Washington, D.C.  20549


                                       FORM 8-K

                                    CURRENT REPORT

                        Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                           Securities Exchange Act of 1934

   Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)  January 24, 1994  

                                The Travelers Inc.                         
                (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

   Delaware                           1-9924                   52-1568099  
   -----------                    ---------------           ---------------
   (State or other                   (Commission             (IRS Employer
   jurisdiction of                   File Number)            Identification No.)

               65 East 55th Street, New York, New York          10022      
                 (Address of principal executive offices)     (Zip Code)    

                                    (212) 891-8900                         
               (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                                  The Travelers Inc.
                              Current Report on Form 8-K

          Item 5. Other Events

               The Travelers  Inc.'s  ("Travelers") operating  earnings for
          the fourth quarter,  ended December  31, 1993,  increased 80%  to
          $276.6 million from $153.3 million  in the 1992  period. Earnings
          per share from operations were $1.10, up 67% from $0.66 per share.

               For  the full year  1993, operating earnings  reached $899.5
          million, with operating earnings per share up 41%  to  $3.67  per
          share. This compares with 1992  results  of  $593.0  million,  or
          $2.61 per share.

          Net Income for the Quarter and Year

               Net  income for the 1993 fourth  quarter was $297.9 million,
          or $1.19 per  share, reflecting, as well as  operating income, an
          additional  $21.3 million, or $0.09  per share, from the reversal
          of  a  deferred  tax  liability  no  longer  required  with  100%
          ownership of The Travelers Corporation ("old Travelers"), now the
          Travelers Insurance Companies  subsidiary.  This compares  to net
          income  of  $221.3 million,  or  $0.96  per  share, in  the  1992
          quarter, which reflected net gains of $68.0 million, or $0.30 per
          share, from sales of various subsidiaries and affiliates.

               For the full  year 1993, net income reached  $915.6 million,
          or   $3.74  per  share,  reflecting,  in  addition  to  operating

          -    $109.2 million in reported investment portfolio gains and an
               $8.1 million gain from the sale of subsidiaries and affiliates

          -    A  charge of $16.7 million related  to the cumulative effect
               of FAS 106

          -    A charge of  $17.7 million related to  the cumulative effect
               of FAS 112, which was adopted retroactively to the beginning
               of 1993 

          -    A $65.0 million  provision for one-time expenses  related to
               the Smith Barney and Shearson transaction. 


               This compares to 1992 net income of $728.1 million, or $3.22
          per share, which reflected, in addition  to  operating  earnings,
          reported  investment  portfolio gains  and  net gains  from sales
          of subsidiaries and  affiliates  of $163.2 million and a one-time
          charge  of $28.1  million from  the cumulative effect of FAS 109.

          Investment Services

               Smith  Barney Shearson earned $145.1 million in the quarter,
          which includes the contribution from the Shearson acquisition for
          the full  period.  This  compares with $34.9 million  reported by
          Smith  Barney alone in  last year's quarter.   For the full year,
          the firm earned  a record $371.0 million (before  a $65.0 million
          after-tax provision for one-time expenses related to the Shearson
          acquisition), up  from $156.9 million  earned by Smith  Barney in
          1992.     These   outstanding  results   reflect  the   continued
          development  of the firm's capabilities in investment banking and
          capital markets  trading as well  as its significant  position in
          retail brokerage in a year of robust markets.  The pretax  profit
          margin for  1993 reached 20.9%,  and the firm returned  26% after
          tax on its equity for the year.

               When  compared with  Smith Barney in  the 1992  quarter, the
          combined firm recorded more than  a four-fold rise  in commission
          revenues, more  than an  eight-fold increase  in asset management
          fees, and more than triple  the amount of revenues from principal
          trading.  For the year, commissions and  net interest income more
          than  doubled, asset  management fees  increased 336%,  principal
          trading revenues rose 84%, and investment banking revenues jumped

               The Mutual  Funds and Asset Management sector  reported a 9%
          gain in earnings  for the quarter to  $8.4 million and a  4% gain
          for the 1993 year to  $32.5 million.  Assets under management  at
          both  American  Capital  Management &  Research  and  RCM Capital
          Management  rose every  quarter  in 1993  versus the  prior year,
          reaching $16.7  billion at  American Capital, up  15%, and  $24.5
          billion at  RCM, up 3%.   Mutual  fund sales at  American Capital
          continued to rise in the quarter, ending the year up 38%.

               With  the    addition  of  the  businesses  acquired  in the 
          Shearson  transaction, total third-party assets  under management  
          at the company leaped 114% to $116 billion in 1993. 

