Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
[MassMutual logo appears here]       1295 State Street
                                     Springfield, Massachusetts  01111-0001

    Survivorship Flexible Premium Adjustable Variable Life Insurance Policy
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POLICY DATE JANUARY 1, 2000                 POLICY NUMBER  123456789
ISSUE DATE  JANUARY 1, 2000                 INITIAL FACE AMOUNT  $500,000
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Dear Policy Owner:

READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY.  It has been written in readable language to help
you understand its terms.  We have used examples to explain some of its
provisions.  These examples do not reflect the actual amounts or status of this
policy.  As you read through the policy, remember the words "we," "us," and
"our" refer to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.

We will, subject to the terms of this policy, pay the death benefit to the
Beneficiary when due proof of the death of both Insureds has been received at
our Home Office.  However, due proof of the first death must be furnished when
it occurs.

The terms of this policy are contained on this and the following pages.  For
service and information on this policy, contact the agent who sold the policy,
any of our agency offices, or our Home Office.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RETURN THIS POLICY.  If you decide not to keep this
policy, return it within 10 days after you receive it.  It may be returned by
delivering or mailing it to our Home Office, to any of our agency offices, or to
the agent who sold the policy.  Then, the policy will be as though it had never
been issued.  We will promptly refund (a) any premium paid for this policy, plus
(b) interest credited to this policy under the Guaranteed Principal Account,
plus or minus (c) an amount that reflects the investment experience of the
investment divisions of the Separate Account under this policy to the date the
policy is received by us, minus (d) any amounts withdrawn and any policy debt.

Signed for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.

Sincerely yours,
                          /S/ABC                              /S/ABC
                         PRESIDENT                           SECRETARY

This Policy provides that:  A death benefit is payable when both Insureds have
                            died.Within specified limits, flexible premiums
                            may be paid while either Insured is living.
                            Annual dividends may be paid.

The amount of death benefit and the duration of insurance coverage may be fixed
or variable as described in Parts 3 and 5.

The variable account value of the policy may increase or decrease in accordance
with the experience of the Separate Account.  There are no minimum guarantees as
to the variable account value.

The fixed account value of the policy earns interest at a rate not less than the
minimum described in the Interest On Fixed Account Value provision.

Policy Summary

This Summary briefly describes some of the major policy provisions.  Since it
does not go into detail, the actual provisions will prevail.  See the provisions
for full information and any limits that may apply.  The "Table Of Contents"
shows where the provisions may be found.

This is a variable universal life insurance policy on the lives of two Insureds.
We will pay a death benefit if both Insureds die while the policy is in force.
"In force" means that the insurance has not terminated.  "Variable" means that
values depend on the investment performance of the Separate Account shown in the
Policy Specifications and are not guaranteed as to dollar amount.  "Universal
life" means that, subject to the limits and conditions stated in the policy, the
amount of insurance may be adjusted and flexible premium payments may be made.

Premiums for this policy are flexible.  After the first premium has been paid,
there is no requirement that any specific amount of premium be paid on any date.
Instead, within the limits stated in the policy, any amount may be paid on any
date during the lifetime of either Insured.

Premiums are applied to increase the value of this policy.  Monthly charges are
due, and deducted from the value of this policy, each month.  If the value
cannot cover the monthly charges for a month and premiums paid do not meet
certain requirements, the policy may terminate 61 days after the due date.
There is, however, a right to reinstate the policy.

Other rights available under this policy include the rights to:
        .     Change the Owner or any Beneficiary;
        .     Assign this policy;
        .     Change the Face Amount;
        .     Change the Death Benefit Option;
        .     Make loans;
        .     Make withdrawals;
        .     Surrender this policy;
        .     Allocate net premiums among the Guaranteed Principal Account and
              the divisions of the Separate Account; and
        .     Transfer values between the Guaranteed Principal Account and the
              divisions of the Separate Account.

This policy also includes a number of Payment Options.  They provide alternate
ways for us to pay the death benefit or the amount payable upon surrender of the

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Policy Specifications

                                                    Page No.                                            Page No.
                                                    --------                                            --------
Part 1. - The Basics Of This Policy                             Face Amount Charge..................
    The Parties Involved - Owner, Insureds,                     Insurance Charge....................
      Beneficiary, Irrevocable Beneficiary........              Rider Charge........................
    Dates - Policy Date, Policy Anniversary                     Grace Period And Termination........
      Date, Policy Year, Monthly Charge Date,                   Safety Test.........................
      Issue Date, Valuation Date, Valuation
      Period, Valuation Time, Register Date.......             Part 4. - Life Benefits..............
    Policy A Legal Contract.......................             Policy Ownership.....................
    Policy Is Not Participating...................              Rights Of Owner.....................
    Representations And Contestability............              Changing The Owner Or Beneficiary...
    Misstatement Of Age Or Gender.................              Transfers Of Values.................
    Death By Suicide..............................              Assigning This Policy...............
    Meaning Of In Force...........................              Annual Report.......................
    Meaning Of Second Death.......................             This Policy's Share in Dividends.....
    Simultaneous Deaths...........................              Policy Is Participating.............
    Face Amount...................................              How Dividends May Be Used...........
    Year Of Coverage..............................              Dividend After Death Of Insureds....
    Ages - Issue Age, Attained Age................             Right To Change The Face Amount......
    Written Request...............................              Increases In The Face Amount........
    Currency......................................              Decreases In The Face Amount........
    Home Office...................................              Evidence Of Changes.................
                                                               Borrowing Against This Policy........
Part 2. - Premium Payments........................              Right To Make Loans.................
    The First Premium.............................              Effect Of Loan......................
    Planned Premiums..............................              Maximum Loan Available..............
    Premium Flexibility And Premium Notices.......              Interest On Loans...................
    Where To Pay Premiums.........................              Policy Debt Limit...................
    Right To Refund Premiums......................              Repayment Of Policy Debt............
    Net Premium...................................              Other Borrowing Rules...............
    Allocation Of Net Premiums....................             Surrendering This Policy And Making
Part 3. - Accounts, Values, And Charges...........              Right To Surrender..................
  The Separate Account And The Guaranteed                       Net Surrender Value.................
      Principal Account...........................              Making Withdrawals..................
    The Separate Account..........................              How We Pay..........................
    Changes In The Separate Account...............             Reinstating This Policy..............
    Accumulation Units............................              When Policy May Be Reinstated.......
    Purchase And Sale Of Accumulation Units.......              Requirements To Reinstate...........
    The Guaranteed Principal Account..............              Policy After Reinstatement..........
  Values Of This Policy...........................
    Account Value Of Policy.......................             Part 5. - The Death Benefit..........
    Variable Account Value Of Policy..............              Amount Of Death Benefit.............
    Fixed Account Value Of Policy.................              Death Benefit Options...............
    Interest On Fixed Account Value...............              Minimum Death Benefit...............
  Monthly Policy Charges..........................              Changes In The Death Benefit Option.
    Monthly Charges...............................              When We Pay.........................
    Administrative Charge.........................              Interest On Death Benefit...........



Part 6. - Payment Options. .......................    Part 7. - Notes On Our Computations.....
    Availability Of Options ......................         Net Investment Factor .............
    Minimum Amounts ..............................         Accumulation Unit Value ...........
    Description Of Options .......................         Adjustment Of Units And Values ....
    Options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 .....................         Basis Of Computation ..............
    Alternate Life Income ........................         Method Of Computing Values ........

    Electing A Payment Option.....................
    Effective Date And Payment Dates..............         Payment Option Rates Tables........
    Withdrawals And Changes.......................
    Income Protection.............................
    Other Payment Option Rules....................


    Any riders and endorsements, and a copy of the application for the policy,
    follow page XX.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    For additional important terms used in this policy, see the following

    Term                                                    Provision                                 Page No.
    ------                                                  ---------                                 --------
     Death Benefit Factor                                   Minimum Death Benefit
     Guarantee Periods                                      Safety Test
     Guarantee Premiums                                     Safety Test
     Insurance Risk                                         Insurance Charge
     Loan Interest Rate Expense Charge                      Interest On Fixed Account Value
     Minimum Annual Interest Rate For The                   Interest On Fixed Account Value
        Guaranteed Principal Account
     Policy Debt                                            Right To Make Loans
     Premium Expense Charge, Factor                         Net Premium
     Separate Account Charge For Mortality And              Net Investment Factor
       Expense Risk
     Surrender Charges                                      Net Surrender Value
     Withdrawal Fee                                         Making Withdrawals

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

                                                       ISSUE AGE      GENDER
INSURED NO. 1    JANE C. DOE                             35           FEMALE
INSURED NO. 2    JOHN A. DOE                             35           MALE
POLICY DATE      JANUARY 1, 2000  POLICY NUMBER          123456789

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Subject to the terms of this policy, the Face Amount is adjustable.  If the Face
Amount is adjusted, then revised and additional Policy Specifications will be

this policy.                            1

MONTHLY CHARGE DATES                    1st day of each month

FIRST PREMIUM                           $1,000.00
PLANNED PREMIUM                         $1,000.00

GUARANTEE PERIOD                        First 5 Policy Years
GUARANTEE PREMIUM                       $206.20

 MAXIMUM PREMIUM EXPENSE CHARGE         10.0% of premium payments up to Premium
   DURING EACH YEAR OF                  Expense Factor; 7.5% of excess premium
    COVERAGE (See Net                    payments
     Premium provision
     in Part 2.)
  ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE*                $12.00 through Attained Age 99 of
                                        younger Insured; $0.00 thereafter
   Years 1 - 10                         $0.08
   Years 11 and later                   $0.00
 MAXIMUM MONTHLY INSURANCE CHARGE*      See the Table(s) Of Maximum Monthly
                                          Insurance Charges
 RIDER CHARGES*                         See the Policy Specifications for the
                                          Rider(s), if any
 CHARGE                                 0.80%
 MAXIMUM WITHDRAWAL FEE                 $25.00 per withdrawal
 SURRENDER CHARGE                       See the Table(s) Of Surrender Charges
 MAXIMUM SEPARATE ACCOUNT CHARGE FOR    0.60% effective annual rate (decimal
  MORTALITY AND EXPENSE RISK**            daily equivalent 0.00001639)

*    For more information, see the "Monthly Policy Charges" section in Part 3 of
     this policy. Monthly charges beyond Attained Age 99 of the younger Insured
     are zero.
**   For more information, see the Net Investment Factor provision in Part 7 of
     this policy.

NOTE:  Timely payment of planned premiums does not guarantee that this policy
will stay in force until both Insureds have died.

                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 1 OF 8

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                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

POLICY DATE    JANUARY 1, 2000                   POLICY NUMBER  123456789
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- ---------------------------------------------

The maximum limit for premium payments in any Policy Year is the largest premium
that would not exceed the LIMIT ON TOTAL PREMIUM PAYMENTS stated below or, if
less, the greatest of:

 .     $912.00;
 .     The amount of premiums paid in the preceding Policy Year; and
 .     The largest premium that would not increase the Insurance Risk.

- -------------------------------

As of any date, the maximum limit on the sum of the premiums paid under this
policy is the greater of items A and B below.  This limit may be revised if the
policy is changed.  These changes include, but are not limited to, withdrawals,
changing the Face Amount or Death Benefit Option, and adding or deleting benefit
riders.  If the limit is revised, new Policy Specifications will be sent.

   A.   $ 8,006.40;
   B.   $ 773.60 multiplied by the result of one (1) plus the number of full
          Policy Years elapsed.

- -----------------------------------------------------

While this policy is in force, the cumulative limit on the number of distinct
Separate Account divisions to which net premiums are allocated and transfers are
made is 16.  We reserve the right to increase this limit.

Further limits on access to Separate Account divisions may be added in order for
this policy to continue to qualify as life insurance under federal tax law.

ADDITIONAL LIMITATIONS ON TRANSFERS (See Transfers Of Values provision in Part
- -----------------------------------

Transfers must be in whole-number percentages or in dollar-and-cent amounts.

Transfers of values from the Guaranteed Principal Account to the Separate
Account (excluding any transfer on the day after the Issue Date) are limited to
one each Policy Year.  After that day, any transfer from the Guaranteed
Principal Account cannot exceed 25% of the fixed account value of this policy
(less any policy debt) on the date of transfer.

We reserve the right to limit transfers such that no transfers may be made for
at least 90 days after the preceding transfer.  Any such limitation would not
apply to a transfer of all funds in the Separate Account to the Guaranteed
Principal Account, to transfers resulting from a policy loan, or to automated
transfers in connection with any program the Company has in place.

