
                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 11-K
                                  ANNUAL REPORT


                           Pursuant to Section 15 (d)

                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                      for the year ended December 31, 1997

                           TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN
                            (Full title of the Plan)

          (Name of Issuer of the securities held pursuant to the Plan)

                                 2500 Boardwalk
                         Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401
                     (Address of principal executive office)


                           TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN

                  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                  TOGETHER WITH


                           TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN

                                DECEMBER 31, 1997




     Statement of Net Assets Applicable to Participants' Equity as of December
31, 1997

     Statement of Changes in Net Assets Applicable to Participants' Equity for
the Year Ended December 31, 1997

     Notes to Financial Statements


 I -- Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes as of December
                 31, 1997

II -- Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions for the Year Ended December
                 31, 1997



To the Benefits Committee of the

     Trump Indiana Savings Plan:

We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets applicable to
participants' equity of the Trump Indiana Savings Plan (the "Plan") as of
December 31, 1997 and the related statement of changes in net assets applicable
to participants' equity for the year ended December 31, 1997. These financial
statements and the schedules referred to below are the responsibility of the
Plan's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements and schedules based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the net assets applicable to participants' equity as of
December 31, 1997, and the changes in net assets applicable to participants'
equity for the year ended December 31, 1997, in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

Our audit was performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedules of assets held
for investment purposes and reportable transactions are presented for the
purpose of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic
financial statements but are supplementary information required by the
Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The fund information in the
statement of net assets applicable to participants' equity and the statement of
changes in net assets applicable to participants' equity is presented for
purposes of additional analysis rather than to present the net assets applicable
to participants' equity and the changes in net assets applicable to
participants' equity of each fund. The supplemental schedules and fund
information have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits
of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all
material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a


Roseland, New Jersey
June 29, 1998

                           TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN


                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1997

  Cash                                                                      $662
  Investments at market value (Notes 1 and 3)-
   The Chicago Trust Company Stated Principal Value Investment 
     Trust Fund                                                           76,925
   SoGen International Fund                                               82,395
   Massachusetts Investors Trust Fund                                    146,429
   Oppenheimer Quest Value Fund                                          198,488
   Oppenheimer Quest Opportunity Value Fund                              266,292
   Montag & Caldwell Growth Fund                                         204,386
   AIM Constellation Fund                                                222,118
   Templeton Foreign Fund                                                116,164
   Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, Inc. Common Stock                     13,123
  Participants' Loans Receivable                                          80,197
   Contributions Receivable from Plan Sponsor                            122,434
   Contributions Receivable from Participants                             78,023
NET ASSETS APPLICABLE TO PARTICIPANTS' EQUITY                         $1,607,636

The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this


  Plan Sponsor
  Participant Rollovers

           Total contributions

  Dividend income
  Interest income
  Realized/unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments
  Loans issued to participants
  Loan principal repayments 
  Administrative expenses
  Interfund transfers (net)



                                                     TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN


                                                FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

  The Chicago                                                                                                                    
 Company Stated                                                      Oppenheimer                                                 
Principal Value        SoGen        Massachusetts    Oppenheimer        Quest        Montag &          AIM         Templeton     
   Investment      International      Investors      Quest Value     Opportunity     Caldwell     Constellation     Foreign      
   Trust Fund           Fund         Trust Fund          Fund         Value Fund    Growth Fund       Fund           Fund        
- -----------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  -------------  

       $0                  $0               $0              $0              $0            $0              $0             $0      
  -------             -------         --------        --------        --------      --------        --------       --------      

   45,367              61,353          102,124        $141,234         199,807       140,505         159,806         95,859      
   31,150              13,810           22,611          31,218          44,142        32,438          34,417         20,813      
    6,144              14,113           12,930          34,203          38,550        37,112          40,699         12,961      
  -------             -------         --------        --------        ---------     --------        --------       --------      

