Exhibit 11

                     E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY

                    (Dollars in millions, except per share)
                                                                        Years Ended December 31
                                         1996          Primary      Fully Diluted        1994            1993            1992
                                    --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------
Net income (loss) less dividends
   on preferred stock ............       $3,626          $3,283          $3,283          $2,717            $545         $(3,937)

Adjustment for interest, net of
  income tax, determined under
  "Modified Treasury Stock
  Method" ........................           --             467             447              --              --              --
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Earnings (loss) applicable to 
  common stock ...................       $3,626          $3,750          $3,730          $2,717            $545         $(3,937)
                                    ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========
Average number of common shares 
  outstanding (excludes treasury
  stock and the shares held by
  DuPont Flexitrust) .............  560,675,296     585,107,476     585,107,476     679,999,916     676,622,115     673,454,935

Adjustments required for common
  share equivalents:
    (1) shares awarded but
    undelivered under the Variable
    Compensation Plan, (2) shares
    held by the DuPont Flexitrust,
    and (3) shares assumed to be
    issued due to stock options
    and warrants, net of shares 
    acquired (as determined under 
    "Modified Treasury Stock
    Method" for 1995) ............    9,923,630      73,678,138      73,955,886       4,542,903       3,785,582       4,575,929
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Adjusted average number of common
  shares and share equivalents ...  570,598,926     658,785,614     659,063,362     684,542,819     680,407,697     678,030,864
                                    ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========
Earnings (loss) per share
  and share equivalents ..........        $6.35(a)       $ 5.69(b)       $ 5.66(b)       $ 3.97(a)         $.80(a)      $ (5.81)(b)
                                    ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========
Earnings (loss) per share - as
  published ......................        $6.47          $ 5.61          $ 5.61          $ 4.00            $.81         $ (5.85)
                                    ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========
- --------------------                    
(a) Fully diluted.
(b) Calculations are antidilutive.