                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 2 OF 8

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                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

POLICY DATE    JANUARY 1, 2000                   POLICY NUMBER  123456789
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SEPARATE ACCOUNT INFORMATION (See The Separate Account provision in Part 3.)
- ----------------------------

The Separate Account referred to in this policy is C.M. Life Variable Life
  Separate Account I.

The divisions of the Separate Account are:

     MML Equity                        Oppenheimer Main Street Growth & Income
     MML Money Market                  Oppenheimer High Income
     MML Managed Bond                  Oppenheimer Bond
     MML Blend                         Fidelity VIP II Contrafund
     MML Equity Index                  T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Growth
     MML Small Cap Value Equity        American Century VP Income & Growth
     MML Growth Equity                 Bankers Trust Small Cap Index
     MML Small Cap Growth Equity       Goldman Sachs Capital Growth
     Oppenheimer Aggressive Growth     Janus Aspen Capital Appreciation
     Oppenheimer Global Securities     Janus Aspen Worldwide Growth
     Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation  Templeton International
     Oppenheimer Strategic Bond

The types of investments and the objectives for each division are given in the

MINIMUM ANNUAL INTEREST RATE FOR THE     3.00% (decimal monthly equivalent
 GUARANTEED PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT                0.00246627)

LOAN INTEREST RATE (See Interest On Loans in Part 4.)  Variable

MINIMUM FACE AMOUNT                                    $100,000
MINIMUM FACE AMOUNT INCREASE                           $50,000

- ---------------------------------
                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 3 OF 8

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                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

POLICY DATE     JANUARY 1, 2000                       POLICY NUMBER  123456789
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                PREMIUM EXPENSE FACTOR:                  773.00



                      INSURED NO. 2:  NON-TOBACCO

      ATTAINED                            ATTAINED                          ATTAINED
    AGE OF THE                           AGE OF THE                        AGE OF THE
      YOUNGER             MONTHLY          YOUNGER          MONTHLY          YOUNGER      MONTHLY
      INSURED              RATE            INSURED           RATE            INSURED       RATE
      -------             -------          -------          -------          -------     --------

           35              0.00002           57              0.00964           79         0.63554
           36              0.00006           58              0.01144           80         0.76934
           37              0.00010           59              0.01358           81         0.93261
           38              0.00016           60              0.01616           82         1.13343
           39              0.00022           61              0.01928           83         1.38047
           40              0.00030           62              0.02316           84         1.67843
           41              0.00040           63              0.02804           85         2.03303
           42              0.00052           64              0.03412           86         2.44749
           43              0.00066           65              0.04148           87         2.92813
           44              0.00082           66              0.05031           88         3.47679
           45              0.00102           67              0.06074           89         4.10303
           46              0.00124           68              0.07295           90         4.81445
           47              0.00151           69              0.08746           91         5.62502
           48              0.00183           70              0.10516           92         6.55747
           49              0.00220           71              0.12818           93         7.64951
           50              0.00265           72              0.15490           94         9.00787
           51              0.00318           73              0.19006           95        10.85216
           52              0.00384           74              0.23416           96        13.65662
           53              0.00463           75              0.28828           97        18.46654
           54              0.00558           76              0.35383           98        27.61923
           55              0.00672           77              0.43218           99        46.54633
           56              0.00807           78              0.52494

The above rates are based on the following mortality tables:

     INSURED NO. 1 - Commissioners 1980 Standard Ordinary Nonsmoker Mortality Table - Female
     INSURED NO. 2 - Commissioners 1980 Standard Ordinary Nonsmoker Mortality Table - Male

The rate for the younger insured's Attained Ages above 99 is 0.00.

                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 4 OF 8

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                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

POLICY DATE    JANUARY 1, 2000                   POLICY NUMBER  123456789
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           TABLE OF SURRENDER CHARGES

IF SURRENDER OCCURS IN                              SURRENDER
      POLICY YEAR                                     CHARGE
- -------------------------------------------      ---------------

          1                                          $2,280.00
          2                                          $2,280.00
          3                                          $2,280.00
          4                                          $2,280.00
          5                                          $2,280.00
          6                                          $2,052.00
          7                                          $1,824.00
          8                                          $1,596.00
          9                                          $1,368.00
         10                                          $1,140.00
         11                                            $912.00
         12                                            $684.00
         13                                            $456.00
         14                                            $228.00
         15 and later                                    $0.00

For more information about surrender charges, see Part 4 of this policy.

                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 5 OF 8

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

POLICY DATE    JANUARY 1, 2000                   POLICY NUMBER  123456789

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             DEATH BENEFIT FACTORS

       ATTAINED                      ATTAINED                    ATTAINED
      AGE OF THE                    AGE OF THE                  AGE OF THE
       YOUNGER                       YOUNGER                     YOUNGER
       INSURED        FACTOR         INSURED       FACTOR        INSURED          FACTOR
       -------        ------         -------       ------        -------          ------

          35           2.50            57            1.42          79              1.05
          36           2.50            58            1.38          80              1.05
          37           2.50            59            1.34          81              1.05
          38           2.50            60            1.30          82              1.05
          39           2.50            61            1.28          83              1.05
          40           2.50            62            1.26          84              1.05
          41           2.43            63            1.24          85              1.05
          42           2.36            64            1.22          86              1.05
          43           2.29            65            1.20          87              1.05
          44           2.22            66            1.19          88              1.05
          45           2.15            67            1.18          89              1.05
          46           2.09            68            1.17          90              1.05
          47           2.03            69            1.16          91              1.04
          48           1.97            70            1.15          92              1.03
          49           1.91            71            1.13          93              1.02
          50           1.85            72            1.11          94              1.01
          51           1.78            73            1.09          95              1.00
          52           1.71            74            1.07          96              1.00
          53           1.64            75            1.05          97              1.00
          54           1.57            76            1.05          98              1.00
          55           1.50            77            1.05          99              1.00
          56           1.46            78            1.05

Death Benefit Factor for Attained Ages above 99 is 1.00.  These Death Benefit
Factors are used to determine the amount of the minimum death benefit.  For more
information, see Part 5 of this policy.

                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 6 OF 8

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                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

POLICY DATE    JANUARY 1, 2000               POLICY NUMBER  123456789
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                               OWNER INFORMATION

- -----


                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 7 OF 8

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                             POLICY SPECIFICATIONS

POLICY DATE JANUARY 1, 2000                   POLICY NUMBER  123456789
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                            BENEFICIARY INFORMATION

- -----------


                       POLICY SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 8 0F 8

Part 1.  The Basics Of This Policy

In this Part, we discuss some definitions and insurance concepts necessary to
understand this policy.  The words "we," "us," and "our" refer to Massachusetts
Mutual Life Insurance Company.

The Parties Involved - Owner, Insureds, Beneficiary, Irrevocable Beneficiary

               The Owner is the person who owns this policy, as shown in our
               records. The Owner has the right to exercise rights and
               privileges and to receive benefits under the terms of this policy
               during the lifetime of either Insured. If the Owner designated
               under the terms of this policy is not living and if the policy
               does not provide otherwise, the Owner will be the estate of the
               last Owner to die.

               For more information about the rights and benefits available to
               the Owner, see the "Policy Ownership" section in Part 4.

               The Insureds are the two persons whose lives this policy insures.
               An Insured may be the Owner of this policy, or someone else may
               be the Owner.

               Example:  You buy a policy insuring your own life and your
                         spouse's life, and naming yourself as Owner. In this
                         case, you are both an Insured and the Owner. If you buy
                         a policy insuring two other lives and naming yourself
                         as the Owner, then the Owner is not an Insured.

               A Beneficiary is any person named in our records to receive the
               death benefit after both Insureds have died. There may be
               different classes of Beneficiaries, such as primary and
               secondary. These classes set the order of payment. There may be
               more than one Beneficiary in a class.

               Example:  Elizabeth is named as primary (first) Beneficiary.
                         Rachel and David are named as Beneficiaries in the
                         secondary class. If Elizabeth is alive when the second
                         death occurs, she receives the death benefit. If
                         Elizabeth is not alive but Rachel and David are alive
                         when the second death occurs, Rachel and David receive
                         the death benefit.

               Any Beneficiary may be named an Irrevocable Beneficiary.  An
               Irrevocable Beneficiary is one whose consent is needed to change
               that Beneficiary.  Also, this Beneficiary must consent to the
               exercise of certain other policy rights.

               If no Beneficiary designated under this policy survives both
               Insureds, the Beneficiary will be the Owner unless the policy
               states otherwise.  The interest of any Beneficiary will be
               subject to any assignment of this policy that is binding on us
               and to any payment option in effect at the time of the second

               See the "Policy Ownership" section in Part 4, and see "Part 6.
               Payment Options."

                                                                          Page 1

Dates - Policy Date, Policy Anniversary Date, Policy Year, Monthly Charge Date,
Issue Date, Valuation Date, Valuation Period, Valuation Time, Register Date

               The Policy Date is shown in the Policy Specifications. It is the
               starting point for determining Policy Anniversary Dates, Policy
               Years, and Monthly Charge Dates. The first Policy Anniversary
               Date is one year after the Policy Date. The period from the
               Policy Date to the first Policy Anniversary Date, or from one
               Policy Anniversary Date to the next, is called a Policy Year.

               The Monthly Charge Dates are the dates on which we deduct monthly
               charges for this policy. The first Monthly Charge Date is the
               Policy Date. Subsequent Monthly Charge Dates are the same day of
               each month thereafter.

               Example:  The Policy Date is June 10, 20X1.  The first Policy
                         Anniversary Date is one year later, June 10, 20X2. The
                         period from June 10, 20X1, through June 9, 20X2, is a
                         Policy Year. The first Monthly Charge Date is June 10,
                         20X1. The next Monthly Charge Date is one month later,
                         July 10, 20X1.

               The Issue Date is also shown in the Policy Specifications. The
               Issue Date starts the contestability and suicide periods. We
               discuss contestability and suicide later in this Part.

               A Valuation Date is any date on which the New York Stock Exchange
               (or its successor) is open for trading. A Valuation Period is the
               period of time from the end of one Valuation Date to the end of
               the next Valuation Date. A Valuation Time is the time the New
               York Stock Exchange (or its successor) closes on a Valuation
               Date. All actions that are to be performed on a Valuation Date
               will be performed as of the Valuation Time.

               The Register Date is the date on which we first allocate net
               premium payments for this policy among the Guaranteed Principal
               Account and the divisions of the Separate Account. It is the
               Valuation Date that is on, or next follows, the later of:

               .   The day after the Issue Date; and

               .   The day we receive the first premium for this policy at our
                   Home Office.

Policy A Legal Contract

               This policy is a legal contract between the Owner and us. The
               entire contract consists of the policy, which includes the
               application and any rider(s) and endorsement(s) the policy has.
               We have issued this policy in return for the application and the
               payment of the first premium. Any changes or waiver of its terms
               must be in writing and signed by our Secretary or an Assistant
               Secretary to be valid.

               A copy of the initial application is attached to and made a part
               of this policy. Any subsequent applications requesting changes in
               the policy also will become part of the contract; copies of any
               such applications will be sent to the Owner for attachment to the

                                                                          Page 2

Representations And Contestability

               We rely on all statements made by or for either or both Insureds
               in the application(s). Legally, those statements are considered
               to be representations and not warranties. We can bring legal
               action to contest the validity of this policy, or any policy
               change requiring evidence of insurability, for any material
               misrepresentation of a fact. To do so, however, the
               misrepresentation must have been in the initial application or in
               a subsequent application, and a copy of that application must
               have been attached to (or sent to the Owner for attachment to)
               and made a part of this policy. The initial Policy Specifications
               are attached to this policy when issued. If a policy change is
               made, we will send to the Owner any revised or additional Policy
               Specifications for attachment to the policy.

               Except for any policy change or reinstatement requiring evidence
               of insurability, we cannot contest the validity of this policy:

               .    With respect to any material misrepresentation in the
                    application regarding the insurability of Insured No. 1,
                    once the policy has been in force during the lifetime of
                    Insured No. 1 for two years after its Issue Date; or

               .    With respect to any material misrepresentation in the
                    application regarding the insurability of Insured No. 2,
                    once the policy has been in force during the lifetime of
                    Insured No. 2 for two years after its Issue Date.

               For any policy change requiring evidence of insurability, we
               cannot contest the validity of the change with respect to each
               Insured after the change has been in effect for two years during
               the lifetime of that Insured.

