Exhibit No. 10(iii)(e)

                        RETIREMENT BENEFIT EQUITY PLAN
                       ARMSTRONG WORLD INDUSTRIES, INC.

     This Retirement Benefit Equity Plan has been authorized by the Board of
Directors of Armstrong World Industries, Inc. to be applicable effective on and
after January 1, 1976 to pay supplemental retirement benefits to certain
employees of the Company who have qualified or may qualify for benefits under
the Retirement Income Plan for Employees of Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

     All benefits payable under this Plan shall be paid out of the general
assets of the Company, or from a trust, if any, established by the Company for
the purpose of paying benefits under the Plan, the assets of which shall remain
subject to the claims of judgment creditors of the Company in accordance with
the provisions of any such trust.

Article 1. Definitions

         1.01   "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the

         1.02   "Committee" shall mean the Retirement Committee as provided 
                for in Article 4.

         1.03   "Company" shall mean Armstrong World Industries, Inc. or any
                successor by merger, purchase or otherwise, with respect to its
                employees. The term Company shall also mean any other company
                participating in the Retirement Income Plan with respect to its
                employees if such Company adopts this Plan.

         1.04   "Compensation" shall mean "compensation" as determined under the
                Retirement Income Plan without regard to limitations under
                Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code plus amounts
                deferred under the Armstrong Deferred Compensation Plan, if any.

         1.05   "Effective Date" shall mean January 1, 1976.

         1.06   "Member" shall mean any person included in the membership of the
                Plan as provided in Article 2.

         1.07   "Plan" shall mean the Retirement Benefit Equity Plan of
                Armstrong World Industries, Inc. as described herein or as
                hereafter amended.

         1.08   "Retirement Income Plan" shall mean the Retirement Income Plan
                for Employees of Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

Article 2. Membership

         2.01   Every person who was a member of the Plan as in effect on
                December 31, 1982 shall remain a Member of the Plan on or after
                January 1, 1983.

         2.02   Every other employee of the Company shall become a Member of the
                Plan on the first day of the calendar year in which:

                (a)  his benefit calculated under the Retirement Income Plan
                     exceeds the allowed benefit under Section 415 of the
                     Internal Revenue Code,

                (b)  his compensation exceeds the maximum allowed under Section
                     401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code,

                (c)  he has compensation deferred under the terms of the
                     Armstrong Deferred Compensation Plan, or

                (d)  he is a key executive designated by the Board of Directors,
                     or its delegate, to receive credit for employment prior to
                     his Company employment for purposes of calculating his
                     Retirement Income Plan benefit, as provided under Section
                     3.01(a)(iii) of this Plan.

         2.03   Membership under the Plan shall terminate if a Member's
                employment with the Company terminates unless at that time the
                Member is entitled to retirement income payments pursuant to the
                Retirement Income Plan.

Article 3.   Amount and Payment of Supplemental Benefits

         3.01   The supplemental benefits under this Plan shall be payable by
                the Company only with respect to a Member who has retired, died
                or otherwise terminated his employment with the Company and is
                entitled to benefits under the Retirement Income Plan; provided,
                however, that the benefit under Section 3.01(a)(iii) hereof
                shall not be payable (and the offset under Section 3.01(c)
                hereof shall not be applied) with respect to a Member described
                in Section 2.02 (d) unless following his date of hire with the
                Company the Member remains employed by the Company for a period
                of at least 5 full years. Any such supplemental benefits shall
                be payable from the general assets of the Company or from a
                trust, if any, established by the Company for the purpose of
                paying benefits under the Plan, the assets of which shall remain
                subject to the claims of judgment creditors of the Company in
                accordance with the provisions of any such trust. The
                supplemental benefits under this Plan shall be payable under the
                same terms and conditions, including the same time, and to the
                same person as the benefits payable to or on account of a Member
                under the Retirement Income Plan.

                The amount of any supplemental benefits payable to or on account
                of a Member pursuant to this Plan shall be equal to (a) minus
                (b) minus (c), where:

                (a)  is the benefit calculated under the provisions of the 
                     Retirement Income Plan, but:

                     (i)    disregarding any reduction in the amount of benefits
                            under the Retirement Income Plan attributable to any
                            provision therein incorporating limitations imposed
                            by Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code or
                            Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code;

                     (ii)   disregarding any reduction due to compensation
                            deferred under the Armstrong Deferred Compensation

                     (iii)  including, for purposes of calculating Total Service
                            under the Retirement Income Plan, years of
                            employment for a Member described in Section 2.02(d)
                            which precede his Company employment to the extent
                            so designated by the Board of Directors, or its
                            delegate, at the time such individual is designated
                            as eligible for membership in the Plan;

