EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

       THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of August 1, 1993 (the
  "Effective Date"), between Supermarkets General Corporation, a
  Delaware corporation (the "Company"), and Jules Borshadel

                        W I T N E S S E T H

       WHEREAS, the Company and Executive are paries to an
  Employment Agreement, dated as of July 16, 1990 (the "Prior
  Agreement"); and

       WHEREAS, subsequent to the execution of the Prior
  Agreement, Executive has assumed the positions of President
  and Chief Executive Officer of the Rickel Home Center division
  of the Company ("Rickel"); and

       WHEREAS, the parties now desire to enter into a new
  employment agreement reflecting the terms and conditions of
  Executive's current positions with the Company and certain
  other agreements and understandings between the parties, and
  the parties further intend that such new agreement shall
  supersede the Prior Agreement;

       NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the
  mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as

       1.   Employment and Duties.

            (a)  General.  The Company hereby employs Executive
  and Executive agrees upon the terms and conditions herein set
  forth to serve as President and Chief Executive Officer of
  Rickel and, in by-laws of the Company, and such other duties,
  commensurate with Executive's title and position of President
  and Chief Executive Officer of Rickel, as may be assigned to
  Executive from time to time by the Chairman and Chief
  Executive Officer of the Company, or by the Board of Directors
  of the Company or Supermarkets General Holdings Corporation
  ("Holdings"), parent corporation of the Company, or such other
  officer of the Company or Holdings as may be designated by the
  Board of Directors of the Company or the Board of Directors of
  Holdings.  If elected or appointed, Executive shall also serve
  as a director or officer of any of the Company's subsidiaries
  or affiliated companies and, if elected, will serve as a
  member of the Board of Directors or committees of the Board of
  Directors of the Company and/or Holdings, without further

            (b)  Full-Time Service.  Throughout the Period (as
  defined in paragraph 2 below), Executive shall, except as may
  from time to time be otherwise agreed to in writing by the
  Company and unless prevented by ill health, devote his full-
  time working hours to his duties hereunder, in all respects
  conform to and comply with the lawful and reasonable
  directions and instructions given to him by the Chairman and
  CEO of the Company, or the Boards of Directors of the Company
  and Holdings, and shall use his best efforts to promote and
  serve the interests of the Company.

            (c)  No Other Employment.     Through the Period,
  Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, render services
  to any other person or organization for which he receives
  compensation without the consent of the Board of Directors of
  Holdings or the Company, or otherwise engage in activities
  which would interfere significantly with his faithful
  performance of his duties hereunder.  Executive may perform
  inconsequential services without specific compensation

  therefor in connection with the management of personal
  investments, provided that such activity does not contravene
  the provisions of subparagraph 1(b) hereof or paragraph 5

       2.   Term of Employment. The Company shall retain
  Executive and Executive shall serve in the employ of the
  Company for an initial period of three years commencing on the
  Effective Date and extending through and including July 31,
  1996 (the "Initial Period"); provided, however, that
                               --------  -------
  commencing on the second anniversary of the Effective Date and
  each successive anniversary thereafter the term of employment
  hereunder shall be automatically extended for one additional
  year, unless at least 30 days prior to such anniversary the
  Company has delivered to Executive, or Executive has delivered
  to the Company, written notice of its or his desire, as the
  case may be, not to extend the term of employment (the Initial
  Period, including the extensions thereof, if any, is herein
  referred to as the "Period"; provided, further, that the
                               --------  -------
  period shall terminate when Executive's employment hereunder

       3.   Compensation and other Benefits.   Subject to the
  provisions of this Agreement, the Company shall pay and
  provide the following compensation and other benefits to
  Executive during the Period as compensation for services
  rendered hereunder:

            (a)  Base Salary.   The Company shall pay to
  Executive an annual base salary (the "Base Salary) at the rate
  of $300,000 per annum, payable in accordance with the
  Company's then current payroll practice.  The Base Salary
  shall be reviewed annually and may be increased in the
  discretion of the Board of Directors of Holdings or the
  Company.  The Company shall be entitled to deduct or withhold
  all taxes and charges which the Company may be required to
  deduct or withhold therefrom.

            (b)  Bonus.    Commencing on the Effective Date, for
  each fiscal year in the period (or fraction thereof),
  Executive shall be eligible to receive a bonus, ranging in
  each year from 0 to a maximum rate of 75% of annual Base
  Salary, in accordance with the terms of the Executive
  Incentive ("EIP") of the Company as in effect for Rickel.