          Consumer Finance Services

               Earnings from  Consumer Finance  increased to $55.5  million
          for the  quarter, up  8% from  the 1992  period.   For the  year,
          operating  earnings reached a  record $209.1 million,  up 8% from
          $193.5 million.


               The  improvement in  results is  largely  attributable to  a
          substantial year-over-year decline in losses and a 9% increase in
          receivables outstanding  to $6.34  billion at  year-end, up  from
          $5.79 billion at December 31,  1992.  Charge-offs remained at the
          record low levels  reached last quarter at 2.25%, down from 2.79%
          at  the end  of 1992;  60+ days delinquencies  were 2.21%  in the
          quarter, down from 2.55% in the period last year.  

          Insurance Services

               Earnings from  Primerica Financial Services  for the  fourth
          quarter  were $49.5  million,  a 6%  increase versus  last year's
          period.   For the year operating earnings reached $188.9 million,
          up from $187.3 million.

               Sales  of  new  life  insurance in  the  quarter  were $13.3
          billion, up from $11.3 billion  in the 1992 period, bringing full
          year sales to  $48.3 billion in face amount  versus $46.2 billion
          for  1992.    For  the fourth  consecutive  quarter,  total  life
          insurance  in force increased,  reaching $309.3 billion,  up from
          $302.3 billion  at year-end 1992,  reflecting  both  higher sales
          levels and a significant improvement in policy persistency.

               Mutual  fund sales  (at net  asset value)  by the  PFS sales
          force continued to soar, increasing 25% for the quarter to $326.8
          million, and reaching  almost $1.3 billion for the  year.  Assets
          under management  in the  Common Sense(R)   Trust family  of funds,
          which  account for  the   majority of  PFS's sales,  reached $3.l
          billion  at year  end.   The loan  products marketed by  PFS also
          continued to grow in popularity, with net receivables outstanding
          reaching $765.4 million at the end of  1993, up 57% from year-end
          1992 levels.

               Transport  Life Insurance  Company  (formerly reported  with
          Voyager as part of Specialty Life and Health) earned $6.6 million
          in the quarter, down from $8.0  million.  For the year, operating
          earnings  were  $25.6  million,  down  from  $29.9  million.  The
          declines  are  principally  attributable to  the  absence  of the
          employee benefits business that had been sold to  "old Travelers"
          when Primerica first made its 27% equity investment at the end of

               The Gulf Insurance Group recorded a decline  in earnings for
          the  1993 quarter  to  $7.3  million, and  a  slight increase  in
          operating earnings  for the  full year  to  $29.7 million  versus
          $29.2 million in 1992, before "old Travelers'" minority interest.
          The  combined ratio  increased   in the  quarter to  97.8% versus
          94.7%, principally as a result of higher storm-related claims.

          Corporate and Other

               The Corporate and Other segment contributed $29.1 million of
          income in the quarter  compared to a net expense of  $4.2 million
          in the 1992  quarter.  Corporate expenses were  $28.1 million, up
          from $18.8 million, with the increase resulting from lower income
          from miscellaneous investments and  higher interest costs related
          to  increased borrowings to finance acquisitions, offset by lower
          interest  rates. Corporate expenses are net of contributions from
          retained  lines of  Voyager  business of  $2.6  million and  $2.5
          million, respectively,  in the 1993  and 1992 quarters.   The 27%
          "old  Travelers"  investment  in  effect  for  the  1993  quarter


          contributed  $35.9 million, while for the 1992 quarter, Fingerhut
          Companies, Inc.,  a former subsidiary of the Company, contributed
          $14.6  million.    The  1993  Corporate  and  Other  contribution
          also includes  the  reversal  of  a  $21.3  million  deferred tax
          liability   no   longer  required  with  100%  ownership  of "old

               For the  1993 year,  the segment  contributed $86.9  million
          compared to a  net expense of  $35.9 million in 1992.   Corporate
          expenses were up, for the reasons already cited, to $70.2 million
          versus $63.8  million, net  of $9.8  million  and $10.1  million,
          respectively,  from Voyager contributions  in 1993 and  1992. The
          27%  "old  Travelers" investment  contributed  $127.7 million  to
          operating earnings for the 1993 year, as well as $13.1 million in
          reported portfolio gains, compared with a $25.7 million Fingerhut
          contribution in 1992. 