               If evidence of insurability is required to reinstate this policy
               (see "Reinstating This Policy" in Part 4), our right to contest
               the validity of this policy begins again on the date of
               reinstatement. For each Insured living on that date, we cannot
               contest once the reinstated policy has been in force during the
               lifetime of that Insured for two years after that reinstatement

Misstatement Of Age Or Gender

               If the date of birth or gender of either Insured as given in the
               application is not correct, the Face Amount (discussed in this
               Part) will be adjusted. The adjustment will reflect the amount
               provided by the most recent monthly insurance charges using the
               correct ages and genders. If the adjustment is made while either
               Insured is living, monthly charges after the adjustment will be
               based on the correct ages and genders.

Death By Suicide

               If either Insured commits suicide, while sane or insane, within
               two years after the Issue Date of this policy and while the
               policy is in force, this policy will terminate. In this case, we
               will refund the amount of premiums paid for this policy, less any
               amounts withdrawn and less any policy debt.

               If either Insured commits suicide, while sane or insane, within
               two years after this policy is reinstated and while the policy is
               in force, this policy will terminate. In this case, we will
               refund any amount paid to reinstate this policy and any premiums
               paid thereafter, less any amounts withdrawn and less any policy

                                                                          Page 3

               If either Insured commits suicide, while sane or insane, within
               two years after the effective date of any increase in the Face
               Amount, the increase will terminate. In this case, we will refund
               the monthly charges made for that increase. However, if a refund
               as described in either of the two preceding paragraphs is
               payable, there will be no additional refund for the increase.

               Monthly charges are discussed in Part 3. Withdrawals, policy
               debt, and reinstatement are discussed in Part 4.

Meaning Of In Force

               "In force" means that the insurance provided by this policy is in
               effect and has not terminated. This policy will be in force from
               its Issue Date or, if later, the date the first premium is paid.

               This policy will continue in force to the second death unless:

               .    Either Insured commits suicide within two years after the
                    Issue Date or the date the policy is reinstated;
               .    The policy terminates under the terms of the Grace Period
                    And Termination provision in Part 3;
               .    The policy terminates because the policy debt limit is
                    reached; or
               .    The policy is surrendered.

               Policy debt and surrender are discussed in Part 4.

Meaning Of Second Death

               The "second death" under this policy means the death of the
               survivor of the Insureds.

Simultaneous Deaths

               The Insureds may die at the same time, with no reasonable way to
               determine who died first. In this case, we will assume that
               Insured No. 2 died before Insured No. 1. However, the Owner may
               provide otherwise by written request while both Insureds are

Face Amount

               The Face Amount is the amount of insurance coverage this policy
               provides while the policy is in force. The Initial Face Amount is
               the Face Amount on the Policy Date.

Year Of Coverage

               For the Initial Face Amount, each Policy Year is a year of
               coverage. If the Face Amount of this policy has been increased
               (as discussed in Part 4), years of coverage for each increase
               will be measured from the effective date of the increase.

Ages - Issue Age, Attained Age

               The Issue Age for each Insured (shown in the Policy
               Specifications) is the age of that Insured on the birthday
               nearest the Policy Date.

               Example:  Elizabeth's 32nd birthday was May 12th. The Policy Date
                         is today, December 1. Since December 1 is closer to her
                         33rd birthday, her Issue Age will be 33.

               The Attained Age of an Insured is the Insured's Issue Age
               increased by the number of full Policy Years elapsed.

Written Request

               A "written request" is a request in writing, in a form
               satisfactory to us, received by us at our Home Office.


               All payments made to us and by us will be in the lawful currency
               of the United States of America. All monetary amounts shown in
               this policy are in U.S. dollars.

                                                                          Page 4

Home Office

               Our main office in Springfield, Massachusetts, is called the Home
               Office. The address is Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
               Company, 1295 State Street, Springfield, Massachusetts

Part 2.  Premium Payments

Premiums are the payments that may be paid to us to increase the account value
of this policy; they also may be needed to keep this policy in force.  Premiums
for this policy are discussed in this Part.

The First Premium

               The first premium for this policy is shown in the Policy
               Specifications.  It is due on the Policy Date.  This policy will
               not be in force until the first premium has been paid.

Planned Premiums

               The planned premium for this policy is shown in the Policy
               Specifications. The frequency of planned premiums for this policy
               is as elected in the application. The frequency and amount of the
               planned premium may be changed by written request; the frequency
               may be quarterly, semiannually, or annually.

               We also provide a pre-authorized payment plan. This plan, and any
               other alternate premium plans we provide, are governed by the
               rules we set.

               If continued payment of the planned premium during a Policy Year
               would exceed the Limit On Premium Payments for the Year shown in
               the Policy Specifications, we may decrease the planned premium to
               an amount that would not exceed that limit.

               If premium payments are discontinued, we will continue to deduct
               monthly charges from the account value and the policy will stay
               in force subject to the Grace Period And Termination provision in
               Part 3.

Premium Flexibility And Premium Notices

               After the first premium has been paid, there is no requirement
               that any amount of premium be paid on any date. Subject to the
               Limit On Premium Payments shown in the Policy Specifications and
               while this policy is in force, any amount of premium may be paid
               at any time while either Insured is living. However, each premium
               paid must be at least $20 or, if greater, the amount needed to
               prevent termination, as discussed in the Grace Period And
               Termination provision.

               We will send premium notices for the planned premium based on the
               amount and frequency in effect. We will stop sending notices for
               the planned premium upon receipt of the Owner's written request
               to do so.

Where To Pay Premiums

               All premiums after the first premium are payable to us at our
               Home Office or at the place shown for payment on the premium
               notice. Upon request, a receipt signed by our Secretary or an
               Assistant Secretary will be given for any premium payment.

Right To Refund Premiums

               We have the right to refund any amount of premium paid in a
               Policy Year that exceeds the Limit On Premium Payments for the
               Year shown in the Policy Specifications.

               A Limit On Total Premium Payments also may be stated in the
               Policy Specifications. If such a Limit is stated, we will
               automatically refund the amount of any premium paid that exceeds
               that Limit.

Net Premium

               A net premium is a premium payment we receive for this policy
               less the premium expense charge we deduct at that time. The
               Maximum Premium Expense Charge we can deduct from each premium
               payment is shown in the Policy Specifications.

                                                                          Page 5

               We credit each net premium to the account value of this policy on
               the date we receive the premium payment. However, for any premium
               payment received before the Policy Date, the net premium will be
               credited to the account value as of the Policy Date.

               If the Face Amount of this policy has been increased (as
               discussed in Part 4), premium payments received once an increase
               becomes effective will be allocated to each segment of the Face
               Amount. (The Initial Face Amount is one "segment"; each increase
               in the Face Amount is a separate "segment.") This may affect the
               premium expense charge deducted from premium payments. The
               premium allocation will be made on a pro rata basis using the
               Premium Expense Factor for each segment. The Premium Expense
               Factor for each segment of the Face Amount is shown with its
               Table Of Maximum Monthly Insurance Charges in the Policy

               Example:  The Initial Face Amount of your policy is $500,000; the
                         Premium Expense Factor for it is 4,000. You later
                         increase the Face Amount by $700,000, to $1,200,000;
                         the Premium Expense Factor for that increase is 6,000.
                         The sum of the Premium Expense Factors is 10,000.
                         Thereafter while the Face Amount remains at $1,200,000,
                         each premium payment will be allocated 40% (4,000
                         divided by 10,000) to the Initial Face Amount and 60%
                         (6,000 divided by 10,000) to the increase.

Allocation Of Net Premiums

               Each net premium we receive on or before the Issue Date will be
               allocated to our general investment account. On the Register
               Date, any fixed value of this policy will be allocated among the
               Guaranteed Principal Account and the divisions of the Separate
               Account, according to the net premium allocation in effect on the
               Register Date. Fixed account value is discussed in Part 3.

               Each net premium we receive after the Issue Date will be
               allocated according to the net premium allocation in effect on
               the date of receipt.

               The net premium allocation is specified at the time of
               application for this policy. Changes in the net premium
               allocation are subject to any limitations stated in the Policy
               Specifications. Subject to those limitations, the allocation may
               be changed by any later election satisfactory to us and received
               at our Home Office.

               The amount of each net premium we receive for this policy for
               allocation to a division of the Separate Account will be applied
               to purchase accumulation units for this policy in that division.
               See the Purchase And Sale Of Accumulation Units provision in Part

Part 3.  Accounts, Values, And Charges

This policy provides that certain values (referred to as the variable account
values) are based on the investment performance of the Separate Account and are
not guaranteed as to dollar amount.  This policy also provides that other values
(referred to as the fixed account values) are based on the interest credited to
the Guaranteed Principal Account.  The account value of this policy is the
variable account value plus the fixed account value.  This Part gives
information about the Separate Account, the Guaranteed Principal Account, and
the values and monthly charges connected with them.

               The Separate Account And The Guaranteed Principal Account

The Separate Account

               The Separate Account shown in the Policy Specifications is a
               designated segment of the separate investment account we have
               established under Massachusetts law. It is also subject to the
               laws of the state in which this policy was delivered.

               The Separate Account has a number of divisions. Each division
               invests in shares of an investment fund. The divisions are shown
               in the Policy Specifications.

                                                                          Page 6

               The values of the assets in the divisions are variable and are
               not guaranteed. They depend on the investment results of the
               Separate Account shown in the Policy Specifications.

               We own the assets of the Separate Account. Those assets will be
               used only to support variable life insurance policies. That
               portion of the assets equal to the reserves and other liabilities
               of the Separate Account will not be charged with liabilities that
               arise from any other business we may conduct. However, we may
               transfer to our general account any assets exceeding the reserves
               and other liabilities of the Separate Account. The income and the
               realized and unrealized capital gains and losses from each
               division of the Separate Account are credited to or charged
               against that division without regard to any of our other income,
               capital gains, or capital losses. The assets of the Separate
               Account are protected from the claims of our creditors.

Changes In The Separate Account

               We have the right to establish additional divisions of the
               Separate Account from time to time. Amounts credited to any
               additional divisions established would be invested in shares of
               other funds. For any division, we have the right to substitute
               new funds. We also have the rights to rename any division and to
               close any division to new investments.

               Subject to applicable provisions of federal securities laws, we
               have the right to change the investment policy of any division of
               the Separate Account.

               We have the right to operate the Separate Account as a unit
               investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or in
               any other form permitted by law.

               Any changes in the Separate Account will be described in the
               Prospectus for this policy.

Accumulation Units

               Accumulation units are used to measure the variable account value
               of this policy. The value of a unit is determined as of the
               Valuation Time on each Valuation Date for valuation of the
               Separate Account. The value of any unit can vary from Valuation
               Date to Valuation Date. That value reflects the investment
               performance of the division of the Separate Account applicable to
               that unit. The value of accumulation units is discussed further
               in Part 7.

Purchase And Sale Of Accumulation Units

               Amounts are credited to and taken from divisions of the Separate
               Account by purchasing and selling accumulation units.
               Accumulation units will be purchased and sold at the unit value
               as of the Valuation Time on the Valuation Date of purchase or
               sale. The number of units purchased or sold will be the amount of
               money for purchase or sale divided by that unit value.

               Example:  The amount applied is $550. The date of purchase is
                         June 10, 20X1. The accumulation unit value on that date
                         is $10. The number of units purchased would be 55 ($550
                         divided by $10 = 55). If, instead, the unit value was
                         $11, then the amount applied would purchase 50 units
                         ($550 divided by $11 = 50).

               If we receive a premium or a request that causes us to purchase
               or sell accumulation units, and we receive that premium or
               request before the Valuation Time on a Valuation Date,
               accumulation units will be purchased or sold as of that Valuation
               Date. Otherwise, accumulation units will be purchased or sold as
               of the next following Valuation Date.

               In no case will accumulation units be purchased or sold before
               the Register Date.

                                                                          Page 7

The Guaranteed Principal Account

               The Guaranteed Principal Account is part of our general
               investment account. It has no connection with, and does not
               depend on, the investment performance of the Separate Account. We
               have a right to establish additional guaranteed accounts from
               time to time.

               Values Of This Policy

Account Value Of Policy

               The account value of this policy on any date is the variable
               account value of this policy plus the fixed account value of this
               policy, both determined as of that date.

Variable Account Value Of Policy

               The variable account value of this policy reflects:

               .    The net premiums for this policy allocated to the Separate
               .    Any amounts for this policy transferred into the Separate
                    Account from the Guaranteed Principal Account;
               .    Any amounts transferred or withdrawn from the Separate
                    Account for this policy;
               .    Any surrender charges for this policy deducted from the
                    Separate Account due to any decreases in the Face Amount;
               .    Any monthly charges for this policy deducted from the
                    Separate Account; and
               .    The net investment experience of the Separate Account.