                (b)  is the actual amount of benefits payable to or on account
                     of the Member as calculated under the Retirement Income
                     Plan; and

                (c)  is the value of the benefit (excluding the portion of such
                     benefit attributable to employee contributions) which is
                     payable, which has been paid or which will become payable
                     to a Member described in Section 2.02(d) from a qualified
                     defined benefit plan to the extent such plan takes into
                     account the period of employment described in Section
                     3.01(a)(iii). In the event the Member has received, is
                     receiving, or is scheduled to receive benefits from another
                     such plan in any form other than a single life annuity or
                     at a time other than when benefits commence under this
                     Plan, the benefit to be taken into account under this
                     paragraph (c) shall be determined by the Company based on
                     actuarial assumptions and factors reasonably utilized under
                     the Retirement Income Plan as of the date of

                     determination, or to the extent such factors or assumptions
                     do not contemplate a particular situation which arises
                     under this Plan, based upon the factors applied by the
                     Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for purposes of
                     determining the present value of benefit upon termination
                     of a plan with insufficient assets.

         3.02   If a Member described in Section 2.02(d) is involuntarily
                terminated after completing one year of service but prior to
                becoming vested in the Retirement Income Plan and is eligible
                for severance pay benefits under the Severance Pay Plan for
                Salaried Employees of Armstrong World Industries, Inc., the
                Employment Protection Plan for Salaried Employees of Armstrong
                World Industries, Inc., or any individual severance agreement, a
                supplemental benefit will be paid under this Plan. The benefit
                will be calculated using the guaranteed pension schedule for
                Salaried Employees of Armstrong World Industries, Inc., from the
                Retirement Income Plan multiplied by the total years of service
                credited for employment prior to his Company employment, as
                determined in Section 2.02(d), and his years of Company
                employment. This benefit is payable at age 62 or the Member's
                termination date, whichever is later, as a single life annuity.

         3.03   If a Member is restored to employment with the Company after
                having retired, any monthly payments under the Plan shall be
                discontinued and, upon subsequent retirement or termination of
                employment with the Company, the Member's benefits under the
                Plan shall be recomputed in accordance with Section 3.01 and
                shall again become payable to such Member in accordance with the
                provisions of the Plan.

Article 4.   Administration

         4.01   The administration of the Plan and the responsibility for
                carrying out its provisions are vested in a Retirement Committee
                which shall be composed of the members of the Retirement
                Committee provided for under Article X of the Retirement Income
                Plan. The provisions of Article X of the Retirement Income Plan
                concerning powers of the Committee shall apply under this Plan.
                The Retirement Committee shall have the full and exclusive
                discretion and authority to interpret the Plan and to determine
                all benefits and to resolve all questions arising from the
                administration, interpretation, and application of Plan
                provisions, either by general rules or by particular decisions,
                including determinations as to whether a claimant is eligible
                for benefits, the amount, form and timing of benefits, and any
                other matter (including any question of fact) raised by a
                claimant or identified by the Retirement Committee. All
                decisions of the Committee shall be conclusive and binding upon
                all affected persons. The expenses of the Committee shall be
                paid directly by the Company.

Article 5.   General Provisions

         5.01   The establishment of the Plan shall not be construed as
                conferring any legal rights upon any person for a continuation
                of employment, nor shall it interfere with the rights of the
                Company to discharge any employee and to treat him without
                regard to the effect which such treatment might have upon him as
                a Member of the Plan. No legal or beneficial interest in any of
                the Company's assets is intended to be conferred by the terms of
                the Plan.

         5.02   In the event that the Committee shall find that a Member or
                other person entitled to benefits hereunder is unable to care
                for his affairs because of illness or accident, the Committee
                may direct that any benefit payment due him, unless claim shall
                have been made therefor by a duly appointed legal
                representative, be paid to his spouse, a child, a parent or
                other blood relative, or to a person with whom he resides, and
                any such payment so made shall be a complete discharge of the
                liabilities of the Company and the Plan therefor.

         5.03   The Company shall have the right to deduct from each payment to
                be made under the Plan any required withholding taxes.

         5.04   Subject to any applicable law, no benefit under the Plan shall
                be subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale,
                transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance or charge, and any
                attempt so to do shall be void, nor shall any such benefit be in
                any manner liable for or subject to garnishment, attachment,
                execution or levy, or liable for or subject to the debts,
                contracts, liabilities, engagements or torts of the Member. In
                the event that the Committee shall find that any Member or other
                person entitled to benefits hereunder has become bankrupt or has
                made any such attempt with respect to any such benefit, such
                benefit shall cease and terminate, and in that event the Board
                shall hold or apply the same to or for the benefit of such
                Member or other person entitled to benefits.