            (c)  Employee Benefit Plans.  At all times during
  the Period, Executive shall be provided the opportunity to
  participate in pension and welfare plans, programs and
  arrangement (the "Plans") that are generally made available to
  executives of Rickel, or as may be deemed appropriate by the
  Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the
  Company (the "Compensation Committee"), or if there shall be
  no Compensation Committee, then the Compensation Committee of
  the Board of Directors of Holdings.

            (d)  Support Service.    At all times during the
  Period, the Company shall provide Executive with office space
  and support services, including secretarial services,
  equivalent to those afforded to Executive immediately prior to
  the Executive Date.

            (e)  Relocation.    The Company shall not, without
  Executive's consent, relocate Executive's principal place of
  business to a location beyond 20 miles from the location of
  Executive's principal place of business as of the Effective

            (f)  Travel.   The Company shall not, without
  Executive's consent, require Executive to travel on the
  Company's business to an extent materially inconsistent with
  the Company's business travel requirements as applied to
  Executive immediately prior to the Effective Date.

             (g) Special Sale Bonus. In the event the Company
  decides to sell Rickel, Executive shall, in such manner as the
  Company may reasonably request, use his best efforts to assist
  the Company in effecting a sale and in obtaining the highest
  practicable sale price for Rickel.  In consideration of the
  agreements of Executive contained in this Agreement and his
  continued employment hereunder, in the event that a sale of
  Rickel to a Third Party (as hereinafter defined) is
  consummated during the Period, the Company shall pay to
  Executive a bonus of $300,000, payable on the closing of said
  sale.  For purposes of this paragraph 3(g), "Third Party"
  shall mean any person other than the Company, Plainbridge,
  Inc., PTK Holdings, Inc., Holdings, SMG-II Holdings
  Corporation ("SMG-II"), or any of their respective
  subsidiaries, any stockholder of SMG-II on the date hereof who
  is an affiliate as of the date hereof of Merrill Lynch & Co.,
  Inc. or with The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the
  United States or any of their respective affiliates.  For
  purposes of this paragraph 3(g), "person" shall have the
  meaning assigned to such term under Section 13(d) of the
  Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and "affiliate"
  of any first person shall mean a second person that directly,
  or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or
  is controlled by, or is under common control with, such first

       4.   Termination of Employment.

            (a)  Termination for Cause    (i)  If, prior to the
  expiration of the Period, Executive's employment is terminated
  by the Company for Cause, as defined in subparagraph 4(a)(ii),
  or if Executive resigns from his employment without Good
  Reason, as defined in subparagraph 4(b)(iv), Executive shall
  not be eligible to receive Base Salary under subparagraph 3(a)
  or to participate in any Plans under subparagraph 3(c) with
  respect to future periods after the date of such termination
  or resignation except for the right to receive benefits which
  have become vested under any Plan in accordance with the term
  of such Plan.  In addition, Executive shall not be eligible to
  receive any bonus described in subparagraph 3(b) for the
  Company's fiscal year during which the date of termination or
  resignation occurs and any later years.

                 (ii) Termination for "Cause" shall mean
  termination of Executive's employment with the Company by the
  Board of Directors of the Company because of (A) the
  commission by Executive of an act of fraud or embezzlement
  against the Company or any of its subsidiaries; or (B) a
  conviction of such Executive of a crime.

                 (iii)     The date of termination of employment
  by the Company under this paragraph 4(a) shall be the date
  specified in a written notice of termination (which date shall
  be no earlier than the date of furnishing such notice), or if
  no such date is specified therein, the date of receipt by
  Executive of such written notice of termination.  The date of
  resignation under this written notice of resignation, or if no
  such notice is provided, the date the Executive ceases to
  perform his duties hereunder.

