This Amendment No. 4 and Consent to Credit Agreement dated as
of January 24, 1994 (this "Amendment") is entered into among
ANNTAYLOR, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Borrower"), BANK OF
MONTREAL, as Co-Agents (the "Co-Agents"), the financial
institutions party hereto (the "Lenders") and BANK OF AMERICA
(the "Agent").

     WHEREAS, the parties hereto are party to that certain Credit
Agreement dated as of June 28, 1993 (as heretofore amended, the
"Credit Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested the Lenders to amend
certain provisions of the Credit Agreement and to consent to the
terms and conditions of a securitization program for Receivables
and the Lenders are willing to agree to such amendments and consent
to such Receivables program.

     NOW, THEREFORE, on the terms and subject to the conditions set
forth herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

                             ARTICLE I
                           DEFINED TERMS

     Unless otherwise defined herein, defined terms used herein
shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Credit

                             ARTICLE II

     (1)  Addition to and Amendment of Definitions.

          (a)  The definitions of "Disposition" and "Receivables"
                                   -----------       -----------
     appearing in Section 1.01 of the Credit Agreement are hereby
     amended to read as follows:

               "'Disposition' shall mean (a) the sale, lease,
          conveyance or other disposition of Property to a Person
          other than the Borrower or any Restricted Subsidiary of
          the Borrower, including any Receivables Transaction (but
          excluding the sale or disposition of Cash Equivalents),
          and (b) the sale or transfer by the Borrower or ATSC or
          any Subsidiary of the Borrower or ATSC of any equity
          Securities issued by the Borrower or ATSC."

               "'Receivables'" shall mean and include all of the
          Borrower's presently existing and hereafter arising or
          acquired right, title and interest in and to (a) any
          rights to payment (the "Pool Receivables") from any
          Person (an "Obligor") whether constituting an account,
          chattel paper, instrument or a general intangible,
          arising under revolving credit card accounts established
          pursuant to contracts (the "Contracts") between the
          Borrower and each Obligor pursuant to which indebtedness
          may arise for the purchase of goods, including rights to
          payment of any interest or finance charges and other
          obligations of such Obligors with respect thereto, (b)
          all rights to, but not obligations under, all Contracts,
          (c) all rights in the merchandise (including returned
          merchandise), if any, relating to the sale which gave
          rise to any Pool Receivable, (d) all other security
          interests or liens and property subject thereto from time
          to time purporting to secure payment of a Pool
          Receivable, whether pursuant to the Contract related to
          such Pool Receivable or otherwise, (e) all UCC financing
          statements covering any collateral securing payment of
          any Pool Receivables, (f) all guarantees and other
          agreements or arrangements of whatever character from
          time to time supporting or securing payment of any Pool
          Receivable whether pursuant to the contract related to
          such Pool Receivable or otherwise, (g) all monies due or
          to become due with respect thereto, (h) all books and
          records related to any of the foregoing, and (i) all
          proceeds thereof (as defined in the Uniform Commercial
          Code) including funds received from or on behalf of the
          Obligors in payment of any amounts owed (including
          finance charges, interest and all other charges) in
          respect of the Pool Receivables or are applied to such
          amounts owed by the Obligors (including insurance
          payments to be applied to amounts owed in respect of any
          Pool Receivable)."

          (b)  New definitions of "Ongoing Receivables Sales" and
     "Receivables Transaction" are hereby added to Section 1.01 of
      -----------------------                      ------------
     the Credit Agreement reading as follows:

               "'Ongoing Receivables Sales' shall mean sales of
          Receivables which do not result in an increase in the
          amount of outstanding loans, investments or purchases by
          any lender, investor or purchaser (other than any
          Subsidiary of the Borrower) in any Receivables
          Transaction over the highest such amount previously
          outstanding at any time under any Receivables
          Transaction."; and

               "'Receivables Transaction' shall mean a transaction
          which involves (a) sales of Receivables in connection
          with a public or private transfer of installment

                               - 2 -

          Receivables or credit card Receivables (including in
          connection with a securitization program) which transfer
          is recorded as a sale according GAAP or (b) loans made by
          a lender to the Borrower or a Subsidiary of the Borrower
          which loans are secured by Receivables, provided the
          terms and conditions of such transaction are satisfactory
          to Lenders whose Pro Rata Shares in the aggregate are
          greater than 50% (whose approval shall not be
          unreasonably withheld or delayed)."

