[LOGO] PRUDENTIAL APPLICATION FOR LIFE INSURANCE OR POLICY CHANGE [ ] The Prudential Insurance Company of America [X] Pruco Life Insurance Company, A SUBSIDIARY OF THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA PART 1 POLICY NUMBER XX XXX XXX [ ]CHECK HERE IF POLICY CHANGE. ================================================================================ A ABOUT THE 1. Name of primary proposed insured (OR CURRENT INSURED PERSON, IF PRIMARY POLICY CHANGE) John Doe PROPOSED -------------------------------------------------------------- INSURED (FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST NAME) 2. Social Security number XXX-XX-XXXX -------------------------- 3. Sex [ ] female [X] male 4. Marital status [ ] single [X] married [ ] widowed [ ] separated [ ] divorced 5. Date of birth 3/1/64 -------------- month day year 6. Age 35 -- 7. State of birth (COUNTRY IF NOT U.S.) (name of State) --------------- 8. Billing address 123 Main Street, Any City, Any State XXXXX --------------------------------------------- (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) --------------------------------------------- 9. Home address _______________________________________________ (IF DIFFERENT) (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) _______________________________________________ 10. Home telephone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX --------------------- 11. Business telephone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX --------------------- 12. Current employer ABC Company --------------------------------------------- 13. List all existing life insurance coverage. [ ] Check here if none. Year Type of To be Company Amount Issued insurance replaced? ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Individual [ ] Yes $ [ ] Group [ ] No ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Individual [ ] Yes $ [ ] Group [ ] No ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Individual [ ] Yes $ [ ] Group [ ] No ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Individual [ ] Yes $ [ ] Group [ ] No ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Individual [ ] Yes $ [ ] Group [ ] No ---------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ B ALL OTHER Name relationship to primary sex date of birth age state of birth total life insurance PROPOSED (FIRST, proposed insured (F/M) (M/D/Y) (COUNTRY IF NOT in all companies INSUREDS INITIAL, LAST) U.S.) (INCLUDE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT IF ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REQUESTING ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WAIVER OF ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PREMIUM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [AWP] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BENEFIT) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98 PART 1 APPLICATION FOR LIFE INSURANCE OR POLICY CHANGE ================================================================================ C COVERAGE 1. Plan of insurance Variable Universal Life INFORMATION ------------------------------------------ if applicable to the plan, check one. [ ] Level Death Benefit [X] Variable Death Benefit 2. Initial amount of insurance $100,000 ----------------- 3. Supplementary benefits and riders [ ] Waiver of Premium [ ] Accidental Death Benefit $_________________ [ ] Applicant's Waiver of Premium [ ] Option to Purchase Additional Insurance (OPAI) $__________ [ ] Automatic Premium Loan [ ] Option to Purchase Paid-up Life Insurance Additions (INCLUDE DETAILS IN SECTION G, SPECIAL REQUESTS) [ ] Acceleration of Death Benefits (Living Needs Benefit) Other riders and benefits (INDICATE AMOUNT WHERE APPLICABLE) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ D BENEFICIARIES 1. BENEFICIARY INFORMATION Relationship to primary AND Name proposed insured Age OWNERSHIP -------------------------------------------------- (IF TRUST, Primary Mary Doe Spouse 35 PROVIDE NAME (CLASS 1) -------------------------------------------------- OF TRUST, __________________________________________________ TRUSTEE AND Contingent Robert Doe Son 10 DATE OF (CLASS 2) -------------------------------------------------- TRUST) __________________________________________________ 2. Is the policyowner someone other than the primary proposed insured? [ ] Yes [X] No (IF YES, PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW.) Name __________________________________Date of birth __/__/__ (FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST NAME) MONTH DAY YEAR Address _____________________________________________________ (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) _____________________________________________________ ================================================================================ E PAYMENT 1a. Within the past 90 days, has any proposed insured been INFORMATION hospitalized or been advised by a member of the medical profession that he or she needs hospitalization for any reason other than for normal pregnancy or well-baby care? [ ] Yes [X] No b. Within the past 12 months, has any proposed insured received treatment or advice from a member of the medical profession for heart disease, chest pain, stroke or cancer (except skin)? [ ] Yes [X] No 2. Is a medical examination required on the primary proposed insured? [ ] Yes [X] No second proposed insured? [ ] Yes [X] No 3. Premium payment mode (COLLECT FULL MODAL PREMIUM IF PREPAID) [X] Annual [ ] Semiannual [ ] Quarterly [ ] Monthly [ ] Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) [ ] Payroll Budget [ ] Government Allotment 4. Amount of prepayment submitted with this application $350.73 (INCLUDE ANY UNSCHEDULED PREMIUM PAYMENTS) [ ] None (MUST BE NONE IF 1a OR 1b IS YES, EXCEPT FOR GIBRALTAR [GIB] PRODUCTS) 5. Date prepayment collected, 