               Net premiums, transfers, withdrawals, surrender charges, and
               monthly charges are all reflected in the variable account value
               through the purchase or sale of accumulation units. The net
               investment experience is reflected in the value of the
               accumulation units. Net premiums are discussed in Part 2, and
               monthly charges are discussed in this Part. Transfers,
               withdrawals, and surrender charges are discussed in Part 4.

               The value of the accumulation units credited to this policy in a
               division of the Separate Account is equal to the accumulation
               unit value in that division on the date the value is determined,
               multiplied by the number of those units in that division.

               The variable account value of this policy on any date is the
               total of the values of the accumulation units credited to this
               policy in each division of the Separate Account.

Fixed Account Value Of Policy

               The fixed account value of this policy is the accumulation at
               interest of:

               .    The net premiums for this policy allocated to our general
                    investment account and to the Guaranteed Principal Account;
               .    Any amounts for this policy transferred into the Guaranteed
                    Principal Account from the Separate Account; less
               .    Any amounts for this policy transferred or withdrawn from
                    the Guaranteed Principal Account; less
               .    Any surrender charges for this policy deducted from the
                    Guaranteed Principal Account due to any decreases in the
                    Face Amount; and less
               .    Any monthly charges for this policy deducted from the
                    Guaranteed Principal Account.

Interest On Fixed Account Value

               The fixed account value of this policy earns interest at an
               effective annual rate defined in this provision. Interest is
               credited daily through the date the fixed account value is

               For any fixed account value equal to the amount of any policy
               loan, the interest rate we use will be the daily equivalent of
               the greater of:

               .    The annual loan interest rate in effect during the current
                    Policy Year less the loan interest rate expense charge; and

                                                                          Page 8

               .    The Minimum Annual Interest Rate For The Guaranteed
                    Principal Account.

               The loan interest rate is discussed in the Interest On Loans
               provision in Part 4. The Maximum Loan Interest Rate Expense
               Charge and the Minimum Annual Interest Rate For The Guaranteed
               Principal Account are shown in the Policy Specifications.

               For any fixed account value in excess of the amount of any policy
               loan, the interest rate we use will be the daily equivalent of
               the greater of:

               .    The Minimum Annual Interest Rate For The Guaranteed
                    Principal Account; and
               .    An alternate annual rate established by us. The alternate
                    annual rate of interest will reflect our expectations for
                    future investment results, profits, and expenses. This rate
                    will be declared for each calendar month in advance; once
                    declared for a month, it cannot be changed.

               Monthly Policy Charges

Monthly Charges

               Charges will be deducted monthly from the account value of this
               policy. Monthly charges are due on each Monthly Charge Date.

               Monthly charges for this policy will be taken from the divisions
               of the Separate Account and from the Guaranteed Principal Account
               in proportion to the values of this policy in each of those
               divisions and in the Guaranteed Principal Account (excluding
               outstanding policy loans). Deductions will be made, and values
               will be determined, on the Valuation Date that is on, or next
               follows, the latest of:

               .    The Register Date;
               .    The date the charges are due; and
               .    The date we receive the amount of premium needed to prevent
                    termination, as discussed in the Grace Period And
                    Termination provision in this Part.

               We assess four types of monthly charges: an administrative
               charge, a face amount charge, an insurance charge, and a rider
               charge; each is discussed in this section.

Administrative Charge

               The amount of the monthly administrative charge will be
               determined by us. However, it will not exceed the Maximum Monthly
               Administrative Charge shown in the Policy Specifications.

Face Amount  Charge

               The amount of the monthly face amount charge will be determined
               by us. However, it will not exceed the result of:

               .    The Face Amount divided by 1,000; then multiplied by
               .    The Maximum Monthly Face Amount Charge for the year of
                    coverage. These maximum charges are shown in the Policy

               If the Face Amount of the policy has been increased (as discussed
               in Part 4), the face amount charge for each month will be the sum
               of the charges determined separately for each segment of the Face

Insurance Charge

               The maximum monthly insurance charge rates per $1,000 of
               insurance risk are shown in the Table(s) Of Maximum Monthly
               Insurance Charges of the Policy Specifications. Maximum monthly
               insurance charge rates for the Initial Face Amount and for each
               Face Amount increase will be shown in separate tables.

               The monthly insurance risk is computed as of the date the charge
               is due. All amounts are calculated as of that date. The insurance
               risk is determined by the following steps.

                                                                          Page 9

               (a) We compute the account value of this policy after all
                   additions and deductions other than the deduction of the
                   insurance charge.

               (b) We determine the amount of benefit under the Death Benefit
                   Option in effect.  The minimum death benefit used here is
                   based on the account value computed in (a).  The amount of
                   death benefit under each Death Benefit Option and the minimum
                   death benefit are discussed in Part 5.

               (c) We divide the amount of benefit determined in (b) by an
                   amount equal to 1 plus the decimal monthly equivalent of the
                   Minimum Annual Interest Rate For The Guaranteed Principal
                   Account shown in the Policy Specifications.

               (d) We subtract the account value, as computed in (a), from the
                   amount determined in (c).  The result is the monthly
                   insurance risk.

               If there are two or more tables of maximum monthly insurance
               charges, the pro rata monthly insurance risk allocated to each
               table will be based on the proportionate amount of Face Amount
               for the table to the total Face Amount. If the monthly insurance
               risk is increased due to the minimum death benefit, the table
               that applies to the most recent increase requiring evidence of
               insurability will be used for such increase.

               Example:  The Initial Face Amount of your policy is $500,000.
                         You later increase the Face Amount by $250,000.  The
                         Death Benefit Option is 1, and the benefit under Death
                         Benefit Option 1 is $750,000.  The pro rata portion of
                         insurance risk to be allocated to the table for the
                         Initial Face Amount is $500,000 divided by $750,000, or
                         two-thirds.  The pro rata portion to be allocated to
                         the table for the increase is $250,000 divided by
                         $750,000, or one-third.

                         The monthly insurance risk is computed as $600,000.
                         The maximum monthly insurance charge per $1,000 of
                         insurance risk will be based on the charge for an
                         amount equal to two-thirds of $600,000, or $400,000,
                         from the Initial Face Amount and an amount equal to
                         one-third of $600,000, or $200,000, from the increase.

                         Suppose instead that the benefit under Death Benefit
                         Option 1 is $810,000 due to the minimum death benefit
                         and that the monthly insurance risk is $660,000.  Then
                         the maximum monthly insurance charge per $1,000 of
                         insurance risk will be based on the charge for an
                         amount equal to $400,000 from the Initial Face Amount
                         and an amount equal to $260,000 from the increase
                         ($200,000 plus the $60,000 due to the minimum death

               We may charge less than the maximum monthly insurance charges
               shown in the table(s). In this case, the monthly insurance charge
               rates will be based on our expectations for future mortality,
               investment, persistency and expense results, and future profits.
               The expense component of these rates is used to offset sales and
               issue expenses, which decrease over time. For each Insured, any
               change in these charges will apply to all individuals in the same

Rider Charge

               The monthly rider charge is the sum of the monthly charges for
               any riders in effect on the Monthly Charge Date. The monthly
               charges for any rider are shown in the Policy Specifications for
               the rider.

Grace Period And Termination

               This policy may terminate without value if its account value on a
               Monthly Charge Date, less any policy debt, cannot cover the
               monthly charges due and the safety test is not met on that Date.
               However, we allow a grace period for payment of the amount of
               premium (not less than $20) needed to avoid termination. The
               safety test is discussed in the next provision.

                                                                         Page 10

               The grace period begins on the date the monthly charges are due.
               It ends 61 days after that date or, if later, 31 days after we
               mail a written notice to the Owner and to any assignee shown in
               our records at their last known addresses. This notice will state
               the amount of premium needed to avoid termination.

               During the grace period, the policy will stay in force. If the
               second death occurs during the grace period, any unpaid premium
               amount needed to avoid termination will be deducted from the
               death benefit (see the Amount Of Death Benefit provision in Part
               5). The policy will terminate without value if we do not receive
               payment of the required amount by the end of the grace period.

               While there is a loan outstanding on this policy, our right to
               terminate this policy under the terms of the Policy Debt Limit
               provision (see Part 4) applies in addition to our right under
               this provision.

               If the account value less policy debt on a Monthly Charge Date
               cannot cover the monthly charges due, but the safety test is met
               on that Date, then the monthly charges for that Date will be
               reduced to an amount equal to the account value on that Date
               (just before the deduction) less any outstanding debt.

Safety Test

               The safety test can be met only during the guarantee period. The
               guarantee period will never be less than the Guarantee Period
               stated in the Policy Specifications. For any day during that
               period, the safety test is met if the result of premiums paid
               less any amounts withdrawn, accumulated with interest to that
               day, equals or exceeds the result of payments of the Guarantee
               Premium (shown in the Policy Specifications) from the Policy Date
               to that day, accumulated with interest.

               In the safety test, interest is accumulated at an effective
               annual rate equal to the Minimum Annual Interest Rate For The
               Guaranteed Principal Account, which is shown in the Policy
               Specifications. In accumulating premiums paid, we exclude any
               premium amounts refunded under the Right To Refund Premiums
               provision in Part 2. Also, we assume in this test that Guarantee
               Premiums are paid on each Monthly Charge Date.

               Example:  On the 6th Monthly Charge Date, the monthly charges are
                         $100, but the account value, before the deduction for
                         monthly charges, is only $95. There is no policy debt.
                         The policy is still in the guarantee period, and the
                         Guarantee Premium is $25. Premium payments of $35 were
                         made on each Monthly Charge Date including the current
                         one. There were no withdrawals. In this case, the
                         safety test is met. So the monthly charges for that 6th
                         Monthly Charge Date are reduced to $95, and the account
                         value is reduced to zero.

Part 4.  Life Benefits

This life insurance policy provides a death benefit if both Insureds die while
the policy is in force.  Rights and benefits are also available while at least
one Insured is living.  These "Life Benefits" are discussed in this Part.

               Policy Ownership

Rights Of Owner

               While either Insured is living, the Owner may exercise all rights
               given by this policy or allowed by us. These rights include
               changing Beneficiaries, changing ownership, assigning this
               policy, enjoying all policy benefits, and exercising all policy

                                                                         Page 11

               The consent of any Irrevocable Beneficiary is needed to exercise
               any policy right except the rights to:

               .    Change the frequency of planned premiums;
               .    Change the premium payment plan;
               .    Exercise dividend rights; and
               .    Reinstate this policy after termination.

Changing The Owner Or Beneficiary

               While either Insured is living, the Owner or any Beneficiary may
               be changed by written request. We do not limit the number of
               changes that may be made. The change will take effect as of the
               date the request is signed, even if the second death occurs
               before we receive it. Each change will be subject to any payment
               we made or other action we took before receiving the written

Transfers Of Values

               Transfers of values are subject to the limitations stated in the
               Policy Specifications. Subject to those limitations, transfers of
               values may be made upon direction, satisfactory to us, received
               at our Home Office. These transfers are:

               .    Transfers of values between divisions of the Separate
                    Account. These transfers will be made by selling all or part
                    of the accumulation units in a division and applying the
                    value of the sold units to purchase units in any other
               .    Transfers of values from one or more divisions of the
                    Separate Account to the Guaranteed Principal Account. These
                    transfers will be made by selling all or part of the
                    accumulation units in a division and applying the value of
                    the sold units to the Guaranteed Principal Account.
               .    Transfers of values from the Guaranteed Principal Account to
                    one or more divisions of the Separate Account. These
                    transfers will be made by applying all or part of the value
                    in the Guaranteed Principal Account (excluding any
                    outstanding policy loans) to purchase accumulation units in
                    one or more divisions of the Separate Account.

               Transfers will be made as of the Valuation Date specified in the
               Purchase And Sale Of Accumulation Units provision in Part 3. All
               transfers made on the same Valuation Date will be considered one

Assigning This Policy

               This policy may be assigned. However, for any assignment to be
               binding on us, we must receive a signed copy of it at our Home
               Office. We will not be responsible for the validity of any

               Once we receive a signed copy of an assignment, the rights of the
               Owner and the interest of any Beneficiary or any other person
               will be subject to the assignment.  An assignment is subject to
               any policy debt.  Policy debt is discussed in the Right To Make
               Loans provisions in this Part.

Annual Report

               Each year after the Policy Anniversary Date, we will mail an
               annual report to the Owner. There will be no charge for this
               report. This report will show the account value at the beginning
               of the preceding Policy Year and all premiums paid during that
               Year. It also will show the additions to, and deductions from,
               the account value during that Year, and the account value, death
               benefit, net surrender value, and policy debt as of the end of
               that Year.

