Exhibit 1.A.(10)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Application To                              Policy Number

                          NEW ENGLAND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

Questions below pertain to the Proposed Insured unless otherwise indicated.

Part I

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Personal     1.   Print Name as it is to appear on the   2.   Social Security Number
                  -------------------------------------        --------------------------------

                  First           MI             Last
             3.   Birthplace                     4.  Marital  [_] Single       [_] Married
                            -------------------      Status   [_] Widowed      [_] Divorced
                              (state/county)                  [_] Separated                 

                            -------------------                  -----
             5.   Birth Date                     6.  Age Nearest      7.  Sex  [_]  Female
                            -------------------      Birthday    -----         [_]  Male 
                            month   day   year                   
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address      8.a. Residence

                            Street                      City         State    Zip
               b. Business

                            Company/Street              City         State    Zip
               c. Premium   [_]  Proposed Insured    [_]  Other (Give name and address.)
                  Notice    [_]   a. Residence
                  Address   [_]   b. Business

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Beneficiary  9.   Beneficiary                     10.    Owner  [_]   Proposed   [_] Other
and Owner         Primary                                             Insured 
                                                  If other, specify below. (Use a numbered 
                                                  sequence to designate successive owners.)
                  Names and Relation to Proposed    ------------------------------------------

                  ----------------------------      ------------------------------------------
                                                     Names and Relation to Proposed Insured
                                                  First Owner's Social Security 
                  ----------------------------    or Taxpayer ID Number         
                  Names and Relation to Proposed    -------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part I

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         ------------------------                   ------------------------
Plan/Amount  11.   Plan                          12.   Face Amount  $
                         ------------------------                   ------------------------


             13.  [_]  Universal Life Product*
                   a.  Planned Annual Premium          c.  Death Benefit Option
                            ---------------------          [_] Option 1 (Face Amount) 
                   Year 1   $                               
                            ---------------------          [_] Option 2 (Face Amount plus 
                                                               Cash Value) 
                   Renewal  $                               

                   b. [_]  Waiver of Monthly Deductions

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             14.   [_] Variable Life Product*
                      (Complete Variable Life Section (questions 35 through 39)
                      for scheduled premium, allocations, etc.)

             *  COST OF INSURANCE RATES MAY CHANGE. The cost of insurance rates for the
                policy may change. The rates currently being charged are not guaranteed;
                and the Company may charge the full maximum guaranteed rates.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Benefits/    15.   Waiver of Premiums Benefits
Riders             a. [_] Waiver of Premium -             c. [_] Applicant's Waiver** -
(**Complete                Proposed Insured                        Juvenile Insured
additional                                                      [_]  Death or Disability
form.)             b. [_] Applicant's Waiver** -                [_]  Death Only
                               Adult Insured

             16.   a. [_] Acc.     $                      f. [_] Paid-Up Additions
                          Death   ---------------
                                                                 [_] Lump Sum    $            
                                                                     At Issue   -------------
                   b. [_] Level    $                                                         
                          Term    ---------------                                            
                                                                 [_] Annual                  
                   c. [_] Purchase $                                                         
                          Option  ---------------                                            
                                                                     At Issue    $            
                   d. [_]   Children's Insurance Rider**             Thereafter  $            
                                                          g. [_]   1 Year Term (dividends)
                   e. [_]   Additional Protection (FTR)
                            First Year Total Coverage                           -------------
                            (FTR Amount plus              h. [_]   Spouse        $
                            Amount shown in 12.)                   Rider**      -------------
                                  ---------------                        -------------------
                                  $                       i. [_]   Other
                                  ---------------                        -------------------

                      [_]   Level

                      [_]   Increasing

                            Percentage          %
                            Number of Years

                      [_]   Offset Amount (for list
                            billed policies only)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part I

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Health        17.  Any treatment for or consultation with a physician                                   [_] YES  [_] NO
                   concerning a heart attack, a stroke or cancer (other than
                   skin cancer) within past 2 years? (If YES, explain in REMARKS.)

              18.  Any change in health or any treatment by or                                          [_] YES  [_] NO
                   consultation with a physician since the date of Part II of
                   this Application? (If YES, explain in REMARKS.)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Premium       19.  [_]   Annual                         [_]  Semi Annual                [_]   Quarterly
(*Complete                        -----------------                                                          ---------------- 
additional         [_]   MSA No.                                                        [_] List Bill No.                     
form.)                            -----------------                                                          ----------------  
                        [_]  New Account*                                               [_] Level Billing Option* (For graded
                                                                                            premium life plans only.)        
                        [_]  Add to Existing Account
                                                                                            Amount   $                        
              20.  Prepayment*   $                                                      [_]  None
                   (If question 17. or 18. is answered YES, no prepayment is permitted.)