               The   Travelers  Inc.  is  the surviving corporation of  the
          acquisition  on December 31, 1993 by Primerica Corporation of The
          Travelers  Corporation  ("old  Travelers").     This  diversified
          financial services  company is engaged  in life and  property and
          casualty  insurance services,  investment  services and  consumer
          finance.  The principal companies that operate under the familiar
          Travelers umbrella  now include:   Primerica Financial  Services,
          The Travelers Insurance Company, The Travelers Indemnity Company,
          Transport Life Insurance  and Gulf Insurance Group;  Smith Barney
          Shearson,  American Capital Management & Research and RCM Capital
          Management; and Commercial Credit and Primerica Bank.

               The results reported  herein are only for  operations of the
          company formerly known as  Primerica Corporation; beginning  with
          the first quarter of 1994, ending March 31, reported results will
          include the businesses of the "old Travelers."  At year end 1993,
          The Travelers had  assets of approximately $100  billion. 


                                  THE TRAVELERS INC.
                                 SUMMARY OF EARNINGS

            (In millions of dollars and shares, except per share amounts)

                                       Three months ended   Twelve months ended
                                         December 31,            December 31,   
                                      -------------------   --------------------
                                        1993        1992      1993       1992
                                        ----------------      ----       ----

 Revenues                             $2,195.3   $1,269.0   $6,796.9   $5,125.0
                                       =======    =======    =======    =======

 Income from operations before income
  taxes and minority interests        $  445.1   $  243.2   $1,509.5   $  970.9
 Provision for income
  taxes on operations                   (143.6)     (89.9)    (545.1)    (349.6)
                                       -------   --------    -------    -------

 Income from operations  
  before minority interests              301.5      153.3      964.4      621.3

 Minority interests, 
  net of income taxes                     (3.6)       -.       (22.5)       -. 
                                       -------    -------    -------    -------
 Income from operations                  297.9      153.3      941.9      621.3

 Gains on sales of stock of 
  subsidiaries and                         -.        68.0        8.1      134.9
  affiliates, net of income 
  taxes                                -------    -------    -------    -------
 Income before cumulative effect of      297.9      221.3      950.0      756.2
  changes in accounting principle      -------    -------    -------    -------

 Cumulative effect of change in            -          -        (17.7)       -
  accounting for postemployment 
  benefits, net of tax (FAS 112)

 Cumulative effect of change in            -          -        (16.7)       -
  accounting for postretirement benefits
  other than pensions, net of tax 
  (FAS 106)
 Cumulative effect of change in            -.         -.         -.       (28.1)
  accounting for income taxes 
  (FAS 109)                            -------    -------     ------     ------

 Net Income                              297.9     221.3       915.6      728.1

 Preferred dividends                     (7.8)      (6.1)     (27.2)      (10.3)
                                       -------    -------    -------      ------

Income applicable to common stock     $ 290.1   $  215.2   $  888.4    $  717.8
                                       =======    =======    =======    =======
Earnings per share 
  Before cumulative effect of
  changes in accounting principle     $  1.19   $    .96   $   3.88    $   3.35
Cumulative effect of changes in 
 accounting principle                    -.         -.         (.14)       (.13)
                                       -------    -------     -------     ------

                                      $  1.19   $    .96   $   3.74    $   3.22
                                       =======    =======     =======    ======

     Total average common
      and equivalent shares             243.9      221.8      237.8       222.8
                                       ========   =======     =======    =======


                       THE TRAVELERS INC. - NET INCOME SUMMARY

                                       Three months ended   Twelve months ended
                                           December 31,        December 31,    
                                      --------------------  -------------------
                                        1993        1992      1993       1992
                                        ----        ----      ----       ----

     (In millions of dollars)             

     Income summary, net of minority
       interest in 1993 

         Operating earnings          $  276.6    $  153.3   $  899.5  $  593.0

         Provision for merger-related    -          -          (65.0)      -

         Reported portfolio gains        -          -          109.2      28.3

         Reversal of deferred tax 
           liability on equity 
           investment                    21.3       -            -          -

         Cumulative effect of tax 
          rate change through 
          December 31, 1992                -.        -.         (1.8)        -. 
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

     Income from operations             297.9       153.3      941.9     621.3
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

     Gains on sales of stock of
       subsidiaries and affiliates        -.         68.0        8.1     134.9
                                      -------    --------    -------   -------

     Income before cumulative effect 
       of changes in accounting 
       principle                        297.9       221.3      950.0     756.2

     Cumulative effect of change in 
       accounting for postemployment 
       benefits, net of tax (FAS 112)     -           -        (17.7)      -