   82,661              89,276          137,665         206,655         282,499       210,055         234,922        129,633      
        0               7,640           10,787           8,538           8,212         1,743          14,956         10,519      
        0                   0                0               0               0             0               0              0      
    1,996              (6,818)           8,520          16,541          16,114        26,208           1,590        (11,064)     
   (6,767)             (2,830)          (8,158)        (14,285)        (17,191)      (12,898)        (12,447)        (8,948)     
     (888)             (2,524)          (3,535)        (18,170)        (22,561)      (19,260)        (16,729)        (6,530)     
        0                   0                0               0               0             0               0              0      
      (33)               (108)            (147)           (259)           (390)         (288)           (207)          (168)     
      (44)             (2,241)           1,297            (532)           (391)       (1,174)             33          2,722
  -------             -------         --------        --------        --------      --------        --------       --------      

   76,925              82,395          146,429         198,488         266,292       204,386         222,118        116,164      
  -------             -------         --------        --------        --------      --------        --------       --------      

  $76,925             $82,395         $146,429        $198,488        $266,292      $204,386        $222,118       $116,164      
  =======             =======         ========        ========        ========      ========        ========       ========      

Hotels and
   Inc.       Participants'
  Common         Loans     
   Stock       Receivable       Other       Total
- ------------  -------------  -----------  ---------

      $0             $0            $0            $0
 -------        -------      --------    ----------

  13,040              0        78,023     1,037,118
   3,044              0       122,434       356,077
       0              0             0       196,712
 -------        -------      --------    ----------

  16,084              0       200,457     1,589,907

       0              0             0        62,395
      57              0           903           960
  (3,096)             0             0        49,991
    (252)       (10,000)            0       (93,776)
       0         90,197             0             0
       0              0             0             0
       0              0          (241)       (1,841)
     330              0             0             0
 -------        -------      --------    ----------

  13,123         80,197       201,119     1,607,636
 -------        -------      --------    ----------

 $13,123        $80,197      $201,119    $1,607,636
 =======        =======      ========    ==========

The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this

                           TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


      Basis of Accounting-

        The accompanying financial statements of the Trump Indiana Savings Plan
        (the "Plan") have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting.

      Plan Expenses-

        Expenses related to the administration of the Plan have been paid by
        Trump Indiana, Inc. (the "Plan Sponsor"). These costs represent trustee
        fees and professional services and amounted to approximately $18,000 in


        The investments included in the statement of net assets applicable to
        participants' equity are stated at market value. Market value, which is
        equivalent to current value, is the unit valuation of the security at
        the plan year-end as determined by The Chicago Trust Company, the 
        trustee of the Plan (the "Trustee"). Accounting records are maintained
        on the accrual basis, investment transactions are recorded on the trade
        date basis and gains and losses are calculated based upon an aggregate
        participant cost that is maintained on an average unit cost basis.

      Use of Estimates-

        The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
        accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
        assumptions that affect the reported amount of net assets and disclosure
        of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
        statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
        reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


      The following description of the Plan provides only general information.
      Participants should refer to the Plan document for a more complete
      description of the Plan's provisions.


        The Plan is a 401(k) Savings Plan, which was established by the Plan
        Sponsor and became effective on January 1, 1997. All full or part-time
        nonunion employees become eligible for participation in the Plan on the
        enrollment date immediately following the completion of six months of
        service (effective January 1, 1998, twelve months of service) and the
        attainment of age 18. In addition, union employees covered by a
        collective bargaining agreement that provides for participation in the
        Plan may enroll upon meeting the same requirements as nonunion


          The Plan is administered by a committee appointed by the Plan Sponsor
          (the "Plan Administrator"). The Chicago Trust Company was appointed as
          the trustee of the Plan by the Plan Administrator.



            Compensated participants, as defined, are eligible to voluntarily
            contribute to the Plan up to 15% of their annual compensation, as
            defined. Tax deferred contributions are subject to a limit by the
            Internal Revenue Code. The 1997 limit was $9,500 per
            participant. Contributions to the Plan are invested by the Trustee,
            as designated by the participant, in increments of 5%.

          Plan Sponsor-

            The Plan Sponsor contributes to the Plan 50% of each participant's
            contributions, not to exceed 2.5% of the participant's annual
            compensation, as defined (effective January 1, 1998, 3%).