               The annual report also will include any additional information
               required by applicable law or regulation.

                                                                         Page 12

               This Policy's Share In Dividends

Policy Is Participating

               This policy is "participating," which means it may share in any
               dividends we pay.

               Each year we determine how much money can be paid as dividends.
               This is called divisible surplus. We then determine how much of
               this divisible surplus is to be allocated to this policy. This
               determination is based on this policy's contribution to divisible
               surplus. Since we do not expect this policy to contribute to
               divisible surplus, we do not expect that any surplus will be
               available for allocation to this policy.

               If any dividends are allocated to this policy, they will be
               payable on the Policy Anniversary Dates.

How Dividends May Be Used

               Dividends may be used in a number of ways. These are called
               dividend options.

               Although we do not expect that any dividends will be payable on
               this policy, there are 4 basic dividend options.

               Cash - Dividends will be paid in cash.

               Account Value Additions - Dividends will be added to the account
               value of this policy.

               Paid-Up Additions - Dividends will be used to buy additional
               level paid-up insurance. The amount of paid-up insurance will be
               determined by applying the dividend, on the date credited, as a
               net single premium at the genders and Attained Ages of the
               Insureds on that date. The value of the paid-up insurance will be
               the net single premium, on the same basis, at the Attained Ages
               of the Insureds. The amount of any paid-up additions will be
               added to the death benefit; and the value of any paid-up
               additions will be added to the net surrender value. However,
               determination of account value, insurance charges, and minimum
               death benefit ignore paid-up additions.

               Reduced Monthly Charges - Dividends will be used to reduce the
               monthly deductions we make from the account value to pay the
               monthly charges.

               A dividend option may be elected in the application. It may be
               changed by the Owner up to 31 days after the dividend becomes
               payable. If no dividend option is in effect when a dividend
               becomes payable, we will apply any dividends payable under the
               paid-up additions dividend option.

Dividend After Death Of Insureds

               If the second death occurs after the first Policy Year, the death
               benefit will include a pro rata share of any dividend allocated
               to the policy for the Year that death occurs.

               Right To Change The Face Amount

               While this policy is in force, the Face Amount may be changed.
               Any change in the Face Amount will be effective on a Monthly
               Charge Date. We may limit the number and the size of the changes
               in a Policy Year.

Increases In The Face Amount

               While both Insureds are living, the Face Amount of this policy
               may be increased upon written application. Evidence of
               insurability, satisfactory to us, is required for each increase.
               The amount of each increase must be for at least the Minimum Face
               Amount Increase shown in the Policy Specifications.

               If the net surrender value is insufficient to continue the
               changed policy in force for three months at the new monthly
               charges and interest, we may require a payment

                                                                         Page 13

               sufficient to increase the net surrender value to such amount.
               Net surrender value is discussed in the "Surrendering This Policy
               And Making Withdrawals" section of this Part.

               Any increase elected under any insurability protection type of
               rider will be effective as directed in that rider. Any other
               increase in the Face Amount will be effective on the Monthly
               Charge Date that is on, or precedes, the date we approve the

               Insurance charges for each increase elected are determined and
               deducted from the account value of this policy as described in
               the Monthly Charges provision in Part 3. These charges will be
               deducted from the account value beginning on the effective date
               of the increase. Additional surrender charges (discussed later in
               the Net Surrender Value provision in this Part) will apply for
               each increase elected.

               No increase in the Face Amount will be permitted after the Policy
               Anniversary Date nearest the younger Insured's 85th birthday or,
               if earlier, the Policy Anniversary Date nearest the older
               Insured's 90th birthday.

Decreases In The Face Amount

               After the first Policy Year, the Face Amount may be decreased by
               the Owner's written request while either Insured is living.
               However, the decrease must not reduce the Face Amount to an
               amount less than the Minimum Face Amount shown in the Policy
               Specifications. No decrease is permitted within one year
               following the effective date of any increase.

               Any decrease is effective on the Monthly Charge Date that is on,
               or precedes, the date we receive the written request. If a
               decrease follows one or more increases, the decrease is taken
               from the most recent increase(s).

               Any surrender charge due upon a decrease in the Face Amount is
               deducted from the account value on the effective date of the
               decrease. The charge is deducted from each division of the
               Separate Account and from the Guaranteed Principal Account in
               proportion to the values of this policy in each of those
               divisions and in the Guaranteed Principal Account (excluding any
               outstanding policy loans) on that date. Surrender charges are
               discussed in the Net Surrender Value provision in this Part.

Evidence Of Changes

               If the Face Amount is changed, we will send the Owner any revised
               and additional Policy Specifications for attachment to this
               policy. If the Face Amount is increased, we will also send a copy
               of the application for the increase. However, we have the right
               to require that the policy be sent to us to make the change.

               Borrowing Against This Policy

Right To Make Loans

               Once the account value exceeds any surrender charges that apply,
               the Owner may borrow against this policy after the first Policy
               Year, while either Insured is living. However, the policy must be
               properly assigned to us before the loan is made. No other
               collateral is needed. We refer to all outstanding loans plus
               accrued interest as "policy debt."

Effect Of Loan

               A loan is attributed to each division of the Separate Account and
               to the Guaranteed Principal Account in proportion to the values
               of this policy in each of those divisions and in the Guaranteed
               Principal Account (excluding any outstanding policy loans) at the
               time of the loan. The amount of the loan attributed to each
               division of the Separate Account will be transferred to the
               Guaranteed Principal Account. Any such transfer is made by
               selling accumulation units in the division and applying the value
               of those units to the Guaranteed Principal Account on the date
               the loan is made. Any interest added to the loan will be treated
               as a new loan under this provision.

                                                                         Page 14

               The amount equal to any outstanding policy loans will be held in
               the Guaranteed Principal Account and will earn interest as
               described in the Interest On Fixed Account Value provision in
               Part 3.

Maximum Loan Available

               The maximum amount that can be borrowed on any date is determined
               as follows.

               (1)  We subtract from the account value any surrender charges
                    that would apply if the policy were surrendered on that
               (2)  We calculate 90% of the amount determined in (1).
               (3)  We subtract any existing policy debt from the amount
                    determined in (2). The result is the maximum amount that can
                    be borrowed.

Interest On Loans

               Interest on loans is not due in advance. This interest accrues
               (builds up) each day and becomes part of the policy debt as it

               Interest is due on each Policy Anniversary Date. If interest is
               not paid when due, it will be added to the loan and will bear
               interest at the rate payable on the loan.

               Example:  You have a loan of $1,000. The interest due on the next
                         Policy Anniversary Date is $50. If it is not paid on
                         that date, we will add it to the existing loan. From
                         then on, the loan will be $1,050 and interest will be
                         charged on this new amount.

               The type of interest rate on any policy loan is elected at the
               time of application for this policy and cannot be changed; the
               type elected for this policy is shown in the Policy
               Specifications. The two types of interest rates available are:

               (1)  A fixed loan rate of 4% per year; and
               (2)  A variable loan rate. Such loan rate is an annual rate set
                    by us. This rate may change from year to year. Each year we
                    will set the rate that will apply for the next Policy Year.
                    The rate will apply to all policy debt under this policy.

                    Each year there is a maximum limit on the variable loan
                    interest rate we can set. That limit is based on a Published
                    Monthly Average. That Average will be:

                    .  The Monthly Average Corporates yield shown in Moody's
                       Corporate Bond Yield Averages, as published by Moody's
                       Investors Service, Inc., or any successor to that
                       service; or
                    .  If that Monthly Average is no longer published, a
                       substantially similar average, established by the
                       insurance supervisory official of the state where this
                       policy was delivered.

                    The maximum limit is the Published Monthly Average for the
                    calendar month ending two months before the month in which
                    the Policy Year begins or, if higher, the Minimum Annual
                    Interest Rate For The Guaranteed Principal Account plus 1%.

                    Example:  A Policy Year begins on June 10, 20X1. The
                              calendar month ending two months before June is
                              March. The loan interest rate for the Policy Year
                              beginning June 10, 20X1, will not be greater than
                              the Published Monthly Average for March, 20X1.
                              However, if that Average is lower than the Minimum
                              Annual Interest Rate For The Guaranteed Principal
                              Account plus 1%, then the maximum loan interest
                              rate for that Policy Year will be equal to the
                              Minimum Annual Interest Rate For The Guaranteed
                              Principal Account plus 1%.

                                                                         Page 15

                 If the maximum limit for a Policy Year is at least 1/2% higher
                 than the loan interest rate in effect for the preceding Year,
                 we may increase the rate to a rate not higher than that limit.

                 If the maximum limit for a Policy Year is at least 1/2% lower
                 than the loan interest rate in effect for the preceding Year,
                 we must decrease the rate to a rate not exceeding that limit.

Policy Debt Limit

               Policy debt (which includes accrued interest) may not equal or
               exceed the account value less any surrender charges that apply.
               If this limit is reached, we can terminate this policy. To
               terminate for this reason, we must mail written notice to the
               Owner and any assignee shown in our records at their last known
               addresses. This notice will state the amount needed to bring the
               policy debt back within the limit. If we do not receive payment
               within 31 days after the date we mail the notice, the account
               value will be reduced by any surrender charges that apply and
               this policy will terminate without value at the end of those 31

               Our right to terminate this policy under the terms of this
               provision applies in addition to our right under the Grace Period
               And Termination provision in Part 3.

Repayment Of Policy Debt

               All or part of any policy debt may be repaid at any time while
               either Insured is living. However, policy debt can be repaid only
               while this policy is in force. Loan repayments will be credited
               on the date we receive them at our Home Office.

               Any repayment of policy debt will be allocated first to the
               Guaranteed Principal Account up to the amount of the policy loan
               that was attributed to the Guaranteed Principal Account. (For
               this purpose, no amount of policy loan resulting from unpaid loan
               interest will be considered to be attributed to the Guaranteed
               Principal Account.) Any repayment in excess of that amount will
               be allocated among the Guaranteed Principal Account and the
               divisions of the Separate Account according to the net premium
               allocation then in effect.

               Loan repayments must be clearly identified as such; otherwise,
               they will be considered premium payments.

Other Borrowing Rules

               We may delay the granting of any loan attributable to the
               Guaranteed Principal Account for up to six months.

               We may delay the granting of any loan attributable to the
               Separate Account during any period that:

               .    The New York Stock Exchange (or its successor) is closed,
                    except for normal weekend or holiday closing, or trading is
                    restricted; or

               .    The Securities and Exchange Commission (or its successor)
                    determines that a state of emergency exists; or

               .    The Securities and Exchange Commission (or its successor)
                    permits us to delay payment for the protection of our policy

               Surrendering This Policy And Making Withdrawals

Right To Surrender

               This policy may be surrendered for its net surrender value (see
               next provision) at any time while the policy is in force and
               either Insured is living. The surrender will be effective on the
               date we receive your written request to surrender. This policy
               will terminate as of the date of surrender.

                                                                         Page 16

Net Surrender Value

               The net surrender value of this policy is equal to the account
               value less any surrender charges that apply and less any policy
               debt. The surrender charge for this policy is the sum of the
               surrender charges for the Initial Face Amount and all Face Amount
               increases. These charges are shown in the Table(s) Of Surrender
               Charges of the Policy Specifications. In no event will the net
               surrender value be less than zero.

Making Withdrawals

               After the first Policy Year, withdrawals may be made while the
               policy is in force through Attained Age 99 of the younger

               We need a written request for a withdrawal. The request must
               state the Account (or Accounts) from which the withdrawal will be
               made. For any withdrawal from the Separate Account, the request
               also must state the division (or divisions) from which the
               withdrawal will be made. A withdrawal will be effective on the
               date we receive the written request.

               On the date of a withdrawal, the account value of this policy is
               reduced by the amount of the withdrawal. The withdrawal amount
               includes the withdrawal fee. The Maximum Withdrawal Fee that can
               be taken with each withdrawal is shown in the Policy

               A withdrawal from the Guaranteed Principal Account will be made
               by reducing the value in that Account to provide the amount of
               the withdrawal. A withdrawal from a division of the Separate
               Account will be made by selling a sufficient number of
               accumulation units to provide the amount of the withdrawal.

               The Face Amount will be decreased by the amount of the withdrawal

               .    Death Benefit Option 1 or Death Benefit Option 3 is in
                    effect, as described in the Death Benefit Options provision
                    in Part 5; and
               .    We have not received evidence of insurability satisfactory
                    to us.