     Cumulative effect of change in  
       accounting for 
       postretirement benefits other
       than pensions, net of tax 
       (FAS 106)                          -           -        (16.7)      -

     Cumulative effect of change in
       accounting for income taxes
       (FAS 109)                          -.          -.        -.     (28.1)
                                      -------    -------     -------   -------

     Net income                     $  297.9    $  221.3   $  915.6  $ 728.1
                                      =======    =======     =======   =======



                                       Three months ended   Twelve months ended
                                          December 31,          December 31,   
                                      -------------------   -------------------
                                        1993        1992      1993       1992
                                        ----        ----      ----       ----

     (In millions of dollars)             


     Investment Services 
       Smith Barney Shearson         $1,357.6    $  417.9   $3,370.7  $1,677.3
       Mutual Funds and Asset Management 39.5        35.2      153.6     139.6
       Margaretten                        -.          -.         -.        5.1
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
            Total                     1,397.1       453.1    3,524.3   1,822.0
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
     Consumer Finance Services          297.8       287.5    1,193.2   1,157.6
     -------------------------        -------     -------    -------   -------

     Insurance Services (1)
       Primerica Financial Services     308.9       289.5    1,265.9   1,157.5
       Transport Life                    71.4        80.6      319.5     346.9
       Gulf Property and Casualty        74.7        73.0      314.5     316.4
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
            Total                       455.0       443.1    1,899.9   1,820.8
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
     Corporate and Other (1)             45.4        85.3      179.5     324.6
     -------------------              -------     -------    -------   -------
            Total                    $2,195.3    $1,269.0   $6,796.9  $5,125.0
                                      =======     =======    =======   =======


     Investment Services
       Smith Barney Shearson
         Operating earnings          $  145.1    $   34.9   $  371.0  $  156.9
         Provision for merger-           -          -          (65.0)      -
           related costs 
         Cumulative effect of tax rate
           change through December       -.          -.          (.5)       -. 
           31, 1992                   -------     -------    -------   -------
                                        145.1        34.9      305.5     156.9
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

       Mutual Funds and Asset Management
         Operating earnings               8.4         7.7       32.5      31.3
         Cumulative effect of tax
           rate change through            -.          -.        (2.4)      -. 
           December 31, 1992          -------     -------    -------   -------
                                          8.4         7.7       30.1      31.3
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

       Margaretten                        -.          -.         -.        3.0
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

          Total Investment Services  $  153.5    $   42.6   $  335.6  $  191.2
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

     Consumer Finance Services
         Operating earnings          $   55.5    $   51.3   $  209.1  $  193.5
         Reported portfolio gains         -           -         22.7       4.3
         Cumulative effect of tax
          rate change through 
          December 31, 1992               -.          -.          .2       -. 
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
         Total Consumer Finance 
           Services                  $   55.5    $   51.3   $  232.0  $  197.8
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

                               (Continued on next page)



                                       Three months ended   Twelve months ended
                                          December 31,          December 31,   
                                      --------------------  -------------------
                                        1993        1992      1993       1992
                                        ----        ----      ----       ----

     (In millions of dollars)             

     AFTER-TAX INCOME (LOSS) - continued

     Insurance Services (1)
       Primerica Financial Services
         Operating earnings          $   49.5    $   46.8   $  188.9  $  187.3
         Reported portfolio gains         -           -         45.3       9.9
         Cumulative effect of tax
          rate change through             -.          -.       (10.8)      -. 
          December 31, 1992           -------     -------    -------   -------
                                         49.5        46.8      223.4     197.2
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

       Transport Life  
         Operating earnings               6.6         8.0       25.6      29.9
         Reported portfolio gains         -           -         17.2       5.9
         Cumulative effect of tax
           rate change through            -.          -.        (1.3)      -. 
           December 31, 1992          -------     -------   --------   -------
                                          6.6         8.0       41.5      35.8
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

       Gulf Property and Casualty
         Operating earnings               7.3         8.8       29.7      29.2
         Reported portfolio gains         -           -         15.2       6.0
         Cumulative effect of tax
           rate change through
           December 31, 1992              -          -           .1       -
         Less minority interest         (3.6)        -.       (22.5)      -. 
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
          Total                      $   3.7    $    8.8   $   22.5  $    35.2
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

          Total Insurance Services   $   59.8    $   63.6   $  287.4  $  268.2
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

          Total business income      $  268.8    $  157.5   $  855.0  $  657.2
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