          Participant Rollovers-

            The Plan permits eligible participants, as defined, to rollover cash
            or other property acceptable to the Plan Administrator from another
            qualified plan in addition to qualified voluntary participant

          Distributions to Participants-

            Each participant has a fully vested interest in the amount of his or
            her contribution together with the allocable Plan earnings.
            Contributions from the Plan Sponsor vest based on the vesting
            schedule described below. The full value of the participant's vested
            interest in his or her account in the Plan will be distributed upon
            termination of the participant's employment. The normal form of
            payment is by lump sum; however, if a participant's vested benefit
            from all contributions exceeds $3,500, a participant has the right
            to receive payment in equal periodic monthly, quarterly, semi-annual
            or annual installments over a period not to exceed ten years.

            A participant may also withdraw all or part of his or her account
            upon attainment of age 59-1/2 or financial hardship, as defined in
            the Plan.

            Upon termination of employment prior to eligibility for retirement,
            a participant is eligible to receive the vested balance in his or
            her account. There were no payments due to participants who have
            requested to withdraw their funds prior to December 31, 1997.



            Voluntary contributions are fully vested at all times and are not
            subject to forfeiture.

            The Plan Sponsor's contributions vest based upon the participant's
            years of continuous service as follows-

            Years of Continuous Service               Percentage Vested
             --------------------------               -----------------

             Less than two years                            0%
             Two years                                     25
             Three years                                   50
             Four years                                    75
             Five years or more                           100


            The portion of a former participant's account which is not
            distributed because of the vesting provision will reduce the amount
            of the Plan Sponsor's future contributions. During 1997, no
            forfeitures were used to reduce Plan Sponsor contributions. As of
            December 31, 1997, $21,421 was available to reduce future Plan
            Sponsor contributions.


            The Plan permits participants to borrow from their accounts at terms
            established by the Plan Administrator. Participants may borrow up to
            the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of their vested account balance for
            specific reasons, as defined by the Plan. Each loan is secured by
            the borrower's vested interest in the Plan and is subject to other
            requirements, as defined. Interest on loans is charged at a rate
            that is comparable to similar loans made by commercial lenders.
            Loans outstanding as of December 31, 1997 had interest rates ranging
            from 9.25% to 9.50%. Loan repayment terms range up to five years
            (fifteen years if the loan was used to purchase a primary
            residence). A small administrative fee is required to process all


    Participants can invest their funds in nine available investment vehicles as
    described below-

      Money Market Fund-

        The Chicago Trust Company Stated Principal Value Investment Trust Fund -
        A money market equivalent account. Stable value funds invest in
        short-term high quality financial instruments issued by insurance
        companies and banks.

      Mutual Funds-

        SoGen International Fund - A multi-asset global mutual fund. The
        investment objective and style of this fund is to provide long-term
        growth of capital by investing primarily in common stocks of U. S. and
        foreign companies.


        Massachusetts Investors Trust Fund - A growth and income mutual fund.
        The investment objective of this fund is to provide reasonable current
        income and long-term growth of capital and income.

        Oppenheimer Quest Value Fund - An equity mutual fund. The investment
        objective of this fund is to seek capital appreciation by investing
        primarily in equity securities believed to be undervalued in relation to
        factors such as the companies' assets, earnings, or growth potential.

        Oppenheimer Quest Opportunity Value Fund - An asset allocation mutual
        fund. The investment objective and style of this fund is to seek
        long-term capital appreciation by investing in stocks, bonds and cash

        Montag & Caldwell Growth Fund - An equity growth and mutual fund.
        The investment objective of this fund is to seek long-term capital
        appreciation consistent primarily with investments in a combination of
        equity, convertible, fixed-income and short-term securities.

        AIM Constellation Fund -- An aggressive equity mutual fund. The
        investment objective of this fund is to seek capital appreciation
        through investments in common stocks, with emphasis on medium-sized and
        smaller emerging growth companies.

        Templeton Foreign Fund - A foreign mutual fund. The investment objective
        of this fund is to seek long-term growth of capital by investing in
        foreign securities.