            (b)  Termination Without Cause; Resignation for Good
  Reason         (i)  Subject to the provisions of subparagraph
  4(b)(ii) and subparagraph 4(b)(vi), if, prior to expiration of
  the Period, Executive's employment is terminated by the
  Company without Cause or if Executive resigns from his
  employment with the Company for Good Reason, Executive shall
  be entitled to receive, as "Severance Benefits" the following:
  (A) his Base Salary at the annual rate then in effect
  immediately prior to such termination or resignation for the
  two year period commencing on the day following the date of
  such termination or resignation (the "Severance Period"); (B)
  the portion of the bonus or bonuses attributable to the

  financial targets set for Rickel under the EIP which Executive
  would have earned had his employment with the Company
  continued for the Severance Period, determined in accordance
  with the EIP and based on the same percentage of base
  compensation used to calculate bonuses for Executive at the
  time of such termination or resignation and subject to Rickel
  reaching such applicable financial targets set under the EIP
  or any other bonus plans in the applicable fiscal year,
  provided, however, that if any bonus period commences during
  --------  -------
  the Severance Period and concludes after the expiration
  thereof, the amount of the bonus, if any, for such bonus
  period shall be prorated to take into account the portion of
  such bonus period coinciding with he Severance Period; and (C)
  continued coverage for the Severance Period under Rickel
  health and insurance plans applicable to Executive immediately
  prior to such termination or resignation, or, if any such plan
  does not permit continued coverage of Executive, the Company
  shall arrange to provide a benefit substantially similar to
  and no less favorable than the benefits he was entitles to
  under the plan.  Severance Benefits shall be reduced by an
  compensation or benefits which Executive receive o is entitled
  to receive in connection with any employment of the Executive
  are payable to Executive pursuant to this paragraph 4(b). 
  Executive shall provide the Company with any evidence of
  amounts received in connection with other employment which the
  Company shall reasonably request.

                 (ii) If, following a termination of employment,
  Executive breaches the provisions of paragraph 5 hereof,
  Executive shall not be eligible, as of the date of such
  breach, for the payment Severance Benefits and all obligations
  and agreements of the Company to pay Severance Benefits shall
  thereupon cease.

                 (iii)     The date of termination of employment
  by the Company under this paragraph 4(b) shall be the date
  specified in a written notice of termination to Executive
  (which date shall be no earlier than the date of furnishing
  such notice) or, if no such date is specified therein, the
  date on which such notice is given to Executive.  The date of
  resignation under this paragraph 4(b) shall be two weeks after
  receipt by the Company of the written notice of resignation.

                 (iv) Resignation for "Good Reason" shall mean
  the Executive's voluntary termination of employment with the
  Company because of (A) a reduction, without Executive's
  written consent, in Executive's then current base or aggregate
  compensation, unless such reduction is generally applicable to
  all executives of the Company, (B) a reduction, without the
  Executive's consent, in Executive's then current
  responsibilities, (C) receipt of notice by Executive pursuant
  to paragraph (2) hereof of the Company's desire of hardship as
  the Boards of Directors of Holdings and the Company may
  determine on a case-ny-case basis.

                 (v)  Severance Benefits representing Base
  Salary continuation shall be paid in connection with the
  Company's then current payroll practice commencing on the next
  payroll date following the date of the termination of
  Executive's employment under subparagraph 4(b), in a gross
  amount equal to the amount paid to Executive by the Company
  for the payroll period immediately prior to such termination
  or resignation.  Severance Benefits representing bonus
  payments shall be paid annually in accordance with the
  Company's then current practice for paying bonuses commencing
  within three months after the Company's fiscal year end.

                 (vi) In the event that the Severance Benefits
  would not be deductible in whole or in part in the calculation
  of Federal income tax owed by The Company or any of its
  affiliates or any other person or entity making such payment
  or providing such benefit by reason of Section 280G of the

  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), the Severance
  Benefits shall be reduced until no portion of the Severance
  Benefits is not deductible by reason of Section 280G of the

            (c)  Death.    If Executive dies prior to the
  expiration of the Period, his Base Salary and bonus
  (determined as the bonus he would have earned had his
  employment continued until the end of the applicable bonus
  period during which his death occurred) will be prorated
  through his day of death and paid to his beneficiary or

            (d)  Disability.    If Executive becomes Permanently
  Disabled, as defined below in this subparagraph, prior to the
  expiration of the Period, the Company shall be entitled to
  terminate his employment and Executive shall be entitled to
  receive disability benefits in accordance with the disability
  policy maintained by the Company as of the date of such
  disability.  For the purposes of this subparagraph, Executive
  shall be deemed "Permanently Disabled" when, and only when, he
  suffers a physical or mental disability or infirmity that
  prevents the normal performance of duties lasting for a
  continuous period of six months or more.