     Corporate and Other (1)               
         Net expenses                $  (28.1)   $  (18.8)  $  (70.2) $  (63.8)
         Reported portfolio gains         -           -          3.3       2.2
         Cumulative effect of tax
           rate change through
           December 31, 1992              -.          -.         2.3        -. 
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
                                        (28.1)      (18.8)     (64.6)    (61.6)
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

        Equity in earnings of Travelers 
        in 1993 and Fingerhut in 1992
         Operating earnings              35.9        14.6      127.7      25.7
         Reported portfolio gains         -           -         13.1       -
         Reversal of deferred tax
           liability on equity 
           investment                    21.3         -          -         -    
         Cumulative effect of tax
           rate change through            -.          -.        10.7       -. 
           December 31, 1992          -------     -------    -------   -------
                                     $   57.2    $   14.6   $  151.5  $   25.7
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------
         Total Corporate and Other   $   29.1    $   (4.2)  $   86.9  $  (35.9)
                                      -------     -------    -------   -------

                               (Continued on next page)


                                       Three months ended   Twelve months ended
                                           December 31,         December 31,    
                                      --------------------  --------------------
                                       1993        1992       1993       1992
                                       ----        ----       ----       ----

     (In millions of dollars)              

     AFTER-TAX INCOME (LOSS) - continued

     Income from operations          $  297.9    $  153.3   $  941.9   $  621.3
                                      -------     -------    -------    -------

     Gains on sales of stock of
       subsidiary and affiliates          -.         68.0        8.1      134.9
                                      -------     -------    -------    -------

     Income before cumulative effect of 
       changes in accounting 
       principle                     $  297.9       221.3      950.0      756.2
                                      -------     -------    -------    -------

     Cumulative effect of change in 
       accounting for postemployment 
       benefits, net of tax (FAS 112)     -           -        (17.7)       -

     Cumulative effect of change in  
       accounting for postretirement 
       benefits other than pensions,                           -          - 
       net of tax (FAS 106)               -           -        (16.7)      -

    Cumulative effect of change in
       accounting for income taxes
       (FAS 109)                          -.          -.        -.        (28.1)
                                      -------    -------    -------       -----

     Net income                      $  297.9    $  221.3   $  915.6   $  728. 1
                                      =======     =======    =======    ========

     (1)  Included  in Corporate and Other for the three and twelve months ended
          December 31,  1992 is  $59.1 million  and $259.9  million of  revenue,
          respectively,  and  $2.5 million  and  $10.1 million  included  in net
          expenses, respectively,  from Voyager which was previously reported in
          the Insurance segment.


                                  THE TRAVELERS INC.
                               SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

                                           As of December 31,         
                                        1993                 1992
                                        ----                 ----

     INVESTMENT SERVICES                   

       Assets under management ($ billions)
         Smith Barney Shearson         $ 74.8                 $16.0
         RCM Capital Management          24.5                  23.8
         American Capital                16.7                  14.5
                                        -----                  ----
           Total                       $116.0                 $54.3
                                        -----                  ----

                                       Three months ended   Twelve months ended
                                           December 31,          December 31,  
                                     ---------------------   ------------------

                                        1993       1992       1993       1992
                                        ----       ----       ----       ----
     (In millions of dollars)

       Smith Barney Shearson
           Commissions               $  545.3     $124.9    $1,252.3  $  509.2
           Investment banking           217.0      119.6       666.6     433.3
           Principal trading            204.7       63.1       549.2     297.9
           Interest income, net (1)      78.0       27.7       206.5     100.5
           Asset management fees        165.4       19.8       318.9      73.2
           Other income                  56.8        9.8       100.6      34.6
                                      -------      -----     -------   -------
             Total revenues, net (1) $1,267.2     $364.9    $3,094.1  $1,448.7
                                      -------      -----     -------   -------
         Total assets ($ billions)
           at quarter end            $   31.5     $ 10.1         *         *
         Stockholder's equity - at
           quarter end               $2,129.1     $933.8         *         *

      American Capital
          Mutual fund sales at
            net asset value          $  887.8     $557.1    $3,061.1  $2,212.1

     (1) Net  of  interest  expense  of $90.4   million   and    $53.0
         million  for the  three months ended  December  31, 1993  and
         1992, respectively, and $276.6 million  and  $228.6   million
         for  the first  twelve months,  respectively.   

   *   Same as at the quarter end.