              21.  [_]   Automatic Payment of Premium in Default (if available)
                         From Dividend Accumulations                                                    [_] YES  [_] NO
                         By Policy Loan                                                                 [_] YES  [_] NO

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Dividend      22.  a. [_]   Cash     b. [_]   Premium Reduction  c. [_]   Paid-Up Additions
Option             d. [_]   Accumulations e. [_]   Add to Cash Value (Universal Life Only)

              23.  If available under policy applied for, state year in which: dividend option is 
                   to be changed to Premium Reduction; and any remainder of the premium
                   is to be paid with surrendered Paid-Up Additions or Accumulations.                        ---------------- 

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Policy        24.  If available, special Policy Date requested is:
Date                      -----------------
                   [_]  a.                        or         [_]  b. latest date that retains Proposed
                          -----------------                          Insured's age last birthday. 
                             mo day yr             

              Note: Date more than 30 days prior to date of application not allowed if Paid-Up Additions Riders, 
                    Variable Life or Universal Life applied for.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
Existing      25.  Life Insurance In Force (If none, so state. Type - P = Personal, B = Business, G = Group) 
                                                               Yr of                                                      
                   Company                         Type        Issue              Life Amount                ADB Amount 
                                                                                  $                          $
                                                                                  $                          $
                                                                                  $                          $
                                                                                  $                          $

              26.  If Juvenile Insured, state relation to and amount of life insurance in force or applied for on person 
                   responsible for support of Proposed Insured.

                   Relation to Proposed Insured                                                 Amount of Insurance
                   ----------------------------                                                 -------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Part I
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Existing      27.  Any life Insurance or annuity in this or any other    [_] YES      [_] NO
Insurance          company which has been or will be replaced as a
(Cont'd)           result of this Application for insurance? (If YES,
                   complete the following and submit replacement forms
                   if required.)
                   Company         Exch.     Policy Date  Policy Number    Amount

              28.  Has life or disability insurance on your life ever    [_] YES      [_] NO
                   been declined, postponed or modified as to plan, amount or
                   (If YES, give details in REMARKS.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Smoking/      29.  Has Proposed Insured:
                   a.  Used any tobacco in the past year?                [_] YES      [_] NO
                       If YES, complete the following:
                          How many cigarettes per day?
                          If other than cigarettes, please explain.


                   b.  Been convicted in the past 2 years of: driving    [_] YES      [_] NO
                       under the influence of alcohol or drugs; or 2 or more
                       moving violations?
                       (If YES, complete supplemental form.)

                                          ------------------------           ---------------
              30.  a.  Drivers License No.                          b.  State
                                          ------------------------           ---------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Avocation/    31.  Have you in the past 2 years participated in, or do
Aviation/          you intend to participate in: any flights as a trainee, 
Foreign            pilot or crew member; underwater sports (SCUBA diving,  
Travel             skin diving, snorkeling, hardhat); sky sports (sky diving, 
                   hang gliding, parachuting, ballooning); or motor racing 
                   (auto, motorcycle, motorboat)?                        [_] YES      [_] NO
                   (If YES, complete supplemental form.)

              32.  Do you intend to travel or reside outside of the      [_] YES      [_] NO
                   United States? 
                   (If YES, give details in REMARKS.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Occupation         (If Juvenile Insured, complete with Payor data.)
And                               ----------------------------------------------------------
Financial     33.  a.  Occupation

                                                 (Give Job Title and Duties)

                   b.  Employed by

                                  --------------------             -------------------------
              34.  a.  Annual                         b.  Net
                       Income                             Worth
                                  --------------------             -------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Remarks/           (Attach additional sheet, if necessary.)
Requests for

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part I
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Variable  35.  If available under policy applied for, state Planned Annual 
Life           Unscheduled Payment.
Section        ---------------------
          36.  Death Benefit Option (if available under policy applied for):
               (See Prospectus for further explanation.)
               [_]  Option 1 (Face Amount)
               [_]  Option 2 (Face Amount plus any Excess Cash Value)
          37.  If available under policy applied for, is the          
               Special Premium Option elected for premiums in default?
                                                                 [_] YES  [_] NO
          38.  Account allocations (Whole %) (Minimum 10% in each selected
                                    %        Capital Growth
                                    %        Money Market
                                    %        Bond Income
                                    %        Stock Index
                                    %        Managed