      Common Stock-

        Trump Hotel & Casino Resorts, Inc.("THCR") Common Stock - This is the
        common stock of the holding company that owns Trump Plaza Hotel &
        Casino, Trump Taj Mahal Hotel & Casino, Trump Marina Hotel & Casino and
        Trump Indiana Inc.


    The Plan has not yet received a determination letter from the Internal
    Revenue Service stating whether the Plan, as designed, is in compliance with
    the applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. However, the Plan
    Administrator believe that the Plan is currently designed and being operated
    in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.
    Therefore, they believe that the Plan was qualified and the related trust
    was tax exempt as of the financial statement date.


    While the Plan Sponsor has not expressed any intent to terminate the Plan,
    the Plan Sponsor may do so at any time subject to the provisions of the
    Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. In the event of
    termination, each participant is entitled to the value of his or her
    separate account.



      Certain Plan investments are shares of money market funds managed by The
      Chicago Trust Company, which is the Trustee as defined by the Plan and,
      therefore, these transactions qualify as party-in-interest.

      Certain Plan investments include shares of THCR common stock and,
      therefore, these transactions qualify as party-in-interest.

                                                                      SCHEDULE I

                           TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN


                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1997

              EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION #22-3216299, PLAN NUMBER 001

      (b) Identity of
          issuer,           (c) Description of investment
(a)   borrower, lessor    including maturity date, rate of
             or             interest, collateral, par or                   (e) Market
       similar party               maturity value              (d) Cost       Value
- ---  -------------------  ----------------------------------  -----------  ------------
 *   The Chicago Trust    Stated Principal Value Trust
       Company              Fund, Money Market Funds,
                            46,618 units of participation        $75,138      $76,925
                                                              ----------   -----------
     SoGen Funds          SoGen International Fund, Equity
                            Securities, 3,240 units of            
                            participation                         89,506       82,395

     MFS Funds            Massachusetts Investors Trust
                            Fund, Equity Securities, 8,358
                            units of participation               139,452      146,429

     Oppenheimer          Quest Value Fund, Equity
                            Securities, 9,735 units of           
                            participation                        185,069      198,488

     Oppenheimer          Quest Opportunity Value Fund,
                            Equity and Debt Securities,
                            7,518 units of participation         253,495      266,292

     Montag               Montag & Caldwell Growth Fund,
                            Equity Securities, 8,791 units
                            of participation                     181,877      204,386

     AIM Fund Inc.        AIM Constellation Fund, Equity
                            Securities, 8,420 unit of            
                            participation                        223,434      222,118

     Templeton Fund,      Templeton Foreign Fund, Equity
       Inc.                 Securities, 11,675 units of
                            participation                        127,000      116,164
                                                              ----------   ----------

                    Total Investment in Mutual Funds           1,199,833    1,236,272
                                                              ----------   ----------

**   Trump Hotels &       Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts
       Casino Resorts,      Inc. Common Stock Fund, Equity
       Inc.                 Security 1,962 units of               
                            participation                         15,604       13,123
                                                              ----------   ----------
     Participants'        Interest rates ranging from
       Loans                9.25% to 9.50% and maturities
                            ranging from 1998 through 2002        80,197       80,197
                                                              ----------   ----------
                                                              $1,370,772   $1,406,517
                                                              ==========   ==========

                             *Denotes party-in-interest
                             **Denotes related party

                 The accompanying notes to financial statements
                     are an integral part of this schedule.

                                                                                                                         SCHEDULE II

                                                     TRUMP INDIANA SAVINGS PLAN

                                                       RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                                           ITEM 27d - SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE TRANSACTIONS

                                              FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 (A)

                                        EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION #22-3216299, PLAN NUMBER 001

                                                                                (c) Purchase                                        
  (a) Identity of Party Involved          (b) Description of Asset                 Price      (d) Selling Price   (g) Cost of Asset 
- ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------------   --------------  -----------------  ------------------
The Chicago Trust Company           Stated Principal Value Trust Fund-
                                      35 Purchases                                $84,698                N/A            $84,698     
                                      29 Sales                                        N/A             $9,769              9,560     

