Pentegra Services, Inc.
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                          COMMUNITY SAVINGS BANK, SSB

                           Summary Plan Description

                                                        SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION
                                                     COMMUNITY SAVINGS BANK, SSB
                                                      Burlington, North Carolina
                                                                 January 1, 1999

                                                         PENTEGRA SERVICES, INC.
                                                        108 Corporate Park Drive
                                                          White Plains, NY 10604

To Participating Employees of Community Savings Bank, SSB:

We are pleased to present this booklet so that you may better understand and
appreciate the benefit which is provided by your employer by establishing the
Community Savings Bank, SSB Employees' Savings and Profit Sharing Plan and Trust
(the "Plan").

The Plan enables you to save and invest on a regular, long term basis.  All
contributions to the Plan (a defined contribution plan) are paid to the Trustee
to be invested in the investment options offered under the Plan.  An individual
account is maintained for each member.  Under certain conditions, a member may
make withdrawals or loans from his account based on its market value.

The Plan offers federal income tax advantages.  The employee does not pay taxes
on employer contributions or investment income until he/she withdraws them.  An
employer subject to income tax may deduct its contributions.

This booklet highlights the main features of the Plan.  The Plan and Trust
contain the governing provisions and should be consulted as official text in all
cases.  If there is any conflict between this booklet (Summary Plan Description)
and the Plan Document, the Plan Document will control.

                                                            Your Employer,
Community Savings Bank, SSB

                                                        SUMMARY OF YOUR BENEFITS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ELIGIBILITY      You will be eligible for membership in the Plan on the first
                 day of the calendar quarter after you complete 6 months of
                 employment and attain age 21.

PLAN SALARY      Plan Salary is defined as W-2 Salary. In addition, any pre-tax
                 contributions which you make to an Internal Revenue Code
                 Section 401(k) or Section 125 cafeteria plan is included in
                 Plan Salary.

PLAN             Employee - You may elect to make a contribution of 1%, 2%, 3%,
CONTRIBUTIONS    4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%, 13%, 14% or 15% of Plan

                 Employer - Your employer will contribute 50% of your
                 contribution to the Plan.

                 The above percentage rates shall apply to only the first 6% of
                 your Plan Salary (see "Plan Salary" section of this booklet).

                           Employee                          Employer
                      Contribution Rate                Matching Contribution
                      -----------------                ---------------------
                              1%                              0.5%
                              2%                              1.0%
                              3%                              1.5%
                              4%                              2.0%
                              5%                              2.5%
                         6 - 15%                              3.0%

                 Please refer to the "Making Withdrawals From Your Account"
                 section of this booklet to determine if there are any
                 restrictions on employer contributions on account of a

VESTING          Generally, you will be 100% vested in any employer
                 contributions after 6 years of employment. You are always 100%
                 vested (i.e., you will not give up any units when you terminate
                 employment) in any contributions you make to the Plan.

LOANS            You may take a loan from your account and pay your account back
                 with interest.

WITHDRAWALS      While you are working, you may withdraw all or part of your
                 vested account balance subject to certain limitations. You may
                 also make withdrawals from your account after termination of

DISABILITY       If you are disabled, you will be entitled to the same
                 withdrawal rights as if you had terminated employment.

DEATH            If you die before the value of your account is paid to you,
                 your beneficiary may receive the full value of your account or
                 may defer payment within certain limits. If you are married,
                 your spouse will be your beneficiary unless your spouse
                 consents in writing to the designation of a different

                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Determining Your Eligibility..............................................    1

