Effective on this 2nd day of July, 1996 (the "Effective Date"),

km. 30.600-00040 Pomezia, Rome, Italy, an Italian institute (hereinafter "IRBM")

      INNOVIR LABORATORIES, INC., a Delaware corporation having its principal
place of business at 510 East 73rd Street, New York, New York U.S.A. 10021
(hereinafter "Innovir"),

      in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, AGREE AS

                                    Article 1
                           Background and Definitions

1.1   Both IRBM and Innovir possess proprietary materials, know-how, information
      and expertise regarding the Research and wish Innovir to perform research
      services related to the Research; and

1.2   The parties wish to collaborate in a program of Research under terms and
      conditions of this agreement.

                                    Article 2
                           Description of the Research

2.1   The Research to be conducted hereunder is fully described in Schedule and
      relates to determining whether EGSs are capable of inducing cleavage of
      target RNA by RNaseP in the cytoplasm of the cell.

                                    Article 3
                          Innovir Staff and Facilities

3.1   The Research shall be carried out by Innovir.

3.2   Depending on the technical nature and source of material the Research will
      be performed at either Innovir or IRBM. Innovir will be responsible for
      guidance necessary to carry out the Research.


3.3   Upon successful completion of the experiments, one or more of the Innovir
      scientists will replicate such experiments at IRBM and at IRBM's cost.

                                    Article 4

4.1   Each party shall keep the other party informed of the progress of the
      research it conducts hereunder.

4.2   Innovir shall have the right to use the results of the Research as it sees

                                    Article 5
                            Confidential Information

5.1   All proprietary information and data supplied or generated under this
      Agreement (including biological materials) by either party which is marked
      "Confidential" shall be considered confidential (hereinafter "Confidential
      Information") and, for a period of three (3) years from the Effective
      Date, shall not be disclosed or given by the recipient to any third party
      without the prior approval of the disclosing party. The foregoing shall
      not apply when and to the extent the Confidential Information disclosed:

            (a)   becomes generally available to the public through no fault of
                  the receiving party;
            (b)   was already known to the receiving party at the time of
                  disclosure as evidenced by written records in the possession
                  of the receiving party prior to such time or;
            (c)   is subsequently received by the receiving party in good faith
                  from a third party without breaching any confidential
                  obligation between the third party and the disclosing party;
            (d)   is required to be disclosed by the receiving party to comply
                  with judicial, statutory or regulatory requirements; provided
                  that the receiving party provides prior written notice of such
                  disclosure to the disclosing party and takes reasonable and
                  lawful actions to avoid or minimize the degree of such
            (e)   is inherent in any product which is sold by Innovir; or
            (f)   is developed independently by employees of the receiving party
                  who do not have access to the Confidential Information.

5.2   Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no rights are provided to
      either party under any patents, patent applications, trade secrets or
      other proprietary rights of the other party. In particular, no rights are
      provided to use the materials or modifications or any related patents of
      the other party for profit making or commercial purposes, such as sale of
      the materials or modifications


      used in manufacturing, provision of a service to a third party in exchange
      for consideration, or use in research or consulting for a for-profit or
      non-profit entity under which the entity obtains rights to research

                                    Article 6

6.1   Innovir shall have the right to publish the results of the Research;
      provided, however, if a publication does result from Research, authorship
      shall be jointly decided by Innovir and IRBM based on accepted scientific

6.2   Innovir shall have the right to use the data generated in the Research in
      filing patent applications, in filing for regulatory approvals and for
      other commercial purposes.

                                    Article 7

7.1   Intellectual Property shall mean any discoveries, inventions, improvements
      and/or commercially useful products or processes, whether patentable or
      not, developed or made under this agreement.

7.2   Results of the Research shall be owned as follows:

            (a)   If all inventors are employees of Innovir, by Innovir.
            (b)   If all inventors are employees of IRBM, by IRBM.
            (c)   If Intellectual Property is invented jointly by at least one
                  person employed by Innovir and at least one person employed by
                  IRBM, jointly by both Innovir and IRBM.

7.3   If Intellectual Property is jointly owned by IRBM and Innovir, Section and
      Innovir directs that a patent application or other intellectual property
      protection be filed, Innovir shall promptly take action to have prepared,
      filed, and prosecuted such U.S. and foreign application. Innovir and IRBM
      shall each pay one-half of all costs incurred in connection with such
      preparation, filing, prosecution and maintenance of U.S. and foreign
      application(s) directed to said Intellectual Property. Innovir shall
      cooperate with IRBM to assure that such application(s) will cover, to the
      best of their combined knowledge, all items of commercial interest and
      importance. While Innovir shall be responsible for making decisions
      regarding scope and content of application(s) to be filed and prosecution
      thereof, IRBM shall be given an opportunity to review and provide input
      thereto. Innovir shall keep IRBM advised as to all developments with
      respect to such application(s) and shall promptly supply to IRBM copies of
      all papers received and filed in connection with the prosecution thereof
      in sufficient


      time for IRBM to comment thereon. Further, Innovir shall promptly notify
      IRBM in writing of any matter which has been patented under this Section .
      Each party shall have an undivided right to patents under this section
      provided they have paid the share of the expenses under this section.