               In this case, the decrease will be effective on the date of the
               withdrawal.  If this decrease follows one or more Face Amount
               increases, the decrease is taken from the most recent

               Withdrawals will be subject to the following limits:

               .    The minimum amount of a withdrawal (including the withdrawal
                    fee) is $100;

               .    The maximum amount of a withdrawal on any date is 75% of the
                    net surrender value of this policy on that date; and

               .    The Face Amount after a withdrawal must not be less than the
                    Minimum Face Amount shown in the Policy Specifications.

               Example:  Death Benefit Option 1 is in effect and you make a
                         withdrawal without furnishing us satisfactory evidence
                         of insurability. Prior to your withdrawal, your policy
                         has a Face Amount of $600,000 and an account value of
                         $120,000. If you make a withdrawal of $30,000, the
                         account value will be reduced to $90,000, the Face
                         Amount will be reduced to $570,000, and $29,975 will be
                         paid to you.

               If the Face Amount is reduced due to a withdrawal, we will send
               the Owner any revised Policy Specifications for attachment to
               this policy. However, we have the right to require that the
               policy be sent to us to make the changes.

How We Pay

               Any withdrawal made will be paid in one sum. If the policy is
               surrendered, the net surrender value may be paid in one sum or it
               may be applied under any payment option elected. See Part 6.

                                                                         Page 17

               We may delay paying any surrender or withdrawal from the
               Guaranteed Principal Account for up to six months from the date
               we receive the written request.

               We may delay paying any surrender or withdrawal from the Separate
               Account during any period that:

               .    The New York Stock Exchange (or its successor) is closed,
                    except for normal weekend or holiday closing, or trading is
                    restricted; or

               .    The Securities and Exchange Commission (or its successor)
                    determines that a state of emergency exists; or

               .    The Securities and Exchange Commission (or its successor)
                    permits us to delay payment for the protection of our policy

               If we delay paying any surrender or withdrawal, interest will be
               added. The amount of interest will be the same as would be paid
               for the same period of time under Option 3 of the payment options
               or, if greater, the amount using the minimum interest rate for
               this purpose required by the laws of the state where this policy
               was delivered. See Part 6 for a description of Option 3.

               Reinstating This Policy

When Policy May Be Reinstated

               After this policy has terminated, it may be reinstated -- that
               is, put back in force. However, the policy may not be reinstated:

               .    If it has been surrendered for its net surrender value; or
               .    More than five years after the date of termination; or
               .    After the Policy Anniversary Date nearest the younger
                    Insured's 100th birthday; or
               .    If an Insured has died since the date of termination.

Requirements To Reinstate

               A written application and evidence of insurability satisfactory
               to us is required to reinstate. Also, a premium is required as a
               cost to reinstate. This cost is the amount of premium needed to
               keep the policy in force for three months after reinstatement.
               This amount will be quoted on request.

Policy After Reinstatement

               The policy will be reinstated on the Monthly Charge Date that is
               on, or precedes, the date we approve the application. The Face
               Amount on the date of reinstatement will be the Face Amount on
               the termination date. The account value on the date of
               reinstatement will be the reinstatement premium paid, less any
               premium expense charge and less any monthly charges due on that

               Upon reinstatement of this policy, the Table(s) Of Surrender
               Charges (shown in the Policy Specifications) will apply as though
               the policy had not terminated. However, if the surrender charge
               was taken when this policy terminated, then the applicable
               surrender charges will not be reinstated.

               Our rights to contest the validity of, and terminate, this policy
               begin again on the date of reinstatement. See the Representations
               And Contestability and Death By Suicide provisions in Part 1.

Part 5.  The Death Benefit

The death benefit is the amount of money we will pay when we receive due proof
at our Home Office that both Insureds died while the policy was in force.  We
discuss the death benefit in this Part.

                                                                         Page 18

When the first death occurs, we will not pay a death benefit.  However, due
proof of each Insured's death must be furnished to us at our Home Office when it

Amount Of Death Benefit

               If both Insureds die while this policy is in force, the death
               benefit will be the amount of benefit provided by the Death
               Benefit Option in effect on the date of the second death, reduced
               by any policy debt outstanding on that date of death and any
               unpaid premium amount needed to avoid termination under the Grace
               Period And Termination provision in Part 3.

Death Benefit Options

               Three Death Benefit Options, described here, are available under
               this policy. The Death Benefit Option and the Face Amount in
               effect for this policy are shown in the Policy Specifications.
               The minimum death benefit is discussed in the next provision.

               Death Benefit Option 1 - Under this Option, the amount of benefit
               is the greater of:

               .    The Face Amount in effect on the date of the second death;
               .    The minimum death benefit in effect on the date of the
                    second death.

               Death Benefit Option 2 - Under this Option, the amount of benefit
               is the greater of:

               .    The Face Amount in effect on the date of the second death
                    plus the account value on that date; and
               .    The minimum death benefit in effect on the date of the
                    second death.

               Death Benefit Option 3 - Under this Option, the amount of benefit
               is the greater of:

               .    The Face Amount in effect on the date of the second death
                    plus the sum of all premiums paid (and not refunded under
                    the Right To Refund Premiums provision in Part 2) to that
                    date; and
               .    The minimum death benefit in effect on the date of the
                    second death.

Minimum Death Benefit

               The minimum death benefit on any date is equal to the account
               value on that date multiplied by the Death Benefit Factor for the
               younger Insured's Attained Age on that date. The Death Benefit
               Factor for each Attained Age is shown in the Policy

Changes In The Death Benefit Option

               After the first Policy Year, the Death Benefit Option may be
               changed upon written request while both Insureds are living.
               However, the Death Benefit Option may not be changed after the
               Policy Anniversary Date nearest the younger Insured's 85th
               birthday or, if earlier, the Policy Anniversary Date nearest the
               older Insured's 90th birthday.

               A change in the Death Benefit Option will be effective on the
               Monthly Charge Date that is on, or precedes, the date we approve
               the change.

               When the Death Benefit Option is changed, the Face Amount of this
               policy also changes on the effective date of the change as
               follows (all amounts are as of the date of change):

               .   Option 1 to Option 2: Decreased by an amount equal to the
                   account value;

               .   Option 1 to Option 3: Decreased by an amount equal to the sum
                   of all premiums paid (and not refunded);

               .   Option 2 to Option 1: Increased by an amount equal to the
                   account value;

               .   Option 2 to Option 3: Decreased by an amount equal to the sum
                   of all premiums paid (and not refunded), and then increased
                   by an amount equal to the account value;

               .   Option 3 to Option 1: Increased by an amount equal to the sum
                   of all premiums paid (and not refunded);

                                                                         Page 19

               .   Option 3 to Option 2: Increased by an amount equal to the sum
                   of all premiums paid (and not refunded), and then decreased
                   by an amount equal to the account value.

               A change in the Death Benefit Option may follow one or more
               increases in the Face Amount of this policy. In this case, the
               change will:

               .   If the Face Amount increases, increase the most recent
                   increase, and

               .   If the Face Amount decreases, decrease the most recent

               No change in Death Benefit Option will be allowed if the Face
               Amount after the change would be less than the Minimum Face
               Amount shown in the Policy Specifications.

               We may require a written application and evidence of insurability
               satisfactory to us for any Death Benefit Option change. We also
               may limit the number of Death Benefit Option changes in any
               Policy Year.

               If the Death Benefit Option or the Face Amount is changed, we
               will send the Owner any revised Policy Specifications for
               attachment to this policy. However, we have the right to require
               that the policy be sent to us to make the changes.

When We Pay

               The death benefit will be paid within 30 days after the date we
               receive due proof that both Insureds died, and any other
               requirements necessary for us to make payment, at our Home

Interest On Death Benefit

               If the death benefit is paid in one sum, we will add interest
               from the date of the second death to the date of payment. The
               amount of interest will be computed using an effective annual
               rate not less than 3% or, if greater, the annual rate required by
               applicable law.

               If the death benefit is applied under a payment option (described
               in Part 6), interest will be paid from the date of the second
               death to the effective date of that option. It will be paid in
               one sum to the Beneficiary living on that effective date. The
               amount of interest will be computed using an effective annual
               rate not less than 3% or, if greater, the annual rate required by
               applicable law.

Part 6.  Payment Options

These are optional methods of settlement.  These methods provide alternate ways
in which payment can be made by us.

Availability Of Options

               All or part of the death benefit or net surrender value may be
               applied under any payment option. If this policy is assigned, any
               amount due to the assignee will be paid in one sum. The balance,
               if any, may be applied under any payment option.

Minimum Amounts

               If the amount to be applied under any option for any one person
               is less than $5,000, we may pay the amount in one sum instead. If
               the payments under any option come to less than $50 each, we have
               the right to make payments at less-frequent intervals.

Description Of Options

               Our regular payment options are Options 1 through 6. They are
               described in terms of monthly payments. Annual, semiannual, or
               quarterly payments may be requested instead. The Payment Option
               Rates tables are shown after Part 7.

Option 1
               Installments For A Specified Period. Equal monthly payments will
               be made for any period selected, up to 30 years. The amount of
               each payment depends on the total amount applied, the period
               selected, and the monthly income rates we are using when

                                                                         Page 20

               the first payment is due. See the "Option 1. Installments For A
               Specified Period" table for the minimum monthly income rates.

Option 2
               Life Income. Equal monthly payments will be based on the life of
               a named person. Payments will continue for the lifetime of that
               person. Income with or without a minimum payment period may be
               elected. This benefit may be increased by the Alternate Life
               Income provision (in this Part). Proof of the named person's age,
               satisfactory to us, will be required. See the "Option 2. Life
               Income" tables for the minimum monthly income rates.

Option 3
               Interest. We will hold any amount applied under this option.
               Interest on the amount will be paid at an effective annual rate
               determined by us. This rate will not be less than 3%.

Option 4
               Installments Of Specified Amount. Each payment will be made for
               an agreed fixed amount. The total amount paid during the first
               year must be at least 6% of the total amount applied. Interest
               will be credited each month on the unpaid balance and added to
               it. This interest will be at an effective annual rate determined
               by us, but not less than 3%. Payments continue until the balance
               we hold is reduced to an amount less than the agreed fixed
               amount. The last payment will be for the balance only.

Option 5
               Life Income With Payments Guaranteed For Amount Applied. Equal
               monthly payments will be based on the life of a named person.
               Payments will be made until the total amount paid equals the
               amount applied, and as long thereafter as the named person lives.
               This benefit may be increased by the Alternate Life Income
               provision (in this Part). Proof of the named person's age,
               satisfactory to us, will be required. See the "Option 5. Life
               Income With Payments Guaranteed For Amount Applied" tables for
               the minimum monthly income rates.

Option 6
               Joint Life Income With Reduced Payments To Survivor. Monthly
               payments will be based on the lives of two named persons.
               Payments at the initial level will continue while both are living
               or for 10 years if longer. When one dies (but not before the 10
               years has elapsed), payments are reduced by one-third and will
               continue at that level for the lifetime of the other. After the
               10 years has elapsed, payments stop when both named persons have
               died. This benefit may be increased by the Alternate Life Income
               provision (in this Part). Proof of the named persons' ages,
               satisfactory to us, will be required. See the "Option 6. Joint
               Life Income With Reduced Payments To Survivor" tables for the
               minimum monthly income rates.

Alternate Life Income

               If Option 2, 5, or 6 is elected, the named person(s) can elect to
               receive an alternate life income instead of receiving income
               based on the rates shown in the Payment Option Rates tables. The
               election must be made at the time the income is to begin. The
               monthly alternate life income will be at least equal to the
               monthly income provided by a new single premium immediate annuity
               (first payment immediate), based on our published rates then in
               use when the payment option is elected. The alternate life income
               will not be available if we are not offering new single premium
               immediate annuities at the time of election.

Electing A Payment Option

               To elect any payment option, we require a written request. The
               Owner may elect an option during either Insured's lifetime. If
               the death benefit is payable in one sum when the second death
               occurs, the Beneficiary may elect an option with our consent.

Effective Date And Payment Dates

               The effective date of a payment option is the date the amount is
               applied under that option. For a death benefit, this is the date
               that due proof of the deaths of both Insureds has been received
               at our Home Office. For the net surrender value, it is the
               effective date of surrender.

                                                                         Page 21

               The first payment is due on the effective date, except the first
               payment under Option 3 is due one month later. A later date for
               the first payment may be requested in the payment option
               election. All payment dates will fall on the same day of the
               month as the first one. No payment will become due until a
               payment date. No part payment will be made for any period shorter
               than the time between payment dates.