Reenrollment..............................................................    1

Making Contributions to the Plan..........................................    2

     .   Plan Contributions...............................................    2

     .   Allocation of Contributions......................................    2

     .   Rollovers........................................................    2

     .   Plan Salary......................................................    2

Investing Your Account....................................................    3

     .   Investment of Contributions......................................    3

     .   Valuation of Accounts............................................    4

     .   Reporting to Members.............................................    4

Vesting...................................................................    5

Making Withdrawals From Your Account......................................    6

     .   Upon Termination of Employment...................................    6

     .   Upon Disability..................................................    7

     .   Upon Death.......................................................    7

Borrowing From Your Account...............................................    8

Plan Limitations..........................................................    9

Top Heavy Information.....................................................   10

Disputed Claims Procedure.................................................   10

Statement of Member's Rights..............................................   11

Plan Information..........................................................   12

                                                    DETERMINING YOUR ELIGIBILITY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EMPLOYEE                 You will be eligible for membership in the Plan on the
ELIGIBILITY              first day of the calendar quarter after you complete 6
                         months of employment and attain age 21. In order for
                         you to complete 6 months of employment, you must
                         complete at least 500 hours of employment in a 6
                         consecutive month period. The initial 6 consecutive
                         month period is measured from your date of employment,
                         and (if you do not complete at least 500 hours of
                         employment in such period) subsequent 6 month periods
                         are measured.

                         In counting hours, you will be credited with an hour of
                         employment for every hour you have a right to be paid.
                         This includes vacation, sick leave, jury duty, etc.,
                         and any hours for which back pay may be due.

                         All employees shall be eligible to participate as
                         stated above, except employees covered by a collective
                         bargaining agreement and nonresident aliens who receive
                         no earned income from the employer which constitutes
                         income from sources in the United States.

                         You will become a member as soon as a properly executed
                         enrollment application is received and processed by
                         Pentegra Services, Inc. Your membership will continue
                         until the earlier of (a) your termination of employment
                         and payment to you of your entire account or (b) your

REENROLLMENT             If you terminate employment and are subsequently
                         reemployed by the same employer, you will be eligible
                         for immediate reenrollment.

                                                MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLAN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PLAN                 Employee - You may elect to make pre-tax contributions of
CONTRIBUTIONS        1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%, 13%, 14%
                     or 15% of Plan Salary (see "Plan Salary" section of this
                     booklet). You may elect not to make any contributions. You
                     may change the rate at which you are contributing one time
                     in any calendar quarter. You may suspend your contributions
                     at any time, but suspended contributions may not be
                     subsequently made up.

                     Employer -Your employer will contribute 50% of your
                     contribution to the Plan. The above percentage rate shall
                     apply to only the first 6% of your Plan Salary (see "Plan
                     Salary" section of this booklet).

                              Employee                           Employer
                          Contribution Rate                Matching Contribution
                          -----------------                ---------------------
                                    1%                             0.5%
                                    2%                             1.0%
                                    3%                             1.5%
                                    4%                             2.0%
                                    5%                             2.5%
                               6 - 15%                             3.0%

                     Please refer to the "Account Withdrawal" section of this
                     booklet to determine if there are any restrictions on
                     employer contributions on account of withdrawal.

ALLOCATION OF        Your employer has an account for each member. All of your
CONTRIBUTIONS        own contributions and all employer contributions will be
                     allocated to this account. The total of the value of your
                     account represents your interest in the Plan.

                     Internal Revenue Service Nondiscrimination Rules

                     If you are a highly compensated employee, a portion of your
                     contributions and/or employer contributions, made on your
                     behalf, if any, may have to be returned to you in order to
                     comply with special Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
                     nondiscrimination rules (See "Plan Limitations" section of
                     this booklet for other limitations). In general, effective
                     for years beginning after December 31, 1996, a highly
                     compensated employee is an employee who:

                     (a)  was a 5% owner at any time during the current or
                          preceding year, or

                     (b)  received annual compensation from the employer for the
                          preceding year in excess of $80,000 (indexed for cost-
                          of-living adjustments, if any).

ROLLOVERS            You may make a rollover contribution of an eligible
                     rollover distribution from any other Internal Revenue
                     Service qualified retirement plan or an individual
                     retirement arrangement (IRA). These funds will be
                     maintained in a separate rollover account in which you will
                     have a nonforfeitable vested interest. Please note that you
                     may establish a "rollover" account within the Plan prior to
                     satisfying the Employer's eligibility requirements.
                     However, the establishment of a "rollover" account prior to
                     satisfying such eligibility will not constitute active
                     membership in the Plan.