                                    %        Fixed Account
                                 100%        Total                              
          39.  Suitability Statement by Applicant
               a. Did you receive the prospectus?                [_] YES  [_] NO
                  (If YES, give date of prospectus.)  
               b. Do you understand that:
                  - the Option 2 death benefit may increase or   [_] YES  [_] NO
                    decrease depending on the policy's investment 
                    return, but will never be less than the 
                    guaranteed minimum?
                  - the cash value may increase or decrease      [_] YES  [_] NO
                    depending on the  policy's investment return?
               c. Do you believe that this policy will meet your [_] YES  [_] NO
                  insurance needs and financial objectives?
          *  The Cash Value will be allocated to the Money Market account,
             for an initial period described on page 1 of the prospectus.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part II

              (Complete only if medical or paramedical exam is not required.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Family        40.  a.                   Age            b.  Mother            Age
                             --------------------------            -------------------------
                             if living    at death                 if living   at death
                             --------------------------            -------------------------

                             --------------------------            -------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Medical       41.  a. Height ft.                   in. c. Any weight change
                             --------------------------   in the past year?    [_]  YES    [_] NO 
Data                         -------------                        ----------
                   b. Weight          lbs.                If YES:       lbs.   [_]  Gain   [_] Loss
                             -------------                        ----------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Give details for each YES answer to questions 42 through            YES      NO 
              46 in question 47.

              42.  Have you ever been treated for or had any known indication
                   of: frequent fatigue; frequent loss of appetite; frequent
                   night sweats; chronic diarrhea; enlarged lymph nodes;
                   unexplained infections; or unusual skin lesions?
                                                                                  [_]      [_]
              43.  Have you ever:
                   a. Received treatment, advice or counseling from a physician,  
                      other practitioner or an organization for an alcohol
                      problem?                                                    [_]     [_] 
                   b. Used cocaine or other drugs except as prescribed by a
                      physician or licensed practitioner?                         [_]     [_] 

              44.  Have you ever been treated for, or been diagnosed by a member
                   of the medical profession as having Acquired Immune
                   Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-Related Complex (ARC)?      [_]     [_] 

              45.  Have you ever been treated for or diagnosed as having: 
                   a. Cancer; tumor; or diabetes?                                 [_]     [_] 
                   b. High blood pressure; stroke; or disease of
                      heart, blood or circulatory system?                         [_]     [_] 
                   c. Any mental or nervous disorder; epilepsy; any
                      muscular or skeletal disorder; or any paralysis or
                      deformity?                                                  [_]     [_] 
                   d. Disease or disorder of: kidneys; lungs;
                      stomach; liver; digestive system; or urinary
                      system?                                                     [_]     [_] 

              46.  Other than above, have you within the past 5 years: had a      [_]     [_] 
                   check up or consultation; been a patient in a medical
                   facility; or been advised to have any diagnostic test,
                   hospitalization or surgery?
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              47.  Give details to each YES answer to questions 42 through 46.
                   (Attach additional sheet, if necessary.)
                                         Detail and severity of condition.
              Ques. #     Onset Recov       Number of attacks. Specific       Physician/Health
              Letter      Mo/Yr Mo/Yr.    diagnosis, medication/treatment.    Facility address

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Company Use
(Additions and

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Declarations    General. To the best of my knowledge and belief the answers
                recorded are true and complete. In those states where written
                consent is required by law, my agreement in writing is required
                to any entry made by the Company in the "Company Use" section as
                to: (a) age; or (b) plan of insurance; or (c) riders; or (d)
                amounts; or (e) rate class.

                When Insurance Takes Effect. If a prepayment is made in
                connection with this Application, the insurance will take effect
                as stated in the Prepayment Receipt and Temporary Insurance
                Agreement. Otherwise, the insurance will take effect only when
                the first premium is paid; provided that at the time of such
                payment: (a) this Application has been approved by the Company
                at 501 Boylston Street, Boston, MA; and (b) there has been no
                change in insurability as represented in this Application since
                the date of the Application.

                Limitation on Authority of Agents and Examiners. Agents and
                Examiners do not have authority: (a) to determine insurability;
                (b) to change any terms of this Application; or (c) to make a
                contract for the Company.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Authorization   In order that insurance can be issued, I authorize each of the
                following having records or knowledge of me or my health to give
                this information to the Company: a medical practitioner; a
                medical facility; an insurance company; the Medical Information
                Bureau; a consumer reporting bureau; and any other company,
                concern or person. If insurance on any minor child is applied
                for this authorization extends to records and knowledge of that
                child and the child's health. Information received by the
                Company may be disclosed to third parties in the conduct of the
                Company's business.

