Exhibit 10(h)
                             PENSION PLAN AGREEMENT
                   Kleber and Bindemittel-Gesellschaft m.b.H
                            4600 Wels, Kaplanstr. 30
                           - hereinafter "Company" -


               Dr. Hermann Lagally, 4600 Wels, Schafwiesenstr.70
                       - hereafter "Managing Director" -

the following Pension Agreement has been concluded:

    1  The Managing Director will receive at the date of his retirement - at the
       earliest at age 63 - a monthly pension of 1% of his average monthly
       salary during the last 5 years (on the basis of 12 monthly salaries per
       annum) prior to retirement, multiplied by the number of years of service
       as of April 1, 1973.

       Service years as of age 65 will not be considered.

    2  In case of disability or death prior to the age of 65 the pension will be
       calculated on the basis of the number of years of service the Managing
       Director would have achieved at the age of 65. The average monthly salary
       will be based on the last twelve months prior to disability or death. As
       of age 61 the average monthly salary will be based on the monthly
       salaries received in the period from the age of 60 until the moment of
       disability or death.

       Disability is proven when entitlement for the statutory disability
       pension exists.

    3  Pension payments resulting from this Agreement as well as statutory
       social security may not exceed 75% of the average gross income received
       during the last 5 years prior to becoming eligible for pension payment.

    4  In case of death of the Managing Director

       a)  after the age of 63 the widow is entitled to 60%, a full orphan to
           25% and a half orphan to 12.5% of the pension the Managing Director
           would have been entitled to in accordance with Section 1 of this

       b)  In case of pension entitlements due to disability or death prior to
           the age of 65, the survivors remain entitled to the same pension
           percentages as described under Section 4(a), but the pension will be
           calculated in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement.

       c)  The entitlement to survivor pension (widow pension) exists when the
           Managing Director was married for at least 3 years at the moment of
           this death and marriage was entered before retirement.

           Orphan pension will be paid to natural or adopted children until the
           age of 18.  In case orphans have not yet completed their professional
           education, orphan pension can be paid until the age of 25.

    5  Any indemnity payment by the Company that the Managing Director might be
       legally entitled to when leaving the Company will be offset against
       pension payments, in this way that pension payments start after
       expiration of the indemnity period.
    6  The Company is confident to be able to maintain and fulfill its pension
       obligations in full. However, the Company reserves the right to cut
       pension payments in full or in part when its financial position has
       undergone a lasting deterioration in such a substantial manner that
       maintaining the agreed pension payments can no longer be reasonably
       expected and would constitute an endangerment of the Company's viability.

Kleber and Bindermittel-Gesellschaft m.b.H
represented by its sole Quotaholder

/s/Dr. Voigt                          /s/Lehmann
- ----------------------------          -----------------------------
(Dr. Voigt)                           (Lehmann)

February 5, 1980   /s/Dr.Hermann Lagally
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
(Date and signature of Managing Director)

P.S.:  Apart from the aforesaid the valid and relevant articles of the general
       Company Pension Plan for the ISAR-RAKOLL CHEMIE Ges.mbH Munich employees
       are applicable.

On behalf of H.B. Fuller Company, I acknowledge that the above is a fair and
accurate translation of the Pension Plan Agreement between Kleber and
Bindemittel-Gesellschaft, Ges.mbH and Dr. Hermann Lagally.

                                    /s/Walter Kissling
                                    Walter Kissling
                                    President, Chief Executive Officer