PLAN SALARY          Plan Salary is defined as W-2 Salary. In addition, any pre-
                     tax contributions which you make to an Internal Revenue
                     Code Section 401(k) plan or Section 125 Cafeteria Plan is
                     included in Plan Salary. However, Plan Salary for any year
                     may not exceed $160,000 for 1999 (indexed for cost-of-
                     living adjustments).

                                                          INVESTING YOUR ACCOUNT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

INVESTMENT OF        Contributions are invested at your direction in one or more
                     of the following investment


CONTRIBUTIONS        funds:

                               ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS (3)
                                     Income Plus
                                     Growth & Income
                               INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND
                               S & P MIDCAP FUND
                               S & P 500 STOCK FUND
                               GOVERNMENT BOND FUND
                               STABLE VALUE FUND
                               MONEY MARKET FUND

                     These funds are described in greater detail on your
                     quarterly investment statements.

                     Contributions made by you are invested at your direction in
                     one or more of these funds in whole percentages. You may
                     apply different investment instructions to amounts already
                     accumulated as opposed to future contributions. Certain
                     restrictions may apply. Changes in investment instructions
                     may be made by submitting a properly completed form or by
                     using Pentegra by Phone, the Pentegra Voice Response
                     System. You may access Pentegra by Phone by calling

                     Any changes made by using Pentegra by Phone which are
                     received by Stock Market Closing (usually 4 p.m. Eastern
                     Time) will be processed at the business day's closing
                     price. Transaction changes received after Stock Market
                     Closing will be processed on the next business day. Your
                     plan allows for a change of investment allocation on a
                     daily basis.

                     Investment changes made by submitting a form are effective
                     on the valuation date (see "Valuation of Accounts" section
                     of this booklet) on which your written notice is processed.

                     No amounts invested in the Stable Value Fund may be
                     transferred directly to the Money Market Fund. Stable Value
                     fund amounts transferred to and invested in the S&P 500
                     Stock Fund, the S&P Midcap Stock Fund, Government Bond
                     Fund, International Stock Fund, Income Plus Asset
                     Allocation Fund, Growth and Income Asset Allocation Fund,
                     the Growth Asset Allocation Fund, and/or the First
                     Community Financial Corporation Stock Fund for a period of
                     three months may be transferred to the Money Market Fund
                     upon the submission of a separate Change of Investment

                     If no investment direction is given, all contributions
                     credited to a participant's account will be invested in the
                     Money Market Fund.

                                                          INVESTING YOUR ACCOUNT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VALUATION OF         The Plan uses a unit system for valuing each Investment
ACCOUNTS             Fund. Under this system each participant's share in any
                     Investment Fund is represented by units. The unit value is
                     determined as of the close of business each regular
                     business day (daily valuation). The total dollar value of a
                     participant's share in any Investment Fund as of any
                     valuation date is determined by multiplying the number of
                     units to the participant's credit by the unit value of the
                     Fund on that date. The sum of the values of the Funds you
                     select represents the total value of your Plan account.


                     Transaction requests, such as withdrawals, change of
                     investment elections, distributions, that are received by
                     Pentegra Services, Inc. (assuming proper receipt of all
                     pertinent information) will be processed as directed by the
                     Plan Administrator.

                     NOTE:   If for some reason (such as shut down of financial
                     markets) the underlying portfolio of any Investment Fund
                     cannot be valued, the valuation date for such Investment
                     Fund shall be the next day on which the underlying
                     portfolios can be valued.

REPORTING TO         As soon as practicable after the end of each calendar
MEMBERS              quarter you will receive a personal statement from the
                     plan. This statement provides information about your
                     account including its market value in each investment fund.
                     Activity for the quarter is reported by investment fund and
                     contribution type.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     "Vesting" is the process under which you earn a non-
                     forfeitable right to the units in your account. You are
                     always 100% vested (i.e., You will not give up any units
                     when you terminate employment) in any contributions you
                     make to the Plan.