     (2)  Amendment of Mandatory Prepayment Provisions.

          (a)  Clause (i) of Section 2.06(b) of the Credit
               ----------    ---------------
     Agreement is hereby amended by adding the words "or as a
     result of a Receivables Transaction" after the word
     "securities" appearing on line five thereof.

          (b)  A new clause (v) is hereby added to paragraph (b) of
                     ----------                    -------------
     Section 2.06 of the Credit Agreement reading as follows and
     present clauses (v) and (vi) thereof are hereby renumbered as
             -----------     ----
     clauses (vi) and (vii):
     ------------     -----

               "(v)  Simultaneously with the receipt by the
          Borrower of the Net Cash Proceeds of any Receivables
          Transaction (other than proceeds received from Ongoing
          Receivables Sales), the Borrower shall prepay the Term
          Loans to the extent outstanding in an amount equal to
          such Net Cash Proceeds; provided, however, that the
          Borrower may apply a maximum amount of $15,000,000 of Net
          Cash Proceeds received in connection with the first
          Receivables Transaction to occur after the Effective Date
          to prepay Revolving Loans to the extent outstanding."

          (c)  The first sentence of renumbered clause (vii) of
     paragraph (b) of Section 2.06 of the Credit Agreement is
     -------------    ------------
     hereby amended to read as follows:

               "Prepayments under this Section 2.06(b)(i), (ii),
          (iii) and (v) made after the Term Availability
          -----     ---
          Termination Date shall be applied to the repayment of the
          Term Loans pro rata across all remaining unpaid
          installments of the Term Loans."

     (3)  Amendment to Use of Proceeds Restrictions.

     Section 2.12 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read
as follows:

          "2.12  Use of Proceeds of the Loans.  The proceeds of the
     Term Loans may be used only (a) to repay Indebtedness owed by
     the Borrower under the Existing Credit Agreement; (b) to
     redeem, repurchase and pay interest and premiums on the Bonds;
     and (c) to pay fees and expenses associated with the

                               - 3 -

     redemption or repurchase of the Bonds and the refinancing of
     the Existing Credit Agreement.  The proceeds of the Revolving
     Loans may be used (i) for general corporate purposes; (ii) to
     repay Indebtedness owed by the Borrower under the Existing
     Credit Agreement; (iii) to purchase or make Restricted
     Payments to ATSC to repay or redeem outstanding Exchange
     Notes; and (iv) to prepay, redeem or purchase outstanding New
     Subordinated Notes (and interest, premiums, fees and expenses
     in connection therewith) in a maximum aggregate principal
     amount of $15,000,000, provided, however, that only up to a
     maximum aggregate principal amount of $10,000,000 of New
     Subordinated Notes may be prepaid, redeemed or purchased prior
     to the consummation of the first Receivables Transaction to
     occur after the Effective Date."

     (4)  Amendment to Corporate Powers, Etc.

     The second sentence of Section 7.02 of the Credit Agreement is
hereby amended to read as follows:

          "The Borrower will, and will cause each of its
     Subsidiaries to, transact business in its own name (and in any
     other name disclosed to the Agent in writing) and will invoice
     all accounts in its own name."

     (5)  Amendment to Permitted Indebtedness.

     Section 8.01(e) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

          "(e)  Indebtedness in connection with any Receivables

     (6)  Amendment to Sales of Assets Provisions.

     Section 8.02(a)(iii) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended
to read as follows:

          "(iii)  Receivables Transactions;"

     (7)  Amendment to Permitted Liens Provisions.

     Section 8.02(b)(vii) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended
to read as follows:

          "(vii)  Liens in respect of Receivables sold pursuant to
     a Receivables Transaction;"

     (8)  Amendment to Permitted Investments.

     Section 8.03(d) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

                               - 4 -

          "(d)  Investments in Subsidiaries if such Subsidiaries
     have been organized in connection with a Receivables
     Transaction; and investments in other Subsidiaries which are
     Restricted Subsidiaries in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000
     in any Fiscal Year;"

     (9)  Amendment to Accommodation Obligations.