SoGen Funds                         SoGen International Fund-
                                      30 Purchases                                 98,039                N/A             98,039     
                                      80 Sales                                        N/A              8,826              8,533     

MFS Funds                           Massachusetts Investors Trust Fund-
                                      38 Purchases                                152,447                N/A            152,447     
                                      86 Sales                                        N/A             14,538             12,995     

Oppenheimer                         Quest Value Fund-
                                      39 Purchases                                220,178                N/A            220,178     
                                      109 Sales                                       N/A             38,230             35,109     

Oppenheimer                         Quest Opportunity Value Fund-
                                      39 Purchases                                297,005                N/A            297,005     
                                      111 Sales                                       N/A             46,828             43,510     

Montag                              Montag & Caldwell Growth Fund
                                       37 Purchases                               216,457                N/A            216,457     
                                       104 Sales                                      N/A             38,279             34,580     

AIM Funds, Inc.                     AIM Constellation Fund-
                                       39 Purchases                               254,478                N/A            254,478     
                                       104 Sales                                      N/A             33,950             31,044     

Templeton Funds, Inc.               Templeton Foreign Fund-
                                       35 Purchases                               146,292                N/A            146,292     
                                       103 Sales                                      N/A             19,064             19,292     

                                                                                   (h) Current Value of Asset   (i) Net Gain
  (a) Identity of Party Involved          (b) Description of Asset                     on Transaction Date         (Loss)   
- ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------------       --------------------------  -------------
The Chicago Trust Company           Stated Principal Value Trust Fund-
                                      35 Purchases                                         $84,698                   N/A
                                      29 Sales                                               9,769                  $209

SoGen Funds                         SoGen International Fund-
                                      30 Purchases                                          98,039                   N/A
                                      80 Sales                                               8,826                   293

MFS Funds                           Massachusetts Investors Trust Fund-
                                      38 Purchases                                         152,447                   N/A
                                      86 Sales                                              14,538                 1,543

Oppenheimer                         Quest Value Fund-
                                      39 Purchases                                         220,178                   N/A
                                      109 Sales                                             38,230                 3,121

Oppenheimer                         Quest Opportunity Value Fund-
                                      39 Purchases                                         297,005                   N/A
                                      111 Sales                                             46,828                 3,318

Montag                              Montag & Caldwell Growth Fund
                                       37 Purchases                                        216,457                   N/A
                                       104 Sales                                            38,279                 3,699

AIM Funds, Inc.                     AIM Constellation Fund-
                                       39 Purchases                                        254,478                   N/A
                                       104 Sales                                            33,950                 2,906

Templeton Funds, Inc.               Templeton Foreign Fund-
                                       35 Purchases                                        146,292                   N/A
                                       103 Sales                                            19,064                  (228)

                                                                                                                         SCHEDULE II

                                                                                (c) Purchase                                        
  (a) Identity of Party Involved          (b) Description of Asset                 Price      (d) Selling Price   (g) Cost of Asset 
- ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------------   --------------  -----------------  ------------------
Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts,      Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts Inc.          
  Inc.                                Common Stock
                                       40 Purchases                               $27,304                N/A            $27,304     
                                       29 Sales                                       N/A             11,086             11,700     

The Chicago Trust Company           Loan Fund-
                                       21 Purchases                                90,197                N/A             90,197     
                                       5 Sales                                        N/A             10,000             10,000     

                                                                                   (h) Current Value of Asset   (i) Net Gain
  (a) Identity of Party Involved          (b) Description of Asset                     on Transaction Date         (Loss)   
- ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------------       --------------------------  -------------
Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts,      Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts Inc.                    
  Inc.                                Common Stock
                                       40 Purchases                                        $27,304                  N/A 
                                       29 Sales                                             11,086                 (614)
The Chicago Trust Company           Loan Fund-                                               
                                       21 Purchases                                         90,197                  N/A
                                       5 Sales                                              10,000                    0

(A)  Reportable transactions are those purchases and sales of the same security
     which, individually or in the aggregate, exceed 5% of Plan assets at
     January 1, 1997.

                 The accompanying notes to financial statements
                     are an integral part of this schedule.