          L.James Blattman                   Royal Bank of Canada
          Senior Account Manager             Business Banking Centre
          Advanced Technology          90 Sparks Street, P.O. Box 746, Station B
          Tel.:  (613) 564-4898        Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 5T6

                                               Transit 01196
          June 1, 1994                 Fax: (613) 564-4527
                                               Toll Free: 1-800-267-0305

          Gandalf Technologies Inc.
          130 Colonnade Road South
          Nepean, Ontario
          K2E 7M4


          Gandalf Canada Ltd.
          130 Colonnade Road South
          Nepean, Ontario
          K2E 7M4

          Attention:     Mr. Walter MacDonald
                         Vice-President, Finance & CFO

          Dear Sirs:

          Royal Bank of Canada (the "Bank") refers to a letter agreement
          dated January 7, 1994 between Gandalf Technologies Inc. ("GTI")
          and the Bank (the "GTI Agreement") and to a letter agreement also
          dated January 7, 1994 between Gandalf Canada Ltd. ("GCL") and the
          Bank (the "GCL Agreement"), collectively referred to herein as
          the Gandalf Agreements.

          The Bank hereby acknowledges notice from GTI of its expected
          breach of Sections 23(a), 23(b), 23(c) and 24(h) of the GTI
          Agreement and Sections 24(a), 24(b), 24(c) and 25(h) of the GCL
          Agreement for the fiscal quarter ended March 1994.  Specifically,
          Tangible Net Worth is expected to be $40,000,000, the Current
          Ratio 1.30:1, the ratio of Total Liabilities to Tangible Net
          Worth 1.15:1 and the loss for the fiscal quarter $37,000,000. 
          The Bank hereby waives its rights in respect of such breach for
          the period March 31, 1994 to July 31, 1994 inclusive provided no
          further deterioration occurs in any of Sections 23(a), 23(b) and
          23(c) of the GTI Agreement and Sections 24(a), 24(b) and 24(c) of
          the GCL Agreement as at the fiscal quarter ending June 25, 1994. 
          This waiver is granted only in respect of the aforementioned

                                        - 1 -

          June 1, 1994

          Gandalf Technologies Inc. &
          Gandalf Canada Ltd.

          breach and only for the aforementioned period and is further
          subject to the following paragraph.

          As long as any of the aforementioned sections of the Gandalf
          Agreement remain in breach, GTI agrees with the Bank as follows:

               a.   To provide the Bank with the following information
                    within 15 days of the end of each month:

                    i.   Internallyy prepared consolidated financial
                    ii.  A consolidated summary of bookings, billings and
          .         iii. A consolidated cash flow and margin forecast for
                         the following 13 weeks.

               b.   To pay to the Bank a risk premium calculated as 1/8 of
                    1% per month on the aggregate of average outstanding
                    balances under the GCL Agreement and Segment (3) of the
                    GTI Agreement, subject to a monthly minimum payment of
                    US $5,000.  The risk premium will be calculated and is
                    payable monthly by the fifth day of each month.

          This letter supersedes our tolerance letter dated April 14, 1994.

          Please acknowledge your acceptance of the above terms and
          conditions by signing the attached copy of this letter in the
          space provided and returning it to the undersigned no later than
          June 3, 1994.

          Yours truly,



Per: s/W.MacDonald, V.P. Finance        Per: s/W.MacDonald, V.P. Finance GTI

Per: s/A.Gordon, Corp.Controller        Per: s/A.Gordon, Corp. Controller GTI

Date:   June 2, 1994                    Date:    June 2, 1994
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