     Section 8.04(iii) of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to
read as follows:

          "(iii)  obligations in respect of any Receivables
     Transaction; and"

     (10) Amendment to Conduct of Business Provisions.

     Clause (d) of Section 8.06 of the Credit Agreement is hereby
     ----------    ------------
amended to read as follows:

          "any Receivables Transaction."

                            ARTICLE III

     The Banks hereby consent to the terms and conditions of the
proposed sale of Receivables as outlined in the letter attached
hereto as Exhibit A.

                             ARTICLE IV

     Each Lender hereby confirms, in accordance with Section
11.11(d) of the Credit Agreement, the authority of the Agent to
- --------
release Collateral sold pursuant to any Receivables Transaction.

                             ARTICLE V

     (1)  The second sentence of Section 4(b) of the Borrower
Security Agreement is hereby amended by including the following at
the end thereof:

          "4)   AnnTaylor Factory Stores."

     (2)  Annex I-A of the Borrower Security Agreement is hereby
amended by including the following entry as the last entry thereof:

                               - 5 -

                    Class of            Certificate    No. of
Issuer              Stock               No.            Shares
- ------              --------            -----------    ------

AnnTaylor Funding,  common                   1         100

     (3)  Annex I-B of the Borrower Security Agreement is hereby
amended to read as follows:

          "Subordinated Promissory Note dated as of January __,
     1994 by AnnTaylor Funding, Inc. to AnnTaylor, Inc."

                             ARTICLE VI

     The Company hereby represents and warrants that after giving
effect to this Amendment, the representations and warranties
contained in Section 5.02 of the Credit Agreement (except for
representations and warranties relating to a particular point in
time) are true and complete in all material respects as if made on
and as of such date and no Potential Event of Default or Event of
Default has occurred and is continuing.

                            ARTICLE VII

     (1)  Effectiveness.

          This Amendment will become effective when the Agent has
     received counterparts hereof signed by the Borrower and the
     Requisite Lenders.

     (2)  Reference and Effect on the Loan Documents.

          (a)  Upon the effectiveness of this Amendment as provided
     in Section (1) of this Article VII, each reference in the
        -----------         -----------
     Credit Agreement to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof",
     "herein", or words of like import shall mean and be a
     reference to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby.

          (b)  Except as specifically amended or waived above, the
     Credit Agreement and each other Loan Document shall remain in
     full force and effect and are hereby ratified and confirmed in
     all respects.

          (c)  The execution, delivery, and effectiveness of this
     Amendment shall not, except as expressly provided herein,
     operate as a waiver of any right, power, or remedy of any
     Lender or the Agent under the Credit Agreement or any of the

                               - 6 -

     other Loan Documents, nor constitute a waiver of any provision
     of any of the Loan Documents.

     (3)  Execution in Counterparts.

     This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts
and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of
which when executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original
and all of which taken together shall constitute but one and the
same instrument.

     (4)  Governing Law.


                               - 7 -

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been duly executed as
of the date set forth above.

                                   ANNTAYLOR, INC.,
                                   as Borrower

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST
                                     AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION,
                                   as Agent

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST
                                     AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION,
                                   as Co-Agent

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   BANK OF MONTREAL,
                                   as Co-Agent

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   ARAB BANKING CORPORATION

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST
                                     AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                               - 8 -

                                   BANK OF MONTREAL

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK
                                     OF BOSTON

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   FLEET BANK, N.A.

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   THE FUJI BANK, LIMITED

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   GIROCREDIT BANK, NEW YORK BRANCH

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   THE INDUSTRIAL BANK OF
                                     JAPAN, LIMITED

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   THE LONG-TERM CREDIT BANK
                                     OF JAPAN, LIMITED, NEW YORK

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                               - 9 -

                                   MIDLANTIC NATIONAL BANK

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   NATWEST USA CREDIT CORP.

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   PNC BANK, NA

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   SHAWMUT BANK, N.A.

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

                                   UNITED STATES NATIONAL
                                     BANK OF OREGON

                                   By: _______________________
                                   Title: ____________________

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