                I understand that: I have a right of access to and correction of
                all information obtained by the Company; I can ask to be
                interviewed with respect to any investigative consumer report;
                and I can ask for a copy of any such report. A photocopy of this
                authorization is as valid as the original. This authorization is
                valid for 30 months from the date it is signed. I have received
                a Notice of Information Practices; this Notice gives a more
                detailed description of the information practices of the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        -------------------------       ------------------------
Signatures    Signed at                           Date
                        -------------------------       ------------------------
                          city            state           month    day    year


              Applicant if Other 
              than Proposed

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Owner's       Owner's Social Security or Taxpayer
              Identification Number:
(in lieu      [_] I am    [_] I am not     subject to backup withholding under 
of W9)        Section 3406(a)(l)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Under 
              penalties of perjury, I certify that the information in this 
              section is true, correct and complete.
                        --------------------------       -----------------------
              Signature                            Date
              of Owner
                        --------------------------       -----------------------
                                                                month day year
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


              (Completion required in every case.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Questions     1.   Did you see the Proposed Insured on the date the       [_]  YES   [_]  NO
                   application was signed?  If NO, explain in REMARKS.

              2.   Is the Proposed Insured a citizen of the USA?
                                                ----------------              -----------------------------
                   If NO, specify: Date of entry                 Type of visa
                                                ----------------              -----------------------------
                                                 mo    day    yr

              3.   If Proposed Insured's name has been changed in the past 10 years, give former name(s).

              4.   Provide phone number where Proposed Insured can be contacted.          

                      Preferred calling time         AM         PM                   
                                              ------     ------

              5.   If Proposed Insured is a juvenile (ages 0 through 14);

                   a. Give name and relation of person responsible for support.

                   b. Give Life Insurance in force on above person's life.

                   c. Are there any other children insured for less than this child?       [_] YES  [_] NO
                      If YES, provide details in REMARKS.

              6.   Has a nonmedical been submitted based on expanded nonmedical limit?     [_] YES  [_] NO
                   If YES:
                                      -------------                ----------------------------------------
                   Date of Physician's              Who completed
                   Exam detailed in APS             the exam?
                                      -------------                 ---------------------------------------
                                       mo day year                  Physician's name and address

              7.   Do you have knowledge or reason to believe that any insurance
                   or annuity in this or any other company has been or will be
                   replaced as a result of this Application for
                   insurance?                                                              [_] YES  [_] NO 

              8.   Is this Business Insurance?                                             [_] YES  [_] NO 
                   If YES, complete the following:

                   a. Describe purpose of insurance.
                      [_] Key Employee         [_] Buy-Sell                [_] Deferred Compensation
                      [_] Salary Continuation  [_] Split Dollar            [_] Section 162 Bonus
                      [_] Other (Describe in REMARKS.)

                   b. Are other key individuals insured or being
                      insured for similar amounts?                                         [_]  YES   [_]  NO
                      If NO, state why not.
                   c. What percentage of business does the applicant own or control?                      %

                   Give names and amount of business coverage in force and/or applied for for all key 
                   associates,  plus the percentage of ownership in each:

                       Name          Amount           %            Name            Amount            %
                                  $                                              $
                                  $                                              $
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              (Completion required in every case.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   d. Year Business was established.
                   e. For the Business, provide approximate amount of:
                        Assets          Liabilities        Net Worth         Net Income
                   $                 $                 $                  $

              9.   If Paid Up Additions Rider or FTR was requested, submit copy
                   of Illustration to the home office with Application.

              10. State Source of Funds if $10,000 or greater.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Complete questions 11 and 12 for Variable Life Only:

              11.  Is policyowner associated with a member firm of the NASD? (If
                   YES, give name and address of firm.)

              12.  Tax Bracket (%)   

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Signature     To the best of my knowledge, I have presented the Company all pertinent facts 
              regarding the Proposed Insured and regarding this Application.

                       ------------------------------        --------------------
              Signature                              Date
              of Agent                                       --------------------
                       ------------------------------          month  day  year

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General       If agent of another company, give name of company.
Agent                                                             --------------------------
Certificate   Is agent licensed where Application is written?              [_] YES    [_] NO 
                         ---------------------------------------       ---------------------
              Signature                                         Date
              of General                                               ---------------------
              Agent                                                       month day year

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                        Commission Split
Agent                                           Agent      Agency    -----------------------
Identification          Agent Name              Number     Number       First     Renewal




- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         ---------------------------------------         -------------------
For Variable  Accepted for                                         Date
Life Only     the Company                                                -------------------
                         ---------------------------------------           month day year
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------