       5.   Secrecy and Noncompetition.

            (a)  No Competing Employment. For so long as
  Executive is receiving, or is entitled to receive, any
  payments under or pursuant to this Agreement or the Phantom
  Plan (such period being referred to hereinafter as the
  "Restricted Period"), Executive shall not, unless he receives
  the prior written consent of the Company, directly or
  indirectly, whether as owner, consultant, employee, partner,
  venturer, agent, through stock ownership, investment of
  capital, lending of money or property, rendering of services,
  or otherwise (except ownership of any securities which are
  publicly traded), compete with the retail supermarket business
  of the Company or any other business contributing at least 15%
  of the consolidated revenues of the Company at the time of
  termination of Executive's employment hereunder (such business
  are hereinafter referred to as the "Business"), or assist,
  become interested in or be connected with any corporation,
  firm, partnership, joint venture, sole partnership or other
  entity which so competes with the Business, except for the
  aforementioned 5% ownership of publicly trade securities.  The
  restrictions imposed by this subparagraph shall not apply to
  any geographic area in which the Company is not engaged in the
  business at the time of termination.

            (b)  No Interference.    During the Restricted
  Period, Executive shall not, whether for his own account or
  for the account of any other individual, partnership, firm,
  corporation or other business organization or entity (other
  than the Company), intentionally solicit, endeavor to entice
  away from the Company or any Affiliate or otherwise interfere
  with the relationship of the Company or any Affiliate with,
  any person who is employed by or associated with the Company
  or any affiliate (including, but not limited to, any
  independent sales representatives or organizations) or any
  person or entity who is, or was within the then most recent 12
  month period, a customer or client of the Company or any

            (c)       Secrecy.  Executive recognizes that the
  services to be performed by him hereunder are special, unique
  and extraordinary in that, by reason of his employment
  hereunder and his past employment with the Company, he may
  acquire or has acquired confidential information and trade
  secrets concerning the operations of the Company or its
  Affiliates, the use or disclosure of which could cause the
  Company substantial loss and damages which could not be

  readily calculated and for which no remedy at law would be
  adequate.  Accordingly, Executive covenants and agrees with
  the Company that he will not at any time, except in
  performance of Executive's obligations to the Company
  hereunder or with the prior written consent of the Board of
  Directors of Holdings, directly or indirectly, disclose any
  secret or confidential information that he may learn by reason
  of his association with the company or any predecessors to its
  business, or use any such information to the detriment of the
  Company, Holdings or any of their affiliates.  The term
  "confidential information" includes, without limitation,
  information not previously disclosed to the public or to the
  trade by the Company's management with respect to the
  Company's, Holdings' or any of their respective subsidiaries'
  or affiliates' business plans, prospects and opportunities,
  the identity of clients, suppliers or customers, information
  regarding operational strengths and weaknesses, trade secrets,
  know-how and other intellectual property, systems, procedures,
  manuals, confidential reports, product price lists, marketing
  plans or strategies, and financial information.  Executive
  understands and agrees that the perpetual and, in any case,
  shall extend beyond the Restricted Period and Executive's
  employment hereunder.

            (d)  Exclusive Property. Executive confirms that all
  confidential information is and shall remain the exclusive
  property of the Company.  All business records, papers and
  documents kept or made by Executive relating to the business
  of the Company shall be and remain the property of the
  Company.  Upon the termination of his employment with the
  Company or upon the request of the Company at any time,
  Executive shall promptly deliver to the Company, and shall
  not, without the consent of the Company (which consent shall
  not be unreasonably withheld), retain copies of any written
  materials not previously made available to the public, records
  and documents made by Executive or coming into his possession
  concerning the business or affairs of the Company.  Executive
  understands and agrees that the rights and obligations set
  forth in this subparagraph 5(d) are perpetual and, in any
  case, shall extend beyond the Restricted Period and
  Executive's employment hereunder.

            (e)  Stock Ownership.    Other than as provided in
  subparagraph 1(c) or 5(a) hereof, nothing in this Agreement
  shall prohibit Executive from acquiring or holding any issue
  of stock or securities of any company or other business
  entity, provided that Executive does not participate in the
  operations of any such company and provided further that, with
  respect to any class of voting securities listed on a national
  securities exchange or quoted on the automated quotations
  system of the National Association of Securities Dealers,
  Inc., Executive and members of his immediate family do not own
  at any time during the Restricted Period more than 5% of the
  issued and outstanding shares of such class of securities.