               Example:  Monthly payments of $100 are being made to your son on
                         the 1st of each month. He dies on the 10th. No part
                         payment is due your son or his estate for the period
                         between the 1st and the 10th.

Withdrawals And Changes

               If provided in the payment option election, all or part of the
               unpaid balance under Option 3 or 4 may be withdrawn or applied
               under any other option.

               If the net surrender value is applied under Option 3 or 4, we may
               delay payment of any withdrawal for up to six months. In this
               case, interest at the rate in effect for Option 3 during this
               period will be paid on the amount withdrawn.

Income Protection

               To the extent permitted by law, each option payment and any
               withdrawal shall be free from legal process and the claim of any
               creditor of the person entitled to them. No option payment and no
               amount held under an option can be taken or assigned in advance
               of its payment date, unless the Owner's written consent is given
               before the second death. This consent must be received at our
               Home Office.

Other Payment Option Rules

               Options for any amount payable to an association, corporation,
               partnership, or fiduciary are available only with our consent.
               However, a corporation or partnership may apply any amount
               payable to it under Option 2, 5, or 6 if the option payments are
               based on the life or lives of an Insured, an Insured's spouse,
               any child of an Insured, or any other person agreed to by us.

               If a minimum payment period is elected under Options 1, 2, 5, and
               6, the effective annual interest rate will not be less than 3%.
               This does not apply when an alternate life income is elected.

               If a minimum payment period is elected, after the first payment
               is made we may increase the payments to reflect any additional
               interest earnings determined by us. This does not apply when an
               alternate life income is elected.

               If the income that would be payable under a given payment option
               is the same for 2 or more periods of time at a given age, we
               automatically will pay income for the longest period.

               Example:  You choose Option 2. You are 50 years old. The Payment
                         Option Rate (for Option 2) is $3.64 for 5 years. The
                         Payment Option Rate for 10 years is also $3.64. We will
                         pay income for at least 10 years, which is the longest

Part 7.  Notes On Our Computations

This Part covers some technical points about this policy.

Net Investment Factor

               For each division of the Separate Account, the Net Investment
               Factor for any Valuation Period is the gross investment rate for
               that period plus 1.00000000 and minus a Separate Account charge
               for mortality and expense risk. This Separate Account charge will
               not exceed .00001639 for each day of a Valuation Period. The Net
               Investment Factor may be greater or less than 1.00000000.

                                                                         Page 22

               For each division of the Separate Account, the gross investment
               rate for any Valuation Period is equal to:

               .    The net earnings of that division during the Valuation
                    Period; divided by
               .    The value of the total assets of that division at the
                    beginning of the Valuation Period.

               The net earnings of each division are equal to the accrued
               investment income and capital gains and losses (realized and
               unrealized) of that division reduced by any investment management
               fees and any other expenses, and by any amount charged against
               that division for taxes paid or reserved by us.

               The gross investment rate will be determined by us in accordance
               with generally accepted accounting principles and applicable
               laws, rules and regulations. This determination shall be
               conclusive upon the Owner, the Insureds, any Beneficiary, any
               assignee, and any other person under this policy.

Accumulation Unit Value

               The value of an accumulation unit in each division was set at
               $1.000000 on the first Valuation Date selected by us. The value
               on any date thereafter is equal to the product of the Net
               Investment Factor for that division for the Valuation Period that
               includes that date and the accumulation unit value on the
               preceding Valuation Date.

Adjustment Of Units And Values

               We have the right to split or consolidate the number of
               accumulation units credited to the policy, with a corresponding
               increase or decrease in the unit values. We may exercise this
               right whenever we consider an adjustment of units to be
               desirable. However, strict equity will be preserved in making any
               adjustment. No adjustment will have any material effect on the
               benefits, provisions, or investment return of this policy, or on
               the Owner, an Insured, any Beneficiary, any assignee or other
               person, or on us.

Basis Of Computation

               The basis of computation consists of the mortality rates and
               interest rates we use to determine:

               .    The minimum net surrender values;

               .    The maximum monthly insurance charges;

               .    The minimum rate used to credit interest on the fixed
                    account value of the policy;

               .    The amount and value of any paid-up additions purchased with
                    dividends; and

               .    The minimum payments under payment Options 2, 5, and 6.

               The mortality rates for the minimum net surrender values and for
               the maximum monthly insurance charges are shown in each Table Of
               Maximum Monthly Insurance Charges. The Minimum Annual Interest
               Rate For The Guaranteed Principal Account used to credit interest
               on the fixed account value of the policy is shown in the Policy
               Specifications. The mortality tables specified apply to amounts
               in a standard risk classification. Appropriate modifications are
               made to these tables for any amount that is in a less favorable
               risk classification.

               In computing the minimum payments under payment Options 2, 5, and
               6, we use mortality rates from the 1983 Table "a" with Projection
               G for 32 years. The interest rate used is an annual rate of 3%.

Method Of Computing Values

               When required by the state where this policy was delivered, we
               filed a detailed statement of the method we use to compute the
               policy benefits and values. These benefits and values are not
               less than those required by the laws of that state.

                                                                         Page 23

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           OPTION 1. INSTALLMENTS FOR
                              A SPECIFIED PERIOD -
                              PAYMENT OPTION RATES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               MONTHLY INCOME PER
                            $1,000 OF AMOUNT APPLIED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          Years                                  Monthly Income
                             1                                      $84.47
                             2                                       42.86
                             3                                       28.99
                             4                                       22.06
                             5                                       17.91
                             6                                       15.14
                             7                                       13.16
                             8                                       11.68
                             9                                       10.53
                            10                                        9.61
                            11                                        8.86
                            12                                        8.24
                            13                                        7.71
                            14                                        7.26
                            15                                        6.87
                            16                                        6.53
                            17                                        6.23
                            18                                        5.96
                            19                                        5.73
                            20                                        5.51
                            21                                        5.32
                            22                                        5.15
                            23                                        4.99
                            24                                        4.84
                            25                                        4.71
                            26                                        4.59
                            27                                        4.47
                            28                                        4.37
                            29                                        4.27
                            30                                        4.18
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       The first income payment is payable
                      on the effective date of this Option.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         Page 24

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             APPLIED - PAYMENT OPTION RATES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   5 YEARS      10 YEARS     20 YEARS    AMOUNT
          AGE*      LIFE ONLY      MINIMUM      MINIMUM      MINIMUM     APPLIED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           50         $ 3.94       $ 3.93         $3.91       $3.84      $3.82
           51           4.00         3.99          3.97        3.89       3.87
           52           4.07         4.06          4.04        3.94       3.93
           53           4.14         4.13          4.10        4.00       3.98
           54           4.21         4.20          4.17        4.06       4.05

           55           4.29         4.28          4.25        4.11       4.11
           56           4.37         4.36          4.32        4.17       4.17
           57           4.45         4.44          4.40        4.23       4.24
           58           4.54         4.53          4.49        4.30       4.32
           59           4.64         4.63          4.58        4.36       4.39

           60           4.75         4.73          4.67        4.42       4.47
           61           4.86         4.84          4.77        4.49       4.55
           62           4.97         4.95          4.88        4.56       4.64
           63           5.10         5.07          4.99        4.62       4.73
           64           5.23         5.20          5.11        4.69       4.83

           65           5.38         5.34          5.23        4.75       4.93
           66           5.53         5.49          5.36        4.82       5.04
           67           5.69         5.64          5.49        4.88       5.15
           68           5.87         5.81          5.63        4.94       5.27
           69           6.05         5.98          5.77        5.00       5.39

           70           6.25         6.17          5.92        5.06       5.52
           71           6.46         6.36          6.07        5.11       5.66
           72           6.68         6.56          6.23        5.16       5.80
           73           6.91         6.78          6.39        5.21       5.95
           74           7.16         7.00          6.56        5.25       6.10

           75           7.43         7.24          6.73        5.29       6.27
           76           7.71         7.50          6.90        5.33       6.44
           77           8.02         7.76          7.07        5.36       6.63
           78           8.35         8.04          7.25        5.39       6.82
           79           8.70         8.33          7.42        5.41       7.02

           80           9.07         8.64          7.60        5.43       7.23
           81           9.47         8.96          7.77        5.45       7.46
           82           9.89         9.29          7.94        5.46       7.69
           83          10.35         9.64          8.10        5.48       7.93
           84          10.83        10.00          8.26        5.48       8.19

           85          11.35        10.37          8.41        5.49       8.46
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Rates for other ages are available upon request.
           *Age on birthday nearest the due date of the first payment.
    The first income payment is payable on the effective date of this Option.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         Page 25

                             APPLIED - PAYMENT OPTION RATES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   5 YEARS      10 YEARS     20 YEARS    AMOUNT
          AGE*      LIFE ONLY      MINIMUM      MINIMUM      MINIMUM     APPLIED
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           50          $3.64        $3.64         $3.63       $3.60      $3.58
           51           3.69         3.69          3.68        3.63       3.63
           52           3.74         3.74          3.73        3.69       3.67
           53           3.80         3.80          3.79        3.74       3.72
           54           3.86         3.85          3.84        3.79       3.77

           55           3.92         3.91          3.90        3.84       3.83
           56           3.98         3.98          3.96        3.90       3.88
           57           4.05         4.04          4.03        3.95       3.94
           58           4.12         4.12          4.10        4.01       4.00
           59           4.20         4.19          4.17        4.07       4.07

           60           4.28         4.27          4.25        4.14       4.13
           61           4.36         4.36          4.33        4.20       4.20
           62           4.45         4.45          4.42        4.27       4.28
           63           4.55         4.54          4.51        4.34       4.36
           64           4.65         4.64          4.60        4.41       4.44

           65           4.76         4.75          4.70        4.48       4.53
           66           4.88         4.86          4.81        4.55       4.62
           67           5.00         4.99          4.92        4.62       4.71
           68           5.14         5.12          5.04        4.69       4.82
           69           5.28         5.26          5.17        4.76       4.92

           70           5.44         5.41          5.30        4.83       5.04
           71           5.60         5.57          5.45        4.90       5.16
           72           5.78         5.74          5.59        4.97       5.28
           73           5.97         5.92          5.75        5.03       5.42
           74           6.18         6.12          5.91        5.09       5.56

           75           6.40         6.33          6.08        5.15       5.71
           76           6.64         6.55          6.26        5.20       5.87
           77           6.90         6.79          6.44        5.25       6.04
           78           7.18         7.04          6.63        5.29       6.21
           79           7.48         7.31          6.82        5.33       6.40

           80           7.80         7.60          7.01        5.36       6.59
           81           8.14         7.90          7.21        5.39       6.80
           82           8.52         8.22          7.40        5.41       7.01
           83           8.92         8.56          7.60        5.43       7.24
           84           9.36         8.92          7.78        5.45       7.48

           85           9.83         9.29          7.96        5.47       7.73
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Rates for other ages are available upon request.
           *Age on birthday nearest the due date of the first payment.
    The first income payment is payable on the effective date of this Option.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         Page 26

