RESEARCH AGREEMENT

     Effective on this 18th day of March, 1997 (the "Effective Date"),

nonprofit corporation with offices located at 1300 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx,
New York 10461 (hereinafter "University") and

     INNOVIR LABORATORIES, INC., a Delaware corporation having its principal
place of business at 510 East 73rd Street, New York, New York 10021 (hereinafter
"Innovir"), in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, AGREE AS

                                    ARTICLE 1
                           BACKGROUND AND DEFINITIONS

1.1  University, through the Principal Investigator, has developed technology
     based on a Woodchuck Hepatitis Mouse model for testing antiviral agents
     against woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV).

1.2  Innovir has proprietary oligonucleotide based anti-HBV compounds called
     external guide sequences ("EGS(s)") which has been shown to inhibit HBV
     replication in hepatoma cells producing human HBV.

1.3  The parties wish to determine if the woodchuck hepatitis mouse model will
     be useful in determining the effectiveness of anti-human HBV EGS compounds.

1.4  The parties wish to collaborate in a program of research described in
     Schedule 1 hereto (the "Research") under terms and conditions of this

                                    ARTICLE 2
                           DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH

2.1  The Research to be conducted hereunder is fully described in Schedule and
     relates to the use of the Woodchuck Hepatitis mouse model to test the
     effectiveness of EGSs developed, licensed or owned by Innovir against WHV

                                    ARTICLE 3
                         UNIVERSITY STAFF AND FACILITIES

3.1  The Research shall be carried out at University within the Marion Bessin
     Liver Research Center under the direction of Charles E. Rogler, Ph.D.
     ("Principal Investigator"), who shall assign one or more post-doctoral
     fellows, students or employees ("Researcher(s)") to the Research and will
     notify Innovir of the selection. If the Principal Investigator or
     Researcher(s) are unable to continue the Research, Innovir in its sole
     discretion shall (i) consult with University to select a mutually


     replacement or replacements from the University staff to direct and conduct
     the Research, and/or (ii) terminate the Research upon twenty (20) days
     written notice to University. Upon such termination, University shall
     return to Innovir any of the unexpended funds budgeted for mice and
     supplies and/or any uncommitted salary amounts.

3.2  University shall provide Principal Investigator and Researcher(s) the
     laboratory, and service facilities, guidance and scientific equipment as
     required to carry out the Research; provided, however, University shall not
     be obligated to incur any costs in excess of the amount specified in
     Schedule 2 to perform the Research.

                                    ARTICLE 4

4.1  University and Principal Investigator shall keep Innovir informed of the
     progress of the research he conducts hereunder on a regular basis as
     mutually agreed to by both parties. Principal Investigator shall provide
     Innovir with bimonthly reports of progress and a complete written report at
     the end of the Term.

4.2  Innovir shall have the right to use the reports submitted by Principal
     Investigator as it sees fit, however, Innovir may not make any reference to
     Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University or any affiliate
     institution without first obtaining written consent from University;
     provided however, Innovir may make such reference if Innovir's counsel
     deems it necessary or appropriate to comply with statute, court order or
     government regulation, for filing with a regulatory agency or for filing a
     patent application.

4.3  University and Principal Investigator shall in a timely fashion permit
     Innovir full access to, and at the request of Innovir, shall deliver to
     Innovir copies of all laboratory notebooks and other technical and research
     data prepared during the work under this Agreement. Innovir agrees to
     reimburse University for its reasonable cost in providing such copies.

                                    ARTICLE 5
                         NO RIGHTS IN INNOVIR TECHNOLOGY

5.1  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no rights are provided to
     University (including the Principal Investigator and Researchers) or
     Innovir under any patents, patent applications, trade secrets or other
     proprietary rights of the other party. No rights are provided to use the
     materials or modifications or any related patents of Innovir for profit
     making or commercial purposes, such as sale of the materials or
     modifications used in manufacturing, provision of a service to a third
     party in exchange for consideration, or use in research or consulting for a
     for-profit or non-profit entity under which the entity obtains rights to
     research results.

                                    ARTICLE 6

6.1  University agrees to provide Innovir with an advance copy of any proposed


     on the Research. Innovir agrees to review proposed publications and to
     inform University of any information Innovir considers confidential
     information within thirty (30) days. University shall not publish such
     confidential information. If a publication does result from Research,
     authorship shall be jointly decided by Innovir and University based on
     accepted scientific practice.