            (f)  Injunctive Relief.  Without intending to
  limited the remedies available to the Company, Executive
  acknowledges that a breach of any of the covenants contained
  in this paragraph result in material irreparable injury to the
  Company for which there is no adequate remedy at law, that it
  will not be possible to measure damages for such injuries
  precisely and that, in the event of such a breach or threat
  thereof, the Company shall be entitled to obtain a temporary
  restraining order and/or a preliminary or permanent injunction
  restraining Executive from engaging in activities prohibited
  by this paragraph 5 or such other relief as may be required to
  specifically enforce any of the covenants in this paragraph 5.

       6.   Nonassignability, Binding Agreement.    Neither this
  Agreement nor any right, duty, obligation or interest
  hereunder shall be assignable or delegable by Executive
  without the Company's prior written consent provided, however,
                                              --------  -------

  that nothing in this paragraph shall preclude Executive from
  designating any of his beneficiaries to receive any benefits
  payable hereunder upon his death, or the executors,
  administrators, or other legal representatives from assigning
  any rights hereunder to the person or persons entitled

       This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the
  benefit of, the parties hereto, any successors to or assignees
  of the Company and Executive's heirs and the personal
  representatives of Executive's estate.

       7.   Severability.  If the final determination of a court
  of competent jurisdiction declares, after the expiration of
  the time within which judicial review (if permitted) of such
  determination may be perfected, that any term or provision
  hereof is invalid or unenforceable, (a) the remaining terms
  and provisions hereof shall be unimpaired, and (b) the invalid
  or unenforceable term or provision shall be deemed replaced by
  a term or provision that is valid and enforceable and that
  becomes closest to expressing the intention of the invalid or
  unenforceable term or provision.

       8.   Amendment; Waiver.  This Agreement may not be
  modified, amended or waived in any manner except by an
  instrument in writing signed by both parties hereto.  The
  waiver by either party of compliance with any provision of
  this Agreement by the other party shall not operate or be
  construed as a waiver of any other provision of this
  Agreement, or of any subsequent breach by such party of a
  provision of this Agreement.

       9.   Governing Law. All matters affecting this Agreement,
  including the validity thereof, are to be governed by,
  interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the
  State of New Jersey.

       10.  Notices.  Any notice hereunder by either party to
  the other shall be given in writing by personal delivery or
  certified mail, return receipt requested.  If addressed to
  Executive, the notice shall be delivered or mailed to
  Executive at the address last know to the Company, of if
  addressed to the Company, the notice shall be delivered or
  mailed to the Company at its executive offices, to the
  attention of the Chairman of the Board, with a copy to the
  Secretary of the Company, at 301 Blair Road, Woodbridge, NJ
  07095.  A notice shall be deemed given, if by personal
  delivery, on the date of such delivery or, if by certified
  mail, on the date shown on the applicable return receipt.

       11.  Supersedes Previous Agreements.    This Agreement
  supersedes all prior or contemporaneous negotiations,
  commitments, agreements and writings with respect to the
  subject matter hereof, all such other negotiations,
  commitments, agreements and writings will have no further
  force or effect, and the parties to any such other
  negotiation, commitment or writing will have no further rights
  or obligations thereunder.

       12.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed by
  either of the parties hereto in counterpart, each of which
  shall be deemed to be an original, but all such counterparts
  shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

       13.  Headings. The headings of paragraphs herein are
  included solely for convenience of reference and shall not
  control the meaning or interpretation of any of such
  provisions of this Agreement.

       14.  Tax Withholding.    The Company shall be entitled to
  deduct or withhold from any payment made hereunder all

  Federal, state and local taxes which the Company is requires
  by law to deduct ow withhold therefrom.

       15.  Definition of Affiliate. As used in this Agreement,
  the term "Affiliate" shall mean a person, corporation or other
  entity that directly, or indirectly through one or more
  intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under
  common control with, the Company or Holdings.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement
  to be signed pursuant to the authority of its Board of
  Directors, and Executive has executed this Agreement as of the
  day and year first written above.

                                SUPERMARKETS GENERAL CORPORATION

                                By Jack Futterman               
                                     Jack Futterman
                                     Chairman and
                                     Chief Executive Officer

                                    Jules Borshadel              

  Consented to:


  By Jack Futterman                         
       Jack Futterman
       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


  By Jack Futterman                         
       Jack Futterman
       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer