Exhibit 10.1

                          FORM OF LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT

                             SFW ACQUISITION CORP.

                                February 4, 1997

[ Employee ]
Shoppers Food Warehouse Corp.
4600 Forbes Blvd
Lanham, Maryland 20706

Dear [ Employee ]:

As we stated to you a couple of weeks ago, it is our hope that the Shoppers Food
Warehouse team (Shoppers) will continue together after the closing.  We
anticipate that the purchase by SFW Acquisition Corp. of the stock of Shoppers
Food Warehouse Corp. (the "Closing") will take place on or around February 6,
1997.  We hope this offer will enable you to choose to continue with the rest of
the team.  We are confident that you fully understand that there must be
limitations to the specifics of what we can offer as we have been severely
restricted, and continue to be restricted, from doing due diligence on matters
pertaining to the specifics of your compensation and benefits package.  This
offer, therefore, unfortunately contains certain caveats that we intend to
immediately begin to clarify or firm up after Closing.  As we stated to you, we
have been, and continue to be "up-front and open".  The tone of any continued
relationship with you, as it is with our current Executives at all Dart Group
Companies is, in our belief, tied to such an approach.

The following offer is made to you by SFW Acquisition Corp., its successors or
assignee corporation.  We will cause such successors or assignee corporation to
execute and be bound by this Agreement.  This offer replaces all previous offers
made orally, or in writing by Dart Group, representatives of Dart Group, or SFW
Acquisition Corp.  The following comprises our entire offer at this time.

Position:      We are pleased to offer your continuation of employment at
               Shoppers as [ Position ].

Salary:        Your salary will be [ Bi-weekly Salary ] biweekly (if annualized
               [ Current Salary ]). We have based this offer on information from
               Shoppers that your current salary is [ Previous Salary ].

[ Employee ]
February 4, 1997
Page 2

Bonus:         We will guarantee to pay you this year ended June 30,1997 the
               same bonus you received last year. We are told by Shoppers this
               amount was [ Bonus ]. The bonus will be paid within sixty (60)
               days of July 1,1997. In order to receive this bonus, you must be
               actively employed with Shoppers at the time of bonus payouts, or
               have signed your approval and acceptance of a Severance Agreement
               as outlined below. Your bonus for last year amounted to [ Bonus ]
               of your salary. Within the Dart Group of Companies, we have a
               strong belief that our senior management should receive
               additional compensation directly tied to the performance of the
               company. [ Target Bonus ]. The details of this bonus program will
               be delivered to you within the first six (6) months of the
               Closing. The program will contain opportunities to earn
               substantially more or less, dependent upon the performance of the
               company. Obviously, this program will also contain contingencies
               such as your continued active employment at Shoppers at the time
               of payout.

Benefits:      Your base benefits will continue as they were on December 16,
               1996.  By reference these include life insurance (we are informed
               [ Life Insurance Coverage Amount ]), health, dental and
               disability insurance. Benefits will also include a 401(k) plan to
               which the employee may make voluntary contributions and the
               company may make discretionary contributions.  Should the current
               health plan with Blue Cross/Blue Shield be changed, we will (in
               the new plan) waive all "pre-existing" conditions you may have at
               that time.  [ Additional Coverage ].

Vacation:      We are informed by Shoppers that the time you accrue for rest and
               relaxation amounts to four (4) weeks annually.  Again, if this is
               accurate based on time with the company or your original offer
               letter then we will honor this agreement, otherwise it will be
               whatever you are eligible for, based on Shoppers company policy
               as of December 16, 1996.  Vacation time may be accrued to a
               maximum of twice the annual accrual, after which further accruals
               will cease until your accrual bank is reduced below the twice
               annual accrual.  Accrued vacation not taken since July 1, 1995
               will be honored within the policy as outlined.

Auto:          Currently we are informed by Shoppers that you receive a car
               allowance of [ Previous Car Allowance ] a month.  We are unaware
               of any details surrounding this benefit, however, we will raise
               this allowance to [ Current Car Allowance ] a month.  This amount
               includes business mileage, repair and maintenance, gas, insurance

[ Employee ]
February 4, 1997
Page 3

               license fees (i.e., there is no reimbursement for business
               mileage separate from this allowance.)

Expenses:      We will reimburse you for business expenses reasonably incurred
               by you on behalf of Shoppers. Such expenses will be expected to
               follow the guidelines of the Policy on Executive Expenses. If no
               such policy exists, we will establish one.

Salary:        We will conduct a salary analysis regarding the compensation of
               the ten (10) most senior executives (including you) during the
               first six (6) months following the Closing. If in fact the
               analysis shows market disparity with like businesses and size of
               business we will recommend to the Compensation Committee of the
               Board of Directors of Shoppers Food Warehouse that market
               adjustments be made at that time. In any event, the salary stated
               in this letter will not be reduced as a result of this analysis.
               The next salary review period for senior management will take
               place in May of 1998.

Severance:     We recognize the expressed concern relative to your financial
               security in the event of a sale of Shoppers by Dart to another
               entity.  Should we end your employment within the first twelve
               (12) months following the Closing, we will offer you a Severance
               Agreement which will contain the equivalent of six (6) months
               salary.  Should we sell Shoppers to another entity within twelve
               (12) months of the Closing, we will offer you a Severance
               Agreement which will include the equivalent of one (1) year
               salary.  If termination of employment is due to such events as
               illegal activity, breach of fiduciary duty, refusal to follow the
               lawful and reasonable direction of the Board of Directors, etc.
               or any violations of the Business Ethics Policy (attached) no
               Severance Agreement will be offered.  Additionally, you should
               not expect a severance offer should you choose to end your
               employment voluntarily.  An offered Severance Agreement as
               described above will not contain a non-compete provision.

fication:      Within the first thirty (30) days of the Closing you will be
               covered under a Director and Officer liability insurance policy
               similar to that maintained by the Dart Group.

[ Employee ]
February 4, 1997
Page 4

Once we have an opportunity to investigate other elements relative to employment
at Shoppers we will obviously ensure that they follow consistently within the
group. Such benefits might include any discounts or professional memberships,
continuing professional development. etc.

We believe you and your fellow members of the current Shoppers team would like
to know as soon as possible if you are all going to be working together, or who
has decided to leave.  We also would like to know who we will be working with.
To this end, please sign your acceptance or decline of this offer without
modification and return it to Terry Sharp at the Dart Group corporate office by
5:00 p.m., February 5, 1997.

Again, we sincerely hope that you choose to continue with the team that has done
so much to develop the successful company that Shoppers is.  We respect the
pride that each of you has in the success of the company as well as your
individual and team contributions to that success.  We look forward to working
with you.


                                         Mark A. Flint
                                         Director, President and
                                          Chief Executive Officer


- --------------           -------------------
Signature                     Date


- -----------------------       --------------------
Signature                     Date

                                   SCHEDULE A

                           LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT TERMS
Employee                  Jack W. Binder    Roy Marks       Louis Davis        Isaac Gendelman
     Position             Senior Vice       Senior Vice     Senior Vice        Senior Vice
                          President,        President,      President, Store   President,
                          Finance           Grocery         Operations         Produce       
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
     Bi-weekly Salary     $7,038.46         $5,711.54       $5,769.23          $6,230.77
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Current Salary       $183,000          $148,500        $150,000           $162,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Previous Salary      $175,000          $141,500        $124,000           $155,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Bonus                $50,000           $40,000         $25,000            $50,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Target Bonus         30% of            30% of          25% of             N/A
                          Salary            Salary          Salary            
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Life Insurance       $100,000          $100,000        $75,000            $50,000
     Coverage Amount                                                         
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Additional           $2,000 per        None            None               None
     Coverage             incident                                           
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Previous Car         $300              $400            $400               $300
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
     Current Car          $350              $650            $650               $650
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
