclusively to the
     Company. The Employee Inventions Act is not applicable. The Company shall
     have the unrestricted and exclusive right of use to the exclusion of the
     person of the Managing Director who shall not be entitled to any additional
     compensation. Insofar as this is necessary, the Managing Director shall
     transfer to the Company any respective right and claim which entitles the
     Company to register patents, utility models or design patents in its own
     name and for its own account.

                                     (S) 12

1.   This Agreement comes into force upon transfer of the shares in the Company
     to MagiNet GmbH (condition precedent). It can be terminated by either party
     with a notice period of 6 months to the end of a calender year, for the
     first time as per December 31, 1999. Prior to December 31, 1999, the
     Company has the right to terminate this contract with a notice period of
     three months to the end of a month after the minimum targets - under


     exception of the category "average monthly net revenue per room" - of the
     Earnout-Plan stipulated between MagiNet GmbH, MagiNet Corp., the Company,
     Mr. Reiner Kasbach and the Managing Director in the Share Purchase
     Agreement dated November 05, 1996 (Attachment 3 to the Share Purchase
     Agreement) for the preceding fiscal year were not achieved.

2.   The right to dismissal without notice for good cause remains unaffected.

3.   Any termination must be in writing to be effective.

4.   At any time the Company shall be entitled to release the Managing Director
     from his duties of service whilst continuing to pay his contractual salary
     and to grant the stock option right pursuant to the Agreement of September
     9, 1996. Such period of release shall be offset from the Managing
     Director's remaining vacation entitlement.

5.   The service relationship shall cease without the requirement of a notice of
     termination as of the end of the month in which the Managing Director
     attains the age of 65.

                                     (S) 13
                               RETURN OF PROPERTY

     Upon leaving the Company or after his release from his duties of service
     pursuant to (S) 12.4 the Managing Director shall immediately return to the
     Company any and all documents, correspondence, records, drafts and the like
     referring to Company's affairs, including any copies thereof, which are
     still in his possession. The obligation to return company property extends
     also to the company car provided to the Managing Director pursuant to (S) 4
     including any accessories thereof. The Managing Director is not entitled to
     exercise a right of retention concerning the afore-mentioned documents and

                                     (S) 14

1.   There are no written or oral agreements with regard to the Managing
     Director service relationship. The parties hereto have not made any side
     agreements apart from the pension agreement and the bonus arrangements up
     to the fiscal year 1996.


2.   Amendments and supplements of this Agreement must be in writing to be
     effective. This also applies for an amendment of this provision.

3.   As far as in this Agreement written form has been agreed upon, this form is
     also observed by the sending of a telegram, telex or telecopy if the author
     of a document is indicated.

4.   Should any provision of this Agreement be or become invalid, the validity
     of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected
     thereby. Such invalid provision shall be replaced by such provision which
     comes closest to the economic intention of the parties.

5.   This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

6.   The Managing Director confirms to have received today an executed copy of
     this Agreement signed by the Company.

Frankfurt am Main, November 05, 1996

PRODAC Prozessdatentechnik GmbH

/s/ Heinrich R. Wirt                         /s/ Heinrich R. Wirt
___________________________________          ___________________________________
Heinrich R. Wirt                             Heinrich R. Wirt


/s/ Reiner Kasbach
Reiner Kasbach