                     With respect to any employer contributions credited to your
                     account, the following schedule will dictate when vesting
                     will occur:

                             Years of Employment     Vesting Percentage
                             -------------------     ------------------
                                  Less than 2                 0%
                                            2                20%
                                            3                40%
                                            4                60%
                                            5                80%
                              6 or more years               100%

                     You will also become 100% vested in the employer
                     contributions and earnings thereon credited to your account
                     upon your death, approved disability or attainment of age
                     65 while employed with this employer.

                     If you terminate employment with this employer prior to
                     completing 2 years of service, you will forfeit all of the
                     employer contributions and earnings thereon credited to
                     your account. However, if you are reemployed by this
                     employer prior to incurring 5 consecutive 1-year breaks in
                     service, measured from your date of termination, you are
                     eligible to have the amount of the forfeiture and your
                     corresponding vesting service restored to your account.

                     If you terminate employment with this employer after
                     completing 2 years of service, but prior to becoming 100%
                     vested, you will forfeit the non-vested portion of the
                     employer contributions and earnings thereon credited to
                     your account. If your are reemployed by this employer prior
                     to incurring 5 consecutive 1-year breaks in service, you
                     are eligible to have the amount of the forfeiture restored
                     to your account. If you received a distribution of the
                     vested portion of your account prior to incurring 5
                     consecutive 1-year breaks in service, such restoration is
                     conditioned on your paying back to your account the amount
                     of your prior vested balance within 5 years of the date it
                     was distributed to you. In either event, your prior vesting
                     service will be recredited to your account.


                                            MAKING WITHDRAWALS FROM YOUR ACCOUNT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ACCOUNT              You may make a total or partial withdrawal of the vested
WITHDRAWAL           portion of your account byfiling the appropriate form with
                     the Plan Administrator for transmittal to Pentegra
                     Services, Inc. However, if you are married at the time of
                     the total or partial withdrawal, your spouse must consent
                     in writing to the withdrawal. A withdrawal is based on the
                     unit values on the valuation date coinciding with the date
                     that a properly completed withdrawal form is received and
                     processed by Pentegra Services, Inc. (see "Valuation of
                     Accounts" section of this booklet).

                     Under current law, an excise tax of 10% is generally
                     imposed on the taxable portion of withdrawals occurring
                     prior to your attainment of age 591/2. There are certain
                     exceptions to the 10% excise tax. For example, the 10%
                     excise tax will not apply to withdrawals made on account of
                     separation from service at or after attainment of age 55,
                     death or disability.

                     In general, employer contributions credited on your behalf
                     will not be available for in-service withdrawal until such
                     employer contributions have been invested in the Plan for
                     at least 24 months (2 years) or you have been a participant
                     in the Plan for at least 60 months (5 years) or the
                     attainment of age 59 1/2.

                     As required by Internal Revenue Service Regulations, a
                     withdrawal of your pre-tax contributions prior to age 591/2
                     or termination of employment can only be made on account of
                     a hardship. In addition, in-service withdrawals of employee
                     rollover contributions, Employee after-tax contributions
                     (if any), Employer supplemental contributions (if any)
                     and/or employer matching contributions can only be made
                     after you attain age 591/2 or demonstrate hardship. The
                     existence of an immediate and heavy financial need, and the
                     lack of any other available financial resources to meet
                     this need, must be demonstrated for a hardship withdrawal.
                     The following situations will be considered to constitute
                     an immediate and heavy financial need:

                     (1) Medical expenses (other than amounts paid by
                     (2) The purchase of a principal residence (mortgage
                         payments are excluded).
                     (3) Tuition, including room and board, for the next 12
                         months of post-secondary education.
                     (4) The prevention of the eviction from a principal
                         residence or foreclosure on the mortgage of a principal

                     Only one in-service withdrawal may be made in any Plan

                     Upon Termination of Employment

                     You may leave your account with the Plan and defer
                     commencement of receipt of your vested balance until April
                     1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which
                     you attain age 701/2. You may make one withdrawal each plan
                     year. However, if you elect a distribution option other
                     than in the form of an annuity payment, your spouse, if
                     any, must waive the annuity form of payment option.