7/1/99 -------------- MONTH DAY YEAR ================================================================================ F REPLACEMENT For any proposed insured, would this insurance replace or cause a change in any existing insurance or annuity in any company? (IF YES, ENCLOSE ALL REQUIRED REPLACEMENT FORMS.) [ ] Yes [X] No ================================================================================ G SPECIAL REQUESTS ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98 PART 1 APPLICATION FOR LIFE INSURANCE OR POLICY CHANGE ================================================================================ H BACKGROUND 1. Has either the primary proposed insured or second proposed ON PROPOSED insured (if any) ever used tobacco or other nicotine products INSUREDS such as cigarettes, cigars, pipe, chewing tobacco, snuff, nicotine gum or nicotine patch? (IF YES, PROVIDE DATE WHEN LAST USED AND INDICATE ALL TYPES OF PRODUCTS.) [ ] Yes [X] No DATE (MO., YR.) PRODUCT(S) Primary proposed insured _______________ __________________ _______________ __________________ Second proposed insured _______________ __________________ _______________ __________________ 2. What are the occupation and duties of the primary proposed insured? Manager & Administrative Duties -------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Within the last two years, has any proposed insured done or does he or she plan to do the following: a. operate or have any duties aboard an aircraft, glider, balloon or similar device? [ ] Yes [X] No (IF YES, COMPLETE AVIATION QUESTIONNAIRE.) b. participate in hazardous sports, such as auto, motorcycle, snowmobile or powerboat competitions/exhibitions, scuba diving, mountain climbing, parachuting, skydiving or any other such sport or hobby? (IF YES, COMPLETE AVOCATION QUESTIONNAIRE.) [ ] Yes [X] No 4. Is any proposed insured applying for or requesting reinstatement or policy change(s) of any other life or health insurance policy? (IF YES, PROVIDE INSURANCE COMPANY, POLICY PLAN AND AMOUNT.) [ ] Yes [X] No ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. Has any proposed insured been convicted of, or currently charged with, the commission of any criminal offense - other than the violation of a motor vehicle law - within the last 10 years? [ ] Yes [X] No (IF YES, PROVIDE DETAILS.) ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 6. a. Driver's license number and state of issue of primary proposed insured _____________________________________________ XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX (name of State) -------------------------------------------------------------- b. In the last three years, has any proposed insured (1) had a driver's license denied, suspended or revoked? [ ] Yes [X] No (2) been convicted of or cited for (a) three or more moving violations? [ ] Yes [X] No (b) driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs? [ ] Yes [X] No (3) been involved as a driver in two or more auto accidents? [ ] Yes [X] No (IF YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE, PROVIDE DETAILS, INCLUDING TYPE OF VIOLATION, ACCIDENT, OR REASON FOR DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION.) ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 7. Does any proposed insured plan to live or travel outside the United States or Canada within the next 12 months? (IF YES, LIST COUNTRIES AND PURPOSE AND DURATION OF EACH TRIP.) [ ] Yes [X] No ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ I ADDITIONAL COMPLETE ONLY IF THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL COVERAGE COVERAGE ON A PERSON ALREADY COVERED BY A PRUDENTIAL OR PRUCO POLICY WITH AN APPLICATION DATE WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF THE DATE OF THIS APPLICATION. To the best of your knowledge, has the health or the mental or physical condition of any person proposed for insurance changed since the answers and statements were given in the application included in policy number __________? [ ] Yes [ ] No (IF YES, COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE PART 2 MEDICAL INFORMATION SECTION.) ================================================================================ J CHANGES Changes made by the Company (NOT APPLICABLE IN NEW MEXICO OR WEST VIRGINIA) ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98 PART 2 MEDICAL INFORMATION APPLICATION FOR LIFE INSURANCE OR POLICY CHANGE ================================================================================ K PHYSICIAN PRIMARY PROPOSED INSURED INFORMATION PHYSICIAN LAST CONSULTED Name Dr. William Smith --------------------------------------------------------- Address 23 Main Street --------------------------------------------------------- (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) Any City, Any State XXXXX --------------------------------------------------------- Telephone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX Date last seen 10-1-97 ---------------- ---------------- Reason last seen Cold ------------------------------------------------- PRIMARY PHYSICIAN Name Dr. William Smith --------------------------------------------------------- Address 23 Main Street --------------------------------------------------------- (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) Any City, Any State XXXXX --------------------------------------------------------- Telephone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX Date last seen 10-1-97 ---------------- ---------------- Reason last seen Cold ------------------------------------------------- SECOND PROPOSED INSURED OR APPLICANT FOR APPLICANT'S WAIVER OF PREMIUM (AWP) PHYSICIAN LAST CONSULTED Name _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) _________________________________________________________ Telephone number (___)___________ Date last seen ________________ Reason last seen ________________________________________________ PRIMARY PHYSICIAN Name _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) _________________________________________________________ Telephone number (___)___________ Date last seen ________________ Reason last seen ________________________________________________ ================================================================================ L PHYSICAL Height Weight MEASUREMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Primary proposed insured 5'11" 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Second proposed insured ----------------------------------------------------------------- AWP applicant ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98 PART 2 MEDICAL INFORMATION APPLICATION FOR LIFE INSURANCE OR POLICY CHANGE ================================================================================ M CATEGORY II 1. Family record CHANGES Current age or Year and cause AND PLANS age at death of death OTHER THAN ----------------------------------------------------------------- GIBRALTAR Father 65 (GIB) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Brother 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Brother ----------------------------------------------------------------- Brother ----------------------------------------------------------------- Current age or Year and cause age at death of death ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mother 65 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sister 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sister ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sister ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Has anyone proposed for coverage been diagnosed with or treated by a member of the medical profession for a. chest pain or any disorder of the heart or blood vessels? [ ] Yes [X] No b. high blood pressure? [ ] Yes [X] No c. cancer, tumor, leukemia, melanoma or lymphoma? [ ] Yes [X] No d. diabetes or high blood sugar? [ ] Yes [X] No e. mental or psychiatric illness? [ ] Yes [X] No f. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-Related Complex (ARC)? (MAINE: this question may be answered No if an individual has tested HIV positive and does not have symptoms of the disease AIDS such as dry coughs, skin lesions, weakness, fatigue, weight loss or loss of appetite.) [ ] Yes [X] No g. infection caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)? (NOT APPLICABLE IN CALIFORNIA, CONNECTICUT AND MAINE. WISCONSIN: AIDS virus HIV antibody testing is limited to FDA-licensed enzyme immunoassay and confirmatory HIV antibody tests.) [ ] Yes [X] No h. any sexually transmitted diseases? [ ] Yes [X] No i. asthma or any disorder of the lungs? [X] Yes [ ] No j. any disorder of the brain or nervous system? [ ] Yes [X] No k. hepatitis or any disorder of the liver, stomach or intestines? [ ] Yes [X] No l. any disorder of the kidney or urinary tract? [ ] Yes [X] No 3. Is anyone proposed for coverage currently taking prescription medication? [ ] Yes [X] No 4. Other than above, has anyone proposed for coverage a. been a patient in a hospital or other medical facility? [ ] Yes [X] No b. in the last five years, had or been advised to have surgery, medical tests (other than HIV) or diagnostic procedures such as ECGs, stress tests, X-rays, blood tests urine tests, etc.? [ ] Yes [X] No 5. Has anyone proposed for coverage a. used, or is he or she now using, cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana, heroin, or other drugs except as prescribed by a member of the medical profession? [ ] Yes [X] No b. had or been advised to have treatment or counseling for alcohol or drug use? [ ] Yes [X] No 6. Does anyone proposed for coverage have any disease, disorder or condition not previously mentioned? [ ] Yes [X] No 7. Has anyone proposed for coverage had life or health insurance declined, postponed or issued with an increased premium? (MISSOURI: this question may be answered No if an individual has been declined for coverage.) [ ] Yes [X] No 8. Is anyone proposed for coverage currently unable to perform his or her normal daily activities or all normal occupational duties on a full-time basis at the customary place of employment? [ ] Yes [X] No 9. Has anyone proposed for coverage requested or received disability or compensation benefits? [ ] Yes [X] No (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98 PART 2 MEDICAL INFORMATION APPLICATION FOR LIFE INSURANCE OR POLICY CHANGE ================================================================================ M CATEGORY II 10. Details of "Yes" answers for questions 2-9 CHANGES Question number Indicate illness, hospitalization, AND PLANS and name of proposed reason for checkup, medication and any OTHER THAN insured advice or treatment given by a medical GIBRALTAR professional (GIB) ----------------------------------------------------------------- (CONTINUED) 2.i. John Cold ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dates and Name, address and telephone duration number of medical of illness professionals and hospitals 10/97 Dr. Wm. Smith ----------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Main Street ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any City, Any State ----------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXX ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- For additional medical details, use another application. ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ================================================================================ The words "I" and "my" refer to the primary proposed insured and policyowner or applicant, if other than the primary proposed insured. The word "Company" refers to the company checked at the beginning of this application. Unless I have specified a policy date or special payment plan (e.g., government allotment, payroll budget) in this application, I understand that if the initial premium is not paid with this request for coverage, the policy will become effective when all of the following conditions are met: o the policy is issued, delivered and I accept it, o the health of all persons proposed for insurance remains as stated in the application and o the first premium is paid in full and the check or other form of payment is good and can be collected. If the Company enters any change in section J, I approve the change by accepting the policy unless the law requires written consent to changes. No Company representative can make or change a policy, or waive any of the Company's rights or requirements. The Company will pay the beneficiary named in the application (or in the policy if requesting a policy change and no beneficiary has been named in the application) any applicable insurance benefit either at the death of the primary insured or at the death of an insured child after the death of the primary insured if there is no insured spouse. For policy changes, the existing policyowner and beneficiary designation will be used unless a new policyowner or beneficiary designation is provided in this application. The policyowner is either the primary proposed insured or the applicant unless a different policyowner is named in the application. This is subject to any provisions for the automatic transfer of ownership stated in the policy. If joint policyowners are named, in the event of the death of one policyowner, the survivor(s) shall be the policyowner(s), unless otherwise specified. SIGNATURES ================================================================================ I certify, affirm and understand the following: o To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements in this application, as well as any forms that the Company designates to be part of the application and that are attached to the policy, are complete, true and correctly recorded. o Except for failure to pay premium or fraud, the Company will not contest the validity of this policy or change request after it has been in force during the insured's lifetime for two years from the date it takes effect. o I will inform the Company of any changes in my or any proposed insured's health, mental or physical condition, or of any changes to any answers on this application, prior to or upon delivery of this policy. o If I have requested the Acceleration of Death Benefits (Living Needs Benefit), I have read the disclosures in the brochure (ORD 87246). o I have received and read the Terms and Conditions shown above and the Important Notice About Your Application for Insurance. o I believe this policy meets my insurance needs and financial objectives. For a variable product: I acknowledge receipt of a current prospectus for the policy. I understand that the policy's value and death benefit may vary depending on the policy's investment experience. o My original signature has been affixed to this application, the original application will be retained by the Company and I will receive a copy identical in form and substance to the original, attached to my policy. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98 SIGNATURES (CONTINUED) ================================================================================ o NOT APPLICABLE IN ARIZONA, OREGON, AND VERMONT: ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY GIVES FALSE OR DECEPTIVE INFORMATION WHEN COMPLETING AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE OR FILING A CLAIM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAUDING AN INSURANCE COMPANY: o may have committed fraud, or may have violated state law. o ARKANSAS, HAWAII, MAINE and NEW MEXICO: may be subject to fines, denial of insurance benefits, or confinement in prison, o COLORADO: penalties may include imprisonment, fines, denial of insurance, and civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to a policyholder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the policyholder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado Division of Insurance within the Department of Regulatory Agencies. Signed at (Name or City, State) on 7/1/99 -------------------------------------- ---------- (CITY, STATE) MONTH DAY YEAR SIGNATURE OF PRIMARY PROPOSED INSURED, IF AGE 8 OR OVER, OR OF CURRENTLY INSURED PERSON, IF POLICY CHANGE X /s/ JOHN DOE ------------------------ SIGNATURE OF SPOUSE (APPLICABLE IN SOUTH CAROLINA, IF PROPOSED FOR COVERAGE.) X ------------------------- SIGNATURE OF POLICYOWNER (IF DIFFERENT FROM THE PRIMARY PROPOSED INSURED) OR OF EXISTING POLICYOWNER IF A POLICY CHANGE. IF THE POLICY OWNER IS A FIRM OR CORPORATION, GIVE THAT COMPANY'S NAME AND HAVE AN OFFICER SIGN BELOW. X ------------------------- SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF OFFICER OF FIRM OR CORPORATION X ------------------------- SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT, IF DIFFERENT FROM PRIMARY PROPOSED INSURED OR POLICYOWNER X ------------------------- SIGNATURE OF BENEFICIARY, IF POLICY CHANGE AND RIGHTS ARE LIMITED X ------------------------- SIGNATURE OF WITNESS (LICENSED WRITING REPRESENTATIVE MUST WITNESS.) X /s/ RICHARD ROE ------------------------- ================================================================================ LICENSED WRITING REPRESENTATIVE'S CERTIFICATION Do you have any information, other than that stated in this application, which indicates that any proposed insured may replace or change any current insurance or annuity in any company? [ ] Yes [ ] No SIGNATURE OF WRITING REPRESENTATIVE X /s/ RICHARD ROE ------------------------- ================================================================================ ORD 96200-98