                                    Article 8

8.1   Each party represents that it does not have obligations or commitments
      which are inconsistent with the research to be conducted hereunder.
      Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either party from entering any
      other research collaboration with any third party.

                                    Article 9

9.1   In support of the Research to be conducted by Innovir, IRBM shall pay
      Innovir according to the amounts specified and under the terms shown in

                                   Article 10
                              Term and Termination

10.1  This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for
      a one year period (the Term).

10.2  In the event that the parties determine that they have an interest in
      continuing the Research beyond the end of the Term, the parties hereto
      agree to negotiate in good faith to reach a new agreement covering future
      research Such agreement shall contain terms on the level of funding, scope
      of research and the scope of rights.

10.3  Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving at least sixty (60)
      days prior notice in writing to the other party.

10.4  Articles 4, 5, 6, 7 and  shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


                                   Article 11
                        Return of Documents and Materials

11.1  Upon termination of this Agreement, or at any time during the course of
      this Agreement, either party may request the return of all papers, records
      and other documents including any materials such as reagents, that it
      supplied to the other party, which are then in the possession of the other
      party, except:

           (a) each party may retain one copy for archival purposes; and

           (b) each party may retain materials required for government approval.

                                   Article 12
                               General Provisions

12.1  Both parties shall, at all times during the performance of this Agreement,
      remain as independent contractors and the Agreement shall not make the
      parties partners, joint venturers, or agents of one another. No party to
      this Agreement shall have the power to bind or obligate the other party.

12.2  None of the materials supplied under this Agreement by either party to the
      other, shall be used in human subjects without obtaining appropriate
      government approvals.

12.3  Neither party assumes responsibility or liability for the nature, conduct,
      or results of any research, testing or other work performed by the other

12.4  This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior
      written consent of the other party.

12.5  Any notice, report or communication to be given under this Agreement may
      be delivered personally, sent by registered or certified mail, return
      receipt requested, or transmitted by facsimile copy or electronic mail to
      the parties at the addresses given below or such other addresses may be
      notified from time to time. Any notice, report or communication so sent
      shall not be deemed to have been given until it has been received by the
      party to whom it has been addressed.

            Via Pontina km. 30.600-00040
            Pomezia, Rome, Italy



            Innovir Laboratories, Inc.
            510 East 73rd Street
            New York, NY  U.S.A. 10021

                  Attention:  Allan R. Goldberg, Ph.D.
                  Telephone 212-249-4703
                  Facsimile 212-249-4513

12.6  The terms and conditions herein contained constitute the entire agreement
      between the parties and supersede all previous communications, whether
      oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject
      matters hereof, and no previous agreement or understanding varying or
      extending the same shall be binding upon either party hereto.

12.7  No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless
      it is in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of all

12.8  The parties covenant and agree that, if either party fails or neglects for
      any reason to take advantage of any of the terms provided for the
      termination of this Agreement, or if either party, having the right to
      declare this Agreement terminated shall fail to do so, any such failure or
      neglect by either party shall not be a waiver or be deemed or be construed
      to be a waiver of any cause for the termination of this Agreement
      subsequently arising or as a waiver of any of the terms, covenants or
      conditions of this Agreement, or the performance thereof. None of the
      terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement may be waived by either
      party except by its written consent.

12.9  All parties hereby especially agree and contract that neither party
      intends to violate any public policy, statutory or common law, rule or
      regulation, treaty or decision of any government agency or executive body
      thereof of any country or community or association of countries; if any
      word, sentence, paragraph or clause or combination thereof of this
      Agreement is found, by a court or executive body with judicial powers
      having jurisdiction over this Agreement or any of its parties hereto, in a
      final unappealed order to be in violation of any such provision in any
      country or community or association of countries, such words, sentences,
      paragraphs or clauses or combination shall be inoperative in such country
      or community or association of countries and the remainder of this
      Agreement shall remain binding upon the parties hereto.

12.10 Neither party shall be liable for delays caused by bona fide labor
      disputes, war, civil or military disturbances, acts or lack of action of
      governments or governmental authorities, accidents, fires, explosions,
      epidemics, forces of nature, acts of God or other causes reasonably beyond
      its control, but each party shall use all reasonable efforts to avoid such
      delays and to minimize the extent of any delays that do occur.


12.11 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be
      enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective successors and
      permitted assigns.

12.12 This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made under, and shall be
      construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New
      York, U.S.A.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, IRBM and Innovir have caused this Agreement to be
executed in duplicate by their respective duly authorized officers.

                                      MOLECOLARE P. ANGELETTI

By:__________________________       By:_____________________________
      Allan R. Goldberg, Ph.D          _____________________________
      Chairman and CEO                 _____________________________

Date:________________________       Date:___________________________