                     With spousal consent, if applicable, you may elect in lieu
                     of an annuity payment, to receive a lump sum payment or
                     annual installments to be paid over a period of 2-10, 15 or
                     20 years with the right to take in a lump sum the vested
                     balance of your account at any time during such payment

While Employed


                                            MAKING WITHDRAWALS FROM YOUR ACCOUNT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     If the actuarial determination of your life expectancy is
                     less than the period you elect, the maximum period over
                     which you can receive annual installments will be the next
                     lower payment period.

                     You may continue to change the investment instructions with
                     respect to your remaining account balance and make
                     withdrawals as provided above. (See "Investment of
                     Contributions" section of this booklet).

                     In addition, withdrawals from the First Community Financial
                     Corporation Stock Fund can be made in the form of First
                     Community Financial Corporation Common Stock.

                     Upon Disability
                     If you are disabled in accordance with the definition of
                     disability under the Plan, you will be entitled to the same
                     withdrawal rights as if you had terminated your employment.

                     You are disabled under the Plan if you are eligible to
                     receive (i) disability insurance benefits under Title II of
                     the Federal Social Security Act or (ii) disability benefits
                     under any other Internal Revenue Service qualified employee
                     benefits plan or long-term disability plan of your

                     Upon Death
                     If you die when you are a participant of the Plan, the
                     value of your entire account will be payable to your
                     beneficiary. If you are married at the time of your death,
                     your spouse will be the beneficiary of the death benefit,
                     (unless your spouse consents in writing to the designation
                     of a different beneficiary). If you are not married at the
                     time of your death or your spouse consents to a different
                     beneficiary, such beneficiary may elect to receive the
                     benefit in the form of a lump sum or in the form of annual
                     installments (unless the account value is less than $500),
                     over a period not to exceed 5 years (10 years if your
                     spouse is your beneficiary) or make withdrawals as often as
                     once per year, except that any balance remaining must be
                     withdrawn by the 5/th/ anniversary (10/th/ anniversary if
                     your spouse is your beneficiary) of your death.

                     If a valid waiver is not in effect, the death benefit
                     payable to your spouse will be in the form of a survivor
                     annuity, that is, periodic payments over the life of your
                     spouse. Your spouse may direct that payments begin within a
                     reasonable period of time after your death. The size of the
                     monthly payments will depend on the value of your account
                     at the time of your death. The death benefit may be
                     distributed in an alternative method, such as a single lump
                     sum or in installments, provided your spouse consents in
                     writing to an alternative form.

                     In addition, withdrawals from the First Community Financial
                     Corporation Stock Fund can be made in the form of First
                     Community Financial Corporation Common Stock.

                                                     BORROWING FROM YOUR ACCOUNT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LOANS                You may borrow from the vested portion of your account. If
                     you are married at the time you request a loan from your
                     account, your spouse must consent to your loan request.


                     You may borrow any amount between $1,000 and $50,000
                     (reduced by your highest outstanding loan balance(s) from
                     the Plan during the preceding 12 months). In no event may
                     you borrow more than 50% of the vested balance of your

                     The amount of your loan will be deducted on the valuation
                     date (see "Valuation of Accounts" section of this booklet)
                     coinciding with the date that Pentegra Services, Inc.
                     receives and processes your properly executed Loan
                     Application, Promissory Note and Disclosure Statement and
                     Truth-in-Lending Statement. On request, the Plan
                     Administrator will provide you with the application form.
                     The loan will not affect your right to continue making
                     contributions or to receive the corresponding employer

                     The rate of interest for the term of the loan will be
                     established as of the loan date, and shall be a reasonable
                     rate of interest generally comparable to the rates of
                     interest then in effect at a major banking institution
                     (e.g., the Barron's Prime Rate (base rate) plus 1%).