6.2  Innovir shall have the right to use the data generated in the Research in
     filing patent applications, in filing for regulatory approvals and for
     other commercial purposes.

                                    ARTICLE 7

7.1  Intellectual Property shall only mean discoveries, inventions, improvements
     and/or commercially useful products or processes, whether patentable or
     not, which were developed or made under this Agreement. University and
     Innovir will promptly notify the other party of any Intellectual Property
     conceived and/or made during the term of this Agreement under the Research.

7.2  Results of the Research shall be owned as follows:

          (a)  If all inventors are employees of Innovir, by Innovir, and such
               Intellectual Property will not be subject to this Agreement.

          (b)  If all inventors are faculty, students or employees of
               University, by University.

          (c)  If Intellectual Property is invented jointly by at least one
               person employed by Innovir and at least one person with an
               obligation to assign to the University, jointly by both Innovir
               and University.

7.3  If Intellectual Property is solely owned by University, Section 7.2(b),
     University shall notify and consult with Innovir before filing and
     prosecuting U.S. or foreign patent applications. If Innovir requests that a
     patent application or other intellectual property protection be filed and
     University concurs, Innovir shall bear all costs incurred in connection
     with such preparation, filing, prosecution and maintenance of U.S. and
     foreign application(s) directed to said Intellectual Property using counsel
     selected by University and reasonably acceptable to Innovir. University and
     Innovir shall cooperate to assure that such application(s), will cover, to
     the best of their combined knowledge, all items of commercial interest and
     importance. While University shall be responsible for making all decisions
     regarding scope and content of application(s) to be filed and prosecution
     thereof, Innovir shall be given an opportunity to review and provide input
     thereto and University will not unreasonably reject Innovir's input. If
     Innovir licenses the Intellectual Property, University shall keep Innovir
     advised as to all developments with respect to such application(s) and
     shall promptly supply to Innovir copies of all papers received and filed in
     connection with the prosecution thereof within a reasonable time for
     Innovir to comment thereon. Further, University shall promptly notify
     Innovir in writing of any matter which has been patented under this

7.4  If Intellectual Property is jointly owned by University and Innovir,
     Section 7.2(c) and Innovir requests that a patent application or other
     intellectual property protection be filed, Innovir shall promptly take
     action to have prepared, filed, and prosecuted such U.S. and foreign
     application. Innovir shall pay all costs incurred in connection with such
     preparation, filing, prosecution and maintenance of U.S. and foreign


     directed to said Intellectual Property. Innovir shall cooperate with
     University to assure that such application(s) will cover, to the best of
     their combined knowledge, all items of commercial interest and importance.
     While Innovir shall be responsible for making decisions regarding scope and
     content of application(s) to be filed and prosecution thereof, University
     shall be given an opportunity to review and provide input thereto. Innovir
     shall keep University advised as to all developments with respect to such
     application(s) and shall promptly supply to University copies of all papers
     received and filed in connection with the prosecution thereof within a
     reasonable time for University to comment thereon. Further, Innovir shall
     promptly notify University in writing of any matter which has been patented
     under this Section 7.4.

7.5  If Innovir elects to discontinue the financial support of the prosecution
     or maintenance of the protection of Intellectual Property under Sections
     7.3 and/or 7.4, University shall be free to file or continue prosecution or
     maintain any such application(s), and to maintain any protection issuing
     thereon in the U.S., and in any foreign country at its sole expense.

7.6  If Innovir wants an exclusive license to any patent application or patent
     owned, jointly by Innovir and University under this Agreement, it shall
     have an option to obtain an exclusive, worldwide license to the
     Intellectual Property or any interest therein. If Innovir is paying the
     costs of patent protection for such Intellectual Property, this option
     shall expire six (6) months from the date of issuance of the patent, and
     the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to reach the terms of the
     exclusive, worldwide license; provided, however, if University and Innovir
     do not reach agreement, University, for two (2) years, will not offer the
     Intellectual Property to a third party on terms less favorable in material
     respects than the terms offered Innovir under this Section 7.6. If Innovir
     is not paying the costs of patent protection, this option shall expire on
     the date Innovir stopped paying the patent prosecution costs. Any license
     shall include a reasonable royalty based on the respective party's
     contributions and relevant industry standards and, subject to University's
     policies, shall include such other terms as are typical in licenses of
     similar technology from nonprofit organizations to for-profit