                             TO SURVIVOR - PAYMENT OPTION RATES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      MONTHLY LIFE INCOME PER $1,000 OF AMOUNT APPLIED
                                       MALE & FEMALE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    AGE*      10 Yrs.  9 Yrs.  8 Yrs.  7 Yrs.  6 Yrs.  5 Yrs.  4 Yrs.  3 Yrs.  2 Yrs.  1 Yr.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     55         $3.63   $3.65   $3.68   $3.70   $3.73   $3.76   $3.79   $3.82   $3.85  $3.88
     56          3.67    3.70    3.73    3.75    3.78    3.81    3.84    3.87    3.90   3.94
     57          3.72    3.75    3.78    3.81    3.84    3.87    3.90    3.93    3.97   4.00
     58          3.77    3.80    3.83    3.86    3.89    3.93    3.96    4.00    4.03   4.07
     59          3.83    3.86    3.89    3.92    3.96    3.99    4.03    4.06    4.10   4.14
     60          3.88    3.92    3.95    3.98    4.02    4.06    4.09    4.13    4.17   4.21
     61          3.94    3.98    4.01    4.05    4.09    4.13    4.16    4.21    4.25   4.29
     62          4.01    4.04    4.08    4.12    4.16    4.20    4.24    4.28    4.33   4.37
     63          4.07    4.11    4.15    4.19    4.23    4.28    4.32    4.37    4.41   4.46
     64          4.14    4.18    4.22    4.27    4.31    4.36    4.40    4.45    4.50   4.55
     65          4.21    4.26    4.30    4.35    4.39    4.44    4.49    4.54    4.60   4.65
     66          4.29    4.33    4.38    4.43    4.48    4.53    4.58    4.64    4.69   4.75
     67          4.37    4.42    4.47    4.52    4.57    4.63    4.68    4.74    4.80   4.86
     68          4.45    4.50    4.56    4.61    4.67    4.73    4.79    4.85    4.91   4.97
     69          4.54    4.59    4.65    4.71    4.77    4.83    4.89    4.96    5.03   5.09
     70          4.63    4.69    4.75    4.81    4.87    4.94    5.01    5.08    5.15   5.22
     71          4.73    4.79    4.85    4.92    4.99    5.06    5.13    5.20    5.28   5.35
     72          4.83    4.89    4.96    5.03    5.10    5.18    5.25    5.33    5.41   5.49
     73          4.93    5.00    5.07    5.15    5.23    5.30    5.38    5.47    5.55   5.64
     74          5.04    5.12    5.19    5.27    5.35    5.44    5.52    5.61    5.70   5.79
     75          5.16    5.24    5.32    5.40    5.49    5.58    5.67    5.76    5.85   5.95
     76          5.28    5.36    5.45    5.54    5.63    5.72    5.82    5.92    6.02   6.12
     77          5.41    5.50    5.59    5.68    5.78    5.88    5.98    6.08    6.18   6.29
     78          5.54    5.63    5.73    5.83    5.93    6.04    6.14    6.25    6.36   6.46
     79          5.68    5.78    5.88    5.98    6.09    6.20    6.31    6.42    6.53   6.65
     80          5.82    5.93    6.04    6.15    6.26    6.37    6.49    6.60    6.72   6.83
     81          5.97    6.08    6.20    6.31    6.43    6.55    6.67    6.79    6.90   7.02
     82          6.13    6.25    6.36    6.48    6.61    6.73    6.85    6.97    7.09   7.21
     83          6.29    6.41    6.53    6.66    6.79    6.91    7.04    7.16    7.28   7.40
     84          6.46    6.58    6.71    6.84    6.97    7.10    7.23    7.35    7.47   7.59
     85          6.63    6.76    6.89    7.02    7.15    7.29    7.41    7.54    7.66   7.78
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Rates for other ages are available upon request.
           *Age on birthday nearest the due date of the first payment.
    The first income payment is payable on the effective date of this Option.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         Page 27

                        TO SURVIVOR - PAYMENT OPTION RATES
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  MALE & FEMALE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      AGE*         SAME AGE    1 YEAR    2 YEARS    3 YEARS    4 YEARS    5 YEARS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       55              $3.91     $3.94      $3.97      $4.01      $4.04      $4.08
       56               3.97      4.00       4.04       4.07       4.11       4.15
       57               4.04      4.07       4.11       4.15       4.18       4.22
       58               4.10      4.14       4.18       4.22       4.26       4.30
       59               4.18      4.22       4.26       4.30       4.34       4.39
       60               4.25      4.30       4.34       4.38       4.43       4.47
       61               4.33      4.38       4.42       4.47       4.52       4.57
       62               4.42      4.47       4.52       4.57       4.62       4.67
       63               4.51      4.56       4.61       4.66       4.72       4.77
       64               4.60      4.66       4.71       4.77       4.83       4.88
       65               4.71      4.76       4.82       4.88       4.94       5.00
       66               4.81      4.87       4.93       4.99       5.06       5.12
       67               4.92      4.99       5.05       5.12       5.18       5.25
       68               5.04      5.11       5.18       5.25       5.32       5.39
       69               5.16      5.24       5.31       5.38       5.46       5.53
       70               5.29      5.37       5.45       5.52       5.60       5.68
       71               5.43      5.51       5.59       5.67       5.76       5.84
       72               5.58      5.66       5.74       5.83       5.91       6.00
       73               5.73      5.81       5.90       5.99       6.08       6.17
       74               5.88      5.97       6.07       6.16       6.25       6.34
       75               6.05      6.14       6.24       6.33       6.43       6.52
       76               6.21      6.31       6.41       6.51       6.61       6.70
       77               6.39      6.49       6.59       6.69       6.79       6.89
       78               6.57      6.68       6.78       6.88       6.98       7.07
       79               6.76      6.86       6.97       7.07       7.17       7.26
       80               6.94      7.05       7.16       7.26       7.36       7.45
       81               7.13      7.25       7.35       7.45       7.55       7.63
       82               7.33      7.44       7.54       7.64       7.73       7.82
       83               7.52      7.62       7.73       7.82       7.91       7.99
       84               7.70      7.81       7.91       8.00       8.08       8.16
       85               7.88      7.99       8.08       8.17       8.25       8.32
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 Rates for other ages are available upon request.
           *Age on birthday nearest the due date of the first payment.
    The first income payment is payable on the effective date of this Option.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         Page 28

                               TO SURVIVOR - PAYMENT OPTION RATES
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        MONTHLY LIFE INCOME PER $1,000 OF AMOUNT APPLIED
                                         MALE1 & MALE2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     MALE1                              MALE2 IS YOUNGER THAN MALE1 BY:
     AGE*        10 Yrs.  9 Yrs.  8 Yrs.  7 Yrs.  6 Yrs.  5 Yrs.  4 Yrs.  3 Yrs.  2 Yrs.  1 Yr.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      60           $4.06   $4.09   $4.13   $4.17   $4.20   $4.24   $4.28   $4.33   $4.37   $4.41
      61            4.12    4.16    4.20    4.24    4.28    4.32    4.36    4.41    4.45    4.50
      62            4.20    4.24    4.28    4.32    4.36    4.41    4.45    4.50    4.54    4.59
      63            4.27    4.31    4.36    4.40    4.45    4.49    4.54    4.59    4.64    4.69
      64            4.35    4.39    4.44    4.49    4.53    4.58    4.63    4.69    4.74    4.79
      65            4.43    4.48    4.53    4.58    4.63    4.68    4.73    4.79    4.84    4.90
      66            4.52    4.57    4.62    4.67    4.73    4.78    4.84    4.90    4.95    5.01
      67            4.61    4.66    4.72    4.77    4.83    4.89    4.95    5.01    5.07    5.13
      68            4.71    4.76    4.82    4.88    4.94    5.00    5.06    5.13    5.19    5.26
      69            4.81    4.87    4.93    4.99    5.05    5.12    5.19    5.25    5.32    5.39
      70            4.91    4.98    5.04    5.11    5.17    5.24    5.31    5.38    5.46    5.53
      71            5.02    5.09    5.16    5.23    5.30    5.37    5.45    5.52    5.59    5.67
      72            5.14    5.21    5.28    5.36    5.43    5.51    5.58    5.66    5.74    5.82
      73            5.26    5.33    5.41    5.49    5.57    5.65    5.73    5.81    5.89    5.97
      74            5.39    5.47    5.55    5.63    5.71    5.79    5.88    5.96    6.04    6.13
      75            5.52    5.60    5.69    5.77    5.86    5.95    6.03    6.12    6.21    6.29
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     MALE1                                MALE2 IS OLDER THAN MALE1 BY:
     AGE*           SAME AGE          1 Yr.       2 Yrs.      3 Yrs.        4 Yrs.        5 Yrs.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      60              $4.45           $4.50       $4.54       $4.59         $4.63         $4.68
      61               4.54            4.59        4.64        4.69          4.73          4.78
      62               4.64            4.69        4.74        4.79          4.84          4.89
      63               4.74            4.79        4.84        4.90          4.95          5.00
      64               4.85            4.90        4.95        5.01          5.06          5.12
      65               4.96            5.01        5.07        5.13          5.19          5.24
      66               5.07            5.13        5.19        5.25          5.31          5.37
      67               5.20            5.26        5.32        5.38          5.45          5.51
      68               5.32            5.39        5.46        5.52          5.58          5.65
      69               5.46            5.53        5.59        5.66          5.73          5.79
      70               5.60            5.67        5.74        5.81          5.88          5.95
      71               5.74            5.82        5.89        5.96          6.03          6.10
      72               5.89            5.97        6.04        6.12          6.19          6.26
      73               6.05            6.13        6.21        6.28          6.36          6.43
      74               6.21            6.29        6.37        6.45          6.53          6.60
      75               6.38            6.46        6.54        6.62          6.70          6.77
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Rates for other ages are available upon request.
           *Age on birthday nearest the due date of the first payment.
    The first income payment is payable on the effective date of this Option.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         Page 29

                                TO SURVIVOR - PAYMENT OPTION RATES
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         MONTHLY LIFE INCOME PER $1,000 OF AMOUNT APPLIED
                                         FEMALE1 & FEMALE2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    FEMALE1                        FEMALE2 IS YOUNGER THAN FEMALE1 BY:
     AGE*        10 Yrs.  9 Yrs.  8 Yrs.  7 Yrs.  6 Yrs.  5 Yrs.  4 Yrs.  3 Yrs.  2 Yrs.  1 Yr.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      60           $3.76   $3.79   $3.82   $3.85   $3.88   $3.91   $3.95   $3.98   $4.01   $4.05
      61            3.82    3.85    3.88    3.91    3.94    3.98    4.01    4.05    4.08    4.12
      62            3.88    3.91    3.94    3.98    4.01    4.05    4.08    4.12    4.16    4.20
      63            3.94    3.97    4.01    4.04    4.08    4.12    4.16    4.19    4.23    4.28
      64            4.00    4.04    4.07    4.11    4.15    4.19    4.23    4.27    4.32    4.36
      65            4.07    4.11    4.15    4.19    4.23    4.27    4.31    4.36    4.40    4.45
      66            4.14    4.18    4.22    4.27    4.31    4.35    4.40    4.45    4.50    4.54
      67            4.22    4.26    4.30    4.35    4.40    4.44    4.49    4.54    4.59    4.64
      68            4.30    4.34    4.39    4.44    4.49    4.54    4.59    4.64    4.70    4.75
      69            4.38    4.43    4.48    4.53    4.58    4.64    4.69    4.75    4.80    4.86
      70            4.47    4.52    4.57    4.63    4.68    4.74    4.80    4.86    4.92    4.98
      71            4.56    4.62    4.67    4.73    4.79    4.85    4.91    4.98    5.04    5.11
      72            4.66    4.72    4.78    4.84    4.91    4.97    5.04    5.10    5.17    5.24
      73            4.77    4.83    4.89    4.96    5.03    5.09    5.16    5.24    5.31    5.38
      74            4.88    4.94    5.01    5.08    5.15    5.23    5.30    5.38    5.45    5.53
      75            4.99    5.06    5.14    5.21    5.29    5.36    5.44    5.52    5.60    5.69
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    FEMALE1                             FEMALE2 IS OLDER THAN FEMALE1 BY:
     AGE*           SAME AGE          1 Yr.       2 Yrs.      3 Yrs.        4 Yrs.        5 Yrs.
      60             $4.08            $4.12        $4.16      $4.19         $4.23         $4.27
      61              4.16             4.20         4.23       4.27          4.31          4.35
      62              4.24             4.28         4.32       4.36          4.40          4.44
      63              4.32             4.36         4.40       4.45          4.49          4.54
      64              4.40             4.45         4.50       4.54          4.59          4.64
      65              4.50             4.54         4.59       4.64          4.69          4.74
      66              4.59             4.64         4.70       4.75          4.80          4.85
      67              4.70             4.75         4.80       4.86          4.91          4.97
      68              4.81             4.86         4.92       4.98          5.04          5.09
      69              4.92             4.98         5.04       5.10          5.16          5.23
      70              5.04             5.11         5.17       5.24          5.30          5.36
      71              5.17             5.24         5.31       5.38          5.44          5.51
      72              5.31             5.38         5.45       5.52          5.59          5.66
      73              5.46             5.53         5.60       5.68          5.75          5.82
      74              5.61             5.69         5.76       5.84          5.92          5.99
      75              5.77             5.58         5.93       6.01          6.09          6.16
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Rates for other ages are available upon request.
           *Age on birthday nearest the due date of the first payment.
    The first income payment is payable on the effective date of this Option.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                         Page 30

[Mass Mutual logo here]         Massachusetts Mutual. Life Insurance Company
                                1295 State Street
                                Springfield, Massachusetts 01111-0001

    Survivorship Flexible Premium Adjustable Variable Life Insurance Policy

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This Policy provides that:

A death benefit is payable when both Insureds have died.
Within specified limits, flexible premiums may be paid while either Insured is
Annual dividends may be paid.

Notice Of Annual Meeting

The Insureds are hereby notified that by virtue of this policy they are members
of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company and are entitled to vote either
in person or by proxy at any and all meetings of said Company.  The annual
meetings are held at its Home Office, in Springfield, Massachusetts, on the
second Wednesday in April of each year at 2 o'clock p.m.