                                  THE TRAVELERS INC.
                               SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

                                            As of December 31,           
                                        1993                  1992
                                        ----                  ----

     (In millions of dollars)

       Net receivables
         Real estate-secured loans    $2,705.8              $2,607.7
         Personal loans                2,495.2               2,378.8
         Credit cards                    697.1                 538.2
         Sales finance and other         443.7                 263.0
                                       -------               -------

       Consumer finance receivables,                              
         net of unearned finance       6,341.8               5,787.7
       Accrued interest receivable        41.3                  35.8
       Allowance for credit losses      (167.5)               (168.6)
                                       -------               -------
       Consumer finance receivables, net

                                      $6,215.6              $5,654.9
                                       -------               -------

                                       As of, and for the
                                       three months ended   Twelve months ended
                                         December 31,          December 31,    
                                      -------------------   -------------------

                                        1993        1992      1993       1992
                                        ----        ----      ----       ----

       Average yield                   15.59%      16.24%    15.83%     16.31%
       Average net interest margin      8.51%       8.64%     8.44%      8.66%
       Charge-off rate                  2.25%       2.79%     2.36%      2.84%
       60+ days past due as 
        % of receivables                2.21%       2.55%     *          *
       Reserves as % of net receivables 2.64%       2.91%     *          *
       Finance insurance 
         premiums earned              $ 22.0      $ 22.4    $ 87.9     $ 89.6

     * Same as at the quarter end.



                                      As of, and for, the   As of, and for, the
                                       three months ended   twelve months ended
                                          December 31,             December 31, 
                                    ---------------------    -------------------

                                       1993         1992      1993         1992
                                       ----         ----      ----         ----
     (In millions of dollars)


     Primerica Financial Services 
        Life insurance issued
          ($ billions of face amount)$   13.3     $   11.3  $   48.3   $   46.2

        Life insurance in force
          ($ billions of face amount)$  309.3     $  302.3       *          *

        Number of life
          policies issued (in thousands) 72.1         61.3     260.3      252.5

        Number of life
          policies in force                        
          (in thousands)              2,003.5      1,993.7        *           *
        Direct premiums              $  263.3     $  256.9  $1,037.2   $1,030.5
        Annualized issued premiums   $   47.2     $   37.9  $  168.8   $  156.7
        Mutual fund sales at NAV     $  326.8     $  261.9  $1,266.5   $1,071.2
        $.M.A.R.T. LOANs 
          net outstandings (1)       $  651.4     $  404.9       *          *
        S.A.F.E. LOANs
          outstandings(1)            $  114.0     $   81.9       *          *
     Premiums earned
      Primerica Financial Services: 
       PFS Individual term life      $  203.0     $  190.2  $  788.7   $  750.9
       Other                             27.9         30.5     101.2      111.8
                                        -----        -----   -------    -------
         Total Primerica Financial
          Services                      230.9        220.7     889.9      862.7
                                        -----        -----    ------    -------
      Transport Life: 
       Individual life                    1.5          1.7       4.9        9.7
       Individual accident & health      57.9         60.9     240.1      251.9
       Group                              -.           2.1       -.        12.3
                                        -----        -----   -------    -------
             Total                       59.4         64.7     245.0      273.9
                                        -----        -----   -------    -------
      Gulf Property and Casualty:
       Regional                          30.1         31.2     121.9      128.4
       Specialty                         36.3         32.1     135.4      112.1
                                        -----        -----   -------    -------
         Total Gulf Property
          and Casualty                   66.4         63.3     257.3      240.5
                                        -----        -----   -------    -------
      Voyager                             -.          51.3       -.       226.8
                                        -----        -----   -------    -------

         Total Premiums              $  356.7     $  400.0  $1,392.2   $1,603.9
                                        -----        -----   -------    -------

     Gulf Property and Casualty
        Net premiums written         $   63.7     $   62.2  $  264.9   $  250.1
        Loss ratio                       76.7%        66.6%     72.1%     70.3%
        Expense ratio                    21.1%        28.1%     23.8%     27.3%
        Combined ratio                   97.8%        94.7%     95.9%     97.6%
        Loss and loss expense reserves, 
         net                         $  244.7     $  223.1         *         *

      (1) $.M.A.R.T.   and   S.A.F.E. LOANs   are   marketed   by
          Primerica  Financial Services;  the   receivables   are
          reflected in the assets of  Consumer  Finance Services.

      *  Same as at the quarter end.


                Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act of
      1934, the  Registrant has  duly caused  this report  to be  signed on  its
      behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

      Dated:  January 26, 1994                THE TRAVELERS INC.

                                         By:  /s/ William T. Bozarth            
                                              William T. Bozarth
                                              Vice President