                     Repayments are made through payroll deductions and will be
                     transmitted along with the Employer's contribution reports.
                     The repayment period is between 1 and 15 years for loans
                     used exclusively for the purchase of a primary residence or
                     1 and 5 years for all other loans, at your option. After 12
                     monthly payments have been made, you may repay the
                     outstanding balance of the loan. If a loan includes any
                     employee pre-tax amounts, you will not be permitted to
                     default on the loan repayment while employed. Your employer
                     is required to withhold the loan repayments from your

                     As you repay the loan, the principal portion, together with
                     the interest, will be credited to your account, after
                     deducting 2% of the outstanding balance to cover
                     administrative expenses. In this way, you will be paying
                     interest to yourself.

                     In the event that you leave employment or die before
                     repaying the loan, the outstanding balance will be due and,
                     if not paid by the end of the calendar quarter following
                     the calendar quarter in which you terminate employment or
                     die, will be deemed a distribution and subject to the
                     applicable tax treatment. However, you may elect upon
                     termination of employment to continue to repay the loan on
                     a monthly basis directly to Pentegra Services, Inc.

                                                                PLAN LIMITATIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PLAN                 Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") requirements impose
LIMITATIONS          certain limitations on the amount of contributions that may
                     be made to this and other qualified plans. In general, the
                     annual "contributions" made to a defined contribution plan
                     such as this Plan, in respect of any member, may not exceed
                     the lesser of 25% of the member's total compensation or
                     $30,000. (This amount may be subject to periodic adjustment
                     by the IRS at some time in the future). For this purpose,
                     "contributions" include employer contributions, member
                     401(k) contributions and member after-tax contributions.
                     The annual member contributions allocated to a member's
                     401(k) account may not exceed the lesser of 25% of the
                     member's total compensation or $7,000 (indexed for cost-of-
                     living adjustments, if


                     any -$10,000 in 1999). Further, if your employer has
                     another tax-qualified plan in effect, these limits are
                     subject to additional restrictions.

                     Each member and beneficiary assumes the risk in connection
                     with any decrease in the market value of his account. The
                     benefit to which you may be entitled upon your withdrawal
                     of account cannot be determined in advance.

                     As a defined contribution plan, the Plan is not covered by
                     the plan termination insurance provisions of Title IV of
                     the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
                     ("ERISA"). Therefore, your benefits are not insured by the
                     Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation in the event of a plan

                     Except as may otherwise be required by applicable law or
                     pursuant to the terms of a Qualified Domestic Relations
                     Order, amounts payable by the Plan generally may not be
                     assigned, and if any person entitled to a payment attempts
                     to assign it, his interest in the amount payable may be
                     terminated and held for the benefit of that person or his

                     If Pentegra Services, Inc. cannot locate any person
                     entitled to a payment from the Plan and if 5 years have
                     elapsed from the due date of such payment, the Plan
                     Administrator may cancel all payments due him to the extent
                     permitted by law.

                     Membership in the Plan does not give you the right to
                     continued employment with your employer or affect your
                     employer's right to terminate your employment.

                     The Plan's qualified status is subject to IRS approval and
                     any requirements the IRS may impose.

                     The employer may terminate the Plan at any time. If the
                     Plan is terminated, there will be no further contributions
                     to the Plan for your account.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TOP HEAVY            A "top heavy" plan is a plan under which more than 60% of
INFORMATION          the accrued benefits (account values) are for key
                     employees. Key employees generally include officers and
                     shareholders earning more than $45,000 (indexed for
                     cost-of-living adjustments; $65,000 in 1999) per year. If
                     your employer's plan is top heavy for a particular plan
                     year, you may be entitled to a minimum employer
                     contribution equal to the lesser of 3% of your Plan Salary
                     or the greatest percentage contributed by the employer for
                     any key employee. This minimum contribution would be offset
                     by the regular contribution made by your employer (See
                     "Plan Contributions" section of this booklet).

                     In order to receive the minimum contribution for any plan
                     year, you must be employed on the last day of the plan
                     year. If your employer also provides a defined benefit or
                     another defined contribution plan, your minimum benefit may
                     be provided under such plan.

DISPUTED             If you disagree with respect to any benefit to which you
CLAIMS               feel you are entitled, you should make a written claim to
                     the Plan Administrator of the Plan.  If your claim is
                     denied, you


PROCEDURE            will receive written notice explaining the reason for the
                     denial within 90 days after the claim is filed.

