This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the
consolidated financial statements of Alco Standard corporation and subsidiaries
and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements.
<PERIOD-TYPE>                   YEAR
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                          SEP-30-1996
<PERIOD-END>                               SEP-30-1996
<CASH>                                      46,056,000
<SECURITIES>                                         0
<RECEIVABLES>                              548,686,000
<ALLOWANCES>                                35,308,000
<INVENTORY>                                350,774,000
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                         1,509,155,000
<PP&E>                                     607,186,000<F1>
<DEPRECIATION>                             323,325,000<F2>
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                           5,384,595,000<F3>
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                    1,257,987,000
<BONDS>                                  1,534,949,000
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                0
<PREFERRED>                                290,170,000
<COMMON>                                 1,305,413,000
<OTHER-SE>                                 659,921,000
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>             5,384,595,000
<SALES>                                  2,381,151,000
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                         4,099,773,000
<CGS>                                    1,552,183,000
<TOTAL-COSTS>                            2,414,912,000<F4>
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                         1,374,805,000<F5>
<LOSS-PROVISION>                            18,296,000<F6>
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                          37,179,000
<INCOME-PRETAX>                            272,877,000
<INCOME-TAX>                               107,984,000
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                        164,893,000
<DISCONTINUED>                              45,848,000
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      0
<CHANGES>                                            0
<NET-INCOME>                               210,741,000
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                     1.48
<EPS-DILUTED>                                     1.46
<F1>     Includes equipment on operating leases, at cost of $248,952,000.
<F2>     Includes accumulated depreciation for equipment on operating leases of 
<F3>     Includes net assets held for distribution to shareholders of 
<F4>     Includes Finance Subsidiaries interest of $68,043,000.
<F5>     Represents selling, general and administrative expenses.
<F6>     Continuing operations only.