7.7  If not restricted by agreements with third parties, University shall
     negotiate a limited right to use any technologies it owns that were
     developed by the Principal Investigator to the extent necessary for Innovir
     to make, use or sell a product incorporating Intellectual Property licensed
     under Section 7.6. In addition, and if not restricted by agreements with
     third parties, University shall discuss with Innovir the possibility of
     licensing a limited right to use any other technologies University owns to
     the extent necessary for Innovir to make, use or sell a product
     incorporating Intellectual Property licensed under Section 7.6.

                                    ARTICLE 8

8.1  This Agreement shall not be construed to limit the freedom of individuals
     participating in the Research to engage in any other research; provided,
     however, the Principal Investigator and Researcher(s) agree that they will
     not individually or together seek sponsored research funds from a
     for-profit third party for the Research defined herein. The Principal
     Investigator and Researcher(s) will represent to the University that they
     have not entered into any research agreement with a for-profit third party
     that would


     prevent them from performing their obligations under the terms of this

                                    ARTICLE 9

9.1  In support of the Research to be conducted at University, Innovir shall pay
     University according to the amounts specified and under the terms shown in
     Schedule 2.

9.2  If the parties agree in writing that the results of the testing described
     in Schedule 1 show that the Woodchuck Hepatitis Mouse model is successful
     in testing for antihuman HBV EGS compounds, then Innovir shall pay
     University the bonus specified in Schedule 2 within thirty (30) days of
     such written agreement of successful testing.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                              TERM AND TERMINATION

10.1 This Agreement shall commence the on Effective Date and shall continue for
     a six (6) month period (the Term).

10.2 Innovir may terminate this Agreement if University, the Principal
     Investigator, or the Researcher(s) is in breach of this Agreement and
     (where the breach is remediable) fails to remedy the breach within thirty
     (30) days of being requested to do so by Innovir, Innovir shall be entitled
     to terminate this Agreement at any time by notice in writing to University.
     Termination shall be without prejudice to Innovir's other rights in respect
     of the breach of the Agreement.

10.3 If Innovir is in breach of this Agreement and (where the breach is
     remediable) fails to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days of being
     requested to do so by the University, the University shall be entitled to
     terminate this Agreement at any time by notice in writing to Innovir.
     Termination shall be without prejudice to the University's other rights in
     respect to the breach of the Agreement.

10.4 Articles 5, 6, 7, 11 and 12 and Sections 4.2 and 4.3 shall survive the
     termination of this Agreement; provided, however Articles 6 and 7 and
     Section 4.2 shall not survive a termination of this Agreement pursuant to
     Section 10.3.

                                   ARTICLE 11

11.1 Upon termination of this Agreement, either party may request the return of
     all papers, records and other documents including any materials such as
     reagents, that it supplied to the other party, which are then in the
     possession of the other party, except:

          (a)  each party may retain one copy for archival purposes;

          (b)  University shall not require Innovir to return any documents or
               materials which Innovir requires to make an evaluation of its
               interest in exercising its license option pursuant to Section 7.6
               hereof, until after the conclusion of said license option period;

          (c)  University shall not require Innovir to return the written
               reports and


               tangible technical information made by University pursuant to
               Article 4; and

          (d)  Innovir may retain materials required for government approval.

                                   ARTICLE 12


12.2 Innovir shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless University, the Principal
     Investigator and any of University's faculty, students, employees,
     trustees, officers, affiliates and agents (hereinafter referred to
     collectively as the "Indemnified Persons") from and against any and all
     liability, claims, lawsuits, losses, damages, costs or expenses (including
     attorneys' fees), which the Indemnified Persons may hereafter incur, or be
     required to pay as a result of Innovir's use of the results of Sponsored
     Research or any Intellectual Property or as a result of any breach of this
     Agreement or any act or omission of Innovir, its employees, affiliates,
     contractors, licensees or agents. University shall notify Innovir upon
     learning of the institution or threatened institution of any such
     liability, claims, lawsuits, losses, damages, costs and expenses and
     University shall cooperate with Innovir in every proper way in the defense
     or settlement thereof at Innovir's request and expense.