                     The Plan Administrator's decision shall be final unless you
                     appeal such decision in writing to the Plan Administrator
                     of the Plan, within 60 days after receiving the notice of
                     denial. The written appeal should contain all information
                     you wish to be considered. The Plan Administrator will
                     review the claim within 60 days after the appeal is made.
                     Its decision shall be in writing, shall include the reason
                     for such decision and shall be final.


                                                                  MEMBERS RIGHTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

STATEMENT OF         As a member of the Plan, you are entitled to certain
MEMBER'S             rights and protection under ERISA which provides that all
RIGHTS               members shall be entitled to:

                     .  Examine, without charge, at the Plan Administrator's
                        office or at other specified locations, all plan
                        documents, and copies of all documents filed by the Plan
                        Administrator with the U. S. Department of Labor such as
                        detailed annual reports and plan descriptions.

                     .  Obtain copies of all plan documents and other plan
                        information upon written request to the Plan
                        Administrator. The Administrator may make a reasonable
                        charge for the copies.

                     .  Receive a summary of the Plan's annual financial report.
                        The Plan Administrator is required by law to furnish
                        each member with a copy of such summary.

                     In addition to creating rights for Plan members, ERISA
                     imposes duties upon the people who are responsible for the
                     operation of the Plan. The people who operate your Plan,
                     called "fiduciaries", have a duty to do so prudently and in
                     the interest of you and other plan members and
                     beneficiaries. No one may fire you or otherwise
                     discriminate against you in any way to prevent you from
                     obtaining a benefit or exercising your rights under ERISA.
                     If your claim for a benefit is denied in whole or in part,
                     you will receive a written explanation of the reason for
                     the denial. As already explained, you also have the right
                     to have your claim reconsidered.

                     Under ERISA, there are steps you can take to enforce the
                     above rights. For instance, if you request materials from
                     the Plan Administrator and do not receive them within 30
                     days, you may file suit in a federal court. In such a case,
                     the court may require the Plan Administrator to provide the
                     materials and pay you up to $100 a day until you receive
                     them, unless such materials were not sent for reasons
                     beyond the Administrator's control. If you have a claim for
                     benefits which is denied or ignored, in whole or in part,
                     you may file suit in a state or federal court.

                     If it should happen that Plan fiduciaries misuse the Plan's
                     money, or if you are discriminated against for asserting
                     your rights, you may seek assistance from the U.S.
                     Department of Labor or you may file suit in a federal
                     court. The court will decide who should pay court costs and
                     legal fees. If you are successful, the court may order the
                     person you have sued to pay these costs and fees. If you
                     lose, the court may order you to pay such costs and fees
                     (for example, if it finds your claim is frivolous).

                     If you have any questions about your Plan, you should
                     contact the Plan Administrator. If you have any questions
                     about this statement or your rights under ERISA, you should
                     contact the nearest Area Office of the U.S. Labor-
                     Management Services Administration, Department of Labor.

                     This Statement of ERISA Rights is required by federal law
                     and regulation.

                                                                PLAN INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     Plan Name:

                                  Community Savings Bank, SSB Employees' Savings
                                  & Profit Sharing Plan and Trust


                     Plan Administrator:

                                  Community Savings Bank, SSB
                                  708 S. Church Street
                                  Burlington, NC 27215

                                  Phone No: (336) 227-3631

                                  Employer Identification Number: 56-0185960

                                  Plan Number: 001

                                  Plan Year End: December 31


                                  The Bank of New York
                                  1 Wall Street
                                  New York, NY 10286

                                  Phone: (212) 635-8115

                     Agent for Service of Legal Process:

                                  Community Savings Bank, SSB

                     Administrative Services:

                                  Record-keeping services are provided by:

                                  Pentegra Services, Inc.
                                  108 Corporate Park Drive
                                  White Plains, New York 10604

                                  Phone No . : (914) 694-1300  FAX No . : (914) 694-6429
                                               (800) 872-3473