         5.05   (a)  In the event that a Member shall at any time be convicted
                     of a crime involving dishonesty or fraud on the part of
                     such Member in his relationship with the Company, all
                     benefits which would otherwise be payable to him under the
                     Plan shall be forfeited. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if
                     the Company's Board of Directors or a duly constituted
                     Committee thereof, in its discretion, shall determine that
                     the Member had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct
                     was unlawful, then the Board of Directors may determine
                     that such benefits shall not be forfeited.

                (b)  In the event that a Member becomes associated in any
                     capacity with a business which competes with the Company,
                     all future benefit payments under the Plan shall cease and
                     be forfeited. Notwithstanding the foregoing, benefits shall
                     not cease or be forfeited merely because the Member (1)
                     owns publicly traded shares of stock of a corporation which
                     competes with the Company, or (2)(a) acts as a consultant
                     for, (b) has an investment in, or (c) is a Board member of
                     a business where (i) after the Member notifies the Company
                     in writing in advance of his potential involvement under
                     (2)(a), (b) or (c), the Company's Board of Directors or a
                     duly constituted Committee thereof determines that the
                     Member will not be in violation of the Company's Conflicts
                     of Interest policy, or (3) becomes associated with a
                     business which competes with the Company within two years
                     following a "change in control" and is eligible for
                     benefits under the Employment Protection Plan for Salaried

                (c)  A "change in control" shall occur if and when (i) any
                     person acquires "beneficial ownership" of more than 28% of
                     the then outstanding "voting stock" of the Company and
                     within five years thereafter, "disinterested directors" no
                     longer constitute at least a majority of the entire Board
                     of Directors or (ii) there shall occur a "business
                     combination" with an "interested shareholder." For the
                     purpose of this Section, the terms "person," "beneficial
                     ownership," "voting stock," "disinterested directors,"
                     "business combination," and "interested shareholder" shall
                     have the meaning given to them in Article 7 of the
                     Company's Articles of Incorporation as in effect on May 1,

         5.06   The Plan shall be constructed, regulated and administered under
                the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

         5.07   The masculine pronoun shall mean the feminine wherever

         5.08   The Board of Directors may, through written resolutions adopted
                by the Board of Directors, amend or discontinue the Plan at any
                time; provided, however, that if the Plan is amended to
                discontinue or reduce the amount of supplemental benefit
                payments (except as may be required pursuant to any plan arising
                from insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings) (1) Members who have
                retired under the Plan shall continue to be paid in the amount
                and manner (as provided under Article 3 hereof) as they were
                being paid at the time of amendment or discontinuance of the
                Plan, and (2) future retirees under the Plan for whom
                supplemental benefits have been pre-funded in a trust prior to
                any such discontinuance or reduction in benefits shall
                notwithstanding the amendment be entitled upon retirement to
                receive such pre-funded supplemental benefits, subject, however,
                to any amendment or discontinuation of such pre-funded benefits
                made under a written employment agreement entered into between
                the Executive Committee and the future retiree.

                In addition, the Board of Directors may by written resolution
                delegate to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors
                this authority to amend the Plan. The Executive Committee shall
                amend the Plan by means of written resolution in accordance with
                the authorization of the Board of Directors, provided, however,
                that any such amendment by the Executive Committee also may be
                made through the terms of a written employment agreement entered
                into between a Member and the Executive Committee.

         5.09   (a)  Any person claiming a benefit, requesting an interpretation
                     or ruling under the Plan, or requesting information under
                     the Plan shall present the request in writing to the
                     Committee which shall respond in writing as soon as

                (b)  If the claim or request is denied, the written notice of
                     denial shall state:

                     (i)    The reasons for denial, with specific reference to
                            the Plan provisions on which the denial is based.

                     (ii)   A description of any additional material or
                            information required and an explanation of why it is

                     (iii)  An explanation of the Plan's claim review procedure.

                (c)  Any person whose claim or request is denied or who has not
                     received a response within thirty (30) days may request
                     review by notice given in writing to the Committee. The
                     claim or request shall be reviewed by the Committee who
                     may, but shall not be required to, grant the claimant a
                     hearing. On review, the claimant may have representation,
                     examine pertinent documents, and submit issues and comments
                     in writing.

                (d)  The decision on review shall normally be made within sixty
                     (60) days. If an extension of time is required for a
                     hearing or other special circumstances, the claimant shall
                     be notified and the time limit shall be one hundred twenty
                     (120) days. The decision shall be in writing and shall
                     state the reasons and the relevant Plan provisions. All
                     decisions on review shall be final and bind all parties