                                   ARTICLE 13
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

13.1 Both parties shall, at all times during the performance of this Agreement,
     remain as independent contractors and the Agreement shall not make the
     parties partners, joint venturers, or agents of one another. No party to
     this Agreement shall have the power to bind or obligate the other party.

13.2 None of the materials supplied under this Agreement by either party to the
     other, shall be used in human subjects without obtaining appropriate
     government approvals.

13.3 Neither party assumes responsibility or liability for the nature, conduct,
     or results of any research, testing or other work performed by the other

13.4 This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior
     written consent of the other party.

13.5 Any notice, report or communication to be given under this Agreement may be
     delivered personally, sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt
     requested, or transmitted


     by facsimile copy or electronic mail to the parties at the addresses given
     below or such other addresses may be notified from time to time. Any
     notice, report or communication so sent shall not be deemed to have been
     given until it has been received by the party to whom it has been

            Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
            Office of Industrial Liaison
            1300 Morris Park Avenue
            Bronx, New York 10461

                  Attention:  Dr. Sidney Goldfischer
                  Telephone   718-430-3357
                  Facsimile   718-430-8822
with a copy to:

            Amster Rothstein & Ebenstein
            90 Park Avenue
            New York, New York 10016

                  Attention:  Kenneth George
                  Telephone   212-647-5995
                  Facsimile   212-286-0854

            Innovir Laboratories, Inc.
            510 East 73rd Street
            New York, NY  10021

                  Attention:  Allan R. Goldberg, Ph.D.
                  Telephone   212-249-4703
                  Facsimile   212-249-4513

with a copy to:

            Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
            1301 McKinney, Suite 5100
            Houston, Texas  77010-3095

                  Attention:  Thomas D. Paul
                  Telephone   713-651-5325
                  Facsimile   713-651-5105

13.6 The terms and conditions herein contained constitute the entire Agreement
     between the parties and supersede all previous communications, whether oral
     or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matters
     hereof, and no previous agreement or understanding varying or extending the
     same shall be binding upon either party hereto.

13.7 No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless it
     is in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of all parties.

13.8 The parties covenant and agree that, if either party fails or neglects for
     any reason to take advantage of any of the terms provided for the
     termination of this Agreement, or


     if either party, having the right to declare this Agreement terminated
     shall fail to do so, any such failure or neglect by either party shall not
     be a waiver or be deemed or be construed to be a waiver of any cause for
     the termination of this Agreement subsequently arising or as a waiver of
     any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement, or the
     performance thereof. None of the terms, covenants or conditions of this
     Agreement may be waived by either party except by its written consent.

13.9 All parties hereby especially agree and contract that neither party intends
     to violate any public policy, statutory or common law, rule or regulation,
     treaty or decision of any government agency or executive body thereof of
     any country or community or association of countries; if any word,
     sentence, paragraph or clause or combination thereof of this Agreement is
     found, by a court or executive body with judicial powers having
     jurisdiction over this Agreement or any of its parties hereto, in a final
     unappealed order to be in violation of any such provision in any country or
     community or association of countries, such words, sentences, paragraphs or
     clauses or combination shall be inoperative in such country or community or
     association of countries and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain
     binding upon the parties hereto.

13.10 Neither party shall be liable for delays caused by bona fide labor
     disputes, war, civil or military disturbances, acts or lack of action of
     governments or governmental authorities, accidents, fires, explosions,
     epidemics, forces of nature, acts of God or other causes reasonably beyond
     its control, but each party shall use all reasonable efforts to avoid such
     delays and to minimize the extent of any delays that do occur.

13.11 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be
     enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective successors and
     permitted assigns.

13.12 This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made under, and shall be
     construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New
     York, U.S.A.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, University and Innovir have caused this Agreement to be
executed in duplicate by their respective duly authorized officers.

                                               OF YESHIVA UNIVERSITY

By:   ALLAN R. GOLDBERG               By:    CHARLES E. ROGLER
  ----------------------------             --------------------------------
      Allan R. Goldberg, Ph.D
      Chairman and President

Date:                                   Date:
     -----------------------                  --------------------------
